« Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 1164 Scott Adams: Coyotes to Protect the Border, Black Support for President Trump, Mask Science

2020-10-24 | 🔗

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  • Coyotes carry children across the border?
  • Why Israel loves President Trump
  • President Trump’s ability to be what each situation requires
  • Black voters increasingly support President Trump
  • Determining truth and lies in the news
  • NYT Claim: Masks reduce COVID19 40%

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The post Episode 1164 Scott Adams: Coyotes to Protect the Border, Black Support for President Trump, Mask Science appeared first on Scott Adams' Blog.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Far more than about bump bump on everybody come on in its time. It's time for coffee was caught atoms best end of the day. You know it is. Every time have. I ever been wrong, yet, no, not even once at least about this topic and all you need to enjoy it fully. Is copper, bugger, glass, attacker jealous or stay they can to juggle flask the vessel of any kind showed with your favorite, good. I like coffee and jointly now for the unparalleled pleasure, the dominion of the day. The thing that makes everything better, it's called the simultaneous happen happens now. The only thing that good taste,
better than this is, as I say in the comments, Tears of our enemies- yes, they are sweeter than the coffee, but only barely. This morning I got a tweet from aching. Serve your who said that I used to be unpredictable and whether you watched my opinions here Think I didn't see their common but now he says I become completely predictable and he can tell in advance what I'm gonna say and do so. I blocked them see if he saw that come. They call those crazy in California, I'm just laughing at my own joke Every now and I have to pause to to laugh at my own jokes.
By the way that say, a humor writing technique. I have said this before, but has worsened. again one of the ways that I write humour as I use my body as a sensor and as I'm cycling through ideas, and I think what about this? What about this? What about this? The ones I keep are the ones I feel in my body. So if I actually laugh ass, a physical response, I go I'll. Keep that one. If it made me, laugh, maybe Maybe it'll make somebody else left away. They called us crazy. In California, we we battled the crow virus here by setting all of our forests on fire. and I'm pretty sure the smoke killed. The corona virus yeah. Or it was coyotes if you haven't been watching the news, there's not much. The coyotes skin,
apparently coyotes, can carry children all the way across the border and deposit them in America, go back, get more children. older, I think, put tiny saddles on the coyotes. I have naturally see the carrier is working You assume just sort of common sense that the way they would do it is not, then this is stupid. Some people thought can a karaoke. Actually, you grab child by the by the collar and dragged them all the way across the borders. No, no, a coyote! Isn't that big they're not going drag kid all the way across the border. The only. and to do it is to put a tiny saddle on the coyote, and then they can bear the weight because they are four legs are now working, so it You are close to the border. You see this little little stampedes from a distance. It looks dangerous, but if you get up close
you'll see this actually very safe, because every baby, Saddle on the clarity and their having their having for the border sort of in unison and the baby are actually wearing bicycle helmets. Does the first thing you think he is well that doesn't sound safe put a baby on a coyote that doesn't sound safe, don't worry all the baby's, her bicycle helmets and they have proper saddles the coyotes are trained. Some of the coyotes actually know first aid, so they pretty much everything covered. We'll talk more about that later. Did you know that the amazing documentary, the plot against the president is now available on Amazon? That's probably what you're waiting for when it first came out. A lot of people want to see it, but it wasn't everywhere.
That movies are available, but now it's on Amazon. So the plot against the president, which describes the the plot against the present the attempted coup, and when you see the details, You can learn stuff that you thought you knew, but you don't know and its its mind boggling. So you have to watch said Son Amazon. Now the plot against the present you should also before election day. You know, speaking of the communities. Joking aside, when the present invention coyotes bringing children across the border of course, use talk about human beings, not actual animal categories, but in another colleague I always if he didn't know that that I saw a tweet where there was some poor woman who didn't know that code is was the name for the human traffickers, and she too,
we did that it was done for the president to say: coyotes are bringing children across the border because they're just small animals, and how can they do now? What I saw that my first thought was well, there can't be more than one person And the whole world who actually thought he was talking about the physical animal, a karaoke. That can't be more than one of those. Well, it turns out. There was more than one. In fact, a number of blue czech people were quite concerned about this problem of coyotes and bridges across the border. So just when you think that the public can not be any more dumb than what you ve seen so far, we are, they can be.
Yeah, don't count out the public when it comes to dumbness. Nobody ever got rich by by was overestimating the the public's intelligence here's a little sign of the simulation. Their wants to keep us amused. If you were to think of Trump, and always done say for peace in the Middle EAST and calmly down things of North Korea etc. You might think that a good phrase to describe him would be peace, inaction, right does he's creating peace in the Middle EAST. The new countries signing up all the time And he is taking action which is now happening by accident, is because of actual to my gap and so is piece of action versus
Joe Biden whose more of a piece of the action kind of a guy, so its peace, inaction, verses piece in the action, so I thought that was worth but you didn't. I don't know why so Sudan and Israel have decided to normalize relations thanks to the good work of the United States and they got signed yesterday. Apparently, there are some more countries that may be deciding on, and here my question: if you are one of the many people who were convinced by the mainstream media by Democrats, their president Trump was an Islamophobe. How does how does Amazon this makes out, but then you said yourself that Alaska, you is not doing it for the Islamic Nations he's doing for Israel, to which I say, wait a. Why would
you'd be doing something for Israel. While Democrats, Actually believe that he praised NEO, Nazis and Charlottesville, who are anti semitic. Those two things fed in this way- reality. One of those things can't be real. Well, the fine people hopes, of course, was not real added, Out of the president is doing good work too, make sure that Israel is safer in these islamic countries are doing better. So how do you believe that he is opposed to the jewish population of the world? According? the Democrats, while he s a jewish son law, a jewish converted, daughter, jewish grandchildren, is so popular Israel that their naming things after him and
You still believe that five people oaks that he was on the side with the NEO Nazis. I don't think so. Have you ever noticed Israel is pretty good at spotting anti Semites, pretty good at it. I've had some practice. Have they not spotted president trumps anti semitic way, Allegedly, because Israel, Israel, can pick up on those clues now it's because if you believe that the present ever said those things and Charlottesville, you have been brainwashed. Now compare my explanation of reality that some people were brainwashed into believing something. Wasn't true with the other explanation, the other explanations, Israel, didn't notice, didn't notice. You think you think Israel doesn't watch our news and the United States
you think they don't know what the President of the United States is accused of doing. Obviously, if they thought any of that was true, we'd be here and about it, because one thing that Israel is never accused of is being quiet when they have a complete. Nobody ever could accuse the world. I'll think so so every time the president does something that counters the brainwashing. That's that's working in his favour, so doing all budget, peace deals in the Middle EAST to be below and some minds right now. The other thing is blowing mines, and I said this periscope, and I was happy to see that other people picked up the same thought.
There is very little that you remember from a debate if you got a few days into the future people, don't remember anything specifically. That was said. They remember the vibe that they remember how have felt. and the big take away from the most recent debate, the one the one of the most affect, probably on the election outcome. If any is that Trump can act, presidential he can act like he's, not a bully and That was something that his supporters noticed. I called it out, but I didn't like the other team to notice it and call it out, and they did so even see it pundits, etc. Are noting that the president does apparently have the capability to catch
all himself when there's a strategic reason to do it. That is completely different from what the anti jumpers have been fed as their belief system for four For years for four years, people have been saying that the president doesn't have the ability to control himself, and then you watched him do it. He was given reason. We don't like the way you were bullying and talking over Biden and that last debate. I tend to think that this strategy was more effective than pundits given credit for because it did show some dominance and that counts accounts for a lot. But he got their feedback. He incorporated, he implemented it and you can see quite plainly. He wasn't struggling
No, it was there any time during the debate. You said yourself, my god, he's he's struggling to act presidential now he wasn't struggling at all. It was easy because in fact you see hidden changing modes all the time you see, I'm doing a head of state meeting he's in their mouths you seem on the rally talking to the crowded stand up comedy you see in talking to children who visit the White House and he talks like a grand father he goes into whatever mode he needs do and.
When you see that he isn't crazy unless he wants to act that way for strategic purposes, cuz it does work. You know that his critics going crazy, but his supporters would just say he's being honest and high energy and all that other stuff. So so I think that made a difference. I think that made a big difference, and I don't know that if you asked anybody in a pole- and you said, did your vote change because President Trump Acting Presidential in a debate, probably nobody would say that that was the reason, but it gives you. If you comfort, if you are worried about it, it just takes that worry way. Likewise, the all the Middle EAST peace deals should be taken. Those worries you might have had about Islamophobia and about his aunt you alleged Anti Semitism, which is crazy, given the situation is just crazy thing to think,
But it just allows you to not to worry about that. It just takes it. and a lower priority, even if you're still suspicious certainly takes off the top. Ten are another topic. On twitter drought lowered a twitter user, says how many. People are actively listening to pollsters, and this is just one person's experience, and he said three months ago, it didn't occurred to me that any one did that meeting lying to bolsters How many people are actively line to, and he says I've been shocked to learn that almost all of my conservative acquaintances do it on purpose.
Pollsters are not neutral observers there using you to undermine you through using you to undermine you. Look, I'm not sure I note that sentence means, but how many of you have the same experience that if you talk to your conservative acquaintances, that their sort of unified at this point and say that they liable No, I don't know how many of those people are lying to you about lying to pollsters, because if somebody is willing to lie to a pollster well, they might be willing to lie to their acquaintances as well about this sort of thing. But I think this hidden Trump vote is going. Big surprise to some people here is another big surprise. According to Rasmussen, who does a year continually pulling on things such as national day
the black likely voter job approval for the president, so the likely voters who are also black and much they approve the president back on this is just not long ago. This is October. Ninety, not that long ago, right just last week, black likely voters had a twenty five percent approval ready for the president, which would be crazy, like off the charts, crazy because the only guy, like eleven percent of the vote, see expect his approval would be closer that ten percent raindrop ten eleven preserved, but twenty five percent. last week that close to the election of I'm not done yet that was last week and said that was the 19th on the 20th. It dipped a little bit. Okay, that's back to normal
up to twenty four percent still really high, but maybe she can see trending down where he had expected the trend right, he kind of expected to sink back down except what happened on the twenty first: reverse directions and one to thirty one percent. What thirty one percent of black likely voters have given the president who is considered by his these are the worst person in the world by giving him the thirty one percent approval on the twenty, first, there was only a few days ago so by No, that's like the whole right and second another. Where do you hear you say? Ok, that's not gonna hold and it didn't it in the hall so the very next day it was pretty different. It was up to thirty seven forty percent black likely voters
Thirty seven percent approved the president on the twenty second. What's today, today is a twenty Fourth, there was only two days ago. Thirty. Seven percent of the black likely voters approve of the president what's happening here. So one thing you can say for sure again the that's Only five percent was crazy. Seated really expect that the whole but wonder, reaches thirty seven percent that numbers not gonna stay there right does that's just crazy. It's not going to stay a thirty per seven percent and indeed ensure enough the very next day on the twenty. Third, it changed again by quite a bit to forty six percent for six percent. I feel like I have to keep reading this again because you won't believe you heard right. Let me say it again:
So make sure you heard right, then National, daily black, likely voter job approval for the President Court into Rasmussen when from twenty five percent, which was sky high on the nineteenth just a few days ago to twenty four percent. Thirty one percent, thirty, seven percent, then forty six percent. What the hell is happening, what the hell is happening- I don't know, but it feels like the site Loz, gonna, crack. You know the silo, the new silo that keeps the left in their bubble. I feel like a cracked. What cracked it was it fifty cent, maybe maybe Was it the fact that even Van Jones, as of yesterday, I think it was
The present trumpet doesn't get enough credit for what he's done for black Americans. Now Van also added that the president's rhetoric is is hurting human, that's bad, but he says out loud president Trump doesn't get enough credit, what he's doing Some people are saying Collyer, maybe, but I think candies bacon the cake by now some people, the covered, saying ice, cube. How does that story strike you when you hear that ice cube had some actual plans he put on paper and again I'm going to compliment ice cube, it's easy to talk every everybody likes to talk, but he put it on paper and then he took a reputational risk. That's extreme by
talk to the both sides. Cuz he's supposed to just talk to the Democrats right, but he talked to the other side too, and the other side of being the Trump administration, and he got a better answer for them. Cuz. You know what the Trump administration would love to do more than anyting. This is not a joke. This is no surprise. Well won't be to Republicans, but it might be a surprise to if there are some black likely voters watching this? I don't know if you know this, because you ve been told exactly the opposite forever, but if they trump administration could do something specific yo, a real plan, an idea that was clearly beneficial for the black public. They would love that. They wouldn't they wouldn't ignore it. They wouldn't grudgingly look at it. They wouldn't make. You feel good to talk.
You and then brush you off, they would love it because it's in their best interest, that's it people do act in their best interests is the one thing that you can count on more than anything else in the world. You can always count on people to act in their best interests, and I don't think there's anything that the Trumpet administration would like them to do a good job. All right is it ready? Is there anybody who wakes up and says, I think I'll do a bad job site? Nobody! is there any world in which the Trump administration would look bad, if they legitimately did a good job for the black public.
No there's, no scenario in which they would look bad for doing a good job. Of course they wanted to talk to ice cube everybody. You thought that that was the usual. You are brainwashed if you think that the any administration really, if you think any Immigration is unwilling to listen to good ideas that help a big part of their public. They can get them reelected. You got to reexamined where you're getting your news, because of course they want to help. oh here's, a question I have for Democrats and I like this, this kind of question and as one you should ask yourself all the time- and the question goes like this How do you explain with your worldview, what you observe
the words you ever have a view of the world and you think ok, this is the. The world is, this is what these people want. This is what we are trying to get. kind of us together, and then you observe the news if the newest doesn't fit with your worldview, what do what you should change your worldview. If there's enough, if there's enough news that doesn't fit your worldview, you should change it, and I like to erect I like to point out when the news fits my worldview perfectly, but it doesn't fit the popular one, because those are the important things to notice? So here's one and this question from the Democrats, if Europe Democrat and lets say You are a hundred percent certain that Trump is obviously a racist. Now not talking about you figured it down on your own, but if your democratic,
You believe that everybody looking at the same information can see it s just clear its obvious. You believe that everyone can see this the trumpet. Obviously, not suddenly, but obviously a racist. How do you explain all the black people who don't see it serious question? Do you believe, just as you would be, I guess confuse the Israel doesn't seem to notice that the as Anti semitic? If you have that worldview now, my worldview is that he not anti semitic at all. In fact, he loves Israel. Obviously. and so my worldview is completely consistent. Everything, happening with Israel and the President is exactly what it looks like in my worldview.
Oh yeah. He wants to help he's good at negotiating. He put some work into it and he's getting a good result completely consistent. Now the same thing with what Trump has done for the black public, if he's this big or racist and as obvious everybody can see it why are there so many black people who can see it? Howard, maybe even one black personal the United States, who would see. now mess what the Democrat say is right in front of your face. Look at it is right. There. You know I can see if, in general, generally speaking, ten percent of the public will believe just about anything, your ten percent will believe in any store.
But once you get up around a job approval of forty six percent as the likely black voter job approval for the president, just it at around forty six percent. The people in the the other half of the group have to start asking solve have asking themselves. What are they say that I'm not saying what It is my worldview keep getting violated because my worldview says the President would not do a platinum plan for Black America young their view their world view that the Trump as racist, so he would not do prison reform, it says he would not brag continually about black unemployment rates before run a virus and we hope soon again, being incredibly good. Why would he act like does any that makes sense if you believe is obvious racist,
You can explain why your own people Democrats, who happened to be black, don't see it if it so obvious. and what's the other hypothesis give me one the hypothesis that makes sense for why Let's say was a half of the black public thinks they see an obvious problem, the Trump and forty six percent, barely Nazi it how do you explain that in any other way? Well, my worldview explains a perfectly. My worldview is that our opinions are assigned to us by our, It was of media and if the media, your absorbing this, tell you is a monster, you go away believing it and you believe you made up your mind but
and I would say that my worldview has all of the scientific backing. The people can be convinced to believe anything just about anything if their new sources consistent. And so my worldview is completely intact. The people watched the wrong news. Get the wrong. Feeling about the world. The people watch the correct. lose, or at least their smart enough to recognise fake news when they see it have not been brainwashed. That's it, that's what we say we see. some brainwash people are brainwashed people, it's all perfectly consistent and scientifically back, don't say and And then, of course, the next thing that the people were hypnotized would say is like the Skanska Scott.
I know what you're saying you're saying that I'm just be fooled by the media, but I'm not I'm looking at the facts, for example, what about the fact of the fine people that was a hoax there's, not a thing It's opposite of a fact, and then they'll say Scott Scott Scott YO. What about I mean, obviously, that the central Park five thing, president did a full page ad saying they should be executed, except he didn't. He did a full page ad about crime in general that he did around that time. Cuz. That was one of the reasons people were talking about crime in general. He didn't mention those particular people. He didn't mention race. He mentioned lot of violence. We should have the death sentence now in order to think that that fool.
Jack was really secretly in his mind, was a racist thing in order to believe that here's what you would have to believe that President Trump would not be in favour of executing white criminals who had committed those same crimes. Do you believe that Seriously, do you believe the trump all you see the volume, how how tough on crime is, how you know sort of macho he presents himself etc. Do you think he would not be in favour? Let let's, let's do a mental experiments. Le say, let's say that the central Park five were proven innocent and by way. That's the official story. There are still people who believe that maybe there were so innocent, but in terms of the
a judicial system and our presumption of innocent innocence. They they were found not guilty of that crime. Now suppose this next part didn't happen, but suppose it had suppose that five in a white teenagers that come forward, they said it was us we're the ones did that terrible crime in central park and, let's say there's evidence and they're proven to be the actual perpetrators. Do you think that the president would have said? Oh okay, I don't I'm not in favor of executing those guys. Do you believe that. that's crazy. You know nobody knows what anybody else's really thinking in their private thoughts, but I cannot see any scenario where at if it had come out didn't, but if it had come out that the perpetrators have been five
Teenagers, maybe wouldn't want to execute teenagers. Let's make them less make them over. Eighteen, five guys. You don't think that the present one of those same five white guys executed right away, Because I don't think you, madam or are you you, don't know anything about him if you think What is it now? Their white was let them free. Now that would be crazy and the wrestling examples are sort of his crazy is that. I gave you a tip in my book loser thing, which I mention all the time which is added to determine what is true and what is false and the news and theirs on Tipp, that needs a little adjustment and that it was, as I said, that if the law
leading news and the right, leaning news report effect the same as a fact. There's probably too. So if Fox NEWS says, there's a hurricane and see then says is that hurricane probably allocate the report in the same news. But if one of them says there's something is true and the other says we ve looked into, it is totally not true, it's probably true and it doesnt matter, which one says is true in which one says is not. If one them says it's not true. I'm not gonna, say a hundred percent of the time of this rule works, but I can't think of an example were didn't, So, as a good general rule now that brings us to Hunter bindings laptop. Would you say the Fox NEWS is reporting it as true, meaning that there's a really laptop? It is not
soviet interference, it's a real emails and the interpretation of them has been confirmed by the Ex business partner of Hunter Biden, and so there's a set of facts here that we can determine are true. Facts The sea and undoing well see a man is not exactly saying that the things that a Fox news rip, order would say our true CNN isn't saying there untrue exactly. There are much more clever about and that's why you have to watch out with this one, because if they were if CNN were saying you up the EU on the laptop we have confirmed are not true. They are there fake. If they had done that, I would lean towards saying the whole thing was fake, but they didn't. They simply don't cover it
and when they do cover it, they speak of it in generalities as if these sketchy stuff and the stuff. That's largely. Verified or somehow all the same stuff, and that if they wish take it seriously and it might be russian interference, but a sort of this general statement of avoid that story under those conditions, were somebody's trying to avoid a story which is different from debugging it cuz, the debarking is just sort of a hand. Waving debunking is not real news to bunking. I think that actually proves it's true cuz. You got one saying it's true and one who would be hurt by it true, who is doing everything they can to not directly answered the question? Is it true that tried to tell their try to convince you is
true, but they don't want to go all the way to just directly lying so they're, just trying to work on your credibility. Make you not think about it. Hey look over. here so anyway. My rule of its true, if both reported as true seems to hold, let me give you some examples The fine people hoax CNN, usually reports is true, Fox NEWS, bright, barge right, leaning places. Universally report. That is not true and you can check the transcript insist, not so it holds on almost all cases. Let's talk about masks, I desperately want to never talk about masks again, specifically the question about whether they work
I don't think there are too many things that are more just annoying as a topic, most things that I like talking about all day long, because there's always a new wrinkle and is always something else to say, but the mask a thing is just making me crazy and here's the newest update, so there's a guess: who's. The New York Times was leaking to some studies, the masks and here's the The claim was that if you look at the matter, analyses looked at all the studies of mass there's. The conclusion is from. Actual scientific people, the blue. is that you can reduce covered infections by forty percent if he had universal basque compliance. Forty percent now. If that were true- and let me tell you- it took exactly one minute from the time
I tweeted this to the time that somebody tweeted L a another source. There was opposite information and mass, don't work, sir. So just keep these two things in mind that there was a credible link. two studies showing a mass definitely work, not only they work. It's like a forty percent difference, infections. That's a big deal one minute later, a credible link telling me that all of us, not true so, But here I wouldn't say that the mask information has lined up left or right I would say, is just sort of murky everywhere. It's not so much. The one sided said is true of the other side says, as it isn't true.
As both say it's true, but they don't know how much so, here's my problem with the forty percent, if masks made of forty percent difference, how would you not see that on a graph, because you ve probably seen plenty a grass on social media twitter as mobile time, somebody will usually it's a mask, sceptic Who are tweet around a grass the says here, the numbers of infections and this data this this country? then the mark on the graph wear masks became mandatory or locked else. It's the same argument, and then you'll see it didn't seem to change the curve. Recurved just kept going. It's what I tell you Well, that would tell you that, if masks work- and I believe that they do That'S- my best guess could be wrong with my best guess.
They don't work forty percent, or it could be that there is no such thing as good compliance with masks. It could be that you can say master necessary budgets when, when nobody's looking that wear them as much so I'm going to call bs on the forty percent number, but all bets are better something the matter I mean, if I add to that my own money on this, and I will say it was a serious about money and I had Tibet and those a gun to my head. Like ok, you don't get to not bad. You have to debt. Now you I want you to give a percentage that you think the masks make the difference top of my head, ten to twenty percent ten to twenty percent. Now, if that's true, that's certainly,
good reason to wear masks if you could cut the deaths by ten to twenty percent. While you would certainly do that and you would work pretty hard and you would take quite a sacrifice and order to cut desk ten, percent and I don't have ten to twenty percent which show up at a graph or not because there is some delay and there's lots of other variables involved, etc. it feels like it's probably in that range totally worth wearing the masks are recommended if you can alright? That is just about all. I have to say today. I hear that there is more to come out on the hunter laptop. There is you heard the story about some under age under age, women, women there than that women are under age under age females enough girls is right
reference in this case, but there are some under age females by this laptop and now we know that one of them is his niece. Fourteen year old, niece Ed I'm going to say without seeing the photos that they might use or looked sketchy begins? Photos could look sketchy, but I'll bet, there's nothing there. I'll bet the whole fourteen year old. Nice thing, that's, probably not real. If I to guess I could be wrong, I mean anything is possible, but I'm feelin. That's not real and I would be surprised.
if the other stuff is real, just because why would that be on the laptop? Is there anybody who keeps that kind of stuff on their laptop and then takes the laptop and drops it off for repair? If you know you have that kind of content on it, so here's my guess, my guess- is that the Hunter Biden does not believe those pictures are some kind of problem that he might know the context to them. He might not I'm thinking you might know the situation in which they were taking? He might know why they're on the laptop and maybe in his own mind, there's there's nothing wrong with them, so it wouldn't occur to him to not keep them on his, So I've gotta feeling it's a sort of thing, we're different people who can interpret them differently now.
if it turns out that it is the worst case than I would have expected, more of a response from the people who have seen them right because remember a number of people have seen them now. If you look at their response there was giuliani- turned it over to the FBI, which was absolutely the right thing to do. so, if you're, Giuliani and you're so steeped in the legal system and you're, smart and you're, you know you, you understand that the world works. That was exactly the right thing to do, but that's different from saying that they were necessarily illegal or necessarily showing something. That was that, so MRS you'd, be surprised and crackhead cry. Crackheads will, in the comments of saying you say that if he was a crackhead that could explain it all
I agree with it. I would agree that there are some drug use. There would make anything happen But I still don't see him keeping his laptop if he thought there were in appropriate. So I think there's gonna be a interpretation thing now. Let me finish in the thought other people, besides Giuliani, have now seen those pictures and the peoples in the pictures sort of have a smile on their face and tell you that all of these are really bad right,. Is that the way you act? if those are really some kind of under age problem, not really that the people, the reaction of the people, have seen the pictures is,
closer to a Jeffrey two been kinder reaction that it's all part of what makes the story interesting. What you're not seeing is the people who have seen the photos that you haven't seen yet saying: oh, my god, he has to be in jail right away and that's why you expect if those pictures were unambiguous, meaning anybody what that was. My gathers a crime here. Then the people have seen him would be acting like that, but instead directly, is just part of the story. which is not really the there. The reaction, if you, if you knew that those were a criminal. It is not my job to defend under Biden, I'm just you adds up about what to believe and what not to, and they could be inappropriate. I'm sure that they're gonna razor eyebrow at the very least, but are they follow
the illegal. Are they indications of under age criminal behaviour? Maybe maybe, a word about my weird trade, gouty, hair situation. I've told you before that Christina cut my hair, not because the only way to Zulueta hair, but because, if she for to cut your hair? You say yes to was put that gives his way more fun. That way- and I think there's I don't think, there's anything quite that's quite fuel Is good as having a woman, you love cut your hair. I don't know it's just a wonderful experience to me. So I'm saving it. I can get it. I can do it myself pretty easily.
but Christina, took a her first long flight as a pilot, so she learned to be a pilot. And part of that process. Is you get to the point where you take your first long range flight to buy yourself that happened this week, but she has some bad weather and another state, and because of low clouds and high mountains, she had to have to wait a little bit. So she wasn't back yet, but everything's going well. First light is, is all good and she should be back by tonight and You'll know she's back when these, when you see my hair Erika alright, that's all now. Somebody says comments that Giuliani thinks they are criminal. He might be right. He might be right.
I won't rule it out. You know if, if it's up to me, who, having seen the pictures or Giuliani, who has seen the pictures and knows law I probably trust Giuliani over me, especially since I haven't seen them all right. That's all for now, and I will talk to you later.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-24.