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Episode 1163 Scott Adams PART2: Who Won the Debate and Why, Bobulinski Bombshell, Fake News Galore

2020-10-23 | 🔗

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  • Tony Bobulinski confirms Hunter email
  • MSM/Democrat collusion for political benefit
  • Disappearing the biggest story of the year…successfully
  • Balancing need to be SAFE…and have an ECONOMY
  • Big modern economies are driven by cheap energy
  • Understanding influence and evidence thereof

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The post Episode 1163 Scott Adams PART2: Who Won the Debate and Why, Bobulinski Bombshell, Fake News Galore appeared first on Scott Adams' Blog.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Methods call, for example, so the United States has actually done well, we'll see or two. At the same time, it became independent energy per day which allows us to pursue peace in the Middle EAST because we just have less of a fighting interest over their allows us to pull our soldiers are so trumps. Understanding of the importance of energy to an economy and therefore to its foreign policy is perfect. He has a perfect understanding of the importance of the energy and industry to make everything else. Work and binding. Doesn't so that's that pretty big difference in their economic capabilities, pretty big so that one can earn by then says something that was just a real hijacker. He
we are therefore talking about increasing the minimum wage to fifty dollars and binding said that that would help small businesses there were struggling because of the corona virus, to which I said does by did not understand that the small business is paying the wage they receive the wage. It's the employee who receives the wage that is paid by the small business so ass, a small business is forced to pay more. while their revenue is the same. There should be bad, I don't want to give him for details, get all economical lawyer but does by.
Not understand their wages are paid by companies to employees, or was that a senior moment? And certainly if you gave me a binding quiz and said, do you understand that way? These are paid to the employees. He would get a right, but he said a completely wrong last night, which makes me wonder if that was just a senior moment any was confused. Look like it look like confusion, a good way at all, I didn't see anybody pick them up. I heard people note that such a wrong did make sense, but I haven't seen it, but he go to the next level to say. Was that the senior moment? What what did we witness there now trump? On the other hand, he has, by analogy there's a similar thing: does, for. He says that China has been paying the United States because he raised tariffs on imports now the feed,
who understand economics, say this area. Doesn't matter if your pro at thy Trump, the people understand economic, say, that's now what's happening, let's not want to tariff. Is the tariff is not paid by the company? That's selling us the goods. The tariff is paid by the consumer. The tariff is paid by the Americans who, by the product, there's attacks on top of the product, and that goes to the United States government. So a tariff is our own citizens, paying our own government and then than the president takes that money, because that becomes a little windfall for the government that wasn't there before and he pays some or all that to the farmers, for example, so that they have some cushion against the fact that the Chinese are targeting. One now is.
It does trouble, not know what the terraces he does it if you privately gave him a quiz said president Tromp, the way you talk about this doesn't exactly match what the economist would say is going on here. Do you not understand that a tariff is just. Americans, Bang Americans has nothing to do with the Chinese. I believe he would say. Of course I know that, but as complicated as complicated to described the public. I think he's just oversimplifying it to the point where it does not even true, but it's easier to sell it. That way. Is it direction. Italy correct. This is what I always say about the president. He is inaccurate, often, but his direction we correct break,
but every time pretty much- and this is a case where it is directional, accurate and hears. Why? But it's hard to explain if China can no longer sell these goods because the price has been jacked up because the tariffs of bananas up, then Americans will by less from China, and they will look for other sources. We hope that they look for american sources, so the real benefit, as the Americans can sell more things to Americans because they don't have to compete with the chinese goods, because the chinese goods, just cattle extra cost added to them. called the tariff and the President did that. So. Is it a good idea to have tariffs and is a good idea?
to have a trade war, and the answer is yes, it's good for America, dev tariffs. If what you are doing is making chinese goods less valuable, it's good for a miracle to have a trade war. If what you are doing is showing that the other country isn't gonna push you around and you're even willing to tell you yourself, which is what a tariff is kind of. You really willing to tax yourself to say after you to lead the country. That's how much we're not gonna do a trade deal with. You will even tax ourselves not to do a trade deal with you. So if you want to trade deal, you can have to step it up, you're going to have to offer us something you've never offered before or we don't care. We don't need to trade deal. We will tax ourselves with terrace before we'll buy your stuff. So it's a negotiating thing, and I think you can
The so that's so if you look at bindings confusion the minimum wage, that's not directionless correct, that's directly opposite, but you look at Troms claims about tariffs technically completely incorrect, but direction only it's good for the United States. That's the point he does it, because it's good for the United States not in every way and not immediately, but he does it because it should have a pay off. I was looking at some other media and how they're treating this laptop stuff- the Hunter Biden Stuff the Huffington Post a few days ago, said that that the emails are not confirmed. So you shouldn't pay attention to him. Cuz the emails on that
up or not confirmed, to which I say Howard, would have been confirmed that they just. If they ask whoever received the result, is Israel and the fact that the violence has not denied the email sign. That really tells you, the real there's some report that the meadow data in the media files on the Biden, the emails don't match that there are the wrong dates, have you're that news, because, just as the left doesn't hear, everything from the right certainly is true that there are some things and left those never heard by the right. I've. Never this before assault this morning, and I thought what the better data the emails over the wrong dates. Have you heard that I think any the fact check on that one, especially since the emails been confirmed by the business partner
and then they like to say that the elite, the Ukraine situation, the charisma thing the reporting is that through a republican inquiry in support of that it was Republicans. Do this found no evidence of wrong doing by Biden. In other words, there was no evidence that Biden ever tried to influence american policy, because it is fully in favour of Bryn, Mawr, Ukraine or anything. But I'll think. I don't think that. stands how influence works. Influence doesn't necessarily mean something you can see with your your eyes of your observing in what sort of things happen at the meeting that you are an end yeah, how much somebody pushes on something what kind of words they used to push again, something that this whole?
so I idea that the binding would have potentially just taking money from Greece and then Push for a law that was only good for Burma, really work that way. It's not. That knows it's more like it something listen, the grey area and it's a little more likely to bend their direction? That's that sort of, though the influences by trying to buy, So if you don't find any direct evidence of that influence, that doesn't mean there's no influence. Ledges moves are doing you're too smart way, so you can there's no smoking gun trump claim. They use the least races person in the building. Now, of course, the fact checkers are going crazy and that wait a minute. I don't know they use the least raises personal labelling, but I like it as an over.
play cuz. It makes you argue about it is they? Who is he comparing it to and all this, and it makes you focus on his statement. So this is the thing he does all the time and do so well, he'll, say something that you're sure sounds wrong, but is because he wants you to focus on that thing and the messages if he says, he's the least racist person in the other and that he's been best for blacks, since maybe Abraham Lincoln. That doesn't need to be true. It only needs to be provocative enough that you can't look away so if you're talking this morning about weather, Is better for black people? Sense, Abraham, Lincoln or that's a lie. He wins.
if you're, even dealing with the topic of weather, is the best president's sense for the black population since Abraham Lincoln, if you're even talking about it, he wins. So that's not a bad strategy. and even CNN added article today in which they admitted released, the one opinion person, admitted there, some puzzlement about why so many people do like so many black people like job, and this is how they wrote from an opinion. This is one of those seemingly hard to explain things President Donald Trump holds in allure for some black men, despite its history, delegating black Americans. Why history, See it at all, just throw then there, despite his history of demographic, black Americans,
I believe there are literally zero examples of that. What I've been even the people who make claims about him? I don't think they make that claim. Do that.
Well, what has he ever done? Anything the sounded like denigrating, I'm sick of the comments of MRS Scots Gasket Central Park. Five, the central Park: five, he didn't mention race at all northern dimension, the central part, five directly. He talked about crime in general and that it would be good to have the the good of the death penalty. So was that denigrating black people know that was just anti crime. If you're saying that black people and crime are the same thing goes, Trump did not say that. Well, then, I think you need to check your racism. Does your jumping to some conclusion that if somebody's talking about crime, they must be talking about black people? That's on you because Trump did not mention.
Race he mentioned crime if you leaped, to the assumption that that means black, that's on you, and so they say but Papa, and they showed some puzzlement. The fifty cent was brought Trump etc, and I'm not surprised by law, really not surprised by at all. One of the things that I always remind you is that you can't really know how
Other people think so I can't know how black Americans think, no matter how hard I try. I mean I can do my best, but it's not really. You can't really understand how anybody else thinks same as I can't understand how I think, etcetera but you're, something I wonder so I'll just put it in the form of a question. If you are black in America and lets say you're a black man in America do you feel like? Sometimes the system is biased against you, you do right, that's probably a dominant feeling, at least again. I am not incite anybody's head, but that's what's reported that black men
The system is biased against them? Do you know who else feels that Donald Trump Trump is? Them is probably the most attacked person by the system. That's the same system attack Black people, or so it would feel like it, I feel like if you are black you'd, have something that feels like you have in common with Trump, which is that the system is against you as targeted. You. I think that's a small thing, because you know that the enemy of my enemy is my friend situation. Tromp is targeted by the same system that black people probably think is targeting them. That's somethin about the fact that if your black, you feel like racism is insane that just pops up now and then, but rather you're here your marriage That all the time, so what
You were black and you just thought. Ok, I can really get away from it. The sword it doesn't matter whose president is your sword? everywhere all the time. Let's say that, your point of view. Wouldn't you then vote for the President, who could at least get you the most stuff? If you think is going to be racism all the time everywhere? No matter what and you've got two candidates. One has done a bunch of stuff for black Americans, which the president can list from opportunity zones. The platinum plan Prison reform, historically, black colleges, that's pretty long list now its pre pretty solid. So if your black. and you say to yourself, I think, is
me racism, all the time, no matter what? Maybe we can make a dent in it, but these two president presidential candidates, to make any difference am I will take. The one gives me more stuff right is at a rational if youth, if he can't fix that other problem, at least six are probably can fix, guess some stuff. I'll, say: Larry, Charles my old co executive producer. Only the Dilber TV show years ago who is famous for a number of things, including being one of the first writers on Seinfeld. Then he was a director of the first born, movie, I believe and he's very if I drop and he treated this yesterday. I think he's. A long after tromp is hopefully gone. We will still have to do,
with the millions and millions of rapid people who bought into his hate. you're, not going to have a sudden change of heart. Just because he's gone, that reckoning is still to come. To which I say to myself what who's he talking about. Are you aware of any concern those or tromp supporters who are rather people who bought into his head I am not aware of any of that. Are you now, of course, there are always crazy people who will you pick a reason or pick a religion or they'll pick a leader or the backs of them? So could there be some crazy, you're right, leaning personally does a bad thing, because him yeah, I suppose, but is a some big general problem that that just regular trouble voters are filled with hate.
and that is somehow worse because a trump I'll see every that view. The only people who seem to be filled with hate seem to be. The left is that somebody says: are you kidding so that that sort of a perfect example of the two movies on once we saw. Somebody in the comments who is just blown away like are you kidding? It's obvious. I imagine this person with egg. It's obvious that the right is just filled with hate but I spend all of my time with the right I'll see any of it. like I've, never had a private conversation with anybody on the right, I've got a lot of them in the last forty years.
I found a lot of private conversations with tromp supporters. I've never her. I've never seen anybody who added convey hate, moat, vibe about the middle, not not at all, and but yet I get pure hate from the left. The other attitude- everyone even even this? The thing I just read from Larry Charles that reads a little bit like hate doesn't I don't know that any. I can't think of any conservative, whatever write anything like this. I don't know anybody who write anything is bad. as what Larry wrote about other people being bad.
So you are unaware now millennia. Let me give you a little bit of comfort. If your discipline somebody says driving black, do you think that Republicans are more anti black because of Trump. Really because tromp does nothing but brag about what is done for Black America. Does that make you dislike blanks I'll think? So I don't think so do the racist exist, of course,. Are there more of them because of tromp I'll think so certainly not saying anything like that. Now. Are there. Let's dovetail the story into this next point, which is Cnn is talking about a white supremacist group according them. That's talking about.
Paramilitary training in secret vetting calls, says Where is that there are these phone calls in these paramilitary groups that are really white supremacists are are forming. That's pretty scary, isn't it that's that's the sort of thing that Larry might have noted wow. If there's a white supremacy group, that's gathering weapons and organizing your you're afraid. Aren't you well, let's dig in a little bit, let's find out, more about this white supremacist group. It's called the bass. Let me start by saying I am not defending anybody. I'm not anybody's apologist, I'm just going to describe okay, I can describe without defending. Are you okay with that? And some things have good things and bad things? If I describe the good things of the bad things, I'm not defending
And the Splc Southern Bodily law centre, whose job it is to look for eight groups and called the Mount has decided that the base is a white supremacist group. What is it that makes them decide that the base is a white supremacist group? Is it the mission statement of the group nope, because the mission statement group, as now, to do with race the militia their militia, whose intention is to be organised and gazed. Society falls apart, which part of that Racist now all I know what you're saying Scots Gub, Gub you're so naive. Not going to say it directly, and if anybody ask obligatory, deny it's right, but I ask you this: who gets to decide. Who's, a white supremacist group, for example,
let's say you start a birdwatching group in your neighborhood. You get fifty people in your birdwatching group, two of them. You will learn later posted some races. Things Facebook is your birdwatching group actually a white supremacist group cause. You do have a gas all races in there and that's just the fact, but it's two of them And they said the races stuff with no connection to your birdwatching and they're not to bring the birdwatching anti or bird watch or the racism into the birdwatching. is your birdwatching group, Say whether or not a raises group, we just want to watch birds, so If the southern Poverty LAW centre observed that birdwatching group, how would they label them?
well, probably exactly the way they label. This group called the base and again I'm not defending well, I'm just describing. The base does not call themselves erases group and in fact none of their mission statement involves race at all. It's just a militia about being prepared for the worst case scenario, but there does seem to be evidence The members of this group, outside of the group and separately from what the group is doing. Are seriously racist, but are there Why is the promises which has a certain flavour well, there's no evidence of that. But the sort of that a standard Now that, if somebody is a racist that they also
Or call their white supremacist, which is really a different thing, equally bad in its own way, but there's a distinction. The matters which is, Do you think you're better than other races, or do you just prefer that you stay away from gives us different the supremacist, the think that their better I've never met one nor virus. cuz the only racist that I know in twenty. Twenty are worried that they're not as good as the other groups, which is why they're worried cuz they don't feel they can compete. Is so it's like a more the racist or more like white. SIRI Aureus, then supremacist, cuz, literally mostly afraid of losing ground. They don't think they can compete so. The Caspian Sea is called this group, a white supremacist group, and I,
argue that groups only get to label themselves. I think Bruce should label themselves and just the fact that they have some bad apples in their group is no different than Democrats. You know, would you say that? Would you say that CNN is a zoom masturbating group? We have evidence right, Jeffrey Toobin. Does it was doing little to oven on Zoom, so he was a member of CNN. Could we conclude them. The CNN is a resume masturbating organisation, because that's what the Us Plc. Thus they say if there's somebody in your group who did something that's disreputable, then that's the whole group. So anyway, watch out for that
I saw an answer to a question that I was pretty sure was the way I thought it was, which is the question of whether Trump is building the wall or he is doing nothing but improving or replacing wall that already exist. Now the Democrats say how he is now building and they always just doing maintenance on existing wall is or is he building the wall? All can both be true right now. What I assumed was true, it turns out is true, which is the existing wall was oh inadequate that it wasn't really a wall at all. It was like some barbed wire and some things you can just move out of the way, some barriers, the old, were existing wall. There was just some barbed wire and. an obstacle was essentially no wall, because While the doesn't stop anybody
Is it really wall? But it's more like is the little friction a wall. This stops most people, that's Oh, so I would say that they are building a wall for the first time, because what they had there was some kind of barrier obstacle that was very unwarlike, so I I would in fact check the president as correct saying that is new wall, even though there was some kind of barrier there before that wasn't effective, somebody says that a bite is drug cocktail was clearly wearing off. While I was looking carefully at. Vitamins eyes because I feel like you can see his yeah. You can see his soul in his eyes, so to speak,
his eyes when he is doing his debates. Do not look the same as his eyes. Look all the other times. In other words, he does look like he's on something. Now I'm not a doktor. I shouldn't be saying this in public, I'm giving you my impression because our impressions of how we felt or what we thought when we want our politicians that's valid. It would be invalid for me to say he's on a drug that would be invalid cause, I'm not a doktor. It's completely valid. for me to say the way he was acting leads me to feel like he's on some kind of medication. That's veldt cause. I'm just tell you how I feel.
And how we feel about our politicians as part of the story. So you would I, if I had to reach in my pocket and mega financial bet on whether Biden was Lucy cranked up for these events and maybe not crank up with some met. A medic Treatment the rest of the time I would better I've got a thousand dollars they. He takes some kind of medical intervention further for the debates that he is not typically on. Would you now again, I'm not a doktor I dont diagnosed YO. I can certainly be wrong. Don't take my medical advice, but that's what it looks like looks like that to me, and that is everything we need to know for today.
Biden does have this look where he looks like he's lost. Have you seen it every now and then you just has a squinty look and he look in his eyes and it's like there's nothing there. So I can use just these lost the plot for a little bit and then he covers it up by acting angry and saying things you said in the past until he gets back on the trail so yeah he does there's something about a look he has. That is pretty disconcerting. All right! That's all I got for now and I will talk to you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-23.