« Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 1159 Scott Adams PART1: I Teach You How to Evaluate Trump’s Coronavirus Performance, Masks, Biden Laptops, Herd Immunity

2020-10-19 | 🔗

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  • Tips for accepting bribes
  • Herd immunity and the seasons
  • The mask debate
  • Fear of being hunted down, post-election
  • President Trump’s COVID19 strategy
  • Risk management strategy

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The post Episode 1159 Scott Adams PART1: I Teach You How to Evaluate Trump’s Coronavirus Performance, Masks, Biden Laptops, Herd Immunity appeared first on Scott Adams' Blog.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Bump, bump, bump bump bump bump bump bump bump on Gaza that funds Dogtown? Oh well, are you lucky? You are lucky today, one in Europe, But let me tell you how lucky you are. some days. You wake up, and you said yourself hotter, I'm not feeling lucky today and other days you wake up thinking. I think something good is going to happen today. Well, today, is your lucky day. You know why, because you're here you just started off the day with the best possible way. You could not have beaten the way you
Today absolutely mailed it so good for you and all you need to maximize your experience. Some of you probably now, but it doesn't take much all you need, is a copper. My your glass, a dagger, tells us that accounting junker plus a vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite. I like coffee and join me now for the unparalleled pleasure, the dopamine to the day, the thing that makes everything that except the corona virus, it's called the cemetery said that happens now: go I was wrong. I was wrong. It made the corona virus better to just what do you think? There's something coffee can do it can do it. so a lot of you heard the news that there is yet another laptop there's been discovered.
Belonging to allegedly and associate of hunter by this was in the Ukraine so I believe the countess now for awhile tops through of them were left at a repair shop, one of them was left in Ukraine. What I saw their story? I started thinking. I wonder where it. There are laptops, because I didn't even know. It was a thing I haven't really ever. I don't think I've a forgotten the laptop anywhere, but I thought what if I have one. So I started looking through my house to see if I ever the Hunter Biden Laptops- and I do I found one so there is at least five Hunter Biden laptops I've got one in my house, it was in the garage was behind some some right. I don't know what it was their national. Why was air, but I'll be checking later for emails. You.
Check your house to cause they're they're Hunter Biden, related laptops, frickin everywhere check beyond the couch. If you ve got cushions, look under the cushions, you probably have a couple of Biden, laptops. why wouldn't you so? I see the news today the day the violent The double masking at church, so we had two masks on it: a white mask below a darker colored mask and I'm thinking that's a good start. That is a good start, but two masks: could you really be safe with just two men. Because I'm thinking I value my life, I'm thinking three to five masks would be safe enough to go to church
Now considering he was also in church, so there was that extra risk of some religion getting in through the mouth area Satan, for example. Maybe when Biden went to church with his double masking, he was thinking one mask for the Krona virus, who one mass to keep save men of his his mouth. All because I can be a problem. Could so I'm thinking I my trouble, maybe maybe quadruple mask just cover all bases. I've got a tip for you on how to accept bribes when you become the centre, Now nothing about what I'm about to say is to suggest that Joe Biden has taken bribes from anybody. I am
Oh, no data, no information that would suggest that I saw a start with no information to suggest he did anything illegal, swampy, perhaps but illegal. I don't know anything. But hypothetically, let's just say that you were, you, are just elected to Congress was Sayers Senator. Let's say you thought that you would like to accept some bribes, but you don't want to What would be the way to do that? Would you just say: hey why you give me a check or put that check in my bank that'll be safe enough now you would not do that, because I would create a portrayal of digital trail, and you would not want anybody bribing you in any way. They can be discovered later in any easy way. so one thing you might do, and
lots of ways to do this, but I'm just gonna throw well one suggestion. One thing you do is by a fix her up mansion, something that you just sort of barely afford by you definitely couldn't afford to fix it up. You might afford be able to afford to buy it, but you definitely its. Can you don't have enough money to fix up a man? So suppose you had subcontractors coming in there we are working on your mansion fixing it up is ready paper trail about who pay them in cash. Let's say they were paid. The cash. Have you ever heard of a a sub contractor who was willing to accept cash as opposed to checks? Yes, you have is called every sub contractor, I'm sure there's some some God tractor in the world somewhere, who all too.
Jack, but if you offer them gash, if you make it an option, most sub contractors would say a cash check it's all the same sure I'll take the cash? I don't mind that And they may or may not declare those earnings on their taxes because of its cash it's hard to track, So imagine if you will some some rich person who wants to bribe. You is not bribing you directly, but maybe they're, giving you the cash that you give to her. tractors, and how would that be discoverable. How in the world would anybody know anything was wrong? The contractors would be getting cash, but they would be getting from the homeowner. Water would just give them cash if that cash came from someplace illicit.
subcontractor doesn't care, all they know, is I got paid and it's not the homeowners fault of the subcontractor? Doesn't that doesn't pay their taxes? Is not your responsibility to make your subcontractor pathos? Somebody says a one thousand and ninety nine well there's no one thousand and ninety nine, if you paid cash and if your subcontractor just wants to stay under the radar. Now, that would not be legal and I'm not suggesting that anybody in this Actually did that, I'm just saying that if you wanted the perfect set up to accept bribes without ever being evaluated, without ever being discovered. It would be a really good strategy to buy a fix, her upper mansions, just saying, Here's an opinion about: I'm gonna make you smarter today, so I'm gonna give you a
So he says a ten k, Iris warm. No, there is no tax form, there's no tax, warm that is, gonna show whether a cot subcontractor got paid cash. That's not a thing. I will hear your comments. You think that they can find that out, but they could not take it up. We least not without lower so. Here is a little gears a piece of knowledge to make you smarter than all the people you know when they talk about corona virus. You know about heard immunity You know that the experts say that you probably need something like sixty. Seventy percent of people to be infected before you can have.
We heard a majority, but I heard a modification to that. This really important, which is independent of the season. So, for example, there's evidence from Adam. Could sharks ski on twitter? You can see me. it waiting on like twitter, feed and he's a mathematician and epidemiologist, and he has written a book the rules of contagion, somebody who knows how to do. Math knows epidemics and he informs us that if you looked at the regular influenza, the ordinary seasonal flu You did some Sir Ology data study and he found that forty to fifty percent of younger people again infected each year, so they might, they might not have symptoms, they might not. Now they were infected, but up to half of younger people get infected with influenza each year. One assumes that's from school
and of fifteen to twenty percent of older groups? Now the influenza seems to common them go each year. It doesnt completely disappears, as I understand it, but it becomes a non issue in subsequent years. and I looked at them said that does make sense, because if all we tend to twenty percent, the older people and most citizens are older than kids it. If only fifteen to twenty percent of them is enough, for he heard immunity that doesn't make sense, does shouldn't be closer to sixty percent or something like that, and as Adam informed me- and I hadn't really made this connection before it. That's the season, if it's the winter and you're indoors, and you really you really spreading around a lot then you're.
The community has to be pretty high because your risk of infection is is also so high. So I need a little extra heard immunity if people are gonna be indoors, but if it's the supper and their outdoors and they're not the super spreading this kind of situation than a lower heard, a majority and it could be a lot lower- would be enough to burn it out. So you get two factors that both have to be considered. How much does the herd immunity need to be, and then what season is concerned? Immunity can be a different amount, depending on the season got that this kind of an important concept to hold in your mind. it'll help you explain what happens as as winter approaches, and then into the conversation
Andreas back house, I always mentioned him: Disease he's got a background in economics, so he's better. Comparing things than most of us, so he's better at picking your part, these these claims and tell you what to believe here. A couple of quick facts: the as points out. One thing is that you can't look at charts the show mask mandates coming into effect and then show that the via the virus still was raging, and so people say look here
My charge, you can see that the virus was going up and here's the day that the masks went into effect and the virus kept going up. So therefore, mass don't work, that's what people say on the internet and you'll see even smart people saying that, but here's the thing there's no control group. So how much would the? How much with the infections have gone up without masks because masks tend to go into a situation where you've got a known problem, so the first part is: was there such a problem that was out of control? That's why you put masks on in the first place, so the correlation by being might be backwards. People are saying, wait. The masten work cuz, the infections went up, whereas maybe what's happening is infections are going up. So that's why people are wearing masks, so you might.
Correlation and causation backwards, so we don't have anything to compare to, and we don't know if we ve got causation right, so you you can- easily over interpret the fact that somebody introduce masks in a location and the Koran virus continue to increase. It doesn't mean that alone by itself doesn't telling and we even saw, I think, ran Paul making that kind of a claim that where Basques were introduced, you didn't see much of a difference, but countering that we have doktor faulty now, don't you think the doctors algae probably more than anybody the planet earth, or at least in the top one percent is somebody who's looked into it.
you and I probably have not looked at every mask study and you I may not be qualified to look at a mask study and know of it. Tells you something useful or doesn't, but doktor found she and people least off. there's another experts have, and as of yesterday found, she says the matter analysis show that masks really do work in preventing infection. And so far she says. If you look at all of the all of the information mass work now. Does that mean the masks have been tested in one of those reliable kind of tests, the kind where you do.
the random buys controlled study will, in order for it to be controlled. You would have to have some group that you said: hey, there's gonna be a whole bunch of kroner virus in your environment, but we don't want this group to wear masks. You can't do this study because you can't say to people you shouldn't wear masks during a crowd of virus, because the the expectation is that they probably work so given that there is such a strong, among experts who could be wrong. They could be wrong right is possible, but they have a strong feeling that the mass work and under that condition, you can't do a controlled test. Does you can't ask anybody in Verona virus environment to not well just cabin? so that the matter analyses have to do with other viruses or other bacteria or other kinds of infections.
so you might say to yourself wait a minute. Those other things are not like this thing. This grown a virus is not the same size as other things is not a case of protecting the person with the mask is more about protecting the other people, it's as a higher are valued, meaning is more infectious disease and make a difference. Probably, but there you have it doctor Fouche YE who has looked at the data, says and then someone He says this he's not really hedging it too much at all. Really he's not answering at all and say he's saying password. Is he right, we'll see, we'll see all right. That's it will get back to his grown virus stuff. I guess I'm more funds to talk about.
I was watching a movie last night and every now and then I say to myself: you know I'm gonna try watching a movie again, because some of you might know I I build out on watching movies. you're so bad. First of all, they they take too long and they're all hackneyed in its the same movie just rewritten over and over there's always a car chase. There's somebody killing a lot of bad guys or somebody tied to a chair, other dissolve, boring and predictable. So watch this movie with Jessica Chest Dane, I forget title of it. You certainly dont need to watch it and she was some kind of a super spy who everybody was trying to kill her, and so it is one of these action movies in which the hero, this case played by Jessica Justine, kills lots and lots of bad guys from the beginning to the end,
just death count, death, count Afghan and I watch here, I'm thinking to myself, ok, idle! I get that there are far more female, he arose and action movies and maybe the market once I don't know, I'm no expert, but I thought to myself in what situation in one of their situation, do you get one person from one demographic group, in this case a woman who can sleigh unlimited numbers of people from another demographic group in this case man? That's ok. You can make a movie about that, while others situation could you do that has ever? Then a movie in which a male hero violently dispatches dozens and dozens, if not hundreds of female characters. Now
you're not going to say that movie, how many movie, where there's a white star, an action star? Who is only killing people of a different ethnicity, while you used to see those movies, when I was a kid right, it was either like a war movie from World WAR, two, where the only people dying where the the japanese characters in the movies. etc. But you don't see those in twenty twenty. You don't. Will you see a person from one group exclusively killing people from another group? Does that's no longer politically correct? It would just send some kind of some kind of a message gave and even the Rambo movies are now quite aged you, I don't think you'll see around.
Movie where only one kind of person gets killed by another kind of person. And so I ask you this: what is the? What is the impact on our youth of watching a female character, killing unlimited male characters, but never the reverse. You never see it the other way. You can certainly see male characters, killing unlimited other male character. You'd, except that I feel like its devaluing men and presently so that way, probably already banned those movies. I think if we ve, and so far and we ve gone pretty far with its political correctness. You either have to make everything ok and say I anybody can kill anybody. It's just a movie. Don't it seriously or you have to say I don't think the one thing weaken now. they allow but feature in fact,
find me inaction movie that does not include a female led character, killing hundreds of males. That's the basic movie right now right, birds of prey, female characters, killing milk characters. That's it that's the movie and I think you going to see a lot more of that I find that unacceptable, and so I will boil any movie that has a female character who is killing exclusively or almost exclusively male characters as entertainment, because Russia, that's editing, somebody is countering with the indian stale. I feel like the handmaidens tale.
is from the perspective of the victim, and if the movies I was talking about were very sympathetic to all the hundreds of henchmen who got killed slightly less. Let's do this: let's do a booby from the perspective of all of the the bad guys who got killed. That's what they handed still is. Thus, from the perspective of the victim, see that that's that's more of the same and not the counter example. That's more alright, let's talk about the poles and let's talk about who's going to win. Do you want some optimism about Trump winning the election? I got some you ready for some optimism. I told you this was going to be the best part of the day Secondly, incredible, I so all the the major poles in the pulling average, which show that trumpet maybe I'll but behind by fairly large numbers but
We know from twenty six to the polls in general, not every pole, we still, we love our Rasmussen, Zogg bees and a few others. Ogre, but the polls in general appear to be. I feel I can say this is just a fact. They appear to be eligible. Can I say that it is just a fact that is well established that I don't need to defend it with any reasons anymore. Have we reached point where everybody's like those are fake. I think we have
We would also expect that these shake poles were closed and the final week so that they don't they don't lose all of their credibility. O is something happened. The final weak and the Poles closed. How about that, but I would think that Joe Biden success with fundraising recently, because he's he's raising massive amounts of money has a lot to do with the balls, because people like to give money to winning causes they dont lightly of money to something that looks like it's, gonna lose so as as binding.
Paul numbers look better he's raking in big numbers, not a big surprise, but besides the poles are we see anything that would suggest that maybe Trump has a better chance than the poles are indicating, and, yes, we are and turns out that just about everything that is those illegitimate poles looks broach up almost everything. Let me give you an example. So first fathers, upholsterer Patrick ambitions, who were no relation HU, as indicated that sounds like four or five percent shy, trumps supporters. So, according to this one researchers lash pollster, they are absolutely there and it's not just because some rural people are hard to pole, but that there is an absolute no doubt about it, shy chums supporter.
gotta come out on election day, similar twenty sixteen now, apparently, there is also the end no poles dont show what the external pull show and the reason that Obama think Obama's going to Pennsylvania to help out Biden. You don't say Obama bomber Pennsylvania: if the Asia, if the poles they say Pennsylvania's gonna go to bind, are accurate, that is an indication by the Biden, people that they don't believe the poles either so they're sending Obama there too, to nail down a state that in theory and on paper buttons already gotten the bag. Sir, that's that should tell you something. also the Trafalgar group. I think this is reason enough has Trump ahead in the battleground states. So it does really matter what the national policy the battleground states are enough.
and so in at least five battleground states trumpets ahead. According to the Trafalgar group who has done better in the past than other pollsters. So you look at ones, who all the closest and twenty sixteen and say how are they at once the ones that have the best results in twenty six: the universe, looking really good for job surprise,. And. We are also seeing pulls the trumpets earning a higher percentage of black and spanish voters than they did in twenty. Sixteen. How would you like to be the Biden campaign and realise the Trump is doing way better with black and hispanic voters, for it. scary, now apparently bite and is doing better with seniors, but I don't know if I believe that cause that maybe also coming from the same illegitimate poles, but I
What I could believe it, but I don't know if I do it's possible- discuss Biden binds a Democrat and by didn't promising things and scaring people with bunch Eliza what trumps gonna do so, maybe maybe, but I would think you re getting back the gaining in the black blackened hispanic. Voters can make a big deal. And also the if you just look at the enthusiasm, I think the enthusiasm gap is just so obvious if you will get any Biden rally it's three cars and to reporters standing in circles and they look at in the Trump event in his gigantic. Apparently, the polls show that
tromp Trump likely voters are twice as enthusiastic as other voters, so twice two times more enthusiastic, the Trump voters, that's not even close twice as enthusiastic, and it's pretty obvious I mean, it matches. Your observation also, I think Trump was shown and one pole- maybe it's already changed, but fifty six percent were were better off. They thought fifty six percent. If that was the only thing you knew loud, pretty much determine what's going to happen, And apparently trumps approval rating is high enough, even with corroded virus, and everything else is fluval rating high enough. That actually predicts reelection. So we don't know, but we shall see. Here's a we'll talk about trumpet grown a virus in a minute, but
There's something I'm feeling, but I can't measure it so tell me if you're feeling this to the thing were worried about, is that the election result will not look at credible to one side to the other, maybe both and that could cause some kind of civil unrest leading to a breakdown of civilization or something I'm feeling the opposite, and I'm feeling it was strongly Now anecdotally, we're see lots of individual threats against we're going to hunt you down you transport? We're are individual acts of violence on the street Tromp supporters are thinking if Trump lose or even if he wins- and there is a contested election, Are we gonna be hunted down because its feel like that and I'm gonna tell you if it's starting to feel the opposite and here's? Why.
the very act of having an election and the active voting and the act of getting listen getting dirt, in the analyzing the election and really look the data and try to understand what the candidates are proposing. Looking at their policies watching the debates. All of this stuff that is really super concentrated in the last month, has an effect on us and has an effect of reintroducing us to democracy. Let's call it the republic to be technical.
But the principles of democratic government are they ve gone from? Something we know exists but are not front of mind is now is not now gone completely to front of mind and in the world of persuasion. If you can guess somebody to do a small thing, it's easier to get them to do slightly bigger thing: it's how cults work they gained the small stuff, gradually get you to do more stuff, but getting people to actually physically vote physically fill out a ballot physically deliberate, physically drive to the voting area is very of persuasion, meaning that where we are, we brainwashing ourselves back into the love of democracy. For the love of the river
And nobody is in charge of this right. There's nobody whose whose message is love your democracy, there's nobody use. I mean, I guess the politicians say that sometimes, but you will. Identify with anybody. We are instead rehab rising ourselves, the lovely country and love the system. Even war were complaining right because we, u can complain like crazy and still love the thing you're complaining about, such as your own family. You can complain about your family, but still love them, and I feel like. There's a thing happening and it is you're going to feel it more and more right up to the election day and that a thing is people buying into the system. If we do have a record turnout for the election, that also means we had a record number of people who bought into the system. That is a very stabilizing thing. Very stable,
And the more people you see is simply participating in a peaceful way and those People are gonna, be how many over a hundred million. How many can somebody The comments tell me how many people actually are likely to vote hundred billion, Add up all the people who have protested in twenty twenty alum every person who went on the street? Not just violent people, not talking not talk about Lou. There's just every single person who went on the street every person who is threatened, Trump supporter every. violence is Adam all up how many other twenty thousand, what what would be the total number-
of people who seem to be a revolution minded actually marched. Twenty thousand, maybe a hundred thousand, but we're talking about a hundred million Americans just reminded themselves that they were Americans and we're gonna keep reminding ourselves And we're going to remind ourselves all the weight of election day and when this election is over no matter which way it goes, and we fight about it because we will Will it go to the Supreme Court? I'd say more likely, yes than now more likely s the now, but when it's all done, we will be immersed in the system. We will have participated. We always done our part. We will have looked at the Supreme Court and watch do its part, it will give us a and answer that we all respect, because it won't be stupid. Some
smartest people in the whole freaking country are on the Supreme Court. They're not going to be stupid, you're going to be proud of it. You can be glad of it. You're going to be happy that you live in the system that can do this, it can do this. We can do this meeting. The system can do this. Condone as well so my feeling at the moment, I feel at the moment. That no matter which way a goes there we'll be the required paid demonstrators? But I think the people. Demonstrating will largely be the the organised people who have an agenda that the marxist anybody who is getting paid by an outside authority, some organization,
just trying to get power? But what I don't see happening is the bulk of the country or enough of them rejecting our system or rejecting the results will complain about it forever, no matter which way it goes. We're going to come play in forever. But we probably and I'm going to say ninety nine point- nine percent chance we will still be in the United States in the year. We will still be the strongest country that the world has ever known and we're not going to be mean by the Faint news, because it's the faint news, the wines us up. the FBI, the drives the fake news and drives the social engagement, Those things are not working on our side, but. May I wants to keep us alive. doesn't want the country to be destroyed. Does that gives you less? I I
So the ai wants the country to live. The public wants the country to live the few people, the few people who don't are going to have to deal with the country that has more armed than it has ever been before. If you think this country can be overthrown, I will give you what I told the ISIS analogy: ISIS looked unstoppable until their ambition got bigger, Soon as I tried to hold property and hold land and territory, they became uneasy target. You knew exactly where they were a look. They are, this is their territory, there's their standing army- let's, let's blow them up so things that work on a small scale do not necessarily work on a big scale. So if you take all these protesters and said
They found this little niche, niece niche say it anyway. You like translated in your head to your favorite pronunciation. They found us this weird little time and place that they could have unlimited trouble and have to find a democratic location. They'd have to get enough people that we are the police were sort of em they need to have just the right political situation. They need to have funding from the outset, they have to have the right organizers, they'd have to have the right weather. And they would have to have a whole bunch of things, asked me a sort of perfect but one thing they really really need is that these citizens, in the area there causing trouble, are not heavily armed and that's not true. Once you get out of the middle the city soon, as you get into the suburbs.
People are armed to the teeth, and, and it's only gonna take would be amazed if It's not a mass casualty event was a working against the protesters, now? The fact that it hasn't happened yet tells you a lot, as someone else was opining on social media, the fact the conservatives who were armed to the teeth? We all agree on that conservatives are armed, but they have I would say that they ve held back the level of violence that they are capable of capable of delivering. They have held back almost completely, in other words the proud boys actually like to fight this literally part of the culture. So they list look for trouble. They like flights, but they dont represent conservatives or anything like that. They have some overlap, but they certainly don't represent them.
So it would take a lot apparently to get conservatives mad enough. Violent and some general away, but if you move into the suburbs, you got it the. If these protests move into the suburbs, it would be like ISIS The whole property you're gonna move all these people into the kills own and somebody's gonna do something that we don't recommend but is predictable and And once once there is a mass casualty event among the protesters, they may be less inclined to protest again, but it would take a getting to the probably takes getting into the suburbs before that happens,. But I see any chance that the unrest can grow to destroy the country. That risk is basically zero. So there's that
talk about trumps performance on the crow diverse, oh by the way, I am scheduled to be amiss NBC today. So later today, which would be sometime in the eastern time zone? It would be between six and seven- I don't know when between then so, if you're in California, between three and four, if you're in EAST Coast, six hundred and twenty seven on MSNBC so that's happening blue. Let's talk about whether whether we.
Our trump is doing a good job or a bad job. Uncrown virus. Here's some things to make you a smarter. So if you remember everything, I tell you it's a area Norberto MSNBC somebody's asking here are here the things you should ask yourself. If somebody tells you Trump has botched the corona virus, so Trump Closed, China Travel and I think most people say he did it soon. Enough, but he didn't close it completely, because a lot of Americans who needed to get back home were there and there are some thinking that you should have forced them into quarantine.
or not let them come home. I suppose I don't know how that works. How do you? How do you not let Americans come back home? That's that's a tough one and we didn't really have the testing resources and there were so many of them. Apparently lots of them that you couldn't test them all or quarantine. The ball and just didn't seem but here's the question I haven't seen asked or answered: what did the experts recommend about the I think it's mostly american citizens, who is it who were allowed back in from China, did Chachi and Burkes say to President Trump? Yes, you should close travel from China, but make sure you close it all. Don't let the american citizens back end. Did that happen. Do you know if that happened, or it didn't happen? Cuz? I don't know that feels like it's pretty important right, because if the experts were not terribly
about the the number of people who were gonna get back in then. Why should the president had been concerned? If what we are asking of the present somebody says yes Fouche, he did so. If you have it, if you have a source for that I'd like to see it, I like to see anything there was suggest foul cheese that it should be closed completely verses, allowing the Americans back and which will be a smaller number comparative total travel.
So that's a question that I don't know, but if somebody says that too many people got back in, throw it back at them and say what did Shaoqi in Brooks to say, did they say not to let those people that somebody some says they were quarantined? I don't believe that's true. I don't believe that the people coming in from China that were quarantined all right. So the number one question there is: what did Trump do that's different from what the f, birds told them to do if, if found and Burke's had told tromp, no, no, no, you have to stop everybody. If that happened. Wouldn't we know that that would be the number one headline when Trump doesn't do with experts say right.
If he violated what they recommended. We would know that one and I don't know that all right, here's the other thing if you think that trumps treatment of masks caused fewer people to use them and therefore more desk, here's the question you would have to ask: if you are good at comparing things, would Obama have Getting conservatives to wear masks, what do you think? Is there any evidence to suggest that a President Obama or President Clinton, Or I'll even extended how butter President Mitt Romney? What tells you that any of them Obama, Clinton or Romany, which of them, would have done better job at getting conservatives to wear, masks,
People to wear masks, I think, that's where the problems are. I have no reason to think any that would have been more successful, hasn't been tested, and certainly there is no common sense that would suggest that they would be better at. It is yeah and I'm not even sure that trumps example is really what's driving people they might be. I mean you have to worry about that, but I can't imagine that a Democrat would get Republicans to wear masks or where that the young people, they all it's a Democrat asking. I wasn't gonna where am asked my college, you party, my illegal collar, party, but now that I know that a democratic asked me, I'm gonna where that mask said nobody said no college student ever. so, I would say that the idea that Trump has not handled the Basque wearing fits common sense, in other words,
you're watching you say: surely the way you're talking about this sub optimal, but that's not the end of the analysis. You still have to compare him too, who to any other president who would abandon their situation and you'd have to know that that other president would have got would have achieved greater mask wearing. Do you know that? Because I don't see that it is not obvious to me that some other president would have somehow achieve this magical mask wearing thing I think, are our desire to not wear masks. Has more to do with Americans does do does with our present about this, If you took a leader from another country that you thought did a good job with the corona virus, let's say South Korea or New Zealand and just plop that leader into the United States, with all of our problems, we got more international travel
but a lot of places coming in from different directions. We might have a less compliant populous, who is more freedom loving than compliant? We ve got states rights that the added wrinkle how is it? How would that other later, due in the same situation,
Transcript generated on 2020-10-20.