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Episode 1075 Scott Adams PART1: So Much News to Talk About! This Will be the Best Periscope EVER!

2020-07-30 | 🔗

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  • President Trump’s NATO/Germany/Russia tweet
  • Google’s manually created blacklist that isn’t suppression
  • Whiteboard: Evaluating Trump’s Coronavirus Performance
  • My HCQ question for Democrats and their pet media
  • Dr. Fauci, NBC and Andrea Mitchell’s lie by omission
  • Teacher unions are root of our biggest national problems

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The post Episode 1075 Scott Adams PART1: So Much News to Talk About! This Will be the Best Periscope EVER! appeared first on Scott Adams' Blog.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thumb bump bump on the curb morning. Everybody come on in this will be the best coffee was gonna, heavens ever I'm talking about since the beginning of time, fifteen billion years since the start of the universe- and this will be the best one- that's right- or some of you know that I had a surgery yesterday
while I would not normally talk about my health conditions on periscope, I feel I need to because I've been sharing this with you and you all had to suffer through my sniffling and my complaining, and I thank you for it. So never one. Thank you. Thank you for putting up with my blowing my nose on camera pretty much every time. Thank you for the nasal sounds that you put up with. I really appreciate it I mean. Secondly, yesterday was one of the best: ten days of my whole life, I gotta say we sounds we're guy, because I was literally in surgery. So yesterday, around noon or so coupled into surgery for these polyps, I have in my scientists, which, if you imagine your sinuses, are like caves, the policy would be like the stalactites
except more boldness, and if you have enough of them- and I guess there, just genetic some people get him, some people don't blocks appear sinuses, you lose your ear, your taste even lose your hearing temporarily and you become stuffed up and get breathing. So anyway, I had them taking care of, they got my head and sniffed amount. Bandinage stood up. I thought that when I woke up goes under general anesthesia, I thought when I woke up, I wouldn't be able to breathe through my nose because it be all packed with gauze and stuff up in my sinuses, but the doktor was very impressed withheld bad. I was meaning.
There were so many polyps my scientists, some kind of a world record. I guess according to me that when you remove them even adding in the bandages and even accounting for the swelling, I can breathe better than I can ever breather. My life, Britain's were my they after surgery so that was exciting, but I gotta tell you what was so much what was great about the whole day number one. I've been socially isolating for forever. I and attitudes to serious weeks of really bad social isolation. Meeting as a newlywed, I did not even touch my bride for two weeks. I was a little bit starved
human contact of any kind and are being completely serious, so big fuss over by doctors and nurses and the whole team coming amount and the third jesting things in there, How can you things and even though every single thing they did heart. Like even when they put the tape on they tables or hurts, and they put in When I a little bit almost. We think that it was colonel of it, but I was so excited to be around human beings within within touching distance and, of course, our old wrestling beekeepers right there. the four protective gear on there is not one of those people I would recognise if I saw them stay, if I saw them there I only saw their eyes the whole time, but there were very nice, very professional. So anyway, then they they fill you up with a sentinel and they will you- and I of course don't remember any of that. I woke up
Rollo, not knowing who I was where I was, but I could breathe and if this works, meaning that the fire recover and still as good as it is now. This is such a life changing the event for me, because I've actually never been able to breathe through my nose, not as a child. Anytime added deviated sceptre, my fix that didn't help it allergies. I thought that was the problem couldn't get those under control, but this this actually just bulldozed the highway. So we should work now, it's not permanent, so they have to do it again Sunday in ten years recently
at the moment, I cannot be happier I got home and your pristine had waited for me, the entire time and choose she was taking care of me. When I got home cause you can't you can't do too much, you don't want a driver. Do anything that would be a include lifting your thinking. So then Christie, the fuss, is over me in a good way. Taking care of me and. I just had a really good day and the whole time that I was in the hospital with such a newsy day. There was so much news and I had we surgery was later well, sir. I was just on my phone tweeting and looking at the news exactly what I would have done, except I was in a really comfortable, like bed where this warm room. or a blanket on and people people nice to meet those like there's a way better than Vietnam.
Better than social isolation, and so I just had a terrific they set was so good that last night produce making sure that I was still cod cognizance enough to take the right beds at the right time and she is suggesting that I take the view that the tylenol, whatever it is, the one with coding that Knox you out she said- will take on round bedtime now just knock your and our twenty minutes. You'll be gone so unlike perfect, twenty minutes, somebody be sound, asleep, well bestow waiting, so I've been up for twenty four hours straight have even been close to sleep, because I'm just not even a little bit. Irish, I think part of it is because I slept all afternoon on the during surgery and I've never heard of this. I don't know, do you actually get a good
winter, when Europe, even surgery, but anyway I don't have any pain. Today I can breathe for the first time in my life I dont have my sense of smell back. I understand that might come round slowly, but I could not be happier today and I just wanted to share with you and also Thank you for putting up with it. I think my voice will change. I dont know how maybe maybe here already. I also welcome on things enough about me. what's so much news let me read you some tweets than I thought were extra clever. This one from twitter user can Bree At at k, I am this, is most clever tweets I've seen in a long time, I don't know she gotta from somebody. I think she made up, but is great, and it goes like this
I remember when the news used to tell us what happened and we had to decide what to think about it. Now the news tells us how to think about something, and then we have to decide if it happened as true. Isn't it used to be they tell you the facts than you decide what you thought about it now they tell you what to think, and you know sure of those facts actually happened. This is really clever tweet. So kudos to carry. I tweeted yesterday that Trump had one of the best tweets of his entire tweeting life, and I was gonna tell you what I like about. So here's the treat from trumpet and obey. Don't worry is that Germany Pay is Russia billions of dollars a year for energy. We are supposed to protect Germany, you from Russia was that all about also Germany is very delinquent and their two percent feed NATO
we are therefore moving some troops and of Germany. So the point of the tweet is to announce that these moving some, but not all troops and Germany, but the first part of the tweet really good you just in terms of engineering tweet. Let me tell you why, if you are to try to describe the somebody in a long form what the situation is it'll, take you a number of sentences, maybe a paragraph four. So you know like why is it that we care the Germany is buying any of its energy from Russia does not have, stay under that will give them a security susceptibility, because Russia could just turn off the energy. At the same time, the Germany is part of NATO, which is supposed to be protecting all of our countries and NATO against Russia. Germany is making themselves especially vulnerable.
to Russia? Now it takes a little while to explain it. There are several moving parts, so the way Trump does it and you see this technique. I think from me from my servage from other people who tend to get a lottery tweets and he doesn't with a question so by putting a question in the tweet turbocharging you'll see you'll see a lot of
Do that who know how to do this sort of thing? So let me read it again, so you can see how provocative how cleverly he takes a complicated thing. Compacts it into your just the first part of a tweet. Does he needed the rest, the tweet, to explain what he was up? Do so compacts it into two sentences that are just about as perfect as you could write these death sentences, jerk first halls direct sentences, very direct, let look how quickly this sentence tells you what's happening. Did I forget the same? and you yourself it's coming up after this look out directly. Yes to it, Germany pays Russia billions bone. There is a simple direct statement now you know what you're talking about. Germany, pay is Russia billions of dollars year for energy perfect.
sport and- and we are supposed to protect Germany from Russia? What's that all about? What's it all about part, is, is the magic, so the first parts perfect, because it's clean its directed simple, which is hard to do. If you try to read his senses, clean and that simple le harder than you think get the serpent moment. But the what's it all about is the magic part, because I support the invite you to figure it out, like it's a little bit of a puzzle, but not enough of a puzzle that you're not gonna, be able to figure it out, so you have to spend some time on it. If you want somebody to really remember what you did, you have to make them spend time on it, you can't let them go, and until next thing you won't be retained. So, by putting in the form of a question, was that all about you actually answer the phone
what what is it all about? Our camp removed, but now the pieces together. So that was a swede. It was quite excellent, but I know you here for the simultaneous weapons coming up, Come on now, and all you need is a cover. Marguerite laughs at anchor tells us neither getting to reclassify vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid, like coffee and join me now, don't be inhibit the day. The thing that makes everything better, including the corona virus, the economy, racism, everything go. Ah, I feel my nasal polyps healing, even as we sit here amazement really, if you watched talk,
girls and last night. You know their tea and and if you also follow MIKE Servage on Twitter, You know the talker used like soon adventures scoop about a memo that you gotta. The republican memo that has been care. Rise. As Republicans does adding to go easy on the tech companies now his room for interpretation, but that's that was the essence of the story, and here is the part, the bugs the hell out of me as monks, As pointed out in Twitter, Tucker uses his scoop, which added anywhere else, I don't see anybody else have scope except from MIKE, and he doesn't mentioned likes or religious name on the show, as theirs
came up with the scope. Now that is not a standard, that's no standard behavior, I don't think releasing should be, and I got a real problem with that, because the entire context of yesterday, was the big media companies essentially censored nor was the word suppressing certain voices and then talker did it less literally what topic it he's suppressed. Sort of virtues voice by not giving an attention when it was clearly appropriate to do so, which would have been presumably good for MIKE and whatever ways that attention is good for people who operate in the public and sell box and stuff. So
so that bother me. I just want to point that out and give Mikey shout out for that, and will talk more about that in no particular order. If here, if you now following undercover Hooper on Twitter, you polish it it's at John W Huber each you be easier and he tweets less and the reason the reason that this got my attention is, as the whole. Russia collusion story was so complicated and it all feels like it was ten years ago The as new information troubles out it's hard for your brain to take these new rebels and connected with his car. What of story that already feels ten years old, even though it isn't, and so so say you can sort of miss the big picture. Just
details, here's one the lightest so ask yourself is ask yourself if you knew this so undergo Gruber, tweets, sure everyone had fully internalized yet, which is an understatement, I'm not sure everyone had fully internalize yet the steals meeting this the other steel dossier. The steals primary sub source was directly on his payroll. What what Payments were laundered through a front company and the source was And then on the income from steel to maintain his work permit to live in the United States. What are you kidding me I do not know that so somebody saying if, if certain, which got it, why couldn't Tucker have gotten liquor?
then he might have mentioned where it came from, so you didn't mention where it came from in any event and were were left assuming that, but if, but if your criticism is that that I can't know that for sure that he didn't have some other source Lester, I can't know that without per sensor me, but ninety percent So the fact that the steel dossier and the whole Russia collusion thing was based on steel pay is getting information from his own employee or basically a guy, the eagle he gives income to it's just. This is just the worst worse situation, and
I saw the something about who is the head of the CIA? There was his name again everything but was right in the book, and then you didn't have access to as notes because he was a security clearance. What was the ex head of the CIA is why my black? It doesn't matter so I dont know how people don't go to jail for all this stuff, How do people not go to jail? No, it wasn't clapper Brenda, so Breton guesses writing book, but he doesn't have access to his own notes from the period when he was in the CIA, because I guess Trump chumps any could happen which, which is probably just spite, but it's funny here that
so yes be another story about the NBA academies in China. Did you see that the idea of started these academies where they would Work with young chinese basketball players to try to develop them to try to get some superstars in China because if they can get some local chinese superstars and import them to the NBA than China would watch the NBA so as a good good business move. But it turns out that this isn't funny, except that it's funny, I feel terrible laughing. I might have to wait until I'm not laughing and more so I can so. I can say it
so apparently the local chinese coaches were part of the academy, so there would be some, I guess American who would be the head, but then there would be the subsidiary coaches and the I the local chinese coaches. If you do a good job, they hit you they hit. You re like like punch from the kitchen and punch of so these guys, these chinese basketball players who tried to play basketball only if they fumbled The cultural come over and punch itself is the NBA your first, while they get, they get tat sort of a bad reputation just for being subservient to China and Japan
so so they're already behind the ball, so to speak, being subservient to China as that's, obviously not a popular anything in America, but then define it that the running academies of child abuse in Chad is couldn't be more perfect by the way. If I start believing, don't worry because I'm supposed to be bleeding for another day Anyway, so ESPN, basically through the NBA under a boss, with a story about their NBA academies and the players getting abused. And is there nothing funny about anybody giving head, but what's funny is just how how awful this is just its. If imaginatively commission the NBA and you wake up one day like.
He was in the news check, ESPN areas pm Apparently, on the head of a child abuse ring, so that was probably a bad day for the commission. you of course also the taxi ears. Ceo is being reviewed by Congress. Oh my god! was quite a thing now. I didn't see all of it, but I saw the important points and here's the thing. That's a real there's something happening now. Let me just say this: as a general comment, there's something happening with reality in the world. Now that people can know something is true and that can be extraordinarily important. I will act like it's not there have you seen that
It feels like they're. Always stories are things we just act like are not there. For example, the Russia collusion thing that was obviously a coup to overthrow the legally elected president, I'd states. Why isn't that news every day like a big thing right? So here's using other thing, that's big thing so yesterday magnates is interviewing earth questioning. The Tec seals and he's talking to Google seo pin enjoy, if I'm saying it right away, Eddie, you say to him that here too, certified earlier, and that some prior hearing- they did not manually what would be the They did not manually mess with these search results another where's. The algorithm was algorithm and Google's.
They didn't do anything to promote or suppress any political point of view. That sort of thing so then maggots challenges on that and guess him to admit. The Google seo gets into admit indirect language that they do in fact create these black lists if you will or lists of people to suppress and that their doing it manually. Now so now he admits exactly that. Yes, it's a manual process which we create a list of people. There were suppressing. And then that it says so. You need to Ukraine met your manually, creating a list of people, your suppress it, and then he says no. Now I like
Ok, let me put this an analogy form, so you can see a better was, is not about technology to say it's, a Google seal. Did you murder a cap n bill Jesus? No, I did not did not murder a cat. Did you pick up a cat strangled pudding little wooden box and buried? Oh yeah, that but you're saying you didn't murder, a cat murder, a calf, ok, ok, you didn't murder a cat, but you took alive you twisted his neck until it wasn't alive, you put it in the box, be buried. It You dead right? We have escalated
You accuse me of murdering a cat. That's your cat, that's a cat, you ordered it just say it. You, murder. Cats are murdering cats. You talk about I'll, sometimes twisted export him in a box, but when the ground without mercy. Now I think the way pinch I was trying to lawyer his way out of the answer. was by saying that no, no, not manual the girls through the algorithm otherwise they manually create a list and then the algorithm uses it. it wasn't he using it, It was the algorithm using it. they created a man list. for the algorithms to use. But once the algorithm is using it, I mean it's out of their hands right, it was the most with Dick,
was lie. I've ever seen in public and we just completely ridiculous. Here's the example so we just saw let me finish this. It gets better so now we know that the least Google. admit their manually influencing search results. therefore, obviously controlling elections, at least to the extent that they can suppress things and promote things. You know, for example, that bright Bart, basically just got disappeared and the number of other sites pro trump site just got disappeared without effect or your election? Of course absolutely so. We have established yesterday without any question that the big tech companies, at least Google, that one because the amendment is this
is, is, is influencing elections and they don't plan to do anything about it. But there was no No sense of area will give change nothing like that. Basically, just act like you just gotta keep doing it by simply by Nazi. He wasn't so here's the punchline so then the the sea owes we're all asked if they thought that China was stealing intellectual property. Here's the fun bark mark Sector Bird said absolutely. Yes. Facebook does not operate in China. That simple because they ever chinese competitors at which add or something so. Facebook doesn't make money from China, so Zaka says yeah. There is still an ip. So then
The other three see those who make a lot of money in China. A lot of money TIM Cook says now now they haven't they have installed in moving from us. It took about five minutes for somebody on Twitter to tweet the story of an entire artificial apple store in China. There was a fake apple store. Not only did they steal the IP, but they re created in a store whole store that look just like it couple store by a few differences do if it was the most ridiculous lie now. Do you think there's any chance that China is in trying to get into the apple technology the factories are in their country, the?
Factories are in China. Yes, China's giving you the apples stuff, of course in typical, looks right at the Congress is like Mittened above it then Then just Baisers gives the weasel used by smart. Let me say this off war, seers geniuses, just brilliant people right, so nothing I'm gonna say would detract from the fact that these are really smart people. These are operating at the highest level, as opposed to the members of Congress likes since in Brenner. where was, he looks like a like a monkey basically talking to these guys. So then just Baisers uses answers like well. I've read reports. which is not answering the question about Amazon. Its is simply saying I read reports that we have all read reports. And he got away with that he got. It
without answer I read some things So that's. Why he's the riches guy in the world, because as a pretty good answer, if you to avoid answering pretty good. So that was, then the more interesting one was Pincher ceo of Google. And he said Now- you said no, but soon after correct it. I don't have much time elapsed. Wasn't that much time but later on, he made sure that he updated them and said now in two thousand nine Google was by China and they stole that some of our code. That's exactly what I bethought so but he wasn't gonna say it. Apparently, until there was published. Report is apparently that had been in the news when it happened so
hard to deny something that could be so easily googled right. you just have to use his own product. Labels are true, Google, China, hackers, although it is two thousand nine. I guess you light, so Google kind of had to correct that cause. A report was out there you in conflict, but if you see that the three c owes who have the most financial interest in China or about To China, the one who didn't have a financial interest, then what can you conclude about that will use what I conclude. I conclude that the take up of these cant do anything that China would objective, because if they did the big problem, so doesn't that mean if the tech companies are? Controlling our elections and China has direct control of the tech companies.
Does that make China in charge of our elections, because it does. Now. You save yourself. Yes, not that direct sure. China's personal in. Ruins here there are other people are pushing. Will influence by polio gets lost in rounding? I don't know because riddle me this if Joe Biden were not running against Trump. Could the tech companies be so pro Biden and Anti tromp? Could they get away with it does? Is it a coincidence that the take up of these are universally supporting the most pro China candidate running for president, could be a coincidence. It could be a coincidence, but if it were not,
true, I think they would have to change something. In other words, if it were not conveniently luckily true the bite in his pro China and so Democrats, of course, the tech companies or unfair the Democrat. What, if that were not the case with they have to make it the case where they have to get another candidate. I love at this point is look a lot like China runs the country. Now what the solution to that turn out the only solution to that, because I think I think that the foreign influences and every other influence, although malign influences even the cheating, on whatever junior is with Balthasar, etc. Voters, suppression all that,
if you, if you kill all of that, some of us gotta watch out the other, but voter turnout, sort of the only thing that can protect the country. If you dont have massive Elect sort of historically high turnout, China has to decide the president's. That's it if you don't have historically like super turn out Chinese, you daddy does that. That's always gonna go so there's that you all know Seth Macfarlane from family guy and other great things. I wrote about him in my book loser think because he is a perfect example of loser thick.
What I mean by that is not that he's unintelligent because he is actually quite acquainted tells it is very talented in a number of different areas. He can saying you know you can he writes he acts produces drags. Does all so so, starting with Seth, Macfarlane, very talented and has really impressive talent stack, but what he doesn't have is experience in the fields where people making decisions. The fields such as economics etc, and it can through is tweets, are given the ability to either the stood or yesterday God only knows what Trump Administration has to gain by completely blowing off all responsibility, to formulate a strategy to contain the pandemic,
one would think, are responsible effort would help his chances in November. Instead, this utterly deranged, so Let me break it down for your God. Only knows what the Trumpets Administration has to gain by completely blowing off, so that doesn't mind beating thing where, where he's trying to read their minds, that's not a thing. So soon after into mine reading mode here, you ve lost the scent of of your argument and he's acting like theirs is that they haven't formulated a strategy. Now, I'm going to give you a lesson from loser. Think on my whiteboard about how to evaluate trumps performance on the krona virus, because I think most of us would agree that if Trump is seen as doing a good job on the krona virus by November,
he'll get reelected if he has seen this doing a poor job. Scooby harder so did Trump, do a good job or a bad job on current of ours. And how would you decide that? Let me tissue from my book loser think These are some of the things you have learned, so I would say there are five things you should look at. You can compare it to the other president, who is doing the same job. At the same time,. Away there wasn't one, so I guess you here compared to the other president. who was president of the United States at the same time? Who is making different decisions and got a different outcome? Is a person doesn't exist, but we imagine it does and that sort of the the South Farlane method. He imagines a competent president and what that would look like and then than these looks at tromp. These man you're not nearly as good as the.
I one in my mind that is losers. Think because the imaginary one doesn't exist and you don't know what that person would do if they do exist, is completely around To look at one person doing one thing in one case: and saying: well, that's not as good as the other imaginary person would do now. They'll be some modifications that would I get in general, a starting point Never you could compare the United States performance to other countries, If we say in the top twenty percent, you say, but again probably something to do with leadership, not necessarily, but probably, if you're in the top twenty percent. But here is a problem. All of our data is bad, is it Sweden doing really well are really bad. Get onto twitter spent five minutes. Look here, Sweden
related Kroner virus arguments and data, and you will learn we don't know what's going on, we don't know what's going on in Sweden, we don't know what's going on anyone really all our data is bad, and here is the big report is not over yet because it would be easier to wait till the end. If you waited till the end, you could see We don't have to judge the the outcome of the game at half time, which wouldn't accepts right we're at half time now. So comparing to other countries have time that's kinda daisy, but it would be real really glad if you can compare him at the end when everybody's buried who's gonna be very than you can count on this, which ultimately would be the best scorecard. But here's the thing we're not there yet
We're not there and what happens to all the countries were doing really well right now, how about the countries that got there in their infections, deaths down to like single digits? What's gonna happen to them in November on the back. The thing that everybody, MRS, unless there's nothing, this gonna stop this virus from infected. heard, immunity everywhere? unless somebody gets invented there has as yet been invented. If you think there's gotta be a vaccine. Well, that's terrific! I don't! I don't believe the new vaccine is gonna, save us, I think that all of the other countries are going to end up being kind of comparable because the virus can be stopped,
they, even if your Taiwan and you like driver to zero, which I think they did at one point soon. As you open your airports, it's coming back because we did. Private zero. So as long as the United States is not a zero and other big countries and not a zero and there's a global travel and everybody opens up their economies because why? Wouldn't you, if you infections so low? It's just gonna come so if you are looking at today, you hear the game at half time and you're acting like you know how, then you don't. They would be completely irrational today to compare anything. any other country number one. All the data is bad. All the data is bad and not comparable, and what What's up with the vitamin d, what's up with the vaccinations for tuberculosis have some kind of connection
what's up with our drugs clerk, we use what's up with the age. What's up with you, do they count right? They test right today, delay measure the deaths accurately. We don't have any of that as soon as you think that we have good data, You are so far into imaginary wonderland that automatic get you back so, compared to the president that doesn't exist, we can't compared to other countries is the date is bad, and that would be half time anyway. We can't Where the final outcome, because that's months away, but we could look at his strategy and see. Is actually doing now. The only way you can you can judge his strategy to be bad this if those are so obviously bad. For example, if a strategy to fight the corona virus was to sacrifice a chicken and sing to the moon, we wouldn't have do any kind of study.
I doubt that was bad strategy. Just sort of obvious so is raising that the president has done is doing. This is obviously wrong and could use You don't have a strategy, as Seth Macfarlane says,. I dont want to use, were strategy because there's no in some sense, there's no such thing as another converse but we do have a system and will let me explain my understanding of the federal was in a federal guns, In response to grant a virus is number one left. The states take the lead in deciding on the city by city basis. What to do that's our federal system. Does anybody think that's crazy is crazy to let the states take the lead on the and the details within the state. Now that's our system.
exactly way to respect the president to do, though the elder you'd want to do is to back stop them, so they don't have enough people. Ventilators. Well, that's something the federal government could really do. They can step in with their emergency funding in powers and get that done. Did the president do that yeah yeah did that, so we get the ventilators at the BP in run out. Hospitals in so that work out the other part of the plan was that we would stay flexible and we would probably experiment with reopening and then pull back if we needed, experiment pull back and that we would also be trying. You know, try masks, try this try that and that we will be taking away because nobody knew the right is in a situation where nobody knows the right answer Somebody gases, doorway another leader, guesses door be endlessly.
Turns out to be the right one, but they both guest. There was no information to be had they just gas is leader, be the good because they guesswork wealth bills. History. History will record it that way, but. Now it's just a guess, so the system we used was to stay flexible, try, stuff, pullback, tries to pull back, give these states as much authority as possible share as much information as possible. Do the press conferences, a pretty good. To me I mean that there is nothing about that that I just described. That is like sacrificing the chicken and singing the moon, so you could argue that it could have been done better
Right but you wouldn't have any information there. You can say I think hypothetically something was done differently. You get a better result, but you can't know that and there's no evidence of that. Here's the last category, the present tweets is communication, his pressures and basically just the way he talks about it. I was that's not enable us. I don't think anybody would say that I think you know. Been stronger mass perhaps but didn't matter. Is anybody not wearing a mask, because the president's maybe, but I feel like I feel like a republicans- would have ended up there anyway, I don't think if Trump wore a mask everyday, do you think that that would cause the voters to where more mass might just close? The Democrats do not wear masks right because we see that whatever time does half the time,
She's gonna do the other thing or say it's wrong, so there's no evidence to suggest that a trumpet been stronger on his messaging masks more people would wear masks. Just that is not an evidence because of a special case that people would rather do the opposite of they're Democrats. What about using speculating of you now hydroxyl Let's have turned to us: is our drugs, a clerk in the real thing If it turns out that by November we find out the Hydroxyl chloroprene works trump. Is your presidency? I dont know if we do that, so I'm still have fifty percent chance that the drugs chloric win, win administered early and with the existing mice and then think important part. The I'd say fifty percent chance that there's something real there and fifty percent chance that conference
Transcript generated on 2020-10-20.