« Casefile True Crime

289: Case 246: Grégory Villemin (Part 1)

2023-05-06 | 🔗
[Part 1 of 2] *** Content Warning: child victim *** The extended Villemin family lived in the Vosges region of north-eastern France. From 1981, several members of the family started to receive anonymous, threatening phone calls from a mysterious caller they eventually labelled The Crow. --- Narration – Anonymous Host Research & writing – Elsha McGill Creative direction – Milly Raso Production and music – Mike Migas and Andrew Joslyn This episode's sponsors: BetterHelp – Get 10% off your first month of professional counselling with a licensed therapist Subscribe for ad-free episodes and bonus content: For all credits and sources please visit casefilepodcast.com/case-246-gregory-villemin-part-1
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You will fail. So what everybody does. but your Jim, your watch, your yoga pants They pretend you won't So when you miss a day eat the pancakes give upon a work out. You failed seriously what the hell we're body, we ve been a part of that too, but not anymore, a body or rejecting perfect and embracing reality. Not in pizza Monday kind of way in a loving your whole life kind away. In a this, got his fun and it's ok. If I take a wee golf kind away in an I'm eating healthy It's ok! If I indulge kind away in a I, like myself no matter what kind of way yeah You will fail. We all well, but let that be. The end must see that were already making progress. So, let's keep going. We are howdy start your free trial at bodied outcome, that's b, o
de dot com. Our episodes deal with serious and often distressing incidents. If you feel at any time, you need support, please contact your local cross, a centre for suggested phone numbers for confidential support, placing the shine aids for this episode on Europe or on our website. Today's episode involves crimes against children and won't be so the for all listeners. The small sleepy village of upon serve alone lies in northeast in france towards the german border in nineteen eighty, it was home to less than one thousand inhabitants, many of whom came from family.
That lived in the area for generations wayne to rule hamlet was typical of the region. Orange TA. Houses and evergreen forests dotted the grassy hillsides with the following. River snaking, through the valley. The main road offered a little besides a school news agency and a small selection of cafes and bakeries. a majority of the townsfolk were employed at one of the local factories. Suffice to say, much happened in la punch, it was an ordinary village filled with ordinary working class people. In the early nineties, idead phone were installed in the area for the first time in July nineteen. Eighty one nearly way it's John Moray and christine veal man took advantage of this development. had a line installed today, newly built home it in,
in an exciting time that the young couple, who were both aged in their early twentyth Chris, I have recently given birth to their first child. A sun named Gregory Jean Marie secured a covenant position as form and in a car upholstery factory, bringing a new level of financial stability to the young family they purchase. The plot of land on the outskirts of la part, and build a comfortable yet modest. Shall I stall home with plans to extend as their family grew the future looked bride. One night shortly after they had, then you phone installed. It rang. Christine answered she could hear on the other line was heavy breathing. Then the lawn went dead. It happened again and again. One silent anonymous call after the next place that ran
in times for several days. one night, Jean Marie picked up this time? He could hear a record playing it was the song we are thirsty by belgian, seeing our on georgia giggling. Female voice sang along out of time to the update song, which told story of a member of the foreign legions quest to find it be still. The. all I said nothing, few nights later the phone rang again another song plight, but still no conversation hang up cause continued for several months. More. heavy breathing and along silences
in november. The cola finally spoke. Jean marie parents, albert and Monique ville man had been harassed by the same mysterious, call off amounts the cup lived in the neighbouring village of hormone, say: kay did eleven kilometers aced of la Paz, they raised their six children there while taking turns working shifts. The local textile factory, most Children had married and fled the nest, except for that youngest son, who was only too
of years old, the other It's all still lived near by and would get together on sundays to catch up over a meal the calls to albert and magnetic varied in length and content. Sometime the kola would say nothing other times they grant for up to half an hour often the goals were started with sneeze, vile language and threats, a majority of the time. The caller was a man with a horse muffled voice who was obviously trying to disguise he's natural stage, but Nicole. were occasionally made by a woman or simply a man speaking in a high pitched voice the caller, eventually earned themselves the nickname of the crow after the night, in forty three french film of the same name in the movie,
a mysterious rada terrorize as a small town with anonymous letters that expose everyone's doc sacred The identity of the veal mounds cry remained unknown. One thing with certain this wasn't some random stranger decree had intimate knowledge of the human family that only an inside out could be privy to They knew where each family member lived, if were married to where they work and how they bent their days They knew whenever something new happened within the family and of the chair. Jeanne dynamics and conflict within whoever Crow was they were watching development family closely. Their motivation wasn't unclear, but there were a car full of elements. They were particularly fixated on
but intimate eggs otis child Jackie had been born out of wedlock. Here an album biological child at all, but the result of a brief fling many cad just before their marriage, albert. Had married men ache to save the shame and stigma of being an unwed mother, regardless albert, never accepted Jackie as he son, and he was Firstly, raised by he's maternal grandparents: had been a sore spot within the family, especially for jackie, who only learned the truth about his background at the age of seventeen, the crow Continually honed on this, referring to quote the bastard, and insinuating there could be more boston, children among them. The crow appeared sympathetic towards Jackie and often came to his defence.
Michel veal man was the second oda son of the clan he was literate, poorly spoken and had low self esteem the Pro complained that michel was treated badly. In contrast, the crow had a pathetic. Le disdain for jean Marie he's recent promotion to foreman was a sore spot for some family members who envy to that. Jean Marie had managed to rise above their working class ranks the crow spiral they referred to jean Marie as boss. Their debts lock the jean Marie, was borderline. Obsessive The crow knew how proud albert and many were of their middle sun and take continuous encouraged them to cut all ties with the jean Marie and his family. the crow seemed determined to drive a wedge between and is of the view my family and turn them against
on another, and it worked. conflict, began flaring up among the siblings parents and extended relatives. As allegations arose as to who, among them was behind the crab, the standard. Velma clan had no shortage of dark family secrets and the crow and afraid to use this information against them. Albert's father had hanged himself. when albert was only twelve years old. The crow constantly encouraged albert to do the same. Christine veal man was home alone with baby gregory when the phone rang on November twenty two nineteen, eighty one. Jean Marie was working the night shift. It was the first time
Christine heard the hoarse voice of the crowd for herself the mystery all I began unleashing a barrage of insult Christine quickly hung up. They sing raged the crowd hey immediately call back and the insult Wasn't he threatened violence, making it Well, he knew exactly where Christine lived and water movements were like Christine asked call her what she did to deserve this harassment, the crow responded. It's not you. It's your old man. Later that nod christine I heard a rattling noise at her front door. She went to investigate only to discover that a latch on the door had been broken and a window pane had been smashed.
Christine, bundled gregory up and rushed to her next door, neighbours house, after that she became consumed by fear. Jean Marie board, at twenty two caliber rifle for himself and a pistol for Christine, reinforced. All of the windows of their home with shadows, christine roof used to stay alone in the house at night, innovation, Moray work tonight she took Gregory to stay at her mothers, meanwhile, the calls continued at albert and makes house the crow told them. I broke down the bosses door. His wife was scared. de ville minds one of the top of people to involve law enforcement. Like him, others in the region. They were wrong school and somewhat stubborn. They believed that conflict should be so
The gap between those involved instead Albert and make started, recording the time date and content of age phone call in a notebook afraid to die, two would be physically targeted albert installed, con mirrors throughout their property the crow immediately told ya, bet that he knew about the mirrors. Had a family member told them all had the crow scene it for themselves. The surveillance was constant. One July die in nineteen eighty, two men ache and albert when for a strong with their son gilbert and his wife upon their return home, the phone rang. it was the all too familiar voice of the crowd. Did you have a nice walk? He asked
september. Nineteen eighty two gilbert was at work when a woman called to let him know that his mother had been in a terrible accident. Gilbert rushed His parents house only to find That may make was completely unharmed and oblivious to any such call. There had been no accident in his gilbert laughed albert and minutes phone rang. It was the crow laughing about how stupid and gullible gilbert had been. On tuesday november thirty nineteen, eighty to the phone rang. Incessantly at albert and many house, the crow wrapped up a grand total of twenty seven calls, couple had finally reached their limited. They reported the call it the local police and an investor nation, was launched.
determining the identity of the crowd was no easy fate phone. Goods at that time noted the man of calls made from a landline but didn't specify which local number had been dialed. There was heightened activity on the phone accounts of several members of the vermont family during peak times when the crow was active? This in and of itself wasn't necessarily suspicious h, call from the crow provoked other goals within the family, Making it an ongoing chain reaction, despite the different dynamic, within the family, no one. Stood out as a clear suspect. The crow had insinuated the identity of various individuals, but this was actually unintentional way to deflect from the truth, given that the crew was sympathetic towards Jackie there were suspicions that Jackie himself was behind the coals.
Jackie's wife lily on had an incredibly strange relationship with the veal minds. So it made sense that she could have been the female accomplice. She had also Dana down that's home when hey installed the merits, lillian's parents disliked the vehemence And some wondered whether lily on was fading them information. Could a lily on bade the masterminds behind the crow and her father, the one executing the coals Tensions among the family escalated sunday get together, as became hostile and unpleasant. albert and jean Marie were convinced that Jackie was the crow one can fly Tat with this accusation, Jackie straw, Lay denied it he was offended that he stopped seeing these family altogether. The police thought the crow
Would possibly be identified through a process of elimination, the next time the cry rang, the recipient was advised to call the person they suspected to be responsible where they stand by the phone? Could they notice any similarities in the voice. on Monday December thirteen nineteen eighty two, the crow called account and men make to announce on until a pond to her christine the next morning? Jean Marie discovered that the ties unease car had been slashed. When albert found out He's paranoia grew, he grabbed he's ross. and began scouring his property, the crow shortly after laughing at albert for his actions, which he seemed to have observed. The relentless calls continued into nineteen eighty three, with the crowd targeting
albert and may make total of seventeen times in one day. The female cried. began to appear more and more frequently shake it. Often heard in the background of the goals and sometimes made the coals herself on one asian. She called a funeral home and declared that albertville man was dead. Staff show the devil man's home, prepared to collect a court by these people. all four of the adult velma sands, Jackie Michelle, jean Marie and gilbert had received calls from the crowd. eyes had their wives This had a witness. Today's calls take place. Michel was the only one who had been alone every time he was contacted by the crowd. He climbed the crowd, had threatened
I know what time you lay for work when your wife comes home. and when your children are alone. When, they make answered the calls the crow most They remained silent. In early nineteen, eighty three she began Courage in him to talk hoping to diminish some of his power. That's when the death threats started Referring to jean Marie the crow told my snake, I'm going to kill him. I already scared his wife. I will do it again soon. Christine often unplugged her phone to avoid the harassment, the crow seemed to be aware of this one night. He called many can said. I watch her. I know she is alone at home. She can unplug her phone,
but maybe I'll come this evening, minute tried not to act perturbed, she insinuated discovered the crows identity. Eventually, he responded you assholes, you will never get me besides. I can't be touched one day the female crowd called Christine work, pretending that her husband had been in an accident on it other occasion she called the fire department, claiming that Albertville man, had hanged himself. by friday, much for nineteen. Eighty three, the crow harassing the vehement family for over a year and a half that day Hey jean Marie noticed an envelope talked into the window shadows on his house. It was addressed to him.
Inside was a single page, no written in block capital letters. I will the film on family three weeks went by before the crow made contact again, This time he jean Marie, manage to recall the coal as the crow made cryptic revelations about there being quote another bastard in the family, the clearer of the two voices belongs to john moravian man. The softer distorted voice is the crow anywhere
a few weeks later a woman called is jean marie work. Asking to speak within but the time jean marie answered the crow It was on the line of females. Always who audible in the background Though the crow often talked to others about he's hatred, visual moray, he rarely To jean Marie himself. jean marais tried to act, cool and casual. He didn't react. Maybe He could undermine the harasser. They spoke on the phone for forty minutes. The crow told Jean Marie that he's brother, Jackie, wasn't the only illegitimate child amongst the siblings hake. find them and make was keeping a secret from the whole family.
She had allegedly continued a relationship with the jackie's father after she married albert and he'd impregnated her for a second time. Jean Marie tried to shrug things off asking for more information. As proof His composure seemed to aggravate the crowd, the crow threat to burn down Jean Marie s house. He responded, go ahead, I'll just build another one. The crow then threatened to ripe christine Jean Marie continue to remain calm, saying I don't care the crow described jean Marie and Christine's house, making it clear he knew exactly what the Interior looked like and what I d furniture they had go after your kid. He said
leave him lying around, I'm watching him with binoculars. If. Find him outside I'll take him away. Jean Marie, could no longer maintain his composure. He sunk grey was he's alive. He snapped back you bastard. If you touch my kid you're a dead man the police had agreed to set up wiretap. So now about and minutes telephone men ache made the mistake of telling some family members about this. The crow found out in the cold start. On Wednesday April, twenty seven nineteen eighty three an envelope arrive. Didn't albert and minutes letterbox, written. in the same block letters as the one sent to their son. The at our red. If you want me to stop, let me offer you
what solution don't visit the boss anymore, cut him off entirely. If you don't, I will execute the threats are made to the boss and he's a little family Jackie and his family have been through enough. It's the bosses turned to be considered a bastard He will concern himself with these money. You choose life or death, three weeks later. Albert was at work. When one of these colleagues told him, there was a woman on the phone asking to speak within albert picked up the receiver, the voice of the mayo crow said: you will hang yourself. Then Stay another letter arrived at albert and many a time. This one much longer than the others and written in scrolling cursive.
I say nothing has changed. It began the boss he's still coming. It went on to defend it. Jackie. Before addressing albert directly Old man you look very ill to me. I'm quitting and you never know who piss you off the two years. You may now hang yourself, but I don't care because my revenge is being made. I do so much that I will speak on your grave. The day you die. This is my last letter and you will hear no more from me. You will who I was, but you will never find out goodbye. My dear idiots.
Over a year went by with no further word from the mysterious cry. Life returned to normal. christine veal. Man worked as a seamstress said, a local clothing factory, tuesday october, sixteen nineteen. Eighty four was a typical work day for the twenty four year old. She knocked off at around for fifty three p m and jumped into her car. A black renault five four year old gregory was just around the corner at he's nannies house Christine picked him up, but she couldn't stay. Chad as she had a load of clothes that NATO dining. Mother and son arrive time just after five o clock gregory wanted play outside. There was paul of gravel in the driveway that he liked to use as a race track for his toy cars.
Although it was a relatively warm autumn day, Gregory was recovering from a code, so Christine making put on a one hat. First, she Then went to a room towards the back of their house where the shutters were drawn. She turned to the radio up and got stuck into the ironing, but the time Christine finished it was about five. Thirty. She went outside to tell Gregory it was time to come in doors. He's toy car sat on the gravel pile. The gregory himself was nowhere to be seen. christine called out her son's name. There was no response. She said Did searching around the yard but couldn't find Gregory anywhere. She went back inside case Gregory was hiding from her, but the house was empty,
Approached one of her neighbours who was sweeping outside he hadn't saint Gregory ada, nor had his wife who was sewing inside. Another neighbor was tending to their cows in the nearby posture, but they hadn't noticed the young boy. Panic washed over. staying. She got into her renault and sped back to her nannies house on the off chance. Gregory had wandered back there. He hadn't Christine drove to the home of one of gregory's friends in case he gone that apply the gregory, wasn't anywhere to be saying. Meanwhile, at five thirty, two p m Rang at the house of jean Marie brother Michel, he lived next door Parents, appearance in omens and was watching tv at the time.
Michel immediately recognized the hoarse voice on the other line. This time had sounded muffled as though the kola had covered the math pace, with a handkerchief. I'm calling you because there is no answer next door. The crow said I took river on the boss and kidnapped his son? I strangled him Threw him enough alone mother is looking for him, but she won't find him. My revenge he's done case file will be back shortly. Thank you for support.
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no answer Christine was still outside desperately searching for Gregory. Instead make called her son John, the re at work allowed by the local police, jean Marie rice time went inside and grabbed tease gone. For a long time. He'd been convinced. lillian's parents roger and pull that Jacques Hell were behind the crowd. It made sense, given the crows peculiar concern for jack, Jean Marie rushed over to the jackals home certain he would find his son there when he arrived. He saw two vehicles which I thought were police cars parked outside. He backed away.
A search party quickly gathered citizens and police scale in the wood surrounding la paunch. On the look out for the four year out with long curly brown hair He was dressed in a blue jacket, doc grain trousers and a blue woollen cab. The hours take by the light giving way to night still there was no sign of Gregory Six kilometers downstream from La Paz, was the small village of dough. So. Firefighters, their searched, the walloons river at nine fifteen p m, they came to a small band. Just ten made is passed. The small footbridge Noticed something bobbing in the water against a weir: they got closer, it was gregory veil, mine,.
A fire fight I jumped in the river to retrieve gregory's lifeless body. The young boy was obviously deceased. He was fully clothed his wrists and ankles bound together with thin pieces of rope. His woolen hat had been pulled over his face and was loosely secured around his neck. With this, type of rob the firefighters removed Gregory's had there were no signs of violence. On the contrary, I was struck by how serene and unblemished he looked as though he was in a peaceful slave. Gregory hadn't been strangled, locked, the crow said, in fact the forensic pathologist who conducted he's autopsy, couldn't find any signs that a struggle had taken place at all There were no bruises on Gregory's body, nor had the rope
Danny marks on his skin. His clothes were clean and There was no evidence of sexual assault. A small amount of water founding gregory's distended along send foam in the corners of his mouth indicated, he's cause of death to be drowning. Due to the cold temperature of the warder forensic pathologists concluded, the young boy would have stopped breathing within moments of being submerged There were a multitude of locations between la paunch and, though cell, whether killer could have dont Gregory's body into the river the day their gregory was killed. Tire tracks in the impasse of a woman's shoe had been found in the river bank had a clearing in the village of desi on this was two point three column: it is from the old man, time and several kilometres upstream. From doing so.
police obtained a mannequin with similar proportioned to the four year old. They, It is the location in des him on and threw it into the water by them. Time the manikin rage to do so. It had passed through various bands, branches rocks and other obstacles, given that Gregory's, clothing, hadn't been torn and his body showed scratches or bruises, it was deemed him possible that he'd travel did that far down stream them. Again was thrown from various other locations, including behind a fire station wrought, need the centre of dough, so station was me made is from the location where Gregory had been found, police concluded that this was most likely. The place from which he small body had been thrown
Greece, parents, jean Marie and christine philammon wearing consolidated little grey, ray had been the lot of their lives. He was it a lot. Oh, intelligent child full of happiness and energy. He loved to dance, especially to the music of Michael Jackson, shaky with a contagious, laugh, Gregory gotta great thrill out of playing pranks on his parents. But for all his mischief. He was equally tender and affectionate. He was particularly fond of he stuffed monkey caky who he took with him everywhere. Gregory, loved, hugs and cases and would snake into his parents on weekends to enjoy Extra long cargoes. placating developments. Crippling grief was the unbelievable reality that someone within their own family could do something so cruel, who
hate them enough to take the life of their only child. Jean Marie cast suspicion on his brothers in laws roger the poor, lad, Jacques go and the couple were taken into custody. They both The tide alibis and were promptly ruled out. As jean Marie and Christine struggled to comprehend what was happening and then vote I perceived arrived in their mail box the day after Gregory's death. It was addressed to jean marie using swirling cursive inside It was a short anonymous letter. It read. I hope that you die of grief boss. Your money can't give you back your son. He is my revenge. You bastard.
the envelope was postmarked. Five, fifteen p m on Tuesday october. Sixteen the day Gregory was killed. It had been sent from the la paunch post office, which was one point three kilometers north of the old man's home postal, where said. The last mile collection occurred around five. Twenty pay, an bought the mailbox. Could they never did any time between one. Fifty five and five twenty p m that day then, that gregory was adopted some time between five five and five thirty p m. This presented a few possibilities. One The killer had sent the letter before speaking to the veal man's house to snatch gregory too. The killer already had Gregory with them when they posted the letter or three. They had an acted alone.
It seemed unlikely that the killer would have sent a letter prior to the kidnapping had they done so they would have had to have full confidence that the abduction was going ahead. How could I be sure Gregory would be playing outside what, if the opportunity to adapt TIM never arose was simply too many variables, but there were working with an accomplice? This someone else could have taken care of the male drop once the boy was taken. The task of overseeing the investigation was handed to local magistrate, thirty three year old job, Jean Michel, lambert Gregory. murder was expected to be an open and shot case. All police Hoddan do was identified, the crow and they'd have the killer. They knew the
I came from within the villain family, which narrow down the suspect waste significantly. But it wasn't as simple as it seemed Gregory's grandmother, manic veil man was one of thirteen siblings alone. Olaf, the extended family. consisted of over one hundred and forty individuals and previous him. Ass to identify the kola had proved fruitless. during the crows peak time of activity, several recipients had managed to recall the coals, but the recordings weren't, a particularly high quality The crow had made obvious attempt to disguise their voice, speaking in a hoarse raspy tone Given the muffled sound, it was likely they covered the receiver with a handkerchief full piece of fabric, as it stood
Nobody recognised the coal as voice police began. questioning relatives of the victims, families and verifying alibis. They gathered handwriting samples to compare against the first and finally,. Letters sent to jean Marie one was in block capitals. The other ring cursive script. Individuals were required to write the message from the last letter with by their left and right hands this apples were then sent to my handwriting expert for analysis. with so many relatives that was slow, moving process. Although jean Marie Christine lived in a quiet spot on the outskirts of la Paz, it wasn't Isolated, Several residents lived nearby and had been home or in the area. At the time, Gregory was abducted, it had still been
broad, daylight. Local man had been walking his dog, neither vehemence property, but he hadn't seen any cost DR by all, noticed anything of interest, nor had any of your minds. Neighbours, they were aware of the ongoing harassment from the crow had they witnessed any suspicious activity, neither property. They said they would have reported it. A man who lived further down the road record hearing a car drive up the hill at around five point: five p m, but he the hard drive back down again. He never saw so couldn't vouch for the color role, model. In the days leading up to the crime. Several townsfolk headed just an unfamiliar grain. Car circulating the village at around Hey I'm on the day, Gregory was taken, one man cold, saying a badge colored van part, neither would serve looking
the veal man's home. And woman were inside. He didn't and a good look at them, but they appear to have thing hanging around their necks, possibly binoculars or a camera. This witness saw the same car driving towards dough, sell the village where Gregory's body was found at four forty five p m. No other cars were saying driving between la Paz, gender. So, during these k timeframe. Hundreds of houses and several busy factories overlooked the walloons river between the two villages, dozens of people ads. Then time near the water on the night, Gregory died. Yet no one had written just anything out of the ordinary one woman had crossed the, bridge, do so at around five thirty. She recalled
looking into the river and noticing what she thought was a garbage bag floating in the water. In hindsight, she wondered whether it could have been Gregory's body, the forensic follow just doing this unlikely. Although the exact time of death couldn't bacon fund, they believed Gregory had a likely died sometime around six p m. It was possible, he might not have been thrown into the river rental hours after he was killed. On local, had witnessed a middle aged man hanging around the laplante post office, around five p m on october fifteen, and sixteen he had brown Curly hair a strong, build and war glasses on October twenty two six days after Gregory's the police relates to compensate sketch of they suspect asking any.
We recognised the man to come forward. a local man voluntarily presented himself to police. He identified. Himself- is the one in the sketch hey claimed it only bain at the post office does. He was waiting for a lift to work from a friend police confirmed today is to be true. The man and sketch were eliminated from the investigation. The press quickly picked up on the case and journalists from all over france floor till apart, the sleepy village instantly became a hive of activity, Joe less divide for the veal minds, attention interviewing family members all over town in the hopes of unveiling some salacious details. If the veal mines were concealing any secrets ever
media outlets wanted to be the first to bright. The story before long more than one hundred and thirty journalists stationed themselves around town. La Paz, gender online say where traditional villages residents were mostly private. Shared. The view minds, mentality that family conflict should be. Would it out within one's family therefore depend sense of the media wasn't particularly well received when journalists pope around for information. There were often told to mind their own business. Others divulge the gossip and rumours about the family that the press were quick to spread one put Peculiarly salacious detail was that Gregory's grandmother had a history of incest in her family. Another.
was that Gregory's grandfather albert had been raised in a broken home when he was just a baby. His mother Haiti's three year old brother, who suffered a fatal head wound Albert mother, served time in prison. upon her release. She trade on her husband, which became the catalyst for him. Ending his life. When albert was just twelve years old, the press work. to paint developments as a lower class and socially marginalized bunch of hillbillies plagued by doc secrets. In reality, regardless of their solid backward and they were a relatively normal working class family typical Of the area. On Saturday october, twenty gregory ville amounts funeral was held at the la pond cemetery.
Hundreds of mourners gathered, while members of the press, hungrily snapped photographs of the bereaved family. police believed gregory's killer was among the crowd and were on the lookout for any suspicious behaviour. Was a somber affair with emotions running high gregory, small Body was carried out in a child sized coffin. His beloved stuffed monkey k k to be buried by he sighed he's mother, Christine clung to her husband as they shakily made their way through the procession as gregory's coffin was allow to the ground christine wild in despair Gregory, my baby, why did they do this? To you? Gregory, come back It all became too much for Christine who collapsed.
loved ones, hurried to carry her unconscious body away as photographers eagerly captured the drama. On Monday october, twenty two six days after Gregory's death, the police received and unprompted phone call from local woman named Marie Angela roach She had married into the village on family and harboured some suspicions of her own. marie on. She urged the police to look into jean marie half brother Jackie. She believed that jackie and his wife lily on were behind the cry. Police question did Jackie But he had an air tight alibi for the day of gregory's murder. Unbeknown to the rest of his family jackie's. Why?
Lily on had actually received a call from the crow seven months earlier in march of nineteen eighty four, the crow had spoken of his resentment for jean Marie and he's plan to cast suspicion against lily on and her father. Once again, he ranted about jack Illegitimate status and the alleged infidelities, if he's mother and. Lillian had recorded the call and provided it is proof of her and her husband, genocides, police, billy to be genuine jack, and a lily anville man we're not the crow. Police found. The accusation levelled against the couple by marie yarns laroche unusual. It was merely based on a time Jackie had left his house on the morning of the crime. It had nothing to do with anything.
They also find it strange that Marie orange called the police from a public telephone instead of her own home. Perhaps she I don't want someone in her house to hear. Marie on was summoned to the police station to provide a statement. She explained that she'd cold from a public phone said that she wouldn't wake her husband, who was sleeping in preparation for a night shift. It was he who suggested that shape contact authorities. In addition to Jackie and a lily on marie on she implicated, some distant relatives of developments married couple shanty Oh and Daniel allowed police Visited chantelle and Daniel to see if mirages allegations held any white, they conducted a search of the couples home. They found nothing to link them to the crime.
Chantelle and Daniel were taken into custody for questioning, but quickly rode out of them, investigation and asked where she was on the afternoon gregory real man was killed. Maria Angela Roche, said she d been at work here. By checked out but she'd been off work sick since october eighteen today, after Gregory's death police found, these curious we think about her unsolicited statement. Had them asking questions. Was it Civil that Marianna was costing blame on other members of the family to detract attention from her own. Police soon visited Marie Angela, Russia's home in omens eye to question her husband to
nine year old bernard Laroche. nod was a cousin of John moravian mine. The two had gone not together, but they drifted apart over these, yet they somewhat parallel lives, both worked his factory farming. Indifferent organizations and both had four year old sons born, ten days apart. Although they didn't talk much any more than I, I maintained a close friendship with jean Marie brother Michel, the two sit at each other best friends and sorrow, other regularly Not tall police that, on the day, gregory, was abducted. He'd spent most of the day with his aunt Louise, two Jakob she lived just to hunt made is from the law roche's home in the afternoon. The nod chopped. Would
And his four year old son Sebastian then visited shell, wilma at his home around the corner. At four thirty p m David and to aunt Louise ads A nod had arranged tomato friend there, so they could go by some one together, but the friend never arrived. Instead, the drive to his friends house betty. at their radar not returned to his aunts house at around five thirty p m he hung around for about fifteen minutes before driving too supermarket to buy the wine. At this point it was roughly six p m. He bought the One then headed to the nearby hotel to pick up some money he'd one on a recent bad. He then return to want, though, is for dinner before leaving
to work. The night shift tat around eight forty five p m An odd claimed hated in here about gregory veal, minds, murder until the following morning went off To provide a handwriting sample bernard was reluctant It was only after insistence from a rearrange that he finally obliged he was then free to leave. Police reflected on bernard's movements from the dying question cured. Sleep there was only a forty five minute window that was unaccounted for between four forty five and five thirty p m.
the same time that Gregory was abducted case file will be back shortly. Thank you for supporting our spinal turning to this episode. Sponsors you will fail so wide. Everybody does but your Jim, your watch, your yoga pants they pretend you won't so when you miss a day eat the pancakes give upon a work out. You failed seriously what the hell we're body. We ve been a part of that too, but not anymore, a body or rejecting perfect and embracing reality. Not in pizza Monday kind of way in a loving your whole life kind away. In a this,
got his fun and it's ok. If I take a wee golf kind away in an I'm eating healthy, It's ok. If I indulge kind away in a I like Myself, no matter what kind away yeah you will fail. We all well, but Let that be the end must see that were already making progress. So, let's keep going. We are Addy start your free trial at bodied outcome, that's b, o de I dotcom gonna walk the dogs school drop off me he's from ten to three take kids to soccer practice. Then There goes the extra time for a job. That's ok! Maybe next week. when everyone else relies on you, it's easy to put your needs. Last therapy is a dedicated time to focus on what you need to be here. So you can show up for yourself the way you do for others better help offers. Can indian online therapy on your schedule. It's the same.
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at a noticed, a strange man sitting in his establishment. He'd been there between four thirty five and forty p m and again between five and five fifteen p m. He looked a nervous and kept glancing at both these war. a chance. The cafes clog the man looked to be aged in his light twenties or early thirties. He had a thick mob of brown hair and a thick brown mustache. There came to the corners of his mouth. Another witness had spotted a similar looking man looking around gregory school the day off and before the crime. This one had a thicker mustache that dropped under his chin and was driving a grain car around five p m on october. Sixteen, this witness but at the same man, neither la pond garbage dump just a short distance from Gregory's home.
both MR corner lay and the school witness, had helped police created compensate sketch of this man, There was no denying the uncanny resemblance to bernard Laroche. Bernard also drive a metallic greenish grey Persia three out of five, a car of similar color, had been seen. Circling LE punch in the days leading up to Gregory's abduction attained if handwriting experts were tasked with comparing the letters from the crow to the handwriting samples provided by numerous family members, they announced today cursory findings stating tat, the writing on the final letter from the crow matched to that of bernard Laroche they'd, also discovered something else of interest. Handwriting. Pressure from another piece of paper. One of the handwriting experts highlighted the imprint with especial tuna and placed the piece of paper against it,
raising lot at the bottom of the paper. Two letters were clearly visible. They handle The initials was superimposed against bernard Laroche signature, there, run deniable similarities. The team wanted more time to conduct tests and confirm the shore, but for the police this was all they needed to hear the following day. They went to the Laroche residents, and placed bernard under arrest he's. marie on was detained as a witness. a search of the Laroche high among covered a record of the ground, judge our song. We are thirsty a song which the crow to the development. A telescope was also found. dollar roche's house was position on a hill with views towards the home.
Of gregory's grandparents, abbot, andaman ache and gregory's uncle Michel. it was possible. Bernard, had watched their comings and goings with this telescope and used information to turn them with bernard. Plain tasted, it needs a telescope to say, albert and makes house and that even with one michel's house still was invisible according to the nod, his father had given him the telescope fifteen years prior and it hadn't been used for some time bernard's father Marcel had died in june nineteen. Eighty two, a little The two and a half years before Gregory was killed in the search police found, the note Marcel had written that claimed albert, is blackmailing may.
they wondered if Bernard could be motivated to seek revenge on the village on family. On behalf of these father, to whom he was very close but banal said. He found the note after his father's death, hey claim It didn't relate to well but vill man, but to his matter Local albert Jakob. bernard strongly denied having anything to do with Gregory vitamins death. An officer asked if he'd ever sent threatening letters to the film on family. bernard responded. Never I have nothing against them think. Why would I do that Tell me why, in the end, It was a legitimate question, although circumstantial evidence, was stepping up against the bernard laroche police had yet to identify a compelling motive.
No one in the family had previously suspected bernard of bang the crowd he was very close with gregory's uncle michel and maintained good relations with the family overall, wasn't known to Bain, aggressive or shady person and remained impartial. Do any family cornflakes upon reflection? These factors actually worked against him He bernard shaw Michel several times a week and was privy to war That was going on in the veal mounds lives. He lived close to gregory's grandparents and was present at family gatherings. This not only meant he had access to the information divulged by the crowd. He was also close enough to witness the impact of the crows ongoing harassment. arose family had a phone line installed in nineteen. Eighty one coming siding with the calls to jean Marie and christine philammon. There
ass also had a staircase during several of the crows phone calls. Several recipients thought they. Could he some on cloning steps? In the background. Criminal profile, as believed the crow likely presented themselves to the world as pleasant and somewhat withdrawn, they would have drawing attention to themselves by being amicable unfriendly behind closed doors. It was a different story. The crew was likely driven by height, jealousy and resentment. Bernard had to most of the things that he's cousin, Jean Marie man had, but nothing came quite, is easy. Bernard mother had died shortly after giving birth, hay and he's fine. I went to live with these maternal grandparents
Jean Marie, on the other hand, had enjoyed a relatively normal childhood, surrounded by his parents and siblings. it had taken bernard six years of hard work and study to prove himself worthy of the position of factory foreman and nodded till his light twenties encounter. Ask your marie's foreman role had been handed him at a young age without significant effort or any qualifications he's all also paid better. Bernard's marriage to Marianna had been maud with arguments and accusations of infidelity Jean Marie marriage to Christine was harmonious and solid, even fatherhood. Had presented bernard with a unique challenge. He said: Sebastian had been born with a large seized on his left temple. It was Thirdly removed that had to be constantly
I end by a true behind easier because of this Sebastian require constant supervision. Little gregory velma and, on the other hand, had been the very picture of good health. Christine veal non recalled that bernard had tried to hit on her and a family wedding several years prior he d, never recovered from the sting of their rejection and resented that Christine had chosen jean marie over him, the crow been fixated on. Jackie filaments, illegitimate status within the family had alleged there. was another quote: bastard cha among them, rumors, spread. That bernard could have in fact been albertville minds. Biological son. If bernard was suspicious of this, could explore in his resentment towards albert. Perhaps he begrudged the fact that albert
had taken responsibility for jackie, but not But his own flesh and blood bernard's close, Friendship with Michel philammon was also significant mission. Who was known to be immature and naive. He harbour unhealthy jealousy towards people, he viewed as above him in particular, he's other jean marie. Inferiority was a real self spot for Michel and he's feats of envy had previously caused many conflicts within the family. Shortly before Gregory's death, Michel vill man and his wife had visited jean Marie and Christine's home, the couple had shut off. Then you live on land swayed and talked about their plans to extend their house. it was highly likely that Michel told bernard about this visit. If Bernard Laroche, harboured, intense feelings of jealousy and inadequacy towards jean Marie
Ass to guide is believed. This could have been enough to finally push him over the edge shortly after Gregory's death bernard had how journalists dijon care from paris match magazine they got what they deserved. They ve paid for what they ve done. Bernard Laroche maintained his story about going to find his friend during the crucial time period on Tuesday october. Sixteen. He said that when he returned to his onto Louise s house, at around five thirty p m, he said stirring law. Muriel bow was there watching television police questioned muriel. The fifteen you're out high school student had recently moved in with the law roche's to help take care of their son. She confirmed
on the afternoon of october, sixteen she taken the boss home from school. Rio went to her round him. Louise s house, at around five twenty p m, Not Laroche was already there. He was sitting in the kitchen with his son in his lap, watching television. Given that gregory velma had been abducted sometime after five at three p m this man to burn I wouldn't have had enough time to pull off the crime. With these alibi, verified police had no choice, but to let him go. However, investigators reviewing the statements soon noticed a discrepancy. Bernard said, when he arrived at Louis S, house maria, was there watching television. However, Rio gave the reverse, she said the banal
was already there when she arrived after school. Something wasn't right. Muriel had told police that her usual bus driver dropped. Her home on the afternoon in question. Police made inquiries around miracles high school and discovered that the usual driver hadn't been working that day Several of miracles classmates recalled that she had in vain on the boss at all. Maria had a distinct head of curly, red hair and a faithful of freckles, so her apps Was easily noted, one friend called saying: Muriel leave school in a cocky grain vehicle that matched the description of. An odd laroche is persia. Least confronted muriel with this discrepancy. It didn't take long for her to crack.
She had made a cheat allied about catching the boss home waiting to Muriel when she finished school one october. Sixteen a nod, was waiting at the front in his car. He saw Sebastian was with him Called Muriel over it was the first time had ever picked muriel out from school. She assumed because he needed someone to baby sit Sebastian. She hoped in. bernard drove them till a paunch mary. I wasn't familiar with the area her parents didn't have a car, so she You don't know the surrounding region. Well, they draw Rub a hill and bernard parked on the side of the road, Muriel could say a white house with a red worth bernard, got out but didn't explain why he walked towards the house
Miriam stating that car with Sebastian when not returned shortly afterwards, he had a small boy with him. Who was wearing a woollen had. Miriam haven't seen the job before, but he looked to me the same age as sebastian. The boy got into the back seat. Bernard made one more quick: stop in la paunch then drive the group to another The village that Muriel wasn't familiar with bernard got out taking the boy with him. She wasn't sure how long bernard was gone for, but when he returned he was alone. They then drove back to our louis. That house awry having around five thirty pm, donata left to buy one before returning home and then eventually leaving for he's not shift at the factory the next morning,
muriel saw story about gregory, veal, minds, murder in the newspaper. She immediately recognized him as the boy in the car and new, That bernard was responsible at the request of police Miriam drew a sketch of their roots and the places they stopped in nepal. Gender, so the location coincided with both the vill residents and where Gregory's body had been found. Maria tell police she was relieved to get this off her chest. She explained I didn't say anything in the days following the tragedy, because I was afraid to talk about it. lied so that my brother in law and my sister wouldn't be bothered. I thought it was better to tell the truth, because was too serious. A thing to hide policing,
stand by materials. Confession concerned could be making it up to get attention. They gave her The option to recount her statement Muriel declined adamant that she was telling the truth. She stated its true arena perfectly. I will remember at all my life. The presiding magistrate judge jean Michel than there was out of town when new rio confessed. It was there four decided that no action would be taken until he's return. Three days later. On Monday november five judge land there met with Mary. Oh she repeated her confession: saying she hadn't come board earlier, because she was afraid of bernard.
bernard Laroche was immediately arrested and charged with the murder of grigory film on bananas. Family were devastated. Marie yarns tearfully tell journalists, there was no. way her husband was guilty. She said he couldn't even kill a rabbit. It was sentiment shared by others. Jackie velma told the press that if bernard was guilty, it was rejected and hide situation. Even gregory parents found it hard to wave with jean marie telling report is that he could no longer trust anyone. He'd away found bernard to be helpful and kind. He stated if it's really him let justice be served oppress. Com,
france was held during, which should judge lambert revealed that muriel ball was a partial witness and had been in the car with bernard. This was a big mistake The time there was nothing in french law that protected a minor from being taken into custody. Mere yo was only fifteen. She had a learning difficulties and was in a special well education class at school, Maria hadn't, been offered a lawyer or advice the right to remain silent. Publicly releasing her name in judge lambert had essentially outed mary to her entire family. the following day. Journalists were summoned to the home of bernard and marie Angela roach, the fish
We had an announcement to make as the press gathered outside muriel approach to their mark refines stone faced and with her chin quivering slightly she's ed, I wasn't in bernard car. I have never. It upon should do so never went to that place where that kid was drowned Muriel admitted she'd made the whole story out. She said the police told her the bernard Laroche had already confessed to the crime before fading her details, they threatened to send to a reformatory school if she didn't go along with the confession. Muriel claimed she only complied out of fear. As for the sketches of roots, they supposedly took Muriel said a police officer had shown her these locations. She,
simply repeating his instructions, Very said she took the boss home as usual one october. Sixteen and didn't But not at all that day she told the report is Bernard is innocent, then, these innocent, I never went with my brother in law. Miriam went to the court house and formerly retracted her previous statement, Egypt, Joanne there was undeterred, even with out the teenagers confession he believed there was of evidence against the bernard laroche to secure a conviction for gregory veal minds, model not remained in custody, has investigated continued building their case against him. The many Cereals retraction, didn't exonerate banal, opt in fact had had the opposite effect.
A neighbour of the Laroche family told the press that, on the net. Bernard was arrested. He either Muriel being beaten by her family banal, Was marianna strongly denied this accusation? A family member later explained that date throwing rocks at trespassing journalists which could have accounted for the noise. Marie on told reporters, the family had no influence over Muriel whatsoever. Muriel backed this up. she maintained the police had scared her into providing that confession and she'd only come forward with the truth, because she knew did to clear bernard's name. By Friday november, nine twenty four days had passed. Gregory veil man was killed. All up individuals, Bernard Laroche had mentioned crossing parts with on the afternoon of gregory's death, where assemble
What other local courthouse. Hundreds of angry locals, gathered outside hoping to catch a glimpse of the alleged child killer Other players in the story that continue to dominate national headlines as nod was led from a police car. Some members the crowd chanted, kill him kill him. Witnesses were able to verify bernard's movements for the entire day of october. Sixteen safe for that crucial forty five minute window, where gregory was adopted. bernard's knots loya call for his immediate release? The request was denied the gregory's parents, the fact that. A nod had visited. Gregory's uncle michel on the day of the crime was highly suspicious They knew how close the two cousins were and how Joe
as Michel was of jean marie success on the nod, Gregory murder Michel had also been so agitated that he'd been placed in police custody. Although Michel had reported receiving calls from the crow over the years, domain alone? Every time it was no different when he received the final call announcing that Gregory had been killed. What if they call had actually taken place at all. Was it possible That Michel was just following orders from someone else: jean marie started prying michel for information which deeply angered their parents. They'd always been very protective as Michel and the Simulation that he could have been involved in gregory's death was something they were prepared to stand for it caused a great rift in the family
Jean Marie severed all ties with his parents completely. A grounds K Bob was clearing out some fir tree on the river bank. Behind the fire station in though so. It was right next to the location, Muriel bow claimed. Bernard Laroche had gotten out of the car with Gregory. It was where investigators had concluded. Gregory's body was putting the river before floating down stream. nearby bushes the grounds cape. I found a hybrid make a needle and a two millilitre vile of insulin I immediately notified the police used for the day early treatment of diabetes when given in I'd doses ensuring can cause a person to slip into a hyper glossy? Make coma.
The question was therefore raised as to whether gregory could have been injected with insulin prior to being thrown in the river. This would explain the serene look on his face, as well as the lack of defensive marks on his body, the forensic pathologist who conducted gregory's autopsy confirmed this was possible. However, they haven't been instructed to run any toxicology testing, nor had they checked gregory's body. Any nato marks. When freelance journalist Sylvain a bar found out about the insulin he began making inquiries and me A startling discovery, someone with ties to the investigator. She was indeed a diabetic, mirror oh bows, mother, janine, silver tracked down janine nurse shaken.
that Janine used the same brand of insulin and syringes. As though Found on the river bank. Ace magistrate? Judge jean Michel them bear didn't think the line of inquiry was worth pursuing further. It was common. for diabetics to administer, show and in public places, and the brand was widely used. So the discovery wasn't necessarily attributed to the crime. Besides, some new witnesses had come forward with some much more compelling information. at the textile factory. Where Christine philammon worked, it was customary for employees to be led out just before five p m, so that those who needed to could make the five o clock train. A majority of staff members took advantage of this, even if they had their. Own transport. After
going out on the afternoon of tuesday october. Sixteen nineteen eighty four one in play was Working towards developing a post office to visit her sister, who lived near nearby. he saw one of her colleagues parked outside of the post office. It was chris The envious man. Moments later another coworker approached. They noticed Chris dane doing a! U turn in front of the building. She didn't drive towards Gregory's nannies house luck she claimed, but in the opposite direction to whether coworkers came forward to report that I too had saint Christine philammon at the le paunch post office straight after work. They had. Why Does she dropped at least one envelope into the mailbox. the final letter sent by the crow had been postmarked. Five fifteen p m.
The investigation was getting bigger than the local police could handle under immense power. try to solve the increasingly turbulent case in judge land Finally, appointed the national police to take over they confronted christine, the allegations that she'd been spotted at the post office on the afternoon. Her son was killed. Christine said that her colleagues were mistaken, she had been there the day before Christine claimed that after finishing work on Monday, she'd posted a chair for a mail order, police car tat s. The company in question they produce then invoice confirming they had indeed I received a mail order from Christine philammon, which had been dated Monday October fifteen when Christine described the outfit she'd worn on the monday and matched the description given by
Those who believed they'd seen her at the post office on the tuesday for the new investigators enough seeds of doubt had been planted to warrant the question. could Christine philammon have been involved in her sons, murder It was a possibility, died considered from early on for a few raisins neighbours who had helped Christine look for Gregory when he first went missing. Hadn't recalled, say, The young boy play outside at all they, so hadn't seen anyone else in the area this led some today. Christine story from the gecko, whoever posted Let our claiming that crime had to have full certainty that data have access to the boy and would be able to pull off the crime as the boys, mother Christine, could ensure this gregory
post mortem concluded that the four year old had died from drowning A theory emerged that Gregory might have died by accident, perhaps crew. Steam had left him unsupervised while he was taking a bath, and today they drowned fool. Bain electrocuted, during the repercussions she could have staged a crime to deflect attention from herself. Alternatively, she could have intentionally drowned in the tub before disposing of his body and of a lion river to place. The blame on the crowd. The problem with both of these theories was timing. Christy. he had picked gregory out from his nannies house. Just after five p m neighbors had then saying Christine desperately looking for her son just after five thirty, if Greg he had died in Christine's care and
She had just under half an hour to get him re dressed and clean the bathroom for any traces of accident wholesale play. She did, I have to get his body to the car without her neighbours, saying before, making that of kilometer round trip from la paunch. To do so,. Somewhere in all this, she had to run at imposed a letter claiming the crime and find time to call me. EL avail, mine and take responsibility for the murder all without being seen. Nobody had same christine or her black run on the road leading from the pond to do so. Although one of Christine's neighbours recalled they were walking towards development time at around five p m on October. Sixteen christine Drove past giving them us wave but the time The neighbour raged developments house,
danger, runner wasn't in the car porn. the VA river contained unique micro organisms, but the ward off and in gregory's lungs. During these autopsy hadn't been tested. There. For there was no way of confirming whether he had been drowned in the river or elsewhere. With the media and public still fixated on gregory veal, minds, murder, I didn't take long for work. to spread that Christine was now being considered. A sauce backed the possibility, that the young boy had been killed by his mother was scandalous news newspaper and magazines didn't hold back with sensational headlines and articles geared towards christine's guild.
they hunt in on the possibility that Christine could have been the crow from the very beginning. The public were quick to jump on board within days. The same people who were sympathising with the graving mother would now accusing her Christine responded. Those who believe on guilty are mistaken. Why would I have done that I no longer have a child, I don't have anything. Police began. Looking for any discrepancies in christine statements and exploring possible motives, but Christine's worry about the afternoon in question, had never change, they for evidence that Christine could have been trading on Jean marie. What? If greg, I wasn't jean Marie child. After all, was it possible that chris they could have had an affair with bernard Laroche could show
You ve been working in cahoots with bernard or another of jean Marie relatives, but there was nothing. Suggest she was anything but unwavering, lay faithful. christine and Jean Marie had remained by one another sides throughout the entire ordeal and the accusation, friends against Christine, didn't change that they apply In public holding hands and gave interviews strongly rejecting the possibility that Christine could have been involved in gregory's death in any capacity. Still consumed by grief at the loss of their son, the couple advised that having another baby as soon as possible could help with the healing process com. staying soon found out. She was pregnant when he's got out. Outrage in shewed
viewed her haste to have another baby as a sign that she wasn't affected by gregory's death. Others thought Christine's. Pregnancy was a form of protection if she was guilty of killing gregory fragile state meant she might be spared from jail. Christine and Jean Marie denied or the rumours and accusations they publicly announced their desire to undergo a lie to attack test. The request was sent to the french president. It was denied. In addition to having a new person of interest for gregory's murder, the case against, but la started, falling apart when team of handwriting experts had examined the final letter sent by the crow the minutes
their meeting. Hadn't been recorded in compliance with the code of criminal procedure. Therefore, their evidence about the impact sense of bernard la rochelle, initials were deemed in valid on a technicality the letter had since being tested for fingerprints, but the raw material had been used. Not only did this may, no fingerprints were detected, but the impressions were no longer visible. any possible evidence on the letter had been effectively destroyed. Speculation of a conspiracy theory started to take hold There were allegations that the cases magistrate Joe jean Michel land. There had been working closely with bernard defence, dame Genes were raised as to why the evidence was so poorly handled. Why hadn't? Further forensic testing bain ordered during Gregory's post mortem.
Was a judge lambert simply trying to throw christine under the boss just to deflect suspicion from bernard. But as bananas lawyers pointed out, there were other questions to gregory's parents had, grab him as being wary of strangers at therefore didn't make sense that he would have happily followed bernard into his car. With the our protest, the two barely knew each other. Conversely, had gregory screen to afford show His mother or neighbours would have heard something. Furthermore, there was no way the bernard could have known that Gregory would have been playing outside unsupervised on the afternoon of the crime. Nothing could have guaranteed him that there would be no witnesses the idea that he'd preemptively picked up a muriel bow to help him pull off. The kidnapping was therefore implausible.
It also made no sense that he would have kidnapped gregory in the presence of his young sun and sister in law additionally bernard, had no prior criminal record hadn't made any semblance of a confession and, most importantly, no legitimate reason to kill. Gregory vellum on by February nineteen. Eighty five, three and a half months had passed since Gregory's model with Case against bernard Laroche becoming increasingly unstable, the judge, bear made a controversial decision. Not Laroche would be released from raiment on judicial supervision, but immediately returned to his house and work with the journalist following him every step of the way. Meanwhile,
headlines, continue to circulate about christine filaments, possible involvement in her sons, death, the pressure Hence the veal minds was mounting in late march, christine was interrogated for nine hours. Her story never changed. A newly appointed panel of handwriting experts was tasked with examining the letters from the crowd, while the first hand. Believed at the writing was a match for the nod laroche. The new panel concluded that The knowledge handwriting was mostly incompatible. The fame remember whose handwriting showed the most consistency with the crow was deemed to be none other than Christine philammon
this finding was announced by the media before investigators had a chance to bright, been used to christine and jean Marie. Now for months pregnant. The news had a profound impact on Christine. She started bleeding and had to be rushed to hospital Investigators visited her at her bedside as hordes of journalists gathered outside. They revealed to christine that her handwriting matched the crow had a probability of eighty percent. Christine commented. you can have me do as many dictation as you want and saying So one hundred percent match it will not change, my behavior or the truth. The result, did nothing to change John moravian minds mind. He told reporters between the experts
send bernard's word. I trust my wife, but for the grieving for It was all becoming too much. Not I only had he lost his beloved son. He felt like Media into law enforcement were trying to turn him against his wife. The health of iran born child was now in danger. Version, Moray bernard Laroche, his guilt was obvious. He was convinced the police were involved in some kind of cover up. Why was guilty man walking free, while his wife was being tortured with such care And unfounded accusations. On march, twenty nine jean marie visited gregory's grave dane five and a half months since Gregory's lifeless body had been pulled, from the river ass, his father notebook
Or Gregory's white headstone adorned with flowers angel statues and a pitcher of grigory smiling face. Ass, Jean Marie thought he heard the voice of his young son go ahead papa. It said, sir continued next week. You will fail so wide. Everybody. Does
but your Jim, your watch, your yoga pants, they pretend you all. So when you miss a day eat the pancakes give upon a work out, you failed seriously what the hell we're body We ve been a part of that too, but not anymore, a body or rejecting perfect and embracing reality. Not in Pizza Monday kind of way in a loving your whole life kind away in a this got his fun and it's ok. If I take a wee golf kind away in an I'm eating healthy It's ok! If I indulge kind away in a I like myself, no matter what kind of way yeah You will fail, we all well, but Let that be the end must see that were already making progress. So, let's keep going. We are. Addy start your free trial at bodied outcome, that's b, o diy dot com. We need to talk
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-13.