« The Breakfast Club

You Wet the Bed


The Breakfast Club is back, well 2/3rds are back as Charlamagne continued his vacation. Also, we opened up the phone lines to see if any of our listeners are willing to admit and relate to Dj Envy when it comes to wetting their bed in their adult years! Also, we opened up the phone lines after a clip of Young M.A went viral when comparing men and woman in the bedroom, so we wanted to to see what their thoughts were when it came to who is more selfish in the bedroom men or woman. Also, we let our callers get off their chest and nominate someone for "Donkey of the Day"


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Social distancing slows the spread of corona virus, so we should also home to lower the risk for every one more info it on a virus stock of. Let's all, do our part, because we're all hashtag alone together brought to you by the council, embarrassing day, Thurston hosted a ghastly respect for we have candid conversations around the power of genetic downloading, episode pharmacogenomics now and learn what experts have to say about how genetics can play a role in response: the medication and the future of precision medicine farmer cogent decision? Medicine is supposed to take us directly to that drug. That's gonna be impact actual important for our help, listen to spit on the radio apple pie. Wherever you get your progress was made. So please allow me to introduce myself again and Charlemagne
we have a certain amount of everybody else. Does biologist invest in which this platform we shall? How did you are my space for somebody, lightning, Gaza, large approach? Do we really want the breakfast every morning you guys are trendy every how'd. You know I tried my son one after another.
Goodbye, USA, happy new year be no year as its Monday back to the work which he indeed Charlemagne. Extra data he'll, be back tomorrow by our back back in business, has been vacation and I'm not mad. I had a great vacation. How was yours I never gave you know it's my birthday Friday. No, that was nice. I spent some time in Miami. Then I went from Miami Sue Detroit. I was there for new years. I had my first official birthday party in Detroit. Ok, I was us wonder, Yossi Party any Gimme, the Spirit of Detroit Award at that party I said I was amazing. I think you to marry Sheffield and everybody who was part of that
and then I flew back to New York. On my birthday, I ended up just having a chill night. I went to jumbo house with one of my friends in high school gmail and the Tory came by and gave me some that made me actually power yesterday also anyway, there's something as I did mister. I went to go, see the lion king, oh about time. How'd you like to see the movie, but having one However movie play was made. I live with you, the play. Yes, the play was absolutely amazing and I wait I highly recommend you know when I was a Broadway right to go, see the play another lion king, but I've seen a lot of places that are more. We re now said the Tina Turner play. I saw the slave playing was. There is one more play that I just I recently, but what I was noticing is there's a lot of plays now and a because the lion King has a lot of black people in that played. Also, I don't see enough black people in the audiences
mean that a lot of us, because a lot of those times tickets are too expensive, particular broadway or expensive, as hell especially view also goose eat. You haven't, you know you can always get like those discounted tickets to. Very difficult, even evil eye. When I buy you not take us my mom and dad to go to place their expensive, they are expensive, a sound like four broadway, but I guess it is what it is but set out to lay like hey piracy. Is a young lady Seas I think she's, like ten years old. She plays a young now, so I wanted to make. I checked her out and she did a great job in the lion kings and I know what happened in the linking good kind of sort o you shouldn't know what happened anyway, regrows the same story over and over and upside Roca well argued Allah actually took off. I didn't really work. Damage are just stayed with the family. Did everything between Christmas potent gives together wrapping gives Logan's birthday fell on holidays, our snowboarding, which I'm like any good. At that. No, I felt like the Eagles quarterback. You know what we're when, when it quarterback went out and
the backup quarterback had to start he's. Forty is all he was. A high school coachee really wasn't really ready to play, but they really put him in a gay. That's I've felt snowboard in my son is doing all types of tricks and you move in, and I try to do what I can fall in data had a great many was so ass. It in my body still saw my research now, and you know what I'm gonna wanna, go it s. What you doing on your of HIV state that more Europe, but our We had a relaxing great vacation, but I am ready to be back. I'm ready to reset the other thing. I d was I paid off my mortgage from outbreak it I was not very. They give congratulation, may hear congratulation ass, how great making their last payment you got now got away. Fathers others have to happen. I could get a d and you have to pay taxes directly or is Terence directly things I never had to do not arrive what you lose. You paid off. I've shut out, so I knew of freely.
Its eye Mississippi. Ninety five point one to be: welcome to our family home up: ninety seven, nine jams making Georgie ninety seven. Ninety, seven, nine Debbie, I B b what up Indiana ninety eight five debbie oh a good morning morning. Florida gains veal, magic, wanna, one three, what I Albany georgian ninety six point three. Louisiana one hundred we ain't gonna beat North Carolina Williamson coasts. Ninety seven three We see an acute ninety five good morning to you Guys South Carolina, Myrtle Beechwood. Ninety eight factors of em
no not again be while one or six three network when he found in our be happy twenty twenty km morning, guises get to show crack in front page news. What we talk about you, you know we're talkin about down on Champ alot of activities have happened over the night. Nancy policy has announced that they are going to limit down items. Military actions against IRAN will give you an update on what's happening with that down a chap threatening to attack iranian cultural sites. I will give you sports cars to settle almost breathless. Look at your last Monday, in the beginning or the scriptures. The Bible written down for all to read, now reading your Bible has never been easier. Let us read it to you in the new podcast the daily. Evil. We start each day with a passage from the word of God within the EU We have a single year. We will work our way through the entire book from front to back genesis deregulation. So you can experience at all
follow and listen to the daily Bible now one Spotify height and largely under camp and the host of the before breakfast. Podcast and the author of several time management books, I'm also who's that I heard areas newest podcast. The new corner office in this show we share strategies for thriving in the new world of work, one where the occasion an hour's are more flexible than in the past. Listen over that first cup of coffee, and I promise you'll learn something useful, listen to the new corner office everywhere. On the I hurt radio up apple pie casts or wherever you get your podcast Fiji envy Angela Ye Charlemagne God we are. The breakfast club was given some front page news: thou in football, the taxes paid the bill. Twenty two nineteen titans be doing the Patriot It's a surprise me, twenty thirteen. Forty nine is I'm sorry. The vikings beaten wall in twenty six, twenty in a Seahawks feet the aid.
Seventeen nine that a quota back, I received a concussion during a game. He was taken out for the game in the back of quota back. I was a forty year old, Highschool closer. They pulled up this year, ridable them of this year, and I could tell you, wasn't really ready for actually like. It was one time when you look at the issue of right and he had the boy using economic. I can make it and he went to run, but his legs weren't going his fast and they did him dirty. But you know, congratulations for the Eagles to make it at least that far my giants at home right now, looking is the cowboys and until they are hold any talk about fire, head coach is have already fired him, but I said he wasn't leave and I said: ok officially, fire in Calais five members was lying on the leaving No wonder they should leave it. I m he's out of you are right. When you told me you were less about. What's going on in Iraq is a lot of new developments, but this is all happening because a all who is an irony, in general and he was killed, and that was by a drone of obviously by the United States. So right now clients who around they are planning to know
hunger abide by key terms, the twenty fifty nuclear do they want to retaliate right? They said they are planning to retaliate and it will be military, retaliation and Donald Trump has, of course responded. He responded, social media said. Iran never won a war but never lost in negotiation. General Carr, and so the money has killed or badly wounded thousands of Americans over an extended period of time and was planning to kill many more but got caught. He was directly and indirectly responsible for the death of millions of people, including the recent large number of protesters killed in IRAN itself, while IRAN will never be able to properly admit it fella money was both hated and feared within the country. They are not nearly ass, sad and as the leaders will let the outside world believe. But if you saw the funeral procession that they have for him, they said it was the biggest one ever from the big ever funeral in the history of IRAN, and you know they said that there is talk now of attacking the White House.
Then what about their rights and bringing allegedly yes, allegedly and bringing the conflict to american soil? So we shall see what's gonna happen or another major thing, though, is that Donald Trump acted into this without any type of checks and balances from Congress. So, right now overnight, Nancy Pelosi has said that the house will vote on a resolution to limit. Has military actions against IRAN regarding IRAN and she did put out a letter Sunday night to democratic lawmakers and they are going to vote on a war powers resolution there reasserts congresses long established, oversight responsibilities by mandating if no further congressional action is taken. The administrations and military hostilities with regard to IRAN has to cease within thirty days is. Acting, is gonna, be nasty Like- I said- allegedly they put a bounty, eighty million dollar bounty on President Trump's head. I think that is, I think they going to retaliate. I think there is going to be some revenge, so I think it's the point right now we just got to.
Ray and and and be very safe and, as is a stupid as these commercial sound, but if you see some say some cause, you never know what's going on gowns and has also said they gonna Tiger fifty two iranian sites SAM at a very high level and importance around in the iranian culture. So what that means is all these cultural sites. It is fifty two places he saying that they have targeted if around does retaliate for the strike, and you know that could perhaps be a war crime is where there's anchors you're not allowed to act. The attack, those religious and cultural site right was so crazy made Donald, so faster descended drone, but you know when he was supposed to be drafted years ago. He said that he had an injury. It was like a Tom injury is dumb heard, a somewhat banning any didn't make it, but you know you so quick to put other people's lives
Danger, but you know when it was time to put your life in danger. You went the other way, but all right. Well, that's front page news. Get it off your chest, eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one. If you're upset you need to vent hit us up right now. Maybe you had a perfect holiday right, maybe was crying! You got everything you wanted, you just relax or maybe was effed up. You had family in town. It was just all over the place you want to hear from you. One thousand and fifty one corliss right now I'll pay. The number again shout out new affiliates have no family members, eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one call us now at the breakfast club come on the breakfast club is your job to get it off your Jas, whether your man wore black, but I've been. We want to hear from you on the breadth of allows. There's the oder kill a guy from Brooklyn Lonesome Road rail abrogated features. In there Let us remember that in United States only for eight years, double talk, no good.
A young men and women in danger, but there's no angel, my chest, I write about he'll come back Matthew with adult pot of money. Oh, my guy. Did you ever going to see him, but ok, the drug, another good, look at ever go. What allows this year the envy and mellow withdrawn or mellow was brown. Has everything how's everything? How did they get to my mind, was really good. I had a really good just relax in playing with the kids vacation. They re about obligation with great you'll all workers who live in it You know me better. While you are aware the Ladys were exactly where we are building rain. You you got a number of amendments the summit will be a further you. I know you said I'm your favorite am in favour. Coworker beg you might be recovered. How was your birthday My birthday was great: it was pretty jail. I still have a lot of activities come over. I got a party in Miami a party in New Orleans.
In the Brown was a party in the yard. You found out many that allows that either. So he only about what the child before allow with among the thought of him. What do you say that this is about our sun youth above before a brain? Now? Actually ok, you go umbrella birthday. Thank you here, Logan up adequate, they love you baby girl good that's Allama. Let him know you can't be everybody's baby coexist areas. Allow this joyful, Chicago Jeff would have negative features you're going to had to go. We remember a the bad capitalize, let's go the Gulf regime, my girl of sixteen- is that ok, I appreciate your love. I have my birthday. How can I read sounds like a really went down below this
we're gonna, be there was a juggler of each has brought about law. Thank you, for I have been trying to catch up as important new year changed over, How do you feel about one thing which I believe is writing about blank over twenty twenty, which are so agreeable, cabbie, Griffin or Chelsea Handler W Job day about paragraph I thought that would make up for me. Your comments have been making others having allowed chosen hammer you like it sees a comedian. I without delay. I wouldn't know what are the windows you up there you go again. I want to pay so much out of my what you like about him, but I'll talk back. How do you know that guy They contain a do Joe do. I might get a job after him, every about he's not going to those. But now do you like that
That was on the floor. I wasn't no boarded. Actually. I was on the floor border guards you, I guess nobody. I thought I was to allow the lead, lays down the more you hadn't, both of you Thank you. I appreciate I'll try to get it off your eight hundred five, a five one, five one if you need to have it if you need to visit it is up, is the breath go away, go doesn't matter black we want to hear from. You allows those flowers from Baltimore Maryland princess kimono, get it off chess I'd better, get nice. Ok awry, congratulations and you might be. Let me speak joint data in Vienna,
you gotta make gradual had you bought the questionnaire on December. Twenty third add up, That's crazy, we're alone, you're being a job for you, Congratulations! Thank you, I do have one of the ways that the air allows this I don't mind, is a James, the subject: given the quaint idle and a happy new year boy doin on Angela, gay. You have a new year new year, afghani movies good, I'm good I'll! How was your vacation? It man? It was really good and yours, yeah decided, came back from You know that you have returned. That's right, you were there. Everybody was out there.
With a maid and always crave your memories were there. You know people from all over the diaspora. It will deal with incredible. I was really that you could get a citizens Europe. I sent a knight tat. Yes, yes, I did hear about that. I'm thinking about all that and I'm thinkin about by some proper Are they as well out of the sky? Was that efforts are now all you? The first time in Africa period, dongle the maiden over the main, have you ever been done. I've been gonna deed, you gonna one time. Couple years ago I never been again all up. Alibi about are observed in my friend had invited me out there. You know you, let me kinetic giving from Ghana didn't. I stay with him and his family lives, but he call around You re good, oh yeah, oh yeah! You know that the culture Slayer All our bear. You know learn about. I asked at the zoo what what they were built in oils is phenomenal losers,
open, and then you know I bet periodical back again, but thanks to check and embryo allows as you dry, J Photography Chest Man saw tee, thou my girl, my god when actually for a moment a man who had a whole relationship for you got caught trash transform how'd you get caught said that day girl. Now it's over, you're goin new year. I wanted to do you think how did you, Call it? How did you get you may change? you and power, the other women feel ass. She could have Yo Jake tugging crazy. After all, I want to say. Out of Charlemagne and the girl about mental health, are you doesn't go it alone? That's what you want. Your probability girl who says that you kind of by design yourself, oh you, but
You know I say: ok, isn't he. Imagine, as you know, we were meant to help me here. If you also stop man, This is evident from this. We can add that he was circular future Hasbro was going on, but I am just call him up your man. I love me get over juridical pity memory. The stuff like that this morning to convert this talk about those mean that mistake, like people were United Baby make a means about. War were three on the desk funny man. I'd really does not prejudice ready dear boy out there right now you have put their lives and I asked ass begin radioactive
pretty soon. We learn in everyday life while where, where the come running from the country, I know I guess I people's eyes are in danger, but people are just make a means out of it. Yet you know- and that's one thing I noticed you know and naturally about above us out, is what you get off my chest, but we appreciate you. We appreciate all the work that you doing in the fact that you guys fight for us. I appreciate you man and an umbrella. Thankfully they laughed, they appreciate you dont all those things with a seminars. What happened outside its people are realistic. Thank you I wonder if there are any one you don't like love your line in this New Europe, giving under no Caroline into new. Yet a next when we are coming up is a February twenty third in Vegas, but we defiling on it no Carolina again and I will be at our in Michigan as well. So I just follow me on it. Where you can see exactly what we gonna be ok about Brazil, we save out get it off my chest. Eight hundred feet
a five one off. I won't have you need event. You gave us up at any time that you with our rooms on away May, as so many things have happened. As we haven't been, here, I saw it in a way to starboard, lest I would the baby s in a release from jail, and this investigation is still continuing, will give you the update and what happened with him. Also Nick Gordon overdosed and we'll tell you about he was found new year's day. We do have some details from his own father will get internet mix keeper Lacoste abruptly local, the breakfast
A body is dj. Envy Angela YE shall remain a guy. We are the breakfast cloudy. Ah shouts our north really is welcome to the family. Now, as gets it aromas, less talk, Foxy Brian, the Reul report wow. This is something that cortisol by surprise over the. How today knows that we had a girlfriend damp who, on this dump, who used to manage taxi brown, and he also is a restaurants or right now he owns Brooklyn TAT passages restaurant with our frequent here in New York City, apparently as damp, who was due in his interview under breakfast club, something that he said and that you said DJ envy cause Foxy bound to respond by a social media. Here's what was said Clever habitable fox at all, because she had a show great album actual. Should another Almah came out and, as you seem like,
things is wandered off. Yes, she colonel you'd. All she was doing a thing for while she did, I should point out three hours and then you know is a mom now, and you know what you just said: you don't fell back a little bit, you know, and you know she had a. The issue at a hearing, so she's gonna fell back. She was mad that question boy. Ok, was he posted fish ass envy acts do, but if you want they are broke your back, carrying my records and should now luggage till Jeff GM sent you back to the hood for Multi platinum, albums, F boy play nice gave you life, so, amongst other things, but anyway she did advocacy birth, a gorgeous babies. You know a lot of things going on. She also called you a De Ruyter and surely Clotel. Yes, you do call you load these. I remember that when Notion clue, ass, he said and brought them boys outside near. You know what that note. The funny thing about Fox around she's, a little delirious yeah used DJ for Foxy Brown.
And I used to be what her writing team that used to help her right and who's is right right for her actually produced for a couple of joy for believe what one made it all my out, one made it a high album, but a dj when her I remember the last show we were on a tool, but she got. Seventy thousand now was to dj to perform an hour. We stop the boss, the bus came, we stopped. Finally, we time had right. She gave us all the local everybody got pays a biased in going to the Oslo. Did you pay have a grandma envelope Albert Diablo? It was three hundred as well So what I want to know why we must now have been on point also woken up by Louisville turf of three little house. Negative about me. I don't want anything about you Jane, maybe a sock ass, you know these are of Oregon Nobody'D ever again, but I wish you the best. Wishy washy stay nearly an hour. I don't know Brooklyn Dodgers, even though they're what we should have been shot the Foxy Brown okay. Well, apparently, she was, but she did delete it. So maybe she
the window, but in others do what our course to whistle followed is, as would happen, she had a lean ratio. Minister Conor dwindled of what happened is evil Arundel monitors as well? But what am I right now why Z? As I kicked out twenty twenty with an apology for whom there you go, He posted on the morning of January first has been brought to my attention that my own views on life was ignorant. I apologise to the algae Bt Q community for ever come across, like I was anything by respectful and accepting live love your life gang, that's nice, so good, You know why I realize I posted a clip of young may on live service and it was meant to spark a conversation right for compensation, as she was talking about
man not being as attentive in the bedroom as it is being with a woman oak over what she's heard from evil and not all men, she said, but some anyway, people with so upset leg. How dare you push this agenda and go outside while we still have a lot of work to do a lot of work to do and as well as much people want to act like? I was not a big deal. No, it really is the waking both talk. Easy I right now the baby is a free man again, and that is after he got arrested in Miami he paused to fifteen hundred dollars bail. He got out Saturday night, he was being held on a worn out, a Dallas were organised criminal activity, and that was because it was a fight at the airport and then they withdrew the warrant, and we don't know what's going on right now, but there is a promoter who is saying that he was beat up at a baby, and that was because the baby was over thirty thousand dollars. He was supposed to do. I guess a walk do in us ten. If a Vegas is on the ticket
less than he did it at its counter rate for his boy and according to this promoter, he gave twenty thousand dollars in that's when his crew jumped on him stow. Eighty dollars is credit card, and his Iphone as well at a baby has been with battery, but not robbery, and the guy is planning to alleged Lee get lawyers and was of course that had been, but that is seen a video. The baby and video, I seen a bunch which is people you get his point of somebody said he hit me arrest them for that, but I didn't see the baby and video right now. I don't know why is somehow and Bob he is out sallies Harmon yeah. So well, can you updated on what's happening, tinker with the baby, I'm net Gore it in this was true diagnose, he was found dead on New year's day. He was unresponsive and households This was in Orlando Florida. Nick Gordon was Babby, Christina brows expiation say, and he was also found guilty for playing a role in her death in twenty fifteen. She was only twenty years old,
he was ordered to pay thirty six million dollars to her estates. She overdose right, yes and he's always denied it that he had anything to do with it. He said even try to save her life, but according to reports he was on drugs pretty bad before he ended up dying. And he had even overdose one month before his death when a family member revived him with an archive. So they said his father Jack Walker Junior before his death had spoken to him in the final hours. He said he sounded happy that I spoke witnessed during the day. He seemed happy using com, everything. Going good. He was free spirit. He was in a good state of mind everything that nickel is doing with great. He tell me twenty twenty was going to be better than twenty nineteen. He had a great job, so unfortunate situation. Our condolences go out to his family and friends are right. Well, I'm Angela YE, and that is your room report far right. Now we got front page news. Next, are we talking about man? I mean it's: twenty twenty it starting off.
Crazy already and we'll talk about Donald Trump and his threats on attacking Iranians cultural sites will get internet mix, keep it locked us to breakfast locomotive. Pouring everybody is dj envy Angela ye shall remain a guy. We oughta breakfast club solemnize back tomorrow. We gotta say good morning, Twond Louis affiliates, I'm no family members Mississippi. Ninety five point, one to beat ninety seven point: nine jams in Oklahoma, Georgia, making ninety seven ninety Abbe be Indiana. Ninety eight five Florida gains bill. What magic wanna one three Georgia, Albany Georgia. Ninety six, three Louisiana one hundred point, one: the beat Williamson North Carolina. Come on guys coast? Eighty seven three Louisiana Q, ninety five mine,
Carolina Myrtle Beechwood out. Ninety eight five and Mississippi's well, wild one o six point three good morning, guys blueskins of reprisals. Snap, your football fan I now over the weekend, Texas beat the bills. Twenty two nineteen, the Titans, beat the patriot. Surprisingly, twenty thirteen, the Vikings beat Wallace, twenty six, twenty infinite, do you fear them some sort? We are where we see walks, beat you guys seventeen to die now it s too late hour. Lets us about what happened with IRAN. According to Reports as fellow man who is the head of IRAN's military was killed, and that is because of air strike in Baghdad, their Donald Trump ordered now. According to iranian government. They said there are no longer a bye, bye, key terms at the twenty fifteen nuclear deal. So that means no more restrictions.
Thine uranium enrichment, which is what they use, of course, to build bombs, to attack us and all of that down a chump pulled out a pull the? U S out of their Joe back in twenty eighteen, Currently there is a funeral procession going on and around this aid. This is possibly the largest funeral ever and a lot of people are coming together there as sell daughter has spoken, and she said Trump. You compulsive gambler your evil plan to class separate. Between two nations of Iraq and IRAN has failed, and it is only close historical unity between two nations and their mutual eternal hatred for the United States. She said: hey, crazy Champ, you are these symbol of stupidity and its Hoy in the hand of internet,
no scientists, so as now, it can go right now down a chump tweeted out on Saturday, the United States with target fifty two iranian sites ever round retaliates fora that drive. So the only thing about that an attack on cultural sites would violate several international treaties and they would likely consider that to be a war crime you're not supposed to do that, you are allowed to do that. Legally Nancy Pelosi overnight has directed vat, the housework, vote on a resolution to limit Donald Trump's military actions. Regarding a run, he did send out a letter announcing that they will vote on a war powers resolution that will reassert Congress has long established oversight responsibilities. They said if no further congressional action is taken. Then all of the military has two, ladies with regard to remind has two c's within thirty days. So this is something that Donald Trump did without even consulting with Congress, and that's the major issue that people are have.
With this very scary, like I said they allegedly put ability on his head for eighty million dollars. I expect some type of retaliation. Revenge, I just pray for our troops, the war that that you know all the truth. I gotta go out there and fight for this country and fight for something man is done. I'm scared, I'm nervous. I'm scared to have my daughter out and about and in a place where I know it's going to be a lot of people. I was supposed to take my son to the Superbowl. Is this year? That's only wanted for Christmas, Well, you know if I was wanted to bomb, summon hurt somebody. Where would I go where there is a lot of people and where was the next of it rises bubble? And that's just get this on? How and people are really nervous that they're gonna bring this through the United they saw yoke. Obviously, a lot of things are happening outside of here. For some people it doesn't hit home until it hits home run. So this is something that a lot of people are protesting.
A lot of anti war. Activism protests have been marching in major cities right now. Doha, alright ruler, is front. Page news now, when we come back Mirage, of course, any one is the last time you ve been apparent as six. I remember vividly, dramas was Leslie, be too big. Company using a couple years ago. Ok, ok ways violates Avenue. I deem it s. Our cameramen was last time you ve debate last night shut up. I don't think that was earring now tonight to copy the bit like the yes,
Was it was our come? I'm sorry you let them see what happened. I was having a dream that was in the bathroom right. Some sleep, an obviously grandma back there as their ultimate laziness. It is rapidly Roma back and I'm dreaming them in a back from the start feeling like warm for my fellow war. So I look up at him like ocean in the bathroom. Amend a bed sought a pain in the bed rang again and see that a deal with so did I brought up. I brought out in a month to the bathroom enough finish. The bathroom Emma boxes you finished in the bathroom was too late. Then I manage let it all out pretty mustn't enough. Furnished in man whom you are going to take. A blue took up my box issuers and I was like wasted, will not help us and maybe I can fix this- would have had no fix this. The whole damn realise a radio guitar was right and I put the tao them away goes. Why am I wear and I was like new gear, their filipino my wife p, all
my guy alone as gas staring at us with civilians drunk, I wasn't jogger just you, withdraw Gus excuse my boyfriend. Every Peterborough prepare him, but he was on crutches. He had broken his ankle and I guess he had been drinking ended in failure. Getting a job any, what we have is a I pay the bill and I really believe him. We were back to sleep here divided or mark, and I was in it. You got his second I'm just asking eight hundred and five eighty five thousand one hundred and five when I want you to be honest. When is the last time y'all peed the bed of your pee yourself? I know a lot of LPS. I was in the car that got that little chick yeah I've heard stories of people peeing themselves in the car for eight hundred and five. Eighty five thousand one hundred and five when I'm just asking when is the last time you peed gotta right now. That's why I'm here, I'm just, but I guess you guys in here about pages have recently less right. Do you go to Breakfast Logan
the breakfast Club, I'm Robert Evans, who's to bind the bastards and it could happen here. I spent a lot of my career in my time. Writing about fascism and searching. Or terrorism in the world, and I am generally pretty bummed out as a result, so in July Two thousand nineteen. I travelled the world looking for hope and I found it in what you might consider to be an unlikely place north. Strict Syria a place called Rosa This is referred to in its people referred to in the news there generally called just the Kurds I found in Russia in the summer of two thousand nineteen was somewhat stranger in somewhat more revolutionary than the story of a group of people valiantly battling against ISIS. Instead, I found the story of the war in Syria that you haven't seen on. The news is the story of an idealistic dream that had the unlikely chance to flower in the dry flame, racked plains of Northeast Syria. I murmured Evans, and this is the women's war.
Listen to the women's war on the eye, heart, radio, app apple podcast. Wherever you get your podcast topics, eight hundred by made by one open, one the joint discussion with rapid joke about it morning. Everybody is d, J Envy, Angela YE shall lead me to go. We are the breakfast club now, if you just join, is happy new year we're back yes, and some people have made solutions and no longer whet the bed, and some people are still waiting to bed nets as adults. Yes, also vigilantly does F. I asked ITALY was the last time she PETE Bear because up he d better day ago, I was dreaming that was in the bathroom and I was paying and
Peter, my wife I peed on about it was all over the place, and then I tried to clean it up in a she woke up and she caught me and it was all bear. My kids came in Rome. The next morning wanted jumping to bear. More was like no, you guys care because it dad peed. It was ass. Much added to my garage, easy Maguire. She says that same thing happened to her Is this not an unlikely, an unusual Roy commodity right? The upper was, alas, how you be the Barbara I did. I don't want that. Won't even ask about that. That's all I've gotta get through this vote was earlier and I will be well maybe five out of our one minute away. It all came out all levy. Did you make a noise? He did make noise louder Yale Baby Don.
Nah. I had to look at a extra pair of pants on me, so I went in the bathroom real quick. Do that our way they thing down and die with the ball with her die swollen de allows is greener, bakery no less on you pay debate. It was a couple years ago come they found out of my young all use drugs that are doing here to kill migrated here. I was there man, I'm clean it about the youth. You cleaning up his elbow delayed, any more danger, kept sleeping, I didn't say, pay them. I trow ballot from the bar and I couldn't make it home, and even though it is that, though I have led to things don't I wasn't so bad, but I really do better. My chosen piggy, where I was once a year raising gotTa Mayo, Asher D Run, you remember vague Yamamoto allows is then a J J was
ass our view peed on yourself feeding a bit about three years ago about yet had left burn, we were out late in the day when I met there has obviously been a bad and it came out in the middle of the night That's all you care about ably, although kind up I did, he was allowed it the worst peeling you Peter would await them up. You're gonna be embarrassing. Try to pollute Taliban to cover your track. I feel that a new vaccine now, that's me, and I know how I can get you confess you confess I did at all. Let me show closer now he should be our new later when I hear, is only relevant close if he slept in it to the golden age of five five one thousand five one have you PETE bear a couple of days ago up the debate:
I had a dream that I was at the bathroom and at the toilet n I was. I was such a thing that everybody is paying a bad people. Do that people pay debate, impeded, call its arms call us up now is the breakfast locomotive morning. Everybody is the J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club laugh. He just joined us we're talking about paying the bed you're talking about a yes, our people a day go, it was embarrassing. It was horrible a ass man and yes, I pee. The bed is funny consumer somebody's, my son pees, going to be like in the back of it. They say you don't they hasn't been. They could put on the Bambi for when you peace, or that it doesn't have to effect the matches like some type of covering gable. Well, yes, or no, kind. This way, I don't have that we use garbage bag. Nobody is caused by the black, always where you put on the issue of which make all the noise, but if you paid no just me figure has been an ongoing thankful. It has. Been an ongoing thing, allows this Daphne pay Daphne good morning,
good morning. How are you today? We don't go, which must be in a better pages. I was last time you did that. Well, I was in Colorado, I planted daughter birthday, we go out. I go home and faint light in her house. I get up and go to the bathroom competing in the Bay on myself on the way to the baffling. My, u complied show. Oh you blind, yes Tang! So then what happens after that? You had to Disney rents. It out our users were wet. I was when I went to bed you. Nobody reads like a change: clothing, garnish, nobody shower
you call them back and thereby make it happen. Ah, I would dare to vibrio my way by deaf eluded the debit. Thank you. Mamma allows as rich when they reach. We were talking about being a bed well paid themselves, sealed it was by gravity, feel my friends are also aware of what it does this kind of ended in there, whilst I sure we're on the highway in the long run, if one day troopers and where you are too high speeches impede our yourself not entirely. We kind of got away from him half an hour motorcycle- I mean we were moving. I hopped out and try to get them back and didn't make it on an excitement. He accredited. Couldn't you gotta get the car manufacturers, not a pin,
Why are you so? Thereby Godaddy cause we're gonna, yellow war? Only when she only modest tat the birthday we gave them, I would it didn't happen. Vague Ebro arrive, every eye, fastened information for you was there and they have a bed wedding, a line that we can get you now. They said, though, if you six seven and you still cancelling through the night, you should consider itself into a doctor, I'm a little older than sixty seven better, but they do say this treatment can help it's a bed, wedding alarms, and what we can do is put this in you pajamas and in the first few weeks a use they said alarm will go off so that you can get up and go to the toilet and peace over fails. You get a little noise at some waste. Your censor I'm going to show you the way I was twenty sherry oil, make? Love might be, and I had my bed me in that somebody be aware I yelled
you'll be able We love one. What's goin on the land Now not only find out. Ok, sorry, you everyone way that now, as we had that was we this was the giraffe sorry about your the last time you paid in the bedroom on permanent later life. Only rarely being available for a month ago. Only because of that what I have been agri food Poisoning and act is that It would be able my belt, like literally so you do in the bathroom now and I'll, come on
the floor and I will get it was horrible. Then is Greece I would like with somebody had they tell me that same day, where do you come out? Your book in paying you want me to take care of. You is that first sounds like a keeper. Now tragic your ex pay the beds right. Yeah, we're gonna, be the kind of guy was dirty, and you and already the pay the bill. I don't buy muggers wake up at the end of it. Why did you stay with him? Why'd you stay with him so long to have a logo brooded over work warrior dirty at. Maybe you just gotta be careful what you if that is to me, I Couldn'T- is eight hundred five, a fire no five one year so right now was more than a story. The morrow. This,
If you have to go to the bathroom get up and go to it, it's not that I know a guy had a dream that we in the bathroom and everything until it was. I was wiping away. Yes, let's talk about this France Montana versus fifty cent. This is really gotten out of control and also Charlemagne is out. So if you want to give somebody doggie of the day call us up right now, eight hundred foggy five one o firewood nominate you, let us know who you wanna, give donkey of the day two eight hundred five a firewall or firewood. Don't don't don't don't don't show me, don't know. Pinochet me right is the purpose of about a morning obviously e dj envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club. Yes there. Let me shouts knows family members that joined the team. Now is acute, ninety five barbecue. Ninety three in Louisiana, somebody just correct Musa, envious, not cure. The new Orleans is ninety three will bracket showed his cue. Ninety five five and
Lafayette, Louisiana shouts, Mississippi, while one or six Threeg morning, South Carolina. Ninety eight five Myrtle Beechwood up close ninety seven, three North Carolina Louisiana Monroe one hundred point one to beat Georgia Albany Georgia. Ninety six point: three magic went to one point: three in Florida: gains Indiana. Ninety five, ninety seven, ninety and b b in making Georgia Oklahoma without nineties, the nine jams and ninety five point. One to beat in Mississippi Outlaws family members will to the family guys and let me give one might had to Leyla capers. Play young now lie in a lion. King on Broadway ya know has been a big deal in a welcome to our new film. As you may not know this, but I'm the only person appear who never saw the movie the lion, king and she hasn't been Disney. Wearable good and I never been Disneyworld arbiter. A lot more life paradigm. Tat bad idea. Finally go see the Lion King ARM, Broadway and Leyla did an amazing job as young nihilism shot out to her. Yes, and shall do
were you, she gave me tickets to go, see a magic showed a illusionists yeah on Broadway and I had a great time it was I was really like we did you go up there when they call for kids you at the bed to come. I did not go of determining the case they went to bed. Why are we really surprised at those can be like a kitty magic shown whack and trash old accuse nowadays, owing I don't know, but it was really don't like I'm sitting on a figure things out important places in China's accident figures in any S Emma their people that are on this from America has got talent, so people, and from that is whether they would assuredly still entirely genus. They could peoples. You deaf legal check on my legs, eliminate ran. I think it is either over this week are over already so darker and also into if you come to New York City, like a luminous show on Randalls Island. What a light up all different things they do like. Can they do like castles lit up? They do like donor? Is it's like fourteen acres of nothing but lights in its really really for out of good time?
It can be most everything we have you nothing, my kids attired in me. I could call them this morning. They like dad, you aren't you, we're gonna get him like? Ok, good, maybe I'm just one may should bills. They want you to come home at the bed with them. Best allows, I do is, I guess, we're in a bad joke today. Now we got room, we got room was motorway. Yes, we are going to be second about France. Montana versus fifty set about this is not a game. We'll get internet makes people access to breakfast locomotive morning. Everybody is d, envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy, we are the breakfast club. Looking aromas. Assault. Loaf is We his gloves, listen now that April and fears have broken up and ass because they are I already said they say you know what that means. Normally one person I'm follows the person I sent them ass, the wind
so we don't know exactly what happened and bad after other. That drama in their relationship looks like things may be, ending, are taking a break. Who knows maybe they'll get back together Now here's to people that will never get along, it seems like France, Montana and fifty cent. The two of them have been go at at it for quite some time now, at our study, where France Montana got out of the hospital out of icy you and bought himself a new car. Now you gotTa Bulgaria, and we want you break down this car for us. Could I don't know about cars like you. Do a Bugatti Bugatti that don't card you paid her over one million dollars for the car, and it is, though, is worth one million dollars is a veyron is not the the newest model that came on, which is too shy. Around There are a million dollar car. I write what he's a low give to myself for, like a boss, move like a bus and tastes like a bus, Ella well, and then he put hashtag Nitze Blue motivation use only and fifty cent them
had a picture of himself in the hospital with a bunch of stuff animals around him. More freshwater, undistorted, Thorn taller paper store sailors issued on all you, people out there in the first one in New York with it when I say value at Twilight Paper for the sucker, correct nepotism posted a picture himself in the house, but he said I'm in the hospital, so sick of em words method, sweaty ten. What is it a virus on Roma Beira? you should have just got the uber app on your phone. Is twenty slash? Twenty shy, ramen put that bs back on that truck and friends responded if you don't take a Jean shorts with ashy knees, and that two tone do right back to Connecticut to the haunted house that you have to drive two hours there and back every day for you ugly to Christmas in Alaska Code as Hay and on a young and word that's a two million dollars daddy with no mass collectors. Item boy, you a dinosaur only pretty certain made. You feel stupid about a million dollar com, but like their borders, no you're not gonna, still feel low, crazy go awry. Then friends said tell her: where are you pay for the two Cassie six? Nine lifestyle?
hurry you thought I wasn't gonna find out and then fifty cent said I just got the papers. Don't ever in your life play with me, you gotta effort sixty month loan on a eight, it will be twenty twenty five when you out that car power in three days. All of that, and we still get to promote the power, is back on, and I did watch that last night by the way, so it was actually great marketing for the new season of power. Now then, French Montana posted of what looks like fifty cent kissing Eminem by way, I'm in the background on their picture also. Obviously that did not happen in Syria and Asia bagged back again, who's that fifty nine couldn't even get a bacardi after that dinosaur and it's a Photoshop picture. So for everybody who thought that picture was real scenario exert and it goes on and on by then of fifty cent has accused friends, Montana faking streams right and here is where
and had to say about that. When I heard all work, those thoughts on allows very go. You borrow my dreams and turn the mosaic and streams are checked on it. They all come from New York. I do homework. Damn you mad a firewall about another thing for you too, I got the girl, the age, your body, when you re in a palace grateful five hours. I write land, then the young woman who, according to Press Montana, was doing this the booty home, changing the girl, Selina debt. That says he slept with so many different or not enough. I ever believe anything that business that is shown. Lady says they. Here's what she said about our they're back, like the Palestinians in Gaza, powerless
and in our world, and they got out of blaming leader. What I do know go down that ok and Last summer I laid my major world like on the bare now she's, probably one of the biggest clout chases at a decade, she's to us at all said she had a baby. When all is said and in fact ass, she was lying there. That's that woman, where she may, it isn't had to do something to you I know what I'm saying is you may if she made it up and then she goes? Oh so yet so that happen, and then France Montana also put out.
Cover their marriage and enjoy. The word is still Catholic mentioned by May one thousand slipped me now that that was the best free, but you wouldn't know Coast Guard seal casually. Colleagues may arrive there, not a song, so nobody better leave Adela does look like this. Some things you just don't want to do to solar cells. Don't leave fifty alone, you guys No you need is arguing about whose bit how much money order above Map Hagen. This is above a pay, greater legal status and posted a am am clip of feminine any view. Their participate day where he's talking about its eyes in a french Montana, being soft and all about this within the premium PETE Show here it is he's multiple move. I'm gonna blow used to be scared.
He's running around scare macho going smack me. You know cause I kind of good and in all this used to be power, Nosegay Guy- and I was always as front you always do little man, you know Florida. His call you got a jury and all european mortgage arguments could you please say: Missus Lowder, you're gonna go get you guys, go pick a mob. Bring until all tell me shows, took a man, you good yeah. Well, I see these two guys, arguing both rich and limited effects, is yes, French Montana did by a you little gaudy. The facts are, it does have some miles on it. The facts. I nodded a brand new Bulgaria, but Not the role would not by buying a use. Bagasse celebrating Dolokhov facts. Dollar car facts said he has. No, no
no loans on his car, as he buys, has caused great out. The fact is that their beefing over nothing by adding even get it could do things in a lot of us can afford, may so that my wedding may use Bulgaria. Take it take a minute. I am sad to noise is tax me he did his five. How, then, is it a five chaotic camera Ok, ok was a five cable, no love three MAO's three miles. No! Yes! So I don't know I d like you to twenty six by not going to lie down. He ran a marathon guys that does not get out of your nor reset me picks lorries and very happy or North America. Merit, no one on labour law. Nor ignoring, congratulations! Go to the radio rywhere where on the same theme in this running competition and me was doing a lot of miles during that time. So is good to see no back running again. He got on a full gear work.
I think you re in America. Your authority ran on American Forty, one of my arrival, nay, but there still in accomplishing the three most likely point one maybe nor did they in a day when he's wonderful, polystyrene around, I thought you did a twenty six mile marathon north. He got a metal, now, largely Moreno Shadow, Radner Aimee, like so happy mark This hour I will add battle. What godly nor, whereas nor almost posted it to my congratulations, nor with the whole marathon already did it did even the city he did it? Did he want a diary unread nor you re random the north are right. There is your Roma report that when we come back we have adopted today, showing again is not here today by the five one o five one Charlemagne money. If you want to give somebody donkey of the day, you could call us up right now,
The breakfast club, Gabon driver, don't deal the day. Job Democrats are being held here today, a little bit of an adult, club a lot of my twenty three years been donkey. Other day is a new one, allows those Jimmy good Morning being good morning, can you we will give dog you today to today? I want to hear that you had a bad Donald Trump. Oh, yes, the air he may dont year a year, but I'm giving the day, but I got a quiet there for you, Peter Smith, you know when you dream about p and in a better in Krajina, bathroom grocery basis, I bid you and your work relationship is needed. This meant you jack. A lot of water before you went to sleep is I'm I'm. I'm back on drinking water are learning about every diluted, everything go to the groups, animal
that what is going on in the EU to plead owner of non academic would have been a little kinky, but not by Nobel Asia. Problems am I want to check it out. I beg you, don't you take it up by baby That's the! As the lady told me you if on you, I love you. I love you baby hello. There read my beloved away from our colleague Bernard will. Watch your mouth mare was, we oughta give taught you to want to give it some. I forget about them. I look up in bed with a part. It is easier to get the data, it might be like a football whereby we ended up being good at what scandal Mikey out. If I can find my key yes, and even if I can't even little family on Felt, I couldn't find it and at three in the morning we play a fortnight ago. I wanted to keep alive. We ve lived their retirement earlier. Let's go back a blackboard, my god. He adds a king job, your car, somewhere
No, you can't Robbie only eight but less look, I'm a good fortnight player Then you must go allows. Is cases can now do you will give donkey do today, but I wanna get off your data Mcdonald couple that I had a glass door complainant every God, damn it depends what you gotta check. You don't get no couple of complaints, no night. He was only about. How did you do it all? I understand all avatar fundamental matter for me. That's why well done a blanket pig remitted. Thirty thirty, were you don't sell only three minutes and thirty seconds of people were complaining dream, and that is a lot to you. Now recent gotta remodel Mcdonald Right
Three customer demand won't be up without allow to regard they should have gone out here. Dividing want a fresh, depressed out approach that we do in fact rise are the phrase we call for us to proceed on a whole thing, though automobile and equipping you, while the World Bank is at its worst welcome. First, it you got, I'm not gonna. Let go for some have raised by now will make down. I wasn't frauds right now allows this year was. What do you make up? Yell was abroad. We will give. No can do today was a guy. Did I looked up here. Try to fill supposed Amazon on Facebook God, it's ok. We base these older themselves out to sell food. They arrive as friars Freud about your work. Your buddy gotta be great and good quality food you're, not gonna, be done the world, although we need don't give a damn. I feel, like everybody, descendants,
not all alone. No allows is asking you what happened lay the morning web club generally. What are we gonna give donkey do today to my cousin, camera, MAC Lampert climate me? Am, I who wrote I died of wine, sir. Yes, maybe tagging curative my business me before he died of gain there and she was magazine. Will you please call me he's got into my eyes? I wouldn t know me. May two weeks later he died today. Everything giving an she waited about them text messages that I've been fair and tried to me at the funeral. This is too big bitches open the door shut. The man we're gonna, other five. It bore making sure know by gay men. I traced autumn bitches, wild and lavender like Tina Turner, and that's all my hope and we called it, and then I am other family out by would beg Lama. This is devilish, South Carolina, geeky business right
but we have now and now we are baby. Ada gain Gray Margie we need the money that we need money, I'm on a positive note from them It is those here today longer you longer, he won't heat I've. Given you all measure by get under umbrella whereby there give em Well I to be cool in twenty twenty. Arriv look here well and when you working when you don't boss. Nobody, ok, good news money. I envy you know Now I was. Why was there? Would you ok, that's what it is love you all right within, but anyway I don't give the day. Eight hundred, fifty one thousand and fifty one Charlemagne is out today, you'll be back tomorrow. Now when we come back, was open up the phone lines. Eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty we got it Young MBA, whatever we younger me while young I may was on lip service, and so people were upset, and some people agree with her about some things that she had to say about the difference between
having sex with a man and having sex with a women. Apparently you guys are selfish in the bedroom. Here is what happened. A lot of women has sex with, rather have rather have sex with a woman than they do would have been like. I've been told that, like the sex with the woman was better than with the man because they felt like a man is more like just about when a woman in guinea, so we're out of men, don't care about our leaders, but most highly Karen. I don't I don't know like men. Do wonder please one, but they were most women, as is like me about giving go. I'm back where women is like is like. There's friction who loves is passionate. So the question is eight hundred five, a five one, o five one men selfish, independent and keep our work, as there are a lot of guys they d way and as a year I can be kind of selfish. You know they were. If he would await an end and did admits in that's. Not every single person is more a generalised, our right, we'll get into the next eight hundred five, a five one, o five one,
is the breakfast locomotive breakfast pointing everybody, is D J, envy. Julie, ye shall remain a guy. We are the breakfast club. An average is joined us we're talking about young Emmy. She was on Angela ease. Podcast lip service in which she was organised- lotta people a lot of guys in their feelings, because he was basically talking about how a man can be very selfish in the bedroom and thus a generalised statement You say now all member states, as you know, the kind of went to get there is just one of penetrating get out there will, as we would wish to see a lot of women as such would rather have social woman than they do remain like I've been told that, like the social domain moose, but with the men because they form a man, is more light just about pennies,
a woman in guinea. So what have you got? A man? Don't care about our leaders but made earlier- and I don't know I don't know like men- do one please one, but the most women, as is like us, getting go. I am ban were women is like this friction who loves is passionate. I were asking. Eight hundred five hundred five one five one or men selfish in the bedroom. Now shouts of my wife Gaea to my you I appreciate is so much because in a big in a bargaining chip more terrible. We ve been together since sixteen seventeen years old. I was sofas as a mother Ethel I was I got handled and take care of it to add. Further would sleep that that that's what I did. I would I didn't appreciate I intend to hide in care for her, then, as I got a little older, I care more about pleasing,
then make sure I was plea. So once I got a little bit older in our really learned what a relationship was. Love was in one into your partner to experience what that feeling was now went when it comes to sex and where, in a bed I make sure she's overly, please now. I am here and I think that a lot of guys have that issue. I and some people will say it comes with maturity, a gun to being in a relationship for a long time, but I find that women tend to be more givers them. Men do and, of course it takes a lot longer for us or a Gazprom than it does for a guy right, so that you guys are trying to hold back while we're trying to make eyes happened right, so I can see why that will be a general statement that obviously that men tend to be more selfish ends:
my own experience rise. It is true, but also I mean, there's no manual for eaten a box like like a gardener, there's plenty about it. As my daddy dad you how to get the boxes. Lord, you just gotta die been in half the time. You'll know what you do. You just moving your tongue in directions, because this something that you think it you got any today. What I what year, but now you can, but still I got out of the way The aim is to act like a little kitten licking from a saucer of milk. That unworkable. That that looks to the funding of a catalogue of added will gather EFTA better use. Video mean China right anyway. How beautiful allow this good morning. They day I mean, if the truth be monetary, see how you do it. I'm warehouse this morning on the morning lining their we're. Talking about a men, more selfish and a better typically, they are because women by nature are nurturer, though our job are weighing that art
what then going to love to actually take care of fellow that led the pleasure, rightly the pleasing by their art, the man that are nobody actually our debate more path. Ban, their counterparts that are women better. A different zodiac find that I've been as well right or those have been more passionate, Scorpio the been more free gear, and then you have done better in the long and build new obtaining they do they get off the main all air about view of the female, but females are more attentive in the meanwhile broker. Nothing would beg you so much. I think we women to women, you gotta teach you man,
how to eat the box the correct way right as none of us is there. There was about insects to you, no extra. You teach me how to do sex, to wit, adviser we have above all, we are all a little and we just think about you don't go there, we go. We talk about bread, but we just gotta do all the stuff tat. We see on television that usually all wrong. Mom images me let's go to this matter confession here. Europe allows it allowed little more age more, which talk about men selfish in the better you selfish November, Kieva Rail, the ILO, allied bomb care about you. How young uns argument does anyone have a gay showing anyway they dont? You went to impress somebody still up to work very vocal about you. It mattered mood and why you emphasise the people you don't care about. That is true. We gonna love you
That is why, more than five one in five women or men, more salvaging the bedroom. Let's talk about, it is the breakfast locomotive J we Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club averages joined us, we're talking about young Emma. She was lip service, Angela YE, and what did she talk about you? Basically, how men tend to be more selfish in the bedroom than women and more about just in and more about this of in and out a lot of women as such would rather have social woman than they do to me, like I've been told that, like the woman was better but with the man because they feel like a man is more light, just about penetrate a woman. They. So what have you got? A man? Don't care about our leaders, but move only care, and I don't know I don't know like men- do one, please one, but they were most women, as is like us giving go. I am ban were women is light, is friction who loves is passionate. So we ask in Men- or I guess, a tentative.
Men more or less attention less attentive in the bedroom than women. I eight hundred five a fiber. If I want to tell you when I started off my wife, I know what I was doing. Zip was so disappointed. I'm never wears a women disappointed after sex aloes was, he was disappointed, I see. Primer things you address was our selfish, that you could say that pilot Langdale idea, now wait noble World Eliza was the dissident say that allows those which name shall now nation talking about men being less sensitive in a bed rooms in as its efforts. I am speaking this morning. Yes, it is, if I could have, I myself in the bedroom, Mama though I am, I made my thirty that by more than my life with man I can totally agree were, and I am not met.
Her comments or I being women are a hundred broadband leg more concerned about that is buying each other and men are right and of habit. I Blake Edith, I built or girl now for almost two years, and now my fiance by can't bound the bad guys. I've had an eye no complaint at all and I do think that it met if men were more concerned about their women like women are mostly they will. They wouldn't have any problem, because you guys a rarity when you find a guises green value. I can't I can't go. Is hider right right like some time the good, sometimes not good, but I can the endeavour have any complaint immediate like that you get the best of both worlds. Allows this morning about the lumber a moment. We talk about men, more soldiers labelling. Can you take as our bluetooth hedonic baron?
oh sound, a memo salvaging the bed yesterday I am, I have noticed that it with younger man that are more felt with our demands and may take here the women a little bit better negating the key to our biggest is experience. You know that when you younger you really don't necessarily know what you doing you're trying to learn in China out I'll get him get in bed tourism get out exactly boy. Did you lose all? Do the other media with way better absolute desire that they did not know what they do any there still do things I'm sort of any of those are right, and I hope that this whole comes agencies makes men desire, Amadou, better leave will get up on your gave, Pepperrell fella I beg you Mamma, so dramas. Let me ask you a question: are you so reasonable na Mcivor World power that meat eggs that lucky
right now I was more than repeat: you know what is happening now in story. Lay in the market is there is no getting your feelings about this conversation. Other means for you guys out. There is a wide open feel for you appear We women are not satisfied, as you think they are. That means is wide open for you to be. There They come in. There really put it down and asthma older cousin used, always say you got a lick it before you. Stick it down. Right now we got rooms on away. Yes, we are going to be taken and I hate it said way into this, but I Kelly surviving our colleague right too Yes, they came on and in a less give you some of the highlights from the part two of surviving our Kelly all right and I will get to that next- keep it locked at the breakfast club good morning
breakfast morning, everybody is dj? Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy, we are the breakfast club was gets room is a song Adrian Verona, Munich, Angelo YE member on the breakfast club goody. I write well, apparently, Adrian Verona try to slide in bad babies. Dm sees only sixteen years old. She posted a screen shot of him. Saying text me crazy girl, and then she also put a video of acorns locked up, because I beseech you sixteen years old, now, Adrian Browner, on his behalf, I thought that she was grown. The way she out here moving that's what he said to the shade. Roomy said nobody when it did a kid, but I thought is the grand for I haven't peoples, he's on their profile, Morocco, for I had no idea how how old she was, but I definitely think she was sixteen. I thought she was old. It is sixty
I would have no idea about feel like she was about to fill like mad years ago, a definite though she was old ketch. Yes, I I write Madonna, Meantime was on vacation Madonna, sixty one years old and her boyfriend is twenty. Five years old, so she's been posting pictures of when her social media, it's her back up the answer because they're right because of if the tables returned and it was a man beating a twenty five year old, your knowledge or sixty people always have something to say, is likely to him than to see women. I believe we have a lot to say why does deftly natural and I think it is even more acceptable they feel like women do is regular, so Madonna's I hear live in her best left or right Madonna. I re with its any hey. There are legal, although they are at the end of the day. Everybody is of age, can really say anything about that at all. Now, let's talk about surviving Ike Ellie part to her. No, you don't want to write to me. Are you watch the asked me to be audited several times to talk about our Kelly?
what's going on, but I declare that they want to do it. When I am somewhat the bad you you'd, better energy army rather bad due to now, we have amply the worries one we already see now I don't want to even think about our cal anymore. I didn't want to do it, but is still ongoing situation and a lot of things have happened. Since the first document we came out, I actually was supposed to host a screening when they did that as wine remember, and then there was that gun threat, somebody was actually there with a gun and that screening and they ended it before they even started, showing it really. They started, showing like the first minute or using my email be frozen, want anyone to go. Apparently there were somebody there really yeah. So I don't know and as you when you ask documentary they get more into their also, but I some of the people were on there was I Kelly's by. They carry Kelly talking about how? Basically, I Kelly wanted him to take the he's asking me if you need to say that with you on the tape with a minor for myself in a court of law, no risk jail time, listen
of- and I didn't have anything to do with me seriousness by your car about you. Can you make a deal in fifty thousand dollars ass, a man- and you say such a thing. You got enough money for me to see. That's me, Can any move me seller muscle. Imagine do in Africa come. I now I'm be the way to go, zero. For you, Mr Amato, you you dumb, but all are our is neither by his personality where people who defend a like his former assistant, Lindsey Pyramid done when began working at our Kelly's home and Olympia fields. There is this young girl playing in the backyard and her family had a very close relationship with Robert she would have been fourteen or fifteen. There were times that this young girl slept over in the city out, but that wasn't alone it was with a fan.
Remember and thence because her dad was there to play guitar at night on the size. I never felt a need to report any thing suspicious, naturally, also as one of the west has started, the whole unmowed our Kelly campaign. So she still standing by him now diamond ass was on this might also speaking about a Lee S relationship with our Kelly, showing good one in Asia. Was, I meant them mainly by just keep going from Gaza. All she wanted I happen to be awake and you know I am not a historic event. Nor was the cover up and all, but how did that covered up? It is made to compensate Most cranes, though he married a child so how you still got that was a headline I was like a member that was talked about like it was norm. It wasn't my ill discuss them, The bell January was that all you may she's thirteen fifteen. Seventeen is thirteen
nope eyes? Why make sure your team, thirteen anything on the eighteen is discussed? I right now, in addition to all this, they talk about lotta, Anti AIDS, their people had to sign, and there are two women who also spoke about breaking their India's leader Carter and your hand, a pace, so there are there as well as our Kelly's brothers say that I Kelly had multiple sexual abusers as a child Annie, also pastor that he had a problem. There doesn't matter in only a year. I mean it's probably a reasonable of why you abusing people, but the fact that these girls are thirteen fourteen or fifteen years old, being abused by an adult. You actually discussed and laid his danger talk about. One is that one of the prejudices about latterly just as an older man in his sixty, they said that was known around the neighbourhood as Mr Henry and they said that actually they mister Henry and getting a beat down four men in the neighborhood after they heard what he was doing, two kids and the kids.
Bruce also said that Mr Henry pay their mother five thousand dollars to not show up to his court decent. He could escape those molestation charges and she did take that money. So Did a lot more. You know information a lot of things coming out in this surviving our colleague hard to bear. I was that's. A big fear of of mine have been five kids and I'm going to school there. Somebody molest them escape detail, or they won't tell or they don't know. If they should tell. Could you hear about it so much? I try to keep their promises the deadline opened. My kids talk to them converse with them every day about what's goin on just in case I right away even get a chance to talk about the golden. Hello because now we're added time, women are vacation for so long as last have allowed these the catch. A fly like Cavan, heart put out his theories on Netflix Mommy were gone. There happen, I'm trying to think I was watching this Messiah Netflix aries off. I know if you saw that Drake did the interview with RAP radar that was pretty big and still making headlines so a lot of activity that I'm sure we'll end up talking about his son.
Guessing Irishman, Irishman Netflix is pretty good as a law yet thousand with eighty three hour. Yes in it, but that means you have time Bruce. I re well I'm Angela YE, and that is your room, a report all right. Thank you. Miss you're, not gonna. Let me show it's a new family members. They joined a family, they took my paper here. Goes our rights Mississippi. Ninety five the big morning Oklahoma. Ninety seven I James would make in Georgia ninety seven nine. We appreciate you Indiana Five Florida gains Bill Magical one. Three, Georgia, Albany Georgia. Ninety six, three. Louisiana Monroe, one hundred point, one to beat North Carolina coasts. Ninety seven point: three Louisiana Q. Ninety five, five good morning, South Carolina Myrtle Beach. Ninety eight point: five is a firm and Mississippi M cricket. Wasn't monochromatic regulator. Agriculture! Could, I can remember, Mississippi dammit, while one o six point three components. Are you guys, as well as having a baby?
they shouted you out this morning till dished out the bang rose with a bang rose. Revolt we'll see you guys tomorrow, everybody else to people's choice mixes up next get your request in. Let me know what you want to hear: a hundred five five one or five one is to breakfast locomotive being J envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are. The breakfast club limit shut up to every body that I ran into his holiday season. I just want to say shouts to all you guys, RADA with the breakfast club. I really appreciate your guy. A lot of you guys talk about goals for two thousand and twenty and asked me what my goals are and I'm a see what your cup, with a gozar by myself, of course, when it comes to finances, I own a hundred and two units when comes to real estate, I want to own another hundred to so I want to own over two hundred units this year with real estate with my family. I just want to be a better kind of person
I am I am, but I can is allowed that I can do and I wanna I wanna help one or I do a lot with the toy drives and a bullet backpack drives it talking to. Students are given away, but I wanna helped a lot lot more saw, I'm I'm a look forward to creating a foundation in Indonesia and is helping more because I am bless. My family's blast in is a lot of people who need help and if I could help more deftly want to do that in fact deftly with the real estate to teach more people how to do and how to get into a real estate game- and I know we do to another seminar in February in Vegas and I must add pop up in some HSBC usages. It hopefully talk into real estate if they have a really first class to sit down and talk with them for a little bit. But that's that's that's my mission. What about you?
I he asked after my non, so you hear more about that soon, but mine is mostly focus our young women. So in I never thought I'd be in a position that I am right now, like I say for my birthday I paid off. My mortgage had always been something that I was concerned about, like what am I gonna do? How will I be able to retire and just getting myself prepare for those being so that something is thus important to me, and I do my aunt. The YE day for the first time last year or so this year. I want to make it even bigger than it was last year and we have a lot of things happening like I work with the American Foundation for the University of the West, please I'm on the boy, for that is that we have our major fundraiser coming up next month in Vienna Year, also partly West Indian. Yes, why you live in a dead. And I d love to introduce at it. You are you where you Frahm, on from America, as you have found Dominic. I might
it. Has our roots and Dominique amongst himself. Ok, we'll get out will be participate this year because it only caused by a thousand dollars to go to school for the year. So that one thing with the scholarships, of course, The book club that's been a huge deal for me. I do already have my Angela Ye Book Club, but I also have when I started with the New York Public Library, and that is with high schools and so that young adult novels and that's really fun for me so meeting all these books. It I never read before I told you, I did it aside, I book and we actually had the author appear toasty when he came up here to talk about his book war. Girl sums are trying to do a whole lot more with these students and encouraging people to re more ABC financial literacy with wealth. Wednesday went a month at the juice bar. That's been a big deal for me also, so we're gonna continue wealth, Wednesdays essence
That's been growing and growing into something bigger. We ve been doing for the past couple of years, so I just want to continue a lot of what I have been doing and let those things it s growing, even bigger programmes, but then I also want to make sure I have my own foundations that, as I was important for me to somehow nonprofit, do you go right when we come back, we got your positive note. Move as the breakfast Club Gamala, everybody is D, J envy Angela Ye Charlemagne ago, we are the breakfast Club NASH. Allah may will be back tomorrow. I knew you their positive. No, yes says it's a new year were back at work. I just wanna, give you guys this quote what the new year brings to you will depend, a and when you bring to the new year average visit my name issue pearl. Well, for the past four years, I've been trying to figure out how my twenty two year old Son Courtney, wound up with the bullet, back outside of Chicago police station there. What you hear on the news that Courtney got shot the
rolled himself to the station were office's. Did everything they could to help him and then there's the true. Listen to somebody on the heart, radio, apple pie, gas or wherever you get your broadcasts keep in rural New Hampshire on the side of it. Highway, the hill, Witness a light in the sky, a craft, hovering above a field. They thought that was the end of their story too. Later under Hypnosis David Lee that, there was more did that night. So what had they forgotten? The strange case of Betty and Barney Hell this season on strange arrivals, a coat action of Iheart, radio and grim and mild from Aaron Monkey. Listen to strange arrivals on the hard radio app on Apple pie casts or wherever you get your podcast.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-05.