« The Breakfast Club



TUE 9/6 - The Breakfast Club discusses Mr. Puff "Vote Or Die" Daddy recently urging black voters to hold their vote to put pressure on real change within urban communities. Do you agree? Meanwhile, another president couldn't hold his native tongue as he made some vulgar remarks about President Obama. Manny Pacquiao, please translate for us...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I love you Samarang rather sit out, becomes the most prominent. Why you, early morning when I was young people showing people whose busier New Gianduja Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, Yo Yo Yo Morning, Angela YE have minds using Andy Charlemagne again proves that are plain to see exactly three a week in how the money I kept thinking it would find out about
about. We got new chair inhibit, unlike nope Zay RAG, each S, haggard baggage for new jails were like a year and a half maybe long internet, not design entitled. I feel, like you, know, We want better, does not really was just what I guess they company you most embarrassing when in old I esteem people gotta companies in these ragweed change as any other forever raggedy. I'm not gonna light is garbage everywhere. Bags is tissue, Charlemagne youth to hide a pause. You gotta go to him now staring way too. I know these are uncomfortable symbol. You look at how do I know you're not going to be able to see to it that of the whole point of having its back and looked down now, new evidence is higher than the studio I went to the king, a west. I shall last night our that I'm going to allow it to rise above going tonight near today. It was ass. He was We gotta get elaborated in the uses, tour palisade idea that a big hit song. They have a good match it, and then he has
floating stays they go so depending on where you sit right could end up in your section about they asked me that I want to be in the Maastricht second grown ass men. But the how and I won't be an amount paid such like. I grew up in the trunk era of hip hop down south I'm over that things are no go. Yes, that an accident, no matter where you sit day, I'll stay and a lot of people here last night they went to go see to sell Kim Kardashian was there, of course, are I sat madness. I saw fab as are pushing tee. I said was that you guys back, he was come up here, because you know he hasn't mix tape, Ausonian actual Natasha to mix they're gonna help you gonna come here some time. This week I saw Chris rack Q TIP Michael, be Jordan, parents, J, a lot of people came out and showed some support. Do Uncle Jerry, nobody, but I'm I they really sleep last night. I could use them morally outcome.
They had never use cocaine. While I was your age starting right, are you awake, kids moves? You know I gotta go to Morrow Zaire's. We have something like today, some some numbers than ever done: cocaine Chinese, allowing morality that no Mccaffrey since its launch small. Why yesterday was a West indian Day parade in Brooklyn, so shouts ATO S, Indians out there everybody for months about where you from memory anybody got many miracle, yes to deepening vacuum. Did we would argue eyes you, you ve met at the professional before getting into drop, one of whose Bosnia what they were raised and inconsistent? Don't you dare has been consistent, don't consistent now, shouting about it. It came out. So I was all over this week birthday Friday was in New York Saturday. I wasn't sure, wish other body shall it had a great time. Our to a lady of family from South Carolina Charlemagne. There were acts In short, we do a lot of things. I ran into a lot of things.
Not ain't, they would all parties and they would travel, is re found and I was entails that we all came Gypsy Geography and much text messages with people poles and with e g in Vietnam like why? Why do you keep the? Why? Why are you crazy things they everybody get by bottles of like air? By about like I have so much likeable shout to North Carolina, South Carolina Feminist show me so much level. Will we get an Atlantic city was crazy, shouts French Montana shout to Tory leads, came and killed it. It was a dope dogmas Five thousand people out there in people got scared because it historic storm with thinking guy that maybe the storm happen because it would have been too many people, but it was a dope amazing event. Shouting about it. I came out shut the young Emmy at a great, weaken, Gregory was in Miami prayed Cheesy, its Noah Miami had a big dinner for him, and a lot of people showed up to that too.
Drop. One includes bombs were young Emmi. Two young may really really hate nobody. What already lie in a mean when you know you got making not Freestyle Novi erected. You got me on simple videos which erected salute the young Emmi yeah May I add, the club crazy last night shot young Emma, ably girl away from young. I may right now tell you some of your head from at this point. However, I can say that when it was wrought which you man they ve got greater weekend. Forgot Avenant is guys craziness commercial criteria for Paisley's what we talked about the talk about due value. If it is ready to cancel that would have, this year. I know I don't think he has led people still gonna go out the night before his line of everything. How do you know that it does not apply? Only to be aware that a start I place works only when we come back, keep a locked. Tools. They shall dollar kids in the school today. Good morning, all appearance taking your kids school get out, get out, get up to break the slogan mourn his control Violence in front page news that is
begin was labour day a lotta within a grim supply, as you say, celebrate the Labour Davy Put was labour, have re right as the West Indies and a westerly they parade company book. I kill yes, actually, effigies anatomy. Cancelling do. They know nobody. Guy killed at the West Indian Day parade us be clear. Orders drew rein, resonate before a rap over my boy, everybody stays in Vienna on Night Anjou Bay. I personally don't go to the actual active these by well guarded. I cut out and stuff like TAT, said people that I know have a mechanism you know actually go out on the street in Juba. By all, did you should go to Brooklyn or anyhow? The data required fireworks because it can be misconstrued was gunshot oil mischief night night before Halloween, where people go out ass, colonel I Julie you go out now you stay all night. You page herself in New York though they run to the street cars. To very fast add two people were killed in to my people were wounded, three shootings has started around three forty five, a m. Now this is the first year then am I pity you? Actually
QUIET organised to get a permit for Jus Bay. The thing is: probably the most problematic event in the city, but they had vow. They was gonna, be no violence. This year, the city for months or planning to keep the city say they tried a rebalancing flyers. This community will no longer tolerate violence deny, should anyone do not? Anyone so right now is on the table to cancel debated. Gonna. Have a meeting about that and try to figure out what can be done and you keep it will save when, when Edward Gaga shoddy child into a gun buy back the day before it will give you money for your gun and people handed in a bunch of goods by our bring one could get some chance. But I got three more to crib. Ok, pretty much it's a traveller buried. Thirty, eight at all, you know I got a couple bodies on the new any map, He's president tried everything but then again like like Edward who guns, ok up the way we will be safe right. Let's talk about Obama, president about Obama is defending Carling, Capper Nick and saying that he did uses constitution,
all right, and that is why he doesn't have to stand up. Here's what he had to say terms Mr Cabinet, my understanding, at least, as is that he's, recycling his constitutional right to make a statement when it comes to the flag and national anthem and the meaning that that holds for our men and women and uniform and and and those who fought for us. That is a tough thing. For them to get past, but I don't doubt his sincerity based on what I've heard. I think he cares about some real legitimate issues that have you talked about Barack Obama is big speaking plain old. Common sense of unease is basically highlighting how police officers treat african american people in any. Who was oppressed, does not have our American, thereby prejudices, thereby oppression, ok, Jesus Christ,
italian, newer rug Obama got to spell it out for people is ridiculous, but our President Obama's, I did say that its messy, but it's the way that democracy work is really not messy. Buddhists justify mandatory for him right now, because people are going in and protests imbuing had as a protest. Some people will be with you. Some people right there at tat gets a little bit messy sometimes, but it is what it is well as front page news. I tell him: are you mad eight hundred five, eight five one five. One of your upsets need event called us. Right now may be had a bad week in a bag. Good morning. You need to get things off your mind, so you can have a great day. Eight hundred five thousand eight hundred and fifty one I would call us up right now will put your lab on the air. If you give you three days pregnant and don't know a jet call up here, eight hundred five, eight five and nine point three days pregnant or somebody out there buddy right. They don't know everybody, no, no, no, In three days may knows they motion big global remaining business over their plan b. This we can call us up right now, eight hundred five, eighty five one o five wants to breakfast locomotive.
The breakfast club you know I make you mad with fulfilled, but can't handle. That's why you may want to break out of date. Good morning yesterday we had a big picnic, our family, ok, so mad, they add, like they were starve to death. We had so much food and plates were I was afraid unbelievable out. So is there I don't understand why blindly will have cookouts. Unexpected would not be on full. Why? Why do we cook with the expectation I haven't left, but that's not the point. Everybody made their plate coming right back up there again and make more people have made an end is eating. Food was good logger with everybody else, because you make your play the ether,
and then, when they saw her neutral left, aiming to take what you wanna take home. When I know they did before you are able to really we do it what we have done it in year convincing the problem. We have all the time, though, as the widow nets. And it was the last one of the first one we had in years because of that rock woogie bids. You gotta tell you about where'd. You remember that about love we had a down at the waterfront right. Ok knows is disgruntling Virginia to describe it. This motorway Mabruki questioned whether it be an parents not paying kid, but do it better
we need you can't you did a choice as a kid you man gave you a dollar two. I never gotten allows like. I don't know something about how this can be cited rounds either alone have again privileged. I never thought I'd not also. You saw that allows the cat had to ask his death. Is I needed it and hopefully Manaos daughter to arise Shi Ite? She thinks you're getting a little daughter, then everything or two Nobody foretold our group know joins under the bad, adding a miller, tellers, relax deaths per day and They now my mother told me my people out because it nutritious food who was able to know my motive. Well, I've met. I do get my daughter money when are to follow, but she's well awaited. They have no right to vary as our black ass daddy to put the money on the table if they find it do my daughter S, mother, which is my wife, she robot both current go. They believe in all types of Ghana, Fairy Cupid
something like that. Now we are looking at elaborate. Could you know you, lady occasion, you tell em all them. Things exist, ain't you try to tell about God when they grow up and get older, they relied none of those things exist and I don't believe in God definite propaganda. Good morning, back, he's believe Santa Claus, and I imagine that our two out, madam your five or time they need to know I like credit when it comes to, like you say we need to know who buy and all you prizes. Ok, Delaware, you may I don't you five. If I want to find one of your obsession need vague call. Us now is to breakfast Cloacam warning the breakfast club, I was for free morning. Everybody is dj. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne girl. We are the breakfast club and shut everybody in Boston like it was my birthday weaken, is weakening Celebrate Alma long. I was supposed to go to
wasn't, but because it a whether everything was cancelled out you'd NGO nodding go to bore you ve made it everywhere else. Well, Boston was scared that the weather was gonna, be bad and it was a day party outside they party. So we just move the event back a week, incinerators we're going to do what is enough and everything was good. Although they were so Nerving design, Hurricane was loaded, overrated Hurricane Irma S near it was it didn't really hit, as was supposed to know you in Miami. How is Miami? Yes, I was in Miami Sounds easy had a dns now I miami- and I guess I think, supposed to be playing as new music, but something happened. I guess it was an available. Yet towards a little there was basically just dinner. Just a chill did what account, but only when the air was neither with their prime went well beautiful, great excellent food the north their lorry and worry. I saw a fat Joe Joe. The fragile I saw applies the plus plus coming from above. Two shall diplomacy. Did I write
good use there. Never my girl, Kara several. Was there hey you now it means to Casey there. We went through the still clearly went into office after wearing state I don't know you had a lot. You spend a lot of money if you finally or snatcher, about a good two thousand singles that's good! They only do it. I, unlike some people sitting across in the council, the outdated Sudan would have good JD soda there for people at this point is correct Colombia, but you, I would give a damn at this point. Let me that great, he's gotta put out of your the rock with me. I know ok enjoys being socio? Simply I like doing dinners and things like that to the show people you appreciate them vessel. You know why NASA is a good time, ITALY alone or music. Now There are no music. Sorry give you any more. Seven favourably, the water it was every everybody's by these are beyond say: elevator, America, Asia and a party last night, a soul, train theme soldiery inside my God Rob and it was her birthday. Magro angry from Hennessy. Her birthday everybody's birthday was as we get here.
Well, when we come back to us a moment when we talk about energy. Well, let s disgust since you guys brought it up already. We are going to talk about Tiger getting his Ferrari backs. I guess he took envies car back. No true somewhere now got away. We don't know Tiger really get their carbon. We just saw impulse to car owners to negative in anybody. Referenda city got it now, as this is because they have some details on what happened. It's a little complicated a little bit confusingly. I can't afford it. That's what I saw something really exciting happen: anarchy menage put out a free status. We have it. Are there for you and are using head out thing is six minutes, even though we do ass? I did she called me what we can to sharpen the cash member flew to getting through to come back. I did a post. You know, you call me You are the first want to call me nobody knows about. When you call me at midnight, unlike what the hell I live as we are causing, they have very good. You go you like everything. I rumours will become back as a breakfast locomotive,
the breakfast club with Angela, his club lavender, given ass at the pink print freestyle over the weekend, and everybody was going crazy. Six minutes long, so at two different sides, first see freestyle over young man. Check it out. Nicki in the past tense. Unless I forgot pass that ass in the back, then I've got to hear you're, dumb gif. You know I'm pretty in them with me and I'm done with a shaved, and now you know what they say you, my son, this right, then you're making it probably take it into a little thing, and then it goes into the hospital no she's she's back spit, in which I would like a dozen to savary tingling allowing and slight tingling laying out of their job
as you did just contrary, forms from young made suit of armor were anyway. Is he actually shots? I am I am she close paper planes in the beginning of that when so I feel like, is she going out and people on he was ass. It s my thing about wise. They gotta be goin out somebody's measures rather than all right down aggressive after everybody. That's her son and doesn't all arrive sound like artists have come in for people we need just spitten bars. Every sound aggressive, I'm glad to hear her rapid guess he's back at our actually spoke to, and I was like an open without you frankly we ever from Yoda. Why she's like no envy, I'm cooking nowhere I got the stuff comes. She said I you know we'd. I was you and is Charlemagne had not actually me Alex, you gotta be, and I was your hot inciting others or two, but now she says you know: come efflorescence, discuss new music room, she's excited about it. I right now your boy Tiger got his car back ever He was setting about envy. You gave me call back
you saw what happened. I don't know what you're talking about an avatar is clog up. I'll give you, MRS Story, TIGERS, cargo repossessed, everybody go you well, now is some guy lease the Ferrari, but the car is very rare. He could only do it if you got another car from that dealership there, and be available for six months. So now the deal is tackled gets his car back, makes a lease payments, and so the car becomes available than he returns it. So our other sometimes buys. Will you still written? Basically, I don't know what's going on some issues, I can't really follow the hull entire story. What happened was say so it is called, is super exclusive. The guy was analysed to get the car. He got the car and wanted another one, probably convertible. So by that once a week about a convertible? He didn't want that fanned by you, keep this leader proper word: leasing! Ok, now, yet by it had by the guy was least they all thy by advising LISA Tigers, probably that arise from him as a guy least Ferrari, but is so rain? Can only do it if he bought another car right?
funniest of in the words of a wise man named Sean. Why lesion bottle you s natural he remained at Mount is essential in rapid wrapper talk. I think you should by the hookah rapporteur. Have you a rapporteur, you claiming to be king in Bonn and allow you to buy the whole gotten out of stupid when you ve been replaced by a great investment. Yes, we are releasing all year round was made great investments for you if you don't put out a mouse and yet harbour for some people, their put lots and lots of miles on the car makes more synergy which baby phase it ain't a good investment either, but a diamond you where and when a maybe ok kid caddy here. To be on empire and he actually had film scenes and everything. But then there were some creative differences, and so he has stepped out of the scene. And now Romeo is gonna, be taking his play so he's already in Chicago shooting those seas now Kekui already. Shazam scenes he's in the trailer
everything's and our Romeo. I have recent, though things and do all of that. Ok, that's gonna debut September, twenty first, that's I can and by anyway miles an hour I could go to had like a a deepness bottom. Maybe a fig deepened. Never ordered the southern scream empire in every. I remember he was inevitable, so my in America mounted area that wasn't deep. It is our distant seem like a cartoon seem like Empire Romeo, yes, absolutely the wrong one and why they say: Romeo doesn't seem D, not empires Romeo. You understand, Cutty, you understand Why have you not be? What have you understand? Cutty you understand. What I'm talking about something like imply would be his thing when it well I was personally babies. These wonderful lay real anti commercial and types of anti microbial area where that is, rumour report, I'm ye all right. Thank you miss you. When we come, we got some front page news. We talking about how we are going to think about.
President Obama, what he has to say about calling cap renege on those you re there is, then before the West Indian Day parade in Brooklyn and talking about cancelling it. I tell you, I got right, we'll get it's all that when we come back, keep it lacked the breakfast club. Gomorrah stop ii staff, morning everybody's Angie Envy, Angela YE shall omitting to carry out a breakfast club, Oskinson front page news. I now. Let's talk about juvy words, you Bay, as you should know. By now, when talking about it all morning, as a neighbour for the West Indian Day, parade and proclaimed, and the West indian Vapory Mangi joys about two million people, Lotto exert huge, huge deal, were apparently Andrew Bay starts. You know at the night before people Party they paint them, so they do all that until the next day, out of four lotta form run into the streets, Brooklyn for two bystanders were killed in some way.
Were wounded. They were three shootings as data at about three forty five, a m seldom. Moreover, they tried to do a whole lot to prevent that this the first year that the am I pity require the organised to get a permits for Jus Bay. And they actually did a whole effort that included putting a flyers that warn people. This community will no longer tolerate violence. Do not stewed anyone do not stab anyone out a little slow guns in the knives, whatever in better goodbye back you're, not you're I'll bring one of my gun. Velociraptor decree able dogmatism dirty thirty, the guts to body gonna from lashes, your written, so some people, fella, robotic to do this parade. I met this before the parade has nothing happened. Hooray was fine and peaceful, but a lot of people are saying they should just not do you base the knife, and now you gotta do remit all these new rules give two should not be systems. Will you be peacefully to peruse? Does it do
life words. Always gonna be infrastructures will cared so would you rather have a shooting at the parade are shooting? I do you think it's a little bit crazy because I mean the night before I guess it's late at night, people out until right, I've, six seven until the parade diet anymore. It wasn't a lot of it. There was a ladder, please press home. If you out our five statement, that gunshots went right by that the people are right there. If you gotta plastics morning, a jewelry, you kind of giving consent to give nods party time, it's just a bigger applauded, rising, nor is going. You won't get shot of no joy at all costs. Also, what about Obama Obama's broke over? We can write our president, Barack Obama, is defending calling Capra Nega not standing up for the national anthem, because it is his constitutional right check out He had to say why he was in China after the group of twenty summit terms. It must, cabinet, my understanding, at least, as is that he's exe.
Rising his constitutional right to make a statement when it comes to the flag and national anthem and the meaning that that holds for our men and women in a form and those who fought for us. That is a tough thing for them to get paid but I dont out his sincerity based on what I've heard. I think he cares about real legitimate issues that have to be If fact that President Barack Obama have to his alpha people is said: okay, Jesus Christ was this common sense. We notice people, but that's the thing would approach some people want to agree. Some people going disagreed, us just awaited it is caught, fell right will ask for, page news that when we come back eight hundred five, eighty five, what oh five one we're talking about, have you ever for public, which a man or woman at his came from drinks, new video. If each attire bags nay had a public fight, so we ask Eight hundred five five one thousand one animal one time I was in.
College mg- and I got its argument, I'll gas and what I would do without I'm real light skin, like I'm light skin to the fullest. Later we got an argument in a car and I would go to call in part job out, and maybe a chase me like way. This is so we're of damage. That is a damn thing I ever heard of crime wagon and you just got out and I got up and I would make embassies chase a shoe treated like I will stop travelling and nine save me. You will lose the well. It happened a couples, arms then the fourth time this is current issue shows more time to off like you're the coroner horny, don't call him. Corny utilise Cunette number want someone to death I'll catch. You call the negroes. Do cardio regularly. Do you like you're the female right it didn't. She left her, and I bet I read after me right Mexico, wrong about thirty minutes, more modest root out, although love by the way tat. When you know any was broke. The wooden daily wanted an expensive cars and talk right now, shouting or anything like one of those stipulated higher movies. Adult do Dempster
get animal the night. Why people in life? Can people do dumps of an arm? Was it raining about, rightly about wondered why what is a better way? But she did show me like this with a form of again with tears streaming down your fain ass, you pulled over, I kept seeing the cargo. What are you reading? They did you go and ask you to make a? U turn in issued in turn around and then she innocent before there was no, is why dreadful problematic as a waffle, colony growing like now, embarrassing, carefully utilities. Ever we appreciate it. I was always out along. I wanted you to thank our colleague negro. No, no, I'm not you. Slowly, I have changed, gets drives. People lies about me, get nowhere. Leave me. Why would you get out of the car
maybe two thousand. You say why you got the cause dumb Bay. Jazz government will be read the right. Where were you gonna rights is right in four November knows a round fiery run to me. Have you ever for in public which a man or woman running and playing fast, the proposed me. Everybody I'm a story to give jewels though mine reality. Would you see boarding? Everybody is the easy envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club, there would say: Nicole's right now, eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one have you ever fought in public with your man or chick, and it got. I see in what happened? I e yes, have you ever gone to augment public listen they're worth when it is at the time my boyfriend ended up getting arrested, actually argument
Verizon College and we got into a fight, and I was like you know what why don't you just leave and go home cuz? Clearly he wasn't a college student, so I drove him to the train station, so he could go, get on the train and go home, and so when he got out the car he grabbed my purse. We got into a huge argument. Then he grabbed risk that was about to pull off and even their heating immediately. Somebody reported it the police, that somebody stole my person? So then the police came and they had dogs and everything this is in Connecticut, so the dough came, and I guess he highlights drags on Amazon Ban debate, we met, they wouldn't golly vulgar and I wasn't nothin crazy, so many getting a resident going to jail, and this is right before I graduated from college- and I was so concern about leg, alma, gotta, gotta Belem out, but he and getting out in two days, but it didn't raise the whole began edge. What about you show me? I could also say memo. I've been goes as mentioned earlier. We ve never had a problem. Private fight, not an improbable, an absolutely? No, you have it do not add is that is,
Is it a need for? I really actually do hey arguing in public, and I really do I even aims. Are you on the phone, a prisoner there and you're on a phone getting into argument, and even I do and I met. We argued over for blogger in a public, absolutely marked further aware my public debt law that we would have that table long fight a more they get up and leave not run like envy out of the car. Nothing. My dad badges, be real quiet, outreach, the way I treat public displays of affection? If you see a couple out and they tongue, his kingdom and all can grow, but you'll go get go home, go get a room, treat arguments if you argue over three formatted gone. Why are arguing that you are leaving you hey confrontation and places in public public aid to play for those who is not in doubt of it, so my arguments, which is basically a girl, broke up, yeah, yeah yeah,
don't be mad. As about a boy was by my own people, she wanted to get a far from certain went inside. My party grabbed before ran in managing off his own people locked himself with a male office every by looking thing in Ukraine came to keep it as well, as I have a number of those work for girl you take, it all run waited almost you got do it, you gotta, do it I'm gonna nail of the white people about a thousand I pointed out to me: let were Yoda,
while you should attack what I'm talking about member when David, Cloudy doomed from the wreck, doing with a guy like you, would you take your phone you gotta tackle umbra allows? Is I think, one day which other my arguments, which a girl brow of an old man creating the Ark and there about the eyes and the thing they did. I get on the bus do the car as pretty bad, we the knowledge of these buildings take them bird held back the outs that she stared. I do the math, unlike what you put it back on that Burma, rogue, overdoing secure without financially unable broke out the job they add. You have fair and we were broke and what else you
Moreover, inevitably row now, because I see altogether rain organ level I break their screen with a man. I was your girl. Is the Grand Canyon Aguiar Bargain with no way you got a bad girl? Don't you find a five one? O five were were asking? Have you ever got into a fight in public which a man or Eugene CALL is right. Now is a preface locomotive. Now is Rihanna needed me morning. Everybody is dj. Envy Angelo Yea, Charlemagne Guy, we are the breakfast club- know we're taking because right now, eight hundred five, eight five little fire one asking about public fires. Have you got into a public fight which chicle your man? How did it go with their bare ADA, depriving five little fire when I told a story about how he had talked about your red born run? Imagine leave me about I've got into an argument when we were in college and I used to do about the column. A gun on you chase me
I hate to do stuff. I've got the car industry. Walked away like she would chase me and she didn't. She would you, like you, rode window up and just took off. It was their bad when people leave and they want you to chase them snow badly. But you don't at investing, do as don't follow them, let the resort as our colleague negroes do cardio. Okay! Now, I'm you. Would you like a bad you like issue where she Adela body Mattei blessing causes. You gonna get you to show you right now? If you can make a catered? U turn? left her and she just kept on the image- is put decline. Part company to travel through college stops don't take off running in his kit out. What would you rather from every eye, was what, if anything, arguing about that made? You feel I know I remember what it could be anything still be echoed place. You ought to go to club that NATO may now you can go it up, so I'm going out put the robot I get out, I'm going to run away. I'm gonna go where it was they never girls jog? Ok,
Whenever bade Negro Verlag Jogging, he gets into account girls thoughts. The argument is put an employer can take over matters. One against and perhaps again apparent appetite is to me. It is you see the theirs everything hello, there's you do for her. Allow man, one thousand autoclave, was one thousand target arguments which a girl espouse broke. About Army nephew, led the way we are going to know about my wife characters. Furthermore, up, while how would you know you bone does nephew, you did announce it, everybody about Now there will be out already area by our no while it our blooming in her beyond their career by nobody already goblet long nowadays, hiding window, you lags automatically crazy man. Gotta. Go I'll. Make you an hour. You look.
Look over whatever you want to make a big man being in a trial will be no me and every day. So I believe that they do not allow walk out on all. I believe that my daddy I'm going to the club- and you request in first the demography of regular, could you play draws Warming shot out, the bones nephew and build it allows is leaning, was we talk about gettin in the arguments which your boyfriend- oh, yes, bows in public a story for together and we were headed toward morning. I just found out about other things like I don't care where I'm aren't you
Oh now, crows they held a while back, but with a swap awakes Bulgaria on Cuba, as is now thirty like I'm off on him back, he came up with the basket and looking back on it. As I said it all better, but it only crime you eat. No, you did the right thing as if you get caught she knew not going or publicly use. I know, embedded in it They did all the job and in what way he had married, I have it made me think of a stupid like trying to make me fella I have now. No I'm calling them all come attack, Ok, all right! Thank you, my exactly alone, because flashbacks colonel hello,
goin we're talking about. Public are fighting, racism are gonna, beat up, accompanied I'm ready to argue, never fall mother, you got it. You gotta, give her. It, I believe, What you don't worry about it now. I really know you. You have a whole argyle for not at all with them all the story, us storage. We can measure the happiness of a relationship, but a number of scar that he's partner carries on their tongues earned from years of fighting back angry words. Ok, frightening public solves nothing, and I just want to say it: one of those couples they buy in public all the time it make everybody uncomfortable at least has a mistake. Everybody s got a witness that artery all right. Gossamer was covered up. Yes, we have This talk about little way now would tell you what he said over the weekend on Twitter. They had a ladder, people concern and where ass, a mother I just had to say- and miss bands also guess who is gonna be on. I am less
my life, whose ex girlfriend is gonna be on their arrival groups. All that when we come back Cupid lots to breakfast locomotive The breakfast club It's about the report annually on the breakfast club web. Lithuania had some things to say: ok, first, he was on twitter and everybody was concerned about what he Sweetie said I am now defenceless and mentally defeated and I leave gracefully and thankful. I love my and but I'm done, he also went on state during dregs, caused on Sunday night and here's what he had to say: I want you to know that I know I'll leave you with some kind words.
A gazelle and bird man came of ended. The whole respect got put some respect. My name thing. He was upset because says always talk about him and he said that of his business by telling people simply. Why would you sign the Caspian Sea and how he trees, his artist, especially Lithuania and Estonia, that make it up clearly Lithuania's still described the damn. Shame that little in my garden paid Bob I yet I write about shrank away, he rode on Instagram the boss loads, whom we are fighting, and so you get yours, freedom to drop music Mps, mine? I don't know what these other weirdos are on with all the side tabs, but I know you get A shy- and I can ever do with the rest of my life- is return the favour young money forever. I will be warmer. To pay when nothing got it now. I don't think I made you got an axiom Bentley Gary rather than it really is like money does toward it does you could find? I landed at least target one. Stop it listen, couple pay your body. I want
Burma and got a debate where, if you hadn't, you just pay well, you work out a payment plan. A beer you weren't there now we're gonna play. Why haven't got a blanket you got it. I can agree on. A number gave him. Some progress has been made. It is agreed on a number of you like universal cut. Their check the money was their Burma and do it the way I write what chance the map or who, by the way that Congo show last night, also responded dear little Tutsi. I just want to remind you that you absolutely nothing, and no one in this world can defeat. You tell them devils back back ray and young Doug Voter, weird post. He said Promise him holding you down, no matter what s the world them, what they think Phil, I'm with you for life. You up he's an I wrap. I just wish you could love me the way. I love you, big Brown, my item for life and I hope you're sorry for bashing me not knowing how much I love you, I stern as a number of raw tobacco that was gonna Dodo, because you know a lot of time. People gotta die in order to get their kind of love assume. It goes a lot of alpine. A loaf Wayne is weakening
still here to receive his loud. Why you still allowed to smell at my bag running, ok, I'll, sell frustrated. I stated previously people without values, music, not the same as that, the same main parties in a terrible space right now, because he can't have the freedom so financially right away. I do and even like putting our albums the way that he wants to put a man he was saying that that has album having come out in man. Wouldn't let him release his albums and by the way Birdman. We wouldn't be talking about you right now. If you would just pay a little Wayne, What are you a new odd is man. I keep telling yellowfin oval watch how people treat people could eventually is complete What makes you think you won't be any liver. What may you're thinking Audrey do any better than entreated any other than a bad, especially led away. Romania
how to knowledge as little way of his son, Lithuania admissions address, agree to their does it for any autism beer. You make sure you have a great lawyer to make sure you contracts are great seed, never have to go to some of the things the somebody's autism Gordo right now, let's discuss unless fix my life, the new season is coming back. Guess: who's gonna be on the actual bug arouses eggs, fiance layer. Good lawyer. I write so she's gonna have a one on one session and remember she was engaged to regret. What you fix it about. I guess we're gonna find out Many things are difficult for her, and now that he's not regret, is beyond just gotta watch it and find knows. I remember clearly was on air. Does outboard listen, she's. The glare of the law is a bad signal. You look beautiful of earth, mangled privacy data wanted Amigos now also, I believe I don't know what a good dinner life is. Fixed issues in the club lies all a woman like that meet the ball. You don't
As long as leader, most rapid was improvement. She's fine, she's, Morton answer that way I oughta gone. Do I gotta go grumbled, Bob literally will you go for? I am when he's fresh requires drugs. Now this is data Kwairyo, if I'm not mistaken and guess who ass his dating output, Chloe Kardashian interest in time, thin, okay, so apparently they ve been out and about together. This picture, the damn together, they went to curb their Buddha point. Will bigger baby maybe he's all along That is why we have had a really beautiful girlfriend. I guess they broke up. I don't know hat and is looking to breed, may guarantee the future Bobby everything. That's govern now uneasy emissaries and picked his air Kosovo's Tibet with great couple. They were better yes, and that is your room, a report on it
yeah you got nobody. Google, it as yet- and I was on my computer- ran away This is how I hear up his hand. As far as an advantage you dead don't look on now. Ok, last autumn Yes, we don't know about you of the day is going to the President of the Philippines, whose name can't, but give me five more minutes data. Every five more minutes are not pronounces right, we'll get into that. When we come back, keep allotted to breakfast locomotive
don't deal the day. Job Democrats have been out there today, a little bit of a mixed adult. I've been called a lot of my twenty three years been donkey. Other bay is a new way and I just want to say before you guess: dieting. Ok, you and your friends. You can you really having sex in here, because you guys go the whole entire drink on me, and now I have to go I look like I have won, I alone Eliza. Louise Weiss. My sleeve often remain casus belli. I was sitting over her minding my business when all the gallows Della than me this time, because it now I e g in the eye was mighty. My business, I M easy. Who works our mining? My business has nothing to do with ever. You can't simulates sex anyway depleted onto about my computer I didn't do anything you like
we're in Vienna and am easily get dog you today for stimulating saxony. You have been causing some creamy liquid dispel all over. You know, that's what I thought I'd be am now wherein is creamy sharing, really I saw em easy who works at board up and dj envy simulate insects? Then the White Chambermaids Vive jumped involves that I saw some creamy liquid gush out and I was. You know what that's enough for me. I will need to know. What's going on, I visited IRAN. Amazed believe thank those leave. You know that white stand it. Like this, so you know about it. Scored member. That is there any other way, above that I had to wear all day and especially not at work from two men playing around with each other. Go get some more God now mind and body smack drink out my hand. Land Rongji give
biggest he harder Emmy. This is obvious. Now dodgy did David. Do they symptoms? Six go to the president of the Philippines, whose name I can't pronounce, but let's give it. The I didn't go to college s old crack on a dirt road. In months, Corona South Carolina trial, K Rodrigo due to a landed Did I landed in cell right job want a clue to offer me damn that sales to tear down Broadway GO to Turkey. Well right. Regos calls to have his first meeting with our President Barack Obama today, but that meeting was cancelled. Rodrigo, decided these I D make Casey Rodrigo have been criticised abroad for a war on drugs that is killed about twenty four hundred people since he took off his just two months ago. Furthermore, arrigo didn't want to be lectured by President Obama about his extra judicial killings. Now the wider, earlier said. Obama would now pull any punches on his concerns about human rights abuses in the Philippines, which prompted
Oh yes, go! Let's go to see an infant report. Philippine president rug Rico detained amateur up his use of vulgar language, taunting President Obama, to not bring up the Philippines record of killing alleged drug users and suspect during a plan to meeting of South EAST asian leaders in louse. I am a precedent of a sovereign state. I do not have any much that is developing people. You must be respected. What is it you tell tale switch to his native language to make his position even more clear anymore. I get that son of a bitch I'll curse you in front of everybody. Everybody, he called President Obama, some of it
saved, meaningly full of Gatt gaining be offended until I know what it is you said to me by the way is I feel in IRAN any Foreign as a new start talking to their native tongue and laughing uncontrollably, I'm like faded joke in English, so I can lead to a stated joke in English. So I can know of your talking about me and not now, president rather Regal has released his statement thing. You regret calling President Obama a son of a bitch. Let's hear, isn't the topics blamed the press reports that the President Obama would lecture him on extra judicial killings led to a strong comments which in turn elicited consent. He regrets that Israel. To the press, have caused much controversy now, the second agreement in the four agreements- it don't take anything personally, ok, nothing other people do is because you it is because So this is a prime example. It at President Rodrigo knows people again killed in record numbers under his watch and you don't need any body. Tell him the truth about himself, but don't call me a son of a bitch.
Yeah. I need that in sound general to me. Ok, don't insult my intelligence out. I decide to not meat which you and tell me that you didn't mean it recently in the Audacity the unmitigated gall, God think did you can call me a son of a bitch and I'm still have a meeting with you, that's the problem. I have with a lot of people nowadays, I'm not offended by you call in meat at what How would you in we live in is air? Will people talk freely to you and I, jus, especially on social media and wherever else and then still ask you for some are still expect to meet with you about them here the lunar by conceal your intentions. You think I'm a savage all ideas, of until we meet face to face you, gotta fussy. You know your hand before we start plan, and I see that you I play of her private. Pull out? Please give president, at a regal? Do Turkey the biggest that there is no use, are more about perfect. My illness lane gold medal now rather turn
brown, tat, thou right will take you for adults of the day when we come back let's talk dirty a little bit now: arms all wet please do not let this one go by the way I had nothing to do this out at what did you do? I watch dollar would have Laden you somebody motivating those a protein shake? Actually, yes got knocked out. Somebody then in all of it leaves microphone. I really I don't fight near me anyway. I bought on the matter, children running around here. Talking did he now did he has some comments about the black vote we have. It is Oreo. This isn't a duty, audio You should might not want they know. To be honest, is black people we play President Obama in
White House think we got a little bit short change and that's not knocking the president in office a lot going on a lot of balls and the the he has done an excellent job. You know, but I think it's time to turn up the heat honestly think that he has to be turned up so much the community. We gotta hold our vote. No, don't safari yourself, so really revolutionise again. Make them come far boat people a pistol about us good people, pissed off about it Is it voted die or is it hold of all people say net what you say: no hold the vote until we find out exactly what the Democratic Party is going to do specifically for African Americans. Which I think is a bad thing, a little bit of the far less aid budget, five, eight five, one o five one you her! What did he said? What do you think about these comments? She, we hold the black vote. Is that what we should do we should hold a vote. We should definitely demand which makes them demand bottle. We come out of amateurs, get some things and
dating this discuss when we come back. Eight hundred five hundred five one phone call us now is to breakfast locomotive the breakfast club that was Betty. I need a girl morning, everybody's dj envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the Breakfast Club magazine, the jungles whereabouts, or no no end to it and that just now, but I went previously seen maize for I had not online. You know. I saw mood for five times: ok I'll wash their video. So much video is what happens when you path is turning up the secular music. God just want to remind him that he watched her blows. Don't fall, motorcade us all Friday when the product was run? Not the house from the magic could have an excellent park there that we may look. Let me father, we get it right back at all. Right well hundred Jude Foggy five one o firewood. Talking about these come and see me some comments about voting check it out.
I mean my number one day, nor, to be honest, is black people. We play President Obama in the White House. I think we got a little bit oil change and that's not knocking the president. You know it's a lot going on a lot of balls in the job. He's done an excellent job. You know, but I think it's time to turn up the heat honestly think that he has to be turned up so much that the community. We gotta hold our vote. No, don't safari yourself, so really revolutionise again. Make them come far vote. But the question is: what do you think about these com? Should we hold the black vote? I don't think we should. The vote. I think what we need. Who is be more vocal, actually and make sure the things that we and only get addressing get some promises made and even on a local level, not just
federal level by just in our local government addled out of them. We shoulda volley that we hold that vote. You might have. You might put Donald Trump in office if you play around in nets deftly which you you don't want. Anything was out of all, but I believe that we should know what we are voting for, and I think that you know democracy continues once we put who have We are putting into the white out that thing that you know we still have to demand things, but it does not bother me about common life. Did the jewish people always say Barack Obama didn't do anything for an economic community thousand I really had to go research. What do you know? What have you done specifically You got a lot of things that are directly affected african American, whom you can look like. He remembered his keeper. The umbrellas keyboard I was Doin dead are focused on improving the loudly young African amalgamated, yet the jobs ACT which which was the jumps, thought our business start up. Jobs acronym for that in a debt that it would, that does is it don't in a major shift in security law them at the emancipation of capital for minority and women all businesses in Europe
where's. Ladies, you did a lot as far as getting kids out there and moving target obesity. Yes, obesity that wasn't just for african american ours is an area that about you when you were economic security. According to the White House, american business is a veritable forty million jobs and that help cut the african American Unemployed, written have signed a fair sentencing act back into doubting drain. Ok that now the penalty between cracking particle came by also bomber care gave a lesson that just last people either but a lot of what a lot. I remember these minimum you're lucky we get effective. I will say this, though, did he didn't say, said: o Bambi Anything he says that he felt like it was short changed and he said he he did think that Then an Obama did an excellent job of aid and do anything Derby Jimmy you have allowed. You sure you didn't say that would allow who do like per annum. I haven't done anything right. I'm glad I don't think that's a fair assessment and make him all caught them, making college more accessible and affordable? And he signed the legislation increasing max, compel Grandma Morton went down,
I was like that directly helps. Disenfranchised people will, out of them, be african american rubber, which often votes, and I honestly don't we shall hold our vote. I think, especially during this time, a meanness is to Canada's really it's it's Hillary Clinton just as I do on a green is interesting. Did he was the first one to do to have voted die As a Dane, I respect what did he say an army? We do have to stop just demanding more, you, candid blindly, vault lagging a. What do we want? I agree have to really put pressure on these politicians on a local level and of a friend would you say locally. We have the vote locally. We just cable for president. We have to vote on those local sectors. Before laws allow this good morning. You jogging you re use outside I'm good, the boat right. Ok, ok, you cover, for nobody ever take mobile Then what do you get away with it? I'm going back.
Gone hook. You never been ever want to be like they re going back to someplace. They ve never been. You personally have never been back down. I do have some great great great great great advantages that was from Africa has but they're dead. Now you ve never been back there. You never been going back to some place. Never meant allows is Morgan resembling ignored umbrella. Talking about holding your vote. What do you think of data? our group, God, people power, a radical Washingtonian watch, not guardian, and the inmates gave us going about. The thing is arbitrary, as Goin to the Poles once every four years ago. You think about them- and I don't take hold- a group of people who can demand anything because morality, challenges, demand. That means that we have all we think of the supposed to happen with third on the left behind white and latin American, throw our mo collectively isn't his powerful on a national level. Go level. You can see real James, he can see City Council, you can t school schoolboy.
Please how many things change on a local level and the people held a vote on the local level will be much more surprising. How either he'll go, have opposed the weight and want every four years for this political process to take shape the jewel in the voting. For me Modi. Is it one thing out of parties? that you can do in a socially cantered, my and the of over eighty on the list, but when people think they have gone by, it is almost laughable. I'm glad you said that makes people who think that it was like people who specifically Arago bomb in a white, often family, who think they can. You may tell us with payment rubbed it. Our did the amendments you shut up, eight hundred five, a firewall or fire were asking. Did he said these comments I mean my number one thing, nor to be honest, is black people. We play President Obama in the White House. I think we got a little bit
or change and as an I'm, not going to president knows a lot going on a lot of bulls and the job he has done an excellent job. You know, but I think it's time to turn up the heat honestly think that he has to be turned up. So much the community. We gotta hold our vote. No, don't safari or so really revolutionise again make them come far vote Do you agree with him sure we all the black vote. Call us up right now is to breakfast locomotive balance be ass. It was sorry morning, everybody is dj. Envy angels, armies, Airy, Charlemagne Guy, we oughta breakfast. I do anything now how I'm is, but I came upon my hand. A messy gave a walk around a wet clothes. Are they know this gusting? I wouldn't want to now
talking about duty now, did he made these comments about voting list check it out? I mean one. Not one thing, nor to be honest, is black people. We put President Obama in the White House. I think we got a little bit short changed and ass, not not going to president. He knows a lot going on a lot of balls and the job he has done an excellent job. You know, but I think it's time to turn up the heat honestly think that he has returned of so much there as a community. We gotta hold our vote. No, don't pacify yourself, really revolutionise again make them come far vote. The question Should we hold our vote? Eight hundred five, five one, eighty five one I'm say and hold it for what it play around that I will be in office. Be a bad situation and we might I have to go back to Africa. I don't think that's you showed your vote, but I don't think you should have blindly vote for the Democratic Party. The liquor a lot of lively would tend to do by a mean in this election. I'm definitely even
a vote. Democratic offered, a Green party jos time. Let's proms embarrass me, no, I don't think she can went on his way and, like I note that you should hold your vote, but I do think you should know who and what your vote for in after we get that person into the White House, democracy doesn't stop. We have to continue to press for thing. That we want. I would think that we should hold a vote. Allows is you're. What did he say issue we hold our vote over and above our nor that ever better, but when he said I fully understand I would like, above all to the good blood adopted. My job is dead. You know, are we bombing of it and you will you haven't done anything. You don't put a black denuded yummy people always point out that this will help here, but that will do well well raw material of Asia and gave a list the enemy doktor, whom Ozma guy you know a lot of people say that an array
is article on black enterprise. May you can actually google it it's all about a lot of things you this was living with bloody allows. Is a rock sandwich socking about holding a vote now? Did he said that maybe too community should hold out? Well? What do you think about it? I in some ways I agree it has raised both do all based on how you know things happened. They are coming, maybe go out is say, like the president, then do enough for us. We didn't do enough for him. I surrounding him, with people that are gonna get those that is very true, though I am on everything he tried to pass I greatly Maria Autonomy, as requested in the romance anyhow voted locally ye. Have you now like eight years trouble about terribly and what I mean by that is like I might remember her eyes, nor our vote airbag lovingly. I've done that you know to pass agent
I mean I just started getting involved with the voting procedure. That is the vote until I voted for President Barack Obama. So I realise how important it is growing on the local level, but I just dont be paying attention until now, right now recently to what's going on in the community every four years a lot of local elections. I think every two years is more is stifling often by only go when the sound of over president. Unlike you said, I do the same thing as democratic. We gotta stop doing likewise, really blindly voting for democratic, just because not paying attention to in the act issues that we want to drive that one thing I've done for presidential economic actually listening to people who are talking about issues that directly affect our community right like, like a God, bless America. Our Alison did all this is to happen black I want to know, job plan to do for me, am I you're right you, you are black, that what is the worry, wipe out. You won what laughing I think over Iraq. I think a lot of people we have set in if they didn't do things proceed
leave oblige me what would he implemented a lot of things that help black people because of certain policy that he implemented and it was issued. Our affecting us, like unemployment, you in affairs missing act, but I think they said he didn't specifically do things for black people were a me like this is for unit. Basically, oh, I wouldn't call black laughing America's now ye. Yes, we have almost yes, let's talk beyond saying among stories vote tomorrow, the story he has begun. About beyond, say. Why made her a cancel, a shower, really postpone it, but will give you some information on that. Also, would tell you recently passed away and, of course we do an agreement: Freestyle, ok, her pink print freaked out, as you do, put out over the weekend? Ok, we'll get into that. When we come back, he belonged to the breakfast locomotive. The breakfast
The report is the reul report. Libretto glove be acting as announced that show that's gonna, be an east Weatherford me Jerry. These spots. Take place tomorrow night has been postponed. Now they stand amazing about who is set to resume on Saturday in Saint Louis Missouri. She's on vocal rests right now, so she did have a big. Aren't they bash also now let me be clear that the real issue, their party, where parliament has re our heads you that they get no soul drain on she had a few drinks figure Baghdad. Like I needed day. Ok, I too lacking bad soon? And, yes, you think in a little break and she'll be back? Our kid caddy has Now these putting out to albums this year, okra already on Twitter and announced that he still looking to find a release date for his album this month. He said, there's eighteen tracks on it and it's over one hour and thirty minutes along. So, if your big here
Howdy Van, he said I'm working on a date for release available on all platforms for streaming and download physical. Shortly after reminded minute, Almah gases, you had a really be amazing for me to listen to you a ninety minutes, wherever you already hey, aiming as China, bigger Mamma. How long live the death after nine eleven about you gotta be less well. Did you let him put out a release day to get our maybe men as long as it was in a very long so nice a long road trip I right now it has announced he has a new venture coming in Houston, Texas, here is what he had to say. While he was launching his pop up at the city's Toyota Centre last night,
in Houston. Nobody is talking about. Is that is opening a ship club cod. The ballet in here and then it will be opening some time next year. Script was no good taking care so well they loved him. Ass logger rooms and youth and better than the freak and rockets what're you things, traces go make showed him. Scrooge is get treated so well. He s here none of them describe. As you can go to, let you know what you need to being. I noticed that actually really good grace based there's a guy right after when you run out of there, when you start the car and run out, I am very Heller has been confirmed.
Over the weekend, we are now Jerry Halloo? If you didn't already you knew from the end, you re Bio PIG, he was the one that signed the e in partnership with easy and ruthless records He was a managing and evaluate dogs and the deep sea and one way in time, but now he's been. I guess proven to be not such a nice, I from people's other will be. I remember the beef from back then wrote within W H, arrive and, of course, Nicky nice over the weekend put out the pink print freestyle check it out. Never talk about Nicki in the past ten, unless I forgot pass that ass in the past pent up got to hate you, dumb bitch. You know I'm pretty in on Wednesday and I'm done with a shaved. And now you know what imma say you my son, this right, Unlike the rapporteur, thing is six minutes long and then its, which is arbiter,
singling allowing, and you can hear that also, if you hear the whole entire six, what are you doing. I'm not worried about the fact that I still havent heard before Nicky Menagerie style. You have to see actually aware, as I am I a paper plain song. I she plays an essential role, falls afar, the indo within a single legal aid as well as any, and also that the treaty is ratified rage. He always does that, and I am I am I actually said her out on twitter but below heart and the humanised meeting her back and Emma does have album coming out on Friday. So this is good timing for her it is always good. One m Caesar active Man, a man like we never see the quiet if you can wrap, wrap them back to wrap Lamb. Angela YE invest Avram a report, and I just want to remind you that at least Is coming onto nigh on ethics S Donald Glove as new show age? How this gambino? No! I saw the first war episode and I'm mad, because now I gotta wait like five weeks to see. What's next, but I'm a
why did he growled tell us about it? They we walk to thing is a great shout and location on the watch, the main and will truly really go on then try not to smell Donald Global due to Toby I'll, show you out for Israel and drop one includes bomb for analogue eight days, nor a boy by Dana Boy day. Noise looted all drink chance. They call me mother if they get a coordinated and wishing to spend a storm. When I signed in Manhattan, This is crazy slowly. I remember you from everybody else. The people's choice, because of next when he has some of us now is to breakfast locomotive.
Transcript generated on 2020-07-06.