« The Breakfast Club

This Is Your Problem too


Today on the show Dj Envy went live with his listeners and allowed them to vent about the injustice and police brutality that have been recently taking place in differenent states. Also, Mysonne gave a call in to the show , who has been on the front lines of the protests that have been happening in Minnesota and spoke on his experience and what to do next

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
In the past few months. The notion of home is no longer just a place we drop into at the end of the day. Specially when our homes have become our workplace, school and full service restaurant. Well, here something good. For today we spoke to him and pressure scientific communications manager appeal Angie about how cleaning can foster a sense of calm and control you can start an easier way to clean thanks to DAWN power wash display. So you can spend less time scrub. And soaking dishes and you can get back to the things you love visit, dawn dish.
Come world through the various categories of aid, only one main bridges in New Orleans and everybody is e g envy annually Ye Charlemagne began. We are the breakfast club and his friend S. It's Friday, man, I'm glad we get to see about is the same boy is going on.
You don't know, any updates will give you up. Dates was going on in Minneapolis will also give you up dates with the corona virus. Now this morning, or let say last week before the breakfast club of vacation, we take a couple of interviews. One was pretty Ricky, we're gonna, get a backbone to day in his laboratory, but with an open up to form. A lot has happened, you know? The aim of Minneapolis prosecuting Attorney said I didn't know if there's enough information to necessarily prosecute the offices, many different went out when I heard that debt Coverage- yesterday's all talk about that also they burn down the third precept net at their prison, is the precept where all the reform cops where ploy by they burn whole priests and down we'll talk about that as well. They been riding meaning listen other states as well people,
in protest and people have been arrested. It seems, like is the more police brutality all over the country and outside people say in its initial what I'm tired of recital who said well, you know you don't A mere one. Is black or black room orders? Blogger blog! We will find each other one: is minorities go and at each other, that's wheat. And I will tell you why. Yes, you're absolutely right. When black on black crime happens, we should be mad, but change does not change the Golan. That's like in an argument which a man are. You can argument which girly wife and you start open about well put up at all is eaten and all of a sudden it or you member five years ago, when you did this to me, no one at talking about what happened before we talked about this instant right now we can. We can talk about that later right now we're talking about this now this is affecting us and what we see in the last couple of days, the comments of, or will we don't know we're not talking about that? We're talking about this specific
instance we're talking about how police continue continued disrespect thus in careless and kill and armed us. We'll talk about it more, get it all future eight hundred Bobby file? No five. What if you want to get things off your chest? You can call us up right now for learns. A wide open for here I shall remain your vacation is to breakfast cloacam of mourning. Everybody is dj. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne God we are the breakfast club luskin some front page news now: While all this is going on everything's happening in the world right now, Donald signs a new law targeting social media companies after allegedly Twitter started to fact check them to see what he was saying was right now everything or what This is what he says today: Lucy Audio.
My executive order calls for new regulations under section two hundred and thirty of the communications decency act to make it that social media companies that engage in censoring or any political conduct will not be able to keep their liability shield. That's a big deal they have a shield. They can do what they want. They have a shield that I got to have that shield. That's crazy! he's doing it about at a time like this, making social media does in fact or enjoy. Of Lloyd's case they seen allegedly that he worked at the same club as the officer there didn't mean his neck. Now, allegedly, ah joy workin, a club. Don't security at night- and they say in at the owner, also allegedly said that this young, this Angus agenda young individual, but this officer also worked at the same clubs. I don't know if there was previous or prior problem, but it is strange that he would do that to this man. He had that. Have that that neon isn't for that love for north
that that you seem strange, were also the attorney prosecuting attorney MIKE Freeman said this other evidence showing no wrong. Believes George Floyd's Killop might not be charge less authority of that mean for us. I understand you have range hardy Lee. I guess the answer me is a violation of my lips and evaluate before we announce our will not do that. I would say that, but that video is graphic and horrific. And no person should be there The end is to prove that you step which can't see why they can't prove that immediately I mean a man. Was we all seen the video he was lifeless? May I wasn't fighting back, he was screaming.
Can't breathe. He was screamer I'm a there was no, white man. You had his hands tied behind his back handcuffed. What was he going? Do karate kick. You was the worst bite you It was three you guys on. No, there was no reason for that. Lastly, ill protest is burnt down the third priests in last night, Minneapolis Minneapolis, that is the priest employed which improve the before offices, there were involved in this case. So the third president was settled. And you know that send out running last night, please back away from the third precinct because they felt it was going to explode and blow up, but the third precinct was set on fire by protesters and burnt down in. That is your front page news. Now, get it off your chest. Eight hundred five, eight five one or five fifty one. If you need to call us up, now for mines are wide open. Let's talk about, it is the breakfast cloak.
The breakfast club hear something It is a new show from Seneca women and I hurt radio it's a great way. To start your day on the positive side of life in the past two months. The notion of home is no longer just the place we drop into at the end of the day. So how do we find that peaceful state of me? and when our homes have become our workplace, our school and our full service restaurant. Well, here's something good! For today, spoke to Morgan, Bashir, scientific communications manager at key Angie about how cleaning can foster of calm and control. You can start the easier way to clean thanks to dawn power, wash dish spray with specialised formula, that stronger than regular dish? Soap designed to work, contact all you too, who is spray, wipe and render them clean. So you, spend less time scrubbing and soaking dishes and you can get back. To the things you love visit, Don Dish, dot com
go away, wake up or black we want to hear from. You allows those paid Chris Kimono get it off your chest, Amy, you going to talk about the whole killing payment. Do you to. Let everybody no like this. We ve been doing it for light weight to love is not going to happen from me, everybody's wanna. Do they live and they'll cape perfect actually doing acting. I believe in it, but I also believe in the Malcolm X fighting for a cause any more. No, I think we need a eye for eye center supposed to actually get appointed. I'm pretty sure down the track, what you desire, I report the dogs,
dogs are out there riding and just going to come out showing just because we're trying to get our point across on how we feel about how they killing us for the past three years, so I just think it's time. They gave an eye for. I should get a point, of course, to shine light tat. Only if you keep doing it's gonna be precautions too. You know cops are bad right and you know the all standing up saying that this individuals, wrong, so you know what's up with the? What what do you want? What do you? What do you propose that we do our community to go after the people that killed us, not saying all kinds of bad, but the ones has Chrissy doing the stuff they need to go those people build me out. There, like, I was back in the day of the people used to protect the neighbourhood, as those crooked asked me to be there. Why did I forgot now agree with you? I feel that we need. We need do conic make sure we checked and police are all communities but in a mean, go out and is hurt random.
People in hurt random police officers. I don't think it's the key I biggest away. You feel you and I do feel like. Sometimes they push in is not to do it right way when they say- and we don't know if there's enough information or does not prove that that's boyish thank you for calling rubber allows this commodity Mama come on you guys. I want to get something off my chest with morning When we talk about the police, How do you feel about? Let me ask you really put myself and business both gaily You, don't know the accused or now go to work You don't know you can't go come home is gayly along different is painful, will have heard, Is it very scary? Like I said I have two young boys. I have five kids in his voice. Scary. You know in watching with them, and it makes me your bad. It puts me in the in a feeling in a situation where light Damn cannot really protect. My son came at rapid
My child of much I was doing. The right thing can protect them You know you gave your kid when it s a new course there. Why why the police, the one is I'll be in on now at all. The truth I gotta sixteen year. I mean, of course, the secure all again tell he nodded the sixteen year old. Absolutely positively. I told them. I want him to see what's going on out there, so he knows what he is. Gonna know where he knows what he has to stand. It gets. He knows who here you know he knows what what the real Others, like is not all peaches and cream. He knows what he has to go against when he goes out the inner world each and every day, every day absolutely there is almost no guys you, tuna, get it off. He had just eight.
Your father firewood or five one. If you need debate, it is up. Nea was the breakfast club kimono breakfast, it seems like it should be easy, but it's not just getting out of bed and getting your day started. Trying to accomplish everything you need to do in your day that to do list as a lot easier when you're getting news stories, music to lift your mood and preparing for the day ahead connected to the things that make you laugh and make you think or make you want to reach out and share with a friend every morning with us, it's Elvis Doran in the morning show listen to us on cue, one or two or anywhere in the world. On the I hurt radio app. You're gonna, get it off your gas, whether your man wore black, but we want to hear from you on the breadth of waging war go more, which enable don t.
Yeah I'm fine, Minnesota Kimono moments. Man you wanna get out. The third and by providing like crazy here and the police rabies in some of the south. Data them tired or in some other fires, every bad and their time and make us, We baby then we're car lobby silence ass, the estimates body and love start in a moment. They are the impact, sprang into an autopsy does so they ve been starting himself. Someday it worked there. We can ever just the approach abuse where we doin somethin, I gotta tell you something may make us look bad. I'm like savages in third the thought there one ruby their referred. Absolutely Oh, you know, we love you and you guys, please be safe out there, man, you know, thank you, Although you know happening on like everybody, I want justice for George
now what these crops to be arrested, but also among people added a careful and be safe enough, absolutely me too? I just want everyone to know. Life does not end with the, boudin and all that, and because that's what they want to do, they want to show us looking bad and they don't want us to see us on a good, siding and us being out there peacefully. We just want justice for this man. What will happen to him? I wouldn't want to be for Greece out the first brought aid and that's really I wear whining and asked why all this is happening because were heard in ran are breaking point absent absolutely would argue for colony and please be safe out. There. Hello. This is highly shy Asia. We call from I'm actually call good morning, Sir, are you feel industries
on Friday. I earnestly could be allied with you. I was right I think you got a very good point about everyone. Bring black on black climate and and you don't you kind of know, that a point, but there I kind of wanted to add to that. If that were so upset about the fact that you know it was a black or by which it was said about that you could be heard about. Is the fact that what is the real to protect and preserve throughout his good? They were trying to do if we look into it and God forbid day, someone bomb the police building. If they try to wander, they looked into it and this bag was frightened to be able to build. A bomb is not going to go to prison for that. So why, with his beard was
he'll be able to set you up there and to kill a man with the various why he allowed for walk free from you. I mean us a good point. I mean when it whenever a district attorney yesterday say he doesn't know. There's enough evidence it is, it is killed it is killed. Everything in me, before that. I had you know I really am. Maybe this is, done me. I really had hope. I said you know what this guy will get attitude. We ve all seen the video that it was no well, the guy was fighting back or the guy was no. We all seen three offices hole this man there you know and then, which is another slap in the face when he released the one a body footage the body camera footage when he would everything out loud. What kind of body footage was that if you can, anything they block everything out, they didn't. You couldn't hear the voice at what that was just a slap
faith that just shows like they have no respect. No, nothing for us and when I, when you really look into it, you know they take advantage of the fact that police officers that happier that that middle really are out there watching Facebook, you watch the post, you don't even have to believe me, be a police officer at or the crimes or stop right there and people are paying their killed every day and they are these and they are literally going and their practical people. I just don't understand how a our video can just deter. Anyone for, thank God, was absolutely hundred percent, while we have it absolutely absolutely would thank you for calling Mamma you be saving in and try to lease emigrate weaken. Absolutely. Thank you. My writing every day and keeping out about their anxiously
get it off your chest. Eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one, if you need to vent, you, can hit us up now. It's the breakfast club come on The breakfast club is your job to get it off your Jas, whether your man wore black, but I've been. We want to hear from you on the breadth of allow this morning the Mornin Nick the negative features Robin speak on it Ellen Bang. Honestly, we're never gonna be treated right and the easiest way to get up to start taking the money in our pockets like for at least a Senate retreated eat or eagle, we're not gonna pay it back. He's gonna hurt, they want the money, they want our energy our time, our money. When we start Then, and showing them like, we don't care about their rude and what you want, but even after a backward, but you will have noted that the tax system,
would be difficult because the nearest are saying that we all money in taxes. Starch aren't arrest, is Vanessa pain, our taxes, but not shop. Stores in really hold no money and in an show, people that our money is just as valuable anybody else's money. I agree with that. I mean I think, is really gonna innocent end. This crazy. Because then I have to get back to where we were years and years ago, where we had our own finances, arm, bacon systems, our neighbourhood, our own schools and start funding ourselves. The problem is is way so behind with money you know and beyond what you don't have a lot of his own. Don't have generation a well a lot of us there times to even start making money now families, so is We are so far behind what that was. Wilson will be so far behind with with technology and books and things like that, but that's what we're gonna have to get it. I am hoping that some of us with some money
we will be able to invest in our own, invest in our own community and I'm an attorney. You know a million dollars if you make a main hours a year or two main isn't this. Some of us that are making billions is African Americans em time million we have to start saying you know we have to be to lead and say you know what is what we gonna do anything age BC you, as you know, we have all these great athletes dare go to these The schools whether its Duke Weather, is Clemson Weather is Syracuse. Weather is Georgetown To get to the point we say you know what we're going to hold our own in and out of place, but I have to go into our own. Schools are only to be see you, you know what that would do to age BC, you of a player like, I don't know like a Carmelo entity didn't go to Syracuse anyway to eat or age pc you or Allen. Iverson did go to Georgetown went to age, pc you or See Lebron James would do one year in a league in you know, which way pc you in one year and new college, or even
Michael Jordan, did go to North Carolina, which were h BC. You know how that would have they're gonna, each pc, you, you know it would we bring more funding and ass. I think we have to start doing Billy was absolutely right, It's bad farm, dedicated people outside of the funds, the animal to recall a few years back. I called then- and I was talking about that- each one teach one method. He is good have money, but if we each other a growing crops, our own clothing build on it structured, our own homes and probably the suffering that we get off the wheel that they have us on where they feel like they control. Once we get off that real in his top policing, our espoused harangue me. Our work amongst each other. They keep the peace if you're not gonna, buy the levy on internal than vote, but going too every law which, though you might want to pay by play fair Metallica music. You know we should write it up and get it do. You know about,
that's why that's not push financial Freedom, so much network push real estate so much it s. Why I try to do my what happened? Somebody's it financial vices and these minorities appear talking about it, because you know you look at Our community and we re right wing projects we read, we We will bring in a lot of us even that we're renting, with paying one thousand dollars to rent one thousand five hundred dollars to rent and what people don't know there's a lot of help out the when I mean help these grants that I hope you which down payments is grants the hope you which, closer course. Software ladder terms the same that we would pay rent. We can pay me actually something we can have something and people What is that do or what is that? What that does? Is that create some type of generation a well meaning when you die. When you pass away, you give something to your kids in that just an apartment in the projects. Are you give them something, give them equally. Would he can start and ass? We, to do,
everybody else. You know you know but people daddy leave with millions of dollars level where hundreds of thousands of dollars we don't have that because suppose we don't know so we got. Ten learning continue to understand who continue to stand by lighting stand by that make sure that we can pass on for our kids equity, we need we we need for our people, give a common and broken you have a great weaken that allows is Joe. Go on, we call for both what eagerly their border. Cogia was negative features all abide by don't ever more another, you gotta common of work, and I they would go out that your boy carried by a police officer myself and I are why I'm shocked when I was watching those, it was bad and I every boy. I work what we say and fame exacting and ironically man, but I gotta go to
Oh man, you crazy, I don't know the whole gate and I don't want to jump to he concluded book debate. I want to look like man, I don't know But let me ask you question Lizzie. Anything else happened. What what? What else could I this is not like. We seem a ten seconds video there we see minutes at a video like I I saw. The whole thing is half of what they looked at. The game was what the heck of drug that bit by bit That's right, you can't do anything, he can't electricity karate, kick you exactly. You know all you gave the guy pack up and you all know is medical condition. Earth I got every combative, wouldn't you you got restraint on it. You don't have both you knew all the world you know and as we know, we need more offices and police officers like you to stand up and say Yoda wrong. I didn't or any though another thing, and I think we need to have an open dialogue with our work with all our might and I can only people don't only I'll know it
we're doin all, but about buying. Ok, they're, not gonna problem about May I don't live in up baby? I don't know nothin about going on up there, but I got now with. You noted that the problem is it is. This has been happening for long term and people on over to take it out on you know. People would happen in a name for further the district attorney to say: hey, we don't know, isn't information one. What makes one bad apple feel like all the apples Abed and that's how people who feel like that. You know it is not a failure like monopolies, there's a big no way with this for a long time, and we don't know who to trust anymore. Of course. I am not speaking up, so we don't know who to trust nobody about onward in ending up, not really the bet that burden they tracked the moment. Model every morning, religion. You're, a good ally in, and you honestly trying to help the people out there. We appreciate your brother who actually man,
open dialogue, and we need the dough like like that. I had the absolutely atrocious what happened died of Guy Guy got murdered. Buddy, I M absolutely. I want let them do their thing. Don't think every officer need to get a death right now I mean it's like ten of them. Last night, I'm like what the hell is going on and it will be be careful out there. And you speak enough of what you believe in what you which you know is right, but everybody you, but I'm a man like you, but my bad on the day when you do at I'm looking at it would take some. Let's go, get it off. He had chess aid and five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one if you need to vent his up. Now is the breakfast club good morning, man, man, man morning, everybody is dj. Envy Angela Yee Charlamagne, tha god we are the breakfast club, Angela Yee and Charlamagne on vacation. Let's getting some front page news now, if some crazy issue now shut
the scene in ASEAN and crew, has been arrested while covering the Minneapolis Protests right lab on television is the craziest thing I ever see and you can sell, They really don't what people see what's goin on. Now let me break it down Antonov we have the audio John was only when we get the audio medicine The crew was taken in areas like all. They have actually see to police officers run into two arrest. Somebody else is as yet We have action right now and then, all of a sudden around the scene in hope. Right the scene and correspond. His name is Omar tremendous unamended anyway audience you and you're a week. We do have audio right. So as this surrounding him, these says tape I work for and would you like me to back up where? Would you like me to go where I could possibly take? They say no enjoy him and then all of us the arrest him and I will see em arrest, the crew. I do see a risk that the the minority. Maybe it's just me and of sensitive, but I don't see anybody. I was getting retinal carelessly to audio. We shut up at the fire department or with the fire of her
carbon. I should say that building we showed you those burning. This is among them. Patrol unit. That was advancing up the street saying and scattering the protesters at that point for people to fear the area, and so we walked away. I'm sorry! Ok, you know why a mother s flight, Why am I under arrest Ok, We are with you man right. Oh you, he was arrested, was walked. Amy was taken away now before it s seldom them for like a lease. Thirty second images looked at him and he's saying nothing. Rotational politely, hey is a problem. Where would you like me to stay? If, What mutable? Where would you like me to move? This is we'll care, but is love. You please say nothing.
Problem. Where would you like me to move? I will move in all of a sudden you're under arrest, only see take him away. I will see them. Take anybody else away they don't want to show what's going on, because obviously the brother was doing absolutely positively. Nothing. Well ass, night neighbourly. Believe protest burn down the third priests in that a third precept is, with a fourth offices, were employed that they burn that building We lay this is this, is this? Is this. As you know, to say honestly, don't know what to say in your president I'll say your president. When all this is going on key signs in order for social media, because social media is check back in everything that he saying we have audio. That would everything has gone on. This is what he is concerned about.
My executive order calls for new regulations under section two hundred and thirty of the communications decency act to make it that social media companies that engage in censoring or any political conduct will not be able to keep their liability shield. That's a big deal They have a shield, they can do what they want. They have a shield that I got to have that shield, That's what he's concerned with that These concerns Also the district attorney said he does enough is enough evidence to actually prosecute. For office. Is giving it is stupid statement and I think people will be hard pressed to understand. You can't bring charges at least against the officer who had his knee on that man's neck violation of bioethics. Wait before we are not
but I will not do that. I would say that, but that video is graphic and horrific and terrible and no person should do that. The end is approved the fire, colonel step buddy else's hot, hurt from it feel it must all was taken away. When I heard that. Like our loves me, nothing like this is a witness seen aid- or this is here, say we seen Fm Video we all see what our own ass? A guy front, page news. When we come back my Son I myself am, I sort, of course, is a rapidly the Bronx ISA activists is well he's on affront learned right now. My and his team shelter to make Mallory Linda sounds: are they are
individuals there on the front lines. When everything happens, when something happens, they are there. They are out their protest in it the be organizing and he the eyes out there we're going to talk to him when we come back, we going to talk to my sauce, eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one he's easy for the last couple of days, he's been at by rubber bullets. He's been ito affected, tear gas with tear gas was thrown at them. He's been protesting at the offices house that put the knee in George Floyd neck. He protested outside of the district attorneys else you'd in protest outside the police station. So we gotta talk to my soul. When we come back, don't move is to breakfast club. The breakfast club warning. Everybody is dj. Envy Angela G Charlemagne, the guy we are the breakfast club, their solemn in a year or vacation some hole in it down, and I got my brother my sword alarm. I saw how to go about animals can you don't don't
you got me so I don't know yet out the owner footlight. You been out their protest in Minneapolis. So what would it seen out there for people. I don't know, and you know what you noticed- Always we what the media puts on television. So what are you seen out there? Thank you for me, I've been here for the last three days. They I want to see a guy on Tuesday I also is definitely a lot of protest in pretty much site where the brother George Food was murdered. Their protest it in front of the offices home who protested at DA's whole process. It at the prisons are pretty much seen every aspect of the protests
sport, you know either the media's China projectors. If it is a valid protests in yes, they have been. Things will want to tell you that most of those, the violence of the violent nature of it, because this amongst the poem there's this there has been a well. You know they might be a little disagreement, enable for most by the protests of the system and the police studied. Have initiated wireless, but should rubber bullets off the coasts of the police station they ve been told tee ghastly withdrawing all causes smoke bombs of the of the results of that desk. From when I got used to the tasks we I see, you know, the negativity stopped short has been. Is the aim with people without having been weapons were absolutely, but he shouldn't most of the times. The protests have the hands
I've seen offices point blank. Shoeing protest is this work of dislike this day. Has a wood will slowly to gas into pull crowd? You know all we were angry as you know, the angry back, you see the same thing. We say you know the district attorney here to ignore that they come back yesterday. It said he didn't see. Anything tat was a car is like is, is established. And you know we must have a few people don't want to be credible. You wanna behold your family You know you want to make sure that you say the fact that we have actually had to be argued that demand justice for some of them at the whole world. See I was you know, is it just assist disgusting? You know is really discussed now. You know people are important net. They have seen police officers and I'm not sure this is what they see
police breaking windows in and starting fires. Have you seen any of that? They say that is not necessarily a protest, as they say to start from possible the police, breaking his windows and possibly police. Starting underwriters. I mean that's pretty much one of the tactics of this government. Do you know they put agent provocateur into the crowds and protests and they create the most havoc? And then they do. You know they blame it on protesters, so they can have reasons to unlock up to home and do things the protesters, that's the strategy, you for give, you know almost see the video action I confirm nor deny that is actually officer was doing well. I'm decided that this strategy has not he's not anything new as as somebody reproaches it for the last eight years. You know I've I've seen of her,
You know, I've been witness to the unity government in this system in their spies into crowds, and they be the ones. Actually was initiate any level about now. Seen. Video Anna, you said you were protests outside the offers. This house now we ve seen a very aware. Look like they might have been like a hundred offices outside surrounding his house. Was that you that is definitely true, whose we were standing here. And Ngos alone maybe started out. What about twenty thirty offices and the other nowhere. Another idea what is more, we re just stood there were I give full away again, and you know just to intimidate the protesters, and he said you know is: is this whole situation is looking at it
Most of these people are traumatized. We deal with language from you know that is beyond anything that I've seen by sea he knows I was really young drugs, why it happened, you know I was. I was actually present at the Ferguson situation, but why this is so? there have never seen, and I realise that we have reached a ball of point refer. You know a thing to do. The victim was asian. Disregard for black love, for black life has come to the point. It is not just by the way, the probably more
Why do people you here today are black people but they're united friends? Everybody has come to the consensus that what is happening can't keep happening and they don't care. You know they are they're, taken a that gas and a common way back yesterday without the back and we were out there and then you know the police police at Kmart because he was knocking on the priests and doing the police. You know they have boarded everything of the most people took that the police park inside and then next to you know when he started to bang on the doors the police came out on the roof and they started shooting bullets and they started throwing you know, tear gas and then the crowd dispersed, because if you don't know
It's four blocks: dispersed spread, so everybody's run enshrining clearly eyes point mercury eyes do whatever you have to do, and within another five or ten minutes approaches came back. You know they did they just a day off. It up. You know Indonesia heard at the police station at work that we do not move out said the. I say this a thousand times nobody's allocated for violence. Nobody's ever came for naked. Maybe one of avenues, conversations with these young people from our communities and I'm sailors. This. Let's go about this this march. This protest they look at me, get my eyes by of March You know the martian for hundreds of years and he still killing destiny streets. Phone is saying that the only thing that this government respects is lost or sub you know this is the master. Did the arab diesel good people decent criminals, these about reversing the street? There's, don't they
these. Are people well done everything right? They tat they ve got jobs. The grass in a recent What would you say you kid? He taken? Our love wanted us to be peaceful code. I know that this is not enough money signal just as no peace. This is the normal and nobody wants to hurt anybody this there s a baby by the only body with the scene is property in a capitalist society that we live in is was led to the disregard for black life, for I noticed these corporations who make billions of dollars in you, know any fun these government officials
response. Our police system is the reason why I had to be disregard I would like so they don't see or care about these corporations. All these businesses that they burning down in the police station symbolize is the biggest symbolization of what had disregarded. I would like to so long so you, when you see people celebrate the burning down of the priests and it's not about it's, not about one of the harmony. It's a symbolization of something who was something in gum body. That is how black people for so long actually being destroyed. We got more with my son when we come back he's our eyes on the ground, he's on the front line, he's out their protest in he just filling a sinner He sees out the right. We'll talk to me we come back as the breakfast locomotive boiling everybody is dj. Envy Angela YE shall remain a guy. We are the breakfast club. Where kicking me Whitman,
he saw and he's in Minneapolis right now he's on the front lines eat. He told us what he sees and I mean it's all. To see it through the media of the media, could pick what they wanna show, but he's there so my son, I get a lot of other people and even see it on my thing and you do and you do both so you'd be a perfect person to answer people. That said, you don't have it's so upset when other people kill us, we kill our selves all the time and I think you can You'll be a perfect person, because Europe, alongside you, know, kings, can't kill kings march in you. You you trot out just advocate for people. It is not be violent towards each other at all when people say that you know like eight, we kill each other. What it! What does Europe? My response to that is, I want you to really understand this, but we kill each other, which is happening.
We will obviously there will be a desk dosages backs review if you change the realities of our communities. If you make sure that the people in our committees can survive, the violence will disappear with a government knows as well to poverty. We in the committee that we come from and disappeared because violence is a necessary component. To the capitalist society that we limit, we take me out, so they could fill jail. They need, while as they need us to continue to kill each other. So this that is their structure, that what I say is when we killed which is but by no means anything good first, a blow from whatever that happens, J, F jovial of want to go to jail for the rest of your life. You know one a court
Once than Wesley last we gonna lose the personal life they took in opposing took the police are not being held accountable when we had to sit outside and witness on tape. Somebody a man sit on amaze neck. You know with no God was life to look you in the face. In the end, a camera no one day signals man's telling you that he can't breathe is calling for his mother. When those things happen it and they could tell you that they don't see a club that right there is, is one of the biggest miscarriages of justice ever and that is by the system and in the end, a structure that is supposed to work. Is the people were supposed to protect us or the one killing us and they can't even be held accountable and we don't have a chance, so we can fit the black on black crime quote: unquote, did they say which of the message, because most people, anybody crime crime?
but if you walk closer to this, we don't say why don't wait. Five because wait a few more white, the blacks kill, blacks, does effect because during the numbers tell you that I will let you look more white people kill more. Because they are the majority in the world, so desperate that we always want to give this all. But we shall, I suggest we killer but we are going to be no become. What we are asking for in this moment is accountability. And they would allow those offices up itself really committed a crime. We would not be here. Why do? Why does? Why is the loss of life at the loss of black life? That is bad Hu as a loss in America. Why do they value probably won't be back? Was you know enough? something that we really have to that when people say that to me, I think I understand because the deportees circulating that one is to protect vessel, understand reality also covered in
change your reality. If I can't feed you, if I don't, if I don't make the block, you believe that the block is the only where you going to buy. So you have to fight your brother, who is fighting for the same from that you play I can't change that reality. I know that the reality of me stopping abolishing our community is going to be very low and they know that as well. You know you look at hip, hop Youtube. You look at hip. Hop beats the same Council give me a million years ago anymore. Most areas and a peaceful disappoint. These people came from, thereby the minute that you change the circle. Paying out you crowd they well, but about what they had been so that there theory is something We cannot allow the way almost because most people walk who actually have gaze members should we ve got some money utilise these. They want us to say, but what we shall each other. They want us to say that if you have it, understand the dynamics of that we use
I I was sales. I do you accept, where's that are whose gleefully was mad. They say we should be doing. Is you know I'm staying with he'll be Doin to the real needs and assign you can't tell people Bruce Lee, when you ain't, never done that you sometimes you just got to be quiet. You discussed you have to be quiet, because this is not your feel. Even though this is some of the people. Guinan affront lies at this. For a long time we ve been breach of peace. We ve been advocating for peace, and we ve been doing it. The right way going to school. Tell these kids, but at some point at some point, the peace that you took. A man of peace that we talk about differentiate is a difference between, because we get to a point which you cannot Uk
kicking a dog before he bites you back. We got more with my son when we come back, don't move to breakfast club good morning. Everybody is dj. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne ago, we are, the breakfast club was still kicking to women. I saw no. My thoughts in Minneapolis right now, he's actually on the front line, so he's our eyes and ears. So for people out there can't be out there. I can't make There are just gonna help. What would you advised that they do? How can people help without what I tell people? There are so many different entry points into this movement. You know some people also should meet. Day. Sometimes you have to lift the words that we speak all your social. Even ass, a very big! That's! Alright! We realise, especially during this pandemic. Aspirin work and social media is basically social justice in any stop. You know ass, a very big glass, and so you have a powerful Europe will utilise them
spread the message that we have. You no show that you are allowed to do we'll just get you a lie with what it is that we fight and as you also as you said, you don't need to organise as you will see the people going to work. You know their people like our organization until freedom, You don t. You know we have all our website. We have is a web page. We have cash. That was, as you said, we ve been over the last few days in suspense in a week. Unfortunately, we will, we be became too hope you first, we re on the sale of the young lady who shot eight thousand, but only if you didn't know not read, I ran into In other words, into all the shot, a whole will be shot to the windows. Tragedy fix a door to a boyfriend shot one shot. Is a warning shot because he thought that he must be allowed and he shall do the work.
This woman's all a shudder HIV over thirty shots after you didn't you stay here. All these are anything and they killed this woman, a good woman. She was a n t worker to nobody said about words. We had voted for TAT. Drove down applies. Indianapolis were younger, material rose was shot if his whole officer was- and he knows Didn't you hear on away from it that this happened did your flight, so we we didn't, anticipate beer away for over a week having to drive we drove from Indianapolis a ten dollars ride? We had to come here been here for the last four days. We got to pay hotel fees. You got to eat, you got to survive, we got to take plane, probably going to be here for They did a maritime until all disposal because it looks like you know, day still hasn't seen evidence that is criminal. So
You know what we want to build up this voice. What appeal for us? We want to make sure that we do not want to continue to stand up and be on a lot of people cancel. Yes, we do need a donation is possible. You know there are so many different ways. I tell people you have the euro you began. To note is that you can that's the truth. You you know. Sometimes them somebody will have. We been would only three or four hours tourist visa right up, no, those three or four hours me! So much to me, because I noticed you, you don't really had there for you to give three or four hours. That means that you really want to tell me, because you really what's in it. For me, these are the tells me I am so you know any donation that you get out We definitely appreciated, and you know what we gotta utilise it for people. We We do also is where we get donations. Whatever city, we go to the grass roots organisations in the cities that we actually go
So as a national organization we come, we bring those resources. We donate to the to the grass roots. Organisations will be doing the work in a city that, right now today we have a press conference. You know in a lot of single Jackson media at all a lot of different celebrities commits the combat demand justice here and is organised, who believe when here for years before, we can still was cute in this the saying tat if a little Castille was killed in low. This did the same. Tell a young somali office accidently shut up a wise move.
I accidentally shot any sense. Is this officer twelve years, you know he's easy with laughter arrested and is doing. Its work is impressive, so we noted the ten charge offices procurement, so they just they just don't do one is, as you know, those awaited supporters. Anything anywhere just do somethin. I see people nor did the dinner pisses me off. Envy, isn't people or like telling me what I do does a man all you shouldn't be nobody you need to be told. What you do. Some does do any doubt you what you do and don't tell me to do so that you know oh tell me to go on shoe and do is the network see you just want to say that, as you know, we are engaging so for myself you know we gotta go right now, but I appreciate you so much appreciate the fight in and take you so much for checking. It bears sole, so railway like eat, you are unapologetically to pursue that you are and we grateful
Thank you. May we definitely do an inside out two sneaker Mallory and let us also, I think they are out there with you and all you guys, man and thank you so much and will continue to push him continue to have your back and thank you brother. Thank you for always supporting and we going to continue to fight until we can't fight no more. All arrival continue to checking and appreciate your brother. You say that you too lab morning. Everybody is dj envy Angela Ye Charlemagne ago. We are the breakfast club morning, shallow, meaning ye are on vacation them holding down. We will open up before as we come back. I ain't using me to doggy today here, but we got to open up the phone lines, eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one if you want to vent what is going on and I give you some updates
district attorney said there might not be enough information to actually charge these for police officers. Do we have the audio play? The audio dramas I didn't tell drama story was playing so second pillar, and I think it will be hard for us to understand. You can't range argues lease. I guess the officer who had me is a violation of by two wait before we are not I will not do that. I will say that, but that video is graphic and horrific. And no person should be there the end is approved by colonel step. When I heard her yesterday that the killing of was hurt. My heart, my daddy
dead. Dead damage took my soul away make. It seem like. Hey we killed you, it is not you can do without it. The prosecute! That's what at that's what I took out of it. You know there s a yesterday release. I guess one office body care in a body, canvas was both. I mean everything was blocked out. A pretty much block that what he was saying. It. I want you to release it. There's nothing! you can get out of their body came footage. There was nothing that you can nothing that you can see that it would make more understanding. There was nothing it was. It was like why even put it out I was even more of a smack. Well, ass. Night right is burned down there. Prison in Minneapolis. The test at the four cops worked at. They burned down the precept, Donald Trump
tat in the National Guard and what Donald Trump role or instagram? It was just disrespectful night like this. This is what Donald from your present a rope. These dogs, at this honouring the memory of joy, Floyd, and I won't let it happen- just spoken- I'm in a walls and told him that the military is with them all the way, any difficulty. We woke assume control. But when the looting starts, the shooting stars. Thank you. What does that mean. I take it as its overseas right when the law, being stored, the shooting starts, establishes that with your president means by that. A little bit of before learned man, eight hundred five, a fiber five would beloved gave me just you issue thoughts, your opinions, on everything. That's governor.
Former the wide open, eight hundred five, the five one, five one stew, breakfast locomotive. Putting everybody is dj. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne THA. We are the breakfast club now onwards. You called me a lot going on a Minneapolis. They burn down a third present yesterday. That was the prison at before offices worked at this morning. Control was arrested, which was crazy. They were, they were arrested alive on air. They were reporting, and you know it all this random the gentleman was then I will. Would you like me to move Would you like me to go? You know if I'm so close? We would you like me to go. They said nothing for about twenty thirty seconds flat arrested, a visa while making arrested is you told them moving. You didn't all gear. Well, I heard he has been released, the hope, Without it not a whole crew is actually arrested, but the whole crew was arrested and you have been released. I let's go to the former is talking to people. Hello. Is this,
in these weak Oliver charger urgent, kimono mama. You know it's sad as a parent and we need it. Again and again. We don't worry. What what are you telling you boys? What? What are you re telling you you're young kings is I have to win I'm just be real and honest with them. I showed him the video GIS, so they, average almost security, but I show my sixteen year old boy. Eight year old, daughter, just so ace.
What's going on this, and I know what to pay when they go out every day in his were right? Why did that military? And what did you tell them each and every year, when you are not a miracle, you aren't you gonna anybody, but so you are at your age is just different than when we thank you so much, and I know you calling from Georgia, so you better not be out in about four with with with with with coronavirus- and I know they opened up the state a little bit, but you better not be out and about I too have a allows this, I'm sorry They show the way cholera.
In reality the meanest money under well? Are you feel it out there? What's on your mind Billy Boy, I'm not a figure tat morning, and I share NED? I came up with the dumping of Lebanon. It can be about the right number did everything. At the moment not beat I wanna, be they public, not me. Here. Let me I want to do that by aerobatic. Nick get up and go out there, of my family would have the launch and everyone taking advantage of the fact that there was no chance every Friday. In fact, as the bare idea are prepared to pay a lot about, you did a good job. Further and I pay their Friday will be a great thing that black mare independence of their shop, but I feel that this is about, then I think taking our money out of the market in the way that we can get some solutions to these problems
Have you not everybody looked up with a move right now that make been along with appropriate many of the way that you can drink vibration, death, but also take our money back on the market there, something that everybody can purchase Yeah- and you know I agree with you- agree with. When we need to hold our darlin and we need to start buying in investing in empowering. Moreover, I think need to unite in big on a real estate, owning our own properties, investing in our own communities, so we don't lose it. So I agree with you a hundred percent, but you know as businesses. We need to make sure that we have more black banks, can actually lend money. You know the problem is, is you know I'm a I'm, a guy that invest a lot and a lot When I try to go to our only get a lot of these loans, they just can't give it a just We have enough funds or another leeway to actually give the law that I would need to purchase like approaches to schooling. Georgiana purchase properties in buildings in and I try to keep it for,
cells, but a lot of times they go, and we have to make sure that we can go to ourselves. You know we, Togo, financial freedom, but if we still have to to borrow money from that, our own. It makes it difficult because now they judged as they can tell Us- Obama gibbeted money or I came in and we need to make sure we, like you, said, invest in our own and thank you for calling you. Who's. This this is all you ve got going on in the shadow umbrella. It's crazy bad. They were aghast starting with the Balkans, are not bad. We think about bag people, nothing, circus, bad. It's like a movie about this matter. I just walking around outside and it's really annoying and it's just just Would you a right, but, but I put it to you like- is right as first as I the same way owe you can't go out. You can't do this, but you
think about it like this right, people need one, you know they got to pay for rent, they got to pay for cardinals. They got to pay for food they. Gotta got pay for electricity to telephone cable, water and all that, and if I can't work and I can't go outside, I can't the money to support my kids know. Some people are lucky to date The work that is still making money some people are lucky to have saved, but somebody will. You also is like a battle. The country- and I get it. You know we gotta this be extra, careful. We gotta move careful Whitman gonna wipe everything down. We gotta make sure that we protect our immune system. So, on this day Go back now, you know we have an eye bellows and I didn't care about you just open up just a little bit now it's just call this mass chaos ridiculous. Like this, I hate it
I agree with you. I agree with you in for myself is, like you know: how do we do we raise? How do we re these kids. How do we raise our kids? You know what I am about to begin, That is all about that. The Do you know any Cooper, for the day and Thank you using his blackness as a crime and a weapon against him, knowing that that would be something like actually ultimately to hurt him cuz. He doesn't I'll bet fire about a bad man at the absolute algorithm I'm glad she was and I'm glad he took a dog away from over, but thank you for calling all right I think Charlemagne respect their doggie unthinking mighty gave a donkey tobacco arab anyway, eight hundred father
five one off of one which is taken. Your calls man just wanna, hear your thoughts on breakfast glaucoma. E g envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club, no Charlemagne ye are on a vacation home in it. I'm taking you cause major. Let new gas beat me. What's on your mind, let's talk a lot going on allows this. The morning, elated end I recall from circular Colombia era? What's on your mama However, today I come, my belief is that they believe is losing the indian black nowadays and I mean both the watch. This lively this body all together and for the day, it is they that he had more evident that come in that doesn't support criminal charges. Just like your point, in our faith in the army, is so difficult to so hard and like when I say I feel at my soul was taken up. My body is
I watched a die since then. I realized that something that's all on its own them on a seat at offices. Feasted devils face, is kneeling on his neck and just look like this. Why your confidence in me in your pocket like bad them personally, that with this thing like that, you have to do the opposite I'd, be holding him down right. What are we waiting for? their fields and on our head until not look as his brain does exactly what they do, that's exactly what they do and in it like, I said, is it's it's where do we go from here is like, like its is no respect for life. Like you. You kill us, maybe, like. Oh well, I don't think there's enough evidence. We sit here, look alike, Brodie, the same video watching is there from video that maybe you got the wrong road? Essential role very like it just doesn't make sense it doesnt present
like you just showed us how easy it is for him. The final executive order, if he's passionate The subject matter, but it's kind of pathetic bed for more passionate about being fact check on social birthday and passionate about bumper initiative to hold these police officers accountable I? U terminate unemployment, that not enough is agrees it or hire you shit, Verona, viruses! You can call the nineteen point. Brutality all going on in the world and yet more concerned with them fact checking you like crazy, that's all night, the Big Lion you worry about Amerika, you that your you tell a lie. I just can't Thank you. So much for my in China have greatly give out. Will you say you too? allows this isn't a crystal weak Oliver, of Carolina. Let's let big was what's on your mind, told me: are you
to lie about logo? Emma mother, he bore a raw deal already agreed to be a great corner at year. End Ok I'll kill you. I am delighted to have it Will I enjoyed with a white man in every possible way? Equal opportunities so lonely, absent lately and you tell your young yet young kings, you gotta! Smaller you gotta. Harder, and when it, when you achieve what you want to achieve, you make sure you bring a couple of her brothers up, which you fire, Now we can do in. The meantime is just try to keep why don't you crazy attire, well. Thank you for calling you. You have a go weakening in case you young kings, and I thank you all right. All right, ADA eighty five thousand eight hundred and fifty one? Oh fifty one? I will taking your calls. Man just want to talk to you how you feeling you know you
was governor. Say they might not have enough proof to charge. These offices is talk about it. Breakfast locomotive, the breakfast warning. Everybody is d, J envy Angela Ye Charlemagne ago. We are the breakfast club if he just joined taking your calls shallow meaning your vacation, so we just taking your car by just talking to people out there is very sad is as is, is the fact that they say they don't have, but they don't of. If is it is enough proof to charge. These cops. Is so when you President says when he stopped we start you won't make it took about the proper court because he's a typewriter deftly get me my taxes, if I say so, he says when the looting starts, to shoot and starts. Doesn't that sound, crazy? Let's go to. The farmers allows this color they wish neighbour. Will be managed? Chunks may represent scratch, my in anti added?
the old man. I just wanted to say that with my sword, and everybody man listening violence is the enemy should lead. We weaken them was born in the way that they want. Do you understand that just gives no the powers that be Permission to give the military come in and later, I am always glad and his innocence with on the guy. You know we have to think A high level requires unity, a sacrifice now miss me look and they already I killers, We don't need no more, that no, yes pressure, both pies and things is going to happen, but we to let our intelligence all right- I'm motions and not given to the took by absolutely How you old and I'll kill me? Are you hold a meal?
this will do well armed and life, I'm taking its time to get back into my discipline, give back want to my middle self, quoth and shoved development. I do motivational, inspirational, speak or as the grand scratch my T may well, just more people do way and stay hope is. May you know we are in a very dramatic tar and we detailed. We're not gonna, make you when he knew about it. Only make love and unity. Thank you. Brother receive out there to allow this raven, really what you call for more guard from Detroit. Was up in a day was going on man. I'm that's one thing about this. This is open, Emma Mcamis man Amiss Detroit. I always have a lot of fun in Detroit man. Is
Detroit is like minded, I can return home and I love Detroit need. Try to the great thing twice. The out dinner was passionately. Thing is perhaps even more professional. Program, but I'm thing we do not want a thing. Is he buys a bear a white woman and a country. Today I cry every day. I want a married to a black nephews and talented many at right. Angry. I always did he want the buyers being. I don't want them to be gearing up there. I repeat that doing any good. I'm listening, you thought I was putting new prospects for eight years. I know he's been glad I dont care and bloggers air for them, but it doesn't make. I don't got up your put. Firefox doesn't make any better gone part, be doing There are worrying about the point now, yeah, but you know what an end in a month
condoning what they're doing what you know. People a people are confusing with. People are lost in the day They did not young punk stay young confuse kids in a tired of being killed. Tiny difference being keel. The title of of trying to do things way, enable nor to do any more. Tide of of scale. Getting paid over just because the black the tide of of being had it down, because the black tide of gear. Guilty just because the black tide of white people saying you know that their tide of one you will be unable to say: hey, I'm a call now on one right now and say that you're a soul to me and they that they might never make it home got tired of you know tat. I have a white woman from the
that I believe this criminal discriminated against myself today. For being that, where you'd be that much terminated at no gotta stay at the top of the black black lives matter, they do a spouse, eyes wandered around. I would thank you so much for checking in, and you said you know you you, you feel disgraced at the time it is not doing anything. You know you can do something you can organise and protests. You know you have carried out at your permission. You can do something you know very bright moonlight. I hope I'll bet that you do and I hope that you guys have a peaceful protests in the end. I hope that we do it in a positive way and in and the media and light stay on in, and we try to stop this. Thank you, for parliament. Look I'd, never great, but I get that while we have a great day. Thank How much are right now when we come back to people's choice mix Five hundred and five one five when I mean I feel like, is only right to do a mix up
positive makes I'm talking to changes fight, the power those type wreckers? Let's get that all! Let me know what you want to hear. I got used to breakfast club component is D J envy Angela YE shall remain a guy. We are the breakfast club we gotta pursued all lines day, my brother Caesar was disease on the morning of mourning body of early today are every day every day. So week long. You know what I've been older than a breakfast club Angela Eu Charlemagne on vacation. I just wanted to do some financial receipts and try to help people getting. Duration are well so the other day we had met or when it met with some people, how to get press to help him with their down payments until it low interest rates and we had a credit do call I was I was telling people about in fixing their credit during his time in what they need to do now with you. I wanted to talk, but you know how you started. A lot of people feel like that to get into the real estate game and hit a lot of money. You know
you. Don't know that your dad was actually a taxicab attacks. Cabdriver, Are you a lack of a little bit? When you got out, you didn't really have much money and you got into real estate, and this was kind of the time when you got in the real estate when everybody was running away. You jumped in let's talk about that, a little bit how you the real estate game in how that remind you, MR, when I first got a real estate back in our stay away. When everybody was running away from other states, so it is kind of fun Right now allow people's Ericsson vessel real estate, but it's my serious is back then back then it was just a total crash. Like nobody wanted invest. It was almost impossible to get alone. I had no money when I first started to borrow money for my first deal saw their car in all conscience, engagement ring.
Got rid of my change, you know what we have to do to get. There first deal God, and It was a time where banks worry London, even We need to get a harmony loan back then it was almost impossible. We didn't have a track record, as everybody was losing money right- and I just jump in- and I did my first deal, I made seventy thousand dollars and I kept on going so it's been fourteen years later down with your first year. How much did you pay for your first property? the three family home and I believe I got it for those two. Fifty thousand fifty two has a video but you actually live near one of the EU in its grip on now. Believing that neither now I had it the first problem, about the two family right. Just like everybody else, what is at the heart of the market so actually bought their property before I was born into prison cuz, that's when
I come up pregnant and we always said you know what I want to house so that vast that that was the president, we had. No state allows, read them just like everybody. I messed up a peep one thousand out for a house, my interest rate back. There was a procedure which is when you think about that now want to wait till like three percent right now right, but that's when I started it with a eight percent rate I couldn't afford how's that boy it was based on my credit, and that was the first problem, a boy- and I ended up those now to focus the local language, In order you able to buy a three family house? They have more s the that what was able to help make money you know, like banks kind of crazy man used to buy a house right. The way things were set up, you buy a house today. And you will refining cash out tomorrow right, so I bought this house there was a work when I was painfully and this money for their hour after hour lost their house ended up selling
so my body as a full authority for like a bug. Fifty raw were so we're talking to cease. We talk about his earth deal armies. And bring everybody up to talk about. Generation of wealth and included in the real estate is because this is the perfect time I tell people need to plan what to do outside and his pen But when this pandemic is over in right now, real estate looks like you can get. The right now and real estate is natural. Saturated people are not being like crazy, so people can actually get a great property to barely three family, and might that be? crazy, improves the pending where you living away. You look great want it. The paths? Mail? You know the last three months things although the slow right, ah besides the fact that, in our view, the refiners and get a break rate, so things are a little slow, but I'm a be honest with you. Things are picking up a river by the markets getting busy already like you know, you might
still find a buyer that might be a little desperate and you know that there are still kind worried about what's gonna happen, upright get a better deal, but it's gonna be Some crazy man was the buyers commander in the next couple weeks ago by feel comfortable embassies and finally starts it's gonna, go crazy son go crazy the last year, because there's no inventory Rachel even lower right. Bugger last year, you will talk about three point: seven, five rate, which is still knows how right the average back. Then, when I talk about the way that the markets fluctuating John about two point, some five, too, three percent. So let me out of five hundred thousand, all of us it doesn't allow and, as you see right right, why is it up to you not just averaging out it's all about fifteen hundred bucks? That's a lot of money from again now, also in its often about investing in real estate. What's the first step, people should take us This question all the time. What is the first thing somebody should do when they want to purchase a property for investing illustrate this
When you want to do is make sure you qualified right, you gonna make sure your credit right number one give credit has to be right. If you have bad credit, You're not gonna, go anywhere. You might be able to get a horn money long. Some lenders might let you sly, will backfire on our money law. They use dollar, for the right now cuz of the fact that make probably not so your credit got to be tight. Then you got to make sure you're pre approved and make sure you qualify for the house that for most people pre approval means finding a lender that you go. You fill out the application form. You see that based off of your salary, based off of your credit, what you can, what you can pay for and then from there that's when you start going to look at the property and four people Maybe so you know what I can afford New York. I can't afford New Jersey. What's some areas that people can go to a property prices are a lot cheaper
might be able to get a great deal. As we know, we only talk about in Detroit Well was able to pick a property of fifteen to twenty thousand twenty pop out any other. Your places like tat their people that you will back the check out. You know- and I should follow- It should propose a great market. I think she cried pray where Patterson Nor could you not jersey areas were about fifteen years ago. Oh, you stop weapons we'll go by our three family over them all tat, family or even a flap. It's a grey market, flapping Anna two whole long term uncompetitive toy. A little bit better right, and I like it better than of both in Ohio, because the rents are higher. Reciprocity around two thousand now's, the twelve hundred, which is pretty good. Oh united. When I first started at airports, they'll, go thousands your bedroom in my area from now In almost eighty, her loud or so eventually months go up so to beat that price
where there is already a thousand and twelve hundred is it is. It is a good way to start you ve, all whether you get a three family policy. A hundred thousand you pay make about six hundred four thousand above, but with a three percent rate. Your passport, like crazy and those who cargo we say, parts of a Linux, ethical indexing lobby, the warlike log into office. We are now talking about recovering early to speak about his urgings like if you go to Pittsburgh, maybe a little too late to spur was one of those markets like some years ago at you needed to touch this Sunday. We do know when it will be no way. We actually can be breaking down a lot of stuff tat we talking about, people have asked us to accommodate cities, but of course we cannot travel so hopefully then again, so you see the opening up Disney one. Universal, already open of the prisoner outlay amounts Disney already Disney up next week, but let's stop was the opening there's. Nothing is so good. We just need was sports debates, but opening a battle? That means will get database for good
I appreciate you could call again and again. If you want more information on the web in order to avoid becoming breakin always down, we have a credit card. We have a wholesale up, we have more disguised forget it just be talking you trying to help. People like, I said just think about the safety of their rents and right You know there's great right now with they will actually give you get a down payment for your house same amount of money that using to read, you can be used in actually something in have equity in it. So if you ever have a problem, you pullet equity out, musically ecology, your kids college wishing you can use it for whatever you me and also obviously you just about it? Look into it and good luck, men and appreciate you could check uneasy at another saving energy is the breakfast club, morning. Everybody is D. E G envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy, we are the breakfast club good morning. You know that you guys for joining us all week. Long shout to my sword for checking this morning, shout to it
Ernie Benjamin Crop. Shout sue Stephen Jackson, shall to I therefore call in Chechnya. We appreciate you manage to try to open up the formulas for you guys out there. You know. No, usually Where Charlemagne does the positive note, but I just want to Martin Luther King Jr this morning, and you know that when silence is betrayal. Doesn't matter what you do, whether you posted whether you donate whether you how by just talking about it. We have to do something.
With regard to the twenty seven clubs apart cast were famous musicians who died prematurely and sometimes mysteriously, the aged forty seven. This part cast his hosted by me: Jake Brennan Creator and hosted the award winning music, untrue crime, pike, ass, disgrace season, two features: twelve episodes of life and death to Mars the doors and the twenty seven contains adult content and explicit language. You can listen to the twenty seven club on the ice, radio, apple pie CAS or every packages.
Transcript generated on 2020-06-26.