« The Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club Challenge with Shad Moss


Shad Moss aka Bow Wow stopped by the Breakfast Club to discuss some of the big rumors and half truths that has followed the rapper for the past couple of years. He talks about the Bow Wow Challenge and the video where he was jumped backstage for allegedly talking trash about future. Yee blesses some listeners with some advice during "Ask Yee" and Charlamagne gives play by play commentator Brian Davis a lesson on what not to say during Donkey of the Day.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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find out everything you want to know about the trans. You should know. Listen with a tremor. Order on the Iheart radio Ab Apple podcast or wherever you get your broadcast. Even so, we must pay this morning. The notice of a day in everybody's isn't happening to go with me to the Roma rubbing the wrong way. Rabbi,
YO, Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, Yo Yo good morning easily remains the Charlemagne again. Please did a planet is yes, it's Thursday, tomorrow's patent protection That means nothing anymore, not in the White House Everyday can be a bad. Let me welcome eyes. Yes was added mining, I will be joining us this morning. I'll call him. When asked me about itself. Thou, well now we need to stop these thirty one years old. His name is shared MOSS right after birth certificate. Shod. You shot MOSS Ass today, one in particular that the name of these checks does what Mamma cause in which you call them shot well names real and I then
No because I'm Charlemagne, the name that you can grow up with bow necessarily maybe grow up with, especially when you were a child star now about the Charles Darnay, Charlemagne are probably would dropped, it may leg may want to Collins out loud he's. Thou up. That is the problem. He still thinks he's bow. Ok, don't worry, I think ass. He said this is his last energy. As last radio interview solely on leaves no, I don't The dog had taken a bow challenged, come on it that way. Regular bow in a low bit. Now Nl I write school. Ok, maybe not every! I saw your next coastguard fired overnight air. While the mix of soda jumps out, I got five years ago, last night. Why, in the middle of the night near what little yesterday was the last games or after the game threat to over fishing,
I just wanted a maid cake. Crystal was Dingus was heard this year so as to let not like they can do much we're out their star player me. Jesus they said they gave him two years. Nothing happened, so he's a barrier. Guided Treatin is like millennials treat their life, they want everything to happen overnight. No man, that's the problem is now. I would in terms of us may be its embassy. Sammy does months ago, you think, should be the next coat Michael Jackson. I've been same objects over the last couple years, MIKE's point gaudy from queasy easy. It was Cochin o case those they wanted war is going to go away from exactly modulation. God, fearing man, you know- and I know he believes in a higher polish grimly and clearly God has given us. Molly from the dead wood. It is the New York Knicks for reason. Maybe wasn t it may be now's the time. Socio rabbits any guide, God, never
that is planned for mock, and I want to say that today I europeans you a jasmine sand is his money. I did their pay cash yesterday very interesting conversation those two hour hilarious deal. Unity is crazy, but he says was up to you. Guys was more guards deal. I will ask it to show cracker four pages or which are about yes, we're gonna, take about a school district that has now decided to arm teachers, but not with guns. That's how you, what they'll be? thing: ok, we'll get internet. When we come back, he believed the breakfast Club Gomorrah Breakfast Club. Let us get to the fore. Age news. Let us talk about school district. Now he s, officials in the mill Craig counted school District in Pennsylvania, as they decided to arm their teachers with tiny wooden. Baseball bat. Isn't that will allow a ass. Probably not me baby. Yes, they are giving out the sixteen into bad too, about five hundred teachers is part of a training that includes how to react during a school shooting, hiding all it could. The bullets like baseball and today's debate
the movie. The movie lean homage o clock at a baseball bat, but a baseball bat knuckle. Do nothing. Is no action in twenty eight ain't, nothing at all. If it is, does theories arms security. Why does a hard? I am security but, of course, Sonata trying to figure out what's going to happen in different contexts. You know impact limit school, shooting happens, officious have required all students carry Clare plastic bags as one safety measure, and so that's it. I guess everybody trying to figure out. What can we do to housing prevent these things? A bible would make people feel more sue for it in a frequent sixteen, his wooden baseball bat. Yet, ok, only because you people, so God fair but other like why? was two point: sixty me baseball, they said is more symbolic, I don't know a waste of money or you can go to bed. I got a gun or right now, a mystery of Missouri state. Has committee has released a report about the governor era. Gratings, a woman is saying that he coerced her in
sexual encounters. Now the woman, whose name is concealed, said under oath that the governors days and took a photo of her bound and blindfolded and threatened to release the photo if she ever told anybody about their encounter. She said during their first sexual encounter, he held his penis near her face ass. She was uncontrollably crying. She said she felt coerced into oral sex and didn't found necessarily able to live with that.
Coming or a section she feared for her physical self. Then she also said in another meeting he asked her whether she had been sexually active with anyone else, including her husband, and she said he s in that's when he slapped her across her face very hard. No other people who were witnesses that interviewed with the committee under oath said they found the woman to be an overall credible witness. So we will see what ends up happening to the governor in Missouri aura. Now nine hours it has been discovered, have a ten percent higher mortality risk. They did a study in the UK. They studied about half a million adults in the UK over an average of six and a half years, and what researchers found his people who identify
as definite evening types had increased risk of our cause mortality compared with the morning types, so you are more likely to have diabetes near illogical disorders, psychological disorders, gastro, intestinal disorders and respiratory disorders. According to, if you are a night, our lack of sleeps, actually we would tell your views of sleep is because they have no not have your general sleep. You probably goddamn does work. He has done a lot of you old folks because you won't functional. So if you stay, if you stay up too long, is going to cause offers. What can I say you don't say they say You prefer to stay up at night as opposed to being a morning person. I would assume adult you will get a legacy again.
Have you read the principle that it is because the unilateral, because, their evening types of what their thing is, this a mismatch between their internal clock and their external world could lead to problems for their health over the long man ass best they appear schedule is irregular or, let's front page news, I get it off. He chess eight hundred five, eight five one of the things we want or five one of your upset you need Adidas up right now or if you want to spread some positivity in your bless. You can hit us as well the numbers eight hundred five hundred and eighty five thousand one hundred and five I am bound, will be joining us next hour. I had moss. Shod must shadow us as to breakfast Logan
the breakfast club. Is your job to get it off your Jas, whether your man wore black, but we want to hear from you on the breadth of those leaders. Burner from Metro were listening. O three was happening, get it off its Azra. I will first I got a request for a mix. How to play while negotiations on all yard. I presume the mermaids afternoon envy in Vietnam, hello bar nearby lowborn it there, while they horizontal, because warm call you I was telling a few days ago, making menage eight already be. She fears will hardly be got. Come. Libya Picardy be dropped, her elbow Friday. Then, all of a sudden, you pop out your high eighty, all look at me. I'm coming wisdom. Singles come more now. She said, may not like them or not. You fair party is so clear and I was not an add on those fears guy you. But unless you better come with me today,
comply heat today. Better snuck convey a good look, yet I think she will have to meet. I mean I can't see her dropping today without having net he. Not necessarily sometimes people make bad decisions, as are sometimes sometimes energy. Is everything and timing of everything allows. This guy was a regular features more oil. At the word, no man, but more a man there aren't that my Lord David, like me, are more a man. I want to thank our fellow men on their part here I appreciate that you have a bright day. Man thought the urban programme rather allows. This yielded a regular feature. You marry you, Madam you always given baby mobs. Almost she always give ethical love, but she'll never get a single their love of the thing with their feet. Now here I definitely have shown that a single dad were you listening,
every morning out you'll never show of no less than is alive. He's been allotted single digital clogged up and say yes, but I got custody a mess and have called the breakfast club in the morning, and I say: congratulations to you. I think ass, though, will shut up at all. Single data to everybody, like other single parents, moms dad are the parents who, together everybody when a right they re supposed to do for the kids had wanted to underwrite thing. Some yards good God and single modular Rees yacht eminently Charlemagne shouted man. I got you back I'll bet, you're, Gay Charlemagne. Would you allowed a lot of questions that need to be ass? It can even if he is so, why not inadmissible for your gun is guilty of each has eight hundred foggy five one and five one of your opposite, The debate is that now is the breakfast locomotive breakfast
did your time to get it off the agenda. The email from you, wanna breakfast on your life, is no Mamma ravages. I want to know what happened to the daily life even for female and male, due to thank all the lab hand. Yet they want it. Baltic on this basis that, like you'll, get attract? Mirth is Terry Malloy, I'm really. If you want to get to know you soon, you say our guy, I'm single word, but let me give you a new: oh, what happens if they get their dating gamekeeper, our know how to speak to each other anymore. Everybody's text end users, social media. What happened to pick up the phone again to know somebody a stain on a phone all night?
I grew desolation. Media made everybody socially awkward deal now to communicate with young ladys are young men anymore. Now, because we want a common. All ban at lied cannot come to your while you took me out on a date that I'm raising, Why may now? Maybe it's a vibrant given of which is to grant me, go look at USC, we're gonna Bob you give you give it all worked out by the harbor people are now to communicate with each had any more diy absolute right. He added with due respect we'll come back on both wording, probable, I'm about to be imported. You plan on the twenty third country, and what will you do? A lot of your men now actually done I don't doubt looking are. Naturally I do have a facebook. How people you me up in the birthday my baby man go bad, you got a bad, you know what you see, what you work guys neighbour alone
people. You me up in the birthday my baby man go bad, you got a bad, you know I see what you work, maybe alone leave me alone. I have read that everything is Matthew about what was Facebook. Let me see you, I always nobody, I'm not a natural women out there. Like you. Thank you. You know that more bread, Did you organic ass? I haven't left. You don't want me about your facebook, you listen. You bless and right now allows this debate from large was broken off it s. A man not feel glad my beloved wife at home or beautiful kid it all I opened up a bit. I was called gave the airport looking about paper. Correct grab
Let s go every morning how my way to work. Thank you, Sir Marhaus Regime, that lobby, let you get your free, avatar obtuseness. Italy's visionaries into ads in Orlando I'd do anything aircars more political, dwarf clothes. Whatever you need, I mean what I look me up. You got my share, my page. I get you something preview or, to put it, perhaps it isn't area Well, I guess you don't bananas. Italy did already I didn't beginning at here. Get it all features. Eight hundred five April one o five one. Now you ve got rooms runaway. Yes, that's figure out. What's going on the Chloe Kai Dashi, an apparently she is having early contractions will give you an updated what's going on with Erika them devastating news about trust in times in isn't easy right now know. Did we just suggested, as you do any day? how dare you brought about contracts early? I will you do any day. You know what would have a blue August conditions that you want to write and no forget bow will be joining us. The exile of shot
low, bow wheezy? All that will be joining us makes. Our next debate was left, The breakfast club morning, every Is the J envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy? We are. The breakfast club was kids at aromas software. We got action. With Angela. His club so clearly got action is having early contractions and now what I mean how You have an early contractions would just yesterday we were saying she is: do any Dana letter dated late April seller evaluation of having earlier than supposed to says he's having early contractions now Chris Jenner flew out yesterday morning and Kim Kardashian and other family members are scheduled to fly out today and tomorrow on this after these revelations about trust in times impossibly cheating, he was
so reportedly with two women last fall in Dc Area Club and then over the weekend with another in New York City now, according to reports, Chloe cried ass, human ballistic. When she found all of this at this ain't, she really wanted to go back to allay, but it can't fly back right now. So she is in Cleveland. She had remained at home there, while just in time and has been traveling. He had his game in New York and against the calves in everything. So will see what happens now. The word is that he is still going to let him be in the room While their baby is born, he will be allowed in the delivery room. She's gonna put her feelings on hold because he is the father of their child Moser piastres. She wants to make sure that he is there DAS in marketing machines timing is impeccable parties who have family sorest, thou o the conditions were not completely surprised because he has a pretty bad reputation and they actually did warn her about him in that he's done things like this before, but she loves
and she didn't want to hear it encourages, doesn't care because a season fifteen or sixteen of keeping over the guy dashes will be announced any day. Now Nobody was there don't now while I pregnant and are going to David Plan and is ever since they got hazelnut. Take back in October once again to car dashing milking machines. Timing is impeccable. Lord. Every time, Lamar Odom reportedly fills terrible about everything is not sure if he should reach out to Chloe cartouche in fresh Montana started following her again on Instagram and Amber rose posted. I know we ve had our differences in the past, but my heart is broken. Fred uses ass, they made no one deserves appeal. That pain, especially during such a sensitive I'm, God bless you and your baby may do not listen to the last govern, allegedly from what I saw social media yesterday. Yes, last governed was pregnant and he ended up getting wet coincide. Ashen wise last autumn. Pregnant. Another thing and I saw tat. It was the interest. In fact, the latch onto its entire indeed is to clean the Cavaliers one championships. It s a good omen for the Roma gave an alibi. Doesn't I got this drama?
going on I'm sure. Now nobody focused Ella Raw dont care abroad is abroad is focused individuality, gradually he got going on in his life. You know you're, not thinking about his team so I could get anywhere really are produced in Samson to get signs for the amount of money that he got for the Cavaliers right. Some aright, Jesse Williams, is a strange wife is going to court asking for more money. She said the fifty thousand dollars a month at she's, getting right now is way short of covering the expensive expenses by their two kids. So she wants him to pay seventy three thousand dollars a month. Seventy three thousand a month yea pace, fifty thousand now only cow. She says he can for forty makes at least two hundred fifty thousand for every episode of grace Anatomy and
She also wants him to cover legal fees now, in the meantime, the long ago, so now little way and is not the Father member, a woman said that he was the father of her little boy and the owner money and all of that turns out. He did not further her sixteen year old Dwayne Brown is a zero percent chance that he is the father. Cardy B is gonna, be going to coach Heller and she's, not getting the money. You think she is she's getting seventy thousand for that show she's ass, you gonna and outcome end up coming out of her own get tat guy what she had to say on shave? Forty five, I didn't know the coach yellow is just such a big deal like day, and I did not know it was a lot of people who now talking to my do. Let me reply. Susan does honest Asia by we bimport culture in the last six months, go someone's over I'm getting I'm gonna pay for culture, they seventy band those and then, as I had to invest so much money. All my stay said:
my own money. They I gotta go to war Spargo and write a check that is crazy. Almost three hundred thou does, I, you know body pay any taxes. When you tell when you tell him, you are what you make a voice, so traveller clues, Basel gotta be painted anti. Now I gotta early warnings that girl she's the one artists in particular that people are very excited about when they did the transaction. They save a coach Heller. Cardy B is one of the biggest art is that people are searching for, of course, Piazzi in the weekend are at their as so she lobbies that no one from the country to her. Ah, yes, so we should now. I think we should not. Now I we should not have by now has yesterday was Wednesday goddamn Wednesday. So we should know by now I re when I'm Angela YE, and that is your room, a report, I thank you. Missy now, when we come back, bow will be joining us, shod moss. Bow. When we come back, don't move is to breakfast locomotive, pointed out.
Is the envy Angelo Ye Charlemagne, the girl? We are the breakfast club. We got a special guests in the building, Columbine government name, sad, my yes, he thou, as they have the name on it, checks you grown in reserve. Call you bow anymore shot at these guys. Resoundingly. Coy bow gonna like bow was a moment in time. I think he was still look at you. I was a kid I could be made only be illustrated alight. People do say shadow. It is from like home, would you live Neuf overjoyed We want a clear manipulate bow on include no, no, no! No! No! No! I shall most know you're gonna call him sure most like you ve, given up here, you don't ever so long as bow even though I my rubbish delay even earlier on a macro always say like my real name, like all the times like bread, the enemy was miles, but even on twitter username is I s mouth, but instead allow
it is critical that we want to give my own money back almost soldiers. Would you like about that now? Keep it out it most often beginning with the last couple of years ago. You're crazy now, when you first got into the music industry nodded off with Snoop, you never have ever signed in Rome. Under snooping under rain all and what happens in ideal when our Garwood dog was the label started. I wonder when it was probable ones. Drain, everybody decided to deploy ways again. You know snow was like last really leave. He just felt that may be an idea approaches. Wasn't the rice is wasteful, semi located right when they had discovered the imo got the delay and upset I got to sound. A label was crazy, is like a couple. Wreckers had leaked, which the actual neutral requisite rob had actually work when I was postponed. Murder was a case soundtrack that never made it from there. You know Snoop just had an is my like. If
I can't be with him. The will need to be women up. He was going to his own situations trying to get out. He didn't really had its arms to back me like that sort of forest personally thought about wisdom me because they relation with Curs Crossman Christendom, who I was coming. Ladys always kick. You will one another suicide man at best the best situation I can put email, I care about him. So much is given to tragedy, and you know I wasn't feeling it probably didn't understand how I want. RADA with Doglike. He found me discovered me a move to Lisbon Hell a time out. Their dinner was, he did it was over and you just tell me will meet up a gear. Don't you positive figure was reflection? No, no! No! No! No! That was really has therefore like I was crazy, is what most memorable stories I have wished:
call my mom's. This is real and was light, bring but offers right now, and you know she ll call you don't know what to expect an army put up in the first. They should. There was giving my dog pounds but dont pension which made them. Let me there's incorrect. We headed up ass. He saw the desk daddy daddy. I was a woman dies. We like I would warn wound crowding grab bout. Brion said Tibet, which affects a region with our values you dad and corrupt. I you gonna, want you to Verona. Munich Rubbia Let us also come up and make of it because it all bounding. I remember seeing you anymore Jonathan, you knew Carson Goma when and where you. Why did our signal? I was like six and you will Curzon like a mother, that's crazy, Mona saw me and corrupt cursing arms. Lay in his light is crazy. If you used it goes right now, seven, no shadow, it is around right. Only mouth
we're going to have a no no you're, not It goes right. You guys and corrupt local hell. You houses with theirs dad's gonna criminal our parliament s shop of gaming smoking? Does it hey guys. I have no one is loud, laugh interviews, we gotta Fraser, really allow more than you do, ass regulated it wasn't all these things have to be factored later How are they do the original member DARPA another one right now that now, of course they're all credit? Are you feeling to that that at all, but right now the fourth amendment rang: yellow everything, everything on an amount of related with no crimson. Now no getting onto other homes are being no heavy, but now they saw you Turning to my other day, he said I Duple Gaviria girl, for no fate knows everything you do and what I wanted. You know I was there's a guy beta among the conversation, do only gonna walk like my went up by women
trip over my lady those arguments over I misunderstood with me too. I never do you know about me what you gonna do you run. Lana may now have em sounds ridiculous. And, of course, he said that because it all one o highlighting it came about out of nowhere which still know what I can do it you handle but are needed. I was among. My girl thought you might call me, kill it with But you said you run Ohio and contribute egg. I never said that. You never said that. You know I'm confused. I felt the same way when I woke up. I heard a news on light on my work. I have my my oh my god. Oh my god, I haven't and then Ohio. Since I was ten like I've been in Atlanta motto, live only this. I, like, I even thought like on from the city light. Like everything is Ireland, only grown up above Atlanta must show up are produced ass. I lend my third Almah was torn up to a in muscles IBM. Santa man is so when I came on my own waken up
their stages, you say my, namely one, cloudy wanna being blown addressing these big news things. May then they without this video, where they said that you guys pines, now. When I did not go, there was some miscommunication Sanum rose noses amidst me, steals miscommunication, as it were, future needs So they say back there. So they say who said at the Jersey concert, videos or pride now, seven months ago, you do do coil middle ego medieval me and he said there are you a phase them about future? There was often I hear you saying you back. Staid and innovation be watching you and he came around and snuck. You An issue in India was doubtless fight in after the fight in all broke up, police came in any set eyes on policies. I do YE losses, but maybe security Icy Napolitano said his watch fell in a he. Don't worry us dollars watch so what happened? Furthermore, you I need a new orphans of liability. When are you gonna tell you really really rather a dialogue and learn lessons that affect our legacy?
in a situation like this sums it right on legislative number, one another in the face number two things in a car after that point, because I was with people and it was like a black sites. Everything boots was knocked out like look like if you come from way of rice, IRA, uniform samples of doubt? That's not. What happened was more like a football. Is things involved with this situation? It is kind of like. Do you really want to talk about like everything right now was calm, water need. I only problems. If you are not at all or does it is usually decent future because he was dead. You baby MA am I like. I don't like once again going to understand because, unlike even that's a person like I haven't, I was focused. My baby mud endemic to use
I was seem a bit more than you ever seen as to how D you don't go, pick up your garden on her eye. You don't know how to communicate over multilevel. How do you guys communicate their daughters? Seven showed a phone we faced home. We talk every day. We don't have to talk about religion which very mom I was but a respect, but I know you guys were still cool. Could I know for a minute, I wonder and a work it out at one point. Can you make? It was two years ago now for me is like how they're my life is not that is detrimental to me, but anything that I feel like you. You know you took some from you. You gave a bad bad energy or just a bad print. Let the bad something it's like, I'm just cool I just don't want and around in icon respect her from it
a low but she's a wonderful mama, but an inner. She knows- and I know we talk about this before my goes- is best that, like our lives just so much at peace, when we do not communicate in an I'm saying you able to live your life love who you want to love, she does not bother me when I'm outdoor matting, which I love menaces a peaceful situation like she can start to have normal baby daddy, be tribute. Although the baby Mama mixed once you get a new s, not Moscow as she's. No longer my warning, we should that would child with one another and, as it alone, my daughter, I am therefore my daughter, but her mom smothered his grandmother. How's it down. That's who keeps everything whom I had you communicate would absolutely larger debt as a lowly sweetheart in a flash. Water down outlined at any time stated the house whose she stated the cream. When I go to lay out a sure I take the dinner in dinner, it works it his workforce, but am of
that is another year. What sells it? I was a room at that they wanted you to pay. I believe three thousand. I was a more fairly you told the court that you were broken. You only made four thousand dollars and Mama businessmen mob. Please cameras moves. I can't I've got you brought no whom thou about this that you may mill came now announced only now, all our money in all in there that definite more bow. When we come back, no holds the breakfast locomotive. Breakfast was glad we're gonna be morning. Everybody is dj. Envy Angela
show me the girl. We all the breadth of club browsing the building. You you put a scaring to everybody when you tweet it out suicide. I guess fell backwards and everybody thought. Oh, my God was goin on with shod now, because you have put out things like. I wish I was here anymore and things of that nature did you feel like? Ok, maybe I was a bit might because people without concern when that happened in they had everybody going crazy, better tank, Addison Amy, Album nice, because this house will fill you don't want to do is of data has been signs were even before I hears ago. Where does came out and I'm saying where people are like, I was suicidal or a bit like all want a beer, because people people understand is like I don't let the world a times and is like me being commented again young, you see so much domicile merchant. Sometimes I just question lifelike there might. What else is there for me to do like, but I want a Europe
that is what they like. Many left it there, but sometimes judges are to be thinking. My damn, like I've done everything that I really wanted to do. You got a daughter, Dummy of course I mean you absolutely, but as far as like money or data, one accomplishment as a vehicle for Harry is not obey them into this item. Deep rooted, like you got something else weapons is you feel like you're doing. The same thing is like a big circle. Right like I want all straight for someone like ten crazy you're toucans run you back in Australia. Ok, oh go back as my ok, I'm just run in his big circle of life. It's like I wanna go right. I wanna go live like was, was new sulphur meet us while we dip into differ avenues of the game as far as ok TB pollute, let me try to how someone else's port wine of how you get limit. This is different. It isn't the time. Let me do this. If not, if you don't say Darwin over you will get bored is light with a gun. I re board, although vouches Sousa should be one of our times.
If we allow the destination even helping other people now. Have you cite therapy heavies in suffering from depression? It I'd want, is a good thing for me up in people always think like the internet, just nobody can be realised. The people? I don't know. I thought your social media value, you don't. Could you sister than you do draw levels within the allotted time. At heart from that does it must have real system, might have passed on and they did it. In a few years ago, world STAR and it was errand. Our family businesses is turkish. When I got whiff of manufacture Well like this, when I was even in Miami somebody at twenty me, it was my father and I believe they got which have an alcoholic. So what happened was when I got the number one M idea must adhere
number dollar merits or caught him, and when I caught him, I have my camera may have fun with it on my damn affairs. Nor never hem of animal life is to be a dull moment to share with one other uniform he got to canvass. Oh he record into our core from a good basic damage can be. Talks were not put the video out there. I look in three days, whirl stars, my semi this months with this is my rising number eleven twelve thirteen just goin off you're, never gonna put daddy and did it in doing that. Only go. What am I gonna losses like? I can't believe you of all people out an when James was. I used my credit card up down low knowledge going through more second shop. All Conniston. I can't believe like at all people. You were actually doesn't like this need for me. Sometimes we gotta be to say blurred fight for the Be family argument that they will meet us. Not my blood type does more to family de my actual real fin upstairs so that to meet us not with family. Do so we need the deck. I'm done. I'm a one time do
He said if things that haunt you got a hard to explain dodgy dogma, get things like that that I got questions in a slight difference. No answers to the fact that I will see my grandmother like ten years. I was I earlier seventies. Why would you see that's what I'm saying I do not know how vital it is. The weirdest in a world I get so hard explains only one person. I thought to all my father's side of him and ass. My shoe shale was like some one else: everything together I it's such a weird touchy situation. Mama uncle he's. He's. I go straight weirdo you dressed like a woman. He them and put in jail. Leg is now almost out of families. Is criticising us, my rug, Mccrae saffron them? What we normally the Mai, a widow now now nodes, my uncle, many diseases, it now go. Many local man he's going to jail is different, but is this,
one woman in his heart that the last summer see my grandmother was like scream toward to. Why? Because only I do, I know it's just you help when did you stop helping to you think the money, no not even think think once the business of just swept me away when I, when I had the ground when I hate it when an origin which is lost contact, and this is where is all hard explained once again- I don't had they don't know was like our relations just fell out the sky disliked the weirdest the world. So would people look up in a slight o Higgins Schroeder from about the men talk about me before I came in a game of Gabon, no jokes about me is the real and I can't control MIKE Megan served a modest birth airport. Does hog output of sensible people even knowing it certainly something one month, my daughter's. Furthermore, nothing about it so ass to bring about a week you nonsense or sometimes others, wake up and I'll be anger. If I wait for more social media now that this is the case, I should go to put any music. I was their light like
Chris Brown was: what's your promise us senior grow up in a gay gather, friends best friend the terms at though what will happen with death? I just stay with me a brown light. We don't even have a problem. There is no problem at all or increase ran toward his uncle. Would have you believe that what you told me it nice out under future eyebrow? There is no issue by, like you say: we grew up together, made a lot of money together in two out the game we grow and we end up going away. Sometimes it was for me even with their record druggists rock em like it was more of a question like damn light, you just look up in his light weight, even tight light, and we used to be my wife, like my daughter. Never die, but as time is making an effort on your part to Armenia is both eyes right, but I just think that sometimes let you go do things in life and you navigate. Like he's been two days, I've been to dislike. You never thank you just do it is normal. We ve had a Katy was Dinwiddie stuff. It meets for what is at the same didn't wear my daughter.
Don't worry stuff! We in order that the reality of the image at him- and I was there ok, I went up flutes DC in setting the corals. All data see Mummy in when he came out. It was, and I was it makes a wait. Wait. That's when I say escaped the show just want to see you Chris and that's what I mean up at him and take a date not rather go you see in good shape. Brown Alexandre was gonna happen me me. How is re admission me always mom is: are we often quarles four hours is said, wait so for me, that's why? If I got nobody had such a solid with questions like day my weapon me right, Family was involved, a gas we moms artsy, like you came to my crew. In wages. If I go what happened but to me, as I say, Maybe we just grew up drone. Now we got kids like changes. Life revolves in it goes on, but there's never no situation or beef weighty problem with Brown, and it never beat at every level. This argument that some are seen. Brown was a as snoops compound
A dog had a o eighties party was there was less and less in brown like breed was there was room there on a millionaire said the people are largely raw brown is now hang in, which you were in that was bought. It apparently not ass, far ass vessels from NASA money that you have always having your corner, is jamais do pre whether or not you end. Where are you guys doing now? Can you dates? We doubt that if you'd, I ask your car I will now he had always a big firms are usually be. What honest daylight means remain: I'm lonely, personal global public debt, so, of course, as a joke to call he's it'll unfettered online do may be taken up by we got business they handle. You know like would like that. Wouldn't you know now often outworking of absolutely right about multiple occasions. The first major made fell out when you destroyed the studio. Damn you remember that, yes, it is growing. Some say they are always been a crazy Loma. Calliope will understand I even in the wild ones. You once said on Twitter near you said when Burma
In my view, as I remain calm and allowed one, no by never see me like the blow up is bad. How could you rip up? You may do pre horn and moral authority, for that is the first time I was a fool it was created. There is we're habit was in no boat, it was created, divers began the studio. Want to go one direction? I wanted in this direction, and I was I may know what can I can do? No more now needs you like snow Romeo and why you don't follow me, and I learned from you on a sofa, bought a game of need and we do not do that. Don't come back, don't come in my mouth Demosthenes. Eighty raises boys all I've only Parson Hook and presto.
And you ll see a whole other sides, agents who never see. I was gonna towards what has gone about, allow it because germane works differently and I get owns remain about communication. Unlike doll, you gotta communicating in an absurd. If you got an idea or whatever the plan is communicating soldier may my not communicate, which will be working but I'll. Let you know what he's doing so. You'll be sent over your light and it asked our movement item and then, like a week later, he'll come and say explain our vital twitter, so people. So I dont, like you, ain't even going away here. Life everything you call them or phone outside was so like everything what means remain is always business. Never party did delay you didn't following them at a day, and that is why our respect and someone Let me so much any do be right. About allotted these high, we got more with How will we come back? Management was get into a low bow. Many makes check it out as the breakfast locomotive out that way
wow many makes morning. Everybody is the J envy. Angela ye shall remain a guy. We are the breakfast club bows into building showing What did you do now bow it? That's what I may Michaud here. They shouted, I'm now. You know, I believe that our non has been heard. You think they're, not your mouth, not out of the kinds of out just going down. That was like the easiest show for me to pitch, but explain now tell me that you put up my ass, there are no plans to marry players. Would lie about. It said it but Google to pursue we're out of bed. I appreciate the pig
Why don't we are with your cataloging saying I don't seem like because for me, like I'm saying what they wanted to mcgruder unless you blow you one thing about bad, like then release those thirty one when it comes to social media is there I just don't know, I guess don't, even though I do like the magnifying thing, what degree was kindly like small Burma would evident. So for me, I'm like our not do move pick, but I'm flying on mice. I like depends on. What, though, did I am plan in New York not like this Prince Rebecca. You know that, although a whole day rapidly, but they live on. One is Mamma to travel by my yo that lets you anything like the present it put it off their travel day ignore wasn't, wasn't in Kosovo, first class and then you're an
It renews others show you created a problem here, show my wife. Why that now fly enough look and when I put the preacher up, it was so funny because I was coming here so modern family familiar. I know I know but look under under impressible grown of him up so Mama call me, I'm literally at old, sale, Watson, gay right mama coming. I did you do on about a play. I might Y Y all know my boy thou know. Maybe I m o home he's come eyebrow. My will you popping up my problem when I do me some others, aeroplanes may marriage and the family budget everyday men of all crazy. Unlike sides have regression my twitter marsh. It was real Is it that big of a deal and then, by the time I got back said Lana when I got home, that's what I'm new? Ok, it is a big deal our starting associated Fifty do Airbus, our Donovan.
One thing I say was ok. I Tribune am I gonna get me my mother tongue, Rona Mamma you to check out the Mona Scott restart me like tomb was after she was gone. I never thought about Non Donna balance on the job and I was late tonight. You gotta honest everybody for some integrate. You need to make a show like they knew the bosom of right now at issue. You started it, you did it cool. I said: ok, let's do this moment I'm down. Let me comment at an easy. The creator CSI, let me get him evolve. That's my guide, a core eaten, so listen! I'll, put you on Roma Mona Us Tribunal, Prestige, show called about social margin. Is the creator of
as I made an executive. My god knows, I'm already in which has got a nose. It got picked up a star film in the show. Next summer, allies are no one can whenever I saw no one when it came to regard them as you, both in people who for a knife and right in this by universal. You know what this is. It's like, if I may put it all in one where it is difficult years, he's crazy, but I don't get you Oh pregnant thousand other without enough, since it has added a few hundred. Are we here we gotta of a good. You call pregnant ass, well while in love ass, we were female them, a mass of all at least Roma gotta come from somewhere, you guys been dating. I wouldn't call it that you would call a dating knew. She was a cool personal liking name Europe and which are dated leg. I write very like went out together, had a good time with the premise of maybe we'll take a foreigner sex. What you should call that's what you said
as an input- hashtag biological- I'm not a- I am you are, every time I come like it's been six year doubled in the last summer, when you send an eminently like, I don't know, look imitate exact, but this is like. I would say we dated it was cool person. You had a good time. We hung out in those that as Shad moth ever gonna break, meaning you been bow So how long have you ever taken time just to be shed everyday sought? Is that the weirdo shot is who sits on Youtube body, watches odometer? We have classes, watches full network watching animals like that in death do that every day on play video games as me bows the work, the crazy. When the other side is the more cool com, Relax. Do I get to be shown on dual movies when I'm Doin TV is only the music bring out the other side of another? Look
look at you can't let bow golden something about a video where you was running and you paid or people to change you asked was real obsolete it. You don't have any painting a related. You make When I was out of the room or not, it is not what it was, but that was really we walked out there we want the stadium in. I was like you're. What is this like? They was blocking. The barricade. Oughta case was none light. So if we are to stand here- and I am ready- universally- I'm not by the new standard pair gate off so jamais- senator which go do so, will our model run around it fuck off a rent or honest there, it all right, they're, a look in ages are taken off on my arm out when they start. Second off, we start taken off and we ran up on a bus like out my last line nor Virginia. I girls was passing on of club icing
TAT, was loaded got but pray when you would that level of frame and then that doesn't that that changes could you pay and grow up? People now have an animal out. I believe in you absolutely that affect you mentally, cannot think about their video you working with the hoodie on you, like you, don't even know. It's me my thinking about our somewhat problem because he is needed, didn't want videos not again his deals in which we need a hurdle Heyward, a very precise Zimbabwe problem, but I'm not I'm not at all, because it still to say like is weird and plasma fan base. It varies very so sometimes even nor am I gonna do online. I still have to be cautious that either have younger. Faced is white. Kids, you name it all colors in sometimes always be forget. Like even in our small Heller. We I'm idea, I gotta stop smoking organised around sometimes like Valley. They found it because I have all age I is. It is people from role bows that, let me you don't say, money,
never even knew our at noon. Ideas! Csi! I got middle America. You know a pint, never touched that. Now it's o, my God, Nelson. We love you, Nelson and, as I beg you must decide, gumbo is all step so I'll be forgiven? Sometimes, and as why have you their hard to let bow goal, I guess you we'd, but you gotta know tax or on water journeys in the rafters. Do what is hardly just? Let by well go how no you're not you're, inspired to make music again, because it did. He color you nothing. Pop pop got army are levied on. You are not alone coma. Are your body born another time like this Now it was a party at Graham, no man,
It was a party in on you know. We without it was Holloway air by when batches crayfish in a nasty, no bow, Poland to disarm writer funds remain. As I listen cut the bull out. You got me in your corner. You got shady you got dog, you got real, you got room was behind you I'll cut down. Klaus, you don't put in so much work. You did too much boy for for you to even think. Did you go to do it like this island have guided together, Goya gonna come by and they lay now. I'm really are looked him and I and I was like our respect. I deserve our respect for nature and any day because you went from superstar dominated Cotta. We lost you for couple years now tunnel. I go about what would on anything if there's any,
thing. I just need you say my body so occurs when there was no germane among corner the time always had a relation was done, and I say you know what I mean try some day. I was really caused the sun. I was gone roared at Lenny, Molly issuers, everytime our ability to major every summer you're in a drama projects. The stab changes Ryan Amiddlemost in before me. The decision would have allowed at the time have allowed left. I started on management so I was done on my let me go was done somebody I know message wage restraint like even set his day like. I have nothing to say about that. Unlike you, never got all my young absolutely got all my it eats care me make restore our paper to buzz Young and I got it. I got no complaints. Come with me ass. My word: I got no complaint. When it came to me, Mason die. We got more, would bow when we come back. Usually we do. The room is when we come back Bilbao. Don't move is the breakfast locomotive breakfast the world, both dangerous warnings morning, everyone
is the J envy. Angela ye shall remain a guy. We are the breakfast club bout is in the building east to hear. Usually we do room is here about here showing. Through our agenda. Gagner really wanted knowledge you, but you are too young veto J D wholly down. If you get older, not definitely let me try, I'm just curious. You're, getting a diplomatic ever find out about the nose would have not drew no, not at all, does not by others as vague vague moves As a rule, the motorway- and I have no idea of you- you know you look forward to getting married and lifestyle because you almost did it do. But what made you decide? This isn't gonna happen. Don't work
but for me I like a strong woman. All I know women, it is weak minded or you look at comments. Dilemma disrupt your life or disrupt the way you move because of what somebody site can already say about me does, as as what I've always been. There will always hasn't man on a far care like I don't care of it. Here. He s also understand how, when people read, don't internet really look at they. Commas really affect some. It don't affect me in. There was a problem. This light, you just can't do ya Alan. I need interfering with new ledges. Just can't do immigrant out. Ok, you don't care about the currency. Come these data doesn't mean marked in the seat. She who too, so she would. Smooth and what is that your group? I now, can you have you by two daughter, around half so Lulli, my daughter, love or not, love, Mugger, ok, and as long as I do, that has no have no problem,
well, ok, number! I know that she doesn't like anyone is enormously. They will I situation, visual groove we soon at all or delusion or ex ogre, but only like no little now you may still be target me when they lose shows. What can you do say at the same time, we cannot now be aiming. What can you do about it? I'm good anodyne, not though she may situational for with this situation. When, oh, my god, I'm happy all my ex his inquiries a shambles. We have excellent assembled there except extent Finally, I think that a good doctor mom is good, but others will have allowed a no kind of yeah? You I mean not only when we talk about the, I met you goin on immediate or just a total media, you're doing any view, then why is that? Are you why last radio interview, because
Nobody knows my story pretty much like ok snow founding applause oblige remains the same. So, for me, is kind of like even like last drawn it up There is also a glass yonder dump on a say that, on the one carefully commoners, I even even of us say some by even with the drug Asura with people just wish raked. The brown lay that's not when it is us is about to make a spoke about cost money. I spoke about a large and unnoticed that were not when I say things they take on maximum. If flipper magazine so was I for me a slight? Are you know what I know? Interviews no moody or delay, If you didn't, you did a phone right, but steel was like they ought to say their main jamais. Some somebody was whacked power. Brow, said that remain repayment, whack light YO out of that, didn't you now like this really be affected.
I didn't notice that there is that social matters that eighty allow me I will happily and when you look at me, pick them not to me, you go you look on page six, you're going all is in everybody's. These doors and you look alike my work is so. Did you just thereby ok now momentarily medium all has now. If I do interview was when we adopt blacken wines to also put it up- and I know when I put it out- they go grab it, but it's gonna be what I went out. There can be no more. I come sooner, do interviewing, you take bits and you can fill the weight is like problems put on them. Is praise like real, like is the Ceta, but you you, you go you're with with storm people as requested him, you up the nation. No you leaving now you beak would Arap like I woke up with a whole, are running out of my arm, nevers, how my wife, what do you want all enabled them? I don't know why. I don't even know it's not like I'm in an absurd
I got moving though it is energy come from. I don't know you, but when I was making wreckage, one bowl darting, all created on Bower, ruled by thirty one brung. I I don't know if he's eighty on that- and I said I'm not about to go back and forth with a eighteen, I'm just not with a different tax bracket, I'm in a whole nother lead, but probably won't get for that. I ain't get no props. For that. You write the album, then almost Mr President, the debate what the gray my six does. Don't will remain out on going now, you know if they to relieve their number. I did. I want to put on on his birthday twenty seven. This is it true that you helped hold. It is needed to bring back that. He loved me hit me, but no, Do not fight is interconnected, asking the question: they don't get me one little when women for the rest of your life upon couldn't you fucking. I thought I could in a real dialogue, was because I meet the right who are demonstrating every girl lobby, but this one was there.
This develop early. I have your mother lobby monger every day, Nagorno play like when I got it when I'm gonna clubs and I got a hold- and I got it- does Amazon faced Mugger Norman, Secondly, no baby is crazy in here right now, given the bag on is all em go right and I do like, do that, because I know my history, lawless of you see scare you like, when you see have heart UK. With its allies. It that's why Jamais had that's up when you first something, even though it gave him. I don't want. You knows best right was right when you find something like that. Though it is crazy, you're, not days, and I would say when I can take- and I never said this. This is my weakness. Let it be some rules that happens in my you're talking about a report it dash is gonna fuck me my account Do you a scandal that you had our review of the right? they're worth older than you, everybody bodyguard.
But I was out there but for meat. I was like when I was a little kid out by unheard. Every moment I was thirteen fourteen and I'm like would have dozens ridiculous denouncing it, but I couldn't handle which was in town and gold and homage to say I'm weak. We call the through play a club in the hooker but think about this. There's. Nobody outside you think you go as We will have a single would look aloud. All our women was working, What can I don't want? No fair and I was like hired. You think that private able bodied, oh my god, I don't feel that There are five mediocrity, deserted opportunities in a girl in the close, may I add, only I can go to a care would do that was the message is anything that might imagine you nothing about the common? Nothing you wake up. Your pr. Kindly tell you just call me out a prompt and you close to what the price, me figure. Would you not just grazed the window and whatever it takes?
Why do you know it is in fact lies only it is only. The news is only too, today than we are at an all right, but they get random things. Get dressed like ours are still gonna write lightly until those situation sound, I'm an order in the bow China still going on, and they don't know about telling the truth and everything you say: like a lie there or not, even though it could be people that are doing something legacy like people could be doin somethin. India has legalised in mind. What is the balance in a way that I can take real life and went on Homeward Lazo born I gotta. How is needed we do in a record. Oh yeah blame me. Ok, so we had a studio. Bamell Bala Ball is due. Come their learning pretty much enough. You connect to Bali. You go to the city at the gain, a pull up a light. I met a ministry playwright nine about imprint legs, though I am a bottom, so Cabinet man, John of Balance, out of dumping in my man, gotta you buy them.
No like us to a studio in Mamma Marty working on my arm, a mother put money on this court. So when I came, I forgot when a deuce name smote him. So I'm gonna marry. I think he play for like a got him a body, laws are gonna lie, which one do you were my man which you trying to do this this? What I will tell us go in and we go got the first room, mind you I gotta know shoes, unplanned socks. Second round are beating around you realize you have issued report a dvd facts, facts so far: Rail NEA adding hitched. I was tired. He knew he was talking. Cash omitted way, we're missing that they meet some ice. You gonna go up the remainder by recording it, I knew it was gone. Goma like I knew it was because of who we years and is perhaps in he's like that new current duties have unit or social media
me. You know I didn't know it was. It was gone, go and abstained to young catch up a place called me. That was called it's no big deal. I write up like a mad. My wireless on never met Longo Ball, you never met lazo, no normal real Liker man and you got the meaning of data. Was dope. Didn't I looked up, bloom sports having them up the amount was happy. I'm like all those personal success, Idaho thing came about. Take me: will you have been in the lead to our views by now? He is right, my enemies, wildly thirty one. He what nineteen I was cold and it is a cold- does not oppose whom woodlands or else knows Admittedly, the Jimmy said is allowed. We know, if not, we know that now the truth that is he'll be back every job, that where are you coming back and we appreciate you for joint, absolutely bow acre Martha, nor a razor, sharp sash, odd sod, moth Bower is the breakfast locomotive
don't you ever do. Democrats are being granted the day a little bit of a mess like I've been called a lot of my twenty per year has been talking about here is a new way. Allow yes dog you today, for thirty April, twelfth goes too far sports. Le Homo play by play broadcaster, Brian Davis now Bride Davis's in is a season, is to Oklahoma City Thunders tv voice. Ok see the last couple of years been blessed with the greatness, that is, Russia Westbrook travelling to close bombs. For us a respite, dammit right, a man puts on the show on the court you put on a fast
show off. Ok, Russell is truly made the world his cat walk, and even, if you have things to say about his sassy style, address, there's nothing. You can say about his style on the court because demanded hours to tremble double for the past two seasons: ok drop one close by wasn't Westbrook again dammit. I Lassie became only the second player by an Oscar Robbin double during season initiate. Did it again I now have you a bride Davis on any envy, and now so who was privy to witness such greatness would be excited watching his history being made right well at last Doin Oklahoma City thunders final, regular season game against him. If his grizzlies Russell finished with six points, twenty rebounded nineteen assess ride, Davis got alluded to excited, and he said this, also looking for, was broke. His cotton taken. My
read an article a long time ago about races. English phrases would seriously offer history, and it just so happens that car taking is on their list. Now you don't understand what is phrase? Has a ratio overtone particularly against blacks, American and you simply no, no don't show I dont care about real american history. Kay. Black slaves in United States would have pictures of cotton for the masses and no melanin and the Cotton pagan was usually uses as a stand in for the word. Damn because the term cotton taken with more socially acceptable, then swearing. The irony slavery in the raven murdered and came. Would it will consider socially acceptable, but the phrase damn wasn't, but the term cotton pick A was now himself. Alanis, if you're not from the south, you probably never heard the phrases you are out of your cotton picking mind or wait a cotton picking minute. You can see how easily they replace the word.
Damn. Okay, you are out of your damn mind, I'll wait a damn minute! I am so glad this is something that didn't grow legs, because it would have hurt my heart to hear a white announcer. Take Lamar is nominated for album of the year at this year's grammys for his third studio, album cotton, picking, okay, Kendrick, Lamar, cotton picking would have won album of the year by the way. But if you're not going to stop you probably not used to this phrase, cotton picking is a pretty old term, dates back to the first european plantations in seventeen hundred, but didn't stop
didn't use as an additive. Until about the nineteen, forty than many people still believe that the ass embody. The way to cotton pagan minute is to make a derogatory link between a slave occupation in a modern expression of frustration, and those people would be absolutely correct. Not try to make this term seem like no big deal, but the oppressor will never give a damn about the feelings of the oppressed. They were hit. You with things like well Box, plenty used to say it as if a cartoon saying a racist phrase makes it any less races. Let's hit bugs Bunny said it and yet still sounds races to me, and I don't give a damn that bug. Bunny said it. Above, but he's been around ninety voice. I buzz bunny with private created. Viruses are in fact bugs he's been around since donating poison, Buzz Bunyan amplified we're all originally black ass, a fact. Ok, an original episodes of bugs bunny we're races referred was a slow, witted black hunter in his speech, that is in mannerisms like stuff and fetch it and buds Bunny one all the demands clothing through a dice
go. Look it up. I right! Buddy Bunny beat the black man in dies, game, one demand, clothes and then runs off with me leaving a man naked with nothing, but a patch Liese covered his meat, I'm not making this up. I am not bow Okay, I am not bow wow challenging you right now. This is real. Go. Do your Google's all right due to the racial stereotyping of that cartoon. It has not been seen on tv since one thousand nine hundred and sixty eight when you try to defend the term a buddy buddy. You need to go to your goose, about buds, bunny, okay, and when you bring it up, you know using it. It is proving our point. I write a deterrent gotten picking it up. Ok, NBA announced a bride. Davis is an old man. Ladies and gentlemen, an old bob colonise okay, so he knows better exactly what he was doing it while he was doing it- or maybe you didn't, but that's why I don't exist to give people the credit they deserve for being stupid and it make teachable It's a messy non melon, aided moments like this one. Now let me here Remember: ass, a bride was again please
ready for Iraqis. So you don't want any other colonizers making this mistake. I voted for the record. The term cotton picker cotton taking picking cotton. How have you wanna word right based on a history of this country, to call somebody a cotton bigger, especially a black person, is absolutely positively races. Ok, please give ok, see another Brian, it was the biggest here. Don't tell me, people a region by being a tab prefer bite is all you. Gotta do is due you'd Google's and go due to history said a phrase: picking, ok, picking my way to cotton taken minute would have just discovered vehicles, Rocha Vieira, and there you have it. Thank you for a dollar a day,
next asked ye eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one. If you got a question for you, you can call right now to help you out with all your problems again, the numbers eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one, it's the breakfast Pokemon the breakfast, was pulls Mama. Rockstar Boeing, everybody's d, J Envy Angel ye shall remained a guy. We oughta breakfast club turf, ask ye eight hundred foggy firewood, firewood monument go to you. I'm was terminated. Five, which enable Peter was, of course, a review at my question- is logged whereby no bar- yes, oh, I love for our brains out in realistic at the trial of bitter, promote myself, which will keep them our primary task, but proper myself in the way they are both in our case that you have your own
say licence. Already. Yes, I will say this about reality. Are you trying to sell properties in man properties to people? Are you Tyner, flipped out advice fell or by both well. First of all, member states is a very time consuming being. If you want to really make their sale cousin IONA with the average is, but I know like when I look at it. When I was looking for my house, and I know when people are looking to rent, it is a competitive thing. Cuz, it's a lot of realtors out there competing. You know to make those same sales and Sorrento's properties as well. So it is going to mean a lot of time. Dedication and flexibility for you, right? So with that being said, I think one of the main things you need to do and actually Paris see where SAM is. She has a real estate license. Also so she's been, you know, trying to dibble and dabble throughout her I have they got that I have been in this era. She saw me, even when you are off the clock at your main job, you have to be available and accessible to these costs kinds. Potential client. You may have because one thing
still what it was that I one is so she didn't waste. My time show me properties that I didn't like she paid attention to what I had to say ass. She was honest. She wasn't just like there was one has I almost got, but it was in front of a bus tap and she was like you. Don't really want to buy something in front of a bus that, because there be allowed a traffic have they got that I have been a massage. You saw me my house, and what I loved about her was ass. She was in trying to just sell me anything. She understood what it was it? I went to see her. She didn't waste my time so Emmy properties that I didn't like she paid attention to what I had to say ass. She was honest. She wasn't just like there was one has I almost got, but it was in front of a bus tap and she was like you: don't really want to buy something in front of a bus that, because you'll be allowed a traffic in front of your house all the time, and you come out your camp confront a year just as little things like that really matter to me to know that she really care that. I got something that I loved, so I think for you,
Would it be really important for you to make sure you stay in touch pay attention to your clients that you're persistent, but not annoying and you're, not wasting your time and their time and that's going to be a work in process, because once you do a great job with someone, that's how you get more and more referrals I think, being available on the weekends cuz there's a lot of people that won't be able to look at properties. You know why you're on the clock, also so making sure that you dedicate a lot of time to that, because if you eventually want that to be your primary job with, that means you're going to have to grind and go really hard as you make it your side gig, and that means establishing relationships with people doing a great job so that you get great referrals asking people to leave a review when they work with you, so that that helps you out with that positive and put, and are you working with the company, a real estate company I'm kind of head of unit you place right now rise at once. You get your foot in their that'll be helpful also, but you know that it is really competitive and you have to be patient, but the main thing is that you have to be honest, and another thing that really helped me out was that my real to new allotted
people like as far as helping me get my mortgage, you know insurance and all the vast after they could refer me too. So make sure you have a network, because then people can refer people to you also, so am I not necessarily be oh, this person is gonna, be my client, but they might be able to say. Oh you know my girl Quichua actually is a router. You should talk to her and just go to these networking events a lot of times where you located a marrow it. Ok, I laughed at times there's all types and networking events for real estate is all types of conferences. Some major you go to those things is that with that way you know people but understand
That is a job that does require a lot from you think he's got a guy like you and I know you're gonna be so exciting when you get your first sale or Renzo. Think no problem will remember our right. Ascii, eight hundred five, a firewall or five one. If you needed rise, you can call you right now is to breakfast for common morning. Everybody is the J envy. Angela Ye Charlemagne ago, we are the brakes. Club in the middle of a school year, eight hundred and five, eight hundred and fifty one five thousand one hundred and ninety one to go to you on online ten me on a low I was gonna. Let me tell you what you call a visa for my question.
I will go a little while regretting about Kosovo over a lawyer right for the school more ok, so you wanna get engaged by you feel like because she's in school you know want to be a distraction. You have you guys ever discussed marriage, all your irresolute and she wants to get married awesome here. Do you know that I can give anything of yours supportive in loving partner that could actually help her and motivate her? Even more you not just when you proposing getting gazer doesn't mean you have to get Mary right away, but you guys can have that period of time to start planning. In that way, you can take our time with it, but I'm sure of anything is a relief. When you have somebody great in your cornets another that you had that stability and somebody that's there for you and the fact that you know you don't want to be a distraction and you want to be a support system is great. You know, I think, if anything, if you know that she wants to get married and you'll have discussed it, then that's just going to be something more, even more exciting for her to add to everything. She
going on. Never ever think about it from that angle by you. I really appreciate that may have any day now things I gotta really helpful to anybody in a relationship. I'm sure she makes you better. You make her better suggest continued do that power? You then propose therefore tell you I got a ring, but about the EU. Graham, I re well, when you do, I let us now. I may tell you firm as acres and is so weak opposed. It got road. I rather like dirt you all right as key eight hundred five, a fire one on fire, one of unique relationship, advice or any type of advice. You can call ye know I'm sorry we, yes, I said about make male he's been getting a lot, a great visitors, wise imprisoned and somebody pose it. He might become and home earlier than bank? Ok, I will get into all at next and also a shout the bow for joining us earlier, the whole in view it will be up in
next hour in lying now, ass, a boy you too, you can check it out. The day hate. Nobody does not believe Bower. Ninety, not are you taking hate. What you call eight was eight about wow. You act. We ain't you! I think I know where the meat was the reason and they don't believe girl passed out, they don't believe edit, they are abiding by the lie. They don't believe you assign Devereaux, there's no picture with him into park as a good boy. I don't believe you did he's number I mean come on. This is ridiculous He added the Armenia. Hey Nobel up, poor, bow, easy may allow nobody comes out and says he lied about anything in his enemy. I am sure they will. Where were you can see to food in our view online right now in rooms on ways to breakfast level Monday morning. Everybody is Gee envy Angela YE shall remain a guy. We are, the breakfast club was handed us, get to the room. Was judges
enough about this is the Weber report annually on the breakfast club, where I see a lot of people going on bow and I believe in things that he said on any view on the breakfast club just now, but I'm looking at my timeline right now and what you see is what you see Leah Merida people talk about him because of the lies. He tells get her right. Does he had actually any view private ample the bow talons link is about. He tries to our to be relevant. Instead, it is being him so braggadocio. Nothing sounds out, then take well. Here's one thing: they just guy verified this morning. Now, in the interview Bow said that a young lady passed out check it out. Like last nine over Virginia, I girls was passing on the globe. Icing was loaded or got just shake incline, and then she does. She just fell out middle of, unlike what the like this,
but crazy, you, he said, oh god, I wear Earls two days. A girl's. Plural. Well, firstly, said a girls had underneath it yeah. I think he did ok. So the security actually, who was my security when I went to Virginia actually tell me he said: hey Missy. This is this: charity. I was with you when you came to be. I was working the venue bow came to, and I can say the girl really did passed out. Hidden lie about that one or two his hot in army people, the lateral stabbing nobody's, run, nobody's own draw to me, but I will say this: all out of animals and people who have a motion on investments in biogas. They grew up born out of the rubble. About as some people do have an emotionally references tsar and remedies and buttered shouted. Some girls are gone crazy. Amazed grandma, Congo is like. Oh, my god. You still look so good. I mean ochres their people
just retorted, listen, don't MRI, carry, has come forward and confess something that she has been suffering from four years, and that is that she was diagnosed with a bipolar to disorder. In two thousand one now she said she's been in constant fear of being exposed, but now she once that stigma to finally be lifted. She said until recently I lived in denial and isolation and inconstant fearsome would expose me. It was too be a burden to carry, and I simply couldn't do that anymore. I sought and receive treatment. I put positive people around me and I got back to doing what I love writing songs and me king music, ass, good congratulated, hydroponic football from Morocco if you remember- and this isn't people magazine she's on the cover right now, she was diagnosed at the same time back in two thousand, when, after being hospitalized for an emotional and physical break down at that time, so she said she only recently started to receive treatment after it
For quite a few years we have not only people are, you know, disregard the fact that sometimes she sounds good thing in life is sometimes she doesn't nowadays, no not at all, ok mega rice, as he has symptoms, our periods of depression. In persistent elevated are veritable mood sleeplessness and I'm sure that does affect your performance, though, when you can sleep in Europe I have in terrible mood, I'm sure, and I was working in working in working hours in constant fear of letting people down it turns out. I was experiencing a farmer mania. Eventually I which is hidden. I just hit a wall. I guess my depressive episodes were characterized by having very low energy. I will feel so lonely and sad even guilty that I wasn't doing what I needed to be doing from my career, so now knew how old were you just as an excuse to our vocal cords betrayer sometime Nargis where I met, but I imagine having these episodes where you can sleep here experiencing that, and here I have a lot of anxiety,
in very low energy olive drawings, which I symptoms of by politicians. In order that she's experience. So she said, I hope we can get to a place where that stigma is lifted from people going through. Anything alone can be incredibly isolating and that telling people that you haven't these struggles and she hadn't treated in recently, he has great under their view every Friday to gradually. I see, Safaris in therapy now asked me to help their possession supply. Actually me up, As we can add, asked me to recommend him. There was actually did. I ran over responded. Honour what kind of France I did respond as our God you, but I forgot dating back there you go. I write make male he's getting support from a lot of people. I succeeded in going to visit him while he's in jail and wild, I actually went to visit him. He posted about it and they had a member that very public spat when you meet military. While I didn't tweet a thing about his album, he said we look back and laugh at the dumbass and we welcome the endless possibilities of
future with open arms. The silver lining in this efta situation is the clarity and wisdom he has gained. So he said the body can be captain, but the man can remain elusive when there is clarity, also knowingly and pay to his own. A rapid craft went to go visit, Meek Mill, India, as well as the Philadelphia mayor, Jim Kenny Nazi. I posted meat meal is expected to be released from jail Monday after his court court hearing hashtag free meat. So I just don't understand of all of these important people are going to see him and you got to governor and mare. All saying does raw, why don't you just pardon him? They'll do profit noddies. I thought I read some dead. He might
be Friedman Data. Yet what I just said Volga, so he was maybe it's working, as is the process you can't be like I re let em out right now. I guess they sat on georgian POD people out of their words. Just leather goods appealed to the does higher court there to overrule that judges. Ruling array once again clarified asked yes he's having early contraction says you is due late April, but it looks like the baby is actually gonna come soon. This is all in the midst of the whole cheating scandal with Tristan Thomson. Now, interest in Thomson will be allowed in the delivery room according to sources, even though she is devastated by these recent revelations. She doesn't want to personal feelings, to ruin him being in his child life and being there while the child is born, she did go ballistic when she found out everything that happened, cuz she's in Cleveland right now. She really wanted to go back to LA. But of course they said. That's not the time for this right now, because he has a baby on the way, but
believe so. Christianity has already flown out there in her sisters and family and friends are supposed to be going out there between today and tomorrow as well, that cod dashing marketing machine timing is in fact a book along the shore. Yesterday said the baby was do any day now now she's an early contractions is sitting on the tape since October last year do- and I mean you do in a couple of weeks, so it could happen you no sooner than in certain undertakes a lot since October. Need the discontent put it out a couple weeks before do data going out season sixteen keeping up with the Kardashians soon and everything was saying I was going to be in the promo and we going to act so surprised I yit quick. I don't think they would do that. This programme. What what other women their trust in Thompson, allegedly made out with back in October, said she had no idea tat. He was serious, Mccloy Kardashian at the time or that he was having a baby. The woman, his name Marie she's in the surveillance, video and she said she's a mother herself and did not want to be a homemaker at
so she had no idea that I guess all that was going down. Lamar Odom also feels terrible for Chloe, and as you know, if he should reach out or not amber, rose posted. I know we ve had our differences in the past, but my heart is broken for uses. No one deserves to feel that pain, especially during such a sensitive time in France Montana, has, since re, followed her on social media, he's a small boy, I'm Angela YE, and that is your room report all right. Thank you. Miss you up next to people's choice, friction He has something hit. Us up right now, revolt will see tomorrow is to breakfast locomotive, rename Buddhist authoring. Teacher Jarvis Masters, steadfastly maintained is innocent, since he was sentenced to death almost thirty years. Podcast dear govern Jarvis poses the question you have heard of water
from the confines of is nine by four shell in San Quentin Jarvis will share his riveting life story. How we manage to maintain a sense of optimism in the most dire circumstances, therefore, by the in House will provide the details of the bloody murder trial that landed on debt relief work. Bandit charge here details from psychical. Mrs attorneys fight for his final state appeal with newly disclosed evidence. The posters and claims of innocence will the California Supreme were exonerate. Him reaffirmed his death sentence. Listen to dear governor and the high heart radio apple pie, cast wherever you get your pact ass, a class
only twenty, we know things have been kind of out of the ordinary lately. You're not gonna, get a graduation Sarah. So I hurt radio found some people to light commencement speeches. Just for you, John Legend, Hillary Clinton into over twenty of your favorite from dj call it a coach can have you won back to halt listened too. I hardly knew commencement speeches drop me. Fifty I harmonious Sunday may. Seventy across all these stations brought to you by directives taking the class of twenty twenty valedictorian to another
Transcript generated on 2020-05-14.