« The Breakfast Club

Tamar Braxton and Gunna Interview and more


Today on the show we had Tamar Braxton call up where she spoke about verzuz, quarantine life, new music and more. Also, Charlamagne, gave "Donkey of the Day" to a woman that left her kids in a car while she was at the salon. Moreover, Gunna called in and spoke about crime stoppers video, street name and more.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Here's something good is a new show from Seneca women and I heart radio. It's a great way to start your day. On the positive side of life? In times like these? We may and ourselves, worrying that even the simplest tasks will have a negative consequence, but here something good. We spoke to me. Johnson scientists from tied a detergent, we relied on Seventy five years in this episode shares valuable time. For how to do laundry in the time of Corona one last thing too: worry about four more tips and a coupon from tied go to tide, dotcom slush podcast
This is your wake up call to Angela. You show me in this respect issue, because this is a voice to society in a day the coveted morning. So we do want to hear that the world's most dangerous, more than we do say, Yo Yo Yo, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, Yo Yo Morning Angel Ye Mining, GNP, Charlemagne to God,
you did a planet- is too yes, Tuesday morning, We have been waiting was law that we have, I was long. We are, we quarantine was too over the bank they and the beginning of June, New York City is gonna start opening up wrapped up in Asia in July will be back on. What do you, You think you are beautiful July, be good if we back in the studio- and they feel like thing changing be filled. The energy in the air is shifting. A little bit items aim or more people out I'm seeing and was not an open lot of things. Like I said, a long island in New York City in New York, I should say to opening up the beaches this weekend. Jersey to beaches are open. I see in other places, these are all been so they started. Up a lobby? I think by laminate still clubs, opening thereby July.
New York will be open, and I think I think there is some areas have been clubs of the opium. Nothing bars at the open in liking edged clubs to be open to bothered by the deadly open in a lot of places like us. All I got a good with was constant. Our yeoman with came was camp in our own. What did w heavily in Georgia? The Basel agreement a lot of stuff? The majority of states would be partially open. At the end of this week, I had a dream. Last night I was at a concert, and it had to be a radio station concert in Uganda, devlen or like the good stuff like that, and it was ok perform, and I am able to was never see them never heard of using my dream and he had described. In a frenzy and looking out from behind stages. I never thought I'd say this again. That's what I actually said in my dream. I don't know what that means. Take if what you before it's worth array, yeah? Well, I don't have any dreams, but I just need you laugh furs. I've just had that fail in, but I hope so glum sickness.
I'd untied, assumes homes or monotony. One here were shaken no more, I'm told the goddamn side as well. It is a holiday on Monday to sell with you anything interesting what people do in this way in an earlier date. Ok, you track, It is all a blow at this point, love table Rather, it is the same Jackson message emerging. Timor Braxton, knowing she laid the model more brags, one will be What is more, if you wanted to know tat, While she outcome and I'm vs one classic Category- Titian working with the next hour Are we really region together? We have you ever wanted to jack, it's ok, I'm there. What wanted to Jackson five may be depended already when when exactly seven Lord have mercy, in this area. For cases where we talk about low, your president is taking hijacked clerk
in every single day, and was you what the deal is with their ultimate talk about? Still, clubs, reopening and that's look alike. Are right, we'll get internet mix, keep it locked. The breakfast locomotive tolling. Everybody is the energy envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club. Now, let's get some front page news where we saw what you ve done. A trap is saying that if you take Hi Jesse clerk women that has been taken that for the past couple of weeks every day, and you know that he said that facing and he's been set the agency clerk him, but a ladder doctors have been saying that the drugs is not working. And corona everything and could actually cause high problems. Here is what he had to say. I happened to be taken, Contractual jangling, Hydroxyl, This a couple of weeks ago started take. It does. I think it's kind of her loving good stories and if it's not good I'll, tell you right lucky to get hurt by it.
It's been around for forty years for malaria for loop, as for other things I take it from workers take it a lot of doctors naked. I write jump, also admitted that he doesn't know whether or not it does work, but he said if it doesn't you're not going to get sick and die, his cousin. I don't! I don't know about all that. You know me, but I do think are Donald Trump tells a version of the truth. Every ten statement could you not the first president. I've heard Zidane taken Hydrochloric went out of hand I dunno I drugs. We would have a webcam but you know we know we nor radio agent. Pakistan is good stories public right, yet Yeager Edge Job John Mcconnell Jamak annulled right noddies will, one week. You know him and his wife they thought it taken it in a they got better. I know somebody else whose to take an. I got better. I really don't know, city would learn restock is in one doubt the said you need to think there's any city toddy we totally rabby road is: will our end that actually boredom back so
I do not believe that the asap The problem is that first by this should only be used at a doktor with her in the hospital for clinical trials, because it kill you and can cause serious side effects which can include serious heart rhythm problems, and it can also at the risk of you dying. So you know. Well, perhaps, and work and can also kill you and they might not be the most effective way to treat around. I was now here's how Nancy Pelosi responded to damage chums cleans, breeze our Jane. I would rather, he not be taking something that has not been approved by. The scientist, especially in his age group than in his shall we say, wait group have, but is morbidly obese said. So I think that this is not a good idea. I'll believer are good girl. Donald Trump was robbed the issue in any way shape or form. I don't, I don't believe this year, a curse, sheep habit,
I see just as a to be president anymore? That's a lot. I right now ISO Club in Wyoming has reopen, and the policy is you do have to put your mask on, but you can take your clothes off. So that's the plan there that your club was able to open a long time states, sit down restaurants and bars as part of the reopening they do with us coverings and there's a lotta hand. Sanitize are available, but they do allow cash to be exchanged with that could laugh. A germ spread and dances were touching people, so what s crazy it s a place. That does not mean to be open right now. At a time like this, do we really need to have like leaves open, honest answer, clubs, our business for God? Damn I understand what you know. People are losing people are around in a really messed up: Campagna bills, cardinals cribs, losing their businesses their homes. So people like look out I gotta do it. I gotta do and some people like you is worth that debt that that chance, what he might catch, Covid nineteen corona.
I do know so try to get going on. I succeeded once had soon was just don't it these poor people, like on behalf of the house, would for two and a half months made things need open up, because I can't pay my bill. Nobody, you tell people, I can't pay their bills that can't be right, corner they're, gonna, get it now getting help. You know you shake shake your hand, but you can shake yes and I can slap yes, it makes no sense to me No, I mean, I don't think a lot of work still to do everything they tell us about. Maybe they have to have contact list strip clubs we doesn't answer, but if you let it be social distance group globally, six feet away from it with that. I will have no lab Nancy, no champagne room caliph Your new guidelines will allow most of them to reopen. The governor has announced that margin. The guidelines were allow that to happen roughly fifty three of the states, fifty eight counties will be eligible to move on to the next phase array and in addition, pro sports may begin. California in June, but without fans, so the governors
that these be opening steps would only be curbed. The state holds the rate of transmissions and keeps the rate of positive cases down just an onslaught, Professional athletes can have fans which group was gay Nanda. Yes, boys team said plan to play games at that. As is well. According to our governor Andrew Cuomo, he has been encouraging pro sports teams in the data plan. We openings without people there he said New York state will help those major sports franchise to do just that hockey basketball, by a bomb, whoever can reopen were ready, willing and able partner is something you know tell amusement is, reopening sports is coming back. Ok, I had just living. They live like his golden wit, corona. Ok, tell me somewhere is not telling us something somewhere Academy, more details, people need money, they need to pay a bill that that's what's going on and a lot of these companies, whether the mortgage companies, the cardinal company there like I, we gave you two months, that's it I mean people like I gotta prima bills. You know
in that on you, you turn the news on. You see things like If you just where mask it'll, stop the transmission of corroded. But they make you talkin about this second waved s hidden, but you haven't quite told us. The first wave is ended. Yet again, Who is an animal? What are they I would ask your front page news: get it off my chest: eight hundred family fifty one thousand and fifty one. If you need to vent, you can hit us up at anytime, eight hundred and five eight thousand five hundred and ten. One if you need to call us up right now is to breakfast club bemoaning the breakfast. I want to visit you return to get it off. You jest whether you made blessed eight hundred five be travelling over one. We want to hear from you and a breakfast club allows there's an old sorrow. Also what I'll get her off you jasper. Then tell me about the hydraulic working. I think the prisoner
because my mom she lived in a light initiated deposited were equal? Seventy? She, they told me that I'm ok, I'm gonna, give up the package the package, I bet the omega people, but as tourists to now they got repack and really back they got work would amount to make our work will fight to the lack of antibiotic. My mother, would you tell the positive she had a fight any biology cause. You got it about people to start. I would appreciate it if you do now. Ok, ok, big brother, this distribution,
Ok, don't you know the causal I'll call him a couple of days later: mom, don't it's a mom, don't find now able to people with my brother's dead? Third with thirty, but she passed on a Friday, but didn't tell me to go. Look abortion. They told me TAT dating bouquet indent. You pass Roddy selected, we'll get a look at all the Detroit looked up. I would like to know about. It would feel what type of medicine is an old medication. They said I'd love to cook him by backwards. It don't guess, work all they started Lamb. I say just in time to be laughing but it'll hydrological plan in earnest, ass. They put out in telling the bundle hydraulic working. That told me about the impact that fight a means to relieve approved by the eight. So when I read up on it,
procedures, heart attacks in blindness right in Atlantic Cetera, but come to find out. That's what killed my mother, that's what killed my mother was the heart attack. My mom never had a heart attack. I'm sorry to hear about your mother ran home, absolutely the area you know show me, let's not been on a below, listen to you for everything we re back man enough. I, like you, know like the way you give. You know you said to you shouldn't. We said a street You know I'm saying right now I, like all y'all for letting us people come up here and special feelings, because you know a lot of people that maybe can't get through like I couldn't go, but you know the grace of God I did get through. So I can a word of it got to do what you do, what you want, you dawn and regard degree than man. Although I gotta keep coming up. Let me play this is quite open up in operating Mama fighting, vitally nematode gotta keep
Let me now. I've got to annoy already told me that you know you know, I'm a don't look at them alluded walking business going on out here, Madden and everything you know about. You know I was about to break the guard. You know I didn't have to be. I told my clients, nobody will be they look now. You know, but ok, you know afraid everyday big brother. You know we could open up all right I'll. Remember me. I love you. Chess eight hundred foggy far what oh five one of you need event is up now is to breakfast club bemoaning the breakfast I love. When I see brands genuinely stepping up during times of need, he energy and its brands, like always oral b and fix, are doing whatever they can't help our communities- and I be more proud to be a partner there distributing masks and Santa Keyser and cleaning products to the communities who need it. Most type cleaners is giving free laundry services
healthcare workers and gelatinous lay are also providing shaping and scan your product to ensure their masks spit properly. Thank you, pingaree for stepping up as a Ford for good and donating millions to support our communities, your time to get it off the agenda. The email from you, wanna breakfast law, allows this minister was broken. Refugees was vague, Madame Security Guard, waited stage worker, we're gonna Parma complexes, and I just want bags, and let everybody know who is out there, who supervises the security company that works for security company to really pay attention and look out for the garden out there? Man, because it's like today, I got sick at work, I'm still at work till this moment. You know
and I ended up like the one about the eight some bad earlier ended up daughter and I caught a comma super. I call my boss monster provider, let the noted I was big and ignore me. If I wait hall, I would get in trouble for go home last night with with all this is going on in the world at the club. I, how am I gonna get like to be told that can give any water they merely tat? They didn t need to be hiding something you'd be comfortable by them out here, I'm accomplish by myself. No way I'm way along round them its own up tell a month or another. They told me. I can't go home, I'm tone, oh, I can't call the ambulance give them trouble at work. So, what's crazy, is I'm still sitting at work with my stomach cramping up right now to this is that I hate to tell you to do the wrong thing, but your showcase in the wrong symptom, sir, you should have been coughing
you're, not a mean in saying that you have a favour. If you wanted to see how come. I know you noticed symptoms of IRAN and even have you sick. I work here is tick. A day if I'm following up here, you developing of unfounded, rather whether what they said, maybe you know like anybody. I like not knowing dickie formulae I get tested for anybody, not knowing me like, like you guys, daylight, aged if the magic, I guess they can tell what you'll have it you know about following up clearly that it, even if the even if the krona fires wasn't going on about their work and our own I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have been forced to stay a work around Michael Jordan, which were decided by the body that mug imploringly worried about if I'm not gonna get paid for the hours, but are you gonna put my job in jeopardy because I'm a big word, thereby debate?
we better use it alone. I days you should be able to use relegate, it could get even worse the honest and beyond as a global public good company for libel, literally a little over like almost at the bottom of the year, and they can give pay. Using search. You see. The last is yes. Sometimes you gotta have a flu Gabriel Damn you gotta dig deep. I did all do you know, Michael Jordan, any delay in early May on time? Sometimes you can have. Flew, gave a food boiling game whatever it is. Sometimes you gotta play too that adversity sometime Gotta go home, a relaxed, Bro have a go on, get it off. He chess eight hundred five eva. What oh five one of you need event. You gave us up at any time that you be government away. Yes, since it has happened about venting to cash, you six now for some reason, are we a grand I had to respond to him would tell you what his accusations are. All right, we'll
getting to that next, keep it locked breakfast locomotive, breakfast with an killing his club. That's a cash you! Six! Nine has some issues right now with billboard. Now he is saying that billboard is cheating, he puts it on his page, billboard, courage in billboard, you're lying corrupt? You got caught. Cheating in the world will know hears what else he said he is alive. You can buy number one's own Google last Thursday, our universe, you submitted sixty thousand units last second, what the investigation we found this they purchase. Half of those thing was six credit card when we ask whether those six corner causing so we can mention
thirty thousand and solid units with six credit cause he's not tired of being part of investigation. Well, billboard did respond, they did in article eight was called how billboard came to its calculations and this week raise for the hat one hundred number one cause he was upset the area, a grandiose Justin Bieber stuck with you as at number one and they clarify the discrepancy between you. Two was visible number of plays, including. A place where the song Goober advocacy, six nine put up and billboard only That's? U S based plays for its tcheidze as well. So it's a domestic chide. It's not global! the FBI, Oriana grander responded as well. She said. Thank you. Everybody who supported this this cause and made this happen. We love you so much, there's so much to celebrate today. However, I would like to see
things? Anyone who knows me or has followed me for awhile knows that numbers are the driving force in anything I do. I am grateful to saying grateful tat people who went to listen grateful to even be here at all. Jason Justin Bieber responded and he wanted to make sure that you know that he said thirty k was bought with six credit with six credit cards. That is a lie. The rules are clear. One credit I can buy MAX for copies anything over that the entire amount gets thrown out. Nilsen company checks this and found all our sails were legit, because our fans are amazing, by them. You ought to know what the believe in music anymore. It's like. I don't know what the believe on the news. I regard the corona vice when I was in China, information nationalist good abroad and just in an area on the ground, it was put not day. Yesterday's good also sets out my found interesting. He said yes, there was an investigation is weak, but it was into a video that has six times the amount of paid bought activity. Normal video, tat video it. He asked yes, yes, I guess
please I'm bottled me and paid to click on a somebody's video. So many talking about two ass he next year, but I do think, is our destiny. Change that, I think is so wack on people can get paid to manipulate the internet because the internet is supposed to be the great equalizer that gives the power back to the artist WAK. If that's what do not set out heard that there is a company that does that debt that you pay them and they have their bats. Dreamy amusing, listen to your music, goatee Instagram pay. You go to your you to pay her there's a company overseas that that does it so about him. I can dig, it is found out to those. So when people do and investigate and if you try to up your numbers like that, they can reveal that was about? There was doing it. So they can find that out. So it might look good to the general public, but then, when you actually trying to do so, That involves fine. It is in numbers, you get experiment. I write those six now responded. All I'm saying is I work super hard to make it out of Brooklyn. I speak for the millions of kids. You are in his fortune and as you,
millions who were important to b and C B life Israel when you're in a welfare life Israel when you grow, that a father you don't know what that's like you say for me to be humble. I don't think No, a humble is and then in a mad is now, if they're, both using the same type of techniques to manipulate the system and unless ain't it would you know Oriana adjusting them? I don't I don't know, but that's what they're all accusing each other of you not to act so that Europe's they're all the same playing field now when it comes to music is now Bobby, from the hood of beer from the ghetto lobbying from the suburbs of privileged places. When you on this plan, failed sampling. What lesson about numbers and something that crash demon time, the virtuous gyp club they had their life, a ban on only fans and a crash, the only fans website, so the two branded announces exclusive partnership on Friday night. They monetize there virtual Strip club was set to go live but because he was so many attendees everything crash. Is it over ten thousand was turned him within the first ten minutes to West the event. People, like you rate
we can go a tiger cabin terrain. Danny and they let us go Victor Crews, Chad, in Europe, reportedly among a people that were trying to attend. So only in issuing a refund to everyone and strata gonna get to show reschedule, they said and it yes, she is greatest glad that was abundantly anybody's name like mushrooms exam We are now debating the whole purpose of the whole. They will learn. Nobody knows who you are online, you can go to learning is eight adviser has declared. I think people are very vocal about us. You have to be, as I mentioned, both demon time and only fans in the savary. What what I'm his aim is somewhat all Gaza's slideshow would they want? What would they won't be spotted ETA screw glove and reliable? No I've never heard out o o Dell used Do you know he's got a shoe club, but I write and let's talk about growing up here- patent the p and Romeo have released salmon. For me, Shin about that reality shown a massive to be posted, p posted a video of him
arguing with one of the producers and here's. What sounded like a soldier one? one day will change people stereotypes. But we will not, as we all know what I want to know. Why do we want wasn't, even if we were ruining them? They don't like that age. Amity said that on the bed his club already before and Romeo had an issue with them using his a Bible study in the Bible closely. Sends out as a story line for the show the they only do fatal about. Even the Bible studies, the amount in trying to do that on his shoulder this whole season. They took my faith in God, language
on the flip side made a whole like problem or worse religion he doesn't want, is relationship of God being exploited for tv, so there's a lot of things that data like about the show and they ve been very vocal about that now. Agree with to be around me on about seventy five percent. Molly eighty, maybe eighty five percent of what they say that was audible coastal I've wanted to positive images, I guess, you're lookin photophone. I will make a fund of the Irish. No, it wasn't a positive thing. They were kind of making fun of it, make light of it, but like yours, masterpiece they got enough money. They could create their own children due to showed it waited. They want to win for trade. What they want to put trade at they had only makes us do they always have. You One of my lab floats it makes vanity sends out Bible quotes too everybody like as a group text, and so they show up like getting the Bible quotes and then you know he got upset dead. Supposedly she didn't annually. Responded with eggs some though storyline, but he doesn't want that exploited on this. Do they made it look like more than what it was
God all I heard all I'm here right now. That think is fake everything from the music industry, the reality tv, the goddamn de Madam I don't really think at him assigned me up and give me an account for everything is fake, I write Mozilla YE and that's your room, a report all right. Thank you, As you know, when we come back with a front page news, are we talking about? Well, let's see how I think this is going to be taken. Now, what's happening with reopening parts of the United States, make of communal all right, we'll get internet next keep alive. Is the breakfast locomotive morning. Everybody is dj. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club good morning. That was the news where we start with well, that's gives him a day's taxes has report The lowest New Delhi Corona Virus death toll since March thirty fires. They said there
They were reporting eleven new deaths. Yesterday, that's the lowest daily death toll since March thirty first, when the state only had four fatalities, So Houston does want to move forward safely with reopening. Economy, the mayor of Houston, so bad, turn it Eddie Wednesday move forward, but emphasizes that the socio, distancing and wearing face coverings is still necessary. Bars in Arkansas gonna be reopening with restrictions next week, so the guidelines we'll be simulator restaurants, where the buyer. They can continue to have the guidance on physical, distancing, Andy's other directives as well, and and I, the governor, has announced emergency rule requiring business is to follow this data order under the current Illinois Department of Public Health ACT when a business violates these rules and puts public health at risk. That business has committed a class a this demeanor, so my now they're going to scale up contact tracing in Illinois. Now
he'll do earlier. New got guidelines will allow most of California to further reopen and pro sports may begin in California in June, but without fans. According to the governor and New York Sports teams, you plan to play games without fans according to Cuomo. He said that we are ready, willing and able as a partner- and he noted as a personal closer. He can't wait to us the Buffalo bills plague. So that's none of your updates. And it was one of those can be trusted could literally, just yesterday said Texas reports largest single day increasing corona virus cases since reopening, but what they didn't say. What did you do know you got a redefined, not the headline. They said that they were targeting me packing plants or the increase testing in those places. That's why it was more cases. Yeah see today, opening up that, like that, the people need to get back to work and don't people are at the point where you know, if you have a mortgage, I need to give you a deferment for three months. You know if you had a car place, a car note that give you the permit for two three months and attitude. Three months is up. People got to stop paying rent and
the point where I want to lose my house Ottawa to lose my car. I gotta get back to the grand and year. It might cause me getting sick, but you know what it's like a chance that they forcing Americans to make out of the ground. Yet we gotta get used to the new normal now thought in the normal can be mask and then I very much like an answer and we ve just people what about small places like evil where we work, you know we work, it is a small area. You know how he is network. Would we care where get envy, where only close to me, because you choose to shut up. I'm sure, where anyone that, when I go back in the beginning, a Jew? having ever the home at the June anyway. So our right now as far Miss again, I what they are saying, the governor has signed in order lifting some restrictions in parts of that state. The new order, alas, for the reopening of retail businesses office, work that cannot be done remotely and restaurants and bars with limited seeding. Ah, service have to wear face coverings and capacity
restaurants and bars will be limited to fifty percent of their normal sitting, and groups have to be at least six feet from one another. So off AIDS will be partially reopen by Memorial Day weekend. That's this weekend, but only sixteen states recorded downward case trends. Just Now I want to know what happened. Would change in Michigan Illinois just ass, fast ass? I could literally what yesterday it was forty eight states opening. Tuesday, there weren't opening on. If I'm not mistaken, she can in Illinois Erect right so what changed in twelve Ouse Rodya deciding to partially reopened as we get fat? I guess. I mean, I think, all states at some point. We're gonna have to partially reopen. So you know they starting to list some of these restrictions? Slowly carefully, as you know, just indifferent phase is so that's always in the plan- and I guess you know it's gonna be When the weather is getting knights, errant places too, to even prevent people from when I say you may as well give them the proper protocols to follow
but you don't like it, then not guy. I'm realizing are realised and I think a lot of people has been what people talking to people up me. Instagram on Twitter, social media people are born into their realizing. How much it is stupid estate used to buy and all did they cared about? None of that matters to them anymore, and I love you back. Oh yeah, the word move afforded essential absent is not essential in life. You knock going to He has effect, and I do noticed I know after the flood when no got what he was going in its diverse. Isn't A raven Anna does not arrive. Lloyd, our beloved the whole. You re using. U doves, ya, have added it and come back into me is, I promise you join you soon. His arm I noted the water has receded, Davy, ok, all right, Now I will add front page news quickly to doing about the young man at that time. We spoke about no it away and he was a quarantine
teenage. My man went to the beach and they lock his ass up. Okay I'll have a problem with that. You weren't always upholding Hawaii, Mama sadism, opposite I'll. Have a private data total? No go. I told our boy Don. That is why don't we get what Nablus and I have no problem when people violate the law, you go. I waited all. This is is part of America, you figure go and be. I remember that you don't want I'm an air and and spreading that someplace I don't know I told you, I don't go, you got locked the. Will you discuss it with you, to the Goddamn news, and they said that the heat can kill its you decide to go to the hottest place. You can go to huh sit your ass down somewhere man away when they saw started, they would tell him people. We will pay you to get out of here of your visitor, go away and will become ever leave. Always New Jersey in New York, now locality, devilish, Corti Lula,
I'm watching too knows and as he has gone down in New York City, New Jersey of your Devlin Quarantine, when you come to my place outside of innocent migrants right, that is for a in New York City. Given yeah you nasty, you're, afraid programmes is Furthermore, these days new days earlier, but they caught because he was past, in all these degree, but I guess it was like a wait. A minute, you happy eyes using public, petitions in travelling around Madame I'm an item I mean by Armenia. Why? My man and wife at it like that respect in all our pineapples? When we come banks, thunderbolt yeah abide put you, I did a jail right to trade. Of the Brons and all the flawed, and how does it all make it since it is? Why need all the details and all account when you tell me these stories? Ok, yes, that man is guilty, but none the less! Six stories have been arrested in Hawaii for violating order since the end of April, but the following
but he has the floor woody mom is manifest. Does what he did? I told his as without have good value. To do that other the people. You know what the rules are when you go into a different state. Follow those rules governing above all, God have mercy, but you come on right already, Apple, the Bronx of all places, no method of all new House coffin Dennis Flower right. When we come back table Braxton will be joining us will kick, it would say more Braxton said
move? Is the breakfast locomotive breakfast at secret? We say you kill in it and you don't have time to sweat the small stuff with secret outlast. You get forty eight hours of best in class, older and witness protection so before you take out that long to start our own business. This heads that rally or take your bike for rapid larger day with secret outlast Antipater spread. The only thing the world you see is your strength, secret, anti birthrates, all stream, no sweat fording, everybody is hey Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne, the we are the breakfast club- we got his best guess online same Bragton, welcome. Why thank you and me morality you're. What am I looking around? The efforts that are we gonna could accept, or maybe had Nellie wildfire for loaded
It is nearly one partner your day, all these verses yet yet determined in all these verses. As me, die wound sire mistaken because I'm coming out showing up as a thing, So you know, I expect you now excellence is there anybody that Euro excited to, like you would say? Ok, this would be a good bad because, as he, everyone talking about this person's about his person. What about his chanting he's a cow. What about people's mass new Who is he gonna better than anybody? You would be excited to see Monica and brandy? Maybe I'm actually here Monica and brandy, just for the culture you know like I used to delay. It has been so much debate, especially like with as female I just feel like a time the buried a hatchet all the way around Andrews you're not celebrate new and celebrate how Dobbin amazing we are and
just the celebrated tribal strive, but with me, because you was just being an advocate, I can see now in this industry is hard enough and sow. It's like a dozen serves any purpose to continue big between all of us now, How are you quarantine enough? He some water behind you, I see a beautiful city. How are you going Our way, that's how we understand. How are you going down? This is. Downtown allay under my car. Downtown allay and its great at bars. I would observe, because I was with my birthday that was lacking You know that I'm a big birthday party then, but I find it to do so. Mining on. Why what bang I'm gonna lose birthday way? in total sums are gone and watch television and care, one everything that I've been missing and enjoy
it's a no my child because I'm gone all the time quality and s. What I did, what you do. It's Emma was goin on profession, o one. I was out. Ok, I didn't mean new brought about women alone. No agenda like tat, but I feel I am from a company. Shall we have like a mutual respect, leaves out in black into an EU ethnic gravely. Here too, TAT go back. I want a real everything. All right with me. Now is real. Whether rule the only Real Mccoy did ass. He was now no! No! No! No! What happened there is a colony comedian that go who likes to like them videos about me. What have you done out of the way? I take your videos and take his name or from an hour
and what it when he tried to do, whatever you even put himself at the inn at that out in a prison them off so bad. When I read and then he goes on to say, roman idea may accommodation received eczema phony thought that it. What are you it wasn't really daddy. Was such an amazing dear there's, no he's good at added. You know. Like you, I think I have been trying to get the gown about like it. When you exactly downsides, sergeant were tabled about yours now to catch the view taken by the way you're here, that's amazing right now, superhero! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, and so we dig at the opportunity to see the first episode and I have to say that I appreciate you put it. This could I've had allowed here, issues myself right, you know how it is a lot of us haven't. I hear is so important to us as I was given. Added things that are happening on its arrive at a situation where I don't get it.
That, often by Jack we had a situation My answer is God alone, nerve everything gone, and I think a lot of women can relate to things like that, and some men soon left declare men and struggling right now. Air as well. So let's talk about how they so even came about. I'm sending want to jump into the edge linger Vienna case that myself, but up to now, because God. You age while created is amazing. Shall and beyond they had in mind, was myself and I was really excited when I heard about the of the show the burthen I do not know the my mom was a kid you mutations in those Call the neighborhood, elders and ladies, come to our house every Saturday to get their hair done, and so I seen my fair share of hair. What's going on in the USA, but they'll be able to do here myself that the second thing that
they draw me and was the emotional side of it all, and everybody thinks that I'm here is it about here, but it never just about here everything to do with our. How do you want people to see how CS have briefly some people just so I did that way. You know I was very important. Kind of raising awareness of the hair gay about all the issues that are about and when I hear the jack- and I would be so if you don't order from let us show explain a low, because I see nothing a little bit where you're finally, due to their due horrible jobs on me, we'll burn you boy like those either horrible, don't they back as women and girls are seeing here missing, so also explain the premises of the show the bay. It really is a carbon. Why don't you go to your barber right?
yeah yeah a thing in twenty years to a phenomenal job. He got a mile away. There you go and it's gonna be Anita, bothers me Jack. About one meter in eighteen. Sixty one twenty twenty a large number of my bed but the fact of the matter. He had a bad day, something probably all behind the thing you run away, but for you it means one thing for you. You can go to work, but you did not aware how much do you know you can carry out those acting in a neighbouring upon your wife, you now you want your boy, oh, my god, I couldn't you know. Last Monday, I got A lot of money problems at home with his child saw it all. What this shows is that your hair is just the thing that brings us together
not the issue. So that know what I mean is as not just women to have issues. Is they have We're realizing now is that these men, let me tell you something as much as they want to talk about What are we, then? I extensions in order that these men right now are realising, because they have a lot of issues with their here, So we see men are getting like the trans plans. We see them too how come you put a man, seven on their heads to grow year back and all kinds of war in a war, not just the way what the devil, yet what the differences, Talk about likes. You goddamn from Eagle Tiffany had told me to put mine, is death Evelyn in arms you making castor oil and my hair consent. I can't you know here. The pandemic is growing up when we talk about it women are open about what they doin deafening. That's not enough. Not all now know leaving the way you're talking about another, because I had slowed
How to download yet now is not talking about it. Before the pomp and natural ally of the German, you gotta trap to pray for months in advance. This is my real. He has once they have a month. Is the motive in Lisbon You think, that's the point I did it when Tiger didn't, we call it. I got when Tory lay didn't. We do, though, did it when they started God and using the bathing in the black, we was on the guy who, but that, because it was a rarity for guys, the even admitted those things and data in really necessary. When I meet a guy called out you can you can't help put him into a new kind of you. I got a ball head, coming to work in that they would have forehead here, come on, yellow make fun of the bran get what I'll do I'll do that by the legislator, I believe that the Bible is vital.
The little guy here at home them like the moon shining by certain they fire You got the guy Azalea, seldom Ethiopia had had their monasteries. Seven work took up you, it is a well known, I was I ve got more, would table Braxton? Will we come back, don't move into practice, oh, come on e g envy, Angela Ye Solomon guy. We are on the line, I would say more Braxton YE do decisions are not like their terrible, like you are saying. Is that You might want to confirm, and sometimes it is hard for us to confront the person who does I hear also because you know a lot of times we're on only time that we still go to them. After that we might have had a bad experience, but our relationship with amputation. Sometimes I go for decades absolutely or are you just go to a new cars Jack Jackie, all the way, you really think you're. Sorry,
the way you don't buy, but never just touching the galleys that boy back, because, like you, it's about time that we call them out be Badge Europe. They just hold accountable for so much, just about who you are you don't get it out? You know well how about job I'm just ass. I thought you were there were made. Oh, please name go. Oh yeah. I know it's already lays the no tiger now in order to lay front but time you did they both legs. I've got some type of Charlie's guy braids. Recently,
never been toward him. Then he just another egg and got two days the light and the huge like that you're denies that requires that boy. Are you know that guy? Well, I for long life What the hell out of me beside yeah. That's a lie: and then there s a place where I did put. My blue woman I would like, above all, to dare the boy to on aim where you been paying down a little gonna like all. Oh, yes, I know nothing about The dead downloadable definitely did not only are we need each other. We are we a ball, and everybody didn't nordic. Definitely How do you maintain door and a pandemic do not anymore?
I get the address. You can't you because you know this kind of weird I'll go back be brave. My head implied much aid because Alice. When an going to Bali for my birthday politely that didn't happen, when he had so. I was basically sitting here being crazy by now, but like I've been stolen, I got news that other crazy. You know a gay twenty five pounds were over here but I'm really enjoy a. You know the moment that it lightly or secretly praise. But didn't really have the courage to take all right. You know what I mean does it really all needed this time about family to be to let you connect, with died in Britain. That without goal and whose under and move forward and look at the things. That really matter when you boys are locked the door at the beginning,
quarantine idea. Twenty quicker than I do go into claims I lost in thought idea the idea that I'm sick tat would do it. Why not? without good they're like there, nobody dared like them. I think that'll be fine. Now its aim also talking about real has wisely. They landed the reunion and you were like our nobody. Even last. Did you end up watching now? Go back some quit a United irritated me because this temple sure of life, we're all going through. The last thing we need is, I believe, in each other, a bill. Don't stop? I still confused about the candy
It really does bother me more than it should, because I know that those two individuals are really really good. You know he's a good person. She's funny, and I don't know, but she really does mean any harm. You know like candy, the really good parts there. She super duper. That is not what I love about her dry and should also bright person, but I decided to decent, like that so hard and irritated as I only was standing emerging here, is low happy birthday was a idiocy languages. I happy birthday was kind of a little low funding at adding yellows. Let me look like a branch and many are behind. You want to look at it, So they started by saying ok about the blood made that you started tobacco about me from the right
dont want bang, it doesn't matter what you know. Anybody I don't wanna respect. You have ended the day. That's your pal! I did and you have our support in offering Meanwhile, you got a friend that you know you know. That's your friends. Let me have them and you have no way to you re right before you know. Everybody knows me, you know what I see array before I'm going downtown unborn all the way here, but its just like you realize, Why do I dare say those words or that can't you know their energy there's something that possibility nearly even so after you. You know, because something is there. The might of all tat we know about. You is not going to change. How you feel about. Ok is matter back the bombings, each other's work wonders Imagine you hide. You feel good. You don't go away without power about that. You and I,
and then you go down. I am writing you behind the people. Moving about that America, there can be so just when you have to like publicly had back where's. I know you know how that is, and then everybody we again and then it turns into a way biggest situation and you like damages not even bother you sure, you're, ok, I'll, believe I do. Let me tell you why, because you know we were at once we why are you mad with somebody? One word the two day care ruin your whole hospital, but twenty thirty years why waistband were found by then help me care my son. At the end of the day, you accumulate my wealth and the right.
I'm somebody that power that I don't get in their power. Because of that I have been definitely stifle Michael, we are in some ways. You know, and I learned the lesson of contending with every guy and you know you came and that they do not make it right here, but you know with somebody like you that outspoken right like if you had to think about everything that you said you'd always be. Second guessing yourself Now, while we loved him a second guessing, will grow by and it's not about living and that they also about no purpose in everything that happened in saying this I choose to prepare better for something where you anymore,
you know why, because it does not affect bottom line. At the end of the day to day, are we got more, would say more Braxton? Will we come back? Don't move at the breakfast club the morning tat morning? Everybody is dj. Envy Angela YE shall I mean the guy we are. The breakfast club was talking to a tame our Braxton YE. You have any more, I hear stories issue what does about yourself the queen animals live there lived on which lay Where did he do monetize ever you want that better, but I know that that work along with them at work, the company contemplate the Devil s lab. Another really got my any back at first, all edit Bush, justifiably words. What are you talking about
We are aware that that is a bit like a warm. You are aware are we men there? You gotta, leave us an and sow there will be tell me about it, well, then I may not have even out of my way, a miracle Lastly, we are to find our way out of their work. Do you didn't? Do you put together recipe did you sit in the lab with somebody like you figure out what you don't go away, about our like here, darling within right, and so will you all my concoction of their work for us and for all their work together. The three passion
and now the man made legal, Ay in the lab. I thought of God he talking about you that a degree in southern what this song he did with, which is there call no more love and he was actually wrapping on the song I guess this had to be years and years and years and years ago, by the early hours in the studio together, but directed never nobody putting on Instagram or animal battle, a shade now the police, radio, no father Nobody gradually moving, in view of their indirect and never came out, but it was too dirty enable trying to keep Tony reckons Emmy John PIC Perfect back then. You do that
just asking of you remember history now seize aggregated until in that when I met you download, you guys know, there were no, no you're going to do to play its latest Blakeney mother accidents. So I did this movie and caught you re going to end not interested in doing it on me, but I'm ok, you know and talk to you got alibi. For me, I'll, like a rocket we can only by a bit now go to our thinking. You know what I'm saying and I would like to hear from you back in the slide, at the time in everything that reminded me of, like you, for that. I have heard and saw when I visited movie on the budget.
I would like to pay my you, I want you to be found with the towns we're gonna live longer than I want to do it. The problem is sure to be out to dinner and on the way back from dinner. He played me this rigour and songwriter an abortion, I heard a hidden in everything that I have done like in my career like Signor MILES, but when I heard about ITALY fell in love with music, and I just felt like it was something that you should be a part of the culture and should be a pardon, my history, so The country is the kind of love, shall demand management, pushing pushing you and pushing soundtrack and at that flick them only for a long time. I'm glad you guys got had done the how you act now I would have been very worthwhile whether regulate you wasn't legally resident way. We can play, is one Finally, I thank them for minor no you hard slow.
Living doubly I'd. Have we heard you say my? Does this mean every tyrants? using. Why are you? Are you planning more now that you got inside? in its eyes, you know like really and I'm gonna tell with the new everything on the set plan Do you not? I mean limit value charge balanced, thereby before all the time you bet? Your number eight told them the email, young girls. I know you love me right now. We have to know about my boy, a guy. I got a job, you father. I know this is an obvious out. Well, listen, you know. That's the Charlemagne.
My took your passion or situation. You now made the passion of you being right away from you and it wasn't it about light. It was about having feelings right. If you do not have the same feeling. You're gonna need a hit me and my art history. Many of them, but the devil goal number one is to link up with me when I was introduced to reckon introduced the wreckage well. This is crazy. I'm allowed in cinema our rights him, although we appreciate you for joining US freeze laid you tell mom. Nobody would know we'll find out what they did. Have you come that whenever syndrome Romania Barlow like Lunar. Now
you say that you might be ready for another little baby, yellow paper late. Do you want to know now? Will you talked about the Euro currency? Doing that you don't eat sleep, an asset and prayed won't do it yet ordinary marriage- I you know Why not a girl brain job in about an hour late at night If you do, you hold that certain things started thing that a husband gets that a boyfriend other living there how to spell wild, buy the cow. If you can get the milk for free Thank you I'm trying to be a barely know? Envy engineer, you know Might there did you, Jim alone,
give a little, let's say what they if we do and as we appreciate you so much now get them, I think you die reckless locomotive. It's about this until they eat breakfast, he s, a windy. Williams is taking a hiatus spam, her show, and that is due to symptoms fatigue around degree. Disease she's been filming, remote episodes from our house, but now the show we'll be taken a low break, I was really of reasons last time they told us there, She was in rehab, you not to me it's always really. Health reasons is tat. Do you know when you want to show you know when you be looking crazy, ok and a lot of times? saying Aeneas, obligation on drugs again Dad you know is really arm health reasons. This time and I haven't out,
this into shown a long time, but I am which you are all bits of she's, ok, but I hope she does not devote a rehab and she hasn't and interests donor fighting about a weed, alcohol or drugs? I got my own, Mercury YA, like delight over there, and I don't. I don't appreciate that Gmos. Are you can't keep proper somebody up like god damn dead body are weakening Barneys just because you got you no money to make. So Am I didn't help she deserves. Brian in green. He has confirmed that he and Megan facts have split up. They been married for I think, ten years they have three children together, they she was spotted out and about what Machine gun Kelly and they are filming together. They are on a break right now, so he did confirmed as on his pack. He has his on packages in here's. What he said. I can't be upset at her and I wasn't upset her because she didn't ask to feel that way. She met this. This guy calls on onset goes by machine gun. Kelly. I've never met him, but you know I've made.
I've talked about in and their their friends at this point and from what she's expressed, he's really just nice. No one guy and I trust her judgment. She's always had really good judgment. No brain, Rhine, you're, allowed feel all your feels. Ok have you are upset? It's ok! they d jobs that you have every right to be mad arrangements, your wife? Well, you did say that day have really been China so to be a part since last year, so it seems like this. In an ongoing thing, and you know they ve been together for fifteen years and has been allotted to me. Did they ve been best friends, bad You saying you know, maybe for it in the public we do what was going on behind closed doors? So maybe it was pretty much over, I think they were already living a pirate right. He still allowed to feel is feels the. When he said is: ok, you can, you can see it every year by gas, but it's ok to build to be hurt. Me he's to be upset. It's ok grass right by communities. They maybe he's used
do all of that already. So, who knows maybe he's really out, he could really be. Ok, I raise a radical new machine. Kelly and you don't know why they call a machine gun. I can be tough, I now, Michael Jordan, let's discuss the final episodes of as there is a lot of people S. Questions about this pizza occurs early Michael joining got sick from this pizza. They think it might have been we'll poisoning and I was wondering how do you eat that whole pizza pie by himself and nobody else ate any well. The direct actually answered that question. Jason here said this so earlier that night, those guys all ate dinner and didn't wait for Michael when they order. When the pizzas shows up Michael says everybody do not touch this pizza. This is mine. You didn't wait for me, don't touch. So he spread on the pizza. I'm telling you what was told to me an our interviews and they went such a difficult thing. Understand. Our pizza is my pizza
it is for me, and I say nobody else can get none and nobody else can get. None Michael Goddamn John. Ask another question: Every time we started documentary will Michael Jonathan Hotel rooms. He would by Romania. I saw himself he wasn't by himself, though he was with other people in the hotel room and the pizza came the idea that it oh yeah athletes, the directive last night, goddamn last night, with these bonds Who did an adult call for dealers and Echo was on air told him. You know about the whole five guys, into the door and inaginary it got out at a piece of business opened up a burger spot egos, hear anything about the burghers button, the five guys animals we debate was that a joke array elaborate. Is sharing his thoughts on the last Dan Spinelli and how important Michael Jordan, was to him, so he talks
meeting, Michael Jordan, for the first time when I made my first- hurry. The leader within the do not lie. Jesus Christ in our view, pledges made. No, I could tell me anything. Different I think he was real man you're honest. I think we are all involved in the tv gains or commercial, or While we all Cosette tapes, I didn't think he was real. Ok, I get it cute easily. Guy he's pay homage. Now and then he talks about his inspiration from Michael join life from your harsh- is that I have to go through. You look for inspiration, Jordan was kind of like the guy. He was there that the angel of from Heaven that I used him tell me get too
darkest days that I had even people say we only nine years old You know, there's a lot of dark days. You know when you brought the way I grew up and a part of a single parent house. Also every the day I got an opportunity, W G and was might they gave me another boost of war you know, maybe feel that I can make it out of the situation. I totally understand. I really was that they were stop them. Go join Lebron James Comparisons is this. Is this? Is disrespectful Michael Jordan and is disrespectful lot Lebron James and his damsel dishes, preferably Kobe Bryant? Could I don't know how ya skip over call? We just go till abroad, because to me a copy of the second best thing to me, who join enough only because he mimic the hell out of Michael Jordan Goblets today, I ran well and if you can't get enough of them ass dance. They are going to have the after the dance with Stephen S. Myths of sports centres, special, that's happening today on ABC so I'll. Show you
get out. I want to watch that. Do I can't wait to see How he has been much talk about for the next two weeks body, Frida Danby comes back right. Now they was milk in the last danced for the last two months goddammit. I can't wait to see Heidi no milk it now I went where you're going although by now I re well, I'm Angela YE, and that is you. I remember point all right. Thank you. Miss ye shall remain. Yes, sir. Are you giving a dog you too? You know it's a young woman in Baltimore. Her name is key anti moody and she needs to come to the front of the car. Nation. We would like to have a word with her this morning. All right we'll get it It had next keep unlocked the breakfast locomotive morning. Everybody is dj envy and who you shoulda mean the guy. We are the breakthrough club. You got a special guess all allow right now, Gunnar, what's Goin on Are you goin? Yes, it has the family, everybody did you do higher, but out of breath, we blood
I can hardly favoured. May you ain't goin to me. That's all you outside with their goddamn expensive, that we're gonna go daddy was a Mercedes. May bag thought there was a day there was a bit. It wasn't me back yet and then we can open a debate, but I will live up to our family stepped back up. That is there now now are you ever have been no money at a time like this gun. Did he already had a unity of butter. Do not lose body, but every day, every day about your current echoed I've been on the row black daylight about that opposed by car. Waited Araby there? How does that dancing on I'm used outside the EU?
he's out there you, like, I did, may be a good time. Tat! Something goes, those aren't. You can't even slow down enough to see things you what you really ought to relieve you go back to forbid it. Did I ever tell you about it. Now wait a minute ago modem on how much money you them is done. Also bargain, but I know you got, so you had you use, had to show itinerary authorities and what you know. Mcdonnel tellin me and how many causes you back that? Don't you see one of the couple calls on you and your Graham now I feel very may that why don't you go to bed in their more about. You were too much why you gotTa Rogue, embodied the better labelling of that lead to take us there to children We gotta, you turn it back on the road gotta just born applicants. Were you nervous to go further,
I see well in Atlanta. Have video sues, impieties nervous where you do your nose out of life? I really believe how to love dollar working at the house. Do LEO tonight so basically light my mother always criminal. I really wasn't leaving the most cuz everybody come in and then like when it kind of open it up. I still didn't really started moving out like really like this week when asked Billy stepped out on my own shop thing by life? Do you really been taken a few like me in my view, as was up, you got that asked the year that the Meda may at the nebular. Maybe mass is grave name. The album coming out on Friday, and so you ve been out there like kind of secretive about. Fact listing and everything so was going on. And how long did you notice is gonna come out on Friday, because I know for some people it is the weird to be releasing manner. Belated though much gesture.
Would it be right, then? am I say, my old timer home on the police, only the commoner in Asia. I ain't. I just come into this day. In the end I travel working out because I When the water is poorly me being right, German. I last saw a landmark they could pose. No because I thought you liked to people or Canada. The inner workin out Y gotta. Let gemini theme. Are you indecisive things like this? can you pose certain that you read any books above gavel was about love size and its legal language these issues. May you you look of a boy out there to see, or are you in love you you trying to get it together and look like in there? I'm going to know each other anyway. I know he is another though produce knows I wait, wait like the best, but there's one. Basically
What am I gonna tell him? You know a lot more with delight when my German, that I, like my horoscope closely. It goes with it so I had thought of this towing in my manager bought me those books to read. I just typed in this trying to learn it. Germany? What in our trade is this? Is this to dive to nothing, there's a crazy side and then there's the they come back. Side is very weird lotta demonize you crazy gun, you think of the parties an inquiry under my eyes. Billy is it, then that is not the otter, Eagle and as well. I don't want a slight does more than that. Jack, but he will never take raising understood that a true right you know about it. Now, don't you know when you take their back, because I have heard you gotten used greet me. I've heard. Are you gonna name dunyazad take dead back, you might be a low grade.
Do not put that on me now I'm ok, I'm not good at all so named. Gonna how'd. You get the name Gunnar. What about partners like my real, close break, a light his birthday today, the part he gave me the nail, a man when I used to be guided by Airbus economy. I could lay out the youngest ETA marble line. I? U spear young gaze like yeah. Why need g g? We young in daylight penis our problem together in their life, this situation. I have been urging our agreement on developing the star dryly gun anyone. I've got a rapid gonna, be my Let us put it bears my name young guy: they ain't gonna, just firelight daylight dollar mentality, mathematics, are you about? That's ok and they said
We got more we're gonna where we come back, don't move is the breakfast club bemoaning morning everybody's dj envy, geology. Charlemagne guy, we are, the breakfast club was still kicking it with Gunnar I've thought about the document with the document about a human recorded is ours is alive, documentary was was the documented. I show you basically created a light. All I wanted to do something about the bad, but I feel I hereby no life and your guided his boy ever Lula. I refresh you, knew what was in it. Enlight. I am really. I didn't really know how I wanted to approach you. I don't want to call just don't do it tonight that didn't really make sense. I came over wanna like this being out there. This. I guess I just felt like I was just in my body. I ain't I'm just black some children I know shows that I had took demand Jamaica so
no show bad luck. Freeze their pages, you didn't have a good path. I felt like. I was just like I'm really the artist donate at her and there are one or Willis Starr came the plate in light of the above described, will one day, devoutly unapologetic were as the ideal irreducible by daylight now, which would take I earnestly with your hat with your wise, are more towards more multilateral. Let in behind the outer talking in this the lady. Naturally some outstandingly torreons honest.
With this practically no ethernet tug of people they dont not. Does he come to new claims or vice or at the outer record? Work are usually I'll be around anyway, but like for my schedule study, will we really well? I always hear others let out you take good is for anchovy throughout the antagonists wages
it lies in the fact that this is one. But now because you gonna, do you think, helped you more and in her pop, don't dog, a baby lobby saliva led to disperse meeting. That is more limited game all because he tell you maybe just Travis created the history together, so it may be that because he knows, airline expression was new and will we be like Jane was after lightly, and we would better together for his life pillar saw therefore that they made me a baby. Life was growing like some. I haven't before that news again.
Now one went on French we're going back and forth and you know you don't erect as we were friends before. Did you ever say you not. Let me get him between if contested go low to fire, you sit down and let them go table then enemy out only like Ebay there, like ITALY, I fear by Albert, got away just take a dandy needs to be done. Like those Maria de Gondi Monet may going around, but I never really gold plating of literally you topic. I didn t matter who get it? You know that. But how did you like it we're talking? We gonna talk to me about it. The crimes, double video that everybody circulate, nay, trying to you that against you or what was that about our own best buy out everywhere. I know stop there
no, but I'm not even you wanna video, yes, certainly, but I went on a clampdown on a whip owner what had occurred. I won't take a man so United Satellite agencies, although I will, I will live in no case but you know eighty, then they go back to the enemy, only only be seen as we know, it is only for a street work Roma issues, but it is a framework document. Today are a kettle we back to watch the video I. Why did you was actually saying that your beauty of your people, media? Could somebody else will talking only about lots of from it right back to jail, my pillow the jail for another when required indeed. It will make a lindorm down pulling down by out the matter. In my purse. Data life is right now to date there,
Look from our authority. I was confused. I was like accounts there. What are you trying to say is that I go back to the internet that was somebody like you always that, just as it is the internet or without some somebody I was like you know he really don't like you eat contractor whatever dirty can. Only now don't get. You are all in all there, especially boy. So does not mean, however, that there are so many cities, and it knows me if you had a valid relieved, I daresay they don't you feel, like you really want to explain, but then you, like you, don't even matter what I say. Does people still always think what they wanted to explain our launchers right, along with its vision of our firm, is vital to bear me like, I feel, like I've got a guy. I guess
when I get back on their own document. I know I know was not even aware of that. Now you know what you would your private? Can you you know before you even outside the deal for even released to our views already on a role given ten fifteen? Twenty thousand shall write so has the floor to. Finally, have you second project out people now low, faced a logical, northern neighbour, necessarily notifies I've ever seen you in on suitable asking is evolving, new, stopping it. You know a lot is happening on every time I see used up and you do something, but I see no demand a kids that will follow you and it wasn't just black. Is it wasn't just kids from the hut is why key with Asian here's. How does that for you to have that families now make you feel like you just like you, I just doin it treasures high street like, but you don't wear away at the national level and paid over there.
The work of the war- and it made me feel good in on this by the way. By immediately or not only you see it s easy to be there. You see, like our body, overlooked, Did it make you want to change the lyrics at all, because I was when we was in, though in a more going on a white kids wrap in your lyrism like them. I wonder you look like you say you will be a problem. I was so pray alerted like they love. Maybe me I'll win Phyllite about Can I buy this with China and that they will be lightened by mere like leaves? I did what you first priority in this daylight: alveoli apples, villages, change, nagging, none about us down a purse of how about tonight about my fellow members that talk the talk about it down the boys, like you check it,
they laughed in his poor noonday. We appreciate you for joining us, the outcomes that this Friday mixed Eagle pick it up and you don't like it in a problem, a procedure is the breakfast club. The moon, the breakfast club, building the day. This is the Weber report annually on the breakfast club. I re many tailing anything or never have adversaries are Netflix yet. I'm an had. You don't know many killing you. Nevertheless, there is no. You never was the office A couple of us all, I know yet I larder she's quite a few and show their theories. Media is India in Dhaka were She has a new Zealand, she has ensued. New show, Annapolis could never have I ever as he has done.
Don T write the screenplay for a Reese Witherspoon, legally bland three well, she was also, This whole thing, where she's giving people a lesson in slang for urgency. Listen. This. Is why like hey, can you think you think I don't know how to do this one as someone young wholly nature? Did you see that, rather than that, Gala she really been her face? these efforts and taken out scientific show pill and as a new kind of drugs that I don't know about again, diverging that's cute as a lot of times. I hear things now know where people are talking about, but I think those like that she's talking about I pretty much new, all of them but she didn't know what it means to take an l. Now I M Indy knows what this means. She's gonna have to take this air because we don't know she is but Luther You never heard of the mini project and none of them have her. Anyway, you guys, you definitely look her. A polar was King Badge on a Monday, Roderick she's really really popular, and she had his other. So
It was like a late night here ass. She was installed in this other movie. They would that a late night talk, show ya. Gotta go clearly he's a major caneback was doubly on a project I write Gilbert Arenas says he one three hundred thousand dollars in the lottery after he had a blessed. And with the homeless man he did a whole caption and he said this caps. It is not about good deed. He's, but about a struggling man sacrifice unbelief made spot. I rest at the house to play my lotto numbers for my money and the car was uneasy at a whole ten dollars. In the car pulled up to the gas station to kid ten dollars so I can head my hook up gases. And then a struggling man says hey there. Can you spare me some change? He said my first thought was a battle had time for this is today, so I man I have ten dollars was gas and that's it anyway. Long story, short he ended up winning three hundred thousand dollars in a lottery after he had this run him with his homeless man. So he did also can't come back and give him his cut. He said for his safety, I won't say the number, but he jumped up and hugged me for five minutes crying and then started to pray.
He said I give him back to the homeless, but never was blessed by when his get good heart. Gesture of me. Making a back home bless that ticket, though Hathaway Germany, so you just seen a homo personally eat only had ten Dallas weeding didn't get person. Any money in his women would not take as an unwanted. You said, we'll pay dollar Dinah mammogram is cut value said, I don't know he said as well as you gotta be. The whole thing is a long story, but yes, how very bless her. That's why he wanted to share that story. Speaking a blessings Johnson's company is gonna find one hundred million dollars in small business loans. He told the war three journal, that his life insurance company will have met women, a minority on small businesses, the care of one hundred million dollars in the paycheck protection program to help them survive. Corona, I was in that will be made to the Small Business Administration PPP Programme and is part of a partnership with envy capital partners. Ok, I'm glad you said That's because this is actually the last week that black businesses, have a reasonable shut again,
the last of the PPP dollars and guys like rabbits Mfa, MAGIC Johnson have definitely stepped up an unprecedented way. So You know you should go to websites like quick based dot com, Even where did his door with our fair share dad com, because this is like literally to last week like you, will probably have access to it. Capital and if they move, if we moved where we supposed to more what they get like a bit in dollars that we broadly get our hands on this when he s quick, based our com or fish Indica in tiny, is reacting to candy, announcing a new escape album, so candies had told everybody her biggest wish was for escape to make more music. So after that candy, Is it a video online and said that they were going to do another album? So that's what happened well here, how tiny reacted and this exclusive club, a frontier, in tiny friends and family hustle
they put up his day, a video badness escape knew the trooper Mary is maybe a little conversation that, while news to me now, the rest of the girls are being scale because, before going to put their video out, she was a hundred percent. Of doing new music condone then having to lose courtesy that new case there's one meaning spoke about this matter. Vicious sit down, we were trying to make another excuse. Balance has two thousand seventeen and can has been held and analyse. So if she really has changed a man that a bigger business, eugenics rhubarb. If uniform arrested grew bright, I would yeah What do you mean? I don't know- maybe they feel like they ve been trying to do this for such a long time. They were going to do it without her anyway. So now I guess candies in I did take as it does. She was doing up to go. I thought she would you say, and she wants to do a last out, because a mom was one
How to do it out and see her say we definitely donor, but maybe maybe I heard her. Oh yeah me listen. Maybe I can imagine his escape album, you don't remember even on our show under breakfast club, they knew they were going to do it Candy wasn't in an candy said that she was not China. China is the legacy and she was busy doing other things. So what's gonna happen, regardless so now, maybe candies just decided to be part of it. I write last but not least, young bug he's been sharing some stories about what happened while he was in prison and he was in Ireland is a pause. Instagram live and he shared his cell with due to sign this insidious, broaden the government put, it will meet. You fill me in the low turnout was locked up. Look better than most of you know me with his sword is no one could tell the casino is rather talk. You see the gangway Backyard North Africa,
by gap, but our guiding y know I mean, I think, there's always both right hold each other down your son of him members locked up in Armenia already make sure he's. Ok, make sure he's good at that others. Are we supposed to do right in everyday substance that has to happen in jail, it hurts my heart cuz. All I hear is generational trauma. You know I'm saying I'm sure you just had his own issues with the Lord now his seventeen year old Son is in jail, that's just it hurts my heart, We gotta figure out a way to break generational crisis and turn them into, national blessings, especially when somebody like future, had been so blest. You gotta meet I re well I'm Angela YE, and that is your room. A report thing homeless or not. I hope there we argued passed down more. Our kids in didn't ingest trauma right about to revolt, we'll see you guys tomorrow, everybody else to people's choice mixes up next, get your request. In eight hundred five, a five one, five one is to break.
Club the morning pouring everybody is J, Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club now on shouted Timor Braxton for joining us this morning. Yeah saluted him. I was. I also say you were tears, shell to catch a beautician and also gonna go to for stopping through album, wanna I'd it comes out this and when we come back, we got the positive notes at a move. Is the breakfast club combining morning everybody is, J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club and again people just because the open and things up doesn't mean you have to go. I just Close the malls opening up doesn't mean you got to go to the mall. You ain't got to be the first one at the mall. Just because some of these restaurants are opening up. You ain't got to be sitting in there. You can order I'll, just be careful out there, please. We tiresome, I told you it is early and I repeat it again after you know that,
no, I got the way he was gone on a damn arc. You didn't step out. First, he sent out a raven and then he sent out a dove I am not a raven nor a beloved okay, so Let the ravens in the dove go out first they tell us, how it is. I promise you I'll be right behind us all right Will you that positive nope? Yes, I do. On a positive note comes from my power thought cards are right: Luther Randy Randy. I miss you. Randy works in the sales department at I heart and she got me these cards. They these, birthday, but if region, while all the time this said: I am willing to change. I am to release or negative beliefs. They are only thought. Their stand. In my way, my new thoughts are positive in fulfilling bread, This is not done in the past people The notion of home is no longer just a place. We drop into at the end of the day,
specially when our homes have become our workplace, school and full service restaurant. Well, here something good. For today we spoke to him and pressure scientific communications manager appeal Angie about how cleaning can foster a sense of calm and control. You can start with an easier way to clean thanks to DAWN power wash display, so you can spend less time scrubbing and soaking dishes and you can get back to the things you love visit, Don Dish, dot, com
Transcript generated on 2020-06-27.