« The Breakfast Club

Scheduling Sex


Today on the show we opened up the phone lines to see if any of our listeners are scheduling sex with their significant other like Tia Mowry who admitted on a podcast that she has to with her husband. Moreover, Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to one of officers who killed Breonna Taylor in her home for his comments in his interview with Michael Strahan and Angela helped some listeners with Ask Yee.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Distractions are literally everywhere right now and it's Salesforce. We know that for Philadelphia, business leader is currently tackling a digital transformation. Well, it can be difficult to stay focused on what actually matters customer Derek? That's me salesforce, customer three hundred and sixty helps your team stay focused for the single three hundred and sixty degree view your customer. That's how we bring companies and customers together, no matter what visit Salesforce, dot com three hundred and sixty
They were all very easy on the captain, others. Only when you can t make says this is: U S: Yo Yo, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, Mon uneasily,
indeed, Andy Charlemagne. Guy rethink our planet is Thursday was have now set out to everybody in Brooklyn. I was in Brooklyn follow, but yesterday at the life out, juice Bore Malcolm X, boulevard to seventy seven. Now, what put if you don't live in New York City explained what that is set as a useful and nobody would the deadlock. dollars in Brooklyn, it's in Brooklyn and danced about how you sound, very local, regional and national level, to say that we I mean people come on all over the place, but the reason I think if we had a nascent back there, you have it to our best when they do tat. the accident has wanted to stop uses for life. You pulled up earlier if I might say about a new crib round the corner, so I would love to see it because she says have been my car: let's go down. The block is here now paternal music down just a little bit now you notice people's Oliver Brooklyn and make sure people don't speak right. So when you get to a speed, but what is more
the slaughter year that I read other slowly out at all. What I say she does dukes, or has it over with people's flies in the air over as we see it, as is that for nothing so far, buddy out there now that low down. Never let me borrow your car that called gonna, be all after what I say didn't stop at all outside you're, not gonna. Stop speedboats she's like why! Ok, I know why we're good morning, everybody Neverland Your vehicle is what it you anyway The language no story about gunshots. Nothing is not just gunshots everywhere is now having to shout yesterday, but there's no space and bad. Way best. I was named on the tap on the list. Number for of the coolest neighborhoods in the world. Is we place in New York City. They made the list
Finally, I wasn't nervously they had to walk back from her property. To back to reduce by which is about she told me was about to three blocks was like eight, nine blacks, it was not a little comfortable. You look suspicious, though you look like a cop when I put the beer like the fig beer in the fig line up and look like you look like you, undercover brought us what it is, though, as That's the reason why I was a fearful day by the news I'm mad. I used to play at the failure was good when she could get your ass back now. She was to let the property he had to do things at the property, so I looked back to reduce them. So what back? It was a long walk back as early as far blood's but as far as I know, that's got their law gladly. Will I wanted they got it wasn't hot Beijing or don't they got it was. God is greater right in what you say, sir, so suburban anything burthen his gun shag. Thank you. Europe was another government could give me another carbon?
we gotta for sectors to protect its debars. I pray ass. They suburban my whole life right for the rest of my life, in God, I'm so suburban governor who loved me as a primary aim is called sat. Was that people understand That is all that. I don't know, don't tell me what a good deal. Meals bourbon. Yes, I look at you guys at the way, my about like breaking about their right who got nobody tries it dont give Louisbourg. You run this time of year when you know you start the trump inside. Nobody audio. Where am, I know a little more
as a logical emblems get themselves as and when I see them from science re around halloween- and I remembered is so much when our members from twenty sixty when those trumps pretend size go up, and then you start seeing crazy spooky, Halloween vagaries. Good, you know, ivy would jump dwindle following nationality. I think I think, as someone who was Christmas, that ok deaths, scary, spooky site very spooky solemn we gotta get comedy, showed a NATO does, for whatever reason they do in another. Don't gotta lotta was that it was open and Donald Trump Joe Biden. Intimate button to meet button is gonna, be very entertaining regions can be entertaining, but I can see Donald Trump scream and over the mute by UNESCO being now can be amazing. The listen to our right! Well, let's get the show cracker front page is always up my easy. Well, let's talk about funding President Barack Obama and, where
He had to say, as he was campaigning in Philadelphia, dry and also in all. I want to shut out easy to, because you took me to one or two properties there. She bought a property is amazing. News in Brooklyn is Brown, stolen, she's, restoring it it's gonna, take a lot of work, but don't I care waited to hang there. One day causes rural like forty hours has. A rooftop is really really nice, but I propose those nexus the breakfast table more morning. Everybody is deeds envy Angela YE shall remain a guy. We are the bright eyes, cloudless kinsmen front page news for restoring, as well as that with former President Barack Obama. He gave a speech in Philadelphia yesterday and he a lot of great things etc. Billy. Nobody is as dynamic is as a bomb as far as given these speeches is very exciting red or ten one thing, arts, What what did everywhere?
early in the morning now Obama's Eddie Daily down, I jumped the pandemic. Lay book we lived Berlin loved this White ass, a pandemic playbook would have show them how to respond before the virus reached our shores. I pray you The old proverb wildly tribal somewhere. We don't know where that playbook, when a month into this pandemic cases are rising again across this gun. Donald Trump is in some way going to protect all of us. He can't even take the basic steps to protect them bars will now goes into that. You know they reveal that Donald Trump has a secret account in China. Bank account here's where Morocco by
had to say that was him. We know that it continues to do business with China because he's got a secret chinese burka. How is that possible? Can you imagine a buyer that secret Chinese Baker come when I was one of a real option. You they Fox knows Mara, been awoke, and so and about that, but what a gold may Bayesian Bear Beijing very. Nearly we got no Beijing in his hair like he added great flourishing, and I don't have it. asian Bogot contained place now, now. I know you alive when very visible. Now, down a champion talking about how this economy is the best that has ever been in taking credit for that, and he doesn't think the pandemic is so bad. Here's what a Barack Obama had to say about that are good, but the present
its full credit for the economy and arid and zero blame for the pandemic that he ignore. But you know what the job as a word that way pointing at the television doesn't fix things. Making stop that doesn't make people's was better. You gotta have a plan you ve got to put in the work and, along with the experience to get things done, Joe Biden as concrete plans and power. There is now a turn. Our vision of a better fair, stronger country into a reality troubling clues Obama out the bed Martin, I you know. I love this beach and fairly criticising Obama. My because I felt like it was kind of em I ate throughout these four years, like I've, thought America really needed. His voice really needed his presence and when he did figure by Charley was almost in a normal way, meaning like he would speak on in my view, is a typical political opponents. Oh yes, They are fully really spoke to the urgency
He acknowledged in a way that these offences in the White House, in that the thing for the job you know at the thing for the job have done, is not normal. Even if one effectively at a secret chinese bank account s speech excites me lay his fate site like Joe. You know animals in bad by job needed. No nine come here in Europe would have. Everybody goes only with a broadly sighted media yesterday, when I return I got excited in, but in order for the nobody just for Egypt, acknowledging that Trump threatens the lack of political opponents. Commissioner, like three or four times in his speech- and I really think that's what little fight and Obama's ass because he knows it. Truncates reelect he's gonna attempt to put President Barack Obama, Hank US guaranteed? that it a million times and when it comes to a point where you gotta stop saying I trained out another happened. Could all the things we say that we have created and of having it happens right, but that is your front page news. Get it off your chest, eight hundred five, eight five one on fire.
one if you need divinities up right now for number against eight hundred, but five, a five one, o five, only I'm trying to pull summoned a present of Iraq Obama speech on my instagram suggested, able alma alma young nieces, heavenly replying to me so now you know how to do that. I don't know allowing happier and imposed a screech halves. He has no idea all right now. Tat we have is the best. this global them out the breakfast distraction. There are literally everywhere right now and it sales force. We know that for Philadelphia, business leaders currently crackling a digital transformation, well really difficult to stay focused. Actually, Customer Derek, that's me Salesforce, customer three hundred and sixty helps your team stay focused for the single three hundred and sixty degree view your customer. That's how we bring companies and customers together, no matter what visit Salesforce, dot com, three hundred and sixty
to get it off it s. The man are you from you, Wanna Breakfast law says yeah good Monetary day early in the morning. I worry about the motor brother. How you do it? I'm. Gonna break admonish Charlemagne Good morning, Queen Angela, these king, are you I I don't want to get this off my chat, I love you got you saved. My life, and a lot of ways with the entertainment, give me the morning when I've been depressed, but one thing I gotta criticise you guys about. Why are you guys not wholly kurdish Jackson seek to the fire? I dont care that voting for trot. I really don't. I expect a man of his well said the vote that way, but what I do not expect if I am to come out and say I don't kid
what people when we add what people have been ones holding them down the last few years when he knew the career, I left the others. Have you been doin? You didn't refrigerator fifty Munich arriving in the refrigerator, but he told me to Korea at power has not been the best written show on parliament, I don't care what any more people say it has now. My girl, I agree with you and I agree with you during my power I like to think of you- won't show them what we ought to start. So I think we all agree on that. Yes, you come out and say I don't care. Then he gave why people? What are you saying that I agree with? What are you going to do your poor or you up again ass? He came out.
what job, what a gradual, even our, almost Roma Google. Well, that's a smart man. I don't blame! You live and work towards No, I don't know what I'm doing. I can never to you. I could never tell fascism a wide supremacy. Oh oh, oh you knock on you. You got that right. We understand by yet in the general debate. We say with all due to its people around here. not that wall. Yet I like that now line without a line. Would you, when he set out on it when he sat on cabotage, black people deadline will lose its role and its a you one thing about fifty as a lot for the community. Like, I do like legumes either, but I do get why he does not want to get tat. Sixty two percent do not always argued that it without one law. When I set out.
I don't care. If you hate black people has nothing to do with him voting for Trump. I have no. I have no problem with that. I have friends that don't make four hundred thousand that are people tell her that I voted for Trump Ok, whatever. Now what I could look at that another, although eyebrows, I could look at that. Another way, Tudor right, because you know must. I believe it I feel like financial freedom is our only hope, and I don't think that anything can do to stop racism, but I don't think there is no legislation. You could implement anything to stop racism so dislike. I we can that way we will from berries. I don't tell us, is make sure we get our money to till. We can continue doing about going to use those Charlemagne. Could I wasn't you got religiously what you have said, multiple, like all three, you say when I bought by less eager Buck Kamel, we're almost four hopefully to get some some policies in place for political, challenging, puts a systematic approach. It
I know that listen to kill my living in Atlanta now I'm from work where I live in Atlanta now I never was a kilometre to. U turn me. Aren't you afraid, I'm here in Atlanta? I don't like this. One will bring you three. really. I know I'm gonna kill him. I could you right now. You see this from his workshop shout to kill him. I thought to myself to anybody sit meat is not saying I support my I'll, get it off your chest. Eight hundred five, eight five Five one of you need to vote. It is sub. Now was to breakfast club kimono breakfast, I'm Joe Biden Kennedy for present and I approve this message but Dave that makes bearing and stamina Shack three or four years later. We are in this position. Now our democracy is at a pivotal point from the top wheedle trust our many cedar trouble when economically, we got a hundred seventy thousand Americans day, and yet this present it'll do anything he can't make it seem, like things are better than they are. I did more for the black community.
Anybody, with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln. It's our responsibility. If we don't leave that effort, to make things better. We can ask the people. There is no good reason not about where we need to have in videos that office, like Dubai and calmly hairs. They are best shot to take us. Well, that's what makes me incredibly hopeful, but we really do have to work for this two thousand and did not the we need you to show up for our future and for our country. You cannot sit on the sidelines. You gotta get. The gay people buy for president? doesn't matter black. We want to hear from you tell oh there's a stony tony, but I'll get it off jazz, We are no more everybody's erstwhile I've gone because this data
cornea. We are a lot of issues with the Democratic Party, IRAN by the Democratic party. One issue that I have is that you know it you're going through your though you can have sex with her a ten year old anyone to register as sex offender, it you're almost sexual. Why? Yes, the Odessa thus allow calibration tenure gap and enamel sexual, then a minor if you're, almost sexual, the mighty reserves that I don't believe you said Anthea homosexual, I don't think that's! Your truck. Drivers appeared a metal you can apply, would then have to do it being an almost sexual I wanted for July, but we have to do our homework better money. When I gave you, let me say that I'm not google it when he reeled sexual Virginia. Dr nag worrying your cookies says end
one of the eight hour. Gazing, cannot legally consensus sexual intercourse. That applies to both men and women jabbered. I did in fact TAT S. A California bill does not legalised pedophilia. The Roma, and what are you talking about? I talk about the affair, That is why I am as far as somebody else will allow this. he made me. I just want to pay the more high only do that here today, at my girl birthday and now it's not your letter and Emma singers, her birthday? Let's go, let's go, let's do it? By the time we base the song Allow me love her honeymoon stay in such situations. Why should I know every day of John Legend granted in pity, darted radio, we argue,
I will you told me: you were You ve got to go now No really I'm not ours. First, we will make this were We had a review We all know which way to go in order to marry. People do you No maybe arrived brevity banging name king
Yeah a birthday today I d like to be given new. Go I've got out his birthday sat out, go ahead, Yolanda Bill I'll, be there I love you you, my you, my rock and my bestie, my friend, I'm so glad that we still together you inspired me. You make me happy, and I just wish that your like the best daylight was amazing, though my name is driving. Salute you travel while we hope there are taken I am now you made me feel with war. now go loud. Hug you arrived draft, would assure them he's gotta go dram hung up Zita. You scared, a five one, o five would, if you need a very, it, is a right now you ve got rooms and away. He asked in this company after one
point, seven five billion dollars in investment is going belly up arrow, we'll get it mixes. The breakfast the more the breakfast club, the Woggle dangers, Minnesota reference Clubs, Charlemagne God. Actually ye may be to everyone to answer more Beijing to his chin, but right now we got the reul report will once again be a young boy building the day. This is the Weber report annually on the breakfast club, where MBA Young going has been spending and that's where a song that he put out now it is the story of OJ tat version. So, as obviously based on Jaycees story of OJ an he had this to say about having ownership,
in United Masters, who told the thing a dynamic down limits, Lamb and they went on a continent would remain very late ways: labour opponent about me. You now proposes unanimous. Yes, and you know united message. We beds deep down on the show numerous times talking about united masses in how you own the rights to your own music and get your royalties in and all of that, so I guess he has part ownership. That now? In addition, it looks like you should in his shot at Renee. Of the Grey Zone, Flanagan newspaper failures in the biggest somewhere. We have a baby when on fears authorities, we ploy avoid all meet with his daughter, with no I think it was what I t I don't notice of asking where maybe just a clever library saying it could be a big deal. Thirdly, he's from Louisiana and Bear ruse, though away
in our new Orleans, and then fees worked with little Wayne and young money and cash money, though that is you and me, and waste management Odin local from being a yes. So there's a lot of connection, maybe just a clever lamp, a wife and Lucy didn't think so, and he actually posted boy. A real bitch in person does he's too, as you know, a regiment HU, I am confused oblong, I love. They did break up a bad. They were both having dinner together recently at the same place in the same house, so they can and on again off again the adolescent everyone on out on. I usually spits what like he's talking about something better, their free stuff, The one thing the people love about NBA anyway, as he is, he talks a lot about at the gives great content in his music. Like he's always what about them. It is not just a rapid for the sake of wrapping bite. It is like real stories in Dublin.
all night, remember Mary and her believe, which I thought was real. That's all you Let us remember how little balls and might have put that out the amateur robbers you know that is our design. I got our region. We know that tunnel right, united masses also posted the song and said MBA young guy gets it. Independent is freedom. The next generation of art is: what does a label do for you, I'm glad I re boy, or are you just turn? Twenty one wrote does great because at about nine more years. Their name, young boy I re yesterday- was that the few today did you guys that guy. Nor do I love it. I could in future I know, that's why I'm telling you this October. Twenty first is the day their mighty make fly actually travel to the future. At the end of an at the end of the as you know, in the beginning, a back to the future by two, so that was yesterday, so they I, like these different facts about the movie. Did you know that Michael J Flask, that was not the original Mcfly, nor Donato, no reason why before it was Erics, doesn't he actually worked? The movie and knave ended up having to fire him. They said
is playing the role of mighty Mcfly too seriously. Novara know that I shall, for six weeks you know, are still too he was in that movie mask. He play rocky battle now a man. Never forgive you see is based ya know who he is, but they said it was just to serious and they said at the time Michael J Fox was still filming. Family ties you loved, I interviewed years, a great movie it holds up, but the dates don't hold up market. This literally October twenty first to gather fifteen or weight ass that didn't. I got no guy ass like ass, not either they bachelet, listing family ties of it so they said that he was exhausted all the time and they thought really bad for him, but that he was a trooper. He was young, he was, you know just tuned up. They said he would go into a station wagon
and they would have blank. Is an errand he would go to sleep in between scenes, cosmic working so hard and placid movie, Michael J Fox breastwork. Next, eighteen wolf does so my favorite movie right now. What backed up by confusion? Teen will fall one all day long. Are we not say my backing is upset tv because it breaks in family values cheerily. She said it is disgusting. She said after waking up to that disgusting trailer. She said ass, we tv and who email, whoever us is participating using my pain for their pleasure and ratings. Don't miss my exclusive teller. A girl, Tammany Hall show next week at some point. This abuse has disappeared,
Helen, twenty Twenty has any here like never before. For me, my family, my house, I would say I gotta go now tony call. She told me that Timor was rushed to the hospital because she tried to commit suicide seemed like a tree, a bad dream, charade, subject, man said to have on tv as the trailer Niecy NASH is going to be hosting a date. I don't know which one was not true, but if they re enacted that for tv, which is what I think Kmart said yesterday, that's lame as hell s not something you re enact. If they were film in and you know they need they caught daylight, it was actually Norman as one thing where they re enact the net as lame so yeah
also maybe just using it as a trailer sheet and appreciate that I re uneasy NASH is gonna, be hosting a daytime. Syndicated talk show and they said, according to reports, the dealers in finalized, but she's in discussions with CBS to have their show coming sometime soon. So I think that a dog to watch a Michael Jordan has opened a second health clinic. That's why, Sure patients now that clinic will be located in his home town of Charlie, and it will provide services to uninsured people and people affected by the corona virus pandemic. He had a first clinic that open last year in a press release. He said when we came together to mark the first clinics opening last fall. No one could have predicted. We will be taking a global pandemic just five months later. I'm so proud of the positive impact our clinic has had on the community so far, especially during cuban nineteen are second clinic will provide critical services to improve the health and lives of more Charlotte,
How do you say charlatans, which is so important to me and to no bad health problem? Include Basel, Michael Jordan, who say bigger? Don't you back to the community who have bigger, Jane I'll, get back to the community system like a giant it's well, I'm Angela YE, and that is you. I really report. I've never heard anybody call a big m j. What you call a big like big legume people put bigger front of things. I love you. My services, dapple dapper, big footprints, SAS Quasi, would be worthy of books, but are you would be big, vanishing, Big Beijing like a bit, big, fake beard infidelity onto because you realize the budget line I gave him ass can be drawn out, ragged recommended in the fact that another man is
Let me talk about carbon out. Get out get excited. You know I got this banana. Tell me some ecevit. You tell me that my knew what a good times you got, the goddamn balloon ripe was. One thing you wanted to see about. I'm scrutinise will jack solutions, but was was one thing you what they say about? Michael Jackson, you say it all the time I was there that there should be what what did you say? Why am I gazed at the time when one is early in the morning, so each banana totally that later on this thoroughly? Michael Jackson, speckled penis! This aspect was happy for you. No gas grazing right is fairly pays, no logic to forget about Nellie Cell email. Let's talk about down transverse bans green Who Obama's speech yesterday on the campaign shrilling, you know the debate is tonight. When we talk about a two hour, I will give it makes the breakfast local border,
morning. Everybody is dj. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We oughta breakfast Club, Watkins front page news for restoring it may well be Go back to my yesterday was a bill it up here and he is getting ready for these elections and get a lot of things. About down a champion the way down to him has been handling everything, including this presidency. This economy is cut there. All. Man, I'm is Barack Obama. After hearing him, speak yesterday by here is one of the things he said about down. A chunk of data comes always talking about how the economies that has ever been arguing that this president wants poor credit for their economy and arid and zero blame for the pandemic that he ignore. But you know what the job doesn't work that way pointing at the television doesn't fix things making stop that doesn't make people's lives better. You gotta have a plan you ve got to put in the work and, along with the experience to get things done, Joe Biden has conquered.
plans and policies that will turn our vision of a better, fair, stronger country into a reality. They bury Brok excites me many speed, like you, are lower Obama, your bride bomb. Dubai doesn't exactly like Iraq now even bigger both NOS two different world blue days, I'm not be deprived of evidence based on a jobless and inward fly. United to MIT might look Biden, deaden design, call by Edward Love. He might get to that point. Trunk chalk in such social media, often night vetoed by in the work and the words of to pack, you ain't without your home. Why am I right? Donald Trump was at a rally in North Carolina and he was not happy and he did response. A lot of when Obama said, and about Obama hitting the campaign trail and heat. These aids that it's a blessing in disguise because nobody campaign harder for Hillary Clinton, then Obama Look how that turned out. That was his response. Any
the only present more unhappy than Hilary on election night. Twenty sixteen was Obama, so that was his response today. Now you, as officials as saying that ran in Russia, are aiming to interfere in the election, and this is according to reports, though there saying dead, they have confirmed that some voter registration information has been obtained by IRAN and separately by Russia, and this can be used by foreign actors to communicate false information to registered voters that they hope will cause can gin so chaos and undermine your confidence in american democracy? They said IRAN has already been spent. Sending spoof emails designed to intimidate voters, incite unrest and dam. Is president tromp there also distributing other content to include a video that implies. Individuals could cast fraudulent battle.
Even an overseas the after, like they pour dead out yesterday, because they know that President Obama was gonna, be campaigning in Philadelphia in and they knew tat. His speech was gonna get headlines because if you watch daddy, they say that people are posing as proud voice. Yes in a name, so it seems I get a if it favours trump as far as an offence is concerned, because people pausing at his supporters, basically saying that you know his boys are behind, the reason, the racism and bigotry and all of us here they say they got some threatening emails. That claim to be from the prob weighs about his in Florida in Alaska have been getting these emails array and that's why one encourage everybody to make sure that you do vote? I think Over forty million people have already voted early devoted
find out about early voting and if you know boning early may so you get to the Paul's dont be discouraged. Is long lines do what you have to do, because when it comes to driving change, there's no action as powerful as casting a vote and just to that end, Levi's teaming up with rock the boat to help get as many people as possible registered an already too. so make sure that you text Levi's Ellie B, I as two seven, eight eight six, eight three that will give you all the key days you can find out early voting has started in your estate. Election remain and voters info from rock the boat on an early warning and encouraging barometers, something I've still got PTSD from two thousand and sixty in me, Could everybody and they Mama Hillary Clinton, was gonna, be the next president of unit they d be argued that the Jacob Job- it's in my own daughter with me things about to see a historic moment. First woman president and no landed, I didn't know it was a depressing.
Left before I was over. As I have said, and we all love before I begin at home and I had to go. Do Stephen Kobe election night pursued, I mean it was so interesting because you know everybody how material prepare but ill prepared for health. Raillery death, like not everybody, got a pivot, now audible, don't go bad election made special this year to smooth Monmouth. Even Corbett draw right well that Asia Front Page NEWS now: let's change cares little bit now we were talking about scheduling sex. I waited historic come from your bags casually where this is brand, and I saw a lotta people talking about this online about tee merry and how ass she and her husband, courtyard you'll, have to schedule sex, and so I guess that means like you schedule, meetings in may show you take here, your business, you gotta take area business in the bedroom, Where can I be as my Hades in another
I have not been about not something we want to have an appointment for enemy on our elegant for to be spontaneous. You know it would would yet objectives at any time any place here. Don't look at me like, though, he's going to me elites you like that of envy lookin at me, crazy. While he is why how long I was talking about my wife and said, I ll give you a normal get rivals, but outward byways Brian when they had heads they both work and she's, like you have to make sure that things are getting a glad to cause, sometimes in couples when you're busy. All the time. both of you, you might have to put it on the schedule, a murmur I'm not gonna be mad at something like that of the great appointment. As you know, I like it contains when they want to know. If I will speak about, a song about schedule is sex what he had thought about: eight hundred five, eight five one: oh five, one boy,
look at me. One more time. Don't look at me when you took my tab is like this. Then you'll have to get on the scheduled technical ecological ought to follow their right now, you're going into the breakfast club propriety, two hundred five five, when all five one, the breakfast table, topics of eight hundred five, a bad one, I have one joint discussion with the breakfast joke about it. Warning everybody is dj. Envy a ye, shall I mean the guy. We are the breakfast club. Now, if you join us, we're talking about scheduling section, I waited has come from me. They came, Gm Mary on the. What to expect pack has where she was talking about house. He has a busy schedule. She has come
then she and her husband, Coy Heizer cat to schedule when they'll be intimate to measure their sex life is not neglected. I mean, I, I think it's our biggest this existing. I think ourselves more like a job like Romania, like wish me said earlier, my gun of like ok, we'd, like that seemed like we're. Gonna have sex. True, there are twelve o clock media like that, doesn't seem that you can make a sexy day if you say it like that it did As I see now, you say it like: I write baby, so I see you get home at this time. Your travelling here you come home, then so, I'm a surprise, you mean I haven't amaze out a proud of the letter. Gay ready sympathisers judge you on schedule, but you don't know what she's gonna do ass a surprise. Nor does get your sex. I mean oh, give me wrong as a great appointment to have with the scheduling sex negate like impromptu sex like all impromptu six. That could possibly go to not have say that you can't sometimes has spent any a sex when you can, but at least you know, and these days you get
yet another thing about maybe on schedule, but weekends made for Michelob? Ok, We arcade we husband or in a week in items a schedule is that every Saturday Agar name you know if there is no during the weekend Friday Saturday, like that today, you at home, examine out you don't owe me kid bed by including I mean I mean I guess, is different and I gather guess sir sure that you're, not neglecting the other powers, are neglecting sex. Go. Sometimes you can get so busy. dear me, anyhow Sexton Silly says we been so busy and tired and when I think about enabling a thing about that Tyler Perry, we think of the Taliban, remove it was a movie which deny latent in Somalia, and I think we decide shaken. She was creeping. Would the white husband and choose to have to be at this hotel week on a certain day and in one day could the? Why find out about the schedule. So one day she looked up in the wife was standing there. So I think about that. When I think about appointment sex, it is about a meeting and Tyler Parry
more than they would have ended family that praise- and I don't remember that since nigh later would decide shaken, they had schedules. With the with the white husband down Medea. Merry Christmas is out. Would it not be a millionaire adding a family? The praise allow this a day was gonna. What I'll do we want to hear from you, son of a gradual approach that I have the following? Firstly, a busy cop what you know, but that doesn't mean that you know that's gonna, take away from despite the spontaneous, because you have those gay mangled picture, a week, I'm gonna get me to give you some another. Why do men you go Is there we give me the bat? what have you on that matter, oil, madam, I might end provide. Thank you
hello, there is marrying. I bet you guys. Are you guys a couple? the morning. Mining does not promote ever talk about scheduling sex. Are you guys a couple? now my bed, not begging, there were disgusted attacks and discuss. The issues is clearly to women who are cousins. A couple the guy's matter. They all Nepal, as requested talk to me Mary account and you have web wednesdays scheduled for you, both while our delight in Turkey is why every pound, or can I wonder what Am I mad automatic on by not let's do this Monday at three o clock work that way I will not give strike on cross. You know you have time for that.
But he could find. But why are you polio what our colleagues to do? I don't know whether far why you was wrongly Toyota caroling the unlucky like what? What do you expect me to day, and you are now I think of them. Can you get wag, unlike always go yet. I don't think that you're not allowed to do that. It is not on this Do I just means you know these particular days is going to happen you annually, every year, in LOS Angeles, Eight hundred practice bob- I really don't know what I'm gonna do it out. This used to like seeing no kids drama carolled by the people we are. All of them got nothing to do with everyone's rights. We wouldn't you getting arrives, word to exact role, absolutely eight hundred five, a five. What a viable we're talking about scheduling, sex, what he had thought the breakfast locomotive
and I do mean by some. call me your baby farewell babbling morning everybody is D, J, envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne. God we are the breakfast club ravages join us we're talking about scheduling, SEC side. What are your thoughts? I think, as Canada aware it is ill, it doesn't seem. Spontaneous, doesn't seem romantic, but, as MRS Mcnally love, I might have the schedule sex because my baby sleeves right it between me and my wife and is the worst thing of all- is the best,
This is your daughter in you know you want, but I'm like can, can mommy and daddy get some time like you. I don't agree with the scheduling sex either, but I M actually not mad at an I'm really Sidney. I think it would watch wednesdays, be a great thing to add to the repertoire taco to reside in the wind and some people. Nice guys are such that they can have a baby to oh yeah, yeah yeah here Nazism differently, but because they looking for when a woman is eligible to fall off, allows theirs The idea was up gee I do my job Joe well my backing sat Patsy now would aid the move away from where it may I mighty, like early you always say yes, sir, I'm on my way home from work man. I just wanted to call and say I'm, I'm I'm really happy, I'm about to closing on the house
Thank you you, too cool for me, my girl and my son shot out to my girl, Ashley and my son Jalen. So I'm just I'm just the investment will congratulations. You know I'm happy for you when we will have an atomic. Though the topic was. You know these schedule, more work Talking about schedule is wide like you do. You have had with the wife here where no man every Friday, low bided, as is also Friday. why the hours a week, man out eighty hours a week on your Friday, ok Friday. When you pay cameras and then you get the gun indeed, dry may have a negative list and then and then absolutely- and it is worth it rubber- that's right, hello, there Bela loaded, ill or like gathered around like this.
It's my man was happening out. Big alloy synergy. Guess I'll array people say the galleries big, you know what you It is one of my own. I do not think that they get all contact with Doha. Real automatic ugly have zero ha twice like that. Going crazy. Talk to me, I was out of our schedule, is extra work together with virtually no no, what happened and light it was an hour eleven, but what about a budget delete it? He said you know, and man schedule and applied. Mr Dimas, that might come up. I'm with you. the rolling over the middle of night going to ask if I can try to wake her up. You know ledger.
Mood illegal agro, move that legal vacuum. You big future. Does you wake to allow it to allow the other triangular gotta. Would you really stay my honey you're about real estate being lane? Which would you would you need a ride? now a word. It was accredited already get my criticism, but we have a memo why we got all company cubbyholes, Don Quixote, white or death, Probably all over me, really that's the really that the I know follow you to be a big see, nobody now big money movement all over the avatar Eba, you as the grail arose, see their old, your wife no disrespect novel idea, but I will vary by trying to Gaza, which I mailed online how I was I was doing. I mean
If, though, a word for you I'm a Biagi, I can't be mad at scheduled, Sanctum, another great appointment at a rate thousands schedule, I'm not on that matter, but United know. I don't to take away from the that the spontaneity of sex, My schedule is so damn packed with things in a mad. I did it. I gotta do that there be a nice thing to see my schedule. Darth was three point. Our clear yesterday about ergo vaccine offers new ways, Daddy daddy rooms or the way. Yes, that's about Rudy Giuliani. He's got some embarrassing moments that everyone's about to see two hour. I will get it mixes, the breakfast locomotion. Why, yeah
What is the J envy? Angela ye shall remain a guy. We are the breath ass. We turned off human blood black and highly favoured out. There was happening all our white looseness allude to you to listen These include media salute the ought to everybody's appreciated. Hey ok, beg appreciation. Now, right, you ve got room was under way when we talk about alone. Let s talk about viruses in This may be one of the next battles about to happen versus this is the best one. This would be the best one if it happens, at least for me, because these are two of my personal favorite. Wrappers of autonomy has seven.
A personal favor rather more time and neither to of Dhaka. I will talk about an exit or movies to breakfast club mining, everybody's envy, Louie, Charlemagne guy. We oughta breakfast club owing to shout to everybody that got a ticket for my car, show a kitten. Do a cautious in person be cautious, scheduled in Houston. We had one scheduled in a land Detroit and, of course, the majority, but because a covert we can't have em, I don't want to do a car show outdoors in just bring a lot of people to a certain place and somebody past. get sick, so we're doing a virtual interactive car show so which online and it's pretty dough by you don't need that the glass is to see it. You can actually see it your phone or Ipad. You laptops, you can go into the car show you can go inside the cars. You can open up doors. You can click videos with the celebrities that will be talked about their cars, I'll be Talkin about the car czar owners of me Talkin about that card, and I'm actually, I need some of you guys cuz. I need some just just regular people's cars in the
I also do some dope cause people edges, put the effort, they time the money, the blood, sweat and tears into the car. I will have to put you guys in the cautious as well, so far more information. You can click the link in my bio shot, the Lincoln Tech shout the top gear and all the sponsors the floor ex burden, credit dude. I appreciate you guys I now we want to pay your bills when a thousand dollars towards your expenses. Thanks to our partner, the general, you get a lot for a little at the general insurance for covered. You deserve at prices. You can afford visit the General Dat today you can go to breakfast club online that come to enter and get rules. Now, let's get some aromas, less talk versus the reul report of reckless club. I write. So, let's get ready for another. Various is better. This could potentially really happy now this
daddy, where best around saying that he wanted to do a verse. Is battle came out with you or celebrated of music on verses from one brother that love you to my brother. That knows that level. Taking you to step the ring with me. I'm a bush. Your way, no love buster phenomenal art is one integrated performers about time that the terrible match between him, de I personally didn t- I wanted it but It is music, no right! You know how big it necessarily matches up, but is it still music? Twenty joint? I love the idea decline, the aggravating the kind that offer listen to tee. I salute ever speak Boston, let us pay the generation gap. It might be a little bit just a little too much to legislate to merge twisted burst with TAT girl, an agreement.
original gap is too wide like on the UK is, if not it shouldn't even compare it like when you need one plea scenario: Mars has taught back, yellow scenario: metallic exit, totally different, ever ready to totally different ever feel. Like now have nothing tell the I now do. Any real smoke airs would see how things would be a good match it. They rightly saying and yummy me yum incredible amount of despair for young and a catalog no person APOLLO later yellow what additional here see so until you're say some it'll. Now. What did you say? Something else I'd say you were do since the meaner mercy put a date on it as a mediator, Peter Screener peace. Now, no viruses days on this is a tough one. In I'm saying you two amount be rapid wartime, I have seven, five arabas include
J into it and if you grew up, downside like I did in early two thousand- and you understand at energy talking about two brothers- would amazing catalogues amazing mix tape. These brothers have anthems Bay Club wreckage, big radio wreckage beaches, like I really don't know well, We are you got what you gotta pick. What pick one I mean we're having to discuss about who the better? Why listen to me, I would guy, would probably go with tee. I, when you go in got a better catalogue. I don't know because tee I had five phenomenal one. Three classics: geometry classics me, including the classic mix tape. Entrapper die. I don't think I don't Turkey has had an outcome that impact in culture. You like the motivation, one or one, but they just have wreck of that approach. just become a big phenomenal record. You tat my aids that motivates,
dad. I don't know, I guess I don't know. If you agree, I always thought it would be required. I don't know, I really don't want to know you always another, while I'm not ready to make their decision to really think. I'll go and effluvia illegal, dismal thought you watch. I've got to really give this one. Some thought when you gave us a diamond but alas, now I'm not you. This is all about positioning like make a black Gigi could come with a twenty death. Is world took a comedy twentieth, alleys It depends on the record selection. I don't know beyond which depends on the match up. Yes, man, you preside over Y know I write that we a move on, I think about this. Then you know piglet shade of blue color. You went away you just for once I one block
once I had another black or another that Right bay. It is about you pick, it would take. What actually do you have? Anything else would like thug. Ballroom Yes, I would love to talk about this new moving chicken and Giuliani now he was trending because apparently he has an income there where he is with the? you're playing bar at daughter in a hotel room, and they said ad in the film he is seen apparently meeting into his trousers and touching his genitals, while climbing on a bed. Yes, so it was like a fake conservative. news in a view that they were planning bar at is he set you up? You think it's some real situation with all these politicians in any. make? You embarrassed well it'll make you, but you end up embarrassing yourself. If you father it, no one is reasonably happy. Nine July seven Giuliani had called the police to report the age we have an unusually just man. He said this guy comes running in wearing a crazy, pink, transgender outfit. This would entail the new posts.
It was a dream for training. The number of I don't know he said it was a pink bikini. What lace underneath translucent mesh tap it looked observatory absurd So he called on these that time back in July seven. So now we get to see what that footage. What is currently he's lying there like an absurd. I must say that I learned other Rudy is really losing gave, though after this is what happens in the scene- and I know you want to see this bed it support. To be an interview that they did and then they retreat to her room at her suggestion for a drink and is conceal cameras all in the room and after she takes off him. his microphone. Then he's lying back on the bed fiddling with his shirt and reaching into his trousers and that's when Barnett runs in and says she's fifteen she's too old for you what- and I guess that's how he was yes. Yes, so. Nobody Giuliani was wait a minute, I'm confused, who is in a bad play with the cinema assay when it comes out. They said he was in the bed
reaching into his child is now. He says that he was his fixing his shirt as his queer. He observed some assure her. That is absurd. Third Reich Libya. Shutting down after just six months, they just launched six months ago, quaint, caribbean African, Bates, and that was a short videos, as with their future was staked on. They raised almost two billion dollars and now setting down. Only six months later equipping was given everybody money. I wanta everybody had a deal on coolby, so yeah. I guess I just didn't work out there. And find anybody to acquire them. They said subscribers where we see notifications regarding the final date of access to the platform mitya. While we have enough capital to continue operating for a significant period of time, we made the difficult decision to wind down the business return cast to our shareholders and say goodbye
so our italian colleagues with gray southerner, are of the view of a great example of how you know you can have all the money all capital in the world would have had just doesn't work. It doesn't work out everybody, they were camera. A show on air. No can do that unethical. We had well pack our weapons Oh Browser, Marietta, show common electricity again the everyday Amazon says there. Buryin they had on- you- can have all the town in the world all the money in the world sometimes just nor can we ignore catch arrival It is in the report. I do not know for the past, would have a minute we ve been talking. You had an instrumental plan in the background, the classic tee. I reckon right there boy as a set tech, why I'm not ready and huge AIDS busier video. You pay data genocide. I definitely do not like look around you. Tromp supporters, Yon transporters,
Are you paying randomly autonomy? Randomly stove Yosemite transport? You said, namely that we give me a dog. You too, you know John Matting. We need the front from the conclusion we like to have a whirlwind, and I will do that when we come back it and after that is ask me if you need relationship adviser, any type of device call right now is to break the slogan. Bread was glad your morning so now would be to say what have you got a dj envy here from my experience at an extraordinary black college and university, I know their whole common is a big deal with the council. This year we decided to bring the celebration to you with age. Pc you home, coming party. Only yard, presented by Mcdonald's, hosted by Meet Mcdonald's Black and positively golden movement is about empowering the next generation of black leaders through initiatives like our age, pc. U, programmes that are positively shaping communities. Watch our aid,
we see you home, coming party only are presented by Mcdonald's on thirty November twelve, I'm a fat knowledge is man to doubt and blow was made available. Charlemagne tapping I've got to make a judgment was gonna, be on the dot the other day. Page algae the breakfast club, it's used argued data, they were not yet a day for their they until the twenty second goes, the Loi bill, Metro, police officer, sergeant, Jonathan we hear is Jonathan manually. Jonathan matting was the first police officer. The russian are until his apartment monster, teeth, yeah shot in the eye when kin of walk embryonic boyfriend in legal gun owner fired a shot at him, because thought it was a home evasion. Now yesterday I heard someone say that the shooting down of reality, Wasn't raise driven, and I say it: ok, I'm making
we would then make everything after she was shot was raised driven out, but the initial shooting, based on the evidence of a I've seen and things that have been presented to me. It seems like a tragic mistake, a mistake someone should be held responsible for, but I don't think I was raised Riven by everything. After that. On the cover up and not getting Brianna Taylor medical attention to not presenting all the evidence to the grand jury to charge an office with just one ton, endangerment, was Rafe related, because this country has shown, as over and over and over again at black lies black lies. They just don't matter. in America will, as I had learned yesterday in the core, your journal, that said Louisville officer at dinner, Brianna Taylor Cave needed just stop talking, and let me tell you something: I agree in fact: Jonathan matting we needed to shut down. bob forever, because the Coral Journal article State every Tommy
when his mouth. He reminds us what is wrong with policing in Louisville. I will take it a step further and say not just policing in Louisville. This was wrong with policing everywhere, ok notches, just now, just people, ok, the way we see each other in America might be irreparably damaged. I'm serious some white people can't help but to see as a threat- and I will never understand our group of people can kidnap rape, torture and murder and oppress another group four hundred a year, but convinced themselves in a world that the person being marginalized threat, ok Bay Chat, and this is exactly what The matter was doing yesterday on ABC, knows just a cabin ass cop who you can't even really
tone, deaf, because whether we want to except it or not, this is a lot of police officers, especially white police officers. Tom could embassy news for the report. Police in fact start with the criminal profiling Rachel profiling part. You talk about Rachel, profiling, good police anyway, don't racial profile, you criminal profile, us address the fact that, just because your black here threat is not case, I'm not scared me. What added that's, how black men feel as our black women, but does that make it real if you feel than its real, not necessarily to what is the difference between criminal, profound racial profile, criminal profiles? When you get to know one area, you can tell that people's Demeter's. If you pull the said somebody and they dont make eye contact, they swerve off, there's just different elements of people's psychological game. It's basically, if a feeling I mean it's a feeling that goes along with what you have experienced with what
is in the area. What should or should not be as impact is them at their possesses unpacked this criminal profiling and racial profiling. I think it's the same thing. Could I don't care how much you know? Crime happens in predominantly wide areas. They will never leave, never criminally profile. Why people like it off this guy's a criminal profiling is looking for people who don't make eye contact will pull I'll go the other direction. When you a police officer that is me a cage Han. You have no idea what it means. Black, do you? Do you realize I avoid police officers in my last bookshop winnings? I planned tricks on me. I wrote a chapter called black and White as being black and paranoid in America. I'm sorry I'm trauma by videos like George Lyon, on traumatized by Sandra Blanda. If I'm driving an opposite get behind me, I pull on one side of the road because I'm traumatized by videos like Philander Castillo, I don't want any problems at home A criminal act means in my mind, I'm just trying to survive. Ok, avoiding eye contact which he was not a crime are going. The direction. When I see you is not a crime. Ok analysed
HU, a dramatic we set about George Floyd you'll get a job for what happened to him is tragic. It was horrible. Everybody looked then said wrong bad disgusting and what happens they interview locked up, which, in my opinion, that was the right call, whether he died of an overdose or whatever But what happened after that? In my opinion, George Food was not a model. Says is very harmoniously here here. George floor died of open over those who die because, along with new and on his neck from minute- and I agree regarded him been a model citizen or not. You didn't deserve that. No one deserve that. Nobody said he did so. Why did you bring it up?
being amount of vision and that citizens have nothing to do with him being killed. Why did John madly bring it up thats? Why full screen black loud matter right there, because you think, because you know by your definition, George Floyd wasn't a modification model citizen whatever? That means. Ok, you are attempting to justify the well. Let me tell you something, John manually based off just these two comments. You made the ABC News. I think you might be a trash axiom lacks empathy for blind people. If you ve killed in the line of duty mining, your business and so much more what do you think the reaction would be of some one said well dramatically as to do said, George, why wasn't a modest and blame can of walk over Brianna death? What if I said, yeah he's Trask as if their justification, you know, for what would be your tragic, Marta? Oh, and did you hear me Blame can walk for Brianna death. I ain't it at uneasy knows who led listen? How would you have done it differently? If you could have, we would have either serve the known awkward.
are, we would have done the normal thing. We do, which is founded in seconds, do not give people time to formulate a plan because it let it happen round table of the scenario the way was set up the scene he put her in a impossible situation. You feel cannons Walker responsible for her death. I think there's a few people responsible. I think he is located. Walker said here they protector. Your actions are sometimes point, when you didn't intentionally or not big chat on vague, lies, big fabrications. Little get what anyone seeking to work at it exactly you suppose you doing ass, the jewish and I'll, give doctors grain for then it does with fourteen million six hundred a fire futures and every single one can of welcome, made the right decision, and he d with anyone who believes in it to a right would do inessa jewish someone kicks in your door. While you sleep, you don't know who it is you meet him would fire same way: cops kicked out door and with guns drawn, a civilians would come out with guns.
France and guns ablaze it if it was our house to. I can't even allow myself the manager matter we're getting married him nothing, but I am pissed off at the system, but I dont know how to change the system, because we can't change white men with the mindset of John Matting. We because once again, the oppressors have convinced us that we problem. Ok, Guy John Matting Liaison ABC New, saying he's a victim listen to this guy. This is not related to George Void. It's not about amount Arbre! It's nothing like it! It's not a race thing! this is a point. What we're doing our job. We gave too much time when we go in, I get shot. We return fire, and I know I'm not going to sit here and act like playing the big victim card, but I mean I was a victim of this is well. My family has been a victim in this. They have had to go and hiding. They have had death threats dramatically, see big victim, ok in words, Malcolm X. If you're, not careful newspapers, we have you hate and people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressive John mounting we once again, I need you to shut up. If you families get you some,
There are too few families and so much danger, and why are you talking and talking like that way? You want a b c news, put insult in people's walls, twisting the knife that you are putting people's backs. How can anyone ever fine healing when you won't even acknowledged the community's hurt? How can we ever here when you blaming us for Amr? please. Let me remind you, John the biggest here. He, you stupid mother- are you dumb, goodness arrive dumb, but you for a dark eyes, so irritating next ask eight hundred five, a five one or five one. If any relationship Advisor type of advice. He e right now is to breakfast Club Gomorrah. What's your mama issues, these words of wisdom, pile up now, eight hundred five, five, one o five water breakfast?
relations with the guys me personally by his need real it all up now what s the red warning. Everybody is dj. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne God we are the breakfast club. Now, let's get to some ass ie eight. five, a firewall or five. What have you done? Courses for you? You could call right now allows this was going on, but I wish, of course, if Ye D Amato requested under our local authorities, it ok yeah girl, we there they were about to one or two and a half years now an all out omitted.
Will I get that they do not like you and me they're, like don't go out, don't go out. Almost I heard you want to do. I look even use the unanimous memory that give us hope everything, but you know what I'd do I little stuff? I would go to the movies whither I drive in movies. We do like picnics apart. We do ask here today the house after like that, but it is never enough knows: you're gonna get out. You wish it. We do now about you and he found out about this. Guy get overwhelmed. Commissioner, my first real relationship, not anymore, I'm only twenty three, but if my parquet real related to be taken seriously and lay out here, you love doing what I could do in ITALY, Greece. I like what we are doing this situation go on at the point, and I am now. Why did not understanding or fear what I'm doing again like aggravating and allay our goal was, I believe, his voice. Ok, how about you come up with something and then the next time she has something and Yama Gate a game like that. So is now
is you have to figure out what it is that you're gonna? Do guess what it is used its intentions and then you had better do it in a positive way. I think, if you and a classic, that would be like. I always have to. You know I want to have to be the one always is. Never enough! Don't do that be lag. Ok leg have out, we do some bill does that mean disability open fine, let's see how created we can get. You come up with an idea. What whereby to do and then the next time I come up and then you come up with an idea: Alessi Inner, let's just get his creative as possible, because I want a sometimes do the things that you. What are you come up with the bird remember all your approach. Trust me like. Sometimes we get combative and we don't really speak up about how we really feel about something, and then the approach can really be like this is doctor, we're doing he's fine things it I've never done before, and I'm enjoying it. As I assume you enjoy doing these things right, you have a good time.
right by sometimes you are to take charge and you don't have to always be there when, as I now, what now, what now, what about the world yes, and, as I got a year, turn back represents the hopefully go thou will. I reckon I believe them all right. Ascii, eight hundred five, a five one, o five one. If any relationship advice hit a right now is to breakfast locomotive railways, which real advice were actually it's ascii warning body. Is the J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy? We are the breakfast club animal of ask ye hello this year, this Jamal of early tomorrow, so much the course of the year, a another you Fermi he Hilo Craig.
Leave out the other day, you know where she came back from a Mamma. How about that? You already know why I was already getting ready to go next thing. You know she Paula united. She just at the trade union she took out must have put it in the creative anything. Now she won't. Let me leave and I'm gonna go from as a year. You know do I look out another. When do I get it warm like our love, so I'm confused the city I live together here we do and you know you don't want to be with her anymore deciding. Where is it Why not go nowhere and I'm not sure what you need to move on and now you you do you gave me that's what I think yeah. You know what you want to do. I don't know why you know is not even a discussion. Pakistan up if you got a ghost
was embody until you find a place is get out a day's app. The angel- and I appreciate all at the breakfast kerbela- you I'm glad Linden. I just wanna get it brought me some advice, don't leave! Caroline and dont, continue to keep communicating with Harry, don't continue to keep seeing or if this is what you know you want to do you only doing both of yourself. You only doing her and yourself more harm than good. If you now You don't want to be with this person, have a clean break. You call another big ass. She got there. What Tell me I don't now, all of a sudden Actually you I really pay, belie I've. Gotta work and you tell me, be in another, how working on it and I'm lie at work, and she- and I don't mean to me- you know I came the hangman brand I've I dont while we're my friend loan, that, like I'm always at home in their court thing down, I've been in the house in that.
I am unaware of what happens as he does things. There's no reason. No, I wore law entertained me I had at the end of the day like I was gonna, be right back, had a loner had alone the beat verbal had a. and they had a long ago maybe now especially Baroness got there, what list and as soon as they would see, has as yet another reason to be raising easily and secure. Why? Why are you being so? Well, I ain't got no, not the home again. But of course I am aware that we got together J. Where are you now get em? not data. If you made me when they found only been in a relationship element under the table, I pay most of the bill.
Everything and I might not done I care. I do too much a rubber he's, gonna be where, if you dont want to be with their married, with them, as it should already the need to make us uses just told you what this really was there too? She don't got. There were eight hundred five, a five one or five one of unique relationship, Right now we got rooms and away yes, and we are going to talk about Anthony Anderson now he documented something that he feels like a lot of you. Men need to do and protect, hey you, black men will tell you what that is, I will get it mixes. The breakfast good morning, the breakfast. We actually need is close. Listen derived Anthony Innocent documented himself, getting his first colonoscopy procedure. He said, guess what I'm doing tonight, prepping from my
Colin ass could be tomorrow. I suggest all men, especially Mr Tyler, get this done. I say an aged forty five, but check with your dad. Their health is wealth every new impetus to the peace sign at me. You wouldn't let me in calling people put the piecing together, another two things apart to annihilate them. What are you talking about a headache? well. He let fans in on a behind the scenes. Journey from him go and get his adult diapers to checking in on the day of his procedure. So you can. All of that on his those rodya you'll grow or anything. a clean bill of health. I will pay you I, the envious man. Have you got not at a garland ask both the Gulf have not. Cameron it yet, but I am going to get one. I don't know enough. Because it lay at the heart of Indian he's out and is a clean bill of health, is again a wheelchair. Yes, I can imagine, I know you do Absolute Gary for you, I'm gonna call, as you know, a way towards her.
What are you draw up a list of Urundi Twenty about a guy who's, stomach stubborn, my doctors? It because you wanted me to go to college asking. How will you drew data and yet are you to call an after this? I five years ago we were really at twenty seven years, work is to allow all I know is like you, I Then you won't. Let me ask you to react as they they give you some stuff and use next. You know you wake up and it's over now somebody I mean. I can't be that as it is in a way I want to tell us dramas them into moment: Jesus Christ. There wasn't a doctor. Oh my god, I'm here said I lay down anyway. How do you guys scheduled yours? Yet I don't know what to do, and I guess I arguments from forty tools will he said,
Finally, I mean John got one in twenty thousand with the adapt area, and we now have an end it yet aware, diapers after Gmos MA all, but that we do have to drink this. Liquid and deadly said that we had an accident than ever Are you and they re getting later? They clues you out and you might. Spend on mandatory brokers in that enable driving is bad. Where's my throat was, you feel it in your stomach. That made you I mean it might get leg. I'd like IBM, I guess isn't my best so like Belgium. So ever since that is not parties, a condition, ideas Ivan Bob's, the shadow. You says you can have your conversation of idiotic, a joker ease and entire some real help. You guys out of him. right now, Miley Cyrus details impair UFO encounter. She said she was shaken for day. She made eye contact with an alien. She told you magazine, I'm pretty sure about what I saw You said you did eyes and we'd wax Medina Van, though in front of attack or shot before she saw that you have also could have been better.
Is she wasn't as the USA New afforded forcing the flies off before us offline sauce animals bonus alkaline without eighty, just how we'd wax I woke up one day. You have resigns. Never we wax no directive, but you you draw. We What I mean? What's your head has seen a movie signed there We have resigned, stand in only one. They woke up and I felt like I was right and you could move when I woke up in the standing of the sun came up a faded away, true store. I read that the various the franchise will end with the eleven. Yes tat S, why I files are receiving said sufficient nano now, but just then he directed their at four thirty six and ninety ones. He will direct the final two instalments. Ten and eleven, so there are still other spin offs based on fast in furious that are currently in develop and fast and furious presents haves and shovel sinew became will be the last one. This aid is no way to move towards an alarming, much money. They kids love it spent idols,
It is now a real, I won't believe, is ongoing territories posed a video crying when in the row by voicing my was ass, big ass, a movies garden bergs was talking about what a thousand girlfriends movie would look like now according to go books. She said that her character, Maya, would be a part of the black lives matter movement. She would be doing protests in speeches and getting people to stand up for the community and she would definitely have more self help books. she being the next. I am a vans aunt with self help books, titles hell, yes, volumes, one two and three, and it would also be oh hell. No binds went to and three I referred to the girlfriends movies going from one day all was girl for his family closure. I think the fact that the show was on Netflix now you know it in people have been Tex him. You like why you didn't tell me to show ended like this mentelin yard. At four years. Ok, I ran down. The rhymes is leaving a b c and she rose and made more than
two billion dollars but she's talking about why she explained their battles over budgeting content with a network which is owned by Disney were endless. She said I felt like I was dying. She told the Hollywood reporter, like I've, been pushing the same bolt up the same hill in the exact same way for a really long time, but the straw that finally broke the camel's back came up with something that was, as might seem as small, but it and all inclusive pasta, The land included in her contract was a non transferable, pass it at the impact and because you, a single issue, negotiated a second pass for her daughters, nanny, but one day she needed an extra pass than her sister could take her teenaged rams teenage daughter Emerson, while the nanny shop around the younger daughters, Harper and Beckett, she said she was told more than once that they never do this and she even called an executive at the company to try to sort things out, and they said: don't you have enough already, and he already was in talks with Netflix about.
possible a body or she calls a lawyer and said figure out a way to get me over. The Netflix find representatives found they lie they could they didn't want to give her a hundred and fifty one dollar Disney plastic. It didn't. You would have been held as energy. Ninety nine dialogue- and I know that monies onto rather need ABC when when when I read the story its autumn, she had not what this is when you call out people's names for should say that executives name, she should say to people dead not give her two hundred and ninety nine dollar take it, because those people are stupid and those people should not me in those positions caused his death is clueless is how you gonna lose your top talons, could you know wanna give her a hundred and ninety nine valid Disney? Take it kimono integrated atropine. I guess as representative of the fisheries agreement with Israel is absolutely the mix. Sancho Miata got you to hook up their added as escort for you in everything
I too call executive name that we need a nobody stupid executive unless they didn't want a bad but ass stupid. I hunted dining and I was even if they have had to pull it out. Little hockey Bloomingdale always wants and arrive at a stupid two billion dollars where the content can I re LE. That is your rumour appoint awry. Thank you. Miss ye are right. Revolt jobs. You guys will see tomorrow, everybody also people's choice, mixes up net. is the breakfast locomotive breakfast club your morning. So now would be to say what a train it's a vehicle at a railway crossing. The results are often deadly, be cautious crossings and if the signals are going, don't be tempted to try and sneak across the tracks. Even if you don't see a train staff, trains get brought you by nature. Morning, everybody is DJ: Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne, a guy. We are the breakfast club now from our experience, ETA, historically black college
university? I note at home, coming as a huge deal with the council this year we decided to bring this celebration to you. Would hp, see you home coming party only on presented by Mcdonald's, hosted by me now, Mcdonald's, black and positively golden more Mcdonald's. Black and positively golden movement is about empowering the next generation of black leaders through its initiatives like our h, pc, u, programmes that are positively shaping communities, watch out, h, pc? U homecoming party! Only your representative presented by Mcdonald on Thursday November twelve, you know I went to have university. I join my experience and I can't wait to go back next year, give more info on how we celebrate an atheist. Loan, commoner breakfast club online. That comes last hp, see you, I will we come back you up the positive, no, don't move to breakfast locomotive, quoting everybody is the J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne, the guy we are. The breakfast club, Then I wanna owner salute many K, Williams. You know we lost our package yesterday on the black effect.
Iheartradio podcast network, I'm going to tell you something, I'm not just saying this cuz, you know he's my partner Holding Corp podcast and so nest it necessary in the first episode. Breakdown of embryonic Taylor case, and is it's incredible like anything that you could possibly they go? from a legal perspective that you were wondering about a wide things went Thirdly, ever needed has a way of breaking down, and in such a d Just away in his saw understandable. Now she explained why all these laws need to be changed. I will never get justice but You know who I am a man on Dustin didn't great. First episodes also check out the holding caulerpa cast on the blacklist. I already OPA gas network available wherever you buy now by wherever you listen, the Pike S as it gets. That's what I like ebony and I liked, as these are really good. I do not. I was gonna, come and listen to dust and unfriendly because over the no does to make us appearances it is divided, know what dead parent.
Mozart like what they sound great together now dad that that is death, God Divine Put together team. I think I will leave us No listen, the positive noticed, simply dismay. I can't nobody unseat you from a place. God is prepared for you practice. It is not good for you and your wife Kennedy for present now prove this message: did that makes bearing some stamina shack, three or four years later and we're Indisposition November can't confess and because our families that help now there is no good reason. If you are able to vote not about, we need to re. We need to have individual that office, like Dubai and commonly hairs. Governance makes a difference to the thousands who did not, though we need you to show up for our future infrastructure. You cannot sit on the sidelines. You gotta get the gay people Biden for President,
Transcript generated on 2020-10-30.