« The Breakfast Club

No More Daddy's Girl


Today on the show we opened up the phone lines after NBA Young Boy's video went viral of him ranting and disrespecting his girlfriends father who happen to be Floyd Mayweather, and we asked what out listeners would do if their daughter boyfriend said the things he said. Also, we opened up the phone lines to see what other battles they would like to see live on ig. Also, Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to a man that was complaining about only getting $1,200 from the stimulus package.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Trust our dedicated vetoes healthcare specialists to help you care for patients with advanced illness at any stage or phase of their diagnosis. Our expert who best. Clinicians, facilitate goals of care conversations provide guidance on prognostication and accept referrals, Twenty four seven fine, Why we're the nations leading hospice provider from information on how the task and help you and your patient or resident, though, to veto stock
slash advantage, really love you rather sit out from the you. Some girl, more worthy drama, was able to join with previous review Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, Yoni, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO good morning easily ye them. Indeed Amby Charlemagne, God breathed into play
it is my yes, it's Monday back to work week. Absolutely how's everybody's we came in what we get was great amount to only presently. Sleep schedule is off like to be able to a little bit later just cause. You know you wake up her alone are a little bit later absolutely. Last night? I was watching money heist, so I'm catching up on a lot of the flicks, and I just sleep a lot. Usually on the bare button last night, twelve. Thirty What I am could annoying at a driver, That's not good, though man, it's like you're messing up here, your normal routine, is going to be hard to get back in the swing of things. You know once we have to get back on that that regular routine right and I think, a lot of new political naps during a data because their homes are you to take a nap not tonight night. But I am getting miserly normally ever had. I will say that much beloved
to actually say and obviously patch helps? Your immune system helps your system. Regenerated sleepers is really what you should be having right about now, especially during this time, and everything is going well and you should begin at least eight hours. People are also having a lot more detailed dreams right now is whether saying that, mad at be willing up? Remember my dreams. I mean whole heartedly verbatim like tat in such great detail that written down yeah. You know what I told you. I had a dream last week that Taraji P Henson was at my house, and her kids are playing in the yard and then a bear just came and grabbed one of her kids and took her kids in the woods and then I had to chase the bear and a Y was like what The internet is located, but it was just a dream that I remember another good. Maybe you will, I think, maybe you were mentioned by the women coffin. I don't know what it is. I am, via some Hammett mercy, little baby boy. If you went to bed
no, but anyway, I will ask it to show crack in front page news that we talk about. Well, that's half that of class corona virus and what their advising after the next couple of weeks. There saying this could be a really difficult time for people and they are advising you do not go to the grocery store pharmacy unless you have to worry about two weeks ago in my work right. Well, let's get into it. Is the breakfast club get you ass up as Monday mandala Scope, roaring everybody is dj. Envy Angela YE shall remain a guy. We are the breakfast club, Lis Jensen front, page news, but we started off. We well, let's set up at the surgeon genera, the surgeon, general and the White House is now advising everybody not to go to the grocery store not to go to the pharmacy in the coming two weeks. They said these weeks are going to be very important. Listen to this tragically fitting that were talking at the beginning of Holy weak, because this is going to be the hardest
in the saddest week of most Americans live quite frankly, this is going to be our Pearl harbor moment, our nine hundred and eleven moment only it's not going to be localized, it's going to be happening all over the country and I Erica understand that. But I also want them to understand that the public, along with the state and federal government, have the power to change the trajectory of this epidemic was created. Utopia will have to go to the girl to a couple weeks, at least for the next couple of days ago, floods grocery store, you know getting grossly should in a couple of weeks, rain and the United States, we have over three hundred thousand cases of corona virus. Now Doktor Anthony thats, he is if using a say that is planned, Emmett is under control. He said there would be a first statement. I will not say we have under Control Margaret. That would be a false statement. We are struggling to get it under control. The thing that's important is that what you see is
Greece is a new cases which then starts a flat now, but the end, result of that you don't see four days, if not weeks down the pike, because, as the as the cases go down, then you get less hospitalizations less intensive care and less death. So, even though you're getting a really improvement in that new cases are starting to flattened the death. Will lag. Why you know one or two weeks or more budget I don't like him telling the truth. Boy, but one thing you can't lie to your doctor, so you shouldn't want your doctor to lie to you. You can't fix anything if he doesn't tell you exactly what's wrong, he telling the truth. Am I right in New York there saying, according to Governor Andrew Cuomo there for the first time,
The numbers are dropping when it comes to combine a virus they're down slightly- and here is Workable- has to say about that. The number of deaths over the past few days has been dropping for the first time. What is the significance of that? Worley to turn. This isn't gonna, be all right loud and clear. That is, there's gonna be over a thousand doctors and nurses headed to New York City to help fight corona virus, since it is hot spot right now and death, Just some update on what's happening, then I know you guys heard about in the Bronx Zoo is Tiger their tested, positive, Furthermore, I named of why the timing and justify Peronne worse, maybe the title I dont want to maybe loud and Tiger now I mean I'm a guess, I'm sure, to tackle with second shown signs of something that was wrong. I'm sure they tested
everything in a path that is just what is just while did that. I know you got a lotta animal lovers out there. What is worse than a human human beings are having trouble getting test I'm tired out it s. What are they What happened was they had the symptoms and they had a cough and they had respiratory illnesses? There was a decrease in appetite, but it is important because I need to know if this can travel to animal. So I think the main reason for doing that is he. Okay. Is this the first time something like this has happened in the past for these animals to get infected and then cannot pass on to human being, so it is important to know it is this is a possibility. So that's really did you seemed to read what you know. What left us? The tiger like the target of world, wherever I dare say that there was somebody was carrying for the tigers at the zoo that actually had it and pass it on to them. That makes it a thing in order. What I don't understand, maybe you gotta help me out there telling people if you go out, you share basque right.
But they tell them not to wear the. What is it that in any form, ass the in any fighting to revive the issue has my math, but they said regular mass. They said really do anything. They said the cove advise can actually go to regular mass away till the people where regular mask a matter in any five max We think that, MRS back through, I didn't, I daresay indifferent things all the time, but they did really. Instructions for making your own mass- I don't know if you guys saw that, but the CDC did release guidance recommended the use of club face coverings in public settings they said you can make those out of fabric seizures. Bandanas coffee filters rather slow down the spread of the virus, but they should also call we can go to anything, but the end. Only five mass was feels like why people, whereas crimes nor because it can go through in people talk the Annapolis can go through tat. I thought, as I said,
I think that a lot of people just don't know, and I think that their learning on the fly and ass- fine- you not a man in. I think, that's why. Every other day you gonna get new information about what this virus is. What this virus can do, what can promote protect you from this virus will can prevent you from getting Britain is via that. Is they everyday? They learn information. So who knows all right? their mass can stay home and how much you stay all night, his front page news, get it off you chess. Eight hundred five eight what oh five one. How is your weaken? It was everything good. Do you have great weaken or was it horrible? Was its Sukhi call us right now, get it off your chest is too. His club the morning the breakfast got wake up
doesn't matter black. We want to hear from you allow this could make regular wages broke, call a man. We give half afraid and hope that this impasse, then I wanna give thanks to all my colleagues not covered at the maybe what we thought we'd make in a mad but a privately funded and deny this. Every dollar- five about this, at the hope that this thing tat I grew to my brother. Did you tell you everything you do and I really you'll. Believe assembly as above us now Oh got. We gotta we gotta to let Lego, let God at this point that the point exactly
Let me know what they're buying up this and burn up dad. Then it's just a scare tactic from the government right now and you just have to say about like how we back being and put it put it on enough people confused me when they say stuff like that, it's a scare tactic from the government. This is something that impact and everybody, including government. If you ask it, then you have reason to be scared. Allows this morning when we went on healthcare, Well, then, you earlier we're talking about b and ninety five mass. I just wanted to let everybody knows the reason why we can't be out in public wearing the math number one healthcare workers all around the world have a shortage of these map. Second, most important is eve and ninety five might require a bit bread for everybody, individual fate, so as not what about them
the mass you what I say, wait a regular mask if that the coronavirus the corona virus can get due to regular mass travels. I wanted to know more about it all back. If you can we, then I guess it is very sad when we, when you make your own mass may say you do layers so now just went across, but these instructions how to make them get it all future. Eight hundred five, a five one and five one. If you
The debate is up. Right now is to breakfast locomotive. Is your job to get it off your just whether your man, what we want to hear from you wanna bread, which allows this forbear with sub regular features? All of you gotta have a regular. What do I go about? People live in that both the positive about being promoted by the bottle? I know a lot about you know with horrible. I almost uploaded people but like why everything a video is by now. If, like the negative, I already be, what guided by a lot of people recover, went to work in this country a worldwide at big that will help like the big dumpy would fill a little bit definitive hope Lego up. They will get their paid always, but every day I put up their recovery numbers. Big thou me it'll, be a. Would help a lot about media that the radio candidate, your wife, so rethink its whole play every might like them.
For myself, about make people feel like that. You guys like me, so maybe we'll make it up, stop in everything. We better get media to also be recital we're gonna be discussing people who have survived this and have detailed their experiences ourselves gotta be happening. This morning's well grew But you know what, when you have three hundred thousand people at a sick and another, six thousand people have died, and you have somebody like not to fancy saying that in a were struggling to deal with this, you have to let people know that, because that lets the people know they're not doing all they can to try to.
Right in his turn, my name s own. Let people know a serious. I agree, I agree, but you might every five minutes. We hear the death toll, but we never hear the recovery, and also we have things happened up to now with a big guy imports into the EU in trouble from behind it. By get it, as others have gone on to that, we simply need to hear about everything. All research by people looked at Amsterdam Radioset ticket. There are, for example, through so all I'm faded lie. We need all. We need a positive and negative, we have enough negative being thrown at it and while I get it you're right, I get it it's horrible about a game. They lay should be doing more. By the same time, we need to hear everything about turn on your feet.
It, but that's all that's all. That's all, but given the computer recovery rate of me, walk toward ok now like that, that would be to put up with a way without the people you know like they ve everything. My brother, ignoring the problem, is not go, make it go away, and I doubt and people dying in one country, thousands body doesn't from a thing to happen for checking it allows, is well up and floor was a broken off. You just tell me about the three preparing a lot. I talk to me, king, I'm right here, for that was happening here in a comment about two hundred ticket border. Like eight, I believe about wake up in that way no go away in my face. I loved you maintain as it is, is it is a goal. Univee say the whole legendary indiscreet
but little John is little Evan John, is. If we gotta start echo like is not is levels the legends broke and is levels the classic records, if you take get low, took good life. Get low is worth at least ten points to good life. To ok. Now good life was a big gratitude. Are they were bought like alone make law was different cases? It would you, Robin to South a runner early to that late nineties, early two, thousands, their little John was a different type of animal Bre way. I've been in time. They were. They were kind of two different areas. Lena, I don't gamble. Billina is where did it to get Lois and I was in college good life was. I was going to be like that and I'm a jet good like good. Let it be like three later at the moon. Was it no gas
We live with our graduation. I met with countries that are meant to be like all seven or eight, maybe at the latest. The life came out in ocean all seven and get lower like what oh two or three maybe on four October, to those who ought to be a regular recent was a long time ago. I was done, but hopefully ecology moment. I was graduating that economists, who didn't you ever get low, took a long time the bug Udo alongside you loads and its oculina for many years in the south, for a minute before it took off nationally either way. Little John is one of the greatest producers of on us as the opposition, every man, and they did it it fair. Actually, though, because what is I all t pay produces, but I know that you produces much
Georgia and allotted record. He played he didn't, produce writing Olano and exactly what it was like features: verses, a guy who produces in rights. It was tat, it had a strange, but it was entertaining, but thank you for checking embryo, get it off my chest, eight hundred five, a five one, o five one that we got rooms on away. Yes, I may do s ingrained in his rumors were going to talk about the people who do a good things to have other is animal also discuss a celebrity who went through a borrower, corona virus and how she came through to the other side, all right, we'll get into the mix, Cupid locked us to breakfast good morning, breakfast everybody is dj. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy, we are the breakfast club was gives the is. Let's talk. Celebrities do some good and positive things.
Building the day. This is the Weber report annually on the breakfast club, yes, Athens and has dab, dab and said that his Elton John AIDS Foundation, those that one million dollar covered nineteen emergency fund and that is to protect individuals with HIV. Right. So he also, as you know, has dented corona virus who leave cancer, that he did the facts presented to our living room causing for America earlier last week. So now he's doing this as well. Also Tyler Perry gave twenty one thousand dollars in tips and I was to help struggling Atlanta Restaurant workers at Houston's. He went to Houston's and left a five hundred relative for each of the forty two out of worked service. Does positive. It is a growing obstacles, both its Oettinger like a vague it out there like John multitasking them,
HIV Aids has been a problem out here for decades now, so you can fight both you can fight HIV Aids coronavirus. You can chew, gum and walk at the same time. You know what you know what I do on Fridays. I I start when I dj on Fridays from twelve to two, I get DJ to leave the cash app and I put some money in the cash app a lot of people, don't think about the DJ's, but if you think about it, they have no clubs, things to shut down and a lot of them. That's how they pay they rent, that's how they take care of the kids. If I formula milk, so we were doing that each and every Friday just throwing some money in indeed cash at random? Dj, not that I know there are no jail during Minister just on overpaid and give them Seventy five dollar two hundred infidelity used to share the hope I re now. Let's talk about the Brooklyn Nets Jos S Eye and Clara they have donated much needed ventilators to New York City, and that was it is it a day they actually got. The first shit man in New York on Thursday and the total donated is two point: six million mass a hundred and
many thousand goggles and two thousand ventilators. They said leaders came directly from the factories in China. There, what about seven million dollars and individual ventilators have been selling its five thousand dollars each or more as demand keeps on growing problem. The Moslem is well respected, a man. Everybody knew any pod. You it's ok. Now what you have said that they ve been going for twenty five thousand dollars each because there is so much in a need, as is gonna get your point, and when this is over at everybody's, going ventilate at their house just in case just in case something pops back up when this is over. And another on the people can afford them and I dont know doesn't The latest work. I have no idea why any and another thing that they have done.
As they are making said that they're paying everybody at the bike lays just like they would be paid if they were working. The events that were supposed to happen, so that's more out of pocket expenses. Now pink, has detailed her roller coaster battle with corona virus. She said she has never prayed more in her life. She also experiences alongside her three year old Son Jamieson, and she also talked about being securing for Jamieson an ape. RO during a willow throughout all of it, here's what you had to say. We have been really really can, and my three year old came then had the worst that soldiers all of us in this family carrion Willow myself into a set of myself and Jervis and got back to you, Lastly, she was on nebulous is for breathing therapy because he has asthma really bad. She sat at her whole life, so imagine us carry them must be. There going through an having to care for your kids, who are going through in his well. Yes, I write about those usage to achieve those goals.
Reported work, a million dollars, and let me see that at all I write and play by clarity is out on bail after being arrested for as for we'd for guns, they elect They caught him riding around with marijuana twelve bags, Amira wanted three gun, Xanax coding and actually called on, and he was taken into custody with another man. But as a Friday they said the charge is listed for Playboy Cardy was possession of less than an ounce of marijuana, improper passing of an emergency vehicle and a revaluation t count not properly displayed. So that's all the charges that we see for him. As of now that are listed according to back. And in a lonely, my body, by the way so that it can play what book people lovely we're gonna play Bulgaria, the gun, that'll drawback annual do
was like light like little woozy. Did you know what did with this project s death? How much these kids love Playboy call I wanted to label knows that I had rather has a high tower has, as America conviction was up, how bad you make an appeals. Court you know is a big deal. That's criteria, this murder conviction from back in twenty four eighteen and they thought tat? Perhaps he would get out it was as a lawyer, I believe, went live where she was getting the phone calls to find out what was going to happen. It turns out that they did uphold that conviction so he will remain in jail. So I'm sure he's going to appeal that next and will keep updated on that array. Well, I'm Angela YE, and that is your rumour report. The Roma live now go no ever go live unless you're sure of the outcome. If you have you leave you because you go, I love some like that. You make you at least making the people take. All he bought to come home. You making to show out of it only to say I'm not coming home now. Do that I'm a man right now when we come back
from page news, when we talk about you ass, I will give you some updates on this military, a drug that everyone's talking about their kid potentially how people- and they were some back and forth- with active algae and Donald Trump over. What information is coming out now about this drug DORA will get to their legs. Keep it Does the breakfast club kimono boarding? Everybody is T J, envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne, a guy. We oughta breakfast club Luskin some for a moment news. We start we well, let's start with Donald Trump. Now he is encouraging people to use hydrochloric when, as you, That's a drug that has been used for malaria hears what he had to say
the thing that we bought a tremendous amount of is the Hydroxyl chloric when which I think is you know it's a great malaria. Drugs worked unbelievably its powerful drug on malaria and there are signs that it works on this summer's strong signs. I've seen things that I sort of, so. What do I know? I'm not a doktor. I went to her like hey dad defouled. She says this about hydrochloric when it was said many times more get the data are really just a best suggestive. There have been cases that show there may be an effect and there are others to show there's no effect. Ok, so I think in terms of science
I don't think we can defend a division, major obstacles, one but dont diverges Nike, Dunk departure from continuing to tell us the truth. I noticed celebrity achieve Darlin J Trump eight did she was beginning to power like that, but salute you, you are able damage. Hemp is still pressing it. That is any double down and said. You should still try this drug, but we don't have time to go and sagey. Let's take a couple of years and tested out, we don't have time I'd love to do that, but we have people dying today as waste There are people dying? Why not just let the science speak for itself wire view promoting this drug? You don't I'm trying to do waves every day razor talking about the bad guys. I want them to try. It may work and may not work, but if it doesn't work by doing enough it would be love. Somebody could die from taking that drug there's. Somebody already died from taking it guy Russian. I see you or something like that. Nobody dies into my hands on it. I know,
let's take the wrong thing. That's like it's gotta be taking. Drugs can be putting things in your body that not the right way to give the somewhat any. You have somebody who is an expert and who actually went to medical school. You cannot just you know, just count what it is that there are saying, but it took when she had a press conference together and hears what happened. What would you think about this and what version you maybe dollar, fifty Your medical correctly says evacuation. Fifty years political questions, funding is difficult when tromp tells people to take their drug and people go to take their drug into people die of new drugs policy. He never said it. You do realise there. It is mostly I'd never said that nobody, Gotta take drugs. We re now find ourselves lies right now. Vice president make pence has announced.
They are more than prepared to make hijacked see Clark when available to doctors, offices in pharmacies in the Detroit area that they say is appropriate another doing a trial at the hospitals in Detroit to see if this drug and possibly work, even though there is no right now definitive information to be able to make any comment on whether or not it can be used to treat corona virus? Nor do you know you got no guinea proved too general, go having to go put that drug in the hood and then the black and brown people first and see what happens, give it to them and congressmen and no sentences that that got diagnosed with a coronavirus, give it to them first and then tell us about it.
I re now right now. Corona beer, by the way has that production is being temporarily suspended in Mexico, and that is because of corona virus. They did announce the suspension of non essential activities this week in the public and private sectors until April thirtieth to curb the spread of the virus there. So right now the country is doing as simply because of a non essential workers not having to go to work, but they did say they did. Experience arise and sales this month, even though corona virus and correct bear. Obviously the names are correlated, so they said the virus hasn't hurt. Their sales at all. You do is run commercial seal, Corona, Kroner, extra Corona beer and only Chrome. It is good for you, like us all. You gotta do Is it I re? Well, I'm Angela Year, that's your front page news.
I want to see this real quick to. I hate to be the one to inform you, but this is bigger than anything man can do at this point. Yes, you should follow the CDC and what they are telling you to do, but you better pray to God and make sure you you hear God when he talks back to you, because God is trying to get our attention. God is trying to tell us something, and I hope you listening all right. Well, that is your front. Page news, He come back. I did you guys, he would happen with and be a young boy and Floyd's daughter and all the stuff tat was lying in it. You know I did. I watch the video quite a few times and the reason I was there are quite a few times I, like millions of people, love to watch and watch Niggers Nick. Okay and it was high levels of niggatry in that video clips, and also that clip hurt my feelings because, as a father to lose your little girl to the streets like that man
ass the hurt drama me when you get up. Would you call for domicile out another two dramas: depleted click for people at how God you got genetically travels, rob waiting, all weapons to be peace, Bob Obama? Why, if I'm I'm alive- and that is that now, I'm gonna pay for now get him and now tat. I know not what time for my my life, why khazar plan like a girl, but I'm not giving anything, she'll ask me for stuff, and then she bought me two pair of shoes. I ain't think I ever wore them before, but but with a black Chanel shoes, don't hurt my feelings, man, a really automobile and I'm tellin you as a father, three girls with two to lose your little girl is Greece, like that it has to stop, especially when you have made all money. Floyd may whether has made it shows you dead, we need other matter. When it comes to your kid, you have to give them love time and they gotta respect you.
You know I'm saying, and you got to respect them and if you don't respect in that respect, won't be reciprocated, because in this case, look like. There was a lovely respect from his daughter at all now familiar. Moderately Meridian, nay enough and the daughter order boyfriend, I could not Could I just got any of my daughter is valued of my daughter. Had a boyfriend like, but not no way, but less is open up the former listless ass people out there, eight hundred five, a five one. Oh five, one yet daughter boyfriend call! You were working ass, a journalist, or is it easy? What did he say? What worries are as high as big Paca have bigger, daddy, which one was that it was bitter Now. What is the combination to be worth a word inwardly, daddy, right, you're bought your daughter, boyfriend call you a bitch ass, an audience to grant
What are you are you? Are you from adored his point of view when we come back door right will associate idea. I want to know what you would do. The daughter of your boyfriend talked about like that. Top level is a budget that has opened up. The former is eight hundred five, a firewall or five one is to breakfast locomotive. The logical follow me right now, you're going into the breakfast lunch break, it hundred five five when o five one, the breakfast
it seems like it should be easy, but it's not just getting out of bed and getting your days started, trying to accomplish everything you need to do in your day that to do list as a lot easier when you're getting news stories and music to lift your mood and preparing for the day ahead connected to the things that make you laugh and make you think or make you want to reach out and share with a friend every morning with us, it's Elvis Doran in the morning show listen to us on cue, one or two or anywhere in the world. On the I hurt radio at supporting everybody is DJ envy Angela Ye Charlemagne God we are the breakfast club now he just join us talking about MBA young boy, now feel people in what happened you were. Apparently there was an incident. MBA, young boys house and his girlfriend. I anime whether was play me with his daughter was arrested for establishing the mother of his child, and so then reports came out in somebody on grasping the city. They said it
young way was fully cooperating with authorities in the matter. Even though correct black is in jail, He got wind of theirs and you know you surrender. A meeting of the hell, they mean fully cooperated and they say Obesity said fully anyway that word and even supposed to be attached to your name and then and be a young boy anchored I'd like had a back and forth with envy, on voice, saying this on his Instagram live robbery or White Balboa Obama. Why, before Mama, why that is that we do not pay for now is dead and now that it is simply not worth dying from where my life, why could play like? I need a girl for some aggravated. She'll eggs and for I know, extra funding she momentum pursued. I think I have war pattern bits, but with the black Chanel issues, so the question is eight hundred five. Eight.
One in five one know: you're, not a boyfriend. Call you a bitch ass in word, what you doin. That is the question that let list are well. You cause you. He has in hand. Yes, I am a daughter- and I remembered times in my life when I was very rebellious to it, my parents and it didn't matter what they said it did did it matter. What kind of conversations they charge with me at a matter? I definitely was always taken. My boyfriend side and act that's. Why I had to move out of my house. Young age, because I was not trying to listen to anything they had re once I was in college and sometimes it s not bad parenting necessarily is just rebelled. They know no door is due at a more your parents had to tell you to stay away from somebody, the more you want to be with us, Maybe I would advise us. Don't I didn't see that when my daughter I may be- and I e we just got Belgrave Relationship- is what my daughter up for class like we have a relationship. We, I can't see any
the human being, not even just a boyfriend, any human being Colin Daddy, a bitch, as in Ireland as Lenin. Nobody's ever done. That's bad in what you're talking. I don't know how I could have reacted, but they definitely have told me: leave a person alone. There wasn't good for me. They were absolutely right about it, and I know I produce talking about two different things. Just remain rebellious and disrespect. You don't say anything about. The thing about this situation to me is a lie. I gotta be a lot of pillow talking going on in the region, an mba young boy does arise Floyd may weather is because clearly heat other respect. Floyd may well is something that she's saying too, I am in relating to him and made him feel comfortable to be able to say that, You know I'm saying that really broke my heart in the public. It look like they had a good relationship. Prior to this, though they were together a lady body to car as honour fourteen day what are that five million dollar ring? She was owing to Berlin money limiting Dad. I don't know where are there, but she was so. It was always in great look exceeds Willingham, so was noticed
what you just said. He was out on notary leisure, but all around you saying that is it sounds to me like you can't buy you can't how's love? No legal reasons, I gave foremost backed UK. Do it our respect and in an idea we noticed I have been very positive things with her father. Prior to this. It wasn't like it seem like they had issues I don't know know that is not at the added no having three daughters and you know known. It is nothing like the lovely your daughter did so to receive the opposite it at man, ass, gotta, her now he's got heard, for I can't even see it now. Let me I should know what would you do that situation asked the question now? What do you do if it does happen Are you do I mean you flatter beyond? What can you do? I mean I would be magazine I lost my little girl, discreet nonsense. I've made, you know, two million dollars and I tried to put her in a position. To really really really went in life and not to be Two grand live videos would envy a young boy, look alike. She's from Orlando.
What does she begged to the women in Orlando by haven't seen those I d seen are gonna. Have we seen was gonna she's, gonna, colored, wigs and Orlando, all its absolute Orlando, large Laurie, You know you think I would have to pull up, because I have to have a conversation. Other disrespect me disrespect. My dog out after may show my daughter looked. Ok, go she delicate low frazzled. In the background I would have to make sure to safety of my daughter was ok, rather less went to jail for stabbings lady other satellite away, not just have the actual and wait. Farming play the all of it is alarming, because clearly this young man is making her do things that that that's all look like my little girl, that's not a little girl I raised. I would think, therefore, that I would I gotta check a born. I gotta make sure she. I could see a disappointed seem right. You know unless I was data, Envy MBA, young boys, my favorite, the watch from afar
want to be around, on the one hand, say building his home, but I love watch now, while me ruin the digital so far, that is, Instagram heat is in attaining Dennis, enabling him so bad. Now, sometimes, though magazine you noticed, his love is music. I did want them to continue to love music love, some of annex, but let's go to handing out robberies, ease, normalized, Herpes man,
and wraps bonds, or when you visit you wraps about her breathing these tools. These lorries, girls, in the still embracing him, would open arms. The man he's the new to give new toxic moves, huge hello, this neglect. Now what would you do of your boyfriend called your daddy, a bitch as inward well or about it? That was my daddy. How would you do tat right there and we wouldn't have divided our right in may I be well if I buy a platform on which I would have thought of hay had occurred to you here before my daddy be worried that care what here, my dear, you are not very far out here,
He pulls out a laboratory at that. Nowhere, we wish you all a respectful of inclusion and respectful daddy, then doesn't have to mean ambition. I be scared of the very last night. You see they're kind of tat year. Look you still bear my Lord have mercy heard arrogance of habit is carried out by the hour, Yes, you abide. Let them make money. I just went through a lotta. Yes, he got arrested just got out she stab somebody. I mean she probably wasn't even in right man at that moment. Just woke up all she guessed human cheeks. She can be scared. She'd might not want to say that, because maybe she skate also is kind of crazy. She would do a lot. What about the process? I'm just saying: let we're talking about her nervous bandy and I'm thinking she probably has a lot going on in her head was less open before lunch. Eight hundred feet
the five one or five one. What would you do if your daughter's boyfriend called you a big ass? An and ladies, if you were that girl a view of the door in that situation? What would Do call us now is to breakfast locomotive. Everybody is the easy envy. Angela ye shall meet a guy. We are the breakfast club. Navvy just joined us. We're talking about MBA young boy explains it be, would happen over the weekend. You yourself a flare. Where this door Diana May, where there has been dating MBA young boy, maybe their gaze, because they refer to each other s beyond and I ended up getting arrested after stabbing a woman who is MBA young boys, baby mom at the house and after she came home. Can I be a young boy was going back and forth, they cordite black, because our gossip in a city, they said that he cooperated fully with authority. And he did not like they called our black- was going into him for that and here
I envy a young boy responded to code at Rob. We all wish to replace Barack Obama. Why, before Mama, why that is that more or less pay for now is gaining in now bear it. I know it's not worth paying for my my life. Why could play like veto glare of the sun? Give me the time she likes for I know she bought she momentum pursued. I think I have walked out on this, but with them black shemales another lamb and are really hurt. My fill his men because cuz I'm a father in it just seems like you know he lost his little girl to discreet. And in this light, when you got all the money flow, may weathers made it. Just show you that money doesn't matter when it comes to your kids, like you got to give him love, you got to give him time and you got to give respect and you hope that respect will be reciprocated, because in this case it doesn't seem like it was at all Couldn't imagine any of my daughter's consigning some like that
it all in money means nothing. When it comes to your children relationship, I don't care about, no, no cause, no jewelry, oh no clothes, they care about the love, and that's one thing. I would say that the best thing about this quarantine as I get to spend a lot more time with my my sons and daughters. I like I, really enjoyed a time. I'm really get into work. I'm really gonna do they are as a person like with spending time, and I love that political threat. More than your daughter, and one might think I want to say that are less keep a rather you see a lot of good girls were bad guys. All the time like, though that's cool, stereo, typical thing that happens, it doesn't even matter like Sometimes you raise your daughter, you teach them the right thing. They go to the right schools. They have money. There raise right. Sometimes there is nothing you can do about it at restructuring which operate. We keep missing. The point is not the fact that she would have bad guys like this. She let their bad guy. This was procured daddy career. That way, let you computer that guy was a widow
in this respect, and not, I am not even saying that, but what I'm saying is: sometimes you just get so blinded by the person that you're with that, no matter what they say, I do and no matter how much you rebelled against our parents even more when they try to tell you he's not right. For you stay away from him. It makes you take that person side even more here, but not until you, something that did not take it. Take the sab in that disrespect, I think, is something that's making NBA young boy feel comfortable, disrespecting her daddy, and I think that something is actually her, but that's just a lot of uniform odds, hello. This man made my call
I wonder how long I was pop and I would ask what would you do if your daughter's boyfriend called you a bitch n o less outside this being a father of seven men about report? I had you not. Let me read you from the age of twenty five and my youngest gave me an hour. I superstar putting your corresponding to state a state that I put in a lot of workmen. You're gonna make a lot about what he had you not to me my boys, what the Saint Dominic Facebook Renate mean depriving school. You not only my photos on honour all my story just gave a speech how graduation last year made of output and work. What would you do Bro always to do this new generation of dispute university? They operate medical, do? What do you care about is what I would do without you will see that right.
Unbelievably, the ideal situation. Would you wait for me because you know I mean I can in future be covered out now agree with you about what may well another my ears, you gotta be a young boy. All my energy will go to my door.
I think we know this and they got it. You gotta have a conversation with a young man took as you that he might as especially when you don't be around your door, because you don't know what is meant to lose. You just want to make sure your daughter sakes. I would have had a conversation, but thank you for your call. Bravo allows this day was a rope we ve got all now carry out like like. If you look at it, our my will probably would allow me to add a ploy because they come from nothing. Anybody who take of low per woman apparently loved each other. Maybe I can accept this is my first love something any after my anything of prayer do affronted. I can't, I don't think you do take on do it. Rather, you believe the man you kids, never gonna, be, who you want gonna beat, I won't be who they want of deep thought. If I were you I'd like all, I wouldn't want to be with him. You have been no need, not
oh, come and meet the members jail? Let him very well, you do you do when you don't want him and we can feel our relationship get right, but it was not at all a made for me what has been rich, Reilly her whole life, algae she's, like nineteen those day employed mainfroy be richer all life near, but you know what I was doing. The inactive be true to a given. Meetings that she seen and maybe she's, except in inflation, but I knew I do know: Floyd loves his kids and like easily. You said it could be one or two things: issues with the boyfriend but, like I said she looked frazzled sheep, he looked a little nervous, she didn't see my she knew what was going on. So that's. Why we're? Having alone when I'm Floyd whether I am I am furious for so many reasons, but I'm very upset because I make too much money for you to be
made would mba young boy when a regulation that that's we got to have a conversation shut of agenda. You not established posted a picture of the wig and said and showed with local legislation. If you see now so crazy what people be thinking about, I thought at it and I would like a thorough look look, but she just gonna talk far with at least back she went to jail was damaged, invited is weakened and, as was on your mind, how your work look. Let me show you this late hour. I would lay when upward pointed it, but many people were making jokes about that. I guess the person I gotta wear my work to be misrepresented. Well, let's go to the lower house with a delegation from Orlando. We'll takes was full of people Malea though they may was my living like a mad. Eight hundred five eight were quite aware of pigs gotta leave behind it. I'm gonna go away and when she got me, I've never seen our land before you always gillikin. Amazing deny me five. What oh father would sink smokers and we come back
first locomotive morning. Everybody is dj. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne ago. We are the breakfast club. Nephews join as we talk about India, young boy. What explains to people? What happened? What went over to happen over? We? Can you yet so I anime where there was blame it with his daughter and also be it yet. Boys quote fiance ache. She was arrested for stabbing NBA young boys, Davy mother, well. Quota lack then took it upon himself to come in Gaza, but the city they put up a black posed. Hey there can be a way. Fully cooperating with the target is an mba young way than blasted back according lack saying. Is that what we are witnesses to replace Bobo Bobo, my wife you for Mamma? Why is that more or less pay for now is dead and buried economic simply not worth dying from my my life. Why cause our problem like a veto girl for some
aggravated by Gilles eggs and for I know, eggs opening she momentum pursued. I think I have walked out on this, but what would complexion issues so we asking eight hundred five five five one in five women. What would you do if your daughter's boyfriend called you a bitch, a n? I hello, this brand, Brandon now. What would you do if you dont have boyfriend cordial bunch? Nasty negative needs me where nobody thought only data have added at it. I think I have a house with a bottom job. Goodness, gracious! Ok, can I can't do that? they're gonna coded l and is now wait on the UK and Ireland The idea is not worth it is not worthy of food. I wonder what he thought of the needle personage level. There is now a very conversations listen. I met Mr Zalm, fathers of everything. You don't love, you
a girl man I get it to have a conversation with element. Ya got out and all I have Madame rebate is now inevitable says we wanted to do so. He knows on people, air borders, other people to unfair hallo. Here you can only make its railings him alone. All you see she do now she spread their own. Did you beat it as our to Cinema Was the Charlemagne Mean Europe? You don't see it at all. Your marbles early on did you ve, never been on a related. Ireland. They know is levels. It is negative.
I've been MBA young boy level coming right. Now, nine never been ever levels didn't negative arouses. Gondwana call allows this what I was going but abroad, which they were each other metals informed that is back of all of us. We can hear you brother, I'm never, which would you do if you do what is best for the damage they offers water runs about. Don't let's go play the game. I got out through my daughter, I find I argued that somebody else did you set me up like that everyone I would advise slamming the door. I don't think that that desk an orchestra pushed further labour, limited, primarily dotted man. I gotta think about tat, no man if your life is located.
There are not allowed by the fire but all tomorrow, but I now have to find out what's going on its agenda, you give your culpable love to talk to me about it. Then. Would it be that you did not? Allow me to say a word of Werner S by about what I do want to state that all people are erected attractive and gas will get it all a single mob guy that can do about it? Why did you do it They say it. I say annotation. Where is especially at a time like this man right still working? What take above, look number that maybe they just some military. Not, though my wife is ninety. Ninety eight- and you know it was there- we appoint where a father you know didn't want her around me because of the things that I was into, but I'd never even if it
but even though that information, I never would disrespect her daddy, you could I understood how much she respected her father solidarity. I would not even think the car daddy. What NBA young boy cod flow eight Floyd may not only that I'm sure like evil mopping up here, raise me in a way we speak to elderly or older people. I should say at the lower now I was taught to say: yes, Sir ok are, even if it were things got this address lowly. They taught me what to say and how to react in also just a different level of how you raised so much more into me. Ass, I made because just is the question that is, I just don't think it's about MBA young boy if on Floyd, if, if I'm Floyd is about my daughter I was Lloyd out, be talking to my daughter to see where the disconnection between us that's what I would be. China fixed Lorraine. What we got room is on the way he has we're. Gonna be talking about itself, exotic tag, a king and there are some coming had Netflix. I think this was totally unanticipated about with each successive tag a king. Now this work
before you all right. We'll get internet legs keep unlocked the breakfast club the morning. Yes I'll Jesse was an area now bear any was talking about his new album, twenty twenty pirates, vision and then another thing you started talking about his Donald Trump and must be going. I'm a kimono virus and down a chump leadership. Here's what he had to say. I've seen those people. My life in homage shop is one of the current, because you know it's a difference. I believe make things about you and I just feel like a lot of disease. You going right. Now is no this about the people the meeting also can make like Amerika great? We don't make America granted in this ever been, but without any real guy. Yeah think that something we all knew that he has a pretty big either have you dad. I do miss a politically politically driven jeez it over there, recession now miss Classic any really captured
would that we were in back in two thousand and eight I right now. Let's talk about Tiger carrying their Jackie Series Tiger King everybody was so into that and what site they gonna be putting out another episode now here is Joe exotic. Talking like a big day withdrawal. I mean when I left and I sent my chimpanzees to the sanctuary in Florida and imagine what my chimpanzees went through for eighteen years at my job, I'm done with the Gonzaga now turn enable he'll be in jail, a free man, exonerated, you think he's gonna get out of jail. That agriculture, our railways, which me I don't know, I'm starting to think that
this is it's a lot of a I want to feel like this is very Blair Witch project you to me are we sure enjoyed that it's in jail? I think they've been filming this fit over the course of years. And he's been trying to do a reality show for quite some time now tat. I would take a lot of planning. This was indeed a real, but, in addition today here is Jeff allows hopping about the new episode that can becoming out sometime this week. Virtues added one more absorbed will be next week from your mouth. Care stays safe and what your mouse gun. I write anything that immediately guides away while we're all in all the quarantine. Do you think did them? The tiger at the bronze Zune corona virus was marketing for this new absolute. No, I think somebody in the zoo, I wanted to handlers had it may just have measured? Animals are ok yeah. You know why there s a lot of meetings and jokes about that were Carroll and you know your king, and all of that is the timing of others happening now. Speaking are being at home
currency, Teddy Riley and baby face. I was looking forward to see in this battle had been over the weekend. It was supposed to go down yesterday, but it has been postponed according to swim in symbol and who have been. There organizing all lead these battles recently they did. I say that it wasn't, because anybody didn't want Do it or nobody backed out or anything like that they just had to postpone it. Charlemagne actually spoke to added value, is the groom lobbyists
its economy, about nine minutes, thirty, two seconds a canary finally did. What did you say? Why isn't the battle happening between you and the legendary baby brief tonight nobody's backing out baby faces moves forward is not actually a hundred percent unit has been sick. What it is we gotta pull back because we really want is done. Why are we don't want to stop swum asked him? I am you don't seem like is gonna happen on argue lab is gonna go through. I e g. The thing about this new system is really for. What we want to do is I don't think I wanna go with him and ass going back before. We need mediators. Ok. What was me mediators me Shelly. I guess they. When it's an arrow Seattle, I don't know he exclaimed. What the mediators are like a like them. I like it just the way it is. You know just two brothers given on and then you know, people just commenting in the comets casino is is wonder
nobody really losers in these battles like at all you do. Is you see these two legends, whoever it is in those showcasing? Their material is not like somebody actually lose it. I mean even always say: ok, you know Manifesto Scots Georgia T paying lost a little. John is really no loser, but nobody last year. It is no longer, and I think that the great thing about it, but I shall casing things that you never thought boy, you didn't know they did this song, you didn't, so it is great for everybody involved because you're not gonna battle, somebody that is now at least up to this pedigree sinew that there's a there could be an argument made us and not a shut out ever write anything let things go. I've been arm in the next the next next week at these between waved their Sunday, but could I hope so and we were allowed to end? Betty Whites Debbie's having eat Romania over the way I did watch it and it was true oil. It
right now audience muslin loved. This was his first introduction, a wrestling he loved it. He would jump off the couches and all that, but it was so trash without a crowd. There was nobody cared herein very odd things. How does it again? You have annually and Anne S P and our working on a televised horse, competition with them. Profile players also, so they don't have the exact details of how that's gonna happen by participants will be playing remotely. From their home jams going shot the shot against their competitors, because this look like you're, not gonna. Do this mba season when this is all about You can play hard, you can play a game and be able to do it remotely. I guess that makes it. I was talking to my man, Damian Lillard. He was on a geniuses. Instagram live this weekend. And he was just on air, like listen in the pupil rap. It's like your brother need give back to work. I write, but we also got, as they say, right I'm Angela YE, and that is your room, a report all right. Thank you miss. Usually we give their dog you too
no man for half an hour. I want to give argued- to a man named Joe. My is, but it's a bigger lesson in all. It is folly if you would allow down upon the twelve hundred dollar stimulus, check and say booty things like it's just twelve hundred dollars, this story for you right, we'll get into annex keep a lot is to breakfast club, what date did you become, as you didn't donkey of the day today, is used for I'm a fat knowledge is man to Unblock was made available. Charlemagne tapping I've got to make a judgment, is gonna, be on the donkey everyday page. How you breakfast club
who's donkey of the day today. Talk to you today for Monday April, sixth, go to a sixty three year old man in Albuquerque New Mexico named Joe Macias. Now this story made me think of a discussion. I've been having with people over the past couple of weeks more like a debate, and it's in regards to these stimulus checks. Okay, that's a government is giving the folksy a lot of us are forgetting that a presidential elections in november- and one of the issues that I had over the past couple of weeks, is that the presidential candidates on Mcgrath exile side, in particular Joe Biden, all but disappeared. Ok imo angel by not a press conference to reveal his corona virus plan. Back in MID March and I remember everyone posting on social, how presidential Joe Biden Look door in a moment and since then you'll botanist disappeared. Ok, Donald,
was and still is, on tv everyday. Look like he's in charge. I'm not gonna, see presidential s reaches, looks like he's in charge me while Joe Biden was offering no counter programming to that, and I would also like a date for Joe that Joe Biden decided the public want CNN. Thank you. Don't Jake tapirs show by then it was kind of too late. You know Joe was so late to the party that New Yo Governor, Anthony Cuomo even became a star on the national days because of its daily briefings, because, even though he was talking to New York specifically was still addressing the nation, because Corona bias is something that is indeed impacting all of America and world okay, so between his daily briefings and being on CNN every night. What his brother Chris people started:
well hell, maybe any quabos you run for president to meet as just another example of Joe Biden in his campaign. Drop in all could see contrary to popular belief. I would trump is not going to just lose in November. You have to go out in beat him and in clearly he's not gonna beat himself simply because what hurts other people simply doesn't hurt Donald Trump. He is the tough London for real. Ok, you got the corona virus, a hoax. He said worried about. He fired the pandemic team a few years ago and after calling it a whole thing, it wasn't a problem. He did a complete one hundred and eighty and told the american people. He never said that and after he got that lie out of the way he just pivot it and started to admit that coronavirus has a problem. Then he started to discuss that problem and, more importantly, she started discussing a solution. I honestly not a solution that actually can stop the virus, but the virus presented another problem.
And that problem is people going broke people not having money for their lives in bills in rain and mortgages, and sadly that is what most Americans fear body corroded ass. A society we live in is good as a capitalist society, people care What are media needs and money can help. Some of those needs people care about that cash, that bag So2 trillion dollars. Donald Trump gave out in a lot of that money will go into the pockets of the american people, some Americans up to one thousand two hundred dollars each. All that is important because at a time like this people go really remember what you said are going to remember what you did and how you made them feel. So why the front running democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, was nowhere to be found and even providing a hope. The american people, Donald Trump, has been up there every day, vs in the american people and giving out money. But it's the illusion of leadership. We'll help him at the polls in November. You wonder why is proliferating shot up for a little while in why some people approved it? The way you
handling corona buyers. That is the reason that a debate I have we folks is those people who say it's just twelve hundred dollars. You can tell the table privilege rigidity Willoughby around because twelve hundred dollars in the latter one ok, I would know you the point, my life. Why say it's just one thousand two hundred dollars. One thousand two hundred dollars at one time will help a lot of folks. One thousand two hundred dollars will get you killed in some places. Your whole block can get knocked off with one thousand two hundred dollars. So this story, I'm about to play. You proves my point: how much one thousand two hundred dollars
means. Do some people see Josie, as is in jail right now? Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to hear why that's gonna K argue Pcbs, thirteen report, please please ain't Albuquerque man tried to kill us. Why? Because he was upset over the corona viruses, stimulus checks, Apenny arrested sixty three year old Joam. I see ass yesterday at his home near San Pedro in San Antonio, please they might see us was upset. He apparently doesn't qualify for the stimulus check, so he asked his wife for her car keys, so we get by beer when she told him. No, that's when believes they must see us left and came back with. A gas can pushed his wife to the ground than doused her and their mobile home and gas by see us than allegedly tried to light a cigarette, but was unsuccessful, he's facing several times just now, including attempted murder, wife on fire cuz. He didn't get that one thousand two hundred dollars stimulus check, call you boo, gif people who don't think one thousand two hundred dollars is a lot of money. We don't think one thousand two hundred dollars can buy somebody's vote. Are you a rabbit, ass, mine, ok, people in America?
are hurting and some are one paycheck away from poverty. Twelve hundred dollars out wants is a couple paychecks for people in some cases, a few so don't ever fix your privilege asked lives to say as just twelve hundred dollars. This is America in money talks and be as walks into BS walks up to a podium everyday, it's up to the american people and give them something that sadly, the democratic presidential candidates, art in that hope and that hope is coming in form of cold hard cash. Twelve hundred out to be exact, please give Joe my sees the biggest here. All right, we'll take you for a donkey today near man. You can't even get me a freak up, a hope, Joe combining a freak up. I hope at least all over their President Barack Obama bestowed upon him.
Can people you ain't got none of that leftover to give me a little cup, please just a little something: alright! Well, let's open up the phone lines, eight hundred and five, eighty five thousand one hundred and five when we been talkin battles all morning long and it's that's the one thing I would say about the quarantine: I'm really loving the battles over the weekend. It was lil, Jon, VS, t pain or we've seen Scott Storch First Mannie fresh. We seen swiss first timber We know we were boy. Is boy wonder a sandy us in firstly of NEO Races, NEA Radio or write it You don't want to see an eight. You oughta rugged order. Ragged. Nobody wants to see Bobby Valentino and pleasure PE. Thank you. You never know evened out even see that will have been surprised.
It hasn't happened yet ain't, nobody that board, my goodness eight hundred five hundred and eighty five one thousand and fifty one. What battle do you want to see? What? Let's? Let's talk about? What battle do you want to see that you? Don't you don't? I want to see you when I think of you don't many men. Ah that sounds amazing by users. Not gonna do his his. You know hard core type, a size. They provide? Now? You know what I mean so he's. Not gonna do those, that's gonna be tough, but Beanie man still will, I'll get out, I the edge difficult when but yes, thou be amazing. I think I'm change region have to battle anybody. I would love to see two chambers meat meal. I think I'll be agreed, would make already noted at May I remind watch any was it you know I went to see. I went to see Missy Elliot versus Ditty mischievously earlier verses, daddy, yes, Miss Eliot has Hits the housing autonomy but ass. These worked with miss me.
There is no free? I don't know this but then I was buses and they cannot. A lot of art is that they work with under them, but then another label to re makes it is nice, big, a beat songs to, and I would like our legacy brandy his Monica and as a battle that you know we do on vacation quite often tend to lean towards Monica Catalogue, I think Montague as a better cattle. And brandy. People tell me I'm out of my mind for that until they actually hit records and in their like tat, What did item joints so you? I would like to see Brady Monica Glee ever seen the women we haven't seen the women are now want to see some women. That's right and, as you know, messy area to me as like upper echelons. Might there now, let's over the foremost, eight hundred five, a five one or five one? What battle would you want to see like? I would love to see us
Ankara's browed, let's talk about it, call us up nailed, it doesn't matter battle. Russia will wash Chris Brown may now be great battle. Ecological at you. Follow me right. Let me shortly after breakfast club, three hundred five five, when o five one, the breakfast call and your baby bad. One morning everybody is D. Anb Angela Yee Charlamagne, tha god we are the breakfast club. Now, if you just join us, we've been talkin about some of the battles we can watch and dirt quarantine. As one thing, I would say that I'm enjoin about the coroner
in these battles. This week it was little John, it's you pain and you forget how many joints little John, has forgotten. Produce joint would cable to like you got a lot of joint what about gotta come on now gather Lena Thou, a robbed us off. You know me, I live to. The Lord John ERA told you that little John was watch. T pain actually said that before the battle on. The law was a deep vein. I love you below John about the wash you I got. What that we note, I wasn't gonna be close. I come on, but vainest illegible, whereas levels it is legendary stuff, so we ask in eight hundred five a firewall or following what battles. Would you love to Sierra said Beanie made and Bull Jew? I would love to see what I wanna see snoop battle. Somebody I mean I would love to see snooping J without it never happened.
Colleagues will have to see outside you. I wanna do Missy Elliot versus daily I'll, be exciting for that the songs that they did themselves. Personally then the sounds they produce further people. All of that will be amazing team. They say is indirectly what a guy like did you ever did. His name is mentioned on a day. Some people are of unbearable, unbelievable entering the reason. I say that because you're not just battling daily video, the whole crew yet Hitman Jose, An uneasy We did a lot of those records as well. You know I don't know it because it is like when you log. Did you literally going if I didn't people, but then he could go gives that the drain The tree had a lot of people in there with him as well as true. What does not? yeah that'll happen and we gotta take the time to salute source in trembling, Why do I ever forget how to make us feel right or in his quarantine, and
I love these battles. I think that's so interesting because it's a reminder to just how dope some of these people are. We live in a very what are you doing for me right now, type of industry and that's wack, because you dismiss people's resumes. So it's good to see people get the flowers, but the artisan only battle. I think I would really want to see other than just like. I want the artist love like I like what to Jane they would meet yesterday, but I really want to see brandy versus Monica because as a battle that I I have personally when I'm on vacation, like I've, had actual arguments about whose catalogue is better brandy. Monica do we go back and forth plainness songs, you know. Leaned toward Monica I might add, is no doubt about the mixing snoop The battle of dogs, yes, like Snoop, has put out a lot more though the amidst guy us nobody and Asthma Dm Exchequer Hiatus, but is only twenty song. So you can do. Is you just gotta galliard as each morning my seat ass? I am. I really disk Missy, Elliott and Allah this man, if you think about like, gets your free gone or
Boys work, it you think he's counting. Mrs early it I know. How do you do Mr Elliot has that Catalan, Gaza is: who is your having reduce our coasts? I know I went to see Missy Elliot gotta go. You didn't, I kind of thing I've gotta being misused, gonna unbearable would you any at all? I don't want to see Missy birthday, I don't think that's the holding of the damage a without a, but I neither match it begins. Oh no, the bananas is allowed us adding. I, MRS Gonna in Lagoon Missy go against. I don't know, No no you're right! I do deadly went to see some women in this, though you not there like a lot of guys battling less Yemen guy brandy who s were only Monaco right First Montague, the one the one about is were female, rapids female! You want to sleep there, s tat, you ve! total, nor more like as a see if it isn't. I gotta
yet some university elsie. Ok, I guess I'll just go to the fore laws, this hello, this is divine. I hate them at a bad? Would you will now also? How are you wait until they were two legislators value? It would, I think, we'd all key people pretty deadly appreciate your service at a time like then, I loved your high spirits this morning to absolutely I have to be a happy being it or what we eat. We made a day the birth of the eyes they baby as well.
Yeah yeah, just jump in the windows and any aside ass no day, I wouldn't Estonia for his eyes. They have together. Then, how do you can you do that now? I need them separate, go against each other for what s to refine stars. Let at least our people in the same John remain like come on now. Why do we have we have the ambassador. Now let us look along with SAW Zalzal amicable Pierre I'm ago from VS eat a halo. I'm a girl, Lemme go from although from Euro note and eliminate now, but take him. Although we appreciate I mean she could see whatever badge you wanna see, I don't think that to be a Governo hearing. John flexibility, Cherry John playlists on title allows this. I want to comment on them
what life feelings continued alleges like a million a job or job you're, going to love love enshrined fab, allow unilaterally on the browser download limit. Let me tell you something: people Nellie Nellie rule would be awesome valid Great nearly an hour, always great a lot o? No big god. I don't know they got twenty. Would then ones they got yet? I would be a good one. I mean they got. What do you mean a more time? They got twenty twenty, the latter,
when we say that we need a lot of work is brought out a little bigger dominoes, Nellie Jogger twenty. Would they got a lot? I don't wait. Five, a firewall firewood talk in battle. One of the best thing about this quarantine is watching these battles we ask in who? Would you love to see battle? Call us now is to breakfast locomotive reporting. Everybody is De J envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club laugh, he just joined us we're talking about somebody's battles. That's been happening ass, the best thing about one of the best things about this quarantine, seeing these battles or line so asking would you love to see, although this would have done well, I'd love to see Brock, Leviathan love them, Ok, now you had a big up. The bank in all this good one when I bought a lamp light tearing at one of the most terrible
all right, the deadly dies, let alone in a very long way back a leader in the midst of a producer and as an artist for sulphur, so hard gone up again today, warrior anybody will report back to the argument. I mean. I'm a man said about Jody. It is all about in by here. Definitely greasy J D would be awesome. I think how very very good match up. That is a good match up. Missy residues are to pre. I like that area. When I say I did it and I say, maybe Demain do pre jamais Dupree would be good allows this summer day, some own eyes to see eye to eye sorry, you gonna miss you this year, because I did not vote on it.
The battle summer, unlike the Visa code in the leafy he's a call, verses, Elisa King, Now our crickets in my earlier now he's got a larger number. Like they imagine. I read, as you probably know, there's this take over the US over social media. Now, no more were finally about that guy, crazy, we're good lad who take Anyone who like do they really not like you, I don't know, but genuine would watch. All of us want to eat but the adding somebody's gotta should be on black planet black planet. Still around, like Bobby Valentino Pleasure, p diaries tangles take that the black planet. What about Bossi implies,
Berlin and allows airbag battle. Industry battle industry, Adams Theo S, not a best s, not a bad one hour days of limited the thing about the thing about these battles. That is so good in a really show cases. The legend is the fact that Sweden TIM make it twenty songs. You know how hard it is to have twenty recruits. Twenty hates twenty big recognise no Adam cut when he joint as you ate at you like. Oh that's, right, that's a very different tat, the only for a small small european twenties alone. The twenties allowed us only they will rise to pee. That's a good will now be a landed, Go to the farmers can allow. This morning. Guy, Google,
we're talking bags usual Dessy battle. Ok, I have a couple: are you ready? Yet we were again partly brow ass, a good eye, burgling loud and jacket edge, that's a great when ass, nobody, everyone you might not have been taken about is, I think he knows. Maybe there Now. What do you think about that? You ve been a make y know. I know it out that I never have. I was thinking I would thank you. I was thinking regrows worth is JD jeez, I think a little better, but I ask that a GM, bigger anthems New Ross, below him, then I'll be sure amazing, the battle to be major, human, always the hour there Houston is. Somebody came up to Christopher Williams. They can you, be sure and he just went along with it. I'm here for that waffle. A little war. Ok, universe dip said, I think, would be don't do anything, though. All of you were talking about, they don't have to
when national authorities, all the Ngos, we saw the peace, one woman, deregulated, twenties, onscreen, Emily gotta lads. They got a lot of that. Once that's Agatha heads, I mean I do as I already stated plainly and he gets about send you could be like. I don't know this kind of notice of what was August this year that, like that, what would you would you have what you got a little John of they gotta look timberland! That's why you got. Look, you know the right of the look, a different there right by the people with these guys that can create action. Twenty reckon As you know, in love man ass, a different level, legendary our love to see deep set in June. It gotta be dope. Last battle. Look me in the undertaking to look at New edition battle at a battle new additional many heads think about a new edition. Then I ll, although Abu I'm, on top of everything else, it is not fair to groups tat. I would even your compare them to it all.
Compare that they don't have them up temples like Della Geography Jones. You dont have on Tempoed, like New edition the men who have obtained like no additional conditions there would be no oil demand without Michael Business. I don't know what kind of a bad level do. Arrival was smaller story, most story of these bad of the great sleep. Was trembling and to boost attitudes within timberland right now, and nobody will ever forget how to make us feel. Doorn is quarantine, not puddings battles together, mantle Salute Road Brothers Day White S participate and at its Eddie Rally in baby face. Do there is no excuse for nobody not to get involved in these matters is versus battles. Ways to do that, What is more rapid, do it to me and I want to see rap, do what they got catalogues. I want a seat of. Do it as well a door, none sellers battle anew somebody go applicants yeah see. I catalogue is impeccable thing jeez, he can go guest here. Tv guide, you ve got anthems, but I beg you are really forget how many big big reckon that
The hairs has this is a catalogue of normal did. It is catalogues almost as extensive Isabel Gabbler having fifty Cynthia to letting I'll be a great battle that had come here then I may, as it is all of us all. Only both got extent of catalogues of music features and all, and that will be a great battle, interesting right, where we are rooms unaware ye. Ah, yes, we're gonna, be talking about speaking of battling getting paid to do some discussing things on social media ever tell you who actually drank their own urine. My goodness rival gets rednecks keep alive. Is the breakfast club the morning the breakfast glitt ring everybody J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy, we oughta breakfast club was gets aromas. Let's talk new tv to watch
with Angela, yes, the last oh gee season, three premier that comes on tomorrow night staring Tracy, Morgan Tiffany, had it, as you know, also on this season MIKE Tyson Jamie's move care, William Lou. Now, John AMOS, all of them will be on So some Asia Yod check that out tomorrow on CBS I'll, be watching, because that is my show you guys by less energy, I have is yes. I have seen how the worst anyone's last these countries, where this is gonna, be season. Three. Actually managed to see all them again on the plain where I was most things, but if you want to catch up today sees in three eyes tomorrow, a little Yankee on his instagram lives. Jimmy's been having people do all kinds of things like he had a person shape off their eyebrows the two hundred dollars he had somebody else he deodorant, but now is
something really Nancy Ellen. I can't believe this person actually did. This guy actually ended up drinking his sisters urine out of the toilet. Listen to this. I think I will go with you gotta. Do you got to say more about that? Doesn't bother me most about whose among us were broken. My friend the force of thirty zero border becoming isn't that right, found it. I got for announcing that task is now to become omber, experimental Valley and yachting need to be careful could have some happens. The wanted him kids, you know me naked. A boy than do something because of something I already told me: do you think I d kid prayers on monitoring to point the finger you little body, and pressure another? We are so low tat. He had had his knapsack. We have to be rested, a hospital for any reason right amnesia. Be eyebrows is one thing. That's not dangerous is weird, but-
drinking urine or eating deodorant, who knows what could happen and is going to destroy Rebecca dont you today you keep ignorant people alone, a twelve hour stimulus check, ain't, nothing! You see what people have a five hundred dollars. I right now. Let's talk about the class of twenty twenty five, the basketball Hall of Fame they're saying this could be the stars that a one in the history of the basketball, if aid is all eight finalist, there's Kobe Bryant him Dunkin cabin Guy net- will also be there. I joined by ten I'm W Mba outside to make a catching from the Indiana fever. This is gonna, amazing, and here is Vanessa. Bryant speaking on call me going into the Hall of Fame, make an incredible accomplishment.
Honor hand were extremely proud of him. I'm obviously wish he was here with us to celebrate its definitely the peak of his NBA career and every accomplishment that he had as an outbreak was a setting stone to be here. So alarm were incredibly proud of him and down for some saw as the knowing that Where is probably going to be a part of better twenty twenty Hall of Fame Class, you know what I salute: everybody I get. It does little to envy all hall of Fame and I really hate you, people who say things like. Oh What I will call you right in the hall of Fame after he died is, is the first year he was eligible for he was going to be of ours ballot hall of Famer. Ok, regardless is diversity with an air of eligible for the hall of maybe you'd like to beer
Bout Alabama alive dead, whatever, like stop stop talking siren little babies upset with himself and ass because he didn't get on Drake sanctity slide. He said Drake sent me the song a month ago, Madame Ass, ancient the verse back, but that's big bro we got is coming to see slide out now. So he's a dear friend, the only opportunity, optimism, yadda communist billion, to decide to decide sucks Kessler I was glad I'm omair true in that Drake was Anzio Buttons, Instagram and he had done their? I guess the two then previously have not gone along. They ve never even met each other in person and hears what happened, but all of your doing cricket would be only one like avoid me for some strange reason never avoid you. I just don't see whatever in the same place to go. I don't want you invited earlier and beat out over here the embassy we review to do
like women when they are ready, I'm not all Andrews Zack. Now you ve been saying for a year now I have leaked album would like thirty Drake Drapes style. That does or does not the news. I write is that an enemy you want to see Joe interviewing, you re not really. What does not? Would you lot insurers? United, the residues in Joe Biden interviewed rate. I might have been ends of inner interrupted a few years ago when you know Joe had some some interesting things to say. A about drink, I think now would be a little bit too lovey. Dovey is, I know I just like they were is like we're on energy lobby has no meaning in it may be too much. I want to see debate rage. I would love to see it out, but I want to see Drake or any other platforms is not safe for himself on any other thing, I would love to see it. I don't they ramrod, always the same platform. I think Elliot and B that asked him note. I was very. I was very hard with monsters that was a great platform, but when he doesn't matter
Apples does a lot of time. It is very say four. Oh, yes, very, safe, various examples. My advice, you can do daisy. A Mig may have donated a hundred thousand mass to prisons through their reform alliance. So that's great news and shocking thing, or they said help that thinks everybody who helped to get a hundred thousand mass into prisons. These mass will help protect incarcerated people and correctional staff in Rikers intent. Sienna Parchman prison from Covid nineteen Miller, rock nation man. Cuz I've been hearing those brothers from rikers screaming out for help for the other for a few weeks now, and for them to answer the call like that, I got a got a new number to Luther and I was I re Wick run according to the Jasmine Bramble, be going to on television starring in a new Jackie Series with his girlfriend, so he's So I guess gonna be fine.
They'll be following him along with their prosaically, a family which requires his girlfriend. I guess united in no of her before this. I guess it would be interesting to see that the family is heavily involved in New Jersey, social life in business community, so they have confirmed that the two of them will be on television together, ass, great a Laguna. I write- and we talked about this earlier, but to Change- has challenged me mail to a hits versus hits Instagram Battle and we want to support him. His verses Susan term linger gone all Somerset, Meek and our talk don't be so. Let's do meek now make responded, and he said I just wanna watch Alloway respectfully Boeing out to my brother. So, let's, like that's, not gonna happen. If you are looking forward to that we'll be ready in age when people, when you battled- and you just battled and if you lost lost you kept moving rapidly. Those days make don't like doing right now. Are you you cannot do it. If you want to go, we talk about how much of a flip flab dj, envious, embryos,
Zanna, Wag Tutsis lad was Friday this morning, you that all the girls love it. Now, as I said the kid love out and say I love it. I said the kids love it. Have you not an out and out? Finally, it would absolutely about David Sidney Debts and that's how I know I've is. Recent lateral was data daily. I've heard a lot of people say they love s, I'm not gonna lie. I haven't seen it turned on to talk. You know, and I think that you can't force things on these kids. I think that you know when it comes to those It is in those challenges it has to be organic. I don't think they liked the way that it was presented to them, but we'll see I re well, I'm annually and that is your rumour report. All right. Thank you. Miss ye. Now will we come back? We got the people's choice. Mixed get your request in right now, at DJ. Envy is the breathless
local boy warning? Everybody is e g envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club good morning now. Are you guys we save about a question like so they talked about these mass and is telling people you should definitely where mass. When you go out and his in this next week, we can have, is gonna, be probably the worse, but if they say in the corona virus in a covert virus can actually go to regular mask an essay. Don't wear the end. Ninety five mass I'm confused So, while we emasculate, if it can go to the Basque, like I'm confused, do anything I can prevent you from from giving it to other people more than prevent you from getting it, and then I think the mask also has gotta protecting you, Fran touching your face. You now that you're not supposed to touch you like your nose. Now that you ve got your so it s kind of prevent you from actually putting your hands on your face and maybe think twice about that Georgia. Gotcha gotcha augur well. When we come back, we got the positive knows no borders
breakfast club good morning, everybody is dj. Envy and Charlamagne tha God. We are the breakfast club good morning. Now. Are you guys be safe out there on the EAST coast is like sixty to sixty five degrees? Was it made a beautiful day so try to enjoy the if you can't a loaded, no going back yard, go on a porch, but just remember social distance and stay away from people are right. Yes, I'm a guy Milo Backyard and sweep up these leaves. You know these are things that I need to take care of anyway, and it's nice to just be outside and a little tiny backyard, but you know I was in my basin. And I have a low Jim in my basement. So I've been utilizing home James. I'm glad that I've been buying these things over the course of the past few years, and even though I haven't used my treadmill that much I got my nordic check back right before this happened. By coincidence, some glad I have those things now
now everybody take the clothes off the treadmill. If you have one at home and and sanitary using those things. Absolutely I see, Wendy Williams can be broadcast from our house today. Some curiosity that's gonna, be about the alarming levels. To get back to work is probably know. My watch Trevor Noah's Ark because his shouted daily social distancing show- and I think, travel put not some great content for his couch. So I think we can do to say: ok, alright. Well, you got five million people's homes to I feel like people are enjoying seeing what's going on and it makes it a little intimate personal. I guess, if you do it right, when do you will actually be better? I could see the candidate and she's a whole body in her sitting on her couch folly, not getting to glance up problem really reckless Duff one come out a window and his mouth just cause she's, so comfortable, Yoga
We are positive note for people. People I do am a positive note is simply this man. Sometimes it takes an overwhelming break down. They have an unknown I will break through so when you're overwhelmed embrace it breathless. Yonder we are all living in the ripple effects in history. A butterfly its wings in China in the nineteenth century, and your were driver. Mrs return turn for the airport. For next your genius, invents air conditioning and changes the course of american politics, I'm Sean Brasswork posted the thread, I'm back with a brand new podcast presented by Ozzy called Flashback, Assyria stories of unintended consequences. Listen to fly back on the Iheart Radio, AMP Apple podcast, or whether you get your broadcasts,
Transcript generated on 2020-05-07.