« The Breakfast Club

Introducing: Cut To It featuring Steve Smith Sr.


Former NFL player Steve Smith Sr and co-host Gerard Littlejohn interview your favorite athletes, entertainers, and more, to ask the questions that you’ve always wanted to know, but no one ever asks. You may learn if your favorite NBA player would rather fight a bear or 50 ducks, or why a guest made a life-altering decision they’ve never shared before. Expect the unexpected....let’s cut to it!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I am statesmen seer and on my new podcast cartoon, we're talking to your favorite athletes to get to know the people inside the judges. Tear us ask the questions that no one else ass. The neurons Saints Malcolm's areas where there are other moments that your body was telling you how we can keep this up as football players. You know toes. You got it one more and it was until I had to like really come to terms myself like you built to carry a lot, but you ain't go to carry everything. Listen to athletes, be real Michael Vick The prison they Michael D, weighing VIC, walk in a prison, always Michael Vick, the highlight of man, I so lazy western, wanted a market players league and I'm still in prison
like you should reject, but ass time went on. I realized it was supposed to giving it needed to be catch us being ourselves. Peachy h, remember: Harold Foreigner atmosphere, you in Jordan, from from head to toe. How did that relationship with Michael Jordan come about personal, takes from injury, correct texan bag because I went to because we were all of you didn't go, I'm Gordon, so Michael Jordan Text, Congratulations, we want you to go with Jordan Break a YO reply. Is our reply just not right there we reply, I replied, sues. I got the gulf, which was how many hours it had to be less. So you left Michael Jordan own rate that was eight hour, so that is not how we now I'm sneeze myths, senior and draw a little John and work teaming up to cut to cut two features,
these myths, seal on the Iheart radio, Apple podcast or where ever you listen a package.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-30.