« The Breakfast Club

Hasan Minaj and Pardison Interview and More


Today on the show The Breakfast Club was back to their shenanigans after only getting a few hours rest from their annual Change for Change radio thon, where they raised money for Thurgood Marshall College Fund for HBCU's. Moreover, today we had comedian Hasan Minaj stop in and spoke about mental health, global censorship and more. Also, Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to yet another Florida man and we also had Pardison stop by to promote his new album.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hi there, I'm sack wrath and I'm gonna phase on we're real life best friends. We met playing fake liked best friends, Turk and GDP on the sick. Come scrubbs. Twenty years later, we ve decided to re watch the series one have pursued at a time and put our memories into a pod cast. You can listen to it home, we're gonna, get all our special guess. Friends, like sour chalk, John C Mckinley meal Flynn, Judy raise show create a build lords editors, writers and even prop masters would tell us about what inspired the serious and how we became a family. You can listen to the pond cast fake doctors, real friends with Second Donald on the high heart radioactive apple podcast, and wherever you get your blog CAS
This is new Gingrich inviting you to listen to my free weekly, podcast called Newts world every Sunday. We will explore topics and issues that are relevant to your life and, as a historian, I will offer stories in context of how the past influences are present and future download newts world on the ice, radio, Epp on Apple pie, guest neutral dot, com or wherever you get your pod cast in the morning. You ve got a fucking experience some morning, the Ultra Bank, the class, I'm warning you really not waiting come to show me the big time. Let me be very big Charlemagne: the gun, the practice club
some easy less deserving is. Who is very well, we were here was Friday. Will we here that's right, we're back, we were here yesterday all day for change for change? Radio turn we raised over. Six hundred and seventy thousand dollars? And eighteen hours, that's right for best for historically black colleges and universities. As for students to go away, make sure you have scholarships for two wishing for internships for books for lodging for food and all that we raised over six hundred. Have any doubts now, as this is the third year doing it with their good. My show college fund S right now. In three years, the breakfast club has raised over one point: seven million dollars,
crazy, and that is a different organizations. S right yesterday was just felt so good to give back, I M not just to select celebrities came in traveled Bozeman gave a hundred thousand Michael Reuben gave a hundred twenty five thousand from. Seventy. Six is part of the seventy. Six is I think some of you. We got them the list of people, a game. I I have go. He Robert of Smith, Gable thousand dollars Byron. And gave a hundred thousand hours or a pole which gave fifteen thousand dollars. I shouted. Would he be Teresa Queen knowledge, it down, pool Joyed, Joan coins, twenty thousand dollars. I shot the inner it's a sign. Menage republic reckons black youngster quality control. I'll Colombia records Epic records. Three hundred shelter can allow shadow. Indeed I shut them apart. Caesar flippant, ensure that he gave five thousand dollars. Rhapsody Atlantic Records, fabulous Caesar black include back to Us
Pharaoh gave five thousand terrans J the re and humble a poet Lena Wave, Andrew Yang, in all you guys out there. We really appreciate it Mary was. It was so great to see so many, people given so much money and encourages us in that the celebrities. I mean people given five, doubtless twenty that was one dollar a hundred dollars. Down. We really really are appreciative of that and grateful that you guys are trying to help people get to each BC. Use whistle thankful for that yesterday, Amazing feat: yes, a law law law where you can still donate to things giving better. If you don't get the opportunity to donate yesterday, maybe you just finding out about it today. Whatever it is, you can donate. All you have to do is to exchange to five to one or two ago to be sea change. The number for change that combats busy change for change. That count. That's right now, today, on the show her bananas will be joining us, will kick it with his son menage all
partisan funds aim party, as I just got a plan we're just gonna plaques all over a million copies also is out Miss out right now, so curriculum offered him. So, let's get to show crack in front pages. When we talk about the way we may not be the only one damn breadth, and so now you guys can you indicate journalists and how I am here I had again pregnant residing in putting it. I will talk about what we come back as the breakfast locomotor affording everybody is dj. Envy Angela, you Charlemagne guy. We oughta breakfast club solemnly to be joining us in a little bit less kids in front age. New what does it have? The Texans beat the cold twenty seven scene and mellow yesterday with Milos. Second MBA game in alone sheer any that pretty good at the he's got. Eighteen. Look pretty good at these congratulations to mellow! Why? What are you talking about? You are the victims. It's a good bejean. Serbia will look imports and that it is not happening this year. They
the ratings have been going down for quite some time now. It's been arouses. Ninety ninety five and the super models. Are these standards of these really thin girls, who are very best d and said a lot of the idea in the name of feminism, former angel Kiley Clause quit the show, so the show has definitely last seen all the controversy with it. So it's not happening it out, like the Lingerie department, the larger part of it, and I assume in support of a summit that is now happening I just now, but then they take their before you I don't know about that. As probably want to ratings will do I just know it happening anymore. Sue evolved the messaging of the company Roca area for students, s ear. He's university have been suspended at an up. You been hearing. This we reported in earlier about all the racist and anti Semitic It instead have been happening on camp as they actually had even cancelled all social activities. Effort and it is for the rest of the semester. That's because a blacksmith
said she was a verbal assaulted on campus for the fourteen people involved. The incident were Syracuse students and nine of them are enrolled at other universities. Officials have been informed at those universities of the allegations that students they said it was most agree. Given the incident is affiliated with Records University there's been twelve reporting incidents, it is an anti semitic graffiti found on or near the universities campus. That's crazy. I write the first meal birth control Jackson is almost ready for peanuts. Is now this guy down to India, researchers they have completed a clinical trial on injectable mail. Contraceptives is three hundred and three candidates were recruited and there was a ninety seven point. Three percent success rate so basically you'll get a shot in your penis and that birth control method will approximately thirteen years? I do give you those of locally these and then they do that. If I go while the second meeting,
Let me draw most almost allow. He rightly Gmos is IRAN's yeah he's out here when you get a shot in your penis, so I can so you know four hundred and thirty. As you can get somebody bring says he I am sorry. If I may verses Don't you get a shiny, real say you know that way about it. I'll get assigned the peat is well everything's. Ok, I write well, they do have male birth control pills. Awesome That's, I can't imagined a shot your penis like that is that the market, yet the male birth control has, would you rather take the pill everyday? I get the shot. Your penis Mary man. They knave I pronounced in general. What about your job is outdated by the building. Are you gotta remember every day, if you forget a day, shoot him up no mark on this right will as front page news of each eight hundred foggy five one o five, one of your upset. You need a very heated up right now. Corliss is to breakfast locomotive
we know that you ride blackened right your down, they get. It argued yes, whether your man wore black payment. We want to hear from you wanna bread, but allow better when you get back Thirdly, we appreciate you, thank you that's. Not my planet difficult, wearily to print the answer for your wife. President August. They please help me. I never came back to help me you're, not Not if they text messages? The point of view of this, I think we find this morning because right now about being without the method that mechanical should be applied, as it is now up to you the button that next year wasn't. I have considered it, then
Nathan, Habitat Boy, Mary, Graven, ethanol, young men and you can't you haven't, got it as it stands. Today, your prolong a baby, within about is there principle I mean there's no anyone attached to their work. So would you guys the wine and I'll give you guys and contact phone number for the process than you could talk with That is a big organization, we're gonna, Morgan. Imagine what we know that we are all familiar with the organization s agenda of all. We heard by habit of humanity, but now I would like to hear from a couple of people who actually got their house built by but then my man with a movement I'll bet you do. I do now they have both been finding your old or look at your wife call. You pulled out all the luggage irresolute where you always say that don't you every day to whom you learn three allow this year with the boy mellow mellow would have your features. Broom
Bela, what I view of each yelled at birth, but how many? what are you going? I need a job in Latvia advocated a work. This mornin, unlike some people winner, I'm right here. You know I'm right here, you bomb mouth bastard, I'm sorry, exactly and that Milburgh and politics you make it to agree the colored Suns blocked by Debbie fire. The abortive. Your daughter I mean I lived in hey they waited at all the way through, with almost there go. Mosey knows, and I made it up if I may, by and give up under the bombing of your five min, I line him if you haven't, got patriarchal peasant, who only that men can be born, allows this from California Sylvester without giving her features, were water and about what I love Ya We love you back room, ok at I do I look on a law. It is a bright William April the moment the medical help
with the smoothies and the hell. You don't like your body house and then heavy with financial. You don't own any property and stuff y'all. Inspire me. Do better! Imagine you re, that's what open up it! try to get like more take it away, like Gordon Outlay- and I have you, Sir, sweater? What is a shirt that I want to send y'all to show my appreciation for like people that act like it's having fire me, so I can read it out like all over and I was wondering if I can send them up to. And I love you, Absolutely me limousine, the right, the rapporteur, life wired, no by logging, sweeter Anyone s bill. Why a and I and on the third one point that doubt applicable, but with a bow
how can I know rating as they bade the bulk on my not all the brave you have been elected by the adult weeping about at the bid you good. Did you go to Africa, The age you could ever technology has doubled from black creative now want to be in a digital tech work they have put up. I'm gonna get you kid. But as the literacy in everyday. Do I wanted to know if I can get wetted, Joey make sure you get me that the line of the online seven I give him. I can tell you now get me the address our life. Seven in we'll give Nor am I address those leading on. You know how to how we can get this, although it already get it off my chest, eight hundred five, eight five one or five one. If you need a very heated up Now- is to breakfast locomotive breakfast
a social distancing Tipp, while the CDC urges you to avoid close contact with hugging her shaking hands. There are other nonphysical ways to say hello. Wave wink use language salute smile, give the peace. I throw open air high five do jazz hands. Remember stay a minimum of six feet or two arms length away from others and stay home if you can for more info visit, Corona virus doc off. Let's all do our part, because we're all hashtag alone together brought to you, I, the ad council, go away, go mad or black. We want to hear from you. Oh there's, the old Michael from cows, Michael from carrying we mourn angle guess I lay in a building. Yes, Charlemagne is right. Here was have read Afrotech, you was supposed back I'll, buy you you're my work by our that
every farmer and God knows body like engineered by your words. Every ok so Jimmy day me to my book. My book, Called the power of yet I will then above yet yes, our of yet joke that you can do for me today, can't do it. Yet I yet solved that kind of like a I'm just gonna like a power of now by a guard totally low. Their ideology avi by israeli right would thank you. Bob the book to power. My real guy. The guy, I'm right there, my old Benjamin AM. I gave Benjamin ok. Thank you from hello, theirs several of you just do my nails, Michael beyond a Ridgeland South Carolina every morning, when a king Your lot all day right right right,
I don't wanna, go by some kind of having a baby you're lucky. I got it now. We had all but you're, not my biological kid. I got a beautiful black. We you know that I hope all goes well with that. You know she having a little issues as far as blood down that goes, but everything looks good so far the cowboys losing this weekend. No. We need real yoyo establishing dishes back criminal drunk, and he was right about wanted all things whose tyrannical, but thank you, brother and yellow, we're down near Brandt praying. Every morning. Her bomb is almost as what they think you're mad. Thank you. My brother, in praise of the baby mom, not Mina, Nozdrev food. I can beat a black maternal deaf wraith is high right now. This is my. My wife has had trouble when she's going to the hospital the last couple times and friends up to you absolutely hello, who's. This hello there is
Are you guys go morning? Google features bow, was people baby, your business? Where is your business? the blame pampering our glass at me, I'm tired when I'm on bright air, where you break Doyle Fields, other people, property, That's all. You have to say that it is my business will be. Seventy I'm a bit more. They do what they ve been. The girl was gonna have sexual activity, they are young businessman, a businessman. You already knew about the watchful gone on in the year when they are welcome. Proper work as a bridge. What am I right? Another one that are probably right now Maybe it is very true. No one wants a tab sex on your grounds. They made it your business, I drive somewhere else
so my somebody pull up a new car on your property and have sex Ok, I'm your business. I agree with you. Mom you at work, and you thought behind be your break. You do what you doing on your fifteen minute break and plus their merry now If people were thermite nowadays we monitor the rate. Was somebody else's lay in a warm exactly there? You go right now, I'm a probable. Would you do you tell him kiss your glass they sneaking around? They think you yeah my we can't be, they are going to give it our futures ADA, Drink Father, five, one or five one. If you need a very heated up right now, are you with our rooms runaway? Yes, let's talk about if realities down who is now saying that she is saved and celebrate Programme will get in next, keep unlocked the breakfast locomotive breakfast baby Gmos that untidy worthies Lizzie Letter
I know you love it's way. How do you know that we all the breakfast club here- ain't? We love! You been, may now be back here right. We highly air, live, ok, Jane Jane last night we re six hundred and seventy one over six hundred. Seventy thousand, almost six hundred and seventy thousand Footed Thurgood Marshall College Fund Benefit, H, BC, use and father recognise. One thought is out there now that third annual chain for change we ve raised over one point: seven billion dollar military islands Yoshida. Let me run like a limited. My only regret that this glistening rate of one point. Seven million for various organizations all right, let's get to the room, was a soccer new trailer at the point where there is a new trailer. That's right now for an upcoming documentary on X, x, ecstasy on and the child does feature of
have any is connected with family, friends and fans and movement. You can hear him talking in this chamber. We already have the chance for you. All I can do is give you more payments almost just takes us. So it's an album story. This is the first time since the last on old Toller attacking very well! I mean I'm calling in his final album bad vibes forever. It comes out December six and Williams play wow would greatly crazy part, contacted everything right confusing. If he will say Nevertheless, a momentary store, and he was still alive, it would just be saying, I'm never talking about distorted and with direct aid is now that he's. You know spoke down on himself here. I tell the creator he's on the cover of Jake magazine. Twenty nineteen men. The year issue and one thing that he says that it made headlines. I e talks about his sexual he told the interviewer that he loves you
when but often ends up. He said I, like girls, I just end up effing their brother. Every time soil as broad LAO bodies whole as brothers. Why would you do something for your sister Guy bodies, brother- they let a watch and with an affair. Second the members so food, yet man and movies all food or leave your brother round me player from radio tallied with a god. Damn it I an average Montana he's hospitalized. He had a very scary issue. They said he had intense nausea and the cops actually came to his house they are, the ones who made the call to get him rushed to a house by ambulance. They said SARA deputies were called to his house, and calabash is for a possible robbery. That was a false alarm, but they did it and their friends Montana was abnormal, he was out of it. They said he been suffering severe, stomach, pains, nausea and perhaps an elevated heart rate as well, so he's getting treatment that includes ivy
the words they said he should have been release later in the evening the gay men, a whole body of their hard partying livestock and catch up to you that if you not eaten rain Finnegan enough sleep- and you know with those in an alcohol in drugs. Whatever else it could be less nets, He lay. We don't know everyone without speaking about him and this document in general, you young, I don't act like that who pop rockstar lifeguard will catch up combining the daily any time, but we don't know handle him Chris Brown, congratulations, and for having his second child with a meagre heresy. As a boy, and you know it already has a five year old, daughter, royalties, and now he has a little baby boy. Gradually to him MAGIC Johnson that talk about regret that he has meant. That was that sinister level? we must allow, apparently, when his only nineteen years old after you said he? When that national channels,
ship after beating Larry Bird. He said I was about to sign a shoe deal. Converse came in and everyone at that time was wearing Congress because of Doktor J, so Congress came in offered me some money and then this guy, Phil Night came in and he was only like one or two years already tat. He doesn't have a lot of money. Babble offer me stack, I was nineteen, do a lot, and so the rest is history. Horrible recently ended up TAT day. No, no thank you again telephone? I know in that was back in in seventy nine. All that I will convert argued it now iraqi. Why doesn't bigs regret? You live from HIV, you good the distant Ex equity Nike Nike when public. What on December? Second, nineteen so this deal was back in eighteen, seventy nine, a year later he went public and, as you know, you know, the rest Nike actually owns Congress. That's crazy, our thinking about it now magic is one of those Why is this so huge and so
nobody really doesn't have a signature shoe nobody way as covers all his days. Cover thirty warm realized in the NBA, trash until magic, Johnson and Larry Bird came in the league to talk about a man that revitalize the whole organization he could have. Stock in Equity in night. I e that early on my car I write, I'm Angela YE, and that is your room. A railroad never see directive covers was so big. That was always take a really back. Then just was magnitude most blessed man on the planet, We as Israel is not now, I think, such a billion dollars, but it could have been worse. You gonna believe that is true. Jesus Christ argument be best when you think about everyday knuckle, Knight errant now right but every day now re will absolutely Knightleys everywhere. That is true commercials. Everybody everybody got a moment. You gonna, be having always something's gonna, be that you gotta pick your brand new company. He did even know about it, but you could think of it like this is demanded of it all that money back link, as I'm sure he was while in India he would be wild while now but even more money to mean
you're right, you're right. You got my nose, you do! I am. I gonna be talking about whether there is a new thing you can do on their to lead to healthier discussions on selling media is now much more. He could have now much more me like you, I got their body here. I got the right right, rumours that lived to breakfast locomotive morning, everybody's envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne God we are the breakfast cloud. Look at me brushing year burnt. Let's get some front page news now, further Usin Texans beat the coasts won. T seventeen and flaming the unhealthy is coming. Retirement for twenty twenty, which is we could. Then you just put out a story that it was a box anymore values, and it is most invitation literally data's, put out a story today saying that he was never coming back at any time.
Come back saying I believe, he's doing that there was any way. But what's up my about that in the room you comin out what I wouldn t go into a lotta retirement or have not enough, and you come not a retirement good enough for me, you have the right now no damn, USA, honour know what he's doing, but he's been talking with Dana White so far would also go. You are Now, let's talk about Donald Trump and he is barely as having a good time with these impeachment hearings, you'll think about exactly like is now he said. Social media have been wisely people making fun clause. My entire life, my hearing is, and has been great ever have I've been watching a person making a call which was not on speaker phone been able to hear understand a conversation. I've even tried, but to no avail. Try it What are you talking about he's talking about in peace? witnesses David home is a political counselor at the? U S embassy hotel lawmakers that he heard Donald Trump loudly discussing his plan to extort Ukraine
here is David HOMES. I could hear the president's voice through the European of the phone presents. Voice was loud economically about recycling held the phone away from his ear for a period of time, presumably because the loud volume I heard about recycling greet the president and explained he was calling from Kiev. I represent a trump and clarify the. As for someone was in Ukraine Bozrah Sailor, I'd? Yes, he was in Ukraine and went on to state that presents the Lansky quote: loves her ass. I then present Trump as so he's gonna. Do the investigation, Vassar Solomon replied that he is going to do adding the presents a landscape will do anything. Ask him to do there you were talking on the phone, wasn't ideas and how would you really have to be paying attention to care about why it too equally, I would be very quiet. You have to be paying attention. They really care about the conversation that is the kind of wowed at peace if it to bring to an impeachment. Well, I guess this person,
and he said he heard everything for his hand in them that, along with the transcripts of the conversation, you know with the press, is always hearing enough, though, in a peach maniac like overhearing hearing accommodation, I mean it still hearing at first hand. You were there, you heard it with your own air, not like second hand information. You heard it. So if you say you heard, and you heard a loud and clear- and you said you ve been able to do that before. I guess it doesn't matter I now on twitter. You can hide your replies. That's a new feature that twitter is launching globally. So you can hide sir replies on your tweets. It gives you more control over your conversations on the site. So imagine you write something, and then people start saying nasty things in your replies on twitter. You can hide those replies, so other people will see a but you're still be able to see and engage with hidden replies by pressing and kind that will pay appear on the tweets. So that way they said some people do not want to hide.
Lies due to fair retaliation into it. It will continue to give feedback on that issue, but they Also allow you when you, so you want to hide the replies of black the reply as well. Nor the boy younger people want the validation they want to retweet. They want the attention to the point. I know why people thing other things about you, so maybe what replies to be seen by other people, but other ones not to say you can hide those. So people can see what you don't want them to see and your conversation it takes a lot of work to go to old and forgot what you want to keep him, what you don't wanna be, but I'll get a whole. That applies that people get like eight or nine low, and they say. Let me hide this when we're not one else. It I know leads to healthier discussion. Soaker address they stay off. Have you discussions happened just like this eighth phase out. I
I write em Angela year that your front page news- and I thank you- miss he now when we come back Hassan Menage will be joining us, can relieve you. Ve gotta show enough was called Patriot ACT, because even tuna makes even three ownership by right. What will kick it when it will become banks that are movies to breakfast club morning? The breakfast everybody his dj envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast. Clearly we got a special guess in the building there Patriot act was umbrellas going about agreement, they swam Ahmad days undermine one of the greatest stand of specials. Does not actually a thin special cuz. You were sitting down. Why would you in front of Congress this year? so underrated. Minister hilarious amiss, they would have ever you miss than this. It was on idea was, but was pretty part. I was an idea it yet
or even stood alone. Crisis is a big issue for our generation of english things, one of the biggest absolute and so I was asked to testify about the stood among crisis they saw. They saw my my so that we did on the show about stood alone. That, specifically alone? Borrowers is getting screwed over all its eye. Navvy FED loan, whoever their loan service provider is alive people are age, are going to do are met when they should be going into an income based repayment plan, you know and really screw and their sought their set themselves over so yeah testify. Four Konrad here and it was It was weird situation, but you did. It is that's digestible way because you were speaking our language yeah whilst simultaneously speak in their language, and it was funny informative yeah does thy. Why is it is everywhere? I don't
Would you go in the Congress, like you totally understand why stuff doesn't get done? Logs has allowed a battle. Wrapping up your enemy rearing, both sides is alot. Eclat back year begins are blaming. The democratic Democrats are blamed, the Republican, so there's a lot of this in the issue. Can't move forward is not solution or now, nor yet it is not and to me, the reason why I wanted to testify about it was actually do feel as a bipartisan issue like for me like blue a red constituents and both your guys estates and counties have this problem have roused me anybody in the age of eighteen, forty is probably dealing with this and they're gonna. Ask you about it on the campaign trail. So this is it like an identity, politics issue? That's what I felt a guide to hear you know furnishes you just won't be able to win because they are not able to access it yet police brutality. He like a highly criminal justice reform like real thought. We'll talk at one of those things were like if NATO
Anybody who has been involved in the criminal justice system. They won't see the cruelty of effect. So for me stood alone, such a rubber, meets the road issue, because an entire innovation in Amerika was told you have to go to college, correct, it's it's not even in a negotiating we gotta go are so. If we do this wire student bar is treated like deadbeats like the same policies that you have upon people who have gambling that same thing goes for student loans, a barrel. You pay of your loads. Now unlucky at my parents, I'm a child of immigrants, my parents, may we live at home, so I don't have crippling stood alone, that I've crippling emotional. That and as a different issue, of course, was the crippling emotional. Yes, just knowing that I could have been out in the streets for four years, but instead I was eleven upstairs and much shouted bedroom. I d give dog you dated his guide and who got magazines. Mom, wouldn't let him have sex in the house, so he killed her dog. That's insane and he was thirty nine Jesus, I have said in your house new models that sector
I have been recorded in my parents. Why should he goes out to give you my authority whose no mom? I would never do that you and I kept everything strictly hello in the house and on our group's theirs to study. To be quite honest, no reserve the abolition. You do not believe you respected the house. Oh, I did. I did but is kind of crazy. What I think about I d brings us back to like thou insane is insane rather think about it, decided on your latest episode. A Patriot get Patriot Patriot ACT, yeah they hit on the topic of mental health. Yes, why is it important to tackle this? You talk about this man is not a thing we talk about in are in our communities. We just don't it's one of those things where assess like. Oh, it's the two solutions to feeling depressed or anxious our high and prayer some water go pray and if that's not work- and you better figure it out
but you're, not like some hot liquor or take a nap, and, unlike I, if you know someone who's drinking and sleeping all day, they might be depressed. That's all! I'm SAM! Slowly and an insult to me. One of the big things was, to talk about. It poses a huge stigma around it. Then, if you if you do manage to actually try to get the help you need why it so hard like. I know a lot of people that are like men. I tried to go see at their Blue Cross Blue shield me this whole list, I called off all two hundred numbers. Ninety None of us aren't even taking new patient some of em. Aren't even you know, practices anymore. It is fine in the latter, with an apple middle out exactly, and so what I wanted to do is show these are the mechanisms that are put in place that are preventing you from getting the care that you need it, because I really thought about it like I, you tried to reach out and get help, and I was lucky enough: that when I was put in a log jam, ok, I could I could just pay out of pocket, but a lot of people
don't have that luxury. So we actually found new steam found, there is the law by law. You are. You are required to have the same amount of mental and physical health care ass to be covered. The same attitude Two thousand eight pair of maritime and addiction quality and an anathema what I love most about the show is like we, oh you are. I hears why something sucks here: the MECCA Zeb and pulleys, and play that are preventing you from getting this thing that you need and here's what you can do to try to circumvent that. But what made you go to a tariff is what was what were made? You call it thereby reach out for help. I was talking to friends and I was describing things to them and their life that's not normal, like a and on Tuesday afternoon and my heart is beating fast and unlike those our normal lives, like I'm, really live in, Never panic that yeah anxiety, Evelyn Panic Attack, or I'm like a mad dog disappointed with my wife and we're just sitting
lobby. My life was present at the time with our first and um yeah. Like shortness of breath, you don't I mean just these these, these odd moments where it I all the sun, go into flight or fight it out, like man like a normal, as when perception of mental health. I think of Arkell Asylum yeah right jack. It's we'd! All your! I think of it is like a game it like this spats, Roger and dumb. Just to be honest. I also thought it meant your week. Just is the you know we. We grew up right and dumb. You start understand the more you talk about it more you, research. It is just like any, I'll see you know how like exercising and die it's the new wave people like. Oh, I don't eat that I do. This and nobody send your weak because of that right. Running at an optimum level ESA door in a what about it to dive in the middle of parity and
Dixon Quality Crime- you hear about this until you so yeah. I'd ask all. That was the shocking thing to so Patrick Kennedy. Who is one of the kind you probably don't recognize that one of the public handed out one problem, I know and cares who is dating there. The lie riding books about Patrick he. Unfortunately, No, he had he had severe mental This is one day. Unfortunately, he crashed his car. He had. He was also using substance abuse. Overcome those things and he realized that that became his calling card. His mission to have things in place that give up give people equal access to mental health care and physical health care death. So that's that's the best. Big thing: your insurance company legally cannot deny you the same amount of healthcare, mental health care to physical health care ass. To be the same,
we got more. What is our manoeuvres when we come back? Don't move as the breakfast locomotive in a world where everyone is confined to their homes? Society begins its largest, been watch to date in the hallowed library of Hulu or perhaps on a shelf of dvds. You haven't looked at in a decade, is a show that perfectly encapsulates life in the early odds and launched a friendship, evidence fire millions. I I'm sorry and I'm Donald phasing in two thousand one. We start in Scrubbs sitcom that revealed a glimpse of what it was like to survive. Medical internship, as
and J D, we explored Kylam nearly twenty years later. A lot is changed, we're not Superman, but we're still best friends, given a mandatory lockdown, there's no better time to relive the series that brought us together in the first place and we're doing it wouldn't care ass, right people working to bring friends and crew members and fellow CAS members and writers, and and guess what we're gonna even invite some of you to call into the pie cast and ass. All the questions you want of the entire sacred heart staff join us: profane, doctors, real friends on the eye heart radio am apple podcast and whenever you get your pod casts everyone, Is the J envy Angela YE shall remain a guy? We are the breakfast club was so kicking it would comedian Hassan managed to draw up this is to get past any damage with yellow it, whether ruse smoking weed
edibles alcohol, now man, you know so crazy. Like I grew up, super religious is: oh, you know like that muslim guilt, as I catholic guilt, Do I know you're always is like allows watching. You don't even know it's like you. I would super freak out. I mean like pepperoni pizza freaked me on the first great yeah you. Don't we always Y Y you eat of all those least mothers girl that I had a crush on was like. Do you want if I spent brawny period within which they know well? Are you give yourself. I did it. I didn't you know when I had it was so good. I was like this why? God made it These there is at present. So I please believe me that now my first in one time, but I got it- we got it like. I totally understood why like why, like God says you can have it so good, but the Gue killed you, the guilt kill
and did you have to pay it away? I did did. Did you tell your mom and you re poor, added some appearance nothin? I noted that I met in order that it would be a bit basically pretty much Vince you deal with allegations groves religious rights like you kind of an endangered, the sort of like you do this. You're long division on it or deliberate, We need a video you gotta be like you got like I'd if I go confess than they did a divine. If I pray on this day- and I do many rosaries- you carry the one that forgive three the icy about eighty, let I solemnly use about pray, wait when you, when you took it HIV tests Lawrence, I'm outta here, you pray. I think we ve all done. Madam rapporteur, dignan HIV? Desperately back into doing you wait till we get the result. What, yes, we pray in seventeen times a day. You know so funny. Man like the ones but I d go. Take a tough like that what it was like blood tests and knowledge the one time also glad I was approved. You don't mean when the light, multiple partners now have you ever been like had sexual needles. On my argument,
that is like, like I'm just like like it was We need latin bill. Asked you these dislike, you have you ever use, need you hated and I'd like man. Thank God. I'm such a scary cat like ours, a whore bow the euro. You ve talked about a crack and before you know, I'm saying it was like when you got a right to live down, you don't really want to write the cracking dogs. I wouldn't really count them. Thank you can probably want you. Polly guided Roma yea is bed is bed now What happened with the Netflix Theo Reed ass things? They poured episode of Patriot, well, that that was in reverse. An episode that we did in Saudi Arabia. Ok, at the beginning of the year? And you know the king in Saudi Arabia sent a letter and said you know this is in violation of cyber law that we have a few speakers originally about the kingdom, so they pull the episode in Saudi Arabia or justice. This is the saudi re. Yes, there look. It became a thing because you know, but what did you see made a bullet
I just had a hot take. I was like martyrs bad. You shouldn't, kill journalists and consulates You said Abigail Hague Super down here today and to try to be more entertaining that's what I learned. I learned you gotta be more entertaining specifically about Saudi Arabia brown princess address, specifically, that's why I gotta be funnier for the Prince Colleagues, you know look man. This is a learning experience for me. I thought about it. I, like fifty cent, went over their agenda. Jackson went over. Their tiger went over there all the heavy hitters. So what I gotta do is I just gotta go to Saudi Arabia. If the entire royal family together go to a hotel, maybe like the four seasons in Riyadh and lock the doors until they think I'm entertaining enough when you did, the White House corresponded than any other seventeen right, even making jokes about the Trump administration, and you still think having matter now, what making it worse, yet hilarious, yeah yeah, I mean look like what's happening right right,
is like dire by it, doesn't make what he does any less funny you see when you have. The candy Barneys. Putting on the millions have I got an opportunity. Tat was allow the May. That is that they had the book. It right then decide what why he put it on the head and then slid often when its issues I just be resolved, to put it right on like what is just be a human being, why nobody asked him about it. I've wanted a lie. What what were you gonna get head and tat? You don't know what it was insane: its aim, how you knock it to make fun of that moments like that. We're, like a genuinely a strange bizarre person, ever see the one with the umbrella he goes. He has the umbrella he's goin up the stairs. He gets to the plain doesn't know to do the umbrella. You close an umbrella, your human being. He just lie the umbrella there. It blocks the door and he keeps boy, you programme youth. Only though an umbrella journals
rich guy, like that it was my mother S. Somebody hold a number had a father, nor am I right or actually black the play. Nobody can get over the years. This tendencies, goodness gracious. Weird bizarre thing: what have you learned about mental health space since you? You did this episode What if I learned near, I think that the biggest then I've learned are the way he's in which insurance companies will deny treatment. One of the things that's the scariest is the fail first model so say you have, unfortunately, a child whose dealing with severe depression or anorexia You know the treatment that they deserve. You know the specialist they may need to go to your insurance company is gonna. Make you fail? First
at their lower thing. Then you have to operate to the next. Medication is the next and the next and the next and there's all these terrible human interest stories where kids teenagers are dying early because of suicide and other things, because they didn't get the care that they needed it. Air excuse, it didn't wanna, get kids hooked on high profile, drugs or neuron drugstore, but each small things out small. Also to see if those workforce store, but what about something like in home treatment, which is very expensive- and you know your child needs that Burkina we showed a story of, Earl. Unfortunately, her her sister had passed away from suicide and she was feeling that the angst at in that depression and they ask for in home care and deny that in his errand- and she also took her on my stuff like that: when you do your jokes, you ever not do a job, because you know that your Mama data be watching us not that actually, the biggest thing to me is whenever I do a joke in front think about where what much on a diet.
Who wrote you are not even about me like I'm at the point now where I like, if mom and dad say something about a joke like a mom dad light come on, I got paper classification. You can't tell me that you can't tell me that but really is like I. If all These things are gonna, be analyzed scrutinised like for me, if I'm an appointed at something better, be worth it for me right. Is there a hero to die on twenty may mean a lot, a healthy diet and has a lot of powerful people. Does that to make fun of you? Don't I mean there's a lot of things to make one other thing that more, but I don't know. I realise that when you start debating about third thing, you like oh, really care about this you're not evade you have an opinion. You stage open eyeglass, we won t. I got in trouble with everybody disorders. I must have known me when you thought months check the thought of him. I thought you might. In a bit much blacken, Hindostan, overprotective, five. Yet and like all that stuff to me, that's not Antonio! I held a diet is when I went to Congress and was like you have got to acknowledge that.
This is a problem that is affecting a gap. That is something where you got. You go Roseanne, God you what what Capra Nick was trying to stand that that is a yell. The dire got your conversation, as happened with the NBA in China, like we have these huge global brands. Wits your ship? What are we gonna do about a guy to NASA Hilda touch me. Academic. I mean you know him. A real conversation, that's not stupid as yeah outrage, you called zone. So this like to me, I'm I'm not even worried about that. I wasn't You know I mean you only have so many shots. You know new asset. We appreciate you join another phenomenon and a seminars uses vision. I now every got the right now is to breakfast club. Gomorrah procedures morning. Everybody! We are the breakfast club good morning. Yesterday we change age. We hear the whole day from six a m to twelve midnight and we re
over six hundred and seventy thousand thou that's right made and the efforts don't stop. After last night you can still donate to change, but change. All you have to do is text. The word change number two five to one idea or you can go to W W W that BC. That's for breakfast club, easy change and am afore changed. I can't be sea change for change, that and I also want to say men and over the past four years to change the chain. Radio thought is raised. The one point: seven million dollars to benefit various organizations. Yesterday, the Turbid Marshall College Fund would go the APC you last year was project three. Seventy five, which helps the radically the stigma mental in the year before that with gathering for justice movement. Ok, talk about all the ratchetness and all the things you don't like about the breakfast club. Just make sure you talk about the good stuff to correct okay. Alright, would you do if you don't imma take Smd?
they are going to act in this vote on balance better to get it from the home. Is that I'm scramble for the whole about things and then tell people the assembly, those representing the double resolutely donors imbue individualism? Now that I have one that is true We dump deserve our governments that avoids well, In that case the saga about Judge Joe Brown. You went in there s your d, never despair, blackmailing the girl. Well, he at eight. We, as you just said, I heard it, but I don mean know this spectrum. You got a difference of opinion. Ok around we'll talk about when we come back to breakfast outcome on this, is that we urgently need this club. I write. Well, I guess was that with that story, let me first make is dealt with dear you're, gonna, listen, I'm jealous.
Brown is not too happy about the breakfast club. Now he went on social media to qualify and I think it's because of this conversation that we commented on this is what Judge Joe Brown had to say about Harriet, Tubman and feminists. All about the twenty other bill occurred, but you don't have a problem with a black woman ever Mister Harry tat would be a memorial lot. I gotta be a problem if it's on a bill before I put a black man space on Y, a big problem bias. Why do you gotta get notably advantage over an ethnic group is determined by its me and nodded swim in it? You put a mad woman on their before black man is insulting said, the black rays. Because you say had a a day on a war up a bird Now we do not agree with those sentiments right
in vain. I added about would judge your browser was ignorant and I said that he sounded like time version. Harriet Tubman would a shot raspberry chauvinist Tommy DARE done. There was a great leader who led women and men to freedom. She's, a real life, severe Otis ass. She shouldn't beyond twenty dollar bill because you twisted procession, the patriarchy is just too well. He posted I've challenge these moist soggy jelly failed breakfast pap tied to a debate alight potter, let's see if live from companies to debate me manhood. I wasn't betting, they don't that bilingual in it. Then judge even become the leader because of your agenda. Ok presence is more than just just being there. All right, and how are you tell me? The presence is still felt to this day judge Joe Brown Field by Julia Roberts on the twenty dollars bill. That's what I wanted to know what he said if it weren't for Menzi, eagles you'd still be living in caves and gathering instead of shopping
and I would just your Braga come up here any time. In fact, he was scheduled to come on the shoulder there's a couple years ago here, but back in the day, but he will for some reason you under the impression that we would biplane today when the plane ticket, beginning and costs of playing dignity when it causing one or the other woman. I would have no, we wouldn't know he was writing that. I would never paid for, but I don't know what type of show he thought I was when I got out oration, noting that it was like a fake show that we would a big argument and include equal moist, Bulgaria and soggy, so you mind you mad about ways but do not deliver him being called his eyes. I believe you saw him his head. You little cabin boy, you see were called jelly filled, it was nice. Look right now, such about RE day versus princess alive
The says that was upset because she said they re left her stranded in Vegas. She pose. You left me a melody stranded in Vegas in black me from calling. Now you want oppose family photos hashtag by ugly, and then you posted Eddie. IRAN, Instagram well raises, as that is not true. Here is what he responded to assume. I would do anything the harm a diary, I love my nose. You see an ice don't understand how somebody he gave stranded we now they re, poligized, for Nothing is happening. Supposed to be at the we haven't. I a baby company in these things, posted? Do the devils I can but he's not working hard enough. He will never work hard enough because a family is something that will always dive. I radioset was alive, expressing his feelings in actually there's a love letter,
comment on his live under their daughters, name, melody love, nor would she said filing for divorce. When I get back to allay now, princess love has told side as Well- here's what she said he me to move to Vegas and, unlike now, I don't want to moves to Vegas. So he's lay. What can you please consider it and I'm like? now I dont want to move to Vegas. It's not even thought even filtering. I dont want to vague, as this is not the place to have kids our rights. I guess that's the use that they're having now. What do you do when you are significant other ones too? someplace in you know, wanna live that place Well, I was like there are new compromise, Alma soggy noise, marriage on listening to my wife and family life. Abbe, like I'm listening now, depending on the situation of, is something I can make our lives better.
You know me, I'm gonna do that depends what it is like, for instance, if his work and I had to go and we gotta get this money, we gotta have render we gotta go, but it is something I have an option: Alison, Somalia, a Mamma, do address fornicate, never taken. My heart has been heavy for the last pass. Weak and miss me maybe melody so much. It hurts I'm. So sorry, the world has to watch a young relationship like eyes fall down in order he salad in a relationship. You have to keep people out of it and that guy work it out. But this has been the case. I will continue being the best Man and Father. I can be no matter what's on. It is time that respect there is nothing. Love took a l this time, all right, I'm Angela YE, and that is your room, a report all right. Thank you. Miss you shoulda. Yes, therefore, even a doll could do for half an hour. I gotta go to my free, restate the whole world. Is called floored gonna break in yeah- I guess I'll, always head above water, but today women have a conversation about compassion or can write The terrible moment world is more compassion. I write or get, incidentally,
keep it lacked the breakfast locomotive. Measured only watch a flow of people in America come from the rocks in all of our adoption. Lord a man had tapped and eighty Amphora very strange reason, given too much money. Florida banners arrested after opening the door to his home in an attempt to electrocute is totally police arrested. Lando man we're talking of Romania, the breakfast club, bridging Nokia, the dairy. The main a guy on the way out. Even then, you get your last flawed dog you today for Friday November. Twenty second goes to a seventy two yo vulgar Ratan, never heard TAT go right. A moment is flawed as though it is gonna rotten, local returned uncle, retire, may name. Sandy Hawkins are right, who is facing criminal charges after incident? He had this week in a big.
Flawed and now. What does your uncle shall always tell you? The craziest pupil in America come from the rocks and all the flawed. It is never changing people. This is not an opinion. Is this site has been proven over and over and over again, and today, story is no different. Now, in life I believe we need more compact for one another. We need more compassion for ourselves, compassionate, you are the more conscious you, ok, you conscious of how you feel it. Conscious of how others feel compassion is the human capacity that is involved with one species to fill a specific function. What is dead punching you say I would say, the alleviation of suffering noticed. I said, are ok all of us that accords is planted together. This big Arap, Coquet someone you have combined. For other you make life is, if everybody, because you not just think it emerges if you think about your actions. If I gotta people, when you think about how the people fail, five gives dandy, Hopkinson credit. Ok, this person is compassion, human, ok, in fact some would say outcome.
Ethnic criminal I leave and we need more of those in our society. I mean people going the crime and somebody I need to be nicer about. Ok, no one. The store you understand, let's go to them The tv embassy, five republics. Seventy three year old West Balkan man is in jail, accused robbing a back. What makes this It is that investigator say he gave saw that money back during the alleged robbery, bad man Sandy Hawkins is here in the county jail and those who know him to score It is a nice elderly man whose life they say apparently took a bad turn. The sheriffs Hawkins wearing, I make Amerika great shared, passed a note to its Heller at this wells. Go on Monday saying you had a weapon and demanding eleven hundred dollars investigators, say: Hawkins gave back some of the cash when the teller gave him too much and he losses is wife and he wasn't happy anymore friends of Hawkins say
Hawkins was despondent, no longer working and living with a friend just a mile or two from the bank, and talking of moving to Canada or even Mexico, they arrest. It says. Deputies found Hawkins a day later sitting on an electrical box. Friends say it seems, Hawkins wanted to be hot. Thank you want to get caught, so he could be taken. Care is not. Another impact is the case in practice to the means of and he seemed to be committing crimes. Out of necessity, now would say: no said. If you want to take a penitentiary chance. Just take it easy getting less time because you took less money to charge, will be the same if you going to do it just do it who robs bank for exact change? Okay, and that not question this man. Okay, I got a quest Spain is every three years old. He robbed for eleven hundred dollars. It gave him who and he gave Nine hundred I'll be back think about it when you go to restaurants and they give you the money back,
too much changed back. Are you actually give people too much money when you lose money and then oppressor eternity retarded? Do you think about the respect you have for those people? Ok about, then I go out Storage, your faith in the world, all right that it should the justice system, compassion on Saturday. Hopkins was think about it. The man lost his wife to cancer. He said three is all he wasn't happy you doing great financially ages wanted to be caught, so he could be taken era, taking care of, do, we have come, informal keg of you'll have to get donkey if we Take a vote in the room. Actually, do you have compassion for this men kind? Have this extenuating circumstances? Ok, and we do have compassion for dismay. I got one question I, as a native first part: did you bring a gun into two male? Yet I think I know that they give me eleven hundred dollars now idea and Intel accounted out. Two thousand ass, an impasse. Ok, let's play a game first, just why
right. Where gave a bow before we decide you confused me: lobbies, look up Sandy Hawkins Sandy, ok, flawed Florida three years, every three wins it a bank, Make American great again assured. I guess gave him a note that they give me eleven hundred dollars now correct, aright brown people say you wanted to get caught because you wanted somebody to take care of his wife died years ago? Do you have compassion for this man right? They saw me. Yes, the confused employees. Anyone magistrate right. Yes, within you said he wanted to go to either Canada or Mexico right was it. I think that kind of confusingly think of Atlantis confused me mega. Usually I'm thinking white, but they Mexico, you don't want to local mega lovers. Wouldn't wanna go to Mexico was actually maybe cobble, maybe cobble. Why it's? Ok,
There has to be its swift in here somewhere. Ok, because is too easy to to assume white from other those clues, Macmurdo Rave, again shirt Florida rob too big for exact chain of shit, about his wife dying. Yes, just one, illustration that waste is wanted? Somebody in Spain? the courageously see I would say that is but I feel like I should say something else. Legwork I don't know. Maybe hispanic me, Usually you Fiji and wheat. Yes, one of you is right. One of you is wrong, and so I'm going to have they d J envy you are doing is called thirty. All configure your right.
Nowadays? It is. Why do we still Van Louis do comprising form you wanted to go to jail you, so you want good. He wanted somebody take care of, have compassion. Think about all the brothers is a nerd was just ideas Ellen low crack. They needed to keep delight zone. I dare say Jerry case, think about the colored folks who have committed crimes, because we want tat family. I didn't think you shouldn't go to jail. I just said I compassion for him. I would be honest with you the best form a cab, giving him the biggest. He gives a male big ass. He ha compassionate gonna tell but still Josiana gives me because you live like that is way too much down main age. I'm sorry that his wife died as well, but he's what low prevention plan near nicely.
Those clarity at every opportunity and seventy three of the life to get ahead array lag and I still have I would thank you for getting care him. They twist Bosnia was so ones on welfare, coordinate. An opaque writes that he wanted might take a ride. Indiscreet when we come back. Partisan Fontaine will be joining. Is miss out right now. If you aren't underrated, so we will not allow missile project. A project is behind the Gazelle right now I will tell tee when we come back to breakfast cloak morning, the breakfast the world's most dangerous boarding morning. Everybody is D J envy Angela Ye Charlemagne ago. We are the breakfast club. We got us pursue guess in Berlin. Part of the five day. My guy, you haven't, drop more into zones in the years since twenty fifty, no ok. So I, but you got underrated out now not supposed to be here. That would do with, or you agree to, those of its invited.
Were you drop. Musing may doubt is like trying to figure out the time in it The visuals on a perfection is I'll, get him all away a lot, but all in all it always works. Always lies are perfectly that doesn't make Sabre project an album, These are projects of mixed Taber. Islands is agent against the music out to the work on us with this was my first opportunity to put some room Musica now they. Would you not supposed to be here right out? Your first full body of work into force organism is not day it at what point Party, feel like ease arrived? Oh no, fool! I was you feel like you done it. You ve, arrived new. Sadly, nothing ass. We ve got a plan. Gotta platinum, single, it goes right and credit. You didn't money, in it, the boy we go further good in that they have still not the latin language. How do you do would you go give away which you ok, Could you give me a lot of hits and forest writings dessert?
as for me. I know I know what I'm going to stop me. If I'm wrong with. Somebody obviously already got this person Numa, as how do you know really goes right, a procedure, a none at all coral Koran. I've got a few more front anything about that is. Everybody brings up like the same to me, We cannot say the same. Fame sounds all done. Nobody brings up like the stuff delicate, a most proud about. You like the most impact lie. What like, oh Selina embodies a injury. It turns the packet bags you won't ever out if you gotta long term settlement? A? U need cash now right now. Like the rest of your president? Everybody knows my word, but nobody brings. We are formed part of doing that. All. Why would we have as a body that bore brow we
far above the evanescent rate. As a kid you not for years, always seemed to me brow. Listen, in this way he saw battened down like you bring it up, so you got all everybody begins with Party lie over that. It was again. If you do not. One reckon on oil is adding hot on your project on the new joint underrated that I heard, and I think he should it had to somebody tough tone will you those was goofy knew you say there Y know me wiser. Lozada chrism, as though is the we regulate ongoing. Outside of a people. Know me for yes, That is very true, so I had to think about that. I was listening to it. I was like I feel like he should have gave it to somebody, but then it is a good record. Therefore, gap will be the same rights as is oh my boy, oh swank, or did asthma asthma. Small me did you will go due to production. He did
We hope that a new wages gave life However, while we did there's only three years ago, we hear about them years ago. My liberal, my mom group s answer farmers, rather than nanos awarded out before definitely I'll ever know me that someone there s crazy work people need to get you a whole different light, much Auburn hair me for years, but let us look at the bottom so I got me I'm like did the right thing in it and this new. I have something I know it's like I. If I'm never going to vote, I'll. Wait! No me for it. Is it going to be to town, so I had to put that on the I don't think he's weird at an era where people flood the Magua music Youtube do the exact opposite hey now, when I drop people are so excited everybody come, they want to listen to it cuz. They know it's going to be a quality body. Work for, like everybody, can put out this that and the third and I feel, like I still got fans that talk about not not supposed to be here because it took such a long time. For me to put it together- and I took my time
handcrafted. It was a baby and I'm saying bye to me all nine months to make it and then put it out, but now it's fine that are staying at the time. But if you go back to that, you, like yes, but we will, I don't know you been grown and for a long time, people being allowed terms overnight. Says happened right away. How long have you been grinding and it was somebody jobs you day why you, a rapid, bore onward amenities for ten years Ten years have been cells associate sex off. If I don't know, I worked at night, our library cover, regardless of their I've, been a substitute teacher. The only programme any Newberg. If you got any, above associates. You could teach in Spanish toward size vantages, nor, like big of your work, she was you know with the kids, but I was like a kid favours always late, You ask us to teach you if you had all down to not let me out here they let me word, but
I was in. I wasn't specula beat it along, so I went, and I told him first name, you don't stadium, Misty, Jordan. I was trying to be the cool teacher now I'm here for six months and I'm like I we'll make them respect. We now call me Burma. For his name or not, but it was still Adobe's burns. Oh you right we enable medical case refused to go to high school good, I knew that you would. I fight Bro, he's out there you know says no. Nobody elbowed a middle school girls was like trying to tell me where you are Mattel. My mom is removed babies, unlike what are you doing number one! Well, you some because the age guy wasn't there big, nay, he saw my I'm definitely go to high school on bail out of his way. Legal gylippus alone, no older one thing up I'd like to, but you you always revenue by re, not like we're not all know an odd is what they tell me what he from. So what went? What two people not know about Newberg you make it sound. Like is an ado. Yes
You may decide someplace, you should never go. A lesson from net is needed. Is a herd is absolutely right and I think there are the thing I really try to get a cross about it is there people dont know what it is you know is foreign to aloud, Well, as you did Tom well as you so drugs, you moved and wait a bit. You bridle noise, but though is. There was nobody else from me. Like you know you guys are encouraging. I came neck rebel, we got Jones Lodge wasn t even Yonkers got locks in one night. Oh Brooklyn got numerous people Neuber, Never had one success story in your Bobby me in incapable any details Organizing this, No by that we advocate, look too to be like I'd. They did Zaga. Do it that way, coming up desperately where you hit him with music. For me, there was no rapid. Actually you how you did it. Nobody could take me under the wing the bite of course, on. Nobody can show me the right way to do. None of that via to figure it out an arm.
And that's why some points are always talk about Neuber, because I feel like now I'm giving opportunity, maybe right. Here's a big step by all party own breakfast club Namesneezer, I'm his habit, We got more partisan phronsie when we come back. Let's get into his joy is called pay. Your bills is to breakfast locomotive I say not. Everybody is the J envy. Angela ye shall I mean a god we are. The breakfast club is taking a partisan fontaine. Shall I would you grow vibe into me mob yo. My personal influence in this was dear Mexico to people that, let me know like. I gave a voice in this day. Like this study talk about my stuff. Related to me cuz. I grew up in the church like I was in church five days a week. I couldn't listen to rap in my house. You know I'm saying so for Dmx to be Talkin about all the gospel stuff that he did on that flesh of my flesh blood of my.
Oh yeah resonated women in a car you're, making a big gap between being alike, Benny, Siegel and common sense. But about organ retail do knows Asta Let me know I had a story. Must work, be told to note as well. No kind. You wanted you to write to him possible line about reader brought when you say that a good? too many hangs. Could I found working towards love. You got me up your allows a crazed, that was a cool out of each other. First off I hit up pushing and I'm like, I'm like. I want to get push on my tape and I'm like y'all, got a joint he's like you're. That's crazy! You hit me up. He was just talkin about you he, like you, can give me a number of light.
Yeah saying you I bake on sailor. I beg you up. I go into a show good will show somewhere and by the time I got back at a text. Message though this is yea can occur. You know my hurry up before. Who are you talking about? I can't believe so. We got on a phoney deserves talk about ideas that have were but a project where he was dealing with. I went to express itself and if you are YO, can you come too come now lay tomorrow anyway, by now, tomorrow, a kid and where I come out this week and we flow collapses by their respective faggot, you put your family first, the other example just drop decade out. Ninety nine percent of the people to drive. There came no, how you have kind ache idea as a car you out,
a thousand. What the government would it we're gonna sovereignty over their music. We worked on the eve of the year is funny took his. We, we started working calabash, the already eighty seven song ideas in those five. Everything was fine. Unless we work when, MR and by the time we got the Wyoming, yes scrapped. All seven songs, I wonder, do seven new songs and it's we did. With the gas lamp, not let our surprisingly go to them. Super godlike, ignoring asthma backroom. Absolutely nothing. You say you don't really worth that. Does your background. You know things. I know your untested watch affair is kerchief. Thirty, four It is that it Jersey nobody language. Autonomy is a real man. Now
here. You go you care for my history on on schedule, scriptures. Never my starting point. No undue scripture, memorize known it gonna gonna watch, your Easter Sunday Donna Little Pass, it always messed up. I can't remember NATO's what my dear within five days a week sound very far. Right now are very positive. For some books zones and what is it a song? one day when we produce lie mad as many as five right do. I will bless the Lord at all times: praise not continually being now see a new
with all my life, I will not only be a most trying to pause the passion you gotta Jesus. You cannot tell me description also, why won't load at all, as I will bless you hurry. You made evident energy. Allow me when you got no more hot yacht loudly about ass, the sinners favoured. We're not going to let you for me. Ok, Would you know when you do under that's the one Now Robin did the requirement Robin argued about a loving apartment which is allowed to me. Would let me legal guarantees about, like basketball, reverences glad to think about my damn. You hear rapid.
The board, my Romany, did all song without an indication to him Do the dirty work, lay Robert Onawandah, what I was thinking. I know what is doubly. I guy most iconic best web lazier, yes and then a theme, a guitar magazine, Rama documentary came aimed, as this will have any actually reached out to day, like Yo Yo lungs, crazy, oh my cave, I saw anymore stop playing song or that it gave me like two autograph during the rest of Europe. The new became in New York and he was lying on a uniform Change me like you all want to. I want to go to some type of forget. The type of spot was that I'm like Brian by the gardeners bowed northerly. He asked me to come in, but sometimes but I knew I looked it up and it happens to be one of those joys where ya like it was hot bath
oh yeah, solidarity for thirty minute notion, Burma Year Buddhist Barboza Regos, and do today the job meted out. The Lamy. Now still are we supposed to link up. We want dislike some emerged of book. We definitely doubly goaded aspire. As regards what will happen if you would have done that goes borrowing enough I'll, not just first meeting. I now know what crazy the sober Repsol me one. Favour, render the computerized isn't a bit. I love regulated at boy. Wonder right, yeah you, within the gay managed it I'll know who did what first, but I'm gonna get hard white joint. What happened
direct wagons. You still use grounds they want it, but we can have my rooms like they do over. The airlines are made of one's own. Oh no home To my knowledge, I thought I had a virus. I thought it on the floor. Binga's Windham made it, but hit me up. Vine was a very close so and I'm and I'm cool with vinyls as well, so I'll as wine. A budget vandals- maybe so you know, is going not invest work out from. Is there a way to put it out? I mostly plain Roma G story. I believe one car, like you, think I'd. I think somebody has got there be looked into it behold. It was Maggie well you know, I mean my eyes crazy, so it's not like a really do about it, but way forward, but a drop. She did not like that
MR put it out of the freestyle book. A prairie live neither snatched off of April the down over half of every boy instantaneously. I order you live like eight hours. No matter what up, because they thought that you was one of the people that was planning on taking Nicki Minaj out right, so you got that you got to think it's Atlantic records it Scotty, took the beating Cartier RAP Charlemagne? Oh, oh, my What is really I'm not going to do with me? You never use also allows all you because clearly rap Charlemagne. That's about a call to rub envied stillborn asking about you ve! Just oh no show like you knew about using brought trammels, maybe rat dramas you ve been. So why were way too? Did she thinks that we'd all? I got a few things. That is this image. Plot against her? I write not above the watching his right now, Madge, because God gotta bring the game and not name of what we're talking about a particular situation too hard white verses, after all. American who got
They took it down during the day, down everywhere. Now. Lives on sound club, says gonna sell club here am I If, though, you but area now they to get their outcome out right now, begging party, I'm having that is the breakfast club. Gomorrah. The breakfast club, the bad sign, these talks and Angela eat breakfast. You guys are clear. We didn't have Byron Alan up here, and the breakfast club took me by his discriminating case against Comcast Ray you're doesn t I write well, apparently, com as has been using, did his name to as an example of their inclusive practices with respect to african American on cable networks. What did he has put out a statement about Comcast and Byron Alice Discrimination case and he's
that is important. People really understand. What's is at stake. He said I'm involved. I can only share the truth of my experience. Starting an independent cable network is incredibly difficult and capital intensive. The start we receive from Comcast, which condition of the United States. Government approval for Comcast to acquire Embassy Universal was important, but is not the level of support needed to build a successful african American network, not even close, he says. Is that on. Our relationship has now grown. Emma vote is still not carry by Comcast in them. Affordable packages, nor is about available and all the markets that will enable us to serve our target audience. So he said it. Is an unacceptable anything Comcast and billions of dollars on content networks every year by just a few more. You gotta african american own networks, like revolt, that's his statement, local! So he's siding with Iron Alan on this course our right now, since we are talking about things like the african american community, that's like about terror, Owens Verse, his DNA Smith. As you know, Stephen ACE midday criticized,
filing cabinet and always had this to say about Stephen s- meant what he wanted was transparency for people to see the full work out to see the full calling cabinet again you mentioned obviously MAX is to get in here likes I'm in the street max almost blackening used even a with with with with weapons with which he come in time with the commentator Tommy. What what? What I'll do it? Let me just say a doll you meet with different when I'm a check you right now, you don't Claude, say Thomas Summit of women, you don't love. That's very said, is, is paean White Coat MAX Kellerman seems Ankara than him was given a men are horse was not have in that at all and here's how responded any of y'all that wanted debate me in front of black people and talk about was best for black people name the time and place I'll show up? What's that
the national blackness. Why you given the impression that, because I dont much lockstep with every single thing that calling cap- and it was just set up the used- an expression more black? Excuse me for my squeeze know your way. You ain't, the only you ate the only brother out the death in the streets of many streets every day, yeah I hated the whole exchange. I hated that exchange number one because it happened in front a white people number two. We got to stop saying was there like. A white person is black and in a black person, edges and ignorant statement because MAX's white Scanners- static, will always afford him, a privilege that Stevens black skin wants and just because MAX Kellerman is saying what you want to hear. It doesn't mean he's black and Stephen, a Smith like y'all, sound, crazy and number three. Why is blackness always got to come back to the streets? like somebody being street like people will not monolithic discreet, not the only thing we with Associated won't like a Marquis, has come from the screen it now Make them any less black I alone is. There was
as a result of above film industries, to value, even if not all the relevant ain't indiscreet now and not anymore. I fly now, let's discuss them great things happening, carry one. Indeed announced that he is directing an episode of and secure now the way there you did it and ass it on twitter and then she put out video with her wrapping. You rector of execution, We hope that your glasses, I'm about to direct secure. We go if not a scandal and the cash is fire and the show you guys know easily wraps, all the time. Insecurity has basically what she was doing soccer and showed me a lot of scandal of you. Pull references and met, absorbed and skill can wait to see that end. Let's grab, let me when I know I brought this up earlier now we tell
before that he said he is retired and he's done with boxing and he's not going. To the ring he's satisfied, You're tired invaded right. Well, now this Low NAFTA may weather is saying that he is coming retirement? So I don't know exact. We what that means. I don't have that means that he's gonna fight again or if that means he's be doing some promoting or on that exact You sure, because he has been very specific by Do you know that he is working with Dana White and is gonna be some type of event happening and twenty twenty he said working together to bring the word. Another spectacular events flowed the floor. May was a mammal joe, you gotta know and hold them knowing afford them airflow they wasn't. I meant no, through anything, you'll be door. I now you just be doing for money. There might be something else Army who knows what it is. I mean out that he should be, might need the money. I doubt it, but I don't get it. I write Evelyn is that in the meantime, it says that she will abstain from premarital sex and she wants to be
You speak to young girls who said where she came from and be a role model. You tell this to Bawler alert. She said I felt like in previous relationships are less a piece of me. Every time I had sex weather and she said to me or not with what my journey is, if they're not with it, and I felt like a kind of clear out the b s. So that's what I from my life, and she said people will have an opinion on your life. Every one as a negative things. That's fine, sir. I just feel like all I can do is really just do the best I can, as they focus on what I'm trying to accomplish. And do with my life. She has a guy baptize by the way are respected. There was no, no, you can like stop having premarital sites like once, you read premarital sites you ve had a lot of people do Adobe stopping abstain entirely out of one them right wording for moves. You disable standing from such Maronite. Now he's not gonna have sex again and says he gets married were rewarded. Another somebody I grew up and she got save and she didn't have sex again and she still hasn't crises. Mary congratulations and then has been like fifteen years Jesus.
I write when I'm usually and as soon as possible and on the web is calling on the main with Jesus, because she got she devil, ignore, embedded allowed pensioners. Lord have mercy now right would thank you for that. You you're, welcome. Revolt will see you guys or a couple weeks rikers next week we also revolt, we'll see you know you're coming back and after we write, one week, aright revolt within a week, everybody else people choice mixes up, let's get requesting, is the breakfast locomotive more everybody- is D J, Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy? We are the breakfast club now again shouts of all you guys out there. You know. Yesterday we did in future. If you hear from six a m to midnight on third annual change, would change radio thorn? Will we raise money for various organizations? That's right, you know. Usually organ is not. Usually all organizations that a black owned and ran we did to gathering for justice movement were Harry Bela faulty the first year of the second year. The project three, seventy five at random. Also the organization eradicate the stigma, mental health, and yesterday we
There are good Marshall College Fund, which gives Need bay, scholarships to recipients twenty twenty one academic year at each pc, you that's right raised over six. Seventy thousand Alison again and you can still don't eight thousand. Only that's gas to things giving you can text changed five too. When I see what you can go to BC chain Cinema for change that can be seen, teens pertains to come and Johnnie Farragut call the donations being ceptin until November. Twenty nine. Ok, yes, man! Is it don't take it for granted. You know sit on his radio and be able to re that kind of money and to be able to give that kind of money to the people who actually needed. Knowing that we will be helping. You kid, your five thousand dollars scholarships man, six hundred seventy thousand out as of right now and eighteen hours we raised six hundred and thousand dollars. That's a lot of scholarship I know next week the number of even bigger, but just thank you, and thank you to all of the business owners. All his laboratory ease all at a entrepreneurs, but most
we are listeners who donated fire out of ten dollars. Twenty hours get out a hundred thousand dollars. You also appreciated- and you so to see this week that will reflect in in a generation in a future mass, or thank you very much. We did it, we did it absolutely dead and the partisan Fontaine for joining us this morning? Also Hassan menage? Yes, and I had the holidays. Are you coming up next LISA everybody stay healthy envy you here to be even longer when you come back and I'm actually, you are my goals to cause I'm trying to get my hair healthier and get it to grow back in so we'll see, I do less use here, goes back. I'm taking these here affinity pills esoteric. Like you, these vitamins model Nurturer he's a bottom. Is there are natural, do and am yes, it was you. This money is resolution to let my hair grow as has been so damaged, and what here, again these books. I believe
back positive, no, don't move to breakfast club. Kimono morning everybody is D, J, Envy Angel Ye Charlemagne ago. We are the breakfast club in asylum in Europe. Has no vote even farther note. I would just like to say you need the Irish Allah more often kids, member a couple these low, on November fifteen from Mason Rude, often miles guy got into a married. His last Thursday, Railway Hammett YO amazing mild get points were hit me so rude offered his helmet eyes on his radio. Ah, miles, Garrett gotta do is say to Mason rude cod. Anwar end. It was my guard befits yeah. What do you want? mob guy defence. Yesterday, yard said peels hearing that Mason Rudolf caught him. A racial slur ya think online played a clip from November fifteen. When I say this, yeah, I listen mild guy was dead wrong. You know me, but he could have easily just said. Let me comment the bottom of the pile plan. You know I'd just reacted, you know, that's it. So he listened to show listen to me
stop treating me like the buggy and linking roughy, and nor are we talking about ok, now the moral of the story, the pilot unknown, actually says The changes to the always remember. We must give more in order to get more The generous giving of ourselves that produces the generous Harvey's amen for every bit as critical yonder. Although this rambert and you were listening to my voice, which commands trust and respect yes, what my My guess is back and that's a win for everyone. If you're alone, I listened to the show you probably already know the deal each week. Bring you hard hitting journalism and also light entertainment. I contain multitudes find the wrong guinea, biogas on the Iheart, radio, app apple pie, guess or where ever you get your pockets. Deepen rural, New Hampshire, on the side of it highway. The hill witness a light in the sky, a cry:
oft hovering above a field day, That was the end of their story. Two years later under hypnosis. They would learn that there is more that night. So what had they forgot. Each case of Betty and Barney Hell this season on strange arrivals, cope action of I radio and grim and mild from Aaron. Maggie listen the strange arrivals on the Iheart Radio, app on Apple podcast sore wherever you get your podcast.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-05.