« The Breakfast Club

Arsenio Hall and Anderson Paak + Bruno Mars Interview


Today on the show we aired the exclusive interview with Charlamagne and Arsenio Hall, as they discussed the new movie Coming to America 2, which is out today on Amazon Prime. Also, Bruno Mars and Anderson Paak now known as the group "Silk Sonic" called in and spoke about their new song "Leave the Door Open", old school music being theit impact and more. Charlamagne also gave "Donkey of the Day" to Tampa police for firing a Black school resource officer for saying the N- word and Angela nominated lifestyle blogger Curly Nikki for his Woman's history month segment.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Miller. High life is the champagne obese. What do I mean by that? You ask? Well, it's a quality, refreshing bade us all with it. The right price Miller, high life had been brood same way. Since new year's eve in nineteen o three, which is a hundred and eighteen years, they have been consistently making quality, be what refreshing, champagne like tiny bubbles and then I kind of glass bottle it is unpretentious and made accessible to all. But most importantly, this is a drink. Then how she celebrate all kinds of moments. In your life, such as birthdays, anniversaries and days, we were able to relax and kick it with friends and family Miller Life to champagne, abyss, equality, beer within everyone's reach, celebrate responsibly Miller, Brewing Company Milwaukee, Wisconsin, priested Planet, uncle, binding names, Charlemagne God, CO, founder of the black Affect podcast network in America's restaurants, need our support more than ever, and for many black on ITALY's stemming various further heightened by the pandemic have only increased challenges to success. Pests he's no digging
form is a multi year, multi million dollar commitment and provide tools and resources to help black own restaurants drive. So they could get a joy of food with as many people as possible go drive. A hundred million dollars in sales for black on restaurants over the next five years, dig in your community and joint emission by following Pepsi dig in on Facebook, Twitter Instagram have you ever needed the move because of family a job just needed a fresh start? What do you know how moving into a new place at times can be very difficult at state bomb? Everything they do is focused on building strong neighborhoods together before the nineteen thousand local agents across the country. They form is committed to being good neighbours wherever our customers find themselves in their communities right around the corner.
when you need them. Stay farm knows that a better world tomorrow start with strong neighbourhood. Today, like a good neighbour state farm, is there even so this morning is big day in everyday business banana, giving me the dreamer rubbing the wrong way was levied by the USA, Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, moaning angel yea, their minorities, Andy Charlemagne. Again, please do not let it is Friday dramas my base, our solo eyes or love
we turn myself, but what about now? Now better labelling come alive. Let me guess right there it s good right, you got a policy that will allow an awareness that is right about now. Learn a minority for heavy. What's happening, I was going What is our yes out? Everybody out in Atlanta? You know I love Elaine. I've done a lot in a land in the last year, or so I picked up a lot of real estate. I'm actually go my next real estate seminar onawandah next Sunday.
I just love Alina Lana is black excellent and I love a man. I was out last night eating a comical dinner and I just got a chapter with so many different brothers brothers in becoming coldly comical views a great star naval, a restaurant in the Mediterranean has complicated the co UK. How can I rise as rags resting lies? A cobbler called you are. You will you go to the cops from coal. We dismays food and a whole. Ok, no, copper coal, so I was out there last I just sharpening up above is about different things that adorn indifferent investments that they're doin, outspoken one brother. Yesterday's plays an mba any old cannabis licence how in the south- and he was telling me how he got it-
does the whole procedure of doing because I'm trying to get a jersey- maybe just tell it like it- is this great with so much black excellence in a land as they get the chaplet with. So many different people do in so many different things that you don't really get to see where they bother each having to debate with brothers that work at different stores for businesses or are really really enjoyed ass, a shelter but in a land. I'm here, I'm sure you have outlined in Atlanta, you investing in a little bit. Reading just a minute, but George is well so our houses in favour that we buy and houses on that particular loaded areas of land about different houses. There palpable an optional com. You lookin at a couple of building a couple, a multi units down here under my cautious. We send all that about why we here. So I just love a man, a man. Yes, a very cultural week into by we I mean you got NBA asked all weekend is with you, but you got a couple of movies.
because he's a talk show, God knows in your house, always buy me so much, and you know I've got a chance to talk to us. Then you're quite a few times, you know off the air disregard first public conversation on the air oh, come on magazine on Amazon, prime video right now so carefully. giving up. the conversations we were having a comical which is so funny we're talking about a whole when it is good to talk about a protest was so much in investing in this that Yemen, how much he is and what he turned to where you came from we already like you, what you think Goodbye mixed. Body. We like and others of a boy. team for sale right now, my we really know- and I will never lie we are. We Probably you re selling the cowboys. Whenever we don't know what we know you you, wouldn't you never know what he's doing you know he is literally the epitome of stay low and keep fire, and I love it. Great Christopher, while once said: stay low and keep fire love. It we'll ask it to show cracker. pays knows what we talked about.
Yes well, Joe Biden had some things to say about these mass mandates being removed, and now people are offended that he used the word. Neanderthal poker Where'd he go to you. That would have the effect. That word is the solemn ain't gonna be Papua we'll get to an exit. The breakfast go. You get that drink What will drag me play arena? We got without pay. Gmos dramas stopped everything for the direct. We get that right, we'll make sure you know we got that drives. You is no Drake and came out today is called was next spit known, as is the breakfast locomotive morning everybody's dj envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne ago we oughta breakfast club that was Drake. New Draken was next new Jake three saw, not you, colleagues, I guess it's just the three factors: money back, three back many I'll, say: Drake Bedded, insoluble, Almah why we don't be having drops as a new music from dry, but I'm not a produce.
Now right, wireless gains in front page news where we start you world So, with these mask mandate, there five days, Texas, Mississippi Iowa Montana in North Dakota- have ended. Orbits and state white mask mandates. Now. There's eleven states that ever actually required, vase covering state wide and that's Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina cell the quota and Tennessee. So, of course, Joe Biden, had something to say about that, and we discuss this yesterday. I hope we are fundamentally change the nature of this disease, because people last forget your old man load them? What what was wrong with our?
I looked at it, and Marco Rubio went on Twitter and he said President Biden Use of an old stereo type is hurtful to modern Europeans. Asians in American, to inherit about two percent of their genes from neanderthal. Ancestors should apologise for his insensitive comments. Is training on unconscious bias in any linked to us in an article there port it. I'm Prince in university research finding seventy ended. Our dna among Africans is allow my God middle finger to all that rhetoric living people on me and those, but just socially irresponsible, is as backwards average. Joe Biden shit is that is, as back was either we want a slowdown, Verona virus cases. Are we don't if mask approving the work? And you know you see, Kroner bark is going down all across the country where you ask was dead. Why would you tell me we're not where mass We would have a logo but- and I say anything because here the plot of a party where they use a whole other word to describe people would african DNA write. A word is a nigger
all right now. In the meantime, the house displayed the final text for a vote on the joint lay police reform bill. There was only one Publican that voted in favour of the joint laid justice and policing active banjo codes, and it would change these policies as well the only person that was a Republican voted for it was alive the good any the conservative and he, express enthusiastic support for Donald Trump, but he did vote by accident after the vote, he admitted that it was a mistake. You said accidently pressed the wrong voting button and realized it too late now gone from God God controlling will use our whenever you get on your knees and you pray for God, guy just steps, that's what that was just now by the bill did step to twenty two one twelve, so his vote did really matter, but he did make sure that he will officially on record, to reveal what is too thats where America gotta to pass through the Senate. Now, right, as to the house. I write about that.
their front page news, our I get it off my chest. Eight hundred foggy five one of five one. If you need event, it is a right now for lines, a wide open, again, eight hundred five, eight, One in five one is to breakfast locomotive the breakfast club of your time to get it off the agenda, the email or black from you, wanna breakfast glad. That's not my allows is mighty. Look here. came bemoaning the morning how you got Well, we got from Gaza from Savannah Georgia, George? You get it off my chest, don't lie that new rules, the radio Everybody is aimed at a teacher need teachers me there's that you don't find glad teachers kids, would involve a kid now. We are the first traverse the monitors and a full nutrition
the kids are within our fight last day? Why only to cover all happen from there? We never talk. Good luck to the bus drivers for the monitoring of nutrition Why do I? What a joy you write? A cages just started coming back to you or with the kids, in all Barcelona with it hears what else if they were virtual learner me the bust out his work as well as light, as already got really believe you and put their managers out good appeared to absolute right. One part, along with all the motion I was out there shout to older the JANET. as the main his people to fool. People appear the chef scenario. We appreciate you to your right. Yeah essential work is too you should be on if you want to acceding should be number one up there with the teaches on Alice Agri. only that we are able to lead a why that that got it all, you hear that teachers did that teaches that no teachers just started coming back
beer, wine, the bus drivers, the monitors have been goin out three burst out given to you need clear, faced the tricks with you kid, there. Now I would like you to be a deposit not in school, and we are committed to travellers launches a tea gown. I probably job over the bust out in a case could pick them up into, must absent. Outwitted kids could still ain't gonna. Let you know what free luncheon of you. I never. I never heard that is the first time here, namely to as we do in doing every day, why is it actually started but thank you. We appreciate it. We appreciate any everybody. He's been working so hard about this pandemic by everybody has been dealing with the lunches wit nutrition with job and is thus is yes, a law was there is locked out, of course, with global up. You know you got it,
Well, ok Fringy will receive Ricky right leg, ass, trembles other than those of the make up of disparate jam. Us Listen as it is a visit, beautiful woman she's, as you know, we're not each other type. Your shirt, What was it I don't want you want. I lose. I do you know where I type is. Let you are a boy lives or did not want you in no way shape or form. She was word not daddy is. How do you know you're, not hurting. You told him Now you were you, maybe that's it. Please? You hate that boys, you gotta my f boy, but let's be advocacy, was very fast beyond low dramas. into Jason Leave Molly would only our life is narrative. You got another day. You and I will do tat- was the connection hours a connection. I guess I highly enact lately when she say no, I say that
you can't tell it man looking good Jason. It looking good laws are lot, awaits us, Uk Mail, a global twins and looking good and look like a snack as I, but we gotta wrap up here tonight rapidly I wrap up must next to less known. I wanted. Even later crazy. Get it off jazz, eight hundred five, a thousand and five one if you need to it is up, Was the breakfast club bemoaning the breakfast got: wake up ass, primitive man or black? We want to hear from you what to do some things off my chest. Right furs died. I want to say that I don't have one Charlemagne linen Mikhail, be yesterday Lenore something they made. It seem like there was a security breach, heads on nervous and upset. Lay animal Then. Let me tell you what I was told. Ok, I'm sitting in this
Yo minding my business. Whenever suspicious grange activity now stairs security causa we get a call cause says. There's a guy down here. Looking for dj envy, It is not here today the guys, I refuse to leave until I get a kiss dj envy rights. He tells me the story and says that the guy has witnessed the true, because this guy wanted to give me a kiss right now. Light wilds somebody said the station in it won't leave because they are trying to get in touch with me or lose unnoticed. Much attack issue now mine, you we have security appear that call Security security go tell me. What are you talking about Charlemagne said, there's a wax at this and we have to. Basically regards appear. I call each what have we any calls you back Nvidia playing with. Nobody came up there. Look at that. Dad's, what's aid us found will take a lot of money. I think they didn't want to concern you, sir. It s all it was. You know me handle this situation. The threat of the kid was taken down. Ok shut up
the threat of the cases go right. I went by the team allow this buried it our own. Are you doin this morning a boy was ever get it off my chest: I want to get off my chest yesterday. I'll. Tell you more of the organ all day and I caught my wife. What my best we're gonna shoot up. Believing leaving my boys was his fire mobilise a poor, garee and seven months does not bear porter therefore it was, I got a phone call for my mom, my father, he got caught in the house tyrant. He didn't make it out so Allow mom. The call in the work and try to get myself together my boys and we got like a low dropped from Chicago Woes, Watford Illinois out away down the Tallahassee, Yet all sizes
there. Then you learn light rather he'll and guarantees. Much more There is a lesson that every morning before here in the work and everything you got, kids were positive manner. Charlemagne air got so much bad for you, girls. Usually I would be so much higher right now I don't want to leave behind, poor little steamer. I got guy love you to king and I wish I could do something to make. You he'll better, but I did one of those moments when you just gotta feel you feel, like you go into a right now ok only. I can tell you in trouble We don't last always noticed now. Cliche man, it might not be. My may not be a year from now may not be two years now, but you can definitely. You know from this not get over here. Completely yearly. That will heal somewhat. You can be rather better than you already. Are you would render. Oh, no, sir, The asylum is both were demands as they go out.
how long you just actual meet manager could needed, then cut me for the item. What would you say you just excited Ramos and envy? You said your white meat managing manages meet your meat near me, more than ever. A grocery store, that says on further eighteen years, oh just below roused me life golden everything in our meals for diesel promisingly. You know a rebel sense and is your address and draw most. A drop of Charlemagne spoke to you. In that way you have. His book it's almost it to discuss what is tells a story, one one dives intimate to health and if you just hold on the address me manager in Europe and in a drama starts talking about you know getting euro manages meat is just run Let me say in my lab, supporting our right to digital man. Are you going to again? Thank you?
so much appreciated Mary Lazarus LA hold on. I you get his writing was shut up. You know, somebody tell you something: soul harbouring is legit. You can't live in knowing what? What can we say? make their brother feel, but nothing right. Ass. Your best sprang on any woman gone. Lord. Have mercy making bodies job was the writing on our new was lower. We were may give when his job rumbles. We were just you know. Whose ringing and ensure that the eurozone is gonna, come on meat manager of a boy down among developing countries. We can let you may manage meeting the roman these groups that are already get it off your chest, eight hundred five, a firewall or fire. One of you need the venue two sub now give me their rooms on away yes and way ways. Daughters. I await had the opportunity to talk to Michel Obama about her but becoming, and here's a little snippet come in at next of what their conversation sounded like he was really beautiful.
we'll get internet next to breakfast locomotive. The breakfast. Do you ever feel like somebody's flies by, but may I feel, like I get my body fit toning even eat more healthier than I need just for winter to come in a blink of an eye. Well, with the year we previously had on. Making sure that does not happen is somewhat. In fact, as long as I have caused light, Mama's odd things will be. Ok. Cause like the official beer of slowing down summer was light, is cold, laggard called filtered in coal package. I mean is literally made to chew. We spent normal is looking forward to this moment, especially with the past year. We had. Everyone deserves to have fun, chill and long lasting some it's. Finally here so there's some open a cause, light mountain call, refreshment and rediscover what makes some so amazing because, as the bed has made the chill, we want you to
however, every second of some it cause light. Some a package in straight to your door, with drizzly or in the cart, celebrate responsibly cause Braun Company Golden Colorado. Some brings those priceless moments when you could just keep back with some friends and grab a few call beers you deserve Mama suggest. Do you where you dont, have to pretend you're craving a fancy Schmidt drink when are you really want? Is a great tasting bear? They won't feel you up. So when you craven good wives and great memories, grab your friends and beer with details, you can depend on Miller Light everything changes, but you can still depend on a taste of millet is the original light beer and that's not changing anytime. Soon. Light has been a light bill with great taste since one thousand nine hundred and seventy five, and this is what makes it an easy choice for me. I have no
the sun is shining on a Saturday barbecuing, as I have my friends and family over the house and by my side a nice miller, light so next time you getting ready to enjoy call ones which accrue go to Miller like Dat comforts last breakfast club to find a livery options near you, or you can pick up similar light pretty much anywhere. They sell be its militant celebrate responsibly Miller. Bruin company may work Wisconsin. Ninety six calories in three point: two cops per twelve ounces, prove point: if change in a game by bring ruin the senses- and I don't know- I thought you were finding out. Their prove point is taking things up a notch by using real Spirit mixed whether warming up so much better. You can try. So many flavors runs out we're Mango Pineapple whisky Celso blackberry, lemon tequila, Seltzer, with great fruit and Bacchus elsewhere, now. I have had some already, but my next choices, deaf leader Rumsfeld's, who were mango. Oh yeah, I can devil, see myself right now. My backyard would decide on me. Insipid also prove points out at five percent. Be Vienna hundred calories prove point literally
keeps a one hundred and will keep what would you hustle I ll have to do is tasty proof yourself. Try for proof points. Parity seltzer, today visit prove points out. Is that calm define prove point, nay, you that's prove point sources that com celebrate responsibly. Twenty twenty one can by most cause beverage company want. Turkey was constant, distilled spirit the bad Angela eat breakfast I re allowed to cash six, namely to homophobia. Common on Instagram regarding little nice ex. So little has actually went ahead in air down some DE ends on Tik Tok, according to the donor. the ex I guess to cause. She was China's slide in his dams, so dancing along one of his own songs that honours ex adjusted
made by asking this you and then of his dna. Six now with two separate messages: YO in October of last year and then going to being a city sue what you doing Ella. Well, and that was from last month because he then responded saying this for We need to start with our neighbours, small, Graham re six this, my account love optimism. An approved that he didn't actually reach out to him a mule anomaly The problem here is that so nothing I will say, looked law not ignore give up like their gas, and I now he's great even of if you had to you can't be homophobic. wrap name is six nine six nine All right now, as we want, is a positive desire. Wade has met Michelle Obama, virtually did Q and a session yesterday in Zaire way than share that on Instagram and so before.
they started discussing becoming they did talk about eyes, Francine readers, they did talk about house. I was nervous to meet mission. Obama when she said, that's her idle, what advice, member teens, who want to be themselves and fry well, like you, have currently are. I am just so proud of you being just an amazing role model and embracing your truth. Your already doing so. be this is for some other young people that are listening. It does take trying to know what your self is. You know four young people, so my first piece of advice is be patient with yourself. Now Michelle Obama Azalea, whereby she had for young people trying to find themselves in Zaire Wade said we all think that we'd through the people who are just like us, but I think getting a different perspective from someone else who isn't like. You really helps that definitely help mean becoming me and defining my truth
he's greater. I love with Gabriel Union underway weight or other raising. I just I just love it man, I really really love, I re Eddie Murphy has explained how honest Schwarzenegger is the person who inspired him to do coming to America. He was talking to you a team in and hears what he said. No, what happened was watching a thick was one of those movies which Schwartz an egg is when I used it terminated movies in a used, its special effect when he made him really young and I was- if you did, that scene do a scene where we're young and can convert that steamer in the club we connected. Then this happened in the attic and in that that was a piece that made it all kind of fall into place. Okay, I mean I don't know me. I think you might a moroccan coup in air Magruder at his by coming to America to zero. have you ever they didn't directed all they didn't recognize and when I read it treatment, I read a treatments: have they rode back in the main Uno, eddies Eddie didn't like you didn't
guys. I d ever come to Amerika would treat manassa presented at the loudest similarities removed as currently screaming on Amazon. Prime video. Now you have you seen over yet now is that today a lot of people have seen. It already been David, mean enema, dams and leaving Clodagh get in a lot of packages, though from them more packages. Drake, don't everything in a lad, a promo materials recovered to Americans. It does so long drawn out of debt relief to meet on it is real activate I am I read about, has found the rounded rather rose then I guess you'll have to tackle its weeds organised in exile in exile. In talking to us, I re were, and they re doing, a lot of press lately cause Eddie. Murphy also did Kevin hard serious example cast comedy gold mines with Kevin Heart any tongues, how he had actually plan to start doing, stand up again and then the pandemic. My plan to do that? Dolomite Sadie may live, come to America and then do stand. Then
and then didn't shut the damn that I was going out with the whole time last year, I would have been out working on my action to get my right today when the pandemic is over in the safe everybody go out and do it, then the plan is to do it what should Eddie Murphy do stand up Are you? Are you not? Oh, my God languages. The Eddie do our legs, the Eridu my Thyssen Day will MIKE Tyson did his arm? Is one man show he can but then it is told stories about his time. In Hollywood, I think, Eddie should do that, because the bar for Eddie Murphy stand up is so high. almost like you, you, you can't you can't Craig it to their level again You just can't you remember. He was a couple years ago. He was negotiating a deal with Netflix, and that was for an undisclosed number of stand up. Remember there was any, was gonna get about seventy million unity minded throne and I'll be like almost sit down without I want ya. Had China, you know, say
as they say in any Murphy's, Doin stand up again I'll come on the throne, and I would just do the one may show like MIKE Tyson it s funny that you said echoes, watch it come to America. So bar is so high from the regional one that I didn't write is vital, favorite movie, that I don't think it's a kick appear, not tragic, apparently at just can't be the same thing when you are wrong, you, God, delirious, like people would compared to that. I would ask if out Eddie, I'm just come under one measure. Can never you hear him just tell stories about? time in Hollywood and things that he's experience they hilarious the owl. Just do the same. We might I it hurry now. Nine recently did an interview with financial times and he was saying that he doesn't feel like he's in competition with any of the younger wrappers. He said airport It was out there, but there's no one keeping me up at night. I hear and obey record, I think it's great, but I don't listen to it the next week and he did say, perhaps multi catches. As you said, we were happy to see that young king come up. He was a breath of fresh air
the June movement in London, Chicago in New York, is really exciting. He also says that he has some plans to turn his track from automatic New York state of mind into a film, interact economical now, there's a got him see. Re like, like I mean, as is in top seven favour wrappers of our times, I always wondered how people like that do see the game. there is no means it is. Their palette is different than us. I remember that is your room, a reports all right. Thank you, miss you, but you notice all at a great they love it. The new orders is sometimes a bee level in sea level. Autism, liquor, who'd you pop right now, but all I got em sees what is whole war now Zola or value now category. They love the new emphases and loved to work with him. You know it s army as an interesting to hear nothing. Nobody to sum up a night like this any appreciate it and he can enjoy a bet. He's is night at it. Now I get all right, we offer a patient of snakes. Are we talking about? Well?
like about austerity. Again, weekend is going down as we get every year and Atlanta already rain Eric So, let's discuss what's happening all right, we'll do that when we come back as the breakfast locomotive, there's no drink low baby. My let me just waking. I gotta like that, and I beg you didn't just waking up. Drake dropped her pack last night of us on what is what's next, that joy and biggest Owsley, lemon pepper wings, freestyle right uniformly, firmly Freestyle ROS. I went to school for a page news where we were left out with us die weekend you out there envy now, because a covert of course, you know this isn't Atlanta. Everything is gonna, be in a single night. The skills challenge. The report's content will be pre game. The dung contests will act, as the half time show, had seen the Branford Round started, Janis Anti to compose Stephen S, Deaf carrying LUCA done and I can say this right, a yoke, its yeah
doing this lamp dug out as another Yes, it's all in one night, whatever two nights, Cabot Tee, Kevin tyrannically arrange a well in vehicle eyeliner, badly Bell and Jason Tatum State assess Lily a majority down any land. Are you not go? Have faith in the stairs you might as well? Do ambient noise on saturdays, like you normally do, and into the game on Sunday yard there will be a long day for all those players and people there who you got team to write a team abroad. I don't care, Eighteen cove, it ok, involving over the weekend. Nobody, nobody, I'm asking you! God you got came the regime. Will you got ironic that when I say Gregory and doesn't have quarrelled here, I'm not coming Our team terrain seen from ok,
none of them. When I hear that further, I know that one day they barely two Gotha game, serious as it is, and none of them really want to beat it has weakened. Our debate will be plan auditor this they still, they still competitiveness didn't want right. Now. Let's talk about Charlotte Bennett, she's, a second limiting public with sexual harassment, allegations against Governor Andrew Cuomo in New York, and she did say see that the governor was trying to sleep with her and she was uncomfortable. She told CBS Evening NEWS Anchor Nora, O Donnell. What I've been in here is what she said about their conversations. He explains that point that he is looking for girlfriend he's lonely his tired he asked. If I had trouble enjoying being with someone because of my trunk the governor asked me if I was sensitive, intimacy in his office. Yes, during the workday, The array energy he admitted that already right are much of it.
he went well. What he said was that she took the conversation the wrong way that he was in trying to do anything, but he understands that it was uncomfortable for her now or something like I now in addition to that. She talked about another part of the conversation where he was discussing ages and how he would do women if she was over twenty two. You have been quoted as saying that he also asked you about if you'd ever been with an older man, he asked me if, aged Prince mattered. He also explain that here, fine with any over twenty two. And how old are you twenty five? What were you thinking as he's? asking you these questions, that he's trying to sleep with me, and I am Leon Comparable and to get out of this room as soon as possible. Right,
So you come was response now, initially, he had said last week that he never made advances towards Miss Bennet. Nor did I ever intend to act in any way that was inappropriate, but then on this day he did a more direct. Policies that I now understand that I acted in a way that may people feel uncomfortable. It was unintentional and I truly and deeply apologize for it. I felt awful about it and frankly, I'm embarrassed by it and that's not easy to say, but that's the truth yeah. I mean he's nuts that any man, but especially some one in his position, would still be. You know talking like that, making the same kind of mistakes after me, two times up movement like you to be super arrogant to feel like you on and on and untouchable. You know they'll be making those new gonna mistakes are groundless. Greece, Governor Como, had in Haiti is not an untouchable. My boss two times I should have called the latter self correction right and if you know of Reggie of you have resolved Russian, or maybe for so long. You just can't stop asking That's what I mean you gonna end his head, there's like because you didn't touch her touch, anybody
then he didn't do anything wrong. What time is eating cannot can also be manipulative and uncomfortable wrong as well, especially when you a man with that kind of power, considering where that is, front page news right. Never we come back. I shall remain get a chance to kick you. We are single hull man I'll. Send you a lot of my aspirations. Man, you know talk, show host goat had opportunity to have quite a few conversations would also NEO, but this is a first public conversation. I now come to America to that right now, streaming on Amazon, prime video, so we talk about oh boy, just ass, we sat down like our, but you got here all right, we'll get it
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more for raising this very everyone. As a t t Dachau, Flash Beth deals, restrictions apply, in other words, both stages Polynesia wanted. Everybody is being hey envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy, we oughta breakfast club good morning Now Charlemagne got a chance to chop it up. We are Sidney. Oh yes, you know it's funny. Could this interview had been under embargo for awhile could you know they were given a top secret for whatever reason, because it a movie right in there we talked about, but yet got the chance to sit down one of my aspirations, man, Miss Dawson, ya, talk, show guilt is made by me on so many different levels in and there have been left out, Ro conversational employ all my life, but this one is possible for the people Suharto You may go my brother. You, man and god- bless you. You look great, I'm not that you. You did Above all, we need is more or less to grant me. God bless you.
me? Anyone talking about him yesterday I was like shock like you were here in us. I always think of my job makers from now sat looking at all We seem like unity. Group operation had been a thing. Your generation, the committees which will meet with the black yeah down? Eddie, Rama, towns and keen unwavering aplomb only was by the worry. Absolutely there is early picture where Paul moonies in the photo with me a gene and Harry I jumped about this, ensure pill. Chris rocks dressing room and it was on Instagram. it's interesting Europe prince. You know the faint situation in Beverly theatre- were James Bond performing in Prince Michael Jackson. Both showed up one I thought I'd want to beat you don't you know the one were prince grabbed a light. Poland Phelan audience novel. Ok, I have the sinews, but because it's too longest over my point was that legends and got haven't always gotten along
and I love that crews in Japan, as good as they are. They don't compete, they drive each other higher and that's the way, Richard and everywhere and one time here this little Cartwright, and he said are you Eddie Murphy has a movie, and I said yeah Can we go see if any was willing to leave. The house put his little part in the back and, moreover, and I rented a theater and paramount me Richard Saint was any movie. Then it was. The car- ok, ok, it's one of those in Haiti Eddie and I love when the goats are talented. And confident enough to hang. and drive each other higher. In that like, I want on road. Did a couple dates with Chapelle Increase rocket. I love their relationship. You know there was ever jealousy, nobody was ever hating only other and fallen off like poles at Beverly Theater and such like
This also be rigid. Wanna meet need, could doubt is illegitimate. None could even richer. Gonna. Take a look and like you, what you want these data. What Europe is probably was some kind of synchronous In looking at a mustache insane, I like you, by the way he had met Steve one other time to ethics. They told me they had met someplace. You know it might have been some visual connection, but with Richard it was probably because DE was fun. and in those times when you're in your bed- and that's all you do is similar- Fred Watch tv laughter is healing laughter is the greatest thing ever in its work. I am happy to movies come on March. I know it's not much in times like this, when we food lines in and people die, but I'm sure glad that on March Fit I can t think people I went ahead and make them lair
I would ask about the black backers, unities relationship. The chemistry is always there. Why that unity so important day the help each other over. You interesting, your he's he's. This guy. You need not help of we ve all heard. We know what the other does stand up some very clear, Guiche. Theirs, thing we think where the most most talented people on the planet we think stand up. Is the hardest thing in the world to do in there the tremendous respect Don't get me wrong. There's some comics to stand back and calm, restoring a hate on you, but for the most part we very clicking fish end up, I think everyone I met. We want. Stood each other and it's kind of cool. There were still friends, because, frankly, euro dont last. when there's money in competition and that kind stop in the mix.
how did you know even become the free dollar area and I met through keen and land We were keen and call me, in the days when you don't have a cell phone. Because I'm on your home is data less it. But you know I got a call. It was he said come to improv about any. and he's gonna work, as is in town, do the tonight shop. So we need to work out a set, and I got there Germany, front, wait for editor, arrive and keen and introduce me to Harry ere. He said I would meet your perspective. My mother thinks we look alike you don't look like me. Nonetheless, the second sentence Eddie said to me, was you don't look like me? They ended up. An Damon winds was park in his car the great story. Damon start walking down the street and his walking a little of feminine, very of feminine
like mineral film, yes Ok, so I had met him So we should he put his hand out. He said my hand, and you know if somebody is really acting like that. You laugh because that's who they are, so I didn't know, I never met cannons brother and finally, He came out of the character, and I realize this guy is off mother locked into a character and that character, any standing there that character ended up a bit they parking guy in Beverly Hills CUP? why yeah, I'm wondering like where you hesitate in any way to do a sequel to glad to great come into a mere. Oh yes, because there are that walk the earth you're afraid of- racism you know from Charlemagne to somebody on Twitter, I've been buying a coffee and the poor.
MR said to me. I heard Java redo that movie don't get up at my movie. My family was tat movie once a year together, and you realize their people who are afraid for you to go to work there. What's that Where did you start thinking likewise, the persistent is nervous what's Charlemagne Gonna say what have you know? I mean there are a lot of people who see it as this cult film tat. They grew up within the law and there were people really didn't they do the sequel, but I think we did it and I think that people who are truly fans ever gonna like what we did. Not people dont like the sequel to come into American you'd, think it will affect the legacy of a personal note. I think the second will stand on its own is just a statement like I love the first one figuring heard? The legacy, but I also think the love it because you know it's like a great
Michael AIR Dyson Book you like chapter one and the same, do talk in a chapter to continuing his thoughts and his flowery language, this is up these two things work together. Like I love fact that your kids in my kid will be able to watch this in width in this movie. If If they haven't seen the first one, it will be explained tat. There was more that happened at night when I see a material, and you really do then you're that entire night evolve and me into something else and through the magic of film technology. Like there's this movie, that I was watching and I'm look. and, unlike that young, do I didn't look like Deniro agenda I realise it was Deniro and they had this process by which they can make. You look younger these days, so be it We were talking about an he said. Yes, he said TAT there were Arnold and he said, with that idea. We can go back and we can have a reprieve of what happened that night and we
oh from their into a sequel, and I think was arms young make up in that process. They gave him part of the idea for this. But it would have done the commanded Avignon about this evil relief. I feel like Wiki answers at adheres. Here's the crazy, Jeremy and it's why I love when you ask those kind of question None of that stuff was ever true. Real, never talk, we are actually decided with theirs. The movie too, it was great. We did We're gonna leave it where it is and trust me, I'm not paper like Eddie if we say let's do come to America to and is about us going to what candor with our Kelly, I would sign up, and I will do it- Whatever my lives, I keep the smells like you know what We have been handled, but we love. And had decided to know, do a sequel and
and he heard the idea and- idea went through a lotta incarnations like, for instance, first told me. The idea said I kind of like that he went to the original writers and one of them the craft, jest the format and get the technical stuff right in go to Kenya and modernizing and make it funny. So he had a process and of the said. We're gonna have to cast a son for you having said that, I got gonna. Get that message. will he says Tracy Morgue and I said no night, Truth. Tracy Morgan is funny every day he wakes up, but you all, about the same age. Kid you said we, You have come to Amerika. Would Morgan Freeman as your son founded America. You know his executive that doesnt work. but we know that when He didn't wanna Tracy and its. We made him the apple and they did a cast call in your came in, remain, follow, came in and crushed it monies audition.
From what great grew told me the day he came in, it was over because they love germane. so the bottom line is it took four more years after that day that he met me the draft of former years to get it right. Now we got more would also NEO Hall when we come back. No move is the breakfast club them of AIR Mara morning. Everybody is the J envy. Angela ye shall remain guy. We oughta breakfast club, you know come into America comes out today is problematic, got a chance to chapter where our signal outcome of the Americas. Actually out get the chance to sit down a job of one of my inspirations: Miss Dawson, your whole Ya'Ll archimedes. You know by Georgia with things have changed drastically from the first man did being politically correct in it. I haven't political registered moment impact the common absolutely just like when I do stand up something you're nervous, I would do it and one night before covert in its dual was sitting. He was thin,
Watching me like this, made any headway. He was just recorded at all and we go. put it down off the you too, but the problem is when I made a little club workin out the job, but they finished. Yet. I learned and what's wrong in. What's right, you just things. I hate people to tape. It then cause you know you can you can get into trouble with political redness? It me if you think about it, a lot. What I'd like to think I d like to do it it like Michael to America, when I saw the line where my barber, addresses breast in Africa. I think his turn with them. Long slap gave an you know. Me, come back into the sequel in it and I was like well Don't blame it on Kenya! The thick You talked about being like rich the time when Eddie was one of the biggest star,
The word you delete icon now, but I'm talking about like a red, eyed superstar we met with the ever moment. Will you Eddie check? because we might have bigger in front known on you. Well, I presented my Eddie listen to me, I will be boys, Dubai, guys but I've seen someone say something about, two Eddie. It is like an aim of Euro as my brother so. We are, we say, a lot of at each other and we argue just like friends do, but a backs against the wall You know we rather die when it comes to references. I've always looked up and it's not shows these men. You know that now say that a million times had the pleasure of telling you tat. You know I think, of your work. I mean people Ask me about this. You know like during the election. I like listen
they don't need me on a planet. Could Charlemagne is taken? everything I dreamed of doing and try due to the next plateau and job with with you on the planet. I could stay home, our reveries, you all you even your wanted to read it. I want to do thanks your night when I was there was a gap we call version one family. Let me sit behind a desk in the audience due to move into the yard dog had searched all the third week alone that years of doing more with less my own water backed out of it we now and I got it out- it did what what what is your experience? Lighted blackmailed solid fuels in the nineties,
because what first by heart It is what my uncle Didier Jones. In luck with steel, a woman. Copyright generally, but their work. I remember one time of reviewer refer. Do me as a monkey and then you could have imagined back there. It was different and we become a little more politically correct but there was no good God's eggs He was talking about my movement will stage. You know that I'm not I'll stand united, I was asleep and up- and I move, alas, is It's crazy Charlemagne us two things like I could tell you, but you know What was the hardest? Sometimes The desire to leave the business different. Then I found it I wanted to bring people into it. I remember asking the president are paramount. when in programme, because there weren't enough black writers and
had never been eating in late night, right, jokes, every night, so I started into my first in turn- was John singled. and he wanted to get in the car This thing in the world was this: guy on my say something I would see John Singleton in the hallway were talent is in. But always wander away from the internet. and go say hello to a guess like you were getting junior and it's weird tat. So much of the press for that movie in his mind and in his heart and meeting people, networking was done on the shop and at that time like a man who spoke Museum Brock's into people that they gave you I looked back and glared. He said sir. I don't want to do that. You know you what They don't do anything, but I love that. That day he didn't do it. I said all the time like there were times.
The internet were allowed to state in their return. walk into the booth and and Singleton was watching the director and now I'm back and I'm so glad that he didn't do what I say. Do you know it so we had. Young writers and in terms of- and I was a They put a lotta here path. I was able to try to do The thing that over and Johnny work doing an There wasn't crazy about here, Pat back the inside, got to have this lane in this world all to myself, but one of the hard part was in starting. I remember going the pyramid saying I want a book this group and I knew it How can I had to approve all the bookings early on and I wanted to do? in the and one of the people in the media knew what was. I had a cassette tape that ice to hand to me? He brought it to the set because isotopes, me for many years while I was
able to pull it off. It was early on. I was unable to get paramount to he wanted to do the police, and I was the president as the UN, the national acid of their and our. stop, which men and women to schools with caps and so pair. I would let me do it. I remember finally, when they start, let me do some one. I wanted Do Bobby Brown Bobby ground played me to songs play me, my prerogative and dont be crew, and I said I want break Beaufort him up. He said no, just one book Bob. It's not like it's a nice Obama to break so I went to peer among I sit I wanted the two sides in one night: I'm gonna do it Friday, night number, one in the early part of the shop and one at the end of the shop. But the relative less and they want me to do. Interesting Bailey, like I said Bobby Brown. They said I'm sure, she's, very talented, but also above all, up she
and it's a body brown is. She was a sportsman. one star surgeon. I dont know why the round is a man, Bobby Brown. Was new edition, and so I realize they would turn me download stuff. They didn't understand and you after you have to- realize that in those times when I'm saying Bobby Brown, when I seen you kid what I'm saying you know how people sitting the ban attitude, show or David. And board succeed with with Paul Schaefer. I wanna hear some here, Pat guys it with my password and I wanted to do something different and I had to fight for a lot. We got more. What I'll send you home? We come back. No move is the breakfast club pneumonia. I envy Angela Ye Charlemagne. The guy we oughta breakfast club, I shall make the way arsenius all about alone. We could go to no longer yeah, I'm hungry.
but it though you know I got to sit down with a majority for an hour he's one of my inspirations always is six degrees of us any is nobody. Did you kill me in the industry from a certain air that often Yoda doesn't have a story about, but we'll talk to show me how much value one black person in the right position. Can have, because one thing that you always showed us. It was so much value and I think that one thing alone, but often also the time when it was the need to highlight department in Black star. Do you think that black talent is adequately representing and highlighted now well not to keep kiss your ass You know when I listen to you or watch you I hear about stuff. I dont know about, and I think that's important. You know you go deep into hip, hop and you know you and envy you know you know some folks,
and I love going, that deep. I love going deeper than Ryan and Kelly will go with you. You know and, and you do that, love Trevor Noah's position in the business because it's brilliant and he deals with area of show business that sole train didn't deal He deals with an area of society that we know seen a brother deal with love to see more people, so we have more variety because there's a huge space between Charlemagne and travel. Trevor by the one who's in coming to America, I would I want you to tell what he does, but you can imagine you know, but the book the latest there's something in the middle and dumb. I know there's. This is tomorrow, Mary, I'm a guy yeah, and so but the bottom line is like the NBA. I don't mind have in fact
people in late night. You know I'm in look, I'm not a bit. We can slip it up, a little You know I'm so happy to movies. Come an alchemist omega to almost five because it written really for you and a lot of ways. I told you before what is, after all, we know in his story. What Siena now you being friends with windy, makes this real relevant. We all the world just saw her documentary there. Is no cow is encountering hell. We, There's nobody like that in my life you ve got a village, but none of my women had ever had down the street in a house. We do not accept what that stuff makes good television that makes goods You're telling me that's what you mean, I think
you met. You owe me might be born, I mean stop, There's no there's no drug problem. You know less aid by the way we have got me through twenty twenty, kind of twenty to anyone. I'm gonna you smoke more Oh god, I'm a big weeds blocker, but I think, but you need a cocaine problem you need to have a scene way where you put heroin in years point before document documents, you would be. A guy came from Cleveland and did very well and then wrote a letter to peer mindset, long. I think a lot of family and furthermore acting Europe. That's not it a documentary you have so many legit, people in moments a city. Also, did you can't as it is already, do you ve even those moments into your own personal measurement of value, I guess I do. What is me
the things that I did right you know there are a lot of people who hate because they feel only borrowing This should interview fair cod and shouldn't have done it. So I got things from that era, in moments in that area that people hate me for it when you gotta, take the good with bad. But that's why as I was mister curious and I remember meeting him and he told me about the many men marked, and he also said to me that, never heard this, and I thought it was did a black community. He looked at me and he said some about Malcolm Harrison. I think the black people want to know is your relations. with Malcolm in me, and he said I think, may have contributed to an atmosphere that killed milk. and when he said that, I'm like I gotta do This interview, I already resigned from the show I sent a letter to carry Mcnugget and they, let me do it
but a lot of people like it in and dumb. And I get that I'm sure there are people who didn't like mine interview with other people to fight back so you you resigned from those in your horse or like the room had always been often ya got kids. Who could the interview Louis back there It sent a letter of resignation, the guy who's running parima prior to that, I didn't have to. Let me do that. What they thought good to be asking these questions and by the way I brought him a man back they heard Reuben who was hit the jail, because I wanted answer those questions too, not just the thing that black people were concerned about so are you tried to do it now? yes, I had sent a letter written and resign agenda and because they have to figure out what they were gonna do with the show they, let me continue to do more shows while they figured out, because I really
the conversation they came to me. What would you do? We have built Bellamy undercurrent Do you think he'd be good, and that was conversation they all oh brother, John Stewart who they are really gave the show to John Stewart had a couple bite the apple he data show back then after me, because they went with him Did a Bellamy and then of course got you know There's no time is greater in showbiz, then guides timing. About when you want it is about what do you want to give it to you, because John Stewart change the game, but not tat night later on? They put him in the right place in front. where you know tremors life is now and he was ground in a changed the business but back, then it wasn't his time, but he replaced Why? Why resign? I wanted, like, you're doing a talk show. It might be similar ones, every night, I'm watching somebody's movie, I'm right
Someone's book there was no link back. Then you had to go to a thing. there are some place movie. You know there was no laptop. There was no light. It does not get hit. My laptop the word speak little red somebody's book to me and I just didn't, listen but back there, you actually had to sit with Julia. Lights, autobiography and read it before the interview the next day- and there was a point where I wanted to act I did Harlem nights in the night. I'll. Do my show all day. Did she Harlem nights at night and celebrate to act. Man I loved act. I wanted more time to pursue that people like people would put me in movies as the talks, your hopes or they would use cliffs. And I still do that, like like recently? There is up there's up, still Mr Rogers Movie
and they raced Mr Rogers when I interviewed him back in the day and they put Tom Hanks in they can do stuff like that now. So my old interview is in the movie, so I guess you could call tight casting. I wanted to ask. And something else that's the important for man when it hits you. I felt it every day. Doing this I wanted a key May I wanted to be a day I remember member of the moment too. and you can start country is causing the Lakers and cookie Johnson. Let me better City J and take him to a game the Lakers in the clippers and each watching. The gay with me don't have time, I took you Jane back just to let him just give data hub and when I leaned over, so you kiss urban. You know how water balloon. You can't hold
go down on decided, go down and assigned to do What does this have they start doing to get this day? kisses daddy and Hope Is there anyone? Let him come to the second half. Was a moment. I dont know how to describe will in the way I'm doing it. I was there there's no love like the love of a fine and his son a father and his daughter. That moment I was like I won't use is manifest to be and we'll be eyes. We're gonna leave, setting walk kids, you know when you dont mistakes at an end. And you get around and you haven't gotten somebody pregnant. You worry and I went to a jacket. like. I never gonna buy brain I mean I use condoms in everything, but suppose it slipped centre and never had one of the situation and I want to die, and he said Aramis the term. He said I had slow swimmers
and I don't even ask for more information. Is ours is to embarrass. Naturally, that's ok whatever, because I think I may you broke, you got slow swimmers. End up is all about, guy down the not you got another one and there. And the bottom line is eventually my girl got and my son was born and I spent the next twenty one years. You know I was TAT Day and every game every play. I tried to slide and do work here and there, but you came. Do Hollywood pack tat. A video What do you mean you loved you value your appreciated and have you did you exist on this planet, man and no one everybody got in and check out common to America. Continued success brought us say hello to do all it sits in the studio with every morning. I love you all, and God bless J envy Angela YE shall remain a guy. We are breakfast cloak morning may show you go check out my with us in your on the breakfast
you two page machinery should be up now vessel, I love you too. Rebels love em noticed nodded breakfast Club I'm not into studios. Hang it up in the studio on what is a drop us? What is our youtube? Yes, Reverend mother, I am no way. Is it? Yes, Erasmus for power, one five, one exactly this group serve reference alone. While you know your way I very much a bit and go to the bathroom report, Intra, ok this is the Weber report annually on the breakfast club, where I'll be out sound or radio is back now. Jake may that announcement on Twitter he yet Posted yesterday going live tonight at one thousand and thirty p dot m eastern with the return of Ovo sound radio in the launch of our twenty four hour station, sound
to a new experience, serious exam. He also shared three new songs on the scary hours to e p. Now, here is what you had to say about certify lubber boy and scary. Ours, too tip top form. So you know that's a blessing and c o b is currently being shaft in every way possible, and I'm just really excited about the music that were making. I don't have an exact date by just analysis is in upon coming soon. I want. It is easier heart of a drink to make music. Now you would think it would be easy he's playing Woodhouse money. Could these drake? Sometimes you set the bar so high that when you fall short of what we do you know people critique, hotter laughed loudly. Noise was awful is good, is literally turned to form, admiration or in a lot of times you get inspiration from different things. You trying to grow you trying to get to the next level when you on that level. The area
what he wrapped about. I mean it's good to see a return of all monetary back. You dropped like when he wrapped he's one of the best he snap and on their lemon pepper freestyle. When he said these days, famed disconnected from Ex we'll have to time I'm going to ask you what their profession is Jean Craig Us Degeneration, Anita women, confessions, live Pars, Nace Bitten. I re what sounds he put out our what's next once and needs and lemme pepper freestyle? Why our aim man? Did you hear hotel lobby in illegal. Why is that? I have something to say: let him let him live animals, as you, like, you have to bring in new gonna, go left. Let some may I again and when I went to court when I gave him probabilities are nothing but soon as our things on the job I perceive Mary look ajar. So there was a joint as there are now. Two short, as explained by his son with Drake. Never came out. He was talking with a forty four hip. Have the eggs and ears he had to say I was just. to do so would drag, I feel like it might happen. Lily got the dirty billboard, wars and nobody,
and found it? Does you now calculates that fell back like their MR window? Jake overshadow the drink. Lotta drakestail gave in the Bay area may ass a drink. All members, You got busy right now, right now based on the new legacy. According to the directive, Malcolm Dealey, he says: there's no one will be even better than the ninety. Ninety six originally said. It's a matter moving in space GM, he told them to tame it weakens weekly Leubronn has bag has got that going for him. He said if you say that I took a movie space jam is its. You know he just whacked ameliorate. You know that deed literally just made the movie whack we got us doing that when you compare something to the original people, go when thinking. Ok, I'm waiting for it to be embedded in the reverse base jam and when is not the nails they are whack. You know it. I've got an academic, bleak. Somebody suitably a lovely owing Jason said: Miss bleakest new, improved me Jane. He said, link up,
The bleak is good, but he got home for me. Nobody Hove Bob. I too was admitted there has to be a party that was better than Nepal, one annual income of their voice. that way, I mean here about equally is good. Families are only I was equally is good. Equally, I think nightmare and actually was very good, alighted better than the first as we all do our movie about now. Don't baby would seek all further think about them. her Mary, where that is your room. A report what's yakking furs anymore, Gotta go guys. Women reported there right wings, Charlemagne even adult, do may we need a temper, be police department to come to this. congregate. Tampa police department Temple Jani becoming too for integration. We would like to have a war which you ok, ok, I'll, look
next, a move to breakfast locomotive? Measured, don't watch overflow, remove! You have people in America who come from the Bronx and all of you are. I don't you. Lord. A man had tat an atm for very strange reason, given too much money. Florida ban is arrested after that, the border with home in an attempt to electrocute is patent rights. Police arrested, Lando man we're talking up among the breakfast club bridging the other day. We shall remain the guy on the way you ok, then you get your leg. Does its law on a little do? Well, don't you. day for Friday March five goes to the Temple Police Department, What does your uncle Charlotte always there by degrees data state of Florida, the crazy people in America come from abroad and all of Florida. I love to state a flawed, but we be playing ourselves. If we didn't recognize that the state of Florida is operating on a different frequency then arrested a world not to many things in Florida makes this well at least not.
The rest of us on the outside look again, and this is one of those times he, the tap of police department, fired delve in white G word. Why but violations of policy that prohibit discriminatory conduct. So help in white. He word white clearly did something to do. many against someone? Well? What did delve in white? He word white, do Let's go to the beauty. S pcbs in four report: please help us. Police alone is vital. reinstate a police officer fired for using the Edward on the job. The union says, punishment was too harsh, say the language violates community trust in with enough to fire eight year vote. Devlin White, who worked as a school resource officer. Middleton Devon wait. He word: White was fired being caught on body camera, saying on a phone call to a young woman, the Edward,
and are fighting to get his job back. I know what you're saying well: aka Charlotte absolutely deserves donkey. Today deserve the biggest he had. No, no police officer named Devon White. He word: why should be using the Edward? Ok, they should be fighting to get his job back. Yes, we'll play a game of just what rise it right now, actually? This should be very obvious to all of us now annually Devon last name white. He word white, ok, fired by attempt police department because it was caught him. I d camera, saying that his job is to ensure never say what he said is jobs in Asia, but he the inward just. What that is I'm gonna, say caucasian forward giveaways less me now, dj envy, there have been white key word: White Temple Florida was fired by the time of police department because he was caught on
the camera. Saying then word envy does what Rising is suffering go away. Well, let's go w TEETH s, peace? Ps Tinfoil report. Please environment, rightly someone is fighting to rinsed a black police officer. Fires were using the Edward on the job play it again. W p CBS in, I think in Vienna. Usually you were wrong. Platitude campus police who aspire to Instead, a black police officer fired for use, The end were on the job your were. I was too easy the open wide is black and he was fired for using the inward word now. Can we here how he used the n word in context. Please let her go. We want to do
Are you going to do now? Let's discuss play, I want more tat play along with that we want to do going to jail surrounding this example: police Evelyn association said yesterday. They are standing would Devon White in fighting the departments firing. Let me read the statement from Tampa. Valise Benevolent Association spokesmen Danny Avarice. He say we stand with the city. Tampa, entertainment police department in their efforts to stamp out racism in every form and condemn any and all derogatory statements in or out a uniform, but the facts. In Dublin, White matter do not reflect an act, are any intent that wars, the punishment. he received for his alleged transgression Charlemagne God, Lunardo Caviar, Khosala, absolutely agreed. Let me tell you something: we live in a country where blackboards into three times more likely to be killed by police, Duenna police accounted wipers. We
can't. You will gladly will more likely to be arrested more likely to receive along the prison, sinister white person convicted of the same crack. We are more likely to be profound and why people police historically do whatever they want with us in his country and now, all of a sudden, you want to fire a black man for use. In word in context, let me tell you something there. The thing called cultural content see and when you from a certain environment, you speak the language of that environment. Of course, a black police officer in Temple is going to use the inward Devon White he worldwide was raised in the EAST Tamper community, and now the environment that he chose. At every day. Don't nobody not atop the language at a community better than a person whose from it right away we may as well. We what we need for losing that is for us in by yes. Do you know Devon Way, also told investigate,
yeah you. There were any you, the inward while making an arrest in November, and I use the word twice why arresting and uncooperative mail for trespassing. Let me hear it could begin of him one body in my head. we want you gonna, go the gods on a brother when he would be in a cooperative because he knows, and probably even though to property was trust. Rather not. It was given a due to start talking to and tell him you wanted to know nothing, ok, I can guarantee, you would know. Facts are evidence to back. This up white person in the time of Police department, cod, blackberry, in the end word before are displayed some other form of racism, because the whole law enforcement system is one of the most races systems. You know period what the tomb racist systems in America, probably law enforcement in the medical system. I guarantee you, some police officer used those words, always races in worse ways in thing happened to them. Ok, favourably,
apartment? I don't know who you drawn a fool, but you didn't Devon White because he used the word nigger. You fired Devon White because in your as he is a nigger, ok, tap obey police department. You have this man, Durban, white, his job back. Ok, all right, give mayonnaise job back. Alright, y'all know good and damn well that man was not using the n word in in in whatever kind of takes you out, he was using Ok, then a white was using it. You know the way you are you use it when you folks from the community police in the community right, you just go to understand the language barrier that yeah one of the overcome simple. We- the inward ya. Don't and wishing you then work either, but other competition we need em private at the next group, like people meet in Indonesia, Please, let me remind you of the Temple Police Department, the biggest here he he you stupid, mother, you dumb, I just want you to know that you over Unita Quota for today S. What do you want you to know that you just said
So you may we go. I made you go over. You maybe go was one good laws allow ten per every far from Sweden. white major dragon. Those not well guess what I need a white man. They tell me that I can't use the word negative and I've got a fate. In order to raise in the UK as if they were not learn. What largely in Seattle of exact, we could have easily end were enormously Nancy Noodles, nutmeg. Ok, naughty by nature, I admit I shouted at got made so many donors to wrestle with asked what we want. We want somebody from our community, the police- us that's right, talk to us and be from our community right. If you re like excuse sir. You know you're going to jail now. I know you want somebody that that we know this from our community ass. Well, we ve been saying right, so we miss green rate. We ve been crying for right. Give. The white, his job back? Absolutely all right! now we come back. Anderson pack and brutal Mars will be joining us, never hurt him, no, not at all.
Ah started a group. Physical silk city, sonic, silk was declared exotic zone, a guy with a hit you When we come back at the breakfast locomotive, the breakfast club ain't, your gravity, We know you always look. If we enact deep dive, peacocks got tons of chilling series ready to screen would always all channels, Benjamin documentaries and more peacock. Have the perfect pick any time explore nonstop true stories from the true Cromer Regional, with Dateline, twenty four, seven, all peacock channels enjoying endless scream of mysteries of sync, your teeth into theme collections like to kill us beaks and twisted motives. You can also cast forces of classics like snapped buried in the back yard. The first forty eight in more plus check out peacock originals. You can't find anywhere else scream doc. You series, like John Wayne, Gacy Devil in disguise and esteem shadow by delay, Maxwell and don't miss that to death,
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You gotta do an album together. How did this come about? We are together, Mina figure out what to give us a chance to get to know your recorded together always disappeared and mix to realisation be careful by we say together included some of these issues. There still play instruments still listening, Marvin Gaye, everyone or stuff is only a few people like that. So many findings They got name. Silk sonic mean we're back home for o teenagers, Are you gonna tell of their story that death that come on now? That's incredible the song here the song, and so we need a name. You know booty carbons name baby face. I didn't notice all based on mine. If you don't mind, I tell the police eighty face was in the studio. Pussy kinds, walks Andy's understood the most restrains. He looks. It looks at the chinese Kenny Edmunds, Booty looks at it says, was a baby face and the whole studio stocks laughing. Next day, they have a show and
The guy introduce in Kenya, ignorance, the golf clubs and as a child, the very next night. Gaza is a german daily face and the girl start freaking out an orbit in life. That story faced by. That's that's the story. Why? Wouldn't? Wouldn't you walk in the studio with the Hague supersonic now on. I will play the song second, the record and hosted by Booty Collins. What other involvement as he has in the urban, is marrying this all out to try to push altogether. we call it the settlers to doing ok. What do we do when he said Charlotte filled, sounded yacht and ask what that means. The address you can't really question allergies. You know that you're gonna get a few moments with their city. Comedy sat around with that and I, like the other, give it with the music
and you know it sounded cool when he said it was a big bad luck. I got that might be a type of arab or something like that. No thin one little food you there We would argue, and is more than twenty I'll bet, a pure thing We got I there you have it. As you said, you would say you know, I'm a drama face. So the boy now Bruno Bruno higher than Bruno nobody Sinclair because Gonna hear an assisting in his ass, often ass. I will show you: the game is a bit of using it in you burn em. I didn't say that I would never say that we can. At that point I gotta watch verses affairs, verses, yeah yeah we're gonna do a verse.
why was he did on beer versus our make an hour or so, and Anderson shows the right now, the verses. Would you do verses area? There were those bad. You make whining glows nature of nets, and that's really really weird thing which was simply deal with those arson attacks. Could Swiss congratulate them, because I think that that would allow for the pandemic besides it is compatible with you Would you buy a Is anybody I'll be able to tell what anybody like TOAD Tom not a word about our nobody. I want problems are badly burned and, as you have said, that is that they are too eager right, ear design.
in was calling an altar egos cadres weird in design s last mystery man. Now, the greek Oracle, The cost post me. I've been fortunate to have been asked to do collaboration before with other companies. was came, would like guidelines. Lay costs was the only company that was You can do whatever you want. I thought you know brutal Mars like us, they tore merchants who does as me, stage. I gotta be a designer, Ricky Regal came up, because I wonder where the clothes onawandah wear clothes, ass, a spoon or Mars on it, not enough Bruno, The other barbershop debate we are having with. If you did to avert the new battle to weaken Oh law. Its whole Charlemagne. Your first time at Athens Bruno would weaken. I say now come on. you believe me. Yes
brain say come on, don't show me: how do we know what you do in real always be read out? Take anybody killed, backed out immediately. We backed out immediately not Bruno question. Why you came there women out of a hundred thousand out there? That's why you do in a brutal. You got that boy during the period they make you make an outward end. They wasn't another hour. Some money man to skip China passively allowed survivors of the compound is extended, Now as then our name anything they put our name are there, but I will whoever you are, I'm so sorry and stay off the internet.
That's all you stay out of the internet is treacherous S. Treasury is again Mobutu. you'd. Think when you heard of story I mean look I have family members that thought actually talking to them or Facebook. Had. You know like this uncles and my heart is like they re. They thought it was me talking to them. So I don't blame her. I just I just say to everyone out there be careful because as a different world in the real world out there, send money, nobody, but there's nobody, sun and money and its impact on Bruno Mars unless so sign Mona, Have you ever had a situation in either one of you where you got. You were talking to somebody online and you got catfish like maybe a collaboration you, which I and it was not the
Then you ve got away what happens all the time I gotta say, pursued with the same in a first name, and it's you realize thirty minutes in addressing the safer then I want this reached. Let you, lady, I like that, always know, I'm I can to Jesse now the right to Johnson to tweet out saying the job was in old. Do in doing a song area bodies, Talkin Bout, it does marketing and promotion from record labels even matter when you get to a certain point in your current, as is still men. Because we hope that the breakfast club chapter, four, the song. That's why, sit down. Aren't you make sure that you guys champion for these What musicians prayer who played his record. This is it. the easy way to do. It means you stay here for a day. You do corny interviews really really. I gotta go go to North Africa, but much rather be their regime,
Don't like that. The zoom thing this is like a third time of ever. Dinah is assume, can assist in Skype is as yet. This is my third zoom in history. Togo. Its had not escaped people touch you, lady, for ensuring quality in France, buried my wife, you got a really big deal cool, that's what he does measure that, as this whole thing lies and kill the way they picked up his wife and kids. When he told them, the stairs were now filled Bruno, why you seem so level headed and so like this You know me because you gotta really appreciate that, We got more with silk sonic. When we come back as an impact in Bruno Mars, there was Mister Solomon.
Neither are they can keep the door open. Oh, so what is it I guess they told us it was brutally Roy, because the electronic didn't want the name of a song or maybe not get into it is the breath is welcome, that would leave the door open, Bruno Moors and its impact, they are here Gomorrah. We are the breakfast club damask to the interview Charlemagne, and there was something you know Bruno was stronger than you had in mind. Where's, the Bruno was demands it is grown, cannot take this. Let me just take this line. We taking one longer than who met the boy a lot of bad zone, you may you know, you know, was gone. He was gonna like a success. You know I'm more let me see, I'm gonna go this way: filleted, outlay, Let us! Finally, since they now you gotta hit this note, we gonna do progression. You know saying this is gonna get us there.
This money and that is a magic in his favorite thing about this. The map on that What about you brutal with them and the stronger than you? It exists, the opposite of what he said. I grew up an old school producers. That was, really hard in the studio work with because they understand how to get to assert. place if they want to go rob watching that and seeing that I've seen through but things, but I've seen them that turn into magic Anderson is committed drumsticks in town, the MIKE So he's got this freedom that that's he finds his grove and little and I'm a little more or less well, many if It is called in it and I do this and I do that the lights alike. Bounce around, like we got through the song in only work on it. for five hours, a limitless those jumped to someone else in our lives
this touch on this. This dude is that says he don't be working on the same down south two years. It is because that there's magic in the hook. He knows that and it is like an obsession row and like we can work some all day and we come back in. And, as you see you right now, we were we. Women are left tinier. We need to go right rear and we work all day on it again. It's crazy raggedy Ann! That's all areas there is nothing to brag about. I wish I could you scope and just happiness ass, his by its takes up its act like I said, a lot from Europe. May. I is done for a single ethical. I we're. Gonna be proud I would have you know you know Bruno. You know people love accuse you of being cultural thief, which I find interesting because you are a person of color. What what would you say to those people, I will say the UK Look at it in a view. You can't find any view what I am not talking about them
payments that have come before me and the only reason why I'm here is because a change brown is because a prince? but that's the only reason why I'm here, I'm going up as a kid watch embodied ban, Ok, if that's what it takes to make it? I gotta learn how to do the running man. I gotta learn how to do the moon was as it. use, custom learn few. You can hear that then I don't know what to say. When I saw you on shot out Teddy Rally in the new jagged swing movement Grammy's out like I that's how much you know it, when you want one, when you were little Katy S, the truth is, I guess, not there's not a secret like us every hour when his brethren honestly? What is the point if we, give us a musician, can learn from the guys that have come before us. Why did they do it alone? later on down the road. there's gonna, be a ban, is taken What we do and given that in freakin end may put in their own spent on it. If we don't, we
What was the point was do in this area basketball. If you can learn from Michael Jordan, was We have been doing that. Why you, you take all. I can't you learn all these tricks that this mandate, the greatest of all time. I learn how he did this The point I made earlier, Sir fade away, which can be done the exaggerated? I agree as you sure, because that's the blueprint dismay shows you how to do it: the decorative impress you off now what a gig- and I endorse this realm merits of what people are saying about a black entertainers, not getting their flowers. You know in an arm chair, with that, I'm with that, but is more so I guess, at the time when the counterpart of funding, I was looking at the man. What am I not seeing? Where is this? Where
this pass that I do. I have this house, but I dont know about. Where can I get this pass? like a use for me and my friends we had at the time was justified. I understand, and it's this is just its twitter have you checked? The debate was garment. Because out I just use it. That's all it's two thousand baby look I myself as a superstars it all I wanna do is doing It gives me successes, do what you love and I love doing music, and I, of being able to provide for my family. Do what other ways have you been twisted club shown, and you know you came two years ago to me when I
that was a long time and then well gave to our surprise, you walking out even take hours, are out on the grounds of age loudly tat. Anything I showed him a blood must the card I gotta get you gotta have I had been a pandemic, and I know you guys had been weapon IRAN running for years now, and I really had a chance to stay down was an outsider, actually happen sometimes, and maybe not have to be swear and do another bad. Did you learn anything new about yourselves, slowing down with special because you to hold onto this energy and we in the world has gone so far so fresh and there, sir Sometimes you gotta take a break and I think courts voiced everybody to unplug low, been re evaluate, was employed in life. And dumb is why were rolling out this out of the way were rolling out. We don't want one week of trending on twitter, only when we work too hard for that we want
these songs one at a time and read the room here, this energy men are like the interview between ya. I really do is like a whole body, cub like yeah, something air man. Why John aiming for a single brutally Roy what we see we still soluble, we couldn't named Ban Bruce Lee weeping, alas, wiping away now. Two Bruno Moors and Anderson Pack for joining us today, mixer stream and pick up their joint did new single leave the door open. Now we got rooms on away. Yet let's talk about new music. There's a lot happening this Friday night right, we're gonna, throw next to breakfast local, more the breakfast room, a reply comin up next on the breakfast club. Now before we even get internet. I just wanna play out that now Facebook streams of music videos will officially council the billboards rights. What
something new and it's a big deal. Artist deserve recognition and music sites for this also capital they drive, and this so discovery. They feel that with the VP, a business development partnerships at Facebook had to say adding music video plays on Facebook to the billboard charge is an important step in the right direction. I concur with you. You too worried are there yet I right now, let's discuss some new music. We already talked about Drake our whole lad in his three pact. They came out better, let play the ones and we haven't been playing on the radio, and that is a lemon pepper, free staff featuring Rick Ross drawdown of school. Big gave a little man. Re says his daddy probably made another school bell rings and amounted to get em again. She could bear made his wife will ya got. Is what caused this mortal provide? Asking if I know Bianca Windows
of course will upset a fine and officially somebody's flooded, fresh emerging with secret service is so obvious, increase the purpose term you drink rather you'd want to bet ya mean as it I want. I want. I want it out. You know full Drake. Rapid, a mini can do that now, like you know, he's already Drake he's home already like give me. Let me hit him bars, but no matter what you want a man when he was to do Do something These are my alma coming. I like it. I like every utility, though, because I you know as a consumer as well. I like, when you things too, like those songs, also is a mode. So I, like a variety of it. I like how long we were just talking about Laura held at this, conversation with Daniel Psmith about how she was saying and rapid how dope? That was an eye. Like he does the same thing. I could write a whole thesis on now. One line these days fame is disconnected from excellent. Have to Tom Gonna. Ask you what their profession is like. That is very true freedom, an excellent excellence and not synonymous with each other at all, now
It is pointed out to sign it could help their first song, leave the door open, there's, Buena, Mars and innocent pack Tyler the crew, eight or tell me how its Coca COLA, commercial, so clever, featuring juice, world and posts Malone lives the mess. So we re put out the best friends remakes with those a cat and staff London. I leaped s on shoes, they're, giving away a Tesla by the way. So there's a whole thing going on. I think you have. I got a month, and a half and if you laugh, if you wanna, Winifred Sattler Venza weedy young dolphin key black ass Benjy Herbault, really like that and break yourself baby keen. This is done no sense which Pravda view which master cudgel. My must understand that we can draw
include Basel baby. They became so don't actually loaded, Lowood Dickie, probably obey became some years ago. I use you, listen, maybe came. They became so that kindred to view no entrap music. The dna related to write is an area that has an ascending annulling. I think he signed a kindred, Mckendrick and Avery. I think on called me baby keeping. I love you now and perhaps smoke fashion feature apology from the buggy soundtrack and Patsy no cap Fijian M twenty four, the remix from the buggy soundtrack ozone. On some little Derek affirm, a t f and I came and crew, which is rare, sounds why they did like a deluxe album, Gillette's edition of their album, Tory Lanes Playboy. How that a new music I can't even get to Oliver, but I just wanted to give you guys just some previews of what's happening. I want to salute the tank to maintain, put out a record called by man Ass, our divesting bottom bit. I love tat music like how she Hurley earlier
are you how music sounds way different? Now, though, now, really she just gotten better. I think no one of my favorite artists as symbol and introduce me to it and she never stops working is used, is only gotten better. Her sound is just a vote. but it's just. To overtake the pop up. I saw gaiety. from the city girl, Shatner rising? She came with the collaborator with her on the next project. Cati was big and rub last week, so it's only a matter. I think tat is it takes yeah, I believe also as she knows, I was now she danced and in part it's an arena. Every this there is for you. We have to make sure we get to this, so Chris Harrison found a bachelor. He wants to go back to hosting the bachelor franchise and he had to backtrack on some remarks that he made here. Take a hiatus. He made a mistake, Talkin to Rachel Linsey about some photos that serve as of now bachelor, contestant, Rachel added twenty eighteen answer: Bellum South Party: here's! What the original audio was. We only I have a little grace little understanding of our compassion. We gotta go well it
we'll Rachel. Is it a good luck in twenty two? Nor is it not a good looking twenty twenty one who had you feel when you heard that any I mean the FAO. I mean this is a thing. What with people like that, when he first made a statement? He double down any triple down or what he said Emily at the backlash. Then. All of a sudden, oh my gosh, I was wrong. That was vow light. It is what it is just what you believe. That's what you honestly believe stick with, which you let him isn't. It was underlining America, and here he is taking accountability. I am sad I am shocked at how insensitive I was in that interview with Rachel Linsey and I did speak from my heart and that is to say I stand against all forms of racism and I am deeply sorry. I am not a victim here I made a mistake and I owe him that he takes accountability because you got all the backlash and almost lost his job. That's the real way to think about it. You know the credibility, but he does one day when he did at it
well, Rachel Linsey is agency, does accept his apology because it's what she needs to do to move forward with her life. She said she has not spoken to Chris directly since his good morning, America Interview, but you did watch it and she did. Unless they spoke about three weeks ago, when the first happen and I apologise, directly dancing. So that's what you told him see, therefore, Rachel make of they, but they ve been attacking her. They ve been in. They have reckoning her Davidson, her death threats and all I know she did was did she also it was, would do a great deal of you so shall to Rachel. Anything about which at the moment, I think it's hilarious when people don't accept whether he was apologies, I think is incredible. Could stick is nothing for you. It wasn't a brother who apologize you. my volume process, no matter what you do When will you apologize? You got it. You gotta, be from the heart really gotta understand. Uk justify was beginning, at last in plenary. I say major Linsey barely can co host, yes, Forest Parker, yes, learning blogger
because I saw him talking about them attacking her a shout, the various reform and appreciate I e really Oda. Do you care about the bachelor yoga? damn Rachel, I do I mean it, hello, my people and on Roma people in and I love de facto dietetic ichorous heresies, dad too oh you did you didn't. I was joking. I did my guest area jacket and used as areas and are you send an email to the network and everything was the duration of I don't know. What's going on. I have no idea what I stand, which I where the hell you could not well. You must really says M emails. I was getting, but you re. Actually let me know you did on Gmail ye. You don't notice me. Do you think he didn't really isn't exactly day by the sheriff. I know- and I see you told him- they resolve crazy, didn't then email overrule when we say we want something he going to try to get it back. Ok, trust me. I know
sent a demo and everything. But I wanted you to know. I'm game is unambiguous, cloudlike This will go and see him when he says that right now in human resources. Leaden Miguel, we just cornered inward and I am hurt. My u can occupy. Nothing is named challenges like people pronounced Commas, name wrong on purpose, legal bases, are worthwhile. Protectionism is the end where arms are going away at the zoo. Yesterday, when a man came away yesterday we had a security breach of man came up is that he would not leave until you gotTA kissed Rhodesia and be able to tell you when I gave you arouse protected, you how'd, you protect me I called down, and I told them you let him know that here we have the courts or have you What's wrong with me right now. age men. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you allow right. Well, it's time to governance, industry mail, you say revolve, will save you guys tomorrow. As everybody else. You probably have the picture which arose in his mouth now he did a video ashore.
people's Joys mission. That's all you got to be on your next hosted a bachelor lots in it. I was scared. Now need laughed, leaped rouses wonderful about random tonight. I'm in a landed is how weak internet it will be a slash. The come join me in beak. You ve, of course, also be it sweet, shouted, Darrow, sowed the tourist out them, but in Latin America the rocks at a good time, our capital last night and will be Monticello and rose boss. A lot going on is follow me Instagram in our party with me safely? So we will. We haven't mass on your right. I'm holding the reason you call me every sees volume of resources demand.
all of us to breakfast local level. Is women's history most we reckon today. Well, yes, so this weekend, Nicky Watson, she's a licence, echoed therapists, he's a tv personality. She has curly Nikita com, she's the best selling author then good here, and she has a bee, her summit that she put together. That is happening this weekend. That is too and power and celebrate women? So listen to this, it's a woman's mystery monk and we are celebrating the most influential women in history check out this phenomenon. Look! So, as you know, this is women's. History meant that I am highlighting power for women a month. One person I wanted to bring to their friends: isn't Nicky what in aching acre Nicky and ass. He does have a summit happening this weekend. Will talk about that, but first I want to just talk about who she is a bestseller out their licence. I got thereupon olive that yeah yeah, so I started curly Nikita come back in two thousand eight. I managed to get my son
on the tire bank show in this. This website took off tremendously very short time? I was sharing my story, my journey to self love from self hey. I didn't like my hair. I didn't like my skin. I just I wanted, You learn to love myself, for who I really was an as I continue that journey and continued sharing. It became a phenomenon and I wrote about selling book with Harper Collins and twenty thirteen. I began working with honesty Harvey with Doktor, as I can Can you to work with doktor eyes to this day sharing about outer beauty, but during that full time during that rise. During my peak of success with curly Nikita come, I was so happy. I had everything that they told me. I was supposed to have be happy, but I wasn't family house nice car, the career, the success best sellers list I didn't feel fulfilled and everyday kind. I felt the same. I felt stock I felt stagnant and I actually I called Tracy Alice Ross, sobbing weeping.
one day because, unlike there must be more, there has to be more to life than just this and she's, like you can't just way like in the kitty You have to go deeper in your jarring, your true journey or energy. The s. You love yourself, more, your physical sophomore, but you have to find out what is also there So it was like mid twenty thirteen. When I went deeper and I started reading Eckhardt Hallway, power now in Michael singer and then about six hundred more books six hundred more operating travel, the world yeah travel the world all over the world from Brazil to or go to Spain trying to find happiness. True, peace inside and I finally did in You see that, no matter what Temple I was an what plain I was on what street I was walking down, that peace was already always here, and so I started sharing, that on Instagram and on curly Nikita com, this hair blog that never really was just about it was always in inner journey to freedom by it.
Again, sharing reluctantly this peace, because I wanted to help the women that look like me find the same freed, that I was finding- and I knew I was free for real when I was with my grandmother, who was my best friend in the whole wide world, and she was taking her last breath in that like the moment that I write it. My whole life and so on there in that moment and the peace was there too, even though their with grief feel that peace in the background- and so I began, sharing and under the hashtag be her now and it came very powerful, hashtag many women guided tattooed on them. Thanks the Vienna where these very successful entrepreneurial women c o the companies are messaging. You like I'm, not happy. How can I find this peace inside and yeah that? that is my journey and it's the journey that I know we all have our different paths, but we're going to the same destination, which is recognising that rehab. everything we need an us already and that this piece is always already here,
Albert less, don't wait here. Right as a representation because I think so many women at especially black when we have issues with out here, I know girl. I know if I used to hate that my hair was curly. It was frizzy all the time. I don't know what to do with it, and so I do want to talk about here is a representation of not just something We're Fisher, like people might think, as people have a lot of things to say about our here. It is, of course you know just culturally how, where view how you have to even had the crown act, because women are looked a different way in the workspace. If you have a certain type of harry do so talk about that a little bit and just how you got to their journey, where you were able to embrace
Eric agenda is amazing and beautiful. I love it. Thank you being gear did not, and I actually never had a relax are growing up. It was always present curl, but it was always laid. It was always present world until I got to colleagues that it is all white school. There were no black stylus up there and I was left on my own, but I didn't like the fact that I was always concerned about my hair, so knowing that I knew I had to take control of learning about it, because we weren't taught how to care for our hair but to be able to feel just as content and comfortable in beautiful with your own hair, no matter of its pulled back or out and curly or you have it straightened, that's a powerful place to be Now, let's discuss you and how you felt like you were unhappy, and I feel you on that regulate a bestseller, but better then go here girl, you everything you got that has gone on and you feel like. You should be happy and then you feel a little ungrateful better now and you like, like those people who aren't you
what they want to do these people who, at their struggling, had their ivy ungrateful. Also talk about how you came to that realisation and what you did to kind of upper come back you you know. I love you touched on like that ungrateful myths, because for me I would here like ok practice gratitude practice I did it. I had a journal and I never felt grateful like genuine gratitude and always felt force, and I knew That was a major problem As I went deeper and would sit, I would meditate girl for like two three hours a day. and I was blessed enough to have a lifestyle to be able to read all the time and meditate all the time and I started seeing True gratitude is not a human quality. Its sole quality is a God quality. So the more I got quiet and tapped into that more quiet place with it and that now troll gratitude that natural compared My true love, God, love just started coming from that place, and so all of a sudden it wasn't like. I was forcing myself to be great,
for the beautiful opportunities I've been given. It was I'm grateful in this moment for good I find it to be able to speak with you. I'm waiting for you know, there's microphone, you know that's delivering my voice in you noticed chair that supporting me so like coming into the present moment is what helped me. I just had to recognise it and practices in every moment, and then it becomes your lifestyle and it's just as natural now for me to feel grateful as it was. Phil ungrateful ten years ago, right now there are so many people going through so many different things, and it has been hard for people to take care of themselves. We have a lot of stress and our minds so Let's talk about why this summit it will be beneficial and what's happening at this, be her summit, and so the be her summit is shit. helping women shift into this and staying here staying her best version, the whole margin of yourselves and the summit is gonna, take five entry
wings were covering creativity, spirituality, entrepreneurship, beauty and wellness meeting people. ever they are wherever their passions lie, but that the red- that's tying it all. Gather is that you are recognising your homeless and that you have everything you need within you already. You just opening out away for it to get out here in the world and I would love. I were absolutely love for everyone, moon that comes to the summit, to recognise that she is already free and it's just our thoughts that keep us feeling trap that keep us spilling small until stepping out of that that's what we're doing on Saturday marked six the all day, rising at the mini retreat or a practising all day being our best cells in price. Together at home, so that we can be and show up as our whole cells in public on Monday
working people sign out, so they get more information, so they can attend, and I see a lot of my friends are on the Vienna grow Yolanda WWW, some cream glands as easy than they are jasmine. Solano YO. A lot of enabling the name be her summit, dot com, its march and it's going on all day on Saturday, from ten a m eastern until the night on, but it'll be beautiful and I'm so appreciative. If you for helping me get the word out. Thank you so much Nicky. I can't wait for us to continue to work with you. We appreciate you pay her Sammy all day. Saturday may show you sign up, for that is the breakfast club there was another phenomena, woman in history, Everybody is the G envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We oughta breakfast club now today is the last day the vote for what of our. How do I get all unconscious ultimate search for the next big artist in here pot or are in be now Facebook groups, helps you fine and go.
you're passions, it wants you to grow your pocket to sell both for your favorite. right now and you have a chance to win a five or to dollar gift card. I was really don't. We had a chance to meet some of the people who are competing to win the. How do I get on kinds? Has its gonna be a high decision for you guys tomato you go on their vote plus you get the five hundred I'll give card so check out. I heart radio dotcom slash. How can I get on and vote because you decide who gets on right now standing about here again shouts embodying a Lana, I'm out here all week along. So let's get to see you guys next week, be backing away from our real estate seminar. So I know I think, less than a hundred tickets. Laugh it pretty it it's up because, usually when we come to land, we have two three four thousand people, but because it with their only limited to thirty percent, so from information. Judges Click the link in my by Yonah Charlemagne youth. At a positive note, what you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make progress,
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Transcript generated on 2021-07-11.