« The Breakfast Club

Alicia Garza and Angela Rye Interview


Today on the show we had civil rights activist and co founder of the international Black Lives Matter movement Alicia Garza, who spoke about Black Lives Matter, creating the black agenda, dealing with trauma and grief and more. Also, we had our political pundit Angela Rye call in where she spoke about voting, the final debate and more. Also Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to another Floridian.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Distractions are literally everywhere right now and it's Salesforce. We know that for Philadelphia, business leader is currently tackling a digital transformation. Well, it can be difficult to stay focused on what actually matters customer Derek? That's me: Salesforce customer three hundred and sixty helps your team stay focused for the single three hundred and sixty degree view your customer. That's how we bring companies and customers together, no matter what visit Salesforce, dot com, three hundred and sixty
this is a wake up call John region. The Angela Charlemagne girl cell on a planet is respect issue, because this is a voice. Is the signs in a J W morning, so I didn t want to hear that the world's most dangerous modest Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, loaded, easily yea, gay minorities, Charlemagne guy. Please do the planet and fried yes said Friday. We are here
made it a week in how you feel about their by good on blood black and highly favorite premier crazy, crazy day yesterday. So let me set out to my daughter. She finally got welcome to New York City. I guess the right way She called me up, and was I dare I say or such like, just left a restaurant. If you'd like, the guy on a corner. So let me guess he was in his me. If you would like how'd, you know I described them, choose legalities outside every club, every night club every rest rest. The same guy came guy me all. You mean yes, yes, we have run out of forty forty going as these until around they still around beaten is made. That is no way you ve should be injure. You should be arrested. I got It will not report and people noise face. You might know his hands and feet my arrest him several times. I really wonder pictures now that this is the guy, and, I said all of you yeah. You know it's good by the new man. You know this has been going on for a long time to reach the laugh at him. Clearly you need some type of hell, he's gonna be which mean had been
he has been violated. Every cloud has evincing a breakfast club why the amended broken because he manages in Addis Ababa Artists gave a he was here: that's autumn's, a yard or every another vision, yes, money to be committed, but even he's been locked them. Several times had been lie. You from abroad have been locked up in my in Florida. We know his name. I know a guy pledges. Bloodshot you gotta go to jail museum. Say his name and amended dark. I say his name, I'm only seen him up and he got a shiny, penis. Looking a gun, I've never seen I ran on those relating to go to jail. You I remember when every tell those that was him up at the studio, Maya both of us my goddamn, this disgusting, it was light which is beaten, meet where people work and buy em like it s what he does. I said you ve been known for decades of nuclear lobbies. It that's the guy
Being made, these can only be given added he's governmental, you guys clearly governmental elfish, guess I'll know about what that is on the would you call them that is my God. Isn't there was logical, see one an animal would. You call the sums than you gotta be no skin on his meat away. He began to gather them Competition in our right by every man might oatmeal yet animal protein. nothing, you does the ammonia empty stomach anymore, that y know skin beyond penises Jesus Christ. What you wrote on paper, If it works for me, I reckon I don't even know it recognises the waiting for longer when a man talks about a person revealing they meet in the Middle EAST. We must be not you write on a peace people world from me. I don't know what is going dramas. I I do my job we're going out. We got wee wee. I guess the Dayton Elisa Gaza will be joined. Other leaves me of Gaza.
Whereas it Eliseo a leafy resilient Lisi, advise Lilienthal ass if she had an amazing book out right now that I just finished reading, it is called the purpose of power and she's who founded the black loud, Madame Movement well founded on black fringes. Lap always refer to agenda. Does she created, I think, is very double comprehensive black agenda so releases an amazing bathing person to talk to men and appropriate powers, a great book, I'm telling you inhuman, as the black loud Madame movement, the boy glad Metal Organization and awaited I've, never even thought about brush black last matter. Was it tat they get the debate. Last night too, I will get into a debate of necks and also angel around will be joining a forty five. Forty one handler, I vow related us right. we'll take. It would all eleven front page news: remove is to breakfast club good, let's get into this world from within a sweetie engineer, echo
J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne God we are, the breakfast club was getting some front. Page news dies play last night if enough, above all, as it should play the they'll, be eagles. All my guide out again, I should not have happened now in this era of corona virus and area body dryness social needs is not be away from each other. We only know energy ease teams. Land to give I lost my money to their games should not have happened, allows a hundred hours bent on a diet, but anyway there was out there was after forgotten. It was up to textiles that a full of Cora. I woke up this morning. S hearing loss to though they had below twenty one twenty two, what has its own way I said about debate last night. Of course this is the second debate from forbidden in shrimp. Do you know they had the meeting of the microphones for the first two minutes. I think that hope down a jumpers allow calmer his hands were going crazy, but he wasn't as
What would I say combative as he was in the first debate now one thing that they did discuss was black lives matter, which I just told you listen to this. The first time I ever heard of black lives matter they would ending using in a blanket talking about police pigs. Pigs talking about our police pigs, I get fry em like bacon. I should data. Terrible thing and they were marching down the street That was my first. glimpse of black lives matter. I thought it was a terrible thing. All right, I was rising out of the debate. Joy and Reed said she we actually covering them and no one was saying that that's not even trail me out of it was tat. Margaret was deadly a march where it was. It was a group of people who had and for trade to be alive and it would fully Martin down the street in it. That does that for ever and ever video myself, but I don't know, said now: I've always say that doesn't represent. Would black lives matter? It is about likewise better stand for this cause. You got some bad apples, nettle, division and
Please you guys talk about a everybody can claim black lies manner. That doesn't mean they are part of that. Organization is easily lurk. Another thing that I Donald Trump was I can about was Corona virus here is binding and jump on. Corona virus issues were were learning to live with. People learn the guy with you, hope will have an empty chair. The kitchen table this morning that man or wife going to bed denied a region over to try to touch their out of habit where their way for husband was is gone. Where dine with. Cause he's never said, you said, is dangerous ones as time? Is it really dangerous still, and you say I take no responsibility. We talk about your two, usually Jerry. I take full responsibility. It's not my fault that it came yeah it's China's world you up there, If I didn't know of fascism looks like, and I didn't understand, the severity of Trump having control. Do you know of all the federal courts the deal J? If I didn't understand that a president carefully
anything done without having control of the Senate in the House of Senator hairs, wasn't gonna, take it probably right in this year, both third party, because both those guys are trash. Okay, they represent what's wrong with America, old white male politician and his boss old, rich white men, I got that that I didn't like nothing us all. Ass may be totally honest with you when it comes to immigration? You know there are five hundred and forty five children who have not been reunited with their said are still. They can't figure out how to get there them back together with their family in and here's what damage and had to say about the at the border. The United States can't locate the parents of more than five hundred children. So how These families ever be reunited. Children are brought here by bodies and lots of bad people cartels
and they brought here and they used to use them to get into our country. We now have a stronger borders we ve ever had and we let people in, but they have to come in legally and they come in through our only reunite media studies with their family to say, has to pay built cages near reunite. The kids, yes, we're working and other very, would we're trying very hard built gauges, though I was now the questionnaire didn't get answered last night trumps. They know bomber ministration due to cater to get back into the decades, Joe go now say these, though, was there with Obama. They were not separating young children from their parents and their families and not being able to reunite them down a gem said these kids are being treated very well. and I'm sure they much rather be with their families and separated. Under Meda Nosegays. We even one- and I think all that I'm gonna turn on your hands, and you see that last night, the bovine intranet, though, minded each other when they both both both corrupt. I personally think so.
That is your front page news already know it I'll do the way tromp sounds trying to defend covered is how binding zounds trying to defend the ninety four crumble donor I really don't anymore all right, we'll get Phs eight hundred eight hundred five, eight five one o five one if you need to visit, is up right now for months, openness to breakfast Cloacam on a breakfast
I'm sure why Kennedys repressed prove this message, but they ve got the experience and stealing a shack three or four years later we are in this position now. Aren't democracy is at a pivotal point from the top wheedle trust our many cedar trouble when economically, we ve got a hundred seventy thousand Americans day, and yet this presidential do anything he can't make it seem like things are better than they are. I did more for the black community than anybody with the possible exception of Abraham, like it's our responsibility. If we don't leave that effort to make things better, we can ask other people do there is no good reason not about where we need to have invented that office, like Dubai and the common the hairs they are best shot to take us vote less. What makes me incredibly hopeful, but we really do have to work for this day. Two thousand and did not the we need you to show up for our future for our country, you cannot sit on the sidelines. You gotta get the gay people by Biden for President you're down to get you to ask whether you want to hear from you and allows, as you want
the call from the Carolinas report. Ok, the Carolina number pop up or I beg you to refugees Mama, I'm sorry. You call from flawed yeah. I've thought about something that by thirty years ago, to stop it. We must have now go ahead of Gaza. They learn a wise because people are still in jail where ninety four cried out at a big the idiot. I already know that very well to cover all the rich people in all the poor people thirty years ago I mean come on old woman. I view the ninety four cry, but people are still in prison for demanding for crime. But now, when we talk about you, they commit a crime lot low level drug offences a die bagger we, a twenty aren't you? Thirty is
I was able to abandon, has said that it is, it wasn't a stain. Oh, he said that he has a mistake that black people ask him to do is a difference between saying something was a mistake and that you made a mistake bigger via that imagine a glaring I get it back in the night and everybody by crime bill now now, thirty years later to people on it as about it is not the Biden Granville anymore, it was something black wanted him to do I'm all right. I didn't. I didn't everybody's supported again I'm a guy Quint. What's the problem bill, carry it I can't let it be. Ledges apply the ninety five Annabel allowed him like a black woman. I also denied, if war cry, builded well lot of life, you will put back against the ninety four gravel and told people would gladly eleven I am voting for buying hairs in what I regard as but not going to here and act like I like the candidate people want either does all jumbled.
I'm a dull human beings. I thereby everywhere to less money. Brain does not only I'm begging. You have was not argue by waving their really don't give a damn about the one it was this morning. Ok We all know that, don't you I'm pregnant bubble. Isn't it a gamble ours as one vote for banking, murmur, hello, There is what's man do dj off of the seven hundred what our brother get off your chest? Amanda doubt that work and outside it on my self congratulation on man revolving never not broke, I've been in the air by parliament as the ground. You can be a good idea. If that's what you wanted, you don't deserve our respect matter. Let nobody no mammal started. Why didn't you are? Why didn't you posted on the ground? I do about it. Blocking mad. I want the audit you. What did you do? Did you call tat a have these short it now
don't worry I do. I did my boy. My dad some blood stain dirty as well the love and Israel are you nickname from now on is shoddy low. Ok, that is not alone. well get off your chest, eight hundred, they buy one of five. One of you need a video. You need a shark call is now the breakfast locomotive breakfast
once this is your return to get it off your chest, whether you made blessed eight hundred five five one. We want to hear from you the breakfast club people today. You are quite right that allows the big job to tell us that we think is outdated and I gotta get off moisture, Molly formalised. Please do your blood, you told I gotta think swamped with fifteen, or maybe you think, a feeble made. Some money get out get out a good climate Charlemagne. I'm gonna, buy you launched by you little Turkey sandwich, we told jam evaluating whether man made tat figure love. This is like Derek, but with a t, Terek was up. He had heard
of man is a dream. Come true. I don't understand that happens care. This can really cares they now want bury shot at everybody. Why that county Maryland pull some weeks ago, my shit man outlets near every morning. First of all, how you doing good morning, God bless blessed and highly favored. How are you, sir? I'm good man? I called Sean. This is Ren, yellow answer, Kansas phone calls but what then, nor will we not again is any more than anything else. I got a lap I got so far the trial member lemme get there? Thank you please get. I won't let you know what I can send you that and I can send you a copy, a riddle. Walkin book, the unapologetic guide, the black man to have had a bunch of cotton has a lot like a ball lag behind a copy. The doktor read a book in animal, for a while. I need to start sending those. I don't know why. I haven't done that. People need those that that especially around this time the thermometer is getting more reducing debt. Daniel leave your address when you or more
ok, we're gonna get in a moment. good, I'll, look real good boy, my as the grail is no numerical number one in the money terek here Macao e R r Taylor's. Looking look at it go we got to you if you handsome, and I looked ill but I promise I'll, let you know workers is boy I'm busy This is a matter we people again. They all look like Dorothys Dog told on man. I gotta live here. I also not liking to bravado door. too late, you get it off your charity little like they'll. Probably farm automata, Ireland shot him in your address you could double extra minutes out, a very moving yo, governments runaway
Yes, and let's talk about the rack, are you ready to see young rack? What are you about it now? I will get into their legs the breakfast global motor breakfast God you like a cable, the song on radio now tell the latter having been a lot of work with you, I'm with you, I'm does owner lobby right. Nobody. I can't believe you're on a radio admin sums worse than was absent. I don't remember those online on radio burgundy everywhere. You don't remember argument. We put it in your mouth now endeavouring to row irradiation, member that what not only about waiting you see, Matt yeah? How yea right? Am I m right? Will you see what you write? well, let's get to the root of this talk. The rock Maybe this is what it was used. Nuclear version, which is better begged Inessa, it's
I realize yesterday the rack made an announcement on Instagram. He said my fellow Americans, young rack, has officially begun filming. I knew wildly funny an unbelievable show for NBC explores my true life events during my first It appears from growing up in the surreal and tough world a pro wrestling to being a broke. Clapped him any actor hanging out in hug. You talks fifteen years old in Nashville deciding I was gonna, be an outlaw country. Singer will be born repaired, winning bid the women genetics muscles there waiting as no championship at their university Miami, the bad as boys, college football has ever seen period fun and wild, so I can't wait to deliver it to you guys in twenty two in Morocco, Eau De Baby, they look like when he was dying. They are gonna, be doing this on NBC, I caught a black in the meantime, as announced a new album and Jackie Series is coming and it is cod, Israel. So even though he is still in jail, and he can't personally sat sentiment.
just to his fans. He's been relaying statements to everybody to his friends and through his attorney, so they did announce Bill Israel, which is its upcoming projects. They said details are scarce, but it looks like it'll be a duck. Series there as well. I was on a corner black hat Jessica. was, he seemed like you, ve been here. I now just moved them to a new facilities, been heaven all kinds of issue. I remember it argues renew our move. You know that he was being tortured behind bars. He was being abused according to accord. I black I gave him a gang beating after he arrived, they said he says they been violating his rights and led to his mouth bleeding vomiting lacerations, all these things, so you know more court. let our I love New York is coming back. You guys, like Tiffany Palate.
I made a MAC. Stealing, I think tat in your pocket is one of the most talented reality shows people ever thereby work. Now Is there will be a one hour? A union special I left New York were United People Carol seemed I've done it on tv. Will love New York still to this day, man you're good iconic to some people might not my own roll call. Me love, though, loved Tiffany pilot as Brentwood. Seventy already, Shell Ombudsman interviews, people dare shoulder our s, there you have it so we can see that as well. I right now bubble, while is his new NASCAR team, Michael Jordan, inspired team name, number and logo. So then team was named three eleven in reference to the Jersey number that Jordan, while playing in the NBA and the number eleven car at the other owner action,
Hamlet s ways with for the past fourteen seasons, so that is in twenty three eleven the Roman is twenty three and then the roman numerals, eleven just f. Why? I'm and yet I write well I'm Angela YE, and that is your room, a report for all right. Thank you miss you. Now we got from patients come up what we talked about yet You have to get more into the debate that went down last night's work, these are more info on what was said about other things, corona virus in health care, in order that our right, we'll get internet next to breakfast locomotive breakfast club your morning. So now would be the key J envy and for fifty five years the general insurance has been giving people affordable, auto insurance with excellent customer service. Your custom covers this right for you and immediate proof of it. Call them at eight hundred general a visit, the general dotcom. Some restrictions apply.
rights morning. Everybody is dj. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne to God we are the breakfast club is Friday to me. They got. It is right and I am looking forward to doing nothing. Nothing remains nothing in my favorite thing to do, and you know I like to do nothing with some wine and some animals. Well does right now right. Ok, all right was drinking. Do drugs. Let's go the and only one just right now you're tougher bullying at its awful, times law is all you need to know allows a hundred Alice cloud. You bet on edge seriously. Why would you bet on a diet? I made a note of your team why I made the bet before us even started killed. So was I wonder things out like I we might be eye, and then we just word I and I couldn't take the bet back though, and avail cancel all energy ease. Games comes from Dallas Cowboys fan, I think Cowboys Rand Redskins franchise vans eagles, We can all agree, cancel all energy
these games The cold, I'm with you right. Well, what have we done? My point, a little about the debate last night, I, what do you know? but the moderator Christine Welcome about you did a great job nominal job, but you know wide old, because The candidates mega family, not only not only that, but both candidates were least Trump tromp was even temporary trouble. Wasn't it trot bag. Last night it was, he was more stable than we probably have it. seen him, and yet you can't really blame old, moderators foot, the forest They may have got out of control I re well, let's discuss what happened now. Of course. The ninety four climb bell comes up in here is what happened in the eightys. We passed, one hundred percent or one hundred shoulders voted for a bit
on drugs and how to deal with drugs. It was a mistake I ve been trying to change the sense and particularly the portion of cocaine. That's why I've been arguing that, in fact, we should not send anyone to jail for a pure drug offence. They should be going into treatment. That's what we ve been trying to do. That's what I'm going to get done because it made the american people have now Seen that in fact it was a mistake to pass those laws relating to drugs, but they were not in the crime, the eight years to get a dead now you're saying you're gonna get it done because you're old no action to redraft we're out of it. We release thirty eight and thirty. Eight thousand prisoners left for me out. I think that the weight dog sounds trying to defend his response to the coronavirus is how, by the sounds, trying to defend the ninety four crime bill. It was a
big butt. Wasn't your mistake, cuz back in the day you called it the Biden, crime bill. You took full responsibility for it. Now you blame it on other people in the other, people wanted wanted you to do it and it it was just a mistake. Imagine you cheat on your girl and you say it was a mistake. My boys told me to do it. You think that's conflict. When I, what can one say now you apologize and use? You know you show legislation that we make policy commitments to the direct defy the situation is what I'm going to do. Moving forward this x Y see these things as well. I think that's where you data to say as their move afore. That's why you- and you know it was a mistake: that applies. They were mistaken. Here's where, where China do moving forward and down, I'm saying you didn't do those things that hotel that you were in office boy. Another thing that bear down a chump is always having. The band is his taxes I have not taken a penny from any foreign source. Ever in my life, we learned this president paid fifty times attack
in China as a secret bank account with China, does this in china- and, in fact, is talking about me taking money number two. This is is it an I released all my tax returns twenty two years go. Look You have not released a single solitary year of your tax return. What are you hiding Why are you unwilling to foreign countries? I'll pay. You a lot russian, pain. You a lot China paying a life. all right now. Another thing that comes up lays down a chump was talking about Hunter Biden in the hall, Ukraine and instigation. Here's what he said his son did never for a long time was sadly no longer in the military, nervous. I won't get into that and he didn't have a job as soon as you. became vice president for not the best reputation in the world. Are you I paid him a hundred and eighty three thousand a month and they
the three million dollar up front pay more right and he had no large energy, the vice presidents rivalry, and then I get your question to you very old basis. Everybody investigated at no one said we did was wrong in Ukraine, in a wider than tax, don't work on binding because Trump is drawn a question, somebody's character because a trump nobody the by catch he cha, Cha, ripped up the play will go in character, it'll care, Aubrey O'Day, took to her page social media said since Champ has now lowered this debate to trashing family Dan Junior hate, his father. Gay and lesbian and low Eric S, universe on their apprentice Board total, while with his dear wife right, It's not about my family. Are your family. It's about your fear, play to the american people talk to your country. Mr President, while we added have tax of text, Can you tell me what a little is whole baron is they were the private jet and barren didn't like his food, so you do the plate across the plain at the attendant. None of these people are innocent of
a whole lot of destitute ass, great ass to tee. I was missing last night: that's what I'm really upset about last night was born at how enormously, and I sat there, how much snacks written ready to see some action and they both want to be stable, You know there is- and I wish you well for your president- now What does reality shows those days when a reality, she'll God damn it, did we will well defined, I have to go back to the giants game provided when she was a little boy was well. It wasn't imitating last night now rights our right it's an answer from taking as news I never we come back. Eliseo Garza will be at a level. Is your? God is one of the founders of the black loud Madame movement. She has a noble girl called the purpose of power. Hey in a really does humanised the black loud, Madame Movement, Black last matter organization, in our inner in a railways, a great red, Dorette, we'll get internet nexus to breakfast club cowboy breakfast district
they're literally everywhere, right now and it's Salesforce, we know that for Philadelphia, business leader is currently tackling a digital transformation. Well, it can be difficult to stay focused on what actually matters your customer Derek. That's me. Salesforce customer three hundred and sixty helps your team stay focused for the single three hundred and sixty degree view your customer. That's how we bring companies and customers together, no matter what visit Salesforce, dot com three hundred and sixty like everybody is the envy Angela Ye Charlemagne, the girl? We are the breakfast club. We got a special guess in a building, a lazy Gaza morning as re one of the founders of the black lab Madame Movement, is you have a new book out on the purpose of power? How we come together when we fall apart, That is a very powerful title or yes, it is, you know our sister Angela, I'm helped inspire me around this title ass, you know
we're going off about what's going on in the elections in July. As ancillary Danny or anything, we were talking about Billy the need. Far our movements to better, your stand. What it is that we are fighting for we're not fighting for seeds, cabinet positions, anything like that were fighting for power, and so the purpose of power became the title of this book. Back to the black lives. Madame old man and you one of the founders. Can we start how that was found? It I mean lives matter really comes out of the murder of tree by Martin and the subsequent acquittal of George Zimmermann in his murder, but it's much bigger than police violence and I think so much of what people no about black lives matter is policing. Ray protests the people see on tv or that they attend themselves, but I
say that one of the reasons I wrote this book honestly is because very few people know about the offline work that goes into social change, and so that's what I'd? about in the book, is important to know that is not our glamour is where it right a lot of times. We see these celebrities are people who are just using different platforms. Be things, but there's a lot more. That goes into starting a movement in organizing than just being on a platform where I'm starting a hashtag, so that something that you also addressed in your break in how you were raised and how that plays a role in how you even started becoming organizer right. So can you talk about how your background, in here family. Your mother in particular, actually encourage. Do I sure well, thank you for saying, now, because, honestly, that is a big thing. People dont now is that it's not glamorous work can let the work is hard, and you know so many people I think I see what's happening on social media and may think you know
I want to start a hashtag so, can start a movement so that I can have a look following this and they talk about in the book cow. That's actually now were fighting for him and that's not what is going to create change. Am hashtags, don't start movements Both you- and I say this in the barn and when I try to do in this book- is talk about how it is that people start movements for me myself, the first had a lesson that I ever got in. Politics was from my mom who passed away a couple of years ago, and I really learned from her that dignity and survival is at the core of everything that we are fighting for it at the port of everything that we do. She fundamentally believe that we are all each other's response, the ability and the every body said, have the right to live with dignity, and you did a great job of of Humanising, be Elam in the purpose of power, not just be alembert in particular yourself, Patrice in an open, not just personally, you know, but but
movement itself in chapter: eleven voting can be a movement very timely chapter, four right now you actually I shouldn't be eleven emitted. A job didn't have a clear that it demands did to take on the cap. Page rail and not in whole. Hillary Clinton accountable for her role in mass incarceration. Do you think, the movements have been a better job this time around this election cycle, doing it yeah, I mean think, were learning a lot in twenty sixteen, yes, I am, I think, movements in this isn't just limited to be a lamb, as I say in the book, but our movements are relatively ambivalent about elections, and I understand why I'm you'll have talked about this time. Re people don't feel like these processes. actually deliver the things that we and in a lot of ways there right, but some of the thing that happens here is that am we haven't figured out what our engagement looks like this on our terms and not their terms
All the people don't know that, for example, even though we decided not to endorse a candidate- and I think It was still the right decision. We were what engaging with candidates behind the scenes we were calling for a black, lives matter, debate from the Dnc and got shut down promptly by Debbie watched him in South Sudan ultimately got ousted because, since looked like, she was trying to rig the process for Hillary Clinton. and we had campaign conversations with their staff people policy campaign discussions where when they were starting to talk about I'm trans rates there Don't talk about education, that's because they were getting by be alone, but at the end of the day when it became clear that this election was to go in a certain direction and everybody's voice needed to be unified and we couldn't, we couldn't show up for that and that wasn't just a question of our move,
It was a question of many movements who or engaging tens of thousands and sometimes millions of people, but not putting out a clear. Said about how we approach these stages. It happened. How we both called the contradiction. Nothing's going to change without us right, but they're gonna keep, going without us, even though we might love throw in and get our influence in the max and you are created, went some research, tens every it's a black agenda and I see a lot of people coming up with their black agendas. Now. Can you about your black agenda. this agenda and you can find it at black to the future dot org and this agenda. it is not the rabbit. The it is the black unit the agenda is something that we ve been pushing for the last year, trying to get this adopted by campaign
in trying to get it adopted by political parties. But frankly, what we're doing is were changing rules in cities and states. Using this agenda we ve already organised seventy thousand black voters around this agenda and we know the seventy thousand black borders are using this agenda right now, as they're making decisions up and down the ballot, so you know fulfilled who are listening and you want to get involved. We are using this agenda as an organizing tool to change the rules that have been rigged against us for generations and also training our people. How to write? in design the rules. So we're not just asking people to give us the rotating actually trying to change the balance of power and the black agenda. Twenty twenty, as the first step, was the three biggest things that you seen that you would see their people wanted. You know Charlemagne. You were so great. Yesterday, undone lemon I was listening cause. I was in my view from inspired by people like you, you just made a clear yes, but
We want to understand, and we want to get better stronger around our economics and that the number one issue that have Blackfoot up at night in the black census was wages that were too low to support a family and then, of course, followed by other safety net, Use that also have to do with wealth, and we didn't just look at problems in the agenda. We looked at solutions. Journey of people in our survey said that number one I'm pilot. They don't believe the politicians care about us or our families number two that when it comes to policing and police violence that we want police to be held. Council when they commit crimes in our communities and number three. What people said was that they won't cover and to take more of a war in being responsible for everyone. So hot
right now, the way the people see government is that it's only geared towards people who are wealthy and people who are way and what our folks said was. You know that has to change. We need to start making people pay them fair share. If you make over a certain amount of money- and we have to make sure the government ray is really establish. being a floor in a baseline, for everybody is human dignity. I we are Mona, LISA Gaza. When we come back as the breakfast Club Gomorrah morning, everybody is dj. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne, the guy we are the breakfast club was to kick. It would Eliseo Garza Shadowy. I want to have new course in thirteen due to the election. You know you got two black senses, you got you like agenda, whose A gender is is more in line with the black census in your agenda is to lift every voice plan or platinum plant Donald Trump well without question
and is the left every voice play per annum. Leaving one pays he had to keep it simple there's nothing in there, but I'm not I'm going to say just to be honest: at lift every voice play needs a lot of work. We have been fighting for the last eight months to get this campaign and to really home in on the nuances of web lacking. And it is me- and I think in some ways- and I'm gonna be super honest here. I think they're, using who am engaging, like a very established. A framework it comes to dealing with our communities and that doesn't match the type was that were in and if the man was in charge stays in charge, he plans to be in charge for a very long time. It ain't no more you're like all other cycle, so we handle this bird right now and then we keep pushing. I will tell you you know, I say in the book as well that election
answer not about personality. Is it's not about how we would have over for dinner? I dont think I would want, or by an over my house for dinner remain, but are you this it's about pick? the terrain. I want to fight on Train I want to fight on will allow me to fight for another day asked him, and if this man stays president, We don't have that train and we may not be able to find another day. So it's super cleared me. I hope its clear to everybody who is listening to what are your thoughts on engaging though, let's just say could be seen. People say Like you, don't know, who's gonna be in power. You should engage with whoever that person is in order to create change. Set up. Saying: ok, Adam submit that person, I won't engage gaze. What are your thoughts on that? I think we're mixing up a lot of things so number one. Absolutely it's important to engage with people who are in power, but we also have to do that with a clear set of ice and engaging with Donald Trump. Is it's not an ideological thing? It's a practical thing
he has shown over and over again is that he is not for black people and that He does actually talk about black folks. It's really to enrich himself and we can take the first step act, for example, right. He did a lot. There was a lot of whom around how he was the one who pushed the first in a criminal justice reform plan from the needed over that republican side, but I can say this- he also talked a bunch of crap about it. the only uses it right when he wants to talk to black folks about why we should suspend our? this belief and actually suspend what we see right in front of our eyes and maybe think by voting for him. I understand desire for change, and I think that the way that we may change is through organizing what are your thoughts or Joe Biden. I know you said you would invite him to your house for dinner, for what are your thoughts as
person to him at as a president. If he's elected a lot of people, don't seem to necessarily care for him and care more for Kamala Harris. So what are your thoughts about don't look up like that is indeed the right hand. Gonna answer is before getting here I do not want to go, I mean, but I'm sure he's a nice guy. The way that I approached politicians and whether it be people I really like or whether I dont like them, is about the policies that they move forward, and you know I'm clear about what I need to be doing in this cycle, but it doesn't mean I can't be critical of out of this person and at the same time, he has expected support from our community Italy has gotten it without very many demands. I thought my congresswoman is actually a lot different at him she got put in.
Congress on an anti war: Mandy, that's just the kind of flavour of where were from but I can tell you what is she strayed from that? It would be a pro and she would be contested earth elections understands that she also has a deep sense, accountability to her community and that's what I think politics needs to look like. It doesn't look like that right now, but it won't look like that. If we don't fight It's a look like that. So that's why we do the work we do at the black to the future action plan and the black futures lab jumper dean and the purpose of power that down one that touch me too, past the syndrome and the patriarchy, and you describe yourself as a survivor of impostors syndrome. I've never looked at it like that rate rig dead. Now while impostors syndrome is really there in that you don't belong here. That's not good enough ray and really successful people have impostor centre
part of the fight that I engage in every single day. Among many, it is being seen as capable, intelligent worthy, not just from myself, from others and even in terms of this movement, you know Patrice an open I am, and so The other activists in this movement have encountered things that are indescribable and yet, at the same time no matter how much I do here. People are always look for the man whose leading there are always going to be. Waiting for the next. The next coming of Martin Luther King, and that is something that I needed to point out here, because we can reach what we're trying to reach. If we can see you to try and repeat errors that no longer exist for me,
I really wanted people to better understand what is the consequence right the stories that we tell ourselves in each other about what successful movements look like. What am I, a successful leaders, look like rate and the impact that we have on the cheap that we see it's not a competition between men and women, it's really about equity. Quality, and how can we encourage all of us to step forward and to take ownership of our accomplishments while all no giving shine to other folk. I think we can do all those things at the same I'm the reason. I love that chapter doors, because I've never looked at surviving impostor syndrome. You know I have for me in a devil suffer from imply the syndrome, but when I, when I finally got to tat place, I felt like I was over it like. I was get into a place, a worthy break out the worthy to be in a position that I mentioned. I wonder what happens when you
survive and places Indra. Well, when you don't survive impostor syndrome, you stop striving. You stop striving he stopped glowing. You stop signing and, frankly you stop trying you stop creating. stop innovating, and the reason I put this chapter in the book is because I wanted to suppose that I wanted to show us that in alone, of ways were cutting off our nose to spite our face. We need build a movement in the millions, and that means we need all The talent, all the creativity, but we also have to break down, on these ways of relating to each other. That are deeply deeply unhealthy and may lead to some he prayed that is hard to recover from oh if we're gonna build movements that last one of the things I argue is that we have to learn how to engage our pain and our trauma in such a way where we don't tell each other up, and we know
each other alive from the inside we had were in an inn. section where we have to give care to the things that need to die away, pray all Ways in which are society and our economy is organised, the don't serve us. We need to give care too. to wither away, but then we also mean to give care to the things that were trying to birth and I think, we're in unprecedented moment where we get to do both. At the same time, I movie got more, would Elisa Gaza when we come back as the breakfast club go morning.
that's our above. You can get a big man I can install it gave in June. I said it's a bad guy. There was a lot of time. Thinking you told me, you ve been very kind of you to come and meet again. Just now that you are not the only way to bring about a come whenever you smoke, jukes goes back to town of these shows. What I see is not a single supplies. Every other men became man. Jukes thought no statute of these shows road. I changed my mind. I see who does not suffice night. Another movie came, another delegate may face Emmett, as in any particular decides to cause, I'm not afraid of a judge. I let it the way you to stand trial of these road at what I might see. Who does not suffice. Every other men jukes knows TAT. Some of these shows that I might not suffice. Every other night another movie came May morning. Everybody is D. J envy Angela YE shall meet again. We are the breakfast club was still kicking, it would Eliseo guards and shadowy chapters
Eighteen was another with another one platforms, pedestals and profiles. I had that text you last night to tell you that that chapter move me spiritually, because you break down. act. We would a person should be using their platform following you asked the queen It was, I think everyone would. A platform should ask themselves for what info Are you building a platform in profile good? Could you elaborate on that question? I mean for me play a purpose is to make black communities power. In every aspect of our lives- and I have chosen to focused on the realm of politics. In order to do that, I have encountered a lot of people if this movement, not just like, be alarmed bright but in the movement work that I have done, especially in the last decade, where I think the reason that people are in it is because, Wanna be close to celebrities, nay. Why to have a massive social media,
platform they want millions of people to follow them. They want to be seen and am that's a very human desire, but it's not in the service of movement right, that's in the service of yours and if you wanna be a celebrity, nothing wrong with that necessarily, but that is not compatible with aims and also a movement. It doesn't matter. If you have a million twitter followers, you can have five instead of exactly and I find the alpine convention so easy to spread boss information. You know- and I see that you work with a lot of different organizations, working plan, parenthood, correct, that's correct and I ways here. People say really negative things about me: and parenthood. So I just wanted you to talk about my appearing at sea. Doing something which is so. Riches are used to be president of planned parenthood. So if you could just talk about your experience there and why you think may appear, as aid is beneficial.
Our community sure. You know I talk in the book about me story, with plan parent heard, I in college, learned about the role that Margaret Sanger played. Not just in that organization must be clear, but in the movie around and reproductive rights and what sang arm was fighting for was the abyss the of white women to determine when and where they wanted, to start families and winning two women of color and poor women and immigrant women. She didn't believe that our families were fit to reproduce, and so she was at the same time a reproductive rights. A crusade- She was at the same time a member of the eugenics movement, and that's not about land parenthood, that's about a movement that allows for that kind of by four and wear white women can get access to things,
black women and women of color and immigrant women in poor women right. Short end of the stick em with that being said, I talk in the book how all of our lives have been shaped by an incredibly powerful conservative movement led in a part of what that has looked like is policy wars and culture wars, and then what weapons is because we have a rightful distrust of the IMF in that we hear we buy in She would their narrative easily because its its answer establishment, and now, over the last few years they ve been testing our communities, how it is that they can make inroads, it's not good for them for their movements. be seen as an all White movement super. They want to break off many of our communities in some of the core things that they use are conversations around healthcare, which is how plan parenthood gets involved in
perceptions about black lives matter, and the danger here Ray is that we have to figure out number one. How it is that we control and shape our own stories and how we have the apparatus to disseminate those stories. So shouting Charlie man for building this huge platform re around getting black one. Is out there to the world, but we also have to be able call out and hold accountable those who try to manipulate us into doing things that actually benefit the majority of our communities very just would like. Even if we look at black clouds man, I mean I've heard it entire law. I've heard is answering wise. I heard is a terrorist anthem, Foley's. I've heard all of that in oh, and what are you saying? people are just really dont understand because specially most Why people, when they hear black last matter, is like Krypton they all of a sudden. He stopped governor phase, they start running, they get so mad yeah. So what what Iraq is a lot of that information is stored, no wrong what we ve been pretty
transparent and pretty clear about what were for women beginning on days, when I'm feeling ok, I tried to put the attacks that we give the President and Rudy Giuliani in all the ways in which we get used as political footballs. I try to put that aside and put it into the bigger picture, because they don't have a record to stand on the attackers. directly around our record, and I will stand for our record any day. So our team the movement for black lives, black lives matter, and so the other entities introduced to breathe that rate, which is our generations version of the Civil Rights ACT. What has done, tromp or any of these people done about Rachel Justice and around police violence. Nothing! Black lives matter is fighting for the sanctity and dignity of black life. It
be something that everybody should be aligned with and in adherence to including the President chapter, seventeen. I thought the way you explained De Ray Macsharry in it was interesting you it was. It was tasteful, but who farm in I mean you re the ray, I'm sorry. What wow important to explain to people tat you re, as you said, was, was taken creative ability. You know I saw conflicted, but again it feel important to me to tell the truth and part of the truth Ray is that We have allowed people to overstate their walls It's not really about him. It, I'm using him as an example to talk about a larger phenomenon because he's not the only one Am I want us to ask ourselves these questions? Why is it right that we
can't see a leader of a movement as a boy queer woman with two knows rings and tattoos right, but that we can certainly and feel fine about I M seeing a leader of a movement being some He who wears a blue vast and is a man we have to ask ourselves these questions you mention there ain't a Londoner chapter at pathogens me, I think you ve got a thing. I also want us better understand. Wheeler more work to do on em, building unity amongst the diversity and complexity of our communities, and there also has to a place where we all come together and hash out. What is our com an agenda and that work takes both sides of things right.
Takes the unity work, but it also takes up what are our particular concerns work? Well, her name is Eliseo Garza. The book incredible I'm in Olivia, you are loved, you are valued, you are appreciated and you know I'm just happy that you exist. I'm glad that you're here to do the work, Perhaps you Europe, each year, Regimes solicitor Garza, tell about the park. Avril Doyle, don't gotta subscribe oh yeah, ok so check out lady, don't take no podcast, which is pop culture. Politics with aside a beauty Recommendations, and actually we're gonna. Have you sorry, man on the cell? Next week's, not talking about beauty, recommendation flawless, muscular, stop yet again, saying where you at your fat cast its available, and I'm stuck to have you on next week, things for joining the bag. You go get the purpose of primary body guards is to breakfast club.
Everybody is dj envy Angela Ye Charlemagne ago. We are the breakfast clubs. Let's get to the room, was talk, buster robbed, the mud, amphibians this is the one on the breakfast club and you're gonna play some respect on best. Rhymes is name shall among our less about viruses. Here's where tee, I had to say about why he went into a verse, is the best it absolutely. Every bit boasted a whole other by the generation, a gap. It might be a little bit just a little work, just a little too much is allowed to merge twisted burst with dead after one he Boston Missy. I agree. Boston tea out, as it makes it. Oh man, I told you it's all week: law must have lost the battle. Anybody, though, are in a mad at him. He feels he s a catalogue which he does in he spake alot of people's ass is but de I jeez, I think, that's a better match up the anjitsu phenomenal versus didn't boss.
he's gone, you were as we are gonna get to that right. Now. Here's, where best had to say you spoke, the climate justice, the fancy way to say the two turned down versus that'll, you wanna talk about generational, get debts, very respectful way. not saying that you really want to sit in the smoking section will meet a school tat. You could say a king of the south to listen make no excuses. King is tell the people, you really now ready to get this as open on world stage, as the truth now salute respect, Busta rhymes as well he's one of the greatest hip hop performers of all time. I love buses music. In fact, one of my favorite hip hop songs ever is why we die featuring Dmx and Jay Z produced by Swizz Aubusson anarchy, album with that said, musically. He would not win a verses against TI. It's a terrible matchup. Mystically tee. I wouldn't manhandled Busta musically. What I want to see, as well as bus diversity,
you see when you started last timing in all last night, when you start, how would you like this? The truth as well as I do that we organise its aid to take on even more than one eyed? Isn't a time? Listen to this now most of the world again. whoever, where ever whatever As a matter of fact, I don't mind goin up against two different artists in the same verses. a menagerie verses, come on. You know, what's wrong with you, where's the railway moaning about it's take things. Yes, there is, I guess it would really be. versus AIDS via wow array now Amber rose was talking about how things went down hill with, and twenty one savage. You knows, she's ahead to say on her back on the pack with no jumper
Here's what you had to say is really like that, I'm a whole to sign their kindness started their downward spiral. Are you there told him the whole sinuses, I'm a how now he actually heap that's what we want to do, and I think that was ultimately the demise of are ruined. Everything goes well yeah in what way like that, I think that he was being very supportive anyway. mass a whole design, as is our whole, to an alibi that would be really gray for feminism. Like slut walk, you know your wrapper and laying he held it up and then, after that I think the internet, just when they are too much, and it was just not- it wasn't dead after that, twenty one in no way keep any real goes on to forge a model that is really to reason,
Gary Thy man, the bananas in my house, you gotta, get out here how to write and carry it sounded like a great idea, execution habitat is, innocent women, I'll make you described thing. That's not an item I brought back in the big Giuliano Amato may have seen a picture is one that we had never not admitted landed. The lapsing went about the airline. You landed. The lads liability like this because the eleven ITALY today about who says that idea about how you know I gotta barbershop gonna, be like her. You know my eyebrows. They which achieved okochee menu latina. Oh, I don't know if you do anything. This is unresolved today on that Obviously, when I go to the barbershop Rather, they are still brow dear to women, need Asia gathering my browser back in everything is terrible. As we see terrible goes back in his eyebrows and desirable guy. That's what I get for trying
it is only a lot I write. That is your room, a report I may easily using. I love you now, where the new I loaded, eyeliner. Yes, you do, I didn't think of me or any methodology with regard to which I learned, we told my line the arrow many next year nobler ever you go on my job, allow both of everybody. We have made me at all for this, since we ve been back from the quality Beijing thou Botanic events of desert gadget, it ok, our I rise Papua. Might too who even in the given a dark, intimate Aaron Hanukkah
the coming from the Congo. We like that, where would mean unaware and on agree as the no will you find out, who have to now are right will get into a next to breakfast locomotive breakfast club your morning. So now would be to say too that so much wanting seventy nine eight Central BT comic trio. Eighty five south hole. The twenty twenty b e t. Her Papa wards were to change big shore birds. boy, Gucci, Mange, nay, Eichel, little baby city girls until we know wigwam, plus music, will master PIG is that I am here Papa. Would more information search, hashtag pop awards, Don't you ever do to being a day a little bit of a mixed like Britain that I've been called a lot of my twenty two years. The donkey other day is a new way, while dog you today for Friday October twenty, firstly, the nobility
What do you want? I believe I buried bony Third Yeah Frati October. Twenty third for us was Jeff blood borne. This looks just like the dog you today for Friday October, twenty there go to Miami attorney name, Aaron Hanukkah, good morning? Miami? to everybody who lived us on one or two five beaten Miami lie, DE the thirty day was happening. Pneumonia, my brothers are, was bombed for one or two five, five love my em, but MA am, absolutely a part of Florida. Okay, what did your uncle? Charles always say? The craziest people in America come from the Bronx and all of Florida. You know what's so interesting. It was a brief moment, a very brief moment, with people from Florida with attempted dispute me on that not anymore people from Florida. Finally, taken a step back and started to see what we all see started to hear? What we are here and they could not deny that something is Billina right with Lord. I don't know what it is to state the water to sign People is just something about. You know: flawed, ok,
since all things Oculina, while from we say that boy, don't fool that now what is level the full Lebanon, the full scale of one to Florida. Every other day in America is about a four or five or flood of messages to different levels. Is this? Is this off the scales crazy things happen everywhere. But when you hear about it, you can understand somewhat. No, you get why certain crazy things happen places when things happen in Florida, it makes all whose just why out of the realm of our understanding in this story of Erin Hanukkah- is no different. The and is forty one years old and even a tiny drop included for all the authorities. I appreciate Google how much an attorney can make in Miami two yearly salary, I think, is ninety six thousand nine hundred and fifty eight dollars per year, almost almost on it, that ok point is very important. I want you to remember that number. You know why, because Erin this. Miami attorney ask is currently in federal custody after being charged.
Of trying to rob banks since September thirty, if you can't make this stuff let's go to w p, o d local temporary, published at one point in time. Erin Patrick Hanukkah was a local attorney. Now the FBI says: he's a serial bank robber feds, announcing the forty one year olds arrest Wednesday in coral gables, saying he's the man in these civilians photos linking Hanukkah to at least for bank robberies and gables and September thirtieth, and at least one in Heaven. Terror, Weak Forest University confirms Hanukkah Anders launch agree there in two thousand five and this profile on floor debar dot org shows him as a member and good standing, though the law firm, listed as a place of employment tells us Hanukkah suddenly disappeared two years ago and they haven't seen or heard from him. Since I don't go to college, will outcome much to become an attorney, we had to get a bachelor cigarette then you gotta go to law school right so that, like seven eighty is your life. Did you spent committed to working towards this goal?
becoming an eternity? Ok, Lloyd! something that allowed people aspire to be mean clay, optimal, Zella. Ok, we are seen shall attorney, outlaw ok, Matlock Allemande bill these people, all made me think, lawyers were like what you wanted to be in our society is kids. You know you gotta, you know you, you have a degree, you know of validation that allows you to make almost a hundred thousand dollars a year legally in Miami airing, but you, instead of want to be clear as to what you want to be clear from set it off and raw banks now you like to know how much he got from two of the five. Basically only successful are robbing to you now much. He got so much for it because it wanted to read as you get indicated, they he rob to banks, bag penitentiary, chance. but one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars, you robbed to banks and received one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. You took penitentiary chances for one thousand, eight hundred and fifty dollars this guy?
in between bank robbery, the police, so I'm driving downtown to miracle mile and arrested him. He had a ham on him and a demand note and not a hammer. Hammer like a gun by Hamma Hamma like a tooth okay, and he admitted that the Td Bank at two hundred and fifty five If our Hombre circle was next to his robbery. A temple is now another reason errand gettin donkey today, because you would think He's an attorney you'd be representing himself right wrong. He's got a public. Defend, ok made his first appearance, what is weak and they keep in that. They want takin him before trial, but he had bought here and days or maybe he'll get out. Let me tell you something: you know that kid whose parents would do him pretty well and he is, she didn't, have to hang indiscreet undue had read which you and your friends that's what this guy on is. Ok, It is nothing left to do here, except play a game of jazz. Why ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha movement in the low Yo Bathing lobby Laptop Raina, now aeronautical Miami
forty one years old, dubbed cereal bank robber, successfully rob to banks for one thousand, eight hundred and fifty dollars got caught with a hammer, not again the actual to ok annually. Just why why this is. and you say he is white. Woodward- would lose the conclusions we is there some time ago, hot occur I got one other disabling. I was in New Delhi Nudimmud annually. Might let me talk to mass. I need a mute. Her might well over two minutes with Beijing envy. Yes, now aeronautical Miami attorney forty one years old, cereal bank robber successfully rob to banks for one thousand, eight hundred and fifty, I was now call it a hammer, not a gun, actual tool jazz. Why? why there is a right why
I'm not saying these white we're at me, Joe mighty goals. Why do you think this? Well, I was on the same thing as year as the laughing with Hanukkah's. I wasn't gonna Tony Blair that I augur I'm your heart curves merrily. Neither are they lend you said a hammer. I think it was I would add, a real gunning when I know no J M O a moment to him. No doubt it is energy had economics, you work, maybe not attorneys Finally, I didn't say on Connachar is HIV and eighty around was what they say is happening, Maybe the list, Bosnia, your phone like what you get is letting you know he's not. Actually. Sadly, you to write
Aaron higher is a white man. Yes, yes occasion out any by people ass, they Monica best. Why isn't it is harder harms that article? Please give us please, let's Elsie and would give errand article two biggest here that is waging much down. Man is what is new big doggie dangerously. We gave you get a big dont, even happening there, donkey appealingly having every damn it. I wasn't in footloose what course he was now he wasn't billows horse, he was he was. Star. Nobody around look it up. To look it up its common knowledge. He was on a number of no Bill Magazine when that military knows Kennedy was now at loo. Now imminent. Enlargement is now good. Now good. Now now
I think, that we need a black. Reducing is the brow and whether there is a moderate producer go with. Why am I right? Why tone of the rabbit turn of bright red you by random comedy embracing idea about my goodness, you, Daniel Hanukkah article, seven of the take up rate next Angelo Raw will be joining us. forty something tomorrow at the fort an NGO would actually as cod on what they tell you I will get internet Nixy Ballade is keep breakfast
the breakfast club morning. Body is the J envy annually Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club, we got espresso guess in the building. My sister, I have no hope right now is right. We have Angelo Rye now, airway envy relay. I have no legal right now. Are you got all argon hope, but I will say it: is would love for you analyse morning. Could we also did the made last night, even though of candidates are trash people why they should still vote on November. There asked that this a good point well, first out lack, are human beings. Trash be added to the one human being on the state. I've still got a little bit of hope for the years ahead. You have confidence in your body. Do you like to learn diameter? Am I tell you? I have confidence, I have confidence in Canada, hair say: listen, I'm debates date. Now
that's all right along to the challenges, and why is most important to overcome those challenges to vote on over were there, you know Cigana still alive from an directed at package last night with Andrew Gilan, Bacardi, sellers and Andrew says in the lead, so important that I know you will appreciate, and that is that it is time for us to stop drew Sally and to start utility Nedda Irma S in TAT rock candidates in the whole political process, and we tell everybody who put everything on the line from abroad third, and were surprised right when people are like we'll nothing change what I waited when I went to lull, nothing, change. When I cast my vote free will, overnight: my community was changed overnight. My city wasn't changer, my state wasn't change. Monkey school looks exactly the same, and Andrews something that was so important. He said the DAS, the front door
Christianity say that as the starting line right when you gotta that the voting boot ashes. The first thing you can do that. all we should be doing and the biggest problem I think, as we tell people won't like your life, depends on it. You should, but also, several other things you we have to do to make sure you protect your livelihood, you protect your ability to survive and you protect our ability, when we weren't even considered able to get these things from the declaration of independence but life, every in the pursuit of happiness doesn't I'll come on election day? That's the hard thing, and so we They make sure people understand if you dont participate in those three things are less likely, but there's a lot. we have to do to ensure those things become likely also like you to explain just let you know what would tromp has right now, like you notified the courts, are concerned, and I have to point out that clearly myself, it didn't work is here with anyone out there. You know
you're not seven does not violate the hearing that we want to know where the three years of the unknown sallying biting right. You these not for sale to me right. I think what I'm saying is: there's one side that our preferred to engage. There's one side that I would prefer to fight to get to where we need to be hardly can't fight. We can fight truck on where we need to be still stood on the debate. They do every time he opened his mouth. He was. Why do I'm not allowed to do not only what I don't like the is like talk, you know what I've I've made us all White male politician in his boss are owed rich white man and Untidy Latin America. I hate that. I understand why you hate it because the reality of it is you don't feel seen or heard. I get that, but at the same time, when we got to the racial justice portion of the conversation and Joe Biden talked about the ability, the just see things differently. Meanwhile, down trouble.
Like my he's, the least raises person in the room. The fact that you are under the spectrum of racism rather sit down like then the debate before he said them back and stand by now know why don't job I told people easier, stand around and sit in whatever, even the poor boy than what is there a prize Europe's powers from New Orleans with that? Thank my group. What are we talking about and so I think that, at the end of the day, what we have to remember is that voting is up at the top of the ballot from the highest office in the land. The president to the bottom, when you look at the fact that sixty plus pursued Americans know who they were voting for before, did not to last night's debate that will we have to remember folks, already no seven argue centre right like wave. We started talking to people about the Supreme Court about all of the federal judicial appointments that not only Donald Trump can make
all of those that Barack Obama wasn't able to make I've been some frustrated in this process, because the camera and Joe Biden haven't talked about what is deserved by us on the course, and they should, because we literally wordy hamstrung by MID Mcconnell when you start having those conversations with people their position ship. I didn't informal focus group on the night before last and brought a Amy Coney Berries record. Who of course are about this.
do this at the Senate nominating process they re? They didn't know- or some of them did know, that she said that the inward saying the inward at work by your supervisor does not constitute a hast thou working environment, and I said what is about to lose my legs. But what are you talking about it with it? If you have the opportunity to get a judge on the Supreme Court or in a federal judicial appointment? Who thought like you? Would that be enough for you to vote? If you think Joe Biden does represent your interest, would you think that's enough? Everybody say yes, so do a good job of telling people have borne the judiciary is so if they had the opportunity to pig judges who think like them, we're going to enforce the laws that are passed income? great. That's reason enough for them to vote progressing. Don't talk about that enough! Now, don't look like a Danube him, an attorney general if you dont, like what's happening with that in those people that you get about voids, do so is not justified
yeah. I'm sorry! I was talking about the federal judiciary but you're absolutely right. State attorney general appointments District attorney's on the people who are representing you in the state legislature. This is a census here, ya there, drawing legislative districts for the state and federal positions. Elected office. It is like we have asked to be telling people to choose the process. Of course you can look at them and say I'm sorry, my everyday american state will. They should know better while they dont, because they stop teaches civics, it's cool it forever go. I am blessed cause. I grew up around that our know how many people had to our savings from school house right, but that ain't on air either right knew that that's our troops, you: how did you like Biden, replies at ninety four crime bill ass? My way, don't answer the less. It will come back and wants to Angela rather more dogma
Angela arise here is the breakfast club go morning morning. Everybody is easier. Envy Angela Ye Charlemagne guy. We are the breakfast club kicking to Angela right now. Solemn ages had a question from his right now dissolve the United out as you like, buying reply that ninety four crime only because I note, as do things there he would you know feel in this morning. That is his answer. The stuff like that. I'm tired of saying that this is it's a b The issue is the elephant in the room. Is the thing that's gonna keep on com up every time races address is the only thing vigil I mean I'm down transcend confusing it. Jesus down trap has again Joe Biden right is the only thing that he has answered, hear him only talk about the number of people whose sentences were committed under the Obama administration and who was granted clemency compared to a handful of people. Donald Trump gave clemency. To
is a palatable point, but it's not when you compare that to what happened in eighty two, eighty four, eighty six, eighty eight an eye for all of those things. It's the collective and you have to be clear about the fact this doesn't allow where we, ordinary till you can't defending right there The problem that we have is people awaiting a long time for Donald Trump to apologise to the central part. Five haven't have they call for the death penalty? Again of them as well, and it also calls for more police on the streets, so he's able to speak out of both sides of his mouth and wasted Joe Biden. Couldn't certain another advocating for that The reality of others is white supremacy. A white toxicity exists, on both sides of the island. It needs to be addressed. Is that stop defended that nonsense? People's lives were destroyed behind that and I think that this campaign gotta. Do you write and tell him that, of course again
We all know where we're it does it make it right, and so I'm saying at this late date, this isn't about securing a this is about saying and committing that you are ready to do the right thing and I think that's what it boils down to it. This point damage about the greek courts. Enlargement has been absent and then I would love for you. Two speeches by you been in a state of a forty seven years. You VP for eight years. You didn't none of these things. You said you wanted to do what. Why would you replied it? Why thinking it demonstrates that Donald Trump, it doesn't have a real, clear understanding of how government works. When you're in the United States Senate, you are one voting member of a hundred and so either when you sponsor legislation in your pushing things through you? Don't always get your way. I think it's an amiss statement of what he did under the Obama administration, everything from overseeing. the government's recovery to an economic crisis brought to you by George W Bush,
He was responsible for helping to find a cure for cancer after his sambo buying was diagnosed with cancer There are a number of other initiatives he led, including the auto obey, allow. So there are things He did whether or not people like them why he was an elected office, is something to be debated and has been hotly contested and debated throughout this cycle. But I think it's him This statement to say he didn't do anything fog of specifically devoted to the blood community. Awoke and then I think that moment Joe Biden talked about clemency. That was granted, but we all know enough wasn't done, nobody has done enough in our four hundred and years of being here, and you cannot put all of that at the feet of job. I'm not one of the past. Forty three Why president has done this before the one black president that we had in all this, then I think all of us made the mistake. I'm optimistic assuming right that the Obama
and do all of America's racism when he had to fight against it himself in his eight years he didn't, have control of the Senate, which is very important. Looking have controls in every part of his term, but when he did, they got the affordable care. I then, which they call Obama CARE and, as we know, I donno transition Thursday in office has tried to do that by not even how can you stand on a debate stage in the midst of corona virus and say that should all support general Minimum Wage Mandy like people killed, really pay their bills and that's what downtown then appearance said yesterday. We have, the problem with him and again, I'm just saying the person that I would rather fight to get further to where we need them to be more progressive and I probably hold him to it is an administration, is love appointees, that I know and unfamiliar way and happy dab, dab We first is down from their claims, He is the most are the best president from
people believe more families is the most leaves races present the least raised the alarm I am be raises, but at least I'm the least you look at Donald Trump and he ll go and organs pie. Cas he'll do his core, but have you get bad, inhuman. You ever seen bought in on way. You ever seen a most Lee Harvey ever seen a more Ricky Smiley you, seen a more none at a black programme, though not the breakfast club that big boy like received, like he's scared of the court, so you lies at the heart of this- is an linen bananas. Far he's scared me without the down from the guinea is basic line of attack against joke. I forgot all asked landed on the cry? Minon Minette, but I think that the most important thing is something that you guys are raising in. That is. You cannot take your base for brain it. The two largest Voting ardently party are black women.
I mean, and I ve probably a real close. Second, Tina Land. Next men and women Right- and that is Yours- Base You'D- have to come to the breakfast club. To talk to that, lecter it. You have to know the pulse of the culture by coming here. You cannot ignore your base. Unexpected then also third, about his eyes. Looked there could be any one it like, I said it could be Steve. Harvey could be. Big boy could be as integrated It does not say to the other folks who are doing great things, but I think you all establishes and when he sixteen, we the interview with Hilary. Every single presidential candidate came on the breakfast club this term, and I think that says a lot about who you are to the culture itself, for that they will say. Thank you, and I also tell the campaign they made a big mistake, lessening the candidates here. It is a very important step to make their questions did you I have that are valid, even if their tough those requests Did they have to be prepared to answer clearly on the debates stage in attacks
ads from other campaign is just it's just a critical mission. Critical, better results came up yet the ethics and coming next week before before. That's what you been several important nets of framework. We went. We appreciate you didn't tell him what you doin the Mayans somewhere and they set alight just this doing these big event. I hope they will make our proud. You know you guys are my family and work and have to be in fourteen cities all over the country and the biggest one will be here in Lay Ryanair right now, right now, at the forum in Inglewood Leg, justice is about ensuring that black and brown voters know there were not. They are asking for some without making sure that basic needs are met, a return. You all know we're in the middle of a pandemic within a pandemic within a pandemic. At the crossroads of call back, I'm economic injustice and, of course, All the racial injustice that exists in this country were given away. P P were given away meals for the day groceries.
Also offering Kobe testing. So we courage allotted second outside to our partners when we are both black voters matter and everybody else. This participating. be streaming on title, all day tomorrow at work for two and one slash two hours tomorrow, and we hope that people will come through if they need anything. You can also get the most important thing. You can cast early vote tomorrow is national early vote day, as it would also make sure that people can cast. There are legal and drop those bad. It's off. You don't have to put him in the mail if you don't want to one five p m tomorrow at the forum yeah yes, thirty, nine hundred when Manchester Boulevard him Inglewood, California Right were worthy city programme. What would argue for joining us? Angelo right is the breathless club. We got rooms on away
the breakfast at the reul report? You know, there's a nobler movie ass, I said Anko and has put these. Are they actually release date right before the debate, also by the way? And then, after such Baron Cohen hosted alive you in a with border at as well to answer any I think that you might have now. Everybody has been talking about this Giuliani part. The movie where he thinks he's talking to a man? That's a reporter as posing. Ass, a barren coins, teenage daughter and here's what happens in the actual moving. Thank you again for giving me the sap showing how the drinking, depending on whether you should give me your phone number.
she fifteen. She tools, you don't, like my daughter place. Thank may instead take my I'm not the latter do not have now. You can see if you wanted, their Giuliani is like putting his hand down his peons. That's when it appears to be like its own boy, burst into the room and says she's, fifteen she's too old, for you now Giuliani has been defending himself saying he was just fixing his shirt tucking it in is threatening to so well, here is the character of bar at actually defending his very good friend. Giuliani are here to defend the Americas, Male Rudolf Giuliani. What was an innocent sexy, encounter between consenting man and my fifteen year old daughter have been turned in something disgusting by signals media. I warn you anyone there
Try these and a world of will not hesitate to reach until his legal waves and whip I'll disappears retail so much more out of the largest loved watching national when it was all show time, but I really don't stand I he gets away with. Did Conniston did he go? He may there? How did he had now that I don't get it, but I also know anything I'll Rudy Giuliani is getting away with. This is like nobody cares, as I do the Cardinal Hotel when UNAIDS girl, if you hadn't you know, have been Frank, it would definitely went down, but nobody is talking about it like we ve, don't want social media for less like. I want This normalized, when it comes from like troms Giuliani little work. Well, you can explain self by saying that he was just trying to fix his shirt and took it back in, and you know, that he hadn't done anything wrong. Why we sixty more seconds I right before you busted in the room, he D been complicit in what she said twenty four years old, you an actor, allow ogre.
it's not really a teenager she's playing a fifteen year old? How do we, my group, did and all the men in on it you I just can't believe nothing early on and what they do. Politics is a world leader the new compromise, with issues all the time. Unlike the animal see it. Wait a camera that, when all is said, what are It has gone on Rudy Giuliani think was happening. When film It was getting I get. Listen you gotta watch. It has a really literally just came out yesterday, so you know we can. All of that yet, but less like his enemy. Pretty funny right here right now talk about Lorens Tate, his movie business ethics is out today on Amazon, prime and action. His production company with his brothers had tat men. They produce this film and it's all about lorens take place the main character and he He is my man by his dad's kind of address as pansies game and starts getting money,
and some of these rich people here is the trailer you can see. People have a lot of money set you up with a million bucks, two million bucks, five million Turnus angel gentlemen- I saw at times there is now a sure sign of a great business than having people try to kill. You feel that Amazon Amazon. Prime video, today, Itunes or Google play a who did a good brother reinstate, absolutely Mamma. I support learns tat. Anything he does a Miller is, is classic legend, you know in the second matter It is in their role that he's playing was originally meant for a white man, but he left by so much in the immense. Atlanta narrow. I re there's an Elton John Barbie down now. If you want to get at the tiny dancer doll
Zat being released to coincide with Elton John forty. Five year, anniversary of answered and with a lighted. Single aid is granted in history at the time, a dagger stadium back and nineteen seventy five. So, in order that Germany flying it answer often work about, you prove Christmas, tiny, neither its cue thirty days ago. Twinkled, all were- and I just want to thank everybody who has albums out today. Tat dollar sign featuring tied down to sign, as our joint Lucas evolution of cells told sir, who is out today, King crooked, lag blackjack. Eighty three leginn Davies put out the that's a version of climate. Three attack, nine fear exit is that's the e p. And, as our today also new music. From sweetie engineer, I go back to the streets, Owens Chanel West Coast, Album America's sweetheart is about today. Roca
I write a manually ye and that's the rumour report for all right now shall to one of the leaders alight skin his birthday is tomorrow, who drake so we're acts Drake mix all in today. Let me know your favorite Drake joint, so don't move is debris this revolt was Monday breathless. your morning, so now would be the same day in and for fifty five years the general insurance has been giving people affordable. Auto insurance with excellent customer service get custom covers this right. View and immediate proof of insurance call them at eight hundred general a visit, the general that come some restrictions apply. Morning, everybody is dj. Envy Angela YE shall amend the girl. We are. The breakfast club now shut Everybody does attended my webinar over the weekend. We are acts. Taking a one family home that we purchase em we're off flipping it, but from start the flimsy get to see everything from her in a hole where we got the home from two demo too.
framing to allege shrink in plumbing in insulation and then floor ring in windows, and we go to the whole process and how's wasn't that expensive was two hundred and forty thousand dollars we put about forty. Fifty thousand dollars into the house and we selling it for four hundred and five. So it's about a two hundred thousand dollars profit. So we break that all down there. We got the house and all that good stuff, so definite The legal mobile, if you guys were more information management having so many issues and is the wagon on this new as our guy, but is the low different while the house that we would that we parted with a hundred fifty thousand your house was Maybe area both houses? You know what, though I didn't know this, but they had this lie here. Where you have to get a sprinklers Damn installed in your house, is for it was just a little cheesy, but they got some My way dab, desperately system and I have like a cage over a delicate little looks better. Will you Chauncey?
is going to be underneath the ceiling, but that means you got to rip apart the ceiling and then it's a lot of money to even just get the sprinkler system from the street that you have to pay to get that part by zag. Mandatory in Burma are right what we Mapping out the positive note is the breakfast club bemoaning the J Envy, Angela Ye Charlemagne guy? We are the breakfast club now shall to Angela Raw for joining us this morning, flew to Mars, There are forty and make sure yeah go check it out tomorrow, at the forum, an angle from one to five p dot m that doing this thing called Elect justice in it's like a early vote early will rally food in people? We eagerly await a guy called the test in all types of one, five Unama to form Inglewood, California all the points in other states also right waiting. I mean in other cities, it to you so Eliseo Garza for joining us this morning as well. Yes, please, we'll pick up Eliseo, Goddess book.
The purpose of powers agree reed. I read it in life, forty eight hours legacies. Is it really humanised be alone movement in the B L M organization and a re away, and I used to be a level of innovation just as whole era of new leadership. Unease numerous we have it puts a lot of things was packed. His though saluted is your Gaza brow right now on a positive note, I know man positive noted more just like you know a thank you I think we give God enough gratitude, and I want a lot of y'all this morning, man to really really really look in the mirror and smile, and you know it yourself? God, thank you for not just my teeth in my mouth. By my God was shooting dice. Ok, then, we are really negotiated in a semi. Are really need braces aright.
that will gradually be critically Ogden. I'm Joe Biden candidates were present and I approve this message that makes bearing some stillness shack three or four years later, they wearing this position November, can't confessor, because our families that help now there is no good reason. If you are able to vote not to vote, we mean to right. We need to have in videos that office light Dubai and calmly hairs govern. It makes a difference to the thousands who did not, though we need you to show up for our future infrastructure. You cannot sit on the sidelines. You gotta get the gay people by Biden for President
Transcript generated on 2020-10-30.