« The Bill Simmons Podcast

The Surging Celts, Shaky Warriors, and Confounding Lakers With Ryen Russillo and Ethan Sherwood Strauss


The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss the Celtics finding their identity, the Warriors struggling while Draymond Green is injured, the confusing Lakers, a look ahead to some wacky Western Conference playoffs, and more (1:54). Then Ethan Sherwood Strauss joins to discuss how sports agencies have been woven into the fabric of the modern NBA (1:05:39).

Host: Bill Simmons

Guests: Ryen Russillo and Ethan Sherwood Strauss

Producer: Kyle Crichton

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Coming up on the beaches. Pack ass, really talk, basketball, basketball, more basque on I'm gonna. Try not to talk about have cited above suffix. That's my goal! For this package is on next week s about to you by the Ringer POD Cast network, where, if you saw the bat man over the weekend, we have some reaction paths for your big pictured, the spoiler free episode, but then the ringer verse with the big boys they broke down, they broke down all their insomniac. Since you can still sub moving prompted made like hundreds million dollars, we can't you could also here The first Batman movie, the first matter, bad member. We were the reward was on Monday night. We are doing this one thousand eight eighty nine version of Batman directed by TIM Burden with Michael Keen Jack Nicholson, can Basinger. This is where it all began. This is where the comic book boom it starts. This is ground zero for everything that would happen with men in suits and action
vision could Gillian Dar Movies, gonna be on Monday. That other was be shop and secrets. Read that man, oh yeah, it's that may weakened. By the way we had some great Batman pieces on the ring. It outcome as well, including the twenty five best violence in all kinds of stuff, so check that out as well come up Pack, ass ran, resell is going to join us, as does every Sunday near the town. We'd have either Sherwood Strauss to talk about agencies and how their affecting the Abbe a product that we watch. Your dear saw next first off
spam programme, I tabled as its expected by wife. I tried to stop us went out during the summer. I found the beggar foaming hostage. Video Priscilla was here, as he always is Senate slots to discuss, including some optimism, the Boston Sultans it's it's officially at all. They advance stats have a drifting bastards way. Events are today: Jason Tatum, the best game of his career, the best game. I've ever seen a plague of total with the rat resell by big, take away takeaway other than how good the defenses now who preferred and the fact that the teams, little tougher than
cuz I saw the stuff is that Tatum back to back against jaw and it gets KD who, I think, are to the best offense supported league this year went toe to toe with them, and I was question with this team. What happens when we get round one wrapped around three and you have paid him? Can he go toe to toe with these other gifted guys at today? Pretty a today pretty encouraging right. Incredibly virgin. You know this was not part of these syllabus when we're goin back and forth yesterday and today, and then that game ends and felt like, I think we have to do some south is unlikely Like all the other times, we ve done it out, where I didn't want to do it, but have to in the analytical part, is here, is just like a week ago I did a rat being like look at you. Don't have you seen some those total points added player and BP stuff, where there's one would yoke its worried looks like he's. Like it looks like he's Greenland in everybody else's United States right and just so off the charts, and you go case that entirely like a fair representation.
He is in the Mvp race compared to others, and people would say yes because number show that, but that's what somebody Celtics projections were- and I was like this- is ridiculous. I come and then you see a game like Memphis and then again today, I am there with you, you know I don't what what is the ceiling? For I mean I don't know the number to be saying if they dont when the Abuja finals, it's a huge disappointment. But what is it like? What's different to you about a team that at one point was eighteen and twenty one? In five hundred for two years, whore furred I've been Orford, pledge ethic forty minutes in the myth escape, but corporate as I just looking like you did years ago. That's one piece: the fact that smart assault they were they a eighteen, two smarts last twenty one when when he plays and then the decision making from Tatum,
That's that to me that was the last piece of this. It's like, I know the guy can score. I know he'd be streaky on paper looks great, but I trust this decision making and until the last couple of weeks I really didn't, and you shall I get fifty four- that wasn't a story for me. The story. For me was I agreed with all the decisions he was baking as the game was going law. Where he's he's just he was kind of problem solving in a way that I gotta to be honest. Two months ago, I just I didn't know. If they had in him, I hope he did but did you did you forget it had and go back to last year it was just haze, really talented, this teams, town Flickr, still it make any sense. You have to ya. Wings. They can score and defend with. Anybody in the team was good How does that happen in so know? Yet we watch him. You watch in Kosovo. I do. I still watch a most every games electric. My dad about him, although
ITALY up until the last few weeks. I was, I hate the Self Extra Ban topic for us now, like I can't keep talking about the same stuff over and over again and with all of not saying hey break the guys up, but this is the first season I ever was like would have an end like this again. Whether five hundred loose in the first round may be used. What's out there, but you probably a loose trade, but I note that this point, I'm not like completely against the question of it and see Tatum as part of its like. So many teams are selling out defensively now to double team, the best plan- and I think the Celtics as a team or super prepare for it or they didn't like their options off of it. Whether it was right, your chin or shrewder at Smart, has got better with it and I think there is to place back to back today. Bill word I just went through everybody and then pretty soon after that he gets doubled, any don't even think about forcing it. I think it's really hard for
wars that have these score blinders on, because they done their whole lives and it's easy to them, but then sprinkle in hey, maybe Some of those, DR still be thinking about the coroner, still be thinking about a cut her and I feel like we're, seeing it more from him. The navy we ever did or what felt like his scoring was frustration drives as opposed to now, it's like you, don't really know what I'm going to do and now you're helpless against them, and he should seventeen free throws actually felt like he could have gotten a couple more. Where do you he was bowed, ass, five cause I didn't get and then should fifty Simpered three, but that set free for three recipe, but the conference that he has with some of these passes that he's making. Now I don't know acid unaware came from and it really started over the last six seven weeks, where he's finding guys in the corner. Unease is just hit this. It's like
stop like whatever level of the video game he was at and now he's advanced to the next level, and I think a celtic fan or if you're, studying the east and trying to figure out who's going to come out of this It's it's a team that has some size. It's a team. has allowed a bit of a bench. Now it doesn't fall off it doesn't. These random Lang. Four minutes and Nesmith minutes and you're watching got that guy's gonna play fifteen minutes There is really no major fall off and they have ability to keep offense out there at all times, but the horror for peace is the part I was in the you thing. You could talk me into like hey this guy's. Twenty four he's gonna figured out. Ok Orford was was with seem like he was done like second month of the season. It seem like this one you, know a guy on his last legs basically, and he was get about to enter that Deandre Jordan, Blake Griffin Kind of this guy's now going to bounce around for the next five years, but his days as a playoff performer behind him, the stuff he was doing defensive.
jump out our guards and just ate the way he can. You know defensible opposed by himself over all the stuff he was there. For five years ago. I didn't think he had it in him. So now he's become this crucial piece of the tea. This is like. You know that they, basically you got him to get rid of canvas contract, write anything from him as a bonus, but now it's like The level of my I'm too excited recently gave the young Arabic. no no, I look at it. We talk about his team, obviously so much just to see. I think you got Ok, maybe they just have that kind of personality it it just gonna. Have Personality that they don't have a fucking venom, they don't have any things. You just logged out of players, you how he used to be like its awesome. They lose the nets they I'll go and make out with Tiree right after the game. like what was that about, but it also speaks to spite rethink. We he's very popular among other players, but you can
need to figure out a way to you have some some different options. I think you're frontline defensively if you're gonna get something from something from Horford that changes some things, but you know, I think about me. I'm in Miami like their best option, still gonna, probably rob Williams. He'll grant, has been terrific in some of the defence of stuff. They try to do and I know that mention on the broadcasting you can see- it too were Rob Williams. He plays the opposing. Or forward hoping is not a great stretching the floor type of ossified suppliers for that role more in and be the help defender at the rim and that change some of the defence of stuff they ve done. Certainly the numbers of spite and I thought today even against Brooklyn about always gonna go up against Bruce Brown and Bruce is more of a printer guy and what I thought was gonna go. Today's game is that they actually give up a ton of points because Durant's cookin and there are some other guys, it's shots, obvious form and be dreamt just MRS a month and comes back loosely. Can it be fee? If I believe of fear,
the boy ideal rest at all, all right. So, let's, let's get legwork we're talking about. We like its awesome. Do you still think they're when in the east You said here today and say they are or they have a chance to cause. Those are two different things, so you think there's five team seminar: Clearly a nice story, but I guess we gotta write them off. I think, as an actual team that go in these, that did, they could be tougher series it'll, be it a nice, get your feet wet itself. Better luck would have it up the rock and having a perimeter scoring to hang at the end. It's too much garland. They try to being liver that the numbers were great. He's miss games on top everything else. Arguments had a better stretch. I just I love that team. I love watched him. I just don't know that they're gonna scare me offensively in a close play off, came at the end. Yet in the thought of them winning three stray rounds. I just think seem as far fetched, so we got five things Miami who I think's gonna get the ones
that big Philly do it, which is why they threw away that game last night with harden minus forty three point: two: they have twelve there Lex last seventeen at home see figure barring injure they're, going at the one fillies gonna going to Phillies third bands, for is, for in twenty five and eleven at their last, seventeen on the road Chicago's, the one I think, the files that atop forges, because it's it's you know It is not healthy enough here and there tell their next twelve in the road and then Boston who is to against me in Scotland, the last com, ten of their last six down the road, but I say that then seem like matters where they play at this point. I think Boston. His chance gets in three seed, which is important for a variety of reasons, mainly because that allows you to play Cleveland around one, which I would just rather quickly than that
cargo. If I, if I too, knows, come coming out there and then then its fairly the next round, potentially right and then you the other piece with with this whole eastern thing- is I don't want to play we're going around one. Do you from what you saw today and it's like you gave the one said you could end up with Brooklyn and within the wider batch up. So I don't know if they're gonna be subject. Ngos, our teams get out and had even know who's gonna be seven or eight has brooklands provocateur being the seven eight match up. So brooklands looming as booby prize potential for somebody that could win the one state sucks if you run through a Boston, has a six toughest schedule. The rest of the way I never really hard time, you're being too this of a Milwaukee, the Milwaukee has the toughest schedule of all. Thirty teams remain and there now twenty nine in eight with all three guys when drew Middleton who went off today
and John Assault play together relocate is when the other tools, like you, look through all the top teams and who gets the complaint. Every single fan base complain about not having their guys. We betrayal yeah me miss Twenty left, miss. Seventeen bans miss twenty five. There gonna be the once he Brooklyn gaieties. Twenty seven carries Miss thirty nine Games, Milwaukee Goddesses, missed eleven Middleton twelve drew thirteen, so there you been healthier cuz, you have a lot of Milwaukee like all, would not brook Lopez at this point like the Brook Lopez numbers. Don't count comparison, the other one phoenix is going to miss her most important player, select dream on, we have no idea about you're. So many the relatively healthy. If we return it like bring out how many teams are title, contenders and Boston between Taylor and Brown, that's only nineteen. This game, like Boston, maybe a fitting to from just having way more continuity than these the chains, and then you throw in Chicago who you take out the defensive back court. There must now defensively. I dont, like their defensive, match up again
bigger wings. I've been it now for a while, and I think after the most recent loss bull, zero, thirteen against the top three teams in each conference or something like it's like they don't beat anybody really good. They know yet and that you it's hard for me when you get to the players as much the Chicago story bill. When you get a place, you have that blemish on your resume its a great. I don't how serious I can take you. So I think three is totally and play for them, whether its four Boston, meaning in Milwaukee and then and then Philadelphia. It's Philadelphia still gonna win a tonic games. Here with heart, what they are like with his boss. The was talk about malleable rosters, with the with the with Plath tames rate. Bossing go big, but give you look at it against Memphis in the fourth water in jail, wasn't in the game, but they were playing time Lord and horror, and grant lambs with Tatum and smart right. They went they supersize, and it was the fact that they they were doing it today against broken,
were there brown and Tatum Smart and then time Lord Norfolk, and at you have curry and Kyrie out there for the nets. At some point, one of those guys have got. Somebody puts Bruce Brown eyes short too. So I was watching that game today, thinking ironically, the guy that the nets need to handle. Tatum is Ben Simmons. Who has the size to do it who's it? You know if his head's right, one of the forty five best defensive personal week, and yet we have no idea for an ascent, but I do think the Celtics match up pretty well with Brooklyn Filial, be a different story because me and be part of thing and all the free throws all that stuff. But- really encouraging stuff. The this thing you could feel calm in the last few weeks, startle of better and better, and then these last two games word. It's just something feels different from Tatum. Do you think it's there? anything with him being the all starter. A kind of last sign of
You know now you're, really there near the top level, guys looking at a little differently feel I come out of that. There's a different level conference for maybe I'm over, I'm overthinking it. You love that stuff, I'm dismissive of it, I'm not your whose right there whenever they I'm LE, not saying like you're wrong about it. I just think about. When freak started to go Came I missing he's missing other dies, Charlotte was Miss, maiming, Heyward, spin missing, but you don't mean like in the beginning of this. They put us winning streak together, Yohei any nice positivity from this t mean something considering how bad it felt when their below five hundred forty gay rather this deal, but I still was NIT picking it to myself, is at war like all this team was missing this guy. This team is missing. This, like are equally RO are advanced numbers. You thought you d better, but in a matter less you're, just a really less, but they were so predictable, and so in that lay offs sensibly it was time to keep watching and I can't think chaos yet
tweet today he's like a look. This others on the only team ever do this, but to be so unwatched able and and now look like a team. Your work about at any stage of the players doesn't happen very often and Eudocia, and the players deserve a lot of credit cards. usually vigour. Ok, whether does not buying into the coach. He can't change. Personnel at this issue. These guys are difficult to same stuff, it's even worse, maybe than it was was Stevens, and for that to turn like it did, just the span of a month is really impressive. He had the toughest that he brought an odd of Riad acts from the first part of the season warlike. Would it what's up with this guy he's, colleagues that the guy's every other week it seems like a word like there's an edge to this team. Now that's exciting we either. The other thing is great harm crowd, like my dad who These are cited after his light. That's one of the best crowds we had ito since the KGB era, it's a definite top three top for for him. There is yes, I apply our game and some other ones.
The energy that Tiree brings that crowd, because it is such a fund villain at this point on top of just how incredible tables and then everyone playing hard and the physical and I just think I don't know where this team really growing on the fancy. Think of like the east, where we have filial cargo in Boston, three of those plants, category B, unbelievable right, though. Secondly, through the best plan crowds we have at all being the MAX Radwan ran to potentially so nay, I gotta go to add one. I could add one, on the Cairo video, because the first three minutes, the fourth quarter when Durrant wasn't in Cairo at that point, was like I fuck this. I'm want to show you guys yeah and he had a lay up, and then he was a mess for a bunch of possessions in a row, and then there is one where they want to bring hoffered over fur or for to have to switch on it green by Le Marcus and Tatum was
originally signed to Cairo inquiry, waved him back down and was like no. At that point I was like, then that's going to lose. Maybe everything after about he says about the cry like gets there like scorn lubber whenever you said that nobody wanted you to stay, carry it up. Now you have just said, is ready to driving the airport. Nobody. Why are you this? Is? Not the girl friend wondering what happened to the awesome catch at this stage? This is the last call got that you regret and your light as we please slide. I felt actually want to hang out here, while he's still really good and there's something for him and curry together that I think the more Katy plays, whose couple times when you know they were trying to trap Katy at the top
in the bar, moved and then I'll send sap courage is wide open in the corner when they forget the geometry of all that stuff playing currying. I read together to be tough Tina play, but I think they need Simmons back. They seem to smog. It's a self expression But the words would sit. Quick break vandals board spoke as an official sports betting partner, the NBA with fanned or same game Parlez. You could turn little bats into big pay days. I'm gonna be hearing same game parlay for fridays and be a games. I want away Friday morning to figure out who is playing who's, not playing, and all that stuff same game, Parlez or Superfund. Pick a team to win thrown a couple variables pick up where they think you can do a forum altogether
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break, loose, argues. That era was pointing up and then sincere STAR break. I was sent with house, his house was here. We were, I was struck by how skinny clay look and just that he doesn't seem like that, this guy, who could guard like every kind of perimeter guy before he got, hurt a couple times just seemed like a skinnier. Moreover, finesse guy, but the big take away for me, was the lack of agreement and I think, with dreamer we defaulted defence. You know that guy other MRS Dream, on his defence. I think that MRS offered just as much because they don't really have a point guard. You watch him. It's like six shooting words and govern loony and and commissioner, but there's no kind of straw hat stirs the drink that I could say, because you know people here is a point that is really not he's better off the ball in his age, herbals them but really the to guard day
We must re minds play making an left thinking. Rosillo, as where does the sounds, is his dream on short term, more indispensable than staff cause, I feel like they have so many guard sake, replace eighty percent of staff scoring, but they literally cannot replace. Would dream does in any way there's nobody that they have so at the very least, I feel like he's just as indispensable as deafness some pretty big statement. Thank you. I'm not ready to go. There There are a lot of numbers that would back up what you said. They were twenty eight and six of Draymond, there's thirteen and twelve without them their two hundred and eighteen in the last ten. If you look at their defensive splits, You go January February, the month of January and in others
still dream on last game was January night, so they still held up somewhat defensively for the second half of the month. In those games they were third defensively and since February first, they ve actually fallen apart there. Twenty third defence rating they ve also Yo Porter, fell off. cliff and that's why he was available, get away and was wasn't available. Wiggans habit, these Wiggans numbers who feast he's, made nine free, throw since February. First, unanimity of the Fraser life I mean, like people, look back and say weakens started in the all start game. What happened? What happened there and that was good Escobar gets through the votes, Demi, Liza rotation The Elise is out of the rotations there's a bunch of other size, a bad it would always played. I think six minutes And a new beginning in the years fresh, you would get out his gray. I think he's pay what sixpence incinerate Twentieth, so there the everything's kind of falling apart collectively, but I thought last night was a perfect example, because I was at the game, the clipper
On thursday- and I was like as Leubronn slowing down a little bit and I look up- you got a twentieth half ago. Ok, I feel stupid and then I was gonna like conifer. Similarly, on Saturday, I still think defensively what dream does, because they don't really have anything else like they couldn't keep in the Lakers game. So just is going to happen and to not have Wiseman to not be able pick up any other thing. This is a team that I think is just beaten up, and I also think staff is exhausted from all the stuff that he does office and the fact that every team cells out against him to do whatever they can and then clay who shot it really well. Last month, I agree with you seeing it up close this doesn't moving great their hunting him out that Lakers Gay Leubronn. We shall try to get clay switched on to him, which is not usually something you never went play hunting way was healthy defensively. I was bombed, I play yesterday that so I know you sick after the Astor Brigham that writing off by any means, but this was a guy, I was one of the best offensive guys I'm not here for
but I saw yesterday you know this might be along how he has played in two and a half years before last month and on top of it is redundant a lot of other guys. They have- and I think the biggest take where had yesterday watching them was just it's just a lotta jumped shots. He mentioned the freezer. Nobody gets the freezer line in the Hall of Fame bigger. If you just look at other guys yesterday, is probably the only guy who even averages more than for further attempts is probably five, but let it loud jump shots their icon in second quarter. Poor- take some all of a sudden. You feel good, then its jumped shots again, and then they had is committing a thing where they have to plan these breathtaking you have to plan, but is you'd, have fifteen years old, this fairly does. But what he's doing so yeah this. They words like this toy that you have to play with, but have to I mean he's, really lost and defects. You could see it in person, then they'll do three amazed.
Things around I gotta play so I think a viable state, I'm old, I'm putting on the two sides I'm trying to get coming the wraps, I'm trying a finger you're out what I have from play these next couple weeks cause you look at There are half go beyond Memphis Thou, but then you as Canada Ethos like what two games back in the loss. Now you talk of potentially jump on. If I'm gone state, I don't even care. I just I am Sabre MILES on staff. I want to know what I have with me. I'm gonna wanna go out with clay and then I hope dream on can come back and be healthy, but eight days then be like we got to get the two seat like I, I think that's done. I think you used to use set that one adrift, what you think except back then you just said he said he's like I don't care about the seating and that's pretty
I have to win. I may give you toss hilarious. You target the money. I football treatment as they get smacked by pelicans team, which you could argue since February. First is playing the best basketball, the NBA I mean an ideology one by like thirty. It was all right so, but why I have too many thoughts. Gonna want to accept new Orleans is number four in off its efficiency number three in the defence of efficiency. February. First, that's insane. Are there only knighted force of the record low but better, but the Pelican smash Utah team, and then I saw seeing people like are Utah this time they were nine at last head going into the right. They arrived there absolutely scorching, they have their guys back, which is why there's that big, you taught dip, because they just had to stretching out do best players not being in and out a lot of the time you toss still really good. So I agree like look. The dream on thing is starting to feel a little bit like
Gee two thousand and nine, which you would I reference all the time it was like, hey whence you coming back. When you come back economic times, I've heard about full contact with dream on some of the stuff. In you know it's a back injury. If They play in three and three there there for three, it's good. We take our time I've seen a lot of guys. I've seen a lot of guys and our great plain three and three by the way, but re sitting three. If there is a lot easier than full court just for the record yeah look so I believe that another Brazil had now he's got a hundred percent at their across off. I just don't they they could even the title. If he's not, percent, like I don't even think up either, given that's crazy statement not at all, not all ok, I think I think what was impressive is that they had a collective group of roll players. All playing awesome it fell out of the same
Buckeye pool is unbelievable. I'm not spending one highlight into Mingo Junction here and there the Lakers put it on cuz. I actually thought you probably thought the same thing based on a tweet, but I think it was like fifty four forty four golden state and How did it go and you can you can smell when the Lakers quit negate by thy thought up here? We go again, especially after see so many other times less than two weeks and to their credit. Finally, they fought back and they they did come back net Dallas games so loss, but it's kind of like state had this collection of players and all played really well all the same time, and still held on defensively when dream went down the beginning and then you just start leaking and their leaking in all sorts different spots, but dream on does come back in a healthy clay will look better in April than it does now. I would imagine I still have hope I still am form is, I would say, if everything's right, you take him as serious as anybody, but the dream on thing you I agree with you. A thief not right or not able to go. Then it say
you know. I don't know what would happen. I mean Dallas is a much better team. Now Denver could be gettin reinforcements here. So it's uh, it's a serious concern of this is the version we're gonna see and we might see some I think we're gonna see some incredible jacking the last week of the season with who wants to play who, because even the Dallas numbers it gets. You tar, pretty discouraging right. damper on damper and out of the Germans. Honourable sent I wanna play gold state like I, the ito, gold state didn't do anything at the trade deadline to address a couple play off situations in these regions, Listen. I don't really fully understand it, because I had to be there in a big. unless they are really convinced that wise men can go back from book, but what we saw from wise, molest shadow feel Ickes, necessarily Lab wanna, even if this help me so I just think they have too many guards
size and in their might have been the rabbit seen this year, and I look at you know right this season at its we stuck about the guy. aid that poor Miami could win the one seat in that's by Brooklyn. in its could win the once he'd have by the clippers in round one which I would not wish. I just would want to play that game as my that's as by round one victim that teams tough, I don't know Paul. George comes back, but there's been a lot of Kauai bus. They add- I I don't know the team that that team is really welcome, They know they know they are and you're not gonna roll over them and four, and that might be who feel says the play, and I we don't know when it's Chris come back, then you look at it. state. So right now, if it ended there be Phoenix Clippers, Memphis minute
so to hold up just a just for the sake of AIR Memphis losing today to Houston, just as we were taking this now, gold states percentage points ahead, so it's gold statesman, the two after losing an earlier today, but I'm without I know, keep that. Keep that in the pod cause I'd even realized. They lost the Houston yeah, you sense. If that happened here, I don't even think of it to see what happened to that girl- oh my god, I didn't have the two yeah. Anyone care about it used to not get no keep given moment, but I study Memphis gets the two, but we could have gone stay damper as the three six and then you tied Dallas, the four five than usual So it's there's no way to know what the fuck's by in here I will say it, My dad was a damper whom I afraid of my friend anybody other than Phoenix. I'm ready. play any these other that this whole thing and you know we could see it- could just be
Look at three rounds in a our yoke, a three rounds and around that that matches behind West bizarre- that the east is better than did. The teens urges higher quality except the Phoenix deadbolt Alison Denver since February, first, even through Utah, and here they are. Basically all three of those teams are top ten an office in defence. So it's not some like we're, flew key thing: And now the you had LUCA missing the gaming Sacramento and they did when he brought him as much as I think Dinwiddie can be frustrating to play with. When he's I just gonna go Lucia like I'll weight is why this guy gets paid by teams, because he can lighted up and then not have to worry, but all the prisoners shit? You know, I think I think it just helps them Dave heal in shape LUCA. I think there are really well prep defensive team. you don't you talk to other people about AL should see. No, they do a really good job of of almost like a court or quarterback facing multiple looks defensively
suddenly Dallas does a better job than than other teams and you're. Just seeing these ever in this was a team that you got ok Lukas, they're gonna go five out. I don't have to watch him Many Smith's gonna be over their horror, which use could be over their jail and comes off the bench, I was gonna. Have a nice dunks, but they don't really stop anybody in, and you know those LUCA play. Our series I still feel like are worth bringing up once a month as it were that special, both laws against clippers but now there defending at a level that I didn't really expect so Dallas Denver should be afraid of me and I was gonna thought to what they were like. Aren't they really defend the way you need them too, and they have they have now for a while. So that's it's really bunch up. There are going to stand your clippers thing though I gotta get. It lose a terrific coach there well coached, but if I'm a one seat, I am not worried about the five. Her clippers man would have come
Comes back, the walk at two different conversation reassure all sure. All the will be will be clear and concise, definitive its fitted. Yeah I was factually and at least collide, maybe be quiet, but the more I talk to people the kid or the you see our soda they're, like I doing better with rest, that's like I better the rats she tore, it wasn't it. I just don't understand the effects in about it does make sense to me that there were. There is something on Twitter. I think yesterday Paul Georgia shooting with the with his dominant hand. For the first time in a month or whatever, and you think like wait, he was shooting with his dominant hand for the last but like that sounds terrible. So who knows? I am with lasting. I go and state they lost their last ten, which we mention here: the losses Dallas twice you twice the
curse the necks, Minnesota, quivers in Denver sign, man desert those are just over and over again there Isn t good, are really good teams and one mediocre content. So I think it's time for cancer. I think about the warriors fan out really be confused. Why this team sat the trade dead by now. I dont understand it. They did nothing, and I know they have a high luxury tax, but I just don't get it well. I think They probably thought they were to have these guys back and I don't know that's their own information to the rest of us- and maybe I don't know- but I mean the wise man updates- are comical at this point And, as you said, to ask Wiseman to be like hey: can you step in and be a top a guy in a playoff series, fourteen with big aspirations? That's a lot to ask the guy that played three games in college two years ago, barely played last year and still had
this year as much as I you know, I don't like, would be like always Abbas. It's a bullet, see if you can play or not before we can do that. I, even if you love him, you don't. I still think he does things physically on the core. At times run, like is not really many human beings at walked the planet. They can do some stuff that got to do her best Bogor, but to ask him to do it at a play off level and remember rotations, that kind of stuff that these guys always grew up. That's it's almost stupid to have that kind of hope, for if I had them, come makeup piece to lead as great as he's either as talented as he is as Ricky pudding. And apply still, though, makes me nervous, and I think, as we had for the last fifteen to seventeen games, there, you're looking for identity in teams that know who they are, who Brooklyn is in flux, but I have a sense of what their identity. Boston knows their identity as well as anyone. You thought, no said the already gone down the line and go and state the team I saw yesterday it's really seem,
there were struggling- and I know J minds important, but I dont know if he fixes all this at the same time, and it might be one of those things where the rosters weird that's bringing quite back clay. I would argue with the lasting this roster needed as much as I like clay and as much as you like, clay like the lesson they neither was another to guard. They have a million two guards. Moody came out yesterday. Moody look good. If say they dared so loaded that position. So I honestly think I like, with Jordan Pool B, I all star seems but would have imagined of Jordan Pool had his own team and with some shit I deem that is like a gentleman I get yeah, I'm with you he's filthy man what's funny cause there in. That you know they're in a kind of an awkward situation with clay. It's it's a little like where the Lakers are with Westbrook, where we keep waiting for them to shove them to the bench and it's like you can't eat, Westbrook phenomenon for years now,
with the warriors, I'm saying with quite like he's going to get the benefit of daddy's going to get the benefit of the doubt, but who is playing way better than him right now and it's some point. They can have to figure that peace out who is really good and then, when you do this summer, pull my b is again pay the summer ass. I worked with him. I was afraid he's a first round, Peck or they'd have to think about an extension for the summer, so I don't know why this team as a lot of pieces and I'm not sure they fit together, we'll take a break it. I will not go into detail about them, it, was a really talk about the Lakers Bene: batten around ideas for this all weekend, the big question to me, the Davis, trade and winning a title, which is the whole point of a trade reseller he's one went to tighten the cagey Celtics, barely one one title,
guess what all of it was worth it therein the makes for a few years, and they wanted two thousand eight That was the only one they want, but everything was worth it cause. That's all point when the tide onto the Lakers, the point is to win the title, but when you actually look at last twelve, there's any matter draft banks use just to get Leubronn Davis and now the one's going to New Orleans we're talking about a decade of assets that they gave up basically for this one, but season title that, by the way their fans didn't get to enjoy conservative ever at the games. But this is all you know goin back from really that NASH Howard season, which, how awful that's dad disappointing that sees everybody's her Kobe tears, is Achilles right at the end of it going leaves the dash doesn't work out. That's multiple pigs puss by them, then they hit rock bottom draft Randal. He breaks his leg immediately. They,
after the Angelo Russell, he doesn't really work out. They draft Ingram. Second, they get there can pick the following year. They take lonzo over Tatum, they use Randal leave. They trade Russell Way, open up cat space because they had blown it on a hundred forty million a mosque, often dang, see run through all these pigs. Just to get Leubronn now have to make Leubronn happy you make this Davis trade in these picks go on until you, and twenty five, and I guess my question for you is: They won the title I feel like it was all worth it, but it's weird to say, like you, basically have one good season in the last ten in the next five or look, I'm lookin, probably not awesome. So was it worth it? So it's Ingram, if Lazo its heart in a move, it moves and pics round there, it's the ticket was January Hunter. It's a tweet owain hold that all that thought occur. It was the pic. I was the Andrea huh,
but there's garland was the pic right after that. That's right, you went fifth hunter. What for? could argue. That was what say they wanted the girl in there just for fun I do not only by what is a clutch user clutched guys even collectors were taken Ingram line so. various garland and then multiple first round eggs and swat our charge out short for Debs Select I felt index agrees meting out of ties on the up. I know you did and it was unprotected in a swap and twenty twenty three and then twenty two four is unprotected and they added a leaf griffin at low. In these guys, because I would just love to know on the phone when you go out right, we ve got to deal we're getting these players and we're getting. These picks unprotected and thrown into swap in oh by the way. If I don't like the twenty twenty four draft, can I just have a bee unprotected the next year trade
and that's how they have been so to be fair, though There is a lot of do. They have enough to get Anthony Davis and prepares other people when it was happening. It's time like, I feel We can't be too revisionist history, saying like they got ripped off because anti, Davis. It is best is a top five player to sleep. He is no worse than top ten. If you don't, we gonna push back on my top five fine he's no worse than top ten. He still not thirty, think he turns twenty nine this week, yet again, it's a mess this season, but to win a title, which is what it's all about. The keys overdue to an agency for the broad have Lebrun: they got like there's a lot that goes into this. That feels else, and it feels like holy Shit week were giving up a decade of assets. It would you frame it that way. It makes me at least process weight this, actually the wrong way to do it, but knowing their habits, they're back pocket. I I can't say they did it wrong, there's plenty of other team to try to do crazy shit.
think about what the clippers old given up and how much they have actually got. Not apple. Welcome Paul. George dry and had a both extended max those guys and they still play I'm gonna- give the list. Is the timeline really quick? They when the two thousand ten title next year they lose the Dallas they get. Swept Phil Jackson lives winter tooth as eleven. The c p three pray gets vetoed right, that's a big fork in the road for them would bank Hassan Autumn and picks, and they get Chris Paul trade out in the Dallas. He doesn't know tell Spencer. They lose that acid anyway, two thousand twelve lockout season forty wanted, if I've been lose to OKC and round to fire. Mike Brown is the coach MIKE Brown silicone summer, two thousand and twelve. They trade for Dwight, basically buying them that that was Billy the trade for years. Why is it coming up back surgery?
pray to first round picks for NASH, two thousand thirteen, Annetta one that rolls over the two thousand eighteen. I forgot some of this stuff. They fired by Brad after five games in the eyes of thirteen season, five gates he's out, Might Antonia comes in figure of forty five, thirty seven Kobe plazas Achilles they get swept by the spurs and then, from that point on twenty seven and fifty five, twenty one and sixty one seventeen and sixty five, two thousand fifty in Algiers, won't take the meeting with the two thousand and sixteen Katy doesn't even meet with them. Katy one wants to leave. Ok see, wants to go to a big city in the end and have a new situation he's I ve been meeting with these guys. Two thousand
Maska four thousand four hundred and sixty four dang, four thousand four hundred and seventy two Clarkson four hundred and fifty two higher Luke Walton Kobe retires. Two thousand six hundred and fifty six get the second pick again. Magic and Palinka take and then they put the Le Brown plan in motion, so they have to sacrifice Russell at random. Just for the cap space they think they're getting LE brought upon. George Pa George doesn't come the reason all this is worth it because they go back to that two thousand. Sixteen when they don't get the Katy, meaning that's rock bottom. At that point they have to spend all day.
If they possibly can to get Lebron and to convince him. If you come here, we will do whatever it takes to have a championship: Team Ronnie, which leads to Davis, which leads to Ingram Lonzo, the number for pick two thousand and eighteen Josh Hart two thousand and twenty two unprotected. Two thousand and twenty four unprotected pick swaps in twenty three and twenty five. They win the title, but they had to do it because what is it do? Russillo? It restores the credibility of the which is the only thing that matters, but you have to restore the credibility, because how bad you were for two thousand and two thousand did.
I remember reading all that stuff, like that's a Genie bus was interviewed during the games like anybody. That is one of Lucca. We writes a loser. I left at the two your copy Brion said the contract extension for thirty billion. A year later, I M really killed their caps faces like this guy's, a legend which you now I get it, and it worked out as a good draft expert. Yet they rode the coping for awhile and it was painfully obvious that other guys did on play recovery that in one way whether they want to play with them and then in the reason I brought up that Lakers Toby contract in the past on my own pod, is that they are selling point like as everybody goes. This is a terrible contractual decision. Why are you doing this and such as the Lakers take care their stars, which I think is a great thing to remember when we look at what's gonna happen here with Leubronn decision on Leubronn doesn't think he's like the present sickness naked, like when you think,
Coming back sheep, like that's, not yet happened, I don't think so. I don't know- maybe maybe there's some waited to work around it, but when I know it is our duty about this later on, I think with a question you're asking. So let me ask you a question. it was it so bad that you go. We ve got a completely pivot away from what we're doing, If this means we're gonna, do something that, like no teamwork, we say: hey Nobby awesome, let's bring the star and let him and let the agency do whatever they want, because that's the criticism. As things start coming full circles, they struggle the season which I still think deserves. Some pushed back because of Anthony Davis was right. I'm not even saying the best version of Anti Davis, but the better version of him that used to seeing this I'm still a top sixteen, even with the disastrous Westboro part of it, and they probably more likely to bench Westbrook. If that were the case,
and what about the second unit cuz, I think that's the only value would ever get out of this. Guy can still just drive the whole night long cuz he's terrible Spaceplayer but like if you do you look at all of that and go they shouldn't have done this cuz. I don't think that's what you're saying I thought what I'm saying, but it still feels like it. Deal with the devil's extensive, that's not fair, but it feels like hey we're going to do something that we know deep down. We really don't want to do because it has been this bad. Like people are laughing at the organization. The Lamarcus Aldridge thing was like wait. What he won't meet with the Lakers right, you think, a back since two thousand and ten, how many coaches do you think the Lakers event actual coach?
they hired a gave contract multiyear contracted out o Jackson, so five more after Phil Jackson, MIKE Brown, MIKE Antonia Baron Scott, do well in Frankfurt embargoes about get banned stepped this year they traded there, two thousand thirteen and eighteen picks they traded there. Two thousand fifteen number to pick Russell betrayed their number. Seventy does forty pick Randal they traded there. Two thousand eighty number four pick any ideas And now they coming up, they won't have to pigs and they have swaps for the other, once it's just an incredible mad assets, just tourists. you the illusion of your credibility, and I think the only thing I would say about the eighty trade which I think I had to do it.
They gave up too much I'll, never understand why Lazo had to be in it. That was like, on top of all the pic selected put in Ankara Mwanza and the number for packages seem like so much at the time. Here's the real problem for them. I thought I d was like a sure thing. You know you like this. May we would think of like Ian S or somebody like that now, right or in Beeder Yoke Guy, this guy was, we all felt like was one of the five to seven best, whereas in the week about the hit his prime right use. Twenty five heading in twenty text you're getting this guy who, the three years before the trade was basically twenty, eight and twelve every every night. And then you look at the guy acres? Illustrious is twenty four nine his you look. It is missing nearby, your one thousand eight hundred and fifteen one thousand four hundred and twenty one, seventy seven, two thousand six hundred and ten three thousand six hundred and twenty six and counting, I think, the guy they thought they were getting the guy they totally got in that,
now it either. I doubt whether I just say that disturbing to me. Then, yes, selling your soul for that site or whatever you say. They thought there this guy who was, I will shack Karim and he just ass a bed. I have to correct something of the Marquis soldier quick neck. Is it my had. He did meet, he they re laggards. It yesterday did me in an it didn't really. The court was he didn't Joe with cold. and then this is one of the all time great July Free agency tweets, it said honoured floored and a good way by Houston's analytics encore projections in their provocation not at all with the Lakers yeah thou bizarre. That was MIKE Brezhnev him, who had the trees on them that's right. So as I was thinking about Lamar Islamic None other point was paid out. and he married in a later than Katy the next year. They never bother me with a didn't, did ok, so cleaning up there are
really what the on a d, but going back, would you not have wanted eighty gonna Celtics, you know There are no longer. I yeah I just now he's like a year. Ten right he's been in the plans for times out of his first nine years might not be in the plants is sheer suits us. Guy. First, ten years of his crew, who I voted for verbatim: seventy five, who might mister Platt Sixty percent of his career so far. and it's just like you look at the other guys in the league you're really good year after year that goddesses never miss in the plan of peace. Healthy, ok, whose honest now mother is Yogi edge, we're. Finally, at this year the oak outside it literally doesn't matter who's on his team. He's going to go four thousand eight hundred and thirty four, you just give them four guys he's fine Thinking for these. I believe there has gonna go forty, seven, thirty, five, forty nine thirty three every year is healthy and other Davis. there and he cannot stand the court and sometimes it's bad luck, but that other times like I thought he came into every this year, I do
they love the way he played. You know a leading up to the end of this year and yet on. You think I'd this is guy is must be at his absolute prime. I don't. I would you put him in the top ten pairs and work as I wouldn't, I think, durability. to be ignored here you can't get now at this point. You can't, even though I think that the right which I still think is caught a wire, How can this than word recommended you this year like ok, but if eighty were there and it wasn't this bad version of em? You still talk about a team that maybe having a chance feels like us, but who knows me who knows who has a chance right now? You don't know with Phoenix and Phoenix for here the fur four months of the season. I might are we not really acknowledging how steady this team is and if they're better, and that they have a better frontline option after you do really missing out and having Depp there last year, like I felt like Phoenix because they blew the lead
finally, last year, the Milwaukee, which took an all century effort from China's to have it happen, that, I almost felt like all Eureka likes people just tempering their expectations of them when it felt like they were kind of clearly the steadiness of the whole time, and so now you can't pencilleth men same thing with gold state will soon have the jaw when there's actual real exe, patient sitting jobs can jobs can be afraid of anything by the way, but it still younger group, the stove. On the on the same side, people, like you, told the playoffs, Dallas and Denver. A little bit easier than fact as you move along because the one so even if The my point is point is this: is amazing alike when one seat of eighty is right, as a west reports been so disastrous, I still think if those two guys had been healthy, you can't come fleetly write em off in, which is what I think I'm going to kind doing now, where You're like where we ve got his even play in your you're, acting like he's out there- and this is the problem I dont think there's ever been a twelve year stretch like this
franchise in the abbey, a continuous twelve, your stretch where it's like Roy bottom over and over again. Basically, starting with that maverick sweep and two thousand eleven, you go later this year, which is another rock bottom year. Eight that Thursday, which we both went to war Leubronn, try to figure out how to distance itself from it, but he s initiative there. The gay was like fascinating. He led the time out and we ve seen I mean I've been going abroad games for twenty years. I probably seen implant person fifty times at this point. you know it is locked. Danny's fast walking is talk. The rafts he's talking to tee maids and he's a lead. There's ip, I'm fuckin done with this shit heads kind of demeanour that he'll get an you'd come. the term out his walk to the opposite side of the court like just to get away from everybody is possible, but you think, like way, if you're Laker fan these twelve years, you had one fund season that really
right before the pandemic. It where they there is real momentum and you I IRAN that Pakistan, I feel I, while the Lakers this attain watch they have no funds for the player from other that the other eleven seasons like Lebruns, been there for years. One sees its been fun free, is this a bad? You know, and then other ones before that were funny there. I just think. It's one of the weirdest thanks to just lay out, do the homework and take the notes you, like Jesus Christ, fucking weird mess. This was, but they got a title, but look at Brooklyn Every single team would have done what they did and they got those three guys together Sixteen games in less than two years look a boss, where the Cairo Heyward in Norfolk. That could not have worked out worse, that you make the files everything was building toward leg. We got Tatum, Brown and other and with it and no. You're right, let me live, does work out. Look at what the next summit
all the years, the next July. Ok, they cleaned the deck, their funding, get their guys and at sight now Maurice Dynamiters knees I meant it gives eleven Laker, whatever Senora Camera Kyle, you could give your covered thereafter. Each month. makers. What, if number one after two thousand and ten title, what if the Cp3 trade happen, I don't think Kobe and Chris Paul, but I think he's a better ass at then Gasol another time so at least they could have fun in this didn't work out what, if Kobe, doesn't tear his achilles.
What, if the way the Dwight Trade or the NASH Trade didn't work out would have copies tier extension doesn't happen, would have Katy, looks at the team and to pass sixteen and says fuck it. I'm gonna try to turn the Lakers around. Let's this would if they took Tatum Overlords out, which is the single most underrated it at whatever. Above this cause, that's like the Celtics Ex slip, a swap one in three, because the noble acres Wada, the Lakers, don't try to hijack them for it at all. By the way, what a magic Johnson last gifts for the subjects he may take of? Eighty seven title for us, but I'm aware, lands overtake him. What have Paul George comes the branded two thousand eighteen would if they wait an aide de Trade and don't you
who, at a year before it, sends fridge what if they're just say now he wants to come here and I will read, await, would evaded as get hurt last year and what, if they go de Rossa for Westbrook, which I'll let you comment on, because that was sitting there on the table for them the rows of wanting to come, cheaper cost them Westbrook, and they went for Westbrook? So you want me to you want me to give you what I think the biggest. What, if is out of all of those yeah, give me a big I just gave you eleven would have with them. You know why, because the most interesting, because on top of it, ass, we haven't even touched on, is cobia hated Jim Bus oh badly, he would just tell Stephen a socked, any would tell, will Bonnie Socked, and so everybody that had had a line to Cobby would be. Tv shows talk about how terrible Jim Bus was. This is all of a sudden, a gym bus per day, The coroner here But how are you any other or get? my rule with a lot of stuff is any other fuckin front office.
to be like when I get cobia saw and I bring, and why and I get a trade to first for NASH, so I have NASH, Kogi, Twite, pow and other than you know: Dwight who's, not always the easiest fit, especially that stage of his career, because what is expectations were of em Health NASH figure it out pal figures. It out. You know you're the just watch co for allow those positions. Do it now, there's nasty have respected so they spend a ton of money. Now that there been any energy- and there were two said alice- actually not do that, and since Kobe just wander mother fuck him all the time Z like Genie, then that's what happened. That was another part of all of that stuff. So I always think the what? If that's tooth too, I would say unfairly criticized: Is the playing the results on the Howard NASH, Casal Cobby Group that did nothing The only way that are the ones- I imagine that we critics
them for in the moment unequivocally was the westward trade which you and I both hated and the fact that the rose in his head. I do want to say resurgence, but he's been ease but good, the last four years, but that he up his game. Even one more level and you think what that would have meant to this team they have now verses were Westbrook, gives them about. Westbrook thing is just like. But even worse. I batman a fan for years. even worse than my very tepid expectations because the other night after they lost to the clippers and we were there and there was that Reggie Jackson Sequence were got to do what was Lebron in the baseline at the other end earlier in the game, and then Reggie started getting into it with Ross and Russ. Didn't like Reggie Jackson, Jackson, was in a coma city. There is a quote were after the game where they were plainly at other. For the first time they asked run Ok, you know Reggie backlog of live anticipation for that and he's like who
He dropped the who, which is usually the biggest loser, move ever when you know exactly who the guy as they call the said he didn't know it was even he makes together and so was we're gave, is going on there, and then there is a sequence. Reggie Jackson, when at Ross worked M, got him in a switch had a freezer dancing. It was like a real high school age, high school movie, revenge moment for Reggie Jackson at the end of that, like gay, but then, after the game of reporters asking Westbrook like Hey when you came here, I can imagine this is what you would envisioned Westbrook retort is. What did I envision? guys I gotta know. Maybe like nice play off run like right. Were you know he pissed at me cause I asked
completely reasonable question and then vespers equal season isn't over yet so the hardest part for not only whispered being the worst off the ball player you could have, because not just at the lack of skills and instead screens is not finish at any shots. His rebounding is this, even though the number should get it fuck you up, in defence of a his defend a little is she's, been a mess for years defensively ethic as soon as anybody that I'd ever talk to about was brokers are talk about very was defence Vander was talking to a fraud. Have an all time he's he's also like level eleven delusional about yeah you on, which is probably the scariest part. Its eyes they migrate in those stories about Stephen Seagal after he had Stephen cigars run, were hurt still carry himself giant star. That's like you just sit up straight, the gable actual. What do you do it you re list? Anyone rest is that you're, not
LE starting my rest, and I don't know what they do. I don't know what team goes through: the twenty nine other Thebes. It tell me what theme is taking us. A whisper texture through Lego, he's gonna take em well there. The way they wanted by away from what you ve seen very want em. You know a month ago, by the way in Houston, for these These are words a bunch of stuff and again living in allow here about these proposed westward trades and go here Fortunately, only one year and I'm not seeing is actually get flip because stuff happens and a team could be although the floor enough that they do but like seem like Orlando. That's invested in its its back court with really young players. They have to pay. A team like ok seized. It is perquisite, Houston, yeah, ok, see. Houston doesn't want John, while playing didn't want him around wall is, is a less damaging version of Westbrook at this point as a player, even if he's not as good in
Oh, I don't know I caught a can't. Wait, though, is that I can't wait for because you gotta make. I wish it could make money off this. I could fuck retired next week. If I can invest in this project that can, I guess. You know that I was going to care, but you're not gonna get. Will Russia Westbrook finish this this regular season with the Lakers? Well, now we get a whole. This is the new aid block right now you ve ruined you ve ruined my college here, because this is too spicy. Yes, I beg you, will I don't but you think I just shut well now I could just say like: is there a world where it's like, but I have plantar fasciitis. I can't play anymore, but he really just doesn't want to play some play. the last week yeah, you know what that's that's a good shot me to couple games laughed. They guy doesn't matter. As I made a mistake when I tweeted out ago, everybody running
Lakers often playing games? I do you watch the teams behind them. Irony projected New Orleans to jump em. You know when you look at it as a way out we're norms got pass him. I'd, be shouted in which it is right that I interrupted the skirt. Those good is that's actually better, but here's my brought back, It's right around draft time, West Brics, traded and forgot. It's the first ballot hall aim or he'll be on five teams in five years, and I'm not talking about for like ages. Thirty, six to forty we're talkin, you know just past thirty and so light. Hey, does not tell you about something about the guide again. This is a victory left for me. Aren't you a people about this for years, but there will be some one on television when he gets flip. That goes. This man still few eighteen, seventy seven as it had a better
fuck it up and they're gonna act like these raw numbers mean anything, and I can't wait for that moment is someone will do it what's funny going it was like the one team that they kind of match up well worth caricatures. Leubronn could both them and their great surrounded with guards, but you gotta clippers game and Zoo Botz in heart and style energy. Its second offered a rebound, lay up lad for their very best. Just gets Tipp back in their running on MRS nobody's. back Ed, if I'm a Laker fan, look at that the broad fifty six you bear. One the worsening play. Well, you know, and it was awesome The brown pilot that- but I think I said this, as did the ringer gambling on Friday he's not shutting down that, like all that serve as a good. He shut it down, save him for deck shared like that. It's all about the stats now he's gonna. Do you know he's here,
is a great guy, knows make your car of along point. Is you treated this in its a great point? You made an private, buys. You know his gang Mr Karas alone and Karim and he's, I think, thirty, three points away for from forty from forty thousand from starting the for starting the forty tents and club. His. Not shutting down he's not going anywhere and the only reason I mention it cause. I keep seeing like Perkins, who I joy, follow there is, I think I shouted down, shut the broad down save for next year that that every game counts. Carmelo, we all seemed is going to pass for Rheem, guess what you got hurt and it didn't and he fell a couple hundred points short. So you know Lebron trust me gives a crap about this. Any shit By the way below MR by over a thousand just just sorry when he said that as a great, what does look at it again we'll get a thousand is
if you play with what I want you game, so average thirteen points, a game you get that yeah. Twenty days. I will We are going to do in twenty. Where we bring it then show restraint because here because he wrote about the of power, the agencies- and this has to do with the Lakers discussion, because loudest of that's happened for them. The last couple years deafening has been agent driven. I don't know, this is a new thing or not near bear ransacked, but that we're didn't talk about is is this getting worse, has always been the same and we're just more aware of it now and a whole bunch other things, but that is all Ethan I swear to you. Try to I resell an idea in this Sunday. Pods way may bring some guess it for the last segment, just a mix it up,
I got it with a marriage. You got to mix it up. You got to have some fun MIA. Is it the longer the barrage? Cuz god keep it spicy Ethan has a sub stack that went when she started about six ago an you used to work for the athletic, confer ESPN, we tangentially work together and you worked with Priscilla tangentially is well, you have you ve carbon. a little territory already as you're. Not behold the daddy buddy you just just got over there. You, you watch Let's go, and I read this peace recently about agencies in basketball. That result. were fast reseller? What is your favorite thing about that peace? I still think enough people or covering it this way, and I think that's your freedom cause you're, just not really covering the NBA so
you did it for a long time. You wrote a book about worse, it's fantastic she's still have contacts, but I just feel like there's a lane here that just isn't touched on and when you, when you did the Lakers, and in the New York, see a thing and it wasn't like some hit peace. Just a big, enlightening or educational for people that may be dont understand. How often I know I've finally will be like why the hell did that happen? then they go while the relationship with the asian wheedle teams across the lake, If you like, out the GM kind of like nice sort of hook him up there and took care of his got because it happens, we more than people realize area Ethan. I think the big thing in it. Your piece was set timely because we're getting other central coming out all star weekend with you know abroad stuffy dating clay born in there is breadcrumbs dropped all over the place. He mentioned Saint Presty talks about there's stuff, getting floated out the different porters and who does what,
horses wherever it is basically the bronze unhappy once the Lakers to fix this. From what I heard last week, when I had the the big meeting with everybody in the Lakers This is the first time in the bronze Greer, where there are just like the man you pushed who export trade like we're, not spending more assets on this and you're in a contract. and- and you know, if you're not happy, weaken, trotted figure something out basically, and I think this is the first time the juice, the juices cut put down the brown, but in your reporting on this, what did you find out from the outset the clutch standpoint The sentiment in the leg is quite runs. Lakers yeah, I think there's a lot of truth to that. Until is no longer true, I guess I'm a little bit oddly sympathetic to the perspective in calling around and talking to people. I think there is an argument for hey. You came to Us Genie boss in the Lakers. You are in a bad state,
and yeah you don't like. What's going on, you don't like how we're pushing you around you feel like you did a deal with the devil we delivered. You got a championship and yeah it's a bubble championship, but you got a championship. You got Lebron. You got Anthony Davis worst out of New Orleans? So we don't really want to hear this stuff about. How were the problem rob link as the problem? I don't think it's that simple. I think the whole arrangement, even if I am sympathetic somewhat to their perspective, has felt weird and kind of growth. kind of mercenary and I'm sure there are some lakers- were quite thankful for the championship in the whole thing feels off, but at the same time I do understand the clutch perspective. I do get it so either do you think Is this the start of a new generation of where front offices leaning on agencies were at some huh? like where the leaning goes wrong, because it pardon me feels like
I felt like when I was in the nineties. They David Fox, had asthma, powers, anybody, I don't know if he was able to force the balls to do anything, but I think he was feared and I do think there some agencies now that are feared, but I think what different as I don't remember, the agencies they being involved in the transactions the way they are now. So what it? What did you learn about? That yeah it was always thus to a degree and Dan Faye again was running. The Dallas Mavericks and rights was into the was into the box, and you had. These teams were was a partnership and you are talking to genes. They say what the agent start sweet talk, and yet you know that and you know you think that their due and favours for you? but really you ve been captured and you're doing favours for that. India? The parasite has taken, The organism about something you gotta be wary of, I think what's different is just the clutch model involves a player leveraging himself and being part of the agency, which, I think has been
stabilizing to believe is up in a league. Probably we should have allowed, but it took some real balls and vision to do it and at least from a business perspective, you got the respect that Leubronn, a rich Paul pull this off and they ve turned this thing into. But you met. I mean clutch, isn't just some weird novelty thing that just runs the Lakers they ve partner with you today, which is one of the biggest They would agencies in their go and head to head cia- and I know at this point a lot of people listening to say this is too many initials. I you know you got it You gotta start talking about basket Bobby. I felt a little bit a panic when you guys reached out to be to do this because it can feel like studying for the task- and you know just trying to figure out all these different alliances behind the scenes, but I think bill. I think, that's the dynamic, this sort of agency team partnership that involves a player being part of the
you is the new component and I do think it represents something that has turned off the fans just a bit because it's all become combined with this era. Of breaking news being just the dominant thing that yes beyond cares about, and therefore they ve got a kiss you. so the agents, the agents in teams and all sudden. Nobody can be honest about anything, not know but a lot of people can't be honest about anything in MBA media, that's. Ok, good, very substantial, good for you guys. You know because You guys aren't necessarily all about. We need to break the news and that's the thing we need to do. First and foremost, I think it's benefited not only my substance. But people who say hey, I wanna do analysis and I wanted opinion because the public nations or the main publication that focuses on breaking news. First and foremost, if you start giving your opinion. You start saying: hey this play, really dog in it: hey this player handled his variation
see like shit, you're gonna find sources, and you're gonna find agents- and that's not gonna, be good for you, news breaking, and so I think it's just made some of the product anodyne out of ESPN, especially in its probably help you guys have some more territory for the poorer clutch work monsieur and see if other than apple brought a long time, but now that we know their play book. You like that. What it'd been one of the biggest misunderstandings, a relationship you could never possibly have. Is there like thanks for the lessons boys we're out of here, which is what they they've done with a player part of it say that they definitely are are in Phatic by pushing back on the idea what Lebron doesn't own the agency is not him. It's like alright, whatever man, it doesn't really matter that part I've always respected. I think the part where clutch gets a little offended as they think that there's a target on them of this criticism of ben- that's, that's and I'll be like man, everybody hates got Boris. Then we like David, I hate the idea. It's our whole. I guess who's they
There there germ Maguire, who loved agents yet which, by ways why I think a lot of fans are turned off by the tenor of NBA coverage, because it sounds like what an agent would say and agents have a job Do they do it? Well, but fans don't have that perspective? They don't want to feel sorry for Ben Simmons. and feel like you might ve gotten screwed over this way or that way, that's not how they feel about it. So if you start, you indicated to the fans in that way from the age of perspective, even doing when its hidden, it repels people the ass. She glanced time too, when I read something run like enclaves coming straight me agency, like some the Benson step, despite having some sympathy for what he's going through all read other parts of it this is in this is such bullshit. This is insulting to any of us that a ring the stuff, but I want to get back to the next thing, is
I think a lot of this is like ok, what's our plan, you know: what's our structure and they go day, we're gonna tank will act in work out. O tanking doesn't work. Now it's it's a place at the table, but it's not a guarantee of. Let's clears let's clear for cap space will do that gap space. I would argue even worse than has ever been now because guys are back in the longer term. Deals are just forcing traits of caste space, isn't even as advantageous as maybe I wasn't even then it was kind of overrated, and then you look at the next who look at Dolen and again not defending dullard, but you go gates for player model hollow framer. I say it's homicide that didn't work. Ok, I get a big feel Jackson, have some credibility here. Daddy was she left that that the whole area daddy Wash, who I think all of us have a tunnel respect for whatever the places we use. Our Likud, like early painters, draft text to build up was really good, Reggie Miller teams. Those guys are hitting it out of the park every year filled. Is the complete I'm out something that you wanted the job as the dollar.
Screw seat like Jerry, Garcia, here the keys and then What, if I don't wanna bite? Hey? What do we get the good fuckin players that they had the connections? Yeah yeah? Don't I guessed it so it all ties into this bigger picture which aids written about a couple times with the reporting structure is kind of tied into the age structure which is tied into the information structure and all of it is this weird amity used the word morass because half the time I read this stuff- and maybe I know too much. I might be too under her that I used be like when I watch yard, by step bomb in the nineties, and she was in B G way in it. You just be able to pick a part, the scenes of Google. I might have too much information, but I read reporting now add just like what was that person's agenda to get that up what was whispered
this whole Ben Siemens is. Is back or is it hurt like half the time, I don't know what the believe anymore and I didn't used to feel that way about the information I would come out. I'm always wondering now? Why did this come out? Hoo hoo hoo wines with this? What did this person at the game? What did this team have Jane and maybe is that just where we are now is that I think it is where or maybe it should be paid back. I think that should be a goal of the NBA, and this has been a great MBA week to be sure with abroad. Fifty six point Jason Tatum going off some cool stuff is happening and they just need to be a recognition that perhaps the agencies have a little bit too much control and it needs to be paid back, at least needs to be a focus? I don't have all the answers on how to do it. I just know it's hard hit are you without aiming for it? So I do think weird murky nests
the weak needs to be paid back in its it's also just kind of sleazy Amy Maybe situations may be the lake, got some out of it with Should we not even maybe they did get something out of it, but some of these other situations. It feels almost like good fellows, where they. He comes to them. You know help me with the restaurant. They ve learned him in and they bust out the restaurant. There has getting great deals for these guys while pretending that there really open them in trying to win the championship, I'm not making any accusations for certain specific teams, but Sir we at times this year in the Mixit had that flavour to it. So it just seems like something the lead, should do something about I'm just throwing it out there. You know anything they can do to get. The focus back on board the ball and not on whatever agenda. we probably be for the better? Ok, the next, the same thing? What didn't you tell us in your article
you can share with us on a much more fairly, listen to it sounded like you knew some tales and he just left it vague like that, see a necks felt a certain way about the see annex but wait ended before you answer that. I think it was worse before because to me. The most glaring one was the bark ninety trade member he was a sad Meyer and they had the opportunity to do whatever giving a first round pick and that because they wanted to get bark dotted to the next, and that was the one time I don't know how much were kind of influence is that over the years absence they have some now, because the added West are there, but the Baghdad trade was the one time where it did feel like this guy's being either there, and there is one point whether they are like six. Seventy guys in the next hour. They don't have to yeah, no definite impaired back. They trade a lot of assets that gets yea
client Carmelo Anthony, and I think that it everything just comes back to the broad. So much of what is gone right in the league and wrong about the way it comes out to what comes back to the broad, I think swinging. missing all broad inspired the next to get Airbus yea this is just how you gotta play the game, because we failed this is our path to power and for some, he's in failing repeatedly hasn't. I guess this, hated them on that, but I think that's why? thing, and I really thought about the history of that people came out of the woodwork and were saying hey. It dates back to that dates back to two two thousand tat, but he just we'll Braun, you know for better or for worse, I think, has been highly influential in no. This is just a broader conversation outside of the agencies. I think he brought this murder Harry era? That is very much time and with agencies in getting represented and leveraging tee said, flexing your power. He brought in
mercenary era to the MBA, which I think for a short time was kind of cool. When you went to South Beach and all these people hated em and everything else, but I also think that it's sort of worn out its welcome and people don't like it. There was this moment. I was watching us watching the shop when the shop was odd about think a lot of people do that, but sometimes I do add yet Anthony Davis with him Anthony Avis was saying: hey, you know the broad I mean I've got a view myself as a business. You know I've got a view myself as a corporation and remember thinking you know the leak can handle Lebron James, viewing himself that way I don't know a valley can have a like twenty five guys you in themselves that way. I dont think that really works. So in a way, it's the strange story of Leubronn because he saw incredible any so influential among his peers, and they all want to be like him, but they can't really do the things he does and they fall with his example, and I think it just got things. Quota cut a one
in China out of sorts and though we could, I ask a ratings, because you ve been on this for a while on a minute user anecdote here, share, Then it will prove ratings, come out I'll, always laughing but he also like well, that's not what it is is the goal of We have a room and you and your roommate like or don't like the president in disagree with the approval rating too eyes living together. Maybe it's the best pole sourcing is opposed, but like people can convince themselves have that right, it could sit at home. You guys, Casablanca, that seems, I seems, low milk. You wait you're cute suggesting the public. That is wrong because you guys feel differently the I remember going down south and get in a cab. here we were wondering if the NFL ratings are down and the capital part of it was a dream that was banned quite a bit and I that was. I was like there's no way it's down just because of that it might just be a headline, and then I get new account in the guy was like. Oh, what do you do? I tell my work and sports. You gotta stop watch the NFL, because that was equates you
I watched the inability said punish yourself. Now you never can watch it again on Sundays, like that seems fuck you you're losing in this deal, so I found a guy, but because I found a guy, it didn't mean that now that studies over it condemns if a day in a carriage Louisiana Vienna. So when I look at the the NBA rating stuff, the brought up in the decline by market, which I think is the really alarming stuff I wonder: what's real and what isn't real in you ve put a lot of time into this. I have a bunch of different theories. I just no, that I'm gonna know the answer, even though I wouldn't dismiss any theory I certainly wouldn't say any theories, the main source of decline know anything big as Malta factor. right and for some reason I dont know why people are like this. They try make it about one thing: it's about one thing it management, you know it's the politics in the end that political signalling and I think it's we're when people deny that that can be a factor, but it's
early, isn't the only factor. I look at the whole thing. As you know, they ve got some great stuff going on. They ve got great play here's they can certainly rebound. This has happened before after Michael J where they had a big decline, but I'm a curious person. I like looking at what happened. Oh my God, millions of people just change their habits. What does mean. It's an interesting conversation. I think, and what you're saying I do think it's multi factor when things are multi factor it. Just almost it's like a chemical reaction. It just becomes his big thing. People change their preferences, it becomes the load management it becomes mercenary aspect. It feels like they're getting lectured about politics by people who won't say thing about China, when China is trying to get Darrell, Morey fired at the beach STAR in the week is basically luxury Darrell Morey and seeing the Darrell Maurice bad instead of saying a people are
huddled their opinions in the United States of America shouldn't. You know, get pressure to get fired by another country, so I mean all of this stuff. I think by and to create a certain but ways ad happened and to me it's interesting to think about it and just look at how is Lily going to fix it, because I think sometimes people just do criticism is bad. It's bad! It can be good. You know there was a lot of criticism of the NBA Post, Michael Jordan, of the style of play. I mean bill road about it. How the games in these playoffs series were seventy five, two hundred and seventy two well all of the tourism and back then there was up there. There wasn't so much reluctance to make the criticism. People would you say: hey MBA Na ha right now, it's not going great. I think it pressure the league to make some changes. They made the we'll changes the reforms yeah, you could say there is the dress and all of that that's a very fraught conversation, but it did lead to the seven seconds or less the stylus exchanges
that I think save the NBA. So it's not bad. I would say to just noticed when things are going well, times you ve gotta, understand reality to make the proper course correction. I to me it's, it's a young star thing. I think as the biggest issue, because they were seated the share with especially like what's happened, jar the last couple weeks and what might be happening with Tatum as we speak, again, these twenty five and under guys that I think are finally blossoming into a generation and the last time. somebody really became a phenomenon who is like an under twenty seven guy was the staff warriors stuff, Ruhmer, nay, in which new Ethan? You are there for some of that, but that two thousand thirteen fourteen fifteen range when all of a sudden staff, because the new guy and he became an actual star and it really mattered, and then Katy
So the warriors and you decide these star making things happening real stardom going on, and I look at some of the guys this year, es LUCA Joel, I'm bead yoke edge. It is these unbelievable prayers coming up, but I wonder like that, the thing that worries me for the league and just worries me in general, as is if you're not, in America is everybody. here, the same way because we produce these four Awesome players so wide in widened, resonate the same way. Stuffed it right, and I don't know that's a weird conversation to have two but like yadda says, like he checks every fucking box Why is it in the most popular guy in the last ten years? I dont understand that peace. I think they screwed up the marketing of him. They got a huge element of it. I think sometimes the people who make adds project what's important to them and their sensibility,
very college educated. It's got a political violence in they were saying. they were really big on. Oh, my god, this guy he's an immigrant and he grew up hard and that's all very interesting stuff. And if you love the book, Bananas, you'll read more invaders book and I'm not saying that's that's something to be dismissed at all, but it's not what makes kids like a basketball player. Kids like a basketball. is, he seems fine any could do shit, nobody else can do and their Africa about larger jack I'll call jacket duck already, but everytime you gotta get his jersey, yes and no jaws the next guy he's really resonating and it simply Janis the ads. If you look at the kinds of ads they made for him, it's like they just forgot that he's fun he's a magnetic personality that he's likeable. This wasn't emphasise and said it was the heavy stuff and Nike makes a lot of those adds were
where's the shrink we piano keys and they tell you about something. That's very important and I think that this resonates it does. Nobody's looking to them. For that they want adds that are fun. They want players that are and look like they're having a great time, and so I think they screwed. Up with the honest, I do think that it is an obstacle when it so from another country, but I think they could have done a much better job. getting them and you no credit to Nike. I guess because I think that they did make an ad campaign for John John, I just I listen to that podcast with you in Vernon, and you just got something and I also think, bring it back to what we are talking about before. This is how people want it to happen. This is how people like it they like when it staff Currie and it's a team of guys and they seem like. Friends in her watching them kind of grow up before your eyes and it seems organic
and similar with JA. Morant grizzlies were adjust its unexpected it's out of nowhere, but you're. Just watching it all grow and you dont know words headed and just say the ok see it every thousand other. Yes, yes, that's another! It's a great example, so Those situations just rest A more van he's weird ones where the star gets unhappy and forces is way out, and that is on. happy again that is a forced. His way out again made this sort of stuff. Yes, there's free agency. Yes, players should be able to make their own decisions. But I dont make the rules. It just seems like it needs more when it's one guy in one town and her watching him on a kind of upwards trajectory. So I also think we have to be fair about the room. Serve to realise. We are now like in part three of three fucked up seasons of Johnny. I get out of hand her thighs and right and
I remember talking the NBA about like hey. Now you get a chance to run your template of having summer games and you're not competing with football as much and here's what will happen and the people I talked you were like there's a reason. We don't do it because the numbers tell us there are not enough televisions on an even people star for entertainment, they still stay in and watches much basketball during August and July's is maybe you thought that would happen, and you too football and all the other stuff that did not happen. Then. I think because We just have issues too. We are targeted the same thing with that football thing like I'm, reduce memorabilia spin. Unless the Sony people round me talk about the decline of football, that even more Cuban was like I'd rather own a basketball. In reality, which is certainly self serving, which I don't aim for saying, but I'm like I'm not there yet with you and it came back up so it can come back up, but I think more than anything the freedom of movement. There will be I always be resentment from from the guy who was hoping he can bring his kid. Do a game
because its human nature to resent somebody that has the power that you don't have an eye. Just like all the millions of us that care should just accepted these guys have freedoms that you're never going to have in the workplace, and I do think, actively. Now on about year. Five or six of this were, if you said, hey check out the NBA, were our players don't play a tonne, it's just. You know I love gay died. We ought sunrise when they're. Here, it's fantastic, so Well, I don't know, I don't know how you could ever have a league this, the port, where I think this generation is kind of fact. It is kind of selfish that you have I think it about shit down there and not one of these guys are ever going to care about it. They would laugh at me for even suggesting this, but if this trend continues, you start in a far future general. Friends on this, because you guys just didn't feel like playing northeast sixty games and you could get away with it, which a very, very myopic way to look at it. It would ultimately be
The only way, a twenty two thirty year old would look about anything. you're one of the most special people in the world and what you do. The gun, the ratings thing. I am now Why do I want to see what happens with the plan ratings this year? Because everything is lined up? There's Jews can be unpredictable, as we have somewhere between nine and eleven play off teams that I think are thus like. You have real stars. You have young stars, you not probably have Leubronn, but other than that any other relevant guy in the week is gonna, be in those playoffs and, more importantly, what It was said earlier. Its there's agrees that they had the plants from MID April on the way to bid you cassettes. When the two, These are on. So I think the ratings are gonna bounced back and I to me it's like no different than what happened football football. They fixed how bad over what at ten years span there and they are able to take that conversation out, and then they got
if he was stars like they have good quarterbacks, that people on a watch, the have the homes Josh out Lamar Jack, said just now Herbert Joe burrow in that for new generation. Our guys are gonna carry the league for the next fifteen years. I feel the NBA's in a similar aspire. Without they have so, am I going be wrong when the ratings come out in May, and it's like shit, there still bowed dad I'll be shocked, but until that happens, I'm I'm going believe this rebates Well, I think it's gonna be better. Also, they juice the stats for the radiance I think helps and that's not just for the NBA. That's for every effort buddy there now, counting, I any out of home, you know. Hospitals, airports whatever, so you know the NFL has been saying it's, it's not. You know it more. People are watching than ever, not exactly true. So that's a little bit of a boost, but So sometimes you can have lower viewer ship, and it's not great for that But it's part of an investment in the least watched MBA finals.
Happened was abroad versus the San Antonio spurs. Now in a way that was a measure of the leagues lack of health at that particular moment. That people in the MID arts weren't really watching me. and like they were in the nineteen nineties, but it was also For the audience that did tune in a chance to feature this Lebron James I people would end up caring about later on. So you know John Miranda grizzlies make a run be there in the western coffins finals is just throw that out there. That's not going to be a tremendously watched western conference finals, perhaps because Memphis is such a small market with something like six hundred thousand households, but that could be good for the league long term as right, ass meant, because it's important people, sports fans, casual vans, know who job Maria did. It would be part of him becoming a household name. That would try and send the market or any of that shit just because he is so incredible to watch. So you know it's complicated, it's you.
Have a low viewers ship year that can perhaps serve something for you in the future. recycling us now covered it. I am I'm buying play off stock, so we clear gentleman's bear. I think it's gonna be a big players for them and I think there's teams. You talk about teams, a big markets, Boston, Philly, Chicago Excited dallas- and I am talking about we're on, but her mba finals, fifteen million person average that private go under four that the Abbe too, what bill when you said it's unpredictable. I think the the viewer has told us they like predictability. Interesting. you mean, like tat. The calves warrior stuff was, like I mean Ethan you dead.
More documented and then either biller I'd do it by casting analyze warriors, though that was the two biggest stars of the last hour to the three biggest starts at the less. What fifteen years Darwin had I had, and then the rat was probably the fourth thing about european added value to the ears of your own fifth view and fifteen years either you gotta include Cobby, but that's I mean I said to the. Did disorder and on this I think calves warriors initially before Kevin Durrant. It was resonate because of the big stars, but it was also because there was enough lend versus the fancy pants bay. Whenever you can get contractor, really well. The most watched western conference finals was Lakers kings, the Lakers verses another big market team. It was cow, town versus Hollywood. That dynamic you know, do verses when see the kind of conservative institution versus the liberal public school like people love those key
try to the end end of the day. We can think about markets. We can think about stars. The story is predominate and anything we get that epic contrast that tints do really wealthier sounds like but he's endorsing Lakers, Hartford and without being either you can good luck with the subs that keep it up bad thanks for pop and I've got to see They some are dragged me gas, Marcello, eight that got me the more excited fer to see what happens with the playoffs cause? I Actually I don't know, I'm boa showed the NBA with despite some evidence against it, but I think they're. So many good stars. I actually could see a break out this year, especially no baseball these fur. What a couple were a baseball private domain and that's what it feels like it sounds the hours I went for it to be like we dont care, but they kick.
Oh I don't you know whatever that pay back to the regional sports networks. Are, I don't think it's a month of Miss games. So I have to start paying whereas come back, I think that's. We could start figure now when the slap, but anyway I did want to turn into it. be a conversation cigarette. What did he see? John Hammond had a tweet tonight I mean who does have its? Can resolved, but who is talking about? The players are ok with the pitch pitch clocks, with banning the shift and with bigger bases, winded bases become Why do we do bigger basis at it? I was so confused by that. Was there because it the discussion, but I bet that I best. Like some of the little league stuff. This is this is after my time, but they have the second or is it softball? They have it where there's the two first basis, so there's no collision there. I thought I thought we were actually doing. Ok, you know I love is that none of this ship matters, because it's about the tat in it's about the pre arbitrage and rang? Ok, so God,
you know that's just putting the players black. We gave in and bases in the shift the elderly. I thought what you're going to have it. The other one was like the authors have given it on the draft lottery from three teams to four years. It would, in fact, talking about like the tattler, what the others, proposed, is they want a hammer, the top and flat it out digits already the tax acts as a cap, and they don't want to improve the bottom. So to me, the every proposal that I read I knew I was propeller before it. I read it after the fact. I think that the owners had just going for the jugular here and seeing how long making they can go for the players they hope give in, because this is not. This is such a bad l for the players, based on what the proposes our back and forth a mouse appropriate chairs and at that
see my Downers care baseball comes back before late June or July so that they can say that, as it may widen yet may is probably realistic, but also may they just care about, though, make it should there's enough games and that a player we can listen to the Ryen Russillo podcast. This one was produced by a guy Cochranton text to Dylan Berkey and thanks to Steve Ceruti as well. New rewatchables come in tomorrow, night Batman, one thousand nine hundred and eighty nine that's happening so stay tuned for that Gotta get you on the reward was again reseller. Yeah, we tat Wahlberg gotta, talk about fear am Ipod, Jose. I heard that is that was at your way of China. Cadets big, we'll talk about it that was gettin a bruise. You see how things
Transcript generated on 2022-03-07.