« The Bill Simmons Podcast

The "My Guy" Fantasy Football Draft With Danny Heifetz, Craig Horlbeck, and Danny Kelly. Plus, a Cleveland Sports Check-in With Garrett Bush.


The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Danny Heifetz, Craig Horlbeck, and Danny Kelly of 'The Ringer Fantasy Football Show' for the "My Guy" Fantasy Football Draft, where they identify NFL players who fit unique categories on draft day (2:24). Then, Bill talks with Garrett Bush of the 'Ultimate Cleveland Sports Show' about the Browns, Cleveland's relationship with Pittsburgh, Browns fans' affinity for Baker Mayfield, Cavaliers predictions, and more (1:16:42).

Host: Bill Simmons

Guests: Danny Heifetz, Craig Horlbeck, Danny Kelly, and Garrett Bush

Producer: Kyle Crichton

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Coming up a fantasy po box traffic answer in the tortured soul of leaving fence had sex. It's the bill, simmons package, presented by fanned all the enemy if the season is right around the corner, there's no better place to get down the axon fan to america's number one sports book. There are a ton of. about future markets. Mail from player prompts the team markets and faint, has tons of for his boots and more ahmad for them a bit of ten as you have seen an avowed plus when you, when you get fast jump into the air any time during the game by bedding and trout emma be live as gps can, by multiple bats, same game, the same game, parlay insane, in parlay plan really fun for the plans to by the way down, The follow up today to start making every moment war, the ringer as recommitted, so responsible gambling, please the ringer dotcom, slash, orgy, learn more at the resources now plans, a bail bond listened nanda. This episode for additional, details. You must be torn up
some president's, like states, ganley problem call when an under gambler or the ringer dotcom, slash orgy. This website is brought you by our friends. Had state farm there's no playbook when it. Delay for any of the other stressful task that adulthood throws your way some Davis lay awake at night going through a list of what ifs, what if something happens to our home What, if a an accident if life gives you a bad bad, State farm has a play for every what? If you commission, twenty four seven you can find on the state far mobile app or you can simply call your agent with quest It's about your home or auto coverage like a good neighbor state farm. Is there call or go to stay farm dot com for a quote today, we're also brought through by the ringer podcast network. We can
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then followed on spotify strike force five. You can get it wherever you get your pack ass, can't wait to listen to this super excited those five guys on assumed together just cracker jokes, I'm ready. So there you go on this package ass. It's the second annual, my guy fantasy draft, craig or back diana carried any high profits from the ringer fantasy. Shout we're gonna come on we'll talk about, All of our guys that we like dislike that we're afraid of in the fantasy football season. Then I went to cleveland to find gare bush, who is kind of a big guy. There I gotta say he's he's kind of a guy, ah he's going to tell us what, back, then the browns, who are the most confusing two thousand twenty three team allowed that has to do with deshaun watson, which deshaun watson's. Are we going to get? How do we feel about deshaun watson in two thousand twenty three just in general and where is cleveland sports going? What's happened?
them this century. All the good are the bad and he's gonna lay all out for us. So this is a really good back, as can wait first option. it's from project. The second annual, my guys fantasy draft are rare. Fantasy show guys are here. Dame Kelly. The Heifetz craig quarterback by rewatch bubbles produce are always nice when he pops on the bs, did this last year. We didn't want any words, but sometimes you don't need to win a words, sometimes on something great went away. You just kinda, know it and we're going to run it back. Ah high fits you want to explain what this gimmick is yeah. It's you text us a bunch of ridiculous.
Categories and then we kind of building its, I shall read it now. It's fun, though it's just like it's a draft, but it's not a draft and then its vibes survives episode. yeah. We can agree on this. The concept is like he goes to a fantasy draft. We all have the same kind of guides same kind of rankings, but it doesn't capture the love. It doesn't capture the irrational. I just believe in the sky. It doesn't captured craig thinking that a that pickens is gonna, end up being just the jefferson this year. There's just some things. He already is or fear ptsd from bad draft picks from the past. I actually listen to a lot of the pod we did last year was pretty funny hearing some of the guys we were like completely enamored by that ended up being bus, and then there are some other ones that I was surprised by the accuracy of it Danny Kelly. Can you ever be writing a fantasy draft, no perfect one in a million it's like picking stocks. You know if you get. If you get one
good one then you're set last year. Mine was remind dre I'd. I listen to our show last year to feel I had nailed that one didn't get some other ones right. So that's you know we don't have to re litigate, those but rim, Andre called that one either. Take I was proudest of last year was fearing cooper cup landed the year that he had just not liking. The sense of something is better experience secondary fancy, since I nineteen eighty nine, ninety ninety something that I had so I'm in a rib through the categories here and then we're gonna go at the one at the time. This is not it's a draft, but it's not a draft, because if we all have the same guy for category of tour, two of us have it. It's fine, we're. Ok, the categories are my one. True love, the guy that we just like the most my crazy pills guide, you unexplained
isabelle's, then Craig, who I I think it could go either way right. It's either. You feel like you're, taking crazy pills, because nobody else likes the guy you like, or it's the other way around, where you feel like you're, taking crazy pills because everybody likes the sky and you don't understand it at all right, so yeah there's a little variance on that one. You can go either way. There's the my. I absolutely hate myself for doing this guy. it seems to happen over and over again in fantasy, where you gonna january. Well, I'm not going to end up with Russell wilson gives the example I used last year could be the example in this amendment has been adopted for us to us, and then it gets to the seventeenth round, if you're in it, greater draft or you know yet. You have five dollars for five eyes. I rather well sunshine, peyton and I'll. Send you have Russell wealth, and you have no idea how he ended up on your team. So that is the mai, absolutely hate myself for doing this. Guy, there's the amateur. Add this category of sub category, the I'm staying with that whole team tee
there's teams where you're just like I'm out just behind out. I don't want one person from that team as a we'll see. If we agree on that team, then we have the most shameless homer pick. Guy That's going to be really I I mean you don't even have to go out, although there could be their tickets like plus five hundred, but I think we know pickens is going to be there the mai. I wouldn't take him even if he was free guy super my neared, the envy do not draft last. I had mccaffrey as by guy for this last year, which, like brilliant for about six then he got trade obtainable up its. We have the mai that two thousand and twenty two booty tk, isn't happening again, guy, which is new category four. This shared this is the he stumbled into somebody in the fridge, an auction, maybe in november. I wrote him for a couple weeks. Some fine memories, but you know
the one eyed stand or you know, as over three weeks stand and you're not going back, then we have the. This is a classic won t somebody's gotta get points in their team guy, we just look at other times. What well I and are everybody said, It's three hundred someone's catch, a pass on that team, someone's rusher for nine hundred and seventy yards. There is the my sar. I'm sorry, that's too rich for my blood guy, where you look at the draft guide and you see but the sailor is next to the guys in you go, wait it forty seven dollars, so not ye harris was by guy for this last year. I was proud of that there's the my wonder, dollar guy you dont, he's not gonna, make a break a draft but you're also, I secretly stashing way in your head and we all have our wonder: gb
as the mad, be afraid to look on tuesday and see the red flag guy, which I have added the strategy me tell you about this category. You take the guy and it's going great, eli her men, as is the ultimate baseball example. Is it's going great? You feel an awesome, and then you go on there on a tuesday and there's the red flag with the yellow box that there's news and you're just like. Oh now, oh god. What happened- and there are certain guys- are just that happens- a rear. Cousin of that the mai I know, there's a man named, sent chances getting hurt again, but god damn. I can't resist this guy. Then we have the mai cooper cup it's a year after the year guy site, name this calcraft grouper cup. So who is it this year they had their last year. Don't do it again, don't get sucked in fibre the my just one everyone on that. Often I don't care guy, the mai it's a year to early, but fuckin guy, the my mistake: this. We both had him guy the mai. I fell for the precision height guy and then
they d. My I'd never referred injury, but he is one injury away that so wording to start with Once you elaborating at we're. Gonna go one two three four and the zoom and then for the second round. Then the second I will go. danny collar europe are my once love who is it? I gotta go with tony pollard for the cowboys I'm irrationally a guy. I've been saying, I think, there's nothing you can say will convince me that he's not the best player in the nfl like like just pound for pound the best player in the nfl. You know last year he finished as the rb seven this year he's going to be playing. I I think more snaps getting way more opportunities. We can get up to like the same of opportunities? Is ecuador and see him? You know cause he's in that style of runner. I think this guy could finish as the top three were running back in unison, and so I am I'm just like full as governments,
bloom in with twenty pollard. I just can't. I can't help it. the ringer faint he's I'd, he's thirteenth right now and has gone for forty two dollars at auction. See you think, that's low yeah! I would I would put I actually had power. Do I have while we all in all it. Why did you do? I'm scared now, yeah yeah? That's That's that given that highlights the yet this is a terrible side, but measures I mean just a pile on the d case. That's your zeke had twelve touchdowns last year and nick and tony pollard was a top ten running back like what else do you need to hear like every time Any pollard was on the field. He was the best. back in a league now seeks gone like I rest my case, this is pre game show where they all pick the same team to when I know reform and then that aimlessly should bobby stay away from tony pollard weight. So all three of you had tony powered for this. The fact is the reason why we do not you what we ourselves are not coming. I didn't expect that. That's not my card! talk about knowing who talks about this Jesus. You notes, you know such
this. Is that means when I have my big auction drafted a week and all my friends are gonna be lost. especially when tony pollard comes up, I'm not going to get them cause they're all going to beat him up going for fifty seven dollars. If I want to get them yeah. What feels like? Oh my gosh. Well, here's the the argument. Rich rebar, who works for one sharpies, a sharp football analysis, and he is a really good comp, which is basically melvin. Gordon was playing had austin engler for years and ever was begging for us cynically to get the job and then I'll snicker finally got the job and the charges got rid of melvin and then also Leclair still wasn't really a first round pick and we talked ourselves out of it. We hemmed and hawed. This is tony pod again, it's like Zeke is finally, after five years out of dallas and we're like yeah any point in the when you get tony pollard, that's actually crazy. Like honestly, you could get them for forty. Five bucks, austin hackers can go for sixty tony potter provinces. Furthermore, the echoed the shirt I I kind of genuinely mean this too. Pollard should may be. The first pickin fantasy.
given their bids me kind of genuinely well, does have a evelina offensive line. There are gonna, be a couple games against teams teams he he you know you have my thanksgiving or something, and he puts up the four touchdown hundred eighty, our game. I can see it so I guess I'm up than before you guys are greatly. You have anybody want my one true love this year, jail in herds of the philadelphia who ass a leg friendly pay. So last year, MR games. and they also blew out what was a decay like seven eighteen, seventy games were they just like in the fourth quarter. They didn't even really have to play off ants. They're just kind of run out a string yeah, I dont think their defences gonna be as good. yeah sure capacity on the air on the nfl shows we talk about this. I need to be better than he thinks, but it wont
As good at it and their schedules tougher, but you know, is it possible that he's like eight four thousand one thousand guy with some sort of combination. Forty thank everyone agrees that the best offensive, I'm a league everyone agrees that one to easy for a J brown divides. Smith punch is way up there and I'm saying like sugar on tv, this week was saying a divide. This meant this is the air he jumped up to the chase class. So we had with Dallas gotta, who everybody thinks is the best all around tighten and the we could, the guy who actually black someplace three dance running backs. What I'd put anyone behind there and though gate gained eighty yards and then he's going to get a lot of the goal line carries, I think, he's my top qb this year. I think I would take them. Nobody else said now. I don't even think it's that controversial breathing down here,
I think you're right. I think the key point you have there is that he barely played the fourth quarter last year. That's the key thing. He was already this in a per game basis. He was the best quarterback in fantasy last year and he barely played the fourth quarter yeah. So what you are He has even reach the ceiling, He he's our number one guy on the guide. Right now, I believe shameless plug for fantasy football dot. Three or dot com he's our twenty first player. We have like all our rankings there and yeah. He has the highest floor and the high ceiling, my favorite stat about jalen hurts other than eighteen. Rushing touchdown in eighteen games last year generates more games over thirty points than under twenty. That's ever you want to go back. So he's number one our guide, but I still feel like a draft. Drachma homes is going over him because of the mahars. it's just the most funding have muslims the already. I actually think that's the little natsir decay hurry. Others, I think,
the twelve to one or eleven around one, I'm fanned or friend BP, and I think those are the most that a whack about the vp adds because. That's if you're gonna say the envy peace gonna come from an awesome team. There, probably one of the five teams that as a chance to thirteen for forcing through some point that huh They have the most talented offence, I think of any team. That's gonna, an empty peak conversation and we ve seen him. better every year, so wise eleven one twelve to one should maybe legs sixty one, seven one should Josh Alice, I dont is just because of the previous like impression He was what was he a third ragpickers sec around packing? We realise hold onto them. For too long or maybe it's just because he is surrounded by such a good team. I dunno and but yeah, like you, said, he's improved pretty much. Every season he's been playing even going back to college and You know from everything that we ve heard. He is money.
Ankle about like working and leadership and just all the things all the intangibles and then, of course, you know if he takes the jump as a passer this year- and you know it's gonna, be huge threat because he's already like when the best running quarterbacks he's double digit rushing touchdowns. In the last few years everything about him screams. Just you know like the face of the french he's a he's everything they want, and so I could see it like from another point of view for sure it remains.
It was established Russell wilson when he was alive. Yay hijack arrival at zero on the clock here. Next category is my crazy pills. Guy can go either way you feel like you're, taking crazy pills. You don't understand why more people don't like em or you're, taking crazy pills, because you can't believe this. Many people like him, one look. It's all one look yet my crazy, my crazy pills, guys christian watson for the packers. I just feel like I'm taking crazy pills, because all these second year, sexy receivers or everyone that, like all these receivers, the coolest rookies the second year, we expect them to take a huge jump. Garrett Wilson, with aaron rodgers, obviously top fifteen player chris alavi specs it'd be great with our car top twenty twenty five players, christian watson, you know I mean We'Re- probably even
I am a at christian watson, you, I was like a top fifty top sixty player and I look at christian watson, and I just see a guy that could just be fantastic. It was like kids get eight touchdowns in four games and then aaron rodgers leaving everyone will be worse and then he won't have a touch sensor for games again, but bill I'm an original list. I feel, like you, love lists with good guys on it. So here's a list yours about run, which is the best receivers that we got. I got this judge decoration receivers, who had two point: two five yards per outrun as a rookie just dread up, since we have the staff fifteen years ago, the receivers who had that o dell becum junior did it is turkey Tiree, kill age, a brown gmo chase just in jefferson. crystal lobby and christian watson, the entire list, and so I had only I had him in fantasy and pick them up. I think, like weak six weeks, seven range and then I thought he was one of the people that was kind of carrying me and I saw outwatched packers game and you
I think too, like genuinely exciting plays the game like it would be like, but they almost connected on a sixty yard bomb or there was like a screen pass or bubble screen and he would just take off, but I thought he was Patrick. I really thought he got exciting as the one so on whether you agree with this craig. Yeah I do. I actually am a is gonna brainwashed me into being a jordan love believer we're kind of in other packers offense, even though they're all young and completely inexperienced, but yeah piano. Next too, I got unit kill the prime minister and everything alright craig, who do you have for my crazy pills. I don't know why we're trying to still make carpets, be a thing. You know it's like fetch from a girl, stop trying to make carpets thing. It's not a thing art liberty just set it on your shoulder. Arthur smith is telling us who he is lets you believe him. You know I don't know why we think it's gonna be any different than it was last year for carpets. What's changed the bit that the guy's coming off a torn m seo
desmond renders the quarterback we don't know, he's better, they marcus marietta. They just meant a first round pick on the best runny backs and sake. One barkley and therein the most run heavy office in the league. and desmond ridder. By the way, only does it down a running back much more the marianna, which means less targets for kyle pits. We I need to believe what arthur smith is telling us. I know we don't want to, but I'm out on carpets, I it my crazy pills guy- and this is basically coming from listening to your podcast, where you guys talk about this person like a Tom cruise talks about David Miscavige, brain hooks and
brandin cooks is a great zag dame and you guys have done this a few times where you're like, oh god, here's a stat guess who there's four receivers: who've had five thousand yard seasons, the last seven blah blah blah and brandin cooks, and then it's like guess who wide receiver. Seventeen was last year, brandin cooks! Well, he was playing in Houston in garbage time for most of the year, where you know putting up as he had all that concussion stuff, which is the reason he kind of bounced around where you know he said injuries, concussions, all kinds of things and then dallas get some better, pretty cheap price because he's brandin cooks whose he's got he's gotten passed around and then a couple of months passed. And then we get tog as their beers like watch out? Brandin cooks, I'm just colonies. That could be my thing. Fuck. You guys are taking crazy. Well, I think he plays nine games. I'm fine with that honestly deca. He got I got noisy harris,
How do you live aid? Doesn't anyone noticed this he's got one speed to easy, both taken crazy pills? I intimated. So this is just a purely d. What we did was zeke, empowered and again. I know this is meeting about power again, but this we do this for three years and power and seek like pollard is better than seek. Can we stop with this charade, So that's my crisp sk. I love it. I have a there's more on that in a later category. My I absolutely hate myself for doing this guy. Who is a craig? Who is it for you yeah? It's it's it's Michael Thomas. I'm here talk he's like three dollars now. Last year I spent Twenty five dollars item now is three bucks. How can I say no to that? The ban is cocky enough. Play in the priests in which is the most ridiculous thing: I've seen is that after missing the last three seasons, they're just throwing them out there in preseason. But what look I'm
I'm simply a band, I'm only a man, his three dollars. I have to do it. This is the guy just gonna do it. This is like LEO jones last year. We see that is that one receiver every year, who is three years ago. He did this and use it as an work Look. He played three games last year. He caught three touchdowns unjust. I gotta do it might is cooper cup be as theirs it there's a fantasy draft world. Where you don't get jefferson, you don't get chase, Terry co financing argue guerre wilson, oh my god. He went for forty three hours and that doing that and all of your favours was gone and then it's like cooper cup and any just sit there and it's like thirty one. Thirty, two years ago, my god cooper puppy, broke every record two years ago. Like I mean I can't let him go four. Thirty. Seven thirty
and that also gm cooper cup, and you realize like two games in that the rams have thirty back upstairs and a quarterback, who is breaking down an atomic. They might be tagging fur caleb, lambs and cooper cop, who has had a bunch of injuries of alaska for years now.
I get the red flag next to him and you're like my god, why did I spend thirty seven dollars a grouper cook cup? So that is my guy? Who do you have DK? I'm go with Gabriel Davis. I'm I'm back in I've talked myself into. I've talked myself into the idea that he was hurt last year and that's why he wasn't good or not, because he's not good, it's just because he was hurt, and basically I'm just I want to. I want options on the bill. Seem they pass lot. Josh Allen passes deep explosive plays we've seen in very short spurts. How absolutely ridiculously you know explosive gave Dave can be as a downfield receiver. You know, there's there's all that and that's why we talked ourselves into him last year. Obviously he was a big disappointment last season, but
He did have a high ankle sprain in week two and was basically never the same after that. Now he's healthy or a he to me looks like a big bounce back guy and I'm going to hate myself for drafting him, but I'm absolutely doing it this year. He liked elman, danny I frickin love, gabe Davis. I did enter the day, gave Davis a top sixty pick last year. It did work out, but nothing has literally changed about wives top sixty pick. It now he's like a top one hundred pixels, I almond dk. I hate myself, less forgave Davis, the guy actually the guy I have for this. I actually also have, cadavers. Just like I Michael dollars, there's a story, and he has been today Michael Thomas explaining why yet this one ankle injury that kept him out for three years and he said that they put cap put in his implants into his feet. Ankle and his body was rejecting them,
at the devices they were putting in, and I remember reading it and thinking I wish I could like my body would reject Michael thomas, but I guess I thought about speaking as saints. I thought about Ivan camera from a peck cause. I know he's out for three for three games right, so his print in his prices instantly discounted said thing like: oh just stash him for three weeks I haven't for the playoffs. There was all that what was that story about how he realized his yeah? His leg was more muscular his leg. He saw that yeah one leg weighed two pounds more than the other leg and he changed his heart rate on and then on all that mumbo jumbo and did all that hired a hill With that- and we wonder why you're creole place doesn't like way your legs and figured that out for you, I'm gonna ask them, next time I go if they can way. My all my appendages actually wish where'd you knew, we're in a set of ragged come back.
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Why do you want to deal with all that stuff? Look I've had a lotta impromptu trips that needed a hotel over the last twelve years, my life, because my daughter plant sports Never. Let me that Helen especially of a great at now. Listen the matters where his day and if you go home, you can easily chicken through the hilt. Nodded which is fantastic by the way when you, when you make your manners, it feels like you, ve, actually achieved like real honours like when near and score something. You can unlock your room door with a digital key and, if needed extra hand, theirs always a team member in the lobby ready to help hilton for this day book you next day at hope that come my I'm staying away from that whole team team, the choices are arizona and carolina.
And may be used in other. We all we all like Damien, it's by its bad, probably caroline in arizona finals. Is there any other team? You would be running away from forty nine sarasota forty diners affection. I did you have the is an alarming rates in themselves. The carolina, Zono you're running away from had carolina number one with the boy it like that. the real yeah. I think so I know that error, he'd, nice. I am aware that precision doesn't always translate to the regular season, but my god they looked very bad in the prison at early in early on and to me it's just. This is gonna, be the office. Why was working right? Ricky quarterback brandy receivers in a new system at an outrageous is theirs. low ceiling on any of these guys that you're picking an idle
really love any of them anyway. So I'm just absolutely staying away from this team. So I agree with that with a dk, because you would think arizona is the blink test that so ominous they were from. but kylo is going to come back at some point. Then he'll run around and do stuff and you might be able to get him on your waiver wire for a dollar and who knows, there's no scenario where I have a carolina panther on my team this year. I'm just telling you now it's not happening either. Do you agree or disagree. As the only guy who might want to Jonathan mangos their second round pick. Who again you could probably get literally last run your draft a dollar, get him off waivers and that he might be pretty good at he's kind of thing that he can calf aging round vein, it miss or or jobs, danger, adele back and where I think he could have better stats as a rookie in the nfl than he didn't college. But I actually like me the panthers, the panthers guess a weird like nobody believes in this thing. That happens when a team that sankey and then cut like we saw last year with the tec,
when they won that game, where the teams like you know what no we're going to win or even our gm and our owner want us to lose, but the panthers. It's more like the players, like. Oh, my god this is. The plan had actually like the depression and sadness seeps into the team even quicker. Yet as I don't try to over a preseason, but they were such a dumpster fire in preseason and couldn't block and third from a rookie qb. I think they had the worst skill guys a league. I just don't see a path for them began, craig who do have carolinas in arizona I mean can anyone in the country name who's gonna, be the starting quarterback for the cardinals for the first half kisses, you got leave to leave town, but the bailey zapping only just got out mccoy getting clayton tuner josh dogs, who showed up on a governing a week ago, jobs in their long enough to get like direct deposit. Yeah he's has even been there for fridays,
I'm not sure kyler coming back this day wants to tank and get caleb Williams collar. Mary might have some complications with his knee, come weak, seven and he's out for the second half of the season. Next category, my shameless homer pick. So I'm a patriots fan decay. Seattle hype, its giants, craig sewers, I think we're dress, doesn't qualify for this cause. Vermont dress, fuckin good. I can't put him on this I'm an old kindred born, there's gotta come back, but for this guy he was. I thought good two years ago, Nobody who words for the paths understood why he last year and what happened with him in the dog ass this this year, great. precision and like many care about that stuff, really get precision, raver views and even grouchy billboard.
I singled him out today as having had a really good camp, and I think you know everybody went nuts that they didn't get hopkins. I think the receivers are going to be pretty good this year think especially the younger guys. Craig just made a face, the eye. They have some speed and I think born. I don't think they're going to miss jacoby bars at all and anna, I think, warns a sneaky like one dollar guy at the end, who might end up having a lot of those eight for seventy eight with a td type game. So that's my guy who'd he got the guy was from andreas too much of a obvious when I was going to say tat walker, but I say so went a little less obvious. Not now kenneth walkers get make the case cause. I don't they. People realise how giddiest yeah some people down there where I think a lot of people are very scared off by the idea that the earth, the fact that they drafted charbonneau in the second round suggested- and you know people are kind of scared off of walker, he's not a huge guy in the passing game and that they think you know charbonneau
the commission still out of his work, which I think in any backs yields you're gonna have a rotation these days like there's. Two back feels indiana power, its one guy getting ever and so I think that was always sort of a given this yeah. She had a lot of death. Tissues are running back and they took it. In the second round who they liked, which I've done several times, think they drafted more running backs actually than any other team. In the last like ten years- and so this is just what the seahawks do, but for me, walker is just head and shoulders more dynamic, more explosive and more talented than sharpening it's. Not it's not that I dislike. Germany actually think he's a very good player, but I think Kenneth walker just blows my water, in my opinion, from a talent and explosiveness, and we saw that as a rookie. You know he was. He would turn up a play that should have been a three yard loss into
like a twenty yard, gain very consistently? And you know people are going to talk about his success rate, which I think is valid, certainly around the goal line and all that, but you know, I think, if you look at those plays the individual plays, they were just like the seahawks just didn't block for him on those plays. wasn't necessarily something he did so to me. I'm very bullish, I'm above market on catholic, I think he's a really good player. I think the seahawks offense is really good and I think Geno's going to be you know taking that next step and be even more efficient than he was last. it's because he's gonna have the whole off season to work with this team. So I think the seahawks quietly or you know a team can score a lot of points and I think Kenneth walker is going to really benefit from that. I thought he was. Electric glasses. yeah, really really exciting. I'm interested to see cause said that, thus they might they beef things up a little bit so we'll see haifa to have you know below's too young to see you know, frank sinatra concert and eight I wasn't.
There, too, like see the live moon landing, but I did see the first, DR weir Daniel and darren waller twitter and I feel like I know how it feels now. So I know there were others like the first shied being drafted. I get that, but I hope to everyone. Listening now will break will join me in a communal experience of participating in the daring waller twenty twenty three edifices here I mean we talked about it, last year's bud- and there is a lot more suspicion and dubiousness of both of us like on many- was incredible four years ago. I'm errors found where they write to me. It's one of the reasons I did the giants are required in this year. He dared waller did not like Josh bacchanals that he didn't like the raiders, and there are a lot of issues conscious stuff
and he's on the giants he's happy. Brian daboll knows how to get him the ball, and it's just look. If if I told you every every fantasy rankings, imagine if every single player is guaranteed to play seventy games, where would you take Darren waller cause? I kind of think he'd be a top thirty, maybe top twenty five player, the there's a fifty spot gap, basically out of the fear that he misses games. What if he doesn't? I was no a giants fan friend and he was like we're using unlike kelsey, and I was I well there's only one cow sin and the giants fan fret said this year. There's gonna be too: about four different waller craig. Do you need to go or should we just move on We have to talk about him, he's the best player in the league. We have to dedicate a couple of minutes to I'm sure has anyone one, the priests in more than george begins man I'll have my favorite type. A guy is the former five star who got hurt in college and then dropped in the draft, and then he gets picked by it.
In the second or third round and he's just immediately good at everybody regrets not drafting an earlier. That's george pickets, it maybe The only knock on him is that he might be better and realise that in fantasy, because they kind of just send him deep, like the all day, every game, but my god officially join the whole debate on one hand, club all the best receivers, only hope ball with one hand, george packages, Are you going up catching balls coming down with just one hand on the way down skies the limit for george We talked about him in last year's bad, but last year's pod, the cubans were midstream risky and and he picked out. We had no idea can pick. I was gonna, be anything and that was the the catch was like well. This is one of the worst quarterback situations in a league, so that's the asterisk. I like picket, I mean warrant sharp, had that quit that he put on twitter of olive pickets. Precision throws who
who is it so lack so lax father said his reminded image of montana was an actual bagful father. You you got a lot like keys that not binding as you're watching and he's got some do yeah. The wholesalers often I think, is an underrated heading in is she a problem with pickens is he's going to be too expensive because two people are just going to get no pissing war over who gets him and he'll end up going for five dollars more than shit, He's he's been he's going to harden braces and he's like the guide dumping and warm ups before like toad am, and everyone just like that. I will discuss the first big now we're here, man we have like a baseball where it's like Ellie de la cruz comes in you're like wow that guy's amazing when athletes so much fun football occasion we'll have these guys just popping around like whoa. Look at this guy. I can't wait for pickens. Ok next one, my I wouldn't take him even if he was
free? Guy aka, the D n list, dick I hoody got whose near D n d last year? Is your number one? So craig's can be mad at me about this, but it's cam akers for the rams. Just I just off. I'm off that train, There was a point in time in my life when I really liked care makers, but there's just somebody reasons for me to fade him this year know even tat like the whole, like personality thing where you tracked gonna quit on the team last year he was like from the team for a while they re like him. In after they rekindled their relationship. I dunno what the hell happened there, but like just past that I think the rams are going to have to pass a lot this year, because their defense isn't going to be very good they're going to be playing from behind. They have like thirty undrafted free agents on their roster, and I dunno to me it's just that's a little bit worrisome. I think they're, probably going to be they're going to have to lean on the pass a little bit more. I think Karen Williams is going to be the guy that they leaned in that lead on for that in terms of their running backs, and so
I don't know just there's just to be red flags with with him, and then it is also a guy who came off the achilles. So you know to steal from another category but like as soon as the red flag sues the red cross pops up next to his name. I'm just going to be worried the rest of the season on him. I just don't want to have to deal with it and there was some weird chemistry stuff with him and mcvay last year to which they have sorted out, but there was three weeks there where he was available for basically anything he got Heifetz, I don't want to Shawn watson almighty, the sherman. I I fantasy football supposed to be fun and I'm going to be staring at my tv and I'm going to be like rooting for sean watson. I'm like I don't want this dude on my team. This year, especially like, if you're gonna sell your soul at least make sure the persons frickin good. It's like the idea of Sean watson being bad and on your team I can't imagine a worse feeling of like ruining it tire like form of fantasy, sees that, unlike there, there are more quarterbacks, though that are good in the nfl, then maybe at any point in nfl Joe might just think anyone else. Anyone it's fine. I like that pick, but he got cracked. I wouldn't accept money
michael pitman this year. I don't want anything to do with. That. Was your number one guy last year, that has to tell his you're the page. You let your mind love last year. Yet what it didn't exactly work out, not exactly his fall. I still think he's a good player, but I just I don't love richardson on the ground is maybe the best running quarterback we've ever seen through the air maybe the worst- and like anything I've seen in the preseason from richardson passing this offense on the colts this year feels like the the bears. See it's gonna be like running the navy offence. I don't want anything to do with my commitment is way too expensive. Also, you didn't mention this piece of pitman. I mean that not the most durable guy and richardson. As a couple, though, throws leg. I'm wide open over the middle. Now I'm genetic research into the passage over my head, I'm getting blast the bad safety say why so I really wanted to take jonathan tower here, but there is the mccaffrey two thousand and twenty
you afraid possibility. Where are the sudden his on some awesome team in somebody has four nineteen bucks in paris on that again. So I was really proud of this pick. Its cadaverous tony. There's a three hour comes first, a fantasy receiver. Like Aristotle, right one as he just never lives up to the hype, and it's just super disappointing and you just regret they had taken the second, is that it's amazing and it actually works out any plays sixteen weeks, including play off when you need them, those last three and it's just you drug while we had arm round and then there's the third one, which is the worst, which is the guy who tempts she retain allies as you with two or three weeks where he has like it week, for he has six catches for one hundred and ninety yards and three tedious you're. Oh my god, I did it.
landed on the moon with today is tony and then a week, seven, the red flags up and then it's a key here missed an injury. Rehab session he's been suspended by the team for seventy two hours and then he misses weak. and then there is another injury and then now he's just hogging my roster spot, because I have no idea if he's gonna come back or not, but he was there there are a hundred. Ninety yards in week, three so I have to hold on. I don't wanna amount, I'm just out. I don't want to do, that other I dream about don't dream about his game against Dallas in two thousand and twenty. I believe it was week four. He had like one hundred- fifty yards. He looked like the keeper I've ever seen in my life that one still think of that game, and I, I still hope to get there one day to edo it to cause. There's tony's drug he's kind of like Salvia distorts time because craig indicate talk about it. There's tony's great is like Michael Thomas is greatness. Accept it either. Salvia is like ten minutes feels like three hours, I'm like dude. He had two good games like two years.
his ago and I've just I I I I am completely yeah. He was also like the third most important player on the chiefs. In the superbowl mind you, and in that one game technically, the chiefs played him for like five stats in the game. He was there two weeks to prep him for the game it he why? Don't you get me started you. Nobody help help. What is the new josh Gordon mean different, different issues, but he's just so tantalizing. teams talk themselves into him and you just I just don't trust it. I don't hear you say Josh Gordon, but is allowed to play, but he's just ragged anyway, this cat, this cattle is called. I wouldn't take him even if he was free, he practically if you can get them for a dollar or two? Who cares it's worth a flyer but hey it's a gateway drug. This is the problem with the chiefs dk. As I look at them big picture, because I talked about this lombard and sunday, let by people when the superbowl last year and the theory was their receivers, are just good enough in my home,
some so and their offensive line is gonna, be good. That he'll make it work. But now I feel like we passed the point of no return to the to the degree that if they don't hit me tony or one of their rookies doesn't actually like blossom into a. Your major did, whose catching the ball than kelsey. I cannot figure it out who's that who? What receiver? Do you trust the most than the chiefs? Probably more, but we haven't really seen him yet plans and unreasonable yeah. You write he line a programme in the superbowl and sockeye touchdown, but to I think yeah, I think so. The curious tony thing is more than has been actually serious. Heat, I will say the way he moves is bury a totally a bet he's down here as he has rarely. Words requires a guide. This guy's prince special and I went on the sidelines. I think that one thing that's the one actual anna
Well, something I will say about him is, I think, he's good on the scramble plays on the broken plays, went, Mahomet gets outside of pocket extends plays. Naturally, a huge part amounts is game. It always seems to be in the right place when those plays happen. Maybe it's because he's in the wrong place where you're supposed to be running, but that to me, that's the one by actual analyst, thing, I'd, say other than he moves differently from everyone else on the field is that's what gets me said about tarag on it. You know at fantasy footballs enough pain and hard egg and self doubt and hating yourself. I dont need to also bring their estonians that I don't need to be tantalize by this town. To did I next category My that two thousand twenty two booty call is it happening again guy. I don't even know if this category is going to work but high fat suited. You have a nice fling with last year that you're probably good, and it's not gonna happen again. Oh my god dude. It's it's mentioned earlier. It's called pits with the falcon.
like a girl, hot heavy, and I was really cited about it. Jeered, freedom, justice, netflix special calls it the roof which, as you know, a hooker, someone in that you sing in the morning where you're like, oh, my god, I can't believe I just did that carpets. I mean I the fact that I was associate with him. Last year he had fewer yards per game than khalif raymond, like I, I just fewer catches per game than Ben sclerotic, who's, the receiver most famous for also being able to play fullback and I'm just like you know what carpets is texting me. An- and you think all these like instagram stories their popping up and unlike I'm gonna, tell the algorithm to like please stop showing may carpets You don't have to sell me now and I had a man every time I ve a resident how many times have you got gregg its james cook, because every year I talk myself to thinking that a bills running back could be good and fancy upon every year I get let down. Allah did Zack moss this year, oh devon. parry he's the guy he's gonna, get all the touches. I don't want,
to do the job The goal- golan back and buffalo he's not gonna check down to his running back. because he scrambled all around and improvising twenty four seven james cook is is just another. One of those guys I'm going to ignore it. This year, I'm gonna ignored every year until Josh Allen's, not the quarterback on the bills, a legate. So I have a. I have a nice one, add the guy and have the same hodgins. I had nice nice little dalliance with them near the end of the year when all of a sudden they're throwing to him all the time- and I like him- I think, he's talented, but I think that's where it's going to end a degree to stay friends- and that's was pretty good at one time thing: I've got which, by waves
that now and the saints yeah, that's a good one stone these guys. Today he had forty five carries inside the ten yard line this last year, which was by far the most the nfl and that it happening again. You know it's. Just lighting is not going to strike twice with this. I think he's a solid player he's one of the most fun players to listen to in terms of interviews he's really funny great personality I just don't think it's happening in new orleans. They ve got our camaro coming back up three games, contrary miller, who they drafted, I don't I'll just it seems like he's, be a role player and that's it and so saw not I'm just not gonna. Try and let us try to make that happen again. Yeah I, like it Alright, the my somebody's got to get points on that team guy who'd. He got Heifetz. You mentioned british cooks already, but I between him and honestly, just dj moore for the bears were looking.
the very ass a game and I'm like there are no more money, is just a huge for me. Chased claypole, I just please I just dj more yes sure he's there yet goal is the sum: is gonna catch passes, Adam feel and on the panthers is just sit there, waiting to catch like nine touched ancestor He does it. Every year, bryce young looks competent. He looks like an adult out there in the precision. A third of bright young passes have gone out of dealing, there's nobody this team has DJ shark there's a rookie jonathan mingo terrorist marshall, lavrushka tional there's nobody. I haven't demons going to quietly have ten touchdowns this year and nobody's going to know what to do with them. So I had, I was looking at the rams for the cooper kupp and but a mcveigh, I'll van jefferson here. So it is that I don't I was gonna. Ask you guys. Is it is sky?
reinstall on the team like who is their number to feel they have some fifth round. Pick thereof said about triggers oxide about two to out Well, I'm going to be good right. None of them is tyler Higbee for the rams, because he is the lowest bar to actually be serviceable because he's the tight end. So the idea of him he only has to be so good to plug tyler Higbee in his top ten or top two of option, also think he's better than all those guys then vent, jefferson scrawny. I dunno how many other teams we'd make honestly. So I have em, but then the Damien pierce ass to be the winner. This thing right, you read the rams this fund, we all love Damien pairs and by the way I had him on all my teams. He was really good the first month of the air and then you know, Houston went sideways, he got hurt and but I just like him- and I think he's going to and that that would be the one guy I would bet would get points. I'm not not banking. On a lot of cj stroud moments this year. Who do you got DK, I'm going James conner for the cardinal?
I think volume wise as long as he can stay healthy he's going to get tired of it. They don't really have any other rang max don t like parkways. Can you name their back up back? It's not easy, easy, chianti ingram. I think Maybe I would not have been able to pull that went off. I also can't name their quarterback, so I'm probably not the guy. That's why I was gonna, go with marquise brown, but honestly, I think you he did pretty terribly when they didn't have cairo of colours and come back. It's just not going to go well, but for me conor. His numbers actually were really solid when their recycling, through their back of quarterbacks he's just he catches, passes, he's big he's physically break sack, you know and he's gonna get the vine he's like they're only guy this year and so yeah. Is there a fantasy zag with the cardinals if they're really going to do, I just the gutting to go like one in sixteen and try to basically tank, which rarely happens then a foul but they've already shown signs that might do it, but
Marquise brown be a guy that ends up on a really good team in like week, six or connor, one of those guys. You see that oh yeah, oh and I think, there's two ways this could zag. Everyone's talking about how they're going to get the first pick. They're tanking, there's like this was the most common joke on twitter yesterday, they're tanking for Caleb Williams. But what if kyler comes back in week? Five and then their offense is actually pretty good clip I like this. So that's that's! What I've been sort of you know zagging a little bit because I think marquise brown and if you'd go back to the first six weeks last year, when kyler was playing quarterback He was murky. Brown was the wives year, six, he was actually going bonkers and then he got hurt and then kyle got hurt a little bit later and it got all kind of fell apart. But you know, I think, if kyler surprises everybody that that maybe is not the most likely thing to happen, but if it does happen, I think kyler coming back would be huge for marquise brown would be huge for James conner.
and you could probably extracts and value because everybody so down on the cardinals right now well and also to get his leadership in the cardinals lacquer right, the nfl fence sermons. That said, however, is only a great website. Where does he call it due to come out again now? Did it comes out november ass, something to note carla, Marie's to be a great raider next year, you he definitely not up in the garden section. I were they, one break. This episode is broadly by our friends at michelob ultra, it's only worth review enjoy it. That's the philosophy behind
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The reality is one they want to keep him healthy throughout the whole year, and when you I met you who's, a really good back upon the team when he was healthy last year, him in mccaffrey split carries pretty much fifty fifty, so I actually think mccaffrey going number one overall in use? Dropping sixty dollars on him is: it is not us decision for all. We know jordan masons. Can it be gettin goal? I work for the night, I love it and he was by backup choice, but I'm going with a guy who came up earlier this package, totally pollard, no fish oh yeah, you know why, because you as are all in antonia powered. It's all happened in thought. There I think he's gonna go for like sixty two hours to people are going to be they're gonna. Listen to this part otherwise and get all excited bottom and guess what maybe tony part was good. a limited role, maybe whose macartney wilful wall street, maybe they want three hours,
mcconaughey in that movie- maybe it was nice- just have him pop in for a nice section and then leave part comes in as in the perfect situation, way more explosive than zeke Do we know if he can get three hundred plus carries? Do we know if he could be the golan back? I don't know I'm not going to spend sixty two dollars to find out so he's my guy who got the guy I'm going to brees hall for the jets yeah. This is great pick I mean he's been. In my opinion. I've been trying to tell these guys all off season that he's just a little too highly priced right now, just based on the fact number one he's coming off an hcl which you know he might be fine, he might do you know he might be spectacular and whatever and like he won't have any ill effects from the ccl but there is also a strong chance that he has other come compensatory injuries around that injury or whatever, and I don't want to. Then again, I don't want us to worry about him. Being hurt every single week and then the other thing is obviously they signed off on the cup, which is even it's a even bigger reason, you know it sounds like coming from the chance that arise.
Yours was really. You know trying to get this to have any parent leave us out and cook. There's a chance, you, u lobbies and gets darwin cook more plain time, there's an sure, there's a chance. I'm cook has just straight up the starter on this: fence, and so there's just too many variables going on here. I think Brazil is awesome. I think he's an awesome player and you know he could end up making me look bad for that, but I just too many variables, and I'm just shying away from by every single time. I go into a draught from just like those who many things going on it lets as somebody who s recent experience with rooting for a team whose star run back towards asia and then came back like year, one after the injuries sake. One was not remotely leg year. Two after the injury sake, one right there,
no not at all, and so a sequence is a little different cause. He had think it hcl and a meniscus, and basically, what that does is delay you being able to have the surgery and the recovery afterward, and that's where results would consider quilt like cleaner, because Devonte Williams, you have multiple stuff, there's all these variables. Having said that, everyone's like well adrian peterson, came back from an hcl and it was that was ten years ago. We don't have a second example yet like at some point like why? Don't we just stop trying to bet on outliers and like just there? Are all these other players like there's so many running backs? Slimmer debris saw it also again, just like earlier lombardi made. A great point about arthur smith has tried. Salsa carpets is when the jets go out of their way to pay seven million dollars to bring in dalvin. Listen to them right here. Who do you have for this category? Heifers Cooper caught man,
I hate saying, but you got you want cooper kupp, you gotta pay fifty five buck. Basically a quarter of your budget or a first round pick, and I look at when I go to like click that button. I I think people are missing the forest for the trees. If you just look at per game last year, cooper kupp per game as the number one receiver in fantasy when he went down the percentage of the passing game he has of the rams, is historically great and everyone's like well he's so much better. I think evans was missing the forest for the trees if he gets hurt or the rams really gonna like or the ribs really going to do, they want to win this year. The rams why Caleb Williams, the prospect of the rams shutting down staffer, who debated retiring this year or stafford, getting hurt and the rams just saying you know: cooper kupp, you have a hamstring injury are going to shut you down. It's so much disproportionately more important for cooper kupp to play for you in December, in the fantasy playoffs, so much more important than the marginal gains he has over, like Jamar chase or tyreek hill that I'm
am I risking like all these other guys. I don't have to ask whether their team wants them to play in the final weeks of the season. It's a good pick. What's do a quickie category at DK. Give me a one dollar qb that you like really quick, somehow commanders this game, rapids, geno smith, baby I'll hook up for more than a dollar! That's in saw you just it's a personal shadow, DK short shorted love, then, who do you have crack. Brought purdy the cult leader, god damn that's what I had to laugh at parody. I might even spend two bucks on black donald kyler dark dark horse aid no car on the raiders will stature you want. teams in your league. What did you see him in the priest? is anyone ever look better in the process of other than canny picket. Sick picket was, montana Marino river, whose back I'll write another quicklime thee. My I'd be afraid to look on tuesday and see the red flag.
For me, this is MIKE Williams every year. You gonna have run by lambs its yeah. It's a roller coaster, right of emotion. You find out things about yourself. You you learned a dread. Tuesdays, you learn to dread. Sundays go have the random sunday flag up, I already got DK. Let me see here: I had a jacket dobbins, a t, it's another thing is just he to me is one of the most tina players, because I love him. I think he's so talented, but the last of years of worn me down? I still want to see a case like missed olive training camps. I dunno- I don't even know what's going on with this guy and he was like upset. Yeah he's got habits to Darren waller, the second there's a flag there, and while our grill is, why buy so so much you have too much at stake with him. Already I used to go through this with gronk. I couldn't take gronk and fantasy leagues, anymore,
that I too much at stake. There are few painful anything happens. You can have your your personal fan interest in your fantasy answers on this same clarence. You can't you who do you have direct its mike lamps he's like driving a vintage car. It's really fun for the first few miles and any here's some weird coming from the engine and your script, and then they showed the stats of like the chargers when he plays when he doesn't play it's a it's, not just losing him, but then you get other additional minutiae that comes with being disappointed, but my gramps I this is gonna, be a fund category My I know there's a ninety. Nine percent shades he's getting hurt again, but god damn. I can't resist this guy, a medical first. I feel it to us completely undervalued and if you sit there may not alarm, grab him to go hours, I'm still grab them three hours. I might grab em I was on the internet earlier this week watching his judo instructor,
talking about how they taught him at a role. So when he got out part of the problem with him, getting concussions, as he did know, had absorbed the sacks and he trained in the offseason learning how to row, and I'm back right the decided. I really easy. Don t know how to roll. When you're getting hit by a three hundred men from behind eddie was you know they have way classes right. True, I says there are five pound people are the five pound difference there that allowed the like fight each other. I wonder how they adjusted for the three hundred pounds That is that's like that's like learning what to do when you get in a head on collision in a car. It's like hey, listen man, you're right! I dunno! If you could, air. For that, would you do if you dont want about his weight of aid? Is falling idea? Maybe the judo is to get to work as well. Hobbs they'll ask mentally three bucks. I really got decay really love that one actually care stony
I was safe. Last year's crowded why drugs that he's like russian roulette, yeah, maybe I'll just like you, didn't get it. It's no good. Will you get out of it? The Michael promise we ve given to which our time We just shut out rashad penny. There is no chance that he played seventeen games, but if rashad penny played seventeen games, I actually think the only player I'd pick to lead the league in rushing yards over him would be like dark and ridicule. Rashad penny stylistically. It's like the perfect player for the eagles o line. He's like my ok tell story here, there is a world where he has like seven hundred rushing yards after four weeks or some crazy number like. Oh, my god, could rashid penny break, oh Jesus in two thousand and fourteen games pediatric. I also have penny my san a steak. I want to just give you one quick penny stat. He said eleven games. Where had more than twelve touches in those.
In those eleven games? He averages seven point two yards precarious, which is the best ever he's the best running back ever when he gets more than twelve. This discuss, backed by hurts case like the only one unquote weak spot on that eagles team is running back ray where they don't have a signature dude, but that's the thing with running back and that's why the position has been so devalued because you can just get you just get penny on your team, who has all the stats and swift you can trade for whoever you're good to go. Okay d, K e your coop, cup it's a year after the year guy. We might all have the same guy for this. So let's go quick low it. I was a little confused about the actual. That is this, the guy that is just coming off of a massive massive he's an area he's coming off of an awesome season at being price. That way got it, but you feel like he might have got a little too close to the sun last year.
I think I know we're all gonna sit this one for me as an actor. I think there's too In actual fact, the only thing I worry about with him is last year the thing that ah complained about all season. Long was that just and herbert was dumping the ball off and not patio outfield. Doubling the ball off not ass, now feel D. His ada was like, though one of the lowest in the entire and I fell, and he s like the best armand unifil, we're bitching about it all year and guess who benefited from that also directly right. You know a hundred and seven passes and in that definitely helps you know his fantasy bottom line. I dont think us like those can be bad. I just am worried that may have been a ceiling that we saw last year to the rest of us have just Jacob sir.
Yeah yeah, I say no more. My! I just want everyone about offence. I don't fucking care guy. Who is it habits? The eagles back yielded the chief receivers like I just feel like didn't play a slot machine and just like Solis, the staring I'm like well. One of these has the cheek patch rose, led the nfl in passing yards last year. How is there no one other than travis kelce eagles of the best, though, like how I know these running backs work, I feel crazy. and I'm not gonna get the right person. I don't care, I just keep taken craig charge I think we're really underestimating what not broken ribs, will do to Herbert eyeing what not having a first round left actual due to the line and what kellan more
do as the office of coordinator. I think this is the ultimate posts type team of that vote, but that there, the first round pick that they took the receiver danny that not like an awesome precision fran doesn't doesn't seem like he's gonna play right well. If he plays that that much Clinton Johnston gee, I think he was up and down. He had some exciting place for sure got. A couple of jobs can replace when this is or will. This was on his scouting, for you know, he's low unrefined, but he's so if there are some who so tall. So here is just a big, tough, ass guy and sometimes he's getting a little bit of time, but I do know that the EU will play a thing. I think there's an alternate universe, I swear. My glimpses her by weak three cannon now looks like he's forty years old and ecori gets dinged up and then by weak seven Everyone on twitter is doing that care wages go just I am relieved that all of them, I think that's, there's that there too,
I I just went over on that offense, I don't care guys. Dallas got hurt and there's a lot of good stands for him last year when he played- and I you know everybody gets excited at tight end about the same for guys and I think he's just kind of lurking underneath there and it's just fun to have an eagle, did you pick one dk? You did right one I haven't got yet I got. I have the lions. as you can go down the line in terms of the different rounds or whatever ominously brown, shamir, gibbs David Montgomery, is the guy choosing here and then Jamieson Williams, late yoletta. well, the guy said well part of their rookie tight end, I'm excited about. I basically want everyone on this offense, and I know David Montgomery to me as a guy. That's totally forgotten, know just in the fantasy world. People don't talk about disease boring, but he's going for. one of the worst offenses in the nfl last year in the bears and going to one of the better highest scoring offices for the lions. I think he can freely bb just be like a really good value. I don't know
I think he's gonna be another one running back would just be a really good value for you get them. I my here too early, phuket guy last year that we are judged beckett's beckett by fits Luke Musgrave, the titan for the powers of running did running bid. Is you know what rookie turns there? Never good you can ever expect anything out of them, but this year this is the year everything different and we ve made a blood back on our fantasy football show where, if the rugged, if shortly good working class incidents if these guys are net whenever it again. But look my grave they're talking about him like he's the second coming like there might be free Travis kelsey between him dared waller in Chelsea, but I mean, Again all the usual things where you're out on a guy, Luke Musgrave he's going to play, but he's going to play- and I think he's gonna be incredible. Craig. The rocky say, flowers on the ravens, who is just like a replica of Tiree, kill.
Every other receiver on the ravens is either old or cutting off a serious injury. This type monk off ants. Look we don't know if it's gonna work out, but if it does flowers is, is gonna, be a guy. that tab going gonna is gonna. Make you some fancy class. I have gibbs under trade there as my runner up. I am infatuated by michael bear on the raiders and I was glad hype. It's the dead tightened thing. I think he's gonna be awesome and I actually think you guys. That way or about the draft than I do, but I really wanted the paths to get inside answer did the tide and work, and I was really surprised that he felt the sec around. I also think he's one of those guys that he like goes to bed. Had saved the names of the two died answer when in front of him and any wakes up, and he says the two names again. He goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth on the wall and he's just like my go on my powers to be bad.
and these two guys and they make daniels- loves using guys like that good precision added It's like em and it's probably your people thought he was going to be the first overall guy even thought he was going to be the first titan taken in the draft and they fell right. There is a cup of coffee for him where he was like a top ten pick, and then I dunno what happened the tight ends, so he I saw him but the comment, build you're exactly right in terms of like his demeanor eliseo, my for my impression like he gets up, they're down the podium by puts his hands on the sides, the podium unlike lords above every one hand that was in this, the and he's just like the most charismatic. You know this guy you I want to run through a wall through like for him immediately. He was just so like intent, so he's got them.
was game circled for whatever year they're playing the bells kincaid overhung, I'm not sure that he fell because of talent. I think that all the teams at the top of the draft were like. Well, there are seven great tight ends. Why would we take one of the first one? We get guy, almost as good as I can get them. I do think that that was a huge reason. They fell into the cage. You go. No, my guy this year is, dodson for the commanders. I think he he was good. Last year he was gonna he lashed out my last year. He was answered for part of the season, but you definitely flash, I think, in the preceding Sure there's like more flashes were. If you look at me like ok and craig, I have talked about this and have it You could just see it immediately. This guy has its eye tat desired, he's really good, I'm just a little I'm, not a hundred percent ready to be committed to the commanders offence fingered. So
You know, I don't think dodson is going to necessarily like be this elite fantasy guy, but I think he has the potential to be one of the elite receivers in the nfl, also terry mclaurin as toronto. So also not great song great idea. three more my missionary position. We ve all had em. I have no excitement whatsoever that I just took this guy last year at the gates of keen and Alan who I'm just that. Take the anymore. I just can't I just can't get excited about him hyper up I've given out, That's why I'm back up! You know what missionary in ireland. Both get a really bad rap. Not you know, look here about a thing, so let's get jackie wire jack? You look for weeks,
I know it's a canal, you know took a little bit to get going happens that happens to the best of us sometimes, but we tend on the best receivers in fantasy football week to not justin jefferson, cd, lamb, Jamar chase Davante Adams, Keenan Allen, like that for receivers that are going in the top fifth. employers and then get an hour? I just can't get excited about a video said Joe makes. Then you know everybody's done. It he's and he's not going to be the best running back in the league? He's not going to be the worst. It's fine it'll, be the fifteenth best running back in the league. Get you through the day it's good one. I have Kirk cousins, Who is like you didn't want to end up with them as the starter, but then somebody when not some homes, then, oh, my god, Anthony Richardson went for eleven box and all the sudden eight people have quarterbacks in your one of the two teams that doesn't, and you look at tat prescott, incur cousins and your leg
I could take one of these guys now get brought per and and were later and you end up with. Really I have her cousins and dac prescott deserve the same guy. It's just really hard to be excited when you look at the fantasy team on the web, and that's the first guy you see and by the way we ve had both those guys decay, weeding out aaron rodgers. I think o began its. I mixed I did it. I'm excited that he's on the jets and I'm excited that some of his skill position players my dear little bit better than they did last year, particularly darragh Wilson, who I'm excited about, but I just don't want aaron rodgers. I just don't want to do that again. I feel like it's just one of those things where he's been league for like twenty years, I, tired of it and don't want to see forty this year and Craig Europe, my I fell for the preseason hype. Guy who'd, you fall for mean it's it's it's kenny pickett!
without thereby here, but I'm probably gonna, like draft kenny picketed haven't been my starting vanity quarterback this year, which is going to please come around and bite me in the ass, but he had a perfect. As a rating. What what am I supposed to? Do? It's a good one. I I to me I have pickens who has now come up in like five of these category is ass like if he was my number one receiver. I don't think I would be bombed out. You know of it by so you'll have to design healers. No, not the high praise guy- and I might you know what I'm gonna get to second tier guys and I'll get george pickens and then We both fall asleep on tyler lockett I'll get him to notice, have those two as memphis and then I'm I'm good to go. Who do you have DK eliza mark for the bronze. I think I did this. change of scenery guy and I got it yeah. There's this talk of her beer like debo, it do user friendly. Field as a right running back. They re trade. Why didn't they gods? Keep him? I didn't understand that because he hates the jets, because he here
what is the relationship with that I gotta go. I bid you got out of it, I mean I could we were tommy dare and, while are being another traps, kelsey like half an hour ago and waller last category this by favour one. My I'd never referred injury, but he is one injury, that guy there's two that jumped out at me. Ala Craig, have the other one. Today spears oh and titans, yup, I'm just electric! Did it in college? There's this whole Emmett smith possibility with him where it's like all the evidence. Was there all along? We just didn't look there's some change of pace up with Henry. This could be the year henry goes south, but you take spears, you take Henry and you take spears is probably the most
but you could just take spears and then the guy who, as henriette pissed off that you took fuckin aid, spent seven hours and spears used by backup, but then, unlike weak sex, he's just crow So that is my guy who do has dig? Why had spheres? But since you took a moment ago, seemed arnold. have you I'm half getting, but not really like any others of their subsume. Had another buzz states that fire percolating I can't do it after he blew the twenty one, nothing lead to tampa last week of the season. I can never go back. Could he have either, though this is real synergy, because the guys ever.
Downer jail and warren, who, I'm sure Craig's going to say, and I have tajik spears and I have sam darnold, I carefully and yeah. I will use this moment to say I nothing should go wrong with property. I wish nothing ill upon them. Of course, however, people really overlook the whole undefeated thing happened in line with christian mccaffrey start a game to them number one to what can? What can rock Brady do the same into like the whole problem. Sam darnold was basically his brain and that he was coached by adam chase to enter the nfl, and I can't think of a wider gap between coaching the bad habits out of you, then Adam gase and kyle Shanahan. I I I I think the brock pretty chapter will be very funny and honestly, I think the thunders might win. The super bowl adorned woods. The job market wow Craig. You wanna just ended here. I don't want to do jail in word, because I don't want not you to get her. I don't want to. I don't want to speak that into existence. I like now you harris. I think there are a good one to punch otto want to do that. You know I want to give it to. Brandon. Are you gonna, forty niners britain? Are you
We have to put a couple banana peels under field for kettles, mccaffrey debo, because We ve been waiting for this guy to blow up and he almost as it is, if you spike weeks, whenever one of those other guys gets hurt brain- and I you kiss a great game, we need to get a cup those guys out here because I've been here and how I use is one of the best receivers in a league for three years. Now, that's a really good one! Well, I guess technically no into jalen warren worn, but we all had on that. That's one where that's the ease the new tony powered is really what here we're just see each item tony barred and waiting for the moment. The stairs realised at an opportunity happens. Not u harris. It should probably sleep with one eye. Open, asked good thing: I'd say what it what's. The scheduled for rare fancy show the share what you got.
We were doing three a week until the season starts, and then we do for a week. We do sunday monday, wednesday and friday. So we're doing everything waivers. We do a power ranking every week. We we predict the best players, do starts sit on fridays, so we'll be here all year around and you can check out the rings. Offensive football guide as well. If you want to help with your draft this weekend, or in my case the Monday tuesday wednesday, right before the season, because that's how it was old, guys rule danny danny craig great to see that outcome, and I appreciate it: we're support a ban on sunday. Take it on youtube in youtube tv. You find yourself in a place far far away from home football team you need and if thou sunday ticket that's been me for the last two plus decades. Why do you need it because, as now on youtube and youtube tv making it easier than ever to watch all your favorite teams
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the boss. Actual acceleration may vary. These results are for comparison only and should not be attempted on public roads. Arab bushes, here you can find him he's got a bunch of gigs is on the ultimate cuban sport showing firemen, the barbershop, which also has you too, channel, and he is right in the hard equivalent. What's that give us the state equivalence, It's just quickly where, where are we? How we feel and are we like a sea plus b plus? Where are we everybody I'll also be minus everything hinges on one d: shy, watson and everyone's heart is: in her throat a little because we have not seen him play like you used to, and so were clamour for any. We can find to make ourselves belay believe we got that twenty two shall so I think that what we have on one side no see you he's gonna do some in half I think I still. I may feel to be honest. What what's yours
what's your theory on what happened a wide last shattered and than the fact that he didn't play and he was in the Is there in the worst possible way? A long period of time, and then he comes in and he just doesn't look like himself in any shape or form anything. So what happened at the first of all the best drop of what happened with the fire was, so you have to look at how the remains of what to cleave support psyche has been since ninety nine, you not beggar, may feel for what whatever you say, did right or wrong over her shortcomings was a very poor. The guy arms and bade me move on from baker. They decide to put the number one picks up to go. Get it I wasn't. Besides the nations in an end the rest, I just think he came to us waiting were happy to fan base was still think. In my case. We need baker back. How about we offer a little bit of a contract, bring back a little bit Sid behind watson. People were literally thinking. That was a thing it was it
in the himself, I think when you watch disarm play, This is always play with that exuberance that that that attitude- and I said until I see the bow and arrow again- no, that's, not the real disarm lots in and I think a lot of times will you go through some very tough stuff. You don't know if you're gonna play when you gonna play play again, you don't know freedoms on the there's, a lot of things other than football I you're thinking about, and I think for him to play into had a joyful exuberance to play and be free I didn't see that last year as well as you didn't see the skill set that we saw when he led before. So I think there's a lot of different things going through his head, that that contributed to that. The way you're lay in that now and it's a completely different circumstances, reasoning behind it, but another guy, very close to quiver in the brine when he went to miami that first year and he became the villain, and I like it,
and member. He kind of embraced it there. For a couple of months- and there was that portland game when I when he was really seemed like the fine- was like wow, these really any answer, but I think ultimately he don't want to be A guy in a kind of broken by the time we got the eleven finals. So do you think there's some real powers with what was happening, sean air from like I now the bill in my garden, that I didn't had no idea. This was going to happen to me when I was riding down a couple jotting down a couple of notes before I came on. That was one of the things I thought about was I call it like the zero dark. Thirty carbon. Fiber Leubronn, my dad was a different leubronn like here then the league stop people from where nose mass, because the brown was in miami. Looking intimidating his game was his game was different. Unlimited skies skies dominate the scary, leubronn albany, explain at the peak of his powers, almost even I'll go back and at what will have a discussion for this another time.
I don't know what year leubronn is the best leubronn version, because it there's been a viable them, but as another story. But when you back in legal bonnie talks about he says: that's not why I've been loved and adored in a city for my whole life, Andy in all around the world, and when that turned out to be something that was fleeting, and people kind of turned on him it what is mental psyche little bitten, and when you talk to sean and out talked I've. People around him. Like your manager, he says you know design is always come from a small town in south he's a guy who is always been beloved. You know apples sweden calls in the Michael Jordan of football and in and when you do that, in an you sit out not allegations it's very difficult. for you to go from a person who, the door in love to a person that people don't want to, sums in its own backyard, as is the cleveland, and he still dona some things to canada gratia areas. To the man base and I think that's another unit
lorries. We kind of really dont know who decide watson is we don't know him personally and I think that's what he said, Work through honour on another level was well I'm because You know he just he didn't have time to get his feet, wet and indoctrinate self, with the base ray and again not to compare the two situations: Allah branded with switch teams and the shitstorm happen, the shine other stuff. You know he cause, they won't terrible story. I still don't feel great about it. Now he's back in the league in his trying put his career back together, and he just he looked like he had been replaced by the ghost, the deshaun watson and the reason. I think it's a really interesting discussions. for this and advances in you know these better when the browser can a loaded and there in the situation where this guy that they gave three first rounders up for is a question mark on the team.
because everything else is kind of their. They might have the best running back in the way they made the receivers better. They have won the top three lines. It looks like their defences. Be really good. Everybody loves their pass. Rush therein are really competitive. Vision, but I think you can really make a case they could. Potentially, when the revision there's been some gambling action on them, but an arm of his back. like what the shaun are. We getting are we getting to twenty deshawn? Are we getting two thousand twenty twenty two to shun and it is so confusing because there's a there's a perspective on a national scene. Where a lot of you, locally may not understand it, but for the television people like you, don't know like. If you don't schedule right, How do you know where to put the browns like? Are you going to put them in a marquee game against somebody, or do you want to bury him on a one o'clock game? The reality of it is their roster says they are. They have a four o'clock p m roster. They got a thursday night, the ball roster. However,
is the degrees of separation from the sky? Was it? Is you long it a hundred percent the shouts it or you look at eighty five percent for the people four click in cleveland, we would all calculus. Is this in the calculus in eighth leaving was look, people say we we pay for the shah watson. What am I Wait you deftly dead dust, but that's the guy. Does that's economics that the going rate, if I got terrible credit, and I want to go? Get a car ninety one tomorrow, the interest rate look a little crazy right, you gotta jamie by right or where we go you by her We will pay a little more and car, my not last long as you want to, but The day you still need to get to work is maybe go to school, so you got the paler much the brow, have not been good, so they're gonna happen. Pay a premium on the player or quarterback there came available in his prime so for jimmy haslemere de hasn, t, calculus or simple, beggar, wasn't it. We got a team that we think is ready. today. Are we going to take some hits sure
but let's go ahead and spend the money, because other than that we have not been good at getting a quarterback or developing one. So its whitey overpayment happens, and I think people about seventy five percent. Other fan base understands that, while it seems Worse than no repayment, because you want to go there and the other way you want to go. There was a big guaranteed his entire catch up. It's hamburger, fourth, bigots it so funny, can, at other their gambling stuff cause like they're, plus one twelve, to make the playoffs right there. Almost even there are over under is nine and a half which is such like the perfect cut off for tenant, seven's, probably good, not to make a nine in aid, is a classic brand these thirty two one win the superbowl their eighteen one. When the conference there, plus four hundred,
to win the division and they were seven and ten last year and then he could go even bigger did like on vandal. It's twelve plus wins is plus three forty and you could just talk yourself into hey. If the sean's back, this team might be loaded, they got the they got the biggest very slowly I could taught myself into like it. If that have you know too many cocktails acted, cutler taught myself into twelve thirteen whispered about. Why? Because because I look at in the sale day if you got a call to the ear kiss chemist as he has shown that he can. Place, is one of culture the year before miles. this plan under Jim short, you looked at it the cornerstone pieces. They got a nice secondary you that one of the best pass russia's italy best one and backed up by my we ve gone over, that of a bona fide right one and that we like eliza more? we love what he's gonna break. You look at that say: okay,
Will you put all together with their two thousand twenty dishonor watching? That's it! That's a bona fide elsie each of the tender, however the other end. I've been taught myself into six and eleven. I could see six it if you We ve got three division game start off. You got the bangles the steelers you you have similar pittsburgh so think about this. Did we off we get off to a bad start or something for instance the watson plays poorly and we lose bangles. We won, you gotta come back short. We got to stay. where's. Now you, you really know it's worse than a sure gets a Monday night came week to add pittsburgh. Think about it. If you start off one in three, you know too, and for how many we're gonna, be satisfied with that people ass, I told him they has six games to prove it. Make. Efforts of asking is under the has. He not think that's why we
ready turned over. I take her already cause. I think the pressures on a little bit yet again, since he at pittsburgh, mennonite home tennessee, home baltimore homes, in francisco with by weaken there and then add indianapolis at seattle, and then they probably the toughest part of the schedule, and you you you gotta, have to come. Therefore in three, if you're think about when the revision clause is a task, you got beat you got to him. in, and we pick around a little bit album watching the steelers. I always ask people. You know how do you know got a squatter? Not how do you know the browser for real, and I said well, okay. I always I ask myself: if my time limits cultures What would you expect them to do? I say if my tom and go to the team, I think the whip I also don't. Ok. Well, look John horrible! If he was called unity with what you give ya got on line about seven. Eight coaches They had this roster, I believe,
they would be play off contenders also, but welcome tenders, some. But my question is now Only is the staff, but not right or by also it becomes down to a champion game, and I had to beat a patch of patrick mahomes and eighty reid. Do I have to coach that can do that? I replied always give my personal thanks, so that's my biggest fear other than watson. I haven't seen him from the fans gaddafi to utter. No. If I trust that I made a list of top thirty, Coaches, I didn't happen. Atop ass, Adam, like in the high twenties its eye. and I think the knock on him is. He looks rate when he has a mediocre die like if he has gain more. He has got one calker Gaza's mediocre, but I didn't still out on him? The best with his thing is people think he can't win, but they look right. What beggar he lives. reboot legs, tied aid in and heal play accident and he has the best looking highschool playbook I've ever seen.
Who run down a solid highschool playbook, but when it comes to the bona fide, restores when you got a plan, the hand or mcveigh or Andy Reid. Are you going to be but a go play for play You won't be able to go past. Four pass innovation in our union. most out of the watson. Now they told me, as I talked to people in the based they put a lot on the shah. Wasn't assailant give us. what he plays if you'd Those worry plays were rip up and we'll will we'll get you forty more so there to be more lockstep at the hit with the shah watson. in the place he likes a long was to fancy my thing is I, dont know if they have enough time together
I pull that off in a in a very short period of time. I can't say I've loved the fancies game management over the last few years. Alright, since we we never have cleveland diehard people on this parliament throw some some cleveland questions. I have got. You just walk us through cleveland's relationship with pittsburgh. I don't think you I don't think you've finished ahead of pittsburgh in the standings. What, since he came back in the league like? Is it his big brother little other like not even strong enough to to say what is it? What is it? rivers, which we have everything you have nothing to me in a loud people don't get it does we ve lost a generation of brass bands in our state? You know if you would give you a poor people and you got a certain period of prices in town, there's, pittsburgh, steelers fans had the gear on detail, we'll taos or here, and you gotta think about it.
Then brought this Bergmann. I played against my miami and what, though you he went to my mihail when they arrive berger got drafted by the steelers it for years. He had a better, more winds in any quarterback in cleveland hat and in an our stadium, and so they were tabled. latin and waved their towels it. I just hate those doggone taos. I dont like the colors. I just don't like out utterly to play with the book. the steelers, oh man, I don't mind you. I was so when you run into stairs fan and you tell them mere brown span. They just lucky with complete this day. As we have this, would the anchors as red sox fence where there was like. Oh yeah, we own you guys, I wonder if we do not like that, like it, what it is any with disdain is kind of like dental pay, you touch it There are no major robbery beard, incidentally, that around here I want you wanna come. Why would you we're browns colors of those are how willing colors an ugly everyday life? Why would you
They never win. Why, like more so than ever, we get a lot of you guys, are tortured, ban Why would they feel glad other deity gather their pity? That's even worse! and I've been there I've there with the with the red sox with all that shit, but then is baltimore higher or lower than pittsburgh with the pure hatred. Now, just this one is different. This I it hurts a little bit more because it's like I may give it to you like. This is like it's like breaking up with your ex right, but then she upbraids one like she upgrades she yo I broke up with you. My life is better, I shot more. I want to get my degree. I work out every day and my new husband is great. He's such a good guy in you think he's a good guy, there's nothing. You can how about? If you like you do you know what you wrote me completely up rate for us is like the baltimore we left in ninety five baltimore. You know they come in, go
did you know, leave got about a more ninety six? They start donor things they get as smith or excuse me one of the one of our four five fathers they get we put him on all the he's, the gm anything in right out the gate he goes. He gets. He goes and gets ray lewis it goes against. Jonathan all. Did you drive I'd read and they win a super will one of the greatest defenses of all on it. getting there like. How did this happen? This was a step. Was my story she's crazy for that? On top of it, then you have the ballot check peace, The belichick thing is even crazier, because if you go back or the years the thing about ninety. Ninety, five, what the grounds were building roster and you go back and look derive again conference. I think day they had built Bela check. His staff was crazy, Who was, I was eleven on area that are more or less
the greatest ecologist ass, the collective of young minds in the world groundwater monitor birdie nero first, ran Bernie out of town burn. It goes against the super. What cowboy you're on belgian, and it was out of town and he's the greatest thing ever to move as a coach, and it just seems we left holding a wet bag again come on bill is like how does this you can be we can't write this man can't write it. It's crazy view had to pit the browser, since the bills and the lands for the most torture championship and withdrawn. The viking still occur. Those for like her who, as you have a negative, obviously made the case for the brand, Thus the team none of those other year unchildlike lost the team. That's the worst thing that can have a bigger impact data, peggy team up like like you, you know about. The correlation tables are about those great indians, teens. In the were bell and autos. You may remember, as it tell me, the reason Those guys are as they are and they had to celebrate
the cuban browser that there was a void in a city there, what's kids grown up united states, that when I was a freshman high school and I I didn't watch football to again to ninety nine. We had no tee no direction. That's why baseball was so huge and tribal, so huge doughnuts, I'm here but no one had no one has gone through the blue. The brown tat they ve naughty took betty. I could make a case. That declared embrowns have like really been at least the cat least alliance got thanksgiving. Ilusha got thanksgiving. We, like you, if you look at it we do even have an opportunity, because we had the blackout in locally where the game, So now you don't need to see the grounds for you. Even when they were here. You didn't have an opportunity to see him You know. I've always told myself the guy would literally cry if I got opportunity to see the cleveland brows jersey just was just for us all right. I just want you to come out of that tunnel. That's it I always use come.
the tunnel bill, abbe gully goal as I've talked to different fans from the fan base, is about this, and I mean you had the I entered the binary game, which is one of the worst losses of all time. Certainly one of the worst ones I've ever seen, but the bills have they have the in the game. There are four in a row: music city miracle. They had the thirteen seconds game so that they add up, and then the vikings have some of the great losses we've had for the last fifty years duck a case that a lions fan made to me was like I, the bills had all those super bowls. At least they got there. You know insane the vikings dave out all this heartbreak. At least they got there and the brown like at least they were good. The eighties, like we ve, had nothing. We had better sanders remade round one of the playoffs once He was good in video games and do realize year after year we just get our asses, kick them thanksgiving at that thousands
Helen, but I've got a man losing a team is still the worse, but then, on top of it, that come in the ravens, they went to a ballot check, winning another six and then the fact that you ve been incompetence and thanked. You then I'd like incompetent till we will know for how many quarterback we have You start hate. What about you? You look at a guy. I shot out to join thomas but bless his heart. You know I eat one of the best use up madam alive and, and they just wasted. His Where did you re at it and a dialogue, it's opera, you think about it like before, lebron came back. It was worse because we're just known, as did the is that lost the greatest basketball player ever that letter. just saw her back was was a crazy thing, but obviously eleven and by but on a better circumstances by yet in a strange one. That's why I think that call
browns America's tee and a reason I call them. That is because, when you take a look at brown backer, do a small little ball, gonna barbershop or whatever and adding when I started doing this I just woke up off my mom's cows been unemployed and was lazy, I think I want to do that, and so I started Little blogger whatever and I started on stuff out passionate about and it was a borrowed. It was the browser and no lie durban, people who have reached out to me from every corner. the globe from ireland to south america, to hawaii shallow to wine white people in while going through some stuff right now and browse back as out there too. But those people reached out so nationally and was like listen. I love listening to you because it makes me Look, I'm a home, cleaver watch my browser and are so many passion bans around brows backers everywhere that it feels like we like. One big legion in and if we do when. we will have more time simulcast it
Marie oliver do all over the globe celebrating a browser, nothing and think it'll be. I think america were route force because they do not. We ve been through a lot. I would one hundred percent real unless, unless the line was tasty enough for their than that. I'm just take the other side of the librarian thing. So if they don't fix, gave five into that, sixty five thousand suspend dream And you never win the title that year. What's the psyche of the of the grave events at that point, and leaves. Never he never took care. Business, see, leaves and now is acres, many winds and twenty twenty and you guys still have unwanted thing said sainted. Sixty four. Is it like just wait darker, like does the mood of the city just feel different? What happens is so crazy about what it is what we are trying to tell people unexplained. People have what it is like on the ground, as is almost be like when you back any one
it was like one of the greatest things I've ever see. You know placed have Corina how good they were they. We won that championship and I think that it was so devastating because after that happen it had already started to be rumors and whispers that kyrie wanted out and it. Did the machine was already work in endless so at that, It's I'm like we're. We're little midwest cleveland right, your boss so, you know how this thing work. I've had a first people detailing the max players and how they move in it as one of a cutting forefront of the way the player moment was working, so you guys understood that we never saw it coming it was totally outside rim of our possibility that we say we just beat one of the best seems ever the brand came back. we came back from everyone and it already working behind the scenes that we will lose, carry a so as that sea. and goes along it. Will we,
river really got a chance to celebrate because soon after that, the seventies comes around and a war is going to come under it and they just dropped nuclear bomb when everybody and it was like tat we delusional in our little space, is like two weeks after and the tight, alright I'll send the on the warriors, and then it was just done. it was like there was. No. If you play basketball, oh. Do you know the game. There was no way anybody was beating. So the rat came that kind of thing. You know pulled cairo away, a little bitten and in that thing, a developed in and who is one or two things where we will look them abroad for stance along. We ll go as tobacco backer leaving we can either repair car really the because enemies, me when I'm the one or two the bronze best acts was that I think it was a twenty eighteen, the allison beat the south x and gave as it here. I was amazing. I mean the way he maestro deadening,
the way he just I mean what are those that you don't really understand in it? You watch it, but guiding have nobody Larry needs junior chaos, math tat, first of top, so big, yet he had those guys but the way he came and gained seven. Whose I hold on the control of pace. I'm down six does this cool little thing where he's like all bear his keeping clothes you, clean clothes and then all of a sudden you look up he's four would like three minutes left airline, what happened. He just moved if one of us here game when shots august, after their serious ethical, you play well, he the biggest raptors, u business, against eta and by the way I do it had all forty eight games, seven against this ethics ngos, what a game one against the net or not the next game. One of the warriors warriors the fifty one that was his best game. That was the best game by for yeah. I think that's his best game.
without the charge without returning to charge, which I think lebron got, there are just watched the game over about two weeks ago. If you say, he can go in there and still game one. I guess the greatest team were assembled in my opinion that I've seen dalai dash is something to be behold, but I think I was like a double loss cause they they probably should award. so now it's a guy. We gotta be these guys five times in a seven game. That's never happening like he knew he would. It was done when they lost game the the wall and ass, broke his hand in hand. He had he you there was. A small little sliver liberal he could go? and how we can do that and he did it, they just lost the game and I think he knew he was leaving that point by as fires that those with the fans we cannot. It was a whirlwind. I think we do elaborate settled before he kind You know spoils you a little bit because at that point
on a stage where we were going to the it was just a foregone conclusion: we need but the warriors at the end of the season he turns around and leaves, and then I think after that happens, we start to can focus at our other themes is ok. Well, what do we have here and we realise that? I'm going to have to rebuild again. We realized guardians, aren't they spending money but ass a whole on the problem today that we got our browns ban at that point, the browser starting to come around a little bit, we had baker. Baker brought a giotto energy to the city. Ami, you know he just he was guys or I'll, be that's the biggest thing I've learned in this in this talk so far, as I didn't realize, baker was that past popular to the bitter end still is still listen people! There were guys they will guys. Last so we started automatically. Was boy show an outcome. I think you were woody jack Crawford is
when I shall yet well jays light. Look baker be big. gonna win starting job and carolina, though actual grounds fans that down? Carol, a watch baker and was like the jersey sworn in everything that some believable What did they like? What was what resonated with baker? What was it? What was so? What resident Were baker was, he is it's like kind of like our country right right. He was a guy who he wasn't quarterback. He wasn't. One rose button up guys told you. How was he was a guy this guy, he drank beers. He said how he felt and stay in felt how he said and to a certain extent, He came along the time period where we had just left one thirty one with you, jackson in one or two I pairs in our in history, the browns and here the guy, to give you a little bit of confidence.
He gave you a little bit. Swagger he said now: listen, I'm mangled taken as us versus everybody, a soda resonated, and on top of that, he one though he did things other people, he one. You know you brought a worthy passing record here: a vision, That's your point where the one the coastal basket day when, during the current year, culture the year, he goes in pittsburgh and pay put it. pittsburgh like we ve, never see it all began. and it ended up being closed, but at one point in time, is twenty enough in the first quarter and we're sitting around locked in our in our houses, not going anywhere like? I can't believe I'm gonna browser doing this to big, been we may why retire? sounds like we need a baker. Mayfield cleveland thirty, four thirty Better occur for the come back with it'll start with bear coolers. We had one again we wanted thirty one tyrol, taylor,
It was a monday or thirty thirty. I think it was thursday night tyrol, taylor, plan against sam darnel and thereby gets hurt her Andrew baker comes in, throws down a middle to drivers landry, he catches the ball they. Filling the philly special baker catches, the phillies special touchdown, and basically this at the stadium they're running a promotion that what I had these beer cooler phil were beers and when the brows, what win them A miracle beer needed had been almost two years since we won the day, again coming back combat fashion, a beer, coolers, open beggar, maybe Is now like he's just a god he's the guy he's riding in on his dire wolf. It's crazy, like he's the man and that crazy part about it was tat, was stacked, a high point, make it was here that you can hold us. We didn't find it an injured. Her
you know the team kind of turned on him. You know it just it was evident tat he needed or somewhere else to start over, and I think one or two things you you will see in a backdrop of everything going on. Is this it's you know you don't never really know what you got. Two was gone cause I remember, coming up in a lot of peoples. nah, Bernie right and now Bernie what a mug my and he's he's a hero because nothing since him. Same way of baker. Mayfield people loved him because he gave him something to think about and get through darn it of times. But the shy watson is coming in at a very difficult task, but I think he's the best What about the bed? He has the most talent and I do Did the cleveland browsed this year is rally around him sure, he's more about a captive bigger than he was
You think you could lead that way. Lasher, but this year I think he gets it. Wait you just laid out it'd be almost certain that baker mayfield when he retires from football, comes back to cleveland and has like a twenty five year. Media career which market down baker old fox college football. I think baker mayfield is us or like I could see him do. Unlike you noted that the fox game, shows or whatever the case. Maybe he's a stance ring it does. You can get around that like it, so you watch him that, as part of I guess you know having that it factor and people want to watch baker. I think he is a is a slam dunk star on t v I before we go Can you give me your calves prediction for this season in forty six forty five seconds? Wait. What do you want it back by forty five seconds.
Down a mature. This is a big year from here from her my liking, mighty bates allegedly reminded, and it has been that of the mitchell year because he completely shit the bed. The class ought no, because I think you should We're not going to be here after next year, but your signing up my mac as anybody here he's atalanta whisper campaign for awhile- yes, he's not he's not gonna be here, I think they they signed up with that. Knowing that I do like the knee and george nearing allied troops, I like they need some routers they needs a mad isaac and spread the floor. A little concerned about chair alan playing, forbade urge you, oh straightfor, he's not a guiding despite a floor, a mouse concern about mobile women's all bodies, unicorn. I need to get him better than twenty seven percent. Beyond the three points I want to see what I want to see more driblets at a basket. I'm not thinking play better without Alan, I'm not sure I think I love garland. I think he can take another step forward. The twain, two small guards of kind, but what I
They'll, say is, I think, this team to be anywhere from a one to a five. I would expect him to get paid. The first round this year for marriage is all about how well they play the players at the appointed time, maybe to happen. shooting. But I would pick them where between one and five ethic to ceiling is a number three c and east. So why wouldn't they just trade Mitchell? Now, if you think is going on here, I think I think they don't like the pack. Is a they could get back. If you trade him now also, I don't think they would trade him, because I think that signal, did they made a mistake? I think If you trade him now, it basically says yeah we screwed up and we thought we were better than we were, but we just thereby you know he was available. We got em save at work, work now. We're gonna have to trade on premiums or two dollars, so I think tat went to wipe it out because they believe that mostly chain be a unicorn. they lose and for our own sake
read, but they lose em. I dont really much warm. I think that they can really save face globally. The girl, who is already laptop, drown, adders and alarming garland. But I wonder I just wonder if the next would get frisky in japan and just try to get him in your basically taking all the picture gave up and getting on my back. U, R J bear a quick. Yet again, the bunches stepped back here but was way before we go bill. I had to shut out. Your daughter goes to emerson college, correct, yes, my producer on. Ultimately this boy, mikey mcnuggets use a former basketball player, so he says to add the emerson people that it is no good? hello. Did you do reserved for further mikey, the woman you shot out emerson college right, I'd love to share out the emerson, so he brad's final diction you're gonna play ass. Our planet that europe last
I'm a browser job we're going away to jinx anything which you say I could be one of the seven by up to either we will take one or two points are. If you I enjoyed here again, tell us where we can find you by me, you know I mourn ultimately was bullshit every single every single day, monday to friday at eleven a m. One p m catch me all. My barbershop shall radio show ninety two three defend a bigger. They have been criminal hi, I'm on saturdays aims to opium catch it on odyssey up You can follow me on twitter, reggie bush. Ninety one and of course you can and I'm some allow work on a bleacher report as brows content, contributor overdue as well appreciate you bill Minna thanks have big fan of your work and I hope to talk to you soon again. Yet thanks for coming out appreciate it
She had a right, that's it for the pack, ass thanks to danny hybrids, danny Kelly and craig quarrel back thanks to gear bush, thanks to cooperate and steep suited for producing as well. Don't forget the chick out strike forest five is launching later this week. Duffy about the new reward was as well, and I will see you on this. Feed on thursday is par, one of the annual and if over and respond with our friend,
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-01.