« The Bill Simmons Podcast

Part 2: The 2023 NBA Expansion Draft with Ryen Russillo


In Part 2 of a two-part podcast, The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo for an NBA expansion team draft. With two new franchises likely coming in the next few years, the guys determine which players the current teams would protect and then each draft for the two new franchises.

Host: Bill Simmons

Guest: Ryen Russillo

Producer: Isaiah Blakely and Steve Ceruti

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Coming up part two of my unexpected sunday cameo its next This episode of the bill, summons pack ass. This brought you buy hills, pet nutrition hill. food, shelter and love programme provide. Science led nutrition for cats and dogs and shelters across north America. They felt more than thirteen million pets find new homes. Amazing every We feed your pet hills. You help me to shelter pet, which helps make them healthy, happy, and more adaptable everybody wins especially. Pets defined forever home by the baghdad gives back visit, hills, pet dotcom, slash pie cast to learn more, whereas the wretched by the ringer pack ass network, don't forget on the big. Sure feed. We are running a brand new narrative pack ass serious for three weeks. It is called. Do we get to win this time? How hollywood bade the vietnam war hosted by bran raftery, though, for yet we have the three
did watch a movie coming on Monday night. We did national lampoons vacation and don't forget about our new documentary that we did ringer films and religion of sports. We followed a bunch g leaguers around immersed ourselves into the season. It is called destination nba the g league. It is available a stream on prime video on tuesday august eighth. We are really proud of this one. Please check it out. To the pack ass, mean, ran Marcello. This is in evergreen idea that we could not wait to do for a couple you now and then this you might the perfect time, because the NBA is just dead from a storyline standpoint. So why not have an expansion draft like actual expansion, draft, oh yeah, and don't think we didn't land the plane because we did its next first, our friends from protein
This is the alpine evergreen sarcastic. at recidivists. Here we never finished. Are we never did our farewell summer? Pod? Usually we part all the way through, like mid July than we have one last pod. We do some stupid shit and then we did appear? You gotta year pack ass. We gonna football season. You come back in february, so we're coming back. And we're doing a really dumb gimmick that people are probably going to get mad that we're doing as it both doesn't make sense. But it's going to be super fun and I promise everyone
enjoy it. Here's the premise reseller, where pretending that tomorrow the nba decides holy shit They're ready to pay so much money for the seattle and vegas expansion teams, we're just going to shoehorn these teams in right now we're going to usher them and we're going to have an expansion draft. They are offering us six billion. four vegas and seven billion for seattle, but that it has to be right now we're just taken the money expansion draft everybody can protect up to a people. Rookies are eligible and and war, So what did you learn from? Ah from the from the rules for the old expansion drafts rights over the last We did this charlotte when the owner named the team after himself. Remember I talk to her Interview was, like you know you, data with pretty. Of honour when the aim is the bob cats and enable a team from south. So yeah does two thousand for right, so that took place june. Twenty second, it was two days before
it can be a draft, so what the league would never do is what we're doing now and let you manipulate your roster in advance of who you had to protect and who you are going to protect so back then, yet to protect a player's if you dont have a place on a contract, you had to make one player eligible. So that's not really can apply to us here, because rarity through the off season so the most famous version that was an eighty nine because they always to do for drafting fridge, say detroit wins the title they had the parade and at the parade rip born, finds out. He has had protected in the expansion draft and he's gonna Minnesota as the first pick. So then as they do. That is because they want they want everything settled before draft rage, see if you did it this way, the wayward doing it. People just wait to see, free agents, said wait till after the drafts of the naked. So we're cheating
we know we're cheating, but I swear. This is going to be fun, and here we got right, so you can select. You know again. I checked the league, some people that worked with the league on this. When the bobcats did this they took like nineteen players. I think we should probably do fifteen, maybe each because we're due in two different teams, because there is only one team- then it wasn't like some tv show. So I and you and I had a pick one of the teams and then go back and forth, will do that. We'll do that. You can only pick one player from each team, because I think that is a rule that israel right, you can only take one player from from each team way. The cap numbers work. You have to be at sixty six percent. the cap's over one hundred thirty six million its eighty nine point- seven million, but to just spare us the math, adding up items and if I were running a team in doing this, I would come in way. Under the cap carried out. were the year trade for somebody's bad contract absorb read to trial add some other kind of asset
The results in imported. No because that means I could say we say minnesota's gonna leave, go baron protected, which they walk away: said the dead, and you can't basically in annex. Pension draft with the way the capitals are. We take the angel Russell rudy go bare and take like five. There the million dollar guys, because you have like a ninety million max- that's it you're going go like. a bottom feed, you can say younger guys, cheap guys and maybe like one or two more expensive. He value can trade there's also other stuff that we're not going to get too adventurous with where phoenix asked charlotte to take a haughty way in. They gave him three million in a future. First of the cure, a clear cap space which obviously led to phoenix kind of turn something stuff around having extra caps base. When you go back and look at the bob gets expansion from O four let's just say: you know the warning when we put these teams together and you go Are you serious dude? This was
this- and this is only one of the top ten- from a for lahti, Baxter J r bremmer jet gerald wallace was like an incredible pick right gerald wallace. I would die for general wallace right now in what we're about to do quite remember: early basketball, internet. It was like woe gerald wallace. They got him, but I mean look Compare do is symbolic way. Jeff treasure! Lauren words, MR summer league richie from I mean your mind. You know anything about this, though in two thousand, for which I think was the most talent deficient. season in the history, the whig or its way up there. They didn't everybody on the aid aims. I remember doing a trade value com that year, like oh, my god, this guy's number, twenty eight
league is so much deeper. Now, that's one of the things! That's why we thought this would be a fine exercise because will go through tenant. we're not going to read every hour a capers from every team there's ten teams that would have decisions. If there is an expansive draft and, as you said, part of this cannery with this as a gold state leaves clay. Thomson unprotected but don't take. Em will give you our first and today, in twenty six, so there's like expansion kind. I pain the team off not to take a guy stuff, but if there, two teams and the expansion draft it gets a little more thing Deanna vegas, which is the reason we're doing this is because this is gonna happen. This will this whole happen in the next. I've been talk about on the spot. For years. But if it's gonna happen now in the next two to three years, they're going to the media red still done, they're gonna! Forget it exactly how japan is coming in and then there are new expansion and sober. even admitting it publicly. Now yet
on this very early, so I tell the cap LA it: were: there are lots of bread crumbs sit there. So, let's go through the ten teams. where they have to protect data and the exercise of what would they do because I don't think people realise that there's generation of fans who don't remember how fun like that nineteen. Ninety ninety data expansion job was when the teams are pretty deep back that, like the trade had to leave rip born there, he was he was a real the important member of a cheap. It should pay narrowly mum protected so in no particular order just soup and met this who had tat, moran and triple j in vain and smart. They cannot atoms clark in zaire. Williams would be my a guesses, but then I'm leaving lariviere roddy conch are tillman. Adamo, laughed and they'd have?
a somebody would be one of the first five picks from that. So do you agree with the eight? Do you think they would leave Steven Adams unprotected because I feel like he would get taken? So I'm looking to your last year, I had out as protected as well, so I did the same thing with their every team and try to come up with the a. I think. The real discussion after so jog trouble. J, smart, conner, Adams, Clark bain, so we all agree on those that eighth spot there is idle arabia zaire, Williams or I'll dogma and I'd. Imagine any one of those three would be one of the earlier picks, I mean dom actually played real minutes for is there a possible brain and clark coming the achilles injury. We leave mum protected. He's gonna have an extension coming up anywhere. I were here to sign the extension, yet he might. I actually think they might leave him unprotected. Come enough, an injury,
go to the other guy this year. When we look at some of the other teams, like I think, they'll be certain teams, it would look at the expense it's going they're not gonna, take on this contract. So we can keep this guy exposed and then keep somebody else, lakers have a weird one. There yeah, I think, adding minnesota. Actually, even though you touch and go birthing like we'll get back to where we come up with a little bit later, but do you feel like it, dynamic, as he was getting real minutes or is it causes moravian, go okay? We just took the sky, they clearly like them. A lot lot of teams. The draft seem to like him, because if I'm an expansion team or if I'm running one of the current teams and thinking about the expansion him like who who do they want, they probably why, younger guys that got lost in a rotation shuffle ran in that's what I would do. I would stockpile my team with younger guys that I kind of like before the draft that may have got lost in some kind of rotation battle, didn't get a real opportunity out dogma.
It almost feels like he would be protected because they were playing a real minutes over the other guys yeah. Maybe they leave brandon clark, so he said twelve, five million this year coming off the end, I think they probably leave him unprotected and you probably keep one of the cheap guys the railways are on the on the cheap contract conscious cars for years Is nine million basically kicks up to six million next year? Maybe they keep him and they expose clark, alright static state as well as contour, so you think they they expose clark and keep our dama. Let's say that just for fun, we'll leave clarke available cause he'd, be a fun possible pick. Alright, I neck, Meanwhile dama pick, are you sure you happy if the others scouts out of why you don't look slim pittance here? Once you get a few books in you, good buddy, I sell even starts
new orleans has angry and zaire and heard Johns dyson Daniels found yunus mc column, murphy and hawkins, who they just pact, and I think, those of b, the eight so now veered pension tamer, look I'd ever otto cure, Louis, who couldn't be more available and nance. We're out of nets are like real expansion, guys you knew that list I do for the most part, except for I think the exercise should just keep the rookies that we're just drafted in eligible for any of this, so they don't count towards protection. Ok, I think that a smarter just because this would never happened like you wouldn't be taking like four teams. It took three guys and now listen to him are exposed. Does your facile right limits they got partly exercise like hawkins is, is protected because he's a rookie, but he doesn't take up one of the eight spots. That's cool! yeah. So what you say, Alvarado now or nantes, would be unprotected. So after me,
the cause we in the first seven- and we may agree on this- it's a nets- Naji or e J lai decision, I think it's nance that they keep nance so because they're their china compete. They need zion insurance. I they get the answers that asked asset its. Let me That means the cairo louis. Zeller, nazi marshall, Alvarado la all unprotected, yet golden state, so this becomes a little less fun if we're saying reduce our knowledgeable, but still we have Others atherstone: oh it's fair to do it that way and have all right, I m with it. So we have. Free, green wiggans, loony commingled moody as six and then there's two spots left for clay thompson whose make it forty million this year, Chris Paul, making thirty or gary
in whose, unlike the nine million a year contract which to do you, think they keep its are really tough one. I don't think it is at all at there's no way they leave clay expose one year, expiring, sprung up see what happens seething, its clay and c p and aid they paid in exposed. I left moody exposed instead of paying really yeah, but you know weaken. Maybe you have to keep. track of like every dick. It's only. I figure this out now for the draft. Could I make them as for leaving clay exposed, sure go ahead, It only spend eighty nine million hours total in the expansion draft and he's making forty three this year. So team now would take clay expansion team, its half your cap. So you have for the other fourteen guys. You only now have forty four billion is spent, and maybe they float them like regularly
play exposed, would give you a second round pack and twenty seven and then, if they take em, what are they clay like its could be hard to trade in these make it so much money. I think you were like. I just think peyton would be grabbed. or moody, like moody there'd, be like delighted like. Oh, my god, we got most of the moody's on rookie contracts is amazing. I don't think you can leave them exposed We in a room for six hours. The outcome would be: let's we play expose, they're not going to take them and if they think about taking them will float them a pick, they could trade him, though, this completely diminished? Like the idea that you take him, and I know this all sounds ridiculous, but if you're, if you're starting an expansion, roster there's a bunch of guys, I dont want they're gonna be exposed. I dont want comes. when coming in here. That's a shithead right, yeah, like christian, would would not be my starting centre on the stool right. So if I could actually, despite the cap rule,
get play and you might be right you, my dear I may I made a ferdy, you will. Let me talk it all out and say: bring somebody in whose one gets it plays. A right a personality checks. Every single box put him every Sir everybody else, it's gonna, be here like we're going to act We have a real guy which is unheard of in the expansion trap. So can we take enough guys on rookie deals to fill out the rest of the cap because there may not be the other ten or twenty million dollar dollar guys that we even want, if their expose, why are they even exposed? I think, could be real. scary to do that for golden stating that thinks hey. If we run this back in everybody's healthy, we still have a chance to come out of the west, so it would be yeah, maybe you're right. I don't know I don't I we talked about europe it ever leave month, it's too risky, so they have to leave peyton available. Then I dont think they would they moody, because I think you'd be like one of the first pillar in the draft, so
that you would, if you're, in the room with golden state. You're done leaving your arguing, your final call is exposed. Scary peyton predict movie s lakers. This is probably easy. Oh, I guess. If, if the de it is. If jet, if J J s is not available, so there seven I would be lebron eighty reeves Rui vincent Vanderbilt and then there's two spots left for torreon prince you. I think I think we both love for that time. I can't wait to see him on a good team, even if it is the lakers I hate, then you got saw a haze yet reddish, and then he backs christie, whose only twenty years old and everybody really likes him, and I think, if all the guys I listed think Christie would be. The one that had just immediately got taken see almost might have to keep him
we're gonna come off is like the biggest max christie guys here for couple minutes. I would this is actually isn't easy for lakers, because the reason you promise Did the angel rustled the over to seventeen point three million this year than a player option for nineteen million? Is they need that for a trait yet, but well go with roe eight equals carry, which is so all time red flag. Math, add up. The contracts is like. Oh, that's, almost exactly carries number cool, so they all love christie out you're right, you probably heard the same style he like yeah. Now I think I think he's a real guy. So would you would you exposed, like the exposes? The leaving clay? Unprotected argument is different than the danger Russell one, because I think I'd feel better about my god of the better to take the angel Russell and then haven't be the point out for the team, like the stuff that you're supposed to do right in the digital rustles running your basketball team. I think it's will establish how I feel about that
but then you can you tell a braun like hey. We exposed our best trade ship for max christie. It's a really tough on, because they sign that rustled deals specifically to treat him in February and they given Russell like he waved stuff wishes. I did here's an extra five million euro trade asset for us us the sheer more money the make, and he was a great and maybe you'll, keep me so view spuzzum. I do agree that he probably get picked. But I don't want to lose christie, and so it s a question for me as do the prince more than russell on a team, that's trying to win, I I think they need prince. I think it would be really important for them this year. So you're saying all right then give me that who are the three, the you're protecting if you're the lakers between prince Christie and Russell prince and christie for me, so you'd leave Russell exposed? I wed
I'm ok with it, because I wasn't even like nuts about signing him anyway, and I'm only doing the trade em and now I lose the possibility to train them You only are keeping him if youth. If you know you have a trade in February and maybe they do Maybe they think they have a chance. So then, at that point I guess you Lee prince exposed and he could always you could always trade we, you know if it was a guy. You really liked and you're trying to figure out how to get the contracts and they'd get a couple of the minimums with british and Jaxson Hayes. Alright. So what's our final answer see the audience is enjoying this they're like man. I didn't think this was gonna be fun, but now I'm involved at a recently persons prince argument. This is great, but this is actually. I think it should be like pickup hoops where every other hall that's debated, just alternative like this. Are you we got the last when you get this. One is the only way to be should instead of watching arguments while guy smoke cigarettes for ten minutes. So I
I push all the pushback so hard and the clay thing you can. You can be the tiebreaker on this one. Then I get the next one. I'm gonna leave wrestle exposed or detroit they're keeping cade the thompson twin ivy. I think they keep wiseman stewart. They just signed jalen Darren. And and after that I dunno, oh monte morris. I had just cause, then it gets a trade. I said, I think they keep him, so maybe that seven, so I had one spot left for bagley and burkes in killeen is who they been trying to trade for two months. So I'm guessing they're gonna expose him. Burks is an expiring. You could also try crossing thing where they just protect. Seven then there like have at it not tat. They would do that as it did. You. I mentioned livers. I think they like him. Okay, so I'll make livers the that's easy and that's good and the next.
brunson randal, bear it Josh, art, Mitchell, robinson gdp quickly and then that last by comes down, grimes hearten, Steiner, mcbride And I had grimes down on the initial list, but if you want to make the heart case I'm here for it is, I think he gets picked and five seconds yeah. I protected hartstein. If they're up there in a spot, where they're going to lose somebody in this weather, it's crimes ah miles Mcbride and jericho, sims imagined forney is not going to be in demand. It's forty available yeah, but it's randall, brunson, r, J, Mitchell, Robinson Hart, divincenzo quickly and hartstein. Oklahoma city is the most screwed in this. In this gimmick I thought they were going to be way worse off than they were go ahead I'll. I guess, if you gotta, say our younger,
yeah wireless. What about this mythic mitch Mitch yeah they're guard yeah? I think they would, I think they were, but we're saying they have to protect them, not like a typical rookie. Could I brought him over his bianca, so we as she a giddy gentlemen, jail in jail in Dore mitch and then that eight spot comes down to williams poker gang, it probably be man gruber, they lack an essay adele, I'm guessing its man. I dunno. What do you think I want you to You watch morrow casey than I did this year on Broadway little still too high, and it was my yang, but I dont think that they will leave him unprotected. They took him that high yet? No, he was. He was somebody that you don't you thought wow, as you put it together as last year in the australian league uk
see that he was doing something, so we really fits their profile. So I just I just don't think he would be left unprotected, so it's estuary door, Chad, giddy both williams, gang and mitch. So that means it's Burton's who's got a big number, all the depot cambridge williams Gruber who I loved reading some of this stuff and hoop site, not always my IRA. But when you get a nugget like in yellow gallon are telling some international newspaper that is in a circle. Every celtic stake a lot easier like what what the fuck, why are you mad at the celtics and then that there is another moment work Aruba was telling telling people that he was like you know. I just was. I was in a bad spot previously and they were are alright, yeah no prob.
anyway. I had I say it Joe available yet directive, so pokers available. Ok, they will have a topic in this draft programme, could be the face: the franchise is prohibited in the past. They put him on the billboards and back three teams atlanta. I guess it saint rookies are not eligible than cobia cannot be pigs but its young maria congou griffin, capella hunter bogdanov edge and then that aid spot is either cd bear jail and johnson I'll. Let you pick I put bade out to be protected, but it be tough. I didn't like Jane Johnson at a duke This means that there are still moments in the play. Our three look pretty scare, but when the moments were good, there are some really gets up
So he would be packed if he's left, unprotected and ideas, and I think I think day wins winds. That typewriter sacramento has a seven a fox, a bonus keegan Mary heard. Her monk harrison Barnes. They just brought back and davy. I'm mitchell in that eight spot is between besant caf lyles duarte, it seems like they like pheasant cough, so I'm assuming that would be the guy they protected right there outside about bringing him over yeah he's big dude. The three point: shooting has been pretty solid yeah and I think he falls into the bitch category here yet and last team is huge, Wait, wait, wait so unprotected sacramental would be who lives duarte Alex Lynn,
neurons dowell kessler, edwards, yes, Utah's, tough, because it's got marketing kessler clarkson. I guess george doesn't count. Ok and neither does hendricks so therefore would be market in case sir clarkson in a body and then we'd have to go collins, sexton olympic. I guess that scientists have reported that work is horrible, tucker, ok, all right so there are projected just to be its you'd. Seven kristen shall manage tucker. Think of a yeah. You know you learned a lot from the branding today. I think I take a break and then we're going to the draft, but before we take a break, do you want to be seen at or do you want to be vegas in this expansion draft I would love to be seattle. I fought hard for them into does seven or eight and I'm happy. and biggest here I'll take very,
but you have way morbid history of beggars and I do but I want seattle, I'm not defer! That's fine! I'll! Take big as you push for seattle. I do have a yellow, sonic t shirt, though let's kick around somewhere amazing. What teacher to discover when you move? I come back draft. This absurd has brought by simply say home security if you plan and squeezing one last get away this summer, protect your home with simply say You know it's important about that. You're. Not on you. Can you can you simply save you could find out it's okay, many used by new smart alarm wireless indoor camera in check. What's going on inside, the house is anyone there. Oh good nobody's there relax on my vacation. This, observed ass for you. They have professional, muttering agent, second, actually see and deter intruders in real time. It is all part of twenty four seven alive.
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it's the two thousand twenty three expansion draft. That will never happen in august, but we don't care because there's nothing else to talk about. What do you want us? The us have it by Amy conversations that happening. Nobody does yeah that I forgot. I forgot that they've figured figured that there were ok, you ve, wait, wait, wait! You have t name, o, where the seattle supersonic we're back you're right, you're, right, we're gonna, be. Has anyone ever had an emotion? The vaguest regrets Fake is regrets right in their mascots. Just a guy like shorts leave button down balding bags under his eyes? Reading a credit card statement. I love the vegas it sets. Funds goes gonna, be high. Five kids, Hugson
I would see you again. I would buy a vegas regrets basketball. This read now. Alright, the vegas regrets are on the clock with the first pick or do you have? I almost didn't want the first pick I'll take the first pick out I'll, take it. No, this is history. I'm going to take quit and grimes k, Quinton grams off the board. How do you feel about that good contract? What does he would see at good control, rookie deal? good asset, can probably flip him so view. Would your expansion strategy be assets? You can flip or guys you built around or both cause I would be in the assets like if I would just emulate. ass, they would do in this situation, selling press they would just be. I want assets, I want packs I'll. Take guys you dont, want give me a piggy back all that stuff.
I would be down for all of it, but I dont know that. I'm then emanated completely. Tell you my strategy here on draft it very fair, very fancy costner! Would you do you, like. I tried to get you to tell me your strategy very varied in an age of you see at a super sacks on the clock. This is already tough. I don't like the board did. You are not going to like the board asked to not do a break out graphic of our expansion. Draft teams is no one's gonna go to the exercise is to look at me like? Are you serious? He's teams are terrible and were breaking. Was where were doing it after the off season. I can't wait. I can't wait until they fix. I can't wait for your pick right now. I'm going to take Henry James, okay seas off the board. What's his salary,
For years, twenty seven million basically sixty year term, nine years old, I feel like I could for them who do you? It. so did we say jail and johnsons available? Then? Yes, alright, I'll, take Jalen Johnson, jalen johnson nice pic I'm going to take Xavier tillman great value, like my amory get some mba where so you have queen grounds jail Johnson, I can ten ridge lands. Anna Xavier tell me, ok, so that means can wreck lambs are can reach, lamps I was green result would generate yeah yeah at it. You must want,
to be. Can wreck because they can anybody does so here's here's! What interesting Because it's a two tier draft, does that mean I can't take another nick? No, does that mean you can take a nick, no once a team loses a guy there out of the draft I was almost going to I'm going to add if there was no rule like that, I may have gone three or four next, just to get started seems to mcbride to grind down the lane to it. They lost their guy. Ah,. Ok. So what did we land on with memphis? We'll see? Wait? They just Egypt's took Xavier, helmut sobieski Tillman. I can't take out dama or little visas are riding the body. No can't do. Is the other expansion room, his mother fucking you right now they're like seriously of all the memphis options. That's what you want with the now. None of those guys are available. We're gonna take tell me
at lunch tomorrow and be like look man. Our whole offense is pick a pop with your baby, your you are at twenty ten guy this, this app at it. Okay, I gotta go back to my larger board. Here I was thinking about taking finances for the lakers or heat. You like that too soon. I couldn't believe miami didn't give him like five billion a year before mid level yeah for miserable for like four years or they would have been when they did it. I dunno the latest numbers. Ok, are art mon? The clock turned into the vikings are. I know it just well, because we kinda left a few things. So does that mean Gary payton was our option for gold? You can take them right now see and the vegas regrets.
I'd say auto. I know what I wanted to do. I figured you would go wing heavy now. I know I don't have a theory that still in play here doesn't matter. Just I see I gave you that savior tillman thing sort of fuck me a little bit here sitting of european I'm going to need somebody that I know can play which you know, even though my team's gonna stink I'll take Gary payton cause that way at least contractually. It's not that big of a deal read And here I mean I don't love him away from golden state surly, but I'll take him. Just as I think I think is a good chance of somebody else, one of whose states healthy so they go. I'm gonna take hosanna loretta in Hell. You know, like you, Did it again, you ruined all the other pelicans auctions, because you know what I'm doing a building culture reseller guys
Guys over anything winning, he. However, I do you know, he's gonna love out of my fans in seattle, we're screaming at you. You know draft room. Where have you taken? Ok, but just a back up here of the final new orleans options are, we said now to be protected and then that left, cairo lou Naturally, our Alvarado in asia Adele? And yes, I did it take Alvarado and now I there any the other guys. You cannot sorry I rely man. I want cairo, This has been available for a year and a half he's been her knees. trade farm right now I guarantee the vaguest regrets could acquire verse arabic.
Or just not had to go through the negotiation stuff. That's all all right! Now. Who else would you? I can't believe you did back to back teams where you fucked it up for me, you should taking guys from those teams dealer staring at you now. That's the antithesis of what I would want to do so as sam houser, Jim Kevin Porter Jr. You know probably probably wouldn't do it, but I bet you be protected anyway. His contracts really weird anyway, with a staggered, their television head. Oh, I guess we didn't. houston night. There's a porter versus jack, landau versus state which one of those guys becomes protected. you know that they are a porter and protect that means gotta, weird contract or you can kind of get out of it at the end of the year anyway, but why? Why would that team on porter?
If I'm a new expansion team, I'm not giving Kevin porter Jr the basketball insane gers, this is your team. Your number one option I just even though he's really talented- I just wouldn't want to do it. Let's double check here with houston, then, because we didn't go through it. what use that has banned wage bari, thompson, Whittemore, Jana, green sink in and Ethan as the guaranteed seven and then that aid spot is either porter land area could take your guy jeff green culture? No doubt No doubt I protected tate and left langdale holiday and green, unprotected, okay, so excited at then I'm gonna take take as I would I love, but I love myself. Some j shanty, probably too much yeah you're right there protect him. He's got your country I'm going hold off on that and I'm gonna go ahead. Take rubio, rubio Rubio interesting. What's
what's his money, two years left twelve, half million this year and then its templates me guaranteed some already on the books were a little bit more than I thought I would be the sin in new if that's fine, but if we through cleveland, its garland, its mitchell, its alan. It's mostly le protected strews protected a coral protected and I protected niac right. I just think those worst he made you could have for a younger group, but the thing is about culture in all the stuff. All these guys. You gonna be replaced in three years rice or what really building you're selling uniforms and hopefully some tickets, so fur for dallas. If, if lively, can't be protected, kleiber would be their aid guy. And they would have luca cary grant lambs hearty kleiber waiters every projected
ass, green currying, o max, so that means Dwight pals available, swung dimension. That regulation on the rookie thing it's all max, so that Dwight bow wouldn't be available than us that doubts becomes harder than ok, but here's. What I did I ll run through acquit LUCA every holloway junior grant williams, whose loving it already kleiber Josh green without question. I can't believe- South curry gets a one year. Four million dollar deal with the second year, not guaranteed in today's envy. But that's that's what happened is awesome and then I think they protect. Shaven hardy overdue. Avail were sean homes, pow an exit agri. So orlando, Palo France, black black snap, scrooge screwed up my board so Anthony, so they don't have anybody and orlando is a little easier than I thought it would be to do under run through What I have here a huge effort for turann toronto because Toronto,
see outcome, barnes and adobe pearl boost shea precious hello go any their trent shrewder mcdaniel are flynn, is the eighth probably flynn what the eighth right, I dunno it's the arkham purnell, o g trent, barn, shrewder, precious bushehr, bouchet dunaway says he had a shrine of the of tren as a protected for them. I do you, don't like the contract and believe it will have trance the one is protected that would lean thaddeus young, a K fabric johnson, which I found a basketball reference number that auto porter jail and Mc Daniels who disappear for the sixers malaga. flynn, a k, molly chief lynne on one a league past broadcast this year, garrett temple Jeff, doubting colocolo. You know that I'm going take. I gave them dennis think he was on a bad team and charlotte gets traded
ellie midseason gets thrown into the fire is not ready to plan some. Those. Aims because it is then the experience and now the distressed ass. It were to rebuild them here in seattle. Sets my ethic so have can reach lambs Tillman, Alvarado jailer mc dennis in vegas. Regrets around the clock. Ok, give give me war too. I was looking at him good pick. You know who's out of the rotation. You had some injuries, obviously as well, but I fucking loved his draft stuff man and he shot at like thirty. Nine percent is rookie year, and yet there were different people kind of involved with it, so meaning the guard rotation with paces in.
And it just was between his injuries and the lack of minutes and everything. I don't know that his numbers last year reflect who he actually is so I'll. Take a shooter, a detroit guy needs to go. I liked the pick at a trick. I needs to go here and it's between bagley and bergs and killian Hayes. It can finally happen for a man you and backs it's not going to be bags I'm going to take. I I'm gonna, take a flyer and killing his. Hu, a goddess you're laughing, the three of that. Guy with this company is his blake there's nothing he had. A couple moments last year, rousing aright giddy yeah. couple moments shares.
I remember nigeria in italy in his moment, were you since I see it, I guess flick around only pass at our I'd like to elect Erin than I screen there. She spent non pedigree lottery pick. They take a point out there like a yearly. Or weird situation, lots of players that forty big guys give them a war on seattle, you're, on the clock k, I can't believe we didn't take poco. I kind of regret that now we'll wait a minute. Has anybody been taken? No, I took an okay sega there at the table. You took all the sacramento guys. that's right, as you also to tray man out of the mix and poker. This is an unbelievable run of
You eliminated all the good players from ok, see memphis and new orleans. You took the next. I was there to take hartenstein newt hartenstein. I heard he got renowned dealer range just for the record: fair, fair and I'll. Do this, because at least I know he can play and that the number still isn't that bad and gimme dwight well yep like it. So what I've done is. I have like thirty million in three guys good value, not even not even I'm like twenty five million with the three guys and then you know I have. I have room to work here cause I still want to come in under the cap and if I don't trade for anybody, all these guys get raises the expansion into the year checks. I am going to go with the guy that I've liked for awhile he's
still on a rookie deal, I think he's got some talent. His name is Zeke Naji and all the other nuggets are now off the board. That's why we can we can we can adjust he liked zeke, I don't hate 'em yeah, I think, he's a you know: Malone's not going to play a lot of younger guys. They didn't need to the rotation, got even shorter. That's why I think it's kind of interesting that your booth takes three rookies. in their all talk about like hey. We love these guys. It can all play they can they could do all different things in there they're more seasoned and that's what we like here in denver and then I'd be like. I can't wait to watch all of them. Never play like you know I can we go over the denver question, though, because I think this is a good way to break up this part
The draft would remember, had yoke yoke edge, murray, gordon porter, c p, bron now had holidays or seventh, because they see. Might they won a play? Christian bronze, another aussies, improved application. Monoplane, you that's a broader brown. You said braun, I met brown yeah. Everybody did but would you leave porter junior unprotected with four years a hundred and fifty million left fully guaranteed? I can't it's a good question. I did think about it, but you can't be. you have this window with yoke edge wary of the best part in the world than his prime and porter had really good moments in the play ass. You know you're, probably can't because then I get it and it made. It comes Would you like, okay cool? We have it's off the books in his back in the medical concerns and all that, but then what now? What are we doing? And you just want a title? So, I think you're right on that one I do like I'd take like I don't know this.
Contract, as is bad anymore. When we see some of these numbers come in thirty, three, thirty, four, thirty, six thirty eight, forty in the last year of the next four. It's look not great on that celebrating it. But when you see Jay Lynn is going to be at seventy in year. Five like I, I just don't think those numbers are that daunting, fair we're going to see some crazy con ex. Who do you already have? Next, we ve taken six people. Let us start digging into my all, like I know, I don't have to worry about gimme Josh minor, will you up? Josh might not you're right. I don't know that. Is it yeah he's the incredibly incredibly skinny do that has all sorts of feels his aunts, timber wolves. I guess I could have taken up a little bit later. I am, I think,
another good I've ever signed by one minute, a basketball. Last year you don't seem in the summer legal now, ok, yeah. I look for said this is some about him. now you relax we're led some of the areas scouts. It more influence here gone. What? If what? If this guy put it together, I dont think it Certainly they would leave that they would protect brooding over These are really. This is exciting right now, for me, this gimme the most exciting picking the draft disobey the break out shape up. Can we touch on another We think for a second year, whether they, whether you, let him out right, you and I would, but I don't think they can. That might be, though, that may be the right answer, but if you you can kiss it, then it's like you just binning. We ve made the most damaging tread of the last twenty five years. I also have a zag, I'm glad you're, sitting down
We did the best job against amber last year in the play us out of the four themes that they gave: those big eyes. Nobody gave yoke edge like a shitload of trouble, He can't I had to work the hardest against them and I have to go through yoke as to when the tide and I want size. I want big deeds. This too has him in nice and towns, and I don't know you can talk yourself intuitive. That's the team. You have to go through you see they stopped, for he was shooting threes in the summer. There is about a silly. I would like all summer content. Big eyes doing shit will never ever doing a game. I would like to be blocked from all of it. Moving forward now go to a website that- and I know bob year olds run a lot of these break out accounts. You don't see in a seven footer adela fitness pull up from mba. Three effort In between his legs will never do on an m b a game and then being like this dude's been put in the work this summer, like alright cool anyway,
if Minnesota had a tougher decision for the eighth guy to be protected, I think it'd be a real conversation. Go bears forty one million forty four million player option. Forty seven million I'll be thirty three in his last year, probably pick that one up so I will leave you a cat, kindly Edwards nazareth, kyle Anderson, I was in walker, genomic Daniels and then you'd have shake and are not covered. Or you could go Wendell more if you'd like him, that would have to be like a camp were there around them all the time like. Oh, we don't wanna, leave this guy, but you're, probably right, so I'm not going to spending more time on it that they would feel like they couldn't do it cause. There's also the part imagined today's world. Today's generation NBA players like his documentary star an ear surmounted like they left me exposed in the twin,
twenty five years say every laughed underrated. The stiff curry story use. The six pack of the draft was famous college, far less with the years. Nobody believed in me, lebrun, I'm not even supposed to be here, dude Europe you're you're fuckin six nine and you move like no one we ve ever seen yet here the biggest short They may come into the whig since I've been alive. My next pick is going to surprise you stun, you know what it is. Oh, my god ok, let's brooklyn, so you're right, he's unprotected in this exercise. So glibly outrages bridges came johnson, claxton, Finney smith, own hill, whatever their late, whoever they sharp camp thomas, whoever but they're, leaving benson separately
it hoping somebody takes him and he's totally unprotected and unprotected and guess what I just took: em we're bringing them to seattle. Introducing new gus lambs are the scientists and we're gonna rebuild you Ben simmons near him. Be the face of our franchise and also I got to spend eighty nine million dollars. I need one expensive guy So why is he there? Are you serious? Are you have this for the video? I am not doing it for the video. I think if I m an expansionary, What's the worst thing that could happen, I want bad anyway right, wrong, gonna be bad. I want to have a bottom five team. I wanna take flight. errs on guys who have talent. I wanna take assets that I feel like. I can flip and I want to have a certain identity and with simmons dessert five percent chance. He might put it back together. He's like twenty five like this is over this there's other
then cocaine stories- and you know shit like that. There's no the origin of this ever in the history league, where somebody just completely lost at at like age. Twenty four who is now be a guy- and I know the odds are against it, but if I'm in the spain team. What do I care all our other dyson benjamin's, but I will tell the nets like I'll take Ben simmons, but can I get a first in like two thousand twenty nine or you know flow me three seconds down the road or something I would try to get something from it, but I would I would want in this wow. I would just he would never have taken away no way. I don't want him around. I don't want to see his videos being posted speaking of videos in the off season and then not plan like his whole. The Jj Redick podcast episode alone would make an honest half take him I'll, use the thing about football player
the basketball players when they hit there lay twenties there is the latter track record of guys either figuring out maturing just kind of patent shit together, and maybe it happens with him. I think it's worth the gamble, europe, the biggest her dress. you just take a guy that I've literally ever heard of, and I follow basque buffer living it was then the minnesota summer league seen this year, was written with israeli dublin down that road. Just trying to go for it. Like I have a list of players like hey. I was kind of like that. Guy. What happened to Kyra He would have been on the biggest regrets. You didn't take fuckin Alvarado, gimme, the dale and terry chicago bulls and, like I just always liked his game. That's a good one adam. He was probably expec use on a radar, yeah yeah. had seen the hour. I don't think I'm an expansion to him. I need somebody, that's going.
The fuckin malls in seattle, with my jersey on and in for a little balls outpost They do interviews who's gonna, be just like the fan favorite immediately, especially Ben simmons, I'm. I think I need you guys are ever right. The average a pic now makes way more sense because you make it you're trying to light counter. Whatever vibes you have him wearing cities yet aim. Forty one. I need a shooter who has trade by and its same hazard time. I knew that was the bigger Look, I can't believe it took so long. I was, I must take aim of two rounds ago, but I knew I could get him ran around and cheap contract has played in some games sneaky snake. Decent defender he's got better every year and I look forward to Saint benson.
find him in the coroner four corners varies so it can. Claims tillman, Alvarado, mcdaniel, skilling, haze, zeke, magic Ben simmonds in same hazard, it's pretty good basque about it. You have quint grimes jail and johnson gay pain, rick Arabia, Chris Duarte, dwight power. The minnesota They legend and down and in theory, you wanna go here. Do you wanna go twelve, fifty eight words which, after one from every time. We have not had a laker, yet now we haven't and I'm gonna pay homage to. Let you know that, even though my approach would tell you At cam reddish be like hey what happened to that? Guy baby now regret not going to happen, and it's funny that we are.
for five minutes about whether they would leave dealer unprotected, and we have just taken sixteen players and he has been picked it you knew. I wasn't taken, I'm not I now I can just get him later excited about it. You could take em sixty. Should we talk about miami in the reason I bring, this up is for one specific reason aren't so my protected. I have butler bam, hero jailer, Martin, yo rich, whose apparently fuckin awesome, actually that's kind of it. Willard but I like yoga before the draft I I'll give it to his. I don't think you should be the centre piece of a dame lowered trade that I, like em, that's gonna jump, that's gonna be out. They actually have the kind of protect lowery right to keep the money for potential trade. The thing is yet it I had them, leaving Kevin love and high psmith unprotected okay. So if Highsmith is unprotected and taken him right now, the problem is Its butler ban, martin, hero, yo village, duncan
Sancho Larry, their stolen eight spot for them and they probably protective smith or love right. Swift that aside, what makes more sense for them. I had highsmith projected like I worked it to go right. This is another one of the miami heat culture, development, the eyes and if I think, there's somebody who I like some of his minutes- and I like the lotto highsmith minutes last year- and I would like them yet so then he's protected. We can't manipulate like I had. I met late last night, where I was like just fucking get precious that you are unprotected and get you dude and then I was like now at that's. I can't break the rules, the game. I had a man protected because at that we're accounting rookies, but since we aren't, I think he has a script. They didn't have enough guys, I probably kevin love for that year and it's not a ton of money, so we'll be okay. What about Jonathan isaac for orlando? Ah so,
not taken him yet full has barely a year there was a hundred percent available. I think he is took as its faults. Cartagena APOLLO France Suggs call anthony I think they would just be now. Even though is probably been available for, while kiki angles, then the two rookies that will leave but tarsi harris isaac about it added protecting those personally. they would per dagmar wagner. Wrangles cause hey and brother yeah, ok and careless use in a cage? two years ago, jet howard, so I don't think he's here is a scandalous and pick inzana linda you look at it. Bulgaria is basically it is forty that there were a few teams that when I did the exercise and when I you know what this is actually is a challenging. I thought. Okay, let me ask you this one that yeah
would have done this already. Had I not lost track of it. The passers bruce brown turner, shield, Mcconnell mouth or in top halliburton nam heart is it? Is it Mcconnell available instead of nam heart in Isaiah Jackson, I think what it is is a jail and smith. Nora, Isaiah, jackson, nam heart, it's it's like weird thing, but never was a plain real minutes form. So am I used ass having protected write to me, it's been in Mcconnell on top and and I think they protect Mcconnell cause. I think he has real value. sending me I say, Jackson's unprotected, I think top and has to be both of those guys are I do should discuss this earlier, oh yeah, you know I had relaxing arise now we cause I'd walker down. So top in or as a jack and pick one super too that their protect between those two probably top.
In writing as a trading form. Yet so then gimme Isaiah Jackson, yet you got it. That's a good pic. I just didn't take us one time when I went through it I was like: how did I leave them heart unprotected cause? Then I thought what would it be? A Mcconnell thing he's: look, I'm not taken Mcconnell second overall, so these protected charlotte if charlotte As la mellow and mark lambs and rosier in cody barton as for an end
I assume they're protect miles bridges and hayward that six nick richards is seven. So then it's either book night or cod jones. They protect jones overbook night, so book nights available them that excited about that. That's conveyed that that's probably going be the last team and I am going to take one of the clippers. I'm gonna take bones: island no kidding yeah. I want a documentary about your team on the road, so who did you leave because its peak? Why pals you watch. it's a camera materials me in markets more as sir did earlier, westbrook unprotected adam protected. I think I'd projected into down there.
Does any debate there catching aren't. I had them protected and then it's between like more spittoon plumply bones boston and come in time for the last, but I assume that would protect plum lake as they need em riah that's why I came down to bones and plumlee for me as well, so I'll. Let you go ahead and take bones great: who do you got? I get. The pickings are getting slim They are each had nine players we have later, no laker. No, you touch ass person has been taken, yet What can we shall manage from you top yet? Would you scouts like about him, his diet, Dedicated at an early age- and he picked up garbage once at a practice after he played in the game and then they get done and he walked around picked up a bunch of garbage and or like this gag making a franchise.
I'm a guy. It's interesting, they're, probably rooting for somebody to take her and took her. Then this would be my guess. They may even could have floated propaganda protected first and two thousand thirty eight to take her in tucker from them. Man really slim pickens, now This is gonna. Get really aren't you at the end, because we're only we're. Only going like every team has to lose somebody. I need some size and a and a clubhouse guy. After my last two picks or two. My last three picks I'm going to take robin lopez, cheap back, a big guy, spinning begins what yeah, but how to know it electronically rome out their milwaukee. That was easy. Walking with supervision.
And for tat, roger robber lopez, beazley, yes, age, a green, and that in that taken in a debate in the tec beauchamp, oh I forgot. How could it taken finance ass? You could have let it will allow it for the sake of content. I changed my pick. I didn't have him ran down, I'm takin the and then I then to be in every who knows yacht ass. I get to be in all those stories. Thanks for the assist, ok, J scrub not available after the house or pick those lot later than I thought it would be now. We should be just looking at the teams that we haven't pick from yet, and it gets a little tough here. Do I do it is kind of events it you gotta have been some money, gimme shock window like it, I love a guy. I was gonna take him and I thought we already had taken a houston guy
Did we get this? This mistake is definitely come in, so I'm gonna take him and that's a good peck like that. One. Now. We mentioned it because you were like. Are you gonna, take Jeff green and I I held off. I know that sucks it sucks to do that. Jeff green. But although landis contract four years, thirty, two million through twenty eight to thirty one- can ask you a phoenix question. So if its katy booker eight and beaten gordon as the top five protected and then the next three come from occurring, I met two white nabi, bates, dia, bulbul and goodwin and they're probably protected bulb. Alright, I don't have them protected. I have Damien Lee and Matthew protected after the first six that I want what nabi can have them. Yeah yeah. I had one character. I like one Abby,
if the shooter for me you'd have to shoot. It saw eight Ben simmons, so many shooters around him for him to find way. Where are your shooters again? I have a. I have tillman, I have hauser, I have what Nabil like it Got some good kid chemistry with analysis? What is a Alvarado? What do you think Washington would do they can't trade for pool and leave him unprotected right now? Now I the question for me is: would they leave johnny Davis unprotected cause? I have. I have them with pool kozma ties jones, I add the jaw and I kiss bert, kiss bert sets five I had and then protected, and then they have Davis reg
offered patch of baldwin and sham it shame at once be anytime. You got money spent yeah. The johnny gave us if they wanted to protect johnny. It might come down a patch of ball with junior johnny Davis decision. That could be the eighth protected I'd. I actually think it's the same thing as we talked about before they would have to protect Janni Davis because differ from office, though not like winger took them still embarrassing, This, isn't I mean there's there's a certain level of factoring that in but not one you didn't take the guy, but you gotta, you gotta, take the vegas. Regrets have to take 'em. I think. If, if he's available, he was like the ninth pick in the draft. Speaking of regrets right, yeah, give me colorado. Are we cool with that yeah cause? Wait, we didn't. We didn't take any one from toronto, yet correct now it's just the eight we made them available and that's a good. We just went through it. Okay, I got the error.
Well, the teammates here obviously love that team, but I just didn't end up with matheran and right now, I'm on the phone with dallas trying to see if they'll give me a future first forever. Sean holmes for me to Debbie downer, but I took polarity off the plane and did we say nurkic is unprotected, he's definitely unprotected. We we can go through it. If you want, I don't is any possible way. I'm going to take them. I have some. I think I have some money to spend. So if I have simmons at thirty roy of simmons at forty thirty eight, maybe I don't have money for I don't think I have money for hauser that are for dinner, kitchen
Is it thirty seven this year nurkic is at eighteen. Yet I don't have the money from tsar nurkic nurkic. The nurkic deal is just like it's painful saga. It wasn't even a question of of him being protected or not. For portland I had lillard grant Simon sharp nos little bible. I even had like I ran out of guys to even pick and then they've got three rookies on it. So keen on Johnson Jabari protect those guys, and then I left noor coach unprotected because it's seventeen, eighteen and nineteen I'm going to take Kevin love from miami. We almost have to go back now and, like figure out which teams still haven't had somebody taken from him: Maybe we just take. She would just take twelve or call it a day, twelve each. I love that idea, scar, quits, so no lakers got taken. You want to take what will take tomorrow. What you want to take take a legere jackson, Hayes
no way no exit heads regional rather grab somebody stage jackson is, do you know I was in watch this weekend for us, celebrity basketball, game and dwight howard was there and played in it what jackson hazel there too. Seed online jackson is verbal day now looks guinea to me. I'm not doing reddish, I'm not taken jackson, that figure I'm not taken a laker fuck! You man, ok, you won't work. Mass finishing I wouldn't do that either the philly deal. Is I don't want any there and unprotected I mean, maybe I guess I could take. taking your house. Junior taken was dirty and then. Did we say johnny, Davis's, unprotected or not. I dunno that we landed on an answer for it if it'd take them all right:
I will say they protect rules is voted for the content. I had so final teams to vegas regrets, quaint ground. jail and johnson gary peyton ricky rubio quiz, Chris duarte toy pow? minnesota semele hero, damon terrier? their jackson, samantha judge, jack Lando, colocolo house. Can reach lambs, Xavier Tillman, Jose Alvarado out of jail. Him Zeke was navvy Ben simmons same answer: bones highland the nasa's. What nobby Kevin love Johnny Davis, let's bring sudan who is just watching this wondering what the fuck was going on. Thirty one, team. What team did you like? Marges off the cuff, the seattle supersonic? So the vaguest regrets, which tend to I think, can win double digit win
In their first season act, if it cannot take neither her I mean I really liked it could, I think, couldn't grabs the best guy and I have received the first pic. I dont really love either team, I rule I love the bill was like yahoo were building culture here in seattle and indeed the end citizens like we're dead, Rod or bring going to culture guys in medical ethics, Larry dig beds limits so on that allow when I think I have to say with rising. Listen when you have a great culture you couldn't afford, one wild card take company. They went well cared a near if we're talking about taken a couple while cards, though I was surprised, I actually, I would have her- I mean I'm probably in the minority here no magic players taken, I would protect, Did isaac, I just think you still valuable nigger if you're gonna take Ben simmons, at least like isaac is out of there. I think both can you take both make a buck with, but the guy's, a good defensive player at a bare minimum? I don't know I know we re always likes and snuff colored
It is totally different now to like the reality what are you so? Basically one yang, so I don't know I think, he's right. Did we take a pacer yeah took I say, jackson, oh yeah, okay, I think you're right so deep, so you don't think benjamin's will get drafted in this city. I actually agree with you. I think I would take him, but I am also not I wouldn't say I'm building for culture than technical then take him, but I think yet. Why not take a fly? Who cares ngos? It can happen. He just sits out for the next four years, like solid you're, going to be that good soon. Do you agree with us that neither of us took D'Angelo russell That was just a dealer bias. Or do you think it's that deal by its deal reality, but what are you talking about cause I advocate
Gillian, Hayes spot where basically killing heads or dyilo, I can't have both- and I just was like I'd rather take a flyer and killing a twenty two makes one third, the money I guess I'd want to know like. Can I flip him in a couple of months yeah? If that's the case, then I would, I would have definitely taken deangelo over join Hayes, but if I'm talking about guys that actually just wouldn't want to play and see if I could build something yeah, I'm not taking D'Angelo Russell, the the actual Russell Kevin porter junior, any of those guys you mentioned christian, would like know their hard passes. Yeah right because I mean deangelo- is arguably more talented and original Now we just talk about right now. I'm texting of the information reporters being leg, don't be surprised if scientists consider seattle on two years, he's always loved the pacific northwest he's very comfortable there. He went a couple years ago. He loves it. One of the bad aggregator sites has a quote the. It is amazing analysis, had there been had
I assume it could be this good. He would have been funny if the vegas regrets just took off clutch clients. That was another thing we could have done yeah it could have taken nourish is darker to clutch guy yeah. It was one of the more surprising things I was going through the contract. Last night I was like oh nurkic, and I are both. Teams are going to be terrible yeah. My hope was that a young guy that got lost in the shuffle I have stated twice already, but that was that was what we were saying in our draft room like we're put together. Our lives were like: let's give ourselves multiple chances at a couple guys. It may be followed through the cracks we like before the draft. I still can't believe I don't know who you are working for to take carriage williams and then deny us man programme city, I'll, dama, moravian from memphis, taking save it and then the alvarado ones, even worse, as kyra E J. Maybe
Energy Marshall. You have cairo right now, just go trade form, I'd be up for the exercise of all the things that you had here. I can't believe I can't believe what you do with your first three picks. I can't believe I can't wait for Alvarado to tweet at you and like three days with an eyeball mosey. Some people are in yet some like that. I know that some work left. My guess is this expansion draft isn't going to get to them. That's just a guess. Alright, this is fun reseller good. To see you. We have no other mba news to talk about cause, Examining but you can check out his pack ass, we're gonna be doing the a over unders with house and probably first second week of october, on the spot cast and you have some live, shows down the road that we had a talk with talk.
At some point? Can we promote any those yet or no? We can't ya think. We could do the ole. Miss are going to be ls, you will miss van and I are going to do a show together before the game. I think Friday night before the game in the near and as September right yeah, and then I'm going to do something locally here in manhattan, beach, which we think is pretty much done but and then I think, there's an f one deal potentially in vegas, so excited yep van wants to go to baton rouge with you and do alive pod, and he says He says there will be people there waiting for it. So just I I like going to baton rouge as much as anywhere in the fall. I just don't really like working once I get there now I will say Cerruti thanks for scylla, that's fine enjoy the vegas or grads can't wait for the merch. Alright, that's it. Ass thanks to priscilla, thanks as a blakely thanks to steal,
serenity. Dont, forget about destination nba, a jelly gotta see preparing on prime video available to stream. tuesday august. Eight, three hundred through actual we become in tomorrow night national anthem, vacation and I'm gonna be gone for the next. Weeks coming back Sunday august twentieth that night and we are back at that point? You got me for the next tenant athens, so I am going to keep doing some nfl prep work, I'm going to keep throwing myself into a bunch of different things: get ready for the four policies and for the basque buses and for everything ass. We have a lot of great things come in at the ringer side, and that said, I will see you in two weeks
we can be proud car went in
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-12.