« The Bill Simmons Podcast

Part 1: USA’s World Cup Collapse, Basebrawls, Jets Optimism, Life in The G-League and ‘The OC’ 20 Years Later | with Gabe York and Zoe Simmons


In Part 1 of a two-part podcast, The Ringer’s Bill Simmons opens with a 6-pack of topics including the US women’s soccer team going out of the World Cup in the round of 16 and more (4:30). Next, he chats with Gabe York, one of the stars of the new documentary “Destination NBA: A G-League Odyssey” (45:15) before closing it out chatting with his daughter Zoe Simmons about the 20-year anniversary of “The OC” (1:04:07).

Host: Bill Simmons

Guests: Gabe York and Zoe Simmons

Producers: Isaiah Blakely and Steve Ceruti

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Coming up an unexpected to par podcast cameo from me. Next, this absolutist, brought by jerzy MIKE subs jersey, excuses. Only the highest quality meats and cheeses piled high with fresh produce get a jersey max. I liked the buffalo chicken cheesecake here's, what ass francs redheads us. Let us tomatoes wet american yes and blue cheese dressing, I'm a double cheese guy with myself, one things drip and all over the place ass. They, like the bigger energies, dick growing in spain, where's, mushrooms, albania's, an extra weight americans es, don't get a an awesome cheese. Take situations at here now in council so does it to my favorite just place your order through the app. There is great you can order, had and pick it up habits livered you can even earn free ups, I've seen it happen. Jersey, wags, a sub above download the app.
now this, so the bill summons pack ass. This brought, you buy hills, pet nutrition, hill food. Shelter in the programme provides science led nutrition for cats and dogs and shelters across north America. They ve helped more than thirteen million pets find new homes, amazing every we feed your pet hills. You help me to shelter pet, which helps make them healthy, happy and more adaptable. Everybody wins especially pets defined forever home by the baghdad, gives back visit, hills, pet dhaka com, slash podcast, to learn more, whereas arrested by the ringer pat Cox. At work where we turned over sean venison amended. Dobbins is big picture feed to Brien raftery. It's a narrative pack called. Do we get to win this time? How hollywood made the vietnam war you can find in the big picture, starting on tuesday and it is an idea I'm really excited about, because it came from a class. I did as senior college in nineteen. Ninety to me, my friend Horrocks talk, the movies professor.
Doing especial vietnam war movies class, where we watched basely every vietnam, war movie that had been made up to ninety ninety to an end, That's right, a big picture term paper about it. and that they now is really fast and about that class, and something that stuck with me was just that whole concept of hollywood, ray bending the entire view, now experience under the premises? we get to win this time. So we brian evolved and he turned the idea, into an awesome awesome package, even when dug up the term paper, accurate, thirty one years ago that it can be horrendous, wasn't bad, it's kind of problem. self retroactively. Thirty one years later, anyway, do we get to this time, how hollywood made the vietnam war is going to in the big picture past starting on Tuesday sets one piece of business. Second, new rewatch balls on Monday night. It is the three hundred movie that, within it
special one we're doing at national impudence vacation. It was time me, Chris rhine, vain, laidthem, yeah and ban was pushing for it because we want I had to do christmas vacation or now. This kid do chris vacation for international. Foods vacation, superfine Janeway view to listen to it. and will be running the video at some point on the youtube channel: youtube dot com, slash bill simmons, where we put up a whole bunch of a rewatch, most podcasts in case you missed him. Boogie nights is up there now goodfellas independence day, just a slew of 'em, so if you're bored- and you want to throw some rematch, wasn't much us make fun of each other. There go last but not least I dont want to say this is the most important, but it certainly thing I spent the most time on. documentary that we did about the g league with religion, sports ring. Films we combined and is preparing on tuesday august state that is called destination mba a jelly gotta see it's really good. We most ourselves into the g league season. We follow
Skewed Anderson gave you work ran around, his joints and Denzil valentine and the big quest and was what is this world like? What's it like to be in the g leg, and I am really proud of where we landed with that, and we even have much later in this pact. as gave you work is, in a common he's, one of the five that we followed and he's gonna tell us what it's like as your hold onto your dream. In lay twenties. We try not to spoil the dock too much with gay, but I really liked them he's. Probably the guy jumps out of the dock in the most sympathetic way. So look for it for you, for you add to watch it. It is private ear tuesday augustine destination, MBA Julie, gotta, you yola basque, about just watch it it's good, so there this can be part. One of the two power package gave is coming up later. My daughters Simmonds is coming up later because we did a whole bunch of o c staff. On the prestige tv past, I was even onto the episodes that ended up She sees one of the sea, and my
I was watching with us and love the show, and she born a year and a half after prepared so mean her brother. And see someone from the perspective of what is illegal and somebody eighteen watch The sea is show that is now two decades old, though the anniversary was actually august sex and what What you didn't like? What people aren't doing anymore fer, you know, what kind of audience- and we just go into it, so that as much later first come, and I commend the gate, I'm an open, a six back, because we have a lot to discuss over the past three weeks, other stuff I mess that can be part one and in part to which is getting later on Senate mean Marcello do in this area. And idea that we have always wanted to do and this he might perfect time his nothing's happening about while sets be party late tonight per one common up, first, our friends from project
taken this sunday afternoon, pacific time and to open a six, there's a bunch of stories in sports and culture. That happened last savages, rain, steph them things. I would have been found for power ass, I venture to say man. I wish I could get my thoughts on that. Just gonna rid threw him, so I have six in them a couple of bonus ones at the end, the first one, the biggest one was the? U S, woman soccer team, which lasted a penalty tax to sweden Scored zero girls- no ass, your games one goal in the last three games now offer corner kick. You could feel from the beginning that something
at this time it was like all the ways of eu near a checklist like what are the? What are the red flag staring red flags galore and the only person who is really calling it out in time over and over again was carli lloyd. Who was doing the fox studio show and she was like the one person the horror movie knows. The house is haunted, never as like, shut up you're, not be patriotic you just what you were still in the team. She was right. She was right from the gecko, this team. You could see before the vietnam game, when, I look at the new nike suits these new suits and there are like style and as the head interlock roman there commercials and every player has a commercial there's. Players have never done anything of commercials and the virus is the they only be vietnam, three, nothing any in a bracket work The franco was gonna, be super duper important, and that was a huge red dreadful Can we did the usual thing, though we ve been doing since it. As ninety two does fifteen of Well, they almost scored a bunch turns times. Oh well,
gone in her ass, bad luck. There resisting arrogance to this team like they were care themselves. I've been offending champs. The same way like the denver nuggets would go into next NBC like where the chance as I get you are the champs, because this is it just happened. To look up four years ago, everyone's for years older or wasn't on the team and you can see, they wanted to build the team instead of around the identity of here these new up coming awesome stars are going to be in your life. They were really latching odd to Alex morgan, a meagre pino outsmarted, thirty four may group thirty seven. I think one over there It says between the discourse with women's sports and men's sports. Is that in men's sports we grass for angles and if somebody is disappointing in some way, we really go nuts, like think of how James harden's been treated over the last twelve years, so he's one of the thirty five best bars ever and as they could just incredible man? Oh shit, oh my god, the playoffs!
Look at his game log. He choked again- alex morgan, who scored twice first to games in the world cup in two thousand lemon. She scored once in two thousand fifteen in setting games. She scored six times in two thousand. In five against thailand in a game? That was thirteen and nothing one in the other sex and then scored nothing in the four games. This time round, you take away that thailand game. She I scored two goals in the last. Seventeen world cup games is the striker. This is the one who's supposed to be the most dangerous player in the field. Who's supposed to produce calls he has a pretty girl since the mid two thousand tents and the national level, and yet it Alex morgan? She was supposed to be the next one. We gotta keep proper out from pretending, she's a superstar she's, not a superstar she's really honestly never been a superstar, the she certain has been as powerful as somebody like everyone back was. She had the tea built around her she's gotta play they player than our game game to the entire game game. Three she plays,
ninety five minutes and in this game today and then ask our goals. need answers. Just won't talk about it. It's like being anyway, I so team that your kids on and the coaches point somebody striker in IRAN. wait a minute they play sally striker instead of the coach, his daughters, AL. You know the coach, his daughter, scatter scott, play there so yeah then you ever pino is thirty, seven years old, whose just you know, unfortunately, great career, legendary, true legend, huge big type where and when he lay thirties and soccer it's a rap. She she looked like you Donaldson repeater, that big retainer and comes out for the last twenty five minutes of this game and cant. Do anything in the mrs dependent, a kick that's the thing. If you're behold in the past performance, you can accept
act to succeed in the moment, and I did feel like that. What it, what were, the steam strengths, speed? They had severe smith, who really was bad. The lesser games on the left. Like my she just She can't! Even can it passes trinity rodman his beast linen I'm so super fast athletic and had some really nice moments last against men, illicit thompson, who's, the prodigy, whose, though you know potential tie girl abroad of this time. Eighteen years old, best scope for I've ever had. They won't even throw out there, but this was not a team that could connect, passes, they weren't, like especially creative. The coaching was just bizarre and will never see that guy in, but it was like them then they did have a speed, especially the forwards, and they just throw that away and alex you no can do anything so neither out it's it's the most disappointing finish of the last twenty five years for the woman's them.
And it reminds me in a lot of ways that two fo two thousand and four olympic basketball team, that we had the usa team- and I tweeted this- I think after the second game, because that was the team that was between eras, like this one was where all the best players on that two thousand and fourteen the ones in their primes weren't that good, except for Duncan and Duncan, was completely banged up. He'd played so many mba games last couple of years. I think his knee was hurt, but you know is iverson marbury in ages. The talent This was a between areas and you had guys in the bench like lebaron and carmelo own wade, who were for years away, call wasn't on the team and I generally generationally, like we caught their team in the right time. The style was wrong, and we learned all these lessons have moved on two thousand eight. We went documentary about it, but this team, while I go between areas, doubts morgan, repeated era which was basically done, and then
this era coming up with rodman and severe smith and illicit, and you know I just four years from now will probably find, but they need to re. Imagine this. I think if you gonna learn any lessons from this. It doesn't matter for four years ago, thought up in matters was happy now. That's one thing second thing so: jail embrowned, its huge contract three hundred four million dollars. Some people seem surprised that it was that much money chris right and took a shy that we did our lab, we watch was hurt. My feelings, tiny bit main mainly be They will ever come back resell it. It's up on his pack asked about how This actually makes sense this amount of money. When you think of how the sailor cap as climb just since two thousand fifteen- and it's gonna, keep climbing and there's this world. You can go into where you think about this just how much everything is gonna cost in the nba for five years. From now that jail embryo
Seventy million is an enacting it'd, be that intimidating the same. We feel about tobias harris verve, forty million our equate thompson. Forty minor yea don't really want to pay forty million for clay Thomsen, but you can survive it. You now, and I think that's gonna be where the south exclaimed magellan. Here's why they had to do it there, the favorites and fanned over, now there plus four seventy the thing that, made them the most special and has made them a special for the last five six years. Is the jailer brown jason tatum combo, they ve been incredibly successful. The team itself has made I've conference violence in the last seven years. They came super close to make them last year that you know I have now gone it whatever zone with that self esteem or what? If tatum, doesn't hurt his ankle on the first play? Do we beat miami and they were close as the point and when you're, that close, you can't fuck around, Is that bradley beal resigning with washington for
fifty million year. When everybody knows you can't get past the eight seed with bradley bill. This is different. You're trying to win the title you we keep by europe's now reopen the thing. That's all gary about it- nobody's the totally know if he wants to be a boston, this essential discussed on this pod. It's been floating out there, the fact that wasn't happy by landing in the cabin rant trade rumours couple years ago, and just in general, where the league is now where, as what was called the transfer portal, where people get their contract first and then they decide what they want to do, and I think for the south extended about themselves a year with jail in and there are still one of the favourite stolen the title and allowed it's getting depend on health and posing ass. You could also, I don't want to make the case, but you might Be able to make the case that brown had a fucked up pan last year, because he did because he sliced his hand open. It was bleeding even during the philly series, and maybe that was why his ballhandling went sideways at listen,
got into the contract, it just breakthrough and I remember a million years ago sports illustrated inside for it say every year that would have like a salary issue in their talk about these guys are making one million dollars a year and its like so much money, and now, where were we we're ready with the money plus the embers the meteorites deal at them, in any these guys becomes unhappy. Would he do because your pants jail in. Let's say you, your pennant, fifty five. Ninety air pussy is the trade sector which the team ass to pay right. So few after you know I'm tired of being the scapegoat everybody jason, I'm like them, little brother of this team, I want my own team- only refuse dinner Lana, yet trade me we're inside it's gonna do on top of, you would want You don't have a lot of options and you turn into this. The situation portland with dame and then on top of it. It's
much money, it's impossible to get any sort of a fair trade for the guy, so they had to do it in its image. the option out that comes out of it, is frightening. Remember in the early two thousands when the first time the contracts cannot went, nuts and you'd see that people get signing like six six year hundred billion dollar deals seven year hundred ten ideas and the subjects really really stupid. They traded for vin baker, one where's shades of the last thirty years, robust in sports, a trade so bad. You knew it instantaneously and I wrote a peace they can probably find somewhere in the us. And archives about it when compared to the end of thelma Louise, when harvey cartels running toward the cliff trying to stop the car from going off the cliff I thought about the baker kid: when it happened, then it happens. and you just said this salary albatross right. It's a seller cap we ignore like, while we just through a twenty percent of our salary cap on this, and this trade theirs
be a couple of those that are just franchise killers and whether that leads to them have the bringing back in. The class? Who knows? I sadly, this may have had this idea before I wish that They had a ruin their that if you drafted a guy every year, he stays in the team. You get me worded in some way from a salary cab, luxury tax type thing right, suggestion with today's sixteen draft. The sabbath is eight year, maybe like after the seventh year, cosette, usually like the third contract, the guy stays in the team made each year after that, he doesn't count. for per cent of the luxury tax. Up to like thirty percent. Something like that, like the is like the warrior should be rewarded for keeping dream on, and clay inquiry from attacks standpoint that they were. That's why the draft those guys keep those guys together, they should be incentivize the players to want to see
with them, because there's some luxury taxed at that the team gets the tea, you wanna, be incentives to take care of those guys because it's a beneficial them. I just wish, I figured out some version that rule anyway, Jalen was always signing for three hundred and four million talked to me in a year. I'll keep my fingers crossed next thing. I miss the running back pity party, this this crazy. The running backs all got together and really have set about how much do they made, and I do not tell you there's too many runny backs and not enough running back spots, and I dont know if you're trying to build a responsible, sailor kept him in a collectively bargained era. Why spend thirty million hours over two years on a running back unless the running back with us. Nobody even wants to spend more than eleven million dollars on running back. So I knew that this was crazy when Damien Harris, who is on the patriots who I thought, was really good. You know he's
maybe not in elite running back, but a good running back right is somebody that If he had been on, the chief see easily could started for the chiefs and he signed with them. as for like one year, two million and when that happened combined with project on the chiefs. Seventh rampage. They wouldn't support them. Is this budget, since devalued. I work on this player. I've been actually work in the last few weeks. I try to rank the prayers for blue shippers, red shippers, pink shippers, honourable mention, and have this whole points system, and so backs the homes who's the alpha that position he's worth ten points right, You can even see this second point spread of mohamed gets hurt. The chiefs are ten points points whatever the less than what they would be as a favorite they'd switched an unlucky and you go and analyze like you know, jail in it is, I had him as an eight Joe burrow is a name and you go on Keep going down as a genome is probably too, but then you look at
in the other positions, and you have to value them the same way: the salary cap via them and teams by them guards. They aren't worth that much running back sorry, they're, not worth them much. My tap or any back was three points because ultimately running back. Don't really matter that much in the last five six years, I would say Derek henry The only running back there you definitively say this guy. Almost all the superbowl like he was that it other than that. You know it's plugin play quarterbacks, it's free the it's much harder to find the number one receiver. Every team needs one. It's it's much more tangible. If you don't have the number one receiver and its much here too just kind of scrap together the running back position, and yet people people went nuts about this. We are we had this in the bay was centres in a the budget is a really good off and software he signed, for. Sixty million for three years, twenty million a year in june browns gonna, make fifty two
billion dollars. A year is, is jailer brown two and a half, it's better than boost a no it's just. He plays of way more important position, you only by one centre and a time you can, had together the centre position you could have like as a heart and steam for free million hours. You could, you know, get at it. robber williams for sixteen, you don't need to span, Phoenix did on eight, where their eight thirty million dollars a year at centre, and you don't really need to do that. You kind of feel obligated You don't know, is the asset, but I think the nba gonna go this way eventually were unless it is yoke age or indeed the centre or burma? Bio, sir bonus could argue that was already in overpay. They get a huge extension. The lakers just gave Anthony Davis sixty million dollars a year. As an extension, I would. that's a little frightening. I tell you hats together the centre position? What really matters and basque about having the creator? And this was the argument five years ago with local verses,
furthermore pick and I made this argument- is a goal Look at who, in the end, the title? It's always the people who have the creek iter there's somebody who's on the primrose bond, their hands even yoke edge. He wins the title this year he was a creator. not a typical centre. Right is basically their point garden offensive proposed up so This happened in the nba, nobody went nuts. And this is happening in football, and this is where football is you know, if you want to make the the matter money playing in the night nfl. I dunno. Why? We'll be running back, I would, I would be a corner back I'll be wide receiver. You know, I'd be an edge russia, but you're running back. You know yourself life's probably like five six years. You know the money is not totally gonna, be there. Neither in this is that you have people I Jackie dobbins. I am at all doubt that really you barely play in the field.
hardly said he was gonna hold out, and then you know probably looked at it and four barclays berkeley, like ten eleven million, that's enforcing the market, so you can't fix this. They collectively bargained it and Until we get the next c b, I don't know how to fix it about. It was really weird. It felt, like people had nothing to talk about it was like. Oh, let's, let's feel bad for running backs. Alright, let's take a break and then I'm going to finish the rest of the six pack. this episode brought by jerzy MIKE subs jersey excuses. Only the highest quality meats and cheeses piled high with fresh produce get a jersey max. I liked the buffalo chicken cheesecake, here's, what ass francs redheads us, let us tomatoes, wet americans Yes and blue cheese dressing, I'm a double cheese guy with myself. one things drip and all over the place, isolate the big logistic growing in spain.
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picking up on the six pack room talk a little more football. I talked about the running back pity party. This is a different kind of party. The jets optimism which has just been studied to me over the course of DR jets bands of my life. These are people, you say, have no hope and are reminiscent the preacher. Does a format, sack stance, assuming the worst at all times, Why does god hate us all that stuff, this crazy optimism, based on the fact that they brought in aaron rodgers, who I didn't I was very good last year, just thrown that out there. When say he was bad, but for roger. Sues bad me with rogers is, he was the reigning envy and we thought he was still you no one five or six most impact for personal ligon. I want to read stats eve. Next six minutes, but depots whose bad turnovers his bad leadership is bad and they his fur rogers coming back, would be well
can be rejuvenated the jets near city? This is his team. He got away from green bays, got hack it back again, but is also at an age where we really only seen Tom Brady Exceed at a high level at the age of rogers is that china figure makes you be ratings, and I had you know that hot tears, moms and burn out and herbert and hurts it's that those have to be. The top. Five then drops off. And its Lamar jackson and lawrence and then rogers I'll a hare underneath them with a chance to play himself up with those guys, from what we saw last year, I'm not ready to put them there. So is the tenth best quarterback in the league, probably tenth or ninth best quarterback in the league. Probably will they have no offensive line in I don't understand why keep people keep glossing over this, where they have
rodgers and garrett will say he's one of the best receivers in the league and precise is going to come back and the defense is really good and it's a year off into wine, is terrible, backed in dwayne brown. She tackles again. And then you have rabbits hours. The coach who I cannot say I thought the jets were crisply. coach last year, whatever you do, is act Wilson was insane. No, I at that guy's, even a decent coach. So am I worried about your office align the age of your quarterback in the competency of your coach in before we get into the hard knocks curse cause for some residual. Our backs, the incredible superbowl bowl hype and then we have. The schedule, which is the aim seized, is just got screwed by the schedule this year, the jets just for quarterbacks Seventeen games, they upload by Josh Allen, twice to get played holmes herbert hurts that guided the shower watson and then
I also have to play my amy twice- will see if we know what we get added to the share and then a really good pats defence, in denver who does they might be rejuvenated so danny dimes aft plan. It is it brutal schedule see her that on top of everything else, you the jets. I was there with the red sox before two thousand for in the end, this is probably just as bad. We just think the worst possible. Things can happen as all time you're, not a lad of optimism. When you jets, France can be cautiously optimistic there entire kirby enthusiasm, absurd one season, turnip said seven about being a jets fan and it was called, I think, the ugly section nick crow is the major day, and part of the episode was about. He would put these people in different sections. Restaurant opinion how attractive they were, but as other pot larry's buddy. Led. The jets kills himself and larry becomes convinced. It was because of the jets that the jets killed this fred. This is only a cup
years ago. So now they get aaron rodgers and everything's get and they're gonna win the superbowl I don't see a guys. I do want to step on my for past have too much, but I just I'd be shocked and lombardy points out the defence that everyone, is your rhetoric. Barely edify bears lombardy sedate two turnovers everlasting games last season. So that means something to. I am dubious say the least, if you're gonna tell me a tortured franchise, actually turns around this year, I wanna tortured, frame that doesn't have expectations, because the law are another when everybody's is to put them in the super bore close, and you know that in the case for them is just pretty explosive. Offense stop anybody last year and and if these terrible but That's another one: where is that is at a fan base that should be super exciting over tonight, the one that's
and of working that fits in this group is the brats, because the brands are actually super talented? There are no winnable division, boroughs already heard, and I think there for them. to win their sooner than fanned or something like that. There over under is, I think, a climbed up, but. But basically that comes down to is the shun- can be good again either if not enough, for the revision, plus three. Eighty pretty easy schedule and that, like four quarterback they play lamar twice. They play borough twice and rogers, and that said they have town all over the place. They come back, they have a pass rush there right now. The best run it back in the week their receivers better, their defences actually pretty good, and
and the x factors the sean who a couple of years ago was considered one of the best five quarterbacks in the league. It's not it's a much better x factor to me than his robert Salah. My terrible offensive line. Gonna come through. So if I was going to pick a tortured franchise, I'd pick the browns okay next thing on the on the six pack jacket. You know, I don't care about our sports And there's lots of reasons for that? I did not go to school at knock over, like a noted aim or a michigan are now burma where I was like. My whole life revolved around this fourteen. When I was in college, we had a really good college football team at holy cross and we do again by the way, good good. A good football team I bet I jumped back in the bay way in a couple years ago, but for the most part, the card sports thing I enjoyed from afar I always thought it was corrupt. This hell. I always thought it it astonishing that they made so much money from these kids at you,
pass through and that they would just break all these different roles and coaches could just hop teams, but then, if a player transferred there to whittier, so some of us that the sap and I've actually enjoyed like the fact that you can just hop colleges now, if you're a player that you can get paid things like that, but the way is corrupt and college ports has no soul and that's the way it is, and the people that love college parts. They know this deep down but they just enjoy the saturday's. They enjoy the football and I don't blame them a mac, an agenda, but when stuff like the pact, twelve things that happens and the pact or falls apart and now we have Stanford in washed. Instead, and count or against state that they don't have a conference gives I bear this is terrible. I can't believe this that you can't this is called sports. They, of course you can. With it like a are you gonna believe in three years There can be some super covered said forms and blue everybody us out of the water. The only Well, that's figured out.
Really had to navigate this other than the top essie schools, because those goes as basically vienna fell noted aim has been able levitate above this, where there an independent football programme. hey by a b c. They get to pick their opponents You know they get to be in the max and they had the prestige of it, and I wonder, like Stanford, to go one way or the other work today be of course, no day never had have the same kind of pedigree, but could they be an independent? Could they try to build up? Could dig China become? Like starts conference. That's basically, I division one ivy league. Obviously what happens with them? The reason I bring this up, I've been jokes: about how we needed a sports are for like twenty years? Mozilla com and has been a sports are for things like boxing. Why do we have three boxing bautzen? You know I like best above all, we got a step and we can't have eighty two games seasons anymore. Let's go to seventy college. Sport
It's like the number one reason ever sports, our there's so much money at stake and its as corrupt as just that anything else we have, and you know the people. Later evolved to do anything, if it's an extra million bucks and if we had like a You know some people are saying we should have a college sports. Commissioner, to me, it's like this is the job of a of an actual sports are back and report to the president. And is in charge of something that makes billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars across the board and is just in charge. the integrity of stuff like foreign, have these giant mega conferences. Can we lock those down at least know. We have these four mega conferences and that's the way it's gonna go like right. Now, eventually can be sixteen as he see team. Sixteen big ten sixty in big trouble fifteen ac and probably five years from now, that's going. Shifting is something else you know is heading towards this mega conference with, like apple or somebody
starting. This new rival thing that launches. I just wish, we had someone watching over the staff because think about the individual sports, like just having a basketball commissioner anna football commissioner and a baseball, mission hockey. Commissioner, you can say we can complain about those people a million times, and I have- and I have to the point- that is probably even her be professionally a couple times. these. There is somebody who whose job was to now. The gate of the complications between big money, the owners, the players agents, the safety of the game, and you look at college sports and it's just a fuckin quagmire and I don't know whether watching all this stuff from afar to say there is ever a time for somebody to step in either as a commission or as an action? sports, either submit the? It will never happen, because it makes too much sense.
couple other one last thing on the six back and then amicable, quick ones for you so that dame lower trade stuff. I was How do the content game for the last three weeks, which and I was basically added the. If I was doing couldn't the next and try to come up with accidents for days it was so nice to just be out of this for three is leaving it leaving the loop is exerting. I remember I turned on MBA today, just random that I wanted to see. If there's any world cups fine, but the tv was on his pan and it was MBA today and they were arguing with some topic about, it was dame and then they did like who could win defensive player of the year. We know it's august. First, I'm like oh, my god, I'm so glad, I'm not doing a podcast right now, but what are these? I loved the coverage of this saga was hilarious and it was, you're from the beginning. The portland doesn't want tyler here right, they just don't they have scoring.
you don't tell her again however, my airy, whatever buttons that try to push whatever stories. God leaked. However, agri, their vat based their media base, became the fundamental factors that four under my time here, and then we would add these stories that the GM joke- and then he knows this deal of a lifetime. He's resolute he's he's going to get the best deal he possibly can. Then it's like whoa look at what the nets did. Katie wanted to trade, guess what he started the season with them and he did really well and then they got the trade they wanted. Serbia's gonna moved into that, but yet there is a lot of carnage along the way like we had was got attacked by a man. I'm a pike assessed we had, eddie team letter that got and out by damon his agent, which I stood Oh, why they sent the letter, but I guess it was basically to say hey, don't know we're not just saying it's only won t me a dame dame will show up for ever get straight form and
are going to lead to some trade that happens at an awareness of this conjecture. And then out of nowhere. One day, he's gonna get traded. Phyllite toronto for pascal see outcome in an uproar and pet complete whoa. What happened to three months the aim to buy a because it are just say this: I being off for the last three weeks made me real about reevaluated at least some things, especially four things. I want to do this by a, and I don't think I can do content hamster wheel, game anymore with some. These mba stories will do when they hit, but when it's like weak three, They wants to go to miami amount on tap and at that point over to add to the other basque bunches. Ok, some quick is have not seen oppenheimer barbie yet, but this whole area did big me nostalgic to there. like two nights when I wanted to go and there were no seats and was gone on, those grids where you want to go
up and around. Let's see an imax and you just go and it's like on the first row, it was obviously cool movies. It's fun. it's fun have a moment where you want to see moving. You can't see it forgot that experience was like our poor back at the end of the breakin, when I thought of this move is based brows. This is the thing that happened we had to manage. and getting some. I call caught by a zero merits and I can my brain? I was on a text read with my body, sound gus, trying to figure out how many based fight somebody actually got knocked down and we couldn't Come up with any one, there is, I think our mills nailed there strawberry, once craig nettles body slammed bruce billy. There is mark witten, really pepper, Jim macao, but I think he got knocked down for the most part, pretty where'd it with that the best punches I've seen land was o door against jose, but
is that ways he wabble them down a really good one, but it did make me think with bay brows and I wrote a piece about based browse for his pen. It think it two thousand when I love these are my favorites. I love based buffets and that one of the best things about based It says nobody ever gets hurt. Well, this time somebody did get wobbled, then that that was one of the things I was most surprised you about it, but one thing with baseballs: the best ones are always when there are a base, its second since the ideal one, because famine time actually square off and get into a third basis pretty good too, but like the re night air Avis fate was really get, but then rain I catch up. The entire sits daddy reds dug out. I think, but some pete roses really get. There's a good george, bread, gregg nettles, one from the seventy six plan. That's amazing has both guys get sustained the game. Odor em teach that happened at second base and then Ramirez Anderson. They have enough time say, square up more is lukas. There, thou canst thou. So I loved my favorite thing.
Fight was the umpire who is he's got you guys handle on this matter here and he just backpedal switch from he did. He wants no part of china separate that thing and who, of course, is on my ale keeper, fantasy team and I and a just symbolic just gets knocked down and I love his bras. Then taylor, swift, I've, not gone yet we ve, we ve had the every single album pike ass when they throb nor principality breakin at other times so stop. We ve talked about earlier on this by gas I have never seen anything like the phenomenon around this concert. Tour. I've been alive for all the concert. since the mid seventies, even Michael Jackson, like the victory tour after thriller came out. That was notable because what a mess I was for springsteen at the border usa, tor and he's pretty big at that point, but I dont think is ending close this from a cultural standpoint,
from a multigenerational standpoint, father and daughters daughters and moms. Multiple generations, you have people like my daughter's eighteen, who grew up in a has, not no life about our sun, and then you have people, their thirties, who kind of grew up there, and then you have the mom who used to listening with the daughters or whatever, and then the show itself like I had friends at one. The first shown I think she played forty five zags and was through plus hours. This is this, is Like Michael Jordan, shit whatever is happening there now- and I you think, like the life of a pop star, cheesy the cycles? Usually six seven eight years, you now and then either musically they get tired out, or people move on somebody else. She was free what kind of west two different times, Neither time was she to do in the future, but two thousand nine when he
after during the award show and then two thousand and sixteen which he had all that stupid stuff apple, the famous sandwich. Now, if you look back not a great look for Kim kardashian, but but she's better. until a damning colonies like it seems like a million years ago when anyone refuted with them in two thousand twenty three. She still run along. She sold out six it shows here, in LOS angeles, I've been here twenty one years, I can remember anything as important this taylor, swift tickets, I'm just in the building for that people coming from all parts of california indigo. And it's really something is. summer, taylor, I'm glad we did a pack ass bad at it. I spend at least the european side which deftly not the summary is pan, but there were stuff about. Could they potentially. Could they sell? Could this I'll pieces of it? Could they partner with the differently in and give them pieces, and he has been buried
in some of the stories when I was at the height he has been at a hundred million subs on cable, which subs means people. Whether it's me or you or our mom you're pancreas ban, if you're paying for cable and that was the genius of the escape business and then, as the Bundestag moving streaming. He is politically belatedly panics, and I was therefore. some of this when they are like holy shit. I'm ever talk to couple the higher apps and they're like we just got the subs. The subs are going backwards, like what does that mean load the subzero from one hundred to ninety two like ninety two we're going down and now they're at seventy six in their dropping at the delay, like three four million in the last round in this secret number that was in there and some of the coverage was he paint plus, which they can say. Oh it's part of the disney plus hulu. I give you can kind of lie about whatever
Whatever the numbers are, but the people just paying for you spent places five and a half million people, which is way lower than I thought and in a sports rights are gone up They have not figured out a way to you know turn there are there other content the stuff that makes money for them in a railway, united gregg radio. Think like this is so potatoes compared to some of the other money. That's at stake for them, but radio podcast their tv shows, you know what what the heads that they launched over the last few years, they just seems like they ve, missed the lad, a different business opportunities and babes. And a lot of time in a lot of money and the spm plus. before eventually realising people go, therefore, games and that's about it You go there for live events. You go to games the best thing they did was a u of c deal, but you have you know he has this is a place to go, get the of sea fight or jake Paul or prince
then his playing Coronel in them in the ivory legal across semi fires. Oh yes, paint plus, I have it candidate Estonia, that up is not a destination africa that and I think Slowly realise that. So now it's you. You're doubling down and the sporting events stuff at the expense of basically everything else. So even like you, you see what did it with the basque bar recently May I read of agony and then eventually mar jackson, and even something like that? to me. Is money related right, they're bringing in rivers and indoors bargain. I just don't think they probably cost as much is the engineer mark jackson action in year seventeen year, eleven were again bombs every year. So a lot of this that there healing is based on, can we cut a little money here? Can we cut a little money there? Any she cried. Existing in ten years ago I was there, it was. It was basically like the peak of the isbn and we
Two thousand thirteen, as busy here think John Hume has hosting and efforts and was kind of looming as his big threat and just as one Coming in and they're gonna spend money in their they're to throw money around in ireland at the time he is being just like. You know what nobody's outbidding us on anything. We areas pierre, where the yankees and anyone they want and keep it kept any sport that they wanted. They got any where'd that they wanted to retain they kept, It was only ten years ago and that that's the thing about this stuff. It's fuckin changes fast. You know You think about like in is no early seventies, polarizing kodak. Those are the big camera companies right and you without those guys hereafter and then they slept. So I think he has pants challenge is how do you keep all these sports raids, How do you stay relevant and how do you pay for everything
How do you deal with this business? Finally, you have where you build. This whole had many this. This the city in bristol all these buildings and all this stuff for live programming. Now you don't need nearly as much lab program is dead. You don't need as many people as you did How do you have a business at that point and that's gonna be the most same thing about the next year, so is: are they? inside that business needs to be offset the risk of it to be offset by china, zelda apple by china, so pieces of it to different places, or do they think this is then that is salvageable, especially when you look at some point. The college sports, vs, that's happening right now. Is there now for a competitor or a streamer to come in, especially with the basketball coming up and come over the top and really try to dent e s p.
So this will be over the next year. I think the biggest sports business story is what is. He has pants destiny? What can happen if those subs keep going down and they keep losing the money stuff? I beg you be out on certain things: are they going to fill a gap to collaborate with another company? What do they do stadium for that? Are? It would take a break and come back with with gave you work. This absurd is brought by simply safe home security. If you plan and squeezing one last get away this summer, protect your home with simply say you know it's important about that you're! Not on you. Can you can you simply saved you could find out? It's okay, many used by new smart alarm, wireless indoor camera in check. What's going on inside the house is anyone there? Oh good nobody's there
relax summer vacation this, observed ass for you, they had professional muttering agent, second, actually see and deter intruders in real time. It is all part of twenty four seven alive guard protection- the latest innovation from simply safe. The new smart alarm, indoor cameras, also the only indoor scared camera that can trigger the alarm and insulated through threats with built in siren note, introduced online, I it could, even since the difference between, potential, intruders and pets for a limited time getting set up any system undecided for fast, protect, muttering at submissive that come such bs. That is simply here too, I simply said that come such bs there is no safe, like simply save, Europe is here he is in our g league documentary that we did for pride, video that is on tuesday, it's funny
we're meeting now I feel, like. I know you from all the different cuts we watched and you become, but but every player is you, you jump out of the film and as to your playing for indiana and handsome? Yet some you're sick at the start of the seas in and they say you really bad. can you don't really well, and I was watching the playoffs watch some those tapes I men gave could apply for that team and I just say it was in my head so now in the summer and you're trying to figure out why you're gonna do but going backwards or the documentary so they're film anew? What are you expecting? You're kind of put your life on display and you ve also been on social media You know you are this: highschool guy are mixed. Tapes are their staff we been in the mixed now for over a decade. So what are you expecting? as your part of a documentary. Yeah. You know I think they came out to me during the first game. I wasn't even supposed to be a part of it at all, actually
I ran into one and he asked me what my name was and what I brought to the team and what might well. My story were so I ended up talking about them. Minutes before my warm up, and he said he thinks be a grey I'd. I'd be a great looks, the documentary. I I really would do well our cameras. What he said So I said sure why not? Let me, let me be a part of this. It was really supposed to be about trembling queen the two way on on the four we met, and so it really was about him, and I just happened to be on the same theme. Is him up at that time, so They gave me the opportunity. I just can't, even without useful, with with my answers and everything I brought our cameron not really like me in and brought back story, I'm gonna be more. The crew fell for you. Your game like I was watching the he and I was like good. Could he just be out there in the gave vincent spot
in threes and just being feisty and doing stuff like what what is it? Your turn Only yesterday, you have what is it over the course your career cosy, you, you know you ve talked you got, You probably mature it a little bit over the years and things like that, but would it when they look at you like step outside? body. What are they seeing that they're like this guy's, that this is it the size you like two inches to small? What is it? I think? That's definitely there's a macabre guard who You're, not a one you're, not at you when you're, not a true to man, seeks to american Looking at you to play there guard right. I went to my assistant coaches Janeiro cargo. Tell me that There may be two or three sixty two guards and levies idea after really be especially historic, having opportunity randomly and take advantage of that I gather that you're gonna be a backup to history or a backup. Wine. Even a third string for sharing, I so for me
but wait a second debts that the leak doesn't really work. That way like I don't like what you said, makes sense on paper, but there's some hey guys, there's always like Jimmy butler, the brand there, these guys, who they have the ball the time and they need, like the gave vincent type, a guard playing off them. Who can guard the other teams, point guard, but can play off the ball what you can do so when out when I'm watching the cuts, unlike what the fuck em these guys not seeing with him, because you know you the best offensive players in the last year. So I just I don't know feels like you got picked now in some way the animals every no definition no way, I feel, like. Maybe I've just been a year off every time. I may be here at a slight opportunity that I thought I could turn into either to our training. Can't do that. Instead, I ended up going to summer league with or whatever needed a a a four or five ban
and so they end up going with with different players, and then the next year it'd be like right. Now we need a one or two because they had just signed a you know a bit two or three or four year deal they trade, that guy and I feel like, I'm always has been a year out of my idea is to really like getting feeding I feel like I've always had half a slaughter, maybe one foot in, but no one really given me that opportunity, like common training, camping and fight for rostov spot. So that's the toughest due to swallow sure. Right now, I'm turning thirty and looking back in ongoing it's my night year and I dont think I was a n b a player coming out of college, but I definitely think after my third year plain overseas. I definitely made that job so readily As far as the cubans deafening their fresh ass tat, I why couldn't get a real opportunity You know one of the reasons I want to do this stock was I so fast, thereby guys. I got out of the g league and ended. having a real impact in the nba ray, and it's like
what are the reasons for that like set currie? Who was they get shooter but probably went up, There was a sugar, but some sort of confidence set in and- and he makes a gary paid- makes it on defence gaping. that makes it a miami, partly because he's on the perfect team forgave visit. You know now. He goes the lakers pretty similar situation. He gets to pay off the ball viewpoint. Some point guard staff, but not too much and So you have all these guys are pointed to in their canada, norstar and yet you're in some you now here in some hotel room in the middle of nowhere near think, like you see, set current do you, like, I think I made it. Can I make it. Can I be the next and then it just seems like there's no Reimer reason who makes it yeah. I think you right there on the head, I think that's probably the the one thing that I've kind of had to deal with and, like you said, as as you grow up and mature, you start to,
stop worrying about the. Why not in the way these and sometimes in italy Creature in your head, you I mean like even at this point, it goes like well. Why could have there been me, why wise she and that opposition not me. Sometimes I can back into just consume you, so I feel, like I've tried to get over that, but he definitely creeps in your head as to like, when you see guys playing. I can definitely do that. I could do that at the highest level. I just you know forgot that opportunity. So I'm hoping you know still hopeful him and praying that opportunity comes the summer, but if not in all, I have to figure figure out was next. I can accept that you were to get them. Here is how your thirty five I remember- I at this point in my life, I think out, I must have. I was thirty actually, and in writing- and I had this at this website and I was waiting a kind of discovered into whatever, and it just wasn't happening, and I remember in late two thousand and an hour
was wanting to get engaged him enough money really to get. You know get nice apartment of that stuff, and I'm just like it should I give up like where is this gonna happen for me- do I give it one more year and I had some people in my life are like you can't fucking give up. Yet it's not happening, but I was like. Should I like go into real estate? What do I do, but something just kept me driving toward it. and one of the things with the g league that I think is interesting, is so many of these guys, especially when you're in that twenty five, twenty six twenty seven range you just go overseas right, you can make Are you playing greece by wherever, but you knew if you're in the g league, it's a better chance to me the nba and that's what I think the fast than a dynamic. As is like. Maybe it doesn't make total sets for me to be here, But I know this puts me closer the nba and I can see all these other guys that made it. So that's what that's what's probably keeping you lingering around right here most. Definitely, I think,
as it's the dream that that's still alive, especially for those guys for twenty five, twenty six, twenty seven years old. Who, who really can be ineffective and be a player, be a seven eight, nine, ten guy coming off the bench? in impact. So for me yeah, that's the emerging. Carson struggle of trying to figure out you know where? Where can I belong and to go? plain overseas and, like I'm, always fell like you, I go there because I had to do it. I had to make money. I've had a big situations where It was easier for my family either from my well being till. You know just go made a certain amount of money where it was more important at that time by I didn't like? I was myself playing the game: a basketball where these last two seas and you know getting these last two two ways. You know it's only been eight games like seven games that I played basque, la felt right you know I mean so, did you d Julie, definitely gaming opportunity over being over
eve average. Sixteen seventeen point overseas to three years in a row, never got a training camps or summer invite I go to the g, you know get to two ways get a couple summit. goodbye, so it definitely you're more viewed back by the mba executives and genes playing in the g league than in overseas and in most cases I don't wanna step too much, and What you were you in the dock and some of the stories you talents to fight that, but one of things it Like everybody, whose theirs is therefore reason either just terrible luck, lay bloomer Maybe they had toward some shit out. Maybe there some injury, maybe they're in the wrong situation, in the nba weber. Us. How did you end up or what was? What would you say the reason was cause. You certainly had as much town as anybody else. So what what? What
stop do in your early twentieth from from making it do you think you think I'm not a college My agent and I saw who I thought was a really. He was a family friend that I had known I was fourteen years old and the work I don't think was being put in on both hands and not all in all, I can say from first day. I had a measure, as my and there she wasn't working for me, but over your horse of those seven years that I had him thirteen I wouldn't even be like hey. He hasn't call me back, and you know two three months of John c. If you want to play summer league- and I would end up having to you know- say- yeah china play summer league another. He asked a lot of big name clients in whatever. Whenever So you know it could have been lost in the shuffle. Just from that point of view, Maybe and do enough in college as a senior I did all four years. Sometimes Ass looked that's like France,
upon getting a negative things had their. How dare you stay college? Exactly Yes, I got my degree but yeah. So I think that might also be one of the things and I think I shot thirty eight or thirty nine percent from three. So I don't think that was something that prevented me from you know having an opportunity body may get invited to the draft, so that was probably the first step of light, Am I really not good enough and stolen fighting with that on a daily basis of like this is what I wanting to do my whole life, and now I'm at this point, and now I'm not getting this opportunity even prove my case. So yeah like those may be allotted components, may being I think, most of it just comes down to have been six two combo guard that no one really knows where they can put me at, but I agree especially with how the game is now today I can. I can be a huge help to a lot of teams playing off the ball. I shot for Percent from three last season on eleven attempts. I've really I do she. I guess
I bought the anywhere and at forty percent I feel like so yes, but that's crazy. faint to me, because, ultimately, if your rope, where. You have to have one elite skill right. You have to be a rerun or either. Amazingly banner, you ve been amazing shooter, you have to be just like a stick defender like peyton was, but yet the one thing and you have it, but you you actually can shoot trees at a level that I think of your guard inured forty percent starting with the volume that you had now competition, not as good as the mba, but still I can at least that a farmer GM only wait a second what's goin on here, but then on top of it, we just I went through this of miami. You know the files, and they have all these chip on the shoulder guys- and I was wondering leg- I was running a team. I would be looking for the chip on the shoulder. Guys were like these guys that crawled through funding anything to
to give an opportunity and once they get it right there not can give it up like I'd, never understand why those guys are valued more. I'd say you're, one of those guys. I appreciate you soon afterwards, the major light here earlier. I agree. I think the time I was present to the embassy the level of india executive soon- and I was good enough. I was already a twenty eight. Twenty nine years old being these last seasons where they remained. There is crossing, you have their locality. Twenty three now he's twenty eight he's out Who cares the limited this guy on two or three year like let him be a product the two or three years and then he might, we then when I can help the team right now make a play off runners, the night there would like right now today, so I think it. A guy or a lot of teens look for four projects more than who can help me. You know right now today, yet as if you're gm, you get more credit because you
drafted this upside guire? You found this jammer o. Nobody saw the air and then its I well. He found that did, whereas I think when people talk about, he, culture sometimes he cultures, pretty simple right, they just go and they find deeds who fell through the cracks who they give a shit who play hard and put the timing and put the work in my absence, in this behind the scenes to the people that every that we been work on. The document I was I was like people are gonna see and gave gonna get a chance. I feel I feel a he's got. The games could be there their jumps out or they may have. We gotta get so I'm way the sea when it premiers is, that is the right person just gonna watches, like you know, at once, on that did cause, especially when you get to the eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen spot in a team. I want some who gives a shit who works hard. Who's got a specific scale whose pro I dunno. I don't want you to don't give up yet
you're. My thirty three, I would say maybe, but I don't know you like a young. Thirty thank you I've got a forty eight vertical too. So I put that the test He was aware how I was the vertical at its peak peak was forty three arizona and my junior year. I think those the last time, so I didn't get to do the mba combine one which the approach russia, like I could have been up there at the forty three forty four with a little bit of it, gentlemen know and I and be a combine filling. I could jump forty four, maybe by recourse. Is forty three. So you had. We talked about a tiny bit. dogs- I don't, I don't mind, stepping on it, because we didn't really dive into nut, but you had one of the famous mixtapes of all time right, yeah, so yeah slam actually named the talk to me, and I was the number two in our time: who mistakes Where was that africa work that has gone into our children?
during orange county dry for you? So some are you making the mix tape is somebody else may lego who made it. Yes was actually create the ball is life is, is the name of the mixtape company, so they happen to be ended. from my eyes, were whether warehouse started out so during my high school run, they were just coming. names, I ended up having a lot of people come what about some kid whose duncan on people this and other saw my freshman year, we may be had like forty to fifty sands by my sophomore year. We had the whole Jim pack so by me. Software, you, they were coming, every gained still men and I was in the back and our people in the last ten years, the one that really took off where I got the. I think I'm top three in high school dunks about time as well. What was the duck? are you by catch all you from ass quarry night, I basically jump or restricting guy
so back dead. You are more. It was almost like a little baron Davis like young baron Davis's write another year like just duncan. I'm people doing that causes them yeah. No one really likes sees it as a you know. At that time I think I was six feet six one and I was about one hundred fifty pounds, so it was like a lot easier for me to get up to I'm I'm one. Ninety now, but yet I pointed out just like a feather jumping you just last in the in the tournament and now you're way no catch out with a team like what's the processes you did. This is like the next few weeks, your agents making cause you're drunk, if you get into a camp like what what's the best case scenario here, yeah exactly so best case scenario for me would be No getting training chair with somebody, even if it's just come in and try and get a roster spot. I'm not really even looking for give me money to come. The champ let me come in and improve myself through my work and shall I can be like you said- maybe eleven twelve thirteen guy and then lay those
the twelve minutes and may be carve out a role from twelve to sixteen a showcase. You knock. You really be rotation guy. That would be best case scenario boat, that they never really works out. That way so right now, all I can really focus on my day to day. I don't have any offers just call me in the next few days. He was gonna, give me a couple days till after the tournament, and follow back with with a couple of teams that he's heard back from, but as of right now, yes still no offers don't give up. I it's going to happen. Especially people see this. I will say this if you sign with miami a team that I probably hate them Second, most behind the lakers have specially after they beat us in game. Seven Boston, If you sound, miami would be really hard for me not to root for you in miami, and I probably would end up I'd have to figure out how to sort it out my head, where it's like I'm rooting for gay, but I still, I still stand by me, but I will be one of those things, but I am
where were you gonna, be room for it because it was hard not to get attached to your store in the dac. I really pissed that remains latin. If I do get, it says why me, I'm would get a site where you can have the right it at once. If you better without where it out a park Good luck, dogs, and thanks for they are. in the film he did. You were great in that and we really appreciate all the time. It's not that fun to get filmed by a crew all the time, but I thought you did a great job now. Thank you. So much I appreciate you guys giving me that opportunity has definitely been a blessing. It's it's been nice to meet you for sure. Alright, good luck, I think, much. Amira Zosimus, my daughter, she's gonna college. A couple weeks. I had to watch the first couple, said that the policy is the twentieth anniversary, aim we're doing some stuff on the prestige, tv podcast, bad it would. You can stay with armenia and we started watching as a family and you hadn't,
really seen it. You watched a besides near a little, but it came out two years for you were born and to my surprise and delay. You love the show and kept watching it. So what did you like? Why did you like it? I don't understand why? That's your surprise, because you get weird about things that anything free We are still the last ten years, you're late. That's too dated that's only and shrill. Every single one of my favorite wrong com movies, anti me shows are from ten years ago. Cassini was just better back then that this shows a huge example of that, can think of a hundred examples of me trying to get you to our something from the eighties or nineties new bulgaria's angle, we re the outline, but this show the reason I loved it. So much is because it just pure teenage chaos like there's. No, all terrier plot wine, that's going on it's literally just following teenage: is by the way great actors and actresses, I mean Morris's, not the best, and neither is our main character. Right
right, mercer derive their freddy awful but other, other than them like the acting as is pure, and it's actually accurately get. It seems like this is the way that they would talk, whereas tv shows nowadays like that. She's, not like that. Everything is so thought over. Yeah one of things is it's a super simple premise: ready outside our moves into gets adapted by family, though the key girl that he falls in love with immediately lives right next door use die. was also involve, let's pilot times with his new stepmom mom, so about the all. These things already are exactly and exactly anxious way that they interact is sent fantastic, but we don't have stuff like. I don't know mercer has supernatural powers, yet that's all you're saying it's like shows nowadays there doing too, true. There has to be so many different elements because they think that that's how the audience is going to be interested in the show when in reality, it's like people like me and my friends. We want
watch a show that's easy to watch, but that's going to keep us entertained, which is the oh see. It's like the plot lines are pretty simple, realistic to real life, but there also done super well, not overdone, and it's like just the perfect amount of realism so whose favorite character, who is the one the resident within the bus? I really do slight summer, at first and by the the season one she's easily my fear, a character as well assess where I think south is everyone's favorite character. There become us than summer. Show me how to show in the summer was named in the credits in the first couple. Aimlessly, wasn't I hated they does, I think, she's one best actresses on the show. Is she really did a great job? Making yourself a villain at the beginning and being whore friend timorous, are not taking care of her leaving her outside when she super john click. Just that typical teenage girl, selfishness, trope and then she kind of figure it out trope like that. Just the way she acted, but she figured it out and she had like the best.
character, building droughts season, one that morocco is the one that drove the craziest. Could she just by the anti racist she's like so oblivious to till I just don't understand how she so dumb, but in the beginning, she's, like you really think that she has a shot. Then time progresses and her dad and her step mom break up and everything goes to shit. Did you feel like stuff was moving too fast because, like we were talking on the prestige pot about everything that happens in the first. Basically, three episodes steady they arrived shying away. Ass would have been a season one of an amazon chalet. I think that's the beauty of the shell. Another flaw that it goes on, and nowadays tv it's like everything is so stretched out. Any man Still plot is made until I get ten episode series, whereas like they had
The craziest should happen in the first two to three episodes and not like you said, could have been a whole season in itself. I think the quick moving pace is what keeps you entertained, because it such a simple. line. He had such a simple tv show if they weren't piling in all of these different things that are happening, you would lose interest pretty quick art so summer term, pretty Was it would just show you really like season want an answer? Yes, nancy. and to eat in like is much now, let's not trail. I liked it adjusts where you live. everything I link has, I think I'm not a good judge here, but whether they were so that's like the to the difficult to that. Twenty three red they're, all kinds- it if they have said sexual they share. I have all types of characters, all types of background yet and it's like it's mine, harsh all these different people there together and that's a show here I mean the summer. I turn pretty. I love it because I read the book such really. Why I like it so
which, but when I watch a show like the o c and then I try and compare it to the summer, I turned producer and comparable like the ocean, it just so much better! for a million different reasons. The sunrise and pretty almost is shown, sketched out everything that happens the acting so like apparent it just you don't feel any chemistry between any of the characters. We, though, had leverage there, because some and sat for dating in real life at the time to their chemistry was definitely apparent, but show Nowadays, it's like everything is so scripted and they're just trying to shove in all of these different things in each like all these different types of characters, words like you're, doing a bit too much here the edges were out of areas another on re. Our same thing, words like there's too many different plot lines happening there, trying to make it to introduce it. It's like when you stick with it simple plot line, and then
do it really? Well, that's a lot more entertaining than trying to follow a show. That's just going haywire now wonder. No, when this went side way, I don't either because the OECD, basically the son of of nana to now, Don't was as the dominant teen drama the nineties yet, but then mixed in bunch of other elements from like eighties rom com move in other yeah, the high school movies and studied pioneers yeah and their enemy is kind of a collage bothers things here, but I think the real It worked out everything answers and we talked about this and prestige, but it like brought into this world ray. I don't know it. I don't know but the sea- and I don't know, there's even like the world that the data, but you like you were Ryan you're like the proxy you go in a minute. a beach now what's goin on here there have in these fancy the hardy They do have really good job of of making. You feel like the character, could, when we
watching the show I almost felt like. I was being belittled by luke when, where I entered that party, it's like, I counted, felt shameful watching it because- You are like so in an alliance was every character because they really show you ever peace than that's what tv doesn't do nowadays, where it's like you, you don't feel connected to. character in any show at all. Stranger things, that somebody reigns, as is one of the only shows as of late. That makes you feel, like you're entering world and that you're really connected, which is why I love it so much, but I feel that we should be able to do so. We'll tv right like the tv is just not done correctly anymore. I don't know what happened movies like how to lose, it in ten days and thirteen going on thirty? It's like they really do a great. I don't love actors were just better back then, but they just really do a great job of making. You feel like a part of it. Well, that's why
you like the blended and just go to the movies and adam sandler cause he's a personable guy, but I dunno, what's going on with all these tv shows, they can really do them right, like they have the basis. It's just the executions bad, so you want a premise and then, like four characters that you like fear and you're in some sort of spot in here to go and stranger things can even be said to be a little extra without stuff that they try and throw in there, but they do it so well, but it doesn't even matter because there's like the overlying plot line of some of the characters that are in love with each other like Alan MIKE and they kind of override everything else. It's a plot line in itself as as well as them trying to fight all the monster, from the upside down, but show just don't they don't know how to balance anymore. To be fair, so people, don't they gear. as you also love euphoria, which is like an incredibly
forget it jerry s completely different than any this yeah, I'm talking about like oh see, types of shows that just don't do right because you for as a whole different thing in itself but I wonder, like oh see, I did feel the us felt like in the early mid two thousands it was capturing some sort of rich california, culture, at least a little bit for party culture. It does it does everything, that's why I like it so much because I'm like this is exactly how it is nowadays, it's it's different because everyone, tries to commercialize everything that we do like when you go to a party you're paying at the front door. There's people taking pictures like it's, not as Well now I don't know if that's everywhere, oh she's, pretty ella near, but it's just like it captures this wholesome moment right before everything changed and technology took over of like people just interacting and teenagers deal a teenager stuff in it feels like a clans like a wholesome experience to watch, because I wish my teenagers were were like that more
you're. So how do I feel like that? But I like the vice of it you you would have set out for more like the nano to an over. There is a peach paid to go to every day about mega errors and yeah, just like the simple, the simple life that they live for. It think they're, oblivious there every other bad thing going on in the world. It's a laugh is a man who anywhere the technologies taken over everything, and you guys are their generation is so aware of every single thing now yeah They ve for better, mostly worse but OSI, seizures, wholesome I love it a real phone cycle that what will they do useful and every now and then rabbits I hear yeah yard so apparent that it's just differ it. It's like, there's a whole different energy. Because you never know what your plans are gonna be in those seeds like by word of mouth or you here what's going on and then like you, follow that it's like everything is so planned out, like life till so planned out, moralities. It's like you,
know exactly what you doing, where you're going, how it's going to go wherever one says it's like, there's no mystery anymore, which is kind of what so special about those see. So your favorite episodes too. I want to talk talk about you. Wanna. Do now. They are now is great Did you ever have friends that went to mexico and until their parents know absolutely no, especially like my friends are pretty you. Wary, may vary, shit, I'm not so cautious. Ironically, we heard around though it go, but like white never heard of any one doing there. No, never, but that that episode is fantastic from big turning to end were summer and south are having their arguments hallway through crash. The car have to stay in some, shitty motel unto you wanna, hear and somehow summer in marisa didn't share a bad and decided to sleep with the boys. like south just paired, often suffer and murdered paired off with ryan. It's like that. You easily could assure
the bed sessions morasses in a fake relationship which she should soon finds out. She's yet cheated on, but needless to say, they didn't have to that they're just so many like funny things here that they just do, and we just let it happen because it's Did you notice how the music about halfway through? the season. The music became super important, not that theme song, but like just the music from that era, because we didn't have the songs. We did a piece on the ringer about they hired kind of the music coordinator after the first seven oh, really an obvious that it was actually getting real now and they like this, a successful well in the end These bans from that era are open in their in to leading to the rooney episode, pretty famous ali cigarettes and and then season like like the killers and I as recipes luke's character by lower. I know why they had to ruin him, but that was polly. The saddest part of this show for me, but that was one of the weird
about, though, see that we talked about how slow with goes now with the with your generation tv shows, they were racing through plot see I am characters to the point that, like they had nowhere to go, look nineteen up, so it was a good actor and a good character totally could have kept that persona up and they just took away all of his guns and now he's like this. Just this guy, that's like a part of their front group. It's like yeah. I felt like towards the end of season one. It was no longer show where we were looking at the entire o c, where it's like that hooker character. Though, was trying to get with luke while Marissa. Wasn't there holly fucker olive mercer. and summer's other friends like all these other elements were a part of the show or they'd, be going these parties, and then everything zeroed in on the center for characters towards the end of season, one which I kind of missed it being like the entire spectacle, rather than just the four of them agree with you They probably didn't have enough money to have that many actors is one of the biggest thanks they made they they caught about. That,
the character who you hated away? did her nose good care. I actually like turn towards the end, but aid they botched. luke, and then they replace them at the start of the second season. With the redhead who turns out to be caleb, illegitimate daughter. Then he was like what's going on there and then that the than comic book I who become so yeah summers. New boyfriend, yahoo is kind of like handsome herself or just like southern adversaries, yeah whatever is, and then I deliver wild character whose actually great that was my favorite air to its character. Is that the one who worked at the beach up, the the one got pregnant with ryan's baby, none other one. because she's my least favoured character. We had our lands and we don't even know ruin that whole ended that season fraud it hurt Oliver character, those now. Oh my god marilla. I almost through something up added tv screen. I watching that I've had a. I had a boy. I've been in relationships before I've. Still,
so the one, but I know It is a sort of ireland, a any like morris's just crossing, we single line and then not being apologetic whatsoever. And I'm watching those like. How is this possible, how she getting matter ryan for this guy that she just met that she's like trying to take on too, her wing for some reason, sleeping over at his house like she knows deep down that he, he has some malicious plan towards her, and she still like choosing, am overran like that. Whole plot just made me really angry It was funny knowing that part was coming. Knowing you didn't know about area in it with that oliver character, was one unless polarizing character died so hateful that goes a great actor here. He was truly fantastic in that role, but it was just like another moment whereas, like how is morocco so oblivious with that
the thing was shows that from that era they had so many upsets made twenty seven episodes first seizure and their long up so silly how're money was. I are. We need to do something that great around. I mean it made me super angry like did they did that now Oliver's bad dolefully oliver, I hate oliver, the hughes how do they dump pregnancy thing? Oh, that was the worst like honestly. They did not have to. There are so many potholes there. It's like she didn't get a paternity too God knows if this is ryan's, baby or other abusive ex boyfriend, but like then he drops everything drops of new amazing life that he has to go be with her and she's angry with him for not coming to one like doctors, point meant when he's going to everything all their monies busting his ass at the construction sites like he had a great life and she kind holding back out of it than was angry at him forward for not like being super stoke to be a father at seven. it was like what's going on here ours is a respected. The team for making her too
him, though they may be dead when you're. Writing that many episodes and then you're like eyelids, on this road and then you can again wind it once she had are yeah cause it out of the hole dark element to the shell where it's like. This shows just an easy watchwords: dark elements they're, not so dark Ok, this, though it did lead to the great season for now buck. Buckley saw when I was fantastic, that's one of the best all so great. it's montage set just sailing along the ocean and probably the smallest sail boat. I've ever seen. I don't know how he didn't capsize. Actually, he ended up capsizing, I think he did to Oregon, but that was finished ass. It came standing our growing solemnly. It was great everything about that. Finale was fantastic. I also like parents, characters which, as I watched at this time, are unidentified more with the inside obviously than right side has been between the first time round, but at that data
really good job with the with the cohens which, as you keep you'll be mad about what happens to them there. Now they were a really good kind of twenty first century married couple that I don't feel like buy generated, use the fight that now they really they showed that they loved, other too, which is nice better like it There really had a family dynamic. It's like every time, whereas so what radically show up to their house to see ride in the morning and they'd, be like com The round the counter eating bengals. It's like a bunch of course, family moments where it's like they're probably didn't exist that much five say we're pretty wholesome, happy family, but not a lot of and we are like That'S- who had come a nice to see that they put that on television. I think my favorite episodes in the re watch there in the first, seven were the thanksgiving episode. Yet we set and selfishness
They are going to have a separate you so great is humor is just ass. He so funny. like dry his dry humorous great. I really love that character Adam second wife, whose it was a really respected tv redder talking about because he's ready. But there's this book, that's coming out of the sea. the question, was wide and adam brody. The guy who played Seth, become like a massive actor yeah and one of the reasons was they from so many episodes that first season he didn't have time to go film, a movie in like leverage his fame. He immediately doing season two Mr Wynn, I was like a measure by his thumb asian will now. If, in the How is he would have been to up so then, and there would have been a movie are in malaysia, is applauding Yang, would have been doing whatever that he was grey he's a great actor near, but he's married said the lady that played watching him. ass, a girl really, mr yeah now she's to procure she gonna looks like summer
soldier over there. So I bought that absurd was grey area. I loved the episode where they go to valley that show the valley law. However Harris hill in yeah when penicillin was hitting on south, as if that good. ever ever happen, looks like he's the youngest looking guy in this club and she's going to walk up to him and then summers gonna get me. Then pull him away like there's no way thou be happening, he'd be working on that relationship for the next. However many hours there there and then assess sneaking sneaking in back into the club. After their kicked up. like ryan's a main character on ever I mean that everything about that episode we're very mehta. You know that you know a meadow means right now. I don't matter means when a show like that or their making fun of themselves with the plan yeah, so they use their validating active all. Yet these the valley thing and it's a lot of stuff right. The actors talking to me
Oh he is, I heard he always improvised gives their basically saying that as the guy who played set it's famous for like he would go off the script and drive everyone crazy to do do lions so that there was a lotta like hidden stuff about the actual show that show has really smart yeah. I don't wanna data services too, because that was was kind of that error in vegas is becoming a thing right and when The challenge earlier, having their separate the bachelor, our third parties is given. So I hears my final question: why couldn't a show like this happen? Now You think it's impossible thing, it's impossible. I think that if they tried do it. I don't know of tv writers, just aren't as good anymore yeah, but There is like no I'm trying to find the word and I can't find it it's it's like tea. Back then it was so organic. It's like Everything was so easy true to life and who is easy. Unknown was trying too hard it's like
These shows everyone's trying too hard they're, putting too many elements into the paw where it's like. This is not realistic, you feel disconnected it's like you can't just make a show and also the characters, aren't like a boy see more on tv like they did a really good job of making. You super enthralled with every single character on the o c, because you should they showed you every element of who that person was and then you feel like you knew them. They don't then on tv anymore, then put the effort in. I said next for a summer. I turn pretty episode and you like What is literally everyone in the show there's somebody there was a car ride and they were yelling at each other and I'm like that. Is that bad acting it's so scripted, it's not organic at all it just. It feels like you're feels like you're, watching like a tick, tock series and non actual tv show, and that's when the biggest chosen amazon right now, but it's like the euphoria going back
that even though it shows so crazy, SAM levinson does such a good job on actually connecting you two characters like anything it a real, serious steel and by the way rested he's too angus cloud that ruin my weak sonya thou love to his family's super sad about that. So you're Average shows right now that our current chose euphoria, which is probably never happening again at an early date, they're gonna know what's goin on their stranger things for insurance, which is turning the writer strike. They came and finish, that's good. I honestly ruining my summer right now and then what else I mean. The o c has has to be there. You have to finish ios. I have to finish it's a roller coaster ride, though season three is not there's. A few shows that I like, but oh she's, definitely at the top of the list, at the moment, so I can get you to watch the first two seasons America's place. That's too far back I don't know what
every citizen affords me I'm trying to figure out how far grass- and I dont know why don't like friends everytime, I try to watch it and I love jennifer and his days she's. Probably my favorite actress. I can't I just don't like it seinfeld I can watch seinfeld, but only for a few episodes. Larry David should make a new tv show. Well, that's come curbs come now. You have a like a new one. She needs to start directing different, shows a guy love em. You like the verses and gossip girl. Yeah I'm trying to think of of you didn't like dawson's creek. What else I've liked? I love the carrie diaries that shows great, I'm gonna, probably rewatch that cause. I haven't watched it in a few years, but that's like a show. That's that's actually good. We had to stop. for marching grace anatomy yet, but I got through sixteen seasons. He didn't do quite a good job. Would you would you started bobbing around cells during it is a dark time really, let's just watch people dying every
single day and your actual, like five episodes that they feel bad for yourself here, I'm sure, When already were, then it's rough edges needed start making new tv good tv. I know it's hard right now because of the writer shrike, but hopefully the rather struggle and said they can make some goods I get it back on. Any thoughts about going to college for relief carefully. Now it's about it will see what happens. I think it'll be fun want some there. Although a few of my friends who went to college your who are returning sophomores have said that the four few months are really hard, but I think I'll be fine are you excited ever new remit and I'm gonna cost called pop rocks him and that's gonna, be super awesome said you throw herself into a celtic season. Oh yeah MC said about that. Isn t them. If you hear the sooner rather about jason,
see now has been agreed I could be a really good lawyer reduce. Do I loved wages? Are those thanks for weighing it? I thought I'd, that's it for part one forget about the three hundredth we watch was found. National champions. Vacation come on man and ate them forget about destination and be a jelly gotta say preparing on prime video, tuesday august eighth, and don't forget about mean marcella due in part to with a gimmick that both of us more excited about so that's coming later and sending aid thanks to his obliquely, for producing thanks to steve security as well. and I'll. See you in a few hours on the air and the party
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-12.