« The Bill Simmons Podcast

Part 1: Boston Gets Jrue Holiday With Ryen Russillo


In Part 1 of a two-part podcast, The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Ryen Russillo to discuss Jrue Holiday being traded to the Celtics, what’s next for the Trail Blazers, a look at the new Eastern Conference, and more!

Host: Bill Simmons

Guest: Ryen Russillo

Producer: Kyle Crichton

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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I too in part one here, it is the past four o'clock pacific time to watch the pats completely shit. The bed we're not going to talk about that. That'll be part. Three part. One right we're so sorry drew holiday, the big trade. How is the nba different for you right now and are we done? Do we? Finally? Have the thirty were asked Yours is this. What we're looking at do we know who's gonna be on everybody's team. Are we somehow not done
furthermore done anymore. The idea- and I know you're being a gracious host here, but you and I talk for five minutes today. I think you have the headline take on this. Ok, I think you have the headline take on like what the top of the league looks Are you ready to share at this early? I think Boston as the best top sex I did not feel that way. Twenty four hours ago, I did not feel like there is a clear best. I trust this team in crunch time and if pausing estates healthy, which is a huge, if I think they have the best six and they can fill round, and they have the most ways that they can play. Whoever and series. So from the vantage point you had to do the trade, and they gave up a centre, It has been hurt every single year and I don't fully trust that he's ever going to be out there when it matters brogdon, who was hurt and was mad at the team and two picks and you get through our day, who was a two thousand twenty one final zero, whose one of the best offensive guards in a week who still really good anxious raises there
Only now you can go and go white holiday, tatum brown and a center at crunch time and you're good. You can switch on almost everything especially begin anything from Orford. So will you similarly enthused yeah? I love drew you know, there's some stuff with his his shooting in the playoffs, where it's been pretty bad or you're like. Is that just cause? He can't make shots of the playoffs or is it what happened? Statistically, I mean it does happen. I mean, if I'm getting the negative parts out of the way, like yeah sure he's a little bit older of the big situation is a huge question mark. I can't believe what they got from from Horford last year, I don't know how you can just pencil that in because he was way beyond expectations, at least for me or for what I had for him, but when you can add, drew for those pieces- and I am with you like when, when Robin Williams is right, it's really really nice, but You can even tell when he's out there you're like is something wrong with him again. You know the number of times that I've watched rob williams and celtics games. I'm like he, I know he's out there, but
something and every time I thought, Marcus smart was trying to get in his career with some of the value passes, depending on he'd lands how his ways it's going be the last one we receive received him so biogas malware about where the rapporteur my dad tax them after the trade is like I hate, given a bribe mike. You complained about rob more than anybody. I know it by life. You add text me from the games going up robs. Just optimal rob just walked in the town.
Again, I dunno what happened and I just like Brian Baird had a tweet. Thirty two games: twenty nine games. Fifty two games. Sixty one games, thirty, five games, those arrive blames his last five years. It just wasn't reliable enough for a team. That's trying to win a title. I interrupted you know you, you didn't because it's a it's! A really good point is: what's going to happen, I mean no, it's just there's, there's definitely like a precinct, as is hurt, feels like the whole thing, is screwed up and there's a really good chance that that could happen. But if you're talking about like the allocation of minutes and the talent, that's getting those minutes. Will the talent that's getting. Those minutes just went up with jrue holiday and that's, I think, the simplest way to look at it. So they they turn marcus, smart and grant.
arms and brought them and rob lambs into drew out a imposing s, more Derek way, minutes more pain, pritchard minutes and then there's a little bit of an x factor with who's gonna, be like that. Ninth man, tenth ban canada, big five force. And maybe out of you or somebody, your trade, like that. I feel like that's the easiest position to pick up in in january and february. The big thing for me is, I think, white was ready for a bigger role. I think white and holiday together is magnificent as the as backward, and I I read some stuff today. They think white is going to come off the bench. I dunno I see that I I think I would come out of the gates with weight and holiday and tatum and brown in the center, maybe bring to your horford point like maybe bring Horford off the bench and try. It really try to arrest his minutes during the season and be careful with him and make him a bench player and then the playoffs reassess, but I think that having those four guys all together, they compliment each other. So well
you can play basically any kind of defence against any perimeter guy in the leg, those four guys and they're, just better as there's just no way around it. They're better he's a much better player than Marcus smart was last year, and you know you've made that point about the shooting he'd. Have those games? He'd go five for twenty two in a playoff game. You know he he, but I do you feel like he was asked to do a little bit more than maybe what he's supposed to be doing, I don't feel like is a pure point guard right and I have white who can handle most of the ball handling. He can play off the ball and they're going to get the best version. Him awesome, locker room guy to by all counts. Really like a beloved teammate. Wherever he went, I think they wanted to change the chemistry little bed. I think this was an unhappy. your team than maybe they lead on to the outside world. Last, yet look definitely like a more than smart and, ah you know to be totally fair and I'm looking at like the lillard side of this trade last week before we knew the second piece of drew an upgrade.
And from drew to Lillard. I'm going okay well now, you're top two in milwaukee's, like in the argument for the best two in the mba. Okay, that's that's really what this league has been about now, post the teens decade, where it was the arms race for your top three. It's you look around the league. Okay who's got the two best like let's The five teams will have the two best and with Lillard giannis looks like a whole nother level. So when I was looking at is like Lillard compared to drew ill drew is not somebody you're expecting to break down a defense the drivel right, our stock, you enter the shock lock like make something happened, were lowered and literally do anything right now that file second of a shock lock is still do you feel like it still a decent look, so that part of its huge up great buddies, number three to four as far as an office of option. He also- and I don't know this just me- talkin allowed, as I thought about the trade, it's pretty clear- that when bosses often gets into trouble in the playoffs like tatum in brown, haven't figured out a way to cut
unlock it other than just like. I can already picture my head like. I know what the tatum move is going to be. Iron already know what the jalen brown moves going to be. I don't know if smart was able to to make their life easier with the play, picking yeah when then sometimes I even the smart would go like wall if you guys are going to screw around like I might just I might just be greenlight on this possession. I don't think drew necessarily plays that way. So you know it's probably silly for me to think that, like jews, going to be the steve nash type who comes in and sets up all these great late playoffs genes, but there may be something in lessening the burden of those guys doing what they have to do defaulting to just force an issue as much as they do in plants I like how much ball hillbilly mab to your point, because they were talking about experiment
a little bit more with tatum as a point forward this year, which makes me nervous a little bit just because you know he's six foot, nine, I'm not I'm not sure, that's the busiest vim, but they seem pretty adamant like we feel like he could be a little bit more of a crater and then you think white can do that. I did to me white as the key to the season now, because, if you know other than the present gazelle thing, which I do luck onward the date part of the reason they made. All this movement- and they got rid of brag then and smart, was, I think they really wanted to push wait to be the lead ball hither for them in a creator and there's some unbelievable pickerell stats with him- and I am just its people sent him a pic in the way. Even in the miami series, he was one of the only guys who could create offense. So I think they have that plus they have drew.
And the reality is for drew. This is this might be the deepest offensive team has been on right. We think back to leg. Had some was on some pretty weird philippines in some, some pretty weird orleans themes that even when the lock you is at its best, it was religious, Janius, Middleton, Andrew now, that this this there's more shooting and play making around him. Then I think we ve seen maybe it'll be a slight update on the flip side. He does nebulous- who was the second best where the century, probably but I the spot for him. It seemed like you really wanted to go to a continued theme and I dont really know who they were competing against cause for reading through some of the reports.
it just seemed like Philly. I don't even know what the trade was for them. Portland wanted at least one piece back, probably two that they could either keep or package. They wanted, picks back golden state, wasn't even in it and it didn't seem. I go casey ever threw their hat in the ring, which I was shocked by because I felt like okay c was the sleeping giant of this whole thing with door and some pics and just say, fuck it. Let's, let's see if we can be really good this year, so it semi goes down to boston. The clippers they just had more assets. I dunno portland keeps rob, is on a good contract there to have ayton. My guess is that they are probably spinning him Does it make sense that both of those guys up my senses they're going to try it out? You know yeah, you know the thing with rob is like, if you think, he's an awesome defensive player that you're out there, like he's awesome when he's used a certain way and once Boston unlocked that two years ago, where they start
come on a non shooting big and then you could see other teams adapt towards like well, let's stop giving them an out where rob can just roam off of this. Do that's not a sham threat cause. I think that you know this is going to turn into like now that he's not here, but I mean You should listen to his talk about rob Williams at all last couple years. Ah he you know he I don't. I don't think he's. I know what the thence of metrics are no the on off stuff. It's big reason why they did. Linux models always love Boston like sometimes he looked at me like hey. I think this team's good but like these numbers are overwhelming. This is like yeah, it's it's so far like as, if there's this huge gap between Boston, everybody else, which I never really felt going back these last two years, but if you're chauncey billups and you think like okay, robin is just going to go out there like wreak havoc, it's like well, he has to be used a certain way, so maybe they feel like that's in defensive support to Ayton and with Ayton. You know I have I'm not quite sure what to expect. I, while this is the one thing he's probably gonna
if huge numbers, because he's not going to have older dudes that have a higher status in the league that go home, sick, a passing it to you so he's probably gonna get more touches were probably like early eight number there's an like a leg to ten for the first six weeks of the season. Yeah, I'm with you, like l, IL ill put up some big numbers there, but you know that, Sadly it's really about its competitiveness. Is there were times and in going back two years ago we were What about him with that run in the suns, the finals you like look at this guy, like he can switch out on the smaller players. You can rotate, but it's all about the way he's wired and I think, long term. Unfortunately, like we already kind of know the answer there like, I don't think all of a sudden. Now you start,
playing with some fierceness after being in a league. This long island is the fifth option and that team and there seemed to be real resentment towards him. The army, in that whole phoenix culture like why? Doesn't he just realized? We don't need his offense. We need him to basically rebound a black shots and crash. I often supports and think his attitude is probably in twenty five years old. I want to be the best work and be already went to find us at all. that's not, I I think I could do more than that. So I I don't. I don't think anyone was necessarily wrong. As I said I done my thursday, but I just hated the trade for phoenix. I just thought they got the pu pu platter back. You know they got some some some spare ribs back and a couple of roles and and that's it, but they did not get an entree back and I think he's an entree and the right theme. Whether he's a that made sense for them? I don't know, but I know they didn't get a good half for him. I think rob for his contracts, for what his talents are, is a really ensure.
in peace for them or for another team, because you could trade for him and it's not like a daunting salary right, I think he's in what is what does he like fifteen years? That of that now it's good yeah. I mean it was a really low cost extension and he's still a pretty young guy yeah. So ah from the Boston why do they are all in now I mean this is a really expensive team that has your talking just this year, gers at thirty six kps at thirty six tatum's thirty, seven point: six JB is thirty. Two and derrick white's eighteen point: three and AL is ten. So from a tax standpoint, this this bumped them up. Fourteen point four million they're they're, potentially a super tax team. Unless they I can do some shit. But they just have six really big contracts now, and I think I dont think I care I think, they're in the mode of like this, this league can be stolen.
Denver is a little worse from a standpoint. The lakers are are tied to whatever lebruns health is gonna, be the walk has Yadda sunday, but really a lot of you know a lot of sub part defence in the perimeter stuff for them. I think he's gonna be a real issue beyond the two men game Phyllis, where's. My aim is either the same or worse, depending on how you feel about some of their young guys, and then the west is like I started do my ebay research this weekend. Result of the west is like it's a bloodbath there's like eleven teams that I think had plus had minus playoff odds to make the playoffs of the there can only be eight, and you know I I think, there's going to be some zero sum stop there, and especially if somebody loses a guy for twenty games, it could be a dramatic all of a sudden. You go from like a three seed to the ten seed. If you lose one of your best guys for twenty games, so I just think the cells looked at the league as all, and there are like the east is significantly worse and we
be a one seed and we could potentially dominate this conference and I'm here for Ultima, it's going to matter, does tatum go up a level or not. You know cause you're, always as good as your best guy contain him, become a top five guy in the league and battle these dudes in the biggest biggest biggest biggest game in the biggest series combined with this cast, they have Ampro the trade. I I'd I'd applaud them for going all in on it and I'm actually surprised he didn't go for more. is a bigger that yours, either ivory, I'm thirty, three good, pretty fair contract for the prayer option, a boy to pigs. That probably you know it's his warriors pick and twenty four that have for protected again.
their own are protected in twenty nine brogdon, who you know, I I don't think was there is exactly a hot market and then Williams, so that I thought that was pretty pre solid value for them. I thought he was gonna go for more than that. It feels like it's always just the number of picks now anyway, and you gotta wonder if he worked for the celtics in your college. Stout you're, like hey brad, would like to have you hate picks. Do you care if I, if I disobey bartending in the side, then okay? If I get a second job hey, did you go to the metro, semi finals? No, I met the cask. He has sent scouts to europe to just scout the er. The your leg others everybody you look. You just made a really good point like really the way the true thing will be judge will be based on tatum ceiling and wherever that is, and it still feels little weird, that were this
the years into tatum, and you know it's not like there, these epic flame out in the playoffs, now were taught we're talking about nba finals and then estates get raised, but it like the celts, are turning into the buffalo bills, a little bit where it's like in granted yeah. I still can't believe they got down three or the miami heat and the it was in the series- and you know, credit the heat and everything. But it's it's like looked it's not like they're. They keep losing in the second round of a sudden. So I don't. I don't quite understand that or maybe it's just because the stakes are raised and they haven't got done in the last couple of years or they'd lost the you know, but I maybe it's the easter cup finals where I felt like when they were losing those prior to the last two years I was like I dunno. I was kind of amazed. They were, even in a lot of those eastern conference, find all that so stagnant that it just felt like against a certain type of team. They weren't going to be able to score at a high enough level to actually win the title. That was the takeaway from twenty
two and I take twenty three yeah, it's just too hard for them to score at some point: yeah twenty two. I completely agree with it but like when it comes specific to tatum- and you know, maybe I'm just going off of the It's the millions of guys that want to talk to me about it that are from back home yeah, and you know he can go for fifty one in a in a clinching game and then the next bad game. It's like No, this guy has it ever had, and but the thing is is like: I'm not completely dismissive of it either in that's, probably the challenge of being a franchise guy who's, not really a top five player in the lee like when I look at when I look at but the player rankings, and I see tatum ahead a booker every time I I disagree with it and so don't I know lookers resume, isn't the sameness shirley, even though you know exhort are the same. We gotta know view if you agree or disagree with that, but I don't know that just because I've I've sat and listened to.
This tatum stuff. Then they had those games to where I've watched hate him run like we make where, where, whereas this guy out right now, is it just joel, durable, jewels, back three the whole time like do. I won. Miss layups. Will that make me feel better? You know like I do it's the off season for me and thinking about it, but I think specific, detain him like he he's he's going to be what happens here? It's not gonna, be any of this other stuff really yeah and the history of the mbs as the age is in his factor that over these next three years, this is it. He should take a leap right. It's not his that maxed out yet he's hitting his twenty six. Twenty seven twenty eight seasons- and this you when you climb in you peak is aware- and I did the subjects are background- that lads martyrs gus celebrate this. It is brought through by sympathy from security it's hard to believe, but it is practically fall. That means the kids are back at school. That made you might be at work
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One set of any new system is set up for fast track. Muttering. It simply said that I'm sorry, Yes, that is simply say for two eyes simply saved outcome. Hush bs no safe. Like simply say, this show spot but better help, give just lay in bed and can't fall asleep. Because your mind is racing like you just gotta get the thoughts out of their wealth therapy can help. Like I've always noticed when I'm overloaded with work or stress or some other stuff and awesome from that exercising I'll just wake up at like two thirty three o'clock in the morning like. Why am I up? Why can I fall asleep? Then you just sit there with your thoughts, so what they that can up, get a little more exercise, none of the neck now therapy and that's where better outcomes they make therapy easy
charlie? I mindsets convening a flexible, no matter where you are. You just fill out some quick questions to get match for the lessons therapists and then, if you don't quick, you can switch in any time for no extra charge. It a break from his thoughts with better help. Is it better help that calm such persons today, the ten percent off your first month? That's better help aid e l, p dhaka, slash bill, since this episode is broadly by pepsi, when there are so many games at once on sundays you. What are you focus on the tv in your fantasy up, not on snacks pepsi? exit easy to data. to go there homemade saucer. Zero sugar to keep. You forget thirsty and a bull of lays as a late night snack. If that last game goes to overtime whatever you need any given sunday looked at pepsi and frito lay. So is it fair to say for twenty twenty four, at least for this upcoming season? Boston Milwaukee is now the best game. That's the most interest,
in any time those to play. I will go out of my way to watch this between unison, dame drew playing, is old team drew in their quite against dame yadda going it's his boss. If that doesn't have grant lambs any more always did like a half decent job, keeping them in check, and the fact that I think those are now the two best teams in the east kind of definitively And they're gonna be measuring, shouted this whole time. Pussy heaviness, I don't know it's you a year for him and walk at this point at Boston all end with this team. Financially, I just feel like this is some the marquis match up now in the week. Would you say you go warriors lakers are lakers damper. Would you? What would you say it feels like Denver is being like entirely dismissed with all this stuff? As this happens, I don't. I don't want to do that. That's why I was right. I think I'm right. What's there I dont know if they have a car,
arrival measuring stick team equivalent to this boston marketing where this for nine months, these will just be. These two teams now I am each other and then you're gonna miami over the side going or you're an account us we're not in their, so he could and they're gonna be have a huge chip on their shoulder against you, gotta see where these is gone, philly, Indeed, already had his depressing tweet today and philly, I mean they're over under unfeigned, always forty eight and a half them gettin of forty nine. When seems almost inconceivable to me, I can't wait to one the sectors this year I mean. I cannot wait because what a car crash like I just what is hardly going to do. He has opened the stakes against Morey he's a deep that stuff from the club. The other day with the their war is a liar simurg. What this is the weirdest heading intermediate day situation
I think we've had since kobe and shaq broke up was the last time I remember like. Oh my god. I this whole. This is going to be a whole saga, and this is like I don't know where this goes This book is hardly for them right. In his his reps or thinking like the big deal still out there for you, but how you prepare were well, I saying I know where, but what do you think that you think those guys are sit around grown up too bad you just you're gonna, be fifty million. Are your guy now like a horse? They don't believe it it is inevitable fact already been afraid of. They have that thirty day day where, if you you report within a certain amount of time, you lose your free agency for the next season season say I have always be some professional, so he's gonna hafta report. Does he fake an injury? Does he just talking and actually lay, plays pretty well and then the other, for me? It's on the table, its all on the table he's a legendary quitter. No one will be better than here
when he's inducted into the hall of fame that beyond the bust quit in ways now when ever thought new invented new ways to quit. Well kept you the tick that camera for this question. If miami acquired My initial reaction would be- oh, my god, that's insane and then after five minutes I'd be like holy shit. That might have been a good trade that might be the only team left that can save him if they go and it's like just kyle lowry and a you know: a protected two thousand twenty eight first, like they. Basically that's his value now, you're looking at fifteen cents on the dollar. For somebody who is a top fifteen guy halfway through last season, but if your miami in you missed out on all this other staff, are you happy
were you have or do bank on the fact that you have rightly and small, stir and jimmy butler and ban and the certain culture and place in hardens gonna have to come in there. You, like you, know what, let's bet on the talent we can afford one knucklehead can have to, but you can have one. I think it's an interesting idea, there too, smart, because but there's a living is hardness. I've been close right there too, smart everybody about get seduced by james prior to, and I mean obvious joke of hard and south beaches. If that some recovery thing like he's. Gonna is gonna redeem himself there and locking I mean he's trying to simultaneously take a team situation while proving that is worth the money that has already passed on twice. This is unfair senator stuff. I want a third authority on this, but I don't ever then tell you're not worth anything if you're actually worth less or like whatever you know, I could begged workshop. What have I done you someone costs themselves a hundred billion dollars over the course of three years.
And anyway, the plank in you wanted to hundred million out So I don't. I don't know how it's going to go. You know the the default is always the teams are scared to death of the guy going like hey. I need a second opinion on this knee get the second opinion. They go okay, so I'm not actually holding out there's nothing. You can do what I remember at one point with Ben simmons going oh wow. This is actually pretty admirable, he's not going to fake an injury like he could go on. I've got a c six, that's little twin to whatever and it's like. No, I'm actually gonna go the mental health rules and then tweet videos that I'm back for like two plus years. Do sit, downs talked about how he's really good at playing five on five now is back yet to lookout so arm. I I don't think the heat I well. First of all, I think the heat was obviously very disappointed for a million different reasons on the timeline. There were probably some other deals out there for them they held off. They thought the in the game, the whole game. What do you think? What do you think I was out there for them that they now regret not chasing cause? I think they were pretty certain that the
Damn thing was gonna play their way Including letting vincent and strew sleeve, those aren't deal breakers that detect can survive without those guys, but I also think if they felt that dame wasn't happening. I think that might have kept one of those guys on the streets got a lot of money. I dunno can I can read you there, now, the goddamn kevin love, jimmy butler tyler, hair on corollaries, they're, starting five caleb barton duncan robinson hock. As your badge, thomas bryant, I'm not that's him up mounting amount in which way. Now I guess no they have a weird regular season and it'll be up and down, and you know, though, crawl the rate of forty five thirty, seven whatever with that roster, but in the plan that I want to see them, but I'm just
I'm on the record permanently. I don't ever want to see that team in the playoffs and it's not just because they lost Vincent and strood doesn't mean we should blow up cross them off, but I think as a regular season, team, Milwaukee and Boston just are clearly poised for more wins and more success. Yeah I mean this took way too long to circle back round. But if we're just talking to eastern conference, it's it's milwaukee, it's boston, and I know like the the rule will be. We have to sit there and say we can't rule out the heat. Like you just said, I mean again, I can't believe what happened last year, but there are also things happening that had literally never happened before, and they were all happening at the same time for Kayla Martin turn into what we thought Donovan Mitchell would be in the playoffs is one thing: I get what Jimmy did in Milwaukee in round. One was a muzzle on pretzel man in historically right, like that's, jordan, stuff did he ask them? Ok, learning, Michael Jordan for two weeks right and then there are even the one game they want against denver. That fourth quarter was the most efficient single. Fourth quarter of any game for any
im in the entire regular season and playoffs that's what they had to do and they still did it to even get one of those games. So I know that I'm supposed to just go: hey you have you have the pencil men on that one line, not as a one seed, but you have to go in the walkie boston in miami to be respectful and I wanna be respect for it, but I still can't help it thinks, like last year, is floating adjust it just gonna was on surprise. They didn't go after Eight second quintessential he guy you about the living wooden, leg, lowry and eggs, but obviously that got super orange on both sides. I don't even know they can call like. Can they call for it? I mean it all depends on which side of the argument you want to. I mean I know, we've been over this for like three months and all had when the deal finally went down. But if portland to deal with miami. I don't know that that's nice, clearly wrong, like portland fell like miami was in this
and the agent was telling everybody in the league, don't trade forum and clearly dame was certain that it would only be miami cause. We're used to the players always getting their way. My point was you know. For for months, I was like many times you have to make a decision. We like I'm, only doing this and I'm never do in this, and I won't do this. I won't move here, but I won't do that show. But I'll do. sure whatever and then like was down at the very end you're like alright. I guess I can do that show or I guess I could live there. I guess I can come to the you know what I mean like you. You end up compromising a little bit and that's where I think portland was kind of smart. So I don't. I don't necessarily blame portland for taking it personally, because I think the age part of it really pissed them off, but at the end of the day, light do you want to add it all up and compare with the hero packages? And I don't even know if we know what the final miami offer is because, based on the timeline while the reporting last week as they hadn't, really even talked and got note of in a formal like yes, no here's our best offer in mid july, so I'd, even if it were going to be a third first from miami.
an hero and some of the other salary filler, and yet for the record. I like your, which allow I liked him before the draft like we saw this summer, but I dont know, but even if you think it was personal and unprofessional and portland side, you think they did work. Maybe they don't know big players that they need for the players there to have an idea. In the centers. They have more trade stuff and, and it there's no way that it make more sense to do the two deals that they did right cause like you know, joking about the hall of fame thing, like I think, oh gee, nobody should get in just based on whom he hasn't been offered for you, like you know you He was more of a role guy, but messiah said noted durrant. He said no to liberty said like you just in we're like we bring these canada springs, the old man and the same thing think sixteen in five frustrate years get right, can't sacrifice that guy and then, when here
gets inducted reveal it. You know we know he was kind of primarily a score and is not the normal but fur for three months. He was one of the great. He was one of the great suffering it was during the off season, but he's one of the great powers of all time and haven't found with a little bit, but when you started digging ran like hearing what europe could be flip for, like a fuel were so great and so valuable. Yet in yet a three way deal going here where those pieces they are being given up for here, because the other team believes all the propaganda from the summer that then they get flip the portland and this deal so I, however, you failed. Nothing happens. I think brooklyn mess it up. I think brooklyn should have jumped in and tried to try to steal hero and give some pack said MA am,
he is at like here, however, will have a. He has even think he made sense for poor them, but I still like him is aware: ok, bogota offensive where what player peace was going from brooklyn to portland, to appease what appears like they actually want to put together actual starting five, I'm saying I wouldn't shaded some. I wouldn't traded a couple first for hero. If I was brooklyn, I would have traded a couple. Those Phoenix verse- oh just sat on it now, so that my fur heroes, that may be would have more pigs to offer for dame. If my, if my me was in power, and doesn't want one hero. You need to get picked for here, output in the dame shade and I'm brooklyn. I'm said now to try to get em cause. Ok, ok, but I'm going to allow eu above average guard. Not, I think, he's good, I think, is good too, but it
this became, I think more, not less than four important. As always, we said that didn't make a sensitive area and our desire rattler end here. Almost four guys are playing together so but but it seems clear between eight and rob that portland actually wanted a couple people they could pencil into their starting five, an arrow if hero goes to brooklyn for picks, and now miami can offer three and to swap or whatever? And you know the swaps just kind of blow all that stuff out of proportion by the way, there's another version of this tour. It's liked by really care about swaps with miami, because there's pretty good chance that the my emmy season is still really good. Now get the best. Who knows the next god it's actually want. Other than to go. They vary widely read as too bad seasons. Like thirty years, the milwaukee getting Milwaukee swaps and get it out more can protected, is super appealing and found portland, because now you're banking, I'm like as it fifty fifty So there are five years you know based on the history of the league and how things go and how guys mover
and then all of a sudden you could be sitting there. You know, swaps, big was was doing the whole thing on swaps that I enjoyed about how the swaps never since boston brooklyn the swaps, don't come through nearly as much as you'd think it'd be, it's a research project actually see how many of them hit, but I think in the Milwaukee case those are those are swaps. I would rather have than a boston swap or a milwaukee swept by the way boston kept some flexibility. They still are able to trade. I think two more first, then some swabs in arabic, eight sec round picks, so they have if they want to do one more thing. I just don't know. I don't really fully understand the supertax yet and just how punitive it is but and they could still make the roster better. Can I read you phillies, starting and right now or their your hotline harris hunger, hearted and maxie. Mountain red court bars in beverly forever. There tat mine
and you've got harrison an expiring contract, forty million bucks and, and they don't really have any pics they can attach to anybody and they gotta figure out the hardened piece, but it doesn't seem like anybody wants them, and I I gotta say I'm surprised the clippers haven't bid on that. I think it really speaks to how bad harden's reputation is right now that the clippers are like yeah terrence mann, too, rich for our blood, that we have to stay out like you that if I'd said to in February the clippers have a chance to trade. Terence Mann, norm powell and robert Covington expiring for james harden and that's the entire trade. You would have been like that's insane. Of course they should do that. But now that's I don't think you could get power or terence mann for arden.
Who's. The problem. The problem is as if you're the clippers to as the the reason he wants the clippers he thinks they were going to give the extension. So what? If you traded forum- and then you went, let's see how this year goes and then he's like well at least I'm out of philly, like I don't I I I've just never seen a guy expect something while also sabotaging himself in in such a way. I may be wanting a hardened twenty seven and doing this you better, let let's not talk about him anymore and tagged. James harden and Boston Milwaukee. You recoil daddy, is this the best robbery, but then neither why didn't you come up with a better game? None out just like our that suffered a member, but I dont know I don't know who danvers rival is. I guess maybe it's phoenix, maybe timber phoenix, escaped isn t get the nurse at yoke and thing yet some off and some both ends. So maybe that's the western version abbas maugre, but the problem is there there's more than those two teams in the
ask that it be measuring each other men. You could make a case for the one seat in the west. You could talk me into five deems you really. Could I think the west. Fifty one games might be the best record in the west, the sheer so you know the fact that members from a dab standpoint, you know their put in a lot of stock and christian brown to hope that He can do those bruce brown minutes right in that dimension, porter staying out there for a whole year- and I don't know I just don't see a juggernaut, no less than I don't think it's phoenix either Yeah I mean this is really about denver. It's about the rival report of its four yes storylines in some of the Milwaukee boston stuff. It's already happened. Yeah, that's fine I'll, give you that I'm not deferring because- and I think, you're wrong in it. move on, that's fine, but I just think demanded organ mammy Portland
For now, GM has happened to be seated across from each other. Ah, alright, I will have more stuff for you who is a bigger loser in this whole, dame sweepstakes was it miami or philly. Now that the dame sweepstakes have officially pulled out, I actually feel like this is worse for philly, because the merry go round has now stopped and they're. Now, just stuck with james harden going forward An hour I see a path for them to improve their team and I think, probably rightly they didn't want to trade maxie earth involve him in any stuff. I don't know, would you would you put Maxie those maxine harrison whatever pick it took two to close and dame and just go for two three year window with unbeaten damage is done. It well just to be consistent here. Do we think maxi for making fun of the hero offer neither maxine harris and pics get it done, philadelphia,
for if euro we'd like hey, how do you play? He ran down the arrest, and yet they do it had a foot maxie to thirteen, which is probably why had never got an attraction, the portland Oregon it doesn't matter, yeah. It was kind of the same thing as much as anybody wants to debate max here are a mana on its don't feel like doing right now,. I e the biggest losers that no, I know miami feels like the answer, but least I can look at my emmy going. Ok, no move on fridays, we'll figure it out? They have the best coach and ill of theirs ever case study for a team fighting to adversity. It's it's them! Last year,
philly. This is where the this is, where the ties in with their philosophy on everything right said now: they've been counted out again: nods boston, Milwaukee they're over here they have to do the chip on the shoulder thing. Guess what it's going to work- and I still don't want to see them in April and doesn't beat? Are we in the clock now yeah? I think so. You said you agree yeah. What would your reasoning for like just the way the n b a works? I think this hardened thing is going to be super unhappy. I don't reviewing you gonna say like fidel gambling odds with this hearted thing be super unhappy unhappy, air or happy. I think I would bet on super unhappy. It just feels I gets its headed to a really bad place, and indeed does it and he's like matters concerning the shares.
You know these are peak years. How many years the sea have? How many will week years physically? Is he going to be in an elite center who can play nine months a year? So how does it give his wish he has to play? Well if he still wants the contract? So do we get the feature? The sit down whereas local media is it now. Basketball here were indeed says we're great we're on the same page like rachel nicholls show basketball, you two page possible. I will not believe it by the way. I'm with you. I don't even think vanderpool offers the unhappy and beat brought so that we can put that after we had it up for a second. I take it that the people People have to start pulling that people were were back in it.
Do you do that? Tatum and brown are the only guys left from the two thousand and twenty bubble celtics? I didn't is that true in three years, every other person that they played with the bubble is no longer on the team. I think this is just the league. Now I think it's like fuck america. If you have. four guys on the same team for more than four years, and maybe you have your top two for a while or you are in the year in the denver situation, where you have your three plus gordon, but for the most part like to just keep four guys or more together is just not gonna happen anymore. This kind of like speaks to the Milwaukee motivation behind it. The league is about your top two, and you know Jamal Murray needs to be in that, because he's got the time but also what he did not later series and could not agree, are right and then yoke, each being the undisputed one. Now
and being in his prime lears, the daylight of you, We want to get into it, and I was talking with a summary about stay but like as great as Jonas is. If something were to happen, can he unlock the possession offensively, or is he just going to have to like out physical physically, which has worked? Alright already got him a ring like what he did against phoenix and he made all his free all that different stuff and as good as tatum is we've seen it get bogged down right and is great. As you know, it's weird, because we kind of feel like people are turning the page on golden state, which could be a mistake, but I don't not necessarily like the right, but like steph Steph can either step const cause with his gravity he's still going to impact every possession. So maybe he's still in this conversation the point that I'm trying to make and I'm taking too long to get to It- is that whatever you think you're going to do to yogesh
It's like a great hitter who never gives away at bats, like they're, probably still going to get a good look. They're probably gonna run something that makes sense, they're, probably going to end with better options offensively than most teams. If not every single team, because of him saw you want to get physical, okay, cool. You want a double off of him. Okay, cool we're going to do this. Oh you want to make sure to stay. The catalogue will now this guy's open, always different things So even though denver you could look at it and go okay, where's. The dep. Where is the depth of michael porter jr thing? Is it's own little experiment anyway? It's a lot like the nash suns were just knowing that you're playing with him is going to increase your efficiency and it's happening dan gordon's. A perfect example of that, like he's a completely different numbers guy now, because having yo could share, makes it that much easier so You know top two, even though Murray still feels like he's behind some of the other guards, and now I I'm with you, they have the belt. If they, if we're doing the two man championship contests to me, they have the bout.
honest damer therein, katy and booker, I think those are probably you put that it had at three. You put watch it brown brought. Would you put eighty eighty and leubronn behind her? front. I think I'd put eighty in the bron behind I am a jail inches cause the bronze twenty first year. You now and- and I guess this is ridiculous. rather ridiculous. I didn't like www thousand three draft like at some point this ass to an end. Sadly, I dunno know what you're gonna be, but so I dunno, but still you know, the and then there's probably a little bit of a drop off like he. You go into like envied and maxi and luca and corinne start trying to talk yourself, curry and whoever the second warrior is, but I think for pure, like our two best guys are going to go against your two best guys. You know when, when it's yoga Jan murray, playing katy and and booker that
If games are going to be incredible and immediate boston, milwaukee games are going to be incredible, like watching boston, throw all their shit at dame and try to you, make him uncomfortable. We haven't seen dame in like a really competitive basketball situation since two thousand and eighteen you know as for I mean I guess, the world championships whatever and two thousand twenty one which wasn't very good at, but we just haven't seen him in awhile. We haven't seen him at a garden since what I did part of my podcast, but on thursday, like I, don't think people realize like how bad of a defensive player he's been the last few years and how we haven't really been focused on that, because that in the playoffs is when you really see it, when people's entire strategy turns into we gotta get dame. I switch and just torture him and you know whether he's going to be a major liability for them or minor liability will find out and and then the phoenix thing you know. I I just
I think they're gonna be able to guard anybody either. So maybe this will be a year where offense carries it, because at least denver as good as offensively they were last year. They got stops when it mattered right there. In that laker series they got big stops and the right time and you think, like yo it's more like those guys knew how to defend when they actually had to not sure Milwaukee will say we we just haven't seen them, do it but who's your favorite have yet to pick a favorite team right now. Would you pick? Is it too early? It's too early for me, it just is yeah it's still early. For me, too. I was doing that starting research. Yesterday I was like Jesus Christ. I mean the pacific, the pacific, as lakers clippers kings warriors suns. This is just all five teams that vision. I guess the clippers have the worst team, but I think the league is like
it's insanely loaded? This year, like in, like kind of a shocking way, just too much talent is they'll. Never forget, you know an mba dot com does the gm surveys and how much recency bias can play into the whole thing yeah. I think it was the off season where you know the celtics added I dunno, I think was like. Was it gordon hayward and. In cairo for one it was kyrie kyrie, seventeen, an airline, ok, let's that's like an incredible hall and then Oklahoma city had added carmelo late, ray they they did they right after it, and then the survey was like, like oklahoma city, had the best nazis and nearly if you just or separated like theirs away. Anyone ever say that saw the. I
working here is that I don't want to be dismissive of denver by going like oh, it's, either milwaukee or boston cause. I don't feel that way. I think any of the front offices are trying to do this stuff. It's a shortlist of teams that can say we have a real chance. We have a real chance yet end up as the team in Milwaukee is it Milwaukee is on that list. It should say Boston, certainly on it. Clearly, Denver is because yoga, which I think phoenix in a weird ways, being overly what, but it was so ugly. I started with such a massive series against denver, and maybe I've been praying since isn't that less? For. For me, I dunno if the defensively away they'll be able to pop four rounds, but they have. The ando adds Boston, Milwaukee, phoenix december in the lakers said the top five ads. I'm good without five and then the warriors or sex than I think, I'm good, but that that would be my short list now, and I wouldn't really have anybody else except the heat, the Chapter thirty, two one on fender there's some, you know, ok see. I felt like what
one trade away from really be an insane, but they just don't seem, might they're interested in actually competing this year, but I felt like tat wise. They were like view it at a drouet everything they had. I really felt like that. Could have been a top three team in the west potentially regular season. In new orleans to top everything else, and start the season. Last year, I'm goin they might be the best one through nine, but we know the new orleans stories the same on overall and but when, when I looked the annual odds after the miller deal, Milwaukee was one phoenix was to Boston, was threatening, Denver was four and in most places may be denver in Boston were the same odds, and now it's milwaukee in Boston tie and then its denver. So as the arising that members should be the favourite. What they might. Even though there were eager they're not that much weaker, that they should be the favourite, but it may be follow up on your point about the west in general that the odds will be different for denver just because of how pact, because, as NATO s sincere,
for me what you said earlier about the yoke murray combo to me that stolen some trump that that was the best thing anyone had last year was when denver needed a basket. They had those two guys and they were able to create a really good something. Every time, and maybe damon ghana supple that off. I really liked what the lakers dead and I think, austin's, better than they were last year. You know, I think, there's going to be some over the next couple of days. People will point to the four guys they lost and the two guys that got back in the bag: they're worse defensive when they're, not as good it wasn't about the defense and by the way their defense would collapse at the worst possible time sprayed in oh in twenty two and twenty three like they're regulars. His defense was great, but they had some stops issues against really good team. And third to strike by apps and then big picture was a seven year run for them? Five of them were really good and
remember, do anything with you in june. It's like man that these runs. You never know all of a sudden. It can be over like they can't stand. Pat they gotta be aggressive. I would say they were even more aggress. That I ever imagined right that the drew trade, the present as trade were fuckin bossy trades, maybe drew a little less oak. As you know, it's a little more turkey, but trading smart fur, pausing s Was was risky, I don't I don't know if it's really really be able to play nine methods. Loud It was a regular unrelated
The lack of depth is the big position, and here we recover the horrified thing: it's a miracle. They got what they got from last year, or so to expect it again. I don't know about that and the eye caught him a kind of expect prisoners to be heard by the fact he had a really good season last year. Let me ask you this: yeah does milwaukee do all of this over if they know that drew ends up on Boston yeah. I think that I think all they cared about was that allowed us to leave and ask out, and they felt like this, Having dame making life easy upgrading in whatever way possible and not worrying about what else happens in a week, I think that's. What they cared about. Indiana seem pretty fired up about. We see the video yesterday dame go to Milwaukee and all those people wait for him in Milwaukee. Has great fans they're going to be he
if any or if there is any concerned about. Oh he's, not in miami's that could be happy he's going to be super happy there they're going to love him, he's going to love playing with janis, but now I think they do it anyway. Why do you think they don't know? We agree just want to throw that out there. I think it's exactly. I don't need to add to the answer, because you answered it the right way. It was obvious from what I can tell the super taxes. One hundred and eighty two: point. Eight billion dollars in the south are above it side or no added. A body marks had an interesting treat this week. Anybody we said like when you look at it with some of the steps that we talked about like these new rules and how punitive they're gonna be in that its basically a different level for a hard job at the top of the stuff marks. Entire point was in a boss. He's gonna do this now, while they can because-
you try to do this like they just wouldn't be able to do, and I'd have to like really dig into it. The way he did- and you know granted him in mississippi watching football, so I wasn't as on top of it as I normally would be, but it's it's definitely. It makes sense for boston ago, but I think sometimes we spend all the Time. On this topic, it becomes really simple: hey. Are you better with drew holiday yeah, he better drew out a you are and you'd have to watch. You'd have to live the rob williams, experience for the highs and the lows in the what the hell is going on with that guy like it was constant. It was all the time and the salaries you know eleven twelve million the next couple of years. It's a great number for him. Maybe it works out. I still think the pairings about maybe protecting eight and a bit defensively instead of him, just replacing him twin towers, sampson olajuwon back bring it back, just blocked a block
Better screens for each other, I'm really enjoy watching this ethics season. This year. Will you think I know Eminem really enjoyed this team. I liked that I liked it. I've been excited for jordan. Walsh. I'm excited for to know of Joe masse is a good coach or not once and for all, like they've removed all the excuses for him. They can't say chemistry, locker gets a dark day and when oversight, ITALY, the ideas mozilla, and I dont know- where are the words and that's part- of the gamble like iraq in the south, the gambles giving up all the tropics they gave up would be third thing is present, is lacking, and that due is second and trickling down. Joe Mozilla and trading, all the guys that rub them, the wrong way is number one for me, because you better,
I think you have the right coach cause. They they they grease the skids for him and there's no excuses now if he can pull this team off. That's on him. This is a really good team and we have white holiday. It's one of those teams like you and I we both talked to these people that work for these other mba teams and there's just certain guys. They love, but they all love, derrick White they're. Quite like the perfect, like, oh my god, I've loved have derrick white or my team, even when they traded from them for the spurs. You just hear it right. The man slept that derrick white holiday has been like that since went like two thousand and thirteen fourteen he's always been one of those is that, though, the smart kind of whatever basque web browser mantua, they love that guy jail embrowned, not really as much of a guy like that. I would say
no, but when you work, never work in future with him. When you talk about, I don't know how often they would play it's specific matchups and really none of this matters until the playoffs. But the other thing, the thing I like about certain teams do really well is or how many guys you have that are really comfortable, finishing obsession with the ball in hands and that's a lot of guys. Without now they have five if they play porzingis at the end of the games and said AL with the tatum brown and the two guards, all five of those guys can score and wait and holiday, or both the good. Weird shit just happened in this play. It's complete chaos like holiday. The best play of his entire career was at ally of diana's right, which is one of the crazy heat he gets. The strip and just fucking throws a half court alley up to janis to quench a finals game in phoenix like that play was
bonkers and sara. I dunno either I'd think this team's going to be really fun to watch. I like that combo and alright we're gonna. Let you go reseller you're doing your podcast. Yeah tomorrow morning I'll be back in a way. Is it a farewell back chance he so bad stuff I I tweeted today there in the game it not. Since I was in college which are old enough to remember when we had mark wilson We had Tommy Hodson and the humiliate her and Steve grogan with the neck brace- and there was just like this five year run before they got bledsoe when it was just bad quarterback play was a lock and I didn't know. Mac was what he did today against Dallas was the darkest qb moment for this franchise. Since the early nineties, it was that bad he was come. He completely blew the game,
Immediately and made five terrible decisions that I just submarine them, who is really rough pay? At least the organization din, overpay, Brady, Is that what that disaster? One hour, the celtics are in pole position in the city, like I don't think they're been in awhile cause. Even the bees are kinda. You know there seems like they're moving into a different phase of things, the red sox holy shit and then the pats. This is about as bleak as it's looked offensively. So tatum's like this. Is it man it's all lined up for him, yeah really there's any disputing that really thought about ranking the four teams you, didn't you already. How would you ve been rank on? I guess the bees would be second even cause aid. They still have. Some, I feel in the red sox stuff is nastier, is, is this true or not? You think red sox trains are still more mad about muky bats them.
Spans are about Brady de retz. Accidents are way matter about bogey bets. They could not advance even clothes. They came away. Was bad when it happened, and now it's like a million times worse by the way the plants are about to start, and it might feel worse three weeks from now that it does so anyway, games if you're gone, proven rating in the city. Then its Boston found lens something's miserly first you're right, I don't let me know and plaster. I don't have a lot of ruins korea apologize, they're, nice run and they came really close, the winning a second cup, and they had nothing to be ashamed of, and they had. You know yeah, but last disappointing you losing the first set. Well, that's that's hockey, but you know when you think about a guy. Remember just meat dipping my toe into hockey, unlike they don't have enough lines for all of these guys
this is incredible and they added these two dudes in the trade deadline and then yeah for two I was like this is going to be unbelievable, like think about all of these options in another's health issues with a with a couple but yeah, I think, by default there too, and in the red sox are probably last approval ratings, because that would just feels naturally give your henry you're goin. So you losers couldn't win for eight decades and now you're mad at us in a yak. That's the way doing the works, because that's it it's when you're trading, guys have a chance to be in your life for twenty years how many great players a really good, referring your entire life they get to spend their whole careers of them are mukhi would have been one of those guys. I think that's a much tougher thing to forgive like when a
in a last fiscal land. When I was little like, I never recovered from that watching fisk on the white sox for the eighties- and you know, just just shipping out on those guys have- is unrecoverable yeah. That's that for me cause that's where the gap will come up like I had to be taught those lessons right. What hap? What happened? Dad pop rape, you know like a kid coming back from the village eons ago. What did they do right? What and so yeah mukhi man I mean for somebody that was at Yazd day when I was ah like I was eight you know like that was I went to the dodgers game. I brought my dad he'd never been to dodger stadium and mukhi went off while he was playing second base like of all things, and then my father was like. Let's leave, I went to three dodger games this year and he played
in short than one of the official position of the three days of the year. We kidding me: how did they treat this guy? I resellers pack has come to morrow we're gonna be teaming up with house in little more than two weeks we do in the annual over others. I cannot wait for a further share because the over under I've never been harder to figure out ever and there's veto as more bats too. There's like there's like some stiff from play out bats in some fine, like you can bet on a team to be one of the six play acting in said, does not to be in the plan and so lots to discuss. Priscilla thanks for half an hour for power, one really appreciated. Thank you bill right. That's it for part, one thanks to copying for producing thanks to resell. Oh much later tonight, sudden eight sound I'll be breaking down. Weak foreign affairs, probably gonna, be an absolute.
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-03.