« The Bill Simmons Podcast

NBA Tournament Chaos and Top-10 Player Arguments with Justin Termine, plus Michael Rubin on Changing the Collectibles Industry


The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Justin Termine of Sirius/XM NBA Radio to break down the wild final night of the In-Season Tournament group stage including the Kings comeback win over the Warriors and whether Golden State is in big trouble, plus some sports radio debates like Tatum vs Booker and who wants Zach Lavine (01:40). Then, he chats with Fanatics CEO Michael Rubin on how AI will impact merchandise, modernizing the sports cards market and more (54:00).

Host: Bill Simmons

Guest: Justin Termine and Michael Rubin

Producer: Jonathan Kermah

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Coming up the n season, just gets better and better we're. Gonna react live territory that happened tonight. Next. This episode bill pack asked is present by air being be maybe travelling to see friend family for the holidays. When your way your home could be an airbag bay, whether you could use a little extra money to cover bills or for something a little more fun home or spare room might be worth more than you think, find out how much at air bnb dot com slash host. This episode is brought to you by simply, if, before you get overwhelmed with holiday, plans, make sure you're prepared with simply safe, using twenty four seven professional monitoring and hd cameras. They will help protect your home from real life villains and much much more, don't forget the holidays. Come you know what that means when the holidays are coming.
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just determining who's. Gonna join us it's late, he's the nay and working to react to in season tournaments crazy. This array fun, basketball, night Adams, regatta handed to this. Did but that and then after that, Michael reuben, the head an attic sue comes out every two plus years to talk about business doves, lord staff just innovation, things that he seen in the future, so he is on and that can be the podcast. It's a good one. First, our friends from project I tabled this. It is had a clock, pacific time just determining our friend from
what is the sirius Xm and ba radio? What are we calling it these days? Yeah hit it right out of the park serious section and be a radio. Don't come on forty seven eastern time. You know with eddie and myself, so I thought you were on the west coast somewhere in these east coast, but you this was one of the great. Random, regular season, nba nights I think we ve ever had and its november twenty eight. This is usually the most dead time of the year. This about worth thinking about trades and we're china. Blow teams up or the same leg should this and start on christmas, all these little narratives that we have in the first months of the year, they're gone because the incidents in has worked in his. It's been us how much have you liked. It filled up
it'd, be my favorite part is because we're fielding calls from people all day and we're looking to create the subject matter and people are calling animal like the Russell westbrook comments right over the course of the last couple of days or they're called about the pop of itself for their call on about a you know, trying to trade reno zack Levine, I don't like the player movement type of stuff, I'm over and I'm sick of it now talking about basketball like eddie, and I will pop on the mike here on wednesday the day after all these tournament games, people will actually want to talk about the games, so I love it and you know from listening time, so we go back and forth, I'm not afraid to crush the mba, even though I'm an mba radio, when I they deserve it right I'll, get on for load management, I'll get him on a good outcome for the player movement. I can't say enough about them: hit home run with this. I love it, yeah, there's some tweaks that they can do that we can talk about, but for the most part, the questions I had going into it. I think you and I saw the same last summer. I guide the this sounds cool on paper, but why I care, and why, where the players care right so fast.
Where did today, we had the sun ex doing a hack, a shack andrei Drummond. Fourth quarter of thirty two profits, so they could try to game the point differential, french or so they can get in there. The point is one cared. Everyone into this, the prayers were trying to win this where's kings game that we just watch that it came with the talk about felt, a game, seven of apply series. The crowd was gone nuts, but teams really try and the words had to win by twelve just to make it did a manner. It had all the intensely all the stuff that you know that we really kind of mist from the regular season with some very rare exceptions and we had it just for six straight hours and it was great. I I just loved that I was so happy here on the on the same way like I'm, not a huge soccer fan, but I care about the world cup, because I see that a lot of people care about it rachel. I want the players to care about it. I got into This is because the players cared we're talking about the cell, that's where they go out there and they do that package. Roman think, then they go
in the locker room, I'm seeing reports that they were like celebrating the under that netscape right now. If the players about it, then I'm gonna care about it than the fans are going to care about it, and that was the interesting, it is like their worried. the toronto nets game at the end of november. I'm concerned about a toronto nets came at the end of november. Then I gotta keep sk. I get on my eye on the next score. I gotta keep my I unlike minnesota, oklahoma city, just as the different outcomes games it may be. I normally one care about and all of a sudden you find yourself cared about it. You know it's funny, his tea. Anti, did a good job bill with a different little boxes top right in an almost felt like the unseen, doubly tournaments, where you're just not for he's done your team. Your focus like everything taking place at the same time with all the games had taken place Sometimes you I loved even the way which presented on television I had that Free tv he's gonna, had the nets game go and needed the nets to win needed to make sure that in wine by too much you I didn't bother, I don't love, you did the same thing, but for the part, I knew what I wanted, but I wasn't gonna go nuts about. Ah, the did not suit their plus.
Thirteen right now, like a whatever the chips arena follower there. May I think you know How could about tweaks for how this could have been better, and I really want to talk about some of the games at a second but a it felt like the as determine went on over the course of companies, Some people started to realise how important point the was that am I really noticed it was the Linda Boston game or later had their guys in near the end and they're trying to score, and I was like wow. This is like a my brain I didn't even eat, never access before during the regular season, as I did this something. Then you really felt that today with the porn it on late, I think if if five games that I would go five groups. I mailed you my idea. Five areas, instead of sex slaves six teams per group. There's five games per group instead of four and then I think, the point a french as a little easier to figure out. I think if you're gonna pick with what they did tonight and this this this month,
was. There is a lot of three in one teams, and then it comes down to make these teams in the fourth game. This up when the latter they play this balls team, that's already ready for the seas. In the end they blow now and they just it was an advantage that they had that game at that specific time. So I think five games, but even that out other than that, I'm really happy with that. With the format is area they ass, he would change agree. I love it. I would have liked more land. I thought it was unfair for them that they didn't know what they needed like. So bosnia do what they needed a wind by show, You gotta have every team play on the on the last day in probably play at the same time just so they know what to do. I thought ready, whilst in a lamas like football in an hour when football we were, there had have other vision from the conferences they are just play at the same time, so there's no aid, not a national. And they do that, like the last day of the n b, a season as waller right, the baseball season. Just so no team can kind of alter it based off what the end result is elsewhere. So that's
dear, and I like your ideas. Well, because what you emailed me it had. A lot of teams likened the sing division right. So I To see like boss for example, going up against philadelphia going up against new york, because then you get the rivalries that alike historic and there in the sink fr so year after year, it's like our philadelphia got us last year, but we carry that. we're into the next season same thing with the lakers. Like am I supposed to care about? Lakers Oklahoma city? Probably There is really no connection there, but I would care of it lakers clippers, every grub care if it was lakers golden state, lakers Sacramento. So I love. Idea, maybe making the same divisions every single year, the sink groups and have don by maybe the divisions yet just quickly had a by region, so is past and the new york times Philly washed in toronto was grew bay and then- through an eight. Then you have the kind of cross over with with the miami orlando charlotte atlanta, new orleans memphis, so you grab him from both conferences, but for the most part, if you just look at the map, it's pretty easy to see which sixteen to cluster and
with you, I think it should be the same themes every year. I it adds the act that even we had sacramento go and stayed in. The same group was important because These were the questions I would ask you tonight is that the best rather river ass. Now it we're just talking about sheer entertainment with history and baggage of be a series and proximity that be the number one rivalry chasm ahead. I wanna go all is lost milwaukee, but it's like. I don't know that the characters of changed so much in the boston maki, since most of the players are different than they were four years ago, but going Sacramento feels like it has continuity. Right, I mean location. You got the stomp last year from draymond, you got a series that went seven games. They play a fun style so, like I'm, definitely not going to argue against that I mean you could make the argument both the sacramento piece like a like they have to get over this this this month stir that is just on them for the last four years, like it's got a lock on for years
big brother little brother. I mean oda. That issue in the eastern conference, like I would even say, Milwaukee it. I'm not really scared. I'm a walkie, even though more walk he's got a little bit thought here. As of lady, like their defence as major issues, major react and I don't think that's been rectified like they barely be Portland the other day they barely beat Washington the other day meeting on twenty four and eight, with the with no jimmy bother to my having bottler no tyler hero media, I you know Kyle, I we look like he's oscar robertson show like I will. I don't even know if I consider that the biggest rivalry, even though the lowered and drew things gonna, be a ton of fun. If we see that in the post she's a hack, we could see it here in the middle east internment of both advanced vegas. By top, I would say, eastern conference, Boston philadelphia, might be a little bit more of us arising in our even rom. Isn't my enemies? Boston, one! Every time, yet some minor. Who is more of an annual back and before I like the history of it right. So it's laugh. Boss, philadelphia along at boston layers of the two best robberies and sport. So I include dad in kind of when I'm talking about the rivalries
well yeah. You got recent reveries, it's probably boss, the miami, just as they fed big series, a bunch of times, thou gone, in Sacramento I liked the longevity it Alan and for Whatever reason, though, the match up is perfect that sec watchin as well to wait fighters who just have the perfect thoust the fight each other gods they that sacramento even has like mark is most like a little bit of like like a curry, he impostor with his efforts of game when it gets gone and foxes. You know foxes it and to be a first him on big this year, although I guess there's like four five guards. That could say that, but we had taken the word is really quick before we keep up with the stern meant that was it devastating loss for them I mean devastate. a date it's a season. That's been threatening to go the wrong way. The dream on soap, opera, I mean D, I'm sure you ve spent more enough time talk about that, but they completely fell apart
down the stretch near a with the ball with, I think, like eighty seconds left I'm turnovers second chance points for the kings and and then they end up like a thirty five followed a winner when they couldn't get a good shot. That dream was it's bizarre down the stretch playing clay thomson over moody or loony over moody when moody was really good there somewhere, hosting staff, and that was the first time I thought to myself: oh man go and state might be a plan to him and even a buck, the play it might be lucky for that way. What was your take watching? The war? Will fly at golden state, is my seventh seed prior to the season beginning, I wasn't a big fan and a lot of it was because of their lack of size. It wasn't because I thought that or wiggins was going to throw or be thrown off a cliff. I I agree with you with the coaching decisions with moody down the stretch cause. He was really good and then all of a sudden he's out of the game, the port, that's gotta. concerning about this loss on top, like some stuff you mentioned, is whereas where's andrew wiggans, been all season he's been nowhere. He gave
the best game that he's given you by far, that was by far his best game tonight, you still the losing, and you can also make the argument. It was the best game. The clap, late twenty in eleven o clock like one twenty point game show that might be the best and you got from clay and wagons and you still end up losing it. You blow a big lead, ah showed There is a lot of trouble and I know that you are doing the list here on the ringer that you were mentioned. We were touched him back into the town of on charity. I what you were doing, the top a hundred in you got clegg. You got courier near the top of the list. Like the difference. to encourage- and I think some of the other guys at the top of the list are he doesn't have that sidekick right like this says, lower embryos, Terry smacks yoke. Each has Jamal murray tatum scotch Elam brown. If you think it's him, maybe it's boards, india's, like everybody, anthony davison and have each other devon, booker and katy have each other huge drop off from courier to eat or wiggans replies. We got no sidekick. Dream on is, I guess, tat the greatest Jabez guy in the team- and he said
the point now you saw tonight where he took it. His elbow, it's felt like he flopped a little bit to try to get a flagrant or something they didn't call it, and then he was so mad. He did it's crazy, like karate, chop, foul thing and I think was Malik monk- yeah anna and then stared at the raf, and he had already gotten a technical was like. Are you really going to get thrown out of this game, like I feel at key and I thought it was interesting- Kenny smith call them out on the show the night before the game and that somebody they work well for his dislike man, you're, not twenty, two, twenty three twenty four years old anywhere like it either you're veteran, and it seems like your behaviors getting more erratic, but I think this just that so proper alone is wrong. concerning a five hour, moors person and that's before you get into it a kind of semi washed and then the other p of wiggans, like a should you be shocked when wagons as twenty seven points in a game, but that's where we are right now with them
now you are. If he has fifteen points. If he gets in securing, let us send a shocked, and you know you, you know, cause you're a celtic van he killed. This but on the glass bottle lamby. Finally, you don't understand it and then, dream on stuff like how can you say like it's too late to be apologizing? Now you just gotta changer behaviour. The thing I get a kick dream on all the time bill is he's always talking about like well, I'm on here, for my t made somewhat to stand up for my team. It it's a market, let him down all right. So we came the defensive of clay thompson and the gap which clearly overboard, but he lets them, his teammates every time he puts himself in that position to get suspended. He did it last year and in the series against the Sacramento, where he misses a key game. He did it in the finals. In two thousand and sixteen or he put them situation here tonight, we're really you could We reject that. I'm gonna have a new issue if they ejected em cause. Not only did he do that karate job, but after the official blew the whistle he then take not their swipe at monk and they, down the official so like if they threw him out he's putting his team spot again, so I think he's
really very selfish. To be honest with you, the bigger she for them, as I just there's other teams in the west. I just think I'm just definitively better at this point Minnesota Dan berwin murray, comes back phoenix with that with way booker's play and now they can just keep booker and durant how it together. I liked that gold state oklahoma city, especially if they trade. on two or three of their seven hundred packs and try to act out where, with the sacrament that even with them, on that cross it up. lakers. I know they saw last night, but you know they're going to figure it out and then new orleans as the wild card just from a talent stamp neurons has more talent and gone state. I think couriers I had him in the ringer hundred at the gate and third Second, a matter if nobody else in your team is in the top. Fifty in that kind of what we're looking at new orleans is loaded with talent, even when you, guys, like that
Daniels when tray murphy on his back like these are like gas dudes and I look at the words and you just think, those back to backdrops wiseman, whatever it's the covert draft then, the year after coming over france is just cut the combo those two just going over to on those picks, basically which it feels like they did yeah. You can come back from that. I mean we talked about it over the course of the last couple of days, because labelling Lou, just unfortunately got hurt, he's been goin off and you could add him instead of wiseman right eye. In her covert draft and then you've got Franz Wagner who they passed up on. I mean shin goon. I dunno. If you want to blame them for that, bitch and goons awesome he'd be perfect there and the best player in the league. Now, I think, rising up as a joke. At two point, oh, I know so like you've got all those guys that they passed on where they made mistakes in the draft and then they're just missing the two most important things. I think that it takes to wind down. I've heard you talk about this in the pod before one is just
it's no longer like a big three, it's a big to write in combination- and we already mentioned curried, isn't that second guy and then the other thing is look at the teams that have one recently, the lakers back in two thousand twenty- did it with size. The up the box did it with size, ah number, as they did in two thousand to twenty two, but last year nuggets did it with size, wise, orlando, winning right now what they're doing it with size like you, gotta, be big and they just sides I mean it's, it's given loony and what darya sarge, let's not get caught it when should get into the policies in italy That's got bigger and bigger every year and twenty twenty two, the more I looked back at it, it just is. It was fluke if there is a whole bunch of things going on that that runway for them and we, It was playing way bigger than his size and was rebounding in a real way and they they are, but a patched together and curry was so great and urban grabbed the title. But I dont think that twenty twenty two team in this, current season playing a team like minnesota like these teams,
their size everywhere, and if you don't have it, I've been saying this for the last three weeks: it's the thing they jumps out to me over and over again If you don't have size and length, I watch it coopers. Yesterday they got be by ready. jackson in the hedge engender jordan, but Prs just seem small. You know even like trading the coming ten in and the tomb who aren't like ina Dilber here's, the knights man, but at least they were too long guys that add some size. Now you watch some and they just seem small everywhere and I don't think that's to me. The coop Is there a delay? I don't see any recipe for them to be a final four team with that with other guys they can't guard point guards they can't guard anyone like yoke edge and beat anybody like that. So what are they bill? If you can't be done, now nuggets on your home floor without yoke. It Erin Gordon and Jamal Murray who were there three best players. Let's be honest, I think Michael porter junior, when three a thirteen, a nice era show he was
oral. So you really lost to them on your home floor without their for best players show, you lost to them on your home floor in one game without therefore best players. How the hell you supposed to the denver nuggets of seven game play officers. We actually have to go travel in play in Denver where they're impossible to be. They have no So you know Ellis alleys. Hopes are over, meanwhile than I have their own pixel, two thousand thirty. So it's it might be the biggest mess in sport. We see their seventy nine. three. The winds are against the spurs and one's against portland and their thereof three and mining as everybody else in this is a team that said Paul. George inquired the whole year. They haven't. there's been no injury stuff with them, yet they played their guns. Sixteen full games at both of those guys and their seventy nine. Their schedule has named gun hard. Yet I think that trade, that I you know I went all and on how dumb I thought that traders and it's actually might even be a little bit worse because Russell be the our guy
they'll get rid of him over the next two weeks, a buy out. We get a inner chemistry ray and there in it'll keep back in his thesis events. the acts of fallen tie lou. Air or lawrence frank and they'll keep blaming people, but The reality is something new and I always talk about our shows like once you're letting the players make transactions for your screwed, What does that ever worked? It certainly do we put the brine when he went. He forced the lakers trade westbrook that time. Why are you to your prayers, where this is not a recipe for success. With this pics, listen, tatum, you know loves, bradley beale data, bradley balance that opposing guests and drew holiday right That's how they would. He got giant cap figure, but guess tatum respects you organization. He was gonna, as for, and they were smart enough to beg- did let us handle this, but he went abroad. for two years would bradley beal good on this. Self? No, you can't listen. Airports
they might have given Harry Giles, a hundred million dollars in a little bit like the plateau high garbage look at the other alight team, it's like they go out and get roscoe westbrook, even though they could have a smaller moves that when they move away from Russia west we're going to go on a one last year, just cause the guy players at actually fit a role, and you have to have different fit a role, I'd like no matter what The field is something that could be broadcasting if your teaming up like like our with that he writes. If I which with another guy that was just like me I won't be as good, even if the guy I really talented, like you, gotta, have guys like shut picks. You gotta have dialogue, woman heading, I backdoors aphid. why I mean I didn't mean to it's a little bit later on the east coast. That's probably the reason I know you're clear, I'm delirious ah, but then? I guess it filled different roles and they got four guys that need the ball. It's not like, like you can afford he players annabelle work together, if, like their, MR daul, that, like John hamel check, lay thompson staff curry yoga like guys, they don't need the basketball guys they touch it alber on how to burn these.
these guys and everybody needs the ball in los angeles plus. They have no sign so is a disaster, but the thing is, we would have we we said that when they made the trade so worrying, new: they also, these guys succeed when they have the ball, and now you have the motto gather. What do you think's going to happen? Yes, so I can't be a complete hypocrite now I didn't think it would work, but I also said I didn't mind them going in and making the hard and move just because at the end, when the championship before I shall like one not just do this, since you are already all land who cares about two extra picks when you're going to be a disaster anyway, if these guys end up leaving so I did say to do it ah because I didn't think there were good enough before and now there certainly not good enough either. So there's an extra syrian shape, the last on our work, A break- and I wanna play a little game, called sports radio arguments the.
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Yes, that's ned, sweet dot com such be as to get your own kph checklist net suite dot com, slash b, s aren't coming back, so our eight games are really good. By the way for this in season tournament. Next bucks celtics at pacers, sons at lakers and pelicans kings, So I guess that if you're talking about our be so much fun, if there's like not one of their actual contenders into it, that's basically the papers. The politicians are fine young team- oh my god, look at them its new Orleans but you also have major stars right. You have your ass and dame you of all this. Thanks guys, you have the rain and booker you blow bron and the artist formerly known as K, D, you have zion fox, like there's stars everywhere, so this is perfect for them, and the next week thought the corridor five,
which will be even more funding, overestimate normal the vague. As for that god, I know you're gonna vegas right, I'm sure for the for the semi is I one for the semis. I'm going for your podcast on on Wednesday night provide amies yeah, and then I'm going to leave now I'll stick around I'll stick around for the game. While the semis are going to be awesome in it As you know, the only thing I can t bear to us. I went to the olympics in two thousand and twelve, and there is a court fires or was just four games in a row of you know, do or die on their backs games with, basically all the good person the country is no is awesome and then in the final same thing was: two games to get through the god barrow games in a row and was fucking awesome anna. hope, and if the. If the players are gonna play as hard as they did tonight, then I think this very thing about homer home run plus, like you know, the Star game now, story, I'm kind of stocks. We have to go, there's a ladder. corporate staff, the players and you're gonna move around your set up a boot there, and if that really about
ask abolish about the circus round basque by this can be about sk bar, but then have the same vibe of all these people who love basque, bow work in the industry, though I'll be there. I think it be really really cool. You I'd leave before the all star game, so I don't even go to the game all star weekend, but I'm not into the game because of obvious reasons it's horrible are and I'm going to go to all these like I, I can't wait to get there. It'll be listing now, because you got to vegas for summer league and it's a heavy lakers crowd. They say about a win one more game or phoenix in order to get out there, but- homage to see what the environment's gonna be out like there and and a valet does get there. It's gotta be a heavy like home ground for the lakers just as clearly, and I always just right right down the road That's a nice match up for the sun's because unanimously you're staying there, just sing too many glue, guys right habitat in about all season. They lose gave Vincent pretty fast. It just seems right there,
makes an emerging. They have a lot of trouble defending other teams. Wings Leubronn can't play wing anymore, I'm in his basically a power forward at this point so that their their team is really set yet and the signs are now they had this little doran run at the start of the year, not booker's Ben awesome for two weeks, then leads me to my first sports radio argument. would you had with eddie, which is tatum or but Some do my ringer top hundred and a guy to the six spot. Where issues where I had tatum and I started thinking legacy step and book booker better than tatum, like then I thought about the the play off exits and tatum factor great rebound he's his bannerman he's an unbelievable rebound her for his position. Wrath is like third in the league, rebounding out of all non centres, and I do think he's got better every year in his added stuff and like where he is but the book.
thing, it's an argument so where I'm sure eddie was on the book or side, where were you on tatum verses booker I was on. I was on the tatum side. Now speak of elimination games. I got the numbers radio custodian. I just had the argument owner of elimination schemes he's played in three of them he's average and fourteen points and thirty one percent off from the floor not taken I think, with some more up around twenty six point. Four game included. Like so he's had a fifty one point game. workers played you know against last year against star philadelphia. And games seven right. Then he had the forty six point game against philadelphia, our milwaukee on the road to the year. They went to the finals. Bookers. Never even scored forty six points in all three of his elimination games combined. So that was one argument. I used against daddy that this item has been better in a bigger spot and then clear, You got the rebounding. You ve got the defence heavy advantage to to him in both those categories, even though booker has improved dramatically defence
we want to give him credit for that booker's, a better play maker. I think at this point as well by top like old and ultimately like eddies. Big argument was efficiency and I do view booker is the better score. I don't see how you view that I do booker's the better score, but if you look at like effective, feel go percentage which acute late. Everything across the board tatum actually has the advantage there shall I do in tatum. But if you like you're making a list of the ten basket, and sport. In all likelihood, you got him back to back with tatum, maybe one spot. I had a book yeah add the list I handed in there were running. Are we combine? All the rankings differ voters, but I had yoga genus currie, Adam bede. For over LUCA look at five tatum six booker said and ass, she ate the at nine, and then I had jimmy butler as as as my tenth year apple abroad. As your tat right, you still have the bright ass, the top ten
the bran twelve, the defence with him. I I now just care about defence. Like a call me not spotted aids, I just factored in it's! Why, like even tatum over booker, I like the fact that tatum, when he a thousand peace, an excellent defender, but he can play different positions. He cannot be on the boards and that's like just at first sight edge, but you know abroad in there billy game. I say the whole team was implied the events, but Guy over and over again we shoot wide, open threes and I dont I do feel like lobby, in substance, the age my lad, so you know is the difference in view of the top ten guy and a top twelve everybody so afraid, out to Chris as a broad, and they should be because he's played more minutes at anyone- history, the league- measuring him right now. It's all these other deeds game after game after game. If it's a play off, came he probably moves but if you just talk about regular season top hundred, I
I can't have them in the, but you had em I gotta meet, I use it occasional defender, ok, doesn't care about it at all and you care about defence. I care about differences well, but one of the thing I care about is a care about bill, the regular season ass Jimmy, but it doesn't care about. The regular should be said. I you he said well tonight in a in a mid season, tournament, game, okay and he's yet to play by the way the rule I want to give the mba a lot of credit, even both clippers, Paul, george and kawhi, have played in every single game so far, ok, so Joe do Morris's push. I get everybody out there and eighty two key season its work for a lot of guys Jimmy. Others had three back to back she's yet to play in one of the back to back. One of them was rest at the beginning of the season than was a personal issue than it was then ankle, galicia, that he had ah I hear about the regular seasoning. Let you watch the growing up right bird, kick your ass for eighty two games in the regular season. Benny your ass again for what twenty play off games magic. Jordan! Kick your ass ada few games, not seventy games, not fifty! Eighty two games
kick your ass for twenty years old school, look abbess Jimmy by letter than do that, so I can't put him up there on the less that's my reason against roomy bopper bird and then he is wearing a back praise stirring games by nights in any one. I am I I tenth, because I wanted to keep connective tissue to what happened last year and the fat Then he dragged them. I am waiting for the final last year and be boston and ran through malarkey I just it's not going to let that go. You have to be a top ten guy after that, so I just couldn't. Couldn't come out anyway. Tatum versus booker there around the same age, chaos. in burma. Did a great thing on their part today about the envy p adds that I heard a yo yo, yo, yo, kids. Is the obvious bat. An yoke is gonna win if you play seventy games. I thank mrs just so overpowering but booker. twenty six to one when they did the pod and it's a good.
Talk about longshot, bad son. That allowed a bet on the word dither you, but few cited by about long shot, guys that could rise up as a season goes. I do think he's a good candidates for that. No about it, I mean cause. What are they won't seven straight game since he's comebacks like their winning. When he's out there on the floor, I think he's already missed eight or nine games so that monies characterised by himself and games like it. There is another checkmark. Like I remember, on on austin rivers, you also disappeared gas, for you guys said there tat book was the better player than K D, and he said it was without question heading into the season. I feel the same way not pay. These been also me look like he was maybe cooked in that first, the season, and I remember even you talked about how I talked about this. Well, I, in that this game? Where was phoenix and golden state he's been awesome since then, It deserves to be like the conversation on the periphery of the envy pay, but to me booker's the better, the two fires, but you're right with you, ll get like you're doing your list and to me it's like you. Could You know you could say staffs better than Janusz. You could say you know and beads better than staff, whatever
you can have digital. I got tatum. I had a luca because I don't I the heliocentric way place another I when that works, but the gap between ok sure everybody else. There's no argument like that gap is huge. I herds brainy, who does a show in the morning if I sola on our I've heard it ah show up near just hopefully not too much of it, but a cozy as in kicked in yet so it's it. You know it's a little incoherent, but at exactly so yeah. If you don't have coffee, it's it's fine to listen to, but once you get your day started, you gotta, move on either way. He said, like the gap between the old kitchen, the rest of the or the league bill is big, as I happen to agree with this as big as it was when the broad and was my in miami and as to the league them, like. You said that I think last year, opponents of gray when the sun, I rise in twelve thirteen, the brine compared to carmel was the number two envy p candidate in two thousand and ten year. That's, I think, that's fair, because I think what makes yoke edge. May I came here,
so by your cash. It had period, and it's only the thirty minute, marked people that the sooner I think what makes him the there's a million things that make them special. He saw fucking, consistent in that like magic in jordan ad. Especially in my as we got into the the ladys narrowly nine is like it just came after me. It's the same. It never will. Where's he's, always always always the best guy in the for doing the most things, keeping his team around and sometimes scores more. Sometimes he passes more, but your watch you pick a guy and they catch him on the wrong they and their just not that good. Thank you my kitchen and be day or its. I am be. Does navid tonight I, just don't see it with the Archeage. It's just he's. Almost hockey player he just skates around fuckin gets the shots and go and that's it. You know had a throwaway line a couple of weeks ago, where I think you are come in. I interrupt a break and you said like I am I
be the greatest offensive player I've ever seen. I don't know if you remember saying that, but why I think he is yeah. I mean I agree with you and people while you overreact, I protect the legends when I children ran read out the whole, like god, bob coups eating a couple of years ago, like ideas act, the legends, I love the history, the sport, that's one of the reasons I was initially hesitant like on the on the incision tournament. Your kitchen regard to like being able to get his own and make people better, and that's what I mean. I don't look like when darrow maurice sing, all the greatest, often supply irreverence, James hard and I dont look at his is fences scoring I look at. It is number one is making everybody better and that yeah everybody better, so the same level magic get it to the same level. The bird entities on these on the opportune doing that, what's up, at thought. It interesting when he's not in the game like yesterday, as applying the copper game in the team still kind takes his identity and their stolen selfish, understood in the same stuff. That's what burden magic! that, more than anything I their necks,
ports. Radio argument has this: ship permanently sailed on it any Davis being like a top seven, a guy It probably should- and I think, like the distinction probably came like maybe yesterday bill because, like think we're too and about some of the former greats right like magic, bird jordan. You control throw kobe into the list, if, like somebody of poor, if the back up like if the guard says about kobe bryant, all the guy does this flop. What are you gonna go out there and do which probably gonna put up a pretty big fast getting him personally, or he's gonna have like at the very least even of paul red doesn't say that are somebody said about kobe, like those guys you're going to say you know what I'm gonna against the envy p from last year. I want to be superfluous on this game, I'm going to have it circled right and even if I fail, I'm gonna take more than fourteen shots. I'm going to be aggressive, so Anthony Davis talks crap about your kitchen, the denver nuggets leading into the first game of the seasons and yoke its hands, the triple double answerable lost. Then he's got an opportunity.
Go up against envied here, I envy the other great big. Ah, and envy doesn't play or court she ingratitudes after three quarters. He gets a triple double so this guy supposed to be like. I picked me to be the fence player year at the beginning of the season, Anthony Davis. Yet again yo. Could she loves envied both record triple doubles and severely apply? Am I it's me, simply disappointing and the other way you look at it is like brown, like basically handpicked to be a sky rights. Can you imagine we hand picked them. Beefy, handpicked your courage to be as got you'd, have multiple champion out there in LOS angeles, ah and agitated difference between, like your kitchen, Anthony Davis and m, beat the anthony Davis and janis and anthony Davis. Couple of years ago, I think rich Paul said ah well, fancy the Davis played on the two thousand nineteen boxed. They would have won the embryo championship, Anthony Davis paypal being the best player and a team, the guy to be the psychic of arguably the greatest player of all time. Any still like
wash rate you immensely. Imagine if he had to be the guy you imagine it was. The side kicked like somebody that wasn't were brought. It would be even worse, shelf yeah. I think that ship, and so what do you think? I do think it sailed. Yet so for me a while ago, and I there's always a lot of. Let us hope that comes, but this is gonna be the year. This is a moment. Interest feels like we're doing this year after year after year, the durability, He has really gonna hurt this year. I remember the pivotal in the final it seem like he was having a moment against my Hence my area in the bubble any had that huge gamma cameras game through your game for, and there is, four days off for a day off or whatever was in It was all the anthony Davis stuff. Remember during my podcast as like. It's happened he's here This is it. This is our next great big guy he's happy the moment he's partners is put in stamp down and this is where we are headed gone forward as he had three Davis era and then
ex game. He sought to remember that I think it was game five year and it was like we just spent two days be like this is it this is happening. and then you just gotta know showed the next game, then of winning anyway. I think the game after, but I remember that, That's not a good sign, whereas it but compared to yanina setting a game six of the twenty on fires, as I go away on a slow can you can, can you do it? Can employees the greatest game of his life it just feels like every time there's been a chance for Davis too. That moment right to have his oscar movie to have his great season somethin's away. gotten in the way, and at some point you are who you ask me thirty one later in the season, I dont know if he has the competitive intensity, that the great great great guys have I even thinking bead. Has it way more than The stars like, what's that in trade? Get settled and beat is the most locked in these more locked and then it was last season. I love the way his plan.
You now have their business, the assemblage trade and entire career like he's playing like his plane like yoke. It's like the style right. Where you see you again, he had one eleven, a sister three quarters yesterday eyes averaging over six, a game like I think the combination of pay, I don't have to play within simmons who needed the boy went to play with james hardened. when I wanted the auto my soul opera, another monotonous actually, and a little bit of the nick nurse shaw system is while, like so all that coming in into play at the same time, unlike maxie emerging its the indian being the best of his career but like on the anthony Davis? Thank you have to be consistent and I wouldn't get on his case. If you didn't have the talent- and we won't get on his case if they weren't height but a mob like the brown earlier this year, bill said well he's one of the great laker bigs. Well, if you're one of the great acre bigs exactly know, he's not because if you are that major and shacks category, or in welsh category you're in kareem's and in microns, and he clearly
I didn't belong in that conversation and then, like you, got Darvin ham laughter, a game. I think he calls him wilt Davis every now and again so like you're. The reason we're getting on his case because you're, comparing him to wilt you're, comparing the mic and you're, comparing him to a you, know, shack and you're getting compared to those guys you're there. Then I from the outside you from the outside and go like? We do not live up to what everybody you say in your replace centre even the few saying they share about where we got christian word now. I don't have to and as much time getting switched on the guards and like I would nobody complains like this about being a seven for a guy in a league. That's like that's the biggest advantage of your athletic that possible anybody as but yeah, it's its frustrating, because I thought lakers. It can be really good and I'm not ready to write them off by any means. I still think they're going to get there. They'll figure it out. You know they're going to make a big trade. They have a lot of different pieces. They can. You know they have
rookies, that I think people are based on a pack, they have some contracts. They combined together whether its apple of interpreted. I think tat A major mistake like just to go. Get somebody else who, as we have no idea, that I can come to reply observers, but there's like. Could they be the core so team, it's gonna, be them are fairly, I would say, would be prohibited. the biggest candidates who have stuck to trade- I think the ship so for me to answer my question: oh my sports sportswriter argument. Would you trade for zack women on while I hope Lakers do as somebody that's not written for eleven years later. The exact same thing would like philadelphia if you're rude and against philadelphia. I want them to trade form because, like think about philip, fear the way the ball is moving. The office of hierarchy where'd you now indeed your number one guy. That is clear. You know retirees matches your number two guys. That is clear. You know by his cherishes. Your number three guy, that is clear, and a kind of all you know, trickles down from there you bring in zaire.
levine? Do you think sack levine's gonna think that now he's not gonna think zambia, but do you think that means can say I need to get the backseat retirees maxie. Ah, I dont think, he would necessarily they're, not gonna, that I dont see them doing. It We shall I dont see them doing that, and I don't think that they should do that. by the way. What is Zack levine team? I was gone for other rosters now, What about orlando offer exam? were they gonna? Do arenas, art or land made their bones on defence, and we haven't seen their guide point. Defence to me the team, I got charlotte right. They had the heyward expiring it. Maybe you wouldn't have to give it that much. Maybe it's like a bradley bill, type trade where the other team just wants to get out at the contract than you can kind of rome with the mellow and see what it looks like, but you go through rosters than its you know, could you ta beer essential team. I dunno where that gets them. You know it's just so funny when they were so
convene trade. Where is it going to be, and I always anytime I hear somebody said that, unlike have you gone for other rosters cause somebody's gotta the forty million or so to give back. They have to have the power it's gotta make sense for them. It's gotta, be a team. That's wanna take a chance on a guy who's, never better winning situation ever. Who does the same once by defence who seem so unhappy tonight that boasting was the most unhappy. I have a couple friends that game there, like? Oh, my god, this both theme was miserable, so you for somebody who is in a miserable situation. Why you're the best power and the team? Why team miserable. I would that's a stay away from me now I greatly cause erosion, levine and caruso he's the guy that's going to be the hardest to move. You'll get the least, probably four because of the contract, because the knees because of the defense- and you know he's got that that tunnel.
right where he doesn't make anybody better. We're talking about your age is the best player in the sport. Why will not only has he can get? His only makes everybody better wise, curry. You know one of the great players of all time, not only cause you can get, as only makes everybody better you dont sack levine doesn't mean Anybody better now unfairness like if he was in miami. If he was in boston she was really golden states would have been devised. differently would play differently, would be viewed differently. I probably to some extent, probably could win their blood. make anybody better. That to me is not a winning player, especially at that money, plus the no defence. I won't take a shot on the levine. Now he culture, the been called have you got a good turn around our union guaranteed, but again there get ass forum for free fish are not allowed to make; they don't have to give anything opera. I write a word will eight damien Lillard. You have to give him to us, but we're not gonna, give you anything in return as long as you understand that, while the member, the yoke,
It was a big prize for them in the deep lowered sweepstakes by allowing a lesbian sets the wagon the g leg. He was one of their big prizes. I last one: woe albert and become the best pacer ever and putting this on a platter for you cause you tweeted that out a couple of like you look at like show. You know MEL Daniels. If you want to go back to like the a b, a day's ride, he's got a couple of hippies at a championship. Show if you want to include that, like you can certainly make the argument from l Daniels. I dunno you view the the a stuff and whether that should count like sheep, account him. Maybe you can make the argument. No, I think it's side. Not the most debt like it's not like is plain for the lakers not like he's playing for the celtics, not like plan from the gate of the sectors is complex reggie miller. So you tell It can tie recalibrate and be reggie miller. What four or five all star games- reggie miller, never made a second team all and ba out to make a second team all and ba this year so like. If you He can be reggie miller, which I think he can be. Then I think
got a chance to to be the greatest pacer of all time if he, if he sticks around. What do you think I did a book about? aqua pod part reggie, add some of the stuff I'd add yet thirty ma and bay. Three times in the middle nineties, which was probably one of the weaker talent stretches in the league and twenty five thousand points fibre our game. Since three year peak was twenty two points: three rebounds thesis again now or pay saw that stuff ya to your play of peak was twenty four points. He was a the forty nine to guide twice. Statistically it look pretty good for the era and he was way of his time with the threes, but the fact that never made even a second team on ba pretty alarming if you're talkin, big picture stuff now so I was had re on ahead- am is always felt like rail bessie S, image is better than regimentals bessys Have you got a five cent?
so, the one box he just said at a higher ceiling and then was able to re met. Them said the second part of his grid. To me, I'm like re out of a region that are they register top seventy five to me. I don't think I could take much for halliburton, if he stays there ten years he stays healthy, he could make First him I may this year he's the guy, whose hats in the ring- and I think, he's a guy back to the in season tat. He could. That could be really special weak for him. You know like they beat us thanks on tuesday you're in the semi firearms there's a lot of people. you know we are watch. We watch all these games, but the normal sports fans have not watch ladder lot. The shared one rate they have one nationally televised game, so yeah should be more and that will give them that, like they're already going to have another one cause they're going to be in this midseason tournament, they're gonna play a nationally televised game. Then they get to go to las vegas they'll play more of them, and on the on the reggie thing like I always get the comparison, not just to re alan but decline. I think wretches. You know that,
the third guide on that on that latter, behind clayton behind behind re alan, I think he's. Third, I and you also talk about my god. Why take thing with reggie. This is what we talked about the book, a basque ballpark, his Why he's? Why would defend reggie, even though I think like I was just now he's her power was he carried himself like you, this is good, is whoever the best guy was another team any carried himself like that weather Jordan. Whether was Bobby pick a guy right If reggie was, on the other side, registering I'm as good as a guy and he really with that. In that We played and that's how he carried himself and it was effective and you look at them as pacer seems a kind of over achieved? You know they had big when big upside winds and part of us out he carried himself especially in the games and that some that doesn't. If you look at a basketball reference, she's not gonna, come up there. You know you
and had to watch it and see it, and I that's A special cloud is so that so I would defend him on that, but I just think like if you're, never it tat guy in the way. That's a tough one. We will speak of light ask about reference! That's what I was going to say to it's like I like the idea like you you had to be. There is the same thing with a rustle and wealth. If you just look at you, ask about reference you're, getting all well wilt of rustling you pretty good job in your book. Just explaining. Why and then you get the guys, like Bob ryan were round to see it, and they can go more in depth with that, but like someday we're gonna, look at basketball reference currency. Like oh well, Russell only made like what for first team, all nba, I believe I am the reason for that is because they could only one centre. I don't like the idea that they're changing this thing off and then do without inertness. Well like show halliburton. Now you don't, he could make First team or second team, but does not necessarily mean he's like the you know, the
best guard. It doesn't necessarily mean that so it's real as our fellow member, the forwards in the two thousands we had this issue where there is cagey and dirk and yet again the age look at the guards right now and then what will end on this, but curry, his luca guard. I was forget, see garter forward. As you can see, the guard allied erle, yes, eastwardly scribbling, the ball nonstop, so yeah guards, so curry luca. S g, a booker. Anthony, edwards and awe and how a burden are all in the mix. Exactly show like you could like shop, they're gonna be a higher seed, maybe you're a higher like vote on the all nba. Just because there's no guard sir, you know it's just it and we're gonna. Do we not gonna, have like any centres and we're not gonna have any forwards like it, just the message that all I like, the idea of fox that's the other one is so far
deserves to be. In that conversation I just like to be able to say, like you know what bob coups he was, the best guard or one of the two best guards ten times in his career Chris Paul only did it for five. If you can't do that any more moving forward, so I guess we started build a podcast with me saying. I liked this new initiative by yan ba right with the mid season tournament, but then I'll go back into curmudgeon form and say I hate that change that the mbs made with the way we're going to vote on all mb. Eighty sua, our guy sugar and really loses crises behind yoke edge, and indeed, maybe even bear matter while he may lead him yet allenby aim is the best part in the lake. we had a happens, You put all centres and the top five first in all sectors, you see this tat Joe mozilla is one of the idea coaches ever after one hundred games to have a seventy percent winning percentage. Nice somebody I sent that somebody sent out to me, and I had to call a time out, as it did shocked me so much. I called the little time out and seventy one in our lifetime
I term it are you with. I had a chance to morrow. I am eddie took the day off today. We brought in san mitchell, or I think, as you referred to one point, the MIKE woodson, so my goods in search of the very interchangeable was that yes, Eddie is to be back on the show here to break down the season tournament. Please please give him my worst and tell him to settle down on the suns and just a good estate, I'm very nervous about phoenix, making a run here too. The magician try when he's going to act like it saw one in an mba championship. They then they also have able aviators across it, doesn't have it thanks for coming up thanks bill, We're sport and if our sunday ticket on youtube in utah. tv, don't change your team! When you change your mind get any fuss. I need to get a new dignity tv which easy there never keep up with. I favour teams.
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you're at the vortex of all these different sports things that I care about, but just its sports fans, something like not quite amazon, but it's these different pieces of things that I care about is a sports fan and you just keep adding them every time you Adam, like other. They sense what right I have taken a lot on. I think as a when a fan acts as an incredible opportunity. We feel like we just in the early. The indians of this game, which seems crazy, I people look and they're. Like oh fanatics, become mere somewhat of a big company. We feel acre entrepreneurial baby company. Get going to win three business when what we call an ax commerce, which you are emerging days, business. That's where we started. We have financed like those which is primarily the trading our business and we have an ax game, which is our island sports betting. I game in business and our three businesses are pretty early on and without a lot to do so as one of those things were. You
you're nail in the merchandise side and then you're like I. What else can we had? What else is out there or is there some master plan that you can't really you what? Whether there is a master plan that we can deal? I say we're knowing nothing so far, because we need to be better everything that we do it. Look, our vision is how do we give the digital sports fan anything they want one place, what what's our dream in five for ten years now you go to the finance exports up and you can do anything you want that you can buy your merchandise, can get you collect was buying trade em. You can barons words you can get tickets one place, you can watch live sports. You could do to all one place and you know will give that digital sports fan anything they want in one place, and you know I think, we're twenty percent of journey so far, fifteen percent in that journey you're almost are our best We ve been in the longest snacks commerce, which the merchandise business we have some Stu in that businesses, while we, I still think you know, maybe
a third of the way that business. What have you done that you wish? You were better at on the murk as it seems like the merged say I wish it were better everything, but what you'd look? Look from my perspective, breathing you do. You need to be unrelenting to be better at. I think, I'm as we get bigger and we have more scale. We recognised opportunity be at much better. So what the things I really want to do now, one? I think, what we done in the merchant s business is this? in thing that had been done better. We haven't done this just broken through from innovation perspective, so I think What is innovation yet from a prompt product perspective when we deliver in credit, products to consumers. They were. After they buy, and so we put really special things out there, the customer response that we need to do a lot more, that there's I'd, say the licence which business historically has been an ever green business people, one by jerseys, they wanna by tee shirts there by code they want to buy hats
what we see when you design incredible products, then there is incredible: and for that, so the example would be a few weeks ago we had a plan, is Diana Mitchell ness eagles jacket and we did that in a limited drop? I think we had twenty four units of it every guy in ten minutes in the euro zone, which ban demand for that. For that jacket and things ok! Well, what are the other things like? I can do, and so my point is: we want to drive the business through innovative We had a slogan instead of just concentrating on scale stuff. That's so cool and maybe there's only two thousand things of it. Yeah. If you, if you look at nike's business, they have a big business, but they do a lot of really innovative things. I'm wearing travis scott shoes to every time he drops his shoe. That's a shoe that there's tremendous demand for so I think I'll see you think that could translate to so. There's
the red sox, win the world series and there's five hundred t shirt. Well, you could do more when, when the red sox win the world series, certainly we're gonna have the more traditional t, shirt and hoodie and hat. But the question is We do a special edition, Mitchell nash, jack, a drop in a special edition, hoodie drop in due time You a collapse with someone who makes a tremendous amount of sense in that market. Resolute, there's a lot of interest in asia and do, I think for me- could suit experience, here today: we own, you know a lot of people, don't know this, but you know we have, in addition, the fanatic site and the leak sites that we operate. We also are the majority owner of lids, and you know we today are the nike. Today's I'm in the end, a valid in major league baseball in and she d way starting next year, but we want to keep expanding the sermons brought into what we do, and I think you know to be honest. One type of clothing. I don't you know I like to be little more fashionable now and always find things that I want from what what we us. We need to have more closely relevant.
It was sought. I said somebody at my house an hour ago who said to him a duet broadcasting collaborate mitchell now, so I think there is a got petunias you dry through product innovation and then from occurring more experienced perspective. We have a big option. to just go from good too great. We ve been and then everybody else, but that's been good. We haven't been great. We need to be great. That means when you buy from us. You know how the package gets delivered to the speed that it comes to in and by the way as a ms grown a lot. We also does have done things over the years too, and so what I wish we it. Wasn't it I'm thanksgivings you? I think we want to cover sports fans will yield certain fan one at lower in t shirts and may we sold ninety ninety, I t shirts. Maybe she should have been in that business. They want high enough quality as an example. Catch arm and so were always look at ourselves. And how can we be better? How can we deliver better for the fan How can we innovate for the fan both on the consumer experience and on the product side at both? That's not biggest,
business which is well for me tuna. Fifty minutes it our business to almost a six billion dollar business today and I feel like we're just getting started. We have so much do to be better, so this was happening and shoes really start in the mid two thousands tens kinect four sambo poorer than the travis gods. Are you watching this going it's our version of this? Can this translate? What does it look like? I'm Devon studying in paying attention to everything and say how can we bring that into this business? Where there's been no innovation like that for what we ve? Seen as when we do great things concern react in the most positive way and by the way, when you screw things up fancy? Tell you as well, we sold we sold, give examples. I like to be harder myself. We saw for millions of equals of power in the last twelve months. We are too short. The came out they got miss printed by one of our factory partners: and we had thirty situations where miss print out of four million in france kill us, but you know it. They deserve to have profession that they want, and I agreed that, and so we always need keep push ourselves to be better. How do you,
as we had entered the mid twenty twenties like who were the competitors that are coming up like our eu learning anything from people that china challenge? You were you You have almost a monopoly, it does now. We don't think we have a monopoly anyway. Ship of writing me. This is a highly competitive market. It say you know thirty billion our global market. Today you know what we know about tat percent of that and I'd say what what I want to do is learn from people outside of the licence post boxes. I don't need this enough innovation. We analyze skype, not what I want to do a see what's happening, fashion, what's happening in performance. How do I study all the things that how we bring those into you know arc? Why should you asked about you you're a couple he's not my tribe is an irish is one of the most. You know your best consumer products, people the planet you travel. I spent a lot of time talk about what we can do together in the sports business and so and there many other you know released. Ships companies brands that we way we could bring into this category to bring a lot innovation. So
That's one you're specialists is the athlete relationships, but I haven't really seen that translate into statement should I scarcely I state stating that apps absolutely and what does it look like a clothing liner like specific things, and I think you idle excels. What is he I think, you're gonna see shovel So I'd say what are our goals in that business in the next couple years once again to take the just the everyday consumer? Spanish for that evergreen fan from good too great, I think yeah we serve most fans very well, but we're not perfect, and we need to be better everything that we do in that our responsibility. the second thing is heading for a product perspective. I think we have a big opportunity to bring arias collaboration in it and other great brands into the business. We fell report otherwise branch into the business we ve. Incredible success. You can be a small example vineyard right, they never made licence for it. I met in the bahamas. Came up to me, sir kay I own vineyard buys. I want to make less a sports great now, let's a big business. We do that together.
There are so many examples you go where my brain, I wanna get things in doing that. We have it publicly announced shit, but there will be frank aberrations, artist, collaborations, athletes aberrations that I think I'm really move the needle with innovative products. The gate get a whole new layer of growth and the business france will be so excited about. Will you also have like this word chest of mailing less than what is you? How many people do have the information on this. By law, I mean we, we have one hundred and fifty million. We have over one hundred million fans today, so it is at about their habit. I look at it and say we're just get started possess. You know a billion people wish in this world. So you know billions of euro what's fans and they should all be fancy fanatics. And so we have a lot of work to do want to become a beloved branch, nay thing for experts, who transactional we want just yeah. You want to go on get up. the homes, georgius cd straw, jersey kind of the fact that we have become that beloved branch, it we have a lot to do to earn that from a custom, but that
we're working hard to do. What is the mailing list? What are the advantages of that other than the obvious once yeah? Well, I think you can really best serve a fan cause you can personalize, you know what that fan. Watch I mean you shouldn't: go to the flag site or the nfl shop and have an experience with zack the custom to you- and so I think, over there dear to you in a sea of very personalized experience, not just in the EU market in but yeah, the whole web experience. You know, I know what you're a fan of and what you're not a fan of, but I know what your habits are. I hate the new york teams, yeah, whatever makes a a l know that immediately that makes yeah that may don't send him your way. If you go to, you know: you're your basketball guy. If you go to a fanatic, The first thing you see is now versatile. Your favorite team is desolate egg on us and amiss and ours, you know who's your who who, who do grow up being a fan of celtics okay, so I hate celtics beer, but if you had the dysphoria, actually you actually had the fortunate that that the misfortune Moravia, the four jaguar episode,
expenditure and I actually love tatum the end, and I love works wives to a friend, ama, your sixers are the celtics, I'm a fan of jayson tatum, a fan of work, I'm a fan of my friends who are you know who of the organization, but I'm here if you grew up a celtic fan and I I should know what types of memorabilia you would like what types of trading cards you be interested in? I I want to send you things that are very personalized to you, so I think the benefit to know so much about friends. We can re personalized experience to them. the ai and the advancements in the last year. Does that help you? Does it transform it? What is it the it? It's a big opportunity. I mean, I think any company like ours is creating a lot of content. You know as a massive opportunity from an irish perspective, I think in each of our business public collectibles the business where we probably have the biggest opportunity, but we could hannah content we have to make people will eyes in our in finance commerce, the merchandise business. We came two million different products today
million square. That's insane! Some we carry, we have, but a billion Does a cost of imitated we carry to best as biplanes it think about that with all that we done. fine bans as well as we want to such an opportunity, but you're too few true today, you know we a jersey in either make and we bring in if the player we made them one at a time here, the future is going to be you're going to have a robot. When someone orders a judge, you can take that blank jersey going to make that robot with automation and whether the contents can be created with ai, so there's so much opportunity for us to to to. shit, then I'm sure they. I will be able to tell you exactly What the habits of o this team is about when the annex c s shares the window. This is fifteen hours. You need to get these seven things ready to go right now. You probably have some of that already wait. We do have a lot of that, but I am again we're we're, not even in the first initiative that were now, I think we have got to the national anthem of that year was Let us think about this, watching the black fried again in their put the cure
up amazon as like but this is just smart. I see they're, doing it's a little manipulative, but I get it- and this is probably were sports- has gone over the next twenty years right there and have commercials the cure quota my right away it like you, action this right now, that's fifteen percent off. That's it feels like the future. I think that that the not too distant future as you watching a game and and anything you do you can you can click on that that item to buy it, ok, whether it's an honor the audience the jersey, weather on the same line as the sidelines. Here you can buy right off a player. I think you may player props, you bats right off off of it either. collective collectible right in the show you can trade trade. I think you ve got carbon he's going up and down based on player performance that you can actually show you have marketplace from this from from the broadcast and that's why, for us, you think about where this company can such a baby company fear about we're, financed and go kind of new kind of create that fanatics applicant.
Anything in one place, there's so much for digital sports fan, and that's really what opportunities I was thinking of you, the cure codes cause I mean at some time. You have to be involved in sports rights in some way because that The final piece of this re were how much a game and you labour law? For me, I can bet on it as much as I can buy the hat of one of the players on the sidelines, because I like it he's. Do all these different things based on this spirits a having on europe. So too does one. I hope it steadily. Never the final thing is there will never be a final think. Pressures are always be pushing. That's number one number two. I think right now we're in three businesses where we have so much to do so. We think about what we have to do in the com business, what we're ready time at everything we produce you have to do in the collectibles business and then the same goes an honest sports betting, business nigh game in business. We ito we and take on even more today by the was studying that business were watching. It you'll see, how things develop, and yes, it's a mass of opting in long term do
actually want to be able to have live sports weaken your bet on the spot, It's buy product collect, m trade, 'em hito get tickets in our platform. you're. Absolutely right. We need to do everything our ourselves as well like here. We look How do you know you know like live nation ticketmaster that we get partner, which particular platform as well, because they have such a you know they have such a breath of of sort of tickets that that that fans want want to do is give the consumer what they want in one spot, I just assume tickets was coming at some point. I was here yeah I did. Tickets will come as a practical overtook. A tumor I dont think will be. The two in platform? I I don't think that's a business that we, be in our own. I think this too many common he's doing it and they weaken more partner to get the product. the platform to satisfy our pants. Now that we need to do it yourself, I know have opinions on other sports red stuff? That's happening, I'm sure I don't want you. He says, as I got a fan or student, or this this down the line I may be involved, but I'm sure you watching the nba. What are they
like what, when you see At the I know, your tea with basically all the different, speak on their behalf. But when you see the position therein. What would you do if you the nba weird. How would you want people to see your games? Who would you part who'd? You want your partners to be yeah, so I I look. I I I'll say a couple of things that I don't want to comment on what the mb era strategy should be la la, but let me say this for some apps absolutely student to all this year. It's nothing better, say hey. Let me get some popcorn be on the couch and just watch, because I've got so much to do in the three business we're in. I take anything new on. For the same time, I want to study. I want to learn it's like agra yeah, so I love, I love being a student of this and I like there is nothing more fun than watching how your nfl the on thursday football amazon or watching how sunday tickets, developing with with with you to go to Google and watching that push them he's gone through right now? Look, I think, Bambi mba's in an incredible position, because it's you know truly a global game. You they vary
digital audience audience I think they ve got them. You know you and incredible digital large audience I ve got not only all the traditional bidders that want to be missed with them, but they ve got all the detailed bitters than of all watch was happened so far been. I think I think it's wiser for amazon right. I think it's been a win win. I think he's been great for everybody yeah. Well, I I look and say you know, I think, I was blowing pass. What they thought to view a ship was gonna, be adding amateur. it's getting better results than what they thought. I think they're each doing a great job with, and I think it's been an incredible partnership, so you know how after age, ass in the crew at amazon into roger and roll up in that is going to give me a prediction: you you look the protection I would give you is the anna fell a few years ago- did not have sunday ticket with you too and did not have a partnership with amazon, yeah and those. doing great and I think you're gonna see that much more and what then
does next, so I think the same way the Annabel move digital. and has had a lot of success. I can't imagine them be a. Does anything did you do that are more, not less. You dappling initially ship now games in an The thing is, I think One thing that does need to happen is one thing that frustrates the shit out of me. As a fan is you know, so hard to find out even where to watch a game and it's like it's. It's coverage too complicated. This needs to be simplified, like I want to be able to go one place and be able to watch. You know most of my sports, so you know that's in the dream we have for fanatics long term, but we're not even thinking about that today. Just you know to a big bowl dream and then you figure out how to make it happen over you know many years the baseball playoffs were tough with that, whereas, like
as soon as it was time for a game you had to do. This basically were led to see what channel was of ashes bait I've partners reports are top with its higher find. Where you want to watch games, it may be asked. Is it what are already is here tonight and by the way iron part of a best martine, before I can't figure out where to watch best, boggy brands are sometimes when I watch a baseball sometimes in so yeah it's it's. I think, that's an opt in his wife. The one thing it is. Thing that I didn't know enough in the bow getting my career, I wrote acknowledge that they, but the fan. First. In thing you do and then back into the this model from that, and that is something that we talk about religiously the next day. That's a dip conversation in five years but which, as you know, you guys think about what and best interests- and if you start there are they have a better business slaughter, see if a bear stake in the sixers, I did, is it true that being a minority owner means that you have season tickets now? Definitely I mean look. I was always in you. You know this. Is your father's business class hours povey. You know
You are pretty hands on for minority owner yeah that wasn't by design is just kind of what happened, and you know that the business is that relationships and yo. I suck lot of things, but I generally a pretty good relationships seems like it, and so I think in the first five or six years. I wasn't that involved and then, as time went on I kind of got more abundant. Look my relationship with josh hours and days, blitzer wasn, incredible. I think you know we all kind of you to do what we do best, but I was very involved in the last couple of years, and you know certain things went as planned. Certain things didn't go as planned, and I could tell you where this goes and we never want to drive any guesses. Why we never won a championship and that sucks- and you know when you own- a basketball team you're should we have one job yankees win championship in each you know one championship. You failed ray, and you should look at their disease. They will achieve our goal of eating when a championship, and so to me. I was involved with it for eleven years and you know
bass and second, the playoffs. You know too, times, and so we never achieved wow, that's somethin. I look as a personal favor. I was deeply involved with it. You certainly and an interesting team. We did. It's the story of my life. I mean, I think, I'm used to it just putting the pistons were like nothing happened year after year, your team was like a soap opera yeah. Well, I mean sports has a lot of that that follows it and I feel like I have a lot that just follows me: with that as well. So yes, we, China mediate the hard and thing at the energy know. This ship had sailed, look It's no secret that I'm in because store with joy Harrison david blitzer in six year organization and arrow, and also with james. I thought there could have been a really good solution. In it that didn't come to fruition. The damn happy now that that this extra happy in doing great the james's is happy. He got what he wanted.
bullish than you are. I think the cliffs we better than you just told me, the clippers were going to be the opposite of bullshit, you're, you're, very negative sum and bush. Yet so I'm bullish and I'm gonna put that out there look James James. You know it Very easy bearish: what's the absolute bush, barish bearish yang, your gear is showing the clippers short I'm, so I'm solidarity. Yes, I have other shorts on ok perfectly profitable I more bullish than you are. I think it takes time if there's one thing, I learned that I didn't know. where the vienna sixers to get more. we'll stars to play what together jaw that takes time and something that I think James doesn't get enough credit for the way he just his game to fit into the sectors and to you look, Joel is a incredible basketball player here, you know, creates not very good and james came in there are forgotten changes game to really. You know, sir, or to our support the team, and I think that was working
pretty well. What will be interesting is to watch you know and by the way, to see the way reece's you know. Stepping up now, as is, is a beautiful thing and he's you know he could be one the best humans, the planet and me that guy's born leader always happy? You know, he's got a smile on his face whom he asked her to him and by the way known deserves more than he does and his work as ass off, but It's interesting! You get through season, you know without injuries or without you season. Ending injuries and you gotta get through and you know, shit goes wrong in any season and in in just about any team is very hard to keep the team healthy for you key guy, salty for entire season. So dear to me, you know: the measures set with six is gonna, be how do we progressing? You know not be based in the second round of the play and you I am rooting for great outcomes, for both I mean for me, you're out, you're, never owning a team. Again, I'm never owning a team. Again, I think you know fanatics It's a big opportunity on fourchan to sit in the middle of sports technology.
the greater athletes in the planet. I love what I get to do. I learned so much. I am grateful for the opportunity I did in two thousand and seven to two thousand When did you and I'm so happy, not be part of it anyway? It doesn't sound but what I mean go part sounds great. You had secured side you get potentially when the title, those of the good things and then the things are literally ninety things: the fact that players can become an api within six months and now you're all seasons are upended oreo, basically twenty in thirty chance of not one in the title yellow after your ears, the reality, it's not fun polluted. Think it's fun. You don't have the responsibility of every I don't abandon every morning. Waking up saying how do I win a championship in the stress and anxiety that goes along with that fans who are just like looking at us during their jobs here win a championship for me, god damn it right and so do you do
I learned so much from it. I think it was actually helpful to me in the early part of my career from indiana perspective and by the time you know in the late part of it. It was so complicated financed get into the online sports betting business with fanatics having direct deals with three thousand which is rather you know, violates all the league will. So it was deafening I'm from me to move on it took. in addition to the stress of why do he win his championship and not succeeding for the city of philadelphia than either ass. They knew was violating all easily wolves, and you know why legal letter was coming each day from it, and so it was clean. It was time for me to move on mesa and now I'm in the best position the world. Because of this situation I care about. I can help behind the scenes, and so you know My my relationship with you, I think, stood ice Oh grandpapa people, the time people still like if you were n b a star when I owned, you know I was there. There are large stone of the six in a very visible part of the organization people what you a little bit sideways? Now, no,
look you sideways anymore. I want this looks he was neutral, which is the way I need to be as their leader, flax, you occupies such a weird territory in the sports world because you have you proud, you could make case, you're, the most powerful person in sports could give their relationships literally every league, every commissioner, although are the famous stars right, but you you don't have a lot of the negative responsibility that re. It seems like yours It's additive in all these different thing people call you they ask for advice or you trying to help them from a business standpoint. There's there's no, they quite like you, but I was wondered leg. I wish there was a sports. Are that could basically be for the for the of just how sports would run things It makes sense that could just be like the sami board for people, but the women that job doesn't exist. You're kind of like the de facto. words are even though not desire may sense
the eurozone over all these different that thank areas. Thank you for the kind words. I don't look at myself like that at all the people that are most important people. In a sports organizations. Are the athletes these incredible talent, athletes that did you we'd have as infertile. I haven't we'd have note that one thing, I'm very aware: more about without the task of course. Lastly, to do what they do. We'd have no basis. We have nothing to do. Ok, we want people to buy merged from us to buy collectibles from us to buy tibet. sports with us would have nothing to do and we are the watch, our the leagues we'd have no business either. That's it. I think what is where, finally in the right place and my life is, I've got a conflict, and that a great place to be you're, the only one as some sort of thing, I think you know a lot of what I do is the behind the scenes stuff that you know we never talk about and that that that I enjoy that- and I learned from that- I quote from that, and you know I look. I don't think the
a lot of people that have very good relationships with the commissioners and also regular relationships with the people will lead labour, okay because naturally, there's tension between those organizations all the time- and I think you know there Aren'T- you. I don't have much complexity in more other than waken up every morning. Gonna bet every night. You know focus on one thing, which is: how do I better everything that we do finances we have so much to be better at, but I think I look is a as a but unity and something that I love doing that. So many people come to me and say: hey what you do here. What do you think about this? You know and but I learned as much from each person your pretty much the way I work and people don't really get this about me. People think I'm just being self deprecate, I'm not I would certainly barely may I school miracle that I graduated. I would to college. I posted my you know my one point, eighty seven european that I had in the one semester emily, like. I can't read, like somebody said to me: yes, age,
read my book and I said I do actually without getting into who it was. I'm gonna listen to it on audio book and I haven't even done that, for I haven't read a book since ninth grade the way I learn is by getting great people around me, and by they learn from me. I learned from them some always picking up different data points people. So that's the way. My brain works. You get it really differentiated group of people around you that are different backgrounds, deepening as they can add and try to help make there I was better and then learn from them and that's a lot of how the ideas that we get a fanatics come from. That's how a lot of I girl comes from, but I won make sure. I'm always given more than I get in every time that I can, which occurs. for problem solver, I eggs. My best go set for some streets where it's like. You know, look look you. Obviously you can't be diesel. except now, people read a horrible student belly. My high school go to college and then also be
Does you have to have some positive traits of my positive traits? Are relationship skills yeah like common sense and common sense, sobs problems? So, yes, I think, I'm generally a very good pub sub. I've also learned can't solve everyone's bombs. You can't fix everything and that's something where I work on average eighteen hours a day, seven days a week. You know people always see the fun michael and they see the shit on instagram. They see my white party, this fanatic, superbowl party. You know they see me with you know some people The strategically important are some good friends of mine. They always think I live a fun life like what I love to do is get up we're. My ass off and then do it again. The next day cause that's the one thing, I'm a good, I'm not a good, have terrible athlete material student, but that's the one day I like doing and so on, we also learn at the same time. You can't you know you can't fix everything you can't solve everyone's problems: the vanity fair, just or vanity fair wrote about the the way party couple months ago, which he revived. Repeated. He added the lucky it no nine and then there was, I go hamptons my party void
and then you stepped in and now this is like the party every what's a July third, every year, while each year change it depends on out where the holiday falls. But you know it's funny, I'd not even thought about that he had done. The party have as yet an amazing parliament adopt in two thousand nine, and at that point I was just working to my old company yelled. Before seven. Nobody else did it for ten years. I don't think so. You look. I bought a house and act as two thousand and twenty and dumb I just decide. I said I think I just picked up from one of my friends: have more Michael's used to have them in, like the seventies rate than ever. Letters, extradition rise above all. Ninety eight, like look it's a great idea. One of the things I love to do is bring people together. like I actually really enjoy that, whether from different pockets of that's exactly worry. I love bring people from different backgrounds together, because what happened you all learn from each other and whether its weather, a dinner. That's got, you know a bunch of athletes, sports? A bunch of francis you know louis
for business people and some actors and learn from each other, rather than you know, yeah. I remember the first time introduced robber car for meat, but together we flew to miami for something in there from each other so, but we you're, always you! I think What's a loss is if the really successful people in the relation aren't always learning from, nobody around them. So if you saw was robert craft, you were on that flight. The first time they introduced into meek mill and we're going and we were gonna to arm miami. I remember just listen to how many questions Robert was asking meek as like we can always push. You want to ask bravo, but this went on for tonight, as I barely said a word because he knew each of them. So we're just delighted. I was I loved watching. It was just like a great conversation and you know Robert learning about you, know the culture in the back on them, comes from a meeks asked rob business questions and it's like I love stuff like that.
So we do a lot and the white parties really just a big manifest station of that in a lot of ways. Good, you have so many different people from I'm back once you ve got some of them at best and most iconic business people in the way of the best invest there were wonder some of the most well known well known athletes. The world and then by the way people get our finest one. That's a funding. what's the single best story? That's happened. It's party heard that you can tell, I guess question single best story, serbian one rear, like. I can't believe this, I feel like I'm on mars, yeah I mean it. The whole event makes you feel that way. To be honest, I mean you you when you see so many great people come throughout the world. I think just you know for me and I feel fortunate lucky to some people just want to come together. In your hand, at twelve? I was actually at thirteen. Our party starts at five pm and goes to six am in the morning cut and most people go the entire time of it, and you know, For me, I just like seeing the relationships get formed from the people tat. I met this person. There you're funny right mobile ma's down the sector's. He came the pressure
he's, not marriage, that there are engaged the person he met. You know at the white party, that yeah, it's amazing but I mean there's so many credible stories, probably none worse than one now Camille fell off the stage and had to go to the hospital in the middle middle of the white party. Oh my god, but I knew she was going to be ok. She didn't know that, so I was trying to stay behind and make sure all my friends were having a great time, and god, I was told I need immediately, go with her. I would be a bad for the real issue yet seen that way: you're guy by craft, the that's might have a chance to have the worst reckon the weaker. This is not now. It is about Now I was eight years is on the team homage and patriots fan this is the process we knew in Tom Brady left, we knew we were in, first class and the airplane carbon for twenty years. Having a great time, it's Ambrady then event you get moved back of the plan. This part process, but he's probably not annul in this long. Guessing look here
I'll? Tell you to do what they did We need to be the glue a lot of places, and I watched that first hand yeah, and I can tell you the person I learn, learn the most from in sports ownership was actually robber. It's not the stuff. The debt. We will see what happens behind the scenes is how you keep shit together. It's when people, To kill each other and they actually don't kill each other. We ask you, stop bad stuff from happening and so on. For me, I was I've, always been big student. Like I study the logic the robert eyes, an eyelash lots of things. I can tell you Perennial winner, yes It's been a horrible season, you'll be a printer. What, when are you Tom Brady great quarterback weight is about about time. There's two me there's no bade about that, but I think ps tommy. She would say he alone that Robert was
no glue and helped you know keep everything to where they are able in six championships together. If it's in six superboss gotta get my vernacular it. If it's an the owner debate about I make it so through two thousand they do now. When do you think they break up? I don't get myself in trouble, but but final for two thousand and ten it is amazing, but now it's the big controversial new england is while Brady won the super balls and add to me it's both of them. I say I give them equal billing in the six super bowls tab at this I give the three of them and the usa fair. The person who had the most responsibility is Tom Brady. I got chasing unfortunate enough to really I've got to know Tom really. Well, few years? I have never seen someone who will you spend a tunnel time with them. You see, they ve got the outcomes they ve got here, he's truly extraordinary. I've seen other athletes that have one.
a lot of championships. I think they are we ve been more athletics. Talented than Tom was Tom. Did it from an absolute will to win, I am not going to fucking give up I'm going to win that game, just watching him in his work ethic. is truly extraordinary, and I will tell you I don't think, there's another person, its leg from an from people who played he could be. The personal motivates me the most. I hear from him the earliest the morning. Yeah, ok this week only text before six ample one of that one of the two of us, but the avian and western he's always he's or issues. And he's always working pushing and whatever he's doing in that data Do you realize what he's got that outcome? But that said she alone. would not have done that. I do think that, in addition, a bill that Robert willie added do so many things that I know that he did. The people never understand a key take to get the outcomes they got my hope. It then
quarterback it. Somebody who's super competitive and of frequent maniac cosette I am convinced that some ninety percent of it for some be great at that level. that position. It cannot just be about the talent, there's thursday's. Extra pieces that come with it and you can kind of talent. Somebody doesn't have it. You can tell by the way people talk about them in their teammates in their coaches and buy it looked at best. Information. What you just said is what happened when Tom Brady went to temper I may this guy went to temper. That was a very. Weird situation genuine to supervise the for sure is that with play, with a bunch of guys who is twenty years older than we had nothing in common with yeah. And you watch that leadership yeah come through from him. that's the thing in the world. What like, when we start We do a company medium wants a quarter. We bring our eighteen thousand employees together and we bring a guest in front of our You know in front of eighteen thousand employees ever caught. My first
ass was Tom Brady. Here I think when Tom came on people say like hey you, Like twenty showcase, hey. We have a relationship. Tom Brady know what I what to do was asked tom, ok How do you deal with high pressure? situations? Could you for someone better than Tom Brady how to do a high pressure situations. You know how do you feel what are the things you do to leading a better results and getting people work together? What do you do when people aren't working well together? You know in his answers, were specs. Tat. I asked him for an hour all these different questions about leadership. punishment, style, work ethic, and I mean so Many people were side, taxi mean an e message that was spectacular, listenin to him and that's again, why he got to ask. Did you ever hear talk about playing in the superbowl how it took him? five or six times to realize that Time is longer than was screwing up his mental whatever in so then when he went to like the last couple, superboss
he figured out how to crest as energy after the half time, because he was too hyped for the first half, but then it would dip, and then he couldn't get it. So he like put all this weird mental energy into lake. Here's what I have to do and I have to be super com and then do this and then third quarter. I crest ideas, like my who else would like that. I just heard him tell the story last week about why the different things you went through in his brain when they were down twenty three year against alina entities lit in math. And just listen into how first, I want to be embarrassed there and then I'm ok. We can win this game, less coaches, we're down in writing on cities, must to six plus two three, where their correct karate issues and just how he knew he was in a way that game just incredible story since the last time we talked, which was almost two years ago in europe, he's gonna collectibles back then something I've.
cared about my whole life, but now you're like deep it. It seems like you have the book I couldn't help were at your house, couldn't help but notice it's among What's up some proudly displayed cards, but you have the bug. Are you in? I actually had the bug. I was a kid I training courses. My first be, I like remember terrible student, yet have I think I was the last person impact on every team. I couldn't do well school to business was only. I was good at the business, of the most as a kid was by a sign, training cards to my friends, parents that was the business look. I they had the money, I found the customer with the money I bonds or cards like crazy kid. get back into this until three years ago. I can tell you I've never had so much fun. I mean this is a incorrect for industry, you know collectors or the best bands in the warlike there's nothing. I love more than going to cost double shows talking to lose these? Are they? best bans the watchdog about someone euro collector, you definite by osborne merchandise you your
asked in encourage memorabilia amanda gambled a couple times: this initiative to set up an ice, usually an ex most importantly, customer yeah? For short? Absolutely so you saw you must look. You saw what everybody who is in the collector thing when, as it ps. I see the photo essays from the convention in part of comedy of it was just here is added nineteen. Seventy three, you really value and in time machine there's no woman to be seen. It was them depressing place on the planet, and yet there is tat of millions of dollars of pride than here in some of the best staff and all these people who have been waiting all year to go and its Why is this cooler? What are we doing wrong? Why isn't is better? I've never seen it industry with more passionate collectors, have been so underserved yeah, then this business, and to me that just create so much opportunity and we ve done what we ve only we came with this idea only three years ago we only bought tops
january first, two thousand twenty two was not even two years that we ve own tops. John, so much so far we haven't got started yet so you buy tops I goes that's, then bananas involved now. There has been some battles with ponine. You re like how does that that is at all work out sports. I guess it is that in our is that something that eventually works itself out, yet for me we're just focus on doing what's in the best interest, the collector, so for us, calamity what we saw. Ok, when we looked at the business, we saw the business that's where you had sports properties and player is given the rights to tops penny upper deck these these were all selling cars to distributors who then pitch where the cards go. Weren't showing the hobby shops they weren't serbian, breakers. They weren't serving the retailers directly. It made no sense, like would nike every cell to distributor to sell to foot locker
saddam, who they were men who use the leg, just market up right, and so they were taking money away from that the collector and the hobby shop. So the first thing, Let me say this makes no sense. We need to collapse that service the hobby. Abstractly rakers, directly the reach us directly. By top, they serve three hundred hobby shop I didn't say we service, eight hundred hobby shops or something like there are happy that you did this elated. They can yeah there yeah they. They want to get product directly from us because they they need that direct relationship, so they can get the allocation of what they need to build a business to better weather collectors, and we rather, then the margin you know if you'd say there was a big incremental margin is split me the margin which the hobby shops the breakers to the collector is to the industry that it did sit with us. We kind of passed it on site was very obvious. The players were getting kind of short changed to another. Now eight are making a lot more money than we were paying them on a much higher cells. Descent the thing, and this was crazy. I don't know what
exemption was okay, now you're going to laugh mean and if you're not a collector. You know people are going to bore people here, but you know everyone kept sending me. Michael. You need to get rid of redemptions, and so it took me like a couple weeks to figure out what a redemption, which is basically an iou. You know I bought you know a case, a car to pack of cards and you're in that car came you're Joel embayed you out his zion. You know card innocent. I owe you for police data. Have the cards signed by them and there were so many redemptions out there. They collected like mad and by this, so I went to for which is our biggest business and went to the head of the union tony clark, and we know how much organization said we need to eliminate redemptions and the like explain to me how this works. What you need to do, you need have a much better relations without it, to give you an example: when we launched tops chrome with this is a number but like you a year, well we probably thirty thousand redemptions in we study. Doesn't I use this? She would lessen the thousand where we are.
By ninety seven percent. That means I cordially cannot change as right. It's part of the motto as they were, hoping that people wouldn't chase for the card and indeed they ve got locate the car. I can't speak to what other people do. I think anyone what I can tell you is we will delight our customer. The last thing we do is a customer chasing this record and boy. We need to get him a car we going to get to him very quickly, so we've reduced our redemption is top since we bought the business is much bigger than tat The size and absolute amount of redemptions is down by seventy five Eighty percent in a new or the new releases, it's down by ninety five percent. So we should like focusing on, are released. but the athletes to get cards signed more quickly, making it a better experience for the athletes cause you're worried about the collector. That's where your relationships up any any it we're fanatics relationships, help and by the way were focused. Because we care so much about the day after the next thing was a product innovation. There and no mature product innovation
like I remember this is actually basically just the chrome cards and nato is what, in the late two dozen two thousand here I just giving I just given examples like how entrepreneurial we were. My man, who's the ceo of our collectibles business. She called me, last december, we said, have got a great idea. Every time a baseball player takes the field for the first time I put a debut patch for one game on their geraghty when they get off the field. I'm gonna. debut patch, often put into a one on one card, as I survive amazing ideas. So when are we doing he said? Well, you know I spoke to the tops organization. They told me it will never ever happen. There's Well, possibility like what do you even waste your time where you're going to try to put a patch on the uniform and like every rookie that everyone, you think you think that the leagues going be ok without the player. Is gonna, be ok with that isa, but I like makes complete sense, so I called rob Manfred. I caught tony clark that minute a code when is attorney tony, I got a great idea. I want to put a patch on that
as for the first time in our player, plays that their there there, their major league game he said sounds like an amazing idea. You make the jurists go. Do it now called rob robs, are the same we launched that form. later, while these them was valuable cards day. There's each year three to four hundred people debut in julie, baseball. They play the first game. I think about You got so much. The jump. Man compromise, o ties, they give you a ride. You had done Only one in the world of he had a patch from his book. came the patterns in the car. You had that card. Ok back alone is worth millions or tens. I myself more sense to me than when they were just grab like it's a piece of their cheaters jersey on a card about my landlady. Take their game warm because the guy put the jury and his body for women and the party we stop and all that stops here. Look, but do we still see things up every day? Yes, because it's you we ve only on tops for less than two years, and then we bought there were so many palms used in the manufacture of we bought the biggest printer of trading cards
because there are so many problems. You are having misprint of cars delays the usual where's trading cordially you launch a video game, watch or shoe watch. Okay, so like uses. This Travis got shoe, but this georgia's lottchen on this day and that's an event when we launch cards today. We have a giant large, common up on twelve, twelve with bowman chrome and which can Brady day. For us sins can be insane. You'll see all this you're going to actually text me at twelve twelve and say wow. That was awesome. Okay, We take our lot you. We turn them into events with it Ask about been the opposite words like it's coming out soon in you never known it's like. Can I just get a zion rookie box? yeah. It's time you got me out of here is what I would say if nike did the same thing every year and they just had ever. Green business to business would fade ok, but they keep innovating, so uh we need to do- is have great product breakthroughs. I'll, give you another example: I'm in a base card. Ok, it like in baseball and the base card, and there are
You know many based quite of of a player. Ok, so you know our sea on the team cumbersome and called the Mvp buyback programme where the cards she trade for fifty cents, so a dollar for these cars and we Hey we're gonna to buy back we're going hobby shops, a credit of twenty two hours for every envy p each year. So you know Acuna, yeah yeah a tie, we're ready. We were worried and give lasher pope policemen were really give a twenty our credit through the stores. Now you drive and all these people into the stores who return tens of millions of ours, retail, of these cards to get store credits, and what do they do? They buy them more cards, it wasn't a complicated for you'd our team to come up with that but he's been like. If you ask a hobby, shouted say: it's try demand like crazy and then just marketing like we marketing collectibles in training courses for the first time, and so I think,
overall, this was a sleepy industry with no innovation will come and saying we're going to innovate. Products like crazy, we're going to innovate and marketing we're going to fix the consumer. France and I'm gonna worry about the collector, hobby shops, breakers, and so you know for a business that we up with an idea. Three years ago we had our first bing less than two years ago. We're making great progress by the way does lots of things to still fix. You know you know we bought into this really big company. That makes you know packaged alot of cards. You know we have to keep pushing qualities, say the quiet. It's the maze. I told you a little bit ago we're going to put a chip in all high end cards going for with a unique identifier, so you can counterfeit cards. You can steal cards. You know there are so many things we can do to improve the counterfeiting, the biggest issue, which has been the biggest issue for thirty years, not the biggest issue, but it's a big look. If you can invest in something and know that is authentic. Okay, then, Why am investors? Who take that example? We created this debut patch and let's say you know you had
Instead, we do that when a tiny, your errand judge had their rookie years near that debut. Well, back, can be worth millions dollars? So we better put a unique identifier in that card to make sure that no one can can. You know, come up with a counterfeit version that card, so we're very focused on doing. What's in the collectors, passengers it'll take time, but we are mean weave doubled. The team atop since we bought the company were weave it so many times the capital when, in the may, a fashion we they would just moved in a brand new facility to really fix quality. Fix timeliness eliminate that eliminate com fifteen issues and you were a lot better than war, but evil. stone you wake up surveys. You work up sunday like a completely she's happened right, she goes wrong cause. You know you ve been new copies, you're working to perfecting get right. I told you as on the top sport for a years and ass always surprised the goal It seemed like the entire card industry was just people like this stuff,
keep serving the burghers and fries don't get crazy. She's keep No, let's try to turn a profit with that some think outside the box at all and was the case in the eightys, the nineties, the two thousands kind of protector lead and now you're, you know, base concern a chance on the whirlpool your, but has the response in spain, have you like a little lower. This is too much you guys are act into crazier. You feel, like everyone's welcomed, the innovation neither so I'd say it's been overwhelmingly positive yeah, but there's still negativity for a collective, like I look at a collector like the ultimate sports fan, they about their hobby and it is their hobby. The same way you know for sports team into their tea yeah. They care about this more than any. In the world and they just almost can't win with them. Now I think, can only lose. I think you can win, but they have really high expectations for city deserve to have their investing in this hobby. I think
We'll give you a lot like we're getting so much credit for the debut patch that we didn't. Hamish people love these cards. The people up enacts live the life commerce platform that we launched. People love the marketing that we're doing him, and you know hobbies stars, then we back problem is the best thing that we ve ever did anyone's ever had and in heavy hobby people work you have done for them? We squat they tell you as well, but guess what create that makes us better. You know So why would I say one or two days now lies with the national with me. You would see thousands of people showing appreciation for what you ve done there. But when we swim being up and we still make mistakes. You know you do people tell you the right to tell us and now said with you guys that sir, the, but, just like these box breaks its they now about. Did they fake today, now. I know how to that person end up with the card as bags and here's what I tell you. So how do you? How do you fix that? Let me be good about it. So first of all braking is a big part of the collectibles industry,
if a collector doesnt being part of fanatics, let's crack and if ever collected us like that and then just not being realistic. As you say, there are three distribution points for primary carts: delight breakers hobby shop and retailers and I'll be all walmart retarget. That's been and performance hobby shops and the region it wasn't the breakers. The breakers now, however important you know and about its it's it's great marketing, so you know us and we understand the math. If you take like you, know a big breaker and one guy's doing fifty percent of the business they're going to get fifteen percent cards so what we did but always question integrity of what we do so this year for the time. We said: hey, let's take our auditor and if we delay. Intuition wasn't villages where laws we're gonna are you, I think it is deloitte and touche we're going to hire. You are going to pay you to audit all the results. The same way, the n b, a artist there if lottery at school- and we did at the here- ok now we have roy broadcaster. What we started doing that this past year, we now have to learn to come.
and only everything to make sure that everything is random as its advertised. So that was a great thing for to do. We just added cost for the authentic see the hobby. Does anyone know we did that? No did we make a big deal out of it? No bears important. Do things like that? Absolutely I always say any time. Someone is rubbish, listen to find out whether the right or wrong of the right. We should act to have the wrong. She still here the perspective. So what you collect other than james earning cards you I saw in some of the new displays that will work, and I so You saw my eighty six jordan downstairs in in the basement and a uniform I like to collect things of my friends so you're getting Brady collector, they do all you can. friends or Jordan, but yeah yeah. You can't be collection. I haven't eighty six, you know yeah and you know jordan card and for me what I want. I should collect honestly really interesting as it were making for the press him. So we have some Brady, its common on twelve twelve that are like ok. and we have some yosemite
innovations are coming next year, just things that, unlike I need to own sk as their so cool, because it's me like to me, like you, look, I've got into art in the last couple years for the first time in my life. I believe these are things make me want to say. I will know in this instead aren't because I can displayed the right wait, yes, history and that's where I think you know so great about collectibles diva, two thousand brady. Yet I do couple couple good rookie cards for setting get in the moment. We didn't talk before we go. We have to buy gambling quick cause you got into that too would have. I would have been your your thoughts as you dive into the business. What what surprised you I haven't! surprise to date. If I'm being blind, I think it's a really big industry. I think there's you know some really good cop business. Certainly vandal draft kings are you know really good they do not respect her. no m gm below the different computers in space. What I tell you, I think we do have some real petted of advantages. First are offering to. The ban is more
We warning we give on every bad place we give one percent straight back up to five percent, a pan, the type of bet back of the gross bet back to in fact cash that you can then go place, other bats march merchandise, by trading cards. So we have them. We were in offering of any one out of his. You ve said the rest. That cannot be the same, but in every bet you make you get. You know you get thing ash, which is essentially cash, backed either more or you my other things in the financial system, and he gets incredible. You know look. I knew this was going to really hard people. People say meal, Michael YO, vandal drafting, have eighty percent market you re out to give a chance. I'm like I can read a full. Wherever it yeah look, we had more than a hundred million customers threat. We talked customers a fair amount of time we have. A lot of relationships in this business and we're in it for the long term we want to be. You know real player in this long term, we're going to be by the spring. this coming year will be in every
day. The vandals in from the island sports betting perspective will be in every state that from an gaming perspective, so perspective, so to have a full of the flax ports, but will be out there when the middle doing transitions now, because we bought points but we're transition that over the flax brand. So She is a little bit of time. I think I am no patience, that's not a mine, but I say what have I learned. You have to be a little the patient. Even all not was you know, I have a giant fan, do a tattoo on my back, but it was either that album. You were trying to have a fanatics, tattooing. You just somehow ended up with a wrong. You started with the right first letter, but then somehow you know it got screwed. After that, did you yet the first two letters right. We survive first three. We surprised that the the sports have embraced gambling like this now, even when you see it on the no vote is having on the aid, has a duty or shows that a slice does have a conversation. I was having five years early with everybody who matter was already embrace new was coming gave and silver tremendous for going out and being so open.
Bout wide made sense to embrace a bit was the most logical thing of the past. It was obvious it was coming. It was a question of if it was I should have when everyone This committee has been banned You said that I had to was sitting there a jerk fill out was relatively funny. I had so. You have to think gambling collectibles merchandise there. Anything coming in you can hit that. Yet no, Those kind of tyres are now coming right. Now is deep focus on being in each of those businesses, and we have a lot of work to do in each of businesses and then If time, when we're, when the business is a more mature, we feel like you right now. We have so much to do. We have even launch the right. Should it be looking collectibles business it today we had right baseball, F, one bundy's league, you
If alive, you have c launches next year. We still, then we still have the launched ww ii. We have to launch you know n b a we have to launch nfl as we need to get all of those properties moved over. We need to do a great job. We need took all the product innovations that we've done in baseball a baseball when we bought tops the number three player down its now number one by foreign away, ok envy! in an have dropped quite a lot in baseball grown tremendously, because the product it is the market innovations, the distribution, innovations that consumer focus, their elimination of veal, such I presented redemption, so we knew that same thing in the in the new, sports that were taken on, so we have so much to do in the three busy when we're not doing anything new for a long time would you gamble. Could you your prone to six m vegas Yes, I'm exactly blackjack Ivan camera last sports since two thousand a year, nearly likewise guy I'll blackjack and baccarat box.
How fast? What do you like James bond, yeah, she's so fast? It's the you, get maximum amount of action in the least amount of minutes, and if you also want to get back to work and just do it for a quick change in mental, you know established for something else. I, like back with its the fastest game brother the n b, a players are mostly blackjack ray yeah, but I mean we yet. Yes, there's a lot of blackjack and do we have a seat or you like a third base guy, you middle of the table, where I generally anti beyond that. As that, I think that's an individual sport gambling is an individual's sport, so when able exchequer generally like to play my own, but I note so nobody at the table. If I'm going to look I'll I'll just play differently. More conservatively, I'm going with a big group, so you're, one of those guys you mean if you want everyone to do whatever they want and don't ever tell someone what to do, but if you're really going for you know a lot of action, then you want to you want to control your destiny, vs others, but so what
when my friends gambling, I have probably gamble a little bit differently, and then someone puts too many drinks on me. I might I can't just go all in no matter what so you james harden you're at a table playing blackjack is plain for funding and trying to win like crazy amounts of money are given. in tips like what what's happening. Are there drinks? What's it looking like at four in the morning, you would need to give james no tips. She knows how to play blackjack well for better or worse, and you here last screaming, go to your home, that's what james loves to swim, go to your home for the deal at a breakdown that that, back, as you see a lot of power the table table, we had a. We did a fur for charity for the criminal, just organization that myself from rob craft and cheesy and meet those started. We did a casino night September Thirdly, the atlantic city there- and I was sponsors lot of- has got to gamble, to gather in that fun, but I moderate my gambling basin situation. I'm a situational gamble, accurate Asp, I believe, both fast I've. Never I've never made that leap, I'm just like.
Black jack. I can play by check for legal evans. True, there's a moment younger and when I was younger, I had they were my side play for thirty six hours straight. No, what's this juice peter upsets it? No food was therefore another via the tape. Of course. Oh, my god. and no poker for you never play once my life at the end, I had a phase, but it's just not social enough for me. It's too add it just feels everybody just fears, nothing more fun thing. Gambling your friends so long as I'm running a choice that that's where you going. when you're? U you start out the night and everyone's gambling together and there's nothing more fun when the little crafts together, I don't even know how crops but planet may I've I've I've lived a few hours of blackjack my life and recently flew a few hours of a buck. Back now, you're you yeah missing macaroon to save parade hanging in.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-01.