« The Bill Simmons Podcast

An NBA Power Poll, Plus Malcolm Gladwell Plays ‘Sports Czar’


The Ringer's Bill Simmons gives his NBA power poll of all 30 teams through two weeks (1:41), before he is joined by Malcolm Gladwell to discuss tweaks they would make to major sports, including the NBA in-season tournament, restoring home field advantage in the NFL, improving the MLB season, reducing tanking incentives in the NBA, regulating new athletic technologies, and more (31:08)!

Host: Bill Simmons

Guest: Malcolm Gladwell

Producer: Kyle Crichton

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The coming up m b, a power pole, a malcolm gladwell, the spy guesses in a post. Next, this episode, the bill, simmons podcast- presented by air being be maybe your travelling to see friend family for the holidays. When your way your home could be an airbag bay, whether you could he's a little extra money to covers bills or for something more fun homer spare room might be worth more than you think, find out how much at air be. Indeed, outcome signpost this that has brought you buy exxon and mobile stations. You in your car, the dream
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I'm going to do an m a powerful at the top, because there's no games as an taken this on tuesday. So it's! Where are we after two weeks? I try to fly through this limit myself to twenty two minutes. I think I'm in two minutes over, but I flew to. I tried to get off as many comments as a public good and in our old friend, Malcolm Gladwin. is gonna commanded. Do some sports our stuff, there's things that he's notice about directions. Words are growing and that he doesn't like and we try to fix it. So that's the podcast. First, our friends
a project. I refer to be a power that german did is every tuesday but a deafening wanted some tuesdays and when you're throughout their ratings as fast as possible, and I'm gonna throw things out that I think are important when necessary. Potshots important comments things. I've noticed some fake trades, you now even you you've known me for a while. It's it's gonna be a typical stuff going backwards from thirty two one I'll give you the groups as we go. The first group has got the dregs- that's washed in number thirty day era, thirtieth indeed
and the only reason their thirtieth defences, because we only have thirty james. I actually think there's some way they could have been thirty, six them defence there, the we came in the entire leg, I do not want to watch on league pass for any reason at all there. One in five fifteen point six point deferential against them, shoot this. The sun. I cannot believe house started team- was gonna, go over twenty four whence they might not go over fourteen with their awful. I never want the mama gb. Next group with the lottery I say probably but through these teams. Then go back to somebody: twenty nine utah, twenty eight portland, twenty seven detroit, twenty six, Antonio twenty five charlotte. Who is way more, find that I expect that there would be to watch and twenty four chicago It just feels like the lotteries in the future for all these teams. I want to talk about san Antonio, really quick, three and four kind of a sad sneaky, tough schedule. They played phoenix twice the clippers, dallas
goofy indiana team used in toronto. Their minus eight point six point: the french work as a gambler. couple times there, twenty ninth and defence, which I was surprised by, hundred possessions. thing that I wanted to point out here, because this one The other thing is super important. This is the best tina sure that's come into the whig at least since abroad. We can debate labelling I think it near to for two months at least was a teenager when he was put up twenty seven, seven and tat moment he started twenty seven, seven, seven cycle wendy, might be the best teenage I've ever seen. They're starting germany, so hot appoint guard in pakistan, transparent about this. Now now you know we know we're going to take some lumps we're trying to figure this out. I went to the game when they played the clippers. I talked about in a previous pod, and it was just an absolute debacle watch poor, so hard, china, like run the offence, bring the ball up now were seen team Our new pressure them because he's not appoint guard his small forward. There's crazy stats.
Trade jones. Just by being This team, in not being germany so hot, has now like one of the best bet, metrics point guards of all time. Right now his his per one hundred on office plus twenty eight point: three so hot is minus twenty two point: seven, that's how that's our disparate the two things are, and which brings me to my point like this is too important you have the best teenager. Maybe ever you have one of the best league passport- is already in the entire leg and wendy I have no idea how long he's gonna stay healthy, knock onward. Here may not really loud. I just got my. Guy now those made them ass. They need one more point: guard. tj, Mcconnell design indiana and they have how burn whose averaging twenty four twelve he's also need them. Art is great, as as backup, Mcconnell psyches. Thirteen minutes, a game is clearly a trade peace for them just go, get up like
I'm not saying San Antonio has to make the playoffs, but they need to be entertaining and webby needs to play with point guards like he clearly needs just like to play off people high screens, all that stuff. They need. One more point: guard tj. Mcconnell is my choice. They have all their own first they're not going to trade, those obviously, but they have some goofy pics like they have charlotte's top fourteen protected. First, they have a pretty good chicago, first that I wouldn't give up. They have a first swap with boston light. There there's ways to do this. I would just put that shit. let pick next year on the table and just grab him because he has hit the lottery literally when began, literally hit the latter. You hit the lottery and you had the lottery get to do to point guards were not asking for my chair. I want Watch this gallon enjoy employ best by next section. Is panic time number twenty three memphis there, one in six. They finally got out this night.
A number twenty two sacramento who lost twice to use in in three days by eighteen and twenty five, no dear fox, further game painted time in this respect, I know urge six games in the season savages this? Is it, but the west is one of those things where you gonna look up and the cars left the cars. Let the driveway and your family? Is god you're gonna be basically cabin norm alone. If you will get your shit together and I don't even want to be two games under five hundred in the west. That's our deep in good! The west is, So when you're one in six, like all the sudden two and twelve to thirteen sacramento, could also be three and nine. Would you be nervous caused by this is not like last year when the lakers started out to intention and then another making the plants. Nobody is doing that this year, the corral funds can be forty, six whence memphis look state. They just can't score
and I think it's going to be really high? We talked about this vernon last week. It's be really hard for them to crawl back and and be at least like eleven and fourteen something that, by the time, jar comes back. The subtle I don't think we predicted this when we did the I the render preview liked the conferences way better and they stayed basically the same so and now fox has heard so he you know it can take. Fox going out for ten games at all said near not even in the play a game I would just be nervous, serves both those tapes again it's early next year. frisky than we hoped we number twenty one brooklyn Ben simmons, averaging Eleven rebounds and seven assists again in it. You can't blame approached. I bizarre twenty orlando number, nineteen houston Eighteen indiana, a number: seven in toronto, just quickly on Houston, a delightful league past him I had no idea it's it's uh, it's a bit
add above a dinner, and somebody brings like some of your ratify the restaurant site, ray I'll, try that and then delicious they play hard. I like watching them. I did not expect the sugar to be a potential I'll start, but that's where we are there. Three and three again they beat Sacramento twice, will see, but orlando number. Twenty every time I do. This summit have a bs all star the weak and it's gonna be ice to do this one. I when I wrote come back in the day used to come. The bill. Summits all starts just people that I just liked for whatever reason: love jail in suggs, I dont We know fully what he is. He rise harder than everybody on every other theme. Here It gives a shit. He feels they live in all these different ways and I and at the same time, how absolutely like airborne three one of the biggest moments in the game but attack? I cares. I want
the game whereof, he got this hustle rebound can't member who they are lost the buzzer, get this hustle rebounding job back out and took a free, missed it in. his jersey over his head for, like the next minute, have I actually think he might have been crying you subsidy last. He is the most competitor random guy in the leg I love jail inside us certain sites. Like your game, I loved Listen, I don't know what he is. He majors and are being like a son man on a championship team at some point, he's gonna have a moment on a good team. I don't forget, Those can be the theme, but it's gonna happen for that. Dude yes, I really like gently black or more than I thought, but I will say tat for the same power has gone down some other foreign three will soon the schedule gets harder. Toronto. At number. Seventeen just the lakers monsieur, and I like what shooters doing serrano their three and four, but they they easily could be five into I've been watching them cause I have their over under. I bet on, and I am I like words around-
that. I think there are better than they were last shared I'd. Think there at least appliance him. None it ended. He ended so their second and offensive rating and twenty fifth defence. Twenty fifth, those actually surprise. There wasn't worth taking part anybody there shooting forty he's a game, their top six guys. Are all over forty percent three three point: shooting kind of like the eighties nuggets, but with three is in they just play with a sigh pace and some days it's going to be bad, like the celtics, but one hundred and fifty five points on them in a probably could have been one sixty if they had made some shots. Halbert and special he's a twenty four twelve this year, but that. crazy thing about their office. Is that matheran has been terrible in matter as the guy that they were like this is going to be our guy he's, making a leap we're going to trade buddy hield we've got to give the car keys to matheran that spot, been bad and their efforts have still been pretty good. This is a team that
any time you see them out of bed basketball, but if they're like plus eleven past twelve, is they they could be anybody any night understanding. I not saying they're going to win a round of the playoffs, but just night tonight, that's a team like that they could just go twenty two for forty five from three make some shit. now burn taxi. Be five into albert, blew the last positioning and showed the other night, but I've enjoyed in them I watched him insane amount of asked whether I next group the wild cards. I don't have it lot to say about these teams, but will go in order number. Sixteen new orleans just seemed jenks I'll come back then. The second number fifteen cleveland, I want to see them with garland, and just I will I I wanna watch them for a couple of weeks and I liked the strew sedition, but we'll see the next there three four nice win against the clippers. The randall thing continues to be not now he's taking our guys in the other team clippers. Thirteen
just trade for hard, and we talked about the next and coopers last week like that They played one game they got killed by the next they're. Worse. I told you that last week still feel that way, guess what they can't do now or any transition stuff. The next twenty six, twenty six to six in fastbreak points. Last night, a rebounding they got out reader a We better buy seventeen by the next hard and just bring so many things that you don't want in a starting five, but then he brings like the great passing in the scoring and he can have the ball the time they don't need anyone to have the ball the time cause they have all these other guys who need the ball. I just don't like the trade. I continue Now I get and I don't understand it- I actually like the team they had before they made the trade so congrats again clippers. number twelve miami twenty eightth offensively. Feels worse when you watch them they day
You know they haven't had their full team for like a couple weeks. I'm not judge them at all until december- it I'm not gonna judged judge their dallas avid number eleven, their six in one fourth in offense they batter release schedule. So that's why I like what see what happens like daylight there, one losses to differ Let's see what happens when they play some some top teens on around have one of those four games and six knights were free and the road when those situations, but they are a bet shape than they were last year, and you look at them. The grand williams piece which you now I'm not spiteful. When I watch my prayers I'm rooting for grant Williams. It's like seeing somebody you dated that you still have a good relationship with that was nice to see him do well for them. The dare gladly seems like they have some
we talked about him isaac but he's at least like a rim. Runner in that kind of nick claxton world, but may be out, may be a little more violent alley. Oop are a little little young clint capela that the kyrie thing is that peace said, I'm really interested in that she finally had again last night, but for the seas in twenty four percent. Three point: shooting three point: eight free throws a game which arose the two numbers to look at. Harry. What's a shooting trees, is yet in the line and so far has been neither, but he seems happy like when you watch em they buy a surprisingly pleasant watch and he seems like a good spot. So I'm gonna, jinx because as annoying as these bent over the years- and you know my stance on kyrie- just don't trust them and Israel fill eggs a seven year track record of importing products has to start. Instantly the while, but is one watching play basketball and it does feel like he's, got us
the zip expired. This thing they don't have to rely on too much it's very somewhere to where he was fifteen and sixteen and seventeen with the calves he could kind of floated out like a cat with abroad. I feel in an hour I let's give carry the bar. The shooting going down, though the small sample size, but they also- I haven't been playing tough teams yet and I'm just a minor in that because with guards it can kind of sometimes go sideways pretty fast and you don't ass. It happened until after it happened just quickly gone backwards to number sixty norman because they last anger may last week com already and they have this hawkins, who they drafted, that everybody lie come in at the japanese, the factory the play, railways actually kind of save them all a bit. I just we. I still feel that we need to he's some sort of ceremony error or something with them like we need the people from the conjuring to just do something
new orleans basketball adjust shouldn't be this bad. Every year, your team shouldn't have to three major injuries every year. You should have good luck at some point, and this goes back to the seventies, Remember they were they moved when Get the neurons jazz there first major major giant trade was for Gail goodrich with the lakers. They had to give up two first rounders, and he immediately like blew out his achilles. He played, like I'm gonna, say less than a season and one of the picture, not your magic johnson. So that's where we started with new orleans and it's been awful ever since they do nothing that has happened in esteem other than they want a couple ladder is, but even the latter's they when they won t anthony this, whenever and charlotte before they got to new orleans they bring in the world's anyone. Believe then they when the zairean thing, which seem like big luck, it didn't ever happen them, and meanwhile
where's the win for him to play two straight months. So conjuring people something we need something happened. That's him! Alright, the top ten run a good pace right now. What are we at yeah? they'll get. This is working young in hungary as the next thing we got Oklahoma city number ten in atlanta at number nine, if you remember atlanta was one of the deserted the two teams I was going nuts for before the season for their renders. I love the atlanta where Brenda I love the new orleans over and- and I like what I've seen from both okay sees foreign three atlanta is foreign three atlanta, sixth in offense, and that's notable because Trae young has sucked again shooting mass is twenty eight percent from three last year,
thirty three percent from three this might not be happen in the next steph curry thing like what age? What age does he have to hit where we have to go all he's, not the next steph curry, because I think I hit that age last year at age. When I was age fifty three, I think I hit that for tray and he killed minnesota, which is notable what's up to about minnesota and second, but they really, I watch again. They really really really handed them. I like this. I landed in an hour think there's a path for them to be a three or four seed. If, if trade can get gone, and then ok see trade for a bigger eddie? guys short like stop. You guys have a chance to be like a they went to what, when you doing, I wanted see. What's going on with Josh giddy in about two weeks, whether it looks different than it has for the first couple weeks there I don't like he's not gonna be provided. Are one point three again: twenty six percent three point
during which we know he can shoot trees, but there's also like the czech piece of it seems gets thrown him off and I've watched games or they ve taken, amounted crunch time. It's I just but he would make a leap and it feels like he's gone backwards and as such is the fiscal ages. I test wise they seem very comfortable and he's not out there and I'm just monitoring that, because you know they have ten million first round eggs and undermine second round pacts and, if ever really wanted to make a move. I don't know if they put gideon the tablecloth dickies like seventeen years old. I know that some ass. I think a drafting is fourteen, but that's it the most expendable guy. There, J dub chat sba door like this team is incredibly fun to watch, but did,
It's been a disappointment, so modern that top eight the number I think its own group, the enigma, Milwaukee twenty seventh defects and they were I think twenty ninth, just behind the wizards until the last game, there, thirty a thing transition d, according to clean in the glass, and it feels worse, they just seems now and then and continue to say it they seem slow and yet ass is like shot out of a cannon. They win the game the other day against brooklyn, because yadda psyche, just single handedly, won the game camp thomas put up forty three on them, can't thomas There are many, but in a garden- and this is what has done you all summer, sun for the season, lake guards are gonna. This team were already seen it and they just like slow and. I'm just not sure they are better than they were last year. There were, I really
they give you if they just not made the damn trade chet, thus picks and just hired neck. There is instead a griffin who you know Griffin. Stop a system for the season red flag. He tries this weird defence. The first forget or people's swarming rounded in there, just given up fast break labs, left and right and easy transition stuff. And now they're giant, like a drop defence, but I just one Nowhere is there not turn universe where they desired nectarous and keep drew their problem. Steam, the wig, one of the top three interesting piece with them. Second, in free, throw rate because dame cause danes to get in the line ten times a game is that she in that way at forty percent. Thirty three percent from three and guinyard anybody, but I'm not send them off. Kazi addresses out of his mind, so we'll see will see how they will see dame gets comfortable and all its not cross them off, but
it's hard for me to imagine a team that is the slow and placed the events like this is gonna, be heard from for forced harassing the platform. Just said next category two soon to say phoenix, they're, three and four lakers are three and four. I don't have a latest say about these guys. Other then we have ensued. Phoenix would therefore seem yet changes and pays for twenty nine hundred minutes. Good luck, I mentioned sweet Davis was point forty plus minutes a game. We had a good laugh. Yes, you It is growing last night, Anthony Davis visit to many guys possibility the lakers too. They just might assigned to many deeds and somehow they stolen have somebody better then came, reddish did take the biggest shot. Of the miami game, but this team knock on him out. Leubronn looks great available
and I got I gotta say: lebron might look better than they did last year and they have just tradable stuff, like the rwy contract, Russell all the stuff that they can start thinking about december top five. These guys get there. Where the sleeper minnesota watching beat my team and over time last night Well, my dad this was probably going to happen cause we didn't, have Derek white celtic still undefeated with that there were bowie, but a minnesota is foreign to their first and defense, and they ve, been Boston endeavour already, and I think it's real. I really do. I think it's real there, they're just big and hard to play. I have two guys you can depend on the wings. Mc Daniels was awesome, isolating itself against hate him and brown, and when Edwards wants to play defence, which she's never
badge, but I'm saying when he wants to dow it up like he did in that one possession gets tatum. St five thousand to shut down tatum and they're, just an absolute bitch to play if they're getting anything from conley. Now, there's been nights like Atlanta Atlanta beat them in com. They had a bad game and got beat by marine yeah, but I a lot of them their share in a big family quietly bidding them to their plus. Eight point: two point: the french I did that's real, throwing nineteenth offence, an rating and the reason is because towns who has good, plus minus stats and salt equities out there, it's bad for them, but he's averaging sixteen and nine this year, thirty percent shooting twenty four percent from three. If you watch the south the game last night, he was, though, one of the only reasons the celtics were in the game. I mean they were guarding with drew holiday in the overtime. It was bear sing for him and it seems like their best lineup might be go. Bare nos it began ass, calmly and edwards
They want to retire, but towns. Both feels expendable been to me, but I also feel that one of the reasons there really good because they always have these two big eyes- they're just have a lot of size all over the place, but they also the ability to guard wigs and this team is better- that that they're gonna be an taken them seriously like like, like I have only to west teams above them, damn bone state and it's too early to say definitively added the lakers in phoenix, but there were the fibers teams in the west. This is where we are. This is real edwards. He did last night, of course, Joe mozilla something's gonna, stop ten seconds left No time out in jail, it takes in twenty six foot three that mrs we going over time Anthony edwards. Who is one of the reasons? The subjects where we get? at time cause he was making just terrible decisions regulation, but this is what he does. I think it's hot often he feels it
No it's happening while everyone knows, but Joe mozilla feeding called time out the entire over time, as it is just as important ass. In going nuts feeding off the crowd, you dont helps a time out, minnesota's, really good I am citing am signing that in pet minnesota is good impaired, not pencil tat for the can energy. I got filling gods data number four number three. I love or failing that. Survived all the hard and stuff they survived some possible the drama. I don't like the way doping. I like the way, looks now he seems engaged they're more fund, a watch. The ball moves. The nick nurse thing is, as I, Ben, as predicted at least early on The number one and offers a rating seventh defence and, more importantly, living us beat, is, is going out to get coming here to get better in the actual size that throat the celtics
they're playing the subjects on Wednesday night and that's gonna be nasty match up because wait I'll be back. I still think the subjects have major advantages in the backward and they're gonna have some people road, a bead but was set up as a than be pausing, is number three gone state seventh offence: thirteen defence for ratings, their section two, That's him some good road whence which they weren't haven't last year. Some good ended. The game wines, which was necessarily happened last year and the chemistry would say, canst, thou talkin about It's like enough. How bad are you going to make jordan poor feel like he did, get punched in the face by draymond to start last season of that I refuse to believe use the above all J. My leg respect dream on I like J mind. I've enjoyed watch him in it and I think he has actually been a really under it. A basketball player, like maybe he's up on the poor stuff, like pause, not say anything.
that fight back. We get it. We know how I feel I just don't think It's comment on the chemistry anymore. It just feels it's starting to feel mean it's like when Stephen a keeps going after max and taking shots at max. It's like whoa, you won! Why are you? Why are you still talking about this? You already won one point on golden state. Chris Paul has been such a massive wind for them, I think, is assist turnover ratio is sixty two and six right now, but you know steep her all he can. That is no turnovers protect the board's. Those are like his two favoured. Thanks The team is too sloppy. The last couple years correspond comes it now. They have no turn. Irishman second unit is runs approach, it's. This is what he does and I think the trade has been spectacular for them will see if he can stay healthy, number to Boston, still
the fate of their weight, as I mentioned third offensive rating. Second defensive rating hundred fifty point five, cigarettes indiana, which is what most incredible things I've ever seen for in a random basketball game that them and nothing. There is still some jail in brown stuff that I'm now monitoring like. Why Why are we iso a new for the lash out of the game in minnesota and why and Joe Missouri call time out. So we can set up a better play jails he's one of the best, thirty thirty five guys the leg. Do I want him taking the ice here, a bomb top the key shot on the road against and really good. soda team? I don't I don't the jailer Pilecki because of the contract. He's now to do that. Or can we go back to tat omen out there? If we it's out there. Maybe he has the ball and again, but I'm just moderate
There's been some here about stuff that I have loved but hard to complain when your six and wanting look great see how against Billy denver. Seventy one is by last one the bench thing: the bench experiment worked out. Great Murray's hurt scott the the thing modern that don't my camera injuries. take your time tomorrow you got yoke agenda team yoga, just twenty thirteen innate last, then he played the best. Am I've seen anyone play all season against new orleans. He just completely I asked him. I had a friend of my friend text me bird duncan, meaning hybrid of burden duncan at that. That was perfect. For the season, sixty three percent shooting thirty nine percent on trees and seventy five percent free, throw shooting, there's like a faint chance. He could be in the sixty four eighty club this year, at won't even be the most incredible fiscal gym. This is still the denver of the best him if their healthy. I think when the title again
There robust them, for this is nothing I have seen in the first two plus weeks as maybe change that opinion. So that's my power. Denver's number one, and then I'm also going to have Adam silver in the power pole, I'm just going to go thumbs up or thumbs down he's going to close each one. This week Adam sober. There is a story. He took responsibility for the all star game now being bad, and he said it was he's talked to the players and it's his fault, because they are paid too much pregame stuffed the half times too long. The players can't get in the flow they're asking too much from the players the day. The game, when did Adam silver turn into like a soccer mom like the all star game, has sucked for the entire century. There's been no point there in the twenty first century. Were people like the austrians awesome and he
and the commissioner for the first five years. So now it's your fault, the asked our game sucks stop doing stuff like this Adam silver, like I that kind of miss stearne? I just don't feel extra. we believe, the ulster games, my fall, absorb gauze obeyed. The half time shorter, like he asked her game, is the prayers fox. Don't give a shit about it and it's embarrassing and its. Therefore, it's not your fault, Adam sober, but my rather whims bread on it's, not your fault. It's not your fault anyway. Thumbs for Adam server. This will come up with the commissioner. Do you think we'll start worrying about how teams sub too many time outs and the instant replay reviews are too long to worry about your culpability in the all star game. Be a bet. I that's the power paw coming back back the actually not balling out this embassies with vandal america's number and sports, but right now new customers get a hundred. Fifty yards bonus bets with any winning five our money. I bet that is a hundred fifty bucks. If your team wins.
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There is no safe, like simply safe. I remember Malcolm Gladwell is here with bulgaria bugs later when talks sports are stopped. To begin with, I felt like the last time you came on, we talked about all the stuff that is wrong with high school sports and clubs, sports and a lot of people dug it. People were like thank you for talking about this. I sent this to my friends. I really appreciate this: it's amazing how that topic, residents with people and yet Is that really a major topic? Yet I don't get, it is like the number of people who are you in some way with their children. Sports in america is massive yeah right, it's like I mean and I've, never met anyone. You didn't have a strong feeling about the way these sports are are conducted in this country, so it like you, I don't know why it's talked about so little. We did that. Did that conversation at the the Y in new york with ireland, flanagan in and Lauren fleishman, and was it was amazing,
the response we got was sending you. Your hearing, like just just kind of people, were at last summer's talking about this. I think people the most passionate about it because dairy their involved directly or they ve heard other people talk about it, but there's gotta know outlet, for it was my big takeaway, but Eric what was interesting was nobody was like you guys, are actually wrong. Here's why the system works every everybody who mentioned to me was like thank you for mentioning this. This is it absolute quagmire. I can't believe nobody will fix this and it feels like it's getting worse. Anyway. We are We decided we're going to make this psycho quarterly appearance. A sports are type a thing, but Will we get it that some of the sum of the sports did you have. You know that they're doing this weird? Had been season the ba launched on friday, they called it the mba in season tournament
for some reason they decided not to have a good title for it. I maybe they're going to throw a corporate sponsor and at some point and what they did was they changed the courts for the games. They told us there was more urgency with it's it's all leading to this last vegas event that people are exposed to care about, and I both an outrage by this, because there is really no stakes other than people make more money. There's two extra guy aims for the, for the teams make the finals an abstention. The fire us at the same time, I kind of like that like the games are pretty competitive and it did make me think like when we get to december and it's the fine of foreigners in bed, in its in this event that everybody goes to biggest foreign and becomes like this kind of basketball week during this month, when football lonely kills them. I think he's gonna- be some cool aspects to it. The biggest thing for me will just be leg out these. If these things play these, I play off games. This will be a snapshot. Of what we may expect in the spring, almost psychotic
I was one of the astor gave me a snapshot of what talent matters and never ends up in that, but there is some pieces that I liked. What are you looking at from afar. What did you like and not like about it? Will this? Actually? One of the I I came with my I have three spots are ideas. This actually is linked very much to one of my three things I was going to talk about today, which is that there's way too little variation in professional sports, and that and anytime you do get some kind of variation you get. I think you get a commensurate interest or increase in spend in fan interest like, of course, he should be doing doing more. This kind of reputation with you. They can't replay the same thing. Eighty two times a year and expect us to have the you know an undiminished level of enthusiasm. I love it. I love, I think they should do more of the stuff. I'm gonna talk about some other ideas. I have four along these very lines for making the game a little more.
the more unusual idiosyncratic is what I want. Your pro idiosyncratic- and I think I'm with you because of the way society works in state. These days were denounced. Eighty, a d on steroids generation yeah and to just be like yours are six game. Eighty two, eighty two six months season and then The play us at the end. It doesn't seem right, that's enough anymore, so here he was made. The thing I was thinking about that led me to honest. I was thinking what is the most, what was the most striking sports events of the last twenty five years for me, and I think it was my surprise you two thousand and nine british open when watson and WI him bogies the eighteenth and on sunday and goes into play off a steward thinker, loses
and it's so he comes within one stroke of fifty nine year old comes within one stroke of winning the one of the most important golf tournaments of the year. That is amazing. and the reason. The reason, of course, that he was able to combat closer. Fifty nine is because of the wig off it to work as a nature of sport, but also because golf A huge amount of variation in the four majors render course, Is that reward the young? You know power guys and then, at you know a a a a a a a scottish links course is. You know, set up in such a way that it's actually possible for another golfer to win. And you have enormous naugatuck asked him- why more sports don't build in that level of variation that give that allows for those occasional Every couple of year total.
weird occurrences like like watson in a mixed laid on sunday and so thinking. What would that be fur basketball? and, and football are made as I have for you do this you liked. The premier league is probably the best example of this like, when lester city, one that year, they one was because the schedule is short enough, that you can actually have kind of a small sample size, huge outlier. Oh my god, I can't believe this seems winning anyone got yes. So thinking for basketball in football, would be. There should be something more idiosyncratic about home field, because we know that the whole deal advantages has been diminishing over time. For a number of reasons, I think that's a problem. You want, I think, a robust home to the bench, and I was wondering what, if we said- did she could at the beginning of every season? You would allow every and be a team and anna felt in two if they wanted to reduce the number of time out.
Of course, he became so suppose on the warriors- and I say right we're already. If you play in San francisco, you only get to thirty second time out to game and none in the last two so any half, so you know so the road you're, saying the roads in team, so There are several I'm out total. The road team gets four instead of seven, yes, we'll everyone does. postwar both the warriors and the routine have a diminish so everytime you play in san francisco. You know you're playing a different kind of game. You have to play, have to make more decisions on the court. The coach is going to be less involved. Players have to solve problems, and the game is gonna, be a lot quicker at the end of every half. That's a condition of warriors games, so ugly teams was
we want the full commitment we want to play slow, the traditional way, which you know that that the u the warriors would then build a team as constructed around exploiting that particular idiosyncrasy and other teams. That will be forced with it is to dip to make a decision. Do we so adapt to warrior again to warrior ball, or do we try to be as different as possible and force the warriors out of their comfort zone when they come and play us? That's interesting right! You didn't in football till you could say it's not a my you don't want to change. You don't want to lower the or raise the basket. You don't do something dramatic. That's dumb wouldn't do little
another thought I'd I'd had was what, if you allowed home teams to suddenly redraw the three point line, he can't make it he can't make it. He can't move it in. So what you have is them. What you have is the minimum which you can tinker you can make it you can make it further away from the basket. If you want to take away, for example, the corner three, you want to say every time you go to Boston, there's no corner three anymore right, that's interesting! You have to adapt right and boston can build a team around no more corner threes at home. That's just the way we play and that's the way we play in Boston and you adapt or die. If you want to come here, I think, having fifteen different variations on a three point line and and a couple of different variations on
time out for mba franchises would be, would make the game just that much more interesting. So I've heard the three point line idea in various forms, because people compared to baseball parks, every baseball parks, different right exact, and we we liked that about baseball. You like that about baseball, and especially we ve seen teams build different types of rosters compared to what their parka so that that would be with the three point line, Somebody could say ours is too is to feed out on the topic. Key, but we're doing that because we have stepped hurry yet This is down advantage for us. We could get rid of wonder threes and we just we can play big ball. I dont think that will happen, I really am I like the concept of it. I don't think you should happen for the play
but they're in the regular season, I think would be fun and I think wait. Wait. You stumbled into a time out there. I never thought about that before. That's really interesting because I am trying to think like how could they Better stakes for this in season turned me, it may be. One of the stakes is when we get to the playoffs. The team that the team that and the tournament gets one. More time at each af than anyone they play rough. So there's if their seventy amounts on each side or whatever. Now it's a did? You only gets five, that's it, but the the home team so get seven. It's like competitive advantage, but you'd actually at the five further and help the teams during the season. I also think like for the play said the higher seed, lower seed staff, because you're right they confer advantage been getting devalued. They variety reasons over the last four years, but we really seen a baseball. The worst annie
is by now you that's a big, the diamond backs taken when eighty three eighty four games or if they want to just as matter is, I can go anywhere and win, but I think the concept of harmful nl, but then the adding little gimmicks like time out making it so that, if you If you have the one seed in basketball, somebody's gotta, be you times out of seven at home in the first round right or that you get five of the seven games and on stuff I got it. Might be where we're going yeah just little tweaks but their their impact. For you know you want what you want is have individual franchises, have clear personalities and that's what I'm getting at with this. So you say you know, a popovich coach team is a team that basically plays without time
and so pop says in our house. There's no timeouts you either you were almost played in european world championships through the game just going to have a flow. It's going to have a flow. If you can't play that way, you're just going to lose in San Antonio and I'm going to undergrad, I'm the best coach in the game, I'm going to prepare my team, so they can play that way. I'm always going to make sure I have a point guard whose experience tos you can steady the team on his own, like that. That idea that, oh that's! What san Antonio stands for great that really you that that raises high level of interest in San antonio at it? If that's all thought I mean the more you want variation on franchise by franchise level, more variation than just the franchise because, right now we have it a little bit woods how the teams assembled like the clippers just made that james hearted, trade, and now you know they sacrifice the latter rebounding its defence, but they think there now more this harder,
their fanned. I fancy three so probably be more important. Why clippings slippers stopping with harden what I want to know is like if, once you ve gone as far as hardened, like who else who's next, which, when they start getting guys out of it, I met with major psychological problems that, even if a team like at this point really you know the only thing they should do, the best they can newton to normalize. Their team is to bring in someone who's more problematic than harden so hard and feels normal. you don't want retirees that the biggest outlier yeah you are, and if you like, oh I'm, the I'm the problem child, you want him to feel normal, so you gotta bring in. What with even more problematic than him so hard and feels. I don't even know who that would be a lot of you. Someone out there is a whose, like I can have more of a troublemaker where he's demanded threads three trades in less than three and a half years. I d
he's probably the most problematic. Unless you went they carry rat with the un rather than with the time ass. One of the team had the right to make it like thirty seconds for a time out, instead of two and a half minutes, so they kept pays. I think the league would be there would probably have a connection if they lost tb time ass, but this goes to one of my is that I've been arguing forever. I think half time should be longer. Half time. Just add five minutes actually go to basketball games. I don't just watch. in the half times, always too short and its people. They go up there bathroom they go get food drinks whatever, and the food drinks situations getting better. They have those things where you can walk into. Those are the things where you don't have to pay. you gotta put your credit card, you walk in and then you just take stuff out and some have they not a billion. But I liked more time and have time and then more a flow in the two halves versus the stoppages with the time out,
they sat in person. There's jumbotron shit catalysts. I blaring music, these areas, Mt should tee shirts out you and cyclists is for nobody likes us. I don't I've, never understood. I thought I think, and da and the nfl undermine their long term relationship with fans, particularly younger fans, with the way they drag out the end of games. I just think I've never made any sense to me a I actually think. As a general, there shouldn't be any timeouts in any sport in the last two minutes it should be. It should should be, go that's thrilling when you, when you actually experienced a sport that just flows. I hang on sunday there's football, but women the is is buying. My son loves one been yama, go figure everyone under twenty as like, though, all time in on him, so it was a close I was crunch time and he came down towards the end and there is like a stop in their heads view something after viewing air and my dad and my son was like dad this sucks,
Why do they do it? This way lay K I just can't they finished a game. I've been here for five minutes. I haven't played yet as they are now. This is I theory on this and added if I'm right, but I feel like I'm right is the donna he thing like blue their brains with this stuff, it ages one study aben and that was so catastrophic for them and so damaging and so dramatic and well he was. The only reference bobbed will never now, but Dave on that point on there were just so adamant about like getting stuff I am not having these moments and not having stuff that can be thrown back later, that they are almost want to sacrifice the quality of the last five minutes. But then you watch something like the world championships and the flow is just better and it also goes back to what you were saying about. There's more billy when there's more flow because then and have runs and weird momentum things, and you know you can't stop. I saw them abandoned the olympics in two thousand and twelve, when spain was coming back
in the brian was on the bench and we couldn't get a man cause. The game was just going for like four straight minutes. There is no you're not allowed a sub unless there's an actual stop, and it was he's going and we couldn't call time out- it's like. Oh, my god, we met be able get the brought back in the game, but that was too, be like an outlier moment that we don't have. It also robs us of meltdowns no melt downs. If you in other sports, like golf, always allows you to see the meltdown. You know norman falling apart in the masters in whatever year. That was ram, and that's part of what's so compelling about golf is that the meltdown happens in real time and it can't be stopped right, there's no or for the place where the time, our time out, is no intervention of a coach they just in that see interesting and in in basketball for There is always an invention. The minute we see any any the beginning have any kind of meltdown. Unless it's Mozilla, germany.
was the only one he's he's still subscribes to the old therapy I made. Let me just have my players go down in flames, I'm just going to stand here. The only remember with it who is here nick anderson missing. All those free throws right. Member with the magic yeah rare example is only in a situation that we begin to see that we see real. Can a basketball knelt down that there should be more like if you remove, if you, if you take away some of those time out, we will see rookie errors will start to be really significant and fascinating, like watching some watching a twenty year old, cope with lay off basketball without the intervention of a fifty year old coach, that's india that I wanna watch that like I felt like baseball added someone out with some of the tweaks. They did where they like cut off
many times you can throw a pick out. Thirty first base the man trips, the thirty seconds to earn the shorter fifteen second pitched clock guys having a running from the bullpen and their immediate immediately pitching with the ninety seconds way, more variance with the relievers the share, I don't know it. The stats work I just know my air keeper league like any, were labour we had. The guy would just occasionally get an now as well. I wonder if it's cause sometimes and then did thinning piece, peace where they get. You know they comment. but the guy on second base that was, so I think, for the most part, baseball did a decent job. Bugger fixing some this, but I think what they did fix was the totality of the sea. And had a break that up our actual talk, but thou hadst figure could break So
One thing I was seeing with baseball: maybe this correct with the nba to off your dairy, about just make it things weirder little more consistently is whether these seasons needs separated into leg, two's or threes, with bigger stakes in other baseball. Good example. There's russia's. I one long season, basketball, there's always a team that kind of gets going in the second half the season it maybe it's a little too late or they are able to plan that playing games. I think, as up that to some degree, but if they're trying to make this season turn him in a thing, I'm wondering You just put the season in the two's new still keep the overall records, but there are still some incentive for somebody in the second half, like maybe there's two plants spots. Avail bar one black spots implied that, where is that so one long season that if you had some should happen,
You know you can go sideways. The lakers are a good example of this. Last year they had like a terrible first half and a really good second half, but would it what do you think of like segmenting stuff, essentially to speed the new idea? Number two: ok witches I was. I wanted to revisit some n b, a draft ideas and I guess that second, because you just give me another nba draft idea of cash is what, if we split the season into an draft seeding was based on only half of the season's performance and it was at a game. Forty one. We take the standings and that's how we we can do the second forty one games. He. Why do we can do the first, forty one? But so if we want to solve the tanking problem, we can solve the tanking problem in half the season. Right right say: whenever it is forty one, that's it that's it. That's the best day dusted, dusted drafting an hour. Now, it's all bets are off now. Everyone is in televised it to play as hard as they can for the home stretch or you capital legs.
sixty orthodoxy gave a game. That's it in china. We freeze it. That's the order no reason why? Because now we have this ridiculous situation where an entire season is compromised by a team. That's tanking right! Why would you compromise the entire siege season, If you get it it's going to be it is, it is no way around the compromising, and I think there is that we'll get to my idea, but I then just do it for some portion. if the season, and then we have a second, you will have what you're talking about. We have a debris different feel to the balance of the season. Now, right incentives have changed, yeah the way people players change. The stakes have changed, so really can you know if you're out there and you're getting bored with the eighty two game slog you? Can you perk up at the end of the first round and then threat, I think, probably throughout the second, all of a sudden you're. if you re, engage with work going on court does to think that
and last year that support this one is gaming lowered, who is having a good, often severe, terrible defensive year, but good officer for portland and they base? shot him down down the stretch, transfer to get a better drop at gray and paid off. They got screwed henderson. The third pillar. The fact that you're taking somebody who is sitting here mid, thirty's Who might only have so many years? I have this happened. The warriors were stuff a couple years ago to you just like cancelling out one of that one of their years. You know these guys have twelve, fifteen really good years in them, and you just eliminating one of the years. But it's the right move, I think that one, never been able to reconcile the re move for the france franchise. It's not the right move for the player, yeah yeah. So how do you fix that? Then the second piece of this is- and what was the thing that happened: oh Dallas,
so does as a chance to make the playing aiming to have luka doncic choose one of the five or six passports in the. they throw away the last ten days in the season because they now like our teams, to share we're, not one in the title like we have this top ten protected pick. If we do this now, we have to keep the pic and that's gonna help us next season. I thought it was awful. don't think that's would sports about especially give LUCA who could just go toe to toe with anybody, but there is a case for right long term- this is smarter, said I'm getting the tenth peck and they take their lively. This young kid from do who has been really good for them. As this rim runner energy guy, he's nineteen like I, it actually seems a demo lucked out peck, you know they were right so there to envisage he had a right to do throw away the last ten days. The season this kind of the league we have- and I like, if I was the commission, that we have to fix this.
That's what worries me about him. As I don't think sober. Like really shows, I got inclination, actually fix any that stuff yeah. So here's I think, it's time to bring back an idea which was talked about quite a lot about ten years ago, which is the NBA futures draft, which you You remember this is the idea that you can never on your own pick that what you pick you have to draft the first of the draft. You pick someone else's pick in order finnish and then god I can draft you dropped a pair without pick. So if I'm, you know if, on the spurs last year, the number one pick ip the wizards back, and that I I do that at the beginning of the season at the end of the season, I exercise my wizards pick on I no longer incentivize by my own standing, I'm incentivize by the standing of I ask, as my daddy somebody else's incompetence,
what, like ten teams, have somebody else's pick over the next couple of years. So you're you're kind of living, your dream we're already living it for the so what happens is five thirty, eight as a whole thing on this idea. A lot of people have this idea of a date write a letter to silver in two thousand and fifteen and civil rights back, and he says you know thank you blah blah blah. This has some, but he says ultimately he says. Ah I don't like the idea, because you're still incentivized to tank under that is used to protect under that system, because you know that, ah, by finishing last you're going to get rewarded with the chance to pick the pick of another lousy team, you do so This is an empirical question and I she did some homework. So we have to issues here. The reason we tank now is it the number one pig is really dial and the recent valuable is it we do. A really good job of predicting which play are coming out of college is going to be a great.
well like this only really been in the last fifteen years? One myth, that's been anthony bennett. Everybody else has been pretty pretty good pick. So the question is: how does the predictive value of picking the best player in college compared to the predictive power and accuracy of predicting which of your fellow teams is going to suck? And the answer is we do a really good job of predicting who's, going to be good out of college and a terrible job of predicting which team is going to suck the most the following year? So I went back to last twenty five years and I compared how many times has so vague as you know, does the precision odds? How many times has the team that vegas pick to be the worst performers in the upcoming season actually been the worst performers in the last twenty five years? Give me your guess.
Well, it's going to happen this year with washington. It looks like so now so that that that'd be the first time allowed, I would say, probably probably six out of twenty five or twenty five for yeah, it's terrible with a sixteen percent, so wow. So it's like. So we know it we really so busy. What we're saying is we really I have no idea about which the worse, which team is gonna, be the worse newly the value of fish, wishing last and getting tipp to pick the worst performers take the worst performers traffic in the next. Draft, is actually not that great, it's nowhere near as valuable as having the number one picture yourself. So we really,
it diminished, the the the the the incentive to tank. If we go to a future draft and then I looked at how many times you look at kind of vegas's preseason odds, how accurate are they are predicting the bottom five performers in the following year and the answer is they get about? Ah two out of the five right over the last twenty five years. It's about forty percent, which again is really quite low. So what we're doing, if you go to a futures draft, what's your base, the thing is, you can tank and you can get the so called benefit of being able to pick who you think is going to have the best pick in the following draft. But it's not
invaluable, and you have to really have to ask yourself whether it's worth throwing away a season in in your fanbase. For a pick, that's I mean it's worth something, but it's nowhere near worth the value of your own pick in the current system. So I like, I think I was surprised to read silver's letter from that long ago, cause he basically says without any evidence. Oh it's! You know that the incentive to tank remains as strong as the current system. It's just not true. There isn't the same incentive to tank with the futures draft. Also you're only going to shoot a shot. It is from a fan's perspective. so much more interesting. If no one else around pick. Imagine so you imagine if I'm telling you to be there for years, I I don't think anyone's going to have their own for years now, we're you could imagine and you suck and Boston owns, but walk he's pick. The following draft yandah wendy pipe player on the horizon.
There is no way, Milwaukee is gonna. Let boston have been number pick we had this when we had the three broken nets. Baxter, cagey trade. The other fund part This was you: have this team you just get to root against every? I am watching nets games texting with my dad dad this nets games rooting against them. That's me: what about the draft I feel like they still haven't, figured out the right way to do it. You wear away. Do like this. Do you like the futures? Would you go for the futures? I think it might be too here for me like it. If I had my choice, I would probably just rather than the ten t that could never make the playing game just go into going, The lottery but dhabi glides, the four teams that get banned, from the plan therein there, but maybe they get half the ads and we just
it that way, I don't want to incentivize people to be bad yeah. I did that's one of and I've written about this for ever like. I just think what Is it what it allows people to do is being competent and So like the illusion of a while We we might be good if this pic turns out like if you're a washington fan right now. Why are you going to the games? You're, not gonna, see jordan, Poole and kakuma you're going because it's like the tickets are cheap because you can get em. Anywhere for nothing about it. You're going there you're gonna, hoping they lose yet six six months, but I'm not sure so. Your idea would you would rather you say, throw the bottom ten teams in a hat and they pick out. They pick up. draft ordered. I will just make the percentages way closer to random, because the thing Afraid of is what say. Somebody like good, say, ok, see lasher there, Forty two and forty faction. The plan and they lose and then
get the number one pick and they get one bid yam and they add to their team. Like. Oh, my god. Well, that that's terrible it should have gone. He should have gone to a bad team. It's like shitty, like maybe it's actually good. We grew up on their eighty celtics makers and sixers and pistols, and there is a four five good teams that was awesome. You know that the league is so deep now from a talent standpoint that I dont think we need to reward. Incompetence anymore. They, I don't think the wizard should be rewarded because they put together a terrible thing. you now and then, and then that will be higher. Do that would also tied to a bunch of you, no trade that we see all the time that are always like these sketchy trade? Somebody taken some contract that sucks a big get a pick him I competitive edge Am I it? I read the real answers, resignation, but they'll. Never do it like delegation will be the greatest difficulty twenty four team mba and then you had the two expansion, teens plus the sixth, don't make aid in there with eight other teams.
Just in the b. Basically, the buyers never go far, but it's the best idea is by far the best idea. because what you get is if what were interested in is creating basically laboratories of innovation right, we want teams to try interesting, weird stuff. With resignation, you create this massive incentive to experiment. You get relevant, eager, relegated the amount of money on the table. If you manage to get reinstated in division, one is so enormous right you instead of those No, you you're, you're. Your patience within competence is now zero. Your willingness to tolerate you know you don't lazy players, incompetent coaches, be no bad. owners I mean on and on and on just put out the window, its effects if it is a much better cut, a marketplace for producing quality, basketball,
one things that worries me about it. I was that somebody that cares about this stuff recently about this offline One thing that worries me about the nba right now, as they lost some point, your owners of people from like the two thousands in the early, two thousand tens or those people got old people peter horton doktor bus lighted. These are people that really were forward thinking. Now they really kind of lost cuban in some ways to like you, do the role cuban served in the two thousands was so important to the mba. He was just like throwing the fuckin chainsaw in the hot tub like I, there was this old guard and he came in and he was just like. Why do we do this? Why do we do this? Why do we think like this? Why can't, spend money on my locker rooms and just cottage The damage of this all may I did so. I dont see people like that in the same way, any more with the league- and I dont see people that really care about what the league.
should be or how to keep making a better are the stuff I james hard and asking you know getting out of three trades in three years you sad damaging that is doesnt seem There is some sort of we don't like that, like that most of the godfather when the five families would kind of determined staff Then it was like I wish it were- are competing with each other, but ultimately we ve got off figure this out together. I don't see that anymore. With the league will yeah. I know you do you had bomber on the show. Once I think amr I mean, I think I have nothing against him personally, but I do think it is problematic when you have a guy who's worth a hundred and three billion dollars owning a sports franchise. All of that The sports franchise had a set of incentives in place to govern the behaviour of owners and their financial incentives. You may be penalized you for doing certain things that we think right, create. There's no financial penalty that has even the site is the impact on
bomber right, italy and start so next year, there's gonna be some things in their words like you're gonna, have less flexibility, would draft pegs and free sightings being a bit a package poison trades, but it still not punitive now, and then he added he's paying hundreds the eight nine and luxury attacks this year for his team on top of the payroll he could. He could pay that for her friends of yours overhead, and still I still have money in the bank right. It's like it's very destabilizing This is not the only area of american life where, where extraordinary wealth is destabilizing but its destabilizing to have people come in and they're, just not in the same. he's not in this is some operating in the same environment as somebody who's got a billion dollars in the back right. That's why I I see saga with the warriors. when the one with the sides you seem whatever they may be, a came in and his dislike out here is in it. A job, just fishpond crazy money. He doesn't have private equity money
tak mau. He owns his own mortgage company, but we'll find out how much money he has when his his minority owners had the puts that they have to you know cause he out sarber, but there was is other peace that The minority owners kabila K that four billion evaluation, It is how do you now and demand that you have the money and we will see if he has it. You didn't have a he did he's not as well the wealthiest bucks guys or the warriors guide. Guessing I don't I met could be wrong. I sense was it: he was one step low doses terms in his father is like that. I mean you have like the bomb or dolen kind, a level of just crazy money- farmers- probably the most but like so he problem, As you know, I don't recall here. If you haven't, you think the temperature sky in america was the one thing she's, doing like from I think outside the box standpoint. That actually like is he is like the coopers than this.
Class citizen, no way we're in the lakers building. We get all the worst states. There's nothing special we're just playing in the lakers place. Basically had it. This is This is in inefficiency. For me, I'm gonna build bone arena. I'm gonna make it the core than the lakers arena, and it's a minute in this place and is spending real money to do it, and you know what is it can affect their win loss record, probably not, but it's at least like a good. way to spend your money a bad way to spend your money is like. Oh, this is the year. James harden can finally figure it out in his mid thirties or an olympic. Let me throw somebody at this. Ah, but the the arena piece in china. Beggar out. Can we have home court advantage? Where should the sound be, and how could? How could this whole thing move? As As I stated their mechanism, I mean the stuff dawn, I've asked the method, the sphere, but this is a
james Dolan's greatest moment. The sphere, mickey key he's completely reconfigured what a fan experiences for for a music concert and it's gonna I feel like this- is: where stuffs going right, like yeah, there's going to be some sports arena. That has some version of this. It feels like with luck. You'll go to las vegas and not come back. I mean. Can I can I buy him a plane ticket through these days there come on don't having come back, the mixer have decent. We got the sphere of his lay bloomer that guy we still thought we still subsidizing the knicks lease at business garden. You understand you lived in europe You would during that, how galling that is to residents of new york his, whether richest guys- and you know that in the country and new york city taxpayers are essentially paying him for the privilege
of but and blocking any counter redevelopment of pen station? To I mean I don't even get me started his the most infuriating public figure in new york, well, well possible exception of someone else who we will be able to have its say, there's a couple other possibilities for theirs There's an ok see situation that ties in what we're talking about where they have to, I think its next month, where they have to. I am basically building a new downtown arena. Yeah. It's a ladder, the same stuff where its being sold as now. I would say: here's what it's going to cause there'll be fights barely anything, but don't you want to keep the thunder and that same kind of public pressure. And meanwhile they stole the thunder from the sauna. They saw the size from seattle, they moved the thunder they probably. Two hundred million
for an mba franchise, douze probate, three billion J point to something like that. You get the amortize every It's like the single best investment can make. There's new media rights still coming, why the thunder paying for the reader. Why is there a tax at all like that? It's tough fight, our I'm just what the hell what's going on here, the want to leave, because the moment they lose the thunder they're just another city, that's the only protein they have. So your leveraging this. You know this deep fear that people have lived there like what happens if they less than what than what's identity, they should relax that rule. Do one exception that rule you can't on more than one and be a franchise and say this: is the bomber rule You can't on more than one mba franchise. Unless you want to buy them all he could. He could give the ball. We right. It's got a hundred
billion. You know the debate as that they took funding where they had this. I pray one thing: I think they bought legs: fifteen twenty percent of the double nba bought bought out a piece of shit like that makes me since the main in Oklahoma city, building a new arena paramedic. If somebody said do you want? Would you rather have occurred structure or bomber owning everything I have she I'm down with burma, owning everything They could be familiar. Changing the honour, the mba, not just in vienna basis, be the one that does that of Japan I'm your new owner of the idea about out everybody, so the We welcome a city, here's a piece They they get the vote on this. The new arena would cost at least nine hundred billion to build yeah at least barely see seaward that presents a being with seventy million plan, a come from four funds fit
million from the owners of the team, other chicken and fifty billion that so lately you guys valkyrie fifteen to build your investment, the remit. The funds would come from a seventy two month. One cent sales tax of all gonna sitting near regarding. What happens if the arena cross bore the damage it about? Man it was gonna rain so hard. The shared now have two billion. Ah weed whether we had another. Like kobe type event, oh man now we're at one point two. I just looked up oklahoma city, metro population. It's up to the city itself is just under seven hundred thousand the metro areas. One point four: I mean you really have to ask yourself what a team is doing there, right, well, that that that's why they're gonna pay the tax, because the other move would be- them that mean they're, gonna get expansion. I've been talking about this for two years. I was
people can be seattle. Magus fenway sports goods can be in vegas. The bronze can be above than than the seattle peace. The one thing that shit genius. The numbers I think it's gonna- be nine million nine billion for the two teams. That needs to be five for seattle and for four vegas, which means every owner will get a three hundred million dollar check. They don't have to share it with the players. Do you know that the players get zero? So it's like: hey! We had these two expansion teams, the good news for the where's, you guys hey. We have thirty more jobs for you, guys cool, but then every owner gets orange billion. That's why I don't think the only teams that I'd think could potentially so over the next couple: yours is probably poor, linen indiana, neither of them were there not selling before expansion gothic. So three hundred million our czech put by name Can you fedex the mayor? I want to be sure I get it so really what you'd have attacks expert on to explain to be the tax implications of that two hundred million dollar check? How is it cap? What is it
is it income as it gains? What is it a it's a it's an awesome question. I am sure they structure it. I am sure they have structured instead of paying the minimum amount of tax. I am sure that, like I'm sure, an entire law, I'm sure an entire law firm was hired. To work and to work out the details. It will see arrow and vague as not having an mba team which has been nuts fur. She had has been that, since it laughed and beg us has been nuts the last ten years. They should clearly have a team sub they'll fix that. An obese rabbit. The fetters. What's take I secular break. We get you thirty, at the. We are supported by us and take it on youtube and youtube tv, change. Your team and change your town get ahead of us and it take it on youtube needs to be where it's easier to keep up with all your favorite teams on sunday afternoons, thanks to my new friend malta, abuja four precept games at once and Malta view and is now available at a lower
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one hundred and seventy four dollars when bundled with youtube tb, where you get even more football side at now, you to duck such bs terms of the basic content. Restrictions apply, no cancellations, I'd third idea. When you get a look at this, one is near neared, my heart. I you may not have been aware of this. Bellbird back in september in berlin die at an ethiopian woman in tea, I'm gonna mispronounce, her name to geet suffolk ran to eleven for the marathon. This is probably, if we're being fair, are one of the three or four greatest athletic feats. the last hundred euro. Eleven is insane in thing, so she breakthrough will record J ai window. Anything like whirled over their candidate in his eye. Two minutes, which is an astonishing amount to break a world record by she's, been
running as fast in my lifetime, the men's world record was two eleven, that's how fast this was, and so she is naturally there's a couple of red flags. One is one that she really she look at her history. She It's like a half miler in a while and then last year she ran a half marathon, five minutes off the world record pace. So we have an incredibly small sample size of her distance running and it's not encouraging Oh it's a little strange. This woman comes out of nowhere. So why does she? How is it possible that shoe That fast is elect rosy, wherewi, strange where she would have a lot of hot air. DE I half way through the rest, so the leading candidate to explain what's going on with her. It could be that she was could be she stopping, but she's doping in such a way that didn't catch her. It could be that she is the greatest distance runner, maybe of all time,
or it could be her shoes right now, so I don't know. I never know I'm a big running. You know fanatic, but I know you know. The super shoes nike than five years ago have completely revolutionized running and they have a carbon fiber plate and like the soup again phone and we thought super shoes. We knew they were really heavily contributing to faster running times, good you're. Getting your view running. If you ever run a super issues now they're gonna have ever run. They are what I do and I will work out in raising them there totally wild. What is cyber shoes mean? Can you explain what that means? Supersu is a shoe with a carbon fiber plate and then a special kind of lightweight dense foam. So, basically the foam is your shoe is catapulting the the the the spongy foam is coming up against this ring.
He had and you're getting a kind of springing effect castle. When you run in them, you feel like a fly. and so so what happens? If I, if I power, walked in them, were how would how would I feel like I'm semi flying or is it just last year he would feel super springy. You gotta try the early, they're really expensive, but so dip Dee dee, I might He invents about five years ago now everyone's doing supervisors and shit was using super super. She was these ideas that are forty percent lighter and even springer, then nike shoes, and we think that super shoes men might be worth somewhere between could be as high as ten percent to your running time. No ten percent is kind nor less right. So now you might say: well, if everyone, anyone who buys you pursue what does it matter? The second weird thing about super issues is that their effect is completely variable, so the same,
then, who could benefit six percent from a super shoe? Could that could, if he had to people who are otherwise identical, one could benefit six percent and one could be hurt. Six percent by super issues. They cannot really hurt. You are really help you and it's not clear who is getting helped and whose getting hurt. So you the situation running now, where we just said one of the greatest marks in running history. and we have no idea whether the person who said it is any good it could do without where that is like we'll bury bonds had seventy homelands. We know it's done
We know he was a great baseball player, but we know that he hits every. We can discount that record right when winelands wins, it's sure to france. We know it's well, it's it's ippo he's a great cyclists, but he you know he that extra increment that allows him to win a zipper he sports can deal with that we can set. Those marks aside, which you can't deal with, is a situation where you have a new tech.
ecology, shoes coming in that could have as much of a ten percent impact on times and no one knows whether the impact is real, whether it's going on with what's happening in this particular instance like it's, it's crazy that we saw that ross tucker, who says sports scientists did a podcast on it and he was saying you know. I have just witnessed something that might be the greatest athletic accomplishment of my lifetime, but I dunno or or it might be, nothing might just be an artifact and I I you think the record is completely meaningless. As a result, that's like we're talking about the destruction of running as a sport when every performance is subject to a complete it's mark as to why the individual in question ran ass, fast ass. They did it fight and so the so. The three possibilities are doping, doping, the super shoe ores,
what are some crazy, outlier lay bloomer, yeah or she's. Just the greatest tell you everything and we have no idea which are the three. It is ass because sport has been taken into account just how disrupted new technology is the reason I go, and I know that nobody few people care about distance running, but I really think that every sports gonna go through this sum version of it, not every sport, maybe I'm into hard to imagine basketball in the short term being, but I mean there unless you have strict limits in place. A new too ecologies the technology itself is getting so overwhelmingly disruptive there we're gonna, be entering into a new era, when performances aren't gonna they're going to be impossible to interpret, and that's when you can't interpret an elite performance, that's the end of your sport. It really is like I dunno what we do with competitive running now: they're breaking records every week as if as a fan of the sport I do
we don't? No one knows what to do with it. We're just sitting there like you watch this thrilling race, and then you say I dunno could have been the shoes and if it's just the shoes, why did I watch that right? That's basically what I with baseball in the late nineties, early two, thousands we didn't know or watching anymore. We didn't know what we were watching and they managed to recover for it. But I you don't it there's something. I really really think that this it's gonna, be a generalised problem in sports. Unless people sit down and very specifically asked a question: how much technology do we want? sport and it should be fine to say we want no technology. We've right now, like
No, no, my dear lady, regulate this and golf right that cause there's golf pause. People could use that they could add fifty yards to their drives and stuff like that golf gulf. Is I once again is the shining example of how to do it right and I, but I think I think tennis miss the boat and was way to permissible newt of new rapid technology. Thought of people like that of tipsy returns players make that argument. I think there's something to it that the game is more interesting when, the racket is not, and is not this high tech instrument that we created and tried he brought this up. Have you ever held the racket from the late seventies yeah I used to. I started playing with one of those it's unbelievable how different it is, but yeah you can. They will, if guys, are serving one hundred and thirty nine miles an hour or whatever, like that. Numbers are going into where the technology got to get, but it seems like people like it I take the running a little different, because if, if the times are just get
turned out the window and there's no way to compare anything. That's happening in their current form. To anything this happened in history, they would happen, If somebody runs I go, like a nine, oh and on the hundred yard dash will that I thought this marathon is essentially that it is time that he's so fast and be no one knows what to make of it, it's like its astonishing and we saw some on the track. The season we also saw we ve seen in alaska seasons. Some performance. Is that just don't make any sense, it's like the number of people now who are running very close to that? You know used to be that we had two or three people in a season. It would break three thirty in agenda meters. Now we have come. we don't know. Is it? Is it genuinely a town explosion or is it just shoes like that's, I I. I really think we had this permissive attitude towards people who developed new technologies in various areas. We never stopped to think about whether we want it doesn't sound like a luddite, but I cut it on on
question. I am allowed I'd like why didn't someone asked me whether I wanted where we, whether we wanted these shoes and in professional running what we wanted, the racket in general we should open. The fan should have been asked golf golf clubs or another one. That debs feels like debs at least oversea that you can have some golf club? It's a major advantage. This sounds like just a classic thing for the sports, our campaign burnside, these words. I hold a press conference and mike. Had been made aware of the two eleven in the women's bear thud and where it can be investigating these super shoes In other words, it is when you get Jean we you get like g, editing and jean whatever that allows people to two. We know to reconstruct Their jumping ability and all those kinds of things, that's where that's where we're headed it's not that far away, and we need to kind of decide. Do we want that right? Do we want people to be able to artificially enhance the rest,
their performance in that. In that way, I don't. I don't see any. What I dont see is like a kind of ah ah consensus among the leadership in the sports. To talk about these issues people just have indifferent to it as a one off even had their fame. It Bobby minute that famous long jump in mexico city, it was just so far out in the realm of whatever we expect. There is ladder. Reasons for in other is higher out the ted let bags kind of adrenalin. Sometimes long job. You know you can have one great long jump in your entire life, for you just right before the line you just catch it and you go, but I always thought that was one of the most netting athletic events that it ever happened just like that it was
so much better than anyone had ever done like Hamas nike collapsed, he just gonna believe were read after it happens that I just can't believe I did that twenty nine it was twenty nine two twin in feet. Two and a half inches there was a monster defeat at a time when most people were jumping high, twenty six feet, yeah there and then at twenty five twenty six range, but bonds. So we know everybody we now there's some chicanery cannery go with baseball really from. I would say ninety five, ninety six on yet and yet bonds with so much better than everybody else at it and the like we once in a while. I look at his baseball reference page like I have a bookmark I just I just go the herd, just like god, he has on base percentage of leg five fifty one years and just he hit the site. It's like the limitless bradley cooper character. The movie limitless where he just for some
and whatever he was doing. It hid him the most perfect, that of all the other players. This is, but this is actually a crucial thing about technology and it goes back to the point about something which is when there is a technological innovation. Like steroids of these super shoes, it does not affect all athletes. Equally yeah, and so you have high responders and low responders Amelia and what there is something about. their rights or whatever he was taking bonds was, and his particular skill set that allowed. That turned him into a super athlete: a super baseball player and the same another player. Could have taken the exact same number of drugs and had nowhere near the same effect. That's what's its the variability of of of people's responds to these signals, technological changes that is so destructive to performance. That's what we're like you
put on super shoes and they could make no difference and someone. You know, and someone else could put them on and it could make a ten percent difference. But if I told you barry bonds got on base over sixty, at the time in the two thousand forces, and would you believe that sixty percent of the time I dont really under and what he actually did. It was sixty one percent of the time he got on base sixty one percent of the times he walked to the plate. He got on base his final. I don't really get good with. Was there a theory that that the pds? He was an enhanced his vision? I think there was a. I think the big theory was that Eight she age or p days, whatever he might have been taking the. I think we know he was up the stuff, but his vision got so good, and he could just any if you already have great vision. So it makes you think, like what would ted went like TED Williams famously had the greatest vision ever had like twenty ten vision like what
his vision of Ben, like if he had been on hiv aids or been like twenty twenty five. Twenty twenty slash for vision, my good he has been able to seattle, seems in the ball, is the pictures releasing it. Yes, our eye, you re when we're done our back and forest owners grandly we're always obsessed with on january of athletes and where that might be going in, a member in one of the things words. I was telling you how Brady wanted to play forty five and we are debating whether somebody do they paid to his forty six. The longevity peace is the thing. The most instead right now. What are the reasons for that cause? The duchess was just brady point of forty seven, his son just like somebody like rogers, blows out as achilles and still feels like. You can come back in time for the decision or elaborate El abroad skinner past seventy thousand minute soon Chris Paul, whose appoint guard, whose has I think, sixty two assistance. turnovers right. I was thirty. Eight using those six draft cannot just be the technology
is it the dieting lightweight disaster? We were wondering about around twelve thirteen years and I still don't know any the answers you know, but I think I do think you know I so as someone who's sixty and runs in early I'm now? Oh I've, I've realise a kind of obvious thing, which is it's not that I am, he felt it. My duty to run fast has diminishes radically with my age it is the risk of injury, so the library for recovering from that injury. So if I could train as consistently as I did when I was ten years younger fifty one I could run, I think as fast as I could run and not fifty one. I don't think I like fifty one to sixty has made that much of a difference in my talking speed, but I just can't train,
same way, because I don't have time to have massages every day and you know do all the things do wait three times a week, but if I did, if I was a professional athletes and I applied myself in that way, I could extend my career. I think that's what's going on it's just that you never occurred anyone twenty years ago that if you were rigorous about injury, you know but recovery and and injury prevention is not that there's no there's, no particular physical reason why you can't run as fast at thirty five as you did at twenty eight, and it's just about that and desire, but it seems, like kobe, was the first one who kind of became obsessed with the out of this stuff leg, just the little tracks, the hyper bag chambers of the changing his blood in his knee and stuff. Like that, and now now there is so many different versions of the technologies is better
and the way to monitor yourself and even like that stuff. Right, though, though, wristwatches worry, see how you slept the night before how much better, we are about the science of eating I'd. I did up for a while that I can't do it. I I'd made my wife get rid of it. I was like I can't take it. You wake up and you're mad that you only got five and a half hours of true sleep amount. Stop you start to get competitive with yourself and it's hilarious where you're like you know. Comparing harare am sleep over the last six days in re, I get a bit much yet cause you, you you get mad at me. I thought I slept better It says only had four and a half hours of the deep sleep felt like six. It's like what you're arguing with our o wristwatch I don't know where it goes, but I do wonder. Leg like Alan could Leubronn play for if he wanted to any had and is doing on the stuff is doing now like. Could he get to forty? Five is right now he is still leg.
Last night to miami and he get to the room when everyone it? He could set up guys in this where they just missed shots, Zella regionalized. They were talk about how he began this kind of pitch count of twenty minutes again that true that at the window again and he's up is the play in know, twenty four hundred minutes again, Twenty five hundred minutes plus playoffs and we deserve just season territory. Now that nobody has been come close to being mean, I just think it's it's with him. It's just. we write like if we had that scenario we were talking about earlier, where the season was cut in half yeah, and you said, okay, that lebron is really just going to play the second half of the season. Just forty one games with over forty one games he's terrifying even at his advanced age try you decided once or twice a week. We saw this inquiry that year when he was just playing on ganda. Any online payment the weekly was like incredible yeah yeah. I was talking to somebody The day about currie, what his career, though mid thirties and on
This is a big turns. Thirty, six, this year. to me he's like that, the closer to what I was TAT could happen with bird of birds. Body had broken down courage. That coordination is for work is so good that I just feel You can keep going longer than maybe we think as long as these dedicated to you know, he's the three hundred sixty five days a year. he's doing everything that we have the time watching their example. What the tomlinson example tells us is, did you know he can't you that at fifty nine he couldn't do it in every tournament, but if you give him a tournament a course that's suited him and you I am to play at a world class level for four consecutive days. He could do that right is said. He he can't go into full tool, anymore, but some could that be lebaron like five years now, where he's just like a monopoly that when he regular season games a year in europe happy for seventy five percent of the boy I've games and we're
you're, just gonna, keep me in the refrigerator and I will do my staff I'll be ready every day and I'm just gonna be ready for April major I'll find you a for ten. Potentially dollars, sonata, I'm not taking digging up all his roster space lemonade I'm no work at home for the first half of the season, I'm a shop Once a week, and then in the playoffs are going to go full time was that it strikes me as being an alt a and a a a perfectly logical use of a a forty year old basketball star. cause. Curry could be that too right. I don't think the words would rubber get rid of him, but he could but yeah. I guess the problem every I've talked about this before, but No one ever heard talk about. That's why they couldn't keep playing was the grind of just getting read every day. I think that's what war brady down, ultimately special, his family stuff started getting weird of just the getting at five in the morning when I read it, and just doing that routine day after day after day to be ready to play. He just at some point it burns. The people out new whisky was one of the four
once I was talking about there's a man is just hard, so it's not about the games, it's about them. The off days you gotta kill you but at the same time like when all this stuff is getting better and smarter, like I I could leubronn, going a goin, because I think I just think you exert any like spain in the limelight and life competing, and just I don't. I just don't think I can see him just shutting the switch off unless he got injured men Karl Malone would have kept going if he didn't get hurt Ok, he hurt in a foreign. He was them and same a quick, weird question random. Why do you think we have way more to his injuries. Now than we used to. or am I or they the exactly the same in there just happened to more famous people were, don't know, I'm I'm I will. I did what I don't know my suspicion would be if you are getting stronger and heavier in other parts.
If your body you're putting moisturizer pressure on your stone, achilles and and have ligaments that can't I don't know I mean You'D- have to ask her. That would be my guess. That'll be my guess, and also like just the kind of you said this many times the way the game is played now you're, putting a lot more stress on your body, because you're actually playing defense, which divas discovered in like You know two thousand and six they did it. They didn't know about it back in the eighties and nineties. Everything so yeah that that's gonna, that's gonna lead to a very different, a different amount of stress on an athlete's body. before we go. Let's talk about buckskin spotify launching fifteen hours a month listing time more than two hundred? as an audio books alongside ad free music package, is that good starting november aids and they have, these audio books- you were like the earliest person that I knew of on this space. There was something about audio books that you're like this. I just feel like things
go on this way. Wait. What did you see when did you see what you're that, while we wanted, you do? I started it with talking to strangers and then with a mafia, where we thought an audio book is really an audio documentary and that it should Even if you somebody and audio book for not your book, you should hear the innovative and it should be scored the movie, and you should do archival tape like environs have yet we got all this archival tape in the second world war. It's you know he should feel it like. It's like a ghanaian shouldn't just be because he was all about budgets. You know the publishing industry would give you five thousand dollars and you would sit in a booth for three days. He would read your book and they thought that's what an audiobook was and our idea of Pushkin was that's nuts, like this, make an audio experience and make it real. But that means you spend more time and money you get. What you get is something that people actual want to: listen to and how's it changed in the last years. Do you feel like like to me
they don't really seen much different from podcast. Like my wife legs, audio it's more than podcast, but will it's not like? Oh it's I'm an audio books person, not a podcast person. It has been a real blurring of that line. I don't even think the light, I don't think it's meaningful. Even these distinctions, don't matter really to listeners. They just want to hear something interesting and I think it's only insiders who obsess about the difference between a podcast or an audiobook. You should be able to. You know you there's there's it's just it's just it's interesting stuff. You listen to. I mean, that's always been our our perspective. I don't borrow mafia appeared in one version on my podcast and then in another, more complete version as a book, but I would I mean if you kick him up with another way, to get it out there. I would. I would do that as well. I think it does. I think it doesn't. I think it doesn't matter, and then you excerpt excerpted a chapter of talking to strange
So my bike ass. He worked perfectly well as a package. So can we talk about the more disturbing piece of this because I like audio books, but our people reading in the same way anymore? Do you happened twenty years this? Two thousand? One gladwell happened in two thousand twenty three in the same way. Well, if I did, if I had a heavy yeah, but it would be it, it will be different. I would do ah it'd be a lot much better audio component and I would do I did a lot of live events and back in the day, but I would do even if I was starting to doubt if Dunmore, if I could, I would just go on the road for actually,
for back in when I did blink. I went on the road for I think three months, but I was always jealous of you. I had I had like two small kids, and I I was two weeks you're, just like I'm out man. I'm just got here today, you're, like an m b, a tip today. If I was going to go under over six months, if I was really ambitious and twenty five, I had a book I just ah and you build an audience organically. That way you start out with you know my first, my first ah a live appearance for live gig for tipping point. There were two people in the audience really and you build it right by the time that tour ended. I had whatever one hundred or two hundred, but I think that is way more important now than the lie
podcasting is really good. You guys have been pioneers in him and when I went I went with another one I and if I went to a mallory and I think Jason concepcion did a live thing of a rewatch. I think it was a rewatch bubbles. It's just brilliant. It looks so good. It was it's great as I guess it's even better march, if all members here who is here, we did a star weekend. We relate the keynote P. The at the owners summit or whenever they caught the stone technological summit we basically dead alive, show better, we didn't even know is alive, show urges that I'd they're gonna head ass, my ex we sketched out some stuff, but now it would be he waited the nakamura differently. All they wanted to do is dis Dolan and I had to bite my tongue. I think they warned us do not fear you mean about our. I now you're like it's a couple times gas thinking. If I did the book about,
Bon. Oh nine, in two thousand twenty four or like what I want to do that book. It with our identity through differently appropriate my go fuck like three books, there would have been a complete different audio, dang odor, read everything I would had waymore interviews. whatever I just would have been like a multimedia experience. Few re did that and when on the road, it would be amazing it being imagine if you and in every different city you had as a guest local a star from that sitting right so much fun. You economy, like you know like we'd, make some money and then that could go to buy divorce. I thought that I think are the profits will go to to carry submits the final position in seattle next week about three shows. I am aware that you have made by by travel schedule, did delay thought
goodbye several decades in my ear. Is I mean it is fun to get out there? I Gladwell, so eggs want anything to plug before you go my fix. I slept like a less than mia. Like irish history, gun gun violence. Six part series is out there. There'd be listened to we are proud of it, but alright if we are going to do a mailbag over thanksgiving some vaccine to get people. If, if I get the answer to these supersized super shoes, there's some sort of great thing I'll, let you know, but it was good to see you thanks ro gladwell next meal. I that's over the pack ass thanks to steve, sorting, cochrane thanks to Madame
gladwell. I will see you on this speed on thursday. Don't forget about the rewatch balls with robin hood, prince of thieves and I'll, see you on thursday. The must be if one person president select states federal, is offering online sports wagering kansas center, an agreement with kansas, star casino, llc gambling problem call one eight hundred gambler or visit vendor dot com, slash rg in colorado, Iowa, Kentucky michigan, new jersey, ohio, pennsylvania, illinois, tennessee and virginia you can call. When The next step protects next step to five three three, four, two in arizona
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-09.