« The Bill Simmons Podcast

A 2023 NFL Re-Draft, Deion’s Next School, the 76ers Soap Opera, and Week 3 Picks With Danny Kelly, Van Lathan, and Howard Beck


The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Danny Kelly to re-draft the top NFL rookies after Week 2 (1:45), before Bill makes his Million Dollar Picks for NFL Week 3 (30:51). Then Bill talks with Van Lathan about the top five college football coaches he thinks should be watching out for Deion Sanders taking their job (40:57). Finally, Bill talks with Howard Beck about joining The Ringer, the story lines dominating the upcoming NBA season, stories from Beck's time covering Kobe Bryant and the Lakers, and more (1:20:00).

Host: Bill Simmons

Guests: Danny Kelly, Van Lathan, and Howard Beck

Producer: Kyle Crichton

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Call one eight hundred gambler or visit the ringer dot com, slash rg. This episode is brought to you by sonic, home of the bacon peppercorn ranch grilled cheeseburger savor, the one hundred per cent pure beef, patty, hickory, smoked, bacon and pepper. One ranch laird between now the american she's a battery texas. Those just add a small order of tat, surprised and got the ultimate sign apparent from the three hours and ninety nine cent sets righteous three hours and then that sense, only it adding tax that included limited time only up to spare exotic dragons as directed by the ringer podcast that were copy listened to the rewatch bulls? On Monday night we did a bronx tale have a very special one. Coming up Monday night, that's one of my favorite movies ever stay tuned for that upon this podcast we lot going on about the any from the ringer today we redraft the first fifteen, picks up the two thousand when the and about draft to try to figure out who the best rookies have been this year and we,
the a about thousands, bad injury. Look as well, and what he thinks of the sea hawk. So that's first, then, they only thing came on. I had to get some college football and the part this year, because I have actually been watching it and He came out to talk about five teams: five coaches- that should be tariff. that the centres is about to take his job. So we did and then last but howard back. Who has Just joined the ringer, he is on somebody that has been in our for a while, but now we get finally work for them day after day, decent ass, a basque maradona, great basketball, boys and he's gonna upon a talk about the upcoming season and took up a copy, brad stories as well, so that, as the pack asked it's a good one, but
our friends from project I didn't tell you, say, really find gonna come up and the second a representation they expose after the year. Further cowboys is what is due in here. In your mind, for top teams, ITALY, and that's a good question. I mean it clearly because their defences was so dominant. He's such a good player at creating turnovers definitely hurts I still think they're still up there with among the best esteem so yeah, it's their defence, seemed like the best unit of anyone's unit in either conference, and I wonder how much that compromises it, but to bad, though poor cowboys fans can't they have their say
Can we figure out a way to make ace yells indestructible? I I feel like science should be caught up with this. By now, we should at least ban them from practice, a c o two as a kid only like happened during a game and practice out loud anyway. Sorry to the cowboy fans out there. Alright we're doing a gimmick. This is the earliest one has ever tried this gimmick during a season. We're not even we three yet, but I asked you redraft of the top fifteen picks of the twenty twenty three, draft and the reason I asked you is because this was a goofy drafted begin with you do our job god, for, as you were in the house on her draft show. We knew this gonna be aware draft. as I watched the rookies unfollow than whose jump out a man tvs it struck me like. I have no idea what the order would be you have, they rhino felt the eagles at nine. He would clearly be higher yeah. I think Stroud would go over bryce yeah, I think so dickens hours ago way hire you grieve. give the running backs. Everybody was much maligned at eight twelve, those by be higher, so I'm just
They see what we're gonna do as ominous say, who made the pic in April and what they do add and then you're going to say what you think they would do if they could ever redo right now heading into week three, so the first pack is carolina panthers who took bryce young they traded into this pick. There is a ladder brace young stroud who's gonna, be they set of embrace young yeah. What do you think the panthers would do if they could redo this, that's a great question, so I'm I put sieges stroud. I think at the end of the day, for being totally realistic, teams are pretty stubborn and like to stick to their takes, so it maybe they take bryce again. But if, if I were them, I would take cj stroud, I mean what what we've seen from him through a couple of weeks is really rare. Encouraging My number one core back anyway, so this makes lessons for major no a shroud he's he's looks like to me. The big thing is like it doesn't. Look too big for others. Look too fast form. So far
Texans have not been on my tvs, a bunch these first two weeks, but I've been couldn't help but notice of the cj praise who who I'm going to check him out a little more carefully this week cause. I liked that jacksonville spot they're getting a lot of points, and I think that's going to be interesting game. What qb Busy remind you of the good question I think dac comes to my. he doesn't like he's poised his act. and he's like a ball distributor. I mean he's, got actually his receivers. I've been a lot better than I thought. Like technical collins looks like you could be a future star robber It is in their cottage, is doing this thing and take down the ricky, the a hundred fifty some allowed deal valueless really exciting, so they got some guys there and I think, just by please stroud it to me again. It doesn't really feel like the game is too fast for him he's doing a few things our structure, but they ve asked him to throw a lie. I think he's second in vienna phelan impasse attention
and I thought he's acquitted himself really well, you he looks like he to me is gonna, be a long time started down. Was getting summah fantasy, wave, aware action in by lawyers. Soya people were jump and are now an ok houston. Second, you just see cj stroud for them Are they outdated? I do if they, if they had that. Second pick, I mean you'd, think they just take brice and like screw it. No. I flipped Richardson anthony richardson, even though I I kind of hate it for Anthony Richardson. I wanted to keep anthony richardson on the colts, because I, their coach. Exam is really just perfect for him and asked to summon the steam and everything but I mean, if we're being honest, what we've seen from richardson over a couple of weeks is again very very encouraging that the game doesn't look too fast for him. you know, he's obviously can we dangerous with what he can do with his legs, and you know he's the way that he gets the ball out. You avoids sacks all this is super encouraging heat. He does not looked to me like a guy. That was your basically tat,
as super rod super inexperienced experience like he doesn't look to me like that type, a guy. I think the other features really bread for this guy. You know if he can say healthy. Of course, there's a physicality slack, air to him that I, like your hard to explain. Know what the word is, but events will anthony, Edwards basketball where ages as this look physically leg, I am ready to run over, who are ready to run over that's. I was such a bummer when he got can cost and we too, as I now as a possible break out game for him. I think that was a freak am hoping that was a freak thing. It wasn't necessarily an indication of you know how he plays or or whatever, but yeah. It's definitely concerning that. Don't wanna see him getting hurt so quickly. All a couple of these rookie quarterbacks already hurt so but yeah. He I mean he was the most athletic quarterback of all time.
Literally at the combine say, yeah he's there yeah their o line was a little banged up this week. So maybe this is a good game from nus skip of mentions of plan yeah Houston's ass on the board, but the third pick they took willy anderson, who I think people have had. have liked. I think you'd up and now he's better thumbs up, but do you think you would go? Third if we did a redraft? I do. I put anderson here I know it's not like the most exciting thing ever, but I think they obviously were very convict convicted on him. We see moved up really hard to get em big trade area to give up its future. for that, so united by twelve of future first and then where there is a second or third, but it was a lot yeah. So I think tat They would stick with this becoming he's he's been really get he's been really disruptive get a lot of pressure. He just looks the part he let you know the idea, so I think they would sit down you liked him in the draft
right. I remember yeah marchioness because he was a pretty. He turned into a pretty polarizing guy. Like you, I think, is this: what is he gonna be? I think there was some worry that he was alive so light. You know like not like it not on the same level as some of the the you know, top tier pass. Rushers of the past is not quite as big as like a you know, some of the guys who see like a bowser, whoever and but I think his explosive ness and just overall skill set he's getting it wrong. He can you know get after the past or I think the way that the texts when utilizing him. So far, at least from what I've seen is pretty exciting tunnel letting, go out and in your penance years, back a little bit so yeah he's really get so far. The text answered. a little bit better than I expected him, yeah rasher yeah? there's our exactly as bad as I thought, but the attacks and very little frisky or though, at some point and on that when are the next by wigs ruin a three team par layer. Tease you're just gonna die
I said nobody's can see it coming. I here's where it gets interesting. They are you just against any richardson from, and I think I agree with your top three by the way, unless you wanted a throw baby rhino and therefore for his the, but I had so india on the clock they took Richardson, which turned out grave for them. So far up now he's off the board in this way to which you have there. I think so. This is be controversial, I'm sure, but I further content vision, robinson so obviously they ruin their relationship with Jonathan taylor that the ship seems to have sailed. I don't think that they're going to it doesn't feel like they're gonna, rekindle that at least you know, If I were they gonna resign him. I don't know. That I see for bees on Robinson. He looks to me like he's the best running back at me. I fell. He looks like an invite whether using him as a receiver. There there split running him all over the world. This is like he is actually doing the things we always talk about running backs, doing the banana, never
happens like these robinson is actually like a position as player he's like Evil samuel but like more explosive and so the eyes that's me rationalizing taking him so high, but just the way that you just how explosive yes, if they dont, have ranting risks inner cj shroud there shroud there. I dont think Chris power is gonna. Take garlic, bryce, so watch em for both seem from bryce through its a little butter. Worrisome will shake so far it there's a busy two small question that I think could be legitimate. Last I couldn't agree oh hardly abidjan. I know it's just idiotic to take a running back that high by leaps off the tv. I don't I dont know if he's the best or any back in the early he might be, but is certainly the most exciting million just feels like any screen pass any hand off any sweep, you're surprised when he gets tackled. He seems like what it's like to watch an awesome,
for by running back, but he's doing that at the end of the level- and I am just humble- hackers are good- that he cannot we're a model or a bed and there clearly there only concern is that I want to give them to me touches to many carries than right, but too much more workload item. So he's always around like what twelve to fifteen carries. Maybe a couple screens, I'm not here I think you're gonna say whose most talented running back in the week. He would be the first pay great, who are less even put against them. I mean job, but Ride shotgun changes things now, and so I don't know I mean it doesn't didn't catch the bar like he's, not a pass receiver threat. I don't know I'd be shot. Is I mean, I know, as you said, bijou concerning the diva samuel out of nowhere. I think the only and I really at this point- comparison is Chris Mccaffrey, but there I like relates, stir I was deeply that similar. I don't know it's like chris recovery. smaller he's more versatile receiver vision is just he's. Like tuna chum, twenty pounds, Ah, you rob howard doyle.
If he moves is so unique, I feel like if he could see that on the first run, he had the nfl, where he just he just cuts on a dime. I've been kind of comparing him to like the top guideline, whereas, like I just hit the brakes let fly by, but he doesn't so like suddenly, Do you see defenders run past him like three or four times on one play? You know what I mean, and so he's just he's just incredible. So I'm really sad about that. Of course the colts could have taken Jalen carter here, but I did it for the content. You know I did it for the whole Jonathan taylor, storyline too, I love it and I completely support it. I think that your beloved seattle, seahawks, the clock arrive here. They took witherspoon the coroner back in the first generation, who do they take in your opinion. Now this is already a discussion in seattle. It's already started and is that on the text threads it's already on the text threads. I think most people are still pretty bullish on devin witherspoon. I think he's looked. He looked.
In the first game they played this last week, but I'm going to jail and carter who simply because he's been like one of the best interior defenders in the nfl period, not even among rookies like one of the best interior defenders in the nfl, he looks unstoppable, so obviously I think that the reason this seahawks didn't take him was not necessarily related to football. At all. You know I'm guessing. They probably had a really high grade on him from a focal point of view. The day you know internally, I what I've heard is that you know they want to guys. You were really- really hard core competitors and an thou s gun of some other, I should marks. I had about John Carter coming in and he landed on team that has really good sport system some of his fortune it's there so awfully it works out there, but I didn't just on the football field, man. He would be really very helpful for what's yours Trying to do is their defence of lines are, then you know outstanding so far with the legal issues he had five was, aggressive. Nine was like all right. This is really don't let him get taken so with somewhere between five and nine. I think five they would have taken some heat for a couple of minutes,
and then by one june, are the seahawks visible we share. We got left right. He unlocked the thing crazy about him. He's old school in the sense that cause the path up against them week, one and then I watch we too would minnesota absurd, but he's he takes up space those guys that a big body it's just like putting up thing in the middle of the narrow, the game and then just things move the office of land use planning it's backward in his evolves, so you almost can't even see half the stuff is doing it's just a brute force thing yeah. I think the fact that they got him at nine is just an outrage. It really is it's yeah, it's upsetting arizona. Taking them, why didn't someone else? Take him yeah that it's like arizona, you sit there arizona here, number six. They took paris, Johnson, the who is considered to be the best tack on the draft, What do you think they do? If they have a do over there? I mean, I think they would still be happy with Johnson. I put I I put christian gonzales here. I think
oh well. What are we doing this now? Yes, let's do it, I mean he was it. He was my number seven player coming into the draft and I fell for often it that I was on the right side of that story in terms of just like how what we see for him so far you he looks like your physically athletically. Ah, you know schematically, he's he's so versatile, so fast, so explosive, so big so long as he has everything you want from a corner ida. I still truly don't really understand how he fell to patriots where he felt so a man he tree. He looks like a difference, make our guy that can really changed your defence and when we ve seen things like sauce gardener, what he did what he has done for the jets defence, like I don't know why he wouldn't go higher. It's been the great gifts of my last couple years, man, I'm still recovered from the murky bets trade- it's gonna take forever, so it is just little victories that are trying to make me feel better but get hours. Gonna seventeen mean he was. He took on Tyreek a few times, especially second half and that sunday game anna stayed.
Vicinity of him and got a big interception and he's one of those You can't know right away. You had it with russia, Wilson, ironically in lusaka. Two thousand twa were you start here The bus like they June July. The stuff starts common. In the other part, start talking about how many enemies had all those check words to me he reminds me of a rod woodson when redwood some as a corner back in there, for the redwoods days. I just like just a ridiculous athlete. He always in the right spots is really competitive and I I would if he had to rank like who is the best type of where to have on a rookie contract. Quarterback would be number one. Would you go left tack or cornerback shut down cornerback number two for prices compared to what the price is gonna be when there are free? that's a good question I guess probably tackle, but by a hare, yet it
and it kind of depends chuckles just hard because he protect your quarterback. That's again, the number one thing right, but I think corner like I said it can kind of changed the whole complexion of your defense. I mean look at you know sos gardener. He he can shut down the entire sofa field. You know that that like really limits what the the other team can do- and so I think obviously these are big impact players. They get I get and, like you said, like getting a guy on rookie contract that can completely take take out like a number one receiver or shut down one side. The field a massive competitive advantage. So cunningly bonkers about him. He turned twenty one in june. I guess I like he's like one of those that we called Dugard yeah, he's forward? What is right ate like he's the opposite, that he could. You could argue he should problem. Even been college that there be a day they find they struck me that's why it's really hard for me to give up on this patsy in because defence that they added in the draft combined with
Would they already had like the potentially could be an awesome unit, but the offence just can't stand in its way in them. no explicit place at all. Yeah suppress animal vegas is number seven. They took Tiree wilson, yeah and people. Confused when it happened at that. I do not see him going in that spot again. Who do you think I would take I know a guy that I saw the stat terry wilson has zero pressures. So far he has forty seven pass rush. Snaps, which is tough. I think he's going to have to you know he's gonna have to learn how to kind of vary his attack and not just be a pure power but I guess I didn't have terry. Was there I this one was hard, you not consider pray, bryce young here. I think their problem, have you Jimmy g, though they had. No candle is about random. That meant that dude, that's true. I fight devon worse than I
I think, obviously, that the the you know the jury's still out on him a little bit. He did give up a touchdown last last week on a flea flicker, so I kind of got out of position on a flea flicker a trick play, but for the most part he looked the part to me. You know when they played the lions, and so he was breaking up passes. You I like a tone, setter type of player for them, which is exactly you expect. I think the reason the seahawks loved him is because he's just uber uber competitive, tough physical, a guy who's going to get his teammates pumped. on every single play, like literally when you watch him, he even on the place where he gives up a catchy like bark. He got the opponent, he thought. He's just like it and same competitor I love- and I noticed yachts labelling, so I still think he saw a top ten. I type player and I think you know I've the arrears. Could you some open the defensive secondary There was a fair to say: we just drop the level there from christian its eyes to witherspoon like we're in, like a tier too now yeah. I think so that was like sort of the blue chip type players name again into small question marks here:
yeah witherspoon potential bluechip, whereby you're not ashore lorenzo as your mercer, ok number, eight. At you just have been drawn from them, getting going to give them shamir gifts? Now, I'm an eye one guy with bryce regime. I I consider it. I got. I really didn't know where. To put him, I think I considered You know the raiders, I consider the titans I dont think might rebel is the type of guy who would take a five foot. Eleven, a hundred ninety pound guy, I dunno, maybe would but I I dunno the falcons to me. It looked like the type of team that would really work well for bryce young, like they have a support system in place. They have a great run game which they absolutely love to depend on. They have a couple of really tall athletic, pass catchers and carpets drake london who could he can like throw to oversee the the scale player group is there is way better than in carolina, and I think that gives him a better chance. I dunno. What have you seen from bryce? Have you watched a lot of panthers so far? I watched that I actually watched some of both games cause. I had them in bed.
And especially the money in game. I didn't I like how he looked on Monday night now, but that's also your second star you're. On Monday night football, you have no weapons yeah. The saints I think have a good day France. That was one of the reasons I love them minus three and of course they ended up not getting the I not stopping the backdoor cover at the tail end of the game but eg. He just looks like he has no weapons domain. It's weird because I like that carolina team last year in the second half of the year, and I thought they had really found an identity. Is this site physical right? You know and was really good for them and they were just kind of pound the ball and control the clock. And now I don't know what they are. They have no weapons at all right. There adam pale and he's, like you know, almost my age they don't have like that awesome running back, so I don't even know what they're supposed they had never been a frank right guy. So I do he's in one of the worst situations you can be. I would not give up on him
That's where I am. I like this isn't a situation that corresponds like the bears system per se our system or whatever, but it's a little worrisome to me so far. What was seen I agree he's heard already so not great Ok, number nine is philly, who you just to baby rhino I'm sorry! I don't think so. This is another tough one. I think they stick to the trenches. I gave him peter scratched either office. If I'm out a northwestern has been good. So far he had a thirty visit with them for the draft I know that they were at least interested in him, and I dunno a guy that this is me feels like a a roseman pick where it's like. He has five position: versatility, potentially and yet ads on too there are often is which is like a huge part of their identity. He could play right, lifeguard left tackling theory. right, tackle, maybe even centre and so yeah. I just think he's yo typical, Eagles pick recklessly likes him and he missed the. I had now abandoned me. Appendectomy need thicket miss last week that he's probably not plan
Sweden is one of the reasons I'm nervous about tennessee in cleveland, because yeah agreements, defence looks incredible. I think it's actually are a real thing, sovereign pulling bluechip off and sublime another like a logic, he's a blue chip. Guy, too, though, I think I partly I could have put him even earlier here, but yeah so Chicago's at ten, data d arnault right. Who is another one of the attackers you they did? You run their background, yeah yeah. I think so. I had a bag for them to me, they're, probably pretty happy with that pick, which is the only thing they're happy. I was going to say that things were happy about. It bears the shortest list possible. Tennessee takes garage, keep from them. So what do you get them? Bradford jones give them another attack already Harris johnson still on the board here. So I gave him paris Johnson. I don't know for sure if he really fits their personality and but they did sign Andre Dillard
in the off season. So I don't. Maybe I don't know what their personality are at a identity is because he's more finesse, guy pierce Johnson. I think right now is a really good pass defender or sorry. I pass that guy, but he's not as good of a run blocker and so may you know, may maybe doesn't fit the titans all that great. But I think he is the best tackle on the board here and they need offensive line, help number twelve, the trait gibbs, that they run. That back gives electric I dont know you'd might agree. No, I don't. I don't disagree at all the written here's. What I did I gave him say flowers from college? I know your move them up. Here is the reason why I think zay flowers, to do some of the same things to mere gives does for them, but he also gives them an outside threat like with speed. I am a little bit worried, I'm all other word by Jamieson Williams. I think Jamieson williams- obviously very talented. Air, but we have not seen anything from him. Yeah and use like suspended for the first weeks, I guess he's away from the team who knows where we're gonna get four this year, all
I think this is a lions team that could really scheme up some fun ways: user flowers, in answer- I'm saying he could be sort of the german give role, but also play on the outside play all of information. Given that speed, I do love judgment lives. Thank you. I wouldn't flowers at twelve. That's a big went for both mark as they got him at twenty two, I'm with you. He jumps out of the tv yogi issues, these electric, really fine. I'm glad the bar hasn't green bay at thirteen native lucas Van ness, who I I I think I'm pretty spotty for them. Who'd you have. I any do I ran back with new data yeah. I think so he from what I've seen he kind of fits their prototype, he's big sean athletic fast, versatile kind of like everything they're looking for. I don't know like I've studied in Berlin it closely. Yet like an alternate or anything like that, but the times I've seen him like there was one play where he chased down justin fields in the open field, and I was like okay, this guy has something here and so
yeah, I just kind of ran it back with him. I think he's he's fine. I mean there's definitely a few other guys here that I could consider a I did. Consider broderick jones the tackle just because of you know. It's sounds like boxing I just don't want to play on turf ever again, maybe so tat kind of anyone wrinkle hereby b I stuck with I suck Dennis. I would lead to more pittsburgh of fourteen in the jets are at fifteen pittsburgh too broad regions. The jets will mcdonald through his. These scratch last week, some guess it were to be redoing now and who do have I got this is a turbo here, Jordan addison at usc nodded. About a man I think he's another. One who looks like he's got it by the way this guy edison one the political catching passes from one, can I get a couple years ago. Do the whole thing where you pick up your college quarterback with the college receiver see if that helps. Obviously the serious offence needs help everywhere can get near the often supplies but spotty. I don't
Think broader jones is playing yet they they don't really have a man at this point, and so going. I dont think you started last week. I looked it up yes for snaps, sir, don't know what's going on there exactly, but ya, think journalists and gives them an immediate media boosts obviously with jaunty johnson hurt. You know he gets gets in there and then, of course he has the chemistry built in chemistry with picket who needs, as I myself as you can gets. I love that one. I actually think this chargers vikings game this weekend. We might be hearing from him yeah. one thing you can do in the charges is termed the trap. I know they had the worst yes and ensure that this will be fine. The last picture that, like the jets, need another kick in the bar severe just about we're about to do it. They didn't want mcdonald healthy scratch last week. Also, twenty four years old, I dunno at the double red flag. I did not like that. Tick he's also very enlightened, and I dunno so so. Who do you have? I went there? This is
was picture. He could go a million different ways. I considered mere smear since you saw on the board here and they are apparently interested in him. I went jackson, smith and giga My highest state para back up a gear wilson. I feel it the the jets quietly there there receiver core completely fell part over the off season, Troy Davis got hurt, they traded away, eliza more our sight, courtiers getting got retire tired, traded away. Like more, I don't Our desire is difference maker. There, like randal com, is getting saps like what is going on with Israel. Before they have, they have nobody really past Gary Wilson. I think Jackson's with a jigsaw- and you know pairing up with his old college teammate Gary Wilson. That will be a lot of fun. That would be a big help from Zach Wilson early on, and I think I want to just just go: get it off for quarterback, it's not working out. I don't know who who, for you when the tide in the kincaid unknown, SAM Laporte, Musgrave who's, your favorite Michael mare, who die favoured others, for I think, probably
the porter. Honestly, I think kincaid was my favorite coming here. And it's not like he's done anything- that's really disappointing at this point, he's playing he's getting a lot of, looks and he's already. You know making plays for them, so that's saying something for a rookie tight end like I think I saw there's more rookie tight end catches in week. One then like any other year, before he goes like. This is like a sort of a new era tied it repeated, educated command and basically because their sight receivers at this point but I would say, Laporte has really looked upon me. He's, like he'd, looks like Kittle like wings out there he's breaking tackle He just empowering through guys he's running after the catch I mean. Obviously there's the the iowa connection, but he looks like to me out there, and so I'm really sorry about what he can do. What did you say? Your team play the lions last week. What did you see from the lines that made you either think they were up? after him, or maybe a team that we overrated you. I didn't you text this me. There's no difference to me.
seahawks and lions, like this game, they're they're the same team like they are. They have they're like a plucky good vibes team with like a really good offense, but a very spotty defense. I don't know exactly what to expect from either team either. These defences, but offensively the lions to me are one of the most fun teams to watch like they. The way that day makes things up. The skill players they have embarked on rising brown is awesome. Jamais gives looks super electric laporte is a fun play, and having jerk off honestly. He you of get a bad rap for here, a couple, very bad seasons, but This is a very solid form, a kind of like it same vein as she has so trees. Like you said, these are very similar. Styled teams, It feels like there's only one black spot for the two teams, and maybe it up, down like isolated cyber whatever, but I'm with you at it. I thought the trick. I too much I thy jacksonville got too much. I open about the chargers, got too much shape, but I think the detroit
roaring back and being a playoff team would be the least surprising out of those three yeah. The chargers just seem like they're headed toward a Firing charger is something other than what they do. You wait before. We go America's gonna ass. They, we did fifty that people want to redraft where's poker the great house never about time. How do I do? I do believe him out he's done had so bad. I was so conflicted here for real. I put it with a the lions at first just because he could play that sort of rubber wouldst thou role with lions, I think booking eyes, basically playing them a rubber woods role for the for the rams right now and he's like doing it. Incredibly, he has, I think, thirty five targets disrupt the season, which is absolutely unheard of. so, but I by arab the day like realistically, I don't think he goes top fifty in, but I mean he's clearly very good. You ve clearly belongs near fell
he's an amazing story. Yeah. He just looks like those welker edelman just he's just always open yeah. He catches everything. It doesn't matter if you're hitting him as he catches it, he still catches it he's not like crazy explosive, but just like third and eight he just seems like he knows how to open just kind of, like, I think, he's real gene and Alan style player like it just gets open and catches of. Also he's been awesome incredible. in italy we can hear in the rear facing football, show and we can review the ringer dhaka good to see him I in our pigs. We three hairs. stay away from this week vikings. Our it's in minnesota, the lines like one one and a half, and I really want to take the vikings. I dont trust them. I don't trust chargers, it's a classic stay away, colts ravens, I was a intrigued by the courts plus a half, but in and guard dementia I just I'm tired of this money- the ravens, maybe they're, just get me very happy.
after a move on the seattle, carolina game. I kept looking at and trying to figure out what the parlay put seattle get taken their money line out with some other teams, but then, You dont get name the start of this terrible carolina team and here see dusted. seattle ass, your rooms on the saints, so that scared me off so across them off too, but I do have some some delightful picks for you. For four weeks we actually kind of like we three first one falcons are plus three at detroit. I don't think the treads defense is good. I like this falcons team, despite by does been written affairs wherein we just talked about how good bijou, rabbits and most Dana Kelly, I think the falcons. just run. The bar keep the bar. They too have an identity. I think they think they're good. They like planets doors, and I just This is in either team could win games so from I'm getting plus three fantastic taken that packers our home,
for the saints, and this line is only one and a half and its because the backers- add a couple of injuries. Watson seems like he's going to play. Finally, the season for them Aaron jones, is in practicing, and you know the saints there too and oh right. Well, let's look at that You know they barely be tennessee with ten I'll just completely falling apart. It took them three quarters to even get going against that offer carolina team and then they finally pulled away in the fourth quarter, but they have scored thirty seven points. two games good the offence, I really like this pakistan. I thought Should it be there lay last week I, like that alone, team to dare car. On the road outside europe said their card and care I know, but there is a couple moments where it was like you guys actually have to bring into taste. So
I think this line is off. I think, should be backers by three and again I, like this pact or seem like than the one. That's vision were taken: packers minus one, ass patriots jets. I gotta do it the That's our minus two and a half again zack was it's in new jersey. I dont think that matters, because the jets fans are so bomb out. I don't even think it matters where the against being played There are going to be sad. Here's the thing with the bats it is a game there aren't free if they lose his game, real questions open up about back jones, who is at thirty five starts, as one. I repeat one fourth quarter come back and that actually seems high cause. I don't remember, come back was here: as one game winning drive and is for pig sixes, and I'm out a lot of back jones threads right now wondering is he, as good as back albert I was when I was growing up. This is,
in my opinion, probably the biggest game of his career he's played in playoff games. I get it is that, but this is like. If you go on three, you lose design listen, it's done if your ballot jack, given the jets. Is the one thing you ve had other superpowers and all the dominance knave seas, but deep down you own the jets and even sack wilson, you ve only bad quarterback show how about check those of somebody's bag quarterback wendy about how he can make other the scissors. Some good boston media stuff about this who's, this game pack up the season and start tank in and circle. four jailer blames, that's that's all you gotta. Do it better check is smart is, as we all think, as you know, he is you almost have to throw in the season and start thinking about. How can we get the number one pick because if you can't beat Zach Wilson with the defense that the patriots have and with all the ways they lived on the field, those first two games. You can cover my. three against it.
it's as is minus two and a half when by feel go. I gotta take it. I think that was and is an absolute affront to the quarterback position. He is Worse he's the worse than the league and a that has just appears in it. So pats milestone ass tat. we're grab in there and then I love this one So this is one of those you can't overreacts at the first two weeks too much you can erect a little like I stared at bangles by industry and rooms for a long time and all molly I just cannot get there from a fierce turning point with the Those dave looks so bad in the first two. ams. I know boroughs not healthy and other differences in his good, and I just don't trust them you give me that line before the season before we knew borough got hurt, you would have guessed, it was like bengals bade the have nots bangles by, we must engage with our own too, and I can't pull the trigger on that? I just can't, but I can pull the trigger the stairs. vegas laying two and a half, This is one of the gifts lines of it.
Here, the writers of terrible the writers of sport? Twenty seven points in two weeks in their defence thanks that they're doing great pittsburgh has played to the three the advances in the week san francisco inclusion, cravens damage, They ve been amazing, doing great events, Maybe it is doubtless, but You know now gets a relaxing the play this goofy vegas team and finally, you know get some first downs get some tribes. I still leave in the stores. I don't know why, but I do and if I win the stairs I gotta lay the miners tune assets that, as the with one and last but not least, we didn't partly in the first two weeks, berwin do end today the parlay as plus one eleven, and it involves too credit lines, dallas minus two and a half minutes. Arizona other days went by three chiefs two and a half all they. The days went by three against chicago and then what browns minus one, eighty four as the third
peace in the region are doing. That is because this line is three and a half. I dont, as the shower watson his hodgepodge running back post nick Chubb committee to protect a three and a half to cover that, but I do think defence is so good that they're gonna in this game. The defense is unbelievable. They held the bengals to six first dance. They kept the the in their game against pittsburgh. Even though pittsburgh had too defensive tvs- and I just think the brands defence when this game by itself, it's a little when one for next job rebel. Scares me, but from what I've seen from nineteen on the first two weeks, I dont think he's ready for the events like this. I just don't there and there can restart, isn't around and around sporadic, either thereof. First ran tackle and this just a brand sequence wins the games, that is by parlay, plus one will ever brown spanish. Twenty four thousand,
was two and a half and chiefs minus two enough ass, a kind of lake unfeigned or they have sundays, lowest scoring game plus six. Fifty four browns titans, but you know- that's a tough stance. Who knows, I was losers, but some stayed away so we're doing five than last banalities, the luca Brodsky line, which onto it oh on these four, the season, the line that just smells the fishiest. It just looks like it's wrapped in a boat professed and it seems like a complete stay away. The broncos so there at miami in the brain stink. They ve lost your games, Russell and who knows, is at a time clock Could be his last start ever? My aim is again my aim is, I think, the class a day of sea right now that could change, but right now, you're saying who would have team to feel more comfortable picking. First, birthing you'd be probably say miami. Wise, assign always six and have where the broccoli
we're getting six and a half in miami gets the explosive dauphines. The brok, as that she's got tor by washed and last week by all these Brian Robinson, same hauser interact with what happened to them that game the distemper jesting here they probably do muscle, only six and a half we're to take the broncos plus six and ass. For fifty kay, and that is our last back I'll. Tell you this. I looked long and hard at the commanders. Plus six enough at home against buffalo, and I just couldn't quite get there, but at that doesn't I do anyway here that it's for week, three two hundred k on falcons plus three packers minus one and a half steelers minus two and a half patriots minus two and a half parlay plus one eleven browns to wind, dallas and cheese minus two enough and then our luca brats. Again, fifty k on broncos plus six
half we're up two hundred ten thousand hours, but the season? Those are the millionaire picks for we, rick. Step in action, this about season with vandal america's number one sports book right now, new customers get two hundred dollars a bonus bets guaranteed new place of five. our bed. That's two hundred hours a bonus, bets, win or Lose you just heard all my billion dollar packs. I have some news for you? we're gonna, be doing another same in parlay on sunday, with a boost for either the one or four p m window on sunday, and I'm gonna be tweeting that out friday or saturday morning, so stay tuned for that. Hit the one last week with patriots, they boosted that up the plus one fifty and one- and I think, like one point million bucks, and I had to pay out so it struck to keep the
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we're on a bandwagon. I've had a great time. It feels like that bandwagon is probably going to either crash or stumble this weekend. I would be my guess, but I I asked you to give me vans top five and it can be top five. Anything I just said give me a top five list that somehow captures the fact that you watch college football all day on saturday from when you start what is it twelve straight hours? What is it all? It's all is as much as I can possibly get waking up early game. Nine o'clock. I miss game day now, cause game day is like it's seven o'clock or something so this game day. I wake up. Workout come back on the couch rest of the day. That's it yeah. Do you have conferences like how does this work when you're like a crazy What they do is their games that jump out to you. Are you just go to whatever the closest game is our do cause you're necessary guys, like you, want to monitor, as you see what he did, so it's the game.
In the ass. You see I've Elisha. There would never be games and, as he says, we can see the way the conference's shaken up, and then it is big games. tell big stories throughout the rest of the day, so saturday, I'm looking am looking, obviously to actually Ella shoe on versus arkansas valuable, but also you have not a day was so high state have colorado and organ. You have a fool slate, a big big. Sorry, a games coming up one on on this weekend, so I'm looking for sheena, tell me about how is colorado liquor before he dared top five hunters out for a couple of weeks. This is the hardest part of the schedule, but yet they always get counted out. I dunno I'm just If they're going to be in the mix, the matter, what happens they just a frisky feisty team? So it's tough for ib. It's tough because, like you said,
the colorado bandwagon right. What does the bandwagon consist of? Is the actual question. Does the bandwagon consist of people or in for the colorado experiment or does the ban wagon consist of people war ends? The colorado run, so last saturday, would it look like they are about to lose in a game they probably should have lost when they look like about to lose. I saw a whole bunch of people on twitter be like welp. It looks like my experiment with college football is coming to an end and my question is cause. There are tons of casual fans that are coming into the game because dion such a magnetic character. My question is: why would a loss eject you from the colorado bandwagon like Deion Sanders is at colorado. This is the first year it's a full college. Football season that goes from September
into the national championship, game yeah, and I certainly don't think, there's anybody out there that believes they're going to get a twelve and o season from colorado. So I'm kind of wondering that the bandwagon chicken whose any people really gain any people based upon how well the team is doing if you're. Therefore, what he's doing you should be, therefore, what he's doing you know? I agree with that. Quarterback is incredibly funnel. Watch should listen to that. I have enjoyed the most and I don't understand like I, you know the draft lists. I know college it's hard to translate and stuff, but when I watch him play He just feels like he has qualities that I would want, as an interval quarterback think he's got incredible. Boys she's really strong, is faster, good decisions, it's hard for me to believe that sacrament translate on the bigger league. You know what he's holding there's some questions. Yet you move, it Some boys update the thing is whatever somebody comes from and what used to be
I wonder, belaboured now, fc vs of whatever some guy comes from elsie s. Any move up. You want to see how they can adjust to the game on the powerful level at the highest level. I look here's. The thing is I. First, the door to all day he can do is continue to put the stuff on tape, library, reality is there have been players that have played down there? Oh one, double a level and really been dogs. Remember remember steve Mcgann, here. There have always been guy scotty anderson from grandly those those those we have put out a la players. I mean look at guys. I got a job locker. Your local came from. a one doubly school as it was called then and strapped into the lean up that he was about back. I think from She gets a mature, often one other schools like that, but you know a lot of times those there's there's great talent down The question is whether or not should do a sand is one of those guys or whether not here
oh god, I can operate a college offered to a high degree, but a man a yard drive all prime time in front of minutes of ev. Body watching in a game where, like I said, the team hadn't play. particularly dominate, I mean, if you don't I you know like football man did you see that the rating I hate rating stuff for the most part, perhaps think as it came, ended? It was like almost eleven o clock our time on the west. That game ending and it was still a million more viewers than any other game at any point in the day and saturday I wanted a reason come ass. They are my for animal. I wanted a reason to go to sleep so bad ass. I look the state. Are you ask a pull off really thought when the tide is made, that a maze and care yeah. I turned field and score that that would be a reason because I was that was the end of my college football,
like, I had suddenly got fifty hours there, yeah yeah, yeah, big wicked, did not move from the couch the entire day, but the games kept you it made you watch it knows. I have written a better script, couldn't win a basket? I what's up five you have for us. I got the top five coaches that should be our deal watch now. Let me say what I mean by what is the iron watchmen dion beyond watch means coaches that might get they programmes stolen by primetime, a guy. I am not of the belief that deal centres is gonna, be a colorado ten or fifteen years. I don't think that it's going to happen, how many, how many years they think it's going to be. Okay, so I think, before your contract- and I don't believe that dionne is to be able to fight off offers from team that are particularly in a couple of different situations. One situation is just a lot more money, a lot more cause for ball. Cachet
toronto has somebody's of are here, are really really rich and really dedicated to full bob. Yes, I think, is in fertile recruiting areas. obviously now with the internet in private players and all it at its national recruiting game. How it is a lot easier to win in college football. When you have proximity He does some really great players colorado that area of the country, not necessarily an area with a fertile foot, ball back like say a florida for AP and abc. A few good football players come out of there from time, texas, Louisiana yeah. If you're looking at places like california, like, I think the call of that. And suddenly Hampshire's out do after that, you have, as our main is out. You wanna be locked up now. The cholera has been a power before they have been before matter. They d can't be done bombs in animal feed.
I'll, be there for the long term, a one, those other your top five is top five teams. That should be worried that the un is kind of staring over their shoulder a bit top off coaches I'll start off in number five now this is the this is a long shot woke up raises we're gonna get to override from were gone from five to one to build up civil down from five. It was grey answered. I do in averting great so far. In my view, it down from five to one five: is david random, David that is the head coach of the bail or bears down things are going back for bail. If you dont know neighbour, and is they miranda was formerly the defensive coordinator at nebraska, they became the defensive coordinator at my ellis. You tigers, wit down. taylor arm and had almost immediate success. Turning bellers programme around ninety barbados program, you know that bayliss programme the had some issues.
I want to say that I have submitted a few issues that led to a documentary that longer than two hours, you had issues right and you know because of that it was tough, sitting down there and baylor, he had a lot of chances to take a lot of different jobs. He took the baylor job now, and things aren't going so good. Why would diana be interest in the job at baling. Tat is a day texas, texas, athletes, taxes, athletes, beller, is a team that, over the last fifteen years has been able to eke out a national identity for itself in a very football rich state. They wouldn't have good hoops team. Now too great hopes. The big entire sports programme at beller is on the rise and you're in texas, dedicated football, dedicated sports bail. It could be said that the results
beyond wouldn't go to bail out, in my opinion, it because it's kind of a lateral right. There is not one of the traditional powers that we're gonna talk about for the rest of these places. It's not a place in the s. You see it's not a place where it where football is. in the blood, not quite yeah yeah. I counter to that. One would be if you're gonna Texas go to texas, go to the actual texas there's another food, ok, are we got a number four number. Four were not quite a texas, yet not before this surprise, alot of people ryan day at ohio state o. now a lot of people might be asking me right now, then, why would you have ryan day on this? This ryan day is forty, eight and six during this time at ohio state.
he's had them in the college. Football play a loss in a national championship. Game was a blow up into two twenty four to alabama on they ve been a successful cause, football team says he's been their. The only problem is that the chatter from inside the ohio state fan base is not as high on ryan days, you would think that it is One reason bill is because he is one and two are gives michigan, oh tat, why and that's gonna Y gotta remission issue be coaches before you, Jim trudell, an urban meyer. there didn't lose that many games against michigan it something like eighteen games. Travel was nine and one against michigan urban, my with seven at all when you
combine that plus the fact that Ryan gay hasn't been up with a particularly good big game coach. There are some people who believe that if Michigan would add that, if ohio state excuse me were to have a down season this year and not get back to the college football playoffs or if they were to lose to Michigan again, that there might be some people that would look to bring in a different regime mere in colombia. Here's a reason why that would happen out. It is a culture of it here, I'll take the odd sanders would fit in a super traditional cows, football power like all state he's probably a little bit too outside of outside of the norm for them. It doesn't seem like that would translate that well columbus. However, It would lead in ohio, good athletes leads in ohio some of the best, but don't think that would work, because I don't think that
Oh, I always you tradition would have an hour, so they d day, success will make political on him a little bit too early right eye. and I thought it was a good thought. Experiment though I enjoyed it, I don't see. Dion at ohio state, just fundament, doesn't pass the sniff test for me, don't see it. Ok number. Three is a really interesting one and it's the worse nightmare for college football fans. This is the worst nightmare for college, for both is for me. The thought of this one keeps me up at night owner tanzania who does the texts swells talking about and jimbo fisher is in hell right now Taxation is in her right. They pay this man a hundred million dollars and they just got waxed on national television a couple of weeks ago by mine, My aim is party was against was a guest examined. Taxation m has one of these
most talented rosters in the country we ve done about bluechip composites they're up there with the alibi in terms of the town that they have it just has not at all, reflected on the field. Jumble fisher, who won a national championship afford estate just can't seem to get going near it. Say you know and they're so much money for him you think, jimbo has room for colorado stayed on Saturday night. I think jimbo is room for any hot shot coach out there fail, because here because eighty hot shot posted out there, makes it more realistic that texas, a and m would make a move. He is on the hottest of hottest of hot seats. So what do we think of that fit? For then he's in texas? He gets nice, nice crap athletes. I think it's actually a perfect fit. I think
it's a ridiculously perfect. It would be in the ssc. He's got access to wheezy anna texas, Oklahoma, all the neighbouring places, where the one thing that will stop this, from happening this. Seventy million doubts jimmy The fisher has around that left. Oh on the hundred million dollar contract at texas, a and m gave to him. It is going to take a lot, and this is a rich school that has all the resources in the world, like literally brought in one of the most impressive, recruiting classes ever. Actually, if you use the composite number, the impressive, recruiting class ever because of an ideal that you just pay more than anybody just about. Seventy million dollars eating that having to pay him that and then having A deal on with these make it twenty a colorado is definitely not gonna jump for anything less than seventy million dollars
Well, yeah I got a hundred million dollars. Will you look at our guy? Probably what's that same type of my That's a lot of money, a lot of money. You cards how'd. You should make them much I'll see what I mean. Why what's out a year, I'm just china back. in ten years. One hundred million or something but you re the ban a billion dollars for ten years for jimbo fisher. It's almost like you have that the guarantee that your teams can be good for that money, that's what I came out of it rather than their, not that good right, How many coaches are agha? I just seems like watching from afar. It seems like way more much more of a crapshoot with college go is that it is like a football, whereas second football would say. Brian de bois legs pro power tat like college football bright day. Ball had one good year
they'd, be like. Oh, the browns have offered him one hundred and twenty million dollars to be the coach I like brian de bois, but I also we have we've seen such a small sample size of it. So I dunno it just seems it just seems like a dice roll half the time. Well is with me on: this is interesting. It's. You'd have to understand how important college football coaches I totally get it. I get all that, but it's just many of them actually good the glow, hit the road, in thing more than anything right, not really when you are paying a hundred million dollars for one year. you're normally pain, a hundred million dollars for really establish college. Second change programmes, culture fight for it but he didn't do it. I mean it kid backfire, any coach. Be a bad faith. I backfires half the time it doesn't. Even while you gotta look at coaching ass, a profession how many of these cultures go onto began, half of which is unanimous. However, when it does work, think about
when you have a coach there really hit for programme think about where he takes the programme he or she. But in this case, is he like think about the fact that when alabama you, you don't remember alabama probe, It was before an exciting got it I remember was: did struggles veal his first year. They will they lose the louisiana Moreau right. So struggles will think about the national brand. That alabama is think about what that means, not just to the school to the team, but to the state of alabama the economy around the area, like the investment for a coach that changed If the culture of a program, so how many of those guys are there at this point? How many now I would say you probably have, ah the guys that are for sure winners as has been said about ship kelly ray and then he would, you know So now
is it that you allow your college. You kelly is actually a good example of what we're talking about you Kelly, built a culture at oregon right. He built it and he had it going at a very specific way, with support from nike knowledge at yeah. He left a china. Take it to the inner phil the daily. Would he came back he's not been able to build that exact same culture as you silly, although he has made you see into a reputable it's going about a powerful college football. So I was when a worse is really worth it and when it doesn't work, it's all fucked up and that's kind of the day with any of those big contracts. I bet my how many in india Can we think of guys that got a lot of blessing in the mba? There's, like Monty Williams, got an incredible amount of money to coach the pistons, and it's just like I dunno right there's like five coaches, the batter I mean they're, always five to ten college coaches. They met in the rest of the march
to prove that they would you put the out, and I was yet not yet. I would say that he is significant, but he's not quite there yet, because an ordered a matter in college. Football may deal matters culturally, but ass to show like success, colorado and they like. For example, a management staff backsliders all budget challenged by their, whose number two so before get off the cinema. Wanna stay up the roadway. Yet if taxes, the war to hide the us and is the reason why I say it would be the worst case scenario is because with those resources and that proximity, if the ant is even half of whom he says he is they would be a perennial top five top two team for a long time. It would be a nightmare if he would end up at a school like that with those type of resources. Okay, okay and number. Two. Is So let me tell you: why have arkansas analyse the list of arkansas coach me right now?
Would you know I wish you luck in words with arkansas this week in battle, the boot sandpit made great guy amazing guy I've been a great coach for arkansas, pigeon it's the quarterback. He is a veterinary going to be a tough game for LS. You there, their ties there. Jerry Jones, is a huge arkansas alone, at the actually gave the asset is an interview for one. I understand all end him going there greece for him to go there. It would be the ssc, one of the se schools schools most likely to give him a shot right. So there some familiarity already there sandpit made an arkansas haven't quite got to the point that you want to get too. They ve been competitive for the last couple of years last few years, but they have a really made a real run in Assisi west and it does it look like this is gonna, be this: isn't it
do that either they just lost to be. Why you last week will see what happens on saturday with Alice you, but it doesn't look like a program right now. That is a very powerful programme and that's a state with a guy for by tradition, so the ongoing there would be a huge deal and judge Giles parliament to have a video sanction on him. He would have to live in arkansas. He would. It said that was a joke just because you're from Louisiana I know I had to do that just for you he would he would have to live in arkansas dollars. Why? I don't see that happening is the You just name. I don't know how culturally that fits. You know in oregon caught a major city, airmail major state, but I like it when I was. I have a lot of time when I say he's a very famous site, wealthy person. I just don't see him like
check out in arkansas. What looks realistic, see this and update you don't understand the last thing I'll say before we wanted to number one that the charm of the college town also is alabama. different. You can compare them into anything. That's the most important college football! graham and now it was the past february leaders, but, like you can't tell me that places like oxford places like even that bad rude start will of these towels have their own. farm and the coaches bill community there bill the bill community there. So it can happen. Ok number one- and this is by far to me, the coach that should be looking over your shoulder: okay, billy Napier florida, oh yeah, I was waiting for this one billy napier Florida belle billy- is a great coach any by this time around him notes that he's a process or a coach. He is opposed as able to
wire. His guys he's pragmatic he's all of that stuff. Florida wants results. They will start this season with a loss to Utah and it completely deflated the fanbase on the Deion Sanders front. Dion Sanders is from the state of florida. I'm aware fort myers florida right yeah. It's probably home of the fast as human beings in america floor to speed everywhere with how they like to play a colorado otto, but how they lighter to put pressure on defence is like our speed everywhere. Just imagine a floor, the team we d all sanders at the helm and then also man, if you guys stage he's got a bolder rocket what would happen in the swamp. What would happen in gains ville
type of national nor write that programme has had traditionally that would be on in edible see inquired about its is out forget now. Cholera. The actually wants to leave, which you knows whom I want to stay there for twenty years, but if you If colorado and he bounced again the next the natural merited- would be I'm from Florida. It was I always wear this was going to end up. I want to come home, and I want to my coach team in my state home coach, a team in my state. It seems like his relationship with florida state right now. Team is actually we're. Obviously, riding high and you'll have to tell another savannah. It seems like his relationship with florida. State now is kind of icy, so it also would grind gear gears a little bit too have deal and gains will. Allow is the reason why might not happen is thought it might be good just be tennessee, at home this past saturday, obviously the law,
the utah was a setback, but grammars looked round. really good in the the victor to see the running game, looked fantastic. The defense stopped Joe milton and josh hypos office. They actually might be good, so this might be a move billy, maybe you're who allow people have picked, is on a hot seat based upon a performers. We just saw my level might not be home. Maybe a second. I might be wrong, but I can tell you one thing:. If the seas and goals on big swear by george, I may drop a couple. You know that, Zuri was, I pay, might be better if they drop what majority or or the seek it's hot look for the arts of florida de onto arkansas books, two teams right there to re, be really in the mix for the sanders. If somebody wants to pluck him, but colorado's gotta keep win
Well, everybody everybody's high on dion right now. The patch twelve is one of, if not the best conferences in all of america and colorado has a hell of a schedule coming up bill like I have a schedule me, I think it's more fun if he stays in colorado for a few years, because you're basically correct being a powerhouse team from from thin air that we didn't have re florida. All this seems bench of work and silent. there, teams that are in the mix anyway, Colorado is like woman, whose I thank you for having colorado conversations very low. Then I will said anything in its in a cool place. I could send again version. The timber area can see having a cool couch about him, that's kind of fun. I don't know it's fun that they play Well, on west coast time I like having more west coast seems, I figured depends on a lot of things if the is able to be successful, were jumping the gun right here. We
Are there but any sound business, successful young, whipper, snapper coach other code. You start looking over their shoulders if the us able to be successful there. The question is. Can colorado be additional football power? Can they spin like the ssc, can they win light the ssc or the big dwell, the conference realignment matters here now to look. Situation where you gonna have to mega conferences and the path twelve. You might not be the coffee, it's that you want to have one of those major major major heavy hitter teams and you might want to get in the game from a playoff standpoint and from a power and television standpoint. You might want to get the game in the scc
we're in the big ten, so it just depends on how things shake out for Deion sanders. If he thinks he can do that, a colorado, we don't know yet it's working fine right now. Can we bring answer it quickly? Thirty, there are it's rudy Van just laid out his five teams, and you know way more about college football than I that at which one of those five got you the most excited arts florida. Definitely florida yeah. I mean I feel like ten fifteen years ago. That tim tebow urban Meyer florida run, I mean they are the most terrifying you know and what they are. They weren't a dynasty, but you know small run of anybody in in college football and they just had so many dudes rolling through, and that was kind of pre, the saban era too, or at least like that that the dominant save an era and they were called the closest scariest thing to what nickname has done in alabama, If you can get that go in again and gains built man that would be a repartee terrifies situation, the only other one that I would say that you didn't
Jim that would be. Probably the only other place will be worse than forty state depositors, a form of forty steak I going to Florida would be. my any old, how we talk of the last ten fifteen years plus sour many years that, whether not my if can ever come back and be the you again. He said like the guy with the bravado. He seems like the personality that can make it be the you again and make them be the number one team in the country and the scariest team to play. I mean certainly the the recruiting ground there in miami is probably the most fertile one. The entire country. The question is, you know, is a is a former seminal going to you know, cross those lines and and hurricane. I I doubt it, but that would be the one rugby like man. If he went to miami, that's a perfect cultural fit and it's a perfect. You know. Obviously you know reviving where the window of the long lost programs that has made way its wild way back yet so I was in miami affordable. Miami is the one that the one walker infantry VON place to live for a rich former superstar athlete My absolutely the all you then I will it. Mammy could definitely made this list, especially
well maybe like a bailiff. I just want to throw in a day and the danish council knowledge but always awhile would put my amelia. I really do think that that my amazon in on my headed in the right direction really do but light Deanna miami thou think about what that would mean. The thing about my guy back would deal. It will eventually be ninety. Eighty nine are you? Am I the second generation of the? U I'm talking about that first group. Are you people tat were hanging out would lose a candle in her heart arabs and all of that, the camouflage and everything that's going on like that, would be crazy if he ended up there etc. I then I really enjoyed band's top five. That was fun way to do it again, good to see the deadly. Where are you can hear the other we watch was by those on the brakes, their braxton? This makes last month, thanks ban by us, howard beggars here, he is officially joined the ringer his work and for the swedes.
You, you we'd like Ben parallel universes, we ve cry any just kind of never worked out, and now it's it's finally happening in here with us and we couldn't be accurate, abbe I couldn't be happier great to be here great to see you great join you I am. I said yes, and I'm just britain site, jack's cavan com with enough adjectives. This is great and ready jump in love the swedes. I learned what speaker business week from re silent about vigour. Well, what do you mean you a lot of stuff for as boring that exists when the seasons happen on the real ones. On monday, with a logan roger, would We did last year, and I thought it was one of the most entertaining podcasts I heard all year, so I'm excited for that all the other stuff you're gonna pop on of different pods and we'll see, as always, it always evolves here, but one of the things
You jump in right before this season Austin. I talked about a little on tuesday, this season that just a just as all become about this guy's unhappy this guy might go here. What's gonna happen with this guy and I mean you ve been covered. I sleep for a long time. Do you ever remember it being like this dark heading into a season at school you're, putting it no bill? like we ve gotten used to almost too used to frankly over the last five ten years. That superstar whose content is now, The ongoing theme of the nba, it is now Did he Davis, forcing his way to the lakers is carry forcing his way from Cleveland the boston than from brooklyn the phoenix a couple of years later, it's pardon forcing his way from Houston to Brooklyn. the leads to now. Who knows where I dont it. It's fine right. We have a gun accustomed since the decision? Capital D in twenty tend to the idea that stars have you thought de the leverage.
Powers we use the term of the time to to dictate their careers, and that's fine, and I see most people gotten used to that? We don't have the backlash and the vitriol a copying that that we did thirteen years ago. It free agency is not the same thing is worse trade, and this is where I think like league has let this kind of get away from them. I don't know if that is the right word. I don't bill, I dunno. If there's anything, we can really do about it, but it's not good It is not slowing down. The number of forced trades overlap, five to ten years, outstrips anything. Illegal ways fell back on this well Abdul Jabbar back in the day for ok, cool He was the only guy and then maybe there was another one. Ten years later. This to your point is an annual occurrences and we're going to a season we're through the greatest players of the last fifteen years or so the last ten or both waiting trades that they have demanded that they demand
to only one destination and and and are facing downtown I don't want to do it because neither of them feel like gonna get fair value back so. Yeah we're gonna go into media days with just nothing, but this saga hanging over not just those two teams but kind of the holy. What do you wish me talking about our media there. I think If we were the tsars immediate area that goods that let's positive stuff like forbids yoke edge, it contains get over the hump with the southampton become like the guy in the eastern conference can. My you get over the hump. This great run their vat there with the warriors crew. Pause can be on the workers. That's gonna be kind of bizarre like what's like, there is fun stuff, but it just feels like we're. Heading rates, herds yadda star in hard and where's again end up like this philly situation. They viewers say I have a bunch of
sixers fans of my life, none of them who I wanted to talk to about this on this on this podcast, we were the nice balance where, where detach your philly fan, this is like a catastrophe like what are you looking forward to this season? You have unhappy james. Pardon the bead trader looming- I guess your talk yourself in a maybe nick there but can you remember weirder situation, Fer, a team that was really good last year. What about this? If they do betrayed hoarding any treat him for, let's stated that they can't get fair value. It will be the second time in the last less than a year that a viable contender, the first will being brooklyn assist I was a voluntarily blue itself up, but blue itself. Before never got a chance even see that could win. I never even then at last sees as a contender bill, but, like There was the outline of a contender. They were really hot street before carry forces were and. Who knows what might have happened if they stayed together. Church nervous
you a lunatic earlier. This is I'm going to my two, I can't believe is twenty seven season. Communist league is the first time in my memory the historian of this league. I think it was the first time in history that I'm aware of that, viable contender, blue itself up in the middle of a season nodded season ritual tarrytown whenever middle season. You have the tools we have them. There's, you have the talent to go a long way. Maybe when a championship in you blew it up and others exercise in opposition. To now not of their own doing really, although I guess we can argue the details of what we believe may or may not have happened between Darrell Maureen James hard and now this but yeah, I like you too, the ring and Bp Joel envy with the greatest scores of the last ten years? One of the greatest players, the last ten years and james harden at a really great where entire maxie as a group and not be able to feel good about going into training cap. If your six, her fan blows, especially when they east is
kind of more wide open than ever. The share re nude think the early, if they were just happy, would be one of the people. I think I'll get pit. Yet looking if the james horned situation than ever happened you just under contract and unhappy for once saint james hearted was happy. There is the question yeah jimfred by two thousand and thirteen that, like beef to that region, and then maybe maybe the minute before Chris Paul pulled hammy you d find happiness like this big legs, three months of happiness, I'm sure he was happy for a week and certain times. He was be going to the clubs when he was his way out of use them, for they had sure that was, and it was a fun for james hearted, maybe not so much for the rockets to their friends or anybody else. It was good that have been badly. They forget that they weren't in the. That was weird death. Did the above stay with you. I guess I can't even open, although you to your point about iraq,
stands when the rumors were about a hard might go back a lot rockets. Pakistan's were weirdly in my view, weirdly, so sorry about that, I didn't, I dont get it there very defensive about hard in the rack offence. And they really love the hard narrow. I think they think he gets a bad rap and I think they want him to come back, but now they have. This great team, then, are the great young collection of talent, at least that's at least something they don't James harden now it would have been a weird and a weird call back in a win, just a weird move to make for a young team that is trying to start something new and bring in a ball dominant, older aging star who is going to take up a lot of oxygen, never made any sense to no way for him or for them. Why is he? Why did he want to leave and stilted? I could ask the same question now with the rockets having closed months ago, Why do you want to leave the ring and vp seriously? in terms of the stage of his career bill where for a lot of guys. Look, we know you. Your celtic stay right here,
ray, I'm never going at all. They got to get the exact right time. They gather other individual accolades knew were ready in the early thirties to just be all about doing it, the thing that none of them had done in that's when a championship james harden aid. She said. This is the moment where you go. I'm ok, fighting a little well, that's money, whether that's touches their stance, and I want to tie myself, somebody who can help get me to the place? I've never been. That's We kind of expect as media and fans of the superstars stores in death and horrid like that the I'm good I'm out of here and I I know if he goes to the clippers. Where is joining poet Paul George acquire Leonard and russ, but I don't think that's a more likely path through the title there. staying and fairly with joy and bead entire maxie. So what are you doing james? I fear the cupboard Why are you doing that? You want
another unreliable person. I don't have the most unreliable teams possible you're going to add james harden that I mean, I guess you do it if you're you're fried the brooklyn point you made was interesting because I agree with you. We haven't seen that before a team, just like phuket ribbons up near their hand, the two trades they made were pretty great. You know that that K D, trade to get bridges and all the picks and then cam johnson is kind of a bonus, but they ended up having to pay him. But just the bridges plus all the first round, picks they got for a guy who sit in his mid thirties and didn't want to be there at. I thought that's about as well as you're going to do, especially watching bridges and team usa and stuff. Like he's a foundational piece, I don't think he'd be the best part of the title team, but he could be the second spyware, maybe for sure, and if you're the next thing you know are armed with mikhail bridges, cam johnson, a young claxton and some others, in pieces during finishing types and its bootloader picks from us.
signs plus you still got some other and what I think I do still with Dallas pick em, maybe sierra pickerell swap or whatever got enough, but there it seems you gotta keep an eye on life. I'm not a big believer and will get to see them beat. I'm sure, I'm not a big believer that we should start the dwelling betrayed machine. Yet I mean it's natural, it's obvious. We can't not talk about that speculatively but I also think it's like, maybe one you're too soon on it. They're gonna be near the head, the line all these pigs- in the son's picture, going to be really attractive. Remember once upon a time it was the nets picks that went to Boston in the garnett deal that were looked at as gold, because everybody was sure the nets are going to fall for and those pigs were unprotected and it would be worth a boat load. That's what the nest I have from the sides because was expecting within the next couple of years. well we're down, maybe retire, the sons of all off a cliff no expects beale to stay healthy. Yes,
and in so doing in position between the picks they have and allow the rest. Players that are interesting. Oh, I don't know what to get a jewel and be done or of god but honest trade. I and again, were, I think, we're low early on it. Although yours is the one who spoke these fires. this by the way always becomes as well as the media? Speculative well he's gotta wait fifty minutes at it, but they do what they like. This is my we didn't start the fire speech, apologies to Billy, Joel, like we did Start this bill, like the players, have been the ones first, all the superstars, leaving it the agency, starting with the broad twenty tenant, opened the floodgates. It started this war era and then that has now advanced to force. Trades first was horse trading a year left the anthony Davis exams, Paul George one when he was indiana now in force with multiple years left. Now, it's worse trays, five minutes after you opted in James Harding for five minutes. You signed or a europe, you sonny extension being another like it. We
start if a higher than the players created this and all week Who is react and now anticipate because that's part of what we do in the media as well in an air where guys become discontent have the leverage and the ability to force their way out? I shouldn't we be incentive to that and have our our our radar up cause by the way the whole league does too. This is the other one. I'm not just trying to you know, get us off the hook with the fans and listeners right now, but look the whole league acts this way. The whole league, if you are the teams that don't have jonas or envied, you are plotting to get Jonas and and beat if, if there's any way possible, so we were more reactive then I think, a lot arrears. Wanna believe I see people getting cranky about this on twitter all the time, but like we're not creating this, the sadness. We might talk about it too much. Maybe we are right now, there's nothing else to do right now, september, twenty first, they were waiting for the familiar days, but one that I I
say I hate talking about it. But it's hard to talk about this upcoming season when there are these variables and play with like some of the best teams you don't like my Amy went to the final last year, their teams worse the kind of have to get them lowered, dont know if he's getting traded there like this week. There is a story about a mystery team in these than people spent the whole week trying to figure out. Who is this Is it toronto said chicago oil for chicago over they give up and do now? then we don't know who it is, but if it's not my amy than that above all, these questions would what's miami gonna be this year, there's gonna have jimmy in bam, calabrian expiring, hero coming back after they tried it most somewhere, but they ve lost their depth. What are they gonna look like and then- you look like a dame. The toronto. Well, what's what is toronto oh over toronto, have to get back, so it's almost like the season can start until that peace gets figured out and then
Honest bucks thing is just real. I mean he's one of the best players of the last twenty five years and this happened sometime where sometimes you gonna clock, you were you covering in the corbians committee, thousands when he got out of them. No. I was already in new york at the times by then, but I covered it from a distance like I did cover the kobe melt down where he was basically like get me out of here. He demanded the trade back then boys and girls. He said. No, when I catch another did, they had a lot of discussions. Writer was the young. I was almost a bull, he was almost oppressed and he was almost all these things, but yeah. Don't got only for a little bit birthday. You know to their credit day they held firm and then they traded for, This all six months later, whenever it was in one more championships, will that's by the brown with disdain trade that is and people have been writing about this and talk about this week- society original bought, but if you know other things are coming
Do you wanna go all in a dame trade that give here the mr team or, if you like, the nets in my god, they gotta get rid of them and they don't like the miami offer. We have a chance to get them, but you know, other guys may be sitting in the back and it just delete is so weird now that turnovers crazy and you yet I'm lucky via tatum now jail and brown, and these two guys that we ve watched gonna grow up and get to keep them in those guys? must feel like more of anomaly, an anomaly than what we grew up with bright yoke edge Zeit this endeavour. They get you marion, they get them for a long time. Maybe thou suave that LUCA, but god said, as I would hurry, I I personally, like that more. I wonder what the league banks like if you put japan, truth, Sarah down Adam servers, throat or put a few drinks in m bodies. Because, on the one hand, everyone's talking about this all the time and they're talking about it there in the off season. When nobody,
as a basque. On the other hand, only any of us think this is good for basketball, so it Why do you think he would say you know him out for the image of my head of tragic, like Adam, like slumped at the bar like drunk shots of year. Out of we're gonna get a question are you gonna, stick superstar trade demands, yeah, there's a part of me build it. What I understand about item is this much and we ve seen a lot of this in various ways in the last ten years He certainly is a guy who loves the idea of a twelve month league and the league have leaned in every aspect of that whether is the biggest summer league no exploding into it. They didn't used to be a thing right, free agency, demands always discussion about transactions and all the snakes. It keeps the league in the ether, in the discussion. All the time I d got him loves down. Some low ethically office knows that, but is this
Is there a tipping point in this house? discussion, I I kind of think they're instinctively. I think there. Maybe you and I came up at a different time right, where, if your phone and you're a fan of the gene anybody fan available. The best players on that team, but that player like after your team wanted out left what some ok they're a trader now they're dared around dumb with their rights. Or were you were heartbroken when they were gone and An error. Now, where you are our younger friends. They say they represent not teams, I'm not sure that are an absolute on payment. You brought a brush but like where people seem to be like if you're a dame van, maybe your it's more a matter where he goes and it's like being a fiance fan or something it's like I followed they were he's gonna put out his albums had been in his ass. He actually puts our real album super guy. I know you and put it to me, though, the then the whole miss
of sports about phantom about rooting right cycles that you read for laundry. What the launch this matter anymore. Right! Think that at that time If the joke was. Oh, you root for laundry and as long as that, guy's wearing the laundry that matches your city, your team, you root for the guy, now. It's not even that the lotteries irrelevant your rooting for the player in the jury the period yeah, I do. I do think there is a limit to it. I do think, what's happening the last ten years, is somewhat destabilizing to the league, and I do think at some point. Ass is hardly true bill, but, like I think at some point, there's a there's, a reckoning where there might be more of a backlash where fair and say you know what I'm tired of these like it's not through free agency, everybody understands free agency, but maybe fans at some point to say I'm tired of a james harden or a a broadly be like having to read irving courier. Chris Paul twice Oh, no, no enforcing their way out and if you're a fan of the team that guy was with. If you like that player it excruciating every time an especially
your fan of a small mortgaging that has a really hard time ever getting those guys again, fledgeby honest decides to leave milwaukee, whether by free to see or force trade whatever it may be, do not get into the us for a very long time and look together championship in a lot of asthma. Just say you know what it's cool were like. You got us to the promised land. and we wish you well, but I just don't think rate for the league overall, I do the stable, Can I do thickets? fancy the one constituency We never talk about, oh good, for the players that they have fully empower themselves, take control their career. We can all get behind ass. You know. The league is five leagues, still making a boat load of my new recital. tv rights deal in time. The near future. Broadcast rights deal they're, fine, everybody's fine. Only people who maybe aren't fine, I feel, like the fans- and we in that the consent see that nobody really takes no job. It's funny that the people in my life,
soccer and basketball in their use to this from the soccer, the movement and just the way people bounce around, and I don't think they notice it as much Sometimes I wonder where the old guys that are just like this is when I grew up with, and maybe my feet is what did this be with the league is like I'm in a fantasy league with fantasy football league that big we have eleven other teams right. So it's a twelve team league at the end of the year. Eleven of us are super unhappy hate ourselves for being in the sleigh gray, and they, like one guy who wins you sent him some tax? He went. Some money ok cool. I one you're supposed be unhappy in the mb. There's thirty teams, twenty nine of them are going to be unhappy them. This season, like this, isn't going to go right year after year, and I think what's changed is the reasons people seem to become unhappy.
To me like. Sometimes they don't add up like what you like. You said before, what is james harden the happy about cause you make the austerity you're on a goods you're playing with one of the best where's, the league. You been in different situations is, I will feel it was an honest. They were you. Evidence of the contract, to go when it. What do you have that work, as I would have made less money? Will? Maybe that should say something? You know me you goin down the line I just I wish there was awareness of this before. I wish there was a widower word, the players that stay in a situation for a long time that the team, the team in the park and benefit from that of courage go and stayed for was the whose unite recipes fifteenth year. Maybe there's some tax advantage today, and maybe you know, maybe his contract only count. Seventy five percent on their tax instead of a hundred or theirs, sort of advantage. I would make him wanna stay because Zono entitles the law. ground here, the better it is for my team,
it makes me want to stay here more, but I just another ever do stuff like that, Would I be one of your staff? Curried curry type level tim duncan covey turk and you hit a certain threshold. You have to be a superstar ready by whenever dash definition, and if you had a certain threshold you get equity in lets him yeah. That would be interesting. Oh you get like us. a point or something better. You have so few real gears regime yeah. Why not like right now the reward for staying put his like you get the no trade clause right or are you yeah? the true a lot of money, but you can get that anywhere in burner as someone really there I'll. Let you know do you like? Do you think the league is desperate at all with that, like the deflector dish, sniffer air, desperate,
and with some of these moves like the way they're trying to get this biggest thing gone, which, by the way, both of us will be in vegas, and it's going to be really fun. But do you feel like they're kind of grabbing for straws here, to try to make this a twelve month? League, I said I think they've already achieved it in terms of the conversation, but the the back side of that that got neglected there now trying to like you know, suddenly fix on the fly. Regular season keeps feeling like it matters less and less in so now we ve got. I got him silver. I feel it is the only person in the entire and be a community. who seriously wanted the in season tournament. There may be some others, but he's fought for five for fought for it, and he finally has it. Why? Because they want to make the regular, she's, a matter more crackdown on on arrest load management there try I think the regular matter more good than track about that yeah out of either these things are gonna work bill and you know but I hope they do for the league's sake. I want to be healthy, I'd like to be
proven wrong and how it sees tournament that I remain very sceptical of, but not sure any this step is gonna work and if it doesn't work, then So, on the one hand, you made yourself a twelvemonth, your leg, by leaning into player, movement and transactions and rumours and all of that and gambling it's what people are talking about, the league all the time, they're engaging with the league on a whole bunch of other levels that they never used to, and it's a twelve monthly great. What about the the year there, the the that playing especially the monster that are you know, november. through march before them, I asked arise, that's of debt. That seems me. the problem for them, and I wonder how, like I'd I'd urban urge upon couple weeks back discussing the tv rights deal? What if it's not the double to triple of the old deal with their expecting. What? If what? If all of this instability understanding about the staff, but I gotta have all the instability in the brain.
world, the artisans, the unbundling, all of it one of it does It is a problem for the league in terms of the devalue. The next rights deal still gonna go right. There still yeah dummy money. The question is with all the changing habit. Is our people watching enough and wonders that finally come back to bite them? What do you think the idea? the regular seasons, patch, I'm not I'm cut the regular seizing guy like I do. I do I agree with. anybody who think it's impossible not to agree with this right, even though we grew up on eighty two games season has been there for our entire lives and long before we are national league not get it it is hard to imagine it. Any other way is hard to imagine Will this guy is already hard enough to to compare arrows What are you thinking of an era? Where are those guys only plates? Fifty four games? In the end, they played any tool for fifty years depth we're a benefits it. It's impossible argue against, for quality of prague reasons,
health reasons, longevity of player reasons all of that party, or are you anything other than it should be shorter and there never gonna get there and just to be clear to people It's not just? What will the owners would ever greater because they will have to sacrifice made known its a fifty fifty split, more or less the play would sacrifice it doing. They don't want to cut it either. Players are not exactly like. We should we should cut to sixty six games. I think Sixty six, we had the lock out season. There were sixty six. That was like that. On a lot more momentum, just walking us sixteen games actually nothing for the they just it had the urgency yeah it's hard to get the urgency right? That's the thing, the nfl house, you have the urgency because of the shorter schedule overall, I just don't have the nba ever gets her near my My deal, I think, would be like seventy seventy two range of being cut ten pretty easily, and I did that would solve with these issues, and I think I made the product better to make so much money from this next
video that you now at some point, you gotta make decisions based on what's best for basketball, about what the money decision is wearing of guys bacon right. Have these seventy five billion dollars a year like yeah at some point, you gotta care about the quality too. Yeah. Then this idea that both the oars, the players would lose a lot by cutting the number of games where one there's, the scarcity right, where you can charge more per game, whether an area the tv rights or via tickets to the game. so there's that argument to counter it. I don't owe the economics of it, but that sounds plausible, and there is also just the fact that, to your point If the next broadcast rights deal is going to double or triple, potentially the old one aren't your gaining enough that you could afford to maybe lose a little at the other end, do these things might balance out and your annual review, our spanish and maybe you add, to expansion teams, and that gets you another. You know ten billion bucks that you could spread among everybody? I just I find it hard to believe watching from afar.
This year after year, they're trying to forget all these ways to get these guys. The play more nobody's. Just looking at the obvious issue, which is there's too many games Don't let alone a number games and make it make it so that its harder skip gains because it really impact europe china made by us. The one hitched though bill is, is this, and I believe this effort of other people, said anne I buy by this Why did it needs your games now? Guys are only averaging like whenever sixty seven, seventy or whatever, because their rest loading, whatever. If you sixty six thirty year. Seventy two? How do we know there still are gonna? Be Are you doing game ragged victor they're, gonna whenever the schedule is the guys what to rest- and I should make this point- the teams- that seriously believe unload management are still going. going to say were well You think you will be better in may if we rescued. you gave games you're in february, so No, that fewer games- actually produced by a high.
Attendants rate among gathers we'd like to believe it would, but I'm not I'm not certain of it, and so they could, because they Wait you one of those things. It's been a hallmark of adam servers, tenure as they have. made a schedule much more efficient and player friendly right that they took out his back to back those are way down. You don't have for games in five nights anymore, all storm. We used to be store break used to be like five days announced an entire week. They ve done a lot to try to make it more player friendly and health friendly. We still have guys only plan, sixty seven games. So I just don't know what the answer is there. If there is one. I will I'm leaving a lot of meat on the bone because we have a whole season. There's lots of stuff touched for us to talk about, but before you go give us your greatest kobe. just number one their best one number one, your best one you're go to kobe story, cause your amity ears. You cover
seven years as a writer and allay an annual obviously covered him from afar awhile. Will you in day to day with them for seven solid years servants algiers yeah, that's true story man come on islands, gotta jump to I this one only because I think people have you often missed the the port of call be that was arithmetic. personable. He put the member mask so long that people didn't stand that there was I should like a pretty sight guy behind it? Who wasn't all it's looking like a maniac on the court and cursing people out and cursing at his own teammates. All this stuff and having you know, it'd, be championship at the cost of everything else, in his career- it's like my second season on the beat might have been my first season. They're practicing every day at l, a southwest college in in a in a So so part of delay in general practice facility back then
and not have their own practice facilities and the lakers we're not among the first, by the way, so we're going to do this community college and going you park in alarm. You walk in there is like twenty yours leading out this Jim on every side, there are double doors: headache players, Colleen To avoid any time they wanted you and when we'd be in there del harris would would you know let us in with a good forty minutes left and actually we actually got to watch practice back. Then dell was great to us, but then Inevitably, after the third party breaks up, you're gonna get, derek fisher, Robert oriented fast. However, if you know careful view watching yourself, Sharper cobia or somebody really needed, might be sneak out behind you, because there are all these different doors, someone's the training ruler wait room went straight after the parking lot. Susan the misguided to lose them. so the story to tell- because this is one of the key nicer coolby stores I can tell- was just sitting there
I can do. I think it was like Robert ory. My back is turned to the domain way out. As you say how we turn around. With the right you don't use, is do you need me today and I turn around. It was toby like checking out before he left like anybody. What now now, I guess we're good like it's fine go ahead like we'll get you tomorrow, but he was really thought when I know like people immediately go the cynical view of like he's just by you guys up whatever. This pretty young kobe. He was like nineteen twenty at the time of this particular story and at the time you just looking for connection, because if you read a lot of stuff about toby from back, then you know that he had a really tough time being so young, a team full of veterans and a team that really revolved around shack, not just as a player but as a persona, shackles, yeah larger than life, always life for the party guys gravitated to and copy couldn't manufacture that there was a little bit more to himself back then anyway, was maybe not quite
a flower, but at times wallflower irish, and so you know, I will I'm ten years older than him, but are you even among the bee writers. I think I was maybe among the ones you were closer age to him and so do yeah. Was he just eat. He just like to talk you just like you just like shoot the ship back them back when we could to shoot yet with guys who do not worry about twitter or anything or anybody else like here, didn't running. Often like saying I can't we just said you could just have human conversations get to know each other a little, but actually there reminds me of another. What do you want to go on one where these are still practice? Sometimes at the forum on us, that is. My first are coming in. There were still the forums you're dead We know in winning time the georgia at a younger listeners had existed. I walked in one day and we could just kind of plopped down. They also weren't real officious about like who sat on the sea unless I could just like plopped down in the locker next to kobe, to say man. What's up how's it going and there's
Olaf is like the masters or something is on, and this is how then do gulf MIKE. Now, and this is back. Where are your tiger woods at its peak and players rob The players were just starting to think really become like being a golf, and I said said. No, no, not really my thing where you do golf and he goes now. I can never accept play anything that I couldn't master. I I never said that cause. I couldn't perfectionism like that and I might, and you could provide, basketball. He was like absolutely no absolutely call me love the word absolutely that there was a things that were absolutely which is bidding like he was gonna of an absolutist about give all about himself about winning it was I wholly molly those conversations again and a quick footnote to that. That was one where The quarters that roll in my tape record is not on my little old micro cassette recorder. My record is not on my notepads not out. We are just two people, just talking
Oh I'm jotted down, I'm telling you this from memory, but like a couple later in the finals against the painters. This is the first finals We have that incredible job game for Well, that's the one thing I found out. Coolby comes through over time. It's indices, Jordan moment. This is the moment where bunny said: oh wow, that kid we thought little jordan, asked he just had his moments like distant this cinches it Does he really is worth all the high he can live up to? and so now we gotta write an off day story and I think it might have been on where there was a travel day or had multiple off days, and so there's no availability. So you're writing. What else do you got what's still in the notebook and the first? We are told that story about the gulf remark was the day after game for further than today, after the day after game, for what I had to write, something also just what's left in your notes, and I had no one little insight that I could save and
later, which I feel like in today's media environment is really hard to do. When do you think that ended when, like late two thousands? When do you think it is officially shift use the dynamics of how we can exist. I think just around deeds in a way that near you know, wasn't schedule than Probably it was eroding all throughout my time and allay because players were getting more and more people in their ear pr people and their agents and everything and the people who would be managing them, started to grow there. That was part of it. Some tea started, getting a little bit more strict about access or just not as helpful. I do a lot of things started. He wrote over time, but really honestly, I feel like it's mostly the social media era right yeah like Twitter comes along, and if this is big noise machine- and it has, it is, complicated a lot like. I thank god, I'm not a beat writer anymore right like for the last ten years I have had the luxury of being. The quote: unquote
national writer. I can parachuting I covered for seven years, the next four reposed a nine with a quick detour to the nets that sixteen years of being a bee guy hard anyways, our back, then I I really sympathize with your bad though, the bee writers today who are on that treadmill and with a lot more on the plate. Because of the demands of social media, the demands of the internet, the demands on players and how it how much harder get to know them to be really envious bill of, like the guys, covered show time when I was in a delay and I came to the lake or beat, and ninety seven and self esteem springer came in on it day for the only times that to to sabine for the bee writer and stephen covered showtime is written. About an era. he would regales with these stories about what it was like back then went around the same air fare neurons, nirvana, but sometimes- and I thought we- miss the golden era for sports writers. We missed because I was born too late,
to really enjoy the kind of act. and really gets, no guys where most of the time they're talking you're, not on the record and innovation they gotta get on the record, oh by the way. When me open the notebook I thought I'd miss the golden era, but I'll think about my experience, especially the seven years on the lakers, which I appreciate more now from a distance back. Then I just distressed yet it to two really. appreciate what I was experiencing and what a privilege that was proceeded more now, but I also and it now and I look at what be ready the day have to deal with an image order. It is, I think, welsh In comparison, I had a good time to understand. Springer s, not ass large in story now, so that, while to see what will keep talking about the old days, everyone's around you papa Our back great abbe at the ringer enjoyed the time today, thanks to be your mad at you. I that's over the past.
The van late than inherit, back and dainty kelly thanks to his deep thirty anko creighton for producers, Don't forget big vandal boost coming this weekend between out it said missus Allen, and I will see you on this speed sunday with cousins after we three little forward must be what an unpleasant president's like states, vandals, offering. I might sports wagering kansas centre agreement, Kansas start casino, LLC, Gambie, prom call one. Eight hundred gambler or visit faint, though that comes slash, orgy
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-23.