« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Year One A Disastrous Loss For Democrats, Politics Are Making Americans Ill, and Football Fans' Emotions Are Running High!

2022-01-17 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • The Biden administration closes out year one with a long list of failures
  • After a Christmas surge of the omicron variant, case numbers in the Northeast seem to be subsiding 
  • A Salt Lake City newspaper calls for National Guard to keep unvaccinated people in their homes
  • A new study found that talking politics can lead to feeling sick and may cause harm to a person’s overall health
  • Dallas Cowboys fans get a little too rowdy during Sunday’s wild card game
  • This Day in History, 1950: Boston thieves pull off a massive robbery  
  • Final Thought: Martin Luther King Jr. Day  

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
O Reilly here welcome to the no spin news, Monday january, seventeen two thousand twenty two, the fair How a day martin Luther king Jr honoured him and we will have some final thoughts doktor king at the end of this broadcast. So president, ion is off today is in delaware, we're never off. Why shouldn't said once in a while, but you know we're here, because it's so much going on there is at present schedule is he saw nothing? Go not, please. I'm a think. as jen psaki, suggested to the media last weekend, Simon thinking so another day for him to Now we always think, even though we work but I have so much to do, belong
We dog com, the first tv d, view way bc. Radio in new york city, which carries us at nine p m. And three under radio stations across the country which hurry. The o'reilly update, so it's hard for me to to take lay off. I would have liked to and If you really want to know about doktor king, my book killing Kennedy spends a lot of time on him. I think you'd find it Interesting so, let's get back to president Biden, he has a press conference scheduled for wednesday marking is one year in office now that'll be pretty interesting, because the press, often in the tank, for democrats, has to be a little aggressive here with the pole numbers so that so we cover it will be on live on wednesday, because a press conference, late afternoon, MR buying, usually late. We don't.
How long it's gonna go? I suspect a half hour to forty five minutes and I want to take my time analyzing what he says and everything so we'll be up. live at eight o clock on wednesday, and you don't want to miss that. Also wrote a column and it's called call him, MR blue, on our prayers, buying my check that out a bill o'reilly dot com. It sets up the press conferences what it does Ok, so in its first year in office Biden held a nine press conferences, Donald trump at his first year, twenty one rocco obama. Sixteen bush, the younger ok, so I'm mr binding is behind a curved there. The reason is that things have not been going well. And by the advisers. Don't want em out there and nah
Seven areas in particular will put the first four up on a full screen. the vaccine mandate that he wanted for businesses has been struck down by the supreme court is a bad thing for Joe Biden, power the remain in mexico policy has been ordered by the federal court, you'll. I'm sure you know that presented by this first, above is open the borders that has led to catastrophe now he's being ordered to go back to the trop remain in mexico pie. See that afghanistan, I don't have to go over it again. You know what it is the same thing with inflation everybody's, getting her. Also, build back better is not going to happen as bush. The elder would say not gonna happen. Surging covered, certainly not helping president Biden and now changing the election laws to have the federal government get more supervision is not going to happen.
So the only thing I can see in this first year in office is the one point trillion covert relief bill that pass that did help people. I know people and help it's a lot of money but it was necessary in this day and age. The one trillion. infrastructure bill, we don't know yet no, how that's gonna work you gotta dawn down of Mitch Mcconnell, don't know, but the kobe relief, though that health Now even the left is getting nervous about Joe Biden politics. where was Biden's political savvy and, judgment of those who advise him. What made Think that a fire and brimstone speech delivered in atlanta would reach its intended audience of two a senator in west virginia and another from arizona.
they ve sentiment. Mansion have shown us anything, it's that they're not susceptible to pressure from that kind of speech or direct appeal. The only way to get their votes. If their gonna is true persuasion. Not public bombast knows it is not a crazy left is, but he does work for cnn, which is obviously in the tank. The progressive moment now I do some research over the weekend because I told you I would I saying that I think Joe Biden, The issue is the worst of any president american history. I was wrong. one other, was worse and that is Herbert hoover So Herbert hoover took over in march of nineteen twenty nine in october, the stock market crash.
Alright, six months, seven months after he took office hoover, did nothing nothing. all the banks that collapse. There was no federal help and no insurance. So if you add your money in the bag, you lost, it was gone. You can imagine now we have insurance, not that oh entitlements, because Herbert Hoover thought that was socialism. for the federal government to get A to people lost all their money. What were they? labels was a dope. I only have mommy's gone so whoever did nothing and didn't help them, and then depression got worse and worse and worse and hoover Down in the bottom five of all presidents, because he just didn't do anything that Worse than by right, so I've got honest here. I think
Joe Biden has hurt the country dramatically, but hoover. heard individual people just couldn't blow him out well. I'm not gonna, give anybody anything and then, of course, after your took over nineteenth, two and did establish the safety net. that we have today. Ok, so that's where we are herbert hoover- was worse than Biden but Biden. Second, J. We cannot go all the way back. The disaster. He was present. before Abraham lincoln, who allowed the south to basically defy the federal government and that led to the civil war. there wasn't one or two things of you can. Indeed he just didn't do anything, and it was a four year atrophy, not a one, finds a one year catastrophe and it is bad. So I hunted around with the best guess that I can get to talk about this and I came up where the man who won the pulitzer prize
in nineteen? Eighty seven for a book called beating the cross bearing the cross. I should say, bearing cross martin luther king Jr in the southern christian leadership conference. The two thousand seventeen he wrote a book called rising star. The making of Barack obama has its distinguished Well, the scholar at the university of pittsburgh, school of law and doktor, David Guerrero joins us now from pits not a happy day for steelers fans, but we knew they didn't have enough juice to The chief saw I mean at least they you know de the effort now or you get into their history, because I know that you are steeped in that. You be A progressive democrat. Are you support is that Biden always considered a moderate democrat has. run so far to the left conducted himself in a poem.
Samantha. Did that surprise, you doctor? Yes, What surprised me very much I was especially disappointed in that speech that he gave in atlanta last week that you have already mentioned, which was just not only there. right on presidential, I, unlike who Joe Biden, use peggy noon and had a superb call. Em in the wall street journal friday, saturday detailing just just how incredibly disappointing it was fortunately that's been about peace. It would help poorly president Biden has performed compared to who used to be as your earlier clip of detail very nicely. white house, has has mishandled its relationship with senator mansion and senator cinema up very, very poorly
They should have been able to come to come to an accord some mansion. It's it's the vision that is confusing me Binding gets into office any Gotta know he won, because trump ass. They did. They voted in the they voted against trot had to know that every paul every study showed that then Pendant voters which decide all lectures now had had enough of donald trump personally, and they wanted some relief from that so by They chose as a moderate he gets in and, as you know, when you study the charge, the surveys, the polls that twenty, twenty three percent of americans and progressive. Asked, are either moderate or conservative Then he governs to the far left. Do you have any idea. Why he's doing that.
I'm afraid bill the evil. One question we all have to confront is whether the president at his age eyes, is diminished. Compared to who used to be We ve seen very little journalism, virtually zero journalism. That's looking at what's actually taking place inside the Biden white house, wrong clay, Steve recovery, other than than Jen argue the press secretary. We don't really have any bike I I did something last we Joe Biden, has a tremendous amount of power and a white house susan stupid jill by this, basically challenge your directing Joe. how to conduct himself right now, but once you me make a few mistakes I think that you would learn from those mistakes.
So when a federal judge tells you hate, you can't just dismantle a border policy remain in mexico and let everybody poor in here than buying so I'm gonna moderated then, and then he goes to Colvin says now. If you're a private bit, with more than two hundred employees, everybody's gotta be vaccinated because I say so he, They know that wasn't gonna get by the supreme court right. They should have realised that they are going to have a big problem with the glare. I listen to the arguments, have read the opinions It is not surprising that the majority of the court what they did in in terms of the administrative law principles that the word issue foreseeable and- and I say that is someone who's pro mandate- we pull back, see: ok, so the boy you're a progressive, as I mentioned,
and now you are facing The progressive movement is facing armageddon because in november and there's a miracle of some kind, and I dont believe there will be economically. I think the inflation and shaky economy is going to continue all that Going gonna get whacked and in the republic is going to control both houses of congress? I believe, and then setting up donald trump run for re election. To thousand and twenty four me more dowd, And- and we can do more and this tomorrow and in new york times, you know, is panicking Saying, oh, my god is bad as bad news. We can't have trump again well, you may very well have trump again The progressive movement what it stands for is gonna annihilated in now or do you think Joe Biden understands that.
it's it's unclear bill. I think you're. Quite right. I think where inflation is going is headed is a tremendous election problem. China's economy continues to slide that will make the ongoing supply chain problems that most all americans are experiencing. Personally, all the more dire switch Twenty twenty two is unlikely to be a good year for the united states and don't forget you crane and what the russian dictator Putin is threatening war. When you are you're, I don't I don't they pollutants gonna going to do that is his own economy is very, very shaky, Final word on Joe Biden first year you thinking be diminished and not understanding How his presentations are hurting not only him and his administration, but whole progressive moment, not correct.
He asked the other great disappointment, as vice president harris That wasn't a good choice. To begin with, I think she's had an even worse first year than the president Personally, I am hoping that people buddha judge the transportation secretary. That would be my hope for a democratic nominee in twenty twenty four Someone a week or so ago, era a column calling for a hillary Clinton come back, and I certainly don't don't want that. well. That was me. I didn't write a column, but we broke that story here after she began to cry a few months ago, and I said he hilary does cry unless there's something on the agenda before I let you go and fascinating. I did not read your book, but I will bearing the crew. Martin Luther king Jr in southern christian leadership conference you know you're kidding is lionize, as you should be in a federal holiday. Absolutely should happen here.
and he accomplished tremendous things but he wasn't a progressive doctor you know he didn't want equity. He wanted equality of opportunity. Do you agree with that Doktor king was in no way racially exclusive. and an end was finally open minded about about racial and ethnic diversity. Now doktor king was in economic policy terms, a democratic socialist. Doktor king would not be embracing. The versions of of critical waste theory that we see being cast about now. I know its world is in a wooden one quotas. I dont think and he wouldn't want preferential treatment for
minorities that got home in the past. He would want a colourless society. Last word. Yes, king wanna be economic change, fundamentally, economic change, but poor people per americans across the board not honour oration, racially identified basis right, doc. We really appreciated thanks rail bonus out, and I hope we can talk again soon. Thank you. Bill I call the latest here in the northeast. It's now starting to decline, as it did in south africa, where it came from some across stuff, but it's it's different in different ports. country, but where the honour crimes took place quickly and first, those cases are going down. I think that's gonna, be the trend. So in new york city on a daily basis, Its flattened out and going down in bars, Then I'm crying cases
Forty percent since january. First, that's a big drop, in Oklahoma? They are up hundred and fifty percent colorado. Ninety percent up montana, seventy nine minnesota. Seventy seven texas is up sixteen percent so it's. This is one of those things that hits hard stays for cup, weeks and it looks like it's down pray by valentine's day middle of February that this thing is on the way out. in salt lake city utah, which is a conservative state, you tom tribute newspaper there is a liberal newspapers are Goes against the population and struggling solid sure trip. I know how much longer can publish saw it out at toil on fifty. of january couple days ago- and it said quote, put it up on the screen. Were you ta truly civilized place, the governor
Ex move would be to find a way to mandate the kind of mass vaccination campaign, we should have launched a year ago going as far as deploy the national guard to ensure that people without proof. explanation with now. Be allowed well any where on quote well, that's clearly unconstitutional, but you know progressive level, people don't really care much about the constitution, but more Importantly, that's china. What the salt lake city editorial board tribune editorial board is calling for its china. Don't on china, if you're not I don't even know what they're back situation is, because I won't tell anybody, would they have? Will what they're doing but have you of course you can come out of the house or have you been exposed. and if you got it and find out about it, you go camp and some provinces, not all but saw so. This is what like city trip wants. You want china.
They want to national guard soldiers treating people not to come out of there. Out of you, I mean what's next, you know- and this is just out our power, Brett tolman and salt lake tipped us off on this, and I'm going like I'd minnesota department of health. There is okay, ok, we're not gonna! Do the equity in medicine covered medicine, they were doing what they're doing in new york city in minnesota, the Xavier minority, african, american and others. You get first shot so medicines that are scarce to fight covert, It's clearly unconstitutional again You know what what are you doing. You know we live in a republic with laws and a constitution, it governs those laws and you just thrown out the window. That's progressive woman dies then allow the constitution
That is why any accountability so minnesota under heavy pressure, has removed racism reverend engine preferential fact, for determining which covered patient should receive scarce menace. Ok,. united van lines so they have compiled. based on data last year. How many people use their services? The five states? where people are moving out and the five states where people are moving in now one caveat most people don't use expensive movers anymore. They throw this it's often a u or they have friends help and get a big van or whatever they do. If you have a lot of assets, alot lot of furniture and you gotta use the the expensive movie companies Ok, so here's what united Van licences We moving away from role a tape here.
New jersey leads the leg more people flee. in new jersey, Illinois, new york, connecticut, California, Do all of these states have, in common all, run by progressives, Kay and high taxes. Prime. And crime rising and Lack of civility people guy Don't let everyone by and This is what you know. It's hundreds thousands we're talking about when I talk about thirty or forty people over hundreds of thousands illinois? Is a disaster and sows california. it's bad and they losing their tax base in new york. That the people are moving out or affluent and businesses are moving out as well to vienna can pay this punitive tax. It's now punishing you're, punishing successful people
and corporations in new york in California, in illinois jury in connecticut a little bit different, but they're both dependent on new york city commuters and I've in people out of here, they don't want to go to the city anymore. Mary redeemed a fifty thousand dollar cash prize playing, chuppah casino, the shave only playing for fun. So winning this was a dream come true. Jumbo casino is america's number one social casino experience. It's serious with over eighty casino style games to choose from you, too could win life. Changing amounts of caffeine like merrick log, on to jamaica, casino, dot com and give them a world. That's chump, casino, dot, com, no purchase necessary void where prohibited by law, eighteen plus terms and conditions apply, see website for details. The voice of the preceding commercial was not the actual voice of a winner. Ok here either state where people are moving in vermont. The brutal stay. very libertarian every
He's got a gun. Very low living costs. Tax is not creese south dakota. Servant of south carolina conservative west virginia conservative florida conserve it goes into top. Five were removing surprise out west virginia because you economy and Israel he's not vibrant florida, crazy down. There. I have to go down within the next few weeks to florida again for the trump show. But always insane when I was there and season had even started yet the season being but I want to get out a call. They go to florida for the winter. So anyway, the train Is there, states losing affluent people that low Is there a tax kay, These people are there to tax anymore, and that's going to lead to disaster.
And this is another proof of how progressive policies hurt the country, the state, the city, they don't work, they hurt people. media by so news nation, which is a cable news network, not very well? whose size but it's on- They brought ted couple on the air on january, fourteenth and kabul raised spectacle That the media was heiress simple inch. Its report ties of donald trump. now me to tell you a story about cobble after I run the clip. Do you know the research and to that from
Some would be that donald trump is different. That he has to be covered differently. the media than others, but he megan. If you start run most sanctions or its right to know where you stopped one, the distinction Can you feel that way about anybody else importance Are we going to start the newspaper to see who is jen or out in terms coverage again. There is of pink may awkward search. Like it. Ok, so free veteran journalist in the country was honest and that numbers dwindle. Knows that the press did not come were donald trump responsibly made is didn't because they hate him.
That's. Why did the tour to get the stuff? The press? Never Put it on the record k now, when I. Ro, the united states of trop, which, if you are interested in donald trump, is the most fair book written about him. Stand behind apple gander beset I sanity, who journalists just to before it was published. I sent them in advance, to look at it cause? I wanted their reaction. One was All the other was bob woodward, because I knew that both Couple and woodward despised, donald trump. So I wanted them to read the book to do a favor and read it which they did. and to give me their feedback, because I I would be very instructive, Now what word he pulled his punches with me. I can't
Just went year all and I said all right: ok. So I got to raise again. You really get kabul. basically came out and get I the book. I said why any such instruments? Filler and yours many filler believe me, it's all one, act after another about down. who he is and how we got to be present, no philip saw he called me, lad by the way I remember he he was born england sighings people's lad, but I will was very appreciative that both men took the time to read the book, and I learned something from both of their responses: silver Couple would go on and say this about the coverage of donald trump. Means it must really be bad because gobbled no fan such would like that story.
So american politics, according to a new study out of the new university nebraska, is made. people sick, ok, Forty percent in this study say that policies is a top stress or in their lives. Twenty five percent. Say they are given serious item moving out of their stay because of politics and in twenty, that's just five percent. I think about. committing suicide. They must be watching amazon be sick. I don't take this I think seriously, but I do take the absolute ferocity that the american people feel about politics, so they respondents told the universe in nebraska. They feel angry in the past just triggering compulsive behaviors. I don't know what that is. Their lives
sleep and they have fractured some relief ships and that's true law, some free and family attention. Absolutely gazette two camps right? There's the progressive cap which is tottering in the club, Do they get arm again, the worst it's gonna get over there and they consume. We have gathered, go work went out of my country, and I am. probably a good reflection of this because when I was doing the your factor on fox news, you remember. I had debates I've just like, I did add with the with the professor from university of pittsburgh. Ok and I was a respectful competence. Because he was a fact urban guy. That's what I wanted. But may I add, in Haiti, rocco bomb I actually helped amount in the brothers caper thing the vote, is misguided, but I hate them and in the
double. I know some of you might have, but I just didn't, but now now these progressives- I don't hate them, but I I am, absolutely convinced they're trying to hurt you and me hurt us. personal way, so when happens. I'm you know you're my irish up as they say. Ok in cuba and you're, not you hear much about this in the press. Remember the demonstrations against the cuban government last spring. We, The his government arrests about thirteen hundred protesters and now the the crew are being put on trial. They kept these protesters in camps, prison, camp the only real bell, So now the first sixty putting the are being put on trial, their charge,
sedition like the october six people? What is it of keepers? And they're gonna get big time. Prison sentence. some of them are as young as sixteen years old this affair. The charge is part of a country's effort by the cuban government to deter further discontent. Just such would like to know what's happening in cuba, so it's happening in Dallas. Is they lost a game to this average? go. Forty niners yesterday. and the rest In our close, but they may a botched the last play by not getting to the ball fashion of so the crowd through Stop at the raft when the restaurant the field they withdrawn garbage and debris and everything I had and so the players were in harm's way as well,
and the doubts quarterback, exact prescott city, understood it was a credit to the fans for throwing stuff. Now look I understand, emotions run I and these football games. What we don't want to be great britain, we don't want to me: haven't riots killing people fighting, because a sports, We haven't done not here eggs, with the exception of the sovereign Let's go giants, Ella dodgers games. you're totally out of control, but we're not soccer hooligans. Here They are in europe, particularly in saying we want to do that. Control your emotions on sports front, the in history fast eating story. Seventy two years ago January, seventeen nineteen fifty big robbery in Boston, massachusetts,
eleven men stole twenty nine million dollars from the brings armored car depot twenty nine million biggest heist in: u s history up to that point, they got away All Levin got away, but then things started fall apart as they do in most criminal activity, so the plan, was for all eleven not to touch the money. For six years. The stolen money until the statue of limitations, ran out. Ok,. each man was given a hundred thousand dollars to live Back in nineteen fifty, that was a lot of money, ok, however, one of them Joseph o keefe, Thought you was short changed on a hundred grand and why the fbi and turn all the others in
the fbi arrested more and Eight of them were convicted. And given life in prison, life. for stealing a money. Now a new york city there would have been out on bail, probably not prosecuted,. Two of the other two other men died and o got up ask, as he turned states evidence. Ok, but the money was never recover nay every I couldn't find out where they hid the money. Now the rumor has it in minnesota. its hidden in minnesota, somewhere. But nobody knows happened in nineteen. Fifty nine january, seventeenth, Brinks robert. I quit brag will go with our male segment and the final thought about martin luther king Jr.
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Ok, let's go to the mail, we got my kind of message board. Billiard, total lack of curiosity is concerning you call right ass, a conspiracy theory with zero facts to prove your theory. mike. Napoleon would love you in this country the burden of proof. Is on the accuser. It's on the allegation. To prove anything. The bird prove. Any conspiracy theory is on the conspirators course. You tell me ray axes in fbi. Guy show me something I don't have the deuce prove its piracy theory, ass, The way it works here, napoleonic code, which france kind of
embraces without really, then they can dorothy, serious, true and I'd have to disprove it, but now in the united states, MIKE in the game. w c beaver real name. I checked it out. Mechanics burg pennsylvania Thank you build your attempt to guide me away from the consumer, bessie industry be reminded like satan and his pals. A democratic party is far more clever than you and I and disguising motives more clever that I am w w c very But I don't do subterfuge do all add conspiracy, stuff, I the bucket or
Is this validity? If I see some facts are investigated, but then than our enemy, her Karen molina, anna Karen Molina, nice name, calexico calif on the border. I have a question today: the supreme court blocked covert vaccine mandates. However, I live here. California, am I protect yeah federal law, override state law. Marines- all oh hi, california, nice town outside of santa Barbara. what has happened to the ruling. That Biden had to abide by it, Stay in mexico planning by demonstrations as it is, but the border is poor, so open. Didn't even matter anymore, these poor in any david, Thanks bill reporting about the associated press, not reporting, covert stats before the less Election, I got so upset with all left wing, so
in articles printed, my local newspaper, under the by line of the ape leftwing organization. That's what it is. Dory trumbo north south Dakota I've been listening to you for many years, o reilly, but tonight's january thirteenth programme is one of the best your analysis of narcissism, replacing judeo christian values and thought it. Echo is astute and your summary. A bishop barons well researched well stated writings on the vacuum. Crew, it by this was excellent. So I'm I saw a doria wish more americans. We take the time to check is where a given you stop. Nobody else gives richard. hope or saint cloud minnesota. Go. I live in central minnesota and just received my combined bill gas bill. For january thirty, eight percent rise ear to ear. I feel you I got it here in new york.
Terry eyes. Annapolis marilyn bill miles when I watch programme regulate, because we trust would you say, we're premium members give her son membership for christmas. Excellent My question is: can the Democrats party do the same thing without harvesting votes, as they did in two thousand twenty there's gotta be, forms made by the state. Some of the states have done that, but there's gonna be fraud in two thousand twenty four. There will be to carry the Zuckerberg thing. Campi pump hundreds of millions of dollars into a few selective precincts dire people to go away in and get vote. You want and that's what's happening, thursday we're gonna do an investigation will have a result of our investigation on that thursday, For I know in lancaster, while in your book killing the mob he said Kennedy was put is by the mob. Could that happened today? I didn't sings, put an office west virginia and illinois. The mob cheated on kennedys behalf, but in seed from office could happen today,
nah, it's more the oligarchs, the Billion airs, pumping money and sorrows zuckerberg. Those kind of people victoria caliphate, albeit in new york bill enjoyed hearing about the twist we got married and sixty one twists, was the biggest hit. Our wedding just celebrated our sixtieth anniversary, very good victoria, happy anniversary to you. Michel smith pembroke applies florida just and to share major problem for you staff responding so quickly to my email. When I had a small issue right, most the companies, don't you guys, did quick, swift and done. My staff is excellent on all areas where we have these stand up for your country, doormats discounted. Now I got one right outside my house turns of message also you know, gifts coming up that you have to sanction premium membership,
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Ok, so it is a federal holiday and, as we said, talk to broadcast well deserved for doktor king. who believed that. All american should have the equal opportunity to pursue happiness. He did not believe on a color based society or making judgments about people upon their skin color or giving them special things. That's equity, that's Biden, equity document we've been any of that, because he knew that we create tension and hatred and would not bring the races together. That's the genius of the man I write excessively about doktor king in killing Kennedy in today, The world, both J, f k and doktor king would be cancelled. Certain things they did in their private lives now
The liberals probably wouldn't cancelling today, but it would be a huge, but both men, kennedy and king lot of good for this country, particularly doktor king, a lot of good and if you study him dispassionately as I have and you step back, a man had so much courage because he knew he knew he was going to get it. Kennedy didn't know that it would be assassinated. Doktor king knew so we honor doktor king today, as thanks for watching those been news, will seek anymore
Transcript generated on 2023-01-13.