« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Worst Week In History For Joe Biden, Lack Of Ethics Poll, and Democrats Want To Spend Billions On COVID Masks

2022-01-13 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • Bill wraps up Biden’s worst week of his presidency so far
  • New poll rates the honesty and ethical standards of different professions, including members of Congress which only get a rating of nine percent
  • 29 percent of Americans no longer describe themselves as having any religious affiliation
  • China locks down 20 million residents ahead of the Olympics, which is set to begin on February 3rd
  • Democrats want to spend $5 billion in order to send N95 masks to every American
  • Loudoun County, Virginia teen is found guilty after two separate sexual assault incidents
  • This Day in History, 1962: ‘The Twist’ reaches #1 again
  • Final Thought: Pre-order ‘Killing the Killers,’ out May 3rd

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill. O'riley here welcome to the no spin news, thursday january thirteenth, two thousand and twenty to stand up for your country, of an interesting segment tonight every you asked me what why are Are we being submitted to so many changes in our country. Socialism and cancel culture. Woken is why what's reason at all of this is coming into play. There is a religious reason why I think and I'm gonna get into that a little bit later on. But Vice president Biden schedule, as we do every day, is to meet today, this meeting was to talk about co.
surging now I think you ve been talking about this- kind of every day, and certainly not getting any answers about anything and then a second meeting at one p m. Legislation to protect the right to vote, which is a bunch of malarkey, as he would say all you gotta do. President Biden is take out insanity of the bill. You get a pass. Ok, there should be regulations. It should have the final some guidelines in conducting an election, but of here say you're not to show an idea it's over it's over. Ok! That's it! That's the end, and today a democratic sender. Cinema in arizona sit on our voting to interfere sure am. I voted for this election it's over. Just like back better is over this elect. thing is always or you can talk about it. All you want
with your compatriots in the white house, not going to happen right because it's written saint really is insane This whole thing. Ok, so this is your binds worst week in is worst first term. I keep saying first term its first year of his four year term. if he makes it so you got a one to punch of cove id out of control, record breaking inflation. It's up on Ten percent last year, all on by a hundred percent on by so in the trouble riley history shows. This was a big thing and I think I'm gonna this out this weekend of EU produce there is a who are listening to me. My production staff is all over. We do things by remote, break out
The inflation part of the history too. and we'll put it up on bill o reilly diagrams. Everybody can see it this week. It can so it's simple. Once Biden attack the fast fuel industry and put regulations and stop pipeline flow and all that energy prices went up and once that happened, all prices went up and that's inflation and then the vitamins print money, ordering the treasury to print money, to pay for all of these crazy spending and that's a double dip on inflation, so the american listen. I mean, even if you are the dimness person in the country, and I have a list of You know you suffering cause. You know you're paying more for food. You have their food to live unless your hunting right you know you re and where do you get your home eating bill? I can't
I know what I'm gonna give you gonna get smashed here northeast. I saw people I have a lot of money left over and now you lose money, because if you got a raise, it's not be ten percent. Work for me. I give good raises ok, but it is in our press. Maybe three or four percent say you down: ex reset. So, anyway, everybody noses and that's gonna, destroy The bite administration, just as it did with Jimmy carter same thing And then cove it all I want is answers to simple questions I went over before you know. Hey does my three shots protect me from alma kron, patently not wilson. then say it. I mean I got all kinds of Friends and acquaintances downward call widower backs fairly. That doesn't stop.
To say so. Why the combination of one to punch of enforced, in coal with his staff, maria. its biden in an untenable position. Polls show at the latest poles quantity act, not a trustworthy pole As ever been accurately pass scab Joe Biden job overriding thirty, three percent. Thirty, three percent- I mean that's, you can you can put Lebron James and now in the white house, your thirty three percent job I mean it's insane. Fifty three percent disapprove according to quinnipiac and thirteen percent wouldn't answer That is why we as a group they liked. By knows why anyone allied another,
usually pause from Rasmussen. Ok, and it's as if the elections were held today between by tromp who'd went trump. Forty, six, mindful As we reported yesterday as pre extraordinary. Now a monday is my contention by the way that Joe Biden has had the worst first year in the oval office than any president, as ever had in our entire history. That's my belief. as a historic, so I'm yet another historian and idle with a guy or gown was going to say yet we haven't booked. we, we have some people in mind. We don't know what they're going to say it, but that'll be our big interview on Monday. Alright,
So now, let's get into wise, is happening to the united states of america, the greatest country on earth. Why why it's all of these matters? happening now. I know some of you who don't like donald trump, which I he was madness to, but remember- and this is why did the history to his policies, benefited americans and there's? No doubt about that he lost because a covert and him his personality, but its policies with no inflation. A year ago today there was no inflation in america, none
Mary redeemed fifty thousand dollar cash pry playing chess, look as seen in the higher playing for fighting, so winning both was a dream. Come true jumbo casinos, america's, never one social casino experience. It serious fought with over eighty casino style games dejesus for you, two could win the life. Changing amounts of capping, lightner log onto jumble casino dotcom and give them a whirl. That's chump, a casino dotcom, no bridge is necessarily vote, will bring him into by law. Eating plus terms and conditions apply, see website for detailed the voice and the preceding commercial was not the actual voice of a winner. Ok,. so gallop again has opposed on honesty and ethics, and I found it forty interesting. So they list various, occupations in people whether you, the man, and citizen trust them soulless put the first group up on the screen. Car salespeople, you have only an apron
and very high or high trust level. I, like all my car salespeople, are good I do being over in great neck, no good to me, clergy Higher very I'd, trustworthy and ethics. Thirty, six percent: that's a disaster for the clergy. Members of congress. Nine percent talk about a disaster. I mean America's loathe congress, lawyers, nineteen percent and that's because of the ambulance, chasers europe. Fine lorries in america. They do a lot of good for people, but the illustrations are all over radio and tv and that's true: when that number down medical, actors. Sixty seven percent see that's why people to want Socialized medicine, where the government tells you doctor, you can have rights right, they liked there and nurses, eighty one percent, so there you go on
The next group is police officers. Fifty three percent- that's pretty low. I police supporter judges. Thirty eight percent judges are pretty dubious. These then we have the newspaper reporters ridiculous. Seventeen tv, parties, forty, nobody trusts them what he's thanks? I have any ethics at all and look in my world. I know so. Many journalists have forty six years. I'd say it's. Fifty fifty in my world I mean fifty percent of them are trustworthy in fifty percent or not, but the public's not buying
so even interesting right that our trust in these occupations of decline so drastically. I mean nine percent in congress, so wise its habit. Most because america has veered away from what it used to be, and here have the religion aspects or stay with me here, even if you're an atheist and an on all stay with me. You'll find this interesting, I'm sure. So when the country was found, all the founding fathers were released, to some extent I to some extent some of them were ds, dears believe in nature innocent out, but they they all had thought about it because religion was why the pilgrims came here. Why this country is established. It was a thief we see in the beginning in Massachusetts back right there preachers ruled, which was not a good thing and
You know a lot of abuses happen. But as the constitution was forged in the war for freedom was fought. Fought in the name of god. Ok, so we have god, given rights, that's in the cars fusion and the declaration of independence. God gave us the right to freedom. everybody bought it. And the way that god was interpreted in a always the ten commandments given to moses through scripture, and how do I know that? Well, if you go to the supreme court, the top law by de in the land right on the walls, the sculpture, the ten commandments, not thereby acts. We were a judeo christian country established in that tradition,. With freedom of religion that you could. Worship any way you want it and.
Everybody worshipped somehow ok? So let me prove that, in nineteen. Seventy two nineteen, seventy to five percent of american. Said we don't believe in god. five percent in nineteen seventy two, fifty years ago, five percent But the number is now twenty nine percent, almost a third of the united states of america guide, is not a factor for them at all. Now, in many different is agnostics. There's atheists I know all of that, but a third of the population. We don't want god, okay, we're not interested in that judeo. Christian tradition not interested in it That's why I'm socialism communism on arise? Can
so culture we we went over the pope statement on cancer culture yesterday, its hideous, its heinous ok because it's devoid of any charity, any redemption cancel culture. As the pole pointed out is harmful. He didn't say it was a sin, but it is ok, so there's a theologian in LOS angeles, bishop Robert baron he's a cop but he's way beyond on two a system in a sense that he is a thinker and he applies religious beliefs, not just catholic, believes to how the country, being run right now, he's got a very, very interesting article, its long about the decline of religion and how it is changed. Everything in america sullen boil down to you and
and bishop. If you're watching I'm gettin is wrong loved on a programme. Ok, he says that. People who don't believe in god often all but often. themselves in the center of the universe. So there's no your power, is no greater good. It's you. That's all. And whatever is good for you. You'll do sometimes what's good, for you is for everybody else, gay and Oh you know when home own life that this exists and those people Where the world revolves around them, I am and ties my mother said the world doesn't revolver, aren't you yeah now in america in western europe. That's narcissism system right. So it's all about me.
Don't you dare try to tell me it is. That's growing, I think, that's a fast growing neurosis in a whirl narcissist kay. And the children now devoid of any kind of parent, spirituality or religion in public schools have wiped out completely secular. Ok, you there's no god at all. There is nothing You mention it. You get in trouble. You get cancel if your teacher and easy way out I want to think about god, not up or no public school so the kids, a lot of them are raise with no special foundation I don't know about that. Ass bulls. I don't know either by different religions. I don't want anything and they don't pray. Think about it. you know it's all evolution and yet I'll look, if you study the human body, there's no way that we physically could come out of sums.
Walk or some meteor hits. His is not. And that's why you know so many medical people and scientists they their religious is good nap. It. I so sophisticated. Anyway, baron says because Of this rise in narcissism in a rise in america and citizens, think everything's about me. That's the one. They evolve. so you're gonna give me staff even You gonna wreck. The whole system I'll take it. If you're gonna, oh, let me run Y all like a new york and not prime secure me when I stick up a bodega, I'm gonna do it. because I need money, look The height of narcissism is addiction.
Because when an adult becomes addicted that hurts All the people around that adult right, seventy percent and of all child abuse and neglect is caused by addicted people drugs a seventy percent. Because it's? U I want that drug. I want that booze Oh care hu, I her. I'm gonna get high. That's what barents talking This rise of nothing else matters would me make Easier, for me to do bad thing. is all accountability. Nah roman catholicism in his country for two hundred years, People eliza and you you all now that's all I got.
eight years it say, brigitte school, on long island. Was damp by third grade, the nun said I spain is now This is no way. No, have waiver, you o reilly. Ok, and what, but I never really bought that. Ok when I was a young urchin. There are kids terrified it in my class hell. If I Break my eraser sir, that kind of stuff, but do that was a restrained For many many centuries for people not to do bad things, that's gonna score. If people, my judgement day think does anything after they die So why not do everything now and if you look at it red villains in history. Stalins, the mouse they hitler, people believe in anything, there are rank atheists.
To do what I want I'll kill. Anybody I want is not going to happen to me after I die. You say so bad basically, is apply and is a degree I mean there are a nice narcissists and then there are horrible, narses, there's a degree and again employed to your own life. You know people like this, about them everything's about them. But when you a country heading in that direction. Then the greater good starts to dissolve right and that's what we're seeing That's what this lunacy is all about. You don't put criminals in jail. You let people low across the border, unimpeded you don't care about how their schools or run you don't care about anything. You're, the greater good disappears self. Barons rowing guy- and I read them as much as I can, but that's what's goin on
now you see this in a lot of stupid ways to not serious ways like not enforcing the criminal code. so one alone, damas things. I've seen in months. Comes out of the universe, a california irvine all which is sound Of los angeles, big school have issued. loose of language guide to their students now If I were there, I'd set this on fire. You can't because it's on the internet, they don't printed, but but it's a guy for with students can say on campus As you see irvine, I guy just a minute if our students I would I would run around saint screw mean all of these words, Example, number one you cannot say: you're, not punish, they just tell you don't say it he or she got. guys or gaps got
Man or mankind, so martin luther king can't give a speech and the astronaut one small. For man now, no mankind, that's gone. Ok MR school, you can't say, I father in new cancer. So our grand you're out right hand, man no no way, man, hours, manpower, can't say it house, Keeping task- I love this, you have to say, upkeep and the best of all We cannot use the cliche at you see irvine in southern california. You cannot use, kill two birds with one stone.
Now you should never use cliches anyway, stead of saying, kill two birds with one stone they want you to say, feed to birds, feed two birds with one stone. I mean come on. Who comes up with this, I might even say fee two birds with one stone in saying Go to china, china's insane, but its violently and saying so Lock and down now, because of it When he million chinese citizens can I leave the house according to the associated press, unless they need food than I have. At an exemption. Now the army enforces this Ok, twenty million in the house, no jogging.
I dunno how you walk the dog I dunno. Even if there are any dogs in china, they are they're communist. where'd, you generally voucher, lockdown. Ok, Now the reason is the olympics and they don't want copied surging olympic our february fort. in addition to you, leave the house. If you get covered in certain play, china. There pudding you in quarantine camps right warranted acts is according to the new york times forty five, and people were moved into quarantine camps in sheer province. your times on our trust them, and I don't read them, that's what they say in china also, cancelling flights to other countries. so since the pandemic right international flights have been cut back,
Ninety eight percent at trying to europe and if you don't like it, here. We can debate mandate you can sue you can the fire- I dare you defy there. There's a little bunk with your name on it in those camps in quebec, canada. There fine you, if you don't get vaccinated, no getting Announced on Tuesday this week, you're on vaccinated. As wa logo says: hey you're, gonna pay, money. all so so he decided all all francois how much you're gonna pay, but it's gonna be significant. This canada not the whole country combat very, very liberal, place. I'd countries that have fines for the
vaccinated, greece, Austria, italy and singapore. Singapore's money, but if you get covered in singapore in your own vaccinated, you have to pay for all the medical treatment, because it is one pair over in the fascist state of singapore, ok Bernie Sanders the communist senator, he says he's it'd, be really communist sober wants to send every american home one hundred and twenty million masks three of them It's called the masks for all act. And burning behind this closer we five billion, probably caused twenty twenty five billion. This will never pass pass, but does it shows you Bernie. I twenty five. Invite everybody gets mass, not burning. I'm talking to you now, dude
If the people who are gonna give vaccine I don't believe in the coal with whatever they're not gonna, use the mass Bernie, not gonna, put him on. but why you senator right, but people get their own mass government doesn't need to send anybody any mass. Ok, this is really an interesting story: covin related societe press, very liberal and very powerful the says you press, because all over the world. Your local newspaper, wherever you want small town, america, if you have a newspaper, they take the associated press So they have announced to there poor ease it no longer are they going to emphasise? Their word, cove is case, counts So you're not gonna, see this many the cases on the associated press. Why not
well. They say because they can't get accurate numbers, but that's the reason because the cove it counts are hurting Joe by that's why the associated press is not going to report that now, if you want the colored count, the best place to get it. Today these drudge everyday dry, chaz covert chow, that comes out of the yours government this year, twenty two compared to last year. Twenty I look at every day and has deaths too So you don't need the associated press, but isn't this interesting powerful new service in the world. It's is hurting Biden, we're not going to do it, they'll, never admit it. But of course that's the reason So remember this guy got smith. in loud and county virginia, his daughter was raped in school. principal denied, it happened, he got violent
he was arrested in charge, he play guilty and his sentence was suspended. Mr Smith, ok now a judge has sentenced the student who raped stone, judge PAMELA Brooks right. She sentence in the teenager, still no name because the minor to register as sex offender for life soup eyes probation until these eighteen and here, You go to a residential treatment facilities means he has to go to a place. can't live at home for while no jail time. Can you can decide whether to fair sentence or not guided twice kid? Did it twice to girls now- that loud and county situation that crime lead
two republicans taking power in virginia. That's why I'm a call of lost The governor is republican. Lieutenant covers republican tourney generals in virginia, which was trending blue louder, counting Alright, let's get updated now you're going to see that update anywhere. I bet you if you see that update someplace, you tell me what the news agency was. I don't think you're going to see. I see an end which is now in the state of collapse. their ratings year to year january, to january ninety percent decline. Ninety percent in the demographic. What is thy mean that's what advertisers by from so its twenty five to fifty or eighteen of forty nine? That kind of thing I think this is it.
Tina forty nine ninety percent decline total audience on assign offered cnn down eighty percent, so it's over Like the new york giants- football team- okay, it's over, then I have to start again. And good corrupt aid everybody knows is corrupt, so people and it's boring. It's boring and corrupt enough. Ninety percent in the demographics. Emma's is down seventy percent. So that's in a free fall too, when you think is big companies. Comcast out of philadelphia runs MSNBC and NBC news came which is a legacy network. They run it under comcast Now, the other day there
was a guest on MSNBC on the joy re programme, which I never watch. Why do I want to write you're, a woman who hates wiping I wouldn't watch anybody on television who hates any race never will. I would never watching anyway, joy reid brings on a woman, ellie miss style. Alright, I dunno she is. I don't care if she is. She comes on with this preposterous state That americans, who live in the south, want to leave the country secede and bring blacks with them. so, I guess I can and that, while the tec. when these, what people in these days are talking about, leaving their talk about, leaving and taken their black people with them just
before I know that's gonna hurt to understand this is pbs by making this analogy or comparison between what they're doing now and what their ancestors did when they own people, but it's the same thought process that these states these policy, these polities exist as it were. These policies exist for the benefits. well, the white cis hetero males in charge, so I'd like to interview NBC news, executive and say. This is insane out: what are you putting crazy people on air now people who think that white southern I want to leave the union and take blacks with them. This is met literal a man and a guy believes apparently in his joy regos. But you like to see an interview. Maybe sixty minutes could do it CBS and see if you, if you had a white guy talk in that way
bout black people, this away on earth, but this is ok within bc news, and it is lighten up some of your boom. Are you remember the twist aright everybody was twisting from nineteen sixteen two nineteen, sixty two in fact chubby Checker, who still alive losing miami Annie, made a fortune as the twist gag chubby did not only the job. You have a number one hit in nineteen sixty chubby recycled the record the twist and nineteen sixty two and I went in number one again rotate
the. So europe over you remember that three years. Wasting bad was. Let's talk, again like we did last summer there was the slow twist there. Well, you know is unbelievable. Hey. You know you younger people, weren't, there didn't see it. Staggering are right now, the twist, led to the Hullo hoop so
in nineteen sixty three, a guy named arthur melon, I, hadn t the wool over and twice Five million people bought all lobes. that the buyer will loop. I never hulu live with it, but it was in my garage, I think, my sister hula, there's or that I you know even then, at aged twelve odin now, but there was so the west we'll do the hulu just some american culture that you know, people forget We got a variant. doktor male segment and a final thought that I You'll enjoy we'll be back in a moment.
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Let's get to the male mike Overhours wells, ville, Missouri, president Biden, I believe, will be best remembered for being the do. Nothing, president. What say you O'Reilly too early to tell mike this first year, the worst ever and again, we'll have the debate on that. On monday,. Larry milhouse. I think Davis burg, michigan. Bill. I dont understand if Donald trump is intelligent person which I believe he is why he doesn't understand that loss. The two thousand election too weak opponent because of his get a personality and not his policy. Everybody is blind spots. I think Donald trump every meant that I do about his sooner in the united states have dropped. So if you read that book you'll understand him better. Arthur for many guilford new hampshire
really do you know of any countries in the world, except the usa, that allow non citizens to vote no doesn't allow it. New york city and some counties in maryland, but I search, your question arthur no. There are no countries in the world that allow non citizens to vote that we can find, though there you go. Neil Harrison Arlington taxes. Will you keep mentioning the ten thousand national guard, as if that a donald trump of any responsibility for what happened day october six. If like things you get out of the control, didn't have a duty to dial down a rhetoric. Fair point, fair point. and all the people decide whether he had that responsibility or not. Five, Ever said that donald trump handle that in a perfect what because he didn't is too slow
And maybe he should a dial down, but just so we understand. He was convinced that he could delay the certification of Joe Biden if he got enough people on board. He believed it. and that's why you did what he did TIM cause you, member billy. The f b. I wouldn't do anything to hurt the reputation where were you the twenty two months of troms presidency? Remember russian collusion hate him come up. If you gonna confront me, be accurate. I quite clearly said that, with all all of the madness directed at the fbi over the russian collusion corruption, the asian He would be insane to do something else like that comma raymond
message boy. I had respect for brok obama, even when he advocated nonsense and people elected him, and that was that Joe Biden, however, is something entirely different and extreme in the worst, why nobody says you have to respect Joe by you have to respect the office of the presidency. James Khaled EL paso, texas, Oh someone close to me, who is alone, he thinks george, w bush, play on nine eleven. Ok. What are you gonna do If you like, the person talk sports. talk, movies, talk food, but don't talk politics, it's going nowhere. Use in taxes will you about a deal with moons reminded me my grandmother used to say
There's never good reason to argue within eddie That I have argued a lot eighty, it's in my life, but I get paid for it. So this exemption. Marc, martel, Marana arizona, I'm alive premium member wanted. Let you know how idea with lose, pretty much like you are really depends on who the individual is. Mostly, do not engage with them if they are family, I have some in laws: little dubious on some occasions, and I don't even bought. I feel I can reason with a person then I'll discuss that's a key Is reasonable but if they're all over that and foaming at the mouth, and all of that you know or if they have an agenda, They want to make you look bad because you have a good sir. If the viewport are you like donald trump or whatever, a lot of people like that they want to make you miserable.
Sandra dunleavy jackson, wyoming one of my favorite towns, So, theoretically, Putin can fly to new york involve boots. have to fly to new york registered a vote then come back You know new york is allowing non citizens to register, devote limbo. That's insane! That's what you're doing Ok, if you got store, and you pick up a premium or concierge membership or upgrade concierge. If you premium, membership in a free book, any the kelly books, any my other books, I'd greater still on the planet and our books. We still have a big sail on big discounts so view nor finnish teenagers. They want to know about about history. We get a wide array of kids books. What are the data cannot be a pole, true when writing to spiller go o reilly dotcom bill bill.
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-13.