« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Will Democrats Seriously Attempt To Impeach President Trump? The Affect This Ukraine Situation Could Have On Joe Biden


- Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire has testified – here’s what you should take away from that testimony and this entire situation.

- What are the political ramifications of Joe Biden's involvement with Ukraine?  

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
under the nose been news thursday september twenty sixty thousand nineteen or your freedom so i was a little bit of this sir joseph maguire testimony today in front of the house committee chaired by ship i couldn't why such a thing it's done with this we have really good analysis i think yesterday i'll answer a lot of your questions in mail today but it's just ridiculous mean phony outrage ah this is so of all
no i mean it present tromp made a mistake by asking a foreign leader to look into a possible political opponent should adopt it was worth it i understand why he did it it is done all the time i'm not justifying their behaviour by pointing to other bad behavior but seriously you know when the dmz and they couldn't campaign pay for a dossier put together by russian nationals and you don't hear a word about that now you don't hear anything about it and nancy policy is out there indignant and have to impeach and i'm certain goin excuse me madam speaker but the democratic national committee paid money they found its way too far in people russian
who put together a phoney document that was smearing defaming donald trump does you miss that story madam speaker so spare me the outrage now on the whistle blower deal i know who the whistleblower is but i know he doesn't like donald trump it's all over the place on his testimony with mcguire and you know mcguire is his overall in charge of national intelligence okay so he gets a lot of stuff from a lotta people and mcguire basically said look this whistleblower complaint was not urgent and i didn't feel the need to bring into congress
while legal to the washington post or do any of that because there was an urgent now the with whistleblower alleges that in his opinion and i know it's a mere alright that donald trump was quote using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign government in the two thousand and twenty us election okay that's his opinion trot was trying to get dirt on by no doubt about that no doubt about right you can have that opinion there was war also said they he believed the presence action risk undermining u s national security that's absurd its use absurd sir it's like anybody you files a complaint against anyone right it is loaded up with all kinds of stuff most of it's not true in any complain civilly or criminally most of the stuff's never proven to be true it's exactly what happened here
guiding light wrong guy heard about some conversations he didn't hear him himself explored in heroes conversation now we know what they were okay so i am i'm in the minority here i think the story is going to die i don't think there's going to be any impeachment vote but i could be very wrong you know putting sanders on date because i have to use it but to me it's not close to being an impeachable situation not close now you can get your democrats in the house to say it is for political reasons but the american people are going to you know what if you know anything about andrew johnson who was drunk most of the time while he was president and what he was doing in the south that was an impeachable situation bill clinton
we had to do it i voted in the end on television not to remove them from office but you had to do it was miss behaving in a white house and not telling the truth but didn't write to removing him it was close for me but this this nicholas you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly dot coms no spin news broadcasts where you can please see me we'll be right back after this message piece of vine and staying on budget feels pretty good right now does not but if there one thing you can expect this year it is the unexpected that's why american home shield exists american home shield members get more more coverage options fewer exclusions as a member you know your budget utah
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all i know why you got anything inanity in he's gone far far left but i've always had a decent relationship with him he's not call their why do not like at all as a human being i mean camels and affable guy but he's not gonna go against the hollywood wins so i said this too dennis prager on a radio to him no radio promoting the united states trap i should look the problem that the media has is that you cannot do set so of your jimmy kimmel work ever disney you in a monologue and tell your audience you know i don't think this ukraine things i bet you can't because then the time
of the disney corporation lover wellmere when you'll be a suspect and your party invitations will dry up and that's what is happening in washington dc him in beverly hills of you are a media person you cannot support donald trump cat or your career will be in jeopardy so biden goes into friendly territorial kimmel programme in talks about this whole controversy rolling idea that someone would call a head on foreign state ahead of time with whole significant military badly needed in order to prevent the russian separatist or in in ukraine from taking over ukraine and and then ask basically to can cooperate with the rudy giuliani is coming over and and and
the thing i learned we learn we all learn recently as last statement that there the two as words sabre released was that dumb talked about in the justice department engaged i mean it is such a blatant abuse of power that it's just i don't think you can stand if your jimmy camel or bill o reilly or mickey mouse you follow it is all right mr vice president you fields and abuse of power for the president to have made that call to the president of ukraine but you went over yourself to ukraine and you threatened to withhold one billion dollars in american loan guarantee is unless the uk
indian government fired a prosecutor who is looking into a company that was paying your son did you not of course biden did he admitted it on tape we pledged at it so then biden would have to say oh yeah and maybe there isn't a sculpture tory thing that he can point to but i doubt it and then if you're jimmy can reilly or anybody you say is that an abuse of power a sitting vice president those over to a foreign country and says you and i a billion dollars unless you fire that prosecutor intervene pouring in their politics that's ten times worse than what donald prompted but of all jimmy's not going to do that then
times it's not gonna do that nobody's gonna do it and that's the corruption that we're seeing here you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly dotcom no spin news broadcasts where you can actually see me we'll be right that after this message are you gonna do it is true twenty three the year you're going to actually make the investment in new window for your home ask around window world replacement windows is the name you're gonna hear time and again and they offer a full lineup of hurricane pack rated windows and doors call for in home estimate eight five zero eight zero seven seventy nine nineteen or go online new world panama city dot com ok go to the male charlotte on a message board local radio on this afternoon
they had a few minutes of cbs news the cast referred to the document about the president's phone conversation is a summary not a transcript and somebody else called it a memo can you comment it's a transcript taken by four intel people in real time what is dan mcdonald walnut creek california what he said to critics that say to you how can you be objective regarding donald trump when you've known him for thirty five years i'd say anything to him that the united states trump speaks for itself i know normal a long time i think the book i know the book is absolutely fair absolutely true so if somebody's going to criticize me for no one trump that's just don't see soon
Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.