« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Why America Needed A Biden Presidency, New Letter Proves Dr. Fauci Lied, and Tetherball Champion Corgis

2021-10-25 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • Joe Biden stops off in New Jersey today in hopes of helping Gov. Murphy who is up for re-election 
  • Bill explains why the disastrous Biden administration had to happen to America 
  • Households in the U.S. can expect their heating bills to jump nearly 54% this winter 
  • A bombshell letter reveals that Dr. Fauci lied to Congress about the NIH funding virus research in Wuhan 
  • Baseball Hypocrisy – MLB boycotted the state of Georgia due to its new voting laws over the summer but now that the World Series is scheduled for later this week, no one has said a word! 
  • A video of corgis playing tetherball is sure to brighten up your Monday!
  • This Day In History, 1964: The Rolling Stones first appearance on ‘The Ed Sullivan Show’
  • Final Thought: Why leftists love wearing a COVID mask

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill. O'riley here welcome to the no spin news, Monday october, twenty fifth, two thousand twenty one stand up for your country. By rather unusual analysis about Joe Biden, america tonight, and look for given to you, and then I will be voting here, which are reaction, is to me because, guarantee you never heard this kind of analysis anytime anywhere before. below hit the message of the day, and I hope we all check in every morning with bill o calm, the message of the days there posted fairly early and that kind of such the tone for Okay, so president Biden went to new jersey today, because governor film murphy's have in our time
and its six point difference now down from double digit murphy very liberal guy, cut arrogant. You know if you don't like died tax in new jersey and all regulations go somewhere else. Well, we don't want to go anywhere else, but we don't like the high taxes, so we're going to get rid of you now I don't think murphy will lose unlike mcauliffe in Virginia, I think is going to lose in virginia. I don't think murphy is going to lose in new jersey. The deck is really stacked in his favour. All the urban centres in new jersey, like newark, are wrong really really pro democratic. This point: why No they're all devastated, but they are and the world people in new jersey, although republican but they're, not enough, however Obama went to new jersey problem fill in President Biden is there as well and it really do anything prison by each
bag battery, idler babylon by load bubble and by themselves do bad pull numbers. I don't even know You know, I guess it's a rally: the Democrats demo, still like buying according the poles, but the independence of god. Why gap there? And I so I guess that's what it is to stimulate a democratic vote in virginia and in new jersey. So let's get to the facts. Is a Gallop situation. Gallop says that MR binds popularity personal. and job approval is plummeting faster than any other president. Since world war, two harry truman would be second to man, a lot of trouble hagen over for empty when Roosevelt died, oh from July to october.
Job, I drop twelve points in favour, ability at colossal drop starting Afghanistan, border economy, all of that and is going to continue negative, Julie turn around and will prove that tonight, so even carter whose It fell by nine points in the same period of time, pulled better than Joe Biden and carter was an absolute disaster for the entire country for four years and now. Don't trump had a lower, approval rating is first nine months in office, but he wasn't falling. That's that's the gallup poll he's falling by. Five thirty eight to political outfit. They say that Biden is a new law
well in the average of approval pulse, I the numbers, don't really matter I'll give you rasmussen, because you do that every day, forty three percent of likely? U s! Voters approve fifty six disapprove. That kind of just fluctuates from forty one to forty three from fifty six to fifty eight, but I mark my words by thanksgiving Biden's going to be in the thirty's approval you write it write down. O'reilly said on october: what is it twenty fifth by thanksgiving binds down authority will be ok. Now here is my controversial analysis, Joe by had to happen had to happen. He had to defeat donald trump. Why? Because this country, I believe her as a destiny. Now I believe that its spiritual based, I believe, the one
nation. Under god thing I believe our rights are handed down from a supreme being a rights of freedom. I believe you have to believe that I mean you're, an american believe whatever you want. But if you understand history as I do and remember, I am the best selling history author in history. Nobody writing. History has sold more books than I have so just remember that not bragging just reporting credibility goes to credibility So is country been three times before where the nation was at the cliff bountiful.
Was civil war number one hatred with unbelievable and violence, and you saw what happened in that four year: war about a million people, dead civilians and military and ten million at were impacted physically and mentally. Ammo is just unbelievable currents.
Then the great depression, all rights over from the civil war, the great depression we kind of meandered along here in this country, the great depression. What led up to that was irresponsible, living, irresponsible spending, investing drinking. All of that, the roaring twenties, totally irresponsible K. Whole country went to hell why maybe it was relief after world war, one after the pandemic and nineteen eighteen. I dunno why I'm not a sociologist, but the roaring twenties led to the great depression and then massive poverty descended on the country. Kate. The pain was incredible. Those of your baby boomers. You know what your parents went through. I know what my parents,
true and they never got over it. The great depression never got over it. That's how bad it was. and where no safety nets was like in our food you stand on a lie. I will give you some bread imagine happening in america today may be an insurrection of physical insurrection and a third time as vietnam, when I was in college and I wore toy the can report and lead to an amazing amount of change in the usa, some of it good some of it that a lot of it reza resonates today. So we have those three cataclysmic events that just ripped the country up. They were the worst now in this age, the warrant
a united, the country in two thousand and one, and we all saw that the jihadists, the muslim fanatics would kill us if they could brought us together and we fought it and ass. My next book killing the killers, the secret war errors and be out next year. Ok, what then, along the way, the social fabric begin to frame in this country and a permissive wave started to change the way we thought about own country, america and that wave grew because the media, for the first time in history became corrupt Money over road, honest report, tosh
Arrogance were denied the truth by these colossal corporations disney comcast, all of these and the social media, facebook, Google, all of those the combination wiped out a lot of traditional american thought and led to the rise of the socialists, led by Bernie, sent and what I call the progressive permissive led by hollywood and the corporate meeting. Well everything's. You wanna be a drug. You go ahead, will pay you all day long to take drugs. You wanna committed
why we will put you in jail? No we're not going to do that. I mean there's an insurrection san francisco right now where prosecutors are quitting because it is strict attorney, won't put anybody in jail who charge anybody and he's the son of radicals in the sixties. This guy in San francisco. so I say so resonates today. So anyway, this socialism, America's bad cap, wising on race hatred to change everything. This came fast and it came fast in the trump administration, but trump didn't have anything to do with it. He just got hit in the face with it trump governed, the traditional way he wasn't trying to change society or anything like that? He was trying to forge deals that would benefit working. Americans out was his over arch.
Bill is today, but that way, but permissiveness from the progressives was enable by the press- and you see it- you know at new york times wash imposed early times all the networks, that's what they Then they latch onto the race to hammer home america's a terrible country. It always has been its founded. Supremacy, gonna blow at all honour, and that brings us to On monday, the twenty fifth of october. So that wave is starting to recede because of incompetence of Joe by
So people who were not actively fighting the wave now are starting to say: maybe we don't like this critical raise theory: ok, socialist policies, sky high spending in taxation. This is in helping. These are the people in the middle, the independence. They are taking a look at it and then not like and what they see cause is hurting them. Thirty, all of us, but people respond to politicians when they get hurt. And Biden is hurting everyone and there's no two sides to that story. You can put on a tv and listen to that bladder if you want, but no sane person thinks Joe Biden's doing a good job. No one zero. I mean they hated trump, but trump had a cadre of seventy million people who
it was performing well Biden. Have any of that. Ok, so that's why I say that I did states needed Biden to be elected to take office so that they will be a great awakening to what the threat from the far left is and the corruption of the corporate media, which is, I can't even tell you, I know these people. What they are doing is insidious and I'm going to prove it. Okay. So, let's start with
latest disaster, and that is the town hall that featured president Biden on cnn last thursday. So I wrote a column it's on bill, o reilly, dotcom again it. My colleagues are posted sunday at noon. Everybody can read them. The com is entitled protecting jobs. I hope you read it all right, because it's a walk through of how that all went down on thursday. So it was a disaster by every measure. Biden, look befuddled! He couldn't answer any questions. Only one point: three million americans. What can you imagine There are a hundred and twenty one million homes in the united states that have tv a hundred and, what one million homes. and only one point: three million
people watched by after a massive amount of marketing by sea in it that's less than one percent of people who could have watched him tuned it I've never seen anything like it. Now that low. tell you what americans think about their commander in chief right now, so why? What happened? What what there's two examples that I want to give you cause you ve heard this I mean the stories now monday outwit sturgeon, but there are two I went on in short and then I'll play you a media thing. The first one is anderson cooper. Now cooper was in the tank, which means that cooper that he had to get by not any tough spot that the people in the town hall, all liberal, ok and whose questions why
were submitted in advance. So by knew what was coming, but in case Biden, folding, coopers job is to get him out of this situation. now cooper knows where he is. He knows his credibility is shot but he's making about ten million dollars. He made his decision. He had to ask about the southern border, but that did not come until forty five minutes in Relative. Do you have plans to visit the southern border? I've been there before I haven't. I, well, I guess I should go down, but the above all. Oh point of it is I haven't, had a whole lot of time to get down. I've been in time. No one, really look at nine hundred billion dollars worth of damage. done by by hurricanes and floods in, and why
current and travel around the world? That's just bull as our true, We give a schedule every day on most days. Mr bind does nothing. If anything on schedule- and he goes I hope, with delaware almost every weekend with a lot of time on the beach at his house. He didn't have time. down at the border on a date. Europe as azure would say it's your job border is nicholas so when people here that even the dumbest people in america may go then have pie. Second, thomas jefferson, bullet at new york city is removing a statue of thomas jefferson from its legislative chamber because of jefferson's
the streets, a slave slave holder. I do support that decision. Well, I think that's up to the locality to decide what they want to do on that look and there's there's a there's a lot of people, have no social, redeeming value historically, those others who have made serious mistakes in day and in terms of What what what exists now in terms of what we should be talking about, but have done awful lot as his gibberish. It's just gibberish woody. Set what he meant to say was there are people who made mistakes in the past, Thomas jefferson, being one of them I, but who have done so much for the country that you don't banish him because he held slaves. That's what Biden was trying to say
But he couldn't say it because that would go against the progressive orthodoxy. So what he did say made no sense at all was gibberish, as was about seventy percent of what he said and the entire ninety minute, town, all gibberish. Ok, so after Biden, tremendous failure in that programme, and you go to the corporate media. Nepal, the gala is a fanatical democratic. Why Anybody would ever have him on television. Keep in mind this when I was on the factor for more in twenty years. I.
Ever used ideologues. They never appeared on my programme. The only one that came close was one williams and I would put on one, but every time we put him on, I will discuss this situation with him through my producers and basically message was want. If you read the talking points that are sent to you by the Democrats, you will never come on this programme again. Use one gets talking puts every day now, if you watch war and he just spits them out at so. What good is that and on the right? They do the same thing. Alright, so here's media reaction to buy go yeah. I think he showed he was he was commanding and yet comfortable. This is not a presidency in crisis. This didn't look like a guy whose poll numbers have dropped which they have, and he was there's this right wing myth that oh he's just kind of out of it and he's not really running things.
Shattered tonight. It was just pathetic, and what do we have? We had anderson cooper not acting as a report, or a moderator. He was the life. Hard throwing a life ring each time that job I'm starting to ramp off I mean it was pathetic, ok, Joe again When you have that kind of an exposition on television, few people watched, as I pointed out, however Clips go all over the internet, all of its social media. That's what happens now so a wide Saturday night live? Ok, I'm back at us. up one in the morning and sit through a million commercials to watch that programme, but I'll watch the cliff,
the next step- because some of them are witty and good- a watch on watch shop. So that's what happened to the town hall. The cliffs went out and people saw Joe Biden, making no sense whatsoever all right. So then equestrian, comes what's wrong with him. What is wrong with the president is in cognitive decline. I put together this montage for you go. No here's the deal but look, here's here's the deal guys but here's the deal. Here's the deal because you know have look, here's the deal the deal, there's a deal, but here's the deal Then here's the deal I mean really, you know. I could have gone on another thirty seconds so of yours,
in the same words over and over and over and over and over, don't you know that, don't you know it, he doesn't know it improve anything that I saw more pain on the way. As I said, I am predicting them his poem is drop into the thirties? Not pay will come in a variety of forms of first is energy costs so right down the average price for a gallon gas. Regular is a thirteenth sense. Thirteen sense in the past two weeks. right now this is not a summer. Driving season is up. And nobody really knows: walk three hours: forty four cents, a gallon average in the country k. That's one dollar, twenty two cents, now and higher than it was a year ago in tromp was in office a dollar twenty two. It's gone up. Almost all of it under by now.
in california and you guys deserve what you get. I'm sorry I love you, you know are you in California, I love california. Some was beautiful state in the union. I think unbelievable land of opportunity, or at least it used to be. Four dollars sixty five cents, a gallon average california. Why? Because they tax the hell out of everything you do every move. You make an you know: what's gonna come in california, soon, odometer tat? So you'll have to sin: how many miles you drive to sacramento and you will get attacked if you drive over a certain amount of miles gm and you wouldn't say heating bills, and this is according to the? U s: energy information administration They work under Biden, heating bills, you're gonna be up fifty four percent. This winter.
So you guys living a y. All me, an idle in montana code, is on an odd, rather mid west minnesota michigan. You look at your bill last february and you add fifty four percent to kay so you medicines, who loved barton, you love now much. You really love on that. Much so that's coming right, and then we have the supply lines. Shortages. which are not going to be healed anytime soon, because pete buddha, judge, secretary of transportation doesn't know what the deuce he's doing. He's only there because of his lifestyle, No reason is there when you re about transportation, okay, so Then you go to the border. and we all know that two mill
in foreign nationals encountered. U s! Authorities last fiscal year too, Another million they just got Nobody knows where they are, but the border patrol couldn't stop. That's three million an open border. Everybody knows it's an open border so between free and thousand more Migrants have gotten through the town of tap a on the southern border in mexico, gay you're on the march to mexico city, they dig up three or four thousand, agreements on the wet. Why are they going to mexico city because they have to get an asylum car in order to go the rest of the way to the? U s board, so we ve got to mexico city. Where they get an asylum card right now,
authorities have already given out ninety thousand asylum claims. So far this year. And they'll give all of those people they line up in mexico city, and they give me asylum car card like this. Then they can travel from mexico city to learn new nuevo of radio or wherever the Golan k. That's why they do Now these three or four thousand migrants, nobody knows for sure how many they are doing this, because they're going to get in somehow they'll get in vitamin sure. It's not gonna, stop they know it. So why would they and that's going to continue around the calendar is going to continue. Ok, but Jordan have time to go down a check it out. We can go.
If you look at our ida or something you know, she's gotta call it so in two weeks there will be a vax for kids ages, five to eleven they're, not going to vax kids younger than five sort of acts obey their parents going to get their kids vacs. Some will most won't but they'll be son, school districts, primarily in california, in places like that far le places. Ok, that's eight! You don't get little sammy or little Natalie vaccinated. You can come to school. Bigot, you're gonna, see that that's gonna, be there someplace. So that's gonna clause. Another big role: We have now. So it's estimated
about thirty million americans not going to get the vex gate is not going to get it. I talked to one of them last night and I tried to talk them into getting vaccinated because if he gets corvid he's going to die because he's got previous health problems, though he'll die I told him because he's my friend so you're going to dive. Yet I'm not going to get one. Maybe you won't, I'm praying you won't, but if you don't get vax and you get you'll die. So you may remember in my interview with donald trump, which we ran one week ago and again, if you have not seen that interview please go to bill, o dot com and take a look. It's an important interview and you'll see far different donald trump. Then you see in some other vengeance. Anyway, you have heard the term gain of function. Gain of function is when you have a virus, and you put it in a lab.
An you try to make a biological weapon out of the virus that gain of function. Why would they do that? Why would anybody do that? The scientists say they do it, so they can find an antidote. To the virus, so they make it into a biological weapon. Then they try to find a vaccine or something to protect against it. That's why the research habits. don't get in the way lab where the covert virus came out of they were doing that. Research gain a function but doktor anthony fao cheese. All the main guy telling you about covert. He denied. That any american money. was used to study gain of function for colvin flight out tonight. It now found you
He is the head of a group: that's allied with the national institute of health. He isn't the head of the national institute of health. She didn't not know that so ahead of another group, but there inside under that umbrella, the national institute of help and found you said. Oh no! No! No! No! May number at times the national institute. We have anything to do with funding gain of function with: u s dollars, here's what found she said and may go. I do not have any accounting of what the Chinese may have done and I am fully in favour of any further investigation of what went on in chad, however, I will repeat again the end I age and an ideal categorically has not funded gain a function, research to be conducted in the war on institute occasion. He lied
thought you lied, so should be fired immediately and I asked trot. Why didn't fire grouchy? That's an interesting part of that any, but he lied and how do we know we live because a doctor lawrence tabar t be a k, said flat out. In a letter a written letter, At the end. I age nasa to national ensued. L did fond in a function, viral research into weapons to devise archie through the? U s: research, nonprofit, equal health alliance and the doktor said doktor tat back said that found she was. raw. Ok wrong is an interesting work. Was a wrong or duty
Not me if you're a big shot and tie back knows maybe this information the came forward recently, but that's not what doktor jabba comply. Everybody knew that, u s money, seven million dollars went into wound to do this and then TAT back says, ran Paul was right role him. What we're alleging is the gain of function. research was going on in that lab and an age funded that right away from it. It meet your definition and you are obvious skating, the true without he was doing or lying either way. He's got right right in any kind of a competent administration. You say thank you for your service doctor, but I think we're gonna go another way you'll have to, but by what you can
and see it. I don't get money here, ok, so why will cnn and MSNBC and all the other networks keep em on air because they love fouch? They love him because fouch she wants all the power in the coal which circumstance to be in the hands of the federal government. Not the states the feds- that's why they love him. Now, I'm going to run you three people on CNN who, when the paul fouch controversy broke out, immediately, took fau cheese side,
go? Nothing brings out senator Paul's propensity to act like an ass like a congressional appearance by FAO chee, and that is really saying something I don't want to get into the details of what senator Paul was attacking their and and all that, but just the bigger picture here, as a health professional, we keep seeing this trump allies in congress and governors offices in the media trying to make found she covered This is a forty year public servant. He received the presidential medal afraid of these dlp lawmakers' minds are made up as they call for foul to his resignation. Thereby providing more content for geo delete your own carriage. All those three people should be on should be working any journalist again to project.
They're, not journalists or they are, is just propagandists, but I just don't I would show, but there's no outcry from the press. Of course, now that found she's been uncovered expose not yet aware there what I want to hear about. Ok, let's go to the world series saw, as you may know, it's atlanta braves again, susan astro can everybody's written for atlanta, because she's been cheated a few years ago, and anna by major league des ball is embarrassed because paulie all star game out of atlanta, because georgia pass laws to tighten up its elections and major league baseball for some in credible reason didn't like that. So they took the orchestra game out and moved into denver, but they can't take the world series out candy nap, so they have to go to georgia and play the world series. No, no one's gonna watch this world series
the lowest rate in world series of all time. I know it is in a watch it the games last for four hours. They change pictures every thirty seconds. Nobody gonna watch, I'm a big baseball guy can't watch. I can. Can't watch. I can go to the games in person, but I can't watch it on t v because the announcers gotta they gotta cover for hours. They have nothing to say: is you can't do it but manfred the the pinhead who moved the game, the all star game now he's got the world series in atlanta. That's karma. breads! Aren't that good, a team, I'm sorry! I love freddie Freeman and I am actually rooting for freddie to win the ring because he's a great baseball player that I could, but they got hot at the end and that's karma now got a deal with the world series Van land. I love it
see that it does not reputable guinea. We will see that as I've gotta go, must confirm this ain't amid single hit. As you can see, I've got the electronic soon. Israelis us into a rat bustling analyses, a cocksucker that does it will just be test intelligence, good results. Moving to those in areas as heavy shocks me sit up excellent outcome, given them, but of it. That is our born look out. War, which I think is misguided I've known him for decades, a long island guy, I'm a long island guy. I voted
gotten along with them. I you know he knows how I feel, I'm sure he feels I'm misguided too, but he didn't know that he had a loaded gun on that movie set new mexico. I mean come on. It was a horrible horrible thing that the director of photography on that film was shot dead and Baldwin did it, but you can imagine the suffering of balwyn. Now there are people who are gloating about this who hate our boy because of his trump's situation and his politics- and I just when I see that, I shook my head look, there are people who have done terrible things to me and every time I get of revenge thing in my mind, I vanish it because that diminishes me now. If I can, I will help hold them to account before I die. I will not turn any of the chief.
like I should, but am I rooting for horror in their lives? I am not. So, if you're having gleeful feelings about alec born here, maybe you want to think that. So you know holly the territory put holly up there. Ok, and ally, demands that I do this next story. I, if actually got up, which is shocking. Corky and demanded that I do this next story. So this an instant gram thing role that tape I'm in a voice at over. So this is what they call tether ball and they put a bunch of corky Around the tether ball to do whatever the corbies are doing, they got So now millions of people are watching this on instagram. This has no socially Deeming value whatsoever, but about
put it on. Then I get I get problems with the terror dog who then I go out and she will go and look at you know what he's gonna radio tomorrow fighting put that on the territory we'd go, you know, I'm going to start with the throw at the window. So that's. Why did this day in history? Fifty seven years ago, october, twenty fifth ninety Sixty four at solving put a very controversial rock group.
The rolling first american appearance on tv and then afterward at solidly so outraged. He wrote this. Put up on the screen to the rolling stones management. We were deluged with now addressing the untidy, appearance, clothes and a hair of your rolling stones before in discussing the possibility of a contract, I would like to
from you whether your young man of reformed in a matter of dress and shampoos and solvent vowed never to put the stones on again body dead, CBS made him, do it for more times syn Songs, now, fifty seven years later are touring the: u s, eye backwards male and a final thought on why people some people love wherein masks Doing business in an app driven, multi cloud world, you wanna build and run europe's on your choice of clouds and you they d manage all those clouds as easily as one with VM. Where cross cloud services. You ve got options that because VM, where delivers the multi cloud, choice, security and control, you need to accelerate innovation. Deliver Great apps and drive bit this forward VM where the sun their way to cloud where more at vienna dotcom you're doing
business in an app driven, multi cloud world. You wanna build and run europe's on your choice of clouds and you They d manage all those clouds as easily as one with VM where cross cloud services. You ve got options that because VM, where delivers the multi cloud choice, security and control, you need to accelerate innovation, deliver Great apps and drive bit this forward VM, where the sun their way to cloud where more at vienna dot com lord male segment today, all of it on our Joe Biden, special which, which just for premium in concierge members on bill orally dotcom, please become on. It will enhance your life. This is andrea. What I want to know is why republicans are not demanding a cognitive test for Joe Biden We can demand whatever they want, andrea, but by not gonna, take any tests, and he has asked
I lean defile gulf coming to new jersey, the real Joe Biden special is excellent. I took copious notes, so I'm prepared now to discuss with anyone about what, mr, by doing like mc Gowan fox island Washington just want to let you know really how much to enjoy special on Biden whose non partisan gave a good overview of how the man's life journey through time. I think we got. fats current events in hollywood, california bill you, a precise, perspicacious and profound wow alliteration in your assessment of chill. And jennifer bomb and broken arrow or go home. I want to thank you and your staff working so hard put this programme together. I love that you use the president's own words about his view. It was on the border of drugs and crime, so it was a big hit and I hope you guys will watch it got to become premium members. It's worth it because you get huge discounts on
Miss gifts in our store and that store is booming record sales because we'll get the stuff to you, the throb, some stuff we have and we got to look at those god bless america. Christmas ornaments regret your vote. Yet you get free stickers. When you buy a bunch of soft killing the mob, huge gift killing him all right, come a premium. Concierge member you get a free killing the mob or any other other of my killing books. If you, by more than one hundred dollars worth a gift, From bill o'reilly dot com, we give you this. This picture. Alright, I hand signed by me: there's the terror dog she's so much better looking than I am anyway check out this, or back in a moment with face masks. You're doing business in an app driven, multi cloud world. You wanna
Build and run europe's on your choice of clouds and you he d manage all those clouds as easily as one with VM. Where cross cloud services. You ve got options that because VM, where delivers the multi cloud, choice, security and control, you need to accelerate innovation deliver great apps and drive bit This forward, VM, where the sun your way to cloud where more at VM way dotcom you're, doing business in an app driven, multi cloud world, you wanna, build and run europe's on your choice of clouds and you he d manage all those clouds as easily as one with VM. Where cross cloud services, you ve got options that because VM, where delivers the multi cloud, choice, security and control, you need to accelerate innovation, deliver great apps and drive bit this forward, VM, where the sun norway to cloud where more at VM way dot com, so
this weekend I went up to the central part in new york state the catch skills rip then winkle territory Beautiful autumn folly, kind of accrues around had been up during a while in the mountains in a little towns as him anywhere face mess. Everybody's every good time, wave and apple piggy? You know what they do in the autumn, then I drove the car crash origin river to ride back new york and old, hippy town. So right back nice town, that's where barred colleges, the most radical left college in the united states makes burke they look like a. bright boy convention. Right, that's out, left wing barred colleges funded by george horse bigtime funding. There. In the town of rhine back, I walk around and all the shops of mass
and a tory mass manager words. Outside around you are utilised no new york state mandate. If you actually go anywhere, but not there. So I'm talking to a bunch of these all hippies are all way out their left and they they. No. No, no I'm protecting you! I'm protecting my family, whom I love so much. I I I'm so noble. That's why we all have to wear these masks to be noble, to be virtuous to do the right thing. I was just looking at the sky going well, if your vax, the you know, you're not going to spread it No, no! No! At the where I saw people we're in a mass in court alone. I guess we were not to no one the radio, that's what it is. Virtue signalling thank you for watching us tonight, mosquito more.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-13.