« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

White House Helps Gov. Newsom Fight Recall and The Media Covers For Biden – Was It A Lie or Just Another Gaffe?

2021-09-07 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • President Biden is caught in a lie over the mass shooting that took place at the Tree of Life synagogue in 2018 – but does he even realize he is lying?
  • Over the weekend, Mexican officials stopped a 400 migrant caravan headed for the U.S. border 
  • President Biden and VP Harris plan to campaign for disgraced California Gov. Gavin Newsom as he heads into a recall vote next week
  • Vermont is looking to get ahead of the curve as unemployment benefits end and people finally get back to work, by offering new employees $7,500 to move to the state
  • The NFL will bring back its social justice initiatives for the new season
  • This Day in History, 2020: President Donald Trump holds a press conference on the economy and COVID vaccine update 
  • Final Thought: Chief Investment Strategist, Alexander Green has some shocking stats on our use of machines 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The here welcome to the no spin news to say september. Seventy thousand twenty one stand up for your country So while we have two major stories tonight, we have the president and we have covert. I spent some time with able labour day again, you know do us, an investigation is called the thing. I think I have a little clarity for you and its importance, potent for you. Your family and those that you interact with and that'll be coming up your vines in new york, metropolitan area tonight, new jersey, queens, looking hurricane iders starve and promising. You know hundreds
dollars, come on in and and fix things up and that's fine. A meanness will present its do no beef that, but here is an interesting story that took place last week. That was completely blacked out by the corporate media, which is becoming a major problem. Obviously, So you remember back in two thousand eighteen in pittsburgh, pennsylvania eleven people were murdered at the tree of life, said agog k and it was a purely anti semitic crime, just let's kill jews, so the guy who did it? Robert bowers, forty six, He's gonna spend the rest of his life in prison and that's that, but it's not that far for the people who lost loved ones, uses it. Twenty
a virtually week of nine eleven I mean people won't get over that we do not get over that kind of stuff, so anyway, because this week marks the jewish holidays. President I'd and on thursday last I had a conversation. Saw some jewish leaders and said this about the tree of life: seneca. Now remember spending time go going too? were you now the tree of life? Synagogue speaking with the mat just suggested Amazing, these things are happening happening in america, can I guess. The point I want to make is that it just shows that We walk away from never again, it's gonna happen again. It can happen,
Ok, so you see and that's highlight that president Biden said. No going to the tree of life synagogue. Now he didn't go to the tree of life. Synagogue, K, it wasn't even close. So you say yourself: that's not the kind of Why does a right wing jumped on it? Is that kind of lie? any sane, rational person, but sad because you could find it out and ten seconds. If you didn't go, even got u dont say going too. what happened was that the wider says he was referring to call you had with tree of life rabbi in two thousand and nineteen. her head a year after you know so. Ok, So then the media, We moody's lion these lions, but he's lying, and it goes back to what I have said from the very beginning,
Man alive is when you know the truth and then say something faults. You bear faults, witness the ten commandments. That's a lie, fine doesn't know what he's saying now, I'm not giving him a pass. Telling you that the situation is much worse than alai its he doesn't know. Oh, what's coming out of his mouth, those of us who cover the news from a fact based point of view. Understand that Therefore, when he said this it was in the newspapers, maybe say. No sandy safely, NBC Cbs news. No, kind of it. Then you'd imagine trump said something like that or bush
or Clinton even obama, all even obama would have said you don't. What are you talking about and then the prince and in whatever may be. So I made a mistake and made a verbal mistake. I'm I'm sorry now here blackout, black out, ok,. so we're in a situation now where we have the leader of free world, most powerful man in the world, not knowing what to say, that's what we are- and I have said this for months and that way lies in deceptions and way beyond bad policy. That's it! frightening wilhelm, so who
Where is telling him what to do is really in charge of the country? Not the man who was elected by the people sought out about this. There is no doubt about it, because this is the first time corporate media is giving him a complete pass. Now you will remember that reuters, a left wing new service broke a story that was linked to them about binds phone call with Ghani. The president gammoned stand in July, put up on the full screen k I need this is by quote. I need not tell you the perception around the world in a of afghanistan. I believe is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the taliban and there is a need. Whether it's true or not, there is a need to project a different picture on quote k:
so by this telling Ghani hey whether its you're, not you're, to put on a phase of confidence and try to rally your people now. That's a pretty big story right, leaked trends. and from an american intelligence agency to reuters news hers well, Your time, cnn, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC ignored this story. All of em didn't report it. Yet the term phone call with ukraine led to an impeachment. So we have to dangerous zones where into danger zone. Here we have the most rob media in the history of america. It's never been worse. covering up for a man who doesn't literally,
He doesn't know what he is saying. This is off the chart dangers. Now some of the folks are getting at some more daily tracking paul. My rasmussen today, forty seven percent approve a prison vines job before. Are you kidding me? Fifty two percent disapprove. However. The second question is a country going in the right direction. Ok, thirty, four percent- at only thirty four percent play right direction, sixty one wrong direction so anyway, look I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is super bad news and you watch me and you subscribe to this service. And you turn in on a radio to hear the truth, and I'm telling you the truth.
This is not going to get any better with job. I and it's gonna go into every area of this country and there's nothing you can do without it. Nothing! The american People can do other than to understand the eighty million people voted for Joe Biden, most of whom voted emotionally because they hated trump and now when a dangerous position. California. which deserves when it gets now paying the highest gas prices ever four dollars. Thirty nine cents regular on average the national regular is three dollars. Eighteen sense, ok, The national regular is forty five percent from this time last year. California is bigger than that. Ok, it's a bigger role,
Now, why so bad in california two reasons fifty one whose giving fifty one sent a gallon tax on each each gown. Fifty one sense goes sacramento, not only that, but California's cap and trade programme, our target refineries and slaps another fourteen since a gown, so that of other states, don't have to pay so fifty one in fourteen sixty five cents a gallon. California, for everybody there than others its don't have to pay. You guys deserve what you get, because you were electing far less progressive people who don't want you to draw For global warming reasons, high saw that of the border.
personally, the mexican army is broken up, that four hundred person caravan had for the border. You know we have record in true. on a border. It's going be to me people the fiscal Here under Joe Biden come in here illegally, two million that are apprehended. You imagine, is another million, or so that aren't so. This is just a catastrophe and we have a situation where california is again impacted because as of this stock, and I'm going to get now to my guess, who has been patiently waiting to talk to us a week from today, is the california recall of governor Gavin newsom one week from today. Now the pours out of the yellow times it's like that are fake. You look into method.
As you can see it, so I fifteen twenty points to the left, so they're asking people to the left left wingers what they're going to do on recall day? What do you think you're going to get gain it by. account very tight race and anything good up room, I have read, is an honest guy. Alright here, The newspaper columnist works for the Washington post writers group is a podcast cast reuben in the center we ve known for years. He tells you what he thinks in effect base way, sir, Can you name one problem than and we appreciate coming on one social problem. The governor newsome has solved or partially solved in his tenure. Just one fella riley, so good to me with you again, my friend I'll tell ya. I can't come up with one it's difficult
up with many more areas where the governor has failed explains his difficulty and the difficulties having with all groups, including latina, in california, democrats and independence as well. I think, if you, why do go say in the realm of education? You could make the argument that by keeping the schools closed, he kept by students safe fur. Eighteen months? I would challenge the argument and say that actually he was doing that to kowtow to teachers, unions which run the democratic party and and therefore the state of california, His van are gonna, loom large hispanic voters in whether newsome survives or not, Has he done anything outside a covert discovered look guy shut down, I economy, a california, ok, and then he did this in any. Did that so I understand both points of view there. I don't understand
why he hasn't solved any social problems, not education, not crime, not homelessness, not cost of living gas prices are crazy. He hadn't done any of that, so working class, Spanish voters are gonna, make a break up. How do you think you're gonna go? I think we're going go a long way towards breaking them. All the pole show even the poles. You talked about the fake poles coming out of the los angeles times and elsewhere. Saying The gap is closing a nuisance in good shape. Even those poles bill say that latinos led the package. of all the groups out there and wine to get rid of gavin newsome. Nobody can no matter how hard you spend it. You can't do away with the fact that the lahti knows dont like newsome than ever, connected with them he's never connected with them, and I think that to answer your question when the region's he's gotten this far despite having solving social problems. This is a deep blue state where you don't need a single republican vote to pass anything, and he takes full advantage of that. he's gotten, really lazy and complacent and entitled, and that's the wrong place to be all right.
Spam, eggs in your opinion. Reuben! A! U obvious, We live among them. in san diego tons of there more light, to throw nous amount, but then Larry elder would probably be governor and easing very, very right wing guy. Will that have any effect in the vote was to have been there for twenty seven years he and to host radio shows for kbc bc together many years ago. I know him to be really kind of good guy. I like I disagree with them on many issues, but he doesn't fit the caricature that the liberal media, california trying so hard to draw him. So I think he will probably do probably better than expected with loathing because people expect another. Do very well at all, better than that, but that the main problem for newsome is he can't, at this late date, connect with this constituency they might just stay home bill, that's really the issue, they don't have to defect the elder, they don't have to vote,
look, and nothing is what they check one. They don't have to check the second box but who fishing didn't go fishing and not even even though both because he had been connected with them right at the apathy now has become the big question. Ok, so tomorrow, vice president harris goes to san Francisco. This slips of time enemy me San francisco always newsome surveys. You should be the mare there are going to come out. see how I say new sums great, I dont think just changes any minds. Does it it does not. Your california is really twelve states in one by geography. I live in the san diego area, but I was born and raised in central california, which is very conservative conservative farmland. There are many conservative african americans out there who both Democrat, but their conservative democratic, will both for the right republican and they have shown that and that never gets covered bill, that's never covered by the liberal media. They pretend that doesn't exist. You know by of that kind of constituency. Kemal harris- and
and gave a new some distant speak too. They knelt down no those behind this, but then, Abiden goes early next week, so I don't know Now Biden goes down and you now to speak to California instead new some in their buddy. By new, so shaky at this point that he could say. Anything Are they gonna be nervous, just about Biden, shown up and saying anything correct? Here's what doing wrong bell there, targeting people more rigour about producing when you bring harris and Biden out, you're speaking to the converted, the folks who already in your camp, you need to go after the folks who are wavering. The folks who, like in my case I voted. Gave a new some twenty eighteen. I didn't want anything to do with the republican party. I'll fourteen twenty eighteen they dug themselves into. the grave on immigration, but at the same time he lost me. You lost me and those known almost three years. They should be speaking to people
Let me say how do we get you back? No, their speaking through the dot the die, hard dark, blue boaters airy have now In this state of California, you heard my monologue on Joe Biden, backed up with facts every step of the way, the folks even if they wanted minute, because a lot of people don't want to admit that their vote was poorly thought out. They just wanted bedded, but. people know that Biden is a problem here. Just california know that about Biden or about newsome about by. Yeah, I think increasingly the whole country does, and even the culprit Democrats do you will hear looked a grateful to be rid of donald trump, their glad Joe Biden. Is there it's very hard to find anybody who will defend his performance on Afghanistan or many other issues on which is failing and that there is a parallel, the governor some right. I don't final appeal. Democrats will defend nuisance,
always doing a great job. All they'll do is play the fear game and say you ve gotta keep the republicans out larry elders! Well, you know, and again I know the man he hasn't been that caricature, so they left me flat they're, not making good argument as to why we should keep avenue some yeah, because I'm trying to figure if there's any hope that California might come back to the mill. so that you have now two things and play you have. California, paying an enormous amount of money. Just put a gallon of gas in your car right, man of your worker. are you alright paying a high housing girls? You bet run and now you're villain up did tank to the tune of seventy dollars right An end there's one man respond, while in california it's the whole progressive wing nets responsible forward, but nay, nationally Biden, responsible, forty attacked on the first day.
it offers the fossil fuel industry in and when you saw what happened. So I'm trying to think if there's any hope California, you may stop being the citadel of progressive ism We all know next tuesday, When the real hot voters will know If you are right, when you are coming back a little or they can stay on left wing lonville last word. I love this question because if calibrated does make it back to the purple centre, it'll be latinos who drag at their conservatively tito's who go there and not white Republican didn't have enough juice and california. It's gonna be looking. Those who take there and that's gonna, be very interesting to watch in the years to come. I reuben thanks for helping to solve the pike s again, ruben, the centre. So I want check that out. We really appreciate time thanks. But let me introduce you to accompany the does things right? Grip, six makes belt
right here in the usa, and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always that right and feel great with no holes, ugly, shrapnel hanging, ugly hanging, strap or extra bull there
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one hundred percent from labor day this year. I was yesterday to labor day last year. Three hundred percent, alright right comes from Johns hopkins university research. Hospitalizations are up one hundred and fifty eight percent alright from labor day to labor day. Don't have the deaths, don't have that data, and I'm very being very careful here. So the question is: will how many. the cases of the coffee cases today are on people, as that's the big question, and the problem is that the cdc doesn't have that dad why medical privacy.
So when you get a vaccination, if you want, you can show your card to where I, but if you don't want, you don't have to so the way this works is every state in the union. All fifty states report to the centres for disease control in and let them were covered cases covered, hospitalizations covert gets a lot of them are behind in it, but they all are compelled to report, but they dont report. On vaccination version on vexed because the medical privacy data in on an exact picture with me so far, ok Now I know a lot of people in
levels in the american health system so over the weekend. Why should it be Chasing holly, the dara dogging Jovan in the ocean, megan some calls so what god. That consensus is this eighty five percent approximately of the new covert case? are among the on vaccinated. Fifteen percent. Are the so called break through people right who are taxed. But get a lot of. Those breakthroughs are john in johnson backs, which is sixty percent effective, as opposed to pfizer and maternal ninety percent. Now fifteen percent breakthrough crossover. That's a lot of people, so you here and I friends who are vaccine. They get the differences they get it and much milder for and virtually
nobody dies because you die from covert, then they get with you were baxter, not. And I guess, zero. There are a few cases, but they had Immune problems system was not good. Ok, so. This is an epidemic among the on vaccinated with fifteen percent, approximately breakthrough cross over component. That will happen And because in america we got about sixty two percent vaccine we're not gonna knock this out and to lead number goes to seventy five percent, which it should, but I wish I had prayed that it would be there now because we
Are enduring another horrific covered cycle, it's the best information. I can give you. I hope you respect it. chicago? Sixty three people shot over the labour day. We can six fatally one. Four year old boy, eight victim under the age of eighteen. Ok, we do this. How many times have I done this in the last five years? so the mayor of chicago is lorry. Life would obviously cannot do her job cops. Hater can't control anything a total. Does astor. There is no way to remove this woman from her job before may fifteen, two thousand twenty three when they vote for new man. That's it though Chicago once again, just like the biden. Voters you vote for her is what you got cat
wait whatever and you're gonna have every single week in dozens of people being shot for your walls being killed and a little kid was gonna hair cut in this house. When the bullet went through and kill you match. Roma saw if you wanna work and that's like a fifty fifty problem you now in america. Thank you, Joe Biden. The welfare king vermont, we'll pay you, the state, will pay you. Seventy five hundred bucks to move their seventy five hundred dollar bonus to move to vermont. Here the work categories cashiers fast food, home health, waiters, waitresses, janitors cleaners, landscape is cooks, bartenders elementary school teachers. jail workers, carpenters, construction workers, accounts, the minimum pay and vermont thirteen bucks an hour of looking for a job
while fully enjoy last for two weeks, but nice little chile, nice day, beautiful, stay national football extorts thursday Tampa worse dallas. Anybody bearing on our game is insane nobody us what's gonna happen here, so we in the nfl. Fifty eight percent of all the players are black in the end EL. The players union want social just as on the feel, so the owner said. Okay, once again he's. Gonna happen this year in the end zones, we're gonna
to slogans stenzel onto the grass or turf it takes all of us and end racism. I have no problem with those statements, but stensland them on a sporting fee. also on a helmet? The individual players can put if they want to the following slogans and racism. Stop hey It takes all of us black lives matter like Are changed, say their stories? This will be forever unless fans leave and rebel which they will not. The games are a powerful form of entertainment And the league is going to make beaucoup money
and they're gonna, give in to the players, unions and do this social activists. Is it a big story for me? No I'll watch some of the games margin was, I won't, I don't think they're gonna have the black national anthem cause you're gonna play that before every game before the traditional national. I don't think we're going to see that. The games will just you know, they'll, do that ten fifteen minutes before you see it, but I could be wrong in our watch thursday night this day in history. Now this is an interesting one, and I- and I call for this- for a specific reason. A year ago today, september in two thousand twenty donald trump, then present and, as you know, held a press conference baltic.
If will produce a vaccine in record time, Biden in his very liberal running make the most liberal person in congress by the way, not a competent person, in my opinion, would destroy this Andrea would destroy this economy, should immediately apologised for the reckless anti vaccine rhetoric that they are talking now talking about endangering lives and it undermines science top Mr drug, to get the vaccine in record time, operation, warps b, we all remember that it was the up and running about ten days before the election, but pfizer held back the announcement for political reasons. They didn't want tromp reelected. even though they made the big deal, soda, madonna, soda, Johnson and johnson with the federal government which reap tens of billions of dollars for the pharmaceutical companies. They play politics with the announcement.
But the big accusation to drop made was that Biden and errors last fm. Maria gulf were bad mapping the vaccine and they work so here is job. I quote. if the president, now tomorrow we have actually would you take it only if was completely transparent, that other experts We could look at it only if we knew all of what went into us because so far nothing he's tall, lose, has been true. Bide moves undermining the vaccine one year ago today about heresies, which you say what I will say that I would not trust our job and it would have to be a credible source of information and talks, The efficiency and the right reliability of whatever is talking about. I will not It gives word for once.
To inject bleach. I will not take his word oak, so it s pretty interesting in a historical context Are you can draw your own conclusions? We take we breathe. I got a good meal segment and then I have some stat some facts about this right here, we'll be right back. Let me get me get an extra twenty percent off with your prove. Honour may cease guide that, on top of already great deal like twenty five to sixty percent, I'm cold weather gear for the whole family, thirty two sixty percent off select bedding and bad plus thirty percent off, like small appliances in star wars, members earn on every virtues, except your card services and fees at macy's, macy's, backstage and market by mrs Morin macy's dot com by star reward savings are failing. Parents, prices, exclusions, apply
waste? We get me get an extra twenty percent off with your group. Honour may card that, on top of already great deal like twenty five to sixty percent off cold weather gear for the whole family, thirty two sixty percent off select bedding and bad plus thirty percent, or select small appliances in star wars. Members earn on every purchased except gift card services in fees had macy's macy's, backstage and market by mrs Morin macy's dot com by star rewards savings are failing and clearance prices. Exclusions apply. get to the male lorraine concierge member luring its direct access to me. Thank you, Lorraine, bill in your analysis of afghanistan. I haven't heard you speak of statistics on america's left behind. Is it because you don't have the data because you believe they don't want to leave like the bite administration keep there are no reliable stats- and I explain this will- and in this way the third time men
americans who travelled to Afghanistan do not register with the american embassy as they were required to do they didn't he. We know where they are, who they are, how. So that's why I don't quotes. That's because nobody knows jean concierge member. I think it's unfair to compare jimmy card in one corner was incompetent, but Biden's corrupt. He has only truly cared about himself and his family, benefiting from his long tenure in public life. Well, that's a subjective opinion gene and I respect your right to hold it gay. But you know other people will disagree with you. They'll say no Joe Joe, isn't just in for job.
But factually, which is what I do a quarter and Biden very similar. This is my mom We allow this on the on the message board and website, usually, Give name in town, but if you're on a message board, sometimes I'd take stuff off that the governments of the car, sadly accurate. There hasn't choices looming on the horizon, maybe certainly The taliban- I want money, no doubt about It- yvonne concierge, never borg and alarm I thought just John robbers. This was we conservative. Am I wrong? You are wrong. The justice is no conservative, David concierge remember bill. the point that the cdc life algae is no credibility if they suggested the sun will rise and ease tomorrow and believe it.
Look I got a lot of those David. I mean you know. What can I tell you? That's it! That's the only reporting vehicle you don't trust him. You don't trust him larsson fort myers, There's name in town right there. I have always felt that the left wants illegal aliens in the country to increase our voting based obvious that we need vote. I d to prevent non citizens voting. I think that's obvious Think about voter ideas should be mandatory everywhere. The excuses vs everybody knows that Bread huts insidious draw your good. I may you're gonna be ass, bring down there now regard. U s! Constitution into service, because speaker of the house does not have to be a elected representative that is true to an extent the constitutional work. But if challenge
I say the Republicans take the house, and as of now we don't want anybody elected in the house represented to be speaker. We want the bill o reilly to coordinate spring cord with slap at them. They find a way these never benda. Speakers have always been represented. linda, stiff corpus, Christie, texas, nice town? What on earth are first responders and remembers nine eleven numbering a platter of cookies and fruit to a local police station and a note thanking them for their service and keeping us safe? Would you please mention this to encourage others to show their appreciation this week there you go Linda, you're, a patriot by the way- and this will be a great week for all americans to just go down. I actually did it, but not this week, but I did at my local town here and I'll bring them some desserts and fruit and stuff like that coffee
Taylor, I appreciate you guys absolutely dennis worse: saint trawls, Missouri gave a year's premium membership to my best friend and old airforce buddy complaining there isn't any news fit to watch anymore with everybody did what Dennis west has done. We would double our premium membership on bill, o'reilly dot com you would be giving a friend a give. That's important think about it. You know fill that bill. O'reilly, dotcom com, billet bill, O'Reilly, dot com. You want to reach me of course, name in china. To apply. We shall have the forty percent off killing the mob and killing crazy whores bind together forty percent off you like them both, and the word of the day, I have never heard a human being say this word, but it is a word, do not be a
barber monger one word ba. If you are like a barbara, monger, emo and g r doesn't sound good does it is don't be a barbara monger I'd. I got an important final thought moment back in a very quick, time. Let me get me get an extra twenty percent off with your prove. Honour may cease, guy that, on top of already great deal like twenty five to sixty percent, I'm cold weather gear for the whole family, thirty two sixty percent off select bedding and bad plus thirty percent, or select small appliances in star wars. Members earn on every virtues except your card services in fees at macy's, macy's, backstage and market by mrs Morin macy's dot com by star rewards savings are failing. Clearance prices, exclusions apply
waste. We get me get an extra twenty percent off with your group. Honour may sky that, on top of already great deal like twenty five to sixty percent are pulled whether gear for the whole family. Thirty two sixty percent off, select bedding and bad plus thirty percent or select small appliances in star wars. Members earn on every purchased, except your card services in fees had may cease. Macy's backstage and market by mrs Morin macy's dot com by star rewards savings are failing, clearance prices, exclusions apply or, I thought of the day. My power alexander green is the chief investment strategist for the oxford club. You know we do business with them. Ah, he wrote a column and Titled log off and live were alex
It is encouraging you to get away from this right and I have done this to, but I'm kind of guilty, because I have to work so much with radio tv in and books and everything I I mean. I have to check it no excuse, but so here the stats, raven stats americans check their smartphones, an average of two hundred sixty two times a day american adults spend an average of five? I hours a day on their faults: five and a half hours. teenagers seven hours. So if you sleep, aid you're on your phone at leaves see. And seven are fifteen at least nine hours for life, job school
children, who are heavy phone users than of lower grades. That's true. We know that. If five percent of all thirteen of seventeen year old americans now own smartphones, ninety five percent, because that's her social vehicle and don't call talk they they text alright and fifty three percent of kids, one no smartphone by age. Eleven forty percent of teenagers admit they text or email while driving that'll get you killed, that'll get you killed, you'll die if you do that on a regular basis, forty percent and finally, data shows that american spent about three twenty minutes a day. Reading printed material of any kind. So too. the amended day, reading mature, not reading your tax reading- killing them on reading anything twenty minutes- seven hours-
plus it erodes all of your skills, your interpersonal skills, you know, tonight, I'm having pizza, don't usually have a pizza, but I guess and is a decent pizza place. So I know when I call to order that peace. For that I'm going to have to say my order three times now I am allowed. I am bombastic my pronunciations pretty good and if you'd three times now, if by the third time I have to say- and this is uncharitable the person on the other into the at the pizza. Parlor doesn't have the order that I say forget it will do another chuck. I don't know, but I just can't The reason I have to say three times is because the person.
Listening to my words, doesn't really do that much in his or her life. They do this not words. They don't listen to words and interpersonal communications. It's all text, and fact the takeout places in restaurants now want you to text and email. They want that because it's so hard for them to get people can actually pick up a pen and write down what you are saying now. Why should you care number
wine- if you have urchins as I do alright- this erodes their skill set so when they are going to be looking for a lucrative job, they're going to have to be able to speak and to listen and to absorb write, speak, listen absorb to the spoken word. This is wiping out out that machine is wiping it out and that's why all the big corporations now want robot labor and don't want the unskilled. Labor know where all these unskilled people going to go they're going to go on welfare.
we're going to go on government assistance because the robots are coming in and they're coming in fast five years from now, all the fast food thing can be robots, allow. What would you like and you dumb boom boom? Okay and they're? These corporations want the robot labor, a it's cheaper health benefits, they'll retire women fawns none of that and they don't have to deal which groups robots will get a right, as can be everywhere. everywhere and the unskilled people people were not educated. Well, don't really have a skill. What are they going to do that with this progressive socialism? Is all about governments going to Sport, thank you for watching listening reading, my lips, whatever you're doing tonight, we'll be back with another. No spin news tomorrow,
Transcript generated on 2023-01-15.