« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

TV News' Decline, Ted Cruz Batters Mayorkas, Congressman Ken Buck on the Dangers of TikTok, Tennessee School Shooting Latest, & More

2023-03-29 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, March 29, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down why TV news is struggling and how it will impact Donald Trump
  • Sen. Ted Cruz lays into Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
  • Colorado Congressman Ken Buck joins the No Spin News to discuss his new book and TikTok
  • The latest on the Tennessee school shooting
  • This Day in History: The last U.S. troops leave Vietnam
  • Final Thought: Bill goes to Washington
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reilly. Here the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio. We are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o'reilly dot com premium. Member today and access all the great audio content. We have including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and cause. You members also get exclusive access to special video programming. We even send you a free copy of my new best selling book, killing the legends so become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today at bill, O'Reilly, dot com, slash ad free, that's bill, O'Reilly, dot, com,
Flash ad, free, able, o reilly you're. Welcome to the no spin news, Wednesday march, twenty nine, two thousand twenty three. And up for your country, no some big chief it is going on in america and many many perhaps most americans are aware of them and they will affect every single person in this country and its unique, to the usa the same This is not happening in europe where china or russia, and it to do with the media, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo so when Donald trump ran for president back in two thousand. Sixteen, He won because he dominated television news coverage,
name. People who hate him now I hated him then, but measured troubles. Able to galvanise conservative americans and those who maybe we're moderate but didn't like the federal government aware was operating and he did it by constantly appearing on television. Ok, the fox news channel led the way. I was part of that on the O'Reilly factor. I wouldn't have donald trump on every night, but I would have him on when there was an issue or controversy and I'll play you an interesting clip in a moment. We'll look back on that anyway, down from his shrewd because he had been in the media with the apprentice and other projects. He understood the power that television, cable and broadcast holds well: that power is now do so
degrading right before our eyes and again most americans are not aware of it. So it's not even a complicated issue because you have so many. the channels, so many options. And if you don't want to, I saw that you have your personal computer, you have your phone, you get any music. You want new stream. You can watch Eight hours of one show aid episode. You can do so many more things and you could have just seven years ago. So therefore a politician or anyone with a message has a much at a time getting that message through two three
hundred and thirty million americans, because you're just so much it's overwhelming so the march two thousand and twenty three we're still in march, but the tv ratings ended on tuesday for the month. They are stunning as far as the decline of cable news. Now I've been telling you this for about a year. I've been reporting on it, but now there's no doubt about it. So let me give you, let me give you the numbers, so fox news told me viewer ship march. Twenty three this month to last year at this time, is down twenty seven percent cnn down sixty one percent, that's astounding, MSNBC down twelve percent, but remember embassy
and we see- doesn't have a lot of yours anyway, foxes the big koona there in prime time and those numbers are prime time by the way, not all day in the twenty five to fifty four. The younger viewers advertisers, like fox news, is down fifty four percent. They ve lost half their audience in a year. Seventy three percent cnn forty, two percent MSNBC. That means that advertising rates go down and the companies make less money. But here's here's the kicker on this- that, if you add up in prime time prime time is eight to eleven. Alright, all three cable news operations, lesson four million people, homes watching lesson. Four million, and a hundred and twenty million americans have tv in our homes.
I mean you're down now to three four percent. There is one caveat there that if a person says something outrageous, it'll go what they call viral So you picked up put on the internet on all of these sites, and people will see it don't watch the whole shawl case all every day when I report to you on the nose been news. There are some clips that wind up on you too, so younger p, bull and I lose perplexed by this until eight somebody told me was going on They know me far more now than they did when I was doing the rally fact because you're watching the cliffs on youtube, but in order to understand the whole show you have to watch the no spin news top to bottom to get the context of what we're doing here.
Our aid and we have a large viewers ship doing that but anyway, lesson four million americans Jeanne, cable news combined in prime time. I used to do four million myself. At eight and another two two and a half and eleven when I was doing the O'Reilly factor we used to do a million twenty five to fifty force now that their lucky, if they do three hundred thousand it's in annabelle collapse now the network is, it is bad we're talking about nightly news at six: thirty: a web, so ab, his sole audience down three NBC six cbs two, but CBS is below five million. Now CBS news with Norah O'Donnell gets below five million viewers. I Cronkite got twenty like so
The point is that donald trump and every other politicians cannot count on. television news to deliver their messages and that's huge, particularly for MR trump, who lives in dies by exposure to the media, so their campaigns will have to change and what they will do. I predict- and I think this is a bold prediction with the they're gonna, say certain things they know will get on you to bore the others. right twitter, what I would ever, maybe instagram, tik tok, we're gonna. Do someone tik tok have avoided that, but I really do it because we have a congressmen and wants to ban tik, tok, commoner, but anyway, I'm gonna bring you back to the good old days for donald trump anyway, and for me I mean I'm. We were right
really high in two thousand sixteen, and it was a controversy because Mr Tromp said negative things about senator John Mccain and his war wreck while the tape, but the fact of the matter, as we just played the cliff, where you said he was captured, and I like people warrant cap, you know that that wasn't correct it was on a bombing mission he wished, down. He was too. Security could have been released. Wood said no because you want to stay with his captured comrades come on You know that the way that came aim was incorrect. No matter how you say it. What I said floating my remarks right afterwards right off the stage. If you look at and general atkinson is highly respected. She said very unfair. The way the media play. Maybe railways air, but you yourself- and I know you for a long time, and I will
it'd be honest. You do think John Mccain is a hero. I know you do. I do and by the way I said it, I actually said it for time and said it immediately afterwards it. I wonder why there is no debate about John Mccain heroism. He an american here, ok, so those thousand tone of it right. So when tromp got attacked for the job became remarks, and they should not have said what you said. Let's face it, everybody hosts that Mccain didn't like tromp and vice versa. That's why They'Re- happen, but the media did Ignore trump law- You're saying why I walked back and ignored that ok What I did in sixteen is what I do now: I'm tough but fair on everybody, and I gotta take it the amount of people watching back then was
islamic. We weren't on youtube's always generally older people. Now, let's change demographic change. So summing up, People are unaware that the television news industry is on the verge of collapse. They will come back a little as the campaign for two thousand twenty four unfolds But it's not gonna, be the younger people anymore. It's gonna, be the older people are right, sixty and up they vote. So politicians still will use television news, but there is a profound change in his country and you know who benefits from that chain most of all by combining kay.
do television interviews. He literally cannot do that unless the interviewer is in the tank game, because Biden can't question for me, can you imagine, may get in forty five minutes with president Biden and I wouldn't be disrespectful at all? Can you imagine that. I can't this episode is brought to you by shall define that's the sound of switching your business to shop, a fight, the global commerce platform that supercharged you're selling, harness the best converting check out and same intuitive features. Trusted apps and powerful analytics used by the world's leading variants, stopped leaving sales on the table. Discover why millions trust shop, a fight and bill grow and run their business sign up today for your one dollar per month, trial period at shop, a fight outcome, slash tech, twenty three: Thank you for calling vast national bank having transfer you yeah. We did you
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queen of england, he ceremonial, that's what he had seen ceremonial new policy into any of them Ok, this is pretty lively. Yesterday, said a judiciary committee hearing. the border, they drag and homeland security secretary I'll hundred may orchids he's hapless, we all know that he doesn't know what he's doing he's an order taker. he's, not a policy generator. You can solve any problems. These coldly clueless well, TED crews gave it to him. Go MR secretary, I want to say to you right now: it is for your behavior is disgraceful and the deaths that children assaulted, the children raped. They are
at your feet and if you had integrity, you would resign, and I will tell you, the men and women of the border patrol they've never had a political leader undermine them. They despise you Mister secretary, because you're willing to let children be raped to follow political orders. This is a crisis. It's a disgrace and you won't even admit this human tragedy as it is crisis claiming one minute german time, mister secretary, would you like to respond to any of those what the senators said it was revolting, I'm not going to address it. Your refusal to do your job has revolted. Okay, so a couple of things here, mayorkas shouldn't be in the government at all, just like buddha judge shouldn't be there cages like Kamel our shouldn't, be there. They don't know what they're doing and they couldn't care less. They
do what they are told so may Arcas he hit the white house tells me. Org is what to do and what to say. I may arcas that's what he does and obviously Joe Biden wants and open borders does want border enforcement, whether its narcotics in five and a half million migrants come in by this care. now just that alone, disqualifies Joe by but beating up, may yorkists gets attention. I know that's why crews did it, but he's not. He is the problem and it says that he has no courage but he's not the problem because he didn't implement. The policy Biden did. I China is warning rigour. The house Kevin Mccarthy that if Mr Mccarthy meets with the president taiwan, president say I think, that's what you say:
name, there's gonna, be quote resolute, counter measure, so this meetings must take place in california, unable fifth in l, a The present taiwan is visiting south american countries where they have trade agreements coming back through LOS angeles, so the chinese threaten us. On a chinese nordic and threatening all day long, when I knew nothing about it, not that we should I don't think you would need a world war, but. You gotta know these people have no respect for us. I turned See. Shooting latest is really not much, patently the shooter, hale who wanted to be aden. Trans person had done
fines on murdering in another school, a sean hannity reported this today on the radio, and I have a lively discussion with him about guns as posted on bill, o'reilly dot com and apparently this hell person was going to go to another school. But there was security at that school, though, decided to hit the presbyterian school there. There's gonna be this evening, a vigil in nashville to honour those. On three nine year roles and three adults it just it out. I'm not gonna belabour. This thing I put forth my solution to on violence in his country, its on below riley dot com, it's pretty clear we help a lot, but you're never gonna do it, they being congress, never millionaires. Okay, so our
Today is an interesting guy. I used to live in colorado. Many of you know I were four: can gauge tv channel, seven in denver and congressman KEN buck represents a force district in colorado. Colorado is a much different state now than it was when I was there. I think in the war of eighteen twelfth who was the late nineteen seventies, I was there much much different state and but is a state that matters and it's not thoroughly read, but it's getting their congress and book has a book called crushed. Big tex war. on free speech he has introduced legislation. We send our josh holly to ban tik tok. Ok, we're gonna get. It did an amended congressmen, joy just now from washington. I so I ask you some euro breaking new stuff, then we'll get to your book right. So the first thing
you're on honor house, judiciary committee and Jim Jordan, is the chairman and Jordan is going after the border real heavy, but I dont think with this president haven't bought two years ago, anything is going to change down on a border. Am I wrong First, thanks for having me, I know, I don't think he's gonna change on the border of the next two year, a year and a half. I think the purpose Our hearings is to make sure they may and people now at the extent of the crisis and who is responsible for the crisis, and I think that any legislative package there put together is going nowhere in the Senate and I'm gonna get sixty votes to to move that piece of legislation, and so it's really just highlighting the crisis.
and the fact that president trump at a lot of the right answers- and in the first thing that the bush administration did was walk away from a lot of the trump answers. Ok, so usage of basically exposing the situation for those dim enough, not understand it. Now anybody falls news understanding ever. Ask any of your democratic colleagues why they want an open border. Why they want record amounts assent now. Heroin common in here and five and a half migrants Javert, ask them why they want that. I have not. I've talked democrats about how do we get to a solution on the border and the first thing that the Democrats Tell me, is we can't have a border wall, a border fence, a a barrier that restricts people from coming into the country? Well, that's a non starter. With republicans. We've got to have barriers. We've got to make sure that we only allow people in the country legally, and they. Why do they say they don't want them, but why did they say they don't want the war? Why is there any law?
the reason behind the opposition, tat border security. Anything. No, I I don't understand the logic of not having I don't understand it. Either nobody's has able to explain it to me. Other things Matt tb is a reporter who is working with the law musk to expose the twitter situation, where federal agents from the fbi met with twitter to suppress information. The irs shows up at mister t bees house. Do you know anything about that? I do not nothing at all, I know some republicans on your committee want to drag so I urge people to ask a question, and I think the irish should explain themselves- are much higher than do it in person, but they should explain why, when Mr Tyler
be, and you must are involved in exposing really the weapon weaponization of of government. Why, then, the irs comes in and looks like an awful bad. students, ok, the final thing on the breaking news front is the alvin bragg situation with Donald trump now the d a says that knocking. Have the grand jury operate on the trump possible trump indictment for weeks he's postponing it? so brag and your committee there through bring him in, so you guys can asking questions. Is that happen.
I don't that that will happen. He will fight that. Obviously he doesn't want to answer questions about an ongoing investigation. It would be rare that any prosecutor or longed for foresman official would answer questions about an ongoing investigation. I think the point of the letter to brag was to point out that he has a weak case against. a former president and presidential candidate, and it is thoroughly inappropriate to bring a week case and to try to interfere with them. The political system, ok, Donald trump- does Drawing on this is my opinion garners. Don't you of the way in which by jumping this insane ongoing arrested on tuesday? Of course, it didn't happen he's royal guides are held on black donald. Brag is even going to pursue it. Much now to me, you have any feelings on it.
I Don'T- I don't know I don't even know really the nature of the case. I have heard a lot of rumours about what the grand jury may be investigating what they may be talking about. I spent twenty five years in front of federal and and stay grand juries. I didn't tell anybody rest was gonna happen, and I didn't tell anybody what we were investigating because of certain secrecy requirements, but I do think that the president is probably the greatest political strategist and has more access to public opinion. An influence on public opinion than anybody in my lifetime. Now I agree with you and he certainly taken brag to the cleaners. Now that may work In the long run, brag, maybe so angry that he just indict some wanna, we case ask it to take I saw you in the journal, holly want to ban tik tok, explain very briefly to my audience, some of whom are older americans. They don't know what
The talk really is I've never used tiktok. What? What exactly is it? Well, let me just explain really brief of a can the the types of wars that are going to be fought in the future in how cyber warfare they involve. One government trying to shut down another government or another banking system or utilities, and the tick tock, is a an app very similar to instagram very popular among younger americans that that goal one and put videos of themselves up doing various things and people click on that and and it can be monetized. If you get a certain number of followers, you can earn money for putting up interesting videos that that people watch, because then tick, tock and sell advertising
Those folks, the problem is that in a cyber war, all the information that tiktok has gathering name date of birth of various buying habits can be used to shut down our economy. It is owned by china, which means that the chinese communist party has undue influence on Tik tok. They don't allow facebook into china. They don't google into china, because they know that we could gather information on their citizens and they don't want that. We get below? Let me start by now, so I dont go on these websites boring. I'm old, I don't go but said it So I went on tiktok and I want some dopey kids do adobe kids do these days. How would they I need to get my personal information will first what you need to sign up. to be honest, talking eyes, wide areas sign up, and I sign up what information do I have to get.
You're giving them your name you're, giving them your data birth, you not giving so security number but you're, giving them information about where you live and different things about your personality than what you do. What what? What can happen is that somebody in China, if they're interested, can follow your keystrokes. They can find out what your passwords are. They can find out where you bank, they can find out what what utilities you use for company gas company what kind of cars you're buying all all the information about you that you use on the same device, handheld device desk top all that information is going to be available to the chinese. We can give them that information, and do you believe that there is a potential for the Chinese to do what? With that information? What would they do with it?
aggrawatin. What, with the reason that they are hacking, our government systems and learning about our government employees, as well as private systems and in health insurance and other areas is. But if there is a cyber war they can shut down our banking system. We can shut down their banking system, all of that is involved and in the warfare and in some of its morale. Some of it is china being able to advertise to our young it's all about the you know the beauty of communism in china and how many people are benefiting and on and on some of it's propaganda, but a lot of it just has to do with the the the height of a war being able to close a really essential parts of our economy. Alright, do you think it's going to pass the tick tock will be banned in the usa. I think the effort bill is to make sure that tick, timely information. That is
either by tik tok is stored in the united states and that the current chinese communist party does not have access to that intervention at all. It's just like any negotiation. You start with a position that is well on one side and you hope to get to a position where you are safeguarding americans information as a noble cause. I tom cruise through your book crew she and I need your personal opinion on ass. Do you believe there was an actual conspiracy. by the fbi. They met with twitter executives. Ok to influence the election, the presidential election of two thousand twenty- was this an active plan to help Joe Biden become present and others and active plan. As much
It was an unspoken truth in in twitter, the f b, I certainly misrepresented the nature of a hunter binds laptop and the info and stored on that when they blame that on russian disinformation, a rogue agent, I'm not suggesting that christopher re or others of the f b. I were involved in this but budget one rogue agent went out and told twitter and facebook, but this was rushing. Disinformation and I didn't use any sort of discernment in the process of determining that. It was, in fact russian disinformation They took that and they ran with it, but a lot of the people that they kicked off in a lot of the tweets that they did not amplify, hurt, donald trump, and so yes, I think there is a culture in twitter. I think there's a culture and google that causes them to censor speech on the right in and particularly speech involving donald trump. Ok, the book is
crush big text war on free speech by congressman KEN buck, say hello to all my friends out in colorado. Congress really appreciate coming on tonight. Thank you for having me ok, But you are cellular, it's just twenty nine. Ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family glamorizing, robe, loser, Beth she's, not gonna, like that, the road I scenario, video, get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per line we were cellular built for us terms, applied this: u s! Cellular dot com, pretty test, we value human connection with be restrictions were cellular built for us visit your? U s. Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens. Ok,
so do I got I was. I can't tell you how I do this because then I would blow sources, but I'm on top of the three investigations into donald trump. Okay, the first one is new york city with the stormy daniels, then, is a mar a lago documents, and then there is the january sixth of the three of that. The trump people are most worried about january sixth, okay. I care I'm not going to tell you any more because I'm still gathering information, but I think I have the best sources now and I really spent a lot of time doing this and- and I will start next week, you know to fill in some specifics on it, but I wanted to give you a heads up: smart life, so there is a journal called social, psychological and
tenacity sites and it does a study on friendship, four thousand participants in this study In any event, graded shows. If you have good friends trusted friends, then or personality is more boy you're happier? But if you have shady friends, You have friends, you betray you, then you are less happy. Ok, we all know that right side Nor have we needed to get four thousand people to confirm it, but they did. But here is a small live thing number one trust very few people and they have to earn your trust. I made a mistake: throw my lifetime, I trust and some people. I should not have.
Because they didn't earned my trust I never saw them. Do anything noble just assume there were a good person. I soon brought them. People have to earn your trust and when you see them doing very, very good things or helping people that that then you start. kate number one careful who trusts number two value, your friendships that are ongoing. I told you this before bill orally dot com, up until a year ago, we run by a guy who I went to first rate with those of notices. Nineteen fifty five and I have friends all over the place like that. I keep my old friends, I trusted old friends, still have any agenda with me: They knew me when I was an urge k. I hope you apple friends like dad value, their friendship and the third thing.
Is when you're making new friends careful careful, particularly if you're a person who is assets or can do something for the person. I know I'm a generous guy. I think up pretty generous and I like to do things for People. In fact, my lead resolution is one random act of kindness every day and I'm pretty good. I've been pretty good on ok, but new friends, its. It goes back to the trust issue, get you gotta really stepped back, but friendship is very, very important, very important. I know I know people. I have any friends at all. Nobody didn't can call up if they're feeling blue and vent a little bit and get a perspective, so they don't have anybody to do that if you do you're much better off smart life, Ok, so cause years, membership, bumble o reilly, dotcom surging and I'm very happy to see it, because this is a service, you can't get any worse
so this week I got a letter from a guy Parents are in their nineties they're both alive. Kay there in their nineties and he's having trouble, particularly with the gatt, his father, because it adds act, crazy,. and the guy can't be in the house, twenty four seven and the mom she suffered. So he writes me because he's a concierge member on bill o'reilly dot com. What should I do now? I gotta take this ultra seriously. Those people get hurt? Ok, so number one That man's identity will never be known, no one will ever know it. That's just me, I know it I'll. Take it to the grave
a number two. I said you have to go now yourself to the county court where you live and asked for an overseer to be appointed. Now you should do that through an attorney, but if you don't have enough money, you can do it yourself. cause you three four hundred dollars on average, you want an overseer k, somebody to come in. That has legal authority and evaluate what the deuce is going on inside at home. The county provides those services. Most people don't even know that. So that's a kind of stuff that we do. The concierge
russia programme and and then it can go down a travel. I can't tell you how many travel things and I guess I can save you a bundle of money. You know people I had a letter said I want to go to Kuba and snow. Oh no, not the time to go to Kuba. You will not have a good time there go to the caymans, it's just south of cuba. Better beaches, you are much more fun that cash stuff right again, contrary watershed bill, O'Reilly, dot com. We hope you consider it. It is a resource you will get nowhere else. in his remarks. Wait: I've nineteen, seventy three, the lash! U s! Troops leave vietnam under global situation. Fifty years ago. Today they pulled out is a timeline. Ninety sixty nine more than half million. U s! Troops with stationed in vietnam, fighting the communists. Ninety seventy three january, twenty seven, the paris peace accords, ended the fight
two months later, you s troops, leave. Years ago today and then two years after that, Saigon falls because the communists, I waited the treaty almost immediately and they knew the. U s. Congress wasn't gonna, put troops viewers truce back american forces not lose a single military battle in that we had experience. But it did matter because associate the means government was so corrupt. The people didn't get behind it, so the communist want in a process. Fifty eight thousand americans did three hundred thousand americans. Wouldn't be it no more Twenty five hundred prisoners of war, twelve hundred americans missing. Ok, Three million americans served in vietnam, six million. are still alive today as to twenty.
In all more than a million north vietnamese and viet cong were killed. Two hundred and fifty thousand south vietnamese dead. What a debacle vietnam been there beautiful country? What is communists? Those people have no freedom. What so ever we tried We tried that with a male and a final thought, I'd go to the male henry. Mr, oh well said with no interest in truly forcing gun laws. The bans are worthless, they ban all guns. They were just. Imported into the country along with the drugs you're absolutely right. They think that banning gun is going to stop. gun violence around. You can only contain it again. I have my programme on bill, o reilly, dot com John or ensure woodbine maryland. I thought your gun proposal. I thought your gun control proposal was
better than any proposal. I've heard, including both republicans and dems, also your guest regarding black reparations Dominic Carter was a real eye. Opener and damas good year, Glenn rich creek fairfax virginia the only problem making guns a federal, offense, the weapon I used. I would get involved, no, they wouldn't severe of alcohol and tobacco and firearms a little at the eye, but not much more. The locals make the arrest the locals make the case they handed over to the. U S, attorneys, that's how we work. The fpl would not really have much. In their tania concierge member. We hope you'll join a tanya, though, why don't you like? Nikki Haley? I don't dislike governor haley ambassador haley at all. I don't see her as a real problem. Solver, I think she's. Just a conventional politician. I could be wrong. Let's say: gene sharp gilbert arizona bill. It pays to watch you. My husband and I took your advice on
Savings bonds at nine point two percent and they capital, one eleven months, seedy five percent. We now have much or money are accounts than we did. That's. Why we're here? Smart life Davis battle pits, pennsylvania, I'm a premium member and therefore been fortunate to hear you smart life segments. We remind us to reduce, sugar. I did so I been six months, but I got my blood tests back and all the best stuff is down saving. We may inveighing view not too sugar. Your blood tests. It would be much better. Claudia on the message, ward in new york, city, hispanics and asians are turning conservatives profess, unfairness of the bail system and crime schools. That would teach me six the grievances of EU and dominic car to discuss owing to create more anti black sentiment. I don't know about that. If the reparations bill
asses anywhere. There will be some anti black sentiment, but if it doesn't we're gonna, let around Joel a gruesome run, concubine new york out here, a long island of discrimination on race, is unconstitutional. Our these cities giving out reparations. They don't see it as discriminatory. They see it as programmes that aid the marginal eyes so, but it will be challenging court if those reparation we get past anywhere they'll be court cases. No doubt bob head, thornton colorado beside the newest venues, one other, I very much enjoyed the news quiz on bill, o reilly, dot com. This week I got ninety percent. You square is one of the benefits, don't rallied outcome. We johnson memory louisiana, usually pressures the entire killing. Series and donated to my high school alma mater killing
This is out. I will donate that is well boy. That's a nice donation from an alumni way. Thank you very much. Those kids need some history, I bill, o'reilly dot com store. We got the team normal gear and talked about it with cuomo news nation last night and there are the shirts next week on going to model employer hats, gotta hat with right and mobs and all that to normal. Now we have some of this stuff made a broad. This is bangladesh couldn't get. The supply lies to make him fast enough, but we distribute them through american companies, so american companies sell them to us, but some of these are made abroad because we couldn't get a a fastened and that's the truth. We want, we usually do under percent american, ok, killing of which is, as mentioned,
out in september. If you re up your premium in coming years, membership you get that book free or any of my other books. where did the day do not be a rap. Scallions are a p c, a l l, I o n rapscallion. I like the word, such of it back with a file. At the moment, all right here is the final thought of the day. I'm going to washington tomorrow a broadcast out of there, and we not easy for a smaller news agency to deal, but we're going to do it because tomorrow thursday night, I'm doing a benefit with a singer: the odd warwick to raise money for the best friends foundation which men tours inner city, children. Many without fathers are mothers, so they sign a kids up with a successful person
who mentors the child. This is a great I've been doing this for gotta be two decades thrown by about bennett, former labour education secretary should say verona as wife, Alain ok. I'm pleased to be part of this sort of big benefit tomorrow and george tat for the best friends foundation. Look it up and if you want. Contribute some money, to wit. That would be a good thing. Look forward to meeting the on more work like her music, and I think, we're sitting at the same table are no. She likes yeah, but tomorrow I will report on and actually it'll be on monday on Monday. I'll have a full report, because tomorrow I'll be doing a show, and then I have to go over to the benefit
So I won't have time to tape it. But on Monday I'll give you a full report, but the important thing is look mentoring and I and I work with Barack obama and his my brother's keeper foundation. That's the solution, that's it! I was a big brother for two years in denver, colorado with three kids who stay with them: the home, my whole life. I I help those kids and they are very grateful for it, and that was during big brothers, speak sisters and this programme best friends in Washington DC. Thank you very much for watching and listening to the nose venues will see tomorrow from Washington
Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.