« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Tucker Carlson Gone From Fox News, Don Lemon Fired by CNN, Donald Trump Jr. on the Media, Susan Rice Steps Down, & Bud Light Changes Course

2023-04-24 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Monday, April 24, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down the news that Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News, and that CNN has fired Don Lemon
  • Donald Trump Jr. joins the No Spin News and reacts to the Tucker Carlson news and President Biden's likely campaign launch
  • Susan Rice steps down as Biden's domestic policy advisor
  • The ad executive behind the controversial Dylan Mulvany campaign is on leave while Bud Light and Anheuser-Busch change course
  • This Day in History: Annie Oakley hired by Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
  • Final Thought: Ray Epps' eventual lawsuit

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Reilly here welcome to the no spin news april. Twenty four thousand twenty three stand up for your country. Well, six years ago I left the fox news channel and now took recourse it. His god will have a donald trump jr talking about that. But first I guess you would like to know what's going on regarding Mister Carson, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo I'm going to. Speculation to a minimum. We don't do that here. I've been doing some report, all day long. as you may know, many of the people that I trained fox news
now run shows that the fox news channel. So you know I get information, but I have to verify everything it comes it I'm not like all the rest of the media. They just throws up anonymous sources with a bunch of gibberish. We don't do that here. So, let's run down what we know and how we know it. So this was a shock to Tucker Carson and his staff. This morning they were putting together tonight monday nights programme. There were actively involved with making a run rundown, as all of us do, who go on tv each night to talk to you in the middle of that boat. Tucker carlson is history at the fox news, show that's how fast it came. Nobody knew and that's in stone. Okay, that's not speculation!.
so what was the decision making process? There are a number of things in play. First of all, if you watch sixty minutes Last night you saw a man named re apps right, tell the audience that talker cross and ruined his life. I'm gonna deal with MR absent the final thought of today's broadcast, but that was up Strong, a search on sixty minutes and when I saw it I sit here- comes a lawsuit against tucker, causing and fox news from re apps if you dont, and if their name is unfamiliar, MR karlsson, hypothesize that he was involved with staging the january sixth riot
it's a very short ham, verge eps, of course denies any of that. He was there, but he says he wasn't an undercover fbi, agent or whatever, as other stuff, was floating rat again I'll get to that the ended program number one number two. There are a number of lawsuits go can you be filed shortly against fox news board of directors, people who sit on the board gay by shareholders, people who own thus stock and by the way fox new stock, was down big. Ok, so fn c is aware: those law suits are coming and the board of directors and sell.
The individual sitting on the board. Okay, you'd have to you'd have to defend themselves, that's big and then smart matic, which I don't think is a very important lawsuit since the smart, matte company only had one county in the two thousand and twenty election, where the machines were used. So they're suing for two point: six billion or that's just insane- they'll settle, I believe, with fox, but for not nearly what the minion got, but that's an opinion. But the fact is there. This litigation against fox news is ongoing and destructive tucker carton the lightning rod. Okay saw it interesting piece of history when I left six years ago, the factories averaging close to four million.
Viewers at eight o clock and another two at eleven o clock for our rerun at six million people right now. Cable programme, as approach that our aid since I left, because that's a pretty lofty number carson took over for me in the first two years lost about a million. Oh, my viewers K was doing around three to eight tumor in eight hundred thousand, then he made a very shrewd decision and tucker karlsson Himself- is a smart man and a talented broadcaster. Anybody who thinks he isn't is a full. Many knows what he's doing on television, so he decided to go to get viewers from the committed right.
All right a lot like rush limbaugh did and he went into that precinct any programme for those americans. His base was three million people which, in this day and age, to my ahead of most other cable news, outfits, ok,. So, but in doing that, his commentary became in many cases conspirators I'm and again you can make a lot of money doing that and wrong. We do in that. As long as you tell people this is my opinion speculation, but this is what I think is that
with that. I don't disparage that I'm a hard news guy. My opinions are based on facts, but the conspiracy industries huge russian collusion. I mean that was insane and every news organization except fox, embrace that conspiracy they not okay, so close in had a very successful run at fox and very influential among committed conservatives, their different thing, casual conservatives there right there! Every day, ok want to know what is going on. At the same time, fox news changed dramatically from a tightly structured.
operation run by a guy named roger else. Who is no longer there to what they call fiefdoms? Each show did its own thing and it maintained its lead over cnn completely hapless. And MSNBC, which is as crazy left as you can get. An interesting footnote, now dawn lemon was fired today by cnn and he says lemon. They didn't even tell him They just texted it now lemon was fired primarily because his ratings are very low. They were low in prime time, they alone morning he's alive. rod like talker karlsson, so CNN felt we don't need em he's not bring it in any money, and that brings me to the most essential point of this type. In points right, tammy. Why net is not part of television news kay
None of those operations are going to stand by their man when the going gets rough, you're gonna get thrown right overboard. No matter who you are that's the way american corporations work may have noticed it abc news. Had a big purge in its executive, rang, CBS news, I understand, will soon follow it. Doesn't matter how so zestful you are. It doesn't matter how loyal you are as worker it. Nothing matters if the corporation feels you are a deterrent in any, Way and it's more than your bringing in it's not worth it, your god. now, I assume they'll have to pay out talker Carlson's contract.
They had to pay mine out. Okay, I mean it's just they if, unless you violate some rule alright, so I assume that mister calls him will walk away with a nice piece of change, but it doesn't mitigate the turbulence in his life Alright, it doesn't I I know we didn't want to go out this way. And I don't even know if he knows what the inner decision making was.
but this will have a tremendous effect on the future of the fox news channel. No doubt about that, but, more importantly on republic, in politics, in the two thousand twenty four presidential election, because the republican party, most of it paid attention to talk, recross donald trump, just sit down with a man two weeks ago for an extensive interview. Even though talker cause and said disparaging things about donald trump trump overlooked it and said you know this guy got a big audience, I'm going to go in and talk to him. So now, with rush limbaugh deceased talk and causing vanished, the republican party has still has some
at sean, hannity, big time, radio, audience and tv alright and he's going to support the republican candidate is no doubt laura ingram will on, but the republicans profile in the media is much less now and that will have an effect on mostly independent. Voters, because the you know the word won't get out it's fast. Whatever the word may be. So all in all this is, I want to check my notes to make sure I didn't I actually was doing really aggressive reported today. I got my little notes. A guy all over the place. I don't want to forget anything into at at at at at at nuff. I think.
got it so thou you have it now. I want to discuss this news nation tonight, eight o clock I'll, be all buncher glenn back radio tomorrow and I will be continuing to assemble information, because this is a complicated story and it'll reaction to this story. Obviously, and again we're not speculating here, we not doing that. telling you what we know to be true and that's. The theories claim to fame is back on a b c from executive producers of love is blind and hosted by superstar brothers, Kevin and franklin Jonas watch and play along as these new celebrity relatives do whatever it takes to keep their famous family a secret. Don't miss claim to fame new mondays at eight seven central on a c and stream on hulu.
The council of francs, on behalf of delicious oscar mire, one hundred percent be francs, has declared its official position her Meyer, one hundred percent be francs. Are one two percent be frank, delicious this summer she's delicious choose one hundred percent beef, keep it oscar. I want to mention briefly. There is a rally: a campaign rally, rallies donald trump manchester, new hampshire on thursday. This come and the armory in a double treatment cheshire. So the campaign is under way. As I said, and this talk, recrossing thing will influence. That's adjoining is now palm beach florida is donald trump junior, deeply involved in his father's re election campaign. and there's a new book out. What All about that at the end of this, in our view, but first I want to get your reaction to MR karlsson and what I just said.
I agree with you. I don't know. What's going on behind the scenes, but I looked at him as a rat's a once in a generation type talent, someone willing to challenge the conformity and the norms of the establishment willing to call up senators and governors I think that you don't frankly not a lot of people are doing in corporate media these days, and so I think it's a big blow to conservatives to the g o p. I think Tucker Carlson someone who's been able to reach across the aisle in a sense bring over a lot of independence by by actually having the logical conversations that people need to be having, whether that be about a war in ukraine, whether that be about vaccines, whether this that'd be you know whatever it may be, and while that may be branded conspiratorial by some in corporate media, it seems like he's been batting pretty solid six months later, when the truth actually comes out bill. I'm not sure. I agree with that on all fronts, but that's for another day.
What was your reaction when the discovery for the defamation lawsuit by dominion revealed that Mr Collins said bad things about europe, Did you react at all? Did your father react to it at all, I never actually had a conversation with my father about it. I've had a good relationship with tucker for for a long time now he's one of the guys. I actually don't agree with on the vast majority of things, and so you know I understand how those things work, and I understand how conversations with People works up I'd. It doesn't bother me all that much everyone's entitled to that opinion. I think the the sit down last week was actually very interesting when you know a guy like talk their common at an understanding that you have tromp was right about. It's like ukraine and the war, and one of the few people are actually willing to call out that insanity, and so while they may have disagreements with them, you know things and perhaps at that time, because
around the J sex, the moscow where everyone was being fed a narrative, but not everyone knew exactly what was actually going on. I totally understand it. I was your father angry. Why not Carson said those are not nice things about him. I actually never had a conversation with him about it. So I dunno what you just said. You did No, I didn't I wanted. I ain't my eyes had a lot of conversations with opera browser, but I've ever had a conversely my father, all yadda kind. We associate with hardly a horse. It also you talk, we cause. I'm sorry, that's my mistake. So you talk nurse, you talk with karlsson. about what he said about your father was Carlton's. Didn't I didn't say that I I just I have generally. You a lotta conversations but tucker, and I agree with a lot of what he says: ok, but I all I wanna- go to do things that he's been read. Not I've never had a conversation with either one of them about that. When about that, your personal use,
you weren't offended by that much bell. In all fairness, when you ve gone through this stuff that I asked For years your idea, the hours of testimony for treason, Someone's text message with someone else in the heat of the moment, literally, that that kind of stuff doesn't bother me, slightest anymore, and I understand I understand. Ok, so father is the media master and I and people hate him. Now that are already uses the media. That's why? Well was re elected first by two thousand. Sixteen I didn't In our view, as you know, with him when he announced his candidacy knows where the audience is where the power lies and all that so accepting sean had and, as I said at the maintains, a very high profile and you will support your father.
the murdoch's don't support your father any longer you saw. It asks me I'd seen that we are not at all. Believe me. Have you discuss that with your father? I haven't because that it doesn't need to be discussed, is fairly clear. You know I've said this for a long time. I mean obviously there's a go: the Paul ryan faction of the conservative movement or the republican party. That's not really the conservative movement anymore. It almost is the opposite of that. It is very clear in what what they want to do and the direction they want to go and I think that's very different
I then, where you know the the average hard working blue collar american that also happens to be conservative is, but you know, you've certainly seen that aspect emerge and so, whether it's this decision, whether it's the opinion settlement, I I can't quite make any sense of it, because I dunno I dunno why you'd settle for three quarters of a billion dollars with a company who's, not worth a tiny fraction of that in the decision making process there doesn't seem to make much sense to me, but
It's not my call to make so that's up to them. Well, the reason they settled was at rupert. Murdoch himself was going to have to testify and he didn't want to testify and then once that was a fait accompli, the judge ruled that Mr Murdoch would have to go in. In fact, he was the second witness set to be called. Then money didn't matter anymore. The man did not want to go in there and testify and then all the other talent would have to go in. As you know, the press would have just blown that thing up to hiroshima, like status and and the company made the decision and board of directors have stuff to say about it. You know that you're, a corporate guy and- and they said look- the million dollars- is still a billion dollars. So look at it again, you know they could be right, they could lose entirely, but you're not getting a almost billion dollar settlement for a company
That's where the view but get out a few million dollars, and they are at least based on my understanding of that and why exact through the mud? I know how that works. Trust me: it's happened to me and my family enough, but it seems like an interesting position to take from a fiduciary standpoint. But if you own enough of the company, I guess you can do it yeah and what do you think the company has four billion in the bank? You don't have to answer that question. Radio. You looking at them. Ok, let's get onto the book So is it! This is an interesting book as all my history guy. I love all this stuff, so what you guys are put together is a letters to trump and you can get this book at forty five books, dot com, okay, and so is a bunch of letters that people have written to your father. I'm going to give three examples. The first one is Barack Obama. I thought this was fascinating, There are twenty two thousand. Seventeen quote:
third, we are just temporary occupants of this office. Is his obama says to your father? That makes us guard. It's one of those democratic institutions and traditions like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection, civil liberties that our forebears fought and bled for, regardless of the push and pull of daily politics, it's up to us to leave those instruments of our democracy, at least as strong as we found them on quote. Why did your father choose that letter to be in the book or listen? I think it's historical. I also think a big tenant of the book is sort of the irony he had mentioned sort of the letters you want to talk about and that's sort of modern history, but I think if you go back and look at some of the other people that have written
letters to him. I mean it's royalty, it's all hollywood elite. You know a letter from Alec baldwin telling donald trump how how much of a mensch he is is rather interesting when you think of the sort of the visceral and vicious negative attacks over the last few years, tour from some of the same people. So I think, what's really was interesting. We discovered this archive of letters to my father over literally decades of life and career in its history. The letters from Nixon talking about how you haven't you d, be a great politician and maybe he'd be able to watch you gonna, get it don't run your coverage, I'm gonna, get to the next letter with the the obama letter and, as you may know, I like Barack Obama personally very me and my children, its preaching the letters preachy right is it. Issues he's like let shirking your father, I read, as I know
Oh, I don't know if that's the I've, never look written written a letter to your father by the way have thanked him for a few times, And- and I know you know- I don't intrude if you want to talk to me department, but anyway, I thought the letter was: will pursue second letter, the preaching eyes this sort of interesting when you think about the irony of everything. that went on after that right. We talk of democracy, and yet he spying on the trunk campaign. You're talking about democracy, but it's his party that creating the rupture, russia, russia hope. So I guess that's part of the irony of all over the book right people too, is holier than thou approach and they're so great. But then you put an r next to your name and you're running as a republican and all of a sudden. All of that history is forgotten. All of the things change bill and you know again, I think that's what's so amazing about it in hindsight, you see all of these things and you realize exactly where these people were and and you realize that the people in glass houses, prohibition diploma generates a good window, eyelids
kim jong on April first April fool's day, two thousand teen. I am thankful for the personal letter you sent that explicitly laid out. Your great intentions he's responding to a letter from your father, the president, trying to get this thing in with north korea under control. But what struck me here is dear excellency, see George Washington forbade anyone from calling oppressed the united states, excellency he forbade it, and I looked at it, doesn't know anything about a mirror. I have a feeling that Kim Jong IL wasn't not thinking about those things. We know the letter, but you know it was sort of amazing that you know my father does talk about. Nobody gets a lot of criticism for saying that you don't you good relationship with these behind the right thing,
our relationship writing able to pick up the phone when, when the stops going down in a bad way being able to have that direct link is truly important night and I use the laugh when I saw the beginning during the trumpet ministration and all the experts you to everyone's an expert it from doing it all wrong in north korea go well what what's your basis for that in their basis was that they have been doing the forty years, but they've been doing it for forty years with no successes, they've never even been in the room with the other person and they're going to tell us. Why he's doing it wrong, and it was just sort of the great irony when you took the success. They stop the testing, so they stopped the this, and the second Biden takes over a guy that a dictatorial or a despotic type vigor sees that. It. Listen, they fire up those things right away because look I always said you have to do, with the double and our job, and having The devil on the phone and de intensify the fire to better deal. Finally, real, quick richard Nixon december, twenty first nineteen
I been way back. He writes Knew your father, I did not see the programme by mrs Nixon, told me that you were great on the donoghue show. That's filled on EU. As you can imagine, she's an expert on politics and she predicts whatever you decide to run for office, you will be a winner. Unquote, it was nice and Nixon dropped. That line right very much so and again another politician who sort of your history has vilified, but in looking at the book in and looking a sort of history as we ve become more immersed, you actually look in a lot of what he did and there's a revenue was re elected in a landslide again, because that establishment took a map or a mistake. It it's such a different mentality, but that was whether you know it. My father, I went back and watched the interview had a think he was literally talking about at the time it was Japan, you're, taking advantages of us for trade, but the insane practices of our government officials, none of whom had any experience in business or information
or in anything other than being bureaucrats, and so what was interesting is that in a quite literally, almost thirty years later, that you it's the same line of attack and is just been very consistent in his feelings about the country and the bad decisions that our leaders, who are making decisions with real note, no authority to do so other than if they were elected, but they shouldn't be making these days. because they had no experienced making decisions at that level. Ok, that's why you ve seen lemons and tell your book when it. Let me plug a book for you, so you get this. What these, where you get it? It's just punch up. Forty five and forty five books, dot com, comes out officially more. You can get it tonight, though pre order, you know, it'll come first. Da. We really appreciate your time. You know you're very busy down there and it's nice of you need to see. Ok, like like vote of to be with you get my best.
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may announced this week that ease gonna run again. The wall street journal says he shouldn't the new york times, raising questions and pull out. Nbc news certainly likes Joe Biden, fair paul republicans, seven democrat, thirty nine, do you think Joe Biden should run for president ass NBC No, seventy percent whoa whoa, twenty six. Yes, they asked the same question donald do you think he should run for president no sixty years? thirty five, so trump trumps Biden in the NBC be pole Ok, so there's a whistle blower guy out now his name is MIKE morel, easy, deputy direct,
of the c I a from two thousand ten eighteen, or that thirteen, no thirteen, two thousand ten and thirteen. Yes, that was, of course, under the rock burma. He says Mister morale that the buying campaign road, up the ladder that fifty one Former national intelligent folk sign saying: under Biden laptop was a russian plot, You will all remember that. Well, here is the crux of that story. By use that during a presidential debate, go very are fifty former national intelligence. Folks, who said this he's accusing me of is a russian planet. They have
that this is has all the care for five former heads of the cia. Both parties say what he is saying is a bunch of garbage. What he believes it except his. Good friend, rudy, jolly okay. So this is shocking. The Biden campaign rights up. this is russian. This information, the hunter Biden laptop. So is the letter to the fifty one intel people and all sign onto it. And then by using new presidential debate, think about it. Newsome tell Poignant, solves efforts is goes out of control. Nobody knows drugs all over the place. People dying crime, you name it so newsome whose progressed don't put anybody in jail guy. He's sending california state
these and the national guard to san Francisco, to quote dismantle fennel traffic and disrupt the supply of deadly in the city by holding the operators of large scale, drug trafficking operators accountable, unquote, we'll wait a minute. The national guard can't do that under the posse common taught us law, they can't do that they can investigate. Drug trafficking are right and the sea police they can, but while why you should already be doing that with the san francisco city, police and the state police. This is just a budget who we. For news and trying to cover is, but because he thinks I'm buying. It's not going to run again, even though Biden says he will
want to step in and sent a guard into san francisco. At with this is but light disaster, my god So the woman director vice president, getting franchise bush. Her name is Alyssa. Heiner shied got because she higher Dylan mulvaney the trans guy to do their commercials and now bud life. Losing millions every day alyssa.
I told you about corporate tv they're, the worst corporate tv, but any corporation by alissa, smart life. So I tracked down the bumper sticker that said and religion, the original fake news, alright, throw it on up there. So This is what our by an anti religion organization right and I saw it in massachusetts on a mass pike on somebody's bump- So when I don't like that,. I'm gonna have my own bumper sticker made, and here it is eighty, nothing. There. Is battling. Bumper stickers, if you want to get this by anything,.
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so fascinating woman any openly born phoebe and mosey august thirteenth. Eighteen sixty, I was desperately poor in her child. She Was an indentured servant who ran away from her cruel family, not original family, but she was hired out to a family because her family was destitute and she did she served in there, but at age, fifteen she said blank, you I'm going back to my family and in order to make money for her family, she developed into a sharpshooter first killing animals for food and then in on contests, and she beat a marksman named frank, butler, okay in eighteen, seventy six and became famous
throughout the west, because most women weren't gun toting anyway, she joined a buffalo bill. Travelling show, which was hugely successful, becomes a second highest pay person in the show, geronimo was in a shawl. Bunch of people are right. Next to buffalo bill, you got paid a most, she got sick Talk about women's this and oakley taught more than fifteen thousand women. How to use a gun she died, and nineteen twenty six aged sixty six from pneumonia, it was actually a show about Any oakley on in the nineteen fifties remembers a little kid watching. It ok
we're gonna, take your quick bread back with now, and then we got an extenuation on the final thought of the Tucker Carson situation. In a moment. Let's go to the man louis J, cyprus texas, with all the big problems america has, who cares of hunter Biden benefit from his father's position, happens every day in this world at all levels. I know it happens every day, louis, but if a sitting vice president Joe Biden, time is using government planes and influence to enrich his son and other members of his family. That is a crime the case there care adam longer, baltimore maryland. I like tell you, ass, bigger mccarthy avail endorse a candidate. Why,
Today you will riley is: will you endorsed? No, I never do never endorse a candidate. Obviously I'm going to tell you who I favor, okay, I have to as an analyst but I'm not going to tell you to vote for Adam because you're smart enough to know tat bill, you say: declare the cartels, terrorist groups and drove them. You don't like it to be. over a that's an accurate quote. That's what I said: ok, I agree but Biden who do it. Of course you don't do it and I hope you re my column. Ok yesterday The two worst widens one of the two worst presence and I get into the border course. You won't do it. That's. Why he's one of the worst gillian.
I think they know. Camping law is a great idea, but it would only work if everyone past it. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening and big liberal cities, but chilean. If you don't pass, the no camping law that I propose locally. Then you don't get any federal money, don't get a dime. We'll see what happens then judge. What do we see? Hampton new Hampshire just said a worker around food, years old. Tell me he doesn't care who gets in his present or any politician running for office, there all crooks and he could not care less for the people. That was exactly what I believe the average worker feels will look. The average worker doesn't care about that.
If the president and then the average worker who's going to lose an enormous amount of money, tell them that you vote for a progressive next time around you're cutting your own throat, financially james doyle of fleming aisle Florida already calling Jesus the trump book in old school life in the same lane. One of my favorites finish. Reading bowl, fresh visa humanity, my bile from a historical sandpiper. Should I re killing england? Next, yes, Killing, england and killing lincoln bought killing the witches precludes killing england, I mean it starts with the mayflower, but right now killy england. If you want to go in store clean up the chain, then you start there Pritchett. You read nor my books, James very nice, of you, Jim, on a measure board. Thank you for the eighth is bumper sticker. They approach
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my name ray epps who tucker carlson talked about as possibly being inciting the january sixth a riot and working for the f b. I that's very dubious. He ashes on sixty minutes. Last night, as I said said, his life is ruined. Okay, and I said boy, this is a setup for big lawsuit. Anyway, on January twelve, two thousand and twenty two here's what I said about epsco, I'm certainly watching very closely and gathering information, but it doesn't make any sense that the fbi would jeopardize everybody inside that bureau by launching a false flag, duration or whatever. You want to call it. Ok and again, an fbi and former doesn't act. Like MR epps, though there you go, I so that more than a year ago, gas,
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.