« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Trump's Dictator Comment, Liz Cheney's Future, GOP Debate Preview with Sean Spicer, Biden Family Hypocrisy, FBI Director's Border Cowardice, Antisemitism on Campus, & More

2023-12-06 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, December 6, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill looks at Donald Trump's latest controversial comment, sparking ire from the left.
  • The hate-Trump media continues to push former Congresswoman Liz Cheney. Why?
  • Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer joins the No Spin News to discuss tonight's Republican debate.
  • Bill updates you on the latest involving Jim and Hunter Biden, who ignored congressional subpoenas. 
  • We analyze FBI director Christopher Wray's latest comments on the border.
  • College administrators address antisemitism on college campuses.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Do you hear that its decision of a honey baked holiday, the sound of mouth watering, memories being made overflights of their savory side and the sweet crunchy glaze of a bone in honey, big town or slow smoke. Turkey breath and, of course, the satisfying scrape of a clean dinner place. That's what the holidays sound like with honeybee every bite is a celebration with the honey they term company. Looking further in holiday outfits. Without breaking the bank jc penney, is a one: stop shop for the whole family, whether your dressing up were dressing down. Jesse and he has a great range of apparel for men, women and kids thing if its vandal s time during this and more time doing this, make your holidays counts. J c penny shop in store for J c p d come.
Reilly you're? Welcome to the no spare news wednesday december. Sixty thousand twenty three stand up for your country. We have including savings broadcast nine more this year, two thousand twenty three next year is gonna, be one of the most important years. In this country's history. It really is a vital situation and glad you're watching you listening on our radio affiliates tonight. yeah to spread the word all you guys got to spread the word because I'm gonna, to demonstrate once again tonight that the corporate media, which is so corrupt in america, the highest corruption level ever, is not going to tell you the truth about what's happening
We were talking point evening this evening is Donald trump town hall paint So speaking to the choir, the former president on the fox news channel last night was released Next, you know when a politician gets these kinds of offers to appear, there's more to take them even in a contentious situation. You get your points across. Voters noticed and trump certainly did that last night, but he the audience. It's not on persuadable in the sense that they already liked him. Ninety per cent, or even more, that doesn't mitigate anything that happened. It's just that at this point. If Donald trump wants to regain the white house's I will appeal to independent voters now the headline last night in the town hall was this go
You are promising america tonight you would, ever abuse power as well. Prohibition against anybody, except for day one however, what he's going to press except the day one meaning close the border, and I want to drill that's right. That's that's! Ok, so down from did that on purpose, you wants to be provocative or the top- and that's all you heard this morning on the morning programmes was Hannity saying you would never his power as retribution? Has anybody and then from saying, except on day, one back cut it off now? Why donald trump meant was he would do executive orders to close the border to stop the binding regulations on drilling for oil on they want just as binding to trap,
The same thing Biden came in open the border day. One come on it. Anybody wants a commodity come on in job. I knew that first, it and then slap regulations on fossil fuel industry which ignited inflation. That's what caused the inflation that we all suffered through the past four years, so tromp says they want. I'm gonna be dictating. He didn't mean that he was gonna, be addict, or he met, and then he later explain, but it was too late because the I hate trump media just took part of what he said, which is what they always do. A trump had to know that he had to know it alright, but he doesn't care. He just wants to throw these hand grenades. He wants to bear bait these media people. Alright, that's not a good
strategy. That is not a good strategy, because there are millions of independent voters in this country that would vote for damage. If you just moderated his present take and a little bit. Many voters do not want chaos every day. I dont a matter to me what he says It doesn't matter. What matters to me is what donald trump did in the four years. He was president and he did a darn good job. In my humble opinion, care what he says. I know him. I wrote the united states of trump, What does he just rose? The grenades, it's fun for him to do it, but it's not helping him right now as very important that everybody understands so predictably, the hatred, media got historical, will the tape. So,
asked whether he would abuse power. You saw their no answer for nearly five four minutes and then what had an answer. was yes day, one on certain issues Other politician in american history, where the question: are you going to be a dictator now never answered it. He never answered it done tromp admitted yesterday that he would be a dictator, he's reelected next year, so these people are all lying to you and me, but it's are you surprised, nobody's surprise. This is what they have been doing for years and their corporate masters do not care. When I was coming up in journalism,
working first CBS news, abc news even inside addition, syndicated program. If I told a lie on air, I wasn't huge shrub huge trump, not anymore. Ok,. So what has happened, I believe, is that donald trump he's going to win primaries. Alright, and we have the news nation republican debate tonight. Trump is The odds are ninety percent that he's going to win when it goes into general use. For me, I I would do it a little bit differently and that's that Looking for the right holiday outfits without breaking the bank, jason penny is a one stop shop for the whole family, whether your dressing up were dressing down. Jesse
and he has a great range of apparel for men, women and kids thing if its vandal s time during mess and more time during this make your holidays counts. J c fanny shop in store for J c p that come this. so it is brought to you by exxon mobile. The world needs ways to reduce carbon emissions exile. mobile is working on solutions in its own operations like carbon capture, and clean energy from hydrogen. They could also help and other industries like manufacture. commercial transportation and power generation to helping to live. Heavy industry with low emissions find out more
at exxon, mobil becca all right, so they hate trump book industry all about it, Cassidy Hutchinson all these people they put out a hate trump book and for the first two three weeks they sell copies and it falls off the clip, unlike killing the witches picking up steam after two months, so miss channing has a hate. Trump look out. Go. It will be the unravelling of our of our constitutional system and an eye every time, people here my former I'm lookin colleagues talking about the weapon as a of the justice department. I really urge them to stop and think about what that is. That's republicans attempting to do tat from spitting attack in one of the most foundational and important aspects of our of our republic, jolly
any is lose cheney, but why why she so does it really matter she's through in politics, you'll, never be elected to anything ever again. Her book came out Today, it's number one on amazon, okay, there's a lot of people that can't get enough of hating trump. That's it they'll spend twenty bucks to hate trump every day and that's what liz gets. But if she thinks that she's got a future in politics, she doesn't. Kate republicans aren't going to support her only twenty nine percent and Y all meaning when she ran for re election to congress. Twenty nine percent- that's all, and because she's pro life and conservative on issues democrats will never support got nobody rights. Are I lose? You got your book so if you copy- Fine, we're going to career at eight and from president Biden today delivered remarks. The white house tribal nations summit. Is this
Trusting native americans were at the white house and Biden promised to give them more federal funding. And he's not going to oversee how they spend the funds they can do what they want with them. Ok, It doesn't really matter just Biden just gives away. So much money is staggering as ever gonna stop that's what he does as all does and then abiding. They made some remarks about the vote coming up on you. Israel and the border. I will play you those in a moment, but first president, James Biden, defied congressional subpoenaed today didn't show up, and his lawyer said now we're not showing up. No excuse we're just not going ok. The lawyers Paul
Fishermen Paul should know, and I'm sure he does it. State ban was sentenced to four months in prison for refusing to comply with the congressional subpoenaed, and pity Navarro another trump adviser he's awaiting sentencing, so I expect james via new gold present for not showing up whence vein it? We have almost go garlic, garland knock at it. He has to go so you'll be charged with contempt congress not or by not much sharper, otters bozo! You show up What's a date for hunter DA da da da da da DA it's next week, sometime, I think, on December thirteenth.
What would you setup in my ear? They didn't tell me December thirteenth was to show up there. It is scheduled interview and- and he says, he's not showing up put him in jail. This simple this, but I'm a job that ngos adele tomorrow's europe divided go to jail. If doesn't happen. I don't know why. So on a binding. We learn now got five milk. dollars from a guy named. been mars, who is a hollywood bigshot? This cab, this gives five million dollars on about? Nobody really why are these states, have you received a cash gift for more than seven ten thousand dollars? You have to pay tax on it gag? That's it! You get! Seventy
afraid, somebody's your mom, your dad or whatever gives us at seventy thousand dollars or cash or soft no tax, or that five million he got a big tax bill. Otterbein base zero. Nothing again he's not been charged, not been charged. How does this happen? We are banana republic right now. The united states of america is venezuela. This is all so corrupt and has no two sides of the story. I'll give you the bide inside they say was loans. Ok loans, five million dollars worth of loans, so Kevin mars, apparently loaned five butlers daughter by four? Why cocaine hookers. I mean I'm laughing because it so absurd, but
happening in real life- it's happening it's you know and where's the corporate media. This ignore it out. Maybe its russian disinformation. I got ok so suppose we evolve before the christmas break on aid to ukraine continuing in billions and billions of dollars to Israel. and republicans are tying knighted into border security. But this Senate majority leader chuck humours, has not oh, no, no, no, no border security. You just give us the power to give ukraine and israel money, but we're not going to do anything to stop them a menace, and Joe Biden reiterated that today, gulf stream republic replied chicken with our national security holes.
Ukraine's funding, hostages are extreme partisan border policy. Let me be clear: We need real solutions. I support real solutions of the border. if not, you didn't put forth one solution to anything. You just open the border, and now ten million people migrants are here and it's costing this country more than a trillion dollars in the end. You know it don't give me any of this. This is just ridiculous. Of sir. I again this is another example of just running why republicans extreme Republicans party in border supported what what's the partisan water policy? Mr president, why because you don't want ten million people on an accounted for you here. Ok, you don't know where they are. What they're doing that's an extreme? what a browser you won't stop that this so far out of control. I can't
you're, getting my frustration. The vitamins duration is gonna, go down in history as a second worst. Ever and it just keeps piling on. I don't know what's going to happen on this vote, but if I were in congress I would not vote unless they did someone a border. I would not vote for ukraine or israel and new bull ya know. I support both of those things, America's money going to both of those countries with low fort. Unless the Democrats give in and start to secure the boy, that's it! That's my book radium tonight issuing time news, nation, public debate
Nicky Hayley rhonda santa's that around the swami Chris Christie there they are so what the deuce are Christie enormous one they doing there. so Christie is pulling courting a real, clear, two point: five percent of gay Chance, rama swami after all these months, five percent, he has no chance why there. there's no reason for them to be there. There is going to take time away from the two people that have enough support to be there nikki, haley and governor ron Desantis. Now I like ramaswamy, he's been on the program and I respect is a patriot for trying to help his country. I respect them, it's not going to be, for I told him that is you remember that episode. The interview is that and to have him up, there is wasting
at the time at both an american and a journalists wasting my time. Chrissy all he's there to do is bastrop. Alright, we got a governor, we gotta yatim. Do we have to hear it one hundred times? I guess we do. This is the report. This is the fault of the republican party. They made the rules. These people should not be onstage. Okay, so to our debate and I'll, be on news nation after and some wisdom. I hope sleigh. We're gonna have take a nap, but I'll be on so will sean spicy. He is a new nation, political, a contributor also The first tv lead in to my programme that I by sir, is really busy comes to us. Now from the university of alabama.
saw anything going down there and anything or whether we should know about. I think, there's a lot of excitement tonight for the reason that you laid out there's a lot of people that want to see dissenters and haley go at it if either of them can with a needle and what's the case that ran the swami increase. Do you don't make a christie, as you point out, only very low nationally, but he's making the case it he's only competing in new Hampshire and that he thinks he's gonna win their do really. Well, there get slingshot forward. I I I don't think that's gonna happen, but that's his case equally concerning is rama swami, trying to figure out what you know aside from the fact that a boat load, a cash, why he still on stage, but you know it'll be interesting because
and I used going to be the last time, probably before the iowa caucuses, that we see these four on stage together, and this is their last chance because it's a national debate, it's here in alabama, but the only people that really matter are about the two hundred thousand caucusgoers in iowa, because if you can't make it out of iowa your campaign's over yeah- and look I don't do I don't object to the debate. I just want to hear more from the viable candidates. Then- and I don't know, if I'm being unreasonable- and I if I were the republic in chief- I wouldn't you said boy- do in two, because the poli numbers don't warrant the other now, when you are analyzing, innovate like this, there's not a real big difference in between two santas in Hayley. his readers, both of them I a little bit more moderate, I think, than dissenters, big. You would agree with that. But do you have a question or two that you throw it either or
yes and first, while I would argue that part, this is style right. We ve seen most republicans generally are about eighty five percent, an agreement on most domestic and foreign policy issues, but I think we saw in president trump a willingness to take on the bureaucratic say to that end and fight for policies that previous administrations had that's different. his style, does matter for these folks, I think foreign policy matters how you're going to take on China what you're going to do about our national security in terms of building up the military. The last debate, I thought the most insightful question was asked- was from Hugh hewitt when he talked about the size of a future navy. Why? Because it really got you to understand their strategic thinking. It wasn't about a number think three hundred or three fifty. It was the rationale that went behind.
How they got to their number- and I heard interestingly Chris Christine Dissent- is really make an interesting case about how they would build the navy, specifically as a cudgel against an increasingly provocative china in the south, china sea, especially as relates it. I once and for me part of this is to understand their thinking in their rationale as much as is their position, Okay, do you know these people Haley and the santas? Personally, I know every one of them yup every one of them, so give me a personality profile of christie. First,
Why the christie years is a sort of without sounding insulting his new jersey to the core. He sort of has a forget about an attitude. Go right at the jugular he's a you know, sort of a brawler. You see that and how he attacks donald trump. I think Nikki Haley is much more of the cheer point, she's more of a statesman type of person, which is why she was a good fit at at the un, a dissent. This comes across the way that you think he was he. He, executive bodies, not the touch. You feel kind of politician that we're normally used to seeing ones that president and then ran the swami is he's just a flame travel is a successful business man that doesn't really here about using all the right words, and you see it on a debate states. But what you see with them privately are publicly is pretty much what you see publicly to Ok, so Hayley and chrissy, or not big fan of mine, and I think that my temper,
My analysis of them are right and that's wrong. On my part, I shall I shouldn't care what they give me christie. I dont like at all because of the beach thing member that well and then he's lounging and on the beach by himself, that's disqualified him for everything. For me, just as the french laundry disqualified, the california he were nice, nobody can go about allows cause of coffee, but I'm going to the big expensive. Restaurant cuisine is the same thing I'm going to the beach. You can't go gone or I can't come back from that Nicky early I've met her a few times. I don't think she's a woman of the people. I just don't get it
I don't see it now, but maybe I'm wrong there. Look I like to I've been in this game. Since I did my first campaign. Thirty years ago, I've seen a lot of politicians come and go, and I think, with the unique thing was about trump, is that he we didn't know what to make and he came and he shook of the state. I sat in the white house with him for about seven months, and he was willing to take on the status quo so many times we're told we can't do x right. This is in law. This is how it's always been, and trump came in and said.
I don't care, and for the first time in my life I saw a politician that was willing to take on the establishment shake things up to get real change. Too often we hear excuses, I think the closest we're going to get to that is a guy like dissenters who has been willing to take on the establishment fight against institutions like disney take on the bureaucracy when it came to coming out a covert in the educational bureaucracy. Shakeup the this the higher education system in florida throat. If you liked trump, I would go downscale to the santas and then keep going, but I I don't disagree. I think Nikki Haley comes across much. War are in the mold of the I wish the republic, but maybe I'm wrong about her final question, for you dissent is this problem as he does and connect with the fox, as I call them a way and to remote, is to read,
emotionally remote trump is it trump's got the folks, the maya people they don't care, which, Why does they don't care? What he says, they're with him and I'll always be with him, cause he's forged that connection whatever it may be. But tactically, if I were trump, I would consider Nikki haley as my vice, What do you think so interesting? I will tell you that I think part of the reason why I put my finger on with trump the business studies in construction, retail, restaurants, You you interact with with every day workers with blue collar workers. Trunk is always had an affinity and a connection to american workers that I think most politicians lacks the thing. That's interesting on my podcast today I had wanted to send this top age and I said to him with all of the accomplishments that this answers.
is kebabs? Why is he connected kind of what you're getting at- and I think part of it is- is that that that that lack of connection to peoples he got all the accomplishments on the paper that would add up to somebody doing really well, and yet it's not there because of what you've put your finger on. I think that's that's the biggest thing that I take away from right now, where thinks it is, it trump has a connection with people because of the background that he's done stated that his personality is much more open. Highly vp, yes or no so on. The red? Here's, what I've always had with trump being the BP as a concentric circles, you have to want it, they had. He asked want you and I think, Nicky Hell. I didn't want to stick around as you want and vascular. Why would you want to, as I say after seeing the my pants movie, who was a loyal vice president for four years? Take that job, I think Nicky Hayley doesnt want the job
I don't think trump would pick her. I still think my number one pick right now is Sarah sucker Sarah Huckabee sanders. She knows the job. She knows what trump's. Looking for- and he knows, harks It's my number one tackling right, not a good. That's a that's! A good choice. Ok once again show and spice or leads into the nose been news on the first. We wondered tat bear they told. wise who's, gonna be the warmer back for me, but that they were just kidding. I mean you're the ear the star at seven, but the way this works, because we're not corporate media here is that we hire dis tributor and the first tv distributes us along with many others in america. You know Directv all of that kind of stuff, so spies, there's gotta programme, seven to eight
we come on at eight and then you get us other places on the radio as well. So thanks for being my warm up guys wiser, but I think you are a star in your own right and I hope we can talk again soon will see it tonight on new nation. You betsy that ok now be doing. As I mentioned commentary after the debate. hey. Do you know what snapdragons is snapdragons as the processor that makes ah inspiring photos and immersive mobile gaming possible, whether your shooting video of your favorite sports team, taking selfish that a party or fighting your way through digital battle grounds in the palm of your hand, snap jack gives you the power to move experience. Extraordinary with snapdragons and the all powerful samsung galaxy ass, twenty three I'll just smartphone.
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All elevated all at exactly the same time. There are ways that because in the open border, is a big reason right, ray is never ever criticised that open border ev. Here's what he said in october on how will we go we're having a clear border? Would that make your job easier? I will I will let sector america speak for border security, but I will tell you that the threats that we have to contend with, That are attributed to the border cartel violence, distribution, rna. The answer is yes, your job would be a whole lot easier. So rail never never criticized by no matter what Biden does. Of course re wants keep his job in our private law and order Just so? You know,
semitism on college campuses, ok So there was a hearing yesterday house education committee and they drew idea in the present of harvard mit and the university of Pennsylvania, all top flight schools, or at least they use to be willing to take. It is a context, dependent decision, congresswoman its context, dependent decision. That's your testimony today, calling for the genocide of Jews is depending upon the context that is not boeing or harassment. This is the easiest question to answer. Yes, miss mc ill.
So is your testimony that you will not answer? Yes, if it is, if the yes or no, if the speech becomes conduct, it can be harassment. Yes, though, it's ok to threaten somebody's life at the university of pennsylvania. So I'm going to kill you because you're a jew, but if you don't act on it,. Look, I mean that's what you said you know from top to bottom is broadcast and were twenty eight minutes in I've just presented insane the one common denominator of all the people doing in saying the insane stop the one thing that binds them all together so all progressives. Keep that in mind.
Gave a noose mr progressive cancels the tree lighting ceremony in sacramento, the state capitol cause he's afraid of pro palestinian protestors. So nobody could go in person a watch the tree. He had let the christmas tree course gavin avenue would never collar christmas tree, but you can't see it they do with virtually whatever. That means, because he's afraid of the pro palestinian demonstrators who said we're going to show up and disrupt it, just like it did in new york and the emi pd kept them away. Okay, but Gavin says now we're gonna cancel profile, encouragement, a starting january. First, two thousand twenty four. If you who are a large store. You have to have
gender neutral point apartment. Let's put the law up and I'll, read it to you, the law, require retail department shore physically low, getting california, with a total of five hundred more employees across all california retail department store locations that sells child here, items or toys to me, a gender neutral, section or area for the children sell shall be displayed regardless of whether they have been traditionally marketed for either boys or girls, got to have gender neutral
No doubt you can be charged two hundred and fifty dollars for each day you don't with a communist. Do they have private store? Private enterprise government comes in you'd, better. Do this. I want fidel's picture over there. If I don't say it, your interests are fine. This is clearly an situational, is law, government can come into a private business and say you gotta have a gender neutral section, but it's going to try it. Avoid it smaller life, so we are sending out to people all over the world? Tens of thousands of books killing which is all my other killing books we're setting them in a mass way
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the five hundred human beings live in eight thousand square miles, most of them seminal indians however, is a big problem in the glades, the burmese python, morons dump these python and into the glaze, and now there's an estimated. How, Half a million of these things and there eating everything. Now you can make money going to florida and signing up with flora wildlife going Killop chewed up, but if you miss the python It is twenty five feet, long on average and crush issue in about ten minutes. Why want to be a little circumspect that by big big problem with the pythons in the ways fascinating place. Put on your lest you want to go there. I've male segment, any final thought coming right up: now segment, doktor, Larry pack,
or rather you said, no one benefits from the clash between blacks and Jews, but I believe the progressive left benefits because they want strife in the country. Their goal is to destroy us by creating social and all times of chaos. But what this has done doctor is spotlighted these lunatics on the progressive left and most americans don't like that. So it has hurt them image court. I think the protests and people coming out for Hamas is good. We can now see who they are. You go occurred and I are on the same wavelength. You use a clean shirt. Patricia Resnick south any delaware. I don't understand why
how Hamas was able to build a massive amount of tunnels. Why did no one stop it? Who is going to stop it hammas controls, gaza, but have any way in their hats, moss palestinian area which stop it? That's what the problem is careers run Gaza sharon. It's final hard to believe that the democratic party has been grooming com, harris for nothing checks, the boxes, first, female of color and she's a progressive yeah, but a poll numbers are worse invited to yet that progressives in the democrat party would love to have her run, but americans alike. David hudson coeurdelion, idaho, the fact that george santos got elected what failure of the media. Ok, I disgrace failure me. I voted for my district. I didn't check him out
depend on the for anything. I am the, maybe that's what I should check them out. Special lecture I bought in february here in new york to work as he's booted, to elect another condition for the third and this time, studying these gaps or gaps. Russell those in positions of power and authority at NBC should be held accountable, for they put out on MSNBC who's them account who got protections. Nobody. doug, right, Caldwell, idaho, just finished reading killing the witches, what a terrific book as much joy, the pages devoted to the witch hunts and the actual system in modern days. I must confess my favorite sections, where the off I know where you are riley nailed it with regard
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.