« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Trump's CNN Town Hall Shipwreck, Pollsters Prop Up Biden, FBI Rejects House Oversight Committee, Border Update, Oprah's Far-Left Speech, & More

2023-05-11 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday, May 11, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down Donald Trump's CNN town hall. What went wrong and what does it all mean?
  • Bill compares his 'History Tour' interview style with former President Trump to CNN's Kaitlan Collins and her performance last night
  • As Bill predicted, new polling has been released that help's Biden, but is it honest?
  • The FBI did not comply with a request involving President Biden after it was requested by the GOP lead House Oversight Committee 
  • The latest on the southern border
  • Watch Bill respond to Oprah's controversial student address
  • This Day in History: President George H.W. Bush orders 2,000 troops to Panama
  • Final Thought: A look back at the 'History Tour'

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Oh here, the new cycle can be overwhelming. As you know, bill, o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal, listener the no spin news audio. We are offering a way of listening to it completely ad free you can Up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium member today and access all the great audio content. We have Including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and cause you members also get exclusive access to special video programming, even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so. Become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today. It below riley dotcom, slash ad free, that's Morally dotcom slash ad free,
bill O'Riley here, welcome to the no spare news, thursday may eleven, two thousand twenty three stand up for your country, so a few hours ago. I got a call from down from the former president of the union States now he never signals me that he's gone to call? He has my private number very few people on the earth to have that, so we cause and of course, take the call news guy. So we spoke for about ten. its he's very happy with the town hall very happy I didn't have much to say is why would I I just debriefed him about
up happened in new Hampshire, how he felt about it. What is I do now and not my job or role to say anything unless he asks me. ok, so that happened, and I got some pretty good information to share with you and he's happy, but lots of people are not happy. About that town hall, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. So I'm going slow it down because a lot here- and I want to be there is always the town hall, in my opinion, was a ship wreck. Ok, What is the town hall supposed to be two things supposed to give audience members a chance? ask the president or has ever the subject of the town hall questions and get information. That's number one!
Can you remember one thing, the audience ass, donald trump? I can't Then we're the moderator of the town hall is supposed to get as much information out of the subject as humanly possible. That didn't happen. And here's why, when you go into interview donald trump and I've done it scores at times. As you all know,. you know what you are getting. Everybody knows that trump has his greatest hits site. If you go to a concert by the classic rock group turtles. They are going to sing happy together. There nothing? You can do or in the arena with the turtles you're gonna hear happy to get. Ok If trump is sitting across from you
you're gonna hear is greatest stats. What are the greatest fits action was rig: two thousand twenty guy january six was mostly peaceful with good people. Vladimir Putin is smart and the country is going to help those either for top greatest its of donald trump and he's gonna. Tell you about em. no matter what you do. Ok, so enter The moderator thirty one year old, caitlin column, say cnn. Host miss cards is very talented and very smart, but she's thirty one years old. When I was thirty one I was lucky, I and in the penitentiary she who has no men tours cnn, because there is no one there. No one who
interview anybody. Can I just don't have the skill set in college, within a few hours on the phone with me That interview that she did it or the moderation that she did would have been a thousand times better. Because I want to tell her what I'm telling you you don't go in is a prosecutor. You don't tell a former president that he's lying don't challenge the greatest hits the As you know, he's not going to admit, he is wrong ever kay you re. The united states drop his own son. Told me in his whole life down, tromp has never admitted being wrong. What's not once. The closer you ever came was my interview with him about John Mccain when he disparaged.
the senators peel w status, that's the closest he came and he didn't. Namibia was wrong them, but it was clubs, ok, so Kalen. Collins wanted to prove her metal m tt ellie too, CNN viewers who are primary, the left wing. So therefore she interrupted she had to interrupt. Sometimes I interrupt trump. I interrupted obama. You have two because it just go on. But she was accusatory and that poor trump in a I'm going to steam roll this person mode rather than having a conversation. Okay. Now let me give you some examples of all of this, so The first thing is the election that who did never come up with kate coms. I'm gonna break it up. Anyway.
Who's gonna bring it up because he always brings it up and he's not going to back off. matter what you do roll and that was a rigged elections, it's a shame that we had to go through. It is very bad for our country, all over the world. They looked at it and they show exactly what everyone else. I've never spoke a crowd as large as this, and that because they thought the election was rigged and they they are proud. They were there. with love and their heart? That was it unbelievable, and it was a beautiful day when you weren't office So that you respected prison, putin gives no respect him. Today. He made a tremendous mistake made. Remember: you're, smart guy it's a very sad thing for our country? it's a very sad thing. Frankly for the world, because if you look at what's gone to our country, a country has gone to hell right, so they are the greatest it's right. There I mean I just come down: So.
There is a way to get at the rigged elections. Thing. Kalen Collins was confrontational, not etc. I don't know nor people filed sixty lawsuits and they lost them all. Actually, the numbers, forty two If you really want to cut it out, I will just take the sixty. The way to ask a question is not to say you're a liar donald trump. Ok, just say you know, I'm looking at my research here and the trump organization filed forty two or sixty whatever number you want to use okay actions in court and he lost them all. How do you explain that mister president and you ask it in that tone, Ok, so I did, and I have is by. I don't know if it's cute, but let's let's try to get it. I did that
on january, sixth, okay, so trump says. so beautiful day. There were all their protests thing they most of them were peaceful. That is why ok Now, here's what I said in the history tour in two thousand twenty one go, but now they say you didn't act fast enough to well the riot as it was happening. How do you reply ok, not and get an answer. He did not answer that question, but I couldn't force him to sir. It, however, I ask it in a measure tone it. How do you reply to people saying you didn't act fast enough to quell the riot cause? He didn't you waited about two and a half hours, but he's not going to answer the question you have to ask it so miss collins's tone. Now you saw
I here's Caitlin top go when it was clear to you that they were not being peaceful. You saw them seeing the capital breaking windows they were, hitting officers would fly, poles, teasing them being them up. It was clear they weren't being peaceful. Why did you wait three tell them to leave the capital trumpet news with equation that he's never going to answer the question of ok you have a situation where you ve got to know who your interview subject is, and you ve got to get as much out of that person as you can, but something
never gotten to get from Barack obama from Hillary Clinton from donald trump from any politician. They're, never going to give you and that's where this thing went off the rails, okay and it got confrontational between caitlin, collins and donald trump, and that was a disservice. Okay, so at the pretty much the end of it. It reached a head roll the tape, but that's a question that investigators have, I think, is why you held on. These documents, when you knew the federal government, was seeking them and then giving you a subpoenaed to retire early. Are you ready yeah, what am I gonna? Do you mind? I would like to dance. First of all day- and so I asked at its very Well, there you are nasty person,
He was being a wise guy or gal widow. That's why I asked it again: you ve got to control and discipline yourself. You can we talk with you kid. She steps that raw. I'm you heard the audience they were republicans remember and they were signing with trump. So again, miss cows did that because she was afraid that her left wing constituency would call her too soft on tromp. Well, the law: Wing constituency condemned the town hall everywhere, you can condemn it. Not only didn't caitlin Collins get information as much as she could as much as I would have gotten. Okay, because I told donald trump on a number case. You didn't answer the question, you didn't answer it and he doesn't care whether he is or not.
Song and am sitting I sympathise with. I sympathise with caitlin so I learned on a mug, wallace, ok and mike walls some of of all time and he kind of adoptive me you, like my style, because my style was model kind after him and I watched him- you may remember- when MIKE wallace interviewed the ayatollah khomeini- that one of the most heinous villains this earth has ever seen and he was into iran and whilst sitting there with this monster, okay, the mass murderer and wallace was basically conciliatory. Okay, I, but when he said again, I'm sorry. I have to ask this. I mean he wasn't fawning, but he was putting himself in a position not to create tension, but to get some answers which wallace
art did. I tell our media would like a complete idiot So there is a science to interviewing. You have to be part, surgeon and part price fighter. I remember my interview with Barack obama in the white house before the superbowl. when he had endorsed the muslim brotherhood to lead the country of Egypt, which to me was absolutely appalling, all right. How can you put these thugs these killers and you give the president of the united states seal of approval? I said that to him I said, really you're going to endorse the muslim brotherhood. There there There's an, but I didn't say it in an accusatory way. I'd like you to answer the question: do that I got hate me all over the place. Ok, free!
people who hated obama going to you sure that you they wanted me to crush him juices afar left wanted this college to crush trump. You can't take the bait right. If you are an interview or anyone trump did what try wanted to do, which is a steamer. All cnn, that's number one be yet the grievance card up free Tromp is running on one thing, and one thing only when you rip it all away. Donald trump is saying to americans. The countries going to hell and I'm the only one that can stop it. When you add up all of the stuff k he's knocking. condemned the january six rioters he's not I will he won't.
Because he knows part of the maghreb movement sympathises with knows that he's not going to condemn potent because it gets like did he's gonna, have to deal with Putin and he handled that ukraine question. She baited him. Caitlin Collins, baited him by trying to get him to say something about put bad about food, and he said: look I'm not going to call him a war criminal because I might have to negotiate with him. That's not how you negotiate with people calling him a war criminal and I just want the killing in ukraine- have stopped. That was trump's. Best answer. Ok and trump then left the arena, like Elvis played with bidet. She didn't touch him because the people who hate trump are always going to hate him always going to hate him, there's nothing. He can do to stop them from hating him, but his base.
They are feel the grievances that he feels they believe the election was a big portion of them believe the election was rigged. Oh, that's a lie. That's a lie! Is it a lie when Joe Biden says the border secure, but Biden believes it. It was the erect election rigged. No trump believes it. It wasn't one hat was there were abnormalities like Zuckerberg pumping two hundred million dollars into ten counties where that money go where you go. You tell me new york times anybody washington post, where to go now that Is serious dominion machines
populating votes did your biden foolish, but trump's not going to give you anything on anyway, he's going to list the grievances border crime, inflation and he's going to go, I can solve it all I can stop Putin I can keep, she contained, could win absolutely could win you complex. What he wanted to accomplish our Biden schedule. Nothing again, he's blogging about his store conservation actions at four p m. That's it go up. delaware do whatever he wants to do? He doesn't work for the people now earlier. This week we reported on an a b c news poll that had Biden's job approval rating at thirty six percent you'll. Remember that here's what I said on the radio go expect some polling that props him up and a spate of articles celebrating his achieve. What's the media campaign should fail as MR bonde
wilson deeper into incompetence. He will not be able to debate or then campaign much So that's where we are seven months before the primary voting begin. Okay, so I predicted a spate of articles. He's great and I'll. Give you one coming up about the border and pulling the props him up presto, its third today and here's a you gotta pull. You approve. Disprove the wage eurobonds handling your job approve. Fifty percent, Wow disapprove forty, seven way Maybe she's got thirty. Six, resent you guys got fifty now gay. I knew that would happen. Yes, a minority
well that's why you're watching and listening to the no spin news, but here's something even more interesting in that you gov's clientele the people who pay them for polling results. Huffington post can't get further left new york times, CBS news and the economist magazine can not get more left wing. So, if you're running you gotta pull, what are you gonna give him the right point that out, The ices is not a hand over Oh blower complaint that charges president by and then vice president Biden.
And with a a criminal scheme whew. So the house oversight committee subpoenaed this memo because he happy I had to take down with the whistleblower said: it'd be a ghost not going to give it to you. Wow Ok now this is christopher ray and he says basically luck. Report by confidential human sources is an important form of highly sensitive law enforcement, information upon which the fbi relies, so we're not going to give you what this is. Is this? What ray always does can't comment? It's investigation have to protect our sources, there's a He has a point here because we don't know we, the people and re certainly won't explain it. Whether
any credibility to this whistle blower or not. So we don't know it, but what re should do invite comber the head of the judiciary, the oversight committee and the ranking Democrat to the fbi office to look at the memo. That's what do so, if I'm calmer, I'm mad and I'm going to torture re, somehow I'm going to get them in array of say the same thing I can't comment. I can't comment. I can't get one but comer. right to know what's in that memo, and so do we eventually, if there's any credibility to it, because we can't trust the fbi christopher wray, to actually investigate anything on beau Biden camp. You know, I mean one hundred Biden. These go on for five years. They'll indict him next week, he'll get indicted on low level beefs and but five years.
Okay, I border update. Now here's where I get in when I said you'll be a spate of positive articles about Biden off the a b c news, washington, post poll, washington, post, one poll had him at thirty: six percent job approval, so here's the editorial board. Says the washing post today quote. Mr barton is right to end the use of title forty two, which under the federal government, has conducted an expulsion programme masquerading as a public health initiative. You also deserves credit for keeping migrant families together. A departure from president donald trump pitiless policy of separating them most warmly turbines should be applauded. Taking steps to vassal expand the admission of refugees who do you hundreds of thousands? from ukraine and Afghanistan, along with this,
publishing, wider legal pathways for others to enter the country, so the washington, post, okay, with open borders, that's what this means! Guy ukraine, after has nothing to do with it, in legally. There was about honour by doing a good job, uniting their families. Let everybody come on. That's what They are that's who they are: ok, now you see more and more than a prop joey up, I shouldn't say gently. That's disrespectful, I'm sorry to prop the president up. Ok, as I predicted. And the water situation in the next week, or so is going to be. This will probably disqualify Biden for any kind of hope that he could ever be reelected. You will see hundreds of thousands of people mass across that border and vibes not gonna, be able to stop he's not
so it is now up to about eleven thousand a day coming across that'll continue and it's just and more than a half million got away immigrants according to the border patrols of people who don't ask for asylum made you sneak in half million since october, so far out of control it such it. I don't think I've ever seen a worse public policy disgrace than this. This is just beyond anything. I could ever imagined and here's a director of homeland security may orkut skull. Let me be clear: the lifting of the title, forty two,
Health order does not mean our border is open. In fact, it is the contrary. Our use of our immigration enforcement authorities under title eight of the united states code means tougher consequences for people who cross the border illegally. Does anyone I believe that man is and he had a red. You saw marine, so borders, not open. So the seven million of me come in to binds been in office. How do I get rid of the borders, not open half in trumps last year? I think it was four hundred thousand in six hundred thousand and so now up to three and a half million a year. And what what are you doing
You all know I don't have to convince. You are with us cellular it's just twenty nine, ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family plan pricing, one rope, Elizabeth she's, not going to like that. Oh boy get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per line. U s cellular built for us terms, apply visit! U s! Cellular dot com for details! We value human connection with distractions us cellular built for us visit. Your us cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens, the reasons that these people get away with what they do mate, yorkers and Biden, and all of that is that the media is on their side, as we just showed you with the washington post and for uninformed people, people who don't consume the news, I don't watch the no spin news, they don't go to bill. O'riley, dot com, read my columns and do any of it
okay, they're just in their own bubble, but they know celebrities, they do and they follow most of those bubble. People follow celebrities, so Oprah winfrey is probably the most powerful woman in the country. Right now, I would say. Certainly the wealthiest and she deserves her wealth. I mean this woman built herself up from nothing terrible upbringing. Errands were chaotic and I mean she's all over the place. She did it on her own, which is why america is a great place if a young black woman from mississippi with nothing, can get into a position of being the most powerful woman in the country country's gotta be doing something right anyway, Oprah Winfrey gave a speech at the tennessee state, graduation, tennessee state, primarily black college
and here's what she said: you witness the storming of the capital and the death of civility. You are acutely aware and that voting rights are being gutted? Women's rights are being dismantled, books are being banned, history is being rewritten, the supreme court is being corrupted, the debt ceiling is being held hostage, the climate is changing, the lgbtq community, lgbt plus community, is under attack. You know my training at the plush and they're almost winfrey. Our thoughts go over her beliefs and she's, telling kids this it's like. You live in a terrible country of origin, racially say: okay, she'll, look number one and voting rights are being gutted. Two thousand twenty two midterm election. More people voted in the midterm than ever before. Two thousand and twenty presidential election more people voted than ever before, falling back that up.
Okay, that's number one! So that's not true much number one women's rights are being dismantled. She doesn't like the abortion thing. She wants abortion on demand for any reason, Oprah Winfrey has on a limitations. Cat lot of americans want limitations on bush, but Oprah does not respect. Them because they're violating women's rights- without. baby in the ninth month and he writes at all miss Winfrey any, but anything no cat just won't take her up. Take him out. If you want to books, are being bad, I dunno any books being banned, I mean maybe in some crazy school district someplace I mean they don't want third graders reading about activities that they don't understand
and right, but I don't I don't know any books being banned. I know gone with the wind can't be shown on h, b o. I know that so I have been banned. Multiple successful, moving pictures of all time can't be shown on a p h b. O does why it's not salt woke Oprah. Let's get the next one and history being rewritten, how I'm I'm a the most successful historian in the world. Nobody more successful, sells more history, books and mate. Has history being rewritten? Did I rewrite it, and am I twelve
but to rewrite history. If I did, let me know bill bill, o reilly, dhaka, name in town. What? What? What? What do you mean histories me ribbon? I don't understand it tell me specifically where ok, that's bs, right supreme court being corrupted. How does that? What does that mean? Our aid of clarence thomas did something wrong to investigate and find out right. If that's your beef, clarence thomas and say clarence, Thomas shouldn't taken vacation trips from his friend or whatever maybe we, what the rules are or two with Tom is that after that, but the supreme court, the whole court corrupted. I don't think so to my or would agree with that.
The debt ceiling being held hostage yeah, because the federal government spending so much money. The countries becoming bankrupt and inflation is rising because we're printing too much money to pay our debt held hostage because you want to cut spending you'll have to cut spending use. Government has to cut spending, has to. but is being held hostage according to open winfrey. The climate is changing. Ok, you ought to know you got ten houses. In fact, I snorkel in front of your house and turks geckos high It is a great aus you're, never their according to neighbours, but beautiful and I we boom right any ocean frontier So you would know of climate changes, you got ten hours and I think is quite changing too
and they plus community algae plus is under attack. Where. Now I'm anti bullying you bully a gay kid or I'm I'm right with that kid I'll stop you I did when I was a high school teacher. I stopped that, but that it seems to me that gays have more freedom to rush themselves now? They got parades, they got their own day. They got their own flag, I'm not so. This is just far left clap track. Ok, it's just by all those kids graduating from tennessee state riveted on this.
If you take the support so easily again, I know Oprah a little bit. I don't have it. I was on a program once she treated me very respectfully, never a problem with her and I don't disrespect her point of view. She wants to be a far left person good. That's where you want to be your perfect right to be there. But when you put this stuff out, as fact and it's not, then I got a problem cancel culture. So there is a football player Alright, his name is Matt a twenty two years old. He was the best punter in college. Football league for the san diego state aspects is drafting a six round by the buffalo bills. He signed a contract worth four million dollars
a short time after that he was accused along with other players, Santiago state of raping a seventeen year old girl Raising deny the allegations Kay the buffalo bills, fired him cut him. Now the prosecutor in San diego says that man, reason was not even in the building where this alleged rape took place that he had left the house hours before this crime took place. What is a crime and has not been adjudicate if it so arouses, is off freight cancel culture, buffalo bill cut him. He doesn't have a job he's the best punter in college football and have a job. Ok, so I'm sidney are gone. The buffalo bills and I rooted for them.
She pay him the four million bucks right now today, random checks, because you didn't even do pray. And I'll never route for the buffalo bills again, and why they're getting a new stadium up there in buffalo courtesy, the taxpayers of new york, which is an abomination. and the second thing is that every team in the nfl, Should be making an offer to this kid, he didn't do it. The prosecutor say you didn't. Do it and now twenty two years old, he had to face that and the issued a statement. It's pretty classy statement thanking the prosecutors. This is horrible, victoria his handsome roger column and he's a very good com you can get. an american great nics rights count. It
but this joint neely who was killed in the subway by twenty four all marine because nearly was disrupting and some say threatening the passengers. Are you know about this case? So Hansen is I base, and it comes up with the nearly had been arrested. Forty two times this is to guys did K. He punch the number of people in the face, allegedly, sixty seven year old woman and a sixty eight year old hispanic mail. It was an act of warrant out for nearly a rest at the time of his death. the news media, neglected the mention that in africa in passenger help subdue now
early in the incident. Ok and the man had left a psychiatric centre, as own volition is walked out two weeks before. None of that was reported or wasn't widely disseminated, and here It is a guy that you guys should read america's youth drug crisis, You know I'm gonna do this on monday, because we're run out of time. You know, but there's a study by the national instead on drug use, it shows legalization apply, is hurting children dramatically. I predicted that on monday we will do it because there's a lot of facts here. I don't want to see zoomed through it all right. Smart life now of Caitlin Collins, will sign up for my bill, o reilly interview summer camp
I don't really have one, but maybe I should she be a lot better off. She needs a mentor because, as I said, you're very bright and she's very she's going to be very successful in life, but she needs to know how to do it
right and she doesn't know and there's nobody there to teacher now. Why is this in the spotlight? Because you need a mentor, no matter how old you are need. Somebody that you can call and have a conversation with when there is subject, comes up that you're, not quite confident you can deal with. That's called a mentor. Now I got about ten of them and I have a financial. I got social. I got journalistic. As I said, the late mike wallace was one of mine, Peter Jennings was a mentor for me and I've been lucky in my life, but I've been smart to pick out the best people, the most successful people- okay- and I- and I just have a conversation with them. If you don't have mentors people that you could, especially in finance, finances,
diet coke what to eat, what not to eat. Those are the two most important for you get them think about it. Put up, write down, names, develop a report. Smart life stay in history, may eleven nineteen. Eighty nine two thousand troops are sent by bush, the elder to panel to supervise the panama canal, because the dictator of panama, manuel noriega, running while their one, troops and off duty. Marine was killed by nor egg is forces and then twenty seven thousand- u s. Troops went to panama the d, Rested Noriega brought him the miami he was. He was convicted of drug dealing and altogether spend twenty five years in prison. First time ever that a u s, jury, convicted of foreign leader and the foreign leader was jailed in
where say than extradited to france spent time in jail? There then went back the panama and died at the age of eighty three and that started on this day back with male and aid. I thought it a moment ago to the male die. regarding the foreign payments to the binding family, suspicious activity, these events occurred before and apparently, during the time bill bar, was attorney general. Was this information hidden from the public by bar? No because it broke when the hunter Biden laptop was discovered, cannot was during term. So Barr didn't have anything to do with it. Ah, I doubt hunter Biden. This is from our concierge member. Al gets direct access to me and I doubt
whether hunter bite or other members of his family pay any price for their criminal actions. Not so fast down due process hundred Biden is done, he's gonna, get convicted, he'll plead guilty, Joe looks bad. We gotta wait more Evidence is needed, robert concierge member, so watch a press conference on Biden. I firmly believe the man and his family are corrupt. That is your right to believe that, My question is as vitamins president obama, has to know what he was doing now didn't have to know president. Vice president. There aren't even in the same building I wouldn't go to that extent. Jan Kubes country irishman, Jeff argue a bill? Why would they go solely for civil charges against trumpet, not criminal charges, because you can never ever convicted tromp rape way?
The woman did even over what year it happen. and neither did two friends who she told about it allegedly come on. I mean it was. You can punch holes in our case all day long all day, long. Tom spurlock, your belinda, california, john weak mentality, that's correct! Sociological grooming promotes mass chaos. The mental acceptance of anarchy is needed to promote chaos. That is the marxist playbook you're right. They want to bring the country down before left look as long saint Paul Minnesota do, you think, will ever return to the days when our country was united. I hope so we need a charismatic leader do that we need. Carry sickle philadelphia, I'm happy to be back as a premium member. Why did you leave carried semi letter? Why did you leave? Thank you for all your team? Does I'm wondering why you're not on a beach and why I wanna be on a beach in hawaii, Kay,
But I have a mission. and now the mission is exploding because we're expanding so rapidly. Here, if you read the wall street In order to go where the most successful independent news agency on earth this can go to why as much as I would love to, I got stuff to do as they say. Lloyd, richmond,. Farmington, utah team, normal initiated on mother's day celebrations. She loves the mugs. Thank you for inserting team normal into our society team. Normally taken off. You love your country. You wanna, see improved but sent a message. in our team, crazy, where team normal and we got to hatch, we get shirts. We got lady shirts that are great and mugs and mugs and everything team normal and does a coming up. There are the shirts for the ladies.
I guess they have come up against up you by killing ledges killing him altogether. Eighteen bucks fabulous steel! Crazy! horse and united states trump together, eighteen box. Where do the day. Do not be a nam rod and I am or odious beggar the floor For the moment, we owe the final thought we had posted bill o'reilly dot com, some of the history toward a show you the difference between When I interviewed donald trump and when cnn it in interviews donald trump, here's a little preview. go so I'm trying to assess Putin and she who, between the two, is a bigger threat to america. When you have real clear,
everybody's a threat. When you still have an answer workforce who is more dangerous, I think honestly, I think they're both dangerous. It depends on what day you're talking about alright that kind of care. There it is so it's on bill, O'Reilly, dot, com I can go you're gonna be a premium member concierge urge member. You should be ok, logic grades novelty are. But I wonder if I take a look and then you can compare and contrast So it is a way to do this, even the very difficult interview. Subject like donald trump, any is difficult because, as we said, he in the turtles have their greatest hits. Thank you for watching and listening. In the news, new column, sunday noon and we'll see gonna Monday,
Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.