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Trump Officially Starts his Campaign; What Will Happen Between America And Iran In The Wake Of The Gulf of Oman Incident?


- The 2020 campaign has been in full-swing for the Democratic candidates for quite a while. Now it is President Trump's turn to hit the campaign trail.

- Will tensions continue to rise between America and Iran after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claims the attack in the Gulf of Oman was committed by the Iranian Government? 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
welcome to the no been news monday june seventeen fifty thousand and nineteen take your country back to our own president trump kicks off his re election campaign orlando florida eight p m in a dress that'll be carried i know on fox news will carry and i think the others will carry it but maybe they will it's a damn way centre twenty thousand it'll be sold out trump it'll be energetic on his game likely to say anything
i will report back to you i'm going to get a transcript in addition to watching it so i'm going to see the nuance and i'll be able to on wednesday and you know deliver a pretty incisive analysis of his speech i think we're in a bernie goldberg on wednesday too so it'll be a good show now and he's doing it president trump for two reasons he needs to raise money as funny cause last time around president trump financed his own campaign not going to do it this time around it's too expensive so we're looking five one hundred million to a billion dollars i mean that is an incredible amount of money and he's politicians who have to she didn't want to be president that's one of the reasons the campaign starts you know eighteen months ahead of the vote so the other reason is that donald trump is not the kind of guy to let any charges go unanswered
it's easier for him to answer the democrats charges on the road than taken up time in the oval office it's a psychological thing now the mistake the president is making i i don't know whether he'll change but he should be using the power of the presidency to advance his own cause so you don't have to reply to cory booker cory booker's got no shot you know
you have to reply if you're the sitting president to something that's fairly significant where's donald trump he goes small ball now i know what amuses him to do it tweeting and all that but i'm not sure that's the right way to handle it now a word before we get into the meat of this are worried about the polls do not believe the polls not for the reason you think it's not that the polling is skewed towards the democrats it will be but now the polling is basically do you like down tromp or not that's what the these presidential poles all burmese beating don't drop in iowa by the that's ball he's running bernie sanders neither domini and if
look at the methodology of the polling it's twice as many democrats slash independence as republicans twice as many so he has no chance now the media doesn't report the methodology it would never do that at a war the outcome they want everybody beating donald trump so don't bother with that until maybe after the fifth or sixth democratic debate will get us
we who's got some traction on the democratic side okay iraq now this is a serious versus brick here's something interesting glenn beck launched real estate agents i trust that confer very simple reason to help you sell your home quickly and for top dollar selling or buying a home is very complicated and difficult to navigate so they chose agents with a long track record of success market value for your home cannot be done by calculation they just can't it takes years of expertise to evaluate your market to price your home and so quickly for top dollar home sellers much genuinely like the agent they choose to trust their home to and that's why beck and his team select agents that are fans of his
it's like you are so get moving with real estate agents i trust dotcom real estate agents i trust dotcom so the pentagon is basically getting ready to hit them military get all the carriers replace the troops and place land forces in redhead now they're not going to be an invasion of iran which is persia big country not going to ap but there could be air action i wipe out their navy bomb their nuclear facilities whatever maybe airfields but it would take a direct attack from iran on us forces even if that happen twenty five percent the american people and the media wouldn't buy it unless i see videotaping than then was doktor do you never gonna get a consensus but it present drop in japan
i believe that a rod is attacking you us forces will be military action here's secretary of state role it is the assessment of the united states government that the islamic republic of iran are responsible for the attacks that occurred in the gulf of a mind today this assessment is based on intelligence the weapons used the level of expertise needed to execute the operation recent similar iranian attacks on shipping and the fact that no proxy group operating in the area has the resources and proficiency to act with such a high degree of sophistication all right you remember colin powell though convincing the world that iraq had weapons of mass destruction sector say you gotta be careful however the two tankers that were hit in the gulf of oman were flying under panama and marshall islands flags panama a lot of ships register their cars there's very little taxes marshall islands i think is the same thing
anyway they were hit by mines and quarries sectors said nobody else has the capacity to do that in the area alright so when you are visiting us reading my column or listening to the radio broadcasts we have almost every day now i go into our store and get something for yourself mother's vase day overnight by subsidies a nice hat or months some books go on vacation my books fun beach it's not agree break final thought on women soccer team in a moment go if you are over the age of fifty i have an important message for you there is a true all too it is to a a r p the liberal retirement group that lobbies in favour a progressive policies for less than two me dollars a year and a mac membership
if you members only pricing on car insurance roadside assistance discounts on hotels and travel cell phone plans discount general plans and on and on and on and are so please joy then one million fellow americans right now at a mac dot u s that's a mac dot u s and yes i am a member visit a mac dot u s hey man dot u s so here's a final thought of the day you know somebody asked me a question over the weekend i could not answer that bothers me i am usually a blabber mouth i can answer almost anything because why women us soccer teams so and a man and i ll do tat well in international competition i know i know sacra little bit so my favorite sport but i know what's going on out there i lived in england for years people nuts over soccer there ok but i don't know why the whim
it's so good and the men are now the women i think they learn a lesson against thailand we scolded them for over celebrating and rubbing it into a poor team they went through nothing in chile beat them over in france and now they play on thursday sweden their favorite us women's team his favorite i think they can go to the final round i think they could i hope they may i hope they behave don't get too taken with yourself you're representing america i know that though and it was that girl's name i don't even begins with an m last name she doesn't like america whatever doesn't like trump but you know you're representing us we want people like you we want you to win watch people like you while you're winning so i think it's all straightened out over there and i hope so i'm ruined for go us women's soccer team and see more
Transcript generated on 2023-01-24.