« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Trump Indictment Imminent, Biden Bribes, ESPN's Stephen A. Smith on Sports and Politics, CNN's Latest Problems, & More

2023-06-06 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday, June 6, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • BIG SCOOP: Bill reports on the imminent indictment of former President Trump.
  • Talking Points Memo: The latest on the accusations against the Biden family and what it means.
  • Stephen A. Smith joins the No Spin News to discuss sports and politics
  • Why are the left revolting against CNN's new boss?
  • This Day in History: D-Day
  • Final Thought: Slow down

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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the bill O'Riley here- welcome to the nose spin news, tuesday june, sixty thousand twenty three stand up for your country. Well, all this morning, I did old fashioned reporting. You know the kind that I used to do every day for CBS news abc news On and on, and on and On- and I had to do it because We are reaching a point of not crisis but close in our political situation in america, so What I found out is that donald trump is going
indicted soon by special council jack smith on felony charge. Is that MR trump removed classified documents from washington brought them to florida when he should not have that charge is coming this week. My anonymous source tells me. as you know, I don't like anonymous horses, but in this case there is no other way to report the story. This is extremely reliable source. Okay, so miss trump himself knows this is going to happen. His three council met in Washington dc yesterday with MR smith Y understand.
Was very polite and a matter of fact by the trump people believed that this indictment is forthcoming shortly. So to forestall all that bad publicity donald trump himself, some time to day and then put myself out on a line here is going to make a statement accusing special council smith of quote prosecutors or misconduct, and Mr Tromp is going to back them up That is coming momentarily now we are taking this in the late afternoon, Here in new york and I have no idea when the trump people are going to do it.
I don't know if any of this is going to happen, but I think it will. I wouldn't reported, if I didn't think everything. I just told you will be a reality and of course we will laugh. We will find out. But to recap other is going to be a felony charge lodged against donald trump by the special prosecutor. Mister trump will reply by accusing Mr Smith. A prosecuted tory of misconduct of this trial is going to be forever. Alright is going to take so long, but it's just another brick in the wall and as we reported yesterday, this is semi coordinated, take donald trump off the board and we see it in new york. We see it in washington, we see in atlanta, fulton, county and and the democratic administration. Believe me, if there were a republican in the white house, now not mister trump
but anybody else this wouldn't happen, but it is up. Ok, so there's that now do the talking points memo. The Biden bribe accusation sears, where we are on that reported yesterday: there's no hard evidence in play. So, to be fair, and I hope my audience is that we have to give Joe Biden due process ideas innocent until proven guilty
however, there are accusations that the f b I has put in a memo and shown to the house oversight committee- that Mr Biden, as vice president, took bribes to enrich himself and his family. Okay. The problem here is no one trust the fbi to investigate those allegations, which is why congress is involved. Now the reporting on this last night an american television, was essentially blather nonsense, all ideologically driven with one exception role it big events here. First, I want to talk about that fbi. Member What were learning, not learning, minutes, drips and drips here. Obviously, we haven't seen the memo ourselves. No, I haven't
if we ever will always and a new term but a nuisance, This bread, Lucy idea Biden, has a crook there's a guy who might have accepted bribes it's kind sleeper issue for this campaign binding. Lived in delaware and elsewhere very two places in delaware. I should say very well for a man living on a government salary is a senator all those used by president. And there's a lot. Lotta people have been curious about how you seem to get so rich. that is in you, endo bought from a guy who knows what he's talking about review. you may remember that Mr Hume, charles crowd, hammer and myself form the political nexus analysis at fox news for more than a decade. It was the three of us.
who elevated that network, in my opinion, to the most powerful news agency in the country. Now, obviously fox news is, for it today and will never regain, in my opinion, that plateau ok. So you my trust and, This will float around for a while veteran washington report is all know that for years has lived very large and if you look at its tax returns,. it doesn't really add up now he might have family money. Maybe he was gifted some help in his acquisition of property, but as a civil servant and his wife as a teacher, it does not add up
That's what hume is implying here very subtly, but I know bread, human from his body language in tone. He believe I'm going out on a limb. He believes it. So the sleeper issue thing is all right: Biden is going to deny everything and, as I said If the episode is an investigate, it looks like politics in congress and the f b, I doesn't seem to me to be interested in anything and the bidens are doing or have done. I mean if trump gets indicted on the classified documents, then you're going to hear an outcry about Biden had the same thing in his garage next to the corvette
And that's going to just obliterate smith is going to have to explain. Well, why are you going to trump which you're not doing by and Hillary Clinton had classified documents on her devices is everybody knows So this is a mess one big mess, and this government here now in the united states is corrupt, and that is a memo florida politics it is fall? Sunshine state battleground of five hundred and seven likely voters small sample in florida. One found and trump's got fifty three percent and dissent is thirty. Three governors state pence to nikki haley to TIM Scott to all right. So why am I giving you this poll? Because I don't think the polls matter much until august, because
It was a poll last week. Victory insights ball that had dissent is thirty, eight trump thirty eight. I did not put any credibility in it and I told myself wait until the next poll So now we have a battleground stay poets, legitimate paul. Fifty three to thirty three trump beats to santas this one victory inside. So we investigative entry insights, not
polling place is a marketing research service. You gotta be very, very careful here about the data and stats and all at once august hits and the debates which donald trump says he's not going to participate in and he'd be a fool to participated in it. Now, with all these Republicans clean Chris christie comment and Chris he's only in it to bash trump, he can't possibly win. It's the only reason he's running and so trump's going to sit out. The fox news debate in august put the polling then we'll take on a little bit more importance and hopefully accuracy. Alright, so christie and pence are both going to enter the race shortly. Mike pence can run the country very good governor in Indiana. I thought he was a good vice president consulted very closely with donald trump on all policy matters.
They had a falling out. As you know about the vote, I think pence did the right thing according to the constitution, but he has no constituency pets already he's not flamboyant like trump. He doesn't have a recent record fighting woke like de santis, so I dunno who's going to vote for him christie. no shot at all, but there is now an interesting guy. Chris new governor of new Hampshire, who will be a presidential candidate sunday, says he's not gonna run this too. Around and by the way, all in new hampshire, poles have trump big and the primary there. Inviting schedule is nothing but a cabinet meeting to thirty two fifteen. That means about two forty five three when buying shows up now. This is important because we got china cut nor far warships in the taiwan strait and russia buzzing our planes over international waters
We get anything from that cabinet meeting now. we're going to know what happened here. Even if Biden didn't stay awake, we're not going to know. Hey. What's about it, bans on car chilling. You know me as the three time world sir champion of joining I'll, take to bring you a brand new baseball show. We talk about everything, but only baseball and you should subscribe. I guess I'll kick you too, and search for the podcast exclusively on spotify I left overs or the de envy or house cleaning.
I'm a casino always brings the vine play over a hundred different games online for free from anywhere you can redeem since various private schomburgh casino, dotcom live the jumbo life nobody's necessarily we're going to need a lot of us to rethink this divisive integrity gets hold your worship girt As you know, the dodgers are honouring sisters, perpetual indulgence their gay day on Friday june. Sixteen, and The organization has defiled the catholic church and christian icons like Jesus and marry their hake room. So since that happened, the honor was reinstated by the dodgers attendance and judge you stadium has been flat k. They have lost any by even though there have been calls for boycotts, that's not work. Now I said there might be some karma if you believe in god, on the dodge
since they announced their reinstated, the sisters to the honor platform, not just gotten six and six yankees beat them a couple of times, so I'm a believe karma right- and this is a bad deal for the dodge and the los Angeles angels have got away with it so far, so sports is melding with politics more and more and more. And a guy. Who knows that very well is joining us now from my me in a limousine. Is covering the idea, not a liberal. Oh yes, not a little bit as it costs yeah. I covered the n b a finals tomorrow. Night is a third game, stephen a smith
the author of straight shooter, a memoir second chances at first takes good book. You did a good job. There. Stephen is a host of stephen, a smith podcast, youtube. In addition, he works for e s. P n on first take every morning, so he is over. Employed Steven smith is over employed too many jobs. Like me, alright, alright, first of all, the dodgers color Yet a correct colossal mistake. Well, you know what that remains to be seen bill only from the standpoint that we understand at the end of the day, these a business decisions and when you think that something is going to ingratiate you with an oil, yet all it's going to prevent an audience from. Operating itself from you most These decisions are based on their premises, so when you look at it from that perspective, that's what I think you have to take into consideration here
times you see organizations and what they're doing particularly in this day and age when one issue after another new issues, seemingly cropping up every single week for cryin out when you stuff is going on what you are trying to do was wiggle maneuver your way through the terrain, and make sure that it doesn't not find its way towards affecting your bottom in our measuring from you is the los angeles times, have no morality and all will honour a group if they think they groups honour, will bring their money. I don't know this definitively, but I'm inclined to say yes, I am inclined to think ass wet, but the yellow hen the angels have to Your name, the angel I thought your name, your a group that aids christian and cause of your. I don't know anything about this group, I'm not speaking.
That is specifically you building. I wouldn't listen Listen to me and no, no, no in fairness to you, I haven't done my homework on this particular this particular issue. I have not, but let me say this to you: let me I'm not question anything about the group. What I'm saying to you is this: inclined to believe when I speak about that, speaking, generalities because a year of covering sports put, actually in this day and age, the exorbitant amount of money that is lee cropped up to answer your question. I do think that marine what he has gone out the window for whole, but you folks, seeing is the railways, the role so remember less remember last summer, when man for the commission a baseball more as they all star game out of lana hurting. We're gonna american businesses like crazy, legally enver under a fraud. When banner of voters russian, which was
worn out of the water when Georgia had record voter participation a few months later in the mid terms So what about you missing one? What about what twenty. Seventy one. The NBA deal also gave to know please from charlotte because of all the cortical bathroom law put in place, I'm going to call me at the time of having created on the first time. It's happened. and I was ok and I'm saying to you built around. what the isabella rally miss the no spirit himself. How many times have you called now want cooperation after another spanning decade, because more readily has been thrown out, though, in favour of their bottom. Why you? get, cannot hurt patients. Those companies get hurt words, I don't the dodgers are gonna lose any anything but more games, because I think god it's gonna punish them and I hope we have got to say to you. I don't
the remaining. You decide what what does that say that you about the fact that you ve been covering these kind of stories for years and, as you accurately pointed out once upon a time, croatia is what are these things are being heard No and I wanna get she's got blown out of water is true. Tar child alone out of the water and is in its getting ok. But here's the nexus. Look you! I predict. I don't even know if you know this and I are gonna cross over into what I do. In the next few years, barkley is already doing it, because cnn hired them to do a weekly and that's not going to be about somebody shooting a three pointer. Okay, he's going to give his opinion on world events country event you're going to do the same thing, but in the sports industry itself, but politics is now coming and so heavy? Is that a good or bad thing.
Depends on the issue- and I will tell you this unit, it's better than be because obviously you a little bit older than me, although you look better here's the deal you remember in the sixtys and seventys a new source civil right away, you saw Mohammed Ali refusing to enter the draft an invalid, maybe because you don't want to go to vietnam, you saw going the bar jabbar bill Russell. The late Jim grab, brat gibraltar god rest his soul, standing behind them in support of it was sitting by his side in support of it, because that was the clear issue. When you talk about black or black folks in how folks were treated now, we've got issues with gods and what people would classify as in but we ve got situations of bobbing immigration. We got a transgender issue, we ve got the hardly homophobia, got all these things: percolated, to the point where racism has just been. You know it's like this: it's not even of the food chain any longer for crying out loud competes to a lot of these other issues.
We have that already it's in a world of sport is the difference and as a bush, you brought it up. It's ok, maybe I will go back to the may, be I won't go to target it's a lot more difficult, but always isn't appears amicable what bubble? and I dont want to be what you saw. What happened after the entertainment inside our challenge? Is that because I didn't get ourselves and apply the nfl knew they were in danger and they ordered the owners, ordered the players not to neo. That's why it went away, they knew they were in danger. They were right on the edge now there's another issue, and I need your take on this biologically born men. Choose as an adult to become a woman and you're allowed. I do that in america you are allowed to do it, but then they want to get in the pool and swim against the females swimmers or play a sport against and biologically. Everyone knows,
geologically born a man. All you are born stronger than a female. So does it make sense to allow these trends people to compete against women, in your opinion. I am, I opinion you and I've been on iraqi, stating that- and this is my thanks I'm so lived role in my thinking on social issues on fiscal conservative, but on social issues are really be a really big proponent on living and let living. I believe that everybody should have the same: equal rights and rights eccentric. Such a beggar, bigger that some very before a supportive of the homosexual community transgender community in that regard, eccentric sector or when you talk about people who are born men competing in a women sports because they ve transition the women.
That is definitely a discussion that I think that we should all have because our on its face, I don't see how to possible, nor not very how its right to an abundance of it to every every. Actually born female heating in the world is not the issue they're. The reason it's happening because it is insane progressive, woke, culture, final question: you came out and you said president Biden in your opinion, you have a right to it. You're an american and I'm sure, you're a registered voter is to to to carry on and be president okay, but you're attacked, and I dunno whether you follow the progress of internet, the attacked. I mean vicious attacked. Look at all. We, you surprised, that that vitry all came your way now, because I think that we're living in a society right where you can.
What somebody ninety nine percent of the time and a one time you don't agree with them the work he's going to add. I don't give a damn about them. That's not what I care about, and the cynicism of vitriol doesn't affect me one bit, I'm not engaging in ages all because I support the elderly, or for that I don't believe this. Why he should retire just because the seventy or seventy five or whatever the case may be. What I'm saying is that too, and I think that a lot of people missed the point about what I was saying about the president. I think that your eighty years of age when you're going to be any to at the time I am of the election. If you would a wine you'd go into your eighty five. Eighty sixth birthday, the president's of the united states is an all encompassing responsibility. it's a huge, huge, viewed gap. When I talk about you, gonna walk alone, five, we're not talking about you leave me
You're a company for quite a lot of doubt. What do you think? That's not a problem, but when you talk about the presidency and the united states and all that that encompasses more so than saying he should have been in the past don't think. I'm looking at the parties is saying you have. No one better Not you have no one, but then an eighty year old ran a catholic worms. My latest nicky hayley you'd, are upon a kid. You have no want better than us many a year to go up against the army? the report gives do they know it's like you. Always only I've got trumps a lot more. I burnt then, by us
and I know what I was a couple of other clytius woods- ninety three and is directing a movie. So I agree with you age ism isn't that what we have here is what we have here is a diminishing man, Joe Biden, and if you don't know that then you're not paying attention. Ok, so you stephen a smith, a willing to take what I've taken for the past week six years because I'm a big mouth in politics- and I put my stuff out there- you're willing to take all of that. Are you sure, you're willing to take along with that little rally? I don't want to lose my job. I be the first to admit that or anything like that, but I gotta tell you something about around for a long time. And not as long as you but I've been around and the the vitriol and you know the vicious attacks and all I could care less manner, those are vigorously earned the right away
these in the slightest, by adding a little bit by the way. It's I couldn't care less not. I could because, as you say, you can hear like that. It acts and I wanted to live. I want you to be the best appointed and you can be. I could I see that all your guerrero on big sports guy, I want to know anything about sports stephen. You call me by the way. all about Anything you want to know. I now ok, I would you make critical about this yeah was bought, but you think I'd take a bit various right, cuomo riley those debates just like a lot and- you on the need to what you call a man and his radio show asked organs
It's definitely I do like that. You were built, but one more year, one more tests, don't ever say at the end of the day. Again, because that put you in the category of a backup, catcher who's got nothing to say about anything. Would you know he's gonna, say At the end of the day, I'm a backup catcher know in the beginning of the day, you're a backup catcher at lunchtime you're, a backup, catcher, so cliche, I think, going to a one man crusade against sports cliches, wipe them out. By. Maybe so I consider it, but I got news for you said my myself a back up in anything, so I was just Then you will not be on this program if you were a background, We go there. We go so get away with saying at the end of the day,
That's why you will you started you get away with that? Ok, ok, it's like yours! When your tip! When are you going to tell you that you tell your comrades the same thing? Knock it off. You guys are smart, get out there and be original in your analysis, Stephen smith, let me give you another plugging the book as I liked the book, and I hope everybody considers it for fathers day, The only problem with it is that stephen a is on the cover the book or, if he had put me on lord, he would have I'm working on it straight shooter, a memoir second chance spin. First, steven will watch that basketball game denver is going to win the series you heard it here. First at first, I think his last epic devil witness series in six games. Long before I came onto the show, thank you very much below alright you're, a genius there's, no doubt about it.
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someday casino always brings the vine play over a hundred different games online for free from anywhere. You can redeem some serious, bridal chamber, casino, dotcom live the jumbo life, nobody's necessarily we're going to need a lot of. You must rethink this device it. What I could he gets occur, let's go to target as we mentioned. so they have lost. Incredibly, let me get the number here. It's just staggering. They have lost in there the campaign to bring on the woke woman, like for forty million dollars in net worth or something anyway. It's an astronomical amount of money, and I I kind of almost feel sorry for target, because it was a marketing mistake because of the kids and the satan guy see
This is for all retailers are. Eight may sees coals target bloomingdale's everybody, americans don't generally want to buy stuff, they glorifies sate, that's a niche audience, maybe san francisco boutique, but not mass market. If you don't know this weight that now there was a report from fox news that said, that target was funding. A group in d and collective that believes mount rushmore should be obliterated because it celebrates white supremacy. Ok saw on. I heard this report I got at. Doesn't
sound write to me- and this is what we do now, so we investigate it now. The target foundation does not directly support the indian collective. They are nuts the indian collect, but they do give money. To the nexus community partners group or have given money which is informally connected to ndn collective, so what fox news did was a kind of brought them together and target. I don't think at any blank, an idea that they were supporting some group that want to knock down mount rushmore. So you will get the truth here or I don't care where it lies, and thirteen billion dollars is what targets loss. Since this.
El Gb t gear stuff, thirteen billion dollars, I t and they have a bosnian chris licked. He ran CBS a morning programme and he ran a late show which Stephen called there, since not a conservative man. Ok, so licked was responsible for brain donald trump in for the town hall. We all remember that. Ok, the left hated that so now the left is trying to get lit. hired and they may succeed so the atlantic magazine, which is far less progressive thing at eight people, read there's a big take out on in its terrible everybody. Aids lit up up up then the daily bees, the evil its evil till I get. There they pick up on out and said? The headline is the major talented, CNN hates chris licked art, so Nancy innocence? This is coordinated. This is how they do.
Alright, you target a guy. Alright, then all the forces come in and this article as no it's all anonymous sources. It's not like wolf blitzer, saying I hate chris lick no and you're going to see one after the other after another. The message is you put donald trump on we're going to punish you we're going to hurt you now fox news and news acts. They have a vaccine against that their audience a lot of them, but every other media doesn't. Say anything good about donald trump, the common for you just keep that in mind? U s. Life expectancy is now seventy six years old on average, that's how long americans live, but this is not good. Fifty six,
Countries are more life expectancy, including albania cure. Bar and lebanon, where this bar, bombs going off every second okay, so this is published in the american journal of public health. That's a good source, so we're living a fewer years. Why two reasons sugar, killing us killing us and narcotics, both legal and illegal? You know how many americans have taken drugs just to get through the day and then fentanyl is wiping more than one hundred thousand of us out every year you combine sugar in everything and it just lights up the body annihilates you
immune system and drugs and that's why we're below fifty six countries, it's astounding, alright, I'm going to do the smart life tomorrow. A thing called public square is our smart light, but I don't have time Do it the way I want to do it? We will report on public square tomorrow. You s health service, postal service. I should say not help. U s. Postal service. this the states where male men and women, those who deliver bitten by dogs the most here they are california, texas, new york. Pennsylvania while Illinois If Florida michigan Missouri north carolina, you're postal worker in those states watch out for
Probably the terror dog who lives in new york would hide his invite. Anybody in fact, holly's right over here, racked out which stephen a smith came out. Hollywood know that, but she's right here right at my feet, in the studio- and so I listened I admire those male carriers have doubted. Not easy job with you, a cellular, it's just twenty nine, ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you build to get a fourth line for family glamorizing rope, loser, Beth, she's, not gonna! Like that, the road I scenario, video, get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per lie. We were cellular built for us terms applied as it: u s, cellular dot, com, pretty deals. We value human connection with fever. Distractions cellular built for us visit your! U s! Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens.
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ok, Twenty five hundred americans killed in the d battle about two thousand canadians and british. It took a day
by the allies- overwhelmed the germans who lost more than ten thousand and seized the beaches in normandy, and that was it for hitler. It was over and the allies pushed on the russians came in from the west and defeated the germans, solid grad, and that was it for the third reich. If hitler had won the would not be listening to me, the world would have just been, and you know the atomic bomb saved us in Japan and we wouldn't use it on germany as well. We didn't have it quite that early but d day, an amazing thing: I've been to the cemetery at normandy. I put it on your list. It's an amazing place to go really is back with a male and a final thought about summer. In a moment, I'd hear is the mail we go to David concierge. Member David gives direct access to me,
I completely agree with your warning that we shouldn't convict president Biden without knowing all the facts to three ring circus. The trump russia collusion fraud is a perfect example of why we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves. Okay, we want our viewers and listeners on the radio to be fair Furthermore, laura thank you for defending binds. Unfortunately, trip over the sandbag could have happened to anyone else. for him, however, because he's a constant state of bumbling, it is true, is a diminished met. There is no question about that right. Or the rule of law has been destroyed by the fbi and the current justice department or the mass media will protect your biden and corruption until our country is totally destroyed. Unfortunately, that's true, let's hope in twenty four, can reverse this insanity, John colette, to. Long time watching
or bill thanks for reminding us that Eric holder was held in contempt of congress. My question in two thousand twenty five: could a republican administration prosecute christopher wray know he is indemnification, prosecutorial discretion. So far as would bridge virginia, I saw a delusional james call me on tv. The other day praised by the government should be honest and fight. Corruption, look call me, everyone knows whose fair minded would call me is, I think it's MSNBC is higher. Don't think I don't know it's insane but we all know jacqueline mauler, What do you know about a system called fed now that is going into effect? I've heard of you purchased anything through amis,
one paypal or venmo purchases are reported to your bank. Look all it is, is an instantaneous transfer of funds fed. Now don't have to participate in it if you go to a bank to make a deposit over ten thousand dollars, that's reported to the iris is the same thing with fed now, but if you're going to use fed now that's in the system, Using I'm not going to use it bill, frazier locust grove, I go on long island to and was water, safety, instructive and town about on the early seventys, we just missed each other bill. I enjoy. The news, but my mother loves you, is ninety three and was a water safety instructor self. Can you give her a shot out, natalie phrase good for you, natalie on your site is a good guy, so you're great mom that goes together. Natalie was water, safety, instructor and she's. Ninety three,
bless you Georgina Marty, color florida. Thank you for sharing a great story of the five year old that receive from the bottom of the pool. You keep saving us every day with you to full reporting. Very thank you to a gina was very. bilbil bill bill, dotcom, billet, bill, O'Reilly, dot, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine, I need that name in town- okay, sometimes use it on the message boards. I don't, but we need it. kay fathers day. You all know the drill it's coming up sunday, the eighteenth of jus make tat happy with a premium membership or concierge membership, and you get all the team normal stuff rate was entity or right. There gotta get a bed. We have stopped for very reasonable price, plus the books, killing ledge Killing mob together, eighty bucks to great books and crazy horse in the united states a trump together eighteen dollars and by the way
If you want to know what happened in d day in a micro way, killing pattern is a book for you, okay, we really go over that. So if you're really interested- and I hope you are in d day- that is the book to get back with a final thought in the moment. Okay, so is this the same? Refrain it's early june but the summer is already flying by and everybody is lamenting that a particularly mate, though here's a slow it that this worked for me. So summer is a time when you should take some days for yourself
whether it's a vacation or just an art at home or whatever I get up early? I walked the terror dog array which I have to do, but then it's quiet and calm. You know maybe seven thirty, seven, that's not early to a lot of people, but and- and you get a little bit more time to formulate the day, so you think about what am I going to do that day? How am I going to maximize my time and I always try to take a walk either on the beach or in a forest or some nice place where I can be essentially alone? I don't want to do power walks or hikes up down mountains or anything like that- you can just sit, and you know if you can find a nice place to contemplate nature, or always when I do that good positive things come into my mind, things that I can act on
More importantly, it slows down no machines by the way on the walks in hikes no machines, no machines. Do you put them away, leaving the carpet in, as whatever She you and the spouses of kids are in eating it away. it's a little bit, but the most important thing you do every morning in the summer is just plant. What am I going to do? Don't you don't have to be rigid? You can change, you can be nimble, but I like to work out in a pool you know, so I get a little walk and then I jump in the pool. I do my exercises in the pool and have breakfast and take a nap because I'm exhausted from the pool and a walk whatever it may be. Ok, but it slows the process down and don't be upset if you don't have a lot to do on a weekend
Okay, just you know, watch a nice movie or something summer is all about bringing it down, bringing the stress level down. Weather's nicer, okay, throwing it down, take it slower and listen, I'm a type a you know me: I'm always going isn't it, but I have to force myself, but when I do I'm much happier and the final thing is try to get a good book all right. We got war box that you can scarf up here for very little money. Have you read all four that'll take into July and they're fun to read, you learn a lot good books, it doesn't have to be. Mine can be anybody's. That's another very good thing! You sit outside wherever you are read the book much better than the machine. Alright. So that's a final, though thank you very much for watching and listening to the notes,
and we're on this trump situation, we'll be back again tomorrow. Be q presents picture this you're getting together with all your best friends now picture. All your best friends are actually the delicious ingredients of the new cake, vat or cookie. No boys are that's dick. You saw serve to create better flavour confetti cookie, though pieces, Andy, q, signature sprinkles. It sounds like you got some pretty sweet friends and that's worth queuing confetti carried out. The flavor party isn't gonna last forever so hurry hand and get your cake better fix. Today. Only a dispute happy taste good,
Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.