« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Trump and the Debates, White House Reacts to Garland Testimony, Sen. Ron Johnson on Biden Corruption, Migrant Madness, & Drug Overdoses

2023-09-21 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday, September 21, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.Tonight's rundown:
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill dissects a Wall Street Journal editorial critical of Donald Trump's refusal to participate in the GOP primary debates.
  • The White House reacts to Merrick Garland's testimony.
  • Sen. Ron Johnson joins the No Spin News.
  • A large number of Venezuelan migrants are being granted legal status. Why?
  • Drug overdoses reach a high in San Francisco.
  • This Day in History: Defense of Marriage Act
  • Final Thought: 2024 Campaign Season

In Case You Missed It:
  • Read Bill's latest column, "Hunting Hunter."
  • Get tickets to Bill and Sid Rosenberg's live show this October: "A New York State of Mind" at The Paramount in Huntington, NY. They are on sale NOW!
  • Fall Madness is here!  Go to BillOReilly.com to take advantage of the latest deal, including Killing the Killers, Killing the Legends, and mug, all for $42.95.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Surely you here welcome to the no spin news, thursday september twenty first, two thousand twenty three day we officially announce the gearing of the two thousand twenty four presidential campaign. Why today we're out? First, the autumn and the Competition is heating up. Now you know why ignored most napoleon up to this point, but we're going to start You didn't it out a little bit tonight as well. And now we are going to ramp up. Our political coverage so I'm gonna do this in a final thought, why you should hang with eyes. and are a number of reasons as the corporate media falls apart
and is so ideologically divided that you'll never get the truth from these people. So if you're interested in for presidential race and you should be because the fate of the nation is pretty much in the balance then keep it here, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo begin with donald trump now. I know donald trump. Well, I wrote a book on the united states trop if you care knowing with a man is as the book for you all right But I'm not a trump support her I am not in business to bolster here. Ok when he calls me- and I never call him if he asked me a question- I answer on what about policy about life, liberty, the pursuit avenues, whatever, maybe I have always done after thirty years. I've known a man thirty here, but I dont in true
people rightly level. While you should tell DR there's you too, I don't tell em anything unless she asked me right, then I'll give him my opinion bill Clinton. Ask me questions rock obama. Ask me questions. Hilary did were included most politicians, new aright. They know I know what I'm talking about and I'll give an honest answer So today, in the wall street journal, which is A very good newspaper, generally speaking,. And it leans left in its news pages, but the editorial pages lean but those bordering on the wall street journal you should know. Is it backs up what it says with facts, except today. The lead editorial marks donald trump for not showing up again to a debate which will be next wednesday.
In california, so it says well, this is the editorial in the journal. Why it was you trouble frayed confront other republicans the idea of a teleprompter, she worried look his age. Seventy seven, actually we're candidates to stay the obvious mature trumpet running too president and the leader of the free world, voters, user, hear him defenders record and his platform on quoth, but this is ridiculous that that so absurd. I can't trump does interviews with everybody kelly here he's on news max's on fox he's here Cnn town all come on, come on we all know what is positions. Are we know what is positions? Are com can shut up? I mean she reads: ridiculous what the wall street journal really wants. Is you trump not to run
They don't want him, run it in its. ideological or policy based the walls? The journal editorial page doesn't think from can when they think the same thing happened that happened in two thousand twenty, that the hate trump It will overwhelm policy, then it could be rival, be honest about it, the honest about just say that, because the Stop it always your friend teleprompter tat from comes off the teleprompter, every second It's so absurd, and when I read this and when one. I felt like I was reading a satirical journal. The onion trump would be crazy with almost a fifty point. National lead in the polling to walk into a debate where Chris Christie would smear him. The entire time Christie got
Now I dont believe most of the other republican candidates would do that. But certainly I've got a hurdle. The only way they can win is if trump either drops out or he gets massacred. in a television exhibition. So why would you do that nothing to gain for trump? What what do you get? Look if you watch the debate in two thousand and sixteen trump destroyed, JEB bush and everybody else cruz. Ah, he destroyed them, he's afraid walser drowns out. Oh, is he afraid to confront other? He put. What are you kidding me? This is so absurd. What I read I am respectful of other people's opinions sincerely held, but this isn't sincere.
Journal journalism. Don't want trunk to get the nomination say it. Ok, that's your attitude opposition. We don't want our trump the run. Ok, I don't have a problem with that, but don't give me this garbage. I so does had ever college ball emerson boss in place just now, One thousand one hundred twenty five registered voters were demo a thirty seven republican, thirty, six independent twenty eight once again I'll. Tell you this time. Last year, all poles rescue democrats. We screamed about it and now they're all fair. Thank you I'll take credit for it, I saw it, saw the candidates who do favor. If you are a republic, it donald trump. Fifty nine percent rhonda sand is twelve run. The swami serving christie, five pence, five. Eighty three scott too.
From one he's, the governor north dakota north Dakota, so you could say I mean come on. Let's get a forty seven point lead in this emerson poll and So even me, I'm a blabber mouth. Ok, you know that, but I like Think what I'm blabbin about helps people, but I wouldn't do this. They are afraid of those people who care. I can wipe them off the face of the earth and I want you verbally and trust With two national biden, scheduling meets with zalewski once more more more, there was a song, a discourse. More more more. How do you like it? How do you like it? That's woods, linsky singing. In his meetings with, by giving more, I want more more more more we're going to get a little fed up with it. I understand that my position, is you gotta stop putin here, but I think should be an audit, a nato audit in keep watch
the money, any arms that go in ukraine's across country always aspect, but you gotta stop Putin and then tonight at eight twenty five, which is late way for binding, usually in its jammies. At that time,. Yeah he's reeling remarks at the congressional hispanic caucus institute: gala. Okay, this in Virginia. I think I dunno where it is the it's in washington or virginia. One of the two moi bien have a great time at the gal. Ok, so on wednesday, I think we did the best analysis of the mirror garland, testimony in front of the house oversight. about hunter Biden and other things. I think we nailed it. If you missed it, I feel bad. I do and again how to get into the flow. If you're not a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium or concierge member you gotta do and if you really want to be informed because all mike
commentary about garlands there and you can access it. You can watch it, listen to it or get a free transcript of it. If you are membership in bill, o'reilly dot, com anyway the white house did not like this at all issued a statement quote, don't be fooled old vey. That's the magyar republicans, just drag you from the reality that their own chaos and inability to govern is going to shut down a government a matter of days hurting our economy. Security and jeopardizing everything from true pay to fighting fenton. All on quote. I love this fighting fence at all you open border you, people, fighting faint at all. You have no player to five anything should underline. but anyway, why does it not life that there are gone? Think of carling came as I said, led sergeant shawl some huggins arrows ridiculous. So
Maybe and our half an hour after garland finished testify We had an interview with senator RON Johnson Republican from wisconsin weed, because I want to get it right after so Everything was in the senator chat, roulette. thanks for coming back, you know, lot of people. Won't they get one dose of me and I ll never again, but here you are for return, appearance, I wanted to get your feeling about attorney general barlings. Demonian front the house committee yesterday. How did you process that? wilson. These witnesses know how to evade or not not provide the full truth and yeah. The fact the mad mare, I think, I'm eric garland, just by and large, was will. fully ignorant, I dont, don't discreet back and he knew nothing and
the more you learn about this investigation prosecution is just corrupt and they're all kind of pointing fingers around each other that you know they have the authority. They didn't have authority, your wife might have had the authority, but he did not have the resources and it's kind of almost a game of whack, a mole yeah. Well, I needed help out of california. I need help I d c, but will you have the authority potentially charged but didn't have the resources to send from delaware to do the prosecution in california and dc? So it's just one great big run around and I think it was a purposeful run around. They didn't want to prosecute hunter Biden. and this is the way they they thought they could evade doing so, and just kind of keep blaming somebody else for not being able to do it while the kicker. The whole thing was that merrick garland do. At the end, had to review the plea deal that the judge throughout He had to see any of former judge this absurd claw
in the play deal, it said. Well, we federal government can never charge hundred bind within being ever again, no matter what he does, for him garland to say that all I didn't have anything to do with it. I didn't intrude. He had to see that and that angered me, because I thought that that was deceptive- that garland. I have said this: he wilfully as you didn't wanna know anything but the end he knew fits within and is being sector many strawn wise under the bus. That's how I see it yeah, I'm not sure he had to see that no wasted your wife was ultimately responsible for an occasion. This big, though senator you don't think early general of the united states, is gonna know what the prey
Erin son is going to be charged with come on. He has to know again you you would you would think so. I I agree with that assessment, but weiss certainly was in charge of it. Yeah he's responsible for that sleazy plea agreement and then what Merrick garland for sure was responsible for was appointing the least independent human being on planet earth to be the special counsel and if there's one, if there's one requirement of a special counsel, it needs to independent, David wife, was not independent. He gives a guy that allowed the statue temptations to run, run out and all its advantages she's, another facet, but here's another deception by the attorney general.
Stratta in California, us attorney graves in d c: u s attorney, wouldn't cooperate with David wife's. They just wouldn't partner up with him. Garland could have ordered them to do it and he did not. He could have, and we also had an empire was f b. I whistleblower saying that weiss's office didn't have the resources do a proper investigation. I always just assume that whistle blower was talking about resources in the delaware office. This may have been expanded to the fact that he didn't have access to the resources in california in d c. To actually do the prostitution get it's just a great big pink finger, pointing exercise. I think it's a purposeful finger, pointing exercise, so they could all evade the reason.
civilian doing their job and actually is truly equal justice and law and less corruption. Yeah obvious tat. Such corruption is no doubt about it now or who you believe, based upon your persian senate, that Joe Biden oppressed, It is going to be hurt down the road by this hunter Biden situation. Do you think there is more to come? I think so. The you know the the key piece of evidence we need now are the the personal bank records. I appreciate the fact that
I think it's finally get a subpoena those cause. We know santa grass and I showed the millions of dollars are transferred into this labyrinth of shell companies set up to money lottery. Let's, let's be free or be frank about it, but we seen the money coming in. We need to see the money going out now. The house already seen money going out to how many family members, but what what these people do to get all this money, nothing there they're selling influence again. This is a grifter, but we need to see and we need to untangle the money transfer from the hundred buying accounts. Recently, pops has taken fifty percent of his income. While we, we need to see that The financial transactions to to really get the hard evidence on Joe Biden, but again it's just obvious that this is a grip. This is corrupt, okay, but the the Biden administration is going to litigate. That I'm not going to give up the president's financial records they just not. What's what the reason? The house's impeachment
worry? Get the thorn more rights to eradicate this more rapidly and gives the house is a much stronger position to demand those record. Now the polls show that most americans do believe that Joe Biden sold influence to benefit as family, and you know about forty three percent of Democrats believe that if you had to predict today and are making you should always how Is this going to turn out? I you're a trump guys who I assume you feel that he's going to get the republican nomination right. Yeah I'm juicer indicates that yeah, ok, on the democratic side you seeing cracks from the washington post, the new york times on television, hello seed, won't answer about calmly perishing cracks, I don't they is gonna make it. I know I don't think he's gonna be think, he'll resign? How do you see it.
yeah. I think there's almost zero chance that he'll be their presidential nominee they're, going to prevent a real primary from occurring so that the party bosses can select the real person they think has the best chance of beating whoever the republican candidate is disappointing. Sure seems like it'd, be president trump, so they'll hold that out to the convention. They'll have a brokered convention that could be interesting, there'll be a number of ambitious people that are going to want that, but in the end the party boss will decide who be the cabbage just like they did for job. I write back when I know only home ajar. Your in the senate, Amy Klobuchar of minnesota some will be in a mix, anybody other names at your hearing, well, we ve heard of michelle obama That's more when a bit they will pick they'll pick the person that you cannot be vetted fast enough. It is going to be a hopefully from their sampling.
Escaping the presidency yeah, but I dunno. If MRS Obama wants to do it, I still can't define her, but she she would be the most powerful final question for you. It is said that states like wisconsin, which is you know, could go either way. It's a toughly competitive state michigan. Others are trending against the democratic party now because, primarily because of economics, because people have to pay more for necessities of life, I think that's going to be a big factor coming up. It will but abortion stills a pretty potent factor in the two thousand and twenty two election and things private cost us the gubernatorial race and certainly crosses the supreme court race in April this year. So if democrats can trot that out an energizer base,
We have addressed, are based mass and no aki. It will probably have to get voice from the entire state is a much more difficult challenge, so we need a very strong ground gave me, spend less on ad, spend a lot more unpaid field staff and run a really strong ground game. Was content? Ok always a pleasure. Thank you very much rail, but us out today. Every day, ok now, let's get to, you is a survey floating around was taken a few years ago, but I I want to remind you about it: lincoln park strategies. Citizenship tests now reason I'm doing a segment tonight is Joe Biden still gets forty percent job for approval, and I'm saying to myself: how can anybody with a modicum of common sense and political knowledge support this man in a way out? Or a solid forty one thousand respondents on this study and the key question:
as they gave em like I quit like a history. Quits they take away, is that citizen exam graze. Respondents under the age of forty five younger americans too, and got into a seventy three percent got an app. It could answer any question. You entered one you gotta day could answer any So does not surprise me right and it's why wrote the killing books, so we killing the witches coming out tuesday. That takes us back to the mayflower, I put you on the mayflower too start of this country. in that voyage. Sixty six days voyage, right and that we go into which thing and sail on the trials and there we go into how that influence a constitutional convention that sounds doll. It's not
The brawls are fighting about religion and a lot of, to do with the salem situation, and then we get to demonic possession at the end of the book. But anyway, you re killing witches and all the others through. Ok so killing england, revolutionary war, killing, lincoln civil war on and on and on and on up to the present day killing the killers You'll know your history, for marine, but these people, these people our country, men and women. They don't care, and I cannot do anything. You see it. You know I did that water's world thing on the factor and I sent a mouth and nobody crazy, he's continued jesse waters and it, but it's instructive. anything another survey about your rights, so
it found that a lot of americans had no idea what their rights are. Only sixty six percent, two thirds of eyes could name all three branches of government. Seventeen percent could mean one, so you got judicial right. That's a supreme court got legislative, that's congress and you've got executive. That's the president! That hard do, but it's not fine. I thought so. These kids in if they even try to teach him their migration. So venezuela is terrible contract even when I was there before it really fell apart. It was a terrible, vial drugs everywhere socialist government poverty is unbelievable,
So a lot of them are trying to lot of venezuelans. Try to come to the united states, including major various biologists dominated venezuelans, but there he illegal so by administration, through our role may orchids homeland security secretary says hey We're gonna give five hundred always in venezuela, half a million who are here. Many of them illegally working papers right away. And we've already, given two hundred and fifty thousand work about seven hundred and Fifty thousand venezuelans. would you do those words, babies, you're here you're? Never, it aborted. That's it you're here. Ok to this is the this region. So the may yorkists- is established, the promise of accelerated work permits does not apply to people cross
water illegally and seek asylum. Who by law, must wait for six months received word from it, I may combine nobody's enforcing anything down there, no one, and what do you think in caracas when they, when they find out that five hundred thousand of their relatives are now. Quasi american citizens. and then we go to pennsylvania. So the governor Josh Shapiro signs a bill that says when you get a driver's license You automatically register devote well Pennsylvania gives drivers licences to illegal aliens. you have to be you a citizen to get a driver's license. You do vote. you have to be a: u s, citizen about, but not in it. driver's license anywhere. So you
at the driver's license and you're already registered here's what shapiro says go. I fundamentally believe no matter where you gonna vote, for what your particular viewpoint is the more gazed our citizen ray the stronger our country, the healthier our democracy, and we took a giant leap forward here and the commonwealth, It'll do just that. What a bunch of ball who's gonna check all right. and the migrant who has licence is automatically on the roles of voting rules and go about who's going to church citizenship. How the pole There's no and most of them all even go to the polls places they'll send the ballot in who's, gonna check, no body. This is such a ruse as such to deceit, people will live in pennsylvania. You will did the guy they do
they in california, They'll do at new york in illinois and all the other level states the citizen rear their work, citizen red though, when everybody about their here about sacramento, so they are homeless, run like every california city, because the california cities wound enforce the law. Hey there are laws that you can set up, tens on public land can or private profit so there's a sidewalk that sidewalk has been built. But your money, you can live on it. That's a law everywhere, don't enforce it. so Sacramento as ninety five hundred homeless people- it's not a big town. So the district attorney sacramento counties suing the city. So That The city of Sacramento high
is not doing enough to remove almost from the streets clause. Third world swaller problem People are hazardous environment for city, wretched, spats right, but This guy, then the whole, the da I'm saying: enforce the law. He wants free housing. for by the citizens of sacramento county for he's drug addicts and mentally ill people, don't get my house gemmen apartment? No, because you are addicted to drugs. That's what most of this homeless hey you're, not entitled to a free house. Because hooked on heroin. But this is what the progressive left what's don't want. The law enforced we not only have to san Francisco right down the interstate from Sacramento
Oh we record fair nor eighty four in august- probably be about eight hundred a thousand, then all doesn't san Francisco this year well enforcing the law. the key here. Is this when the authority law enforcement? and the people who run law enforcement. The governors, the mayors. When they say we're not enforcing the law. You're gonna have chaos and no public safety. The he's drug attics, who are running while all over the country- and these are the people who are living in tents most of it. Ok, they don't care with they die, no body in their right. Mind would take fenton all unless they don't care. If they die, they don't care. they don't care about their own lives. They don't care. your life or their family
or their children or their spouses, they wanna get high. Or how long are we going to put up with that all of these drug addicted people should be given the opportunity to make a clean at taxpayer expats unwilling to foot the bill, but if they say no if they say no and they break the law, then they should be confined. Air go have a right to run wild because you are addicted to narcotics, don't have the right to a free house, you don't have a right to cash, which is what san francisco gives these drug attics money now have a right to that. That's insane. The whole these people accountable, I know it's a disease, I got it, I understand it. Ok, but the day image, they're doing these drug acts.
damage their doing. You gotta, stop it. I've debated cuomo on Last night I mentioned that I went to singapore to do a paper when I was it the kennedys good harbour, and it is a good paper. Singapore has no almost problem if no drug addiction problem drug attics cancer There you see your poor has mandatory reset your frau drugs in your body k. They give you a little test. Twenty two months you go away for rehabilitation, your god. Market and then, if your friend all dealer or heroin or opium. They hang you right. There's who are better could see no drunk from singapore. Smartly
Okay, so I got to go to boston this weekend. Alright, my second home boston. I worked many years there on local television and went to Boston university, got a masters in broadcast journalism harvard, as they just mentioned, a master's in public administration. So I'm over educated and I paid every penny of it by the way and it wasn't cheap anyway, I gotta go up there. I could get on a plane in new york, where I am and in which thirty two minutes from the guardia to Logan I drive in it, I'm not going on a plane. Obviously I'm not go, and because I am, I not get their if there's a cloud if there's win. If this dock
He can't take off is easier and probably quicker. We made a job in a car off hours, can't go. You know I'm coming back in the middle of the night, it's traffic is say: ok, but I wouldn't normally fly a word eight years ago, but now I'm DR Now here are the worst airports mega airports, the biggest ones in the country. Newark, everybody knows that you gotta go to newark airport, my god toronto, an american airport, but a lot of people flying out of their seattle, tacoma, see tack and I'd. Surprise me see dog had always been historically a good airport, not anymore you're. The best detroit minneapolis, and a hairy red international airport in LAS vegas used to be care in international. Now
harry read, I dont even you know I made at the go to vegas for the superbowl, it's kind of debating it, but I really way want to fly at the hairy reader. I know it's my stay in history september. Twenty first nineteen Ninety six president bill Clinton signs that offence of marriage act, denying federal recognition of same marriage, an overwhelming vote in the senate and the house. Here's what the act said that Clinton sign, no sir, the possession of the united states or indian try shall be real. to give effect to any public at record or judicial proceedings. Any other state territory, possession or tribe, expecting a relationship between purse. Of the same sex street is a marriage under laws of such other than state territory. Possession trod right or claim arising from such relationship, which means that federally
only a marriage between one man and one woman is recognised, and if mass choose, everybody else, passes gay marriage. The feds do not recognise that, so it while a joint income, tax, husband and wife, now clear, sign up kay called Doma, the friends of marriage, jack happened. Twenty seven years ago September, twenty first nineteen, ninety six, immediately the acl you and other sued, and the supreme court overturn the act. In this way Lord said that does sex marriage was a fundamental right directed by both due process and equal protection. And I was the only doma by Clinton side it and right now Less than a million gay nuptials have taken place since that supreme court decision and slow
ok, lively, male segment and then a very important final thought we'll be back in a moment Here is the male. We begin with gale bell: westland michigan, hunter and origin abiden paid president Biden bills how let us show up on the bank statement, the bank statements and financial statements, not just back Ok would be analyzed by certified accountants to see if it was a shift, so When you hear the Biden, Joe Biden would say, this is how much jill and I got and then and there or of its way up and there's. No, explanation or check right. Is weighed way down, as you point out Some of this grip might have been used to pay Joe Biden bills, so ok, but they The turk riding would go away down. So that's why they want the wreckage george Bush
statesville north carolina? Do you think President Biden will participate in any debates, he's active and why would he? Why would he mit said. Jim, reveal clovis. California, please answer this bill. You gotta Jim, you got it. You mentioned that is possible that michelle obama could be anointed denomination at the d and c is in their specific. Only time frames and some states only if you want to run the primaries you show bombs, I gotta run primaries. What did she do that If there's no, if Biden, resigns, then is chaos and she ll just show up to the convention. If she wants it and the electors member When you go to the good value to commemorate the gray state of alabama CAS its votes for who does it even it
When a primary cast a vote for you, so the gray state of alabama casual var, michelle obama, even though she didn't run any of the primaries, that's the way the system works. Janice it ocean springs. Mississippi has ever been a time our country bill, that our government has been more corrupt than it is today what a good question channels. Times, I can point to the east, in west with the americans and the reservations. U s, grants administration unbelievably corrupt. Now grant himself wasn't, but he didn't provide any oversight k until it was too late, for that was crazy. Corruption. And the nineteen twenties with bootlegging in a prohibition- oh my god, how we so corrupt everybody was on a take. So those two were worse, but where
We're striving there we're trying to get there now Scott downloader crush vulcan chris would in turkey rallies already boys on a death. A little boy. Refundable, was disturbing. I feel your pain and helplessness that comes with that. if only you are omnipotent, because that's where it's gonna take to correct this and many other tragedies in our country, look all I can do is show outrage, went outrageous deserved and the death of this one year old boy outrage more then dessert very disturbing to me that the good people in the bronx don't do anything. As I say I couldn't happen in my town, everybody beatin Jessica, a lowly was Bobby florida, great interview with the back six bag. That ok-
that's none of you, I've seen in years. What do you think of him being trumps attorney general interesting? got a agree from yale seems to be a fairly tough guy, wants order, yeah I'd interview young, but it might be the right courts, interesting jessica arthur, as you said, in your appearance, in grand rapids michigan after the two, in twelve election rami did not want to win, he was scared to death of winning that election against obama. You were so right, o reilly. Aren't you great memory. I remember the grand rapids speech I gave back in two thousand and twelve while boy that was what thirteen years ago now that my health is terrible. Levin you're, sick, eleven years ago. I didn't say it. I didn't see rami one when David model.
You cannot go home. I m excited about killing the witches I re killing patten and from then on a per and read all the killing box, plus anything else you ve written. You give forgiven fact in history is very much appreciated. While I appreciate you David and everybody else, killing them just as an enormous advance sale by the way, much better, bigger or I should say in killing the legend. I think people are very hungry to know the real the origins of our country and it's scary as hell this book, all we want to do some vile wean but David. Thank you very much renal, the killing books. Ok, so I announced last night that Tucker Carson we'll be interviewing me that certain points, monday early evening in manhattan, and it's gonna be on X, twitter, we're trying to find out
when they're going to release that I don't know yet, but obviously we like it released on tuesday to correspond with which is coming into the marketplace, but they control it. Not me on the guest, but with the resignation of rupert murdoch. Today, you yard about that. This is going to be some conversation between carson and o. But you know as soon as we now put on a website. I'll tell ya, know: spin news and I'm looking forward to it and I have no black an idea. What caused wants to ask me? I don't do that and we are already a target. Our throw me whenever he was asked Why it's ok word of the day no bilge be I'll g o bills in one, where we have a couple of front rose seats about ten,
where the live show riley Rosenberg wmd see new york state of mine Hereupon theatre hunting, ten october twenty seven talk about a good halloween kick off, so they just prodded these right on the stage seats out you're billow rallied our com per month, theatre, all hasn t carry I back with a final thought, a moment alright here is a final thought of the days, can be you're. Gonna be deceived from now. until election day, two thousand twenty four to the extent that you've never seen it in your entire life. Then how I know that is the corporate leftist media is just gear up now, then a whereby they want by out it's obvious. They want. They don't know what to do. I there's gotta be a plan b. I don't know what it is and trying to find out. but the corbett media is going to attack anybody. You support style trump, means anybody all seven
If three million people who voted for trump last time around are going to be attacked by the media gay, you are this or that and trump himself he's inoculated to it. At this point is inoculate they've try everything they can to get him, the stage the cap and the left in his country very worried. The trump will win election thought amount of deceit is gonna, be tremendous, We are going to on a daily basis, expose the deceit, just as I do. Today with the wall street journal editorial salt, if you are not a premium member on bill, o reilly dot com, I hope you consider it and if you become a concierge member
then you have direct access to me. Can ask me anything. You want and I'll reply, usually within twenty four hours, and if you have a problem, I will help you solve the problem in your life and it's all confidence to re great programme and the kicker. Is you re up or sign up for primary concert? Member ship you get a free copy of killing the witches I cant do any better than that with this is this cycle is kicking in now it's it all for you and your family. So please stay with us. Thank you very much for watching listening to the nose been news of a new column on sunday and we'll see you again on Monday
Transcript generated on 2023-09-23.