« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Trucker Convoy Could Cause National Guard Deployment, Scammers Lucked Out in 2021, and Is A New Cold War Upon Us?

2022-02-23 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • Could we be entering into a new Cold War with Russia?
  • Washington D.C. calls the National Guard to standby as trucker convoys head for the Capital - but where were these calls on January 6th, 2021?
  • 98% of Los Angeles prosecutors are supporting an effort to recall District Attorney George Gascon
  • A record number of fraud reports were filed by American consumers in 2021, resulting in almost $6 billion lost
  • This Day in History, 1945: US flag raised at Iwo Jima 
  • Final Thought: Forgiveness 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill O'Riley here welcome to the nose spin news, Wednesday february, twenty thirty thousand twenty to stand up for your country. She got us some prudent fine. The jacket today and some violent crime stuff that I think you'll find very interesting. Both are threats to all americans it is doing. Is all there are some ice, is. Pretty nasty stuff and the crime is obvious So the talking points memo it's interesting, I gotta say up, so a motto: radio with Hannity today
and how did he and I disagree on- what's going to happen to Putin, had a thinks he's going to skate on all this, I think he's going down, and that is the subject of this evening's in points memo gotta stay with me here until I get. I set the factual stage from my opinion that this is not going to turn out well for Vladimir Putin. This invasion of ukraine, so Putin is taking the playbook from of hitler, just same exact thing, so either rosa power. By telling the german people hey, we got hose war war one and we are the mastery. and we're going to rise up again and be the dominant force in europe and so vote for me adolf.
learned all make that happen, potent exactly the same thing we got hose and the collapse of the soviet union. I'm gonna make russia great again support me and it will happen. I bother hyper aggressive individuals, they are socio passed. They don't have any feeling for other p, bull mig law meg low maniacal, I mean it's an amazing thing. Are you so all cable potent new concentration camps in mass murder. Well, two hundred and fifty journalists have been murdered or disappeared since hove lads have been run in russia. Now, that's a drop, I know compared to what the nazis did and I'm not trying to make that historical comparison on a vial level, but I am telling you the mentality is the same: enter saddam hussein so in ninety. Ninety sit arm invaded
who wait. You remember that was the first gulf war and it was almost the same thing as with Putin is doing now accept sit armed soldiers raped and pillaged kuwait, but we don't have any reports yet of russians doing that, but they were invasions. So president bush, the elder, add the pudding coalition together our right to boot, saddam Hussein, out of kuwait. It took seven months to do that and president bush got hammered well. What are you going to get him out of there? When are you going to get out, but bush had to put together this very fragile coalition arab countries? Western Biden has to do that now as well. Okay, so I'm going to keep that in abeyance, and I'm going to tell you about Biden later, but he's got to put together a coalition to fight poop, not
physically, but economically now I know about both of these things as I rode to books on the nazi regime, killing patten and killing me. I says, and I was actually in the gulf after the first. war. There role the tape I'm below riley, thanks for watching inside addition. Today we are incurred eight city and, as you may remember, in addition gave the world its first look at this place. Just weeks after Iraq invaded we sent them, When Jesse jackson to visit the united states ambassador, who is being held captive in the american embassy, will now we have come back to see just how things have changed since the gulf war. So there you go so god booted attic away, and then president bush made a terrible mistake, not wiping out his whole army on the so called highway of death. I was there and let
the iraqi army go back into a room. And then we had a fight sit arm again right if he had wiped out at arms army in ninety. Ninety then said I would have been dot, but saudi arabia didn't want that because it wanted to keep a buffer in its saudi arabia and IRAN, and that was set on. Can that's why they didn't have it with we had to go back in, a lot of americans got her it, as you remember fast forward to today. So now it's boot The whole world knows he is a monster. Kay Didn't know before you know. Now is no reason to do this. There is no reason to disrupt world order. Cable Putin, senses weakness on the part of Biden, unaware
So he did it. He wants to destroy world order, soda she in china and build up china russia to be in charge of their spheres. That's what's going on, but doesn't care about ukraine, ukraine. Does him no good? This is destroy and breakdown world order. No some american zone understand that. Are I don't get it? You don't understand the interconnectivity of the whole world if you allow she in Peru, now, run wild and reimpose the soviet union and reimpose communist china and south east asia and south china sea. You'll have a worldwide depression, leaving gas prices abed now, that's what will happen? Okay, so even if this thing it's worked out.
This ukraine thing Putin never again, will Europe do business with him at the level it has been. Never again, support is burned a lot of bridges here and of you, No, your history, aid of you. Now he got what he get twelve years. Sir, I'm not more than at both it and wound up in a terrible place, and I predict Putin we'll be in that same place. I don't know how long is going to take, but he'll have Harry disagrees with me. Things were gonna, get away, But I have posted that on bill, O'Reilly, dot com, that radio discussion very interesting, and I hope you check it out. So how is putin going to get taken down? Well, russia is dependent on oil for its.
survival. Economically. Now Europe knows it cannot buy russian oil. China can and will, but that's it. The rest of the free world isn't going to do that anymore. The sanctions some people think they're too weak unwilling to let see, because I like it's hard for me, to calibrate how much damage but that the russian people they're going to get hurt on the initial round of sanctions, and but Putin is going to lose a tremendous amount of economic clout. and if he continues this, then there's going to be shooting. So if he goes to the baltic states, there'll be a war, a shooting war, you know, and the world is want any of this, so who's the bad guy puts bad guy. The bad guy now there are already using care. I know
all that, but the russian people now I live in well over. There is a lot of restlessness over there. You keep your eye I could be wrong, but I don't think I am and one fund I told Hannity that you're going to see in the next couple of weeks a new peacemaker arise, that's going to be china. China is going to enter and say yeah. Let's sort this all out. It's a phoney play with china wants to elevate itself up to the status where it's basically saying to buy an impudent you know will well broker this deal in calm. Everything now. Ok, so binding in everything and schedule today, assume he's getting national security meetings and trying to figure out what
do one of the things that it was not reported, but I believe happen with germany said: okay, we're not gonna sanction the Nord stream pipeline from russia in that way, is it a big thing? I think and made a secret deal with germany that the usa will provide energy to germany. Now that's going to mean that by is a drop, a lot of regulations that is put on As fuel in the usa, because of this, instead, in green new deal crew that bind bought into an did us tremendous amount of damage. We, the people by nerd us all by these fanatical, crazy, green new deal group that doesn't seem to understand that china and russia are now going to harvest Hundreds of millions of tonnes of coal so we're gonna, destroy our economy. Here, we're not going to have.
And of oil here, but they're going to pollute the planet worse than has ever been polluted. That makes sense to you: does it ok, so I did you going to see a lessening of the regulations, but I'm not sure how that's gonna be presented. I think this deal with secret. So again pulls out, and it says that most people disapprove of the way. Putin is handling the situation with russia. I don't think his fair, I mean, let's let a play out another week or so, but it was. Fifty five percent disapprove the way by handling russia. Thirty six apparent for approve it go, by partisan lines? Republic in eighty six percent disapprove democrats. Thirty one percent disapprove its its usual. Ok,
but the fact of the matter is buying is a weak present is no doubt about it. He's weak and the american people elected a weak man, and I said it s aid, but it's worth repeating. If you vote for a week, purse any capacity that person has power over you, you're gonna, get hurt. You may like, like trump, but put I took a four year hiatus from trying to destroy world order. When trump is president, did he not? Did he not diminish trump's gone here? Comes Putin and XI keg, keep that in mind and okay, so that wraps up my coverage, we're going to be fair here, I told Hannity. I think it's wrong to politicize this. A battle with
right now, all right, I think you give Biden and nato the benefit of the doubt. He's gonna stare, step sanctions. Ok with me, let's see how it goes right. I think that's a fair and best thing to do for the country truckers. So this was a huge storing canada, as you all know, now there is it convoy that left today from California gonna go across country. It is called the peoples boy and it is in motion to promote freedom and unity. They say there is no politics here. They want to confront the lack of freedom over covert
and the energy prices and all that they say it's non partisan. Now it's not going to DC. You see the another convoy is this is the name of it now start in Scranton pennsylvania, and there is a name for it, towers and truckers for america. This is a more part, and crew, and they say they are going to try to get to d c by march. For state of the union. S policy is called out a request. The capital be protected by actual guard didn't do it on January six, which is doing now, because Biden is in place for the state of the union and also naked lee ridiculous nancy, plus he. So this towers and trucks for america to protest, covert, related mandates, high gas prices and over rikiu leash,
she'll keep an eye on it? I I I say to you truckers. If you want to protest and project a good thing, go to the border that bring more attention to the border, because you're not going to get through to disrupt, The state of the union- that's not gonna happen or eight and the other regional code. It's on the way now with the border that needs to be re looked at and you could draw attention to. That is what I would do supreme court. So I reported a few weeks ago and nobody knew this that brok- obama had signed on January twenty first, two thousand and nine executive order, which said that all living former presidents have executive privilege. But nobody knew that ok, Reported it and it's
get a border one. Three two three three still imply still there so form present. Try declared he had executive privilege and he was going and over his notes and other things to the january six committee, which is looking to hurt him? That's a debt committees looking to do not find the truth about anything you're looking at her trump, so runagate k jobs are going to give you anything, but the supreme court now said. Oh, you have to What disturbs me about this ruling is There is no name on it and there is no explanation: savant trumps, lorries on go home hold it. we got an executive order still in play, signed by Barack obama that there is executive privilege of your foreign president. Yet you, the supreme court of saying there, isn't you gotta, explain that there's no clarity to it.
So there's you know, I'm sure you're not going to hear anywhere else and but right now, trump has got a hand over that stuff. So I dont, as you know, always that a monologue go in palm beach, and watch is potent thing very closely goes on the Travis sexton radio programme yesterday, and he says this. so Putin is now saying its independent, a large action of ukraine, I said how smart is that he's gonna go in and be a peacekeeper the strongest peace force. We could use that on our southern border. Its strongest resource I've ever seen there were more army tanks that I've ever see they gotta keep peace, all right, never think of it Here's a guy who's! Very sorry! Ok! So that's all true what transfer
but his enemies, then user. While you sympathize with he like spoon, the second put aside, you know so once again the president is not precise enough in his language, alright, to stop a propaganda campaign, Now the trump riley history tour, which extensively talks about putin in russia. We'll be streaming on bill, O'Reilly, dot com until tomorrow, night thursday, not all right. So you can see the big picture here with trump and put, but on this soundbite all trump is saying. Is that Putin is outsmarting the now that may or may not be true, but it's not an invalid opinion.
Important waded. Then he picked up on vines were if russia, partially and age member that sound bite. Well, russia partially made it so Putin trump believes is a lot smarter and tougher than by. That was the point I want to make not that truck, loves, potent biggest trump said flat out to me and you'll hear it. If you go watch these show that was going to mess around with him because he knew he get punished. Putin would trumpet punish, put input, knew it harsh.
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It was a lay and many many other towns philadelphia highest homicide rate on record portland, oregon hearts, highest homicide rate, louisville, kentucky albuquerque, mexico all have one thing in common: they run by progressive, so have said this before, but it is worth repeating. Progressive people do not want to punish criminals, even violent criminals, They believe american society is evil and american society makes people criminals manufactures criminals, so the criminals themselves are really not the problem. American society, that's the underlying philosophy of restorative justice, of all, these nobel laws
that are allowing violent people not to be punished, and that's why violent crime is rising at all. Crime is right, because the justice system is not punishing these people. It's not now. My quick she and is. When will the american people revolt against the progressives? You see it we'll be los angeles. This crazy district attorney in l, a county George S, song, ok ninety eight percent of the prosecutors working for him. Want him removed as this one, prosecutor we doesn't and all the other one am remove because he will not enforcing the law L a county, the nations largest. This is insane, but until people get out and start to demonstrate against it all right, just as a people with your,
ploy did what they did. Now, I'm not saying that if you are pro law enforcement and pro justice you burned off down, I don't know, but politicians gotta you know, you're solves gonna get recalled, but it's gonna take a while people are dying all over the place. So I cast try to find somebody who understand the problem and may have a solution to the political side of this problem. so here in new york hope the governor and the legislature in albany Gotta revoke the nobel law, no matter how many will die, they're not going to do it in future, I've always seen year after year after year, mostly poor black, citizens getting gone down and the rain and the governor-
Will do anything and will it the mayor won't either alright. So I found a guy named vince, everett ellison. He is the author of book, twenty three lies or twenty five lies. Exposing Democrats, most dangerous, seductive damnable destructive, lies and how to refute them. He's a former correctional officer. So he knows the justice system. Any joins us now from Amherst virginia. Ok, first question is on your correctional experience and I will get into your theories, what percentage of the criminals in the prison where you were were flat out, evil no matter what you did. They were going to hurt people. What percentage would you put on it. Oh, I put about ten percent. We have
saying this said that ten percent of the prisons prisoners calls ninety percent of the problems this like in society, and we knew exactly who they were so you have about ten percent. that's a lot of people if you are in a city of eight and a half million like new york city at eight hundred and fifty thousand hard core people roaming around and are not being punished. So this is the prison system out of the population is about You don't want me of about. Maybe one percent you can take on people in the city of one hundred thousand people taken rather crazy, a hundred criminals, so But what I found here is that what this guy was us, Toby dissonant thing was yuri, better. Now he said so the union they just demoralize the population, and why? demoralize the population. They cannot hear the truth. May I will not listen to the truth and that's what you don't understand it's, so the
The citizens are going change this as you seek chicago isabel criminal empire again in detroit and methods for the past fifty sixty seventy years and they keep you laughing democrats because people are more. was the citizens of the united states of america are going to have to finally say these Democrats are going to bring this to our town. This is their model, they've always violence, integrity, do demoralized and destroy the black humility and keep it under control. and I'm not gonna start, because I keep getting that percent of the black boat and until we people like me and you bill, you're doing it every day. Just like I am until we can this other americans that they they're coming after you and your children. This is their plan. We're not going to change it alright, but it shouldn't have to be very hard because the people in Chicago see it with their own eyes. They are very people every every day. So there are two more in her moral, illustrated wrong up listening
but then I get it but their human beings and would assume that most of them are rational. Even demoralized and there's seeing but the people they elect all right or not having a problem, and indeed the problems are getting worse. You see Rather, I wouldn't do that all stop constant Yeah. You know you're goin back, don't even though about you're gonna do a confederacy. Abraham lincoln The issue that has a brazen proclamations about because the slaves were digging the debts, that this is as the trenches and putting up the fortifications they have, the confederacy keep them comes in eighteen. Seventy six black people voted for the confederacy they with a Democrat and the election of eighteen, seventy six, all south with blue and no confirming in a word, confirms good, both black people holding back here and in eighteen. Sixty
Even though, as an hour and Nixon her parents in nineteen, fifty seven civil rights that, in the nineteen sixties, civil rights act, giving black people right to vote down, so black people voted for Kennedy and Johnson who would basically tried to scuttle both acts? It has always been that black people had a a fatal attraction to the democratic party. It came from. Slavery is cognitive dissonance and it stays even today, because we've done nothing in this country to ever change. Okay blacks only make of thirteen percent of the population, and they can't decide elections in new york, where I am right now and in virginia to some extent where you are there is the white people have most of the power? Still I, the white liberal people are willing to watch this city. The greatest city in the country are right.
Get almost evaporated because of id a because of ideology I mean I'm saying to myself what. What do you need to see before you change. I understand and moral is asia of the blacks and that they do not get any information flow. They should get particularly by the clerks, the clergy. The black clearly should be sure we do a lot more. but the whites alright warrant live in ghettos, there's still for these crazy progressive. I dont get it, but that love this does because they need the black belt stay in power. They ve never care what happens. Black people. black people ass the plantation slaves, to the elect the masters data on top and this we stayed in the field working like dogs, just the same tablet map these white liberals are the same people as well as the all white slave masters. Were they
evil people, but there you know you're, not gonna, knock. It always knew that they are going to do. I sympathise with because I, like you, said they see it. We can arrange your mother geopolitical apply baby. They noted that the public education systems- well, I'm glad job. They know they destroyed the blackmailing. They know that but the economic system. They know it, they have that day in front of them. They know exactly what they are doing and they won't do it any change they know. I disagree with you on this point: there, no it quickly because you are still real, they see it. Then hair. These evil willing Why not you, as you have children, they I wanted to. I won't vince. I want to solve the problem, these real people, and I know droves of em. I never going to say I wanna keep black people down, I'm
kay lacks evil was that they do shot an argument that they do what they say. What they do they want. This goes about a more things in their day to day lothar. What man in the nineteen nine like they will tell now allowing don't browsers ruggles so exists in philadelphia and they have destroyed the black value every time the report just well do anything they try to bring the black man into his family. They block it. They block school choice they'll, What every child they go. Yours they dared do evil people these progressives are either I see I there's a little more nuanced there, but if that true, then we can never solve this violent crime problem. Yes, people at me and you and good people have to go out and recognise it. Reckon that we know longer help pilot disagreement with these people. We have to do We roundly condemn the slavery as there was evil. We have to do
reagan. Do it with with with the soviet union, is their evil. We have to do what church a roseville did with nazi doesn't say evil. The democrat party since its inception in eighteen, oh. Has been. The evil is always asian. On the face of user will I very agriculture, confederacy gm crops for one hundred years, systematically stole elections hung black man, castrated them kept them from bali, and it put. The federal government cannot make them, Do you think that changed overnight now, then, What's your boss, whether your sixty million people you know my people, they destroy their educational systems, they did. The men are prosecuted the rate of black men are the family extra economic system. They have made. Trojan passport church by infiltrating politics. It yes, I say they are evil and I've never back.
from the book is twenty five lies. Exposing Democrats, most dangerous, seductive, damnable destructive, lies in how to refute them. I bent Thank you for your impassioned interview was very interesting. We wish you all the best. Of course. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much I'd so one of the big new crimes- it's not violent is fraud. and six. billion dollars last year loss to fraud according to federal trade commission now the five top frauds and you this is Lord rerouted up are online shopping. Scams, pry, sweep states services, business, job opportunities, impostures scams where they get your identity. Okay, so all I can say to you: is there
If you follow my lead, you will not get scammed. I do not do business over the phone. You want to do business with me. You send me something in the mail, so I can see it. I can see the address. and see the spelling of your name? If you do business on the internet, if you do crypto, if you do any of this stuff, you are exposing use. To fraud, people in a news to tweets on potent, I found interesting first, one from our pow john stewart- I saw him the other day the next, but I didn't get a chance to talk to him. I dunno. If he talked to me anyway, but seward says the trump fox axis isn't soft peddling pollutants actions. They agree with that. They are, political allies. They believe
in the same things to them the american left and most of europe are the evil empire. Unquote. John Stewart cared much like to see that donors Stephen king gos, a progressive all day long says. Neighbouring quote. Mr Putin has made a serious miscalculation. He forgot, It is no longer dealing with trop. That makes no sense whatsoever because putin, didn't cause a lot of trouble other than the hackers. in bra mood. Russia during the trump administration. But he wasn't an amazing anybody, not stephen king. You stand history february, twenty third, nineteen, forty five, u s, raised at E. Woe gmo one of the most ferocious battles ever fought. Seventy seven years ago today,
so the marines went into evil jima a back water in the pacific ocean volcanic island. They needed the airstrip on the island. It was occupied by the japanese. Big fight ensued. eighteen thousand japanese soldiers on the island only two hundred and sixteen survived the rest of them a debt they wouldn't give up. Americans had to kill seven thousand americans died on it. Would GMO wendy vows wound, that's out of seventy thousand marine invading force. You want to read about this killing the rising sun. My book about the japanese war, we bring you there, but that was a great great victory. Seventy seven years ago, today,
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Terry, their leaders are paid big money by Putin, but the people have no say mercy. People have no say in anything to totalitarian state run by a secret police. When two an invisible journalists can be murdered or missing, you know a little trouble. The russian people have no say at all and the military what happens in these countries that total turns the top line in the military, the commanders they get paid enormous amount of money the dark eyes, all that and then a conscripts. You know the eighteen nineteen year old, they do what they told or their executed. Janet cause you urge member jan against access directly to me on the message board, with billions lad, breaks in with oil production. Can we really hurt him with our sanctions? Yes, can because russia is very fragile economy.
And again I can't calibrate the sanctions nobody can, but I think russia get her. Rene storms moors will load carolina bill. Thank you for explaining the true meaning of energy independence. You said about eleven percent of our petroleum comes from foreign nations, hausa changed under by two same and its because of refining various refining. We need various types of petroleum and some of the petroleum. We need isn't refine here, so we have to get it abroad. It's eleven percent. As I pointed out, but we have. We are we haven't event do we have to do here if Biden would stop the nonsense? The green new deal months Sean reeves, lan salaries of these programmes
when your bill, your interview with sight, retiree upon pale, should be required viewing for all americans? I always thought your view. Schools were incredibly sharp and something we can all learn. from look. My interviewing skills been honed over forty six year period. I dont ask bs questions. I try to get you the information that you need a millay on a message board. Could my pompey or possibly be an alternative for choice for president? Yes, I think mr pump has an eye on that. He's gonna go up against trump, but if tromp isn't in the mix, I think you got David styles loud and had his see, how can we expect the vitamins region protect law and order on a global basis when they're failing miserably on a national front? It's a good question valid question is by tough enough.
Charles you final thought on the divide between the educated, not educated, has always been true. My father taught me about the borders of education many years ago, but now it's more true with the high tech and all its fist dictated things in a marketplace. You gotta know what you're doing or you're going to live a life of struggle David bill, today's final vows once again so prescient, I wish it were possible. you to speak at any number of high schools colleges. You share your message, you don't know cause you bring me in its way too much for them. Then I'm interested in giving students the truth, most causes, george rodent castle Missouri bill just won't. Take a moment. Thank you for those been news, you're, the only source of what's going. On in the world at my wife and I trust trial hardest. We do we do our homework to try to bring you news that will enhance your
I've and protect you ok, bill rallied icon is restore. I've already mentioned that on the website. We're gonna do the trouble rally: history, tour, ro tomorrow evening, thursday gonna, in walking in illinois, degeneracy theatre on march. Thirty, first, like you to come, see us w, ls radio, sponsoring it ticketmaster dotcom. Again, that's walking in illinois, genesee theatre march, thirty. First, and if you want to stand up for your country mugs, we still have then they're going fast best mugs in a world. Great message made them worker, you will love them. Finally, my boat killing the killer is out. May third you order from us preorder you get a free two thousand and twenty bumper sticker regret your two thousand and twenty vote. Yet you get the bumper sticker right away. You have to wait till the bill comes out, but preorder you get a first okay, we'll be back with the final thought
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They believed it. power, but They weren't associated with one set. However judeo christian philosophy was used to forge the constitution and our justice system and drive. He is crazy, but there is a divide between jewish philosophy and christian philosophy and that, as this forgiveness in the old testament, it is an eye for an eye, and the jewish religion today upholds that in the christian philosophy is turn the other cheek so I'm in mass on sunday last sunday, the gospel is that you have to forgive your enemies. Came is comes from Jesus all right, that's in line with the christian philosophy, but what about?
when your enemies not only hurt you but heard others and continue to hurt others. Do you forgive that? What are you. what about when you're enemies, don't ask for forgiveness. Ok, they are taunting you now that was dealt with when Jesus said father forget they know not what they do when he was being execute kay. But the on going evil aspect of forgiveness is never a jury. I've never heard of addressed by the catholic church ever rights. You can have evil people put Zabel, absolutely able aright Sarah
said arm was evil, kill people, let's evil. So, let's go glad you're forgive and we all forgive you go ahead, go take you grant or do whatever you want to do. You know, so my beef is that the priest, Last sunday didn't come close to it. I want to raise my aunt and church, but I do but I wanted to, wait a minute father. What about ongoing evil Forgive ongoing evil is outward christians are supposed to do. Is I would Jesus? What do I believe? Jesus went into the temple with a whip to dry those money too, yours out, maybe four gave them after he overturn their table, maybe, but I think if they were back the next week,
money traders he would have overturn the table again. These complicated, theological, philosophical things are worth thinking about. Now. Let me wrap this up. I believe in forgiveness. If somebody does me wrong and comes and apologize is an attempt to make restitution which is absolutely necessary in many cases. I forgive him because I want to be forgiven. You know we all do bad things in a judgment day. I'd like to be forgiven, so I forgive us, but if somebody doesn't ask for forgiveness, I got a hard time with that. somebody continues to hurt people, and I know about it. I got a hard time with it anywhere love to know what you think bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly dotcom, namely ten. If you wish you a pine. Thank you for watching and listening tonight, we'll see tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-13.