« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

Top Vatican Cardinal Stands Up For Biden, Democrat Senator Harassed, and Facebook's Whistleblower

2021-10-05 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • The Catholic church could face a firestorm from parishioners if they don’t hold Joe Biden accountable for his pro-abortion activism 
  • Moderate Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema is being terrorized by leftists for not conforming to her party’s radical spending agenda 
  • Oklahoma State University student is asked to step down from her role as editor-in-chief for the school newspaper over a mask mandate editorial 
  • A former product manager for Facebook testified today that the tech giant prioritizes profits over the safety of its users 
  • This Day in History, 1992: Congress overrides President George H.W. Bush’s veto of cable TV
  • Final Thought: What to do on the investment front

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill. O'riley here welcome to the no spin news for tuesday October fifth, two thousand and twenty one stand up for your country. President Biden own emissions today to talk to the operating engineers low cool union, to build back better, ok, now, If you want to do an interesting experiment, you see how much of his speeches picked up. I can almost guarantee none of it will be. Could you If I'm wrong I'll tell you tomorrow, but it out he goes out any dozy speeches in swings. States Michigan, is that. a measure can go either way and he's trying to. Bolster the unions and the union's remit,
solidly behind prison Biden because With all the money he wants to spend the tax money, the union's would benefit because there would be getting those contracts. So that's what he's doing rasmussen daily tracking parole on presidential approval in the job. Forty three percent approve same as yesterday. Fifty five percent disapprove. That's ticking up, that's not a Single reason we use rasmussen is because, we daily pole and it's almost evenly divided among Republicans democrats and they saw cold other. So it's it's an honest paul now, yet to President Biden and abortion. So This is gonna, become a problem for the press. and we're pretty much the only ones reporting it.
From a non ideological viewpoint. I'm reporting is as a political story. It's another thing: that's going to hurt Joe Biden. So let me walk with you through this abortion story in the last election about twenty two percent of the electorate were catholic. That's about thirty million voters. The vote was split trump got. Fifty percent of the catholic vote buying got forty nine Joe Biden portrays himself as a loyal catholic. I don't use A devout because he does
use it and a loyal catholic. He goes to mass and he is very up in saying that, which is a good thing. All american should be proud of their faith, but he is also at the same time an abortion activist he's not just pro choice. All right and he'll say he isn't, but he was wandering. his views on others, that's what he'll say, but that's bach, ok, but he's an abortion activist. What does that mean? He makes it easier promotes. Abortion. So here's what happened yesterday. This is very interesting so, The federal government spends too
hundred and fifty million dollars tax dollars a year on health clinics across the usa? Two hundred and fifty million. Under president trot none of those health clinics receiving federal money could refer anyone. To an abortion docked couldn't do it, abortion clinic abortion doctor. If you did it, you cut off from federal fonts, Biden not under any pressure at all has now we're gonna go back to the old way. So If you want to have an abortion, you can go into federally funded abortion, health clinic and they'll such a writer break a taxpayer expense with an abortion. That's activist Right and as you know, because I've reported it America is one of only seven countries in the world. Then
abortion on demand. For any reason, federal government allows it now. States are trying to counter mandate, but only seven So Joe Biden is a abortion activist. Why why would he go against his faith is church? Why? Because the far left tells them too, and not one time since he's been president in nine months, has he stood up to the far left? Not one time. Ok enter the catholic church. It which is taken a severe beating over the last fifteen years and has lost all moral authority throughout the world right. The only people who respect the catholic church, Are those who are catholic.
And those who understand the difference between catholics, g and the men who run the church and that's not a big crew. So the catholic church, which once was most powerful. Religious institutions on this planet has lost all war authority because of the priest, pedophilia stuff. Ok, now there's a meeting next month november in baltimore we're all of the american catholic bishops get together number. One on the agenda is the question: should Joe Biden and other politicians who promote abortion be denied the sacrament of the holy eucharist So, therefore, if you go to the communion rail, the priest would not give you the host. Strangely controversial extremely it.
has to be a two thirds vote of all the catholic bishops. In order for that to happen, that's not going to have why, because the vatican, the pope, doesn't want it to happen now, one of the top cardinals in rome is Peter turks and of ghana. The african country have gone very, very close to pope francis he was asked about, binds abortion situation while the tape. You haven't question that president Biden as a catholic in good stead. Should he be served me. If you say somebody cannot receive communion, you are basically doing judgment that you are in a state of some and something that is something we do not think that should happen in the case of present by little. If, Prison disobedient camelia, see an expert at all of a sudden somebody. He knows of committed murder, he's men,
pretended dignity and there is doesn't for extreme cases, yander waste from cases Well, you can make an argument. This is an extreme case to have the most powerful man in the world promoting abortion, which is a grave sin in the catholic church. Could you not so what's gonna, happen here and I'll predict this now, is that the bishops are not going to deny Joe Biden the right to receive holy communion but a lot of them well,. a lot of them, will vote to expel him from the sacrament, but not two thirds. but around the country and the world the catholic church will lose was even more moral authority, because if you can't make a stand. Against someone promoting abortion, which is the killing of a foetus. If you can't make a stand on that, then what are you?
You think Jesus if he were alive today be walking around on one. May me, I don't think so. It's pretty clear that all human life comes from god and human beings do not have a right to term human life. I was pretty clear from Jesus of Nazareth. His hammer wiggle rome, their self defense, that's about it! Ok,. so Biden is gonna is not going to come. Top on this new you. let's go to senator cinema from arizona. Now, as you know, she and senator mansion of west Virginia Democrats will not vote for the three point: five trillion dollar massive socialist spending bill put forth by Joe Biden negative offered so now she's been targeted by far less loons, who want to hurt her so
she arrives in new york city from arizona from phoenix and there they are ambushing her. with cameras, are yelling at her doing all kinds of things to tour, and this was a day after One of the loons followed her into a bathroom. Ok, so we know the game here I had to deal with this on more than one occasion. These loons attack really came on, my property did, or whatever I mean what they do, a liberal commentator. Don lemon cnn actually criticized it go. When you violate someone's privacy and blurs the line between activism and harassment receiving that blurry its harassment, okay, so that was good for lemon are right. I give you points for that. Now, CBS and NBC covered this with There are no real common on it. Maybe see, did not
so cinema handled it very well. I thought I I'm from didn't. Overreact didn't play into it just basically, but I'll tell you why. that kind of behaviour that makes her more determined. That makes senator similar more determined not to give in to the far left as what it does. Let us get the cove it in new york city, the health care providers north well has fired Fourteen hundred people can it's one percent of its work For seventy six thousand people in new york work for north well, and because they wouldn't give vaccinated. Right. You do it. Ok, remember that public health, supersedes any kind of protection in the workplace, so north. Well, I'm sure they're gonna be sued, but do
when this room court was very very clear on this. You can have mandates in the private sector thought you you're running a business and you feel somebody's a danger to public health, so many consumers, piracy and doesn't want to leave you. Can you can fire? I saw The government is all different way. Whole different thing. And then it's going to go to the supreme court, but private business you're at their mercy, now on the camp is of Oklahoma state university. There was a controversy in this is fascinating so the editor of the student newspaper, which is called the o kali? is madison ferrers. Twenty years old, I should say she used to be the editor. She is no longer the added. Now Madison objected to the man.
sk mandate, which was caught a murky from Oklahoma. And here's what she rode in this mood. Newspaper put it on a screen quote: What is going on at oklahoma state is troubling. The backdoor approach to mass requirements is both Concerning and laughable school may think they are avoiding legal consequences. By putting the authority for mass require since in the hands of the professors, but Discrimination that has already occurred is a major cause for concern when it comes to future repercussions. Joining us now of from oklahoma stillwater is amiss. Ferris So I don't really understand why you are not the editor of the paper any longer You have a right to that point of view. That's journalistic freedom, its freedom of speech. It's not crazy. It's not threatening soul.
why were you removed? Why did you resign from your position. I would say that the biggest reason is that, after I published This opinion column emphasis on opinion column. I received a lot of that lunch on mine and start backlashes directed towards me personally. Other people did so saying the collie this in your colleague that and the pressure, This really grew. I and my team- and you know the people that work above us that you know really work for the school to really just clean up the name of their calling and get it out of the I've controversy and really just kind of calm the public down, and they really just on. buckled to the pressure of public opinion. Ok Oh the university says that masks in the classroom are optional. Is that correct it is up to the professor. Once a month I passed
the case has been found. The class are reported for two weeks the professor can take. Whatever action that they choose they have it options, then go and they can go online. Taking do like half in half or they can be in person and the in person. Students have to wear masks, and so that's kind of where they are with that are, but that doesn't sound. Unreasonable matters, Like an unreasonable policy, And until there came no punishment for not you know, coming to these demands, and my question and this as a journalist was: where did this authority come from because I read and the way that I interpreted Senate bell six fifty eight was That's actions like this couldn't be taking place and that couldn't be forced onto someone, ok the counter to that would be as I just stated, with north well, health in new york, the public health threat
particularly if you have some old cove it in a single classroom, Supersedes the individual right, but that's a debate, I mean that's my position as your position all I'm troubled by the fact that you were thrown out of the class, because you didn't where the man she wouldn't. Whereas I write you defy the professor any tossed you. But it was offered to me- and she asked me to leave- which I did I wasn't going to make a scene- I'm not gonna do that the class and I've been attending online and it's been going while fights yeah. Ok, so why didn't you just where the mask. and I did say this in my calling people have asked me: why? Don't you just where the mask you know it be easier to just where, for a couple hours and I'll make a big deal if I'm on we believed that it was just a mask. Then. Yes, I would wear it, but I do believe that it's more than that, it is becoming a control move. I dont believe that it was at first, but think there, as though
Culture in america has kind of snow bobbin to these. Really bloated emotions, that's has become you know, quite the power in the hands of the professors at upon the state india. Professors are abusing their power now with the mass rape. factors that have a deal viewpoint inertia. Let the kids in the class without a mouse. You know of any idea professor, is that just you know don't seem to mind. It is up to the dresser what action they take according to the school there. Not you know this little rafter? Do you don't have a vat mandate? Do you to be in a classroom? Mental glow mistake. So a lot of lot of colleges do have that if you want to go to the clash gabby backs But you don't have it that way, if you didn't resolved, I unjust and do with tremendous pressure, and you know what the social media situations totally out of control is kind
But what have you didn't resign? What did say? Look I didn't do anything wrong here, journalist, omri new opinion, com and title, in my opinion, not I know what what would happen. well. That was actually my position at first. I told them. I said only way: you're gonna get rid of me is if you fired and this in that and I was determined that that was can be the where I went to my staff actually refused to work and the next day, so on tuesday they did published the paper that morning and were refusing to work on I say: ok suddenly went on a walk out and then then you do the right thing. As far as ok, I'm not going to destroy the paper because of my controversy, walter you, I value, is seeing your madison, I'm a junior you're, doing ok when you graduate you, let me know, we'll find you a job in journalism. If you want it, is that a deal? That's the deal, Ok because you're very articulate we,
they have courageous people- I don't pretend we agree with you. I think, of a professor has a coal the case in the class? If I win especially when I was a former high school teacher, I would say you gotta wear the for your own protection. I would do that, but I like opposing points of view I believe that dissent is important in this country and I believe that you are sincere in what you put for itself, when you graduate or maybe three months before, your eye there Now you have our information and an you tell me What you want to do and will try to make and I will help you with that? Ok, I thank you very much. I mouse and goodbye You- and that was a very, very good interviewed yet thank you very much can't get on facebook now that we're on social media. Now I dont, in this world, and I have a facebook account.
I don't I don't do any of this. I use this primarily from research and businesses, and worn out, but I'm not sit around set in nasty emails or tweets to about madison somewhat. I do but I know that there are huge freedom problems, in these social media area, but I also know that Facebook and others have a very robust security team, because I know people on and their very close to me. I know what they're doing in there irresponsible in the sense that they allow a lot Crime and they want to cut down, and you spend a lot of money on their security teams to do that, to exert one be fair, but there's no, that is a giant threat to weed people in our freedoms by the social media companies just to
banishment of donald trump alone, which is now being adjudicated in federal court that that should never have happened in a million but the social media companies should be free to say. no or port in a day, an area content, they believed to be false. Ok, That has happened on to the and it should be. Of your eye neo nazi and your put not every day on facebook or instagram, whatever the Jews must die, then no, no! Ok, because that's hateful insightful. so hurt now today in front of the Senate commerce committee woman, I'm francis haagen test. Are you going to sooner and sixty minutes? Now she has a beef again. Facebook. And she says that its harming children and that
Allowing information to circulate that does damage and she points to the attack. On the capital for january six that a lot of. People who want that to happen or encouraging that to happen were operating on facebook right, and so she wants to government to get involved. And she also says a teenage girls are being worked over on instagram, because bodies don't correspond to the bodies that are glorified on social media? That's a strong point, but we do live in a free society whereby, if europe Looking woman and somebody wants to model you or or compliment you can't stop m that wouldn't be fair, but the key to this is congress has Who create new laws, regulating social media, what they can and cannot do and what kind of safeguards they have to have. Here's. What mistaken said today,
The company intentionally hides vital information from the public from the us government and from governments around the world, the documents I have provided congress prove that facebook has. repeatedly misled the public about, its own research reveals about the safety of children. The efficacy of its artificial intelligence systems as role and spreading divisive and extreme messages. Ok, so I think that. when the mid terms are finished, that's a year from this november and the Republicans take back the house and Senate which I believe they will, but I could be wrong things going to have that You were gonna, have new laws, but by may very well be to those laws, because the left watts. The capacity to sense they want to keep trump off twitter. They want
So is a very interesting and then yesterday a facebook went down and so did instagram and other as some apps and whatever for seven hours eight hours. I don't even know how long it was and they don't know why, no coincidence and all happening, I am quoting a bloomberg. Zuckerberg mark Zuckerberg owes facebook loss. billion dollars. Yesterday, whoa that's a hit because the stock went down. Ok, new york, city and chicago, and allay three largest cities country, all out of control as far as crime is concerned, so El. The tape on asian bronx issued out on september, sixteenth cameras caught it, nine, forty five in the evening, people sure in each other at each other. Ah no one was injured. According to the cops, I don't think anybody was arrested, even if they were arrested. They wouldn't be prosecuted, it's a big brawl
Your chicago now lightfoot. Liberal mayor is screaming at the d a because the aid will prosecute a massive shooting massive gang shooting. She won't bring charges, so this is what happens when progresses get power. punish criminals, even criminals with guns, violent criminal punishment, what do things can happen So we all know this on and on and on and on and the reason is these progressive people do not care about public safety, and here is the proof that shooting took place very close to a sees district. So where are you congress when o cassio Cortez? Why didn't you issuers stay? then about that tape. are you trying to solve that problem or bringing attention to it,
that unbelievable violence in the bronx. That's your turf, madam! I did a radio commentaries. Nancy Pelosi outlining all of her well she's worth about a hundred and twenty five million and her district in San francisco is way out of control. She got a wall in front of her ten million dollar match. She worried, gauges on this, and that is a o c. It shows you would hypocrites, would phonemes Let's go to ireland, Donald trump toil, obviously the first day of the next week. For election gonna have caucus there and. report the moyne register eight hundred feet. I've, I'll ones, and what he feels about donald trump net favourable fifth, three percent and I are not favourable, forty five now there.
The same question in march, the domain registrar git net favourable. Then forty five trumped up eight favourable unfavourable fifty three, so it flipped isn't an interesting. So next week your humble car bonnet. That's me going down a mall. and I'm gonna interview- form present trot now this as part of the run up to the trouble right. History tour. I gotta make sure I always say trumps. Name. First said a trump o reilly history tour will commence in December right info lauderdale that sunrise florida. Orlando and then the next weekend in Houston and Now these shows are gonna, be historical. Because we're gonna get on the record things that you have never heard.
it's not going to be relocating the election. It's not going to be fake news going to be any of that. It's going to be. This is what happened. How did you do it? Who are their good guys? Who are there, guys, what do you think about my pants? I'm gonna get real person some of those questions So I want the president to understand the tone of the history or which is why I'm going there to interview him. It's coming a preview.
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His presence, that is for sure, okay, so if you are a concierge member bill, o'reilly dot com, you will get direct essex to me. Okay and one of our concierge members. Eighty three year old widow named patricia and wrote me a letter very, very emotional letter and she has blood cancer and she needs some money and she has money tied up in the viking cruise line because one of her cruises which she paid for in full, was cancelled because a it and she got a voucher. So now she can't go on a cruise with blood cancer and she wanted to get her money back, and I told her I would try, while viking cruise lines to it's absolute credit, is going to refund the money to her at this a little bit more complicated, and I won't explain it to you all. The cruise ships lines got pounded with covert and they can't possibly refund cash to all of the people who couldn't go on the trip, so they give them vouchers. So you go on a trip and each cruise line has whatever rules they want to.
I understand that I got it okay, because if you couldn't they don't have enough money, they couldn't do it and their hole at the whole industry got devastated. So I understand, but I get a lot of males while I can't go on, and now they have it's not fair. It's not fair. It's not fair, but life is like that coat. This is a coven casualty. So here's what I am recommending to We in that circumstance are right and I think there are flights to airline flights Donate your vouchers to a charity that they can put it up in auction. All charities have auctions and churches of auction synagogues. To raise money, if you donate your vouchers, you're proves vouchers plain vouchers. Whatever it may be, you could take attacks right off. Ok, and so you ll save some money that is now you're helping people
because you're giving the charity they can raise money from your voucher ticket and you're helping yourself it's the best. You can do now. In the case of patricia, I applaud viking, in fact I may take a bike rose. It's a good outfit. You know it does a lot of great river things in europe, which is an excellent way to see that continent, and I am very happy that they responded to us and that this, one woman who we are praying for. You know her end of her life is a little less stressful. So I wanted to tell you that one report on what we do here. You know I got a slogan, we're lookin out for you, and I I am, we have been, It's all going on twenty five years now. Ok. So there we go.
they this in history so october? Fifth, nineteen, eighty two, whose presence the old, a bush? The elder was successful present and he lost because he was right. taxes. Hello, Joe Biden and Clinton data He was only overturn once in the veto. Only one time and it happened today, twenty nine years ago. What was the issue kay tv, the only reason I'm bringing this to you so in nineteen. I need to congress, wanted to wipe out all the rest. frictions on cable tv and have companies compete for your dollar bush. They want this has going to chaotic is gonna, be too much corruption, envy doing it congress over road and the cable but he's were allowed to compete without government interference since time.
Or cable bill is gonna, fifty percent, so much Competition drive and prices that right, because you it is only a few cable companies, but I articles now, Millions of americans of poland, a cord I Didn'T- want they too are to fifty a month for cable so thereby and what they call bundle said are a lot less spot since from ninety ninety two to two thousand. Cable companies may gazillion, because com over road bush. The elders veto of the cable bill pretty. I talk about edges day. We have a rocket soccer male segment and then a fine thought I am getting tons of mail about money. What? good. I do because the bite administration is tottering. I A final thought on money: after these announcements.
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With the lucky landslides you can get lucky just about anywhere near greensburg, we've got clear, roadway or the weather is far, but we're just going to circle up here. Awhile and good luck, a little known of him like that introduces cash prizes, add up quick. So I suggest you sit back. Keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky for free at lekki landslides, dot com. Are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary void where prohibited by law? Eighteen plus terms and conditions apply, see website for details. I just go to male ronald concierge member Ronald way to go bill. I find it amazing people complain about politicians and their voter base tolerate their own family members and friends. I voted to support. Very same people. They despise change, has to start at your dinner table. I disagree with you somewhat here. Family is the most important thing in life.
family and your health arright religion, of course, very, very important too many many people and you slife unworthy want, but on this earth family go to hell. If you have a family member who you love or even like what person is ideological. Apart from you, you don't banish from In our table, yet all disparage them as law, as the belief is sincere, now, if their loons, I understand who wants it. Thanks giving dinner with a lunatic, no one or if you have to have acquired conversation, no politics or whatever it may be, but I would banishing people in my own family. I've never done that. I try to keep. family together as much as they can penny how is with holding campaign. money. If one does,
and told the line for Nancy Pelosi, not a form of blackmail, its coercion, so near Nancy Pelosi, chuck, Schumer and Mitch, Mcconnell Republican sought quite clear. Viewed I'll go along with what the leadership wants. You might not get campaign funds, but it's not blackmail. It's coercion, Donna concierge member. Thank you data as a business owner. I know you cannot borrow your business into prosperity just as the governor can't taxes into social justice, absolute very very good letter down. It is just dividing this country, my god, never seen museum, Westlake, village, california So I bought killing the mob, can't put it down, but here's my question. you mentioned on last thursday's broadcast that you think covered
call the and actually mandates has fair on the no spin news, and I do it why no, it fair means in that context, but it certainly has not been balanced. Although you are quick to professionally upon and conclude that certain actions taken by the state federal government's are or are not constitutional. You have not and so with respect to vaccine mandates. Sure I have sure I have and I've done it. I did it today. Private company big, can mandate what they want and that's it We have no protection, federal state and local government, they can't mandate. Unless you work for them. Joe Biden said or federal employees have to be vaccinated or from other thing: they gotta get out daily swab. I dont know what buying and do that, but he can't Say to you, if you weren't a federal government, you gotta be vaccinate that that's gonna to go to supreme court,
one form or another, but I come on now- I think we ve had the best covert coverage. Michael limp now, Ching ma thailand chiang mai in the northern part of thailand fascinating place bill. Please don't forget taiwan when you give examples of we present in almost every day china, since planes the taiwan airspace. The only reason is does. He know Biden will do nothing. I knows big story in and we're watching it you're right prison binding. The iranians, no, it Putin knows it. She of china knows it. I don't think the chinese are gonna invade taiwan or launch military action that would crush their economy for years. If they did, that. but you never know shirley robinson del tone of florida bill. I understand chain of command. Why a lieutenant colonel schiller is in the break? What
General miller. You went outside the chain of command, speak with the chinese, so much disputed. He says he didn't do anything that everybody knew that there were people. There is disputed. What the lieutenant little did is admitted he admitted he. a wrong thing, as a commission officer active, do chris santa is harvey louisiana. You said california recall, would tell those any hope for california coming back to the middle will. Next month Virginia gubernatorial action tells the same thing about that state. Yeah, that's a tough! When he's never coming back, it's got my never ever ever virginia march, much much different situation. You know terry mc carve not going to stand up to the far left. Clayton confidant
Can we close, but if they dont, if they vote from a call of virginia pretty much a blue state, at least. Well, I just say it pretty. Might solidifies itself is blue stay. I think that's fair! Okay, so we ve told you about the trump tour. We have not told you about. Picking up your regret. thousand twenty vote. Yet I'm giving these out for halloween to turkey treaters no sugar up. Is a kid coming up with a given. I wouldn't do that. I would have a healthy stuff, their tastes good, for but anyway is yeah you if you buy any of my books, including killing a mob with your love. You get two free bumper stickers and we sell them in packs of five Much in india, man have few laughs. I hope ok, we're did it be a charlatan when writing to us
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with the lucky landslides. You can get lucky just about anywhere near greensburg. We've got clear, roadway or the weather is far, but we're just going to circle up here. Awhile and good luck- I don't have him like that. Introduces cash prizes add up quick, so I suggest you sit back. Keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky for free at lekki landslides, dot com. Are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary void where prohibited by law, eighteen plus terms and conditions apply, see website for details final thought of the day. A lot of males are mentioned about people very worried about. Therefore, one kase about their bank accounts, whatever. so I can give you financial vice That would be wrong of me. I am not an expert in fires. But I can tell you what I do stops on all my individual stocks on my music. funds- I just let him right.
on my individual stocks there with a close stop order where it hits absurd, pointy cells automatically because I don't want to write it down on individual. But I will write it down on mutual funds. Why? Because, in my lifetime stock markets always come back, And if you are younger than me, you of a younger time timeline, ok, so panic about it. This six your dollar reporting to the irish. That's not gonna get through not pass, just do what you do? It's not going Currency unit was gonna, be inflation, You know that's by that's going to kill him by the way in next year's elections, but stay steady, its painful, but you gotta, hang tough, that's my favorite exe
Hang tough matter what happens in the short term, the markets gonna come back. if you sell into it, you panic, you lose forever you don't. You lose for temporary Top so that's my advice and final vote of the day. you do with it. What you will, But remember I'm lookin out for you. She tomorrow
Transcript generated on 2023-01-14.