« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The Whistleblower’s Wild Ride; Trump/Biden Square Off


- Looks like Adam Schiff knew about the whistleblower’s complaint before it was filed. 

- Biden responds to Trump’s remarks calling him and his son corrupt.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
welcome to the nose venues thursday october third two thousand nineteen fight for your freedom all right so this is a day that there's a bunch of stuff going on that links very important things together and yes you know i'm a simple man solemnly to keep it simple and i really appreciate you watching tonight first thing is that late yesterday the head of the house intelligence committee adam ship was exposed is in his interesting so press report says that the whistle blower who informed the world that donald trump did something heinous on a phone call with the president of ukraine could detour before he fired
of his complain into adam sheriff's office oh how being in as the church lady might say now where we heard this before could it be bred cavanaugh and christine blasi ford she took a little d to our interests diane feinstein obvious and i sat there for months and fine signs office schiff kept it under asked for a few days so both stories are very similar and then their outcomes are as well after the whistle blower went into mister shifts office he retained three attorneys after ford went into fine sties office she retained a radical left
law firm in washington dc and the three attorneys that the whistle blower hired are democrats so now this is a political thing it's not a whistleblower with a conscience who's neutral none of that contrived political attack the same thing on brett kavanaugh contrived political attack okay evidence is evidence now let's walk through this shifting so schiff apparently violated the rules of the house as a committee chairman house intel committee as i just said he has a responsibility to share this kind of information with his fellow members he didn't he wanted to ambush donald trump after the whistleblower
went to the attorneys i'm just guessing they might have been recommended by sheriff's office and the attorneys themselves wrote the complaint which they did was uploading right so he didn't want to tell anybody that can ruin the whole complain to be there and then drop it on the media is successful in doing that now the attorneys andrew buck car andrew has worked for daniel moynihan charles humor and hilary cod huh oh i know you're shocked he's representing the whistle blower ah his other council marks aid apparently while the lawsuit against donald trump oh what a convenience this now becoming a joke right now i believe that what i just told you get in here
not from fox news not from any news did you know that did you know that five for losses can illustrating as our job with the other guy workforce for and hilary did you know that ok so any fair minded american does ok we got it so blower doesn't really here anything puts together some complaints goes adam sheriff and shift directly was laura to some democratic lawyers who right the complaint we drop it on the media and we impeach suppressor you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o reilly dotcom no spin news broadcasts where you can please see me we'll be right back after this message piece of vine and staying on budget feels pretty good right now does not but if there is one
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you said you went over there you said you threatened new ukrainian government with the loss of a billion dollars in loans if they didn't fire prosecutor and you did it as vice president it may not be illegal but it's certainly unethical you said it you did it you're hurt alright i'm going to play trump's biden soundbite and then biden's trump sound bite okay first the president joe biden's son is corrupt and biden is corrupt and i'd rather run against by than almost any of those candidates and i think they are all weak but i think by has never been a smart guy and he's less smart now than ever worse ok now
i were donald trump would i want to run against biden over bernie sanders no overloads with one over any of the other no okay i think biden maybe not now but a week ago was this kennedy maybe not now so biden he's out in nevada reno and he hears trump say that and here's what he says go now let me make something clear to mister trump in attachment and the special interests funding his attacks against
if i'm not going anywhere the you're not going to destroy me do not go and do destroy my family i don't care how much money you spend mr president or how dirty the attacks again trump knows there are no truth in the charges against me no he doesn't trump thinks you're a crook he told me forget he believes he believes eurogroup joe it's him about the united states drop you billy's go abroad obama hillary clinton did on ethics and perhaps a little things to derail his candidacy in hurt him once you gonna work that is what believes you are listening to a free excerpt from bill o got coms no spin news broadcasts where you can actually see me we'll be right back after this
such leftovers the envy org house cleaning or the casino always brings the fine play over a hundred different games online for free from anywhere you can redeem some serious rises chambre casino dad come live the jump alive which is necessary to see what to reveals she's a male l majority the villages florida where villages florida down to the villagers villages never i've never gonna villages but they little golf course and i really like that i may go to sell some books downer some time but i
been there i hear it's a fun place bill why are the republicans the senate not invest getting the collusion of the democrats and the media because there's no crime more why would you have to investigate everybody knows it's happening al you know it's happening everybody at the villages knows it's happened but it's no crime the media wants to throw in with the democratic party you can throw in with them they should admit it they doubt that
see but the seed is not a crime ron meier elko nevada just finished reading the united states trump i'm not a big reader because of dyslexia but i finished it two days a record for me really enjoyed the book i have one question if oppresses impeach can he or she run for president again yep if you're booted out you want to run again can't stop you but you never get a nomination that would never happen okay concierge members and we've had a surge because we're doing recruitment
and i you can ask me anything you want on the news or in your own life so people say look i'm traveling here do you have any recommendations sometimes i do sometimes i don't i got a letter today i'm going to tuscany now i've been to tuscany number times but i'm not a tuscan expert there are many many people who know a lot more than i do about tuscany so it was a big help but ireland
well a big help caribbean i'm a big help anyway you've got a wide range of things you can ask me and i'll tell you the truth and it's just between me and you alright i don't read those letters on the air those are letters that you can write and know they'll be kept confidential so cause year's membership little bit more than premium membership or down a lot and you know if you have a question about something you're going to do i could save you some money on that usually but the really important thing is you save money on buying or other stuff for christmas and birthdays and things like that i'd get a big discount that i'd get you the what you're paying extra right back we'll see you soon have a great weekend
Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.