« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The United States of Litigation, Biden's Fentanyl Dishonesty, Hunter Biden's Business Associate, a Pentagon Problem, More Money to Ukraine, & Bill's Thanksgiving Advice

2023-11-21 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday November 21, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.

Tonight's rundown:

  • Talking Points Memo: Bill examines two lawsuits taking aim at progressive organizations.
  • President Biden wants more resources to deal with fentanyl. But what about the border?
  • Hunter Biden's business associate is set to testify before the House Oversight Committee.
  • The Pentagon fails their accounting audit, again.
  • The U.S. is set to give more money to Ukraine.
  • This Day in History: Frankenstein.
  • Final Thought: National Caregivers Month

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everything is expensive these days, you know that the government is printing billions of dollars in consumer prices higher than ever, if the remain continues. Its printing and spending the dollar could continue its freefall. Loses coveted role as a world reserve currency? Let's hope that doesn't happen, but our view things you can do right now: american, aren't we I can show you how to protect your money, your retirement, your heart, earned savings against in flight and by helping you diversify a portion of your portfolio in defence. Go. Gold and silver start with a short phone call and they can have physical gold and silver delivered writing your door or put inside your foot We're all one k or I are so please call or attacks them right. Tell em go o reilly, sent you call it
when seven, four four for gold. Eighty seven seven four four for gold or tax gold to six five, five. Three to again, that's eight seven, seven, four, four for gold or tax gold to six five, five. Three two, I I might beggar, cia, veteran and host of the president's daily brief podcast stay informed on the rapidly unfolding conflict between Israel and Hamas, as Israel responds to the deadly terrorist attacks tune in monday through friday for the most up to date, insights, download and listen on apple pod, guests, spotted
or wherever you get your bad guest get briefed stay ahead with the president's daily brief riley here. Well done to the no spin news, tuesday november twenty first, two thousand twenty three stand up for your country. So, we saw my message of the day on bill o reilly, dotcom again. To be a member of any thing. It is go to the website every morning. There's a message I trying to some cable news this week and I couldn't get through it. I'll. Tell you why in them in the message? But it's it's interesting. What has happened to the television news industry, a marking to cover tonight. We got a lot of stuff to tell you about, but if you want my take on the current state of team,
News it is on below riley dotcom. Another talking points memo this evening, the united states of litigation. so we discuss yesterday elon musk threatening to sue The far left hate group media matters he file late. In the day after we had finished taping. So here are the incidentals on this lawsuit Media matters. Put out a article and contact and all its left wing ally, and said that on acts, twitter, own by alone mosque. There was not see stuff placed next to advertising. yeah, that's what media matters alleged. You are my says: that's not true. and by saying that you're hurt my business because
We listed some of the sponsors yesterday on this programme a bail out now I'm going to advertise on acts anymore, because his nazis them ok, says averting clear cut law ass it so mosque is asking for unspecified damages and media matters to remove the article these was filed in texts, the northern district of texas. In time. The Texas attorney general is launching investing asian into media matters for quote potential fraudulent activity? so under texas law there is a deceptive trade practices so now mean it matters risk, not only civil litigation but criminal charges. I say good I've been dealing with this outfit for twenty five.
years: they are the lowest form of smear merchants, gutters knives, whatever you want to call it, and I talk. Mounted on news nation last night, and this is my question is this: is it seems There is among the left and erika, and by that I mean the media and certainly by left, leaning politicians. There is a like. You know. We had trump arrangements syndrome that we so I've had a minor version of musk derangement syndrome and I can't quite figure out what that comes from My lila, you know where it comes from the previous one. Twitter censored. Conservative speech all day. Long must bought it and said that stops hooked up with Tucker com. Now the left is gonna, kill us and oh they're assassins figurative. speaking now: Media matters are stocking.
Everything he does to try. To get sponsors of pullao which they did. and media matters is a hate grew. So tat me for seven years, almost Every day it is injuries? It is well funded by george soros unease far left fanatics. I hope. They want more sues there, but off because I love this in deposition, who is actually decide? Soros is pumping money into that organisation. so obviously eli mars has the resources to do this, and we of course will follow. Store Law suit number two in the united states have litigation, is filed by donald trumpets, truth, social parent company, That is the digital world.
wishing corporation righto trump uses truth social. So this lawsuit has been filed in florida against the following media companies, the guardian hollywood, Porter Miami Harold, Reuter fraud install thy hill, deadline, hollywood market watch forbes. Today be salon. The new year daily news news Msnbc media, I daily mail see NBC, saw what all of those organisations allegedly did was report the truth, social law Seventy three million dollars this she so far guy well, the true social people, say we that's false. Our laws
thirty one million. That's a pretty big difference. and none of these organizations checked it out. They just read, with it and that those false reports again. This is accordingly true social, Damage accompanies ability to raise funds for ongoing pursuits again. This has been filed in florida, ok, so The lawsuit seeks one point: five billion dollars and damage is from all of those companies and it is Gonna be heard by the twelve judicial circuit and Sarah soda county florida, okay. So the importance of these two lawsuits is that they are aimed directly at the progressive left media
Jason in business to hurt non progressives, no go after them When you see what happens to your mansion, if he decides to run on a third party ticket sedative, what's region, where do you say so we're follow both of them. You know my trial
on t v, but this really caught my attention with thanksgiving and end with thanksgiving during the four day black friday super sale of furniture out right now, the more you buy, the more you save, save one hundred bucks on every thousand. You spent and watch the savings add up with the largest selection at the lowest prices guaranteed. It's the perfect time to design a new living room, bedroom, dining room or fall into a new mattress check out doorbusters, while they last plus six years no interest but hurry. The forty black friday super sale at furniture row and soon I might bigger cia veteran and host of the president's daily brief podcast stay informed on the rapidly unfolding conflict between Israel and Hamas, as Israel responds to the deadly terrorist attacks tune in monday through friday, for the most
up to date, insights, download and listen on apple podcasts, spotify or wherever you get your podcast get briefed stay ahead with the president's daily brief or a person behind schedule. Today he dealt with a fenton all not in an effective way. He just chatted about it. That's what he always does about the in all bad. It is blah blah blah blah blah. Here's. What he said go comes to step up and start by passing myself. A little butter request for national rights, including including civilian resources, tell stop the flow your country as well Support services for people struggling with that is such a decision mission. I can't even be- and you know it is- I don't have to convince you of this one. Significant resources means more money
so by no matter what the problem is wants more money. I biggest at present, a history by far on the road of bankrupting, much more recent, yet The reason we have so much in all and heroin cocaine and methamphetamine in country country the open borders. Reason the border is open, is because of Joe by was not open under donald trump. I opened the border does in enforcing duration law, at any level, or what are you it's going to happen. Don't worry I'll, stop see this kind of angers me because there are dom americans and they are dumb who wrote always has to give me more. Resources are safe for the eighteenth time. all the pressure on the united states has to do is cited. Executive order. That says all
asylum? Claims will cease for a year until we get the situation down there under control Then he trotted out another executive order that says felt in all is a class, a dangerous drugs and anyone caught party or selling the drop at any level must be furnished to the full extent of the law and then went san Francisco, It says we're not gonna. Do that you cut of all money. Going to local law enforcement in san Francisco. federal government funds the county law enforcement through block grants, our money. You say You know and force a law. You don't charge these people to the full extent would cut off your black ranch. You not gonna, get me money
New york city all day long, spent in all and heroin dealers to do what they do and does not punish them. No money cut off line you do that. That's not hard to an executive board. So this is the biggest phony in a whirl joe by not only is ineffective. Not only is it I'm a genius country in every way. I don't know one way that he's not damaging it We have gross dis order, sweeping the country on the streets, particularly in urban areas. This guy sits there Does jack Odin. Will more resources got. I believe, a good example. So washing d d c is totally out of control. as far as crime is concerned, I homicides of thirty four: is this year to year, twenty two to twenty three raw,
We have sixty seven percent violent crime of forty percent motor vehicle. ninety six percent, it's insane in say, or what The Washington DC is controlled by the federal government. Not the local which, by known about it, look out, your when no, no it I got no Joe needs more resources. I guess. Toys on his way to a man's pocket for thanksgiving, I will, Give you a little bit more of that in a moment why he goes in and talk it and what that's all about it's interesting story, but first before Mr Biden, laughed
he gave some remarks gulp now, just to get here. Liberty bell had to beat him for five, for competition had to work hard to show patience and be willing to travel over a thousand miles. You could say even this harder than getting a ticket to the renaissance tour or or or for rupert niche tour. She's found it it's kind of warm of brazil right. So not only those in need No, the name is britney spears. He gets her mixed up with taylor, swift, whose doing a concert to her of america. So why do you even bother? Mr president, you don't know anything
even if they write it down you, euro, brittany, taylor brought the don't even bother you pardon the to turkey's ok, you got through Then you have to do that. Have you sidney. luck. People believe what they want to believe. They can, above all where they want to blow. They don't care. They don't care, just keep that minded thanksgiving when somebody walks into your house who loves eurobond, that person doesn't care he or she wants to love Joe Biden. Let them it's my fault. It's a fee on this alright, so I apologize to both britney spears and taylor, swift for the mix up for the president of the united states. I nantucket. So for forty eight years the vines have done thanksgiving on intact.
now, when I, if you have been ere, you should go. It's a beautiful place. September is the best model after labour day when all this wellesley, some of those expensive real estate in the world, are right, and I Martha's vineyard. World obama has his big mansion better than and talk it because it's hill There is a little more picturesque but they're. Both very nice places. and so by ngos there and are all of Biden's show up hotter will show up. You know it's free may, of course, and they stay. Gazillion airs how's, the guy who heads carla, group they always do. And the other all with that of the guy likes like turbines and wants to put them up for four days. That's fine! So that's why they're going to Nan tuckett
asset choosers spent some nice time there myself. I can vouch for both the vineyard and nantucket in excellent places. The attitude could be better, but just geographically, you know so Biden going to come back on sunday and he has nothing on the schedule for next week at all which is pretty astounding on Wednesday ganem robber walkers set to testify in deposition in front of the house oversight committee and that's james comber, who is Robert car while he is a hunter Biden, business partner that was involved with this china thing You may remember that financial records the over committees have painted earlier this year revealed that members of the Biden family, including Women, Hayley and Sarah Biden received more than one million dollars in payments from robert walker, who
he's doing. Business with sino. Holdings a chinese energy firm? Now I told you this is gonna, get worse. this money flow into the Biden camp. Why should a re run of the godfather less and every time brando would come on with his magic vitamins fifties cleared now, I'm not convicted Joe biden of anything. That would be irresponsible of me to do it. What do you think the Biden family didn't use every bit of its influence to a mass? tens of millions of dollars. If you don't believe that happen, then you no eleven in the real world. Ok, here's another outrageous story: the pentagon, its headed by secretary of defence, lloyd, austin, ok,
If I were the present- and I would fire austin today- why, Does the pentagon cannot account for half of its assets, that of barbarism, As for trillion dollars in assets, that means pr tanks and planes and ships it. You know, depots. All of that percent of it. Then, oh, no where it is a what's going on with it according to an audit, are right and the it was done by the federal government so lost in easing carbonate, like buddha judge and may york is allowed his statement that when this came out so remember, fifty percent of all the four trillion dollars and assets. That's two trillion dollars. Pentagon can explain. Where, where it is, what's happening with it, so this
from sabrina, seen the deputy press secretary and put the press secretary up there. She says we're working on improving our assets. while it wasn't the results we want. That's the audit certainly are learning each time an audit taxes, Okay, the learning you don't think, there's gras grafting, corruption and theft and the pentagon know where anything. As you know that story, If I get, if you heard that story news nation broke- and I mean this nation is due and work with them. So, but if you hurt story. Please let me know when you heard it before me. what bill: O'Reilly, dot com, billet bill, O'Riley, dot, com, name of the town, of course, but I would like to know cause. I haven't seen it anywhere.
so Austin goes to ukraine. Earlier this week and says we're gonna give you another hundred million, Every single american is is tired of this. Even if people like me who support ukraine and. no, that the united states and nato have to bolster them. You cannot let Putin overrun ukraine saw has written a daily chatter. That's our foreign policy partner, daily chattered dotcom, and they had a piece of warning about georgia, not the state the country point has got its tentacles in air twenty percent. Of georgian land is run by russia and he wants more. You get this boots, I stop it. We
out. We pull back on our money in ukraine, you going in belarus he already has then he's up in the balkan states k. I'm sorry that geo reality, nigh aid than american type Spare money has to go over there, but it's necessary lot to pay far more down the line. If putin winds in ukraine. Or go to thanksgiving gas prices are gown, that's good. Ten percent from last year, average hours, thirty one since a gallon in a year, say California still above five dollars. I believe, because you have all tax, out there and aaa says a lower demand for gas driving those prices that we consumers have power
you know we don't buyers, watch them down because they got a seller, gets stuck pilot cat, six in ten americans. According to quit, it be act pole of fifteen. Only seventy four registered voters want to avoid politics. It thanks, Here is the question. If you are visiting with family or friends this thanksgiving. Are you looking forward to discussing politics? or are you hoping to avoid discussing politics looking forward twenty percent hoping to avoid sixty one percent not visiting? I love that to pursue it I got anywhere okay, some the americans, a lark rightly so, k I mean What on earth one have faced? been dinner, any dinner with me. Ok, because
they opened their mouth and say something that's not factual. It's like jaws is then, and now I don't start the conversations I'm not goin in air. On thursday we have a nice nice dinner plan right. My going in there with an agenda to try to persuade anybody. I know believe what they want to believe. It's, not my job to change their beliefs. My job is to resent the world as it is- and we do that better than anyone right and I'm sorry everything on bragging would you compare with no spin news delivers to you with these television news operations above that work and cable. There's no compares not that's why here that's why you're listening on radio gave me we
present the world as it is okay? So let's go to dinner I'm looking forward. I'm not a big eater anymore eat two meals a day and I'm not william taft, a former president biggest eater I've ever seen, and because we're researching all the presidents for our book coming up in september and twenty four tests leave. So I don't eat a lot, but I'm looking forward to that. You have it. So here are the top five sides in america got the bird and some people eat ham, but turkey is a traditional bird okay number what is gravy classic stuffing? I like low sausage, my stuffing. I then cranberries. I liked the can cranberries rather than a chop cranberry. I don't know why and do not that good for you, but I like em Dreaming casserole, ok and then mashed potatoes, gotta butter, the mashed, potatoes.
Will salt and pepper on them? I kind of think nearer the top five sides: alright smart life. Now this is an important segment for you. so how do you avoid stress not only at thanksgiving but but hanukkah and christmas? How did that, while the mayo clinic, perhaps the best medical facility in the world, have you got a problem? and you get into the male clinic- is a couple of memoranda. Cleveland clinics go to boston, is the best medical city. Male clinic puts out five suggestions to get stress under control. Number one plan ahead: ok, it's too late now, but I always tell you to do that say: no. Ok,
I saw people are piling on request some times you gotta go can't do it not happening here. Three spending you gotta have a budget for christmas, gives hanukkah. Guess you gotta, have their budget use put a little? That's? Why in business to help you meet that budget create relaxing surroundings. I like this one muse, can the laws You don't make the environment saw nice off the barn. You got the shrill tv, you got the football games gotta do that Would you know in the dining room and no tv in the dining room make it is nice to see you and finally share feelings. This is where the mayo clinic goes off the rails. Guy do not under any circumstances, share any feelings on thanksgiving on credit
Veronica, don't you can share that turkey? You can share the gifts that desserts heap your feelings to yourself. Ok, nothing good Comes from burying your soul is cliche goes in front of your family and friends. I present now, if you want to have a conversation like that, you do it
one on one in a different setting, not a social setting. You know thanksgiving is a fun day. You don't want to be going into edgar, Allan poe territory, but anyway I earlier this week reported that the terror dog holly had a serious malady and we dealt with adhere. I did that because Holly's got three million twitter followers and a love happily and we handled it, but then I got letters saying well. What exactly was the mentally? I'm not going to tell you what the malady is. That's personal stuff! I don't do that. Alright, my family is my family and I protect their privacy, one hundred percent across the board. You know in serious situations, so I dunno what the mayo clinic is. I think they're just wrong
If somebody asked you a personal question, you decide whether you want to ask for that. You are under no obligation to do that. Okay, if it's an important question and you there's a reason for its in contacts- ok, but don't get out there with that
well the final thing on this every day and in a celebrity press which is everywhere now you get these people like the kardashians and these people who live their life in the public eye. This is so destructive. It's just terrible and I feel bad for those people. They don't know any better yeah, they get publicity. But is that really what you want? There's a reason: it's called private life with thanksgiving and end with thanksgiving. During the day black friday super sale, the furniture out right now, the more you buy, the more you save, save one hundred bucks on every thousand. You spent and watch the savings at the largest selection at the lowest prices guaranteed. It's the perfect time to design a new living room, bedroom, dining room or fall into a new mattress check out doorbusters
asked us six years, no interest hurry the forty blackberry super sale and bring it to rout unseen. Ok, that's my lecture on smart life. Let's go to the media dona wash it impose used to be the gold standard of journalism watergate on and on. Ok, not anymore, and we all know- watch impose knows so they re issue. A correction. Is we give to the inaccurately reported the usa brokered a deal in Gaza to get the hostages out? That didn't happen, the newspaper was totally wrong there. water. Karen do young. Ok and the headline was israel and Hamas reach tentative? U s. Rocard deal didn't happen, made it up. Now would probably happened, was missed. Do ya was told something and then ran. You know how many anonymous sources are these people going to you, some iraq strata retract,
The same day, they ran that article. What was what out wrong, they ran a puff piece on hunter. By the same day, gay and a hundred Biden. Peace was honeybees, career of benefiting from his father's name, the presence on has had a complex, even orchard relationship with the Biden brand adviser was the report. Five thousand words which nobody on earth could read: and then it was the main points were. Hunter Biden has worked hard for years, very hard working guy hunter, Biden's yeah, cat and ah hundred Biden, He didn't have any do with his dad job. I wasn't any level with hunters business. This isn't a washington post guy autobahn was a victim he's a bit,
a bereft obama's selection of his father, as vice president surfactant punk. and finally, the charisma was normal. normal normal normal many americans go off. Our seas get paid eight hundred thousand a year to sit on an energy board when they know nothing about energy. All. If you have had that experience raise your hand now, please please write to me again bill bill, O'Reilly, dot com. All of you have had that offer to go to any country. To get eight hundred thousand years. It not a board when something no idea, no experience, so the Washington post puts out with their writing no twilight zone doesn't come close rest as a pole on muslims. First question Is the usa to involve the middle east, not bob enough or level of
involvement about right to involve thirty four percent, not involved enough twenty three evelyn bob and just about right, thirty, five. I don't know, I think about that answer. To think. The same question most american muslims living in his country treated unfairly yes, twenty nine, no fifty three dont know eighty and I couldn't answer that question I mean I don't know. I know some muslims and they seem to have a happy life. but I dont have access to. Some areas like michigan, the big arab population there? Maybe they are being treated fairly? I don't know. by money and happiness. So this
is from financial happiness is actually outfit that contacted Harris all people. How much money will make you happy. a year a salary man three hundred eighteen thousand, will make you happy. Women. Only a hundred eighty three thousand women will be happy with the average, Can we be happy, then? If you do the math two hundred eighty four thousand dollars a year saw ok, here's the deal on this, of course, He doesn't make you happy and many many people the more money they get the more stuff they want. I am gone against that.
right, the more money I get and I never work for money? I walked away from a massive deal and a lot of places because I wanted to you know, do other things that I felt were more worthy. And I walked away from a lot of money anyway, more money, I gather more money. I gave away to charity. We have foundation named after my parents, as you know, and in my will, when I expire that foundation will continue, and I have funded that foundation k salt I live. comfortably. My car is now seven years old and I liked the car, so I'm not going to get another one. I like it alright, and but I don't But a lot of people more, they make them where they want to keep that in mind and money doesn't make you happy if your miserable persons person how much money
This is really november. Twenty first nineteen thirty one a very impact full movie. Nineteen, thirty, one was released. Will it take the thanks Oh Ah, frankenstein everybody was scared, thirty one, There have been a hundred and fifty films tv shows off that movie member the monsters. Ok, Wars karlov gives a big star and then they got a sequel
on a frankenstein daughter in law. Frankenstein you one night stand of against I'm your all guys. I stop now highlight geller better because he's a better dress and frank excited frankenstein little slovenly, but anyway back story. Is a twenty year old writ british that subjects a merry shelly who was from a literary family was in switzerland with her friends and they had a game to who could write and tell the scariest story. So she came up frankenstein, and she won and get now she's legend A twenty years old. It was an eighteen eighty where Mary Shelly wrote that story and then hollywood grabbed. It frankenstein release today, ninety two years ago, a good male segment and a final thought. You were gonna wanna, hear we'll be right back.
go to the bill, photo pacific policies, california, nice community, out there you are correct, binds not going to run into before o, however, he will wait until the democratic convention to announced that he is right. He'll delay for several reasons for as soon as he makes an announcement, he'll be a lame duck. Look. This is all guess work, but that theory isn't bad. This is frank: musk, irrelevant huntington, new york. Keep hearing from you bill that Joe won't run. That is Party will look for replacement with all due respect, you are wrong. The Byd machine will run them all away to the convention. We will of course find that out Dan o brien camera north carolina, Joe Biden resigns. You will be able to partners son not truly, can partly cinema when buying. pardon a hundred by to any and all crimes on a federal level.
Jordan, richard toronto, canada, if you got that one on one interview with Biden bill. What would your first question bait? That's an interesting letter. I go to the boy run away. Now would be number one, then the economy, and why he tat the fossil you'll industry and I'd have all my facts lined up, so we couldn't deny it. Margaret boy, bolder colorado, you said Nicky Healy is a lightweight that is incorrect. Margaret, I never said Nicky Hayley is lightweight ever. Why would I do that The governor south carolina ambassador to the united nations k anyway. Marty goes our views make a lot of sense to make good. I have nothing against dickie hell, it's not my type of person, but he obviously is woman of distinction
edward bill, perhaps you need to remind viewers that a big reason, a corrupt media hates trump, is because he played them yeah, but it's more about the supreme court justices and things like that. That's why they hate him the villa queensberry new york billion, now to my adult children, Arden liberals and all I can talk about south trump- is a nazi you know just for fun. Out of the continued I just go. tell me a little bit about the national socialist party in germany. That's all you have to say that look, I'm any I'd say what they got Tom cruise well role river oregon, I'm wondering o reilly if you might add to your programme on occasion. of research into nonprofits. Don't have the staff I am recommending this christmas and hanukkah seas.
you wanna get some money away: local local food bank, gay local churches, because you can see right charities, national charities change. All the time we used to do independence, dot org, don't do it anymore? Whole new management team k not doing it anymore. They change local. this year, marked g concierge member something better happened to straighten this country. Our bill. You recently reported that the average life expectancy for males dropped to seventy three, I'm sixty five. So that means I've got a few years left and you never know market could wake up tomorrow. All and you got a tumor as or no schwarzenegger once just everyday, be grateful and get you're. U no moral foundation in order
Susan, I was cried hearing your news about holly bill, I'm so glad she's on the men she lucky to have you anybody under my protection blanket we do the best we can do, and I am very ferocious and getting the best people when people need help carol. I'm pleased to learn that you and Martin dugard are writing a book about Joe Biden, but I'm not writing a book about Joe Biden. I'm writing a book called confronting the presidents about every one of them that'll be out in september, two thousand, What I want to go to war, billow, riley, dot, com, hanukkah, christmas store for its walls. Copies of killing the witches gotta get them. nor is it now Besides a lot over the break, you gotta get up, and then we have the thirteen book bundle of all the killing boxes. Is it when gift or in your library or thirteen separate gifts, then we are killing.
it is in killing the killers together for twenty one. Ninety five, that's fabulous that was have you a lot of money and then united states. up and a blue. Merry christmas, america, ornament, seventeen! Ninety five, these are all low, rice gifts? That means something and then the mugs. We No spin mug, Team, normal mug stand up for your country, much and these are made america there fabulous one of the bill, o reilly, dotcom store saviours. A lot of money. You don't want to go out to shopping mad. This anyway hope, where the day to not be peck, sniffy and love. That word rank was back with a final thought in a moment. I finally thought of the day this national caregivers month. There are sixty five million americans caring for friends and family sixty five minutes.
There is a book a minute for caregivers. Why every day feels like a monday, the book as by Peter Rosen, Berger, he is a concierge men, bore any honours caregivers and, as the lahti good information in that book, now it's not a big best seller, but something you should know about, and on this thanksgiving we obviously want to be thankful for caregivers eyes. You know it is your one saw lets, you know somebody is a caregiver. Why do you way to give them something to be nice or whatever you can do? Ok, so we are this. Is it for us to take the rest of the week off, however, tomorrow, at pm eastern on the first and all of our radio affiliates and everybody I'm going to have a shock and awe special, a culture shock k thanks.
Having can have another shock and our special the decline of american television. On friday, the day after thanksgiving we're gonna have a bunch of commentary about the disintegration of new york city. All it out. We had all brand new stuff, we and go to where you two page out, even though we had a u two page, but we do and apparently It's all over the world going crazy. You two page, Bill O'Reilly and bill o'reilly dot com, okay, It goes without saying. I want you all a very relaxing thanksgiving and I'd avoid any angst and conflict just enjoy yourself, we'll be back Monday. It's going to pass fast and we're very happy you're with us and continue the support us. Please is very, very important. Do you really know? What's going on in this country? Concierge membership premium
Membership below riley, dotcom, fantastic gift, and you get a free book see a monday.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-22.