« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The Super Bowl's Significance, Controversial Jesus Commercial, the Black National Anthem, U.S. Citizens Told to Leave Russia, & More

Tonight's rundown: 
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill outlines the cultural and financial impact of the Super Bowl.
  • A commercial about Jesus has become a source of controversy among the far-left
  • The argument over the "Black national anthem"
  • Americans are being told to vacate Russia. What is going on?
  • This Day in History: John Lennon and Yoko Ono begin their week of co-hosting the "Mike Douglas Show"
  • Final Thought: Why Biden didn't sit for a Super Bowl interview

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But the republican leader cover mccarthy says just puts vetch in spending. to what it was formed. Ago, There will be here with your message today: next The chairman of the third is promising more pain had last. stocks, dropped twenty percent and this year could be You are right to be worried, so call the only precious metal deal, or I trust american hartford go I'll? Show you, protect your savings or retirement accounts. By diversifying your portfolio with the gold and silver since then a client and spokes person, price of gold as appreciated more than thirty five percent Please call today and they'll have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door put inside your eye are a or for o one kay hello, I'm bill, O'Reilly sent you and they will give you up to five thousand dollars of free silver on your first order.
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Go o Reilly here. Welcome to the nose been news, tuesday, February fourteen valentine's day, two thousand twenty three stand up for your car Balloon madness all over the place, but we don't know anything but that doesn't tsar beak, apple, tv news operations from speculating in gas saying and why what my and blaming lot of blaming go on. So I, I'm trying to get solid information about the really belongs out were shot down after the big one went off the coast of south
lot I got blown out of the air, but I don't have anything for you and I talk to speaker the house, mccarthy, myself, we'll get to that later on the pro but I don't I don't know I mean I don't know, I'm not going to speculate it's just dumb right now. I think that item instructions gonna have to release some intel. I think they have to And when they do, we will report all of it. That's where we are on balloon madness. The talking points memo, however, is about my trip to thus super all. I a lot to tell you about. First, I wrote it the moderates on bill, o reilly, dot com, you can access it, even if you're, not a premium member. I hope you read the call phoenix where the game was, how old
derive six hundred million dollar from the spectacle according to visit, phoenix, a nonprofit marketing group six hundred billion. Now. Why is this important for two reasons? Number won the superbowl is the most vivid display of capitalism on the planet you want. Capitalism want to understand it. You watch the superbowl just a game, but everything surrounding numbered. President Biden does, We believe in trickle down economics. He believe in inside out economics, which is the government hands out all the cash would Biden wants, but That economics in arizona was hugely successful. Last week I made a point.
You I got in there friday afternoon and for three Is I just talked to his many workers, as I could talk to an ice? Read some good cash around myself. Heavy tipping. And I was- and I say that what is this means you, oh god, every body from the chambermaids too older drivers to the people at the stadium who were hired, the extra people, the security people, all of made a lot of money. It meant a lot to that trickle down because all the fat cats big shots, wealthy capitalist, were there in. Phoenix. Does that make sense to everybody. I hope trump. That's why I went to chronicle all this and I'm a football fan. Okay. The only person who didn't get paid
was re on the half time, songstress zat or ladders songstress there. They are, It was like a hundred of these little pillory pills, very dull. ways run around a shroud guys. I call neither shroud guys now rihanna was lives. Thinking! Ok, up and down the platform and form for thirteen may I had to ask the people- I was sitting with his issues- ones or are there a bunch of songs, all real, song, sound exactly the same to me right, but I would add, an objective her. The younger people, like her I may have. I gotta demand three dog night: ok, so Reacted in your pay bought her record sales go crazy, so the nfl bar
yours is they bring in Riyadh and the other half time action, opening its paid expenses and, if all picks up all that, but the name, their records and their recordings get spot of fire, and all that ok. more people, watched riad, any pills, very dull boys. Then again- and I know that was going to happen. So about a hundred and nineteen million viewers across all platforms watch the soup, while half time showing two hundred and thirteen million. Why she actual game candy as some people don't like football, but they want to see what the spectacle is. I had the best seat in a house for that spectre: I've on a fifty online. Ok, nobody in front of me the first row It was a million riad. Ok, again she lived sanctify. I don't care, it was ok
Would I buy reactors recordings I don't know what I'd ask for it all sounds like one song, as I said when I see her in concert, pay money now, but I understand her appeal in barbados, where she's from those very well from her okay, so the players averaged one hundred and fifty seven thousand dollars each for the winner and eighty two thousand for the loser. The philadelphia eagles got. Eighty two and achieve players got one fifty seven and- and it was a great game. It was just a really excellent display on the field, and you know I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the whole experience, but I was reporting there as well as watching I was watching everything that went on. One thing I did not see was the
football commercials right, which is a big thing? The most controversial commercial turns out to be this one d c c c. I believe the. Cool. It's a commercial promoting Jesus now What will be wrong with that I mean, even if you know why Jesus dangers in commercial right, ok, now not according to come
woman, alexandria, ocasio cortez, who tweets something tells me Jesus would not spend millions of dollars on superbowl adds to make Fascism, look benign fascism. What what is was fashion. about the commercial or the superbowl in its entirety. What so now I have moved out andrea, o cassio core tears from far left fanatic to lose she's in the loon category after that tweet not shoot that we, somebody wrote it for her and she puts it
under her name, but think about this. What what is fascist about a commercial, promoting Jesus? Why I, I guess, maybe she thinks it's fascist for the le vision network to charge money for commercial. I dont know if you know what this is. Please not. I never bag, but I'm asking statically bullet bill, O'Reilly, dot, dotcom, billet, billow, riley, dotcom name in town. Tell me what she's saying I don't. I'm not smart enough to know. There was another controversial situation that was equally is stupid. Okay, so he has been a. He asked, Piana announcer Chris Berman, we'll talk about the dynamics of the game and why
of the dynamics was for the first time there were two african american quarterbacks. we'll take? So, of course, you ll ever gonna mercury quarterback starting to get your children is the first time fittingly february. Twelve is able to work. Everybody army eleven year from teams ii. We have something really exciting for you. We have officially launched be teams the audio network, in addition to the thames pod cast. We have three all new shows. There is last days which explores the final days of the biggest icons in sports and entertainment pip year into the drama surrounding the royal family, but we have spilling royalty and, while you sportsmen annex half their Michael babcock and is the host of the thames sports broadcasts check out all for biogas right here on spot of light.
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President lincoln, which is what he was coincides with for the first time to african american quarters ashes to historical aside right now so some crank named Rahim shabazz points this out on the internet quote. During years, museums post game show veterans boards, gastric chris Berman, signalled to white folks tonight, of celebrating the first time in history to black quarterbacks were playing insuperable, because today is aid lincoln's birthday on well as a white folk, I didn't any thing, away from what was Happening on the field- and I thought berman point today in context
but again I'm a white folk. So I'm a racist now after that, one up the smear people twitter- and there are legion, started on burma, vicious vicious stuff. And all the men did was state the facts and that's the nation we live in today we have empowered lunatics. And they use miss, you miss, the ability to go on social media, like MR, shall buys. Ok, I mean it's just to me. It makes me angry, but it also makes me sad because there's no way to stir
this, so we the rest of my life and your life. Even if you a young person watching today and listening on a radio, you gonna, have the smear stuff every single day in your face, And a gun, I can't do anything about it. The lou had been on leashed. So what away chris bermondsey good gap righty all he did was point out what was happening on February twelve, any good That now, the united states also profits from the superbowl, because it demonstrates our cultural power, and our economic power course, but all over the world superbowl is now an event. Ok,
it is the most is the most famous event in the And people in the middle of the night they showed shots in africa and south america have people actually watching the super bowl. It's big, and that is a good thing for america, because our cultural power can win people over to our side. right. So we dominate film, music, literary and sports yeah. I know the world cup is big, it is no doubt supervise bigger, and so it's good now I'm going to get into the black national anthem in a moment. But it says
Read from the talking points memo. Ok, so I'm gonna do one more thing for the tea p m, the. No spin news and bill o'reilly dot com. I think we're the most successful, independent news agency in the world right now, particularly after the directv pickup, and we benefited greatly by me going there and I'll tell you more about this specifically later and throughout the week, but I had extensive conversations with a lot of different people Who are important to this country? I too, I had never met speaker, Kevin Mccarthy, I've never met him and I had to conversations with him
and I told me once to climb into spin news or in the process of booking that now and I did talk to him about the balloons and he he, I believe me know what was going on either, even though he was being briefed. We didn't have specifics, but I talked to him about a lot of stuff lot of political stuff strategy in the senate. way back till he comes on, but we're going to have an extensive interview with Mr Mccarthy was a man of his word. So I do expect to see him in the next week or so also had a nice conversation with the supreme court justice, Brett kavanaugh And I would have never, in a million years been able to do that outside.
I had all the social situation and I'm I'm not a washington d, c socialize or a very good conversation with him about the structure of the daily structure of the supreme court. Did you know that in the morning all nine justices deliberate, they hear testimony and all of that and then they have lunch, but they're not allowed to talk about that. cases at the meal. I did not know that so I got into already goes talk about an age there. I don't know it and it was very instructive. Then I got to talk to extensively the nfl commissioner roger get out, ok, who somehow pulled off almost a miracle by stopping the kneeling.
At the gate, okay, now, whether you like it or not- and some people think the intervals to walk- I understand that he very cleverly are stopped all this anti american business by the players, so that was an interesting conversation I talked to tons of nfl owners all gazillion errors about how they made their money. How they you know, did you know their craft? Robert kraft owns the patriots. He started in Worcester massachusetts, just running a regular business. Regions were funny guy. I had a long conversation with who was in the oil business, but he came from nothing. You know, and always that's what I wanted to accumulate that personal knowledge. We
I was able to do. I have to say everybody was respectful. Everybody I didn't have one you know incident where pedestrians or or people in in the gatherings rain, though that were disrespectful- and you know I'm tuned to that believe me, but it was. It was a very it was a very enjoyable time. But I learned an amazing amount in two days and that helps me. Because I'm I oughta give you honest commentary and put things in perspective, important things. Ok, that's the memo. That's a talking waste! Let's get to the controversy. Carry lake who lost the governorship in arizona was at the game. I did not see her. Ok, twenty five minutes before the game by
gan before kick off the pre game started for fox broadcasting and first up We share Lee Ralph, performing the song, lift every voice and sing rolling the song of love that has broken see a bit about seventy five percent of the stadium stood up. Most people were distracted because it was so far off. There were still outside and innocent. It took me about five minutes. Today
at what's going on as soon as I figured it out, I went to my seat and I stood up and I'll tell you why, in a moment and and the song she was lip synced by, but it was fine. I again I am Adam. I don't care where they lives get around that map. We carry leg, did not stand up for the saw she was in her seat. Ok,. and she is you to saying look. I don't want all these different anthems We're want america, we should have one national anthem, which is the opinion of many america's, but to me the song, lift every voice is not an anthem. Its song now. Some people have dug did the black national anthem. If that's what you want to think it is. Some people think america, the beautiful exotic, Atlanta, so the song was written way back in nineteen hundred by the hand, had the end oblation pay back then James, Weldon Johnson, it's a song
K is no official capacity to it. Sound like the star spangled banner, which has been designated the country's anthem right after the song was over. Alright, they sang I forget who sang the america. The beautiful guy did a good job and an america. The beautiful was again not everybody's stupid. I mean people were talking and distracting, isn't it, but then the final was ok. stable, tenant, a fantastic national anthem. Everybody stood, nobody was everybody stood respectfully. It's a great moment.
That why did I stand during lift up? Because I did it out of respect. Seventy percent of the nfl players are african american. If you took a pole, almost all of them I'd say ninety five percent would say I really like that song because it honours my tradition out of respect for that feeling. I stood up on saint Patrick day when they play when the sage go margin in em up it's a sign of respect. That's all
I don't read into it: it's the black national anthem. I don't think it is. I think it's a song, but out of respect for those who have a legacy and who who are attached to this long out of respect for them, I stood up, don't make sense. I don't like this divisive stuff at all. I think we should all be empathetic and supportive, to our fellow citizens. Now I wrote a message of the day on us soil. If you want to print that out, because I know some of your friends will disagree and all that but you'll have it right. There is a pretty. Well thought out thing for me and that's what I did. Now. Betting has overtaken america, that's a bad thing. I'll give you the stats,
Sixty six percent of the bets according to draft kings run eagles. Ok, they all lost eleven million was made by nevadas sports books. Apparently, that's the data they put up a remember legalised sports betting is everywhere now, so not what it used to be vegas was the only now it's everywhere, but most people lost. I told you not to tibet. The games impossible game, the call possible so what they did real. Well, that's capitalism, but I'm telling you this betting mania, gonna heard more people than it helps I must go to prison biting his speech today, national association of counties in virginia. no, the washington held and I'm sorry campaigns.
That's all it is he's the greatest guy under him. The economy is fantastic, nothing wrong, even though one asian rose in january last month. Six point four percent: Then it was january, twenty two, but don't confuse a present of the united states with facts. Ok, everybody suffering in the grocery stores and everything else, but don't confused. I, the state department, has told all americans who are in russia now to leave a meeting? Lee it's a level for you, gotta get the dew sadder. There came. There's a reason are doing it, we'll watch in it. Russia's as its. Got an offensive underway in ukraine. We can get a reporting out there. We don't know. What's going on
an interview by David betray, as former cia general, betray us who I respect immensely says russia's have real horta. Ukraine, for those of you who don't believe that and watch people who say that russia's winning betrays goes just wants that, new Gallup poll, one thousand Levin adults pre evenly between republicans democrats, is the question we like to know how you feel about the state of the nation each of the following about the full of immigration and country today satisfied twenty eight satisfied. Sixty three percent the border then want it. Ass. Those dissatisfied with the level of immigration. Would you like
I see the level of immigration, the country increase, decrease or remain the same increase. Thirteen decreased sixty four okay, so everybody knows any any person with any thinking. Ability knows how the vita ministration has destroyed, and I mean that literally the southern border, and that leads not only to unfettered immigration but hundreds of thousands of deaths by narcotics, ego, Nikki haley, says she's run for president ok, good good woman's. Fifty one years, all former governor south carolina donald trump appointed her. U s ambassador to the? U n, never been particularly enthralled by Nicky haley's intellectual ability. I don't wanna be a snob, but she would never talk to me because she's afraid you couldn't
If you can't do an interview, even we may I mean it's hard for me to respect you, but I'm glad she's in let's see what she's got I'll give her a fair play. This is a terrible story and I hate to run it, but I have to show You you know in this country we have insane parents. Three year old boy, I'm not going to give you his name. He's in LOS angeles county- and he goes a school and its teacher tells them look, don't paint your nails because only girls painting nails, ok, the three year old so goes home to his father and his father records A q and a with his little boy and puts it on tiktok go yesterday. My son came home from school, really upset because his teacher told them that painting your nails is only for girls,
but I am taken in southern asia. The teachers are why why? for girls or what. the
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that, I believe, just my belief comes from that, but just a point: smart life outside. I learn something very important for me. It's all about me, in phoenix, so I went on Saturday night to the most expensive restaurant I have ever been in outside of the french laundries a nap Couple in new york, where they have a set menu, you walk in. You know what your pan, ok, this was an ally, carte menu. I've never seen a more expensive restaurant, I mean I leave twenty miles from and had not been too expensive. Restaurants. This is in phoenix arizona, place, packed. So I sit down and look at the menu here. It's insane. Ok stake was a hundred and fifteen dollars.
so I ordered to stake. Goose I wanted to take one hundred and fifteen dollars. State was like no potato, no vegetable, nothing just estate, ok,. So I actually told the waiter I said, and the guy you know: what's he gonna say is working there. It was ok, I will never again go to an overpriced restaurant in my entire life, even if I'm invited Amato and I've had enough of the here it's over. For me, I'm going to the restaurants that are fairly price. If you have something like stone, crabs that a very expensive the harvest lops I understand- but when you choose,
june seventeen hours for chicken. I dont understand k and I'm not even get a little potato with it. So that was good for me. for not going to waste any more money in these places. I'm not what I want out of there. I mean we had a good time and I mean enrolling at, but I was er. You stay in history february, fourteen valentine's day, nineteen, seventy two so one of the greatest tv things that I've ever seen so does it show call my douglas afternoon. Talk show you may remember if you're in old timer like me, so my douglas is misguided, bringing people on the usual merv griffin MIKE place so they bring on for the entire week, John lennon and Yoko Ono go. But what would you like to talk about.
Well, we win. We like to talk about love police communication women and men raising condition drives in general do anything. What that's what's going on? I was there to show that future direction, because the future directions actually beautiful if people are getting very pessimistic these days, but actually it's going to be very beautiful and want to show that to people fifty one years ago. alright, killing the legends. Did you write inside this john lennon you're gone on thing, but that happen. one years ago. There they were for the whole week give peace a chance on daytime tv. I got a pretty extensive mail segment and a final thought you're not going to want to miss. This is one of the best
thoughts ever right back I'll, go to the may. All cindy. By then his administration or on china's payroll. So they can't fight back cindy all people believe that they want to believe- and I understand you have a right to believe what you want. Do you have any information on the job binds on china's payroll. Please bill bill o reilly, dotcom. I need it for we too. though far would bridge virginia as you and I both know, present binders puppet of the far left pushing socialism people come to this country because of capitalism. Opportune key to live their dream. Why would anyone continue to vote for a party that wants to destroy capitalism because they don't want to compete? Eke people don't understand. As millions of americans don't want it to work. They wanna get educated. They don't want to get a skill, it's hard, it's hard. You don't want to,
They want to be given things. That's why russia rage rich armstrong, creek was conscious it it, though I agree with Biden at the american public, does not care about the hunter Biden investigation. How am I supposed to get invested in the story when nothing ever happens? You gotta care rustle of a sitting. Vice president. Shown to be accepting money from his griffith son that comes from foreign nations. I don't know what's going to happen, but if that happened, you gotta care Judy best part of the drug beach Florida. I thought of the same things you did all riley's I watched, superbowl prosperity displayed was, Overwhelming celebration of what a merit based system, such as capitalism, can make available to individuals right on very good letter to georgia. Periodic.
Las Vegas putin invaded ukraine for no valid reason, the same as hitler invaded poland. Why is russia still a member of the un because you can't throw out a country unless the security council all votes to do it and china vetoes china keeps russia and Jimmy John's new braunfels texas in the hill country? Can you explain the disney theme parks and why they're crowded? Because the kids want to go, the kids want to go to disney? That's why temple is that Tom lunch works for ireland from Democrats are much too clever for republicans and, of course, and the media on their side in europe we only get cnn were unable to get fox news. That's the governments there. What they do!
wayne a zara, frankfort illinois, I'm a long time literary have read all of your killing books. Last week you mentioned that to get a good night's sleep, you have to think about positive things. Will woke at about three a m last this morning and I turned on the nose the news it relaxed me I fell asleep, I hope, wasn't boring whenever works, positive, positive, positive. my job in atlanta, georgia, part of team normal, no doubt, but it's difficult labeling you solve as team normal went in today's world. Everything normal consider crazy. Here it is a lot of people, particularly farne, lizards and viewers. What's team normal in the state of the union. After addressed governor Huckabee Sanders said there are two teams Usa team norm all anti crazy. We our team normal here that as it may, we endorsed whatever report
I can say We're team normal and we have for you, come on up shortly. You can prevail, to day on bill orally dot, com, team, normal hats, shirts, barbours, thicker than mugs. Ok, let's get out there and waved the team flag. Everybody would do that. I think the country be better off. Ok, word of the day, do not be tallow, c, a l, l o w when writing to bill to the no spin news k, billet bill, O'Reilly, dot com. I repeated that name and tap callow, don't be callow
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including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and cause you members also get exclusive access to special video programming. We even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more. Sign up today. It below riley, dotcom, slash, ad free, that's, morally dotcom. Slash ad free is a final thought of the day. It was discovered by one of our producers. Victor Garcia. You know the judge by blue fox with new. The interview produces. Finally, like do any interviews we just. like to do it on to his donor,
is far less soros. People hate, fox and told him not to do it. Don't combo by didn't know it. Ok, we didn't do nothing. Anybody can do about it, however, In two thousand and eleven so and I live spoofed. My superbowl interview with Barack obama go awry. Mr president, Egypt lotta turmoil people in the streets all that jazz. What's gonna have built the egyptian people have spoken clearly. As you know, the fact has been on the age of three
a couple of days now and this Mubarak guy trust me. He ain't going nowhere. Okay, he's going to be there a long time, but he knows we're on him because he's a factor viewer alright, so I don't think he's gonna try any funny stuff, not with the fact of watching him. He could be. Maybe, but I doubt it it's good to know. Alright a couple more questions, a segment. We call the culture quiz first up. The Andy griffith show delighted american tv audiences from nineteen sixty to sixty eight, which member of the cast later went on to direct such films as a beautiful mind and the DA vinci code bill. Was it a don, not be ron? Howard c, Jim nabors?
the Henry winkler bill. It was ron howard, but I don't panel, the was beat ron howard but I'm afraid correct, correct, very good. Mister president, very good number two gunsmoke was the longest running tv series in history starring james rns, as marshal matt dillon, who played the role of the glamorous dance hall girl kitty, was it a nunnery being honest, even see, Amanda blameworthy rocco? Well, I want to say public waited go. Mr president, to four too was a lucky guess get diver our view. Were male drive to stay for dinner. I
yeah, always a much different show back then and eleven, and always if you watched the O'Reilly factor, we did you know to lighten things up a a culture quiz and that was genuinely Worse right, I mean it, wasn't any nasty edge to it and I remember back then they invited me to host for a week and to host the show not for a week, and I wanted to do it, but I would have had to rehearse the whole week and I couldn't have done the O'Reilly factor into the fox news people the brass goes? You know we can do that you're over it NBC working all week reserve I, like my, are you a was it will reach so many people gotta be worth it around the world to get that kind of publicity.
Anyway. I decided not to do with me and I could have pushed it, but I didn't because I understood the pointer paying paying me fox is paying me your arms, big workin for them not run an old cross. The street. And we see, however, when I told them that I couldn't do it. It was Because of the material now you know I would never saturday night live, never invite a person like me to host show ever because it's so much nastier. Now that show is they turn during trump and the viewership has gone way down. Kicker on it is, I did a skit. What up with that you can? Google at skit will run it sometime, I'm a novice that can do it.
Tonight, but it was a lot of fun and the whole thing. Over there. There were a few nasty people over there. Tina fey of nesting go franken before all awful, but most of them were really really. They were in it for the laughs they weren't in it. For the political ideology, fallon was like that when fallon was over, there was in it for the laughs miller, Dennis Miller did a weekend update norm macdonald. These are the guys who are just in it for the humor, but what happened was that they changed it into a let's curry, favor with the progressives, because they're, the younger viewers, who will watch and the audience now it is. I think they used to do fifteen million nodded down to four or something
and it's just not, and then all the clips go out on the internet. So that's why people watched that way. You don't have to sit through all the commercials you watch couple of skits on the internet and just killing them over there. But anyway I thought you'd like to see that and it was well done. I thought- and maybe you didn't, but I thought it was pretty. I actually laughed watching that again while it was sitting here. A couple of times, Armas whose great as a la thanks washing and listening to the nose been new sales see tomorrow,
Q presents picture this you're getting together with all your best friends now picture. All your best friends are actually the delicious ingredients. Have the new king better cookie, no blizzard, that's dick! You saw serve to create better flavour, confetti cookie, to pieces and take your signature sprinkles. It sounds like you got some pretty sweet friends and that's worth queuing that confetti carried out the flavor party, isn't gonna last forever so hurry hand and get your cake better fix today. Only a dick, you happy taste good.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-03.