« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The Rise of Media Distrust, President Biden's Perplexing Moment, Trump Tops DeSantis in New Poll, California DA Taking it Easy on Killer Gang Members, & More

2023-04-27 | 🔗

Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday, April 27, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country. Tonight's rundown: 

  • Talking Points Memo: In the wake of Tucker Carlson's exit, Americans are getting even more skeptical of the media
  • During an event with children at the White House, President Biden gave yet another reason to doubt his mental state
  • Former President Trump still holds a large lead over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in a newly released presidential poll
  • The Disney corporation sues DeSantis
  • Three gang members who killed a 5-year-old girl are getting leniency from a California DA
  • This Day in History: Tiananmen Square protests
  • Final Thought: Influx of new Premium Members

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is this that girl, that's gonna, show up on day. One work out with us for thirty minutes feel good right away. I repeat five days a week for three weeks: three weeks, five or doubts are weak, we're body, and we call that a body block you drink the block and you're gonna love the experience a week for this power. Is really important take the week off seriously, we mean it rests go on vacation or try something new, maybe some yoga I notice you're not holding on to any tension here or a dance class. Just sexy read it daddy, you do you and then start and be committed to this process choose a new body block each month. Get a new challenge. Each month have fun every day, avoid burnout you're not going to quit on yourself today. This is how you reach your goals. You in there Nothing that we can't do if we work together, for your first body block today visit body dot com for a free trial. That's
oh dear I dont com. Are you ready to get started directv viewers bill o here, inviting you to watch the no spin news on the floor. Stevie every night. Eight p m eastern, the two thousand, when, if we're election commoner fast pundits parade from until a channel pushing nothing but speculation and their own partisan agenda. All that stops. With me, bill o reilly on the first tv, more than ever, americans need facts not spent Please join me every night, eight pm for the no spin news on the first tv directv channel ray for seven stand up for your country. the bill O'Reilly here. Welcome to the
spare news thursday April twenty seventh, two thousand twenty three stand up for you: country, I'm smiling, because I still can't believe what happened today. Joe Biden, had an event. We ve kids at the white house. I'm going to show you what happened, but I am simply stunned about it, but you got away because the talking points memo is future shock in the american media. So we all know if we pay attention and read the polls that distrust of the media in the united states is on the rise and the Tucker carlson situation will, of course, exact. debate that among conservatives, but liberals don't thus the media either. Ok, so there
a study by galloping night that ass, almost all fifty six hundred americans what they thought about. The media Question was what is your overall opinion news media in the usa very somewhat unfavourable fifty three very somewhat favourable twenty six or two to one americans? Don't trust them! idiot. To what extent do you see political bias or news coverage a great deal, fifty five, a fair amount. Thirty, four, not too much nine, the not too much people are those who cannot see and hear. now there's another pole, gallop right, eight hundred twelve adults in general. How much trust and confidence to you in the mass media, such as newspapers, tv and radio. When it comes to reporting the news fully accurately and fairly a great deal, seven percent a great deal, a fair amount. Twenty seven percents. Thirty four per cent.
Ok, sixty six percent of americans drives the media, so you could see I mean, there's no doubt about it. You know you know is why you want you may hear and then ozma news on social media on the first. me on a radio across the country. I don't work for corporation. I don't have my own news agency and your watch in it because you don't believe these people and use We are not looking out for you and are not telling you the truth. So the impact of the decline of the media, particularly tv news, is going to be dramatic on the tuesday thousand and twenty four presidential election. So trump's not going to be able to get nearly as much exposure, because fox news doesn't want them to be present the management and then the Democrats and CNN Cnn is almost out of business.
You're, almost off the air at how bad that is, MSNBC that that's just nobody except left wing zealots watches that and the other three a b c cbs NBC nightly news. There's nobody under seventy watching that okay, I mean it's just gone, so the. Cumulative effect is that social media than rises and takes the place of the corporate media. That's what's happening earnestly talker carson go onto social media are so then he'll be me we him and then you know Joe rogan, Charlie Kirk, on and on and on and on, and this is where americans will in five years. This is going to be it okay. Now and in addition to distrust among americans toward the media, the media,
companies themselves know they are on the downside and not coming back. Therefore, why they will begin to cut personnel and salaries. Okay, so you're not going to see the quality. If you want to use that word, I don't wanna be cynical about this. Look at far there is some really good report is there are eight and when I work in a b c news and c b s news, excellent reports and they still are their site that gotten any worse there good, but the over all management telling people what to do money taking precedence over everything. That's what led to the dominion lawsuit that is not going to change so europe is things are going to get worse there and
then the politicians are going to have to try to figure this out. How are they going to use their message to the voters? How kids go through the newspapers? Nobody reads the newspapers, nobody, so that's out talk. Radio is just conservative unless you listen to npr now anybody does that, and so republicans have an outlet there, but to get the independence and the people who I don't really know much to get your message to them. You have to go through social media and that's that's common heart, and that is the pocket. Boys, mental, hey, directv viewers, bill o reilly ear, inviting you to watch the no spin news on the first tv weakness They pm eastern, the channel is facing. Our nation are only getting worse the border, inflation crime, drugs for.
need real information and honest analysis. They can trust the remedial feed. You bias reporting every day the I didn't parade around trying to score cheap shots, while big tech silences people. Oh, that stops now with me bill o reilly, and then the news on the first tv weak night, P, m directv channel three: four o reilly here, the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio we are offering you a way of listening to it completely. Ad
free. You can sign up to become a bill, O'Reilly, dot, dotcom premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the o'reilly update and much more without commercials premium and cause members. Also members also get exclusive. Access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so become a bill com premium. Member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today: o'reilly dot com, slash ad free, that's bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, slash ad free, ok. Now this is get ready. If you haven't seen this, this is stunning saw the president did nothing today at all. He doesn't do anything everyday doesn't deal with the people's business at twelve fifteen,
He had a take your child to work day of it. I don't know whether that means tat hunter by went to work, maybe You draw whether your hundred there- I I don't know I didn't see, but there are budget kids. There are relative What was the last country you travel to the last country? evelyn dragon was the last one I was in my I've, been too eighty nine I met with eighty nine heads of state so far, so I'm trying to think of the last where's the last place. I was it's hard to keep track of.
I was, I mean yeah, you're right, ireland. Actually it was. How did you know that he didn't remember that just a few days ago, he traveled to ireland for almost a week. If I were a republican politics I'd. That's all that I just use that thirty second clip, that's it and you come back. You go this, who you want to go up against XI and putin to run the economy that he's impaired. There's, no doubt there's no two sides to the story. He's delusional he's impaired. He can't run the country.
It's like taking the car keys away from an elderly parent. I had to do that with my mother, okay, so it is just stunning and then you remember yesterday, so south korean president yoon came to the white house and met with Mr Biden in the morning. They had a debrief about that meeting and, as we reported yesterday and you and we'll show you again, alright Biden had to use a prompt to tell reporters what he said to Eun and vice versa. He had to read it. He just couldn't come out and explain. While this is what the President and I discussed, he had to look down and it was written for him on a machine he had to read it.
and today does remember. He was an hour in addition bite at an ear peace in that debrief where people were telling him stuff. I've never seen that before not renew. It is forty seven years I have never seen a president of an ear peace in a debrief. Then he goes to the formal press conference was very short and he has another problem. From the los angeles times a woman named court me so brain Amelia, who is the times whitehouse reporter he has in his hand what courtney question is going to be and her picture. he can call on her and already have a rehearse stance now that is against every journal.
The rule in the world, so we call the los angeles times. Politely said comment on this: And the woman hilary manning vice further communications, Ella times said our report did not submit any questions in advance within headed by have the question on a sheet. How to what is easy. Miss cleo is a psychic. Now he's got the woman's picture. At our question honest She calls on her. She s exact same question. It's on the sheet. Ella types. Now you know anything about that newspaper. You know it's in the tank, it's horrible peace, a garbage end. It used to be one of the best newspapers in the world. It is just starting.
and then a spokesperson said no, not we didn't get a while. Then how did you get it? Was it magic, the corruption that is so corrupt? I can't even tell you how corrupt that is to give the pressing ices question in advance, so we can call on you and have a rehearsed answer in a press conference, press national, we're what press conference unbelievable. In addition at the same press conference and we use this yesterday, but it's That I'm going to advance a story. Here's a Biden said about his popularity. Go making soundly lines. Grooming underwater and another one hundred two. When this I am polling data. Ask whether you think what kind of job done, because it report
Results from fifty eight percent figure, everything from their ships act and all the things we done done the world he approve of his job of by fifty eight percent. Fifty eight, even close, CBS pull out this week, has Biden at fifty nine percent disapproval. Forty thirty nine instant approval, so by just lies, I don't think he knows even lying now. I know you're gonna write me letters and you're, giving them a pass. I'm not eyes in an honest way here, Nobody saying he doesn't know Oh, I go on news station last night to discuss.
Joe Biden's mental state roll. The tape Biden says the board is secure and you say he's not delusional Biden says fifty eight percent of americans think he's doing a good job and you say he's not like some in the democratic party but or something like that, I'm sure they'll find some way to go over every forever. There's no back up. There's no backup! Ok Biden, says inflation: transitory. Ok, it is I mean it's been goin down for light, but ceremonies you possibly right. No gas prices are going up now, that's not that's oil index of inflation. You know that. Don't be opening its it's a huge factor as price matter, or they are not the same thing as saying inflation. You said inflation in
I doubt anyone gas prices are a problem. I've been doing is forty five years. In my humble opinion, Joe Biden is delusional all right and if you want to give them cut him, some slack and saying he's just wrong. Fine. You can live in atlanta, but that's what I'm worried about here, because delusion is going to hit. She is going to hit Putin it's going to hit a recession that many people believe is what happened in a few months delusion is gonna hit that and that worries me there are other about who say the idea that we're gonna have a recession of any merit is delusional. I don't know who those economies are. I looked couldn't, may I mean you know Paul croup, men and new policies that not but anyway, just this morning
on the recession front: u s. Economy grew at only one point: one percent in the first quarter, much lower than expected the? U s bureau of economic, analyse ba. I said that this kind, these economic growth slowed dramatically in the first three months of two thousand twenty three. So I know what I'm talking about here and you see the lay offs starting to happen in the social media companies, entertainment disney across. Now I don't want a recession tab. I rather it didn't happen. Cuomo be right who cuomo by the ways can be honest broadcasts on monday Because I don't want you and me and everybody else who get hurt fire recession. I dont want that to happen, but the indicators are.
Overwhelmingly that a well and if it doesn't good. lying is delusional on almost every single issue. and again the ireland thing have you ever seen anything like that. I mean what I'm talkin about your grandma or somebody I'm talking about most powerful men. A world is remembered where he was two weeks ago. Ok, Go to trot so new emerson, pole and emerson not rely liable pulling agency. Although the sample is ok, your question,
Among these candidates, who would you look most likely vote for in the upcoming republican primary donald from sixty to run dissent? Is sixteen my pen, seven hayley three? So it's overwhelmingly trot. Now. The reason is because of the bragg indictment and all this other stuff that they're dropping on his head. That fair minded americans know is political, so he's gotten trump is engendering sympathy and that's why his numbers are up now. This is only among republicans, so that presents a problem to governor dissent as the main competition that donald trump and I don't expect that to change by the way it's going to be trump dissenters, and so it says overseas and he visits japan, south korea, israeli, you
a state of Florida pays for the trip, interestingly enough, so if you live down there and the tax money is going for ron and go around the world and tell everybody that he should be president and anyway he's in a tough spot dissenters he's going to have a committing put together. But this is all bs and exploratory committee next month, vs raising money, but he's really in a tough spot, because trump is so overwhelming and descended as much lower keyed, individual but dissenters, believe something's going
habit that will throw trump off and that's. Why he's doing what he's doing? Tell me something I don't know on plan like that nasty curve ball. There aren't any surprises when you finance your next car with Carvana. You get real terms personalized for you right in your strikes, don't really stay right. How am I supposed to focus when you're telling me about carmona while slugger you gotta keep your eye on the ball. Just like you can keep an eye on your customized down a monthly car payments. I can customize those he's out on his way to finance his next car with Carvana visit, Carvana dot. or download the apt to get free qualified today will drive you happy akerana on
No disney is now suing governor dissenters, alleging harm to its business in florida. As you know, there's a brawl. It started because disney foolishly injected itself, in the don't say, gay legislation and basically told america yeah. It's ok for teachers to come in and indoctrinate your children into a world where are seven and eight. They have no understanding of gay gender and all of this stuff. You know what it is. I have to go over it again and dissenters had no you're not going to get that you're not going to do that. We're giving you tax breaks all over the place and have for decades in orlando. You actually run the county. Where disney
world is so that's gonna stop because you are hurting the state by your political stance, injecting yourself into politics. That's what disinterested I would have done. The same thing so you do so now dizzy files who yesterday in the northern district of florida? U S, court, not stay court to federal beef,
right and they are saying lock. The power of the state is being used to hurt our business, that's illegal and we want a redress. I don't think disney will prevail here. I could be wrong, but this looks like a convoluted lawsuit. I I don't see it. You know. If disney is going to go into the public arena on policy, certainly the politicians have a right to confront that, and if the state of florida is one If disney tax breaks any longer is a right not to give them tax free, so that's the way I see it, but I could be wrong. Okay, so there's a bill, and I don't want to get to pin Hetty here, but this is interesting and the bill called the protecting kids on social media act K it's bipartisan bill
And it would by law, say that no child under the age of thirteen could use instagram, facebook and tiktok and that, if you were thirteen to seventeen parents would have to supervise you'd, have to get consent to go on those social media operations. Okay, so this is impossible to monitor this is assumed
our act, I dont think, is going to pass and I think that the Democrats in the senate will pass it there's no vote on it set. But I thought you should know about it, but it's impossible. I mean I'm parent, I put limits on ethnic. I all the computers and laptops we're in public areas above my house, but they had the phones and I couldn't monitor it all the time. But I did a pretty good job of it, but I was very excellent. I really was vigilant, many parents aren't and all you gotta do is in the sciences. Are you eighteen or you, thirteen and they go yeah? How did they get to know? You know no and they don't care. So there's the symbolic.
There were people in the veterans administration that wanted to study the use of marijuana to help military people with post traumatic stress disorder. They just wanted to study if marijuana medical marijuana could help the pity s de that's why they wanted money from the federal government to do the study republicans killed it in the sand.
I would have voted yes on that. I would not have killed that it's not a lot of money and a lot of that suffering and a pod could help 'em medical marijuana. I support it. I aid republicans in the Senate voted for it, but that's it and every Democrat did, but they didn't have the sixty votes to overcome the filibuster. Don't know why they did that. You know a if that pod can help the vets. You know it's gotta be in a medical way. Then they should do with a ben and jerry member Jarrett baron jury follow, cooks really way out there and he Israel, and even though the jewish, so Ben Cohen, vermonter seventy two years, all he sold out there hold out. There are betting jerry's ice cream to a corporation, now he's
setting up a marijuana business Ben's best berlin's b l K, nonprofit canada's line. With this admission of helping to write the wrongs of the war on drugs. That means bang colon ones legalise. Drugs majority wants so he starting it up to in vermont, and you can buy pot from Ben no ice cream. your pop and he's gonna give the money to a variety of far left: the profits, crew, black cannabis entrepreneurs, not white like him by cannabis, entrepreneurs, vermont racial justice alliance last prisoner project. These are,
uber left wing organizations, but no mothers against drunk driving. So no Ben cohen's not going to give them a penny. Nobody that is working to protect drivers from intoxicated people on the road. No, don't do that been doing, know, that's fascist right, so everybody get as high as they can from your garbage and then go out and drive around vermont gay right fend off alameda county, that's open five year old girl, ileana krista, tomo five years old driving in a car
Gang barriers come by fire bullets in the car she's dead cat they caught the guys and drawn gangs, and the dna will that file is many charges, as she could to put these guys way for the rest of their lives. She's a want them to be a way for them It's alive. The guys who kill the five year old didn't want him to be life okay. So this woman, PAMELA price, put her picture up there on the radio. She is an african american okay and as she is as left wing as they come selected in two thousand and twenty two after pledging to disrupt prosecutorial conventionality
Most certainly is so it's ok with her that the killers of a five year old don't spend as much time in prison as they should. I wonder if this soros money in this woman's. Let's do that from monday to signal my produce here see if soros gave this woman in my bedroom. He did so my life, I so we talked about ridicule when people ridicule you- and I have is that all of us on this planet, the most ridiculed individual that I have ever seen was. Jesus of Nazareth could have been ridiculed more than him what they did to him and how they did it. It was
funny- and there is a reason that he's a centerpiece of the new testament despite and I'm not even talking about god. Now, I'm just talking about him, the man. So when you are ridiculed or you ridicule someone else, you are doing a hateful act and there are people on radio and television. Their whole game is ridicule. That's all they do and they make big money doing it so ridicule is trump. Is, is not criticism, ridiculous, trying to diminish you as a human being trying to hurt you. Not just your feelings would your whole be that's ridicule horrible! There's, a woman with an mba from harvard ok who is now specializing in etiquette. I guess I should go and see this form And I mean Sarah jane hope, so she can it was something that I think is very smart she's.
As when you are insulting not ridiculed of tell you ridicule what you should do in a month when you are, and so the by a friend or somebody makes a joke at your expensive embarrasses, you were whenever there are three words that you should say, and only three ready for those words. Somebody makes fond of you, you turn red everybody laughed you take a deep breath and ego. Are you? Ok? That's it. Okay, I think that's pretty smart. You don't prolong the conversation. You look them in the eye too, but you get a message across like, and I really liked that now with ridicule, it's different. There are two ways to handle it my way:
is the wrong way all right. The O'Reilly way. Don't do that because I have a tendency like bang. Not hit can do that can't do any physical stuff, but right between your eyes, that's my way that just reinforces the ridicule allure and gives them power. It empowers the person ridiculing my way, don't do my way. The other more discipline way is to look the person in the eye if you to one on one k and just walk away, don't say a word and never deal with that person again smartly. This day in history april, twenty seventh nineteen, eighty nine
square beijing, china and its baited. A hundred and fifty thousand people in the streets demanding democracy building get it, and this was voted on by students from forty universities. You remember, is famous picture of a student sending front of a tank and this caught the communist authorities by surprise, but a hundred fifty thousand tiananmen square. Now it didn't work. In fact, it made things worse as the chinese communist cracked down. How did they crackdown in China every town, the matter how small it is, has again stop all. We gave you the gestapo lesson yesterday and by the way you want to know more about the gestapo and how the nazis control the germans, killing the s s my book killing the us, as is the best book.
Can get on at the chinese communist took the gestapo mob and they use it to this day. So there are plain clothes informers, chinese government informers. Every time. You get out of line, you say something anti government you make fun of she ridicule she or you just poke a little fun at him. Okay, middle of the night, no knock on the door with the way door gets kicked in or whatever you go out, they put you someplace family doesn't know. Nobody knows believe me that gets around fast. Now, word of that gets around fast as how to calm his control. That's why you haven't seen any tiananmen squares since April twenty seventh nineteen, eighty nine thirty four years ago.
I backward mail and a final thought and we appreciate you watching tonight and it will be very quick I just go to the mail we got Janine pantene, laramie Y omens, hey bill fox nation's loss. Is your gain. Fox nation is the internet arm of fox news. I cancel my subscription with them. Sign up you I've watched your programme for the last three days, and now I realized how much I missed you Jane. You should realise that six years ago, but I am so happy that you are back and thousands of peace will our back. It's funny how the world works. Isn't it. Michael, our egg bat rouge louisiana bill
we're not many left tucker back at you. I turn to for honest debate news since Tucker is now gone. I dropped the fox subscription subscribe to your platform in a blaze. Well, that's a marketplace. You know, and the only thing that we don't have is the megaphone that reaches so many people. I mean we market, but that's a big megaphone that The cable news, operations and network news had but were happy you're here, Michael errant, hell, vague, phoenix, arizona, new subscriber love, the content which republican can be binding in which democratic can be. Drop if I knew that error and I go to london and I place big money. On the election, because you can only better camp at on the election legally here I dont know because things are going to change dramatic.
we between now and the first of two thousand and twenty four I mean the next but nine months, a lot of changes. Coming though you can't predict it. Scott back, then, the lia vandalia illinois trump clearly participated. Debates that we're hosted by people in a passive clearly did not like him. So his excuse that we debate in the primaries doesn't. wash where nepal scott, you know, as I mentioned, will you how big you don't need a debate. Now again, things are going to change. But I remember back in two thousand sixteen election imagined that yesterday, when we reported that trump said he's not going to debate
That, after the megan kelly, confrontation, trump would not show up for the iowa debate, sponsored by fox news, and I had him on factor and I was giving it to them. I thought I could convince it to go to the debate now didn't show. You'd better, my floyd cause you urge member, we ll be all check that out. Floyd has direct access to me
hey bill. You have stated it is your opinion that James Buchanan was the worst president in our history, with Biden coming in. Second, the divisional gap between who is worse and who comes in second is closing rapidly, while Buchanan did nothing to stave off the growing conflict between the states, Biden, actively nullified most of trump's policies and is causing problems we are facing today. But the problems we're facing today are intense, nothing like the civil war, which was the worst thing that ever happened to this country. By far study studies of war. Killing lincoln is the book first killing book. If you see the carnage that happened there and buchanan allowed, it did nothing.
David off vinyl never come close, no matter what Biden does unless it provokes a nuclear? Worse Joe all and over connecticut I find it ironic that homeland chief may workers will be giving the two thousand twenty three commencement speech at the: u s: coastguard academy ear in connecticut. One of the missions of the guard- is to protect and enforce our laws concerning our coastline border. It is ironic, it is, I don't know if the cadets there at the us coast guard academy are going to be all that thrill. We may orcas I'm going to monitor that thanks for that
keith bill. How is having separate carriage awaken ceremonies at universities for different races, not going back to segregation, because as voluntary that you know it's racist, I think what is voluntary enough for some people do segregation was forced, LISA, California, knock any and would have holding your last name bill the junior college. I am attending is holding an additional graduation ceremony for african american students. They can also attend the regular ceremony if they want but I believe the alternative ceremony is racist. It is symbolically because it encourages a division of the racist based on skin color. So it's very astute of you. Lisa, good luck! I hope you're going to go to a four year college, but I wish you the.
step a graduation David, costner, shelby north carolina just received your coffee mugs. All rightly, I must say the qualities impeccable armies For all my beverages, not just coffee and happy here before american made products. You know most of the, products are american made the the products that we have a team noble. We had to get made overseas what they were distributed by an american company. I just got the american companies bill. and it's, but we're saw a lot of that team normal stuff, but we couldn't get the shirts and hats made in time for the campaign in the usa, which is kind of discouraging But everything else is made america, I'm glad you, like the mugs there, the best mugs on the face of the earth. Ok, look! others day coming up and we got mom the woman shirt. Can I say woman, I am going to say it there. They are.
Two ladys modelling, and we let them keep the shirts and they love the shirts this from arm and if you buy anything, the shirts or anything else on below, How can you get a free to free atm? Nothing? There came a fearsome, nothing there, bumper sticker, I'm going to tell you why we did that in a moment, and also, if you liked the killing books, we've got killing legends and killing them all together by both of them. Eighteen bucks, eighteen bucks
Best deal ever and we did it on another two crazy horse, killing crazy russia and the united states trump eighteen bucks. So those are great deals, remember dad's, coming up in june, I mean these are really good things for him. Where did the day not be pocket? P, a w k Y love that word. I I use that the other day one of my friends I said: hey, stop being pocky silence, just stared at me and said: look it up. You got your little machine just put in definition, Hockey period of uk wide and stop it back with a foul thought either in the final third of the day we have, as I mentioned, thousands of new members on bill, O'Reilly, dot, com contours and a regular membership premium membership. You get huge discounts by the way, but the most important thing is that you're with us. Okay, we have two campaigns going here.
The first one is team, normal, alright, now team normal is opposing team, crazy team, crazy or the far leftists who want to tear the country apart, who want to divide us race, religion, whatever it may be, they hate america. They want to tear it down. Team normal loves america wants to improve it, but legit. So that's a campaign. We get the hats, shirts mugs that stickers, whatever
maybe so the more teen normal that show the colors we put if you believe the media. The far left is running everything. That's not true. Traditional people outnumber the far leftists, but nobody knows it. This is why we developed this team normal campaign. Okay, second one is religion. Explain that I saw the bumper sticker that said, religion, fake news on the mass pike. When I was coming back from watching my son play lacrosse in Boston and- and I said, hmm You know all k as freedom of expression, but I'm gonna get my own bombs sticker in IRAN as a fearsome, nothing, there that's a good counter. Some of these people want to blow the eight hour vague, newer. There may go now we're due in these campaigns with you, sir we're out.
smarting- the opposition were being clever. So team normal you wear. Gear or you had a bumper sticker on your car. Whatever I guarantee you go into any store and people are going to go, watch the normal, then you are going to tell them and you get compensated. You get new friends, I guarantee you wear the hat and shirt everybody's going to want to know what it is and then with the atheism. Nothing there. It's just witty because that's right atheism is nothing nothing amoeba into a brontosaurus, my favorite illusion, okay, so it's important for our culture war that our side, traditional people who understand the history of this nation and how our blood and sacrifice of free billion
if the people all over the world and provided more opportunity inside america than any other country in the world is not even close, not even close, and finally I'm going to ireland in mid june I'll tell you about that trip as it gets closer, but I can guarantee you. I will not forget that I was there until in the ground right, I will remember. I am going to Donegal, ireland for an eyes, look around on the wild coast and wait for that. We very much appreciate you watching and listening to the no spin news, I got a new column coming out sunday noon. I hope you check any bill. O'reilly dot com. You want to reach me bill bill, O'Reilly, dot, com bill at bill, O'Riley, dot, com name in town. If you wish to opine, have a great weekend we'll see on Monday.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-09.