« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The Political Civil War, Trump Case Latest with Zack Smith, Jason Whitlock on Why He's Calling for Secession, & More

2023-04-05 | 🔗
Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Wednesday, April 5, 2023. Stand Up for Your Country.Tonight's rundown: 
  • Talking Points Memo: Bill explains what you might not know about Donald Trump's case and what it means going forward
  • The Heritage Foundation's Zach Smith joins the No Spin News to break down the latest Trump case information
  • BlazeTV's Jason Whitlock comes in hot, calling for secession and giving his hot takes on the political Civil War
  • This Day in History: ABC's Peter Jennings reveals he has lung cancer
  • Final Thought: Passover
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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We'll even send you a free copy of my new bestselling book, killing the legends so become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't we learn more sign up today. It below riley, dotcom, slash, ad free. That's bill, o'reilly dot com, slash ad free! The bill O'Reilly year welcome to the no spin news for Wednesday April. Fifth, two thousand twenty three stand up for your country, so I'm sure, some of you watch the television news coverage of the trunk situation yesterday was interesting. Msnbc didn't even take trumps speech in monologue.
Does this woman rachel mad outcomes I wore were not take it because it's the same old lies Nbc really should be ashamed of itself. You know, are it's it's? We I don't have any problem in its a liberal network, I don't mean if they think they can make money by left wing people buying products on amazon be safe. That's capital is, but did just do this absurd. Nonsense would have brought good cause like what you say. Miss man always true. What your crew says is true. You'd have a black twenty four hours a day of lives were what was the criteria to broadcast his reading killers Anyway, I add event on that. The subject of this evening's talking points memo is a political war, of course, is now igniting So, let's go over it methodically. I think that's the best way to do it.
We have new stuff for you tonight. The centre piece in this prosecution is manhattan. District attorney, Alvin, brag Those of you don't live in the tri state area, MR brags, an ultra liberal. He was elected with a very small percentage of the boat color of change funded his campaign. More than four hundred thousand that money came directly from george soros. Fifty percent, a felony arrests in new york city, are either dismiss or downgraded to misdemeanours by MR brok, who openly says he does not want to incarcerate criminals.
I think that's who he is now. He is charging donald trump, as you know, and have heard a thousand times with business irregularities, falsifying business records that is a misdemeanor in new york state and couldn't be prosecuted because it happened six years ago and the statute of limitations is two years. The whole case should have been thrown yet, mr brag pro ports that there is another crime, a higher crime that the falsification of the business records enabled. Yet, when asked about what that crime? Who would be, he would not answer now this to me. If I'm a judge, I throw the case outright
Then in their because, if there isn't a higher crime, it goes into the misdemeanor category, the statute of limitations is pass. You cannot try, it. brag is gone. I don't have to tell you what it is and the judge out just on the legal merits of the case? Ok, so brag, it's up there and says this scope, thirty, four false statements made to cover up other crimes. These are felony crimes in new york state, no matter who you are. We cannot and will not normalized syria. Criminal conduct, serious criminal conduct well no bail for donald trump, of course, nobel re body, not in this day and the next appearances december forth,.
So this is a serious criminal conduct. You're not gonna, even talk about it until December forth. So mr brag The crisis Alvin one of the chipmunks. Rather than a law enforcement agent, who knows what he's doing it's just? I said this week from the beginning a fiasco now. A lot of the analysis is based on ideology. The commentators either like or hate donald trump. I don't do that. Five thought donald trump committed a serious crime. I would tell you I'm not down trumps lawyer, I'm just a citizen of the united states in the EU. state: look, let me they get even more vivid to you brad, Has insinuated that tromp violet
in new york, state election lie didn't say: eddie insinuated by subterfuge not telling people that some allegation back in two thousand six, and we get that in a moment was imply well congress in george santos in my district here, like a pretty much every single thing when he was elected last november,. judges walking around nobody byron santos in new york state. So if tromp somehow deceive the voters, santos didn't you kid me: it's serious because it's hurting the country, but it's a joke. When you look at the legality now.
Brad boss is attorney general Latisha James, whose in Albany she is just like brag when it comes to Donald, go and then going home. yeah. I read out we're gonna, see him so that I mean that's against the law. You can't single out an american citizen for persecution which he just said is against the law.
This whole thing is never going to be tried. You know December. Fourth, is the next hearing it's never going to get in most likely by that time, this case will be thrown out. Although new york is a Upstate and the judges may go along with the machine, the democratic firelit machine, but then. Go into the federal area and that's where I think, if you thrown out now what about criminal intent. is another one, so law and order criminal intent right. So in two thousand and six stew, miss Daniels and dial tromp had an interaction of some kind. I don't What it was you dont know what it was a mistake. hills assigned avid david saying that was no affair, but now there is an affair whatever it may be, but it took her ten years.
Who parade in with a lawyer whose now incarcerated, avi, naughty. To demand money that was in two thousand and sixteen, as the presidential vote was coming due, so they timed it stormy, Daniels and her lawyer, so they would come in and demand money, so it wouldn't throw the trump campaign and donald trump's life into chaos. To what are you That you call that some kind of crime same thing happened with a woman named Karen Mcdougall who went to the national enquirer shortly before the privilege, vote and said I'll sell you my story for a lot of money. So if your candidate trump and the vote is coming up, where you don't want this out.
for two reasons: you don't want your campaign to blown up and you don't want to hurt your family. It's got a seventeen year old son right, so the to prove criminal intent is impossible because trump's lawyer, is going to look. Who would want that? You know the woman did get money, but this was to protect. This is what trumps lorries would say. Well, say his family.
It may not make sense to everybody now. Alvin bragg is basing his entire case on these women and another grifter who made up a story and was got a little bit of money. His entire case is based on those people and again I'll. Ask you: how would you describe those people ten years, not an abbot and then all of a sudden? I want money, that's not what a prosecutor does if they cook
so quote complaining witness all right if the person where this all started is shady not reliable, then I'll take your case. So this case has so many problems. It should be almost beyond belief. Okay, now the, political component is fascinating, so you have the democratic party which wants in the presidential race to run against our trump. It doesn't matter whether its wine or somebody else can if they want to run against donald trump. Maybe that be careful what you wish for, but that's what the democratic party wants.
So, in order to engender sympathy, they they're doing all this and tromp is getting. The sympathy. Rasmussen pull out today has trump beating Biden by seven points and beating dissenters by thirty four, the republican nomination, but the Democrats they want him to get the declaration because they feel that he be. Dear to defeat than Rhonda santa's, that's a democratic thing, so there is a link between alvin brag and the divide. Whitehouse did you know that? Has it been reported anywhere, The leg is forty: eight year old, Matt Calandria law. We mentioned him last night. now he used to work for burma. obama and certainly knows Joe by. He is now senior council to district attorney brag
Ah, so he goes from Washington from the obama Biden administration into brags office. what I'd know widow, I really do with this here. Ok now Its various guy, you know me this no coincidence, boy Dirty the hit series claim to fame is back on a b c from executive producers of love is blind and hosted by superstar brothers, Kevin and franklin Jonas watch and play along as these new celebrity relatives do whatever it takes to keep their famous family a secret. Don't miss claim to fame new mondays at eight seven central on a b c and stream on hulu.
but you are cellular, it's just twenty nine. Ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family glamorizing rope, loser Beth she's, not gonna, like that, the road I scenario, video, get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per line we were cellular built for us terms, applied this: u s! Cellular dot com, pretty test, we value human connection with be restrictions were cellular built for us visit your? U s. Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens, ok, try! last autumn. I log I'm sure you watch that he went For all of the prosecutions, not just brad Any centered in on special council Jack Psmith go. We have this jack smith, lunatic threatening people every single day through representatives there threatening jail terms,
look about trump and you'll go free. This is where we are as a nation who would have thought they can't beat us at the ballot box They try and invaders. Through the law that's country in which we live. However, right now the usa is a mess and that's where trump will run that circle. Country and he'll on corrupted aright. He is the victim and that's his campaign. heard it there. I want to give you the numbers on erasmus and paul trump, forty, seven biden, forty ok in february it was Biden, forty five trump, forty, So this is a proper, a point swing.
And a lot of money coming into the trump campaign which trump's going to need to pay his lawyers. So if trump didn't have a reelection campaign, he'd have to pay it out of his own pocket. I estimate war all these cases, fifty to seventy million dollars in costs from but he'll be able to buy donations, use that money to pay his lawyers. All right, if you have any questions at all billet bill, o reilly, dotcom billet bill, o dot com. I did Hannity. Today. I brought over some of of points points that Angelo riley dotcom. We did you and I, and w abc radio last night with callers. I will answer any of your questions tomorrow. Okay, so we want to. Very clear springing now variously guy's name is jack. Psmith he's a former us attorney in northern florida
It works for the heritage foundation. Now is it legal? Fellow? That's right, leaning group, and he is the author of the upcoming book, robe prosecutors, how radical soros lawyers are destroying america's communities be out june. You can pre order it now. Amazon and all the others, bonds and noble, and he joined us now from Pensacola florida. So I talked about fourteen minutes. Did I make any mistakes or omit anything that you think is important? Nor looked, I think the point you are making Very important is this is an extremely unusual prosecution in a lot of ways, and that's not just what white leaning commentators remaining warriors are saying: that's what be liberal media outlets at the washington post, the new york times. Box media there. All saying this is a very thin red for albin bribe. The hang these charges, donald trump and like you
these falsification of business, records charges that appeared in the indictment yesterday. Those are typically missed, under new york law, but they can only be bumped up to I see low level felonies if Alvin bragg can prove, under reasonable doubt just the highest burden? We know an american law. The standard any prosecutor has to me meet to prove his or her case is out and break improve. That does business documents were false. bye, bye, Donald trump or someone acting at his be has with the intent to conceal another cry. Now, as you mentioned, we don't know what that other crime is often bright. Get it put it in. The indictment didn't really bring a lot of clarity during this press conference, but I suspect it's based on campaigns
Finally, as violations, if it's based on state campaign finance violations, that's very odd, because Donald trump was a presidential candidate, and so your federal campaign find out. Why should govern his conduct and if its, campaign finance violations. That too, would be very odd for two reasons why this is a state level, prosecution, ninety federal prosecution and the federal government. The? U S, department of justice, federal election coming which is charged with issuing civil fines when campaign fine ass laws are violated, both of those entities the situation and decided not to move forward with charges and yet alvin brag here and to move forward with charges. That seem very question,
was that a weak case, everybody I haven't heard anybody say it's a strong case as you point out anybody. Nobody says a strong case. Nobody says slam dunk. Nobody says any of that. I think it's going to get thrown out down the lane. Alright, it's going to take years to adjudicated if it doesn't, but can something happen to brag, can brag be charged. If doesn't come up with a crime and we both pointed out using yet that elevated into the felony level. We doesn't do that if you can't do it. Ok, can you ebay charge, will prosecute oreo misconduct, what charging somewhat prosecutors or misconduct? That's a very I bar for someone to to surpass his those are very difficult charges array. That's what I thought and the attorney general Letitia James would never do it in new york because she hates trump too, and if this case.
Or in florida, where you are you're, never would have it never would have reached anything correct, but I doubt it would have been brought for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that governor rhine. The scientist used his authority to remove a source back prosecutor- the camp of water andrew warrant, but look bill the same it's very troubling about this case, and there are many things that are troubling, but I think one of the the biggest troubling aspects of this case is the hypocrisy, the double standard that seems to be employed, which I know is shocking to really no one but often bread. He campaign not only on mrs to investigate, donald trump, but more broadly, not to prosecute most misdemeanours, not to see conservation in most cases not to seek the whole offenders, even repeat violent offenders pending their trials, and so yet you look at the facts right
This case the charges surrounding this case. I think it quickly becomes apparent that this case, whiteley would never have been initiated if the defendant wasn't named Donald trump. I think you're right mister smith, thanks very much for your expertise. Zack's book is rogue prosecutors. How radical source lawyers are destroying america's communities. You can pre order. It now. You ok, love the political war in america. Smiling, but I'm really not smiling so. then of chicago got Brandon Johnson. Somebody who's further left and lorry life. One can well the city voters. I dont know what to say to you. You'll have more bodies piling up in the streets in the poor neighborhoods. The wealthy people in chicago can protect themselves a poor cannot. This guy is an anti police.
EL. It branded Johnson any wins by that seventeen thousand votes- that's all was close, but he got more votes than the pro police candidature So there's a war here between people team, normal large us, common sense, love our country and radical left at age, the country. And in voting in people who are gonna be destructive, Chicago's, a third largest city in a country which is shocking analyses get into the political civil war. A little deeper, joining us from national tennessee is able Provocative man, you know em jason, with lock on blaze tv. I can't believe you work for back. I mean. How's that is Becky's running around all over the place over her going back, as is also
the lines in Dallas, I'm in nashville m m. Actually, you know glyn is the face, a blaze but actually work where and four tyler cardinal gaston lonely, but that's in cyberspace in the face of the blaze you're the brass, that's what I'm get! they saw the political civil war here. How do you see it? I think it's time to seriously contemplate secession in, and I say that in all seriousness I dont have when growl with the other side, I don't, they The other side has common ground with anybody that has any faith in god, they have common ground with area by that believes in our founding document that believe. I founding fathers that believes that America has been in force for good
over the course of its history and has been the towards justice. The other side wants to overthrow are found. Our christian values and want to create a society that bins towards the godless. In the eighth reason, secular crowd and the marxist and the communist and- and I dont think they're they're changing it what, when their position is that You can get pregnant. How do you reason with people like that argued? but the real go laconism, there's no mechanism in the constitution for secession, so I can't happen legally. Can Happen, my ten. It is If you live in california or new york or illinois, or these states that are been hijacked by the far left and remember that can always reverse itself and has throughout history. But the chicago vote was very trouble
Yesterday you can move to where you are tennessee or to another traditional state like texas or florida or the carolinas. There are plenty of places that you can go. You don't have to break up the country which I don't think would be a good thing. I live at a red state. live in a blue city. I live what I believe on the front lines of this culture war right here in nashville. I dont think its a coincidence that this last mass cool shooting was a transgender per The work that met walsh in the gas the daily wire been doing have put nashville in the car. our fears and made it a centre of this cultural war, I a lot of the work that I do in terms of addressing, they use race to advance their You know this ideologies, we're doing that on a farm land, and so I just.
bill. I remember remember: grandson mentally ill people like the person who shot up the school intent see killing the nine year olds. there on the other side to like the guy who shot up the charleston church. So it's hard You can't generalise about crimes because there are exceptions, and there are unique circumstances I agree with you that this far left movement is pernicious and it does not want to improve america. It wants to destroy And therefore I am on your team, but Seating is not the answer. If you look at history, the answer is convincing people in a way. That is very vivid and that's why I do what I do, because I want to.
ring that message now of four as corruption in america is concerned, I think in my lifetime the country has never been. war corrupt. Would you agree with me that a thousand percent, are why? Because we and away from god. Why? Because, yes Will I get here? Are you there aren't any there are made? Jesuits and catholics and Jews who are on the progressive side jason just because they call themselves his wits and christian, and doesn't mean they actually believe. In god there are many people there even that they don't want anything to do with us bang god and that's the we have here a miracle. This little slippery slope always just can't be same sex marriage. What now It's actually gonna turn into minor, attractive people and dry.
queens at schools, dance and in front a kid in reading books and sexual, as in kids, Again that there are some principles that come from the bible that we should have never back down and an end, And we did back down and its created a slippery slope now and billy you and I can go back ten fifteen here's and our history when I was an idiot about the second amendment. And I was one that model slippery slope of like where the EU can take way Some of the guns and barbara I was an eighty at an end. Didn't believe at that point like, while the left isn't that great. well now. I know they're that crazy and we have to have our guns and, some lines and saying we have to draw if we want a say in society did say for our kids and so
it'd methods of what you are saying that since there has to be some kind of standard, if you want to have a strong nation, so you're gonna be talking about this had rocket town That's an tenancy near Nashville right rocket debts in nashville rugged around a building a facility in Nashville April. Fourteen in fish It's gonna, be you, minister, walker t J, mall, a whole bunch of people. Your charge and ninety nine dollars right. So why do I want to pay ninety nine dollars? What because we're gonna, have a fine Inspiring worship filled weekend trying to inspire man to stand our ground and it our responsibility that too right society and write this ship. This whole matriarchal culture that were setting up it doesn't work
Ok, it doesnt work. There is there a website attached, it is where people can get more info. Yes, fearless army, roll call dot com. You're. A man that wants to live up to your responsibility and be a leader in this society, and sure they were leaving this country a better place where our kid, not a workplace. you need to come to nashville ass. Well, full! Let us listen to some music. We are great entertainment, the whole night. come together as believers across rachel lines pass economic land, we're going to prove to people, There are sane men out here that want to do what's best for this country. Ok, that's the website again slowly, fearless army, roll call, dotcom, go jason thanks a target to us today. We appreciate it.
the bill. I was going to president Biden territory right now. He did nothing again today. I told amity. Schedule is put out ads the oppress every day, every day, There's nothing or travels to some place in north carolina minnesota tells everybody how great the economy is, and he comes right back and that's it. So I think that Mr Biden is in severe cognitive decline right now. That's why I keep saying I thing: he's going to run again could be wrong worse, bad news for the present on the economic front, the jobs. New jobs, only added one hundred and forty five thousand expected two hundred thousand, that's not a disaster. it's going the wrong way and if we go into recession, but again you can't count on rational voting anymore. I thought the twenty mid terms. The two thousand
twenty two midterms we're gonna be a repudiation abiden in a democratic body. I was wrong, but I just can't anymore people of voting against our own best interests. Smart life, nice. An interesting stories crews around, and I try to find stuff to help your life, my life so. I see a headline five damas things. We keep spending too much money on. I go in Alright and I look and I as little markings, why am I producers investigate so what this is is alfred call, penny, horrider, H, o a r d or penny
Quarter now they don't really give you any information, but they want your information. They want you to tell him what you redress is and other personal stop, because they want to sell you stop do not do That so this was, you know a phony headline, alright bait and switch. I took the bait, but I didn't give them anything, and then I had my people check it out to be fair and it was like. All I want is your personal information which they can sell and your money to
sign up for whatever they have so on the internet. This is legionnaire all over the place. Do not give your personal information on the phone to anybody. Okay, smart life! This day in history April, fifth, two thousand and five, a b c news, anchorman Peter Jennings review. He has long a cancer right four months later. He would be dead now The reason I am using this in a historical slot tonight is because I work Were peter jennings for two years and I know I'm pretty well. And I learned a lot from him. and he smoked a lot and try to kick it, and I remember you and everybody would be trembles when it was trying to kick it because you being add mood and all that some people didn't like Peter Jennings. He was kind of arrogant at times,
I really liked him and I'll tell you why he's a straight shooter I was as cocky. Is they com? When I was in a b c news corresponded I was unbearable. I it was, I did, was mean or anything. I was just a swagger cunning well jennings, like that where's then, rather, when I worked for, should be as he didn't, but jennings cow, like that, I was feisty and I got was our world news to nine two years. Within one hundred times. I a lot of play and do I got to know him because he he didn't want to do the afternoon news briefs right after general hospital. He just thought it was. Beneath them to do these news briefs- and it was only one guy in the new york bureau who could do them live, and that was why, because I was trained in local news, so I get a call ten minutes before you know
three o clock get out here, you gotta, do the news report is not going to do it, so I bought down we'd slap, a little pancake or man I'd sit in a chair and knock it out, okay, and he he kind of enjoyed that and for me that was a great spot. Millions of people watch his dopey soap general hospital and then before comes honors me. Yeah, just like a ninety second news brief. So anyway I felt terrible about peter and when I was doing a factor- and he would call me a lot and say why just say that or how can you do that and we would debate it and but he was, he was a good. I and I wanted you to know that we got a male segment. We got a final thought and I think the final thought is worthy for you to hear.
I mean they all are, but this was a little elevated, ok, we'll be right back. I go to the male. henry concierge member. Now again, to be boring and repetitive, but concierge membership on bill, o reilly, dotcom, direct access to me every day we answer within twenty four hours. Whatever your questions may be financed travel, Urchins are bad neighbors and community staff, whatever it may be right as a good service to have have you sign up for concierge or premium membership concerns a little bit more expensive, but really we give you a big discounts on everything, so you make it back, but anyway you get a free copy of any of my books, including the upcoming killing the witches which I'm putting the finishing touches on right now, that'll be out september. Twenty sixth you're going to be very, very surprised by this book and the
This places that no other book has ever gone before. Is it then they say star trek anyway get back the henry. Mr, oh, I think this Benjamin Franklin quote is worthy. only a virtuous people are capable of freedom as nation become more corrupt and vicious. They have more need of masters. Unquote. Well, I don't were corrupt, but I think we're going to get out of this Joseph rico rent in washington, because the judicial system in this country is totally corrupt. The way trump can get affairs while in new york city reason wise, because the democrats on the jury will never issue and not guilty verdict, its true and he may get a change of venue but remember bragg and the judge that is assigned to the case who trump does not like they go with the change of venue. But I, if I were trump's lawyers, I get it Adam.
You're city, absolutely red high ottawa canada bill can almond brag be sued for malicious prosecution. Now they're indemnified, all members of the court are indemnify from civil society, cannot see them in the united states. I don't think. In canada, either, though, Roger is capable of new york, I've never. affiliated with any political party- but I am conservative with seven years of mostly ridiculous, stacks and donald trump? I am changing. I am registering as a republic. In this way I will be able to vote for. When a primary, ok me a lot of people rallying to the republican cause right now is no doubt about it. Jim Knox, jackson, north carolina wires, all documents and gag what is appropriate for the touch the charges brought against drop well seal documents
grand jury documents? All grand jury is safe everywhere, because it has not unusual. There was no gag order because it would have been immediately challenged in federal court. And the judge didn't want Jim see, carrying ohio, bill. Why are we not heard for Mitch Mcconnell regarding the trump indictment, because he has a concussion, so I sent him o connell getting old, no doubt about. It, fell down And I understand that he is not in good shape. I dont know than that. I dont want to intrude on their privacy over there.
MR world, here about to take the plunge on the world's fastest roller coaster. I hope it's as fast as the in store labs at ike last world. When you drop in there, they make your glasses the same day. You should give it a whirl. Just remember, to keep your hands and feet inside the eyeglass world at all. To get you here is a glass is for eighty nine dollars fast. I glanced world the world's best way, divide glasses last world icon, dismantling your example nine, and for offer details. Getting normal spring and summer. I gotta I got a model of stuff for you, I'm trying over the weekend to get to do it. I have no time for modeling exercises, but I do the shirts are great and a hats and mugs in it. Alright- and this will be spring and summer and you'll have a good time with it, because wherever you go, if you have a team normal,
had or short people will come up and go watch team normal and you will explain it to the right and you make new friends causes. Not political is no answer to it. Entertaining. Where did today do not be nebulous. One of my favorite words Be, u l, o? U s, do not be nebulous, writing Bill bill o reilly, dotcom, billet, billow, riley, dotcom name. tell if you wish to oh papa, we break back with an important final thought:
Okay, here is the final thought of the day we want to wish all of our jewish viewers and little and listeners a very good passover. You know it's. It's happy passover, not appropriate, because passover, if you read the old, testament's, fascinating and the egyptian jewish conflict and moses middle of that, so not happy, and but it's a spiritual exercise for our jewish brothers and sisters, and we want to we knowledge that and then tomorrow is wholly thursday. The time of the last supper for christians and then friday is the execution of the nazareth on then saturday's. Sorry, an easter sunday, so I've been telling you that rent the movie killing Jesus right, this totally appropriate, is better than a ten.
amendments or all these older movies, or read the book Michael, do you a lot of good but when I go to church I'm going to try to get to church tomorrow,. On friday and of course, on easter, I'm gonna pay for my country. I always pray for my family and I never pray, interestingly enough for success. Never never do that and or money or material things. I know you know I. I pray for a greater good stuff, so of course my family. I want them protected. My friends got a lot of friends now battling cancer for booth, and you know
Anything I can do I'm going to do including say prayers for them, but now I'm putting my country up there, because we who love our country team normal minutes, it's getting bad. I mean this. Political war has not been seen since vietnam time, and this is worse than back then- and this is no, not anything to trifle with so I'm a believer, you guys know that and I'm bay, My belief on rationality. I don't know whether I mentioned is not, but it's worth mentioning again. So I have atheists friends and I give him a lotta jazz. You know. You saw again explained to me again why there's no supreme being know somebody you design First of all, it says: evolution in key out of the ocean and will all cells came out and light at all
ok but war. How did the ocean get their silence? But then I am with this. I said: ok, let's assume that the ocean here somewhere, landed on earth and not venus, and then the cell qana came out Where the amoeba, whatever it is, paramount, It'll get to be a dinosaur, that is, that little big big giant, you know jurassic park. I said, look just watched wrestling park and something or I dunno that come from that little little cell- that how it went. Why do use humor here? They can't answer. Nobody can. hey the believers can answer they go? Well, god did it? Ok People believe what they want to believe. but I want to believe that their
is a justice in the universe. good people will be rewarded? Enable people will be punished? That's what I want a bully and the only way that's gonna happen. Is it there's a supreme being, but my rational thought says that para museum can't turn into the brain Source is no way that I can happen and if you look at how intricate the human body is all right, so we came from a woolly mammoth or some chimpanzee someplace. It's a dozen step in my limited, rational mine- and I I think about these things.
But when I go to church item or fraud in and on sunday in the forefront is asking the creator earn Jesus. Who is the redeemer in my faith, to help the most noble nation on earth? The nation that helps more human beings in any other nation combined us? We need help, we need divine intervention, we do and anyone that Chicago vote. I mean your head off, snapped back those people in chicago, they want more of lorry lightfoot. They won't worse than worry life, what they want more bodies in the streets and the poor neighborhoods, which are voting for that's what they are voting for.
So we need divine intervention. That is the final part of the day and again, I'd like to hear if you disagree or have any other thoughts below bill, o'reilly dot com. We always thank you for watching and listening to the no spin news, and we will see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.