« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The Oscars Slap Heard 'Round The World, Analyzing Biden's Poll Numbers, and Has E.T. Already Been To America?

2022-03-28 | 🔗

Tonight’s rundown:

  • The actions displayed at the Oscars is a prime example of how the entertainment world has collapsed in America 
  • Bill speaks with pollster Mark Penn, as Joe Biden’s job approval falls to the lowest level of his presidency 
  • A Harvard astronomer says that aliens have already been to America
  • With rising gas prices and inflation, Bill offers some advice on where to save a little dough!
  • This Day in History, 1971: The last episode of ‘The Ed Sullivan Show’
  • Final Thought: We all need a few laughs – go see a comedian like Sebastian Maniscalco

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It orally here. Welcome to the no spin news from Monday march, twenty eight thousand twenty to stand up for your country, so little brought the oscars like to see the light of the example of it? I gotta get into this and I'll. Tell you. Why its semi important and then we'll have a ukraine Biden, staff and a bunch of poles and other things. I think you'll find interesting, but we have to do this hollywood situation, and that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. So why do we care well number one, and the most important reason by far is at the entertaining industry is america's number one export around the world. So wherever you go, you see him.
The movies. You hear american songs on tv programs, it's amazing and this broadcast the no spin news goes all over the world. I get letters from everywhere: south africa, new zealand, thailand and sometimes afghanistan. I used to win. Americans were over there, so it's a phenomenon because no other nation on earth produces anything near the quality of entertainment. We use to produce used to pay So when something happens like haven't the oscars last night people world see it, and this reflects on our culture because people's pinions of americans, particularly if they don't know americans and they don't speak. English very well- comes from what they see. So therefore, this is important.
The academy awards is is not any longer. A relevant programme doesn't mean. In think now the ratings I saw a little bit up from the record lows of last year. I think about fourteen million people in the snap poll or that they took of ratings watched, and it's only because there was nothing else to watch. I mean it was kind of cruising grazing in NY. I'll watch and there's no reason for me to watch. I didn't see any of the movies, I'm not really interested in political correctness, and I am certainly not interested in sitting in my house. Listening to, let's be kind, midi, ochre intellects, aright. Talk about politics. I mean why do I want to do that? I can go down to an eighth grade class.
anywhere in this country and get more. I employed logical input on politics than I could watching the academy awards. I'm generalizing! Now these people don't know anything they live in a bubble. A hollywood bubble on my radio line today was that the entertainment industry wants to pass on the values of sunset boulevard, which is pretty much true. I mean it's. They live in such a surreal world. Now I know about this world because I executive produced four films: alright, killing lincoln and Tom hanks narrated that alright killing kennedy of grey film nominated for an emmy rob lowe play jfk, killing Jesus the best of the bunch. I
We shouted in morocco, and that is a most watched for wholly week. Even if you're, not a christian, it's an excellent film, historical basis of Jesus and finally killing rig it all right. So I know the world and a lot of friends at work in the entertainment industry and they all say the same thing on the verge of collapse. Ok, because of this political, correct, woke madness, and that's knowledge of people don't have to go to the movies theatres and have some guy kick you seed or you know, belch in the middle of the film. You don't have to do that because
Ninety percent of the movies are streaming within five weeks and you can watch it on your television at home. That's destroyed the movie industry and the only reason that movie industry continues is because in pakistan and china they don't have that, so they have to go the theatres s where they make their money. I. Why am I telling you all this? I have to set up the key part of this broad because no one has done it does years here in it for me and I'll tell you exactly why this happen? Okay, alright, so I didn't watch it. I wouldn't watch it. I depend on you to send me emails about it and other people saying you miss this. You miss that. Ok, now last night. There were three women hosts. Ok, one gay one straight. I guess two straight. I guess, but I'm not sure I didn't enquire, but this in this was
kerry with the walks. Alright, no white man anywhere near the production of you know that you see alright, so and- and I don't have a beef with that- I'm not going to criticize those women- I mean they make a living in the entertainment industry, more power to them. I have nothing against them. I mean, I think, wanders It was pretty amusing myself, but anyway thereof there, but they start off with the floor to think that governance santa sign into law today they don't say gale. what what the law should be headed is don't indoctrinate my five year old, especially with subjects here. She could never understand that's what the law should be entitled. These people who care about the law a lotta care about your five year, older you're, not you're. All I don't care about the parental rise. They couldn't care less chain, haven't you you won't even exist, are to Florida
they re laws, absolutely makes sense and of europe thanks so then you know let me know and I'll bring out into baby asset so anyway that beyond the three of us, open up a new reason, I know this is because the clips are honest and now I wrote a message of the day and bill o'reilly dot com about that. So, as you know, always this stuff is common enemy and I know what's happening, but I still wouldn't watch it. I was what what was I watching the knick game, some athletic thing, ranger game? I was watch. Ok, so then, Chris rock, you know him fifty seven year old, south carolinians. He's a funny guy, I think rock. I never really met them or wave to them a couple of times at madison square garden, but I don't know so he has
the oscars. Did you remember this couple of times two o five and toothpick city? Two, sixteen rock was there a rock, basically an insult guy, but he's smiling all the time and he's throws little jabs out, which is fine right, you're, making ten million dollars a year or you can throw jabs at and not rock, but the people used. Yet, though, he gets He is best documentary award paper, no of rocks careers going down, but best document reworked, ok,. so he gets up there and he's not going to just give the best documentary award he's going to draw attention to him chris rock, so his stand up fees go up and he might get a movie role alright, so you sort of make fun of but any reference is a ninety. Ninety seven movie starring Me more clergy, I jane she can see. Miss wharton have any hair. That's twenty! Five years ago,
back to g james, nobody remembers anyway, it was a bad movie, so he looks at Wilson s, wife, who has our so she's ball and here's how it went down Ah, the about them and his wife both nominated now? if she loses Well, what love you Jim. To carry weight? To say that I was a nice one object or are you saw wilson is actually smile at the job.
Was it a funny job that really it was just one position throughout, but jaded pinket smith dinner, like ok,. So thirty seconds later this happened, scum Oh really wants to smack shouted at midnight. Wow. Do it was a g. I jane I'm going to ok,. Oh ok,. That was
this night in the history of television. So when I hear to give a documentary out to give in to ask her out the most awkward moment in academy award, history use and the greatest night should never happened, but it did. ok, so does it matter to anybody now it actually helps MR smith and MR brok that actually helps their career. Because now everybody in the world is talking about that now will smith is a brilliant actor. I met him one time we had a nice conversation, but he streamlines extremely good act, but he and his wife are putting their personal life all over the place, which is a mistake, and chris rock picked up on that, and I don't think Chris lock and
I wasn't like each other anyway from what I understand, but this one out all over the world. Ok and people are gone. What the deuce is wrong in america, ok- and I dont
know the answer to that. What we're exporting now is rap music, which is the worst of the worst. That's our music industry. Now that's what we're putting out there are movies are awful. I mean a doll, and now there's awoke james bond. I mean yeah and the television industry is collapsing. You know that greg gut felled as a highest rated late night host. Now I mean you're you're talking about network people who can attract two million viewers on a b c and NBC and kobe, the eighth just barely above two million. The only reason he's above it is because the audience is hoping he'll take a shot at donald trump, which is the only thing he's got. He didn't have anything else, so gut felt Osan a cable network,
draw a nap? That's collapse that whole late night industry morning news good morning. America today show CB that's on the verge of collapse, because those people hosting those programs are so frightened to say anything on woke and then the network news speaks for itself. Do you watch it? I don't watch it. I'm in the business and cable news is unwatchable. How how repetitious is that it's the same thing over and over and over and oh the only people doing well on cable news. Are the people in the conspiracies all the twilight zone is back and now it's disguised as news. Whole thing is you go and sat I'd be interested to hear what your comments are bill bill o reilly, dotcom dollar bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to ukraine,
This is, according to you, human rights commission by twelve hundred civilians killed ukrainians hundred children in that grew hundred children are dead because of lattimer prudent cigarette, that about ten million refugees. We reported last week in numbers, not a four million, have left the country. Six million wandering around in ukraine- this is for the EU and high commissioner for refugees. Rushing casualties are estimated between seven thousand in fifteen thousand russian troops nobody knows the russian government reports, one thousand three hundred fifty one troops killed. That's a lot factor in it, but it far more than that of his tell you the truth, the only free press or in russia. Named novaya gazeta, ok has been shut down to prudence is no reporting it. We don't want anything other than
The government's gonna tell, and there are negotiations that will be between in the russians and ukrainians in turkey. I assume Istanbul might be ankara on tuesday and wednesday. I don't think it'll lead to anything on now. Putin said he invaded ukraine because he doesn't want nato on his eastern border, NATO's, doubling its presence on the eastern border. Because of the- and I said this last week- invasions of putin- you know next time you hear wooten smart, maybe not and Joe Biden, so he back in DC after a three day trip to brussels and pole, but in poland he I mean alright, just roll the tape on Biden in Poland. ukraine will never be a victory for our russia. For free people, review
the live in a world of hopelessness and darkness, we will have a different future, a brighter future rooted democracy, imprisoning hope and light. Of decency, dignity, freedom, possibilities for god's sake. This man cannot remain power, Zog about bad lad now- Everyone in europe- and I think, probably in ukraine around the world, want to cease fire. Ok, they want food to salve, shooting. Now binds why it s aunt power alone. We just wanted to stop we'll take care putin after that, So, within an hour secretaries, a blank angle, No, no, no, no wait. I call regime change. I think the press. We just did that now. He's right, potent can't stay, but you gotta do it incrementally lighter
now this is no. So now we got another controversy all about that. Then NBC comes out with a pole. Now the buyer administration, thought I was gonna, get a bump from ukraine. They thought that america would rally around the executive, the commander in chief, because of the invasion, as it have recording NBC their says. You approve disprove the job. Joe Biden he's doing approve forty disapprove, fifty five, the lowest ever number four NBC in other poles Rasmussen and some others got binding amid thirty's, kay so NBC on law and they don't the do over NBC, because NBC is the most liberal network, more level on cnn or abc, or Is there really an attack from Democrats? They don't have to do their own. People are saying: oh there's, really a disaster And while we are on the subject of poles, you may know that mark pen is it
fragrant gas on those venues, he runs a pole. Harvard harris and they have new things out- that are interesting. Nineteen, under normal two thousand registered voters and it's easy affair paul. So I want to bring in MR pen now he joined from my army worries on spring break. It's usually oughta on the beach with the speedo would date with the you know. But now he you know came in and talked to us and we really appreciate it mark. Thank you. first of all job approval NBC had a forty percent approval for jobs. Whoever did thirty nine, it's the same, As I said, the white house thought they were gonna get a bump from how is handling ukraine, but he has not. Why we're all because one issue as inflation. Inflation is is raging and consumers are unhappy with inflation. and our and people think
The present in the united states probably should have stopped Putin engaging in this in the first place, so as very hard for, president Biden to to get a win or a bump out of this, because he kind of owns it and in fact I think it's all downside for him not much upside, because it When he's gonna look even worse, I suppose it might get a bump if he is able to be part of negotiating a resolution. Guy they'll, know, say is that a world war? Three that said the Democrats will say: you'd have to do that. Is there a trump factor in here, though, because you know obviously putin. He must behave in a little bit with the hacking and all app, but do anything merely this insane under trop do americans? Are they calibrating, binds putin situation with trump in the rear view? Well, most voters do think that
the under president, trump Putin, was restrained from doing something like this and that that that if if trump or president, he wouldn't have done it, I think that underscores the notion that that I think Biden gets a lot of blame here. But again I wouldn't I wouldn't the administration underestimate the fact that the voters are really upset about the economy number one and number two? This is you know the increasing global mass is not something that he's gonna get any credit for at the moment If anything, the workers are kind of upset that he's moving careers scene. again beginning more aggressive. They don't know, what's going to happen with china, you know this may be doing to deal with their ran instead of now button our allies, so so you know, I think they have any confidence about his foreign policy. I don't, I don't think many people have confidence in Joe Biden, next question is right on that? Do you think countries right tracker wrong track right tracks,
before I don't really know who those people are, but they probably live in california, even though they're paying seven bucks a gallon out there wrong track. Fifty eight- and I think a lot of it has to do with americans. at being engaged most of them with the media sue you and me, we know what the media is doing. We follow everything and people watch a no spin news course. They do but the majority of americans they don't they don't watch network news or cable news and not really consuming news, but all of a sudden they're paying twice as much for gallon of gas they're going to get angry they're behind the curve. What they're going to take on the leader I think that's what's goin on yeah. No, I think people are happy with the country. There are happy with the economy. If you look at the the president's ratings, even given that the virus is receding he's not
we're getting any credit for that, in fact, is under water there he's underwater and the inflation is underwater with the immigration crime foreign affairs. I mean the truth is, as you said, there's a lack of confidence, and the president, at the moment on virtually any issue and every major work right with you, are all areas he's on the water. Here's something very interesting if the mid term can grow What should we held today? Who'd you vote for democratic forty, seven republican, fifty three that's closer than I would think it would be. Can you analyze out force? Well, that's actually pay big split for the Republicans, because the something funny about that question, even when it comes out three or four points democratic, usually the boat, is even around We figure out why? So when you see that kind of swine fever, republicans that It is an enormous better than when also happens is that the coast tend not to change all that much
and all the swing areas have even even more exaggerated change, which is why in a right now of the administration doesn't Doesn't really change course here, you know this is a wave of action against the Democrats, but it can't change course, because inflation zaka come down that quickly. I mean gas prices in my town did drop about three of full of sense and that's gonna be on a worldwide market you're going to see, but we're still gotta be pay more for everything, and then you can't six months now that doubt now. Your next question is is a provocative one. Is Joe Biden mentally fit to service president mentally fit? Forty five percent have doubts about its fitness. Fifty five percent. I've never seen that number enterprise in my lifetime. Well, I think that's right. I think I think the number one who intervenes to track all the time is cheap stronger as you get another one
albania is easy, mentally fit and competent, and so we tracked down every power and these numbers are not good, and I don't think this correction of the gaff really help some fire the weapon. Staff. I would not have done what they're doing spending two days, correcting what the president said. Oh, I know because it makes him look like he's not in charge but they had to do it because NATO was in such an uproar. They want the shooting to stop and that's you know by saying we're going to get you putin, that's not going to stop the shootings. So that's what that was all about this. This question, maybe you can explain. I know you can explain it to me. I, the most favorable political figures in the world. Tromp is number one in your paw pence number two and Bernie Sanders number three Bernie sanders well, you're people always liked him. Person I agree with that, positions on things, but they did.
domini always prevent you know president, this kind of avuncular cairo, kind of kind of persona actually Biden used to have a very likeable first of all that gone and and you know, since trump is now on twitter and facebook seems to help, is like ability but nobody's above fifty percent the meat. Even here Forty eight and so no one's getting about fifty percent in terms of leadership scores and, alas, and is least favourable people, kristen cinema, senator from arizona number one chris, cuomo and putin on now. We know Putin, but chris of cinnamon Chris com laws. Rise. Well, you can't look at the least favourable, just look at the unfavourable, because without the favourable number, because with listen! Cinema! Alot of people don't know her, so so hers It was because of that you really,
the ratio and when you look at the ratio, I really see how you know Pelosi how do you know how negative she really is an air sea and chris chrome, or for that matter, and of course listen, I'm glad I didn't make our lives mark. Thank you for giving me off it and are we here, you time again marked panties, ceo of stag, will think again ok. So, let's go to california largest any union bad. Fifty million people live there. All democrats very liberal state, most liberal state in united states. History, never been a more liberal state in California. so job approval of governor newsome approve fifty percent disapprove forty. Five wow. What are they four to one democratic, registered over republicans out their same question in january,
in just two months ago. Newsome at fifty seven percent now he's got fifty approval because of the gas seven bucks in california because they mismanaged everything out there. This vantage energy, MR taxes. Oh so now, California, what resources will be people will gotta look out for us know: okay and they'll, even though californians california's, just such a beautiful state and the weather is great, are we going alright? so get this, and los Angeles county lost more people. Than any other county in the nation, about two hundred and sixty thousand residents have moved out of nassau county,
Last year, on case can be worse this year in san francisco. Fifty four or residents have taken off santa clara county, the adjacent county. Forty five two hundred k atta there. I'd l, a. Is there moving out an air like crazy? Let me get the staff for l a I know I gave you the l, a county, I don't have the city stat, none of the city stat for them, but I never see bodies in l, a and san francisco to to metro centers san diego is a bigger city, but san diego is one of the social problems at l, a and san francisco Or border now this is the coming big time for migrants to stream across, but so far five months in the fiscal year photo governs fiscal year. One here this stat in full
Months: eight hundred thirty, eight thousand six hundred eighty five people have encountered border patrol authorities the last year, drop the whole year. Four hundred fifty eight thousand so its double in five months. What it was transferred Chair because Biden has an open border policy. Does he know does he care oh no, ok, one of my favorites He's so, as some of you know, I attended and I got a masters degree in public administration from the kennedy school of government at harvard. I think it was a terrible mistake. They made admitting me and I think they would probably say that any I keep up with what happens in cambridge, so there's a guy out there. The law. Is serving share of harvard apartment of astronomy.
named ivy lob ivy lie back big intellectual guy astronomy department. Ivy says ready. Come back to me. Please As in two thousand seventeen there was a space rock, a giant space rock alright, that was in our stellar interstellar something universe, whatever they say for eleven dates. ok, this is avi avi law harvard. And were allianz on, on the space rock now
lobbying, Abi didn't say they landed, but they hovered. Now, how do we know not quite sure how rv knows, but he knows he put it out there now. If it's true I want the first interview with whoever was on the space rock and I will give them probably the whole show the whole no sven news if they speak english and if they Don'T- I'll get an interpreter or I'll, get rv rv and come on and tell me what they're saying and I'll make it fun. Rv. and I dont believe that there are aliens here I dont think David visited here just my opinion, not talk to some, people who say hey. I saw a very strange thing and I did this and I dont out those people.
But if there were alien beings either we know about it. Now. How do I know that? Because I wrote a book called killing the killers and in that book. unbelievable technology, that we have this. Technology. We pick up any aliens come and that now, maybe that's what obvious, though it may be obvious access to it. I don't know, but I thought you'd like to know now. One of the things that I feel terrible about is that the bite administration is hurting all of us in the wallet k and people. Generally speaking in america, a lotta reserved solely from time to time we're gonna try to save you some money by giving you a little advice, So one of the big expenses that we all have, in addition to gasoline in cars, car insurance. Alright, so I got to pay a number of cars for the urchins and all of that- and I'm writing a check,
In all of that know, it's a lot and I bet you have to have carbon sure here unless you're no legal loudly and then you don't have to. But here are some tips. I will get it down. You see all these commercials on tv so that there are a lot of companies doing car insurance. So you gotta submit your resume and they'll give you a quote. You compare, but but here's the key that we found out. If you don't drive a lot, if you're, just puttering, neighborhood and you're not going cross country and you're, not a commercial vehicle, get pay per mile insurance. Most people know about this. You can negotiate a rate with your insurance company. You stay under a certain amount of miles goes way down. I didn't know about it all right, and this is really good
pay per mile insurance and most of those companies have it. So if you're not tooling around, you gotta stay below a certain mile, but they have a sliding scale. You can save a bundle and you put that the gas, and so you don't get her debit. Alright, you can thank me later This day in history, I love this so remember solving chose enormous when I was growing up ed solid at solving was a new york city journalists. He had no talent at all on television aright. He wrote a gas com for the new york daily news. Somehow CBS pick them up rule on a variety show and all the comedians did imitations of them because he gagged. barely say anything on television. Ok! oh the show runs twenty four years on Sunday night in my house it was on amazon,
Ok! So, if you don't know Ed Sullivan you're, any younger people out there, I'm gonna give you a little taste he's talking to a puppet. A mouse named topple gi, Joe got you I, like you, a little bit Am I not right now? I d ya. I have a surprise to you. What is there yet one minute you did. Ringle, peacemaker Goodnight twenty four years, two biggest
things ever to happen on the ed Sullivan, show number one. Nineteen, fifty six elvis. you in the the biggest thing ever to have an Elvis nineteen sixty four, the beatles All right The biggest thing that ever happened to them because they exploded in america and fifty one years.
The girl march, twenty fourth, nineteen, ninety, nine, ok, the final episode of the edge of the issue. and it was gone, we break back with male and a final thought that will make you laugh. We all need a laugh. I got one foyer right back. Ok, let's go to the male raymond johnson thanks bill for the investment on Putin's war in ukraine. I don't believe I have so many of my questions that were answered at one time. You certainly have your finger on the pulse. That's what we're here, for we are a boot, take new service and independent new service that will deliver on four may. into you, with clarity and honesty that you will get nowhere else. That's what we do on bill. O'reilly, dot com on the first t v and w a b c radio and on and on
Margo, freer medford or again is there any chance of seizures of money. Arts and homes by the oligarchy in russia will be used to rebuild ukraine. I hope so. I hope so it's a huge bureaucracy, but that's where the money should go. Linda, altruism, albuquerque to mexico are so many respectable republican supporting putin. Not many I gave you the list, but not many the ones that are getting a lot of ink
sand of our full, sheer texas, ukraine, as an air force. Why do you think they don't take? The fight into russian nominate said is one more time because have said it before the ukraine. Airforce cannot stand up to the russian air force in equipment or pilots, a cover d falklands war. Ok, I was down in argentina. Remember that the british were fighting the origin times. Every pilot. Every single pilot in argentina was killed by the british and that's zactly what would happen if the ukrainians launched an air war against russia? Nancy shaw grants, press organ with by design Door policy freely and dangerous criminals and drugs. How can that be considered treason? Because treason is a legal turn? Now you could impeach president Biden because he doesn't enforced more immigration law, that's possible, not
And anatomists did not give a town and come on naming town. You want to opine you're there. The news that I was brilliant designated cartels esoteric group is the only solution. Yeah. That's it. That's the only solution to the problem: Alan concierge member. Thank you I'll check that prague, If you would all last leaving you mention the Democrats may go to michelle obama for president. Is why pinion mine, only that if the gems want to get their party back to the centre, the only person that could do this is Joe mansion mentioned will never ever get the nomination, because the far left despise them. It's not going to have Ok, I'm gonna be in chicago land on thursday, this coming thursday genesee theatre walking in ireland, Come on over, we can have a great time. Continuum really funny stories You never heard before. Take a master for the work he again genesee theatre.
and then my third is killing the killers popping out and you can pre it and get a free bumper sticker from us, you're gonna love this book I hope may It comes out. Where did the day? Do not be a logan new? EL, oh, oh gee, I am create work, we'll be right back with final thought, which will make you laugh. Ok time now, for the final for Saturday night I went to see sebastian man a scout, though you know I am the comedian or were you bs in queens nassau line, so the place out, nineteen thousand greedy is never seen anything like it s all our mountains, where garden tonight before guys on fire and he
his his direct call. Relative everybody's live in their life to face book The owes you're gonna see it soon. Wedding season is just around the corner. You're gonna see wedding videos from the wedding of this choreographed dance that the groom and the groomsmen eddie. If you seeing this the groom is dancing with the brain and then all of a sudden the lights go up, and then It's yeah nine of the groomsmen, come out and do what twelve men. Hoary routine?
five years ago I couldn't get my groomsmen to go, get their tuxedos the let alone come to my house and were hers. The guy just brilliant is performance. Artist and we all need laughs boy. Do we need laughs? Ok, So you can check them out on youtube and see what he does and I've seen him three times now and I know a little bit he's a good guy, a chicago guy lot of italian humor, which I like and you see that crowd respond. I am on Saturday night, the nineteen thousand of them. It was really uplifting because again,
You live in a very, very intense time, and that was part of the smith thing he's so tightly wound will smith they're all out there in hollywood so tightly wound because their whole industry has fallen apart? It's fallen apart right before their eyes are like this. The jobs are fewer hours are few or I may well psmith he's just like and they all are there's nobody at all. So if, if will had seen madison, go instead of Chris rock. That probably would have it so
was a very enjoyable ride, meant a scalpel did about an hour twenty. It wasn't a dead moment. I was just one after the other, after the other, so I'm happy to give them some publicity and I'm happy. He made me laugh and if you check them out, you'll be happy to thanks for watching us tonight. We will see you tomorrow,
Transcript generated on 2023-01-13.