« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, September 8, 2022


A federal judge orders the White House to surrender its emails with Facebook... A historic heatwave bakes California... Stacey Abrams flounders in Georgia... Tourists rank the top vacation destinations this fall.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, the anti-Trump resistance.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Why were you thursday september eighteen thousand? Twenty two? you are listening to the orally update nears whatever cross our nation. Oh george orders: a white house surrender its email correspondence with facebook historic. he waved bacon in california stacy abrams flounders in georgia. Tourists rank the time vacation destinations. This fall also ahead that Resistance will explain it, but first a district judge ordering senior by an officials to surrender emails with social media companies was it in Louisiana claims executive branch colluded with platforms like facebook. censor information about covert and the two thousand twenty election, the rulings It's all messages between press accurately.
karen jean pierre doktor, anthony fouche iii and facebook executives. Must be handed over within twenty one days could be a very big story. California is energy grid on the brink of failure as a historic heat. wave enveloped the golden state. Temperatures reach paypal digits in los angeles and san francisco, sack manto at Andrews and sixty integration. For the first time in history, governor newsome asking all residents can serve power by keeping the thermostat above. Seventy eight degrees- that's hot inside he's, also asking folks stop charging electric vehicles, Cooler, whether expected to arrive by the weekend in camera. Fournier georgia material, candidate, stacy abrams, struggling to connect with voters in the peach state. The Democrats now trials republican common brian camp. By up to ten points,
the raises a rematch from two thousand eighteen when abrams lost a camp by less than two percent well now. Miss abrams has raised a whopping twenty two million dollars, but Most of that is coming from people outside georgia Equally in new york in california, which apparently the vote please do not lie very from u s news and will report ranks the best vacation destinations this coming autumn, the places, judge by beauty price and whether top five donna arizona, katy and national park in maine tennessee smoky mountains, yellowstone national park, number one ash north carolina town, both forty five different breweries white water, rafting inexpensive? lodging and an average fall temperature of fifty five degrees.
a moment. Why do so? Many americans despise donald trump right back mary redeemed. Fifty thousand dollar cash prize fighting child. Look a scene of the higher the only playing for fun. So winning both was a dream, come true and jump. A casino is america's. Never one social casino experience. It serious fought with over eighty casinos tell games to choose for you. Two could win like changing amounts of capping, lightner law gonna tell the casino dotcom, give them a whirl. That's chump, a casino dotcom, no purchased necessary vote will bring him into by law. Eating plus terms conditions apply, see website were to take the voice in the preceding commercial, was not the actual voice of a winter time Have we really update message of the day trump resistance, continues. As you know, and may even influence the upcoming mid term elections in november, a sluggish in poland. According to real, clear donald we favour ability. Right now is forty percent and fifty
Five percent of americans see him in an on favourable light. in a possible headed match up for president in two thousand, before the trafalgar pass. Donald trump. At forty eight percent Joe Biden at forty three percent bud you got of has Biden at forty four trumpet forty three. the real clear average from forty three biden, forty two, so even though down troms unfavourable rating is fifty five percent in a head to head matchup with Biden, he's ahead right now, According to a pbs pole, six, one percent of americans do not want donald trump to run again in two thousand twenty four, and that includes sixty seven percent of independence. approval rating from gallop after twenty
on the job is instructive, donald trump. Forty five percent approval, fifty percent disapproval that's after twenty months when he was president with Joe Biden, its forty two percent approval. Fifty four percent disapprove so Tromp had a better first twenty months. According to the folks, though there no question of the democratic party believes Don, shop is a negative for the republican party so present a binding and the media continue to put tromp in the spotlight knowing that millions of independent voters do not like him and that may reflect. in the vote in november, if independence vote democrat and that party will not lose their house and Senate. However,
countries in terrible shape and if, compare what donald trump did policy was to what the Democrats, and by doing there is no comparison and of your. Honest person, you know that even if you hey trot Our question is Why do so? Many americans despise, MR trop. It is first personality He is obsessed about the two thousand twenty election. He won't go. He is I am buoyant, is driven he spake his mind he you raised some times and He is unlike any politician. We, I have ever seen in the usa at that level. So
He has alienated people, look like a more sunday, personal, more conventional person in position of power To me, I don't mind trumps personality, I've known a man for more than thirty years. I think did a good job running this country in most areas- and I saying Joe Biden is doing a bad job, but. I'm just one american one vote. I'm no o Reilly approve the message by writing it. If you'd, like more honest news analysis, please visit bill, o reilly, dot com and I hope, check out my noble killing the killers killing the legends, a new book out september, twenty seventh in a moment, something you might not know lucky land casino, asking people watch the weirdest place you ve, gotten lucky lacking in line at the delhi against my dentists office, more than one
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he's, forty nine is defeated. The new york giants the broadcast is hell the verse, thursday after labour day and features a concert and other performances on average, seventeen million americans watch the national football league each week. Of course, These viewers translate into major dollars for a few players that money turns into the most lucrative sports contracts in the world. By For most football players, their careers and quickly in physical pain, and financial bankruptcy. In recent years the nfl has come to mean not for long. the average career is less than three years most common injuries impact yes and the brain with one in two hundred concussions reported every season. Seventy eight
santa players go broke within thirty six months of retirement, fifteen percent, five, for bankruptcy within twelve year, kicker Ten, a cigarette along us, according to the players association hunters, have an average career five years, one of them any better. fits of having rules that prevent other players from actually hitting you. You can hit the kicker and here's something else. You might not know that ass is growing market for the national football league is actually outside the usa american foot. all is gaining popularity abroad, especially in england, three games walter. Place in london. This october. The league hall I to have a permanent team in the british capital. By the year two thousand and twenty five places mexico city and even asia.
We also see an f l games. That's what seems to be sweeping the planet back after this mary, redeemed fifty thousand dollar cash prize fighting child. Look a scene of the higher the only playing for fun. So many miles was a dream. Come true and jump. A casino is america's. Never one social casino experience. It serious fought with over eighty casinos tell games to choose for you, two could win life, changing amounts of capping, lightner law, gonna jump, a casino dont come and give them a whirl. That's chebec, casino, dotcom, no purchased, necessarily vote will bring him into by law. Eating plus terms and conditions apply, see website for detailed. The valise in the preceding commercial was not the actual voice of a winner
Thank you for listening to the o'reilly update. I am bill, O'Reilly, no spin, just facts and always looking out for you. The
Transcript generated on 2023-01-11.