« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, September 6, 2023


A murderer escapes from prison, the Texas AG goes on trial, Jill Biden tests positive for COVID-19, and a surgery goes horribly wrong.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, many Americans are staying intentionally uninformed.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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sturdy general trial jill as covered and a woman has abdominal pain terrible reason it's all coming up. The bill will be here with your message: the neighbour first dan low cavalry one. He was in power in four. First degree: murder killing his former girlfriend. twenty one sentence: the without parole, while he escaped from just or county prison outside Philadelphia. He was spotted, on a security camera. This thursday. He escaped you spotted scary came outside the established search perimeter, theirs five sightings by potential savings of him. Since thursday morning police day reverse nine, when one called everyone within a three mile radius of the most recent spot and keep your d wars and cars locked warning that he was extremely dangerous to school, closed yesterday, because learn as well. The attorneys of texas can paxton, has been impeached and the trial officially began yesterday. The attack
This sentence had the option to stop the trial. well republicans joined all twelve Democrats voted to forty six to continue the trial. The Senate he is composed of twelve democrats: nineteen republicans, twenty one senators need devote to convict him. One of those republicans his wife, Joe Biden has covered again. Just a teacher at northern virginia community college and our class and be covered by a substance teacher the president, has tested negative, but he will be wearing a mask while indoors and around. people quote in alignment with cdc guidance. Bringing back you ready for this will be Goldberg. Also, has covered see. That's why you're not safe until you ve taken your seventh booster one you get your seventh poster, then you're, then you're in the clear woman in new zealand, went to the emergency room, complaining
abdominal pain configured out. They finally performed a scan found surgical tool the size of a dinner plate inside of her house I get there While she had a c section, actors left it inside of her ten months ago and at the time of the seas action there was in the surgery, surgeon, a senior registrar, an instrument. Nurse three Anna stevie allergist and a theatre midwife, no one saw that it was left. Insider health commissioner, recommended that the woman be provided a written apology by hospital staff. The great bill o with your message today. Next this episode, sponsored by ethics, is american horror story again starring a female led, ensemble cast, which marks the highly anticipated return. A fan, favorite Emma Robert said the franchise delicate also will be introducing some fresh blood
frank handcart action and a role that was specifically written with her in mind, along with car adela being who will both be joining the hs family for the first time affects the american horn. story. Delicate part, one premiers September twentieth on ethics stream on hulu. Time now for the arrival update message of the day on this wins a few days ago, I filed my weekly column on bill o'reilly dotcom, which lament Do that many americans believe what they want to believe and fax or lack thereof, be damned our she is rapidly descending into a state where I began to end insane. Conspiracy theories are all over the place. This is not good as it obliterates honest evaluations of powerful people and important situations, but Something else going on in the public arena- that's even worse folks, who don't want to believe anything boy.
George sang about that in the nineteen seventies. I'm a man without conviction, I'm a man who doesn't know george might have added I'm a man or woman who doesn't want to know and in your life you know some of these people. They, day intentionally uninformed inebriated apathetic, They live in the usa, but don't care where about it based on the lack of news, consumption and greeting in america on the decline, This is a rapidly growing faction, actually among younger citizens, and if that and continues our society will be drastically altered for the worse I'm no o reilly. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me bill
bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine, get to the male. We are wrong. Parian drums pennsylvania. reilly. Why hasn't obama been held responsible for binds misdeeds, as vice president? Well because there's no evidence press. Nobody knew what Joe Biden was doing now would be. The big reason could be could come out possible But Joe Biden had zero role to the very end. When Biden basically said, look, I'm going to run you gotta help me and then Barack Obama gave him a little more high profile and their their offices were far apart. They didn't have much rapport. The famous quote is from Barack Obama, never under estimate Joe's ability to blame.
Up, so there's no evidence tying Barack obama into Joe Biden. If that evidence appears, I will certainly we Would it, though, Elmer huge new jersey with hunter Biden pay? in Joe Biden's bills for the last eleven years. Would that be considered a gift if soul would buy need to claim it on his income taxes, number one. We don't know how committed We are trying that we don't know yet the extent of hunter and Jim Biden's generosity to Joba, though you say he did it, but we don't know yet. I believe, that's true, I believe hunter and Jim paid Joe Biden's bills and a lot of circumstances. If that happen, you have a twelve thousand dollar exemption.
on your income tax. Anything over that has to be reported or it's a crime. So that's where we are now okay, interesting side, note, the house committee's oversight and judiciary are the ones investigating where's the f b. I they should be the lead investigative agency here. This is an allegation that a vice president accepted bribes where's the f b. I that's how corrupt the fbi and the justice department in a moment, something you might not know continued his fruit. As am I enjoy the big vibrant sounds of real fruit, dr various forehead,
circling rosy, ah made with real fruit for a taste is bold as you. Well just less fruit stuff. Now the the up day brings you something you might not know for hundred three years ago this week, a ship carrying a hundred and two passengers set sail from the southern coast of england. The destination a vast unexplored section of the north american wilderness here is the story of the mayflower In the early seventeenth century, the british crown became persecuting people who oppose the church of england. So a small group of purity,
news decided to pursue religious freedom in the new world, the mayflower departed great britain in september. Sixteen twenty. After sixty six days at sea, the ship missed its original destination of virginia arrive. off the coast of massachusetts. The sailors, namely outposts plymouth after the english poured from which they departed. life in the new world was brutal within twelve months, have colonists we're dead from disease. Or starvation out of desperation, the english forge alliances with local indians, a tribal leader named squanto the settlers how to survive the winter as an expression of gratitude. The colonists invite squad to end his village to a three day, feast, the first thanksgiving in April, sixteen twenty one form of
after arriving in the new world mayflower captain Christopher Joe, and is arriving crew left the new we're all then returned to europe. The aging boat was scrap timber. One year later, the will then used to erect a small born in central england that still stands today. and hear something else you might not know. It until centuries later that the passengers or the mayflower would be known as pilgrim. The puritans first went by the name, the english separatist church. There are also call the old commerce and later for fathers, the word pilgrim became popular in the early nineteenth century when the citizens of plymouth formed a new group to honour the legacy of the first settlers for a vote: Very vivid look at the
regional puritans, please check out my upcoming book killing the witches out september. Twenty sixth back after this. If you have sleep at near and struggle with super consider that soup perhaps were invented in nineteen. Eighty do even remember nineteen. Eighty everyone's house had one telephone. There were like ford you ve channels now for people who struggle with sea path. There's inspire inspire tree. Sleep at me inside your body, at the click of a remote, no mask no house just sleep. Or more visit. Inspire sleep. Tat come inspires for everyone talked you. Your to deceive is right for you and review important safety information and inspire asleep tat. Come thank you Listening to the arriv update, I am below riley no spin, just facts and always looking out for you
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-08.