« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, September 28, 2023


GOP debate fallout, government shutdown, an American soldier returns home, and a NASA astronaut returns to earth.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, why the media is failing.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Imagine having access to incite said were once reserved only for the president of the united states introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker. Every day c I a veteran mike bakeries, your personal intelligence officer door, key to understanding global events like never before. Without world changing rapidly, you shouldn't be left in the dark, get briefed stay ahead, new episodes every morning, too to the president's daily brief, with MIKE baker. No o! Here you are listening to the really update coming up the new swift mike's later thank you. Bill is thursday september. Twenty eight twenty twenty three horizontal today in america, debate fall up, gum it shut down american. back in america, an astronaut back on earth I'll come up their bilby here with your message the day, but first there is debate last night, the second republican debate, I don't want to opinion here
The news section, but I dont think me people thought it was very productive. Chris Christie said that because Donald trump is docking out of the debates. We should call it donald duck descent, spoke the most twelve minutes. Seven seconds vague, eleven minutes Fifty two second border security was the longest talked about topic, and when it came, who is attacked, the most vague was attacked the most follow by dissenters. Trot me why was speaking to you, not an auto workers in michigan and told them, among other things, that it was binding, push to electric vehicles which require forty percent, less labour. That's hurting the union members! More than anything. He said he selling you out to china is selling you out the environmental extremists and the radical laughed cabin guard the speaker. The house rejected a stop gap, funding bill that advancing in the senate, which the federal government is closer to its fourth partial down in a decade but set plan would only fund the governmental november seventeenth.
Give them more time to do their job and cute scare tactics this is from bought and if we have a government shut down a lot of vital work and science and health could be impacted from cancer research to food safety. Do remember that american soldier who ran into north korea back I october of last year he punched someone in the face and a south korean club so he was in jail in south korea and then he was being transported back to america to face of discipline here when he escaped of tat over the dmz into north korea, thought he was going to be safe over. There that north korea was gonna, be like he's back in our custody, now make his way to san Antonio Di ever programme. The post isolation support activities program to help people acclimate. act to normal life. After being detained and official, ask about the punishment he's gotta receive and they would only say that their focused on his health right now. Quotas, look very much more to being reunited with his family.
He went over to north korea on purpose. That's not act like we, We rescued appeal w here. What do you think is a fair punishment for this guy? And speaking of coming home, nasa astronaut, frank rubio, he broke the record for the longest continuous space white by an american three hundred and seventy one days in space landed yesterday. In has extent he beat the record by an american by sixteen days orbiting the earth, five thousand nine hundred and sixty three times. unlike slander from the past politics by fate. The gray billow riley's. Here with your message of the day. Next, before sir, discovered, chambre casino, dot com. She enjoyed with the chamomile tea come on, nick jr and being in pjs by six. Let's go the new funds. Sarah, thinks about the old, boring sir, and wonders if that's ever really exist.
Jumbo casino has over a hundred casino style games, so joined today and paper free for europeans to redeem some serious prizes necessary which he was to have the commission device. You particularly else, now for the arrival update message of the day thursday. One of the topics Tucker Carlton and I address on the x interview this week- was it Future of networking cable news, ratings are down across the board, especially for americans under the age of fifty fuel. Them watch any more. The primary reason for that is predictability. Many broadcasts snap summer temple boring. Corporations who run the tv media are risk. Adverse in this cancel culture era, and materials and anchors know they had better play it safe or else also there's a certain laziness in speech
at times as the audience have to hear the phrase at the end. the day or deep die about full, stop Its tiresome men annoying to listen to it. ticklish cliche dependent broadcasters. So What is impact this now I refuse to use that phrase We agree to disagree. No, no! Maybe we It all just trust the science of man. I don't think so once upon a time there were strict standards in broadcasting. There were editors. Creative producers today that has largely disappear. It is why It is up. You may, if
ever say that phrase again I'm bill. O'reilly. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine alright is a marleen, marlene camp, utero, new branford connecticut, I do know how presented by the union's border can support auto workers while at the same time allowing millions of illegals into the country that drive down wages. They don't say that what progress is so we have more than enough jobs, and these migrants will take the jobs. Americans don't want you ve heard in a million times. They are not going to change that View jimbo salah plain view new york. If MRS Obama's, given the democratic nomination, would vice president harris maintain her position, what she's out so once binds out she's out if she decides
for president than she goes from the process. J do with michelle obama, Daniel head biggest she'll, California, having just read killing regulatory number of similarities between Nancy reagan and Joe Biden, you betcha, as Sarah Palin used to say you better lot of similarities. Although Joe Biden I mean ronald reagan, was a good president to the end, killing reagan. Okay, Joe Biden, at present that's the difference, my murray dollars or again, if a minute, as resigns would owe Cassio could turn we held chilled to run as replacement different states. Some initiatives will have to resign he's out and then governor phil murphy, democratically jersey will appoint someone takes place, but that person will have the leg up in in the vote. That will come after that, but of causing the tears congress. Woman from new york,
then do with new jersey bill far as woodbridge virginia good for you hitting back at cnn bill. Are you for taking the slavery quote Allah out of context? Instead of attacking you, they should listen to you. They might learn something you don't want to learn anything These corporate media people that don't want to learn anything. Are you kidding? They want to make money sure about anything else in a moment, something you might not know. before. Sarah discovered, Chambre, casino dot com she enjoyed community, come on Japan and being in PJ's by six what the new funds thinks about the old, boring, sir, and wonders if that's ever really exist Somebody casino has over a hundred casino style games, so joined today and paper free for europeans to redeem some serious prizes necessary which marketing, plus transaction divisive, but everything else.
now the are up day brings you something you might not know this day in the year five hundred fifty one b c one of humanity's greatest philosophers was born in eastern asia, his tea kings remain the foundation. chinese religious society to this day here is story of confucius. was born during a period of violence and political turmoil. His aristocrat family lost their fortune, forcing young confucius into a life of hard labor. while toiling on farms. He studied math, music, science and literature, He then joined the government and eventually took a position in china as minister of justice Confucius believe the key to human happiness was so she'll, harmony alike, western philosophy
a champion the individual. His system emphasised the importance of the collective group you sure, was mostly ignored during his life when he died for seventy nine b c. He left behind just two thousand adherents His teachings were later adopted by the han dynasty in the second century, and remain the bedrock of chinese society. It emphasised the focus on rituals, respect for the elderly, family, obligation, worship of ancestors and most of all self discipline and here's something else you might not know confucius was rejected by communists
Later MAO Zedong during his cultural revolution, the chairman officially declared confucius the enemy of the working class. Anyone caught with confucius books would be subjected to so called straw, goal sessions where a person was publicly humiliated and physically beaten until they recanted their views. The communists also detonated a bomb at the tomb of confucius beginning, however, and the way to thousands of communists in beijing changed and now they say confuses- is a hero. a revolutionary teacher, the state claimed his attitude towards collective happiness was the foundation of marxist ideology. Well, you make the call
but confucius as a profound influence over one point: five billion human beings back after this. Wrap jagged foundation, repair specializes in one thing, the science of foundation, repair you noticed cracks in your breaker she'd rock a chimney pulling. I bore have doors and windows that are miss aligned, contact. Jack for an outside evaluation. We aren't roofers part, I am contractors or plumbers, we're foundation, repair specialist trained to provide you with permanent, affordable solutions. Schedule your on site evaluation. Today at ram jack dot com, that's ram, jack, dot com! Thank you listening to the orally update. I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look out for you, Gee honey,
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-30.