« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, September 27, 2023


Joe Biden visits a UAW picket line, Target announces closures due to theft, Republicans hold their second debate, and the Biden’s dog bites another Secret Service agent.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, the rise of disorder in America.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Gee honey. Those new shoes look great on you and look. They show off my new toenails, two new toenails, what happened at the old ones as well? they're not really knew just clear and healthy. Looking remember home, first, I was, they were so discoloured really off looking well, they sure look clear now I wish, good. Where sandals again my toenails are disaster. Look this one looks whiten that one's thick and yellow here's my secret, not ex nail jail. It clears out yellowing carrington debris, the cause of nail discoloration sober, that's it. I've got ugly carrington debris build up under my nails and not eggs. Nail jail gets rid of it. You'll need to use a daily, but Clear nails are worth it. You bet when we go to the beach next my toenails are going to look just as good as yours. Do thanks to non ex nail jail, not ex nail jail for clear, healthy, looking nails now it Walmart walgreens, right, age, CBS and other fine pharmacies in the foot.
care section the low riley. Here you are listening to the arrival update coming up. Next, the new swift might later Thank you bill. It is Wednesday september twenty seventh twenty twond three years is happening today in america, Joe pickets target closes republicans debate and commander bites. It's all come up until a beer with your message the day job visited the picket line of autoworkers in michigan, first sitting, president to walk a picket line He said through megaphone. You deserve a significant raise. We saved them it's about time. They step up for us It's worth, noting that the? U s w, has not endorsed Joe Biden to be president this election Who do you think the union members prefer Joe trump target.
and ass. They are closing nine stores in four different states because of too much theft. Guess the city's glad digger stella there, the poster cities for progressive, harlem in new york city portland, yeah, oh goods. Last one was the ferocity san francisco. targets as they tried everything they could more security and death devices, locking everything up nothing worked targets as they ve five hundred million dollars due to theft five hundred men, which means your prices, went up. Five million dollars- that's just target. five million in ass, a retail federation, announced Businesses nationwide lost one hundred twelve billion dollars in theft. This Second republican debate is tonight that the rig library in california, seven
people made the stage, but only six are going to be there. Trump of courses screen dissenters, TIM, Scott, Machiavelli, vague rama, swami, Chris Christy MIKE pets. Nine pm eastern on fox news, looking at some of the poles in iowa trump is up. Thirty two point: forty nine percent trump, sixteen dissent as eight gaily, and you have your troubles up thirty one trump. Forty four healy. Thirteen, the santa's ten major. Why tribes of forty two on average trumpet fifty seven to santa's? Fourteen and eighty five in california, in california, the first year, California, on super tuesday. So there are player in the primary the latest paul ellie times fifty five percent trump dissenters, sixteen bought install commander bit another secret service agent, the pure german shepherd, does the eleventh time that it he's bit someone- and this is their second dog, the dog, major, had to go. Live on. farm in delaware because he,
Binding people to what's going on there, what does dog know? What are the dogs trying to tell me bill with Reilly. With the day next Judy was born, yellow then Judy does Chambre casino, dot com. It's my little escape now duties, the life of the party, oh baby, mama's, bringing home the bacon whoa. Take it easy judy that Shama life is for everybody, so go to chomp casino dot com and played over one hundred casino style games joined today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes, jungle, casino, dot, com, no purchase necessary for the prohibited by law. Eighty plus terms and conditions apply see website for details. now for the o'reilly update message of the day on own
today. We are now witnessing the rise of this order in america and its hurting every single one of us, unchecked immigration, is lead to chaos unpunished crimes to fear higher costs for everything is creating massive economic anxiety. The president is diminished. mentally and totally dis interested unless there is a racial component to be exploited, Most voters understand mr bide is doing a poor job, but they dont fully realise the potential of public. This water so I can unruly child the longer anti social behaviour is allowed, the more difficult it is to bring the kids back Without three hundred and fifty million people now living in the usa, collective discipline is impaired
If allowing laws to be ignored and standards of personal responsibility to evaporate will result in tremendous harm to americans. One word fentanyl. The solution is to vote out progressive democrats and their puppet Joe Biden. If this does not happen in two thousand and twenty war. The negative consequences will be staggering. My analysis is not party based, it is performance driven Help can be on the way, but only if the voters wise up I'm bill O'Reilly. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male roberta.
concierge, member now it's never been a better time to be a concierge premium, member to bill O'Riley dot. Dotcom than now desktop Roberto says, regardless of whose rohingya government we need something to solve problems at the source we need to work with countries with the migrants are coming from since they will not become migrants in the first place and we can sort that out by roberto you're, not going to be able to sort it out. Most of those countries of migrants come from are corrupt. They are run by dictators like noriega nicaragua. All right like what's his name in Venezuela like cast the the castro brothers and now attic, got somebody else in there and cuba that ain't gonna do anything come on. Gotta get the real world here we gotta protect ourselves, robert concierge members, so we got roberto. We got Robert big family beloved the approach to solving violent crime. Any innocent people would be spared if
become the past, makes too much sense to become law. So I wrote a calm sunday column bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, here's how you solve it. You want to solve the crimes with firearms. Here's how you do it very simple and roberts right that are going to do. It carol, concierge member three in a row, lives wheeler correctly, well, as a retired teacher remains in contact with present teachers of marxism has been inserted into all state curriculums. I'm not convinced about that carol, not convinced about it. Some states are very, very tough in what the curriculum is, and I don't see any marxism in it.
But you gotta, watch it. Can it be vigilant, Michael, a bar letter le mesa, california, happy birthday too highly she's, eight years old does look a day over seven. It is always birthday was born in georgia, so welsh corky or ancestors from Wales there. She putting dog's so holly. The terror dog is eight years old alleys, a good dog in a moment, something you might not know. In every season. The best time to go fishing in is always right now and especially as the leaves begin to turn right. Fishing adventures driving distance from every corner of the state, where you can really an unforgettable memories with friends
family that will last a lifetime for generations. The tennessee, while I've resources agency, is protected and preserve our great outdoors. You do. Your part purchasing your license: go outdoors, tennessee, dot com. Now the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know the fastest growing group on the religion front is atheists. Non believers as we come off the edge, U high wholly game of your coupon is worth examining religion in america right The global jewish population stands at sixteen million half of it in the usa, yom kippur is isms day of atonement, believers, ass god forgive them for their sins and, according to the tradition,
It is on yom kippur that god decides each person's fate. Now, in the christian precincts, things are very different. Jesus. of nazareth, of whom I wrote about in killing, Jesus is considered god and he walked the earth. Now a lot of my agnostic and atheists. Acquaintances challenge me because I am a roman catholic. and they saw, can you believe in the superstitious? Stop bill. Maher is the poster boy for that. So I tell this story when we were researching killing Jesus, the key component to why
the nazarene was executed by the romans and condemned by the jewish sanhedrin authorities was that he had thousands of followers people who went where he was, and the romans and the Jews started the panic they thought an insurrection might take place. But how could a poor stone cutter from Nazareth? I tracked thousands of people You couldn't hear him. There were no microphones. You could see I am standing on a mountain or in a boat on the lake, but you didn't hear what he said. So it had to be one thing: the work, the miracles that already,
about in the new testament, that's the only thing they could have caused thousands of people to flock to Jesus of Nazareth. Interesting right back after this, Before Sarah discovered chambre casino dot com she enjoyed with the chamomile tea come on nick jr and being in pjs by six. Let's go the new funds. Sarah, thinks about the old, boring, sir, and wonders if that's ever really exist. the chamber: casino, has over one hundred casino style games so join today and play for free or your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Necessary conditions apply see what type of details. Thank you for listening to the arrival update, I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look Out for you
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-28.