« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, September 23, 2022


The Stock Market struggles with red-hot inflation, Democrats pass an Election Reform Law, tobacco sales rise at the fastest pace in twenty years, the Rocket Man heads to the White House.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, listeners sound off!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A year riding september, twenty thirty thousand twenty two you are listening to the o reilly update, use its happening this week in america, the stock, market struggles under President Biden. Democrats pass election reform law in the house of representatives Tobacco sales rise at the fastest rate in twenty years. Rocket man heading to the white house, Also, I hear the message of the day update listener. Sound off First, the? U stock market sinking, the dow jones. losing nearly twenty percent of its total values in january first of this year, hardest hit sectors technology and linking the federal reserve raising interest rates. Another seventy five basis points. Yesterday, to try to slow down inflation.
the german jerome palaces, steep job losses may become it all in all the years economy is not prospering under Joe. By The house passing lose cheney's election reform bill. Vitaly was too under twenty nine. Two hundred and three with nine report. in siding with the Democrats the law amends the electoral count act of eighteen. Eighty seven it clarifies that the vice president's serves only a ceremonial role in counting electoral votes. He cannot interfere with the count support is claimed. The bill will prevent any attempts to overturn future elections. Now. This is a good law, because it does provide clarity in the electoral system, but I dont know if it will pass. This more american smoking this summer, the sale of tobacco rising at a fast pace in two decades. In time
americans consumed two hundred billion cigarettes in the last twelve months. Two hundred billion experts blame the bad habit on stress executives. It marbre also believe folks are lighting up to cope with. Anxiety, which is the same thing as stress, lady studies show one in five americans now experienced significant levels of stress every day, but you will have Even more stress, if you get lung cancer, Elton John appearing at the white house this evening, president by new hosting a concert called a night when hope and history rhyme, the british rocker previously performed at estate dinner during the Clinton administration. He refused to sing at donald trump sinon duration set out in a british national. It's not appropriate to play the inauguration of american president, my appalled
Jeez course that's bunk in a moment of day listeners have their say right back bill riley here and here comes the twelve killing book, killing the legends non lethal danger of celebrity Elvis straw light and mohammed ali all had one thing in common: they lost control of their lives and that led to their death. killing the legends the latest. In the most successful nonfiction books, areas of all time available wherever books are sold. turn off. We rightly update message today: listeners sound off. We do this, each friday you can Each me bill Bill o Reilly, dot com, bill bill, o reilly, dot, com name in town. If you wish to opine Let us begin with susan and myrtle beach, south carolina around
I find it interesting that you don't understand why scott pelee of sixty minutes did not ask Joe by about the border soon. All reporters. No that all questions are given to the president in advance. I assume, well you're wrong susan, I interviewed five presidents get any questions in advance. That would be journalistic malpractice. Pelee just didn't. Ask tough questions Doris hanover new hampshire bill, I wish I could be a certain issue about the illegal migrants not being able to vote. The Democrats have got away with plenty of thanks doris maybe some undocumented people will vote, but it's a felony, the courts of rule that so You have to assume that most will laugh.
Janet, moyne, iowa. We can agree that team in office now it's not. Doing well, we want them out anyone that cannot admit that as either misinformed or illusionists. Well, we I assume janet, is the republican party that the we're. So yeah you're right the vitamins asian Evan problems on almost every front bought The polls show that there are millions. Tens of millions may be hundreds of millions of americans who still will vote for democrats. The waste of doesn't really stack ray now mary, jane missoula Montana. Much would change in our country of the mainstream media came clean. Two sets of those reporting one for the left, one for the right. This is the root cause of our national divide. Well, as we have now,
Mary Jane the network news all left. MSNBC cnn left fox news news max right as we are, it's not we're gonna go where the truth weeds us it's are going to try to make as much money as we can. We, the media, by telling people what they want to hear. Jack in las vegas a bill. You are incorrect about calmly harris being the most incompetent vp in history. Did you forget to abide by it? Wasn't that incompetent, under Barack obama, Because a prisoner vomit indian anything to do you really where the famous quote from sure obama. If anybody can screw it up its job ignore something like that. That was the quote:
the only reason that Joe Biden was vice president under brok, obama was that obama needed a liaison congress and binding been a senator for decades. That's why he got the knot binding, really didn't do anything data day, conall like now, you didn't know much is this resolution is not do well, you screw it up, but he's not doing a lot to problems of these days. anyway. I know o reilly and I approve the message by putting it together. If you'd, like more honest news analysis, please visit bill o reilly dotcom end next tuesday new killing, but comes out killing the legends of lethal danger of celebrity. You can pre order in a moment something you might not know. This is I and dean right former cia operations officer by now, you ve, probably heard of my podcast the president's daily brief. We travel on the world talking about the most pressing news of the day, and the goal is to take
Complicated issues both here and abroad them really simple to understand. We also about solutions to the problems that we discuss, just like the actual brief deliver to the president. Each day in the oval office download and subscribe to the president's daily brief available on major podcast platforms, starting at six, a m eastern monday through Friday. It be a pleasure if you join us. now the earlier today. Brings you something you might not know two hundred forty three years ago today and american sailor, we the war against the royal navy off the coast of england out go and in a battle he refused to surrender. One asked too band and ship. The patriot replied: I have not yet begun to fight, here is the story of John Paul, jones, who is all Forgot and today by
who was an amazing patriot job who was born in Scott. He can to north America as a cabin boy aboard ship, he said old in fredericksburg virginia in the early days of the revolution, John Paul jones travel to philadelphia was commissioned as the loot added in the continental navy. He just which himself and rose to captain he fought against the british fleets in the caribbean and in the atlantic and is seventeen. Seventy not johns, took him. and of the. U s ship, bonham restore his destination, the coast of england, amerika had not brought the rub, illusionary war to the english themselves, Jones was the first to do so on september. when a third is vessel was encounter.
by two british warships off the coast of england, after a ninety minute skirmish, the regime was nearly destroyed, despite the damage jones refuse to surrender The battle raged on another three hours. In the end, it was the british commanders both of them who surrendered to John, all jones. He was then how the euro, as he should have been. He can do you deserve in the american navy until seventeen. Eighty seven before moving to france where he died at the age of forty five. He was buried in a plot owned by the french royal family, but The plot was destroyed in the four revolution. So in nineteen o. Five John Paul all Jones is remains- were identified by a team of anthropologists on the outskirts of paris.
John Paul Jones. Finally return to the usa aboard the: u S, s brooklyn and he is buried at the naval. Army in annapolis. Marilyn back after this. Thank you for listening to the o'reilly update. I am below riley no spin, just facts and always looking out for you at the
Transcript generated on 2022-10-13.