« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, September 20, 2023


Joe Biden at the United Nations, Rudy sued by his lawyers, a man is killed at a football game, and Dion Sanders brings in the ratings.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, why Americans are nervous about the future.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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court man killed a football game and Dionne sanders bringing in the ratings. It's all coming up the bilby here with your message to the day the first bought and spoke of the, u n general assembly. Yesterday, he said the united states seeks a more secure, more prosperous, more equitable. World for all people, because we. our future is bound to yours. Let me p. That again, we know- Our future is bound to yours, and no nation can meet the challenges of today alone seemed very america first, we strongly support ukraine in its efforts to bring about diplomatic solutions that delivers just and lasting peace. Russia alone bears responsibility for this war. Rudy giuliani is being sued by his lawyers say that Rudy America's mare owes nearly one point: four million dollars to the law firm. That's been defending him during multiple criminal civil.
and congressional investigations keep in mind. This is one of the ways that the justice system has been weaponized even having people come in for questioning means. They have to hire lawyers that can cause ex figures for Regular people don't have six figures lying around. How in the world can rudy pay for this? Even if he's found innocent tat these massive rico Charges against georgia with trump and seventeen of the defendants, A fifty three year old man was killed after an incident, as is being discussed, Were they miami dolphins fan, gillette stadium, I witnessed said the man who was killed quote. Sickly grabbed another fan they started. Tussling around for a few minutes. At one point, another fan walked over. He punched him. And the man just went out. There was pretty hard to watch. The man was a season ticket hold over thirty years and a father of two. He was at the game with three friends, and they also they were verbally taunted by other fans during the game
His wife said it takes a lot to get him mad. He has the patience of a saint, I don't know what happened Deanna Sanders knew how out for the universe, colorado football team, the biggest in sports. Right now, their latest went against colorado state. They wanted overtime night. Point three million viewers, the site. most washed late night cause football game ever on e s. game, did not kick off till ten p m eastern. It ended up to thirty in the morning and it gave that late was yes. Fifth watch regular season game ever at any time slot ten times the normal ratings. For that one time, slot this saturday, there next game number nineteen colorado, verse number ten Oregon Am I sign from the pond politics by faith. The great bill rally has your message of the day next instant car. It helps you had beer and wine delivered in his fast as an hour. So whether you need it,
el the cooler for tailgate failure, glass for pino by the fires season, can save time by getting false. Sips delivered in just a few clicks visit instigate duck. or download the apt to get free delivery on your first, three orders offer valid for a limited time. Minimum order ten dollars additional term supply must be twenty one are over for alcohol. Delivery were available in start at life. The cart. Now for the really update message of the day on this wednesday, based upon polling. I have come to believe that most organs are very uneasy with the current state of affairs in this country, That is not a party analysis. It across the board things on settled in the good old you as we begin with the progressive movement which wants a complete overhaul of america. They want to write history.
They wrongs by bestowing on minority citizens more favourable treatment. Then minorities. The progressives also want to deconstruct the justice system, so many criminals or not punished in public schools, the progressive movement once their belief system taught and traditional lessons banished we also want parents to accept. The left is propaganda without question. Thus school rules It is on the economic front, where most americans are feeling the most damage simply put the necessities of life cause considerably more under president by take a look at your new insurance premiums. Mr buying, of course, is proud to be called
most progressive president in history, which he is about. Eighty million voters cast ballots for him in two thousand and twenty. How many of those folks regret it now I don't know the answer to that question, but I do know we are not living in boom times, not. at all, I'm bill o. I approve the message by writing. It you can reach me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine Let's go to the male sicily, gold appraisal in georgia. A bell: what's up, owing to the house for suing image peach mean inquiry of nothing can come of it if overwhelming hard evidence is presented, that Biden is corrupt set in the oj will not do anything. Corporate media corporate media reported the corbett. Media has no choice because any kind of corruption evidence will get out there through the internet
quote remedial negate. The point is that American should know the true character of their president. That's the point mark walling, Louisville, kentucky confuses me, is bide intentionally setting out to destroy the country. Biden thinks he's helping countries see you got a mark. Put your self in a position of the opposition
He believes firmly believes that he's the greatest president. That he's doing so many good things by racking up all his spending and equity and all aglow climate change he's a hero in his own mind, Dennis colbert Sacramento, California. Even if the Biden's refused to provide bank records could that information be provided by the bank itself. Only if there's a criminal charge against someone banks have to hand it over kettle, be subpoenaed, so a criminal charge against Joe Biden hundred Biden, his bank records they could get. and they will, but the d o J hasn't even ass form. Marigold Merrick garland doesn't care about it, but the house they'll get em Jim, led better. Seattle me
The many reports on folks who have been convicted of minor crimes on january six, but nothing about the appeals of those convictions to a higher court. That's because there is literally one thousand more than a thousand prosecutions can't follow every case. I can you assume somebody found guilty. Their lawyers will appeal with that process takes time. We can't track it in a moment, something might not know rap jagged foundation, repair specializes. In one thing: the science of foundation repair, you noticed cracks in your breaker or she'd rock a chimney. Pulling I bore have doors and windows that are miss aligned contact. jack for an outside evaluation. We aren't roofers part I'm contractors or plumbers, we're foundation, repair specialist trained to provide you with permanent, affordable solutions schedule your onsite evaluation today at rammed jack dot com, that's rammed jack dot, com.
Now the early up day brings you something you might not know, nineteen years ago today see me s news apologized after pushing a fall story about president george w bush while anchorman Dan rather claimed it was an honest mistake. Many believe rather was helping democratic Many for president John Kerry here is thus story. The controversy began a weeks before the two thousand for presidential election. When document surfaced related to bushes time in the texas national law, they stated George disobeyed orders review to undergo physical exams and alluded to drug use.
Dan rather presented the documents on sixty minutes. He told the public quote: we consulted experts who believe the material is authentic it's not the entire narrative fell apart, the officer allegedly, I am bush served. Dishonorably was discharged himself eighteen months before the documents were even written under intense Rudy CBS issued the following statement based on what we know now. Cbs news cannot prove that the documents are authentic, which is the only exists. the bull journalistic standard to justify using them. In the report we should not have used that that was a mistake which we deeply regret onto twenty two thousand for Dan. Rather personally, apologize quote.
If I knew then what I know now, I would not have gone ahead with the story as it was aired, and I certainly would not have used the documents in question. Unquote, further review found CBS news likely obtain a material from the carry campaign. then Dnc cheer, terry mccall of denial, the allegation there's something else. You might not know Dan rather report get damage. George w Bush all, but one anyway, you deleted on carry on one, the closest contents in history, two hundred eighty six electoral votes for the republican to fifty one from the Democrats by the way dan riders career was finished. Back after this, Sarah discovered chambre casino, dot com she enjoyed community come on Japan and being in PJ's by six what the new funds
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-21.